Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 29, 1865, Image 3
fs 2T)C Sunbttrg American. 91 m 1 I -J-'l J 1 We It. D. MA88BH, Hdltor A Proprietor. Si. WII.VEHT, rubdialnft. (iUMUKV, IA. SATURDAY, APRIL 80, 1803. TurOMTAIVr M1IATAMV Ott- in:n. Richmond 0cnyl to Domett if- Commerce. IIKADQCAIITKHS MlMTAKT DIVISION OF the Jamf.s, Richmond, Va., April 25, 1803.. General Onlrrs No. 2 First. All festrifj tiotis upon (loini'siip. commerce uml trade, except ns to nrtieles cotitrtiliuwl of war, in the State of Virginia, ns insureeni territory, lire, liy tlic authority of the President, re voked in respect to all ports nnd counties of the StHte which Imvc duly submitted to the authority ami aro in a military posses sion of the United t-tat' s. Second. Arms, ammunition; nil articles from which ammunition is manufactured ; all locomotives, cars nnd railroad stock; nil teleurapli wires and apparatus ; all rebel uniforms and Mri'V cloth for manufacturing them, mid all spirituous liquors art to be deemed contraband of war. Third. The commanding General of the Military division has authority to tvmku kueh exceptions to the trade hereby author ized ns in his opinion circumstances may re quire. By order of Major-General Halleck. -Ipproved by order of the Secretary of War. JAMES A. 1IARDIE Erevi-t Briusdier-Gencral, Iubpcctor-Oeuerul United States Armv. SrniNC.--Tliis present season is devoted to friis-l)titU'r. fresh shad, early pens, and new clothes. The first three can liu procur ed in market, but to pet the last-named in tlisponsables it is neressary to exercise sound discretion. Hence men of tasto and jti'l; metit go to the Brown Stone Clothing Hall f)f Rockhill A Wijson, Nns. COS nnd fif). Chestnut street, above Sitth. where they t,i.r,,r. r.. tl.i.n,.lc-jta nml flsoie rrrnuimr tl.'n ... t,.ni,i ,.! most flnrdih!'! ",l sis - s- . i , . ... v. garments. AVc have no hesitation in nd- vising nil our readers to enroll themselves unions; thesn men ot't.-it ami indu'inimt. uwmr xasuaw'.iww n asuwi iiiwiw ?ioral Affairs. ferr jf We online I in iur tt toslato that services were holil in the Methodist Chimb, on tho day of the President's funeral, by '.v. Mr. Noroross. The Presbyterian Church was not eienc,t,nn nccnunt o Vh UIupm of tlin lixitor Iho llev. D. M. Biirbfr. ; ' i 13" Wc areMnlcblccl to our friend Si-ri;fnt Win. ! IS. Mnrtin, cf Co. f. Mill Ki-g. Pa. Vet. XoU., (or a : copy of tho lii.-hinouii Tiine of the 22,1 imc. At'o, ; for oai" of hit loo e chan ;e in CoufrJraie Script I Yif' The i.r.erntion of Oon. .-bermnn, in enter ii g into nj(-tialiin i;h the traitors, have lurprifcj b is many warm trisiula. Miermnn is gallant sob dicr au l an able General and should have done al Orant did with Lee, conno hiJ aciion to militcrjr matters entirely, and leave the rest Kim the Presi dent una Cubinet. ty iMPi nr VTBrt. One of the evil effect of tho late tliid was tho temporary irjuiy dune to our wells, in fillinj thrra with impure waler. In many of these wells the water is iaipiet;n.ted Willi lime eirsoted from cellar walls Until '.be water wiih which the earth is saturated, falls below the lercl of ihe natural -prinss of the well, the water wiU nut bo 1 perfectly pure, uliiiou-h cold and palatablo. Sik- ; cess is ufien cuum" I l y impure water. ! -29- Tk r.,.v.A. Umm a.anw4 tk Kill tn . smVft 1 ajr ini .-seat or .iiiii.-a ir-tm aiiii-i.eouriZ w ooiiiikroi v. end our friends of the latter place ure preparing to put up a handsome Court House and Juil. ty-Rrpsiniso Watches aid Clocks. John . Meueh, a worthy man and one of our most ingeuiou, mechanics, lias commenced the business of repairing clocki and watches, at his resideticc iu Market Etreel. Itp The late sale of the personal cfleets of Jacob Bright, dee d., late of this place by Geo. B. Young tnan, Esq., his administrator, was well attended. A lurge number of c'ueks. winches, watchmaker's tools Ac, tho accumulation of about 50 years 1uMues, were sold. There will be another sale shortly. Tint Fiiist Sinn. The first shad of the sea son caught in the upper Susquehanna was takon at this pluce, below the dam, on Sun lay it ijlit by Charles Eeck 4 Cou.pniiy, while fi-hiug for salmon Ae. Among tho -bi fih" exhibited in town, lor sale, on Monday, was a salmon which weihid four teen pounls 1'rico, oi ly Cve dollars. The M tr KBTS The high price of beef st'11 continues. Beef tit 20 cents in Suuhury is one of the things that no one could have beliere I possible three years since. Why it should be higher here than any other pluce, is a luyftcry, and Ihe oniy way to remedy the evil, is to use little or no beef. The best shad now do not cost more thau 15 cents per pound. and are intrinsically worth as much, pound for pound, si bccl. The best hums are now soldat 25 cents per pound, and in a family oae pound will go as far as two of beef, and unleu tho beef is good, the hum are decidedly preferable. Vegetables, such as radishes, onions, Ac, are now in market, and selling tt rca4onsb!e priaet. 1'5 The coal business, like the iron business Is Dot aa prosperous as one might suppose judging from the prions. The productiou of coal involves t large amount of labor, the enhanced prices of which con sumes, the operators say, all the profits, and unless miners come down the business will be curtailed. Laborers are beginning to be oinre abundant tnd eontracters on our public works find no difficulty in netting hands at f 1,75 per duv. TLe davi for fancy prices will soon be over. iy Iscohe Tai Blanks on which to make re. turus ot income for the year lB6t have been received at tho offi.'e of P. M. Shiudel, A.'eislant Assessor, Suubury, Pa., where they caa be obtained. The law requires every person to make his return before the first Monday in May. Persons eU have nut siade tLcit return by that date,, will be required to do m immediately ; the penally io case nf failure it lncn'.y-Gvc per cent, tu the vul nation, from which :heroieno appeal. Iu preparing these statements no allowance can le claimed for repairs done to pro perty owned and occupied by any tas-pnyrr ; such repairs can only be claimed ou property from which rent is received. Full and expliolt iriilruiUoni arc contained iu the form shore mentioned. C" Our old friend Major Talari, of Noribum berland, I'aymastcr V. S. A. at J'liiladelptiit, oallei to see us a few days since. The Major it home oa a visit, and as he bas aliugering fundnesa fur horticul ture, and Kanleoers tiere hard to be gut, took bold of the snade himself. The Maior thinks be earned at leat ft per day. according to the preseul rutis of wues. Tlie MnjcT iuquired uf ua, rather oonflden- tially, whether there was any truib in the story that sunie of his neighbors eroded the bridgeand ascended tbe "blue bill uunng me Ire-bet to tee ftuntmry float down '.he stream, wLiUt, in the mountaiu, two spans of the bridge were carried away by the wreck of the Lewi.