grijc rgimtmrg American n. fc. MA83EH, Editor ft Prwvjrksfcr. -JWILVfiRT, Publish!1. SATUnnAV, MAY 20, 1805. . wig ATcibuncii, . nn in uucouai suit respectable citizen of Mifflin uurg, l n, committed suicido on Saturday rning, the Cth Inst, by cutting his throat razor. Ho went to his hay-loft in tuo morning at about 0 o'clock, took off his .oai, iiat, mul cravat, hiid down and then .committed the deed. Two gashes were iimcic, one of which severed the jugular vien men must have caused death almost in stantly. N0 cause is assigned for the act. " " 1 - - 1 'tt fc?A bou?0 lias been fisrnr...l Jr M ashmgton city, belonging tooMrs.'Crcene, mined and furnished with underground apartmcuts, manacles nhd all the accessories I-nvato imprisonment. The plan had .,"lln .crr' to kidnap the President and .other .ceding men und imprison them in vVatf.ington. ocal Affairs. . Clones to ScBscainens Athr8rstyeartf -u""MKn oi ui AKKAicAit under the present ( termi will exptro In September, it may be well to remind subscriber thdt fifty cent! eao It saved by paying within tho year. tp'LosT On Thnrsdny morning Iiint, two Five Dollar bills on the Bauk of Northumberland, which wore dropped somewhere in (lie ilroott if Punbury. A reasonable reward will bo givonfor their recovery by leaving thorn at this office. lj?"A powder-mill In tho neighborhood of Trevor ton, exploded with a tremendous report, on last Wed neiday night, about 11 o'clock. The effect of the explosion was felt n distance of eight miles t'The Dedication of the Prhylerian Church, In Shnmokin took place on Sunday last in the pre sence of a lurgc Congregation, riwrniblcd to witness the solemn ceremonies. Dr. Wnlsen delivered a very impressive sermon suitable to the occasion. Rov. .1. 1). Waller delivered an interesting discourse on the evening of theniuie day. The citizens ot'.Shamohin, are indebted to the Rev. Tiawn for the improvements in this now handsome etrcicture, the co.-t of which amounted to about $3000. About $SC0 wcro raised during iho day of the dedication. fir'The Northumberland County National Bank at Mnuiu.kin has declared dividend cf four per cent for the Iu;t six months. rp'Tna Statu Fair. The State Agricultural Fuir is to bnhdtl at Wil.inmsport on iho 2iith, 27th, 23th and Soft orrept. next. This will mako it con venient for aH iUm ilrjiHug to ndend iu this vicihi-tj- tiA Fish Stout, bi t a Tnt-p. Omk. Some days since a Bald-Eagle was obrerved to pounce upon a lnrye n.-h in tlio river, below the dnin. The bird succeeded by hard struggles in getting his prise to the shore, when i,e was driven from his nntiotpated feast, by soluo individuals. It proved to be a shad weighing five pounds. Last week, a Bald-Eagle managed to get a large salmon on the shore on Yea ger s Island, near (ieorgetown. tf.imc individuals interfered nnd rescued the kh, which when dressed weighed ebjht pounds. UP Soiue oho who wants to swindle (he publie or the "green ones" ol the community, sends us the following advertisement, promising to reward u' witu a "California Diamond Urea! Vin :" T0 YOU WANT TO SKK YOtll Ft'Tl'KE JlfS- I J A. Mi wu II-J., enclopo 25 cents to Urooklyn, X. Y., and receive by return niuil a oor- rcct naeuies oi ncr. Cj? Tiik Itoesn IIoisr An Maciiimb Sitors, are ;rgressin- and will bcsooncomploted. Theslating C tho roof is now in progress. Mr. Ciimpbe:l, the :outractir, is nu entcrprLsng nnd intelligent me hanic. under whose suprrvWon tho work is construe el. We learn from Mr. Cunipbrll. that a lnrgo new juilding fur offices will be constructed near the dps. fiFTur. Kew CnriiT Ilncsi! The outer founds ion walls in front aro nearly up. On these walls here will be two courses of cut brown stone, three tet high, upon which '.he brick work will be com urnced. In the center of the ecllur there will be wo pirn!lcl stone nulls running the length of the milding, and arches will be sprung from the crou falls. 6'hori3Rissel is pushing the work vigorously nd promises to finish it by November. 1"5Ukxsvsos' Fot snnTAND MacuimS Shops. -A few days sinco, while in the shops of Mr. Ilcnny n iu this pluco, our attention was attracted to a irge cylindor on "no of tho hoavy lathes of the itulj!Ulitnct:t. reudy for boi ing out. It is intended ir u ninety horae-iwcr vertical engine, uow build lg by Mr. itmnyon, for tho Hamburg Itolling till Tbo cylinder, in the rough, weighsahout three ioii.'-iud pounds. The dinuictcr is 26 inches and the iF'.on will have a stroke of 41 inches. The bed Inte fur the engine weighs 7.600 pounds, and each of io two upright columns resting on il, 5,500 pounds, 'o also observed a massive casting. the center of je flywheel, tho entire weight of which, will be bout seventy-five tons. Tbesu heavy castings were iccesafully accomplished. The cost of the engine ill be f 9.000. 'Making Envelopes While in Philadelphia few wocksince, an old friend C. E. Spangler, tq., took us twitnoM the operation of new ma line for making A long sheet of paper put up in a roll at one end of the machine, which, i pawing through, is out, pasted end folded, when le envelope is taken up by the endless tapes of S .rge drum, fur the purpose of being gummed, after bich they full eut finuhed, at the rate of ninety cry minute, or about seventy thousand per day bene envelopes aro of a suporior style and quality ( id are told at tho very lowest rates by Mr. E. J., ponglor, No. 2 Forrest Place, back of South h'strect, Philadelphia, who is the sole manufacturer oder this patent. 