UlPSTJl'-gSUl I n 1 n bum. Qrm. B. 9mrat , SMITH &, GEITTHER, rket street, ot door (out of Mrs. UouHon't Hot' Havs opened ANEW TIN -WARE, SUeot Iron rinil Kioto Store, null Intend keeping constantly on hand, and menu- fncturinr to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of Ml descriptions. A Large Stock of Cnuk Stovesorthe Mle-wlng Brands WILLI A BI PBNN ! find on the fallowing two Brands we defy omptl- lion, namely - C'omMiuilion iinn Humor, Cook. UoTornor IVmi Cook. unsurpassed fur beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining chenpnc- and durability, unit each stove warranted to perform what they ate re presented ALSO. TAHLOH unci OFFICE STOVE. In (front variety, embracing nil tho best manufactures, and most fashionable deigns Also. The celebrated', GEM for heating up end (own stairs. Also the celebrated VTt.CAN HEATER. Coal Oil, Conl Oil l-iimp. Xlunlesj, Cliimuirsi, nnsl nil nrlirlrn ann.nnllv kent in nn esta Uishmmt of this kind. We erealso propnrcd to do ell kindsof Spouting. Hoofing. Range nud Furnace Work. Ons Fitting, Ac. Repair Id ir cheaply find neatly executed. Country produce taken In exchange el market fries. SMITH t uEXTnr.n. Have the Anev for DIBITS CELEBR ATED FIRE PEACE STOVES, fur the Counties of Nortkuiuber. lend, Snvdor, Vnion nud Montour. Ardaronlso neetile fur the Fipher A Wlllower lint. .eTrnnsporta'ion. Eun. ury.Pec. 3, ISM. CLOTHING FOR ALL ! ! AT COST XENTAL CLOTHING BAZA A R . Corner of .iJiirlie4 flqunre Ss Itntl. IKonsl Street, BUNBURY, PENN'A. JVST.OPENED, WINTER STOCK 07 READY MADE CLOTHING, flf the. newest stvlcs. cut bv ttt best Artists, trimmed and miide equal to eustsin work, and sold at the owest prices. IIcu and Hoy's) Clothing of the best ma serial consisting; of Press Coats. Frock Coats, Sake Coats, Pants, and ests of various colon and quali lies. GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATS & SHAWLS. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, ifh as SbirK Orer-sliirts. T'ndershirts, Drawers, CnHr.rs. Cravuts, Neckties, IlBBdkerchicfs,i:lockiin;s, Cloves, le. llntn nnd Cnpsi of nil lcinl. BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALIST?, UM- Rn.T.AS, and NOTIONS of all kinds, and nume. tews other articles. The publie are invited to eall and ezamlno his I'ock. Htciember the place. "Continentnl Clothine Store," Corner of Market square and the N (.'. H . it LEVI HECHT. Bunbnry, Dee. 10, 18S4. The Coniplrlo, IoulIc-.ctin-j Seir sepsirnt in-- NT"VT OTTPT T Tr I I ATKNIIP, AUGUST lad, ll4. Tnif ?fcllsr is the only ore that shells the Corn perffctW clean frcin the Cob whn green, sonk ed or dry. Jt gives the Ear a double operation on the Shelling Wheel as it passer, through, and sep. fates the Cob from the Corn Completely, rendering it at once fit for market w ithnut the use of the funning tsill. This machine shells a Batf Bushel of Ear to (he finu!t ly Ordi nary Hand Purer. . . ati4 esn he iied. also. ly Hor.-c, Steam or Water Power by attaching a Tulley on the Crank Shaft. For Durability, Cleanliness. Nentnes Cheapnrss and Rapidity in Shelling, this Machine cannot be equalled by any other. TATE ANDCOUNTV RUHITS FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. SsFTtr.nrrr : If you want your corn Shelled lean ; if ytu fnve occasion to shell grern or damp eern ; if you want your corn and cob separated; if yon want a durable machir e ; if you want a cheap shelter, buy Ihe Complete, Double-Actirg. Self-Separating Corn Shelter. REFERENCE? : IT B. Ms-er. Dr. J. W. Teale .unbury. Charles Haas, Miller, Samuel I.essi?. Heading. . 1. Morgan A Co., fieo. Weiser. L. Augusta. Millers, Sunbury. Sol. Marti Farmer, Henry I.cisrnring, Hear Gap. C. Albert, (ieorgetown Manufactured and for Sale at the Foundry of JViJiltUACH t COOPER, Sunbury, Pa. Punburv, Dee. 3, 1XH4. fm , . . , ., OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to spes.lily res'ore V sight and give np speet.if Is. without aid of jss'er or medioine. Sent Ly mail, free, on receipt flSeents. Address, E. D.FOOTE, M. D. Tebrnary 4. 1F5 Pm IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OF LVEIiYTlIINO relating to the humnn system, male an 1 female; the eaue end treatnient of diseases; the marriage cuatoms of tne world ; how to marry well and a thousand Sings never publi-hed before road the revised nnd enlarged edition of ''MF-mcAL C'omkos Sr.SF. a nrious book for curious people, and a good book lor everyone. 400 pages. 100 Illustrations. Price f 1. 50. entents table sent free to any address. Hooks may had at the Hook stores, or will be sent by mail, sestpaid on receipt of the price. Address E. P. F001E, M. D I i:v Rroadwei, New Terk. f ekraary 4, 115 8m cj v r k i .Ti u IMPERIAL 13fjotogtrapfj (Citcllcrtrs, es. ?3, 70 and JOfl ARCH STREIT, PU1L ADEIiPHIA. See. 17, IV4.-0B li'.tminticitnl IColrl, 141 ewW 157 Broadway, Corner I'ranUm ftrrrt NEW YOHK. rpniS flrstelaas House the most oulet. homelike I I . . Klltl lUrivniH UOt?l IfT IDS SI fx.f.rl OT,i,ri..v Inducements to those visiting New 'York for business er pleasure. It is central in iis locution, and kept on 1 the Ei-uoi-caa Pus. in connection with Tavi.oh s 1 Jaloo. where refreshments can be had all hours, j er served iu their own rooms. The charges are mo- derate, the rooms and attendance of the first order ! kaihs, and all the modern conveniences attached. i Oct I, W.I. TIIE EVE ind EAU To i he IVoi.le J NOW P.FADT. i Work by Dr. VOX Mn.'CllZlSE ER, ff 5. JoJT Wtlnut Street, Philadelphia, enliiied A sous run rus r roil a, Pa the following Diseases: EYE and EAR Diseases : THROAT Discuses iu (iencral ; L'lrrgvisrn't ai.d Publie Ppeakers- Sore Throat; Diseases 'of the Air Paasague, (Laryngitis, Dronchitis.) j A alii sun nail 4'ut.irrli. I ThU hook is to be had at No. f (l Chesnut street 1 Pbilaaelphia. and of all Booksellers Price fl And from the author. Dr. Von Moschsisker, who ' an oe eoosuuea on an these maladies, and all Ner us Affeelions, whieh be treats wilh the surest sue. ,ee- V,'" w'l"at street, Philadelphia Feb. 11, 1605 3mw ' ' IIENRY HARPER, rt. B30 AKl'II r., above F:Mi, ruijsv I-Ililii. Masafaetarer aa4 Dealer la TFAICHSi. TI52 JEWELRY. E0LIDSU.VER-WARB seal lirtlr 5?lvr P1tl4 Wrre TO tititch I'ni.lnHft Colffco Co. DEPOT I 109 Reede Street, New York. Tho eboTe Compear ere known ell over the world as the ownere of (he Coflce l'lentetinns of Java end ilutavfa In the Dutch East Indies. nnd ere the largest menopolirersof Coffee on the Globe. . The amdersigncd (who if appointed their Kile Agent tn Iho L'nited Stales end in the British Colo Hire) will bane for side three different kinds of Cof fee which, Tor regularity of grado and cheapness of price, will defy competition. Our "Batavia Coftoe" never before Introduced In this Country, but crtensi'vely tvsed in tho Armies end Navies of Europe, end richly valued, will be put np et prices to reach nil consumers, end ourTixtra Java will be the Slagmiin Bonum Coffee of tho ago. We will have, for accommodation of Grocers. Fa milies, and Government Contractors, samples (dry, and drawn! for testing. Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, ooflcc prompt ly forwarded a, directed, v. LI PPM AN, 168 Reai'.e Street, New York, Solo Agent, I'. E. I. C Co. July 2.1, IROi. mi. 186 i. MAMMOTH STORE. j. w. rBiMXG & soy. II LO leve to call the attention of the public that ) they bue just returned fruta the City with a very LARC.E AND WELL SELECTLD S T 0 C K 0 P G 0 0 D S i Consisting of I'UY GOODS, Hardware. Queensware Csdarware, BOOTS feSEOES, Hosierv, ttloves. Notions, Trltumrnqs, Iru mid Clmloiilei, Oils, I,aiH aadiafactEVEHYTHINa 0 EN Ell A ELY KEPT In Coustlr)- Ktorosi. We bought our goods at the lowest Cash Trices and consequently w think we can oOer great in dueements to purchasers for Cash or Country Pro1 dues. The highest market price paid for till kind ef Produce. Give us a call. J. W. FF.ILINU A SON. Benburr, N..T. 11. 13R1. ORGANS. VRE not only uncqiuillcJ. but thoy are nbsolulely utiequallcil, by any other Reed Instrument in thu country. Designed expressly for Churuhus and Schools, tlicy nro found to be equally well adapted to the parlor nud drawing room. For sale only by E. M. IIRICE, No. IS North Seventh street. Philadelphia. J"5 A'.s-i liritdhury's Pianos, and a complete as sortment of the Perfect MELODEON. Sept. 24, 1S04. lyw PliOSPECTUa OF THE LAHEERE OILCOMPANY. Office, No. TO North Fourth Street, (second floor, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, - - - $760,000 150.00ft Shares, par Value 5. Subscription Price Full Paid, f 2. The Company own the following described pro perty in fee simple: Fitly acres of land near Cherry Tree Run; said land isono and a quarter ndles from Oil Creek, and is about two hundred rods from the Well on Cherry Tree Run, that 41ows from seventy-live to one hun dred barrels of Oil per day ; and a'.sn, an interest in two acres on the Shermau Property with tour wells in vaiious stages of progrcs on the property, one of which is now (lowing thirty barrels per day. The Company gets the one-sixteenth of all tiie oil, clear of all expend ; also, two acres adjoining, with four wells now in a progressive condition in which the Company gets one-thirty-second ;h of-the Oil, and also, one acre of land adjoining, wilh one well down ready for pumping ; the Company gets one-sixteenth of the land interest clear of all expense. Also. Iho onc-ti uiteenth of the working interest of the last mentioned acre. This Company is rbrmcd on a basis that is expected to pay a dividend of two per cent per month to the Stockholders. The Company pro i'lse to place $25,000 cah or etock in the Treasury for tho development of tho propertv. President, Pro. Tem. J.J. Jj AltCLAY, Esa. Diiectors William D. Smith. II. M. Davis, II. B. Mci.iinlev. S. H.Swaiixey and John F. Veang. " C i .". II A Secrelary II. A. Converse. Treasurer .John F. Young. February 4, IHG-5. HATS ! HATS ! ! SAMl'KL FAl'ST, Two -Ux.rs ne?t of Ffcchcr's Drug Ptore, Market it., SXJNIiXJPlY, PENN'A. IS c mtnntlv inanufacturine the 1ntet nt vies of Wool md I Fur llutrt, which fur soltncM uuJ Uuinbilit nre tifil FurpHJctl. Miivt liiia h ch ati'l 9v his !toek of lints wl ich are toUl chfaper Ihiui elsfwhero. Mfiv Imntfinn 1 utlterf, )'urob)iMi.M' t wholesale will fiml it lo their ulvtin tiige tuculltind procure un urticlo cheaper and ciiual to city timmiTiieture. ruillmrj, ciob'T I, lc4. X ETGO O D Sr! Two doors west of Wni. H. Miller's Shoe store, funbury, Pu. Ju-t opened a fresh supply of FALL A NO WI.NTEK GOODS, Such as Fancy Dress Trimmings. Ribbons, (lloves Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen Collars ntd Cud's (ienl s Linen mid paper Csdlnrs. Netls. Iiclts. Lace i ollars ami Meeves. llinr ltolls, velvet Ribbons. Red. White and Iilue Neck-tics, Corsets. Ouaker Skirts, Yokes and Sleeves. WOOl.FN (iOOJ)S, coiuprioingof Sontogs. Hoeiery f r ladies and children, Cups of all kinds, Scurfs, (iloes. Mittens. Ae. Also, a new style of muslin for (.arribaldi wauls ti'gethtr with Swiss, Jaconet und Victoria Muslins Crape Jollars and Veils, (ircnadine and Lace Veils and a variety of other articles too numerous to men lion. MARY L. LAZARl'S. Sunbury, Oct. JJ, 1851. F A I . L A N 1) nx T i: i FANCY DRESS GOODS, Two ilocrs West of the Post .Office, STJNBTJRY, IENN'A., HAS just received nnd opened a large vs-.rtmen of Fancy Dress tioods, such as (Dotes. Jouvian Kii-gloves. hilk and lisle thread i loves; Ladies cotton and wwden Hose, Children's Merino lloo. Silk Mils. Handkerchiefs. Curaets. Embroidered Slippers. P.iblsms FANCY DRE8S III TTO.NS. liugle 'Jimbs. Trimmings, itultons. Relt Ribbon Velvet Kih- 1 'lin09' Trimmings, llultons. Relt Ribbon Velvet Rih ' tu.na rirua.l lO.lt 11..... 1 - i:..., V .1. . I- . -'"- ... ' hons, Braid. Jteli Cliu.pa, ladies' Neck-ties. Fanev Bultons, CliAPEKilillON and TRIM.M IN(1 : I'm. broidering Hruids, Jaconet and Swi.