-buig bridge, 'ibis was, of course, a canard, charged by tuiue to l'tl iueviUvIe Col. Was-geusellor. The Lady's Hook fur May has wade its sp. pctrance upou our table. We have so often spokeo f this excellent ladies' luaganue, tnd commended ,tttu the patcoaae f Cur fuudurl, that wc scarcely Inow what more tu say. Tbe number be furs u e4nialot u the principal euibellitbmci.1 a boeutiful onrraviue 'The First fif May" also t double fsshiob plats, besides lie utuel jjreat vsriety ,feu- 1 5c'"i.'trn, K. C, ssi draped in mourning trravlugt, petie.u, 5-, t!l useful to the ladiia- i)0 tl 55'JU i'jr t1, rVulh u TivsUleot L'.u ..: sr.:: ell. i wi'L .!?: '.rar -.ft 1 :-' tLetter Crotn iho Sanhnrj Guars!. Camp Nsab Bbhhit Porsr, Va., I April 12, ISSi. Dkar Wiltkrt ! Since yesterday wck we Lave keen on the move, going as far as tbrea miles be ond WinclitsUt. There we halted for three days, waiii? for the return or news from Ttvbett't cavalry who liaJ gone on a reconnoitinro up to the Valley. They re turned, rcportiuti they were as far tip as Jit. JackBon, some sixty miles, and found nary an armed reb. The reason of our move was to be ready in case Lee moved against us, or to march on Lynchburg, if Lee reached that point, so that we could aid in sur roundiiif; him nnd army, and with Sheridan and .Meade capture the whole party. Grant's (.'allant boys saved us that march und bagged the whole crowd. Last Sunday nislit our camp was aroused by the loud rour of ar tillery. Hearing so 'much good news of late, 1 (.tuck U my blanket, not caring to get up. f jr 1 suspected a salute, which it really was for the "unconditional surrender of Lee." The boys got wild over the iiews, hlioutn.g till tbey were hoarse, the louil liuz .tits, echoing through the Vul!ey. sons of "rally round the ting." &c, were sung, and above the nobe of the "cannons openia j roar," and condition of camp, could be beard "Hail Columbia" and Yatikeee bundle play ed by our land. Other bands took it l;p and. soon the whole army b't loose, making "confusion worse confounded." The next morning we packed ip,.struck tents, marched away, nnd now we are with in a short distance of our old quarters. The war is about played out, uml peace is clearly seen through the I right cloud that has taken the place of those tint darkened the sky for the last four years. The ques tion now with us is whether .he uttmiit niter Old Abe ha matter;'. lixs'l to his satis faction, will have to Btay 'till the eipiiation of the three jcars, or be c'.ise.hargeil us per agreement, ut the "end of the wnr." It we are not discharged when hostilities cease, great injustice will be done. The mcmbtr.s of Co. "C," wishing to do hoiiur to Lieut. C. !?. Beard, nnd show their appreciation of him us nil otlicer ami gen ucmen, presented aim won a l' tuam 1 . . i i 1 swor j. Sisii anil I eit. i.ieui. ueurd rose from tlic ranks, siul as one of their number, the buys ga,ve him this token if esteem. A few nights ao. nil n'ul on Gen. Tor beti'a stall, with two more ollieeis, uttemj't ed to p iss n safe guanl stationeil ut a house near Winchester. The guard halted the partv. thev nusheil on, uniu'u no attention to the challenge, when tile sentinel churged havnu t, running the shaip steel tlirmih the ubilonitu of the itid, wounding hilfi so severely thnt he died in an hour. The guard did his fluty as he was there for the protection, of the inmates ami their property, with instruction to let n tine enter. The boys are all well, and jubilant over the victories of Grant, und their own little Sheridan, and feel us though they would soon return to meet the Uived ones ut home, and receive n kind greeting froiiiold iYittulb, und do you believe me tu be Yours Fl'uteruallv, II. D. -W. j Extract from a private 1 titer of our CcirejpoaJent xi. u. 11 . 1 Camp Xeau Washixotos. D. ). C, 1 j5. j April 24, !Sb5. Dkah Wii.vetit: It is true we liavo sustained a grent loss in the death of our much beloved l'rtsi- dent, but as it has pleased Divine Power to remove him from our midst, we should be thankful that He has given Us sm h a great aim ukiLiuuneu iiutn in ins sirnn (.inciiew Johnson) to drive mi the luwiiiuery of the (Jovernmeui. It was a wi-c ttiin in the trainers of the I'uii-titinioii ulon i!i-v imt I in that ciiin-e, where if we lose our l'resi (luiit tlx: vl:(.tU tit' the Govt-riitmiil e n f,,.v..r l.M uttil,,,i..l fliia i. l,,nj. 1 v tl,A Pfeaitlerit, a plain iiiiiirtti-niiir,B on lj(J (1(.14tll u( the CUw( y,. stepping -rwiini . take tlic oalli a.liliinisU re.l l.y ,1(J Cl!t.,. JU8,:,.C- aiu. at once takes tlie lu- s)onsil)ili:y of tlie nll'iiT. No flourish of trumpets, nor convulsion of nations, hut by tlie kiinplu power veatml in a Jurist1, a fellow citizen assumes power. This little luct proves tliu't our Republic can never die. I canuot describe to you the leeliu ot'tLe army when the news reached us that Abra ham Lincoln had been murdered by the assassin. I will not uttempt it, fur in doin; so, I would work niysi-lt'iiito astute to umke me miserable One thing if the bovs had gone into a tilit that morning no prisoueis would have been taken no quarters uiven. In coming from the bheuandoali Valley to Washington, the train lontuiiiin the re mains of our lute President, passed us near tl,o A i) n n po lis Junction. There was nine cure heavily flrapi d in motiuin'. Our train stopped (in a filling. It was solemn time. Tl.e men all uncovered in respect, and stunt men wept as the hist id' l.ini they loved, passed them, to be conveyed to its renting place. Along the whole route, houses were draped 1H liiourrMUg and the ainericitii fl-io ii n n at h;;lf ina. with rioiuii'ii. This showed the dwep hold Mr. Lincoln had iu the hearts of our people. B00THIULLED! IMRUOLDCAI'I'IRCD. Bootli'sj Hotly und Ilurroltl