'rv- gBATJ. The great freshet has not been with- it it benefits, rf the losses have been severe. It it, in some degree, overcome the ertifiaiul obstrue one in the river, so ae to enable shad to come up the ream. Some hundreds were caught in the Juniata jfure the late rise, and they are no doubt equally undant in the Susquchnnns. Some were caught low the dum at this pnico two weeks ego. A few lys since, several were caught in a small seine in enns' Creek near Solinfgrove, and caused no little scilemcut. They wero tithing for suckers and were rprised with shad, also, evidently "token in." ur old friend Wm. Gaugler, of Sclinsgrove, perhaps e moat experienced (had tsherman on the fcuKMie tnna, said whose love for the sport and excitement 'shad fishing, has never Sagged, under all the dif sullies of dams and bad legislation, and will only with the man, will enter fully into the sport this eck on Buyer's Island, just below th dam. Speaking of the largo shad of former days, Mr. augler (ays the small one were por milled to pass trough the seise. The uesbe then were mode lis id a half to seven inches, now they ore reduced to urand a half inches. At that time (had weighing felre pound were frequently taken. It wa prin pally through Mr- Guij!er' exertion that tbtoot the lost legkdaluro wa pasted, ooajpelUij -tit to:iaot of th d9J ta tk river " eU t2 1 '! "J ! s'r'saj f ITm Dounrnc Mabst, aid lltos Paioa. 'h oontlnued high prios of marketing In fill place is beooining oppressive, and a number of Out oitiicnt hare roggeited and resolved to tank an effort toreliovt themselves from this feoesiv anfl truly odious taxation. One of the mode iuggostci Is to eroet a mnrkot bouse, Sot tho old fashioned market stalls, but a good Vitildfng of th Meilorn tvl of market houses, ana compel tfcw sale of pre visions, Ao.. la public as Is done In oltlos and ilbor largo place. Tins wonld take ino natter or regit lating prices out of the htoda of morchants, who na turnlly tx price's to suit the. trade. There Is not rtadow of reason why this town should pay from id tolOO per ocnt. more for buttor and other articles than Is paid at Harrisbnrg, as will to seen by th following artioo copied from the ilarrisburg Ttii' graph of the ISth : 'Tu Domestic MAtK3T yesterday morning ex hibitod still farther decline, butter telling at 20 ots per pound, with other things in proportion. But even at this rato. our domcstio markets are far from being in range of tho price of gold " AtSelinsgrove, we understand, butter is selling at 25 ct. Why it should bring 40 cents, five miles higher up the river is incomprehensible, and not in acoordunco with the laws of trade. Wo had hoped to see these matters regulated by competition, but as yet none of our traders hare ventured on a reform of monopoly prioes. C" Ca'erpillais are already making their ravages The most effectual mode of destroying these destruc tive pests is to crush in your hand or lingers as soon a they appear, and before they (rr ew and spread. !5?Tht? great Review of the troops is to come off on Tuesday and Wednesday next at Washington. ., t 7Pnit.ADKLrniA is talking of crcctintr a soldiers' home n comfortable place forcript pled soldiers. Wo hope she will, and wo hope also, that the rest of the State will con tribute to tho object, so that it may lc a building large enough to neenmmodute tho intumetl st'lcl-crs Of the btnte who may wish to go mere. Mansfield's Dispensatory says that most of tlie borsnpartllu ot the shorn is inert and worthless. Dr. Avca in his writings on this drug states that uot only is it inert as found the shops, hut so also are most of the preparations- fiom it, or bearing its name. lt shows, however, that this fact arises from the use of worthless varieties, or un- kilful preparations bv incompetent men; hat the true Medicinal Snrsapnrilla (Sarza Miiiiux oti.) ot the tropics, when treshlv itherud in thu bud. is one ot the most ef fectual alternlivcs we possess. Combined with other substances of treat alterative ower, like Iodine, Stillinjiia. Dock. Ac. it makes Aver u Comp. lxt. ot barsp., which we have reason to believe is one of the most OtTtnal remedies for humors, skin diseases and for purifying the blood whii-h ha ever et been lotiiid bv anvhodv. ISiimjjr (Me.) Mere nrg. Some ftit'.r or five weeks ago just S Gen. togcr A. Tryor was luaiiig fol- the south il parole, a ilistinizliished lienubliean eiider. a most influential man with Lincoln. nid to him: "Xow Trvor, vou fellows iust reo to conic buck, ami we will make Hobert E. Lcc next President of th3 Unitetl Sates.'' "Very well," said Pryor, "if you will agree to do that, we will come" back." Stranger things have happened. Doubtful. Mr. Ephraim Potter, of Wantage, Jf, J., has a breed of turkics of extraordinary size, some? of which, at one year of age, weigh thirty pounds. The fg's .weigh over five ounces cat'!!. President Johnson has record 'v had his life insured f-r J 0.000. His l.-.'tc illness arose from vertigo, which he has alwuys been subject. . NEW ADVERTliNTS. TAILORING. J. F. SCHAFFER, RESPECTFT-I.I.T Inform the eititens .of BUN DL'ltV and vicinity, that lie has opsnad a 'l'a Hoi-ins- Kiscp, in the room over Fnrnsworth's Grocery, nppoilt th Cental Hotel, Stinbury, where he is ready to make up garments of all kinds in the latest style and host workmanlike manner. Having bad exporience in tho business for a num ber of years bo hopes to render general satisfaction. Custom work is respectfully soMcttod. J. F. SCHAFFER. Sunbury, May 13, 18B5. ?m ."Vol Ice l Trt'SKiKiKkei-s, NOTICK is hereby given, that no person will be allowed to trespass en my property, on the Sliamokin Island, or to enter into any enolosure without permission, as tho penalties of the law will bo enforced against all offenders. $10 REWARD, will he paid for information that will load to the oonviction ot any such trespasser. JOST-PII BIRD. Shamokin Island, May 11, lS'.i. 8tn TAKE NOTXCn ! THAT J. W. i'K.U. A K. 1). MMI,EY, bav entered Into eo- artnerriip In the We can always be found at tho office of J. W. Peal, unless professionally engaged. J. W. PDAL A E. D. LI" M LET. 5unbttry. April 22, ISrij. 3m Mfiitc of the IlanU f ."N'ortliuiiibcr. Iunl, ln., !Hiy 3l, 1K03. ASSETS. I.ohus and Rills discounted, . $228,973 05 Certificates of United States Mint 100,000 00 United States 6-20 Loan, . . . 200.000 00 -' " Interest bearing Legal Tendon, V.OOO 00 " " 7-10 Loan. ... 28.900 00 10.000 00 6,070 00 1,500 00 . 