Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 27, 1865, Image 1

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TKRM3 IWO DOLLARS por annum. $2 SO If
not IJ wrtlilu th yow. No paper discontinued
until all arrearage:! are paid.
Xbw- terms will'b striotly aJnartd to hereafter.
If ubscribormogloctor rteftue to tak tliilr nc-rj.
Jmnors from tho oflioe to whion they are dlrcotcd, they
are responsible! until tlicy bay lottled the bill! and
ordered them discontinued.
rosttnanteri wiil please aet at oar Agents, end
frunk lettdii containing mbicription money. They
are permitted to do tlui under the Poll Olliee Law.
V have connected villi our establishment a well
looted JOB OFFICII, which will enable us to
exeouto, in the ncntest ityle, every variety of
173? Di GRAFF'S
Eye and Ear Infirmary,
On tho fvimiro. llirue .Poors lrom Steel
'riHIIS IN'Si rrn inX is now open and furnished
L i'l tlm most costly stylo, llccrpliun, 1'rlvnto
au 1 Opcriitine; 1'nouis arc hiro end : convenient and
.well ailiiptcd. Xhn Kurnii!al apartment contains tho
' collection of instruments in this country, and
thus his I'm'iilifcji will enable bhu to meet any and
'all emer:i;n-.:ieR in prnelice. He will operate upon
the various fnrtuuof HblND.NKtS1"1, Cnteraet, Oecluon
'.if (lie l'u il. Cross -lives, Cl-.muro of (he Tenr Ducts,
Inversion of the KycfiiK Pterygium, Ac, Ac. And
.will trent nil forms of iSoro Lyes, Grivntilod IAiH,
lipfteetief of (lie Cornea, and f-Vro fill oils diseases of
'tlm Kyo, together with nfiTio uiscitses to which tho
eye is b-ulj.'et.
HEAKX1-'S. Will treat all the diseases common
to the orpin. Hiscliarge? fnen the linr, Noises in tho
liar. Uatitrrli, diftieultles of heiirinit total Dtnfnass,
even whero Iho Drum is destroyed. Will insert an )
,artiiiui:u one, answering nearly nil
the purposes of 1
Inn luitui-nl.
, DleUAtWS OF THE THROAT. All disoasei
oiiimon to tho Throat and Kou will be trenled
; (I KM" It A li r-rilllKHY. Ho will operate upon
Cliib-fecl, Hair Lip, Cleft I'allate, Tumors, '.'ancer?,
, Knlm-ix-d Toneils, Ac. I'l nst iu operations by healing
.tiuiv Mesh into deformed iarts,uiid Ueuevul Surgery
jf wlmtever character it may present.
. Hi.iiN 1 A, (Oil lti:ivl L"KE.)-Ho will perficm
, ''Lilians," operation for the radical, (complete.) euro
of Hernia, I lib' unquestionably a perfect cure, and is
tlonc with little or no pain. Out of the many him
lire'! "pornicd upon in Boston there has hieu no fail
ures, it ha vinp 'jiet lie approbation of nil who Imve
submitted to it. .
AKTIFJOIAL KYT3 Will iti'erl eyes,
giving them the motion nod expression of tho nulii
jul. 'J'hev are inserted without tho least pnin.
HEMoflHHOin. (11 L1CH.) This tri-i.bles.inie di
lease is readily cured. Those snflerinjj fr-?m it will
do well to call.
Ijh. 1'p Dr. tjiurr visits Wilkes. Barro with a
view of building up a permanent Institute for the
treatment of the Eye. Ear, and (leneral Surgery.
T he experience of more than a quarter of a century,
in Hospital iini general pra.'tice, he lio cs, will bo a
uflbdciit KUiirauieo to tC'.c who may be di'poss.! to
ui)lor him.
jHiiiiuiy 11, isr,5. ly
TTUiM ti villi; Co lie e of all the virions brands
. . r.rM.ll'Vlv.' V I'VeL'l .:HtlfM
P.iiioiiii.T UKOlVSIXti-ti KXCKUSIOU'
at the
head it stands.
True, it s not lilie olhers that are '-SOLD EVERY
WliLKH " ,
A little stretch, we all do know, good goods will
easily be'ir,
(Uut a ttre;ch like this '-sold every where" is vry
npt to tear.)
How. I can safely say, without nnv hmla'lifffl
Thero'e none like iiitoH vsu'i L'xchi.siob'' iu this
enlightened nation.
Skilled chemists havu r.ut found a Coffee from any
rosses.-ing tli c senna tngreditnts an ''Browning's Ex
eeiiior "
Nor is there any one, in or out of the Coffee trade.
Who knows the article from which '-Biorning'i
Exeel.-iorV inado.
J'i told it's made lrom barley, rye. wheat, beans,
and peai ;
bailie a thousand other things but the Higbt One
if you piefise.
But with the Coilecuien I will not hold contention
i'ur the many, many things they say too numerous
to llieulioll.
Whilst they're engaged in running round from storo
To learn tho current wholesale prise of Browning's
5.nue who know my Coffee ;;ivrs perfeet sntisTaction,
llkii loimed n plan by which ttiey hope to causa a
CiHiok reaction.
The case "tisuithu few ; no doubt 'twill be more
To iian.e llo ir Colics alter mine, (Browning1! Kxeel-
lioiue say (heir's the only brand that will stand a
ready test.
Kow. trv u" littlo of them all see which you like
the best.
Three j cars bayo p.vssl uway I frst old a
slniv ;
Merer h'.vo 1 in your paper advertised before;
Nor would 1 i.on'.or ever consent to publish more.
it like sonic l.y eieiybo'ly,' -oI,l every unero i
in every w.ore."
A trade like this J do jiotwisii; the order! I oould
lint (ill ;
The factory all. Tcr?ey'i land would lake lcaio not
a foot to till.
ify trade is rut bo vciy large ; ttill I think I have
niv share ;
Sut rainier, you nmy rest assured, 'tis Not ' .rold
Jvcry "
Manutiicluicd and for Salo by the wrilor,
WVSZUll i.. IIKiV3ilX. -
. Ko. 20 Market btrcct, Cauiden, N. J
This Coffee Is not coniposed of poisonous drug, it
contains notliinp; ilolelei ion? ; many persouB uso Ibis
Cotleo that cannot use thu pure colice ; it takes but
one nod a half ounces to mako a quart of good
lining colice. thai hoing juH oiie-ball' the quantity
il takes of Java CoOee, aud always less limn null' Iho
j rice.
