Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 01, 1865, Image 3

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    SZTIjc Stmbury 8mcrtcan.
B. B.MA8SER, Editor A Proprietor.
K. WILVEBT, Publiehar.
tf Chnrleslon is not without its loyal
men. Ex-Oovprncr Aiken, is ono of the lar
gest slave holder and wealthiest men of the
South. Sluco the occupation of the city by
our forces, he has reported tho names of al
Lis slaves, seven handrcd and and fifty in
number, to the commandant of the post,
and given each family a farm on end of the
most fertile and productive islands ou the
coa.t. A generous act from a generous man-
ti A large meeting was held at FlTilit
riolplila on Thursday evening to devise
means to aid, tho great number of refugees
t present in thnt city.
Eoral Affairs.
Rbmoval. Messrs Zoiglor A Kiue have re
moved their ofllee to Manser' building in Markoj
Vqusro, near Frylings Store, whero ibey lire fully
prepared to attend to all matters pertaining to law
conveyancing, Ac.
fVTiiB Dbakt. Tho draft fordHth Congrcision.
nl District will take place at Ilarruburg. on Monday,
April 3d.
5" Thees W. 11. Throno, agent for the nurser
ies at York, Pa., will be in tliia place and vicinity,
fur some weeks, for tho purpose of taking orders for
fruit trees, Ac.
lfSALa. A eule of personal properly will bo
held at tbo residence of l'ctcr Laiarus, Esq., on
Saturday nt 10 A. M.
"ifPinuc Salh op Clocks, Watches. Jkwel.
Iit, Ac. Geo. 11 Ynungmun, Esq., administrator of
the estate of Jucob Bright, deceased, late of Sunbu
ry, will sell nt Public Sulo nn tho premises, ou tho
17th of April iiift., the personal effects of dcooased,
including quito a number of Clocks, Watches,
Watch Mnkcr Tools and a variety of other articles.
This will bo a favorable opportunity for the purchase
vf such articles. .See advertisement.
Pi,-" IVc are requested to slato, that those persons
bat ing subscribed to a bounty fund, to relievo the
borough of the coming draft, and have not paid
their subscriptions, arc requested to call and make
immediate puyuieut to the committees, or else the
draft will bo allowed to go on. There is a sufficient
amount subscribed to fill our quota and if the money
Is paid in, tho commit! eo can then put lbs men in
t""f Lour. A chest containing a sett of carpen
ter toole belonging td Frederick Kline, a deceased
foldier, huve been bist. Any person finding them
confer favor by rcturni:'!," tbcm to his wife in
Fawn Street, Sunbury Pa.
ti'-" Souie seven or eight hundred bushels of corn
on the Orint Farm, above town, owned Ly Fetor
lioldy. lvj , of Dimvillc, was swopt away by tho
flood, besides, lujrly all his fences. Mr. Ilaldy,
while in towu on Wednesday, remarked that he had
na.tti.acj Uie situation of things in this place and
would cgioc to pay all the damages in town, with
Lalitbe luvbe sustained on his furm.
l5Tfli! tiuEAT Flood. That exaggerated re
ports, in regard to tbo recent groat flood should be
vireclatetL. was to be expected, where tho calamity
was so general. Hut we fear someof our neighbors
of tho Pre..- while endeavoring to put the best face on
things at hoino. were not actuated from very proper
motives in -their e (lor Is to make it appear that
Sunbury tuCt red uioro thun themselves, whon they
had the mear s of knowing thaljust tho reverse wu
case, aa the AuKKtiAN of tho lHlh inst., giving a full
nud correct, account, was published on Monday the
2uth inst
The Mil.t osiax of tbo 21th says, Sunbury id
"entirely flo oded" and that the '-water entered the
ecoud stor t of ninny houses.'" Now tbo truth
is, more of 1 lilton was under water than Sunbury,
according to the testimony of tome of its own citrous,
whilei here t Court. Kxecpting iu a very fuw small
buil. lings th 0 water did not reach over a few feet on
the f jst floor. . and in most cases, only a few inches,
while, in man v others it did no more than fill the
cellars. Ino ur own house, though in a submerged
strcc I, the wa ter wus less than an inch on tho first
Th .e Danvil.
'o IsTE!.uc.excR of the 24th gravely
infoi ins iu ret
carri td offaud
dors that a "number of bouses were
several persons drowned" in Sunbury
Wo t iave alrca
ly stated that no damage whatever
was i' lone at thi
losses; were cc
place to persons or buildings and our
sfinod wholly to the destruction of
feuc ,e and Ui t No filling of cellars with water. We
rec rt that out neighbors cannot say as much for
th Uiif elves.
ljf The Vi otbonotary, Itegister, Treasurer and
' i-iumnwiunel s are all now comfortably fixed, in
sVorenew f t uporary quartors, where they will re
journ until ' c now Court House is finished. Sheriff
JRisUtl, thci-. infractor commenced pulling down th
olll offioebii'idings: on Tuesday.
If-jp?" Y'icTist. Sergeant Wm. Fry, son
of Jacob Try, of this place, ofCo.,C, 47th regiment,
m-gMlant -and worthj" Joung man, died on the liuth
IIo reurncd home a short time since from the rebel
prison pens of Uoorgi u. a mere wreck of his former
. elf, caused by'UV
'"JfTn Mabketh. Thcro is great ootnplaint in
- many plaeue, that provisions and other necessary
articles xr still sold at horbilaut prices, notwith
standing liio decline iu gold. Now thcro is no
- reason way meat should ke sold higher hero than at
HarruAurg or Lancaster, where beef for boiling.
, roast, tofhter loin and round -teaks, sell from 19 to
22 eta per pound. At Lancaster only a three) hour
rido from Philadelphia, choico butter is sollii;g at
35 eti.. whilst here it is still quoted at 50 cots. L"u.
have comedown from i)i to 20 ets. Tbo armies of
Grant, Sherman and Sheridan are bringing down
prices rapidly.
tTiia Flood Tho '-Miltonian" of tho 24th
nays : '-On Friday it was perceptible to each one's
eye that the Milton bridge eould not much longer
withstand the pressure brought against it by the ae-
cumulatinz logs and debris of various kinds. The
western portion was swopt away sums time on Fri
- day night.
