GTfjc Sunburn ftmrrtran. a. B. MA88ER. Editor Proprietor. E. WILVERT, Publisher. SI Mil UV, IA. SATURDAY, M Alien 23, 1803. JJf'OriKioN. We refer our readers to another opinion of the Attorney General of the United States, iu regard to the credit of ' recruits. tST'Gonerul Grant has mado a srecial "requisition for more money to buy muskets from the Rebel deserters, who Are allowed twenty-one dollars for their guns on coming into our lines. t57Descrtioiis cnntiuufe to average about a hundred per dny from Lee's Army. ILoral Affairs. IV In consequence of Usa of linio occasioned by 'the flood, we only issue a half sheet this week. tTThe repairs uf the (Jut bridge, on Market street, should bo attended to st onco. Tho Turn pike Company should be notified, and measures taken to renew tho bridge at once. lj- The (rreat doolino iu gold must oeoossarily "reduce tbo price of nil kinds of goads especially im ported articles. Coffee should not bo worth more than 23 tor the best sugar SO ecnls per pound. I'rovisioiii mi st alio como dona, Beef ought not to bs worth mire tjq js, JJiitter 25 and "3S1 2"i according to th present sal e of gol J . T3" Tuo town of Selinsgrove, prflper, has noi suffered cny dawtijjc from tho flood, but that portion, on the Isle of Que, wos completely Inumlatcci.. Col. eher A Moyers Steam 6uw Mill was destroyed, lost about $1,C()J. Cy The Hail Hos t bril;- at Linden, above Wiliiamsp' ,rt, wf.s saved by runnicg a truin of enrs loaded wi th mil road irou on it The rait road Vridge at Williainspoit lost ono out of three new spans ar two of the tUrcs old sposi. Only a pnrt pf tte V,uncy bridge was carried twiiy. XW' The rebels are vigorously organising their Vitm into tiilitaiy companies. This is the lost hope .irot th ''la-it ditch. ' Jjr The premium en gold has como doirn won derfully. On Tuesday it as quoted at l.U. Its highest point some months since was 2.90. In other words less than fix months ago it took nearly $.'1,00 in greenbacks to buy $!. PI) in gold. Now the same amount of grecubaeks will buy nearly double tho amount of guld, AH "titer things must foil u pro j onion, CoriiT. Owing to the extraordinary freshet, thcro vim no court this wcok. Court opened on Monday morniitjr, ami after a few motions mado, adjourned. Jude Jordan stated ho would hold a spceiul court lor argument but not for Jury trials, in May. tjjt The idle report that a child Luhed fart to a pitee of timber had been caught coming down tho river, is, of course a canard, without any foundu- Tna Mails. The maTTmi.... 7 , cumulated since Friday, tv" brought to this pioco from Hnrrisburg 04 Tuesday evening by the ac commodation truin. The train only came to the 'hamokin bridge. Two wagon loads of mail bags were deposited in the Post Oflico. By ono of those iinact'ouiituble blunders the Sunbury mail bug wcro brought up li-l rind could not bo (liJtribiits.1 till next morning. 3" We learn from Mr. Campbell, the huillcrof the machine shops Ac., at this place and Ronova, mho came down frum the latter p'ace in a small "boat, that the damages of the freshet here," are trifling as compared with the destruction of property above us. Thu illiamsport Court Ilonso wa lour in- ! ' feet nndor water. A number of houses, wo are formed, were carried away and detroyed ami mu-:h o her property injured. At Jersey Shore tlx water tlid much dauuigo and Lock lluvcu was almost eutire'y inundat.iyj. tS The Editor of the Sclinsgmve Tim's, ad vertises in tho Xcw York Printer, tho sale of hi estaUkhuicnt. If be does not 2nd a purchaser very Soon, it will tot bring a laubte, a every movement , of iMicrmun an 1 Sheridan, renders rebel stock, ai- .ways valueless, still more worthless. C5Wete!"-i Vine Jewelry, Solid Silver, Ac, Ac. Head advertisement in this isfuo of Henry Harper, So. A20 Arch Street, Philadelphia. C2Mti!. Ilo vu Tkaims The only train running south of this plaeo at present, is tho accommodation train which leaves Sunbury at 7.10 Iu tho morning , ard returns at 4.20 P M. Tho Shnmokin traius run onco a day, at present, leaviLg here at 4.70. There will bo no train north of this !nee, until the Philadelphia & Erie road, above town is repair, ed, wh'.oh ni l be to-day (Saturday. Removal op tub Orrtrra Tl woik of tearing down the old county buildin to be used as a site fur the new Court House, has rscetfnrily caused a removal of the county offices. The Register, io., and the Prothonotary, will, temporarily, occupy that portion of Mrs. Donncl's building, lately occupied by Miss Su.-un Pouuel, dee'd. The CouimMonera . and Treasurer wjJJ occupy the otTice lately occupied by Mr. Il'.llncarly adjoining. Tho olScors are roa- , dy In move, and 'bo work of demolition has com- .W.enced. fy-Ihoush the grading for the second Ira. of 'the Northern Ccutrul road has been considerably In iurod, it isgrat;f)iugtoknowthnt it has prescrvod 'tho original track from any injury, which, without tnis protection might bvo been very considerable. dp-Some very cwggoraWrt report! were circula ted in regard to the flood at this plaoo. There has been no loss of life, or Ve3 danger, a"4 hutliulo, if any, injury to real properly. Tb grcai4t loss J,eoidj lh injury to the railronds and bridged, 's th? dcstruclion of fences and the Jnundution fcf eelllti? In mis, we learn, we havo been more favored than a number of towns ouuve us. Our Northumberland neighbors suffered but l;Ui, comparatively, by in. tindation, as the low grounds along the West Branch, were preluded by the railroad embankment. Of course, the CU south