Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 11, 1865, Image 4

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S'irkct Nqnarr, Sllli nV In.
iAVINO just fturned from tlio City with an en
tire dcw stock of
rugi, Chemical, IVrfutncry nod
Toilet Articlr)
which he Invitee hi. friends and the publin ffener
y. to call snd examine. Tho Drugs nnd Medicine
'l selected from the best Importing houses In
Eastern market with 'he greatest, cure as to purl,
nil efficiency and avoiding i.s muck mi possible,
s introduction or iblcrinu4 tiof !run:s.
nil kinds. rueh m Ayor's, Jnync. McClintoek,
dlowayx, W islmrls, lluollaiid, 'Sehcnks. Brown's
I all other popular patent liiiuliciiiux, always on
itp. Tooth, Kail, Clothe and Paint Brushes.
-peeial euro in taken to keep on bund, constantly
ery variety of
liable to the ti ado.
('nnnv Toilet Articles and the nnmerou article
iich are gcuorally kept iu a well conducted estab
amcnt. In connection with Ihonhovftarliclcs. lie also keep?
luind a large assortment ol STATIONERY, such
Paper. Envelope. Pens. Pencils, ink?. Ac.
i or Physician s prescriptions and fomily receipt
niitiiil"d wiih the greatest accuracy and dispatch,
ALL HOURS Day or Night.
Kcnicmber the place, Market Punare, tinder the
ji otltho "Suubury American.''
'iiiibnry, June 15, 1301.
Look at tho Returns !
Market S,unre, SUNBURY, l'ENN'A.,
tST received from New York end Philadelphia
a fresh supply of the latest stylos and oi tho beat
Jlen, V, omen and Children, which be offers at
I'tpocl prices.
Women's Shoes nt SI SO.
All hi- good stock WARRANTED. No Paper
'es fold at his storn.
He will also wholesale Hoots and Shoes bv (lie box,
1 ho public generally are invited to call and cx
line hi stock,
-unbiiry, Vet. 22, l1l.
And Dealer til
t'awn Mi-col. Koiitfi onVravrr's
STORMS the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity,
thut he Inis Jiut returned from Philadelphia with a
I asor.mcEt of
ri,i. A.t wi.wiuc ;04MiS,
lis stock consists of Cloths. French Cloths, Black
c Skin nnd F'incy Cassimoies. Bls"k Satin. Figured
ks. l'lnin nnd Fancy Cnssimere YESTINGS. which
will make up to order in styles to suit tho taste of
lomcin, on short notice, and tho niost reasonable
iny Goods not on hand, will bo furnished from
'ladelphia, by giving two days' notice,
ioods furnished by customers will bo made lip to
er as heretofore.
Vs he will employ none hut experienced workmen,
sons may rely ou getting their work well done at
haukful for tho patronage heretofore bestowed,
respectfully solicits a couliuuauce of the same,
unbury, Sept. 10. Irili4.
lutli i:nl-lntia C'oIIVe Co.
309 I! cade Street, Now York,
lie auoro'Cninpuny are known all over tho world
he owners of the Coffee. Plantations of Java ami
uvia In the Dutch East Indies, and arc the largest
mpoliier of Coffee on the Globe,
he undersigned (who is appointed their solo
Mil in the United States and in the British Coin
i will have for sale three dillcront kinds of Cof
whicli. for regularity of grade and cheapness, of
?e. will defy competition.
tir "Ifatavia Coflee" never before introduced in
Country, but extensively used in tho Armies and
ios of Europe, end richly valued, will be put up
rices to reach all consumers, and our Extra Java
ho the Magnum Bonum Coffee of the aire,
'e will have, for accommodation of Grocers. Ea
rl, aad Government Contractors, samples (dry,
drawn) for testing.
rdors wlicited. On reeoipt of cash, coffue prompt
jrwarued ad diiecicd.
A. I.ll'PMAN,
16S Rcaie Street. New York,
txjlo Agent, 1. E. I. U Co.
Jly 13, 1S91.
- IVnNliingftrit ISoiiwr,
.Vnr the Vridge.)
HE subscriber having leased this well known
Tavern Stand, lntely kept by Mrs. C. S. l.rown,
cctfally informs the public that he is refitting nnd
iiring tho, and will be prepared to en
jiu, in a comfortable manner, his numerous
ads throughout, the county, and all who limy
unir.c bis establishment.
icE ml
:ammoth store.
J. XV. E'SClI.t.XJ NO,
Ef5 loava to call the attention of the public that
they have just returned from the City with a
usiing or DRY GOODS,
Hardware, Queeneware Cedarware,
$00? s
iory, Cloves, Notions, Trimmings,
ii4 nml !i'iil-uli, Oila, I.nmpM
In Count r' Slorra.
e bought our goods at the lowest Cub. Prices
consequently we think we can ofler great In
emcnts to purchasers for Cash or Country Pro
's. The bight&t market frice paid fur all kind
reduce. Given a call.
unbury, Nov. 12, 1HC1.
""eV rGO"o"DS!
wo doors west of Wm. H. Miller's Shoe store,
buubury, Pa. Just opened u fresh supply uf
h as Funey Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Gloves
idkerehiefs, Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs
t s Linen and paper Collars, Netts. Bolts. Lace
an and Sleeves, Hsir Rolls, Velvet Ribbons,
, White and Blue Noel-ties, Corsets, Quaker
t. Yokes and faleevm.
'OOI. EN GOODS, comprising of .nlag. Hosiery
adies and childrcu,' Caj of all kinds, Scarfs,
'es, Mittens. Ac.
Inn, a new style of muslin for Garribaldi waists
iher with Siis, Jaconet and Victoria Muslins
Collars and Veils. Grenadine and Luce Will
a variety of other articles too numerous to men
mary L. Lazarus.
inbury, Oct. 22, 1861. .
Ifc of Hie Venous, Keminnl,
I rlnnry kimI Hfxuiil KjMrinx
aud reliuble treatment in rosirt of the 11' iV
) ASSOCIATION ent by mail in sealed letter
lopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKlL
IMJiOinoX, Howard Assoeiation, No. J
b Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
ly 10, 1A4 ly
doors west of Fiocber's Drug Store, Market it.,
?msl untly loanufaetnring the latest style of Wool
id r ur Jlts, which forsofmcae and durability
ot Burpassed.
ve buu a omII and see btl itook of 11 at whieb are
eh en per than eUtabere. Merobantnand others, '
bating at wholesale, will find it to tbuir advan. I
to call aud procure iiu article cheaper and eaol
I manufacture. 1
J001 l'Olt MILLION I
v At the Store of
Corner of Markot and Fawn Streets,
Just opened
for everybody. This no ''Blowing." but plain truth,
which every one will bo Convinced that oulls and ex
amines the stock, which consists of
Dress Goods, Cassimcres, Cloths, Uents" Overcoating',
leans, Cottenades, Muslins. Dress Ooods in
great variety.