The families on the river bank 'in the upper por
tion of the borough, as well as the lowor, were com'
polled to forsake their homes, without much loss,
however. Many of those in tho lower part of the
. town took refuge in the Uerman Reformed Church,
reminding of theso sad, rebellious times when re.
fugees are driven from tbeir homes, while others
were provided for in other ways.
There is but little injury done in the upper por
tion of tho towu, as the water had little ornolcurrent.
In the lower portion, however, where the current
was swift and strong, it washed out street and did
gr eat damage.
Lewisburg was eovetod to a eunsidoracle extent.
We extract the following from the Cbroniole'i re
port :
Fridap, 11 A. M.. The water is surging aga'uut
the bridge at both ends. The Chilisquwjue flats a p.
vear like a sea ut many islands. The building skirU
ug the river bank, telegraph poles, fenciug, part of
the railroad track, Ac., are surrouuiled, swept away
or submerged. Huiall buiiding-i on Hiver street are
careening. Tho University buildings are rut off
from direct efinuiuuieation. the occupant being
obliged to travel around by Kauvoo. Much of tbo
stock and Implement of boih foundries ar unaer
-4 P. M Three spans of tno Milton bridge floated
rlnwu and tore awny three spans from tae east eud of
ine I.ewuuuru- uridtro. Ail the spaiu otgoa below
towu eaeeiit one, which passed down taking part of
.i .i..V. . I .. i i i r i
lue foruiuuiuuri.-iiiti uriuge. vmi ui mgv guuv. -lloau
have loft lheunal and are floating over the
"tlurday oiorning. Pari of two bridge pasead
down aooul midul 'hi. Ukini another spaa of our
V miA nn. uka id ml MiinHinS
Vil li fourie Ji aimt t tit mark, aol at a stand."
Letter fr-om the Army oftli .Vatnosj.
CAMr n rnoisT or Kiciimond, Va.,
6th Pa. Cat. March 83d, 1803. ( .
Deah AMKntCAir: Since my Inst I Iinve
been out on a cavalry scout with Kaut's
Division, or rather an extensive scout and
reconnoisanee. We left camp on the north
side of the James on the even inn of the
16th Inst., at dark, taking up our line of
marcn on tno Aevr Aiarkct Kond, to the
Charles Uity Ho8d and tlicucc to the old
AVhite Oak Swamp battle fliold. We ar
rived at this 'point near midnight, iu a
drenching rain, which camo on before wo
had tnnrshed two hours. Shortly after mid
night the rain suddenly ceased, tho clouds
disappeared in less than fifteen minutes, and
the pale moon and twinkling stars shone
down upon our encamping ground in tho
open field, for wo had halted for tho night.
Tying our horses to our persons, we lay
dowu nt their heads, between a clear e!y
and a watery bed, to take a few hours of
"tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep."
The morning of the 17th opened with a
clear sky and a rndinnt, genial sunshine.
In a few moments after the camp was arous
ed, a thousand cracking tires were each stir
rounded by a knot of soldiers cooking their
cup of delicious coffee. 1 tell you a cup of
hot coffee to a soldier, is worth more than a
dozen whiskey punches to a lover ol the
iluming bowl I You can never fully np
preciiitc a cup of coffee unless you try it on
the soldier's march and bivouac. From the
White Oak Swamp field, our Division start
ed out in different column to scour the
country in every direction, one towards the
Itcbcl breastworks in front of liicbmnnd,
another towards Bottom's Bridgo on tho
(Jbickahominy, and another to the Long
Bridgo on the same historic stream. The
5th Pennsylvania and 1st N. Y. Mounted Ki-!
flea took the 'latter route, reaching the
Cliickahominy, after cari'ully Bcouting tho
surrounding country, toward 'nightfall. The
bridge, of course, had been destroyed by the
enemy ; but part of the "Kitles" ciosscd in
boats to the other side. Not a rebel was to
bu seen, not one, and we returned to the
same ramp ground at dark.
On the 18th, the weather continuing ex
tremely fine, we bridged While Oak Swamp,
and occupied the ground where sixty-live
rebel mnmm poured their heavy lire into
our Mott's and Ayer's Batteries ou two
knolls beyond in the summer of 1SG2. The
exact spot was pointed out to me. by an old
soldier who fought in that battle under
McClellan. We udynnced near enough to
the enemy's works on their left to diive in
their pickets and find out that no armed
body of Hebels are stationed anywhere out
side of their contracted lines around ther
bek'ftgured capital.
We learned officially, that Sheridan was
forming a base at Whito House Landing tin
the Puiuunkcy, but hnve not heard from him
for somo days. No news has reached us
counteracting the statement. Our move
looked very much us though it was partly
intended for that purpose; viz, to protect
Sheridan's flank, between Bichtiiond and
the Cliickahominy. On the morning of the
10th our Division concentrated, ami before
break of day rctuxned ou the New Mtuket
Hoad to camp, evidently accomplishing nil
we went fur, without fighting and without
loss, bringing with us several lielicl de
serters, ono of them an officer well dressed.
Deserters coming into our lines now, arc
generally a fine looking set of men. 1 en
joyed the trip very much, got n good wiak-
uig Irom the nun, and came hack unharmed ;
uuliku the action on the ld;h of December
last on the Darbytown lioad, where I con
fess 1 dil some tall running in J;nt of a
Kebcl charge, and t-.inie oil two bullet
holes iu my coat.
The lilies utt' vi ry.iiiii t now. .n firing
anywhere. You may ic-.-t u.-uieii we win
not move until! Sherman nud Si-olitld have
arrived close enough to gram's left, to that
a strong pull and a pull altogether will be
made by our combined armies. Tho army
e ;pects it tertiliio buttle. Soldiers know too
well the titling nnd pride of the Kebel
leaders, to suppose that the Rebellion w ill
bu ended iu any other way thun it has been
sustained in blood !
Very truly yours,
A. N. B.
P. S. I have learned, since writing the
above, that Sheridan has eatalilislied a base
ut White House, on the Pamuukcy.
Hut lie ltd'orf. lcti'i-lMirtr.
Washington, March 23.
This morning at 41 o'clock the enemy, by
a strong aud sudden assault, captured Fort
Stcudmun, but, niter a vigorous contest, the
tort was recaptured, with 1,01)0 prisoners,
two buttle Hugs, and nil the guns, which
were uninjured. General McLaughlin was
taken prisoner by the rebels, who all assault
ed Fort Haskell, but were repulsed with
great loss.
The official report is subjoined.
Secretary of War.