Retail DtaliTS noiy pureba'e it in less quantities
than U u gro.-j at my prices from the Wholesale. Uro-
Orders by mail from Wholesale Dealers prompt
ly atteinivd to. -,
1'cbruary 11, IS'j Cm
Corner JIuvket street and Market (rquai o,
AukuovvledBod a First Class House.
MIin l'roprk'tor would most respectfully call the
I ntteiition of tho citizens nf Kunluiry and the sur-
rouiidi!i,t country, lo tho accommodations of his
bouse. ussuriii them they will find everything that
can contribute to their comfort. It is situated far
enough from Iho Depot to avoid Iho noiso and confu
sion incident lu railroad stations, and at the same
time only a few minutes walk from Ihosnme.
Au Oiiinibusi will bo found at the t-tulions on the
arrival of each train
C. II MANN, Proprietor.
April 9, 1H61. 3m
ia.isi--'si..ii.---J3 eac:ajrXX.T!r-
fllllE undersigned dealer in Coal from the follow
L inK wc" known Collieries is prepared to receive
hr Jcrs lor Iho same at the Lowest Market Rates, t'hj
Ue Is abo prepared to furnish tha
JSaHiiuorci'o'i. CVIfbrniod Con!,
J.'iipp n)'l Pfei'firtd. ;
n the line of the Husquebanua Kiver and Havre de
iruce. He bus made airurigan.nt fur tbc best
Which ho is prepared to deliver on bonrd Boats at
Noi tbumbeilMiid, or 1V over n "' ;"''
liailroad. and on tho line of the Philadelphia and
Erie Railroad, onlhobsl lurms.
Hu is prepared tu till all Orders with despatch, and
respoetfully wilicil! orders from h? 1"- 'h 1
, Addrci i, AJclAliLAND, (
April 1), 1861. Northumberland, 1 a.
I-alin', Iinmluc. anU Calahr. .
Treated with the utmost sueeess by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist aud Aunsl, (torn a y f N'li r,
'- . . . ... I ...-.Inn ll..lln..rl
61'J J'uio sireei, riiiiu'i -r""". . '" -
from the most ruliamo source ... . , "
The medical faculty arc
, . .l.;- r.ft,nl. HA Lb hllA Uti
Vrets ti. his practice. Arlillcial, inserted with
cut pain X,. charge uiad for examinMion.
J uly 2, IbOI. ly .
nW. lul-eriber rosp.fully Inform! ih. rublu)
I ' at bo keH cowUntly oa bund at b
t. AlluiOl . Sli. "t li' Khainokia Valley Eailroad
DepotTin SUX lil KY, i l-ur b, lb. barrel Mdck.
' W-h M,,,,,
KiBVaey, Jo 4, It
. Wistar's Balsam
one of tho oldest nml most reliable remedies in the
world for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Diffi
culty of Breathing, Asthma, lloarsnness, Sore
Throat, Croup, and every Affection of
Including even
Bo gensrnl has Hie use of Ibis remedy beeome, and
so popular is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to
recount Mk virtues Its works speaks for it, and lind
utteranco in the abundant mid voluntary tostimony
f the many who from long suffering and settled di
sease innu uy us use peeu resuoreu 10 prisiinu Tiuor
mid health. M e can present a mass of evidence in
proof of our assertion. 1-hnt
'1'Ue ISev. Jiivob Seclilor.,
Well knows and much respcetcd among tho Oerma
pnptilation iu thiscrunlry, makes the following state
incut fur tbc bencf t of the uOlictcd :
Il.vMovnii, Pa , Feb. 15, 1809.
3car Sir r fravtij renliicd i'.i my family impor
liint benefits from the lire or your valuabls prepara
tion Wistar's Balsam of Wild Che'ry it adonis ino
pleasure to recommend it to (' ptiblio. sionic eight
yeai-s agoouoof my daughters soeuied to bbl'j ado
cline. uutl little hopes of her recovery were enter
tained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent
Btilsam, and before she had laken the wkolo of the
contents of the bottle tl cie rasa great improvement
id her health. 1 have, i:i n r individual cuse. made
frequent use of your v I. I'll e medicine, and have
r.Iso been bcncDled by H
Smith, En,
reiil-uto! tin Morrii County Bank, Momitown,
New Jersey.
'Having used Dr. Wistar's Bi'sam of Wild Cbe-ry
forabout lit'ieen years, and having realized its bene
ficial results in rny latiiily. il affords nie groat plea
sure in recommending il lo the public ns a valuuhle
rcincdy is cases of weak luu, colds, couglis, Ac,
and a remedy which I consider to b entirely inno
cent, and may be taken with perfect lafely by Uie
most delicate in health "
Prom Hon. John E. Smith,
A distinguished Lawyer in Westminster, Md.
I have on several occasions used Dr. Wistar's Bal
sam of Wild Cherry for severe colds, and always
w ith decided benefit. I know of no preparation that
is more efficacious or mote deserving of general use.
The Balsam has also been used wilb excellent effect
by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hull's Cross ltoads, Aid.
Wistah's Balsam op Wild Cnrumr.
Sono genuine unlets signed '-I. BUTTS," on tho
J. P. DINSM'll'.K, o. 491 Broadwny. New Tork.
S. W. i'OWLH A I II., Proprietors. Bojlon.
And by all fiingiaUs.
Heals Old .Sores.
Cures Burns, Sealds, Cuts.
Cures Wounds, Bruises, Sprains.
Jij;j)DI.t,-S AT.S'i-'.-l SALT
Cures Boils, Ulcers, Cancer!.
Cures Suit Uheum, l'iles, Lrysipalai.
Cures Kingworm, Corns, Ao., Ao.
IjJ' Only 2j Cents it Iiox.2.
nm ai.r nv
J P. DIX.SMOIIE, No. 4'Jl Broadwav.N. Y.