I'luin and Fienred Delaines, Frenoh and Figured
Merinos. Fine Wool Delaines all sorts and
gliades. Prints. Nankeens. LADIES'
Cl.OAKINU. 'J able-Covers,
irish Linen. Drown and
White Sheetimrs,
Fhnwls, Uidinoml Skirl of all
kinds, Hoop trkirts. all prices, llrind- ' .
korchlefs, Flannels, Ladiea' Kid. Silk
and Meriuo IHnvei, 4o.
Jcttolry ofnll lInIs.
Ladies' and Gents' Inion Skates.
a large assort uicut or Notions.
Tlatdwnre, Cednrwaro, G '.naswiiro, Chlnawaro,
t.'iieensware. Crockery. Groceries, Tobacco,
Sogiira.Smill', Tea. Coffee, Sugar,
Molastes, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac., Ao.,
and everything elre nsnally kept in a itoro. Pro
duce taken iu exchango lor goods. No troublo to
tfhow goods.
Sunbnry, Nov. i, 1864.
Always ! Always ! Always !
Just opened at No. 1 Storo of
rORKIUX AND DOMESTIC, such as Cloths. Cnssi
meres, Muslins, bheelins, Tiekinff, Calieoes. I)e
lnines. Flannels, and all kinds or MOURNING Goods.
Alpnccas. Dlack Silks, Ginghams, ltnlinoral and
Skeleton Skirts. Clinton Fliumcls, Nuukcens, Ciu--potinvt
of all kinds.
comprising, jiosiery, Gloves. Thread. Ruttons, Sus
pendeiK, iVcek-ties, Collars, Uuudkorehiefs,
Jluir llrushes. Tooth Jtrushc. Gum Rih
Uiu and Cord, tape, crotchet-braid,
worked collars, fancy head
dresses, tidy ootton, enrpet ,
binding, combs, fancy
Soaps, carpet bugs
Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blank Rooks, Taper
.Envelopes, do.
Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws. Door
l.rlli'hpw nn.l knnV.d 1 ....I -.1 .,f.. ......
iiwns, uuu tuiiti-.ia oi evcrv
description. '
Also, Dvi'S. Dnip-a. Pninta. Vnrr inline Vili
riiixsccd iiiul Jlenzinc Oils, .Glass, Pitt I y, Arc!
,iuniHT umi iusnu lire oi nil
Ad Extensive Stock of
Oomnosed of SiiTnr r'.,m.i t... :.. n ... i
Miiccarom. Barley, Buking-powder. molasses, soups,
ennilloM l, .....I .,, i- , t .... ' '
-"-.' tjuil, i isil, Jicul, uueese,
Also, a large variety of
for Men. AVmnon i1 Pl.;i.l. J
. tjef'All kindsofGraiii and Country Produco taken
in exchange for Goods.
Give us u call heforo yon purchase elsewhere, we
are. bound to sell as low as any ono else.
Store-room in Ira T. Clement's building at the
souih-west corner of Market Square, uvar the Court
Suubury, Nov. 5, 1SB4.
IC-2ilin' ttiiiirwau. """
November 7th, 1804.
GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and
North-M est for Philadelphia, New York, Read-
OS. i ousi inu, i.eoanon, Aiientown, Knston, Ao.
Truins leavo Harrjsburg for New-York, as
iun! : .l.uo nun a. m. nnd 1.44 1'. JI., urrivin '
w ,lurK "l ,u A-"'' 2 nd 18 U0 P. M
Hie above nonm,l wiih ;n;i.. ... .... i,
fylvania railroad, aud Sleeping Cars uccompany tho
first two trains, without , -In. ...... '
Leave Tor Rending, Potlsullo. Tnmaqiia, Mincrs
ville, Aiientown and Philadelphia at H.I j A. M. and
1.44 P. M., stopjuug at Lebanon wid princiiial ntu
tions only.
Way trains, etoimimr at all noints. at 7 A f
"' Returning, leave New York at .U(i
;. ;'.' nnu ji.,: 1'liilNde.hiliiu ut
H A. M. nnd .'t.olt P. M r lVlterill.. ..I k Kn k At .... I
2.oj P. M. ; lamiiqua 8.10 A. M. uud 2.16 P. M
aud Rending nt 12 midnight, 1..H aud 10.45 A. M
1 4 .tti.l A 11'. 11 Vf '
RoadiUjj Accommodation Train lenves Reading at
B.HOA. il. returning from Philadelphia at 4. So
Columbia Rai'road Trains leavo heading at 6 10
and 11 A. M. Ephrata, l.itii, Coiumhin. Ac.
1n Sundays : Leave New York at 7 P. M., Plilla
delphia ;i.lA P M, Potlsvillo 7.M A. M., Tamaiua 7
A M, llarrisburg S.l i A M and Reading at 12 mid
night, lor Jlnrrisburg.
Commutation, Aliloagn, Season, and Excursion
Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points.
SO Pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger.
ti. A. MCOLLS,
Nov. 16. 18114. CnCrUl l"""
LiuLawtiituu At Itlooiiis,bure Itail
ON and after Jan. lbth, 1881, Poejcnset Train
will run od follows :
4 20
P. il.
" Kingston,
" Rloomuburg
" Rupert,
U 14
Arrivu at Northumberland, 9.64
Leave Northumberland, 8.00 A. M
" Danville, 8.40
" Rupert, 8.40
" Bloomsburg, .,15
" Kitigslou, 12.12 P.M.
Arrive at Serunton, l.;;o
Freight A Passenger leaves Bloomsburg, 10.15 A M
Passenger taking tho Muil Train South connect
with the Express train from Northumberland, arriv.
lug ut HurnsUurg, at 2.30 A. M., Baltimore 7.00 A.
M., and at Pbiladclpbia, at 7.00 A. M. The Mail
trum Irom Northumberland leaves immediately alter
the arrival oflho Express train trom Harrburg and
Baltimore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia
at 10.40 P. M., to reach poiuu ou this road during
the next forenoon.
Now aud elegant Sleeping cars accompany the
right trams each way between Northumberland and
Baltimore, and Northumberland aud Philadelphia.
i. T. BOUND, Supu
Dlai-los. Tor 1XI.1. An assortment of Dia
rics lor lf3, of vanes styles and site. Also,
tup, Note and Letter Puper, for sale by
runhory, Nov. 5, 1SB5.