-a Edgings and insertions; Malteese Lace Colars, Laces, (ircnadine Veils, Fancy Drow Coml.llload Dresses, Notts, and a vmielv of other artrclis. VUWJLEN (JOODS, such as S..ntags, Breakfast t.oseys, I hj, Mittens, barques, tiloves, Silk and i otion I lags, ae. I'HOTOQRAPH ALBUMS HOOK3 AND BTATIONERr. Seeks, liymn Books. Blank Peeks, Memorandum liooti, Diaries, rocket liooks. Ink Stands, pens, Periils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, Ae. Toilet fesps, Tootk-Brushes, Ae. TOYS AND (JAMES FOR CHILDREN, All of whi?h have been selected with ears and will oc soot et reasunaDie prices. . ANNA PAINTER Funbnr', Oet. J2, 18(14 BOARDINGHOUSE. mis. iiAitiA i noniw, (Formerly of the "I,wrence House,") SUNBURY, PENN'A, IN FOB MS her friends and the publie generally that the has refitted the bouao formerly occupied by Dr. J. W. peale. on Blackberry street, near the Northern Central Railway Depot, and opened a Su.Vi'IS?' ,n ' I'f'Pared to keen PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDEKtf Itith good enoksand waiters, boerde.-e ean enjoy he quiet eomforts of heme with fare equal to the - frSy "Si eZ9h 8"b' DIBUKB & (8.12111 II (BAIL Rlnrkrl Niunrc, Ml .111 ItV, Pn. HA VINO just returned from the City with an en tire new stock of lrii, I'liriiilcnlt. IVrnniicry nud 'I'll-t Ai llrloMti to which he Invites his fiicnds and tho publie gener ally, to call and cxaminn. The Drugs ami Medicines are all selected from tho best importing houses in mo r.nsiern mar act wtin tne greatest care as to purl- ly ana etiiciency nnd avoiding as lunch as possible, the introduction of deli rious nostrums. PATENT MEDICINES Of all kinds, mch as Ayer's, Jnynes, McCllntock, liollownys, Wisharts, Ilooflunds, "ehonks, lirown's nnS all other popular patent medicines, always on nana. Iluir, Tooth, Nail, Clothe and Paint Brushes. Special euro is taken to keep ou baud constantly every variety of PAINTS AXD CHEMICALS, Suitable to tho trade. Fancy Toilet Articles and the numerous articles Which are generally kept in a well conducted estab lishment. 4n connection wilh the above articles, he also keeps on hand a largo assortment ol STATIONERY, such as Paper. 'Envelopes, Pens. Pencils. Inks. Ac. Ijff l'hysiclnn s irresoriitions and family receipts compounded with tho greatest accuracy aud dispatch, at al,i. nut, us JUnvor iMgnt. Henicmbor the place. Market ruunre, under the oflicc of the "Sunbury American.' It. A. FISCHER. Sunbury, June 25, ISfit. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Diwonstpst ol'tlx' rVs't-voiiK, Womliinl, I riimi-y iintl Poxiuil eiysitriiiH new and reliable trsietuient in reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of eharro. Address Dr. J. SKIL LIN' lKU t: UTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 10, ISO I. ly lls-nslin; Itnilr-outl. ' WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 7th, 1SS4. CYME AT TUVN'K LINE from tho North ami T North-West for Philadelphia. New York, Read ing. Pottsvillo. Lebanon, Allentown, tHston, Ac. Trains leave iliirrbbnrg for New-York, as fol lows : .Tim and 8.15 A. M. nnd t P. M., arriving ut New Voik nt 1(1 A. M. and 2.15 and 18 00 P. M. The above oonucct wilh similar trains on the Penn sylvania railroad, nnd Sleeping Cars accompany the Brst two trains, without change. Leave for Heading. Pottsville. Tamaqua, Miners ville. Allentown and Philadelphia at . 15 A. M. and 1.45 P. M., stopping ut Lebanon and principal tttu tions only. Wny trains, stopping nt nil points, nt 7.25 A. Jf. nnd 440 P. M. Returning, leave New York nt 9 00 A.M., 12 noon, and 7.00 P. M.,: Philadelphia nt S A. M. and il.110 V. M ; Pottsville at 8.50 A. M. and 2.."i5 I. M. ; Tamnqua 8.10 A. M. and 2.15 P. M., nnd Rending nt 12 midnight, 7.oi and 10.45 A. M., 1.38 and tVO.i P. M. Heading Accommodation Trnin leaves Reading at fi.'M A. M. returning fium Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leavo lieading at fi.10 and 11 A. M. Ephrntii. Litiz. Columbia. Ac. On Sundavs: Lenvc New York at 7 P. M., Phila delphia .t.15 P M, Pottsville 7. SO A. M., Tamaqua 7 A M. ilarrisburg 8.15 A M and Heading at 12 mid night, for Hurrburg. Commutation, Mileage. Season, and Excursion Tickets, nt reduced rates to nnd from nil points. bO Pounds Raggugc allowed each Passenger. (i.A.NlCULLS, Gvncrul Superintendent- Nov. 26, ISM. LucUun unna ltIoiuslur ICull road. ON nnd after Jan. I&th, ISM, Tasjenger Trains win run w loiiowi : K0VIN SOUTH. Pattenptr. Leave Scrnnton,' 4.20 P. M " Kingston, 5.55 11 liloomsburg 8.25 " Rupert, II. Hi Danville, 0.1 Arrive at Northumberland, i.bi MOVINU NORTH. Leave Northumberland, 8.00 A. SI. ' Dauviile, 8.40 " Rupert, S.4 ' HIiHiiu.l.urg, V.'ii " Kingston, 1112 P.M. Arrive nt Seriinlon, l.oU Freight A Passenger leaves Bloomsburp. 10.1$ A. M Passengers taking the .Mini iriuii ,outh connect witli the Express train from Northumberland, arriv ing at lluni-burg, at 2. .10 A. 51., liuttuuoro 7.00 A. .M-, und at Philadelphia, ut 7.00 A. .M. The Mail -train Lioui Norll.uuibcrliind leaves immediately nfier the arrival of the Express traiu from liurrisburg and Baltimore, allow ing Passengers louving Philadelphia ut 1(1.40 P. .M . to reach points on this road during the next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping ems nceomT-nnv the night trains each way between Northumberland and uuiiiuiore, uu i Aorii.uuiberiaud nu t riiiiaoelplnu. D. T. HOUND, Supt. I. K. STAUFFER. VATCnitAKEH ftlJEWELRY, No. 14S North SECOND ttreet. corner i f Ouarrv. Philadelphia. n tisis.oi-iii4nl ol" WuK'Im-k, .frv- -lrj , SIlv-r A llat'l V urs- constantly hand, Suitable f,r IIODIDAY PRESENTS ! I'l Repairing of Watches and Jewelrv r.roiontlv attended to. December .1, IMlt ly FANCY DRY GOOD STORE. MISS KATE BLACK, RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunbury und vicinity, that she bus just opened her FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of Notions and FuneyDry (Joods, Market street, four doors west nfWin. II. Millers Boot and Mioe store. SI Nlll'RY, Pa. Her stock consists of Trimmings, notions, enihrni. derics. Ladies and Chihlrcns' hats and shakers; silk n-vl other limn.-s. Corsets, Hm,-skirts. Crane aud Loco Veils; Sets, u'otos. stoekincs. collars, and corsets, 4c. WOOLEN GOODS. Breakfast Slmwle, Soutugs, Red Riding Hoods, Caps, Hosiery of all kinds. 