in OITICIAL GAZETTE. Vi'SHiSGTON, April 27C:S3 . it, Ha'.or Central DU: j. Wilkes Booth iind Il.tnold weie thin;d from the Swamp, in St. Mary's county, Man hind, to Oamill's farm, near Port Hoyul, on the Ituppahiinnock, by Col. Baker's force. The bain in which they took refuge was filed. Booth was ohot und kill ed, and Ilarrold captured. Booth's body and Ilarrold arc now here. IC. M. STANTON, . Secretary of Wat. Particulars! ol the Cnptnro of ISuotU uud Iliirrold. Waspinoto.n, April 27. Yesterday mm uin a squadron ot the 16th New York Cavalry li.iei-d Booth and Ilar rold tu a bam, between Bowling Oreen i'.i;d Port It'iyal, near Fredei'irk.biir;.', Va. The barn was surrounded and a demand made for am render, w hich Ilarrold was iu favor i;f il.iir.1.', but upon Booth calling liitu a cow ard he refused to surrender. The bam was then set ou tjia and upon c;et nn .r (no hot Ilarrold a-alii presented himself ami put his hands through the door to be hand ciitYed. While this was oin,' tin, Booth tired on the soldiers, upon which a sergeant fired t hita, the bull taking effect in the head, killing hull. j Ilarrold was tuken alive nnd he and Sooth't. J body were brought to the Washington Navy Yard, last nL'lit. ontlt declared his intention njver to turreiider, nnd said he would Chl the whole squad, cnnsistiiu; twenty eight : men, if ho would bu perijllU4 tu n'.aco him - ij ,r.. .... dvii iKcuir ihiui iiioiaiii. The scouting party was under couniaod or Lieut, i-dwnrd . IJoucliertv. Booth was on a crutch, and was lame: he Ifved two hours, whiperinjj blasphemieg gainst tht Governniett, and sendinp a meev sn)u to his mother. At the time h was shot it is said he wui leaning ou one crutch uud preparing aguiu to shoot at his captors NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. FLUID EXTRACT EUCHU tea NeB-IlctfniUoa er Ineontiaiace cf Crtne. tnCsmma Uoa or Cleerailea of the C'.aJ.l.r cr UiJacrs, C itascs cf the Prostrate Clead, OraTct, D;!cU Duit Pep'stu, E: orl est BwelUnft, Orgeote Weekntu, Crbltr, rm: Cos plalats, A a. FLUID EXTRACT DUCISU AW Improved Hoco "Wasli 1 Will rtOlcallr from the system Diseases arts J b frorj lliblts of DlMipul.'D, at IM-'t txpint; littU of n changt 0 diet, n aansnnc f txpetwt; j completely tupersstUug those vnplmtanlanil dangtroul 1 rmt&lu, Cepailn end JtVewry, la curia J these diseases, 1 "USE IIELlirJOLD'S FUND EXTRACT J3UCHU ! la til Diseases of the Urinary Orf ans, whether exlstlnf In aul or fiMiLS,ron vhaltttr taw ciglnatinj, and 1 nomatttrcovtonlilaiuHnf. It Is pleasant In Its tasto ! and odor, IMMEDIATE la action, and more strntlitnlnf ' than any of the preparations of B irk or I-on. Thole lilerlm from B-ekin Djicn or Dclicatt Conitl- . tvtlont, procurt tht Iicmtdy at ones. The Reader must be aware that bowerer slight may be the atta.k of the abora diseases, It Is certala to affect bit LodiVj ITtaWt, JTmUil Poxttrt and ffjpp nt$: If no trtttment Is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. All the tbove dUetset rto,uiro the aid of t dluretle. HELMBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHU 1st tho Oreat Diuretic IIELMBOLD") bioult ooscutui to Compound Fluid Extract Sarsapsr!!fa, for purtfftnf the bloed, remorlag alldlseues arising from ticeee and Imprudence In life, chronic constUuiloual dis easet arljlng from an Impure etate of the blood, and tlie o..,y reUttble and etfiittual known vemedy fi r the cure of Ccrofula, Scald Head, bait Ilheum, Pubs and Swelling of the Cones. Ulcerations of the Throat tod Left, Blotches, IMmples on, the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, aud til seal erup tions of thesUn.aad batutifylng the ooHrLUiot. NOT -A. FEW Of the worst dlsordsrs that alBlct aianslnd trite from the corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all the dis coveries that hw been made to purge It out, none can equal In effect nSLHSOlPS COSirOCXD K2 TKAC1 Of Sjttl3.iPJXH.ZA. Iteleensee tnd renorates Iht Elood, lostUltthe vigor of health Into the r.rstem, and purges tut the humo-s which make disease. It stLnu.etts the healthy functions of the body, aud expels the disorders that grow and ranltlo la the Dlood. Furh t remedy, that could be relied on, bas long been sought f r, and no, for the flrsl llJt", the public hive one on which they can de pend. Our space here dies not admit cf ec-t!.1cates to show Its effsets, but the trial oft tin;le bottle will show to the tick the it Use elrtaee surpassing anything they hare ever taken. Two lablMpsentful ol the tztrtat of e,rsspartilt, tided le a pint of watr, Is! to the ltsva I t 1 r-.S:, -. 1 cos bottle Is equal to t gallon of the S; ru? of Sirss; jt;::a, cr the dtcectlou as usually made. The tbove Extracts tre prcptrtd on purely scien'.iSj prUdplet la Fjcuj ad embody Vie f '! r.:c. t o( the lagrcoMCnts entering Into liis'.r coa;9:i:li. A rsdy and eeocluslre test will be t comparltort cf their pr:pcr ties with those set forth In the V. E. DL-piniHr...-. HOW TO USE THE RESElliES In Diseases of the Elood, Humor en thtlace, or any and every prt of the brty, u&e Lstrict ersapsiill.t, sp plytni to Pimples tn I tit exteratl Uuracrt or Eruptions Ihe Inprored Cose TVath. Use the Eztrtcl Cuehu fur til diseases re quiring the tld of a Diuretic, except th.-ie of f.ieCrlnaryCr;s;s, n.ti as Oonorrhattnd Gleet ; la these use t j ti'.iict Cucha tnd Isjecl with the leiprored r,ese Wsih. KW TIIESK EXTRACTS HAVE BEEN APMITTE3 TO C5E IN THE UNITED &TA7L3 Ar.'tV.s . I kUi n la very general use In all the STATS HOSPITAL AMD rOHI.10 INSTITUTIONS throushout the Und, ts wed ts la private prtctlce, tud tre cnsfJered ts UTtlnablt rciasdiu. K F, D I C I H E DSUYSRCD 70 Ay I' J.U2XISS. Elrctt Isttcrt to UELMBOLD'S VtXd k CIIIMICAL WaM norSE, 504 Broadway, H. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, Ct TO imMtiOLD'S HCwICAL CIP0T, 104 South Tnt!i St., Assembly DuilJ't, Fhili, Bueriit Sjmritomi in all Cjmmunuatdnt. SOLD DC ALL DRUGGISTS CUCRYXHERL Bewaro of Counterfeits! Arril SJLlS65-ly J. R. HILBUSH, touuly riurvevor, Couvt'ysiiiCi'r AVI) jus rice or the peace. it.ihntwy. A rf.'iUli.'vi-' i;.,' C-ni'ti, Pri,i,'i 1 Office in Jackson tcxnt-liip. Lnajiisenienta can be made by letter, directed to iho al.nvc tddiew. All business cutrusud lo Lis care, will bo promptly ttlended to. Apiil li, lM.V-ly NOTICE. I In pursuance of a rfsojutiim ot tin1 Boned of nirectors of ihe Bank of Northun. bet land i a tneotinLT of :he Stofklwdders of the .said Bnnlr will be held at the Hanking II.hjsl' in . the Borouph of Sunbury, on Thursday, the i 4lh day ot May, ltiOS. at 10 o'clock A.M..1 lor the purpot-C fit' deciding whether' t!r said Bank shall be chanced and converted into, and become a National Association, ; for carry i uk on the business cf -buukini-'. j under the laws of the United States, mid i shall rxereUc the powers and privileges ron feied by the Act of the Assembly ; of this" Commonwealth entitled, "An Aft enabling the Banks of this Comnionwcuitli to iiecome Associations for the purpose ot i banking under the laws ot' tlie tinted1 States," and of the supplements thereto. By order of the Board of Directors. b.V.u L Suli J. i'AUli.t-11. UAKniF.K. Bank of Northumberland March gQ. 18(15. 4t SUNBURY ACADEMY. The Ber. JAMES IiICKPON will ttfen an Aoa deuiviuSjubiiry, in the KAfTIST CUVT-CU.oa Monday the oM day of April next. Jtranclifa TauKht, Latin Greek. Maiberottics. I'hilor.l y, Pook-Ifi)i. ine, Hbstoric, Heading Music. Am, i,e .rjply, Jlulory. tirauimtr. l.ogio, Comnoti:iuu Wtiut,. Trans na Qciarit or 11 Wttas. Common lirtnehee, $s.00 for each of tbe following branch fl additional will Uobarge4 ' Lttia, Ortek, Logic, iUadu-j uu. ( sic I A rtnlinatioDB. are respectfully solicited. I For further iiarlioultrt apply lo Her. JAMES niCKKflN. Teaeher. rjcbslart frotu lUt country Ces ail; find board Is ouubury, huabury. April 1, W -3t .lul tf Juunlltuu jLtsUor sle'c!. NOTICE It hereby given tbat letters nf sdmtnis traiious btving beeu arauted to tbe subscriber, ou tbeeeieUol Joueibao Lesber. 1st of Jordan town ship, Northumberland County, Pa., deceased. All persons iudebted aro requusied to mske tnmediule peynjeut, aud tbe Laving claims will present Uitui UselUeunait- TOBIAS MILL, AlasV. W'a.'.loS'.'V, tp-, Ajitl :' r t?YTn x r.r unrnrM W A3K PQR KElVtHiOtO'U. A JACOB O. BEOK, MERCHANT TAILOR, AnJ Peeler In CI.OTU8, CASSLMEUEK, VITINH, Ac. l'nvu nti-- I.hoiiIU tf Citlfr's tJolel, BUMTJ B It TT , T iNKDK.MS the 1 itisetis of Suobiir snd vicinity, thnt ho hue just retiu-ueditroiu I'liilKdclj hiu with t full ncrtiucnt ot SFUIIiU k SUM ME I! GOODS,, OF EYEKY IiESCKII'TION AND yUAl.Il V. And at greatly KEDUCKI) PIUCKS. stock cnr.istnf Cloths. I-'rciuh Cloths. Itlni'k P- v ami r'ni.ty Cfi9-.iii.eres. lllu k Snitn. Klgured Silks. I'liiin und Kiiiu'V Cwiincrc VKSTlMiS. which lio will uiako np to ordr in stvlci to suit tho tfi-'ti' ot ousioiuers, on dUurt notice, and the dust reaaonulle tonus, Auy Ooods not on hand, will bo furuUhed from FhilnilrlphiA. by civina; two days' notice. Ooods furnished by custoiuors will be made up to ordor as herctoloro. As ho w ill employ none but eaporicncil workmen, Ecrwiiis mny rely ou gi-ttiug their work well done at is nhon. Xhiiiikful for the p:ilrunnij;e lieretulore bc-slnwed, ho resiii-cllully mliniis a ouiiiiiiuunecof the eau.u. r-uuliury, April li. lS'ij. HIOHLV IMi-'OHTANT TO THE LOVEKej OF HIU I W 11? FJ 3 n I TOEACCO &. SEGAR STUHE. , .1. II. EJV:i;M!i VtHlf Inn tiikon the 1 ,lorf lloiuii in .lude N i-llu-r'n liuil'lmjr opposito I Ihu lied l.ioii liulel. Miirkit streut. in PuLlnity. j u h'-re hi will kvep o'it;.4tnully 011 hnud uu ti.stoiiun.nt ' of llio t'hoiceiit llrtinds of j KJUACX'O, KtUAUS, SNOT, tC, iiC. I l.oi k nt tin- List Chewing Toltmcv, nuking Tobacco, 2vnvy c.iiliu s 1-iolihl, KillMkiiiitk, Courtii-js, Lviiulihurjr, piii hull, Luitville, f-iivcnilish, 1 hiikko I'ocala, I i'tdorujo,. i'li 11 1 Vry. j jii'e, Idol. ' l'luiitnlion, thit nnl lliy, . LacuUior, &cips. i 1-IPE9. J Swci-t lliii'j- No. I. .sni-i-t lliiiir 2 Hu'ta rejcha, KontMood, Carved, IiiiiuUiiii"ii. buy, L lay. 1 ij V. ij A It . j Si'rviinlesdo lliibai.11, ''conn liinl, Isnbellada 'ubn.. l-ifr:irii, Keuiiiis, tlurClub, j I.11 Kiyiin. l!,:,.y Clay Axulos, Al?o mi np?orliiit-nt of Senr Cnst-, Tolmcco J'oxci, Scnr Holder.-, T'po fti.-iijii, 'I'iilji.cco I'uuchc-s, Ac. 1 Tor Piiino. .V-lod.i-iii, Yiolin. tiuitur, FouT l'.irt toi.fe?. I?ulns, Liuell.s, Choruses. Ac. 'hXi-l-S by thi; Million, such 11s t'nion. Sentimon ti;l, Ci'iuii-..!, lu-liiou.s, 'iViiipcrnncu Pim. Ac. J. 11. ivurzcnkiiiibe. biin n lo:ii,i:t i. lurcr of fr-onr is lutitili-'t lom-1! 11 liirt cliisis urti';iu lor tho prim', eilhi't- W liolcMile or lU-tnii. 2-unbut , April ij, lSCj. THE NINTH NATIONAL BAKE- or Tin: city of new ywk. CAPITAL, ilO.OOo.OUu. i'Alil IV, FISCAL AGEVT OF TUB UH17SD BTATES. And iriiil A-jiiit Jus ,J,iy Ctn?iC, Fuhfriji- li'ill Aljtht, Y.'ill ui-lu rr 7-.10 Voles. Free of cleiri-. by ex- r.i-f.-s. 111 till i.iiitw ,l 11. e rouiilrv. 111.1l n-ooiv in ivnii-nt Clii'.-ks i n ,-w Yotk, l'liittiili'li-hiii. und ll.i-iun. cnrii'ii! bills, tn.d nil fiv per i-cul. iiii,-ri:sl iio'i-s. w i.h inlero lo .Lite of Mi!oriplioii. iiidi-r.-sent t-v 1'j.iil will he pi'onii:y tills I. 'Ibis rii-.iiU ri'.-iiws 1 ), u iu'i-ouiiN of ltinl-ii and I'...-- -n f.iiir:ibi..- I'trins ; a!:-o of ii.ltvidu-il, i. in. N e-.v ', ..c uiii" J. 'I . li 1 ..I.. , -l.ii . . J. I'. Oil VI:;, President. M.-neli I. lii.i 'hn 711 1.11.1 'I. 1 . li. 'A"f. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, H Nlll KV. 1'tX.NSVl.VAMA. Ci '!,-.-tiei. nnd all Vr-dtseiimnl buine-s pnmipily ntti i de l lo in Iho (.'.ants id uril.uii,beilniid und leljiiiiiiii Ci uniM'!. I -j .Alia, .-ipt-.-iul iilteutinn paid to the ('nlliM-iien of 'r.Mie.'. !;.ninli,-ai and Luck l'uy f.-r Vidovrtfc OrpiiLiiii nnd S-.Miir Suubury, March IS, lSijj. " BRITISH PERIODICALS, Tlic LONDON QUAllTUULY UEV1EW (Couscr mlite I tiik i:ii.iii i:; 11 KJ:vir w (Whii?.) thi: vi;.-;'iMisn;it iti:vii:v (Hiid.-ii 1 1ll'. XfillTIl Uli.lTl.-fil Ul'. Ii:n', irreu-C'lmrch.) l.L.CKViiXd)Bl.UlXl:l"i;iiH MAliAZl.N'li. Tory The An'rrienn Titlbcr. ear.t'nue to retrint the nru e-r.nii.,-1 pi-rii..lieali. but n llu ,.f prin'ii. il.iulilel. tl.e pri.-i of paper ell-d. and tuxes ,11:01.-1. Iic-i ev . l-trelv iii.(ea.,i-.i. they arecuii pellc I to't.' tluir Uiu.; u-,-ws. Ti:iiMS 1-i.iJl lsw.'i. r.-r nny one of tie Keviews, M f't pef annus). l"'r rn'y two f ihe U.'vies, 7 ml 1'i.r any tlm- "fine lli-i lews, In ou ' l-'nr all "four uf the lte ieiv, Kill) " For Ulnekwiaxl's .Ma;'"'".'