No. 148 North SECOND street, corner of Quarry,
An nMorlinenl of ViiIIi-m, Jrw-t-lrj,
hllvor & IMalfd Wnre onusUntly
hand, Suitablo for HOLIDAY PRESENTS!
r'Rejiairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly
attended to. ' '
i'coembcr S, la6i ly
No 20 South Second Street, Philadelphia.
Are now offering their magnificent stock of Silks,
Dress Goods, Sbawls, Cloths, Cloaks, el vets, Ac,
far below the present Gold Prioes !
We have also on band, a large stock of DOMESTIC
GOODS, whiub we are now selling at a great reduc
tion from the pricei we have been selling tbeui at.
As we have bad the advantage of a rise in the prices
of our Stock in the progress of tb War for the but
two or throe years, we now prouie to give our Cus
tomers the Advantage of the tall in Prices.
Calicoee and Muslins, reduced,
FlauueU aud Table Linens, reduced,
Blankets and all stable Good, reduced,
We respectfully solicit from the Ladles and bthere
visiting Philadelphia, an examination of eur stock,
which is unsurpassed in variety and style, in this city.
N. B., Wholesale Buyer, are invited to exauiue
ur stock. EDWIN HALL CO.,
No. M South Second street, Philadelphia,
etcher . ;h4 Snv
ni wom,n' ot swT ro
Scrofula nnd Borofliloua Disease!.
From Emery Edtt, a vvlt-l-noH-n merchant q Ox
ford Maine.
"I have sold large quantities of your R.rtsrA
1:11.1. A, lint never ,ot ono botlle which failed of the
desired effect and lull satisfaction totliosewho took
it. Asiast an our people try It, they agree there ha
been no medicine like it belorc Iu our community."
Eruptions, Pimploa, Blotohosj, Fuatulos, UN
corn, Sores, and all Diseases of the Bkin.
fYcm Iter, fcnbl. Strntton, ItHitnl, Lnrhuul.
" 1 onlv do mv dtitv to vou and tint uublic when
I add in y testimony to tliat you publlsli of the me-
tlii-lnal virtues of your 8 ausaiwiuixa. My daugli
tor, agtM ten, had an afflicting humor In her ears,
eves, and hnlr for years, v. bleli wo wero unablo to
ciiro tinlil wo tried your 8a hs Ai'AIULLA. She has
btren well for some months,"
From Mr. Jnne K. liter, n tretl-l-nomi nnd much-
uteemcd l'ttlinf DeiinitriUe. Cape Mty Co., .V. J.
" My d.uiglnVr has snlli rcd for a year past w ith
scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome.
Nothing afforded any reller nn'll wn tried your
SAllSAl'Alitl.LA, wliicll soon completely curi'd her."
From Chnrlrt P. Gaye, f:q., nf tht tniiMy I timrn
Gape. .Murray tf- (V., mrutuucfurir Ctutrntlled
pnpcr$ in Sa'vhaa. X. II.
' f had for several years a very, troublesome
Mimnr in my face, whleli grew constantly worso
until it ilisllgiircd my features and became an lntl
craMe n fill -t nii. I tried almost every thing a man
could of both advice and meilieine, but without any
relief whatever, until 1 took your SAlisAf .MtilXA.
It Immediately made mv face worse, ns yon told mo
It might for time) but in a few weeks the new
skin bogan to form uu.liT the blotches, and con
tinued until my face ia ns smooth as any body'.,
and 1 am without any symptoms of tho disease that
1 know of. 1 enjoy perfect health, and without
doubt owe It to your SAUSArAiuiXA.''
Erysipelas deneral Debility Purify th
Frcm T)r. KM. Sairin, llmntnn St., Aw Tori.
" Dtt. Avt:ii. I seldom fail to remove A'nti'iwns
and Si'rofttimt Sore hy the persevering use of your
SAr.4.tAiuf.t.A, slid I have just no-.v eared an attack
of Mitttymwt lli-ugli'dii with it. Jin alterative wo
possess uipiuls the SAKSAl'AUII.l.A you have sup
plied to the profession as well s to the people.l'
Fmm J. K. Johnston, Kq., h'ak'man, Ohio.
" For twelve years, 1 bsd the vellow Krysipelns
Oil my rl:lit arm, during which tfnio 1 tried all tho
celebrated physicians 1 could reach, and took hun
dreds of dollar worth of medicines. The nicer
were so bad that the cords Is'enme visible, and tho
doctor decided that my arm must be amputated. I
began taking your SAu'sAr.Miiu.t. Took two bot
tles, and onie of your l' Together they havo
cured mo. 1 am now as well aud sound as any body.
Ileins in a public place, my case Is known to every
body iu this community, aud excites the wouder of
from Tlon. TJenry .Vonrx, it. P. P., of Xetrcnnte,
V. If'., a IcuMny member of the Canadian 7'aWia
ment. " 1 have used vonr SAimiMmt.t.A In my family,
for general tlehiiitft, nnd for puriOino the bloo'd,
with very bem li ial results, and feel couiidenee la
commeudiug it to the aUlkUid."
Et. Anthony's Fire, Itoso, Bait Bhoum,
Scald Head, Sore Eyes. -From
TTan-ey SicLU r, 7., the able editor of the
'JtnUninnoct: Democrat, Pcnnttlcania.
' Our only child, nliout three year of age, was
attacked by pimples on bis forehead. They rapidly
spread until they formed a loathsomo and virulent
sore, which covered hi face, and actually blinded
bis eye for some days. A skilful physician applied
nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any
apparent eil'eet. For fifteen dnys we guarded his
builds, lest with them he should tear ojh'ii the fes
tering aud corrupt wound which covered bis whole
face. Having tried every thing elso we had any
hope from, we began irking your Saiisai'aiui.i.a,
and npplving the'iodnle of potash lotion, ns you
direct. The sore began to beid when wo had gtien
the lirst bottle, anil was well w hen we had llnisluHl
the second. The child's eyelashes, which had 1:01110
out, grew again, and he is now as heultfiy and fair
as any other, '1 lie whole neighborhood predicted
thut the child must die."
Syphilis nnd LXorcuriol Disease.
JVnni Jtr. Iliram Stoat, nr. St. Lmiij, Misimtr.
" I find your S.i:s.t'Aiiii.i.A a more
remedy for tho secondary symptoms of SitphilU
mid for syphilitic disease than any other we posses.
The prolessiou are indebted to you lor Boiuu of tho
best medicines we have."