350 00 4,78 75 73,119 93 .13,889 00 ,868 7 30,989 48 Penn'a. Loan (Six per cent. War Loan.) Rank of Northumberland Stock, Northumberland Bridge Slock, Telegraph Stoek, .... Heal r.4tato, Ae. Pue by othor Banks, ..... Notes of other Banks, and Lezal Tenders Cash Items, ..... Specie in Vault including Commonwealth opecie veruneaies, f 738,21 94 $315,15 00 14,337 22 18,000 00 130,773 15 LIABILITIES. Notes In eireulation, . . . Due to other Banks, . - . Commonwealth, Currency for Specie Certificates, " Depositors, - Northumberland Co.. Sct. $-181,235 37 I hereby certify the above statement to be just and true io ine nest oi my xnowieage ana neuei. 6. J. PACKER, Cashier, Sworn and subscribed before me. 1 Ex'L. Wilteht, Notary Publie. J bunbury, May 4th, 1S55. FANCY DRESS GOODS, .Tiisa A .X .1. I Two doors Wett of the Pot Office, 6UNBURY, IE1STNA.., HAS just received and opened a large assortment of Vane Dress Goods, such as Gloves, Jouvian Kid-glove, Silk and lisle thread Gloves; Ladies cotton Hose, Children' Merino Hose, Silk Mit, Ladies and Ueutlemen Handkerchiefs, Corset, Em. broidered Slippers, Ribbon FANCY DRESS BUT. TONS. Bugle olimps, Trimmings, Buttons, Belt Rib bon Velvet Ribbons, llraid, Bolt Clafp, Lldies Neck-tie. CRAPEhlBUON and TRIMMING Em, bruiderinK Braids, Jaconet and Swiss Edging and insertions; Multeese Lace Collars, Laees, Grenadine Veils, Block Veil, fancy Kress combe, Meats ire. cs, Nett, and a variety of other artiolc. Loekwood'l Paner Collar of a superior quality Ladies' Idnea Collars, a variety of Queen Elisabeth Collars, black and wane ituroe. Pioture Cord and Teasel. PH0T0OEAPH A1BTJM8 UDOK8 AND BTAtlONEBY, Monthly Tim Book, Drawir.g Book and State, Books, Hymn Book, Blank Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Book, Ink Blonds, fens, Pencil, An assortment of Paper, ink, Ae. Toilet Heap, Tooth-Broth, le. TOYS AND GAMES FOR CHILDREN, All of whi ah b beeo lot4 witi ear 4 wl) Suubur , My 13, 1S0S . 1865. 1805. M AMU OTH STORE. "r. v FBiLwci Sc. nox, V EG InaV tu call the attention of the publlo that X) they have just returned from the City with Tory LARQE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS! Consisting of DRY G00P3, Hardware, Queenrwar Cedarware, BOOTS & SHOES, Hosiery, Glove, Notion, Trimming, OrngrM nnd 4'hoinlrrilw, H1, I .n in pet andinfaotSVERYTniNTj GENERALLY KEPT I Country (Stores. W bonght our goods at the lowest Cash Prices and eoucuently w think we ean offer great in ducement to purchaser for Cash or Country Pro duce. The highest market price paid, for all kind of Produce. Give us a call. J. W. 1RILING 1 SON. Sunbur'y, May 13, 1S33. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. The sale of the first series of $.100,000,000 of the 1-38 Loan wa completed on the 31st of March, 1885. The sale of the second scries oi Thrco Hundred Mil " lion, payable three years from th lith day of June 1855. The lulo of tho second series of Thi-ee Hun dred Millions, payable three joaf from tho 15th day of June, 1305, wa begun on the 1st of April, In the short space of thirty days, over One Hundred Millions of this series have been told IcaviBg this day less than Two Hundred Millions to be disposed of. The intorest Is payable Bouihonnunlly in cur rency on the 15th of December ahd 15th of June by by Coupons attached to each note, fchlch are readily cashed anywhere. It amounts to One cent per day on a $50 note. Ttr ernt " " $lt)0 " T,n it ii a ijdo ' ii 20 " ' " $1000 ' $1 " $5000 " more and Mori: Desirable. The Rebellion is Suppressed, nnd tho Uovornmen, hn already adopted tuensttres to reduce expenditure, a rapidly ns possible to n peace footing, thus with drawing from market as borrower nnd purchaser. Thi U the ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now of fered by the Government, and constitutes the Great Popular Loan of the People. Th Seven Thirty Notes are convertible on the!. maturity, at the option of the holder, into t S. S'40 Six M'r t ent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Which are always wcrth a premium. I'l-ee from Taxiitiou. the 7. SO Notes cannot he taxed bv towns. Cities. Counties or States, and the interest is uot taxed uui ess on a surplus or the owner income exceeding ix hundred dollars a year. This fact increases their -aluo from one to three per oent. per annum, accord ing to the rate levied on other property. SUBSCRIBE QUICKLY. Less than $200,000,000 of the Loan authorised by the bi-t Cougre.' are now on the market. This mvunt, nt the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within two mouths, when Uie notes will undoubtedly commaud a premium, as as uniformly been the osss on closing he subscript tions to other Loans. In order that ciliiens of ever (own and section ef the country may bo aflbrded facilities for taking tho loan, tho National Banks. Slato Bunks, and Private Bunkers throughout the country have irencrallv agreed to receive subscription nt par. Subscriber ill select their own ngouu, in wnoui iney nave con lence, and who only are to be responsible for tho delivery of the noto for which they roacive ordors. JAY t'OOKI!, rnsrmrrtoir AoiiiT, Philadelphia. May 1st, 1S05. SrnscnirTiont will bi ricbitib by th First National Bank of Northumberland. First National Hank of Milton. Northumberland National Bank of Shamokin. Bunk of Northumberland. May 13, 1865. 3ni TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. T HIE subscriber 20 year a practical Piano Forte Manufacturer, ot As tors; City, nas perma- ently locatod in this section, and would roepectfull solicit orders for TUHINO, REPAIRING. AND HEQU' LATINO PIANO FORTES and MEL0DE0NS. The Subscriber is also the manufacturer' Aisnt for ciiickkrino son's, ii az i.eton mho's.. l1nueman a son's., william b. bradbury's, f.iuvaiid blwo.m field's, Mcdonald a co s, MA.