. I en ' lor H'a.'hwwd bi linn Ve v. 7 Cd Icr lil.n-kHuoil uud air lit ) Iho llevii-.o, 10 00 " For HI ii -Uwood and three ol llu i.e.iews. 1100 Fur biaekwonl and the four He views, 15 00 " The wi-rk will be primed "li a fjreuily Improved : nii ilnv 1. 1 paper, and lii!" in-irly nil Aineric.-iii i t'eiialicaisnre entn r udvanccl in pri.-e or re Inc . I i in rii' i. I veiy ,tieiullv huh we shall e.u.iii ue tu pe faithful evpu-s t all matter omit-enc 1 in tlie uriiiiiile oti . ns lli-iice, nur pre.- nt pric-s will be I feui.d uf i'Ik Bp, fr Iho iiiiuiuiii id inain-r, fiirni-he.l as I hone id' any ol the cuuipetiuj; periud.caU iu thi.-, ; count rv . Compared Willi Die cost of the ont:'nid editions, ! which at the picii.nt premium on m'ld Would bo I n hunt f II II a year, our pi iec.1 ,la) urn exei" !!' low. ! Add to this the fuel that we limUo our annual pay ment, (.. the liriti.-h 1 d lirher.-, f.-r curly -heel ' an.! i'";.viu;bt in li.,:,l- j l Cflin;; in nt thn time plan., l.i.i.i ri-ailv -' .'-'1 iui-i Hin.-v nod we iru-i in ihe mi,Iu we bum ndot'li d we i-ha!l ' rlitir '.V I I juriiSed by our ?ul :vi il eii, and Iho rvadioi pulili,-. The t iti'rvsl el thi-.-e l'.-rl,lieu1 I" Ainerieuu reu I ders is r:itl..-r iti. ie ii-'ji limn diiuini'l.ed hy the nr. 1 tie!, s they fi.oiuiii on oar Idvil l nr. and. if' ur'h ! son-.iu.i liiitted wi'h pre;,udico. tbtv an.y-ti.l, tou.-iucruiu: t li i-ir pr- t i.' ;i. eud mo ililiereot ' rtni,. l-i wnieh lt.. i..f rotten, r';l und s ud:ed Willi iiilvuiiiuuc by the pcplo of this couLiiy. of e try eiei d nud puny. Tin: poru liEVjEw? ion imvi. A few copies of l!.e.i(Ove ri-ii.aitj on hand, and vi'.; bo soil ut lor the wLule) futr, or f lor any one. We ul' publUh the l':ii-titt-iis (i!ii(lf. l!v Hf'Miv frn iikns. of l;.iliiilun'k. and tho lite J P. NoitToN. of Yulo Collivo. i vols. Hoyul Uc- tavi.. liinil l a'es and luiiiieious i:irni in.ts. Pl;ICE S lor tho two ulun.a !y Mail, post paid. 6o. LLOXARD FfOTT i CO.. Publishers. Xu. .'IS Waikertieot, Now York. Fibrur.ryJ,lbC5 I ... l'liilttdf Iplila V Urlo tnllrsmsl. f plUS great lino traverses the Norik rn nnd Xorth J west counties ol Pennsylvania lo Le city of line on I ke Erie. . It his been leased by tho rennfylvnia ltailrnad Citupanv and isnperaled hy them. li, cniire Knjtih was opened fi r Jsssenjjer ana fieil.t bu,nt-s. October I Tilt, iMll Time ot Paoei'.i;er trains at tiunbury Leave Lutlwaid. Mail Train, arrives 10 55 P.M. iluiira Lsprfs Train, 1tJ. . w Lock lluvcu Aeoouiinodation, .U.o5 A. M. Louve W cttwurd. Mail Train. 4 15 A.M. Ll'j iia Fxprcss Train, 20 Lock llavi-n Ace.oiiiinodation, 4 25 P. M. Pufeiir'er c :rr run tl.r. u,;rt on .Valllrain, wilnmit chanpe l.uth ways l eiween l'tiiia.itlbia aud trie, tl .1 Lnlliu.olo end trie. Lleai.t olei-Tii'i; Cars on Mai Trains bt'h Wave between riiua lnii iiia an t Lf riuven, tn l ' ! snd on Uprose Iraiu boltwajs ktont I V miauist'ori end lialiimoie. 'ns! For information respecting PanKer biuinest i .11. il, uml Markut St.. Philaellihia. ' 'j . l- .: .1.. 1 . . ..r .1, . ('..nbn.'. A ..-..(. alld lor X ISHliUl pqiinsi.1., iiisvu....... B. B. Kiugtton, Jr., Cor 1JIU su .uuxaut Dt. J. W . Reynolds, F.;ie. J. Id. Drill, Agent N. C. It. H., WOinore. U 11. lloiuroi Ueu'l FreiiihAgt. PbUudt. II. W. QwixsiS. Gen'I TiokeAg't., P.kUtda Jottru D. Puts, fjtoT Muar. nlti,eport MAGNIFICENT SALE. CJoM mitt Ucr Walchre, Jcvtclry " ON THE ONE DOLLAU 1'LAX. The cntiro stock of Ono fluid nnd ftilvrr Wnti:h iMnnuf o'lory. 7wu ruiinonso Jcwr-lry Kulnhlisli. im-riis. Hun Silver 1 ' 1 11 1 1 11 if Viiri'li uise, One fluid Ton nud IVrn-il Mnkor. to hi- ilispoHed of with di ipiili-h niihout remind to COST ! The (lil-l.s i.n- of fiisliionnble styles nnd mo.'t ex-colli-nt noikuuirnliip. ami are saurilioed in this man-li-r to rolii-i 0 tho prupriot'iis from eniharraflsinont occiisioiiu.l l,y a ilislrnutiiiK civil wnr. It should Le pruuiinuntiy stated, also, that they aro mostly uf AMERICAN MAN'UFACXCKB nnd theref.ire greatly superior tu the goods Imported from 11l.11.nU nnd hiwktj about ns the ebenpest ever sol i. The simple (iu'.y on imported (ToodJ, end Ibis high r rciuiuuaon Uoid (all foreign bills are parable in irot'1.1 amount to more then the entire cost of inai.y f the nrtioletouered by us to Iho public To facilitate the s.ile QSLX 0VE DOLLAR will be chnrgp'l for nry nrticle en our list, find tills sum the puicimr neo l uot pay until he knows what ho is to (roll This plan accords with Uie uietbod loci'iilly breome so poTiulnr for itisnoeinir of larifo stocks c-f Jelwoiry aid similar productions. TIIK PLAN IS SIMPLE! The same of each article offered f-,r an'.ei-as ,r0olJ limiting Watch." -Gold Ovil-Iinnd liracclot.'' 'IV-nrl llri'iutpin nnd Eiir-brops.'' --Gold Lnninollct Einil." ".-ilvtr, i'liiled Cake Uufket'' 4c. Iswrilt-jn on n e.nrd uml t-iiolicd in a so iled envelopo; these ei'.suli pes in thcu plnccd in a drnwer nnd well mixed ; lh.:n ns i n or.l.ur is received, with twenty live cciiU for return postage mi l othui- ohnrijes, one of tho cards or certillontus is taken nt random nnd snt by first mail to iho customer, who will see at om'ttwhut he eim fret for one liollnr. It be '11 pleas-id with his In lime he enn forward the r.ionuy nccer dinir to dircclions on the ccrtilieiitn nud secure Ihe pure. If the nriicle nwiirdod should be unsuited lo the purcleiscr us tor example, a sot of Tearl Eiir-liropsfii-.d ih-cuHpiii to a yuuni; man Mhu could not. cir lheui,uud had fio one to trive them to we will send nny other nrtii.-le on the cnliilogtio of- exuiil pl ioo which mny bo preferred. Or if. for any lea bou, yon choiy'to venture no further, then you can lt;t tiie uiulter drop where it is find apeui uu luurc. LAiimiue c.irefiillv our Cat.-ilouo ! WATCII DEI'AUTMEVT. .".ml'-riit. Li vorGold Hunting Ca.e$-.0 to 520". Mud Genie' iMncd'd Li ver Gold lit. Case 40 - I7i Inn Geuls' Swi Gold lluiitimt tne ill) - Mil Hon Liolii-K1 Gold nnd Kmitm-leil III. Cno "0 - 811 tun Gents' l'ntint Lever Silver lit. Cuso .11" - VII tun ilt-nlK Iict. Lever Silver lit. Cmo 30 - hi .' Gcnls' liet. Lever Silver Open-Fnce 20 - 60 :iiin Genu' Futint Lever Silver Ujien-FaccZi - 61I "Oil Oeiita' .Si.-? Silver Id - 40 JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. V.iiii Iiiii-iond Hin $10 to $i:o ."uu G. iit.' Iiiiimoud Pins 20 - .Ini'll lii-iiln' ('iiliftrnia llinniolid TitU 3 I.'.HHI Geulu' Caiiforiiiii Diumond ltius It -Oi'Otl Gi-Mt.' f-ohl'itiid Kuniii. Fob Chains 3 -41101I tJ.