Cnv Point, Va., 1.30 P. M., March 23.
To Hon. Edicin il. tStantion. tkefvtary of
War :
The following despatch of general Parke
is received from General Meade.
Lieut. Gen.
The enemy attacked my front this morn
ing, at about 4.30 oclock, with three divi
sions under command of Gen. Gordon.
By a sudden rush they seized the lino
held by the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, at the
foot of the hill to the right of Fort Stead
man, wheeled, and overpowering tho garri
son, took possession of the fort. They es
tablished themselves on the hill, turning
our guns upon us. Our troops on either
flunk btood firm.
Soon after a determined uttack was made
on Fort Haskell, held by a part of Mc
Laughlin's Brigade, Wilcox's division, and
was repulsed, with great loss to the cne
.my. The 1st Brigade, of Ilartranfl's division,
hela in reserve, wus brought up and a check
given to any further advance. One or two
attempts to retake the hill were muilo and
were only teinjxirarily successful, until tho
arrivul of ti'.e 2d Brigade, when a charge
was uiado b," that brigade, aided bv thu
troops of the 1st Division ou either llauk,
and tho enemy wiero driven out of the fort
withalosaofa niunbcr of prisoners, esti
mated at about l,b'00. The battle tings
have also been brough in. Tho enemy also
lost heavily in killed oufsido of our lines.
The whole lino was inuuedintely reoccu
pied, and the guns retaken uninjured.
1 regret to add that Genera.' McLaughlin
was captured in fort Stc;tdmal. . Our loss
wus otherwise not heavy.
Great praise is due to Hartranft for the
gallantry displayed in handling his division,
wtiicli behaved with creat skill in tin.-', its
first engagement.
Major General.
Vasuinotos, March 239.80 P. M.
Later reports from General Grant, which are
subjoined, show that the operations of our
forces this morning were brilliantly success
ful. The rciK-1 prisoners already secured
number 2,700. Tho lebel killed and wouud
ed General Grant estimates at "probably not
less thun 3,000." Our loss is estimated ut
600 but many prfcvo less. m
Secretary of War.
City Poist8 P. M.. March 23.
Hon. Edwin, M. Stanton, Secretary of War.
The number of prisoners reported by the
provost marshal is 2,200 taken by tli 9th'
Corps, and 500 by. tbe 2d Corp. There
may t (till tome more to b brought Iu.
V. b. Gkam.
, Out Point. Va., 7.30 P. M.
March 85, 18fi5.
Han. H. .V. Stanton, Bccrrtary War.
I am not yet ablo to give the results of tho
day accurately, liut the numner ot prisoners
captured proves larger than at first reported.
The slaughter of the onemv at the point
where they entered our lines, and in front of
it, was probably not less than 8,000. Our
loss is estimated at 800, but may provo less.
General Humphreys attacked on the left
with great promptness, capturing 100 men,
and causing the enemy td return troops to
that part of his line rapidly.
U. S. Giiant, Lieut. Gcn'l.
Gov. Bramlctto, according to the Louis-
Journal, furnished all his slaves with free
papers on tho 17th inst.
In pursuance of a resolution of tho Board
of Directors of the Bank of Northumberland
a meeting of the Stockholders of the said
Jianx will bo held at the Banking House in
the Borough of Sunbury, on Thursday, the
4th day ol May, 1863, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
for the purpose; of deciding whether the
said Bunk shall be changed and converted
into, nnd become a National Association,
for carrying on the business of banking.
under the laws of the United (Statcs, and
shall exercise the powers and privileges con
fercd by tho Act of the General Assembly
of this Commonwealth entitled, "An Act
enabling tho Banks of this Commonwealth
to become Associations for the purpose of
banking under the laws of tho United
Stutcs," and of tho supplements thereto.
By order of the Board ol Directors.
SAMUEL J. PACICEIt, Cashikb. .
Bank of Northumberland
March 20, ISO.). 4t
Tnlunhle ltonl 12t(it.
In pursuance of the last will and testnment of
Charles Shnfor, late of Tonne Townshsp, ny
dcr county l'a., deceased, will bo exposed to pub
lic snle at the four: House, in the llOROl'HIl OF
srXIIL'RY. on SATl'ItlMY. APHIL 22d, 1K6!. a
certain Two Story Fraino Dwelling House (double)
and lot, being sixty feet front on Fawn street, and
two hundred and thirty feet doep, bounded on tbe
North by house and lot of Isano Seller ; on the South
by house nnd lot of Jacob F. Kohrbach ; and on tho
tust by an alley.
fne tocomtnenen at 10 O'clock A. M.. of said
day. wbcu tho conditions of salo will be made
u n. c asic
ers nntY, penxsyuvax ia.
Collections and nil Professional business promptly
nttemlcd to iu tho Courts of Northumberland and
adjoining Counties.
i jfAlso, special attention pBid to tbe Collection
of Pensions, llounties aud Uuck Puy lor Widows,
Orphans and Soldiers
Sunbury; March 1H, 1804.
II Niinptourt Ciiuiie tuxl Cm re.
Tins lias received its name from a cons'aut nausea
orvickm-ss at the stomach, which attends the puin in
tho head. This headache is apt to begin in tho
morning on wnkiui; from a dcop sleep, and whon
some irregularity of diet has been committed on tho
day before, or fouietiincs for suveral duvs rrovious.
At first there is a distrcs.-ingly oppressivo feeling in i
the heml. wliii'li mi-Hilnnllv ln . eA.....A !
, e. .j ...w n .
henvy pain in tho temples, frequently attended by a
ten? of fullness aud tenderno iu one eye, and ox
sending across tho forehead. There is a clammy, un
pleasant tiwte in the rflouth, nn offensive breath, and
tho tonguf covered with a yellowish white fur. The
sufferer desire to be alone in the dark room. As
soon aa the patient feels the fullness in tho hoad and
pain iu the temples, take a larjre do.o of Schcnkc's
Mandrake Pills, and in uu hour or two they will fool
as well as well aa ever. This bus been tried by thou
sands, and isalwnys sure to euro, and instead of the
'ick headache coming on every week or ten days,
they 11 not be troubled with it once in three
Schenck's Mandraks Pills are composed of a nnm
ber of roots besides Podophiuin, or concentrated
Mandrake all of which tend to relax the secrotions
of tbo liver, and act raoro prompt thau blue pills or
nierenry, and without leaving any dangerous effects.