From A. J. French, -If. 1)., en eminent phisu-inn of
J.avrenee, .tAiss., trio it ti prominent member of
the I.cyi&latHrc of .WHSwliitJett.
" Dit. Ayi:ii. My ihtir Sin I have found your
Saiisai'aiui.i.a an excellent remedy for Synhilit,
both of tho primary and iteiMiidary type, and effec
tual iu some eases that were too obstinate to yield
to other remedies. 1 do not know what we cau cm
ploy with more eertaiuty of uccess, where a power
lul alterative is required. "
Mr. Chan. S. Van Line, ofXew Hrttnmeirl; X.J.,
bad dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuso
of mercury, or mercurial din ue, hieli grew more
and moro aggravated for years, in snitu of every
remedy or treatment that could lie applied, until the
Jiersevcring use of Aykii'h SahsaI'akili.a relieved
dm. Few ease can be found mora iuvctcrutc and
distressing than tills, and it took several dozen
bottle to cure him.
Zioucorrhoea, Whites, Fomalo Weakness,
are generally produced' by internal Scrnfalout 17
ceraiiun, and are very ofteu cured bythe alterative
effect of this SAnsArAiin.i.A. Some cases require,
however, in aid of the tvutsAP.uui.LA, the skilful
application of local remedies.
From the vcll l-nim nnd irldity-relehrated Dr.
Jacob Morrilt, vf ( 'inci'inati.
" T have found your SAitsArAHH.i. an excellent
alterative in disease of females. Many ease of
lrr..r,.l.itr 1jmi..,.,I,... 1 . .pi...! 1 ' l.....,tlr... 1
loeafd Hiilitr. ariKiupr from Hie ri'ioiuIoim .liutliHis,
liavc yK'Mfil to it, mid thorn nm few thnt do note
wIk'U lut llt'Ct in prtipiTly nvWi hy local treatment."
A lad, xtnxciUing to oUoh tht publication of her
Winn' trrifrn t
' My diulttor and mvM-lf linvo boon mrod of a
very ili'liililatiMj J-iit?.ri!im.i of hnv ittauUin, by
two butt Ivi of your Saiwaparilla.7
Bheunmtism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Bys
pepaia, Heart Pisoase. IfouraUia,
ivhcu cauwd l,y Scrofula iu tho Byntein, ar rapi'lly
WUW Uf tUia ls.i g.lll3.II AUIUUA
possess no many mlvnnliigcs over the oilier
purgatives in the m.irket, nml their superior
virtues are so universally known, tlmtwuneetl
nut do more than to assure the. public their
quality is maintained equal to the best it ever
has been, and thut tliey may Do depended on
to do all thnt they Imve ever done.
Prepared hy j. C. AYF.K, M. D., & Co.,
Lowell, .Mass., and sold by
Sold by Frling A Grant. Suubury,
R. R. McCoy, Northumberland,
Aaron liarrol, FJIvsburg,
W. K. Kutsner. Shnniokin.
J. P. Houue, Wulsoutown.
And by all dealers in Medicine everywhere.
August 13, 1&U4. ly
lor I'lVanMing, lVliilrniii- and
IroMorvIiir l lie TICll'II.!
This article is prepared with tho greatest care unon
icicntilic principles, and warranted not to coutain
anything in the slightest degree delutorious to the
teeth or guuis. Some of our most eminent Dental
burgeons nave given their sanction to. and cheerful
ty recommend 11 us a 1. reparation nt rupcrior quuli-
ur nir cleansing, wniieniiig auu preserving the
'TEETH. It cleans litem read i I v. reudcrimr ihrm
beautifully white and ponrly, without the lightest
injury to the enamel. It is healing to the gums
where they are ulcerated and sore. It is also on ex
cellent disinfector for old decayed teeth, which are
otienexeeeauigiy onensive. Jt gives a rich creamy
taste to the mouth, cleansing it thoroiiL'hl V. and im
parting a delightful Iragnuice to the breath.
t'HtrAUr.ii o.M.1 III
A. II A W LEV i (JO .
N. W. Cor. 10th., k Lumbard Sis., Philadelphia.
uu sum dj au uruggist. I'lUCJS 26 CENTS.
following ot.iniou of Dr. White, as to ll.n l.i .l,
esteem in which beh..ids the Dtutul Cream, must be
suflicicnt evidence of its value ; to quote other leatl
Uioiiiuls iu detail is neediest, ooulenti nt? mit-itlt'iii lav Kving the name und addreou of pcrnood
n uv FVH Ui U CJkUCIIVUVjr Jtlf U9 IUCII1.
Philadelphia, April 15th, 1S63.
llavinz earefullv examined A.'. uk..ii.i:
Bed Denial Cream." I hereby clieerfo'lU r.w......
mend it to the publio generally. It i an excellent
preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth,
and can be used by all persons with tho utmost eon
tideuce, as it properties are nerfeetlv hari,,i up
side preserving, the teeth, it promotes a healthy
v .uv auufBt uuu wjparui a picaauiunes lo lue
Dr. W. R. WHITE, im ..!, e.
Thomas Ingram, M. D , Deutist, 401 N. Fourth St!
J. liirkey, 264 S. Sixih St.
E. Vamlersiice, Surgeon Dentist, 42S Arch St.
C. A. K in. bur v, Deutist. Hill Walnut St.
Dillingham, D. D. 8., 704 Arch St.
M. Dixon, 827 Arch St.
Edwurd Townseud, Dentist, 428 N. Fourth St.
L. U. Dorphley, Dentist, 807 N. Teulb St.
M. L. Long, Demist, 6."J N. Sixth St.
Jlay -ts, J604 ly
Ha iuforniation never belore publhihed.
Sent ruI in a sealed enrelona for van m.
Addrooi Dr. STAvrnnn
Jul,., 18613m(",KO'ei,-Jf,WVwki,'Q'
A 'I ' t-ii . nT'i'i i. A l . i ,
i - ---- m u, miow irer
ortoa bridge, eontaiuiu.- about V0 acre. For further
........ ..,.,; aa
funtury, Au 13. IWl.-lf. 8 MA5ER'
Jnst pulliihcd in a Sealed Envtlopt, Price
ix. tenta.
A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radical
Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Invol
untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impedimenta
to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption,
Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental nnd Pbysioal Incapaci
ty, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac. liy HOIIEHT J.
Cl'LVERW ELL, M. D., Author ol the "Green
Rook," Ao.