.S. W. 1'UWLK A CO. Xo. li Treinotit s., BostoB,
And by 1! Druggists and Couutrv Etr.rur.eepra.
The ONLY reliable self-Adjusting Wringer.
Xo Wood-Work to Swell or plit.
Xo Thumb Screws to get out of Order.
Warranted with or without Cog-Whocls.
It took the Fl ItST l'UEM IL'AI at Kilty-Seven State
aud County riiirsiu isoj, aim is, without an excep
tion Iho best .Wringer ever nmdo.
Patented in the bulled Bates, England, Canada,
find Australia.
Sample Wringer cnt, Express paid, on reotipto
Energetic agents can make from 3 lo 10 Dollars per
No. 2. $15.40. Xo 1,$7.50. No. J'.H.oO No.A.JJ.oO.
Manufactured and sold, wholesalo and retail, by
No. la Pluttistrcet, New Yoilt. and Cleveland. Ohio.
S. C. XOHT11HOP, Agent.
That Iron well galvaniied will not rust;
Thatasimple machine il better than a complicated
cnio I , . .
That a wringer jbould be self-adjuiting, dsable,
and efficient ;
T bat 'J humb-Kcrew! and Fastenings cause delay and
trouble lo regulaUi and keep in order ;
That wood bearings for theshaft to rua in will wear
out ; "
That tho Putnam Wringer, with or without og
wheels, will not teur the clothes 1 -
That oog-wheel reirulalurs tire not essential ;
T'out lh l'litnam Wringer has all the advantages
and not one of the disadvantages above named :
That all who have tasted it, pruoouuee il the bsst
Wringer over made;
That it will wring a Thread or a Bid-Quilt without
Wo might fill the paper with testimonials, but in
sert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such
iknr.. !. ml w uv lo nil. tut Putnam's Wriutror.
Tost il TllOKOUUllLY with AN X and ALI. olUeri,
and il uot entirely !uttstrclory,rturu 11
1'utna JlAXurACiiinsu Co:
Uenllcuien ; I kuow from praticnl experiene
thai iron well calvaniied with lino will not oxldiie
or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is i
Bear per reel a! posuioiu, ami l can uenui.y
commend it to bo the best in use
Uespeolfullv vours,
JXO.W. WUliWl.tll. Cleveland, Ohio.
Many yeaiV esperieuc in the gulvaniiing busi
ness caiable me to indorse tha above ilulemout iu all
particular.. , jxr). O. LF.FFKHTS, '
No. 100 Bcckmau Btreet.
. NW York, January, 16. ..... .
Wo have tealod I'utuam'i Clothe! W ringer by
rructical working, and kuuw that it will do. It Is
cheap; ltisiimplo; it require! no room, whether at
work or at roat ; a ehild can operate il; it doei its
i-duty thoroughly ; it laves lima and u saves wear
and tear. i 0 earueojf pn. " -
washinir to do, with intelligent persons who haT any,
to buy ihu Wringer. It will pay for itself in a year
at most.
. Juua 13, 1661.
Itraiilur IJi--nacd CoMTejiincer
. 8UAMOK1N Twp., near DBAB GA?,
- KortkuuaWland County, Pennsylvania
TTAS Uken outllcenia, and il prepared to d iJI
r l kinds oii;oTyning, nnwntn. .-.
Dec l' f I fin 1
f- a.i.v.u s.u i hii.wii n nil.!.
There were wild flowers in profusion, in
I'oqwt find frnrliiml, ficnttcrftl nliout tliu
small but fjcntlo mansion of Widow Ston
ingtf.n. jilinors nnd antique iit:turc rrames
'.vcre wrentlicd with tlioin ; windows wefo
garlanded, nnd even the very goblets sav
ing a sufficient number to tieeomtnodnto the
excited guests were made to serve tho jnir
prine of vcm. Tlic long table with its snowy
cloth, the side lidnrd, nnd the parlor orna-nicntal-piece,
bore n seoro of their fragrant
ornaments, yet queen above them nil, wits
thu pine white boquet syringas nnd white
thorn blossoms that l-iy upon the dressing
table in one ol tne neatest little boudoirs in
ew England.
What a stir! what s tumult ! what a run- !
ning here and there I whnt a pattering ol !
slippered feet up and down the stairs I w hat
a nymg oi ninitne lingers among tuts ol nl- ;
Ijou and tnrleton ttnd illusion I And why
not? Sweet Lncy, 'Hie only surviving child
of the widow, w as that morning to marry
Cpt. Kdward Uurnctt, ft young and hand
some officer, who hud already distinguished
himself in the Union Service,
I.tiev is not handsome but vcrv nuro and
lovely in her bridal drcis of pearl while
gauzy lextnre, looped up liere anil there ;
wiin noquets ol tne tragrant synnga ; while
among her golden curls peep out the wbito
violet nnd mo.-s rosibud just opening its
petabi to the light.
And Lccy looked dreamily liappy that
morning, yet astonishingly indill'erent so
that the bridemaids protested to her own
personal appeaitoiee. bhe had not once
raised her eye's to the mirror before which
they were turning from one side to the oilier
at i!' she were but h moving wax figure,
placed (here f.i rhow the advantage tho
gauze and luces with which they were adorn
ing her.
A light rap is heard at the door.
"This is Kd .vatd let him come in," enid
Lucy, the lightest preceptilile flash mount
ing her cheeks at the well known Round.
Ohl ri.', no!-' chimed half ft dozen voices
"not till this loop of ribt-on is fastened and
the veil properly adjusted."
liut Kdward did come in, though he
paused for a moment on tho threshold to
contemplate the lovlmcss ol the group. I ho
next instant he was by Lucy's side, rumpling ;
veil tii.mcs, ribbon, and flowers in one con- I Her voice must have been strangely all ef
fused mass as he caught her in his arms and j ed, for her husband did not recognise it.
pressed his lips to her now burning cheeks. ; Hu left, ids company in charge of bis lirst
"Goodness me!" "Oh my I" "Did you ! lieutenant, ought Kilpatrick, uud in a lew
ever !"' "The I wit !" the Hottentot : lo sw.M- j minutes, with his own company and reserve
low her nt a mouthl'ull !" nnd various other ! corps, was soou galloping oil' in the diree
exclamations of disgust esciipcd tho group! lion jvintcd out by his own briive little
of bridemaids-, who looked w ith dismay on wife."
the havoc the sfiibi-ifpt but still handsome
captain was making of the bridal tirery of
their pet I.ucy.