-M l'Oll'l'Eff, And Carhart & Needham's and Teloubet' METjODEONS & HARMONIUMS, ' And L. 0. Stuart' Pipe ClIURCU ORGANS JAMES MoDONALD. Lloobisburg, Fu., April 29, 1805. THE partnership of Grant A Diet having been dissolved. Th undersigned have entered into partnership in the W bolcsale and Retail vonl and rhlpnlng Business under the firm name of GRANT unuiiifcii. Thankful for the patronage extended to us in the late Arm of 1'iiling A Grant, and Grant A Diet respectively, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the amo. W. T. GRANT, T. D.GRANT. Lower Wharf, Sunbury, Penn'a. April 15, Wi To Consumptive. Th undersigned having been restored to health in few weoks, by a Very simple remedy, after hav ing suffcrsd several years, with a severe long atfea tion, and that dread disease, Consumption ia oni lous to make known to hi fellow sufferers th mean of cure. To all who desire it, he will tend a copy of the pre eription nsed, (free of charged,) with the direetion for preparing and using the tame., which they wil And a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchi tis, Coughs, Col Is, Ae. Th only object of th adver tiser intending the Prescription it ta benefit the af flicted, and spread information which he eonceives to be invaluable ; and he hope every sufferer wil try bi remedy, as It wjll eost them nothing, and may prove a oiowpg. rtrtiH wishing m .prescription win pieu ad- drew Rot. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. February it), 1S55. 3m a7 j7weidener. 33 fioalli Kccond Htrert, between Market and Cbatnut StreeU, Philadelphia. Mannfaeturer of Coal Oil Lamp and Wholesale dealer in Ulnt rumniart, j'atent jar and Glassware generally. Dealer will And it to their advantac to examine oar dock and compare prioes before purchasing their good for th spring talat. W would eIl the attention of th puMie partiea larly to our NEW ETYLE OF PATENT JAR FOR PRESERVING T RCIT WnHOUT SUGAR. W ean refer to hundred of veepeo table nenon who put up peach and other fruit in our Jar loot season without th ue of Byrwn, and found npon opening that the Fruit retained it natural flavor, and in foot was Just lb tarn a when put into th jar. A. J. WEIDENR, no. on eoutn EXMina ctrew, rnuauaipaia. April 16, 18o.-4m Etjtato of Jonnlbnn Lher Atcd. NOTICE it hay Wa that letter of admtnl. trdion bavins; bean granted to the (ubeariber, on the estate of Jonathan Xesber, late of Jordan town ship, Kcrthumbarland County, Pa., deoeited. All poreoot indebted or requested to (aake tmmedlat payment, ood Uuee bovisg aUitMwill prest U fat ittlasi. TOBUS MILL, A4tsV. WuhlnjV. t7 , iyrU 1, 16fl. NEW GOODS I SPRING AND SUMMKU JUST OPENED ISAAC FTO1CA1T, " In Zetlouioyor' Building, opposite Ooarhars Con. foolionery Store, Markotstioot, BUNBURY, P., HAS Just opened a well eleotcd assortment of Uuods, which ho offers for sale at vcr low nri r FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such it Clotb., Cestl. more, Muslins, Sheeting, Ticking, Calicoes. le I.aines.ilk., Ginghams, Ao, Ac. 1 H.l'I'Hi tsaisl IMIu nf.r.,. Amm.l,: ... -. -.v.j uwviijjmuU, NOTIONS tfe VARIETIES. VjUTISIRI i ntr ni iiriatnrw uinvai 'iksnoj " n iu.i-, J.1IIVUH, tWUIIOIli. pU9pwien!, AookliM. Collim. ilaii(llircbis, Hair urusnen, ii)o;u Jrulic, 1' imcT liciid Urcwen, 11,1- Sllrffl. 1 1 .. C t. ' i I ft- !i A v r:iUiie?' irurtKa. Vn j ""i viituiuiw, votiuii-iNni, ooiijw, una numerous OtDGr nrli'.'lfJt tl.n lOrltMii In myinlirm IIARDWARII. juch as nails. , hinge nnd screws, door latches and kuuui, anu i nn.!-.!. I ol every Ucscription. Dyts, Drugs, P.iintu, Vnrniolii-s, Oils, Glns.s, i-uuy, ic., ivc. Quccaauni-c unil l:iNm are ot "''rj- UcNvriptiost. STOKE AND EAnTIIENWARE. An extensive Stock of GROCERIES. Coniposed nfSucnr, Coff. o. Ten?. Ticc, Corn-starch, Mol.i3c.i. Can.llon,, l irli, Chccso. Salt. Tobucco, nud Signrs. nEADY-MAUE CLOTHING. Alsv, SOOTS & QZOEG for men, women nnd children. All kinds of Country l'roduoo takin in exchange for tloodrt. jMiubury, April 22, 115. BREAD ! BREAD I ! BREAD ! ! 1 3STS77" BAEEBY. THE undermi;ned hns opened a Rakcry, on Mnrkot troi-t, eiunbury, Pn., two il.mrs west of Iho Post Olficc, where he will keep constantly on bund, -;i ISrp.-Kl, XwInt'lSftHss, Ktisikn, nndTEA-DL'NNa. All ki.i.Is of FANCY CAKES. Common Cil.-r Pr.!,rt. x l'ic-Nio Parties. Weddinsfs nn I Funerals, will l.n I supplied at the shortest notice. A good ns-orliiicnt will bo kept lip nt nil limes, hitinul icturcd-out of tlio best iiialeriul, and orders will be pi-ot'iplly attended to. IIo trust that liis friends and (he public generally will sustimi him iu this new enterprise, now greatly needed in i-Minburv. Ho tl'UKtH hi CMicrinnco in tbn bniii.i will .. tic hi in togive gui.vnd mti-lactiou to all vt'.m umy favor hiui with their j.airjiniic. , , , DAVID FRY. bunbury, April 22, ISO?. Important to linU'u-il ;llni. Hk A DU'.' AltTKnR Pit.lVosr At t.lM Jk !.' rU'Pi.'v 1 14th DisTiiicv, il.tniii.ioi itu, Pa., Aptil 17, ISiii! j Tho follow inn order received from A. A. M. Geo. cr.-tl's offi jo, is nubliiheu for the benefit mul guidance of all coiieeruifd : Uy order of V. II. PAT1 KRSON, Lnpt. nru I'm. Mur. llih Di'trict, Pa. A. A. PiiovoST,M.titsii.ii,(iENi:iti.'s OI'i-ti;R. ll.tnitisui itu, April 11, ISrtO. j dipt. VT. H. Pntttrson, ProVost Hlh Dis trict, Ilarri-'biirg, Pa. All men lirailed under the cull of December I!), 1804, who have not been forwarded to grheral ren dezvous, will be relented. 'J bis order duc3 uot upply totubstitutesiilre.idy ui utter od in. Signed, i:i,V. AV. HINK."!. Riiit- Oen. tr. S Vols., A. A. Pro. Mar. Gen. Official Conv : JNO. J. K PERRY, dipt. V.R. C. mil A. A. A. G. April 25M. 1B05. : ' rilLLIMERY O0Q3s7 BROOKS K O R E N II E I M , V.-UGLESALB DEALERS, No. 4.-II Markot Slroot, norlb side, PIIIADELPHI A, Have now open their usual hund.-ome variety of Ribbons, Bonnet Material?, Straws Jb I-'auey l!onnets, Ladies' A MUsls' lliit.i, FLOWERS, HUC1IES, LACES, and all othor articles reijuirid by tho Milllticry 'I'rmlc ! P.y long rkperienco nnd strict attention to this branch of business exclusively, wo flatter our.