GEO. DEMERIT & CO., JEWELERS, OS BrontTTBy Sir York, (CORNER PtANE STREET.) 100,000 WATCHES. CHAINS, GOLD PEN'S AND MSXCILS, AC, &C. WortU 0500.0001 fO EE SOLD AT One Iollnr ACH, WITH OUT REGARD TO VALVE. Ati Btt lo ht paid until jou know what yes will rtctivt ! BPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES All ta be Sold for ONE DOLLAR Each 100 Gold ITuntlng cum Watohel 100 Gold Watches taeh I10S CO 500 Ladies' Watches 800 Silver Watches it $13 00 to $25 800 Gold Neok and Vest Chains 12 00 to It 1000 Cbatelein and Vest Chains t 00 to 11 JOOO Vest and Keck Chains 4 00 to 12 4000 Solitaire Jot and Gold Brooches 4 00 to 8 4000 Coral, Lava, Garnet, Ac, do. 3 00 to 8 T000 Gold Jot, Opal, Ac ,Enr Prop, 3 00 to 8 6000 Gents' Breast and Scarf l'ius 1 00 to 8 8000 Oval Band Braoolots 00 to 8 S000 Chased Bracelets S 00 to 10 500 California Diamond Pins and Rings 2 Ml to 8 2000 Gold Watch Keys 2 60 to 8 4000 Solitnire Sleeve Buttons and Studs 2 00 to 8 000 Gold Thimbles 4 00 to 8 6000 Miniature Lockets 2 00 to 7 000 Miniaturo Lockets, Magic 4 00 to 9 2M)0 Gold Toothpicks, Crowes, As. 2 00 to 8 8000 Fob and Ribbon Slides 2 00 to 000 Chased Gold Rings 2 00 to 5 4000 Stone Set Rings 2 00 to 8 eS00 Sets Ladies' Jewelry-Jet and Gold ! 00 tol C000 " ' " Taried styles, 3 00 to 15 e'KIO Gold Tens, Silver Case and Pencil 4 00 to 8 4000 " Ebony Holder and Cusc 6 00 to 10 00 8000 " Mounted Holder 2 00 to 6 00 All tb goods in the nbovo List will be sold, with eut reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certi ficates of all the various articles are placed In simi lar envelopes sealed and mixed. Theso envelopes will be sent by mail, or delivered at our office without regard to choice. On rcecivuiga Certificate you will see what article it represents, and it is op tional with you to send one dollar, and rcceivo the article nuincd, or any other in the list of panic value. By this modo wo give selections from a varied Stock of fine good., of the best innko nnd latest styles, and of intrinsic) worth, at a nominal price, while all have a chance of securing articles of t ho Very highed value. In all transactions by mail wo charge for forward ing tho Certificate, paying postage, nnd doing tlio business, 2S cents ench. Vivo certificates will be sent for $1; Eleven for $2; Thirty for fjj Sixty five $10 ; and Olio Hundred for $15. REASONS WHY. TVs should supply your wants ; our facilities are un surpassed ; our work of unrivalled excellence; our promises punctually observed. Our central locution brings us near the nioH remote points. Our goods are new from tho manufacturers, and of tho latest and most desirable styles The goods must bo sold, end the terms are unequalled. All articles ordered are forwarded by return mail. M'e guarantee entire satisfaction In every Instanse end if there should be any person dissatisfied with . any article they may receive, they will immediately return it. nnd the price will be refunded. Aobxtn. AVo allow those acting us A.-nts Ten Cents on ench. Ccrtifiri!o ordered, provided their remittance amount to "ne Dollar. - They will collect 25 cents for every Certificate, nd, retaining 10 cents, remit to us 15 cents for each. Address 41:0. eS':me:eset a . 203 Broadway, New York. March 4, lSfli. 3m ESTjCTT'S CJCTTjLGIG OROAKS, VRE not only unequalled, but tbev arc absolutely uiicquulltHl, by any other Heed Instrument iu theeouniry. Designed exprcs.-ly for Churches nud Schools, tin y are found to 1,0 equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For rale only by E. M. BRICK, No. IS North Seventh street. Philadelphia. t7 Alf Bradbury's Pianos, ami a coiupluto us. oruuent of tho Perfect MELOliEUN. Sept. 24, lhSi. lyw PROSPECTUS OP THE LAPIEERE OIL COMPANY,, No. 70 North Fourth Street, (second door, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, . ... f7:,0.n00 l SO.Onn Shares, par Value S. Subscription Price 1 ull l'uid, $2. Thu Company own the following described iiro rerly in fee simple: Filty acres ol land near Cherry Tree Run; said land is one and a quarter inilea from Oil Creek and is about two hundred od from the Well un Cherry Tree Hun, that llowd from -cieiily-fivo tu one bun dred barrels of Oil per day; and also, an interest in two acres oil the Sh. rimin Properly with lour wells In tbi loiuatngc of progress ou tho property, one of which is now flowing thirty barrels per cliiy. lhe Company get the one-eUtoeuth of all the Oil, cleur of all expense ; also, two acres adjoining, with four wells now in a progressive condition in which the tympany gets one-thirty -socondth uf the Oil, and also, one uuio uf land adjoining, with one well down 'eady fur pumping ; the Company got. ouo-sixlcenlh )f thu land luiertst cleur of all i.xpciuc. Also, tho jne-lourtecuth of the working iuterest of the lint nenlioued acre. This Company is formed on a basis hat u expected to pay a dividend of two per cent ier month tu the Sbiekholders. Tho Company pro Ke to plueo iihMW cash or stock iu the TreaJury ur Iho development of the property. j rc-iuent, rro. Jem. J. J. BARCLAY Fsn. lnreeiors n iinam 1). Suiith, H. M H. M. Davis, 1). uei.iuley, B. JI. Awansey and John F. Y Secretary H.A. Converse TreoMirur John F. Young. February 4, IsidS. JUUg. HATS ! HATS! ! BAMl'KL FAUS' "wo dwrs west of Fischer's lrug Store, Market st STJNBURY, PENN'A. r S constantlv manufacturing the latest ulyies of Wool L and i ur Hats, which for soilness and durability le not surpuMied. G ive him a cull and sec his stock of Hat which arc fheapor than eliewheie. others. urclia,ing at wholesale, will find it to their ndvan ige to mill and procuro vu article cheaper and tnual ) ctly inunufaelure. 