"I beg pardon, ladies, but I couldn't re
sist the temptation," said l-Aivard ; "there
Lucy, shake yourself, and you'll bo just ns
new. Who shall say the beauty of a bird is
not enhanced by ruffling its plumage S"
Just nt this moment Mrs. Stonington en
tered to say that "the guests had all arrived
and that the minister was getting impn-tk-nt,"
"Xot more so than myself," said Edward,
resigning his bride elect lo her uncle, who
was to giyc her away.
While the ceremony was being performed
ft rilvnt prayer goes up lrom the heart of the
widow and tears drop thick and fart upon
her furrowed cheeks, for her homo will now
be desolate indeed ; nnd when at last the
two are made one the mother presses her
daughter to her bosom now hers no more
forever one, hmy moaning sob, w hich she
tries to repress, scapes her, and she feels
that the light has gone out from the hearth
stone when the carriage containing the new
ly married couple rolled nwuy from the
A month had passed. Captain Hurnett's
absence having expired, lib joins his regi
ment taking his young Initio with him
mu:;h against his better judgment to that
desolate portion ot Kssteru Virginia which
was soon al ter the scene of a terrible battle.
Hut though he presented cainpiifo and
inarches in their dreariest aspect to her, her
reply was :
"Where thou goest I will go.' Had I
thought you would refuse to let tne bear
you company in your perils, I would not
have 'married you."
"Lucy dearest, how can a delicato form
like yours bear the tedious marches which
many a hardy soldier sinks under i and then
to subsist for weeks on tho hard, dry, often
times repulsive food what a change from
the delicacies you havo been nurtured on."
"Let mo hut try, l.dwan: ; l am strong
and brave and healthy, and will cheerfully
bear all the privations you mention, nay,
more so I may bo you companion.
And thus it was that tho bravo captain
yielded to his young wife's entreaties.
The bride was for some time charmed
with tho novelty of camp-lilo, nu I while
listening to the stirring beat of thu drum, as
tho dilferent companies wont through their
drills, bhe almost wished here!f a "brave
soldier boy." io prouder eight had her
eyes over witnessed limit that of her gallant
husband us, at thu head of his bravo band
of cavalry, he set out for tho battle Held.
"And 1 ma to bo left behind t" she askod
as Kdward sprang from his Baddle and en
tered tho tent lo give her a parting kisi.. '
"Certainly dearest. What could we do
with a woman oil the hnttle-tield ?"
"1 feel as if! could light, tuU Edward.
Tray let mo accompany you."
'Xot for the wide world can I consent.
Some ill would moat assuredly befall you ;
and you would be, at least,- but a stumbling
block iu our way. I have given Stantim
the charge of all'drs here, and until I return
or you hear from ino, follow implicitly his
directioua. Should I lull, (lour Lucy," aud
his voice trembled slightly, "go buck to your
mother without delay."
Lucv's eve were dim with tears, but sho
soon wiped them away to watch the little
band which lier uusimuu leu as mey gallop
ed acroB the wide plain.
i'lre bivtllo-lKld was uot tar distant, and
soon bhe board the roar of artillery. The
loud booming ol cauaou ami the uendisii
hissing of the shells-, that sped fiercer than
thunderbolts through the air set her nearly,
frantic. ' '
"Btanton 1" she cried, going to the door,
where he was busy putting thiugs iu march
lug order.
"Is there a horse here t".
"Yes, ma'am, a couple."
- "Then saddle the swiftest for me. I mi)
going out for a ride.
"But ina'am. tha cantala mid"
"No matter t hat the captain said, I must
have the Uorsa at once."
"I have ne lady's saidls."'
"No matter; a saddle of tiny kind will
do." -.
"nut, madam rl'
Stamping her little foot.
"Look yonder I" And she pointed lo the
northeast. "A heavy rebel force is coming
unexpectedly,' upon our troops. Willi n
swift horse I can reach my husband's column
nnd give the alarm in that time to circum
vent them. Kow do my biddiug at once!''
Slanton in fear find wonder obeyed ; and
when ho led forth tho high mettled steed
Lncy appeared in a regular military suit of
her husband's with her curls so nicely stow
ed away beneath the close fitting cap that
the iiinn in wuiting could scarcely believe
tho boyish looking soldier before bin'., was
no other than the captain's w ile.
"bliall I not accompany you, madam, he
asked us she spring lightly into the saddle,
"I want no retainers, KtanToni stay where
you are, and follow the Captain's orders."
Lucy did not wait for him to linitdi the
sentence, but putting spurs to her steed,
toot; tne route lier liusimnd lind luuen, am
j was afler an hours' fatiguing ride in full
view of the battle. She paused but a lew
iT.ionicnts and looked back. The enctnv
I Were advancing rapidly. Hte looked before j
; at the contending armies. Shells shrieked
i Dast, find the forco of the nrtillerv caused I
the very ground to tremble beneath her feet,
llei' tteecl curved his proud neck and pawed
the ground -impatient to proceed, hue gave
him the relr., for she saw where the dense
volume of smoke was slowly rising, the form
ofKdwaicl. At nil events it was a cavalry
company, and she dashed boldly forward.
-Senrly deafened by the roar of artillery
nnd stilled by the smoke, she still kept on,
until having -reached Kilpattiek's iliviiun,
she was dismounted by thu stumbling of
her hotso.
"Will you put me toCopLIiurtnclt'scnm
pnny she nsked.
To the left replied the soldier addressed,
but it is impossible for you to reach him.
. "1 must see him or die it", thu attempt,"
she cried. .
And she did sec him, lending on his brave
but thinned Company into the conflict.