-ch cs that we can otiir induretnt-uts, in Vnb'ty, styles, Quality and mod, ruto pric not everywh'ero to ho tound. Tho uttontion of MILLlMERs nnd -Ml.U-C11ANTS is respect fully solicited. l:KfJ'urticn'ur attention jn:l,J ta Jilliug Orders. March i, 138a. 3ni. j. Uin.rtii: 9tvi-:. Enamelled Slate Mantel "WARE-ROOM, 033, CHESTNUT 61REET, PHILADELPHIA. Manufactory Tenth and Samson Streets. Table-Top, tier-Slabs, Bracket, Wash Stand Tops, &o.,4ic. Philadelphia, Jan 7885. tf mo froK xivix Ho.vwri s AND Millinery .'Goods! Jutt opened at the GRAND MILLINERY STORE, of ' SlisiM Jff. 1j, CiiisiSlor, Fawn street, two doors south of Shamokin Valley A Potlsville Railroad, STJ3STBXJH,tr, PA. HAYING purchased my goods at reduced prices, I em enabled to suit cheaper. The stock oonsists of BONN LI'S of every descrip tion for Spring and Summer. Muikern, end every style of I.uIi'), Mat), Ribbon, Flowers, Ladies Cans, Ac. Gloves, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Laecs, Veils, bilk, Grenadine and Mourning Veils, nutl numerous other notions, usually kept in Millinery stores, Call and see her stoek. f-uubury, April 21, 1865. 2m IMkNOlutlou ot lurlitc-i'kli2i. THE partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned in the Wuolosulo and Retail Coal and chipping business undor the firm name ef Grant A Diets, it thi day dissolved by mutual content. THUS. D GRANT, VALENTINE DIETZ. Bunbury, April It, ISta. , JEKEMIAH 6NYDER( Attorney A. Counsellor nt I.nvr. Oflio corner of Blackberry and Fawn Street, three door out of E. Y. Bright' Foundry, SI AIU ItV, l'A. Will ttend promptly to all professional bnslneat ntrusttd to bi care, the eollection of claim in Nor. tbumberltod and th adjoining countie. Consultation in Gorman and tugluh. 6nnbury, April 22, lt)8a !v SOLOMON MALICK, ATTORNET AT LAW, BUNBTTHf, Horthambeslojid County, Pa. OFJTXCB Is Eat ud of Weaver' Tavern, Market 6treet. ' -1 AH Vuslnee entrusted to hint will be carefully aci BnneMally attended to. Cosiultstton in th Eng 11 rh end Uermao laceu;). ubry, April 1, 1 SSI - GOODS FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU tot Non-BeUntlon or InconUnenee ef Urine, Infiamaa Uon or UlesrsUon or the Bladder or Kidney, Distase ef th Prottrat Oland, Orsv.l, Brick Dust Deposits, Dropsl at Swtlllnie, Org sale WMkne, Dsbtllty, ftmale Cos plaints, A. tlElLiMBOIjlD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Am Improved. IToso Wash Will radically exterminate from th krtni DIstotH krl- Ing from Habits of Dissipation, at Utttt txpnu$, lUtlt tr no cHang. dht, no tnconvtnttne or mxpontrti eomplsUly tuperieilloi thole vnptiaiantand 4angtrov rtmsdtu, Copabia and Mtrevy, in curiae tbeis dlnate. use heiTmbold's FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In all Disease of th Urinary Organ, whether tsdtttnf In kali or rsniL, from uhatevtr cans originating, and no matUr of fiow long itandtng. It It pleasant In It tost nd odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more strengthening than any of tho preparations of B irk or Iron. Those suffering from Broken Down or DiUeatt CoMtU tuUont,prccurttht Remedy at one. Tut Iteader must b awar that however slight may b th attack of th above disease, It it crtla ta affect hi Bodily Btalth, Mtntal Powtrt and ITajipinui. It no treatment It submitted to, Contumptlon or Insanity may ansu. All the bove diseases requlr th aid of a lluritt. HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUCHU Zs tho Great ZDiurotlo. IIELMBOLD' BIOBLT OOICIilTOATIO Compound Fluid Extract Sarfiaparilla, for purifying th blood, removing all dlseuti arising from excess and Imprudenc In Uf, chronic constitutional dl cue arising from an Impure state of th blood, and th only relisble and effectual kaoirn'remedy for th cur of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pain and Swelling of the Donee, Ulceration of the Throat and Leg, Blotches, Pimple an the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all sctly erup tions of the akin, and btautuVlng th OOtfrLOXlo. NOT A PEW Of th worst disorders that afflict manklni irlss from the corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all the dit coverlet that have been made to purge it out, none can en.ui In effect HSLitBOLD'3 COMPO UKD EXTRA CI OF BAR3APABTLLA. ItdUnae and reuovattl th Blood, Instlllt th vigor of health Into th system, and purges out the burner which make disease. Itstimutate the healthy function of th body, and expels th disorder that grow and rankle In the Blood. Such a remedy, that eould be relied on, has long been (ought for, end now, for the flrst lime, the publlo hero one en which they can de pend. Our spaco here doe not admit of certificates to thew lit effects, but th trial of a tingle bottle will thow to the tick that It ho virtues surpassing anything they hv ever takeh. Two tablespoontful of th Extract of SartaparUla, eddtd to a plot of water. It equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and One bottle Ii equal to a gallon of th Syrup of Ssrstptrllla, or the decoction at usually nude. The above Extract are prepared on purely (clenUfla principle In Facuo and embody the f ill strength ef the Ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will be a comparison of their proper-, ties with these let forth la the U. 8. Dispensatory. HOW TO USE THE &EMDt$ In liueatu t the Bleed. Ilumer en tho face, or any Bed every part ef the body, use Extract Sarsaparlll, ap plying to Pimple and all external Humor or Eruption the Improved Cose Wash. Use the Extract Buchu for all diseases requiring the eld of a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Organs, such ts Oonorrhcea and Gleet) In these use the Extract Buchu and Inject with the Improved Rose Wash. rjTnESB EXTRACTS RAVE DEEJj ADMITTED TO USE IX TUB UNITED STATES ARMY, and also are In very general use In all the STATE HOSPITALS AND rUBLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as In private practice, and are coaifilered a Invaluable remedies. IIEDICIHE DELIVERED TO AS T ADDRESS. Direct Utter to BKLMBOLD'S DRUS A CHEMICAL tTAREnOUSI, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, en to HELMDOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Dueribt Symptom in all Communication, SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Bewaro of Counterfeits! 