ef the rnUrfsd, were under water. tf-Among thoso caught from home by the flood, was our neighbors. P. Wolvertoo, Esq,, who was at Emporium, about 160 miles up the Erie road. A ell trains were (topped, he walked T J miles to Tlyners Run, and purchased a small boat, and from that point, in eompany with Mr. Rolgers of Wllllamsport, he flouted down the swollen stream. Mr. Wolver . tvn also says our losses are, comparatively trifling' when viewed in connection with the damages above os. Fostt Crsn ran lioua. This was the wagss paid laborers, by Mr. Arms, resident engineer, for work in repairing the damages done the Northern Central road below town, by the freshet. Something dike two hundred men were kept busy, and in three days the road was in running order. Mr. Arms and bis awUtaaU, and indeed all tbaemployeaa, In charge tit the rood, deserve great credit for their untiring energy iu oompleling a work of sash magnitude la a fuw days. rs-iiE0HI or tuk Flood. From all we can learn it W perhaps safe to say, that the reoenl flood Was, on en average, about four feet higher than the vreat flood of which was the highest then ever know a. tfoiue as the height at three feet eight Inches above the flood of 1849, others over four feet. This discrepancy depends oa the differeat yuinta where It L7Taa Rttt Foab. The repairs of the Kor thern Central Road below town, occasioned by the great flood Friday and Saturday, were completed on Wednesday evening, and the ttaFM are again run nlnj over the road. Peroral hundred yards of the embankment and track, bad been entirely washed away. A large force of laborers tinder the able and eflloiont direction of Mr. F. C. Arms, the resident engineer of the road, at tbli plaoo, accomplished a work that looked as If It might require weeks to complete. There is also a foroe on the Philadelphia sV ErlesRoad, above lows, but It Will require some days ttreomploto the repairs. The embankment Id several places has been entirely destroyed. We are informed by Mr. fish), the efficient suporlutendcnt of the Shacokia Valley Road, that the road has entrained considerable detrma, bat sot any to inter fere with the ranning of the trains, exoept the re building of the gut bridge at this place and some embankment. The most serious loss is the destruc tion of the braneh road or horn that connects the hauiokin Valley and the Philadelphia A Erie roads. letter from (be Army offlio James, Camp in frost cf IticnstosD, Va., 1 0th l'A. Cav. Mutch 15th, 15)05. , Denr American: The Winter in Virginia has gone, and the Spring winds nro blowing tragunt odors from the thick pines around us. The swamp-frogs are crouking a thou sand melodies in as many swniups. This country is noted for its pine fortsts and nu mrrous bogs and swntups. ' We linvo not had one inch of snow here during tho wholo Winter. Tho ronds oro alternntuly dry and muddy at this season of the year. A dash ing rain will harden the peculiar formation of sand and cIhj, and n settled ruin will render it almost impassible. The season for active operations iu tho army ais upon us, and vrc nro all on the qui vive will "Great Expectations" as Dickens has it. Tho cam paign which Is already opened by the Hank ing armies of Sherman and Sheridan, will soon draw us into combination. The death cords aro drawing tighter and tighter around (be ftingled monslcr Rebellion, while each du' gives us evidence of bis own knowledge Oi' tl.H hoplessncss of tho struggle. Th ro-Ix-Uion .Hands no without pretext, without hope wi'hotit foreign assistance, without money nnd without men. It is a bitter pill for tho lb idcis to acknowledge this exhaus tion ! And rnoro bitter still to admit that mcniiil slavt will mako good soldiers 1 Tho ltebela i'rVtn their lines iu front of Fort Harrison, can see', every day, regiments aud brigades of colore4, troops going turoug.i miiitary evolutions l.isidu of our liner. They, as well as ourselves, luvo been struck with thoir qiijck rovment, the pride they take in their military bearing, u(l their aptness in acquiring tho duties of soldier. Xon woukl be sai prised to see tilt."1 " tue 'li,r miah line, or iu tho JlX'lcllua fwyonet ex-cix-ise, or iu the ordinary conipanj anil, if thorn u-ita tlin loost micQihilit v ill' blVw'1 malt- iiig good soldiers iu (ho cause of tho hOut-'. we would havo seen before this an army ' thiee hundred thousand Mack-skins riso up before u?, as if by maic, with arms in their hands. Hut the experiment would be fool hiirdv. Therefore the Kebei leaders hesi tate' " 'Thrice is he armed who hath his quarrel just." Whatever havo been the opinions of home patriots, prior to the last Presidential election, Die man of the army wasoonlident that, in the justice of our r.uuse and through tliefoieeof military power, rested our sole hope of linnl success. Gettysburg decided tho fate of fren gov ernment on this continent, just as Greece winau w , beelof lVrsiun despo tism on the tHd ol JJurunivn. je ritied that Al'-xiinrlur liutl con'tuereJ tlie Oriental uorlil. Marengo, plaeed the crown on Xitpoleon's brow ; WUhi Lh awe;jt it olT. fiarutt'j'', in our own Kevolt.tior, gave our forcfaiiier tit'.. ;i . niiilit in' hi ui goveru ntent we tire ! I i inine.l to lli;iintniii. 