1 1 fcunbury, Ootober 1, IHf.l. HOARDING 110 USE. JIEIN. UAIIll lHOMl'Sii-N, (Furiutrly of the 'Lawrence House,") SUNUURY, PENN'A. "NFORMS her friends and the publie generally . that el.e has relilled the house formerly occupied r Dr. J. W. Peulo, on Blaekhorry street, near the :. lpv",,uf v,,njr epoi, ana opeuec; a V , . A.,.1'1""' wiiere sbe is iirepured to keen hllMANKNl AND 1 AX.ilLNT BOARDEltg. With good enoksand waite. boardora can le quiet ooiuforU of home with lure eoual to 11,. l hotels. Potiouage from tboae who may sojourn in Sunturj resi ecifully soii.ithd ' 7 i ."MAKIA THOMPSON. f&&? ... ttage Organ. 1 ia. W. Ski. ba. B. aaxTBBR. SMITH & GEITTHEP., arket street, one door east of Mrs. Boulton'i Hole STTlSTIBTXIBrsr, 3P-A.-, Have opened ANEW TIN-WARE, iliort Eron nnd Move Store, and Intend kecirtog constantly rm hand, and oianu faoturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON -W ARE of all dotcriptionc. A large Stock of Cook Stoves of the following Brands WILLI Am PENN ! ana on tho following two Brands wc defy competi tion, namely 'oni1innllon .n Hunter, Cook. Sovniir IVnn Ook, unsurpassed for twenty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness nnd dm ability, and each stove warranted to perform what they arc re presented ' ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, In great variety, embracing nil tho best manufactures, and most ttumionnme designs Also. The celebrated GEM for heating up and down stairs. Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER. ConlOll, 'si I Oil Slumps, Khntlen, 4'ltiiiiiiiN, nnd nil nrticl nnusunlly kept in an establishment of this kind. We are also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting, Roofing, T) .... ,1 1.' M' TTittlTO Aft Pannli-- xtniiKu nun l ui iimcu tiuia, uira, ......q, .,.... ing cheaply and neatly executed. Country produce taken in exonange ax naraei price. SMITH & GENTITEK, Have the A trenev foT BIBB'S CF.LEBR A TED FIRE rLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Nortbumber Innil, Snyder, L'nion anil Montour. Ard are also agents for the l'ipher Vt mower Lim. .'Transportation. Sun. urr.Dcc. 3, 1804. CLOTHING FOR ALL ! ! AT COST KEN TAL CLOTHING BAZAAR. Corner f Market Square A. ItalU Road Street', SUMBUHY, rENN'A, jfst opened, winter stock or READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest styles, eut by the best Artists, trimmed and in inte equal to custcm worn, ana sola at mo owest prices. JEen nnd Bloy'ic 4'IolIiiiiK of the best ma terial consisting of Dress Cflsts, Frock Coats, Bako Coals, Punts, and Vests of various colors and quali ties. GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATS & SHAWLS. GENTLEMEN'S Fl RNISIUNO GOODS, such os iShirts, Over-shirts, T'ndershirts, Drawers, Collars, t'ravats, Necktios. Handkerchiefs, Stockings, Gloves, Ac lEatn and C.'upsi ofjill kimlN. BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, UM BRELLAS, nnd NOTION.? of all kinds, and numc rous other articles. The public uro invited to call nnd examine his Stock. Bemember the place. "Continental Clothing Store," Corncrof Market Square and Ihn N C. 11. H. LEVI I1KCI1T. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1SG4. The Complete, Eroullo-.t-ilii' Weill Nepui-nlingf CORN SHELLER ! ! PATENTED, AUGUST 2nd, ISM. nUIIS .Shelter it the only one tlmt fhrlN the Corn L perfectly eK-an from tho Cob when green, wink ed or dry. Jt i;ie;tliu Lir a double operation on the Mu Hins M hvvl tu it l ussi-s (bi.oili. nnd sena- rutcs the Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it at onco in lor ninrKri williout tliu usu o tho fanning mill. 1 hi.' luarliinc .'hulls a Half JJuxltrf "J Ear to the Minute ly Ordi nary limit l'uir,r. and can be used. nlwi. by Hor.o. Steam or Water Power by attaching a Pulley on tho Crank Shaft. For Durabilily, t'Unnliueys. Nenti.ess. L'lieupncFS and Rapiilily in Shelling, this Machine cannot be equullid by uny oilier. STATE AND COUNTY lUtiHTS FOR SALE ON 1! EAS IN A III. K TEli M.S. GrsTi.KMEN : If yuu want your corn Shellsd clenn ; if you have occasion to tdell green or damp .com; ifyounnnt your corn and coh sepurattd ; if yon want a durablo machine ; if you w i.ut n cheap yht ller. buy the Ci uipkto, Doublc-Acliiig, Sclf-Scp-arutiug Coru t-heller. llEFEKENCES : H. B. Mssser. Dr. J. W. Teale ."nnbury. Charles Hans. Miller. Siunuel I.eiir. Heading. C. !. Morirnu A Co., Gen. Weisvr. L. Augusta. SlilliiK. fiinbury. Sol. Mart.. Farmer, Henry l.ei.-eming. Hear (iap. C. Albert, Georgetown Mni'iifaeiiireil ami for Salo at tho Fouudrv of lt'Il i; liAC'll A CitiiPKR.Suribury, Pa. Sunliiiry, Dee. 3, lo(14.- ui OLD EYES MADE NEW. ATAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore sight nnd give up spectacles, without aid of doctor ur medicine. Sent by mail, free, on rocoipt of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D. February 41 Sf.5 Am IF YOU WANT TO KNOW LITTLE OF EVURYTIIINU relating to the J. human system, mule and female ; tho causes and treatment of discuses; the marriage customs of the world ; how to marry well and a thousand things never published before road the revised and enlarged edition of "Mudioa I. Cumuon Sknsb, a curious book for curious people, and a good book (or everyone. 400 page, lull Illustrations. Price $1.60. Contents table sent free to nny address. Rooks may bo had at the Rook stores, or will bo sent by mail, post paid on receipt of the prico. Address K. 11. FOOTE, M. D. 1 130 llroudway, New York. February 4, ISM. 6m r. v r i: ui'Ain'M IMPERIAL Pfjotograpfj (Gallmrs, Noa. 7, lot and J Ofl ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 17, 1864. m Enternational Elotel, IV. Corn NEW YORK. mills first class House the most quiet, homelike L and ulcnsuut lintel in Ihn -li,. 'fr.... . ...w ..... um-ia ui'nriur l luducomenu to those visiting New Y'ork for business fip l.leiirtiirA It L ..nt...l : .. . , H i L' in iu loeuiion, ana Kept on the hi-Hni'EAM Plan, in connection with Tatlub' SAi.ooN, where refreshments can be bad all hours, or served in their own rooms. Uhe charge are uiu derate, tho nauus and attendanee of the first order baths, and nil the modern conveniences attached. Oct 1.1SA4. THE EZE and EAtt. To (lie EN-oxsle t NOW READY, . i 0r!lJ,y nrX0N MOSCHZISKFR, Of No. 1017 V alnut Mroet, Philadelphia.