3K pan HLK821Q' Taka no otter. 9H April 22, 1806 ly. J. R. IIILDUSH, On illy Kurvfjor, Couvfyancor AND JUSTICE OF Till: TEACH. Mi'inti. N rl!inilierlnnl Vuvnty, TVnrt'o Oflioe in Jni-kson township. Kngagenient can bo uiade by letter, directed to the above address. All Lu.-inc-i entrusted tu his care, will bo promptly attended in. April 22, 1H6S. ly Stt ET2C3 mVLSS JkTBLiIlle 9 9 (tatu HEIIR'S llOTKL.) Corner Market and 3d Streets, IlAUltlSCirUQ, PA. d'HK uttentkui of tho public is respectfully called to thi llut.d which is uow open fur the nccocunioda. tlon of guest. In Iho piut live uiouth during which time it Ijs been clracd the house has been thorough ly remodeled end repaired, until in point ol convent etico und comfort, its patrons will find it to own no superior. 'I'lte 1'vrullure Entirely .". Itnnms larger than are usually found in modern hotels. (Situated on the corner of two principal business trveui of th.i uily .but two and a huff squares frmii the ituil itoad ituput. The proprietor doti-nnined to pmt e no expense iu securing the comfort of his gueU und a favorable repututivu for Ilia estnblirl nient, he feels willing to trust it character to the judgment of hi patrons. HENRY THOMAS, l'roprietor. . January 21, 1M5, Hi: NX ZLUCt PURE LIBERTY LEAD, Vuopprevsed for Whitening. Fine Gloas, Dnrability Firmmt and liveliness of Surface. PURE LIBERTY LEAD Warranted to cover more surface fur sauio weight than any other Lead Try it and you wilt haft no other PURE LIBETY ZIN'C, 'elected Zino, ground in Refined Linseed Oil, un equaled in quality, always th same. PUKE LIBEKTY ZINO, Warranted to do more and belter work .at given (cat than any eth.ur Get tht Bat Manufaetured at PENNSYLVANIA TAINT A COLOR WORKS. Order exooultd promptly by ZIEOLEH Sc BMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glut Vialert. EST Etor Offloe, No 1ST Ndrth THIRD Street PHILADELPHIA. March 4, IZsttate of PerOItni Zerbe, 1ecl. TOTICE i hefeby given jthat loiters of admini l tration have been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Peroival Zeibe, late of Lower Mabonoy twp., Forthumberland county, Pa., deceased- All perton indebted te said estate or having claims againet th tame, arc required to prent them for settlement. TH08. IERBE, Adm. lower Mahuey rwf., W&rh 11, 18Sl.-t V KTT.TTTTi t? YTT) X fTI PTTnffTT A 8. A JACOB O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, And DoaTo'r fn CLOTHS, CASfiWJIEKUS, VESTING, &c. Ititvn Mriftt, stout It of tViuver'i Hotel, 8TJNTJB 3? . TAY??Mk8 "! oll,0,,, of Sunbnry nr,i Vicinity, Ml . lrtmeu i "o" "tttniC1 frm PM" Mta ,U" SPIUNG k SUMMER GOODS, OF KVIRY DESCRIPTION and QUALITT Aula, greatly REDUCED PRICES. His stock consists of Clothi, French Cloth. Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cassimores, Block Satin, Figurod Bilks, Plain and Fancy Camrimcre VL'tsTlNUS, which he will make up to order In styles to suit the taste ol customers, on thort notice, and the most reasonable terms. Any Goodt not on h in J, will be furnithod from Philadelphia by giving two duyt' notice. Uoods furnished by customers will be made up to order a heretofore. A howill employ none but experienced workmen, Eerion may roly on getting their work well done at is shop. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed, he respectfully eulicits a oonttnuanceof the tame, bunbury, April 14, lbi. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO THE LOVERS or in "W, rz m .33 TB TOBACCO & SESAH STORE. .1. II. KI.:tKK'..F:AII3-:,fa.i taken the fetore Room in Judge Wrlker building opposite the Red Lion Hotel, Market Hreet, io Sunhury, where ho will kuep constantly unhand an assortment ot tho Choicest Jlrimdi of TOBACCO, SEUAKS, SNUFF, &.C., AC. Look at the List Chewing Tobacco, Smoking Tubacco, Navy bailor s Delight, Killickinick, Cungreas, Lyuolil-urg, tipun 11,11. Danville, Cavendish, Yankee Doodle, ' Eldorado, Paul Pry, SulnOH, Idol, Planlitlt ih, Cut und Dry, Excelsior, bcraps. FIFES. Swoct Briar No. 1, Sweet Briar No. 2, Gutta IVicha, Ruservood, CarVcd; Itnmitntion, Bay, Clay. S K I) A It S . Servantesde llibana, OceuriBiid, ralelladb Cubn. Ftgum, Regalia, llor Club, Lu Regna, lieury Clay Agitlos, Alsoun assortment of Scgnr Citres-, T;bacco Bjios, Scur Holder?, l'jpo Stuuis, Tobuvcu Pouches, Ao. For Piano, Melodemi, Violin, Ouitar, Four Part Songs, Solos, Duetts, Chorion, die. SOXtl.b' by the Milliou. mcli us Union, Sentimen tal, Comical, Religious, Te.-ii i,inco .-songs, Aa. J. II. Ku'senttunbe, being a mtuiufuoturcr of Segnrs is rnubled to poll a first class nrliclo fur the price, cither holesnlu or Retnll. bunbury, April 15, IKii. " THE NINTH NATIONaTbANK."" OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL, f '.0,000, ('00, PAID IN, FISCAL AGENT OP THE UNITED STATES. And Special Agent j or Jay Cookt, Subscrip tion Agent, Will deliver 7 30 Notes, Fteo cf charge, by ex press, in all partd of tho country, and receive in Enymcnt Checks on IKew York, Philadelphia, and neton, cut-rent bills, and nil five per cent, interest note, with interest tu date of subscriptiun. Orders sent by mail will bo promptly tilled.. This Bunk receives tho accounts of Banks nnd Bankers on f iVoruble li-inis ; also of individuals keepin-r New Yolk nccounts. J. T. HILL, Cashier. J. V. ORVIS, President. March 4, Irtfi.'i. :tm a. vr. KiF.nLKit. ii. u. Cask SIEOLEB, & CASE, - ATTORNEYS AT LAWr SCNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA. Collections and nil frototalonat business promptly attended to ih tho Courts of Xurihumbcrlund and adjnininii Co'.luties. ( V Also, sp. ciiil attention, paltl to the Collection of 1 cnsior.s. iiounties and Back Pay for Widows Orphans and Soldiers iMinliury. .March