'The ile'i.iititioii wiiicli hua tul:uetl ill the wako of tin- t -.v. i ttrmiee in Virginia lus been almost comulete. l.i Tuct all rantoi Vu ginin is ti vast 'battle-field aud grave-yard. When an army rests for a time, there fences, forests, barns and houses, all inert a com mon fi.te. Inside of tho lines of this army H'areely u hot'se or slae pen has withstood I a (usuny ot rum. i.ven i;ie lounnnuon are tort) up, and the stones tin i bricks used j by toldii rs ft r chimneys. Verily the de strt'fion of Jerusalem was not more fully complete 1 A day's ride on ft fast horse i A'onl 1 only give you an insight into tho j general dvsn!mion. From the C'iuck-i ! hominv on the ji'ht to Hatcher's Ilun on j the Suit, nothing would meet your eye but I huge piles of ground called ''forts,-' long linns ot hreast works ana ueep pntrencu ments. Snmo weru the work of M'Ckllan mid Stonewall Jackson in 1802. Still more nre the work of Grant aud Leo iu 'CI and '03. The whole country is upturned into fan tastic thapes, as if snmo Vesuvius hail been boiling beneath tho airfare; The Saw, Uarbytown, i'ii.irlcs City, and Williams burg roads. riD ncuiiy parallel to each other, and all converge towards Kichntond. They are all " 1 1 fcrtitied, ami each had their tur;-. lit the general baptism of blood. I was '".at on a cavalry 6Cout towards the Chicki hnminy nbout a month since. We passed over the old battle-ground of "Whito Oak Swamp.' The dwellings of the "First Families" here do not tKtual the medium of build iocs in our own Sunbnrv. Tho mansion of I.ibbv. the owner of tho celebratutl prison iu Richmond, is in our lines, a comparatively now buildin!'. It has cscapml tho general destruction; It is a neat whito frtime struc ture, and according to Southern custom the chimney i built on the outside. The dwellings of the poor clashes nro miserable hovels, built of oino Iocs, pino chimneys daubcdwitu eUv, oue story Ligh and con taining but oiio apartment. Tho "poor whito trash," os their lordly slave drivers term them, simply live, move and have be ing, and that is all. To converse with them, you would make up your mind they did rot know much more thau the tad-pole when it is 4o bo changed into a croaking frog. Henry Ward Beeehcr told tho -truth when ho said, "with a spelling book you can mark the lioo which bounds the rebellion." I Called ft little girl to me on the picket line sotr.o time since, and asked her among other . -e pstions It she could reorl or speii. biie WUS ft i- 'b ,v rJCLI t.lio w-'tvtt b'--t withal baa v'een l'S1' n iaklina of g"01 manners. She .replied, ""So, sir; 1 never learned to read. V? nt n,fther CM Tead nor write either ; and u.y around here knows how 1" Did you ncyt.- "'-" No, sir ; we havo no schools l iuu "-J11' lainly see tho waut of tho spelling a-'d the tililtt in tbo wholo domain of the ro0t,Ji especially among tho poor people., V hen- ever tlto common scuooi ana iuu oumj- Bchool, inarching In the wake of true civili sation, take up their much fitnithwnrd, a new era will Have eommenccn io uo south of M:vson's and Dixie.' lino. Rut 1 must close. Our division, (,iutz s) is under marching orders, and wo expect to mireb at daylight, with three days rations. I know not now our aim or destiny. What ever of interest or fact I can gleau, I will note for tho good old Amaricun. ' Col. Hetfry'e Brigade, containing the 68th and 188th Penn'a. Vols., have gone to North Carolina. Sunbury boys are in both regi ments. Very1 truely yours, A.N.B. Arotbih .Great i'Atia. The Snake vuiia n droann ara cxeitinir lols of talk b W.atrn trur'StS. The height Of the falls Is 800 feet, and the width 2,000 feet. When the l'anfla IUiiroad ia com Dletod. this will become a fashionable visit ing place, aa Niagara is now, with a wider range of curioeitiee, attract th attontion iwiiuawsi aiS ,m m HaTi n I i A bottstt Tumprr, who was ono of a lot of reor OiU In Illinois, was on his way to Join hisTegimwil, and stluii near Springneld, leaped frc tH ftaf iutJ.yvf t, hUo tin trnm was movjrifj liitren miles nn hour. Tlis fruurd ou tho nlntfomi saw him and fired; ti icutcnsrnt ahd two soldiers K'ttpcd oft' and pave clitDio, firing nt him. Ilo was brought down by fmir balls In his body, from tho effects of flfiicli he soon cliud. In his pocket were found five forged discharges. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE. OF vnltiahlo ltcal Ratsttr. I pursuant! of the last will end testament of Charles Shafor, Into of Pcnns Townshsp, Sny der county Pa., deeeased, will be exposed to pub Ho sale at the Court House. In the BOHOUUII OF SUNBURY, on 8ATCIUMY, APRIL 22d, IS1W. a ocrtain Two Story Frame Dwelling; House (double) and lot, being sixty feot front on Fawn street, and two hundred and thirty feet deep, bounded on the North by bouse and lot "of Isaac Seller ; on the South by bouseand lot of Jacob 1'. Iiuhrbach ; snd on the JCast by an alloy. Sale toootomoneo at 10 t'ctocb A.M.. of said day. when the conditions of sale will be male known. J. CARES WKT.KER, Administrator. HENRY HARPER, io. 830 AKCIt at., above Fifth, Pklln drlpliiii. Manufacturer and Dealer In WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY, SOLIDSILVER-WAEE and Superior Silver Plated Ware. March 2i, 1S65. 1m Itlnnhood i Isotv If, liovv Rs-ntoresl Just fublhhed, a new edition of Dr. CnlvsrwcU's Ctleoratcd Ksity on the radical cure (without snodi cine) of Spermatorrhoea, or seminal weakness, Ju voluntary Seminal Losses, Iinpotcncv, Mental ami l'hysiout Incapacity, Impediments toMarriago. etc.; ek-o, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. IV Price, in a scaled envelope, only six centt. tue 'celebrated author in this admirable osvay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' auocrt'ui practice, that tho alarming consequences of, sell', abuse may radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of thti knife pointing out a modo of enro nt once simple, certain, and ett'eclual, by moans of which every suf ferer, no matter what liis condition may be, uiay curo himself choaply, privately, and radically. t3r"'dhis Lecture should bo'in the hands of every youth and every man iu the laud. Kent, under seal, in a pluin envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or in o post stamps. Address the publishers. CliA. J. 0. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New Vurk, Post Otiioe Box, 4itW. March 23, lolii. je ly lo Oi'l.tlD.1. Attokney Gexkhal's Office, March 13, Ilon. Ewirr JL St.vktos, Secretary of War : Sin: Upon the 14th section of tho act "ntitled "An net to amend tho several nets heretofore passed to provide for the enroling ana calling out of the nn.tioun.1 forces," whicL' provides us follows : "This hereafter all persons mustered into the military or naval service, wherher volun teers, substitutes, representatives, or other wise, shall be credited to thu state and to tho ward, township, precinct, or other en rolment sub-district, where such persons be long by actual Irrsidence, (if sueh j.crsoiis havo actual residence within tho I'uitcd States.) and where such persons were or shall be enroled, (if liable to enrolment,) and it is hereby made, tlto of tho Trovost Mur birl General to make such rules and iven siicii instructions to the several Provo.t Jlarsl. als, Hoards of Enrolment, nntl muster ing Ofusors, as shall be neccssnry for thu faithful enforcement of the provisions of this section, to tho end that fair and just credit shall bo pivftj to every section of the coun try: ProcUkJ, That in any call for troops hreaft-r. no ron'itv. f.iwn ttiwiiAltin. ward, precinct, or election district, shall have cre dit except for men urttiully furnished on said call, or the preceding call, by said county, town, township, wnri.1, vrecinct, or election district, mustered into the military or ;avul service on the quotl thereof." You, in your letter of tho lOtl) of Jlarch, ask my opiuton ot the teliowlug points : Iirst. As to the tueif-.m;' ot tbo won Is 'actual residence,"' t',? ctnpVoed iti theal.ove section, and Uie u'oper mode, according to law, ot deteruj'.iiing t!ie actual resilience oi men otVeritig as rccruils. Sccortd. Where thu "acfual residence" rf tho recruit is :n one sub-dtslnct, nml Lo is enroled in a different sub-district, whore shall the credit be given?. Third. In case where tho recruit has no legal domicil or actual residence in nny en rolment sub-district, shall he be credited to the sub-district or district where he is en rolled, or shall he be allowed to select his locality? I...TI10 first of the abovo questions mrvy be divided into two part?: l'irst, as to the meaning of the words " residence;" and secondly, as to the proper mode of ascer taining the "actual residence." It is very diilicult to give a test by which the question, of actual residence may be de termined in each particular case. A few general ruies uiuy be given, however, by which a vust majority of tho cases can be really determined. 1. Every person must be presumed to have tin actual residence somewhere. 2, A man can have but ono actual resi dence at ono and the same time. - 3. A residence onco acquired remains until another is acquired. 4. Tho place of a man's origin is that of his actual residence until ho acquires an other. 5. Slinors havo their actual residence with their parents, guan'uuus, or, if upprcutites, with their masters. G. Adults reside ut the place of their dwelling. A man's dwelling is in contra distinction to his place of business, trade or occupation. Ilo dwells at the place he habitually sleep or passes his nights. 7. In every country toere is more or lees population floating like drift. They never expect to remain long at any place, and go thence whenever ami whereVer 1U0 hopu ol employment may invite, or fancy dictate. Such ucrsons have their actual retidenco in the community iu which they may dwell ut tho time ot the enrolment. As to tho modo of ascertaining the actual residence of a recruit, tho statue gives au thority to the Provost Marshal General to make such rules and give such instructions as will enable the Boards of Enrolment onj Musterinor O Ulcers to ascertain the fuels. and assign the credit according to lite truth ot'jhecaso. In most cases, the atlidavit of the enroled men would deteriuin the matter. But it is a quvS'ion in which tho sub-districts have ail interest as well as the recruits, and as recruits may, for bouuUes or bribes, declare contrary to tho fact, their places of residence, the rules U be prescribed should admit of counter proof. lI...My opinion is, that where the actual residence is in one sub-district, und the man is enrolled in a different sub -district, the credit should be given to the district of his actual residence,. The whole object and purpose of this sec tion is to fit a rtilo ry which places are to receive credits for enrolled men. It give a rale of credits to the Slate, and to the ward, township, precinct, or other enrolment sub district, for enrolled men only. It is silent as to how or where recruit not enroled, or liable to bo enroled, are to be credited. In order that tbe credit may be mado accord ing to the rule in this auction pretermited, the man must not only bave an actual resi dence, but ha uiuat he enroled. Tbe words of tbe section, "and whtra such persona 'i'rr or ball t enroled .'