-entilied A BOOK FOR TU I'Eul'LE, niKoA'r ni,,,"I'i,"M,.! EVE n'' EAR Disease. , , , "AJ I 'eu,uo iu tlenerai ; Clerifymeu's and ubhc Speakers n,re Throat; of the Air IWgos, (Laryngitis, Bronchitis,) Aiilliiiiu and C'ulnri-li. This llHik is to be bud at No. 609 Chesmit .lrt Philaaelphia and of all Pookseller."',' And from the author, Dr. Von Muh,i'ker, who an be consulted on all these maladies, Ul v " . ous AAeoliuiis, which he treaU with the surest sue ess. Office. No. In27 Walnut .treat. lhii.i-i..i: k'h n ihii,- ' "I'-... HENRY HARPEH, Wo. 090 A lit II Ht., aboT. Fifth, E'hlln Uelpliiu. Masufaetuer and Dealer ia WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY, 801IDSILVER WARE an! Superior SilTer Plate4 Ware March :5, U? -fc, mm & (B 111 IK Q 1KB AH EMPORIUM, Market fiqiinre, Kl.MII UY, In. HAVING just returned from the CUy with an on tire now stock of Eriig, t'lieinlealic, Perllnmcry nud Toilet Artielent In which netavitec Us friends and tho public gener ally, to call and examine. The Drugs and Modiolnea are all eolocted from the best importing houses in me .iern Tuancei wiin IDA grecwat oare as to puri ty and efficiency and nvoiding as tmich as possible, the introduction of delerious nostrums. PATENT MEDICINES Of all kinds. Such as Ayer's, Jaynes, MeClintock, Hollnways, Wisharts, llooflands, 'Schonks, Drown't and all other popular patunt medicines, alwayl on band. ' BRUSHES, nalr, Tooth, Nail, Clotho nnd Paint Brushes. Special earo is taken to keep on band constantly every variety of PAINTS AKD CHEMICALS, Suitable to the trade. Fancy Toilet Articles nnd the numerous articles which are generally kept in a well conducted estab lishment. In oMioetlc.n with tho above articles, ho also keeps on hand a large assortment ol SlAllULni, such as Paucr. Knvelones. Pens, Pencils, Inks, Ac. Physiclnn s prescriptions nnd family receipts compmtrMctl with the greatest accuracy and uitipaten at ALL HOURS Duv or Night. Remember the place. Market Square ander tho office of the ''Sunbury American." R. A. FISCHER. Suubury, Juno 25, 1 BC I . ilOWARD ASSOCIATION . PHILADELPHIA, PA. DtVenvrsa nftlio moiis, Nominal, I'rinary and Nexmil Xysiteiissi new and reliable treatment in reports of tho HOW ARD ASSOCIATION soot by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKIL LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Ta. July 10, 1S64. ly ilendiiiK ECailroasl. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 7th, 1804. GREAT TRUNK LINE from tho North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Roafl- ing, rottsvillo, ijctianon, Altcntown, jia.non, c. Trains leave Harrinburg for New-York, as fol lows : 3.00 and 8.16 A. M. and 1 .45 P. M , nrriving at New York at 10 A. M. and 2.4& and IB 00 P. M. The above oonncct with similar trains on the Penn sylvania railruad, and Sleeping Curs accompany the first two trains, without ehango. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tatnanuo, Mincrs villc, Allcntown and Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. nnd 1 45 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal sta tions only. Wnv trains, stopping at all points, at 7.25 A. M. and 4.40 P. M. Returning, IcavoNcw Y'ork nt 9.00 A.M.. 12 noon, and T.tiO P. M.,: Philadelphia nt 8 A.M. end 3.30 P. M ; Potlsvilloal 8.Mt A.M. and 2.35 P. M. ; Tamnqua 8.10 A. M. and 2.15 P. JI., and Reading at 12 midnight, 7.35 nnd 10.45 A. M., 1.3 and 6.11.1 P. M. Rendinff Accommodation Train leaves Rending at 8.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave -leading at 6.10 and 11 A. M. Kphratn, Litis. Columbia, Ac. On Sundays : Leave Now York at 7 P. M., rhilo dclphia 3.15 P M, Pottsvillo 7.311 A. M., Tamiiqua 7 A M, Harriburg 8.15 A M and Reading nt 12 mid night, for Harrisbiirg. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates tu nnd from all points. 80 Pounds liaggago allowed each Passenger. U. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent' Nov. 2M8M. LiKhuw iniiiu A: EtloonistbsirtC Etail road. ON and after Jan. 18th, 1864, Pauonger Trains win ruu a loiiows : MOVING EOUTn. Passenger. Leave Sernnlon, 4.20 P. II. " Kingston, 5.55 Dloolii.-liurg 8.25 " Rupert, V.35 11 Danville. 8.15 Arrive at Northumberland, V.5 nmviiio mouth. Leave Northumberland, 8 00 A. M, " liauvillo, 8.40 " Rupert, 8.40 ' Illoonburg, 0.35 " KiirgHton, 12.12 P.M. Arrive at Scrauton, 1.30 Freight A Passenger leaves llloomsburg, 10.15 A. M PaesciiKers takinff the Mail Irum cxiuth connect with the Express truin from Northumberland, arriv ing at Harrisburg, at 2. 3D A. M., Rulliiuure 7.00 A. M., nnd nt Philadelphia, at 7.00 A. M. The Mail train from Northumberland leaves immediately utter the arrival of the Express traiu from Uarruburg und iialtiinore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia at IU. till'. M., to reach point, on this road duiing the next forenoon. New nnd elegant Sleeping enrs acoompany the night trains each way betwecu Northumberland and liulliuiore, und Northumberland und Philadelphia. D. T. ROUND, Supt. I. K. 8TAUFFER, WATCHMAKER & T. JEWELRY. No. 148 North SECOND street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. An iiKMOi-tiueut or IVatelieis, Jew elry, Milver A: EMalesI M are constantly hand, Suitablo for HOLIDAY PRESENTS! t jf Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to. . December 3, 1864 ly FEOM WASHINQTON. LATESTI MPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TUB FOUNDR "ST, of . ROERBACZ & CCCF2S?., . BUNBTJH"?, misiisr'jK. Oet theBc't (lot tho Chenpcts (!ut the most Kco noiuical, which enn be had ut the Kiihrbach Foundry Having a lnrgo nirt incut uf the iixmt apirovvd PTOVKfj, suoh as Cuoking, l'urlor, Ollico and Mhop Sloven, which will be sold in tho lowest rates. Also, Kettles uf ull sites, Puns, Hkillcbi, Ac Thc-y are