She called him once, twice, thrice ere he
heeded her, nnd then gave htr but a parsing
"Thu enemy arc coming in large force,
lrom the west. Mako haste and they may
be taken iu the gorgu tarry Hi! they reach
the brow of the hill ami the day ia lost tu
"He did iwt recognize me nnd it is well.
It might have deterred him from going,"
she sail1, to her.-elf yet ali. sensation crept
over her when she looked upon the wotiecl
ed the dead and dying who lay in musci
about her; she thought she heard a groan
slvo Iblcned yes she was not nii.-takeu; half
buried among the slain was n form laii.iliar
to her. Sho removed as well as she was
able, the weight that oppressed him, and
asked if he was hurt much.
The soldier addressed turned YM face to
ward her, with a groan saying with ti groan
sr.yir.g, "I feel very faiut and thirsty, hi
the name of Heaven give tne a di.'i'U of wa
ter, and I shall die easy.
It was a terrible task that t'..o captain's
wife imposed upon herself that of unstrap
ping and opening tho knapsack of the dead.
Several times a mist came before her eyes,
ns the ghastly upturned faces of the dead
met her view; but well was she repaid when
she returned and. placed a canteen to bis
?ic f.rf.teri herself, raised his head lo her
lap, and with her own haudker chief aoiiglit
to staunch the w ound iu his temple. A :uo
tuetit after nnd her arm diopped pi.-.vcr'.oss
by her side; she felt a sllntp cutting pain
about her elbow, then ebe sank inneu.-.iblu by
the sidu of the poor soldier, who w;.s too
weak to render her nny service; nor did she
recover c.neioursea ugain unlit trump of
Koldiery a'liiounet d tho return of Captain
ijitrnctt and his corps, who had buceeeded
in totally routing the enemy.
When Ihey reached the point front w hence
they had blurted, Kilpntrick and Ua fujeej
were in possession ol the tiekl.
'I'l... ,, I.,.,,-;,,,, l,lr II.
The encmv leaving their field pieces be
hind them and Hying in all directions.
"How did you get informal ion of the ap
proach of the rebsl" a.ked Kilpatrick after
having congratulated Jturnett on his eiicci-ss.
"That Is just what I have been trying to
make out myself Geueral," replied l'.n nctt.
"A3 near as I could discern through the
smoke, it was a boyish face aud tigure in a
captain's uniform.
Suddenly he paused; for his eye fell on
the pallid i'uee of one of his own loved sol
diers, and beside him great Heaven!, could
he believe his eyes the drooping figure of
his own wil'v, his Lucy her long golden tres
ses, escaped from the cap, falling like r.
sunshine about her, wore dabbed iu blood
n mcred ImplUm of the good deed iho hud
that day done.
Never had Edward Burnett's check paled
so befoio the enemy, as when he raised his
wounded wife to his arms, aud turning to
Kilmitrick he said; "General the mystery is
solved. This is the hoy aiititu w ho wurucd
me of the approaching rebel force.
'And the Joy cajiluin has won for you a
colonelcy, and for herself lasting fame, and
the thanks of all the true hearted Unionists."
replied tho General. Aud being as gallant
as he is brave, it is said though I will uot
vouch for the truth, that he gave tho fair la
dy, at parting, a kiss on either cheek us a to
ken of his just appreciation of her courage.
Lucy was placed in an ittnuuianee, aim
with tho Soulier sue had saved lrom ileum,
borne to the camp where both with cure and
good nursing soon became convalescent.
Edward Uurnctt is still in the service of
his co'untry. Step, by step ha is ascending
the ladder of lame, winning tor hiuiseil lau
rels w hich shall neither wither uor decay.
It is said that Gen. Lee and his faintly arc
in a destitute conuuion, nuu mat ino gen
eral's shabby grey uniform is the only clothes
be has to wear, lie is neither so destitute
or so poorly clad as the thousands of better
men he allowed to rot in the Andersonville
prison peu. . Those who commiserate his
alleged poverty should remember that.
A LETTEn from Raleigh, North Carolina,
tells a good story of a gallant brigadier who.
made a visit to the asylum for the deaf and
dumb near that city, and was so much de
lighted that he sent his baud over tho sumo
veuing to serenade tho inmates. The fact
hnminr known, be vn imnortiined to ill-
tit tea inmates of tut blind asylum to
hit next parada.
A native from Tennessee, I have known
Andrew Johnson as a publfo man I'ictn boy
hood. I'l'otn tlnit knowledge, lmvo un
bounded conlidi'tice in his ability, integrity, nnd patriotism. The Lev to
bis life a-.od sneci-n t g.itlu r from t lie" fol
lowing pnssnoc in a conversation I had with
him at the (bivosn, in Memphis, in the fall
of A. 1). 13 it). It sliMck me at the time,
nnd 1 have ever sincu reiiiembered it.
"Lei your aelions,' lie said 'in your pub
lic career, be governed by this principle:
study what i.-i the be-.t for Hie people. J.Vl
low it vtittt ell your b ut, even though nt
popuh.f at the time, lie iititient in wuitinif.
and the .gre;il good sense of the people will !
bring them to you iu the end. 'i bey can-
not remain l a;; it; t t ror.' '
".Starting ngains't the -pojitilae cni,'"nt in j
tlm sul!i. in lytil, mobbed inioti be ears, '
insulted an
iled. ubusei
I an I l't'i'seeitled, lioiitelrssi unit ex-:
1 I'Y the leadi r.i in his State and ;
section, teeing the p' ople, whom he hu 1 ;
loved tu'.d latu-'-c l lor so long, taught to
dipie liim, be has 'been pt'.tieiit in waiting
lived to see the great good sense ol the
people 'bring them batik ro In in in the
"(lod has preserved him myslci iourly
amid a thousand dangers ,".'n! trails, to
stretch out his arm over the snileriuy south
ern nnises, and strike down their oppres
sors i'.t'rl bet raver. Jt b; enough to sav that
he hay. been coiinl to every etoer'M'iu'v sn fir !
ill bin public careen. It is :i .singular fact
that Itis trieiuU Mnrtcd him in every e.'.n
vass with seme di-truot as to his power to
meet his competitors in delude. And yet
from hir, first canvass for lcjj'latv."c, up to
the time lie met and overmatched the 'eagle
orator' (f Tenncr.-ee, each time meeting
stronger nvn than before, he h is beet: eipial
to the emergeii-jy. 'in. propo-iing bint for
various oflk'es they fell that bis popularity
would win, but had some nth-giving us to
how lie would fill them. Yet each posi
tion ho has filled, from alderman of a email
city up lo United Slates Keii.iior, has seem
ed to sit us naturally, upon linn as though
he were bom in it. in each he h is grown
greater, and has talent, power and energy
for thi3 great emergency.