3enU Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neckties, Suspen ders ; Ribbons, of all kinds, Feathers, Velvet, and many oiher articles too numerous to mention. KAIE) BLACK. Futdmry. Oct. 21. ISM. FROM WASHINGTON. LATESTI MPR0VE1LENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. At T11H FOUNDE, of RCS312ACH & CCCFEP., SUNBURY, PENN'A. Get the Best (let the Chenpcts Oct the most Eco nomical, which can he had at the Kohrbach Foundry Having a largo assortment of the nint approved STOVES, such us Cooking, Parlor, Ottieo and Shop Stoves, which will be sold at the loweat rates. Also, Kettles of ull sises, Pans, Skillets, to. They aro also manufacturing Machinery, Tloughs, Castings, do., at short notice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a good workmanlike luunuur and at the shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect r..iiu - , , . - ROilltBACH A COOPER r? Old Iron, and all kinds of Produee taken in Exchange for work. Sunbury, June 1, 18(54. tf .UilllllOtMl i how I.UMl, how ItcislOIM'tl Just publi.-bed. a new edition of nr. r,ilv7nli' Celebrated Essay on the radical eure (without ruedii cine) oi pcrmauu-meea, or scminul weakness. In voluntary Seminal Losses, Iuipotcncv, Mental aud Physical Incapacity, Impediments lo Marriage, etc.; als. Consumption, Epilepsy, aud Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. IV Price, in a scaled envelope, only six cents. The 'celebrated author in this admiruble essay clearly duinonstrutes, from a thirty years' successful praotiee, that the aluriuinir eonsenuenees of elf. abuse may radically cured without the dangerous um "i luioruai ineuicino or tne application of the knife pointing out a mode of eure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every suf ferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may eure biunelfchear.lv. nrivatelv. and re,liell Csf This Lecture should be in the bands of every youia and every man in the land. Sent, nnder seal, la a plain envelope, to any ad. dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post lamps. Address the publishers. CUA.J. 0. KLINE tOt)., Kurt! le4elyls A ttre wonu'a oaur aniior oa Borofula and Bcrofuloue Diseases. From Lmtrv EJit, a irert-t nowis tnnxhani Oas- ord, Mmir. "1 have sold lare quantities of ypur SAnslv titt.l.A, but never yet one bottle which failed of the desired cflect and full satislaciion totliose who too it. Ae fast as our people try It, lliey ao;roc there line been no medicine like it tKiore iu our oommuulty." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotohos, Pustulei, Ul cora, Boros, and nil Diseases of tho Skin. 7om net'. Hull. Slmttun, llritM, Enolanit. ' 1 only do my duty to you and the publlo.wne 1 add my teinnn- to Hint yon publish of the nie diclnal virtues ofyour SMisAr.viiii.t-A. My dauglf tcr, atfi'd ten, had an afflicting humor In her ears, eyes, and hair for yearn, whh li we wero unable to euro until we tried your BAitsAPAlitLLA. kUe bae been well for some months." from Mm. Jane E. llirr, a mrlt l-nmert end much- titermnl taitv of Ktnnteviilr, Cult Miy to., A. J. "My daughter hne suir.reil for a year p.ist with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesomo. Nothinu afforded any relief until n tried your 8AHSAl'Altll.l.A, which soon compli tely cured her." from ChnrUt I'. Ifie, ?., of Hit iri'My-lnotPn Gtigr, tTnrraii .f Co., m muMl-M tri of tiutmeUtii p ipert in .Vn'shn-1, .V. U. I had for several years a Tory troiiblesnmo Humor in my f;e-e, whi.-h ifreiv constantly wol so until it disllL-urud niv fe itiirca and became an Intol erable amictlon. I tried almost every thinj a man oonld of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your SAK.i.vPAttlLLA. It Immediately madii my face worm', as you tol l me It mlL'ht for a timet but in a few weeke the new akin lii-nan to form under the blotches, and coiv ttniied until my faco is as smooth as any body's, and I am without any symptoms of the lle iso tint I know or. 1 enjoy pornvi. nctnm, nun wiuiuui a doubt owe it to your Saus waiuixa.'' Erysipelas Goncrtvl Debility Purify tho) Mood. From Vr. Holt Sntrin, Ilovtton St., A'rie l'ort. " IMi. AYICU. I FiMom fail to remove Eruptionl and Serofalmt .'-irM by the perneverinRueofyour 8ar ruit.i.A, and I have iut now cured an attack or Afii(f0nnt Erytiptl'U Willi it. No alterativo w poswsH cquaU the NAtta.MMiiiM.A you havo sup plied to the profiMtion as well us to the people." From J. E.J'Jin't, EfiJ., lYakemnn, Ohio. l'or twelve years, 1 had the yellow Krysinctas on my ri 'ht arm, during whic h lime I tried all the celebrated j.hy ei.'ians I could re'ich, and took hun dreds Of dollars worth of medicines. Tho ubvre were so bad that, the cords became visible, and tiifl doctors decided that my nrm must bo nniimtntcd. 1 bc.'an takim; vour S Mis mai:im. t. Took two bot tles, ami soiuo of your I'ii.ijs. Toijetlicr they liavo cured m,. I am now as well nnd souud as any body. Itcinjr In a public place, my easo la known to every boil y in this community, uuil excites the woudur of sill.'" . . from Mn. nrnry Mr.nro, .if. r. -., or .yarcniric, C. It'., a Urnling memiVr of the Canadian J'arlia fneof. i, i iin-rt Mcnil rotir Savm APAr.n.t.A In inv fnmilv. for general iW'i?';,', and for purifying the blvoil, with very henWi.'lul results, nn 1 feel conlidvuca In oommeuuiuji it to tlw ailiicud," Bt. Anthony's Piri, Eoso, Salt Rheum, Boald HoaJ, Bora Eyes. From ITorreg Sicl-ttr, Eiq., the able tiiitor of the JfcnWiaimoci Democrat, I'ennaylmnia. " Our only child, about three years of age, was attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly epread until they formed a loattisome and virulent aore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eye lor somo days. A skilful physician applied, nitrate of silver and other remedies, without unr apparent cfroet. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lent with tliem he should tear open the fes teriug and corrupt wound which covered his whole face. Having tried every thing else we had any hope from, we began giwug your saiisai'AIULI.a, and npplving tin iodnlo of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to In at when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we had flm.died the second. The child's eyelashes, which had eomo put, grow ngair, and he noiv as healthy and lair an any oilier. Tins whole neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From J)r. Ilii nm Slmt, of St. V-oiii.', Misiourl. "I lind your b.i:sAPAi:H.i..V a more ctfeetual remedy for the secomUrv eymptonia of Snihiiit and for syphilitic disease than any otiier w e possess. The prolession aro in iebled to you lor some of thu bebt medicines we have." From A. J. Fi'nrh, tr. P., on tminrnt plltnWnn of Ettwrnifp, Mush., vhi is a prtwiiitetU t6iir o the l.tiisliUnrcof MtiMtK'hHivtti. ."Dr.. Avkii. My dear hir : 1 have found your P viiSAi'Aitttx.V au exci llent remedy for Xynhilif, both of the primary und scomur; tyK-, an. I ellec tual In some cases that were too ubumatc to yield to other remedies. 