also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughn, Casting. Ac!., at short notice. Kopairing all kinds of Agricultural Iinplcmcnls done in a good workmanlike manner and at tho shortest notice. All articles shipped a ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended to. HOlillUACU & COOrER. fiOld Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken in Exchange fur wurk. Sunbury, June 18, .Tlanliuod i how lisl, lio IImui-1 Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culvcrwcll' Ccleliratt'd Essay on the radical cure (without inedin cine) ofpormatorrha'a, or seminal weakness, li,. voluntary Seminal Losses, Iuipotency, McnUl and Physical Incapacity, impediments tnMarriage, etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and FiU, induced by self-indulgence or sexuul extruvagance. I V Price, in a sealed envelope, only six eents. The 'oclcbrated author iu this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self, abuse may radically eurcd without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, oertain, and otlcotual, by means of which every suf. fcrer. no matter what his condition may be, maj eure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. .V-This Lecture should be'in ths bands of every youth and every man in the luud. Sect, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post tamps. Address the publishers. C11A. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4bii. MurchllS, loot. Jo ly lo ' Iiil h ltasji-lndiit ollVe Co. DEPOT: ' 168 Keade Street, New York. The above Company are known all over the world as the owners of the Coffee Plantations of Java and Buta ia iu the Dutch East indies, and are the largest monopolisers of Code on the Globe. The undersigned (who is appointed their sole Agent in the tinted States and in the British Colo nics; will have fur sale three different kinds of Cof fee, which, for regularity of grade and cheapness of price, will defy ooaipeiition- Our "Batavia Coffee" never before introduced In tic is Country, but extensively used in ths Armies and Navies of Lurope, and richly valued, will be put up ftMir'iCM reaob " consumers, and our Extra Java "'.bt.llsll'gnuro Bunum CvRes of ths age. will havo, for accommodation of Grocers, Fa milies, and llovernmout Contractors, samples (dry, and drawn) fr testing. ., Orders solicited On receipt of cash, coffee prompt ly for aided as directed. r r A. tIPPMAV, 164 Heads Etxeet, New York, Tub pocullar taint ofr Infection which ' w cnll ScnopoLA lurlci In the. constitutions of Tntiltitiulos of men. It either prodttcci or ii produced by tin en - ffoblcd, vitintcd stata SnT tho Mood, wltcrein li&tlint fluid becomes In- iUconnictent to itistnin ilrgSSftlie vital forces in their rvigorotts action, nna 'A y?spnvc tho system to -''s-Xj"fiill into disorder nnd decay. The acrofulou contnnunnUon ia va riously caused by mercurial clisensc, low living, disordered ditrestion from tinhaalthy food, imrmro air, filth nnd filthy habile, the depressing vices, nnd, nliove nil, by tho renercnl infliction. . VVIintovcr be tti origin, it is licroditary in tlio constitution, .lo.nnn.itnn fm n(irrnl to children unto theJliird and fourth perreratioTii indeed, K ecmR to be the rod of Him who says, " I will Visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Tho diseases it originates take various names, ncconlinpr to the organs it totlacks. In tlio lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, nnd finally Consumption; in tho Rlnnds, swellings which wtippitrnte and be come ulcerous sores ; in tho 6tomnch nnd bowels, derangements which produce 'indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on tho skin, eruptive nnd cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, require tho sauio remedy, viz., purification nnd invigora tion of tho blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted Mood, you cannot have health; with that "life of tho flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Snrsaparilla is compounded from tho most effectual anti dotes that metlicnl science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, nnd fur tho cure of the disorders it entail. That it is far supe rior to nny other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this elas of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known ami remarkable cures it lins made of the following diseases : King's Evil, or Ulanauiar bwemngs, xumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuherculous deposits ia the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minuto reports of individual cases may be found in Avkii's AuunicAH Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of tho remarkable cures which it has made when all either remedies had failed to utVord relief. Those cases are purposely taken from nil sections of the country, in order that every reader may have nceess to somo one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses tho vital energies, nnd thus lenves its victims far more subject to disease nnd its fatal results than nro healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to thortcn. and does greatly shorten, lin nirj.ra irr rlii rn it MM rif It II 1111111 lift The vnst importnnce of theso consiiWrnUons has 11.11 us IU tll IIU vuio ill jcv c ivvucc n ivtiicu vhicli is ndequnte to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Artu's Sarsafauiu.a, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in nltcrntive power. Hy its niii you may protect yourself from the suil'cr inp nnd (lunger of these disorders. Purgo out the foul corruptions that rot nnd fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, nnd vigorous health will follow, lly its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, mid tbun cajicIs (be diMcuipora which lurk within tho system or burst out on any part of it. AVo know the public have liccn deceived hy many compounds of Snrsaparilla, that promised much ami did nothing; but they will neither bo deceived nor disappointed m this. Its virtues h.ive been proven by abun dant trial, nnd there remains no question of its Kurpassing excellence for the cure of tho nuiietinp; diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine fnim any other which hits heen before the people, and is fur more ef fectual than any other which has ever been available to them. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Groat Eorredy for Coughs, Colds, Iucipiorjt Con sumption, and for tho rcliof of Consumptive) patients in advancod stages of tho disease. This lias been so long used nnd so uni versally known, that we need do no mora than ussnrc the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may bo relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by 1)b. J. C. AYEit & Co., Practical and Analytical Cheniitti, Lowell, Mats. Sold by all druggists every whero. Sold hy Fnling A (.Irani, .Sunbury, 11. B. McCoy, Northumberland, Aaron Bnrrol, Elysburg, VV'.Jt. Kutzncr. ishnmokin, J. P. Hogue, Watsontown, And by all drillers in Medicines everywhere. August l.'l, ISti-l. ly us jscjrsk.s-jaLuze&r saw SOLIDIFIED CPsEAJWC, B'or ('Ifiiiihiiig', 1 liilrniutc . und Ii---i-vlii the 'I i:i: rn I This article is prepared with thegrcutcst care upon scientific principles, nnd warrant"! not to contain anything in tlio slightest degree dflolurious to the toelh or gums. tSoiuoofour most eminent Dcntul Surgeons huvo given their sanctinn to, and cheerful ly recommend it as a preparation of ruperior quali ties fur clcuiiftng, wLitiMiing and prrscrving the TKETI1. It cluiins thviu readily, rendering thum beautifully white and penily, without the lighttwt injury to the eniuuel. It is healing to the gums whtre they uro ulcerattd anci sore. It is also an ex cellent disinleclcir fir old decayed teeth, which aro often exceedingly otlciisive. It gives a rich creamy taste to the mouth, clcuui'iiig it thoroughly, und im parting a delightful Iriiraiioc to the breath. PHKPAUEli O.NLV BV A. HA W LKY A: CO.. N. W. Cor. 10th., A Lombard Sts , Philadelphia. And sold by all Druggists. PKU'E 2i C'EN 'its. testlmTTnials. The following npiuion of Dr. V bite, as lo the high esteem in w hich he holds tho Dental Cream, must oe sutlieieut evidence of its value ; tu quoto other testi. mouiuls in detail is needless, coiituniing ourselves by simply giving the names and addresses of persons who speak of Its excellency for the teeth. Philadelphia, April IWl.lKM. Having carefully examined A. flaw Iry 'a "Solidi Bed Duntnl Cream," I hereby cheerfully recom mend it to the public generally. It is an excellent preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth, and cau be used by all persons with the utmost con fidence, as its properties aro perfectly harmless. Be sides preserving tho teeth, it promotes a healthy action to the gums, and imparts a pluasantuess lo the breath. Dr. VI. R. WHITE, 1203 Arch Pt. Thomas Ingram, M. D , Dentist, iVl N. Fourth Bt. J. Birkuy, a."J (S. Sixth Ht. E. Vandcrslice, Surgeon Dentist, 425 Aroh St. 0. A. Kiusbury, Dentist, II IK Walnut St. 8. Dillingham. D. D.S., 734 Arch St. P.M. Dixon, 827 Arch St. Edward Towusend, Dentist, 426 N. Fourth St. L. H. Dorphley, Dentist, bt)7 M. Tenth 6t. M. L. Long, bemitt, 021 X. bixth St. May 28, 1604 ly JITTER OP ADVICE FOB, IADIES FIVE ANATOMICAL EXORASIXaS. Has lufcrmatlou never before published. Scut roKi in a sealed envelops for tx saats. - - Address Dr. STASFOHD, v , . BoiKo 4,052 New York P.O. July 9, 1861 Juj FOJt SALE. A Tract of 'I'liubcr laiutl, below Trev. rton br ulg-w, eouuiuuig about 90 aorvs. Sot fiu Utar paxticulari afiply to ' H. B Mi!a. puobUry, Au 15. W.- Northern Central Railway ! SUlUiMEn TIME TABLE. TfiRKX TRAINS DAILY to tad from Sal timer ml Wulttnirlnn a!w Connection, made with trains en P entity bran! a I and from Pittsburg and ths Wet. THREE TRAINS DALY to and from toeNorth and . West Branch Susquehanna, Elmlra,and all of North ' ern Now York. ON and after MONDAY, MAY ISth, 1S84. tba Panonicer Trains of the Northern Central Hallway trill arms at and donart from Sunbury, llarrUuurg ana lialtimore as follows, Tin BOUT11WAKD. Mall Train leares Svmbnrj daily (except Sundav). 10 9t A. M leaves liarrUburit, ,1 JO P. M. arrive, at Baltimore. 9 " Ecnraia Train leaves Sunbnrv AWPv (except Sunday,) 11 It P. M. " lenves ilarrnburg (except Monday.) . 2 (0 A. K " arrives at Baltimore dailv (except Monday). T 00 A. M. Ilarriiburf Acoomtncdation leaves Harrit- burg, T 00 A. U. Eunbury Accommodation loaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) at r so am NORTHWARD. Moll Train leaves Baltirnora daily (ax. ocpt Sunday) " leares llarruburg 11 arrives at Sunbury, Expreil Train leavea Baltimore daily " arrive! at llarriiburg, 11 loavea Horruburg (except Monday). " arrives at Sunbury. ,9 20 A. M I Si P. M 4 05 30 P. M 1 60 A M S 1SA.M t fi llams- Uarjiaburg Accominedatiun louvea burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M r MP M arrives at llarruburg, Sunbury Accouimodnlion leaves llarri. burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 09 P U Fur further information apply at ths Office. I. N. DuliAllHY (Jen. Supt, llarrliburg, June 4 S04. O S 13 O 11 N'S CELEBRATED PREPARED JAVA COFFEE W A H R A N T E D SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET IT is used by first cluss fumilios everywhere, and biirhlv reoummendecl for nervous and ilwnonlifi Scrsons, being very nuitritious arid free from all victorious substances, in testimony of which I have certificates from the most emminrnt Physicians in the Country, iry it, anci yuu will be sure tu con' untie its use in preierence to nny oilier. Sold ut retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound by First class Grocers throughout the United States. V A liberal discount to the Trad. Put up only by i. i:vis a. OMiioitrv, Wholesale Depot, 89 Warren st. New