-ntf' Gold Vint Chains 5 - 4HIIH I'nir Goriln' Gold Sleeve Iluttons H -I11111I I'nir Gents' Gold & Ennui. Sleeve Et 4 -lil. (Ill Gi-lils' Gobi Stiulj :t - Mum Geuls' Sumo Sit nnd Signed Hins 3 -Miii.'l Gents' Stone Set A sii. I'.iuim. Eins 4 - I HO I 15 I 12 40 40 I 10 I w! 12 1 15 : bi 10 ' 12 lo 30 , H 111 . 12 ' 12 . fiiiiio I.M.Iiis' Gold iSe- k Chains ll.llll Gobi Oval-lliind Itlncek-tS (11HMI G..d and .let lir.ic-le's .'.iliiil l,.,:. I mil Liiaii:, lei lirncelcts :i(ioil G.,1,1 Cli:ilfluin Chains iiimi Pair Ladies' Gold Sleeve Euttrns liMMJ Pmr 1. 11. lies' Gobi Fniiiu .-luevo St. hllllll Solitaire Gold llfooelles i I'.niiii C0r.1l. Opnl nnd Emerald Ilrooches 1 hiKl Gobi Ciiini-o and Pearl Ear-I'rops . Vooii .M-aio, .),.( I, nve t l'loruiitinc E. !.." -: ollllil Gobi I liiiiihli'.s 5 - J loci 11 Criil. ii,i 111 .1 I'mer.ild Ear-Drops 3 -! Ini'lio .Mi.iiaiui,- l.oi ki-is 4 - . Iiiiinii Miniiiture Lo,-k,.N -;,.aic spring 8 - ' 111 I I...I.I Itilltfs 4 - liiiif'il Sei- l.;' .l.-wi-lrv C. id nnd Jet J - liil'iili Sets Li.l! - Ji-vM'Iry C.iiueo, - ! liitf.o Liniies Gill mid Ji t P.-neelcls 4 - I Uv O Lndice' Gilt 1111. 1 Jet Hat Supporters 2 - lil 10 ID lo 2'i 12 2o 10 17 12 :'ILYER PLATED WAKE, ii .(i'i "iiui nbi.'N li'oiin ',-;ir ;-..- Kin Kings i.i'iU t.'ntd li,L-kets 52 to 20 3 - 2 4 ."nun I 't,. It,, i,:is lu.'ti V-'..r I'ruu.e complete wUL Ejttls".'" ami'l lee I'it. hers 111 I'.nnli i inr liuiti-r Knives 3 ioiiii S .up. Oytor und Uravy Ladles 2 i (ion l-inirmved Pin Knives 3 1-iMMI li.izcn i ea .S;..ot pur dozen 5- iViiiui lo en Table r-po,,ns per dotcn 6- S ),i.'i tl-.,rfi jieert l"iirkc ier dozou 7 - CCnu liiui tl TiiUi) 1'orki Let dozen b - HOLD l'K.NS AXD PENCILS. lM'iHi.ild I'eiis. Silver Kxten-ion Holders $:i to fid i li'imil tiold Pens, f-ilver .Mounted Aolders 2 - 8 ! Minn Hold Pens, linl.i Muiiiiled Holders .1- lot tioiiiliiuld I'eiis wiihliold I'ixt. Hollers 111 fiuiili Hold I'l l,, (iold Holders and Pencils IU - ;0. . tkmti (iuld Pciioil ti - 2i iu:.Mi:Miii:u tiik plan : Iu nil i-ei we ,-hiire for f.-rwurdina tho Cerifi- eHti- 1.I.-I:, ff mo I il.. n.4 the t'U-ine,-. the uiu ol 1, inu-l he ei,i.-t,.se.l in the or - will be m-nl tor $1 ; eleven sixty-live tor flu ; ouc buud- ! t eli' -tu e I'elity. w hi j der. Fil e f.'t-i l ili.'ui. i for ; thirty lor j ; I red for ' AtiKNTS AIU! WANTED i i,V". Mahout the Country to operate for us. A large eoiop. ti.-iiiion will be paid. Send for terms, dc, el.l'le.-il. slump. XKWIinnX A CO., 7j Fulten Street, X. y. April 1. o5 JIM. SCHENCK'S M A T Ti U T.r V I) III C: ii :1 II IV il li. li i 1 li UO For. sicii in; A-iDyvcriE, Sl.-s Siiiiptfuai ( :iuse iiittl Curo. Tuts hm: re.i i .ed 'jna.o frui a cons'ant nausea or i'-krio- at the n'ouiuh. w hich attends the pain in i the head. Tuu headache is apt to begin in the nio..nia on waking from n deep sle,-p. and when ' f hie iriL-iihu'ity of diet bus been committed on the I tiny h-jiii re. or iiiiietiuie for several days previous. At l.n- t Iheie is a distressingly oppressive feeling iu the head, whith rielutilly uur-es iitu a seveu : heavy pain in the leu, plus, fieijiienily attended by a ' i' of fiilluuu and Uujeruese hi ere eye. and ex, a. to-.- tlu foiehenj. T'jerc i- a cliiinuiv. un- I pleasant t.isto in ihe mouth, an offcnd.'u brctilh, nnd i Ihe tnntruo covered with it yellowi-h white fur. Tho syilirer di'-in-s to lo nloi.e in the durk room. As ' soi-n us tl.e patient feels the fullnci iu t!-e liead and ; pain iu tin teinpies, a lare di-so ot ehciikc s i'ills, aud in an hour or two they will feel ; us well as well as ever. This ha been tiitd by thou- ! sand.-, and is always ure tu. cure, und instead of the ' iek beiuliicke coining ca every week or ten duy, they will not bu trembled with it once iu three uifiiiL?. Si'henek s Mandrake Pills lire composed of a num ber of tool be-'ides Podophiuiu. or cnuceutraled M.indrnke all of which tend to relax 'he nccretion of the liver, nnd act more prompt than blue pills or mercury, and without leaving any dangerous effects. Ib a bilious per.-on Ihey will show themselves by the stools. They will expel worms, mucus, bile and all morbid matter frum the system. Iu sick headache if they aro taken as directed abvove, (a full dose us soon lis they fuel tho first symptoms ol it Dr. Sohcuck will und has directed his agents to return the money if they do not jffvo perfect satisfaction. If s person has beeu compelled to stay out lute ut night und drink ten much e ine, by tukun dose of piils ongoing to bed. next morning be will feel as though he had not drank a U.up, unless hu fjrcta to go to bed at all . They only cost 25 cents t box. Whoever takes them will uever use any other. Tbey are worth a dollar lo a sick man for every oent they cost. Lout forget the name SfEExc a's Mj-fuaisa Pills. Sold wholesale snd retail at Dr. r-chenjk's Princi pal 02e, No. 15 NurthSixlb street, Philadelphia, I 4 b truil!ist, n,1 Stoiekes.pejs i.-terally. 1 , , , . t 4 t . : Pn.'-o f-r 1 ulmonio byrup, Scamo-i T..ui uie. tact' tl 50 per bottle. 7 50 the hail ih ca. ot to bot tles of Syrni tnd one of Tonic, for fl Ij. Dr. Schenck w ill be at bit olEoo. No, 15 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every .Saturday Iu set p&iientt. lit Dskee uo ebtrje fut tdv ice. bus for a through extiaioatiou of Ihe luus wilts oil Kespiro meter, be chtrges tsl- March Id 1S-.5. x. 1 f tc etui gosxj Tin- Wave. ff u 1 j sir: tiv ti. T tMllTLf it i GEO. DEMERIT & CO., JJiWELEUS, 83 Iti-ondiTiiy, .e VoiaJ (COIlVEU pCAJtE STREET.) 1.00,000 WATCHES. chain b, coin rcsa anu ?iCILSI &C, AC. Woi-tli .SOO.OOOt TO PE SOLD AT One Dollar EACH, VT1I3. Ot'T REG A III TO YALCE. And not to bo paid until you know what y.'u wiU receive '. SPLENDID LIST or Alirr. LE3 All to be Sold for CSE HOLLAR EaeL ! 