"In the delk'itte work left him to perform
inwards the rebellious Slates, 1 bad oppor
tunities toj,now the very highest estimate
iii w hieh bis opinions anil vi:Ys of policy
were held by our lute lamented President,
aud Mr. Secretary !-ev. ard ; but whatever
he may be, the hour demands that ull stand
by him. I
Your obedient servant,
"K. W. Can it."
It is stated iu our despatches that Rogir j
A. pryor, the infamous, in connection witli i
some of bis rebel sympathizer", hebl a meet-
ing lit Pelcrsbuig, Y.i., for the purpose of!
condemning the af,.!i"-.ination of the Pve'd- I
dent. With what roii.-iisUncy this fellow !
can sympathize who the loyal people can be
judged lrom the following extract from a i
speech made by Pryor in r-'.-ptcinb.-f, lt-'t'O, j
its published iu the Norfolk A. At7. The
iW7s:lid I
Hon. linger A. Prvor, in hi AshlarM i
Hall speech, while commenting on the reply
of Mr. Douglas to the seee.-sion question
propounded to h'.tn in Norfolk, wound up
with tint M irtiing dech'.iv.Mon, that if n J're
e'uloiit of th j Cnilud tsuilcs .'li-uibl have the
temerity to use force to prevent the seces
sion of a Southern Slate or Slates t'eom the
Union, nml no lil'ml from any other qnuvter
should be put forth to resist the oxeioirlo- of
.Federal power, he (the Hon. Koger A. Pry
or), folltary and alone, would bo the Brutus
to plant a i
A report of 1 1 to death of this
has been cum nt, hut it appears from the
following iu the Kuoxvilio K7..V of the 2i:tli
j tilt, that he if, still in the land of the living.
Uovermir kimwiiIhw writes to Ins paper as
follows from Nashville:
There are ip.'.'.to u number ct Tennessee
refuirrt-s, .7-.(i,',-'e on the opposite bank of the
Tennesse river, in North Alabama, anxious
to return home, end they are coining home
in n few days. Aiming those fit'ther back
in the interior, 1 hear of Judge liidley and
John Hell. 1 have written to the latter to
come Ik tne, nnd told him that ho would not
bu molested, lb; was never in arms, and
wsii foolish for going South. Many leading
men in the rebel service are wriling back to
know if they can be allowed to come hone',
and do some amnesty swearing! They all
want some ,'V;t c!!!ii and something to itt
and ilri hi;
Day ton MHitviNO. There is a rem irk -abl
peculiarity in the Scottish people, says
the 1 legist r; i- Ceneral their loudness for
marrying on the last day of the year. There
are niore niarr' :ges in Scotland on that day
than i:i any w.-ek of the year, excepting, of
course, the week iu which that day occurs.
The detailed returns for 1SU1 have jst been
ioued, and Iho number of mm ringed in tho
eight principal towns would uveiago some
twentv-livo a day that is to say, a work
day. for maininu is u tiling not to be done
in Scotland on .Sunday but the Kegistrar
Ccncml states that, in tact, there are between
-iUO and 5(10 nianinges bi those towns on
the lllst of December, liy another cuti-ius
usage a large proportion of these iiu.ri'iagcs not registered until January, making
that appear a favorite mouth for marrying,
which it ib not.
It uffords us great s iti.-f letion to be able
to state, authoritatively, that the representa
tives of the Christian Commi-sion, who
belittled themselves and their olliee by pay
ing a visit of ceremony and respect to the
Rebel Gen. Lee, at Richmond, have been
recalled by tho Commission and the authori
ty to net as delegates revoked. Tho otlieers
of thu Commission at Philadelphia have
Carefully investigated tho facts in the case,
and have dismissed the offending subordin
ates in justification of their own loyalty, and
to show their entire disapprobation of tho
conduct of tho offenders.
Ci it exchanges from ull parts of the State
say Iho grow ing grain and grass crops never
looked better than Ihey do this season, and
there is every evidence of mi abundant yield,
The Jruit prospucta ure eipially tucouragiug
It is announced that the annual fair of
the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society
will bo held at Williamsport on tho SGth,
27th, 28th and 2'Jth of September next.
The city of Williamsport is thriving.
Gf.oiicb DiiKMNfl, aged 70 years, died
in London on Good i riiiay, lrom tne cucct
e j of eating fourteen hot cross buns for break-
i rut,
SERIES, VOL. 25, NO. 34.
A ."i!YV fi(ci l,;iiuca(e,
Tho Cunihill M-vjiitine, in London, paid
Tennyson, the po t Laureate of England, six
teen hundred dollars for npteui, and tho
follow ing two stanzas are just one-half of it,
or eight hundred dollars' worth:
What does little birdie say,
In her nest at peep of day?
Let mo fly, says lillle birdie--.
Mother, let me (ly away.
llirdie, rest a little longer.
Till thy tiny wings mo stronger;
So she rests a little longer,
Then she Hies away.
What tloes little baby say,
In her bed at peep oi'-xlayj
'P.aby, says, like littlo-.b'tdio,
Let me ride in haste way.
JJaby, sleep a litthj lilnger,
t'util her little IcgHTgrow stronger;
And after wailing, like tho birdie,
J'uby, too, shall Hy away.
T.,n't that grandj Isn't it Ihu quinteT.nco
of poetry? Here's sixteen lines, of our own,
f -.ys an exchange, same slyle, same measure,
and embodying about as much sentiment,
for which we will willingly take a i.piailer:
What does little froggie say,
In his pond tit break of day
Let ino swim, says little frogtjio
Liillfrog let me swim away.