In a bilious person they will show themsolves by the
stools. They will expel worint, mucus, bile and nl'
morbid matter from the systom. In sick headache'
if they are taken as directed abvove, (a full dose a
soon as they feci tho Brst symptoms of it Dr. Sehunck
will and has directed his agents to return the money
if they do not gfve perfect satisfaction.
If a person has been compelled to slay out late nt
night aud drink tco much wine, by takiug a doie of
pills ou going to bed, next morning bo will feol as
though ho hud not drank a drop, unless ho forgets
to go to bed at all.
They only cost 25 eonts a box.
Whoover takes them will never u'e any other.
Tbcy are worth a dollar to a sick man for every cent
tbey cost.
Dunt forget the name ScacxcK's Mandrakc
Pills. -
Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Schenck's Princi.
pal Office, Xo. 15. North Sixth street, Philadelphia
and by Druggists and Storekeepcu generally. '
Prife for Pulmonio Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, eaoh
fl 60 per bottle. $7 50 the half dozen, or two bot
tles of Syrup and one of Tonio, for i & 75.
Dr. Schcnck will be at bis office, Xo, 15 North
Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday to see
patients. Ho makes no charge for advice, but for a
through examination of the lungs with nis Rcspiro
tucter, he charges $3.
March 18 1S65.
i:tnle of IViM'ivul Zi'i-lic, slcc'tl.
"VfOTICE is hereby given that letters or adminis
L trution have boeu grauled to the subscriber ou
the estate of Percival Zcrbe, late of Lower Mahonoy
twp;, porlbumberlaud county, Pa., deceased. All
persons indebted to said estato or having claims
against the tanie, aro required to present thciu for
THOS. ZERRE, Adtn'r.
Lower Midinnny twp., March 11, 1803. 01
i:ute of IftniM' llnssNc, lr-'l.
"VOTICE is hereby given that letters cf adminis
X trillion having been granted to the subscriber
ou the estate of Isaao X Hause, Into of Shaiuokiu
township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased.
All persons indebted to said e-tate or having claims
against the same are requested to present them lor
Shamokia township, March II, ls;5. Ot
" theIsinth national bank-
CAPITAL, 1:0,000,000, PAID IX,
.lil Special Agent Jor Jay Coole, Suleerip
iiin Agent,
Wilt deliver 7-30 Notes, Free of (barge, by ex
press, in all part of the eouulry, and receive in
paymeut Checks on New York, Philadelphia, aud
Ikwton, current bills, and all five per cent, interest
notes, with interest to date of subscription. Orders
tot by mail will be promptly Ailed.
Thi Rank receives the account! nf Ranks and
Ruukera on favorable terms ; also of individuals
keeping Now York aeoounts.
J T. HILL, Cuhier. J. I'. ORVIS, TrMideut.
March 4, lekla. 3m
WHO is graduate of Jefferson Medical College,
and has bad ample experience in boapital and
city practice, offers bis professional service to tbe
einwna of I'pper Augusta, Hush aud Sbamokia
Wwnbir'- Heiduce near fcujdartowe
J &. J, IbCJ. Za.
SOS Ilrondtrii.r, cw York, .
&C, & C.
Worth $300,000 1
And not to bo paid until you know whut you will
recoivo !
All to be Sold Ibr ONE DOLLAR Each !
100 Gold Hunting oasos Watches
100 Hold Wutehes
200 Ladles' M'atchei
600 Silvor Watches
COO Oold Xeek aud Vest Chami
1000 Chatelnin aud Vest Chains
.WOO Vest nnd Xeek Chnina
each $100 00
C3 00
S3 00
f!5 00 to f25 00
12 00 to 15 00
6 00 to 15 00
4 00 to 12 00
4000 Sollrniro Jet and Oold Urooehos 4 00 to
8 00
8 no
8 00
8 00
R 00
4000 Coral, Lava, Harnet, tc, do. 3 00 to
"000 Oold Jel, Opal, Ac , Ear Drops, 3 ,00 to
3000 dontV Ilrea-xt and Scarf Piiu 3 00 to
000 Oval Bund DrneelcU 8 (10 to
2W0 Chpjfrl Err-ooleta 5 00 to 10 00
.lilrfl C.ilifnrnia Diamond Pins and Rings 2 50 to 8 00
2000 (fold Wiueh Keys 2 50 to 0 00
ftOOO Snlimire 81oevu Buttons and Studs 2 011 to 8 00
3000 Uolrt Thimbles
5000 Miniaturo Lockets
3000 Miniature Lockcls, Mnjio
2i00 Oold Toothpicks, Crosses, ie
3000 Fob and Ribbon Slidus
50P0 Chased Oold Rings
4000 Stone Sot Rings
4 UtoO 00
2 00 to 7 00
4 00 to 9 00
2 no to 6 00
2 00 to 4 00
2 00 to 5 00
2 00 to 6 00
6500 Sets Ladies' Jcwe!ry-.Tot nnd Oold 5 00 to 15 00
6U0U " " " varied styles, 3 00 to 15 00
KO00 Oold Pens, Silver Case and Pencil 4 00 to 8 00
4000 " Kliiiny Holder nud Ciue 0 00 to 10 00
6000 11 ' Mounted Holder 2 00 to 0 00
All the gnodsin the above List will be sold, with
out reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certi
Seates of all tho various articles nro plnced In simi
lar envelopes sealed and mixed. Those envelopes
will bo sent by mail, or delivered at our oilieo,
without regard to choice. On reccivinga Certificate
you will see what artiulo it represent?, and it is op
tional wiili yo t to t -:. I or.'' dollar, and rescivo tho
article named, or any other in tho list of same vnluo.
Ry this mo le wo give selections from a varied
stock of fine goods, of tbo be3t make nnd latest
styles, and of intrinsic worth, at a noitiiuxl prico.
while all have a cliaucu of . sccupin ; articles of tho
very highest value.
In all transaction by rnnll wo eliarse for forward-
ing tho Certificate, pi'ii: postne. and doio the
business. 23 cents each. Pivo lertilk-tilea will be
sent for t ; Eleven f ir S2; Thirty for S5 ; Siity
fivo $lu ; and Ouo Hundred f ir J 13.