100 Gold Iluutini; cues Watches tkili 1100 1U0 Gold Wutclies 3l 200 Ladies' AVatches Si Ml) S.Wer Watches $15 00 to S2i ObO Gold Neck ftul Vest Chains 12 00 to 15 1U00 Chuteluin and Yest Chau.s i 00 to 3000 Yctand Nock Chains 4 00 to 40IH Solitiiiro Jet and Gold Brooches 1 CO to 400J Goral, Lava, Garnet, 4c, do. S i'0 to. 70i'0 Gold Jet, Opal, ic , Eur Drops, 3 00 to iWO Gents' HrcHt and Scarf Pint 3 00 to OoHU Oval Bracelets 3 00 to i.JOO Chii-ed L'raceleU ' 6 09 U 14) :i,ii'0 California. DiiituoiU Pins and Rings 2 50 to 9 2000 Gold Wnlcli Keys 2 50 to S 50'jO Solituiro Elecve Battoua tnd Stud 3 00 to S KlUO Gold Th'unlilca 4 00 to 0 otiliO Miniature Lockets 2 00 to T .1100 Miniature Lockets, Magic 4 00 to 9 20i'U Uold Toothpicks, Crussos, Ac. 2 00 to 3 Fob and Ribbon Slides 2 00 to 4 I Ot'U Chased Sold Kings 2 00 to 5 4000 Slone .Set Hin-s 2 00 to 6 Mia) Sets indies' Jewelry- Jot and O.vld i 00 to IS 0(100 "' " " varied styles, 3 00 to 15 8000 Oold Pons, Silver Case and Pencil 4 00 lo 8 4 too - " I'bonyllolilerandCueilOOtolOOO CoOO " Muunted Holder 2 00 to 6 00 All Its goods in the above List will be sold, with out rcscrvati-ji, fcr ONE ImLLAll FACII. Certi ficates of all the varj-. us articles are placed in simi lar envelopes sealed- and mixed. Thoio cnvulopes will bo sent by mail, or delivered at our office, without regard to choice. Ou receiving Cartificato yon will see what nrticlo il repreunts. und it ii op tional wiili you to send one dollar, nnd receive tbu ui tide named, or nny other in the list nf same 7n!uo. lty this mo le wo give selections from a varied stock of Cuo tpjo'l-t, of the boat u,ake an'i hxest. style?, and of intrin-.ic worth, nt a nominal pritc. while all have a chance of scorn ing ar.iclcs of- the very bihiMt value. In till transactions by mail we ch'irjriifur forward iinj ihu itortlSeatn, paying pottage, and cluing the l.uiincii. 1 cenut each. Five certificates -sill bo sent for SI I F'evtu for $2, Thirly f.r $5 , S.xty file f 10 ; and Ore Unu.lrcd f-,-r Sii. l'.EASONS WHY. Vo,hi)ulu supply your wants ; our facilities are un surpassed ; our work ofunrivjlled ev-'ellenct ; our punctually ubsirvod. Our ceniral location b:iii(! us iici-r the "wisr r f j't points. Our itoodt Lit rxiv froiu the lnunufactorer-. un-l ol' the lateit an 1 uio't dosirablc styles Tho g io is must bo sold, and the terms are uuciinaik-J. All articles ordered tre forwarded by rc'urn mail. We uaruntee entire satiifaetkn in every instance and il" there should be tny person disvatisCcd with any article they mny receive, they will iinujedislely roturu it, ond the price will be refunded. Ans.fTs. We rdlow those acticg ts Agents Ten Cenla on etjh. Cortifictte ordered, provided their remittance amount lo One Dollar. They will collect 25 cenu fur every Certifleate, aid, retaining ii cebls, remit U ut 15 cents fur each. Address gi:o. i:nrRiT &. c. S0. Broadway, New York Match 4. 135 5.-2 10 MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS & l: O S K X II E I M , WHOLESALE DEALERS, No. 4:11 Mai kct Street, north side, PHIADELPinA, Have now open their usual hindsoiiie variety cf llibbons, P'.hiiet MUcria'.j, Straws A. I'-mcy Itouneu, Ladies' A iisk,s' Hats, FLOWEltS, ltUCUUS, LACES, and all olher trticlos required ty the Millinery 'i'l-jifU'. I T.y lon7 :" ' "iet attention to Ih'j branch ('utter oursolvit lbt we can e,l.r induc-u.. .. . ritJ vstylts. qu.-ilily and nmdorato price- net everywhere t j be found, 'i jo attention of .VI LhlXLP.s aud MEK. CiIANTo rcpectluily tulicuid. l-if" Particular attention fail tc ji'ding Ordart. Muroh 1, lSb.-3m. 3 -STIITG-S EXCELSIOR COFFEE. Whilst Irving Coffee of all the various brands, lltiiicnibir "liH.(VVNlMj's LXCLLsIOil' ut tbe hoad it stands. True, it's not like others thut aro "SOLD EVERY W1IK11E " A little strutch, wo all do know, gd geods will easily boar, .But a stretch liko this "sold everywhere tilery j apt lo tear.) Now, I can stiffly say, without any hes'tstb-n There's none like's L'xcklsiuU" i3 t'Jl i-nlihteneH nation. Skilled chemists have nut fouud a Cufftie fioru any siore Possessing the same ingredients as "Srowniug'e Ex celsior " Nor is there any one. in or out cf the Cofloo trade. Who knows tl.o ani:li s from wiiioii "Biowuiug's Excel.-ior's" made I'm told it's made (ruin barley, rye, wheat, ",i,a. and peas ; Nuine a thousand other things bit the Rilit Cue if you please. But with the Cottuu-wen I will not hold Contention Fur the ninny, muny things they say too numerous tu uienlioB. Whilst they 're engaged in rucuiog rtunilfroa store to siure Tj leurn Ihe current ahLletale price ef "Erowuing s," Some who know my Coffee giver, perfect salitfa;tion, Hate formed a pluu by which Ihey hope tj chuik a quick reuctin. The case 'tis with a few ; no doubt 'twill be more Tu name their Colleu utter siinn, .Bruwuiug s Excel sior. " Some say their s the only brand thai will rand a reudy test. Now, try a lUilo of theui nil see which you like the best. Three years have parsed away since I first toll a store ; Never have 1 iu your paper advert 'ted before; Nor would 1 iiuw, or ever eouseut to publish more. Il likcsumu used by "everybody," -told every where' 111 "everv store. A trude like this I do not wi.u; the orders I could not till : Tbe factory all Jersey's land would lake leave not a loot to till. My traUe it not so very large ; still I think I have my snare, ... ,. DUl IWIVI , , 'U IH-, IC.l MIUH,. V. .V. a.- Lvery where Munufacturo.1 a,B 1 for 5ale by the writer, .i:itai: is. iatsu.ti.fu. No. 20 Market Street, Camdou, N" J Ti'a Cciffee it not omposed of poisoueus drug.-, it .mil's no. I ini; delete, lout ; many oi rseM use this I Coffee that cannot use tbe p'ire coffee ; it lakes but ono aud a ball ounces to mass a quart Ol good strong ooflte, tbat being just one-Uall' the quantity ; It takes ot Java tuliec, ana always icot III an nun Uie price. Retail Dealers may purchase It in Lo quantities than ten groat at my pric truui Ut it uolosulo Ore cers. Lj Order! by mtil from "blcsile DcaKri prompt ly otuodod Iu. FebriuiT U.lMS-ora T TZ1 wu. sreos) baolsre ftrlf. ?.-. ta h : (t ' :.' tc'rerTnKv.!!i!cr, T.y uuUioiity of U underpinned Las afsun. Agency for the sulnof Uin benrin seven tnd thtoft tc. per atnutn, known 0 Iht BEVO-THIRTY l. These Notos aro Isrued under dato o .istljlh, 1835. tnd are paysblo three years from .St time, la currency, or are eoarerliUo at tlo option of the bolder Into C. r. (V20 Rtx per cent. G O L D-B K AR1NO BONDS. These bonds tro worth a premium which incrctsot the ac'ual profit on tbe 7-30 loan, and Its exeinpliot ftTTn Stttt and muuUiipnl tsintiou tddt from one V. threo per ceut. mors, according to the rate levied oi olher prop eily. The Interest is psyabie in ourreooi tem'.