Froggie, wait a little longer,
Till your littlo legs are stronger;
Co he mounts upon a chunk,
And then inlo the pond, ker-ch-u u-k.
What docs little piggie say,
In his sty nt peep of day
Piggie say, like little froggie,
Let ino go and root to-day.
Ph.'gie, wait a little longer,
Till your snout grows hard and
If you suck a little longer,
Piggie. then may root away.
A i- Af.Mini nt Bridgeport, Connecticut, is
about to set a mile and a hulf of living lonee
of white willow. Ho claims that it will,
within two years, keep out swine, Lheep,
and pou'.i'ry.
W.u. W ak?M:ii, a tavern keeper nt Clark's
Ferry, died on Saturday of tooth-ache,
lie came to Ihirri.-burg on Friday to have a
very painful tooth extracted but the gums
being much swollen, hu was jufornied by
the that il was impossible to extract
it while in' that, condition. He returned
j home, and suffered very severely Friday nigh
I the pain increasing untii it crazed his braiu.
Death relieved him of his suffering,! Satur
day morning at U o'clock.
Tons and tons of horse chestnuts go to
waste in this country every year, an-,', yet on
the Ilhine horse chestnuts tire used for fat
tening cattle ami for feeding milch cows,
p.nd 100 pounds of dried mils are estimated
to be i-ipial in nutritive value to 100 pounds
of average bav. Another authority makes
tkec.i e'pial, we'ght lor weight, with oat
Tins pro.-p'rrt for a large yield of every de
scription of fruit is ui'.'ch better than usual
in Fume! it county, N. J., this spring.
Pcacher, notwithstanding the. immense crop
hiit year, promi:;o well. The cherry and
per'.r t rec! give.evidence c.f an average yield.
The email fruits are unusually promising.
I 1 or. nr. can be no tiouo.., says me jcw
I York 7A rr '.!, that un immigration will set
i in, now that the war is over, and the country
! is ready to resume its old habits ol commerce
! and manufacture. Already wo observe by
i the Irish papers that tho peasantry of that
i country are preparing for a great rpiing
: exodus.
! Tin: French nre in the habit of asserting
' '.heir infant rv to be unsurpassed. Hut ns
marksmen ronl.'Rsedly, no troops are worse.
j( bin of tho Paris journals states tint, t'.t
j Solfeiino, it tool: not les: than fifteen mil-
lions of ca'tvidges to ''knock over" ten thou
! ;j m l An.- tria r.r.
Tnr. Toronto Lahvr U mourning for
i r.ooth, thu tissasiiit!. It says "the shooting
I of liooth, w as a cold-blooded murder," and
J adds that ho "died like rno who loved his
i country dearly." Tho Canadians seem to be
in need of a little disciplim.
i "TiiR Apor.tle," said the Elder, "was
! moved by many kinds of doctrine." "Ves,"
i replied Mrs. Partington, looking over her
I spectacles at the Elder, "there's where he
) was wrong. What did he wa:-t to try so
j many kinds of doctrine for wh?n Pinkerlon's
j Walton and Calisaya Hitters would have
! kept him perfectly regular. Tin: Elder con
I fos-Eod the tiling 'had never struck him in
i that light befoie, and the old lady w as go
j ing on to elucidate further, when lier atleh
i tion was attracted bv Ike, who w as trying
to pour some Hitters down, tha cat's throat
with a tunnel.
It is s iid that the councwl for tho prison
ers iu tho assasinution trail are to bo paid,
il at all, by money raised in liahimor'j for
the purpose.
Isaac N. Arnold, member of Congress f:ntn
Illinois, is said to be preparing an account
of Prcsid'jut Lincoln's life aud administra
tion. Il ATtOXAf. MoNlWNT TO Mil. LlXl'OI.N.
While it is very proper that a monument
should be erected over tho remains of Mr.
Lincoln in Illinois, we trust that tho nation
will eic.'t one, a r.oblu one, in Washington,
the scene ol lour years ot b's great labors.
All donations for tho purpose of erecting to
Mr. Lincoln a eretiilab.o monument, should
tend in this direction.
FoitriNATB Combination. We nro op
posed to proprietary medicines, and it is
with some compunction that we see adver
tisements of them in our columns. Still we
must confess that Erown's Troches are con
venient and useful, in certain conditions of
the throat nnd larynx, befoie speaking.
A'. IS ClirUiiiH Aihwatt:
An Ai'fi.i-: Pi ihuno. Make pie crust
(but not short, or it will break,) roll it out,
not too thin ; put none apples, either green
or dried, and turn over like a turn-over pie ;
wrap u cloth around it and put in boiling
water; let it boil uu hour and a half; re
move tho cloth, and serve hot. To be eaten
with sugar and cream, or molasses. Ver.
They havo a Chinese theatre in San Fran
cisco at which they havo been playing a
piece called "Hi-Fun -Ming," for a week,
and had not got to tho eud of it the last ac
counts. I'iiooi'CG or an Acre. Tho following
product in a single acre of ground, the
truth of which is vouched for, will give an
idea of tli.5 capacity of laud in the hands of
one who understands how to bring it forth.
The acre here referred to, is situate on Long
Island, where tha soil is by no means oa-
i tarally affioect.
terms or AurEimKix
One tfjnnre of 10 liniw, one time,
Evory subsequent insertion,
One wpmro, J mouths,
Six niunlhs,
One your,
txivutors nml Administrators notion
Auditor notices,
DusiiM'iw Curds of 6 lines, per nminm,
Myruliiiuts and others advertising hy the year
tl oo
4 i o
e (jo
It) oo
s oo
l CO
. mi i-u ii.Yiii'gu ui uuuiiging (tuuriuriy,
fulluws :
One quarter cnlumn, not.c.tcecdinir 4 sijunrel, $15 00
Onu hull' column, nit exceeding 8 siiuiuxa, 25 00
Olio column, 60 00
Editorial or looul advortisitifi any number of tin
not exceeding ton, HU coiila per line; 10 eunta ft
every udditi.nui lino.
J'urrluge noticcK, 60 cents.
Obitunriwi or rcsniulions aoaompenying notleee ol
Jvaths, 10 cents per line.