The world renowned author, In thin admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that
the awTuI consequence of Seir-Abuso may be effectu
ally removed without medicine, and without danger
bus surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings
or cordials, pointing out a mode of euro at onco cer
tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no mat
ter what his condition may be, may cure himself
onenpiy, privately, ana raoicany. jiiib i.rx
Sent nndurseal, to any address. In a plain, sealed
envelope, on the receipt of or six cents, or two post
ago stumps, by addressing the publishers.
127 Bowery, New York, Post Ollice Rox, 4684.
Oct. 16, 1801. ly 3o
SR. BOYER. Attorney at Law, is duly author
. lied and licensed to collect IViimioiin,
lioiiiif iennitil JlacK Iay for Widows, Or
phans and Soldiers. Office in Market street, oppo
site Weaver' Hotel, Sunbury, Pa.
January 1ft, 1304. ly
A New supply or Masser'sFive-Mixi'te FnEB
runs, received rroiu New York, Tor sale by
uhury, Muy 21, W4. H. B. MASSKR.
Attornryti nnd Connsders at Law.
Offioo, Market etroct, cor. Centre Alley,
It 7 ILL attend promptley to the collection of claims
V and all other professional business intrusted to
their care in Northumberland audadjoiuitig counties.
Sunbury, January 211, 1802.
And how bis Pnlmonio Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and
Mandrako Pills acton the System in Curing thut
Disease, and tbe
Grout BucreNtf Attending It !
Tho above is a correct likeness ofDr. Schenk taken
many years ago, after he had recovered from Con.
sumption; by a course ol his 'Scbenk's Pulmonic
Syrup." Tho likeness, although it does not repre
sent him anything like as bad as he was at tbe worst,
yet it is in strong contrast with the bale and vigorous
looks of tho Portrait below, which is the true like
ness or him at present time. The contrast between
these two portraits is so great that many would not
believe them to be the same person. Y'et thero are,
hundreds ol' persons, iu and around Philadelphia,
who will recognise both portrnits to be true represen
tations. Wlien tho first was lakea ho weighed 107
pounds ; at the present time his weight U 220 puuniU
New Yonu, Wednesday, March SO, 1S6L
Thirty years ago I was in the last stages of Pul
monary Consumption, and giveu up to die. I residnl
in Philadelphia, aud Dr. Joseph l'arrif h, then of this
city, ordered mo to Morcstown, N. J., a distuuee of
nine miles which took me two days to get there. On
my arrival I was put to bed, and there laid for many
weeks. This was my native jdaee, where all my
family lived and had died of Consumption. Dr.
Thornton, who ntteudod my father in his last illnc,
was called, and gave me uue week to fix up my af
fairs. Ho had seen, all my family go that way, and
thought I was to go, too Theu 1 heard of the rem
dies I now offer lo the public, which cured me. It
seemed to mo thut I could fuel them peuutratibg my
whole system.
They soon ripened the matter on mv lungs, and I
would spit ofl'moro thun a pint o! ufleusivo yellow
matter every morning. As soon as that began to
subside, my cough, fever, pain, night sweats all
began to leave uij and my appetite became so great
that it was with difficulty I oould keep from eating
too much. I soon gained niystrengtn and I have
been growing in flesh ever siuco. F'or many year
1 have enjoyed uninterrupted good health, keeping
the liver aud stomach healthy w ith the Seuweed To
me and Mandrako Pills, as Iam of a billious teinper
umont. My weight i two hundred and twenty
jsjunds On my recovery people would tend for me
tar aud near, lo see if their coses were like mine.
For this purpose I puy professional visits in the large
cities. The consumptives wish tu see the one thut
makes these mcdiuiues, and who wa cured or con
sumption by them. To make new lungs is imposi
bio; but cavities in the lungs uud chronie ulcera
tions of tho bronchial tuhes can be healed Such
eases are dying hourly under tbe ordiuay treatment
of physicians, aud just such are cured bythe proper
use of Sehenk's Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Djuic,
and Mandrake Pills. ' 1 '
I am now a healthy man. with a large eavity in
the middle lobe of the right lung, th lower lobe very
much bepatixedaud complete adhesion of the pleura.
The left lungs is sound, and the upper lube of the
right lung is in a tolerably healthy condition. The
great reason why physicians do not cure consump
tion i they try to do too much ; they give niediciuea
to stop the oough, to stop chill, to stop night sweats,
hectic fever, aud, by to doing, they derange the
whole digestive powers, locking up tbe secretion
and eventually the patient sinks and dies. After I
make a careful examination oi the patient with tbe
Rcspirometer, und find lungs enough left to cure, I
direct the patient how to use the three remedies.
Remove the vau and thev will all ston of their
own accord. No one van be cured of oouiuniptinn
liver complaint, dyspepsia, eutarrh. conker, ulcerated
mroiu. unless me liver and stomach are made heat,
thy. In New Englund this canker ehronio catarrh
ulcerated throat, elonealion ol uvula, is mom r...'
lent thun in any other section of the country. This
is Ircquently ciiused by a foul stomach. You may
burn it out with caustic time and again, and all they
will get is tcuiisirarv relief. Correct th .i,....t
and liver, and they will heal up themselvc.
uooanuiriuou is me remedy. If yon have anv
disease in any part of tbe bo.!v ii wiif ......... .u. '
and decay more and more until you eon get the sto.
Ei i . .T '''u"""' uigcM iooa sua moke new
blood to take the place of diseased matter. This is
the only way to heal cavities iu th luug and ulcer,
ated bronchial tube. Currant iK. .i....,.i. ...i
and nature will do the healing. Many person hare
an idea that certain niediciues are . re-purifiers of
the blood When blood is one divi it eonuol
uiauer in the system ; but get the apparatu. n .
der, the liver and stomach, aud giveit pUuty of food it will make new ; flood, .L.'.il
r-' "",' " " uuooseq uie same a tbe dixaaaud
r.mvw u. uit wuion is uueaawl
fSoheuk' Pulmonio syrup U on of lb. b4 preps,
uon el Iron la us, if is po.rful tna, of iil
id be tb eaed Toui diaolve tb buous
lb stomach, and is It csrrlod pofi off by the athe
Mandrake Pills, the Pulmonio Syrup 1 mode Into
blood. This is tbe only way to onra consumption.