1 do not know what we e.in em ploy with more certainty of success, where a pewur lul alterative is required." Mr. Ch'in. ft. Van linn, p.Yew imnstrScZ, A". J., hail dreadful ulcere nil hi l, 2. caused by the libubO of mercury, ortnercrii ilinunr, w hich grew more and more aggravated for years, in spile of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the , persevering use of Avon's. sausapai;h.i.a rciicvoi Iiim. Few raare ran lie finind mora Inveterate and distressing than this, aud it took twvural doz.-u bottles to cure him Iieucorrhoca, rh;tes, Female Weaknoas, sre generally produced by internal Scrnfaluui I I terndo'i. and are verv often cured by tlie allcratlro effect of tids KaiiajVaiiii.i.a. Some eases rwpiir", however, in aid of tne S n s.irAKll.LA, the siliul application of local remwlies. From the vfill ln rn nnd tri'hlyrltlrattd Pr. Jacob .)fnrrill, f Cincinnati. " have found your Saissaimiiilh an cxcfllent aWnrntivn in itimeiHes of females. Manv eaS(B of Irregularity, Iueorrhre.i, Internal Ulceration, anile) local debility, arising from the scrorulous diathesis, have yMdo.1 to it, and tliero are few that do not, wheu its effect is properly ai led by local treatment." A lay, unmV.ing to allow the publication of htr tifme, iT.'es ? ' Mvd-iMifhtcr and mvsclf Invn been cured of a very ilebilit.iting l.cucirvh'ca of long standing, by two bottles of your .SAIlsAr.VBIIXA." Rheumatism, CJout, I,icr Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula In the system, are rapidly cured by tlua Ext. Sau.-.aiuiiu.a. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess o ninny mlv.mtagcs over the other purgatives in tint market, unil their superior irtues arc so universally known, that we need not lo ntoro tlmn to assure the public their quality is inuintainetl equal to the best it ever kits been, and that they tuny bo depended on to do all that they iiavu ever done. Prepared by J. C. AVER, M. D., e Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by rs.ld by Friling A Ornnt. Sunbury, R. II. .Mi-Coy, Nortliuiubcrltind, Aamn IJurr.d. Elysburg, W. U. Kutiner. Sliaim.l.in, J. I. liogue, Watsontown. And by all dealers in Medicines everywhere. August i;i, lstil. ly SOLIDIFIED l'or 'l':iiisiii;, t Iiil filing- uul . ivi-M'rt'iiis iiio i I IS ! This article is prepared wilh the greatest cure upon scieutilic principles, and warranted not to contain nnything inUhe slightest decree deleterious to the teeth or gums. Homo of our most eminent Deutul Surgeons have given their sanction to, and cheerful ly reeoinii'cnd it lis a preparation of superior quali ties tir cleansing, whitening nnd preserving the 'J'F.E'I II. It cleans them readily, rendering them beautifully white ami pearly, without the lighte.-t injury to the enuuiel. It is healing to the gums where they are ulcerated and Sore, it is also uo ex celliiit'diiifcetor Ur old decayed teeth, which are often exceedingly offensive, it gives a rich creamy tuste to the niouih elremnig it ihurou-rlrly, and im parling a delightful fragrance to the breath. Fltl.l'AlltU ONLY BY A. II AAV J, K Y eV: CO.. N. W. Cor. lUih., t Lombard Kts., Philadelphia. Aud sold by all Druggists. PRICE lii CENTS. TESTIMONIALS. The following opinion ol Dr. White, as to the high esteem in which bcbohlathe DciitaJ Cream, must be sufficient evidenco of it. value ; to quote other tesli uiunials indutail is needless, contenting ourselves by simply giving the unuies mid ud.Lfesses of perJLS who speuk of its eeelleucy lor the teeth. l'hiiiidclpliia, April I5th, 1R6.1. Having carefully examined A. llawley's "tiolidi Bed Dental Creuin." I hereby cheerfully recom mend it to the public generally. It is au excellent preparation for elean.-ing and preserving the teeth, und can be used by all persons with the ulmost con lideiico, as iis properties ure perfectly haruilesa. Rc. sides preserving tho teeih, it promotes a healthy action to the gums, aud imparts a plesantucaa to the . ' Dr. W. R. WHITE, 1201 Arch Jl. Thoniaj Ingrain, AI.D , Dentist, 4U1N. Fourih St.. J. iiiikcy, 2oi S. tixih ft. E. Vandelice, Surgeon Dentist, 42S AreU Bt. V. A. Kinsbury, Demist, Illy Walnut St. ri. Dillingham, D D.pi., T.A Arch ISt. F. M. Dixon, 27 Arch Kt. Edward Tun.end, Dentitt, 428 N. Fourth. Bt. L. 11. Dorphley, DciilUt, bl7 N. Tenth bt. M. L. Long. DeutUt. 62U ii. t'itU bt. May 24, iOI y JETTER OF ADVICE EOS LADIES FIVE ANATOMICAL EXGRAN1N0S. Has Information never before published. ' . Sent raes in a sealed envelope for ti crate. A-Wresi Dr. STANFORD, 1; O It JS A L E . A Trocl orxiiubrr I .anil, bslow Trev erton bridge, containing about 80 acres, for further partsoulars apply to . . Northern Central Railway ! SL-MJIEIl TU1G TABLE, TTfREE TRAINS DAlXY o and from Baltimore and Washington elty. Connections made frith trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to end from Pittsburg and the West. TUhEE TRAINS DALY to and from taeNorth and West Branch Snsquehanaa, Slmira, and all of North ern New York. ON and after MONDAY, MAT 18th, 1864. the Passenger Trams of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from fiuabary, Uarrisburg and Baltimore at follows, via t SOUTHWARD. Mall Train lva Stfiftiury SoC? fs'iSep't unday). rlQ J X. M. leaves Harrisbnrg, 1 it) P. M. arrives at Baltimore, 40 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) 11 ii P. M. M leaves Harrisburg (except Monday.) ' J SO A. M " arrives at Ualtimora dally (except Monday). 7 00 A.M. Harrisburg Aeoomuiodaliou leaves Harris .buflC. . . T 00 A. M. eunuury Accommodation leaves Sfuubury daily (except Sunday) at 7 SO ATM K0KT11WARD. Mail Train leaves Oaltimora daily (ex cept Sunday) , !o A.M " leaves Harrisburg 1 3d P. M, " arrives at Sunbury. 