If. ISfiS BRITISH PERIODICALS, Vii: THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conser vative. ) TUT EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig ) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Rad-sal THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEWaFrco-Chtiroh.) "nd DLACKvV COD'S EDINBl'Rtiil MAGAZINE, Tory The American Publisher continue to reprint the nr.ovu'iii.tncd periodicals, but as the cost of printing has doubled, the price uf paper trcblud, and tuxes, duties, license, etc.. lnrgoly incrca-tcd. they are oofu-pt-llcd to advance their terras aa follows ; TERMS FOR 1305. For any one of tha Reviews, For any two of the. Reviews, For any three the Reviews, For nil four of Iho Reviews, For Blackwood' Magazine, f 1 TO par am. urn. 7 00 10 0') 12 00 " 4 00 ' For Uli.ckwood and ouo Review, Fcr Blackwood and any two ol the T 00 " Rcviotts, 10 04 For 10 ackwood and three of the Reviews. Fur Blackwood and the four Re views, 15 CO The works will Le printed on a greatly improved niiulity of paper, and whilo noaily all American Peiudicall are eillier advanced in price or reduced in silo and very guucrallv both we shall continue Io givo fuilhlul cupies uf all mutter oonlaiucd iu the original editions. Hence, our present prion will be found as cheap, for the amount of niatlcr, furni-hed as those of any of the competing pwloJicaU in thi country. Compared will, the cost of the original edilious, which at the present premium oh gold would be attout $11)0 a car, our prices arc eX'TO liy low. Add to this the fact that we make cur nntiuul pay ments to the llriti.-h Publishers fur ea'ly sheet ai'd copyright in Gold $1 costing us at this lime (Jan., Ie, nearly fi iii) in currency and we trust that iu the scale we have adopted w shall be entirely juftiRed by our snb'cribors and tho reading public 'I'hj interest of these Period'cals to Anieticun rea ders is rather increased than dimini-thed by the ar ticle they contain on our Civil War, and, though sometimes tinged with prejudice, they uniy still, considering their great ability and tho din'creut stand points from which they r written, be read and studied wilh advantage by the people of this country, of every creed and party. TIIK FOUR REVIEWS FOR IMS. A few copies of theubove remain on hand, and will be sold at tb for the whole four, or $i tot auy otto. We also publish tho l-'ai'tiifr'rt Oisidt. By ITkxrv bl til-liKNs. of Edinburgh, and tlio lute J. 1. Norton, of Yule College. 2 volt. Royal Oo tavo. li00 png.-s nud Humorous Engraving. Pit ICE r7 fur Iho two volumes - by Mail, pott paid, td. LEONARD SCOTT A CO., Publishers, No. as Wulkcr Street, New York. February 4. Ibfli. 1 1.65. 105. Iliilnl-Iplila A. I!rle ICitllroud. nIlIS great line traverses the Northern aud North J. west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company und U operated by them Itu entiie liugili wiu. upeneJ fur passeuger and freight bufines. October 7th, J801 Tiiuo ol Put-enger trains at Suubury, Leave tctward, Mail Train, arrives JO !i P. M. Llu.ira KxpreM Train, 11. Hi " Lock Haveu Accommelation, 10. Si A. M. Leave We.taard Mail Train, 4 15 A M Kluiira Expret Train, 20 " Lock iluvcn Accommodation, 4 25 P. M. Paaeenger oars ruu through on Mull Train, without ehange bulb ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Bui ti more and Erie. Elegant bleeping Car on Mali Train both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and and on Elu.ue Ei press Train both wayt betweeu 'illiauisKrt and Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger business apply at iWlh and Market tit., Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company' Agent, H. It. Kindlon, Jr , Cor. 13th ana Jdark.l St., Phtladelphia. J. W. Reynold, rri. J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R , Baltimore. U. 11. lioraTuM, . tien'l Freight Agt. Philada. n W. UwiNtlSB, Qen'l Ticket Ag't , Philada. D. Purrs, Oeul Manager, Wllliataeport. Zte 31, lBSt MAGNIFICENT SALE. Mold mid Silver Vnt-lr.M, .lew dry Ac. ON THE ONK DOLLAR TL.VN. The enliro stock of 6no Gold end Silver Watch Manufactory, Two Imnwiw Juwelry Establish, menu, One Silver Plating Warehouse, One Gold Pen and Pencil Maker, to bo disposed of with dispatch without regard t-j C06T I The Gonds arc of fofhlnnahle styles and most ex cellent workmanship, end are sooi itiood in this man ner tu relieve the prop) iutors froni einbarrassmont ocoaaiuncd by a distracting civil war. It should be prominently ttated, also, that they are mostly of AMERICAN MAXUFACTt'ltTC nd therefore ijreatly sypecior to 'ha goods Imported from abroad and hawked aUcut a." the cheapest aver sold. The timrrte duty nn imported foods', and thil h'gn premium on Uotd (all foreign bills ore psyablo in gold,) amount to inoru Ihott the ei.tno cost nf many of tl, aiticlmi offered by us to the publij. To laoihtate the sitlo ONLY ONK DOLLAR will bo ch.irgu.l for any arliclo en our nt. and thi sum the purchaser need not pay until be knows what be is to got! This plan aocurds wltb the ttiethod rOTiilly become so popular fur disposing ollargo stock of Jelwelry agd similar production?. TIIF, PLAN IS BI.MPL;' The tame of each articln offered f.r siteas 'Onld Hunting Watch," "Gold Ovnl-Pnnrt Bracelet," "Pearl Breastpin ohd Ear-Drops,'' "Cold En.imolli. I Ring," Sliver Plated t ake Basket': ic, iswrittelt on a cui-d and enulcsed 'n a sealed feirYelope; theso envelopes nie then pNcod b a tlrnver tind well mixed; then na an unlor ia received, with twenty. five cents for return postage And other cliurm-s, otin of the cards ev certilicatoo ia lakuu at random anil sent by PM nail t the customer, wfo will reo ut once what he can get for one Dolh r. It he is pleased With his fortune .he enn furwnrd the money accor ding to diiections m, tho certificate and secure the priic. If the article awarded should bo unsuited to t:ie nuVchew ns lor exatnplo, a set. r,f Pearl Ear Drops nnd Breastpin to a young man ho could not wear thitui, and had no one to give thetn to we wilt send any oilier article on the ontiilogne of equal price which may bu profeired. Or if, for any rea son, you chootc to Venture no further, thon you can let the mutter drop where It is aud spend no more. Examiuu carefully our Cutuloguo ! WATCH DEPARTMENT. .TI0 Oonb!' Pat. Lever Gold lluntiNii-T " "onis J'otacu d Lever t'vl'i lit. Caae 40 - 400 Gents' tiwii-s Gold Jlnulinif Cno .111 - 2nd Ladies' Gold r-d tinamel.