If I ennnot get a good appetite, and food does not
digest, 1 cannot cure tb patient Never mind the
cough J remove the cause and will top of iUclf
This is the most trouble I have with my pntlouts at
my rooms. They say, "Doctor, I feel .stronger ; I
can eat ; my night sweats are better, and I feel bet
tor every way ; but my cough is so bad yet;" and
they are astonished to bear ma say that doe not
matter; remove the cause and tho cough will SOp
or itself. Scbenk's Seaweed creates a good appetite
in about nine days, when there Is no lung disease,
unless the liver is so congested that the Mandrake
Pills ennnot unlock the ducts or the gall bladder in
that short space of time, In order to allow the stale
bile to pass off. Keep the liver and jtomaoh healthy
end there Is less dnmrer of oonsnmntion or any other
disease. It is hard to take cold when those orgnni
are healthy. Ihose that are bilious, low-spfntea,
dreary, feollnir stunid. coated tomrne. r.'Hir appetite,
nervous, stomach full of wind, evervthlmr that is
oafert lies heavy, loss of memory, try ono boll'.,, '
JKCHENCK'i? SEAWEED TONIC, and one box o
cuiMa .Ti waohahe ihjIjo. ii is only a
cost of one dollar and twcnty-flvo cents, with lull di
rections. This is sufficient, In ninny cases, to satis
fv what the medicines aro. Frequently one bottle
makes a great change in the system. Any person
that enjoys ordinary health, by using the Seaweed
Tonic nnd Mandrake Pills occasionally, must got the
digodivo organs In such a healthy condition that
they become fleshy I can produce a number of my
old consumptives patients now enjoying good health,
weighing nearly 200 pounds. I will conclude by
relating three cures I have made in Now York, and
which are all different, and wish anv one who reels
i an interest in the matter fa visit them. First is Mrs.
iarow, residing then at Pin. 10i Houston street Her
husband enlled upon me at my rooms, 32 Bond street
and wished mo to call and see her. Ho said I could
do no good ; that he had had all the best medical
attendance, and all suld she was too far gone with
Consumption to bo cured ; but she had heard or some
great cures I bad made, nnd ho desired to gratiry
ber wishes. I called, and found bcr lying confined
to her bed In the last stago of bronchial consumption
and without doubt must have died soon. I examin
ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much
affected, but no cavities had formed, her cough
was very severe, the was half full or thick
pus. Pulse 140, leg swollen very much ; and worse
than nil, she had chronic diarrhoea. Her bowels had
been moved eleven times that day. told her that she
had lungs unough to bo cured, but thot this diarrhoea
had been of long standing, and her stomach was in
luch a ulcerated conditio!! thnt I was afraid nothing
could be done. Sho insisted I should try end du
what I oould for ber. observing that alio could not
lust long in the joudilion shewn in, and I could nut
mnko her any worse. 1 gave her first a dose of my
Mandrake Pills, und the tonio and iSyrup freely.
Thnt was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday the
diarrhuca was carried oft', her appetito had returned
and she could sit up in bed nnd eat her dinner. Sho
isiU'W woll, nud gave a long certificate, certified to
by tho Rev. Dr Downing.
Mm. Bartholomew, b.'l West Forty-fifth street,
came to my rooms with a tumor ou her liver. .S'he
was low-spirited, skill sallow, tongno coated, bowels
costive, no appetite, end fast sinking into the grave.
The raid tumor bad been running over fourteen
venrs. 1 ISHl her Svnm 'I'.tnin nil INU nml I..I.I
ner toiiiKe mem justas the directions wero printed.
She came hack to my rooms, 'ii Bond street in two
j weeks, somewhat better ; her tongno had begun; to
j clean u littlo around the edges, ber skin whiter and
; her eyes brighter and tho lunior discharging very
offensive matter, much faster than it bad cverdoue
I before. Sho kept gradually improving, and in about
i two months she came to iny rooms very much fright
1 cned, saying that the tumor bad nearly stopped
j running, and was healing up. and that every doctor
, had told her that if it ever healed It would cause her
death. I told her that the disease had all I ell her
system, and m.turu wuuld heal the ulcer up. They
, are now healed, and have been for about a year nnd
, she is a hearty and robust a woman ns you will find
j ilia d:is walk. She is glad for Buy one to call on
, her, nnd takes great pains to visit any one that she
I hears has anything like her ease, nud tries to get
i Iheiii to eomu and see me. The next case is Miss
j iNcotield, from Stamford, Conn., Mrs. Bartholomew
I got her down to sue uio, und she has been ever since
at ber house. When she first came to my rooms, she
was much emaciated with a distressing cough, spit.
, ''nB mrge quantities of bloud. I examined her lungs
t with the respiromeler, and in all my practice novur
I found ono with one luug so fur gone and the other
lung so sound. J could not give much encourage
i mciit. 1 thought she would die; but to' my aston
ishment the Pulmonic Svrup, Seaweed Tonie. ami
.Mandrake Pills all seemed to go right to work, tbe
lung is all healed over, leaving u cavity as large as
:n giKWe egg; gihud appetite, tine spirits, and has
gained tuiuo thirty-five IKiunds iu weight. She has
, some cough yet. which I do not think w ill leave ber
, before Juue. 1 should think il would bo of great
, interest tu some unprejudiced physician lo visit theso
f cases, particularly Miss Scolield. or anv or them who
have beeu cured by my medicines. Tliey are num.
emus in New York ; but tho above three all differ
I tiomeach other; and if my medicines aro doing
what I mpresent they are, they should have the
, credit and the alliioled know where aud how thev
muy be cured.
J. II. .v-CHENK,M. D.
Dr. J. II. Schenk can be found at the principal
oQice, No. 30 North Gib Street, Philadelphia, every
Saturday, rroui i A. M. until 6 P. M., to give advice
tree of elllirce: but for a thrutich elamhuitiiin h
I charges three dollars. Prion of the Pulmonio Svrun
aud aeawced Tonio each 1 26 per bottle, or fil tbe
haU doirn. Mandrake Pills 26 cents pec box, and
is for sale by nil Druggists tmi Dealers.
May 11, IS01. ly
Northern Central Usiilttuy !
si'ti-tu'ifi ini: xaieb.i:.
THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore
and ushington city.
Connections made- witk trains ou Pennsylvania
Railroad, to and from Pillabwrg. and tho West.
THREE TRAINS DALY to iindfroin tnv.North and
W est Branch Snsquehanna, Eluiiru, aud oil of North
ern New York.
ON and aftor MONDAY, MAY Ifilh. 1S4,
the Piuwengct Trains of tho Northern Central
Railway will urrivo ut und depart from Sunbury,
Harrisburg ami Baltimore iw follows, vis :
SOU T 11 W A R D .
Mail Tram haves Sunbury daily (except
Sunday). 10 25 A. M.
" leaves Harrisburg, 120 P.M.
" arrives ut Baltimore, J 40 "
Exprass Troji leaves Sunbury daily
(except Sunday,) 1 45 P. M.
" leaves ilarrisburg (except
Monday.) 2 60 A. M
" arrives at Baltimore daily
(except Monday). 7 00 A.M.