.' relate to th fct iiiiiaw iHisinen) si i i I Im isn n i of enrolment ratlTlhaa the place of enrol ment. Those wtls are Introduced to an nounce the fact lentolmerrt, atnl not to af fect or control tliqtiestlcmas ta the place of credit. This lumrtfeet from thf context and cspteinlly fro the wordslnpaierrithisis, Just follrnving lh4 above quoted,, to wit: (."if liable to t-nrolsiit ," 11!.. .Nothing ch nppcnr'Tw;, it most 1-e taken fo' granted i,it ;iio actual resilience 3 tho place cf ehiltnent, and the tied it iven urtordinglyi If, however, it should bo mado to sppi-HrCir.', though enroled in a p:.r:ic:tt!iir sub dislct, tho purion'has no nctual residenco, tin this statuto furnishes no rule by which W credit can be given. In such case, the cdlit must be given under tho law, or accords to the rule iu force before and indeperientiy of this act. I am, sir, very repectfully, Your obeient servant AM 8 SPEED, I Attorney General. March 25, 18C5r-lt The largest and ootwodlous Hotel, (partly furn ished) known as xiii i.i r. no i' itoi .ti:t Situated In the Vley oFTjoining, In tho borough of W est Pitt ilon. oube line of the Lackawanna A ltloomsburg Kailroa, six passenger trains per day stopping at the slsion, within fifty yards of the house. Uood barn, tabling, aud ice house, (fillt'd) also six acres of lad adjoining the house. M ill be rented on accumisdating terms to any enterpri sing and obliging mS. . J). Xoue but bal snen need apply. For further particiars apply o lh prsmtsM to i WM. A. BR0VV3, Agaut. Pittston, T , Mari , Ibfii 3t I1PF.RIAL IJfjotorjratiaUertfs, Xos. 903, 704 sod J ARCH STREET, pniLADEIPIiIA Pec. 17, lG64.-m EXCELSDR COFFEE. Whilst trying Coffee olall the various brandf. Remember "HKOWN Ntf'fl EXCtLSlOR" at the head it Valid. Tract, it's not likootbes that are "SOLD EVERT- WlIKHi; " A little stretch, wo ill do know, good gocda will cosily beiir, (But a stretch liko tld "sold everywhere" i very apt in tear.) 'ntr, I can safely s.i. wMlwnt any hesitation lucre's none like ''litowMxo's L'it FLSion ' in this enlighUned nion. Skilled iU-uiists haot found a Coffee from any store Pjcsing tho same sgrodTs as ''Drowning 'g Ex celsior " Kor is there any one,!n or out of tho Coffee trndo. M ho knows the arlilcs from which "Browning s Excelsior's" nude. I'm told it's mado (ran barley, rye, wheat, bean?, and peas ; Kamo n thou3:md otltr things but the Right One Ml you please. But with tlieOoliee-iutn I will not hold contention Kor the many, many dings they say loo numerous to mention. Whibt th' y're cngagts in running round from store to ?; ro To learn the current tholcsale prico of "Browning's Excelsior," Sonic who know iry CutTec gives perfoot satisfaction, iluve forme 1 u plin bjr which they hope to cause a qniek rcaoson. The case 'tiswitr a few ; no doubt 'twill be more To name their L'oi-o 0,'icr mine, (Urotvuing'a Excel sior." Soino say thcir's tic ally brand that will stand a ready tttt. "sow, try a little uf lifiu nil too which you like tho best. Three years have passei away since I first soli a store ; Never hut e 1 in your per advertise. before ; Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish morff. t li likot-ouie used by "trerbody," -sold everywhere' lit -'e'. nry Pkoro. A trudu like thu J do uot wish; the orders I conld not till ; The factory all Jersey's land Would take leave not a i'ool toiilh My trade is 111 1 so very large; still I think I have my shiise ; - li .it reaJor, yt wis rost atwd, 'tis Nut. '-.''nM i:.2wi4cre Kunulactui ed aid for .?ulo by the writor, No. 20 Murkct Street, Camden, N. J This Coffee is not composed of poisoneus contaiu-i nothtnt; tlelelcrious ; inunv poruis use this Coffee that cannot use the p'ire eotl'ec ; it lakes but one and n halt' ounces to make a quart of uritod sironz coflec. that lifltiJ just oso-halr the quantity it takes of J ava Coffee, iatd always less thau hull tho ; ru'o. Retail Dealers may purchase it in less quantities thin ten grus at my prices from tho Wl.ok.-alo tiro ceis. v Orders by mn'l from Wholesale Dealers prompt ly attended to. reurunry 1 1, iftoo itm U. S. 7-30 LOAM. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, tho undersigned has assumed tho General Subscription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing svvdu nrd thrjo tenths per cent, intercut, per annum, known as tho . SEVEN-TlIIltTV LOAN, Theso Notes arc issued under date of Austt't 15th, loot, and are payablu three years frou. ti.ul tiloo, iu currency, or urc euuvertiblu .ot tho c-ption et tho holder into I. K. S''iO Six per cent. O O I. M EAI1IXO IJ O N D S . These bunds aro now worth a premium of nine per cent., iucludiug gold interest from Nov., which makes tho actuul projlt 00 the 7-30 loan, at current ratua, Including Interest,, about ten per cent, per annum, bejides its exemption from Stute und muni cipal taxation, which adds from ono to thrco per cent, more, according to the rale levied on other property. Tho interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day on a $50 note. Two cents" ' " 100 " Tea ti it it $j)0 " 20 " " ' " $1000 (I " " " ?5o00 " Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnuhed upon receipt of subscriptions. This is - -- 'l'lia Only Inii fn SarI-t now oifircl by the Uavcrnmcnt, and It is confidently expected that itd superior advantages will make it tho GREAT POPULAR LOAN rF THE PEOPLE. Less than SioO.tKM.tW icuialn uuold, which will probably bo disposed of within the next CO or 00 dzyl when thu notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the esse on closing the subscriptions to other Loat;s. iu