Wc should supply yo'.ir wants ; our facilities uro un
surpassed ; our work of unrivalled excellence; our
promises punctually observed. Our cciiUal location
brings us near the uo?t rcmotu points. Our goods
uro new fii.ui the iiiuuuiacturcrs. mi 1 of thu latest
an i most desiraldo styles Tho good- must be sold,
and tbe terms nru unciuallcd. All articles ordered
are forwarded by return mail.
AVe guarantee entire fatisfiielion in every in tanco
and if there should bo any person dis-ati.-ficd with
any in-iiele lliey mry receive., they will immediately
ret-.irn it. and the prh-c uiil be refunded.
AcK.vta. Wo allow thoso acting as Agents Ten
Cents on each. Ccrtiiicnto ordered, provided their
remittance amount to One Dollar.
Tb. i wi:' collect 2.'t cent fur every Certificate,
and, rtai.-aUig 10 cerU, remit to us 13 cents fur each.
;s:o. si:hii:ki'I' x .
2Vo Uroadway, Xcw York
March 4. 1SB5. .Ini
Xo. 4.11 Market Street, north side, PJIIADELPIIIA,
Have now open their Uaunl handsomo variety of
Ribbons, Ronnct Materials,
Straws A Fancy llunnets,
Ladies' t Mi.-soV il.iis,
and all other nrticlcs iciiuirtd by tho
.t3illM-i-y '1'ratli- !
Ry long experience and strict attention to this
branch of business exclusively, we flutter ourselves
that wo can oiler inducements, in variety, styles,
quality and moderate pri.-s not everywhere to bo
loun l. The attention of J! II. LINERS' and MER
CHANTS is respectfully solicited.
Zif" Particular utUntlon to JMing
March 4, 13(53. 3m.
To 'oiiKitiiitivf.
The undersigned having been restored to health
in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after hav
ing suffered several years, with a severe lung alfco
tion, and that dread disease, Consumption is unx.
ious to make kuuwu to bis fellow sufferers tbo uicau
of cure.
To all wbodesiro it, lie w ill send a copy of the pre
scription used, (frco of charged,) with the directions
for preparing and using tho same, which they will
fiud a suro euro for Consumption, Asthma, Rroiiebi
tis, Coughs, Colds, Aa. Tho only object of the adver
tiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the af
flicted, and spread information which he conceives
to bo invaluablo ; and ho h.pes every sufferer wil
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, aud
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will please ad
dress Rov. EDWARD A. WILSON, Yfiliiuinsburg,
Kings County, Xcw Y'ork.
February IS, lfi5. .'!iu
in: nt znc!
V suppressed for Whitening. Pine llos, Durability
Firuuiesa aud Evenness of Surface.
PI RE LIBERTY LEAD Warranted to cover
more surface lor same weight Ibun any ulber Lead
Try il unit yon will hove no oilier .'
f-'eleeted Zinc, ground iu Refined Linseed Oil, un
equaled in quality, alwuys the a:uue.
Warranted to do m iro aud better evk at a given
eott thou any other
Get tlr nt'
Manufnotured at PEXXYLVAXIA r.VlXT A
COLOR U OHK.S. Oidurs executed promptly by
Wholrmlt Drug, l'uiut and (lints Ifealtrs.
UT Sloro Office. Xo 1.17 North THIRD Street,
March 4, lo5. ly.
."o. StfOAUC'lI KL.'kbovo Fifth, l'Uilu
loliiill. Manufacturer and Dealer in
and Superior Silver Plated Wure.
March ii, 1S5 Sm
r. ii tIj ii. TsTt h
Vljotograplj Gallrvirs,
Xos OJ, 901 and TOO ARCH STREET,
Dm. 17, ISA -Cm
Whilst trying Coffee of all the various hrand.
Remember ' HHOWNliNU 'S fcXCELSDJU" nt the
hoad it stands.
Truo, It's not like others that are "SOLD EVERY
A little strotch, wo alt do know, good goods will
easily bear,
(But a stretch like this "sold everywhere" ia very
apt to tnar.)
Now, I can wifely tot. without flny hesitation
There's nono liko "IIhowsixb's ExcELsioa" in this
enlightened nation.
Skilled choiuisti have not found a CofToe from any
Possessing tho samo Ingrcdionts as "Browning's Ex
celsior "
Nor Is there any one, in or out of tho CnfTco trade.
V ho knows tbo nrticlcs from which -Browning's
Exeelsior's" made.
I'm told it's made from barley, rye, wheat, beans,
and pons ; '
Xamo a thousand other things but tho Right Ono
if you please.
Rut wilh the Cotleo-men I will not hold Contention
l or tho many, many things they suy-4oo numerous
to mention.
Whilst they 'ro engaged in running round from storo
to store .
To learn the current wholesale prico of "Rrownin-'s
Some who know mv Coffen e-lves nerfi.-t nii.r.itiiAi,
Hnvu formed a plan hy which they hope to cause a
quick reaction.
The case 'tis with a few ; no doubt 'twill be more
To name their Cotlco after mine, (Browning's Excel
sior." Some say their'i tho only brand that will stand a
ready test.
Now, try a littlo of them nil tco vihieh vcu like
the best. '
Threo yours have passed away since I first sold a
store ;
Never have I In your paper advertised before;
Nor would I now . or ever consent to publish more.
It like some used by "everybody," 'sold everywhere'
Iu "everv More."
A trad.- like this 1 do not wish ; the orders I could I
not ii 1 1 ;
Tho factory nil. Trrsey's land would take leavo not
a foot to till.
My trade is not no very large ; still I think I have
my share ;
But render, you may rest aurcd, 'ti. Nut ".Sold
Everywhere "
Manufactured and for 5alo by tho writer,
ui:i:.'s: i iigto: :..
No. 20 Market Street, Camden, X. J
This CofTeo Is not composed of poisoncus drug", it
contains nothing deleterious; many persons use this
Cotlee that cannot use the pure coii'ee ; it lakes but
one nnd a half ounces to mako a quart of good
strong coffee, that being just one.half tho quantity
it takes of Java Coffee, and always h-rf than half thu
Retail Dealers may purchase It in loss quantities
than ten gross al my prices from the Wholesale liro.
cers. '
V Orders by mail from Wholesale Dealers prompt
ly attended to. 1
l'eliruaiy Jl. ISfift Cm
By authority of the Secretary of tho Treasury, the
undersigned has assumed tho General Subscription I
Agency for tbo salo of United States Treasury Notes,
bearing seven nnd three tenths per cent, interest,
per itnuuiu, known as tho
These Notes are issued under dnto of Auut 15th,
i . ami arc payanie wren years tmm that tunc, in
currency, or uro convcitildu ut the option of tba
holder into
I . X. S-'in Six per --ut.