Hurnsbarg Accommodation leaves Hnrris-
.btirg. 7 00 A.M.
euniiury Aceommoifation leaves Sunbury
daily (except Sunday) at
30 AJM
Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex
cept Sunday)
" leave llarrishnrg
" arrives at Sunbury,
Express Traiu leavo Baltimore daily
" arrives at ilarri.-l.urg,
" leaves llarrisburg (except
;S- 2A. M
1 86 P. M.
4 05 "
9 30 P. M
1 50 A M.
Monday), SIS A.M.
" arrives at Sunbary. 6 63
Hiirjisburg Aeveiuuiodution leave Harris
burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M
' arrive at llurrieburg, 7 50 P M
Sunbury Accommodation leave Harris-
burg daily (except Sunday) ut 4 00 P M
For further information applv at the Oflie.
. . T I N. DhBAuKY. Gen. Supt.
Hnrrisburg, Juno 4 St4.
W A Ii n A y TED
IT is used by first class families everywhere, and
highly recommended for nervous and dyspeptic
persons, being very nuitritiou aud free from all
deleterious substances, in testimony of which I have
certificate from tbe most emmiuent Physician in
the Couutry. Try It, and you will be sure to con
tinue it use in preference to any other.
Sold at retail lor Twenty-Five Cents per Tound
by First class Grocers throughout the United "tutei.
tjf' A liberal discount to th Trade. "
Put up ouly by '
Wholesale Depot, 69 Warren it. New York.
May T, 1S64.
Attention, JLsndlesj nnd dicDtlc-inon !
. I
f-t A
Over J. BowenV Store, eorner Market Jt Fawn St.
SD ERLY, ha opened a near Piolure Oallery
. in the above place, and i prepared to tai
Portrait in tb best style aud manner,
nvn, TV. . . 7.. ' ..
w naa openea a near i'loture Oallery
P. in lb above place, and i prepared to Lake
or taken in every style oi the Art, that cannot be
surpassed in the aitate, Having several year's expo.
rieuee, he will give aalUfactiun or no obarge.
Copies will b taken from all styles of picture.
Give hlia a eall. Remember, over Bowen s store.
Suubury, Deo. 17, loot.
E. O. aOBIlT,
Attorney nnd 1'oanarllor nt Ijw,
ILL carefully aUend to eolleotion sad all
other matters entrusted to him. ia tbaounti.
f Ixnpbu., Kortbumberlajiil tai tivdir
tot. is, 184 -ly
II. II. ItIAS8EIt, '
Attorney nt Law, BUNHCRY, PA.
Collodions sttended to in the counties of Nor.
thinnherland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia
and Lycoming.
Horn John M. Rood, Philadelphia,
A. G. OattYll A Co., "
Hon. Wm. A. Porter, "
Morton MuMichaal. Esn.. "
E. Kctcham A Co., 28V Pearl Street, New Yelk-.
joiin vf. Asnmead, Attorney at,
Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, "
Sunbury, March 20, 1862. ,
3IA.3TX, &c DIETZl
in every variety,
Orderi solicited and filled with promptness and!
,'nbury, Mny 13, 1803. -ly ' .-tn.1 Connsicllor nt I.nM
Office on rou'.h sl.Ie ,:f Mark-? J2f 00"
of E. Y. Bright A Sou "
Willaltend promptly to all professional
entrusted to his care, the collection of claim. "
Northumberland and the adjoining counties.
Sunbury, May 23, lHO.i. ly
For ICalM,liro, Itouclieis, Antu, Ilc.'l
IIiiS'h,9IoI1in in I'nrx, iVoolinsi.Vc,
InnivrtM on IMnntH, I'owN, Auliunlst,
Tut up in 25c, 50c. nnd $1 00 Boxes, Bottles and
F'lasks. $3 aud $5 sizes lor Hotels, Public lustitu
tions, Ac.
"Only Infallible remedies known."
"Free from Poisons."
"Not dangerous to the Human Familv,"
"Rat come out of their holes to die.'"'
JjPSold Wholesale in all largo cities.
Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere
! ! ! Bkwaiik ! ! ! of all worthless imitations.
See that "Costar's" name is on each Box, Rottls
nnd Flask, before you buv.
Address III-).-, It V . tOSTAll.
Principal Depot 4h2 Broadway. New York,
t if Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggist in
Suubury. Pa.
Feb. 20. lr.64.-Sm
Attorney .V 4'ouiiNi-IIor nt I,nw,
Office on South sile nf Market street, four doors west
ortienrhart's Confectionery store,
attend promptly to all professional business
entrusted to his care, the collection of claims iu Nor
thumberland and Ihe adjoining counties.
Comiiltatinns in German and English.
Suubury, March 19, lSlil ;v
lU'tulv to nail itotvn.
At lees than half the Cost of tin roofs.
READir "iiooriNa
More durable thun tin.
Suitable for steep er flat roofs.
For all kinds of buildings, In all elimattw.
iieady Hoofing .
Easily, cheaply, and quickly put on. Naeds no
euatiug over w ith cement after it is. nailed dow u.
Mado of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly saturated
aim covureu upon ooin surlare with a perfectly wa.
irrpriKu composition.
osilion. and put up in roll ready fur
Ok 40 Inch wn
uie, a ii. i t J leel long
We also manufacture
Foil l.E.vKr Tix KtHirs.
Mm:b cheaper and uioro durable than oil puitrt.
'onioiiul Ceincnt,
For Leaky Shingle Roofs,
Which will often suve the cost of a new roof.
Samples of Ready Hoofing and Circulars sunt by
mail when dusired.
Favorable'.erms made with responsible partie who
buy lo sell again.
1 3 Maiden Lane, N. Y,.
April 21, 18.ft
Thenl y Bafo Beliable against both Fire
and Durglary. ,.
I am now prepared to furnish three tries of Nation
al Bank Safes. They are both fire nud Burirlnr
proof, with two distinct inside Burglar Safes, aud
three of niy new Anti-micrometer Locks ou each
rale, believed to be the ouly bank-lock now in uso
that bus not beeu picked o cauuot be picked by
tho aid of the micrometer, these Safes all present
tour to mx inches in thickness ot solid iron, guaranteed
to be the strongest, the most dimcstt to drill mid to
stand the lno-t resistau'io against, both fir and
burglary of any Safe iu tiu United States uf thu
same sisc and eit.
1 have on hand also, and w ill furhUh all sites of
Bank Yault Safes, possessing all the advantage of
mo iiuui e iigiiiiisi ourgiary.