4 05 " Express Train leaves Haiti more daily 0 30 P. M " arrives at Ilarrisburg, 16VA M. " leaves Harrisburg (vxuept Monday), 3 1.1A.M. " arrives at Sunbury. t ail ' Daraisburg Accommodation leaves Ilarris burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M " arrives at Hurrisburir. I 4U P SI Sunbury Accommodation leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 P M For further information apply at the Office. I. N. DvliARRV Ocn. Supt. Harrisburg, Juno 4 904. o 8iroTnrs CELEBRATED 1'RErARED JAVA COFFEE, ir Ann a .v t r. n SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. ITisnsedby first class families everywhere, and highly recommended for nervous and -dyspeptic persons, being very nuitrilious mid free from all deleterious substances, in testimony of which I hnvo certificates from the most emuiinent Physicians in thelountry. try it, and you will he sure to con tinue its use in preference to any oilier. Sold st retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound by First class Grocers throughout tho I'uited States, (jjs A liberal discount to the Trade. Put up only by LEWIS A. OSItOJC.V, Wholcsalo Depot, C9 Wurren st. New York. May 7, IS64. Attention, I,iuti- mid .- I lemvii ! AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Over J. Bowcn's Store, comer Market AVawnSts. SUNEUR X", IA., Qt RYEKLV, has opened anew Picture Gallery IO in' tho uliovc place, and is prcparsd to take l oriruus in inu ucsi siyiu ana inuiiucr. AMRllOTVPES AND PIIOTOURAPIIS, nro taken in every style ol tho Art, that eauuot bo surpassed inthcStute. Having several year's expe rience, he will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will bo taken from all styles of Pictures. tlivu him a call. Remember, over Roweu g store. Sunbury, Dec. 17, IHtll. c.'Oo roit .Jtis.i.a i At the Store uf JOH1T SCVZIT Corner uf Market and Fawn Streets, SL'.NIiL'HY', l'ilX.N'A.. Juit openc 1 FALL & WINTER GOODS, for everybody. This no "Wowing." but plain truth, which everyone will be convinced that calls and ex amines tho stock, which consists of Dress Goods. Cassimeres. Cloths. Gents' Orereoatinj, Jeaus, Coilenaded, Muslins. Dress Is oods iu great variety. LADIES' DUESS GOODS. Plain and Figured Delaines, French and Figured Merinos, Fine Wool Delaines all sorts and shades. Prints. Nankeens. l.Ablta' CLOAKIN'i. Table-Covers, Irish Linen, lirowu and White fShcetiiii:. Shawls, lialniorui Miirts nf ull kinds, Hoop Skirts, nil prices, Hand kerchiefs, Flannels. Ladivs' kid. bilk aud Merino Gloves, Ac. J-M'li-y of nil Kinds. Ladies' an I Gents' I'niou Skates. A large assortment of NOTIONS. EX DfiOti .tTea Hardware. Cedarware, fllasswnre, Chinaware, Oueonsware. Crockery. Groceries, Tobacco, Segnrs Snutf, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Fish, Salt. Ac , Ac. mid everything else usually kept in n store. Fro. dncu taken iu exchange lor goods. No troublo lo shuw good. JOHN HOWEN. Sunbury, Nov. S, ISM. Always ! Always ! Always ! ON HAND, AND SELLING CHEAP THE FALL & WINTER GOODS, Just opened at No. 1 Store of WEAVER & FAGELY, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such as Cloths, (.Vsi. meres, Muslins, Sheciings, Ticking, Calicoes, De laines, Flannels, ami nil kiudsof .Mot It X 1 N't Goods. Alpaccas, lilnck Silks, Ginghams, lialniorui 1 Skeleton Skirts, Cunlon Flannels, Naukeens, Car peting of all kinds. HATS Sc CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery. Gloves. Thread. llultons. Sus penders. Neck-ties, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hair llrufhcs, Tooth brushes. Gum liib bou ami Cord. tuc, crutchct-braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses, tidy cotton, carpet binding, combs, fanc y Soaps, carpet hags Trunks, Valises, I'mbrvllas, llluiik Books, Paper, Envelopes, Ac. h ytv aena TvaTa. ncnc 'Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws, Door Latches and Knobs, Locks, aud CL'ILERY o every description. Also, Djca, Drugs, ruinta, Viirr.islips, ri.,li, Fliixsceil uml Benzine Oils. Glass, l'ultv, &i: ueeuswure usxl ;itiakM arc oi" till IVilKlM. STONE AND EARTHENWARE. An Extensive Stock of GROCERIES, Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Rice, Corn-starch, Maccaroni. liarley, Haking-powder. loolasscsosoaps, enndles. tobacco and ecgare, bull, Fish, Meat, Cheese, Ac, Ac Also, a large variety of BOOTS & SHOES, for Men. Women and Children. J LV'All kinds of Graiu and Country Produee taken tn exchange for Goods. Give us a call before you purchase elsewhere, we are bound to sell as low as any one else. Store-room in Ira T. Clement s building at the south-west corner of Market Suuare, near the Court House. 6unbury, Nov. I, 1S64. GR.EAT IlEDUCTIOX I.VTIIE PRICE OF jij ntn' sf sss 9 EDWIN HALL & CO., No t South Second Street, Philadelphia. Are now offering their magnificent stock of Silks, Dress Goods, (shawls, Cloths, Cloaks, Velvets, Ae., far below the present Gold Prices ! We have also on hand, a large stook of DOMESTIC GOODS, which we are now selling at a great reduc tion from the prices we have been selling them at. As we have bad the advantage of a rise in the prices uf our Stock lo the progress of the War for the last two or three years, we now propose to give our Cus tomers the Advantage of the full lo Prices. Calicoes and Muslins, reduced, Flanaels and Table Linens, redneed, - -Blankets and all stable Goods, red seed, We respectfully solicit from the Ladies aad ethers rleities; Philadelphia, aa examination of our stock, which is unsurpassed in variety and style, in tbis city . ti. R., Wholesale Buyers, are invited to eismine our stock. EDWLNUALL CO.-, V. 9 Peatfc Second Street, PhOadelpbla Ce'.iI,rS14 taw IX. n. MAlBSCR, Attorney nt L.avr, BL'NBcRT, PA. Colhsetionl sttended to In the counties of Nor thumberland, talon, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lyeeming. ntriaxscis. Con. John M Reed, PUladelpUla, A. O. Oaltell A Co., Hon. Win. A. Porter, Morton MeMiebael, Esq., ii. ketcham A Co., 29 Pearl Street, Sew Terk. John W. Ashmead, Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, Bunbury, Maruh It, 1802. RANT 5s DIETZ1 .OWEB WHARF, STJNBTJRY, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS EX WHITE ASH 0AL, Id every variety, Orders solicited and filled with premptnesj and dtipatob. Hguu'Bury, May 13, itiDa. iy For ISntM,?Ilar, ItonclioH, Antw, H-1 Itsigw, Slotlisi In I 'lira, VoolcitM. Ac, InsvclH on l'luntu, l'on Is, Aulinalis, PutnplnSoe. bOa. and (1 AO Boxes, Rottles and Flnsks. $3 and $i sixes for Hotels, Publie lnslitu tions, Ae. "Only Infallible remedies known.'1 'Free from Poisons.' 