uratr lual cituonsol every town ana section or the country may bo aQuiucd facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed toreoerve subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they bave con fidence, and who only are to be re. poofiblo for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JA1 i'OOKl', Pt'ast mrnoi ckmt, Philadelphia. ScsscairnoKS wili. bk hkckivkd by the First National Bonk of Northumberland. First Nutional Bank of Milton. Northumberland Notional Bunk of Shamokia. February 23, 16ai. 3uip III YSICI A & NUUtsEO.I, DK. ISAAC HUFF, WHO is a graduate ef Jefferson Medical College, and has hod ample experience io hospital and ally practice, offers hi professional services 10 the eitiscns of Upper Augusta, Rush and Shamokia townsbtps. ncsiaenee near onyaerlowa. Job. T. 1H6S Sui 33. O- GOBUST, Attorney asxd Couttaetlor sit LoiTs HABRI8BUBO, PENN'A TTTTLL eorefull sueod to eolleotlons and ell W other msjtuwe entrosud to him, ia theeauatite of" Deur Uii,, Nortbeaaburlaa4 utd fjnydor Got. J4, 1SH -1 . ,,. t . 1 1 . -; ' (Late IIERR'B 1I0TKL,) Corner Market and 3d Streuts, HAPHlt-BCftTf VK. : THE attention of the J.ab'lo is rwoeoUnlly eislled tc this lloUl which is now open for ta aouooioioda lion of cucsts. In the past live Cjuntb during rhieh time It has been closed the house has beess thorough' ly remodeled and repaired, until In point of conveni ence ai.'i comhiri, its patrons win una it to own no superior. , . i'Jse l'lirniturn I'sitlrcly Ttetr, 11 on ins lurxer than are usnallr found In modern hot Is. hituutotl oa the ooi'ner of two prinuipul business streets of the c-iy,but two and a hull quarts from the Rail KoSd Dei'mt, Tbe proprietor determined to spare no expense In securing tbe comfort of bis guests and a favorable reputation lor the establishment, ho feels willing to trust its character to the judgment 01 nis patrons. HEKRT THOMAS, Proprietor. January 1, J8R4. UP DE GRAFFS Eye and Ear Infirmary, On the Square, Three Doors from Steel's Hotel) WITjKES-BARHIE'PA. millS INSTITUTION Is now even and furnished J. In tho most, costly style. Rocrption, Private and Oreratini Rooms are Mine and 'convenient and well adapted. Th'! Surgical aparttneut contain tko fiiiost oollaetton of Instruments in this country, and : thus his faeultics will enablo him to meet any and ail emergencies in practice. He will operate upon the various fornnof HLlNPXli.NS, Cataraet, Oecluca of the Pupil. Ornss Kves, Closure of Ihe Teat Ducts, Inversion of the Kyeh'ila, l'torygium, Ac., Aa. And will treat all forms or Nro Ayes, Uranulcd I.ids, Opacetics of tho Cornea, and scrofulous aiseases of the Kye, ttigether with all the diseases to which the eye 1 subject. DEAFNESS. Will front all the disiRs to theorgan. Diseharjros from the Ear, Noises in the Ear, Cntarrh, difficulties of hearing total Deafness, even where tho Drum Is destroyed. Will insert an artificial ono, answering nearly all the purposes uf the natural. Dlt-EAt-KS OP THE THROAT. All diseases com moo to the Throat ami Nose will be treated GENERAL SURUERY. He will operate upon Club-foot, lluir LlprWleft rVliate, Tumors, Gaacera, Enlarged TuAcils, As. 1'lastto operations by healing now flesh Into deformed parts, and llenoral Surgery of whatever character it may present. HERNIA, (OU Kl'l'irltE,) He will perform "Eabius." operation ftir the radical, (complete.) cure of Hornia, this untpiestionably n perfect oure, and is dona with little or no pui. Out of t)io many hun dred operated apoa in Cos ton thero has been no fail ures, it having wot rhe approbation of all who bave submitted t it. ARTIFICIAb EYES. Will Insert artificial eyes, giving them th ntntion nnd expression of the natural.- They we innrtL.l without tho least pain. HEMOHKiiOII), tl'IbES.) This troublesome di peaso is readily cured. Tho;o sutfering from it will do weir to call. Dn. t In OnAFf visits Wilkcs-Barr with a view of building up a permanent Institute for the trentmcr.t of the Lyo. tar, and fat uenil Jurgery. The experience of more thnx a quarter of a cvnrary, in Ho-pitul und general practice, he hopes, will bo a sufiiciunt guarantee to taosu who may be disposed to eimdov him. - .' ' lory 11, 1SC5 ly Enamelled Slate Mantel WARE-ROOM. CHF-STXCT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. - Manufactory Tenth and Samsoti S'r etn. Table.Topu, I'ier-Slabs, Brackets, Wnsh Stand Tops, &.c.,;&c. Philadelphia, Jnu 7,.laoj tf I'oi l!i A. A r 1I1 StM.. IMtilasIrtphla. Cater for the best Trade, and offer lo Burrs or de ception to induce Custom, but rely on FA1& I'EAL ISQ and GOOD GOODS 1 Best Mcrirncs. Fashionable Silk, Nobility l'lalds. Pirn's Poplins. Dark" Fuulnrds Figured Jlerins, Plaid Shawls, Uood Blankets. P. S. V.'e follow GOLD down, as close as we fol low it up. Now is a good time fur Mcrchuuf and Consumers to come in. October 8, 184. 