-d Ht. Caso .30 - 400 Urnta' Patent Lever .Silver Hi. Case ' - 4110 Gents' Det. Let cr Silver Ht. Case 30 - 300 Gents" Dct., Lever i ilvor Open l aco SM - S0O Gchts' Pntetit Lever Silvur Opeu-l'aco2i - 3'JO Getim' .Swiss Silver 18 - JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. 175 ion HO M S5 j 60 40 200 Diamond Rings flO lo$120 ..vv j;uin j'liiiuonu nn mJ Sl'Oll Gents' Cnlilorrin Diamond Pin 3 H'JOO Gents' Ca'il'ornla Dlniur'-ti-i Uiligt J - SOi'O Geiits' Cold nnd Enam. Fob Chain 3 - 40U0 Gents; Gold Vest Chains 5 - 4000 Pair Gents' Gold Sleovo Buttons 3 -4uu0 Pair Gent.-' Gold A Enam. eloeie Bt.4 - BOt'O .Sets Gents' Gnl l Studs S Bono Gents' Stone Sot and .Signed Rings 3 - l''C 15 1J 40 40 10 10 t) 13 1ft 5 in 11 15 30 8000 Gonta' Stone Set A Sig. Ktiam. Rings 4 - 6000 La.lies' Gold Nc-fc Chains j - i -e -6 -e - 4000 Gold Oval' ii.nd liraceleUi COtiO Gold and J.-t Brnc leti SOOO Uold and Enameled Brnielcli 8000 Guld CliiiU-lnin Chnins itWO Pair Ladies' Guld Sloov'o Buttons .i 4000 Pair Ladles' G.'M Enacrt Slnevo Bt. 4 - 10 eOOO Solitaire Gold Brooches 3- It 6000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brnoohos 3- 12 5000 Guld Cameo and Pearl Ear-Drops 3 - 8 7UC0 Atonic, Jet Luvo A Florantiue E.-D.3 - In 0'i0 Gold Thimbles 5 10 10000 Coral, Op il and Emerald Ear-Drop 8 10 11X100 Miuitture Lockets .4-10 101100 Miuiattno Locket magio sprinrf . 8-' 25 10000 Plain Gold Rings - 4 - 11 10000 Set Ladies' Jewelry, Ooid an-1 Jet 5 - 10 10000 Set Ladies' Juwelry,Curneo, PearlAo.i - 10 10000 Ladies' Gilt end Jet BraceloU 4 - 11 10C00 Ladies' Gilt and Jut Hat Supporter 2 - 11 SrtVER PLATED WARD,' 10000 Cup " ' - W to f 8000 Goblet ' JO lo in 20 39 20 t 8 0 15 Si 25 1 0000 Pair Napkin-Ring 2 - 2000 Card Baskets' - 4 - 3000 Cake Basket . 5 - 4000 Castor Fi ainot oomplete with Bottleio - uuu ice i-itcners su 6(100 Fair Butter Knives Soup, Oyster and Gravy Ladle 1000 Engraved Pin Knivo - 1 -1 - 5 -8 -7 -3 - 8000 Dozen Tea Spoons Cl'OO Dnten Tubl.i Spoons f or amen er doieu liiiOO Doieu Iiessert Forko ter duten 6000 Doi' u Tublu I'orki pordoiun OOI.D PENS AND PENCILS. 12??0 Gold Pent, Silver Extension Holders 53 to S 10 12000 Gold Pfiis, Silver Mounted .Voider 2 - 8 Minn l?old Pens, Gold .Mounted Uoldora 3 - 14 0000 Gold Teus wiihGold Ext. Holders 10- 25 6000 Gold Pens. Guld Holders uuil Penoilt 10 - 30 6000 Gold Pencils 6 - 2C REMEMI'ER IUB PLAN ! In (.11 eases we chnrgo for forwarding the Certifl catu, postage, und doing the busitio;, the suut ol twenty-five Cents, which must be enclosed in the or der. Five Certificates will bo itr.t for $1 : eleror for f2 ; thirty for ii ; tixty fir'j i'.-r S 1 0 ; on baud red for 1 14 AGENT.- Al'.E WANlliD Throughout the Country to operate for tit. A larg. Compensation will be paid. Send fur teiuit, iu euclosiug ilauip. NEWBORN A CO., T FuRon Slitot, 7 T April 1, '6J -S. SCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS FOR BIOK HEADACHE, ttst KIniptoni Cause und Cure. This Imsroeeivud iti name from a cont'aut nause or ti.-ki.o at the atomuli, which atlends the pain i the This bcaduche il apt to login in th mcrning on wuking frot'i a deep slit p, and who oiut- irregularity of diet has becu c .tnmittc j on th duy befo-e, or i.meti ire's f t several d:iy, pruriuu Atfirst ther is a J:jtrcssi..gly cjpri-ssive feeling 1 the head, which gradually merge into a sever heavy pi'.'u ia th tcii.plej, frc-iuently attended by tenso of fulln&u uid tenjciuesi In one eyo, and - tending across the furchcud. There is a clammy, ui pleasant taste in the tnuuti., an ufiousivo breath, on the tongue covered filib a yellowish white fur. Tt sufferer dw'tres to bo uluce lu tho dark room. J tuuu us t!ie putieut feels the fulluetd lu the bead an paiu In the temples, take a large duse of Schcnk'l Mundruke Pills, and in au hour or two they will fo as ell as well at ever. This hat bcea tried by thoi suuds, aud itulwayt lure to core, and instead of tl lick headache coming on every week or ton da' they will not be troubled with It once in thr mouth. Scheuck't Mandrake Pills ere competed uf a uur bar of roots besides PoJohiuiu, or eoncentrat. Mandrake all of which tend to relax the lecrcttu uf the liver, aud act more tuau blue pill mercury, and without leaving any dangerous eHec In a bilious persvu they wiUihow themselves by t toolj. TLey will exj-cl worths, iuucui, tile and . . murbid mutter from the system. In sLk heodoch if they aro takeu as directed abvove, (a full duee loon a they feel the flrst (ymptoml uf it Dr. &ihen will und hot directed hit agent tu return the luuu if tbey do not give perfect satiifaoliou. If a irsou bur been compelled to ty out lute night and drink tto much wii., by taking a dole pill ongoiug tubed, next morning be will feel though he hud not drank a drop, uuUst he furg' toga to bed at all. Ibey only cost 2S cent a box. Whoever take thein will never uie tny other. They are wuitn a duller to a tkk man fur (very they cost. Duut forM th nsnie SciliCK't Mxvds Pill. tkild wholesale and retail at Dr. Scbenck' Prin pal Office, No. 1J. North 6ixtb ttrect, Pbiladelpl aud by Druggitt ohd tortkepjs generally. Price fur Pulmonic fiyrup, seawaed Tonio, tl 60 per bottle. V to the half duten, er two b tie of Syrup an) on of Tonic, for 13 Ti. Dr. Bchcuck will be at 6u oftee, Ho, 11 2o Bixth Street, Philadelphia, vry Saturday to i palienU. He make no hrg fur advice, but lb through sxatuination of th lung with si Keep! meter, he charge 3. March 18 18 V IF Tu 'Vtiil food Xin-t are, fu tv tMI1l WM iER'6 Nw hoj,.