'Not dangerous m the Human Family," 'Rate come out of their holes to die.''' C Sold Wholesnlo in all large cities. Sold by nil druggists nnd Retailers everywhere ! ! ! BEWanx ! ! ! of all worthless imitation". See that "CosturV name is on each Rox, Dottle and Flask, before von buy. Address lli:.ltV IS. COSTA It. Principul Depot 4(2 Rroadwny. New York. 11? Sold by all Wholesale and Reiail Druggists in numiurv. rn. Feb. 20. 1HC1. Rm HEADY ROOFING P.eaJy to nail down. READY "ROOFING At less than barf the cost of tin roofs. READY "ROOFING More durablo thun tin. READY """OOFING Suitable for steep or But rot lit. READYli00FING ' For ail kinds of buildings, in all climates. ready "Hoofing Kasilj, ciSoa'ly. and (juiclilv pit on. NctiU no eituliii ovtT viiib ceuu-iit k(ut it is uailod Uukii. READY "ROOFING I Made of a strong ifovm fal.ric. thoroughly saturated and covered vym both surfaces with a perfectly wn j tcrproof composition, and put up in rolls ready for , use 10 inch wide, nud 75 feet loug. We also manufacture LIQ-JID CE1E1TT, Fon Lgakt Tib- Roors, Much cheaper and more durable than oil paiat. ALSO, 'iri-oiiiil Omrnt, For Leuky Shingle Roofs, Which will often lave the cost ef a new rovf. Samples of Ready Roofiu uud Circulars nut by mail when desired. Favurable'.erms made-wih responsible parties who buy lu sell again. READY RO"FINO CO., f MaiJea Lane. N..r,. April 23. US4. nilllfc CHILLED IR0X SAF Tkenly Eafa Beliabla against both rira anil Burglary. Ism now prepaie.l to furnih three i't of Nation al Rank M.f. They are l-otl: Fire and Kurglur proof, with iw-. -Ji.tinct i,i.!e liiiilur Safes, and three of my i.evr Ami-Xlier der Locks on each safe, believed tu be iie ei;y bunk-lock flow in use that has not l.ren picked or cam-nt be picked by the aid of the rnieroineter. 'lhe.-o Safes ail present fo.ir tosii inches in ihirkn. sa'.f -o!i,i iron, guariiured to bo the unmrrvH. tlie mo-t dilbcult to drill und to stand the most reMitanco a;ain.-t both tire and burglary ot any Sato iu the l'nited Mates of the same size and cost. I have on hand also, and wiH furbish nil siiei of Bank Vault Safes, possessing nil the advutituges of t Al-o, nil sites of .Mercantile Sulci both burglar proof und lire and burglar-proof. Also, Ornamental Dwelliug-liouse Safes, burglar proof, ami lire aud burglur-proof wurrunted not dump). Abo. the strongest and cheapest Vault doors, for bunk and mercantile vaults. All the above aro Lilliu's wrought and chilled iron. Also, six sixes I.illic's Wrought Iron Firo-Proofs, warranted eiimil to any common Sales, at fully onu third li"8 price. Also, a general assortment of second-hand Snfcj, many of them nearly new. and uf approved makers, received iu exchange for Lillie's Chilled Iron Sales. These are oflgred at or below auction prices. M. 0. SADLER Agent, No. 21 S. SEVENTH Sire.it. June II, 1864. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE C OLLEGE, Ki:i.laitOYi:, Miyder Co., Pn. rpiIE Fall Ses- ion of this Institution commences on 1 TUlltSDAY, Al'GlST LmIi. The Winter Session 011 tho 17th of November. TKHMS I'EHSKSSIOX OF 13 WEEKS: For Hoarding, Woshiug, Furnished Room, Foe! and Light, ami Tuition iu all tho regular studies of the Collegiate Dcprrtuietit, only J 02 7a. A liberal heductiou uiadoiu iuvorof tho Daughters of our Soldiers. For further particulrrs, or fireulars. apply to S. DOMER, Principal, Selinsgrove, August 6, 1S04. .'Iinor. THE IIED LION HOTEL. (Late SIes. liouUou's ) MARKET 8TREJET. BUNBURr, PA. JULIUS ARBITER, HAs taken this old and well known stand, and refitted and furnished the same hi prepared to accommodate Boarders and Travelers with the beet the market ean aflbrd. He hopes by strict attention tu business to receive a share of publio patronage. His TABLE contains the best the maiket aflords. 1 is Barm tilled with the choicest of Liquors, both Mult uud Spirituous. The stabling is good, and att.udsd by evsful Ostlers. ' Sunbury, April SO, IR64 ly C3-. "W. HATJPT, Altornow nnl ( ounsillor at Idw. Office on souih side of Murket street, four doors west "' xingtH 4 Niu s Store, SUNBURY, FA. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care, the collection of elaiuis iu N orllttii.ili.tpl.n.l ,1.. ....... .uv,.,.uuuu unjoining counuee. bunbury, Slay 2J, lnt)3. ly Look at the Returns! WM. n. MILLER. Market Square, Bt'NBl'RV, PENN'A., J VST received from New York and Philadelphia a fresh supply of the latest styles and of the best quality of BOOTS AND- SHOES, fur Men, Women and Children, which be offers at reduced prices. Women's Shoes at f I SO. All bis good stock WARRANTED. No Taper Shoes sold at bis store. He will aleo wholesale Boors and Shoes by thsboi. The public generally art Invited In salt and ex smine kis stock. Bunbery, Oct. 31, SA1. -pvlnriVa for 103.. Aa assortment of Dia JLJ rtesfcr ISAi.of varies si vies and site. Also, Cap, Not and Letter Paper, for sale by .... ANNA PAIKTZS t JthtTj, fo 3, IKS Tho Ailnm's stisprMst Compntiy, GIVE NOTICE that they have eonelnded ar rangements with the Northern Central Rail road Company to run trains from Baltimoro for fork, Harrisburg, Dauphin. Halifax, Trevorton, Sunbwry, Northumberland, Lewliburg, Milton, Muucy, Wil liamtport, sind all intermediate stations, connecting at Uarrisburg with the URE AT WESTERN LI' I'RESd (or Pittsburg, Ciueiuaati, St. Louis and the West. Also with Howard A Cn 'a Evnreaa et Milton or Danville. Bloomsburg, Wilkesbarre, Fitlalnn, Scran ton, and lutermediate stations on the Cuttawista, Laultawanna A Bloomsburg Railroads. At Wil. liamsport, by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey Shore aud Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their eonnoctionSj for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester, Uuffulo, hiagara, and tn all accessible poinls