York. May 7, 1S51." Attention, Latlicai and Ucntlcinvn! AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH Over J.'Bowen'a Store, corner Market A FawnSts. I STJNBTJRy.PA., SBYERLY, has opened anew Picture Gallery . iu tho above piece, and Is prepared to lake 1'ui'traita in tho best style und manner. ' A.MBHOTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS, are taken iu every stylo ol tho Art, that cannot be surpassed in tho State. Having several year's expe rience, he will give satisfaction or no charge. !. Copies will be tnken from all styles of Pictures. Give him a call. Remomber, over Bom en's storo, Sunbury, Dec. 17, 1804. j ' UNION FOHKVKIt ! uooun rote iii.i.i i At the Storo of JOH1T EOVE1T Corner of Market and Fawn Streets, SUSB U H Y , l'E N N ' A . Just opened FALL & WINTER GOODS, for everybody. Thi? no ,,Blowiiir." but plntu truth, which everyone will be convinceti tbul cuIU und ex amiuen the utook, which consists of Drew Goods. Casiiiineres. Clolhjt, (ionti1 Ovcrcmthig, Jeunt, Cottonadea, Mnnlin, bit Uoodi iu grcut variety. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Plain and Figured Doluines. .French and Figured Merinos, Fine Wool lMiiincs nil nrts and shades. Prints. Nankeens. I.A I'lts' CLOA KINO, Table-Coveis, Irish Linen, Jlrown and White theetin, Shawls, linlmoriil Skirts of all kinds, Hoop Skirts, nil prices. Hand, kerchiefs, Flannels, Ludies' Kid. Silk and ilcrino Ulovcs, Ac. Jew elry of all Ktndw. Ladies' and O cuts' Union Skates. A lurgo assortment of NOTIONS. SD&n.Wa Hurdware, Cedarware, (J'assware, Chinawaro, Queenswnre. Crockery. Groceries, Tobacco, Segars. Sniilf, Ten, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Fish, Suit, Ac, Ac, and everything elsa usually kept Iu a store. Pro duce taken in exchange lor goods. No trouble to show goods. JOHN DOWEN. Sunbury, Nov. 5, 1S4. Always ! Always ! Always ! ON HAND, AND SELLING CHEAP THE FALL & WINTER GOODS, J ust opened at No. 1 Store of WEAVER & FAGEL1T. CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND DOMESTICsueh as Cloths, Cassl. meres, Muslius, Shoetings, Ticking, Calinoes, Do lainus, Flannels, and all kinds of MOURNING Goods, Alpaccas, 11 luck Silks, Ginghams, Uulmoral and Skeleton Skirts, Canton Flannels, Nankeens, Cur peting of all kinds. HATS &c CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery. Cloves. Thread, Rultons, Sus penders, Neck-ties, Collars. Haiidkerrhiets, Hair Urushes, Tooth llrushes. Gum Rib bon and Cord, tape, crotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses, lidy cotton, carpet binding, combs, fancy soaps, carpet bags Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Dlunk Books, Paper, F.iivclopcs, Ao. 3kVK sVW.SS'WW.W.KS Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws, Door Latches and Knobs, Locks, and CUTLERY ol every description. Also, Dyes, Drugs, Taints, Vuruislies, Fish, Fluxsicil und Ikuzine Oils. Glass, I'utty.&c. tueouvuro "j'j1 jlusnure ot" all STONE AKD EARTHENWARE. An Extensive Stock of GROCERIES, Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Hies, Corn-starch, Maccaronl, Barley, Baking-powder, molasses, soaps eandlos, tobacco and segars, Salt, Fish, Meat, Cheese! Ac, As. Also, a large variety of BOOTS & S320E3, for Men, Women and Children. I VA1I kinds of U rain and Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Give us a tall before yon purchase elsewhere, we are bound to sell as low as any one also. Store-room in Ira T. Clement's building at the south-west corner of Market Square, near the Court House. Sunbury, Not. I, 1884. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF EDWIN1 HALL Si CO., No it Bout!) Second Street, Philadelphia. Ars sow offering their magnificent stock of Silks, Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloths, Cloaks, Velvets, Ac., far below ths present Gold Prices ! We have also on band, a large stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, which wo ar now selling at a great reduc tion from tit prices we hava been selling them at. As we have had the advantage of a rise iu ths prioes of -our Stock in the progress of the War for the last two or throe years, ws now propose to give our Cus. tomers tut Advantage of the fall in Prioes. Calicoes and Muslins, reduced, Flannels and Table Linens, reduced, ' Blankets tad all stable Goods, reduetd, W respectfully solicit from the Ladies and ethers visiting Philadelphia, an examination of our stock, which is unsurpassed in variety and style, in (his city, N. B , Wholesale Bnyers. tre invited to txamina tor stock. EDWIN HALL A CO.. V. 39 Sooth Second tttt, Pbilsdtlpbit OctoBW I, ;8fti -3m I Attorney nt BL'NBvRT, PA Collection, attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, ftnydlr, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. mzrinsKcis. lion. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. O. Ontlell A Co., " iron. Win. A. Porter, " Morton McMichael, Eiq., " E. Ketehain A Co., 3H9 Pearl Street, Kcw York. John W. Aahmead, Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, March 2, 1B02. LOWER WHARF, SUNBURY. PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL, in every variety, Orders solicited and - filled with promptness and despatch. s-qntrury, iiayie, Jtrca. ty For Elnln.Mli'c, Itonrlios, Antw, ltVil lings, Mot lift) in I'urs, AVooIciix. A.' naccls) on Pianttj, Fonls, Aniiiialw, Ac. Put up in !3e, 60. and f 1 00 Boxes, Bottles and flacks, ana j inei kx uoteis, ruone inititu Uous, A. "Only infn.llll.le rcmedici known.' "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to tho Human Family," "Rats come out of their boles to die." LTSold Wholesnlo in all lnree cities. Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere ! ; : lir.wAUK : : : ot an worthless itmtntions. Peo that "Costnr's" naino is on each Box, Butfl' and t'lusk, before you nuv. Address Il"V It. CO llt. Princinnl Detiot 4H2 Broadway. New York. f5 Sold by all Wholesale and Retail' Druggists in eunoury. 