O () I. 1)-U L' A K I NT O I! (J X 1) S .
These bonds nro low worth a prcin'.uui of nine per I
cent., including gold interest from Nov., which !
miiliea the neluiil profit oti the 7-SO loan, lit current
rates, including interest, nbou ten per cent, per
annum, besides its exemption from Slate nnd muui-
cipnl taxation, which adds from ono to throe per I
cent. more, according to tho rato levied on other
property. The intertst is payoMo semi-annuully by
cou)hiiis attached to each note, which may be cut off !
and sold to any hank or blinker.
The interest amounts to '
One cent per day on a $.'() nolo.
Two cents ' " 4-1 oO '
Ten " " $511(1 "
2U " " $KKiu '
1 ' J.inilO "
Notts of all tho denominations named will be
promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions.
TUU is
Tho Only Loan in .tliu-Urt
now offered by tho tiovernmeiit. and it is confidently
expected that its superior advantages will make it
Less than J2im,U0ll.llotl remain unsold, which will
probably be disposed of within the next (10 or ill)
days when the notes will undoubtedly command a
premium, as has unifm-mly been tbe case on closing
the cubscriplions to ui hi r Loans.
Iu order that cilitensof every town and seetinn of
tho country may be afforded facilities for taking the
loan, fhc National Ranks, State Ranks, and Private
Hankers throughout tho country hnvo generally
agreed to iceeivo subscriptions nt pur. Subscribers
w :ll select their own agents, in whom they hnvu con.
Alienee, and who only nro to be responsible for tho
delivery of tho notes for which they receive orders.
.BAY 4 O Oil. I',
Si nsrnii-Tio.v Aukxt. Philadelphia.
SrnsrniPTioxa ii.i. UK lil.t tl vt:o by tbo
First National Rank of Northumberland.
First National Rank of Milton.
Northumberland National Bonk of Shamokui.
February S.', lSiti. limp
ebitisii periodicals!
vii :
vative. )
Tho American Publishers continue to reprint Ibu
nLuvc-iinmi d periodical.!, but as the cost of printing
has douolcd. the price of paper trebled, and taxes,
duties, license, elo.. largely increased, they uro com
pelled to udvunce their terms us follows :
For any ono of tho Reviews, fl 00 per annum.
Fur any two of the Reviews, 7 Oil
For any three of the Reviews, 11) 110 '
For all four of tbo Reviews, J2 no "
For Blackwood's Magaiine, 4 00 "
ror Blackwood and ouu Review. 7 UO '
Fcr Blackwood and any two ol the
Reviews, 10 0l 11 .
For 111 ack w ood end three of the
Reviews. 13 00 '
For Blackwood and tbe four Re
views, IS 00
The works will be printed on a greatly improved
quality of paper, and whilo nearly all American
Pciodicals are either advHneeil in price or reduced
in siie tnd very generally both we shall cm in no
to ghe faithful copies of all matter ooulained iu tbo
original editious. Hence, our present prices will be
found as cheap, for the amount of matter, fiirni.-dicd
as those of any of the competing periodicals iu this
Compared with the coat of the original editions,
which ut tho present premium on gold would bo
about f 100 a vear, our price ($1 j) are uxceedly low.
Add to thi. the fact that we make our unnutil pay
ment to the British Publishers for early sheets aiid
copyright in (iuld l costing us nt ibis time (Jau.,
l.-s'ij.) nearly iO ia currency and we trust thai
in the scale we hate adopted we shall bo entirely
justified by our sulMcribers and the reading public.
The iolercsl of these Periodicals to Amcricau rea
ders is rather increased thau diminished bv the ar
ticles they contain un our Civil SYur. and, though
sometimes tinged wilh prejudice, they may still,
eon.-ideriug their great ability and tbo diil'crenl
stand-poiuu from which tbey are written, be read
and studied wilh advantago by the people of this
country, of every oreed and party.
A few copies of the aliove remain no hand, and
will bo sold al i'j for tbo whole four, ur t for any
We also j ubli.-b the
-'us'iticr'M Ci siitle.
By Hery SrerREai, nf Edinburgh, and tho late
J. P. Nolirod, of Yale College, il vols. Royal Oo
tavo, 1 rttio pages an 1 numerous Eugraviiiffs.
PRICE H fur the two vuluiuex by Mail, post
paid, d.
' LEONARD SCOTT CO., Publishers,
Xo. 3b Walker Street, New Vuik.
Fthrnary 4.1oi.
IT yen want good handsome Pari 1. StoT.go to
feMIlli GrTMiU.V& New &Ua
Corner Market and 34 Streets, 11ARRISBURQ, PA.
THE attention of the public is respectfully called
to this Hotel which is now open for the aeoommmla
tlon of guests. Jn the past Ave month during which
lime it has been closed the house has been thorough
ly remodeled and repaired, until In rmint of oonveni
ence and oomfortiui patrons will hud it to own no
The I'tirnflitre lOntlrrly
Rooms larger than are usually found in modern hotels.
Situated on the comer of two principal business
"troota of (he oity.but tond a half squares from the
Hail Road Depot. The proprietor determined to
spare no expense in seeuring the comfort of bis guests
ami a Isnm-Ho reputalivn lor the estiil.lishiiiont, bo
feels willing (o tru its character to tho Judgment
oi his p.'trons.
t ,. 1,ESRY THOMAS, Proprietor.
Jaauaiy 21,1863. '
Eye and Ear Infirmary,
Ou the Puare. Tbreo Doors from Steel's Hotel)
rpTIIS INSTITUTION is no.v or.n and .unil-hed
J in the most cosily stvlo. Reception. Private
and Operating Rooms are largo and feonvenient and
well nibipted. '1 ho Surgical apartment coiit.iins tlio
finest collection of instruments iu this country, mid
thus his faculties will cnublo linn to meet liny and
nil emergencies in practice, llo will operate upon
tho vnriousj'oruisof RLINDNE.S. Ciilaii-t, Oeeluon
of the Pupil Cron Kvos, Closure of the Tear Ducts,
Inversion of the Eyelids. Pterygium. .Vo., Ac. And
will treat nil foi-ms ol Sore Kyos. Lids,
Opni-eties of the Cornell, and Scrofulous pisvnsns of
too Eye. together With all thu diseases to which the
eye is u Inert.