in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie. Rank Notes, Jewelry, aud Valuable Packages of every Uessrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills fur Collection. Experienced aud efficient messengers employed, and every effort will be made to render satisl'Hctioa. JOHN RING HAM, Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Snnbury. April 4, 18C2. tSUl. Arratiifrmruisi lfcGA. of York I.Iiips. THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philadelphia to Tfew Yori and Way Plant, from Walnut street U'iarf and Kensington Depot, will leave as follows, t it : raRt. At 8 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) " $2 21 ' At 6 A. M., vin Camden and Jersey Citr, N. J., Accwnfvlaticn, " J 21 At H A. M , via Camden and Jerscv Citr, ijTT'.mtng railll.i At 8 A. Jf,.. via Camden and Jersey city 21 Class Ticket At 11 A. Jl. via KensHjtcn and Jersey city, FrV.PT At 12 M. vin Cnmden and Amboy, C and A. (Aecommodution.) At 2 P. St., via Cuinden and Amboy, (C. aud A. Express.) At .1 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express At 6 P. Si., via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) At 11) P. Jl. via Kensington and Jersoy city, Southern JIait. At It (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Soiitnern Express At 6 P. SI ., v iu Cumdon and Amboy, ( Accom 04 It CO it a c t 09 J 01 t 0 i e modation, freight and Passenger, First Class Ticket. J 50 Second Class Ticket, 1 as For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scrautun. Wilkes barre, aiontrose, Greut Hind, 4c, at 6 A. SI ., from Kensington, via Delawure, Lockuwauna aud Western Railroad. For Jlauch Chunk, Allentown, Rethlebein, Beii. de re, Easton, Lnmbertville, 1-icmiiigtun, Ac, tf a A - SI., from Kensington Depot, uud M 'it P.il from Walnut street Whurf. (The 0 A. SI. Lino connects with Traiurleavisr Easton for Siuuch Chunk, at 11-20 P. Jl.i For .Mount Holly, nt ti A. Jl., 2uud 4 P. Sf. For Freehold, at 6 A. SI. and 2 P. 21. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, ut 11 A. M. and 2 aad i P. SI. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanrn, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, ilurdeutowu, Ao.. ull-', 1.2 it and 0 1. M. IV For New York, and Way Lins leaving Ken siugion Depot, tuko lite Curs ou Fifth street, above Wuliint, half uu liour beforu dopiuUire. 'iiio Curs run iuto the Depot, uud ou tho univul of each Train, run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggngo only, allowed each passenger. Passengers ure prohibited uom taking anything as baggage but their wearing uppurel. All baggage over (illy pounds to be paid tor extra. The Company limit their responsibility b r baggage te One Dollar per pound, nud will not be liable tor uy amount beyond 1U. except by special contract. WM. U. UATZMLK, Agent. January 17, 1304. WM. KNOCIIE. ii MARKET STREET, UARRISElRl, PA., Dealer in P IA'NOS. V'EW it. isewood Pianos, from the best makers XI irom .'(i(i upwards. l L- I l I . 1 '. , J .f, .,1 r. i.t, cl' '.y 1 lie meiits friMii 1 4i to 1 1U0 best tnanufastured IasUa- Guilurt. Violins, Accordeom. Plutei, Filui. Drums, Banjos, Tambouriues, Violin and Guitar string! aad assisal aasr ehaudise in geueral. SHEET MVSIC. The la'est publicutioiis always ou baud. Musis seat bv mail te nnv part of the countrv. OVAL, SylaKE, GILT AND R0livTO0S FRAMES. Suitable for looking glasses, ai,d all kinds f pietares ulwute ea hand. A fine assortment of lest plated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sises Any style of frame made (u order at the shortest notice. WJJ. KN'OCIIf. Aptil 11, 1SS3. S3 Market st.,-Ilarrisburg .m. i: 4i:ai:iiacm v4 " Confectionery, Toy nd mTJTIT STORE, . Slarltc l Street, huuliury, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF AM. KINDS, TOYS OF EVEHY DESt:KIPTI05 FRUIT, Ac, &c. ClONSTANTLY on band and for sale at the ahevi ; esiKbliihiiient atwholcaule aud retail, at reaaea able pricos. He is manufacturing all kinds of Cor.fectlnearie tn keep up a full a&orlment wlii.-U are sold at le rates. Tobarcn. Sogar, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, am a variety of other articles, all of whih are oflerei wholesale and retail. IV Remember the uume and place, r-tj , M. GEARHART. Market street, J Jours wen. i'E. Y. Bright A Sea' store. Sunbury. Sept. 1. 1SS. tf U. M.LafMix. A. M. Sxitaai IMPORTERS or WINES AND LIQUORS. I U A SAM.lDi:, No. 12i South Ninth Street, between Chesoat aa Walnut, PHILADELPHIA. May T, IS54. .lSSi:it'S IMTI'M I IVE MD i ii:i:y.i:ic : As Improved for ISiV and ls60. By E. KETCHAM A CO., 29 Pearl st., New Tor; rpiIE only Freezer constructed on scientific prii X ciples. wilh a revolving eau aud spring Llai scraper. The one hastens the freezing oi the creain the other removes it as fast as froj.cn. The most rapid in fieciing. with the least quanti. of ice. The most economical iueoat, as it is the mosi simp aud durable in structure. F'ur sale in all the principal eities and towns in ti Vnion. Each Freexer accompanied with a beek ef reeif and full directions. rmcii. I quarts, $J tl ' 4 quarts. 4 01 6 quarts, t CO ' quarts, ( OA 14 quarts, ft 09 29 Quarts, 11 Ot Apply to II B HAf SIR, Jsufcury, Pa March 29, 1&C2. PENSIONS, BOUNTIES AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. SB. BOYER. Attorney at Law, is duly autho . ixed and licensed ui e.illect l-iiiosi Kouiillt-HiiuU lliM-K ln for idws, U pbaus aud Soldiers. OQice in .Market street, opp site Weaver's Hotel, Sunbury, Pa. January 16, i04. ly IC CHE AM FKEEZEH5 A New supply of Msssea's Ftvx-Jlist ra Far saas, received from New York, fur sale by Sunbury, May 21, 4. II U. JI ASSER. GiuaainiLL, Piaos P. Wolvssvo II ILL & WOLVEHTON. Allorneya mid ( eunselersnl l.sn Office, Market street, eor. Centre Alley, aXJ3NTBXJR"5r. PA. 'IT? ILL attend pmsnptley to the collection ef elals If aud all other professional business intrusted their eare is Northumberland audadjoimng eeuneie fcunbury, January 23, 1S62. E. O. QOBIN, Altcrnry nud Consias-llur ( l.si'es HARRISBUKO. PENN'A. WILL carefully attend to enlleetlaas aaa s other matters enirewed to hips;. b tkernuBtf fPsupbir., Kartbvaiberlacl ssi "?ilr OcrVlt-!y