1'a. Feb. 20. lSf.4. Rm READY ROOFING Ready to nnil down. READ1T "ROOFING At less than half the cost of tin roofs. READTT "ROOFING Aloro durable than tin. READ IT OOPING Suitablu for itccp or flat roofs. READY HOOFING Fur all kind uf buil !inb's. in ull vliuittloi. heady Hoofing lnsily. cheaply, hihI quickly put on. Ne-j no vtiti over with cement a fur it i nuiUJ Uuwii. "ISEADY "HOOFING Made of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly saturated and covered upon Uithsurlui-es with a perfectly wa terproof composition, unci put up in rolls ready for use 10 inch wide, and 74 feet long. We also manufacture LIQ'JID CSIOIITT. Fun Leaky Tim Hours, Much cheaper and mure durublo thau oil paint. ALSO, t'iitioiiii! Ouii-iit, Fur Leaky Shingle Uoofs, Which will . fU'U save the co-t r.f n new rotf. Sutnicli's of Ucadv Rooliua; and Circulars svi.l bv I Vihrn li5ired. FHVoralilu'.cTins uiudu with rcpcin.' ible pnrtica who buy lo sell aaiu. IU'AliV ROt'FIXO CO.. U Maideu Lane, N. Y,. April 23, 184. millE, CHILLED IRON SAF Thetily Ei.fe Eclinblo ngainit both l ire and Burglary. lam now prcnrcl I., al Hunk Sal-,. 'I'!.,y ate l-!h 1'; priHif, Willi two di-tii,ct in-i.ic l!c: throe of my nrw A ti! i-M i.-r.ttn c 1 1-r sate, believed to be tin) ouiy bui.k-lc that bus not been picked or cani i'i'3 of N',i!i,,n "e r.inl Burglar !ar ."'n! s, uii 1 i.oelis on eueh i-k now iu use t be picked Lv inc ma oi mo n teroi.ii'tiT. ltic-e .":iies all pre-ent four to .six inclii'ii iu ilcieki:i.v nt cii jit iron, guariiuit'cd tu bo the stroi.gesl. the most dilliuult to drill at 1 to stand tho most resistance against both tire and burglary of any Safe iu the L'uittd States of the same size and cost. I have on hand abo, and will furbish ull sices of Bank Vault Sales, Kissesing all the advantages of the above against burglary. Also, all sixes of .Mercantile Safes both burglar proof and firo and burglar-proof. Also, Orimnionlul Dwelling-bouso Safes, burglar proof, und tiro and burglur-pioof (warranted not damp). Also, the strongest and cheapest Vault duois, for bank and mercantile vaults. All tho above uro Lilhe's wrought and chilled iron. Also, six. sites Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs, warranted ciiuul to any couimou Sufcs, at fully one third less price. Also, a L-eneral assortment of second-hand Safes, many of tlieni nearly new, and of approved makers, received iu exchange for billie s Chilled Iron Sales, ihese are ollercd at or below auction prices. M. C. SADl.Flt Agent, No. 21 S. SlCVLVili Street. June 11, 1864. SUSQUEHANNA FINALE COLLEG E, S:i.l.M4.'iCOt i:, Nijihr o., la. nillK Fall Session of this Institution coiniucnccs on L Till ItSDAY, AIUI ST 18th. The Winter Session ou the 17lhof November. TERMS I'ER SESSION OP 13 "WEEKS: For Boarding, Washing, Furnished Koom, Fuel and Light, and Tuition in all the regular studies uf the Collegiate Deprrtuient, only Jfi2 74. A liberal beduclion made iu iiivor of the Daughters of our Soldiers. For further particulrrs, or Circulars, apply to S., l'riucipal, Sehnsgrovt, August 6, 1801. iiiuoa. THE IIED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Boulton's.) MARKET BTItEET, BUNBURT, PA. JULIUS ARBITER, HAS taken this old and well known stand, and refitted and furnished the same is prepared to accommodate Boarders and Travelers with the best the market oan afford. He hopes by strict attention to business to receive a share of public patronage. His TABLE contains the best the market ntlordj. His Bar is tilled with tho choicest of Liquors, both Malt and Spirituous. The stabling is good, and attended by careful Ostlers. Sunbury, April 30, 1R64. ly C3-. W. HATJPT, Attorney unl CouiiMcIlor nt I.av, Office on south side of Market street, four doon west of E. Y. Bright A Son's Store, STJTM-B-rjRY, V ill attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his oure, the collectiou of claims iu 4,u, ,uuuiueriucj intl toe adjoining counties Sunbury, May 23, lt0J. ly Look at the Returns ! WM. H. MILLER, Market Square, SUNBURY, PENN'A , JUST received from New Y'ork and Philadelphia a fresh supply of ths latest styles and of tht best quality of BOOTS AND SHOES, for Men, Women and Children, which lie offers at reduoca price, Women's Shoes at $1 M. All bis good stock WARRANTED. No Paper Shoes sold at his stort. 1 Ht will also wholesale Boots and Shoes by tht box The public generally art invited to call and tx amint his stock. Sunbury, Oet. 22, 8At. TAIarlcs for 14) An atsortraent tf Pia jlj wim mr iniij, oi wits stvltt and silt. Alto, Cap, Nott and Letter Paper, lor salt by ewVary, St. 1, 188 1110 Aslrem'tj k2iki-ai CompuinT, GIVE NOTICE that they kavt concluded ar rangements with Uit Northern Central Kail road Company to run trains from Baltimore for York, Ilarrisburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevor ton, Sunbury, Northumberland, Lewixburg, llilton, Muncy, Wil. hamsport, and all intermediate stations, connecting at Hnrrisburg with the GREAT WESTEHN EX PHESS fur 1'ittsburg, Ciucinnali, St. Louis and tht Went. Alio wifli Howard A Co. 'i Express at Milton or Danville, Bloomsbtrrg, Wilkebnrre, Pittston. Scran ton, and intermediate stations on the Cattawissn, Lackawanna A Bloomshurg Railroads. At Wil liamsport, by Howard A Co.'e Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Al, by Howunl A Co., and their connections for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Mngnra, and to all accessible points in Western New York nna tunuda. ly wtucn they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Noses, ewelry, ana vaiuuuie i-acuagcsoi every ucscrip- Uon. Also, rotcs, Drafts and Hills Tor Collection. Exncrienced and efficient messengers emiiloytd, and every effort will be tuade to render satisfaction. JU11.1 111.'I1V.1, Superintenlent Pcnn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for sunbury. April i, 1SG2. ISOi. ArrniiKciiivuta ISO A, oi" !Vw York I.lnc. THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. Profit PhilaJtlphia to New Yort anil llray Placet from 11 ulnut street Wharf anil Kensington Depot, will leavs at follow, ft f fahbj. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and j. iveeuHiinuutiuoii. f At 0 A. M., via Camden and Jeney City, N. J., Accommodation, 2 2i At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) t Of AtBA. M.,via Camden and Jersey city ?d Class Ticket , . J H At 1 1 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, , Express f? At 12 M. via Camden and Auiboy, C and A. (Accommodation,) , 5 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Express,) S Ot At .'I P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash, nnd N. Y. Express 3 Of At (5J P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mnil.) J 0C At 114 P. M. via Kensington and Jancy city, Southern Mail. . ' S 06 At 1J (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Soutneru Express i OC At P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Accom modation, Freight and Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 JC Second Class Ticket, 1 24 Fer Water Gup, St oudsburg, Seranton, Wilkes. haire, Jlontrose, Una; Bend. Ac. at 0 A. M. fnim Kensington, via Delaware, Luckavckuua and Western Railroad. For Muuch Chunk. Allcntown, Bethlehem, Deli- dere, Eastern, l.anibcrtville, Fleiuingion, Ac, tti a A. M., from Kensington Depot, uud ut 21 P.M. fiom Walnut strcot Wharf. (ihcti A. M. Lino connects with Trains leaving Eu-rtou fir Maueh Chunk, ut a-20 P. M.) Fur Mount llcjlly. at U A. !., 2 and 4 P. M. lor Freehold, at it A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINKS. For Bristol. Trenton. Ac, at 11 A. M. and 2i and 4 r. -it. Irnui Kensington, For Palmyra, lliverton, I'elanco, Beverly, Bur lington. I loicucc, ilurdeutowu, Ac , ut 12, 1, 2, 44 und ii I'. M. I V 1 "f York, and Way Lines leaving Ken--':iginii Depot, take the Cars on Fifth struct, uoore Walnut, half an Incur before departure J'liu Curs run into the I -. t , und ou the i.nival of each i'raiu, run IVoui the Depot. Filly Pounds of Baggugf ouly. allowed eaeb pit-irnger. 1'a.ssengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggnge but their weariugiippand. All baggage o' i-r litty )iotiucls to bu pai'l for extra. The Company li'oit their resiisibili!y lor bagago to One I'olitir cer jtonnil, unci will not bo liaiilu l.crauy amuuiit beyond $l'.lu. except by Siec:ial eoiitraet. VM. II. UATZ.MER, Agent. January 17, 1S01. WM. KNOCHB. (IS MARKET STREET, HARIUSlitRG, PA., Deulcr iu ..PIANOS. NEW Rosewood 1' utiles, from tho best makers from f lint upward. ,Mi:i.lil-;i.S. Tho bcit manufacture! Instta. incuts, from f 14 to $ k'O (iuiturii, Violins, Acc.irdeons. Flules. Files, liruius. lianjos, Tambourines, Violin and tluilar strings and musical mer chandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. The lateit publications always ou hand. Musio lest by mail to unv purt of the cuuutrr. OVAL, syl'AKE. UILT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES. .-'nit.:,Lle fur looking ghia-es, and all kinds of pieturti iUuu;i ou hand. A fine assortment of best plate i I.OOKIXtl U LASSES fr.mi suiallcst to largest lists Any style of fiautu inudo to order ut the sliortus notice. WM. K.Vtn'llK, April II, l'C3.0w Marke t st., ll.urisburg. Confectionery, Toy ud FETJIT STORE, C'OKFIXTIONKUV OF ALT. KINDS!, TOYS OF KYKUY Dl'SCUIFTION FKL'IT, fcr... &c, C CONSTANTLY on hand nr. I fir fulo nt the abnv J establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason ublv prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Ciaiff.-tionanr to keep up a full assortment which aro sol i til 10, rates. Tohncco. Segars. Stationery. Nu'si.fall kinds, an. a variety of other articles, all of whijh are ufl'ert wholesale ami retail. 'V Rcuiciuber the nume and plnoo. r-1 , M. C. (iEAIillAIIT. Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son' store. Sunbury. Sept. 19, ISM. tf U. M. Lauiix. A. M. Sallsh IMPORTERS WINES AND LIQUORS. I.AI M l A SAI.I.AIli:, No. 12S South Ninth Street, between Chesnut au Walnut, PHILADELPHIA. May 7, lbfll. .lAssicic's iMn:vr i ivk jm WK i'iti:i:xt:ie : As Improvad for lrtiil and lSfiO, E. KETCHAM i CO., 2'j Pearl St., New Tori riHIE only Froeier eonstructeci on scientific jirir 1. ciplcs, with a revolving can and spring blud scraper. Tho one hastens the freezing of the crcum the other removes it as fust ns froicit The most rapid iu freezing, with the least nuanlit of ice. The mr,t economical in cost, as it is the mostsimnl and durable in structure. For sulo iu all tht principal cities and towns in th Union. Each Freezer accompanied with a book of resist and full ,li,.f.t;,,..a PRICES. S quarts, 4 quarts, A quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts, $3 Ot 4 Ut 00 t 00 ft 00 ZV Quarts, Apply to IT. B. if ASSPTt e..i 12 00 March 2V, lfcoj. ' PENSIONS, BOUNTIES AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. CJ B. BOYER Attorney at Law, is duly author k. I zed and lioensed to collect IVimioiiM lioiiulit-Hiiud llai k In for Widows, Or pliaiii t end Soldiers. Office in Market street, opp. site W caver s Hotel, Suubury, Pa Jauuary 10, 1SC4. ly ICE CHEAM FREEZERS. A Nw supply of Masske's Kive-Mim rs rasa J.X. tr.u, received from New York, for sale by unbury, May 21, 64., 11. B. MASSE II. OxouaslIiLL, Siuon P. WoLTaaros HILL & WOLVERTON. Attoritvya nnd Ceuusrloi's nl Office, Market itreet, eor. Centre Alley, 43tJrsTI3XTR"V, FA.. "ITT ILL attend promptlcy to the collection of tlaim and all other professional business intrusted fc tkuircart iu Northuniborland andadjoiningtounUts Sunbury, January 23, lrtfij. E. O. QOBI2ST, Alloruey uI Couaiellor nt Law IIAREISBUHO, PENN'A. WILL carefully attend to eolltttioas aa4 al other matters tntruited to him. it tkttoutela ef Dscpbit, s-'orthumbrvrluil tti gsvdn. 0 1, iSfi ly