DEAFNESS Will trent all Hie disease common
to tho organ. Dlsi hargos from tho Ear, Noises in the
Ear. Catarrh, difficulties of hearing tolnl Daafimss,
even where the Drum is destroyed. Will insert an
artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes of
the natural.
DISEASES Ol' THE THROAT. All diseases'
Common to the Throat ami Nose will be Rented
OENERAL SI 'RUEKY. Ho will operate up
Cluli-teet. Hair Lip, Cleft Pallute, Tumors, Cancers.
Enlarged Toneils. Ac. Plastic operations by healing
new flesh into deformed parts, and llciicrul Surgery
of whatever character it inav p.esenl.
HERNIA, ,011 KLPTL'RE.) llo will perform
'Lahiiuy' operation for the radical, (complete.) euro
of Hernia, this unquestionably a perfect core, and is
done with little or no pain. Out of tho many bun
drcd operated upon in Boston there has been no fail
ures, it having met rhe approbation of all who have
submitted to it.
ARTIFICIAL EYES. Will insert artificial eves,
giving them the motion nnd expression of the natu
ral. They urn inserted without the least pain.
HEMORRHOID. (PILES.)-This troublesome di
sense is readily cured. Those suffering from il will
do well to call.
Dn. l Dk Oiiafi visits Wilkes-Rnrro wilh a
Tiewof building up a permanent Institute for the
ti-entmeut ol tho Eye. Ear, and tleneral Surgery.
The experience of more than a quarter of a century,
in Hirspitnl end general practice, he hopes, will be a
fuflu-ieiit guarantee to ttioso who may be difpotcd to
employ bim.
January 14, 1SC5. ly
.1. huiis: .'gt4vi:ic,
j Enamelled Slat Mantel
Manufactory Tenth and Samson StrocU.
Table-Tops, Pici--Slabs, Bracketa, Wash
Bland Tops, &c.,Aic.
Philadelphia, Jan ".JSOi. tf
k"rtii .V Art-li MIn., lliilal-lIiiii.
Cater for the best Trade, and offer no Units or de
ception to induce Custom, but rely ou FAIR DEAL
IN li und tiOOD UOODS !
Best Merinocs, Fushiomiblo Silks.
Nobility Plaids. Pint's Poplins,
Dark l'oiilnrds Figured Merinoes,
Plaid Shawls, lined Blankets.
P. S. We follow OOLD down. aA close as we fol
low it up. Now is u good timo for McrchauUi aud
Consumer! to eouie in.
October S. lSiil. 2mw
Iit-riiutiiml EOuli-l,
SvIS ami So Dronhi'iy, f'nrner J'runJtlin Ftr.-'t
flllllS first class Ilniise tbo most quiet, homelike
L and pleasant Hotel in the city offers superior
inducements to those viidting Xcw'Yoik for bu-iiiess
or pleiuure. It is central iu its location, and kept on
IbcErnoi KAX 1', in coniioclion iviib Tavi.ou's
Saloon, where refreshments can be had all hours,
or served iu llicir own rooms. The charges are mo
derate, the rooms and attendance of the first order
baths, and all tho luudcru conveniences ullachcd.
Oct 1, lsoj.
I lug leave to inform my friends nud the public
generally that I hnvu commenced the iiiauulacturu
of COAI OIL LAMPS of every description und style
of finish, at
With mv preseut facilities for manufacturing, and
a practical experience of thirteeu yenrf in tho man
agement of the lamp business for somo of liic largest
bouses iu tho country, 1 flutter myself that my expo,
riem-u aud knowledge will enable me to offer to the
public goods not equalled by any in regard to style
and workmanship, and at pricos competing with the
lowest. I shall ulwavs endeavor to lead in uflering
to the public new ami useful inventions in our line.
1 have also taken the w bolesal e agency ibr the sale
of OEO. W. BROWN A CO S Cki.kiihatkd Mktai,
No. US S. Second St., Philadelphia.
September 21, lrfol.
THE EYE an d EAl
To the lVolt !
A Work by Dr. YON MOSCHZISKER, Of Xo. 1027
Walnut Street, Philadelphia. entitled
On the following Diseases : EYE and EAR Diseases
THROAT Diseases iu lienerai ; Clergymen's aud
Public Speakers Sore Throat ; DUvadu of Ibu Air
Piutagcs, (Laryngitis, Bronchitis.)
Akllmiit ami 4'uIiii-i-Ii.
This Book it to bo hud at No. ftliA Che-nut street,
Philauolphiu. and of all Bookscllcra Price $1.
And from Ihe author, Dr. Yon Moscluisker. who
can be consulted ou ull theso maladies, and all Ner
vous Affeeiions, which ho Ireau with tho surest suc
cess. Otliee. No. o.7 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
Feb. II, lfitij ;imw
4 PAMPHLET directing bow to sneedilv restore
sight and give up spectacles, without aid oi l
doctor or mcuicine. cent oy mail, tree, on receipt
of 10 cents. Address,
E. B. FOOTE, M. D.
February 4, 18o5 ,m
V LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating to the
humau system, mala and teiiinle ; the causes
and treatment of diseases ; the marriage cifstouisof
the world ; how lu marry well and a thousand
things never publUhcd before road the revised and
eulnrged edition ol -.Meinui C'oaitox Sknsk,'' a
curious book for curious people, and a good book lor
every ouu. 4UU pages, 1U0 lllu.lritUoiu. Price Jl.iO.
Couleuu table sent free to any address. Books way
be bad al Ihe Book stores, or will bu sent by uiuii,
po.1 paid OA receipt of lb price. Address
K. H. KOOTE. M. D.
1 1'W Broadway, New York.
February 4, 1801 6m
BLANK (Parchmeat Paper.) Ieedi ud Uuk
Mortratfue, liiod. lossouiioos, Summoiie, Ao.,
ivt nt at tie ol tbe "Ctbfury Atsuicso, "
! I man u r-A.r;TORYAT;;?V"'- W
one of tho oldest k
Conghs, Colds, Whoop,
cultvof Rrealhinir. A.
t li rout, Croup, and
including ,
So gerernl has tha u of this remedy become, and
so popular is it everywhere, that it Is unnecessary to
recount its virtues Da works spenks for il. and find
ii.tternnee in the abundant and voluntary testimony
of the many who from Ion"? suffering and setievd di
seae liao by its upo bten to pristine viuor
mid health. present a u-asa of evidoueo ia
prof of our assertion, t.bnt
The Rev. .Bucoh So liIor.
ell Vnowe and much respected amor? tho German
population in tliiseeuutry, mal;e tho following state
nioiit for the bcnellt ortbo atllicted :
Uanovkk. Pa., Feb. 15. 1KMI.