-onnnally by coupons attached to ooch note which may he cut c tn 1 sold to any b,Uik; or backer Tho Interest tmouuts to One oeut per day oa a $50 note. Tuo cents " t " MOD " Ten " ' $500 " u i. ii 1000, '. $1 " ' " $5010 " Nules of all the ienotninaiious Darned will b I promptly furuUhed upon receipt of subscription: and the notes forwarded at unco. The interest 1 15lh June next will bs paid in advance. This is 'l'iiv Osily Louu in ".flat lsct now offered by Ihe iL.iveriinicnt, and It is confident! expected Uial its tupci'ior tdvuiilsjes will inako i'; O.'.EAT POP CLAP. LOAN 0? THE PEOPL! Lets thau i kiO.OCO.OuO of thv Loen authorised t the last Congress are now in the maikel. Tb amount, at the rale at which it is being absorbc will all bu subscribed for within four inonths, whi the noles will undoubtedly command a premium, has uniformly been tbe cuso oa closing thssuuscii tijns to other Lo -ins. Iu order that citizens of every town and station the country may bo affor ded fii:'.ic for taking. t loan, the National Banks., Slate Banks, and i'rivs Hankers throughout tbo country bavi general agreed to receive subscriptions ut par. Subscrib, will select their own agents, in whom they have ct Cdonce, tnd who only are to be responsible for t delivery of is notes fur which they roieive ordi j.-W cooui:, ScBsrntrrioX Agent, Philadelphia Buascitipiioss w ill be nceuvgD by Ua First National Paok of Norlhumborlaad. First National Bank oflliltu. Northumberland Naiioucl B.iuk uf Shsmokio. Ftbruai y 75, lSt!5. jtap 6..U.G4SZ3 BSrJB S3 BZ S (Late IILKP.'S U01EL,) Corner JTrket and 3d Streets, IlAItniSECr.O, ! THE attention of tho publio is respectfully onl to this Ilotul which is now open for tho accomnio ti-jj of guests. Iu iho pusl live moniii uuiing wh time it has been closed me houo Inut bem thorou ly remodoled and repaired, until in point of eonv ence aud comtort, iu fattens will Cud it 10 owl superior. Tlse fr'siritituro l'.ntirely t"w. Hocuh larger tHiui are usually founttin modern h' Sitaatud on tho comer of two y-ie.'i;.'.l basv streets of Iho city l.; ' . au a naif source from Bui' i'.u.a jeuui. Tbw proprietor ilKtcrinineu tp:iro no txperit in beeuriii tue comfort of his jrn uud u favoriihlo repulstieu tor tiie estahli-hiuent feels willing lo lru:t iu ciiaractor W the juda of his pu'.ruus. Hl.Xia TII0MA5, P.-opneto Janmry 21. H'5 BEST WHITE LEAD! uiini'i' zic: r U R Y. LIBERTY LEAD Unoppresjed for Whitcrin, I'iue Gloss, Durac and 1 venuess jt. Surl'aee PIKE LIHE11TY LEAD Warranted in c i more surface fur tate wcisrht than any other Lo Try it a::H you tctU havi no otUr ! PUKE LIBETV ZINC. .Selected Zinc, ground in RcBntd Linseed Oil, equaled in quality, always the same. FUSE LIBERTY SINC, Warranted to do more ond better work at a cost than any other- Get the fieJ ! Msnufactiired at PENNSYLVANIA PAIN COLUU W0KK5. Orders executed promptly t ZIEOLEK 5i SIvriTEi, tl'Ao.'ejj.'e Drug, I'mut ani Gluzs DduIc IV' Siore i. OCiee, No 137 Noah TIlir.D S PllILADLLl'iilA. ' March 4, lotl.-Iy. INI n t 1" E'trctval Zertc, dec' C-TlCE is h-reby givau that letters of ad: tration tiavs been grantefi to tlie sul s.-til the estate of Perciral Zroe, late ot Lonei Mill twp., Forthunioeriatd ecnty. Pa., ilecessou I persons indebted to aid esuie or lev.ii e agninti, tno s;nu, uro rtquireu to present uie fxiuieintnt. THOS ZI.ItliE. 11: Lawer Mi-hanry twp., March 11, IoC5. CI UP DXs GHi?P!S Eye and Ear Infirma On iht Square. Three Doors ficin Steel's lie VILKE-S.BARIliVsFA. MWS INsI nCJl N u no open nnd fun in the ni:.'. eoMlv s'-.-lo. Kuccntion. P and Operatiiisl Kooios a.a large aud oonveuu-i well a-itipteil. llionut oa api'.'aueni contai finest collection of init; uu.'-i.ts i,, this couuir; thus Lis lucul'ois wnl him to areolae all etueiencies iu piii-'r-.-e lie wiM uperate the various f. riuiot M. IN U'v t."sS. r"atnrct, O' of the Cross Eves, Ci'i-u'c of the leir lui.rsiou ef the J-:yi-:ii- l-'lorviunj . Ac , Ac. will treat all firms i.t Sura Lyts, fiiaunl.d Opaei tin of the Cornea, and Scrofulous a;s-. t'uu Eye, t'.elW with all ibe ducasvs to will eve i- iol.n.Ml. 'liI'AI-'XESt- -Will trent all the disease; co t'jtheorgun. Disciierros f.uj the Ear, No:.-is Lur, Catarrh, difneultiea of bear ng total lit eveu where the Drum it testroyri Will it s artificial oti, aasiivi'iu uearis all t pfirfp the natural DIi:AES '.'F THE TU20AT. aU d Common to the J aod Nose will be tie atec UEXEliVL .SUWEU1.--H0 will opeiat I Cliib-trv liuir Lip, Cletl l'ai.ale, Tumoii, Ca j Enlarged iviii'ilo. Pluetiu operations by h new lli.'i into Jclorojtd purls. and 1t.iieral Si I of wliati ttr otiaraclcr it im-v present, i IltllN.lA, lOit KLPTt'lll-:.) lie will p. ' L--.Uuj,'' operation for the radical, 'complete 1 of 11 -'ma, this unquestionably u peifeel cure j done with I i 1 lie or no pain. Cut of tbe man. 1 dred operated dpoii in B.siou there hat beeu L ures. 11 having met rhe approbation of ail w ho . submit. ci te it. AUTll'IClAL tYLS.-Will insert artiScia giviuK them the tnetlon ana expression of tho 1 rai f i.ev are inserted without the UuM pain I liE.MOUKIlUil'. (l'IEha.)-This trouhleao. . seaso is readily cured. Those sutTriLg fiutu j do well 10 oa 1 1 j Da. L Da Gsarr- tisij '";;ksi Tsarr view of building up a perius4ii-ni iustuuie f I trcutmeut of the te., and lien bai K ! Tho experience of more than a qutrlur of a c I iu liosjiilal and Kcueial piaeiice, he hopes, wt, j suthcieul guartuLee tu liivse who uey be Unp. employ aim. Jauusiy 14, 1S6!. ly Tu Cfnauio;tI vc. The undersigned hat x been restored to ; in t few weeks, by a roiy simple terns Jy, aft. lDk- suffered sevurai years, with a set ore tun, ' tiuu, aud that d:i d.:se(Ue, CoLtumplioa i i-.ui to ujskj ki.'in ts bis feltuw sufferers the ! ofcure. To all who aejitu it, he nil! s.i.d a copy of tl 1 tcription nsed. (fiee of charged.) with the du f.r pie,u.a.n u uinf the same, wLich the nud a sure cure fur Consumption. Asthma, B I lis, Coughs, Colds., tie. ihe only object of the I tiser in sendiug the Prescription ic to boi.eoi I dieted, and spread informaiou which be t to be u.i ale vole ; snd be hopes every suffv ! try his remnly. tt it will oesl U u. toluii iiihv prove a ble-siini;. Psiles wisuiug the prescription w.l p'.e dress DWAR0 A. WILSON. Wil.iti Kiugi Couuty, New ' February ts, 155. Sin i' on s a l r. .1 Tract oi l iisxbrr 1 jsntl, bl., urUiO bridge, eoutaiLlug at-ut W Xv.-.J. for ptcuiclsrs p; ly to 1 r r ?-tt,v fee' . I .. I ' .V - '