2mw Kiitt't-iiiilJonnl J!ot-l, 855 and 37 Jiroaitmiy, Corner Fnm&lin Strt NEW YORK. rjlllIS first class House the most quiet, homelike X and pleasant Hotel in the city offers superior inducements to those vblting New York for business or pleasure, it is central in its lucuiion. and kept on the Kritoi-EAa Plax. iu connection with Ta VLoa's Saloon, where rvfroshuients can be had all hours, or served in their own rooms. The charges are mo derate, tbo rooms and attendance of tho first order bath.?, nnd all tbe modern conveniences attached. Oct 1, 1SG4. COAL OIL LAMPS. I bei! leave to inform my friends and the public generally that I hsvs ctnuuicnccd tho manufacture of COAL OIL LAMPd ef every description aud style of finish, at NO. : S. SECOND St., PHILADELPHIA. With mv present facilities for manufacturing, and S practical experience of thirteen yearf iu tbe man agement of the lamp business for somo of the largest huusut iu the country, I flatter myself that my expo, rieneo and knowledge will suable me to offer to the public goods not equalled by any iu regard to style and workmanship, and at priocs oompoliug with the lowest. I shall always endeavor to lend iu utlcrin to the publiu new and useful inventions iu our hoc. I have also taken the wholesale agency lor the sale uf GEO. W. BROWN & CO 6 Cbi-khhatkh Mktax, . A. J. WE1DENER, No. 3S S. Second (., Philadelphia. September 1, la'jj. TI1E EYE and EAB- Xo the IVoiile ! NOW READY, A Work by Dr. YON, Of No. t02T vtulnut street, futiaacipaia, cntitiea a book roa rue rcoi-tK, On tbo following Diseases : EYE and EAR Diseases THROAT Diseases in General ; Clergymen's and V ublie Sneakers' Sore Throat ; Disease ol the Air Vasaagcs, (Laryngitis, Brouchitis,) AsiIiiiiu ami 1'ntiirili. This Hook is to bo bail at No. Cu6 Chesnut street, Pbiluaolphia. and of all Bookaellerl Prioo SI. And from the author. Dr. Von Moachtlsker, who can be consulted tin nil these maladies, and all Ner vous Alloctioiis. which he troats with the surest suo eesa. Office. No. HM7 Walnut street, Philadelphia. let). 11, li 3mw OLD EYES MADE NEW. V PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore sight anil givo up spoctuoles, without aid of doctor or medicine. Sunt by mail, free, on receipt ol lOoeuU. .Addioss, E. D. FOOTK, M. D. February 4, 133. 8m IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating te the human system, mole and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases ; tbe marriage oustvuuof the world ; how to marry well and a thousand things never published before road the revised and enlarged edition of "Msuical C'onnuh Basel, a ourious book for ourious peoiile, and a good book nr every one. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price l .60. Con touts table sent free to any address. Books may be had at the Bwok stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid o receipt of j D. 1130 BroadwayNow York. February 4, 1565 dm T) LANK (Parchment Paper.) Deeds sod blank I) Mortices, Hoods, r.i fa ult el the eftee of the ee. Bonds, Exeouiioi-s. bumaious, Ao., V.I - hHAMfvL Is r5TP5f 1 iicor j-- I N V j IRON I tt is welt known IKON Is the vital blood. This is del but if Ihe food is ' any cause whaler is not taken into t the wholo system tats the heart, w the brain, will at disease produoin tern, and every may be prediipo 'ihe groat vab Is?' Is well knowr men. Tbe diffi paratlon of li as milate at once w Hays, Alassnobi taincd in the 1't way before unk The Is a Protectw A new Discover of Disease by su cipla or Llt'o El Tb Cures Dyspepsi and Ague TU1 Infuses strength . aud build: italic Cures Nervous A all discuses of thr THE Is a PpociP for Statu of tbe liloot Low State of the i Pamphlets 000 ta couiineitdarivas trf sician fjlcrgyme any adtlrcsf. Vf select s few t attter of testimonial JOl. f Vesident of tin tats Editor Chi Edib. Rev. JoBn Plorpont, " Warren Burton, " Arthur B t'ullur. " (iurdon Rohktns, " vlvanus Cotb, ' 'J.' tiirr King, " Ephmiin-NiHe, Jr. " Jtoeph H Cliu-ih, " Ilenrv (Iphain, " P C Hcndley, " John W Oiiiistead, J. J. A . Abi J Rt 11 L K Prepared by N. I,. CLARK CO., cxcTiisircly f.,r J P. DINSMORE, No. lill Broadway, New York, old by all Druggists. Bedding's Russia Salve, FORTY YEAR'S EXPEDIENCE Has fully established the superiority of BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. Over all other healing preparations It cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Burn?, Boils, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Erysinclas. Sties, Piles, Corns, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, Ac, Ac, Removing tho Pain at once, nnd Reducing tint most angry luukin wcllings and Inflamation as if by Magic. Only S. ceitfs a llox. ron balk nr . T. DI.VSMORE. No. 401 Rrondvray. New York. . W. FOWLK A CO.. No. IS Tremout St., Boslou And by all Druggists December If, 1SS4. y BSstSS. 1liIIa1t-1lsia & ICrlc 5latltitl. THIS great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of trio on Lako Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company aud is operated by them. Its tniire length was opened for passenger and freight businis, October 17th, 1864 Time oi Passenger trains at Sunbury, Leave Eastward. Mail Train, arrives 10.2S P. 71. Elmira Express Train, 11. ,16 " Lock Haven Accommodation, 10. wO A. M. l.cavo Westward. Mail Train, 4.1&A.M. Elmira Express Train, Ii.i'rt Lock Haven Accommodation, 4.2o P. M. Puksenger cars run through on Mail Truin, without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Mail Trains both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, aud and ta Elmira Express Train both wujs between Wiltianisimrt and Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger business apply nt aud Market St., Philadelphia. And tor Freight business of the Company's Agents, S. li. Kingston, Jr., Cor. llh uud Market St., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. M- Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. 11. H. Hol'KTOX, Gen'l Freight Agt. Philada. H. W. GwiNsr.a, - Gcti'l Ticket Ag't., Philada. JosKi'ii D. Putts, Ucn'l Manager, Willioxasyort. Deo. 31, ISfit. f St JUST OPENED Fall & Winter Goods, AND SOLD CHEAPER THAN ELSE W11KKE 1 ISAAC FTJ?1A1T, In Zctlcmoyer's Building, oppr. He (leurharl's Ct.a fuctioncry Store, Market street, SUNBURY, Pa., HAS just opened s well selected assortment of Goods, which he offers for sale ut very low prices BEY GOODS ! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such as Hhiki, Cassi- mercs, Muslins, shaotms, lickuig, Calicoes, no Luines, Silks. Ginghams, Ao , '.'. Ilk'S'S usid t'.tl'M of every description. , NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Consisting of Hosiery, Gloves. Thread, Buttons, Suspenders, Neckties, 'Collars, Handkerchiefs, lluir Brushes. Tooth Brushes, Fanoy Head Dreascs, B.t. moral Skirls. Hoop-Skirts, Carpot-bags, Trunks, Va lises, Umbrellas, t oltou-Yara, Soaps, aud numerous other articUe too tedious to mcufiou. HARDWARE such as nails, hinges nnd screws, door latches and knobs, and CUTLERY of every description. Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Oild, Glass, Putty, Ac, tic. ,iic-cnsi'ivurs . uud glassware sf eicry Ut-stcrlislloss. STONE AND E.VUT11EN WAHE. An extensive Stock of 1 GROCERIES. Composid of, CufTca, Teas. Rice, Corn-sturch, Molaascs, Caudles, Meat, t'ud), Cbuese. Salt, Tobacco, ud iIeady-jiade clothing. Also, B0CT3 &. for men, women and ohildreu. All kinds of Country Produoe taken Is exchange for Goods. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1804J Irou wont a good Cufklng-Stove, go to SMITH A GESTUEK'S Wow Shop. , dri ELI afOKLSr,' Hegulur IJeeseU Couveyiinccr, BHAJffOKIN Two., near BEAR OA.V, Norihumhvrland County, Peoonylvania HAJi tvkun out Roenee, and is prepared to do ell kiads uf Cooveyaueiiig, at reasonable raus EbssDokia i"y.t Jiu 7. Hoj Ju.o .. lrsv kcicbics,Stocki lints nnd "nt- r all Vfrl-4. E00TS ANDS5ir.ES, TRUNKS, VALISES, B7.ELLAS, and' NOTIONS of ull kinds, and ni rous othcu attiele". Thapublisme invitud to call and exauiint rScc'-l. Remember the plnoe. "Continental Clotliio't Str Corncrof Market Square und the N C. R. li LEVI HECii Snnbv.ry, Dec. 10, 13oi; 't'lio Complete, Ionlle.let lt fi tie in i-ntitie; CORN SKELLER. PATENTED, AUGUST 2id, 1854. THIS Sbeller is t'.iO enly one tint shells the ' perfectly clean from the C-'b w hen green, s ed or dry. It gives itie Ear a double the Shelling heel as it passes thruuh, una f rales the Cob from tho Corn completely. rendt.:i nt onco r.t lor n-amot wnnout me use ot the un inlM. Ibis ahviu a Half Vwhclof AVe t ta ATi'iuftf ly 0 Miry Iliml J'umr. and can b wed. also, by Horse, Steam or Power by attaching a Puiley on the Crank S For Durability, Clcanlinces. Kcstiiess t-ln.;. and P.apitlUy ia helliug, this Machine oantio equalled by any other. STATE AXD CCCNTY RIUni'3 FOR SAL1 REASOXAIiLE TERMS. GrjTi.tcM : If you want your cora Sh' clean ; if yu have occasion to shell green or d corn ; ifyouwant your corn and cob sepsrute you want a uu table Uiachiue ; if you waut a c shelter, buy the Complete, Duubiv-Actiiig, Salt uruiiiig CuruSliolkr. RErEUEN'CIlS : H. B. Ma.srr. Dr. J. W. Pecle Sunt Charles Haas, M'JIt, Samuel Luasig, Itt.ot C. I. Morirau t Co., Geo. Weiser, L. Aug Millers, Sunbury. Sol. Marti, Farmer, Henry l.eisuaring. Bear Gap. C. Albert, George Manufactured and for Sale at tho Fouudr ROI1KHAC 11 Cimi'tll, Sunbury, P. hunbury Deo. 3, 10'4 6m JREAD 1 BREAD 1 1 BREAD ! 1 INTIBV BAKERY flUE undeii!rad will open a Bakery, on M. X street, Sttubury, Pa , in the course ot two n where he will kecp'cous-Lntly un hand, 2' Itread, 'rvviRt-IJofls, Rust and TEA-B VNXS, which will be delivered to 1 lies enrv morin '. All kinds. T FANCY CAKES, Cwm Cakci. Tretiels. Pic-Nia Pintles, Weddings and Funerals, wi. supplied ut the shortest rotiec. ' A gwd assortment will bo kept up St all ti manufactured out of the best material, aud oi will be promptly atteuded to. lietruat thai tlis friends aud the pu' genci will sus,aiu him iu thi Lew enterprise, uow grt ueotlud inSunbsiy. Ho trusts bis txper'fccc fn the business will blu him loxive general satisfaction to all wuu favor biu with their pulrouue. DAVID FR' Sunbury, Dee. 10, 18G4. FROM VTASniNOTO?:. LATESTI MPROVEMENT OF AO CULT JUAL IUPIE3IE:iTS. AT 1.1E FOTJ ITDS "ST, of STJXMBTJ-!ir, PENN'A. (let theEest Gdt the Cbeapcts Get the most . ooiiiical. which cau bs had at the Rohrbach Ft;un Having a large assortment of the uiosi apprt STOVES, such u. Cooking. Parlor, Orf.ce aud f Stoves, which will be sold at the lowent rates. J Kettles ol all sizes, 1'aua. bkilluts, Ac Thoy are also manul'ucturiug Machinery, Plvu Castings. Ac, ut ihorl uotice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Irnpletn done iu a good wvrkiuauliUe luauutir aud at shortest noiiuo. All artioies shippej as ordered. Orders retf fully solicited uuu promptiy attended to. KOURBAC11 A COOPEI nrOM Iron, n 1 all kinds of I'rvduce take. Exeliange for work fiuubury, Juue 13, Itk'4. tf FANCY DRY (JOODSTOIi . 2EXSf3 HATE BLACK, RESPECTFULLY informs her friends ia Soul end vicinity, that shs has just opened har FALL AJSD WlfiTkin UOODB. ot Notions and f sue y Dry Goods, Market street, four doors west of Vi m. U. Mill Bool and Shoe store. Sl'.SBl'HY, P Her stock eunsists of Trimming, nottous. eal dries, Ladies and Childreus' hats and shakers ; . and other linings. Corsets, Uovp-skir'.s, Cape Lace Veils; Kets, gloves, stockings, eollan, corsets, Ac WOOLEN GOODS, Breakfast Shawls, tsunUgs, tied Ridug Uuvda, Ci Hustsry of all kinds. Genu' Ileudketebiels, Cravsts, KeckUee, Sasp den i KUtbocsvuf kU kuals, feaibul. Velv iboay other oruetea Wo attssei tMM to sstf 'ss I "uthiey, Ct W. ISC.' - n measured. ci visitor 1 . - i..':.ii.- uir.