Dear Sir : Having realiT.i-d iu my family impor
tant benefits from tbo use or your valunhls prepara
tion Wistnr's BiiUnin of Wild CheTy it iiffords mo
pleasure to recommend it to the public. Somo eight
years agooueof my daughters seemed to be in a do.
oliiio. aud littlo hopes of her recovery wcro enter
tained. 1 then procured a bottle of jour rxcellent
lials-im, nnd before she had taken the wholo nf tbo
contents of the bottle tl crt- ras a greut improvement
iu her In-allh. I have, in H r individual cum-, uiado
IriMiiient ue of your I laL e uediciuo, aud bate
also been benefited by it
Smith, Esq.,
res-loot of tbo Morris Couuly Rank, Morristown,
New Jersey.
"Having used Dr. Wistnr's Ralsam if Wild Cho-ry
fornlKiut fifteen years, an I bavin;; rcalued its bene
ficial results in my family, it affords me groat plea
sure in recommending il to the public aa a valuahln
remedy is cases of weak lungs, colds, coughs, Ac,
and a remedy which 1 cniii.lcr to be entirely inno
cent, and may be tnken with perfect safety by the
most delicate iu health."
From lion. John E. Smith,
A distinguished Lawyer in Westminster. Md.
1 have on several oceii-dons u.-ed Dr. istar's Bal
sam of Wild Cherry for severo colds, and always
Willi decided bcnelil. 1 know of no preparation tlmt
is more efficacious or moio deserving of general usn.
'The Balsam has al-o been used Willi excellent effect
by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, Md.
Wistau's Balsam op Wn.n Cnciiar.
None genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS," on the
J. P. DINSMORE, No. 4tfl Broadrrov. Xcw Yoik.
S. W. I'OWLE A CO., Proprietors, Boston.
And by all Druggists.
Heals Old Sores.
Cures Burns, Sculds, Cuts.
Cures Wounds, Bruiees, Sprains.
liEvmxir? mrxsiA ..I'.r?
Cured Built, Ulcers, Cancers.
Cures Salt KUeuut, Piles, Erysiptlas.
Cures Ringworm, Corns, Ac, Ac.
O--0nly 25 Cents a Box
J P. DINSMORE. No. I'Jl linndwav, N. Y.
S. W. l'ON I.E A CO. No. IS i'rciU"Ul Boslon
And by all l'mgista and Country btorvkcupra.
Dec 21 Ibol.
I SOS. " " 1S.
I-hilndVlpliin. & ICi-lo ICnllroiMl.
rilHIS great line traverses thn Northern and N t
I bmI ..I ltu..n,..l .1... . r I'
, -M- " w. a cu.i- i . aula lu kuuciij ol
I on Luke Eriu.
It has been leased by tbo i'eoui.yl,a:..u P.ailr.
Company and isoperined by them."
Ils entire lengili- was otieiu-1 fur pacsenger f
freight business. October 17th. Iroil
Time of Passenger trains at Sunbury,
l.envn Kioitu-.'iril .
Mail Train, arrives
Eluiira Express Train.
Lock Haven Accommodation,
Leave Westward.
Mail Tram,
Eluiira Express Train.
l.nek II:1V. 11 A liniiiiwliillnn
in.2.i P. .V
Itl.oi A. J
4.15 A. S
4.26 P.
PiL-son.'er ears run tl.roti.rh on '.full 1'r.iin unl
change ways betwce.i Philadelphia and 1
und Baltimore and Erie.
Ele-ant Slce ing Curs on Mail Trains
ways between Philadelphia und Lockliaien.
mid ou Eluiira Express Trniu both waj lion
illiauisport and Baltimore.
For itil.innuliiin respecting Pasenger bu.
apply at With and Market St., Philadelphia.
And for l-'reitrht bo.iness of the Couipai.v 's Ag
S. 11. Kii gsiou, Jr., Cor. loth aud iiurket
J. W. Reynolds. Eric.
J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R.. BttUiinoro.
II II. Hoi sr..
tjen l Freight Agt. Philat
H. W. U ix.s-Kii,
O.-u'l Ticket Ag't., Phila
Josei'it D. Pons,
lieu 1 Manager, Williuui-
Dec. CI, ISfil.
Fall & Winter Goods
iga.c f-jp.i:ait.
In Zetleuioyer's Building, nppneile Uvarbar.'t
fectionery Store, Market street, SUXBUR V, .'
HAS ji st opened a well selected asmirtim
Ooous, which he oilers for sale al very low j
FOREItiX AND DOMESTIC, such aa Cloths,
meres, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Culicui
1. nines. Silks, (iingbanis, Ac , Ac.
IIA'J'W and CAI'si of every description
Consisting of Hosiery, llloyes. Throad, B
Susoenders. Xecklies. Coll-irs, Handkerchief
Rrusbes. Tooth Bru-hcs, Fancy Head litMei
mural Skills. lloop-Skins. Ciu-pei-bogs, Tiun'
li-es. Uiiibr lias. Colloii-Yarn. fsoip. and in.
other article loo tedious to mention.
H A It D V A R I
such as nails, hinges and screws, door laic!
knobs, aud CUTLERY of every description.
Dyes, Drugs, 1'uinU, Yarnislics, UiU,
l'utty, kc, Arc.
4ilt't-ns are iiskI 4l:ist m
ft-ry l-Bi i'ilioii.
An extensive Stock of
for mbn ir.on.n ut.A Kil.lp..n
All kinds of Couutry produce Lkeu in t
Sunbury, Sept. 10, Isdi.
Iyou wart a good Cooking.Slove, go to b
UEMllElt S New Sliop.
KoRiilar l.irt'Ufct-it CouTeyi
. bUAMOKIN Twrp., near BEAR i
Nortbuuihurljiud County, Penusylvui
HA.S teken out liounse. and is prepared
kino's of Coavef anoint atreaaoral.l I
tn.aieku) lap , J0 1, ItM-Srut