No man was never more abused than Mr.
Lincoln. Ho was ridiculed as an "ope," a
"babcon," a "filthy jester" and of course,
uncultivated man, and denounced as a "ty
rant," a "king," a "usurper," tho enemy of
his country mid tho subverter of its Consti
tution. In England he was laughed nt,
jeered at, hooted nt, and sneered at, with
eery possible variation in the teima em
ployed, and scarcely one out of tho promi
nent presses of tho nation could bring itself
to tho task of speaking of him even in de
cent language.
Hut Mr. Lincoln paid no heed to all this.
He pursued the even tenor of his way, ani
mated by a lofty singleness of purpose, aud
an honesty that never swerved a hair's
breadth from tho truo line. Distegnrdbig
ell assaults upon his good name, aud all
provocations from abroad and at homo to
ehmg-j his pvlicy, he first cV.Uld in his own
mind what w;u right, and then adhcied to
it with the sternest determination.
Aud behold tho result! After vctrs of
systematic di traction his bitterest d'el'ameti
are compelled to do homage to the spotless
purity of his life, to tho exalted homesty
that luf.rked his pp. bin 'careers to the lolly
patriotism that animated his every publio
net, and to admit that he belonged to tha
highest order of statesmen. Even the Eng
lish papers r-.dmit all this, and testify to tho
fact that Europe was all nleg relying tii'ep.
his purity, his statesmanship, his fotesight
hf.d his sound judgment, whilst the pret-i,
and the rostrum rung with d..nuueil;tu.t. j oi
Never was a man more throotighly vin
dicated than lie. Never did a man tyaro
0 suddenly from encompassing clouds to
stand forever in the clear sunshine of eter
nal day. The enemies who plotted hi
death little thought that iu biking away hU
nioi ta! life thoy were securing to hiintlmt
immortal lame which belongs only to t'.a
few who are destined to livV through. i'ie
c':&ivo Years.
"A in in had the misfortune recently t
loose his wile, fiver her grave he caused ft
stone to be placed, on winch, in the depth
of his grief, ho ordered to bu inscribed:
".Tears cannot restore her therefore I weep."
Poor, dear affectionate creature.
The Wiik vr. Chop. The wheat
throughout the country is most prosperous,
giving promise ol au abundant crop. Noth
ing chert of mi fortur.e V. ill p:'j;-"nt the
largest growth of wheat we have had in this
Valley for years. Dajlon Journal.
Tits: aisassin Sanders is no novice nt the
business. He was long connected with a
party of noted atih Heists iu Paly; to- k ac
tive part in the scheme of Orsini to kill tin
Emperor Napoleon; ndvoeeted the plan ol
Nazzini for getting rid of the Pope; ordered
an "Infernal machine" at Colt's pistol faelory
end tried to itniiion the workmen to sweiit
it. was part of au agricultural implement
No baser villain ever polluted the call!
than George N. Suu.lers. Aii&uj Ecetiin;
vi urtuil.
Three of the loyal Elates- California
Oregon, and Ncvai'a-havo no national br.nk:
An unsuccessful attempt was made b
some rascal to obtain possession of Get
Grant's two uwit valuable horses.
General Ilalleck has offered a reward i
tfi.VOm) for the arrest of Extra-Billy Smit
"Uebel Governor ot Virginia.
Nearly R.OOO imigiauts have reached In
York during the present week.
The President is said to bo engaged
an Amnesty Proclamation.
I'r!ut'e wl'uii Acre
The following product of a single ncro
ground, the trnlh of which is vo'idmd I
will give nn idea of tho capacity cf iaad
tho hands of one who thoroughly un
stands how to bring it forth. The uere h
referred to, is situate on Long Island, wh
the soil is by no means naturally atUueut
"Gn on': rlcre, within sight of Trb
church steeple, New York, but in Jer:
lives a man I will call 'John Smith.' Jol
neat cottage and acre cost him, ciukt y
nfo; itiHOOO, now worth iffiOllu. In I he spi
of 18('i!, ho planted li.UUO Early Wake!
cabbage plants, wide1', by tho lirst wee'
Julv. wele Fold in New York market a
per" UK), for $'.100. Hetween tho rowi
cabbagis were planted, at tho same t
10.0(10 Silesia lettuce plants, which at if
per 100, brought 170. Hoth crops '
cleared off by ' July 12, tho ground b
thotoughly plowed, harrowed and plu
w ith 40.000 celery plants, which were
before ( i.ri-tmasof the same year, at
100, for J1200, making tho total rec
"His expenses were: Manure, if ISO;
of Horse, !!00 ; ijiterest on fOUOO, i
hired labor, 1 100 ; iuc'nlental outlay, li
amounting in all to if 1:170, whieli di
ed from the, receipts guvo him the net
of iflOoO. John, some might cull a
hopper. Ho has no particular skill, no
share of 'brains,' his only prominent cp
being untiring imtusCy ; but it woi
ditlictilt for any one, no matter how ir
ed with skill or brains, to mako more
acre than be did."
A iVcv tiifiir 'iiu.
The Department of Agriculture is j
the receipt from Japan, of a sample of
cane, somewhat resembling sorghu
propagation and testing iu this clima
is cut in sections of three joints, c
which is planted in a hill,' thus gi
from layers instead of seed. It wi
warded by Thomas Hogg, Esip, an
of this Government, at Yokohama
deems it worthy of trial in this c
Ho says it is extensively grown then
ciiilly on the i .land of Eiusiu, and th
will succeed hero win rever India
comes to niati'.Vity, It is thought t
peculiarity of it's propagation, sin
prove otherwise successful, would gi'
Important advantage over sorghum, p
ing hybridizing with millets, nnd com
deterioration. A iaigu portion of
destroyed in tho long voyage, but en
sound, and already sprouting, to em
Department, a year or two hence, to
distribution of it.
F.iirly C'fssVUe-iia
Lay in winter, when old hens do
cause fowls will not lay while the i
tliers are growing, after mouttiug. a
old birds this period often extends
winter. Therefor look out for a go
of early pullet, to furnish egg '
mat and Kv Tear' time.