Abo, all sites of Mercantile Safes both burglar
proof und fire and burglar-proof.
Also, Ornamental D elling-hoiise Safes, burirlnr
proof, and lire aud burglar-proof (warranted not
Also, the strongest aud cheapest Yaalt doors, for
bank and mercantile vault.
All tho above are Lillie's wrought and chilled
Also, six sizes Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs,
warrauiea equul lo any common cafes, at lufly one
third less price.
Also, a geiicral assortment of second-hand Safes,
many ol (Uem nearly new, and or approved makers,
received ill exchange for Lillie's Chilled Iron. Safes.
TUuse ure offered at os below auction prices.
M. C. SAD1.EH Agent,
No. 21 S. bJiVkNXU Street...
June IT, 1364.
Hi:i.l.NItUVi:, tiiiydcr t o., Va.
riHE Fall Session of this Institution commences on
X THURSDAY, AUGUST lth. Ike Winter
Session on tbe Will of November.
F'or Boarding, Wosliing, Furnished Room. F'uel
and Light, ami Tuition in all the regular studio of
the Collcgiato Deprrtuunt, only (52 76.
A liberal traduction made in favor of the Daughter
of our Soldiers.
Fur further particulrrs,.or Circulars, apply to
S. DOMER, Principal,
Selinsgrore, August 0, lbtil. 3iuos.
Suectssor to 8 t a tt ff t r ir II arliy.)
TVMLER in Fine Gold and Silver WATCHE, ,
J FiueGold Y; Solid SILVKK-WAKK.
aud thi
aud the best of SILVER-PL ATED-WAKE. Con.
sunlly on hand a large assortmentof the above giodf3aiMi:iai 1A 1 D Vl
ai iow price.
lirlcon i
.,,,1 Fin. rtnl. R...!r. b .tilAil
'-welry repairing ; Engraving aud
n t J !r n .' 1, . t, at short nollce?
all kinds ol Hair. work to v. ' . v. o vi' , .
I'sV-Hon't forel Uie old Itflu.'.' ei
.trii. Pbilad. nl.i.
'"Z?7. . ..' .
pepi. iv, too. out
(Late Mr. Boul ton's )
HAS taken thii old and well known stand, and
refitted and furnished the same is prepared to
eoommodat Boarder and Travelers with tb best
lb aaarkel eon aBurd. He bope by strict attention
to biuineas to receive a hr of publio patronage.
Hi 1 ABLE eoutaius the beat lhenitkt aflords.
His Bar i filled with the cboioeet of Liquors, both
Malt and Spirituous.
Th (tabling I food, and attended" by careful
tunbury, April JO, 1344 -r-3y
n Aclntn'fj rcprrm Cmnitiil',''
GIVE NOTICE thnt they bav eoncino mr
rongementJ with the Northern Central Kail I rood
Company to rusr train from Haltimore sir inra,
llarrisburg. iiaupmn. jiniu. r'"- -i -;
Northumberland, Lewisbnrg, Milton, Muncy, W H
Uamport, and all Intermediate "tat ions, cnjn "8
at llarrisburg with the GREAT WESTERN i.X-
- nP. . . i .1 C I mnA thm
rnivea lor ruunurg, vincuinau, u. - -
Also with IJoward A Co.'Expre at Mllfon or
Dimvllle, Bloomsburg, Wilkesbwrre, Pittiton, Scran
twin, . end intcrmeiliate stations on the Cattawissa,
Lackawanna A llloomsburg KsatrfnuM. -liamsport,
by Howard 4 Co.'s F.xpres to Jersey
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co.,
and their connections, for Canton, Trny, Elmira,
Kochestcrt Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible
point in Western New York and Canada, by which
they will forward Merchandise, Sptoio, Bank Notes,
Jewelry, nud Valuable Package of every tlosorip-
Also, Notes, Draffs and Bills for Collection.
Experienced and efficient messengers employed,
and every effort will be made to render satisfaction.
Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia.
R. A.- FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury.
April 5.1H02. -
A rTiinsfcm ( - lbOl.
ol "lew Verk IJnpw.
From Philadelphia to New Yorl cind ll'n.y Flares,
from Walnut street Wharf and Kensington
7i,. """'i ''' lean as folJotrs, rit :
Via Camden and iiuiboy, (C. nnd
..!...!.. is
At 6 A. M.
A. Accomim'""": ' '.' . T r,, v T
Atfl A. M., via Ciu.
2 25
3 00
2 25
S Of
2 y
i bo
S 00
3 00
3 00
Accommodation, . t fp-
At 8 A. M.. via Camden' JcrscT
(Morning Mail.) ' ,.ov clv 2d
At 8 A.M., via Cumden end Je. 7 c"'
Class Ticket ' . .
At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey" f "7
Express . .
At 12 M. via Camden ind Aniboy, C and A.
(Accommodation.) . .
At 2 P. M., vio Camden an"d Amboy, (C. and
A. Express,)
At 3 P.M., via Kensington u'U'l Jersey City,
Wa-h. and N. Y. Express . .
,Vt til P. M., via Kensington anu 'Jersey City,
.Evening Muil,) .,
At ill P. M. via Kensington and Ji."
Sout.''ern Moil. .
At II (uihtl via Kensington and Jersc c '
Boutnern -preivj
At 5 P. M., Via Cnmdcn and Aniboy, (Aceo "
niodtttion. i'reight aud Pusseugvr, Fir. J'26-
Clas Ticket. j jq
Second Clnss Ticket. w
For Water flap. Stroudsburg, Scrnnton, Wilk ,
hnrro, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac, ut 6 A. M.,
from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad.
F'or Mnuch Chunk. Aiientown. I'etlilohein, Rnli
dere, Enston, Liunliertviliu, l'lemiiigtou, iu , tG a
A. M., from Kuiisingfo.i Depot, uud nt 21 P.M.
from Walnut street W knrf.
(The 6 A. M. Line counsels with Traiu leaving
Easton for Mtiuch Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.J
For Mouut Hollv, nt ti A. ."!., 2and 4 P. M".
For Freehold, ut 6 A. M. and 2 P. M.
For Bristol, Trentou, Ac, utll A. M. and 21 au.I
5 P. M. rroiu Kensington,
F'or Palmyra. Riverlon, l'elnneo, Roverly, Bur
liugtoa, Florence, Burdeutonn, Ac, ut 1-',1, 2, 4i
ami 0 P. M.
t titf' For Now York, and Way Line leaving Ken
sington Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, ubtne
Wuluut, hulf an hour belore departure. The Car
ruu iutn the Dcput. and on the arrival of each Traiu,
run from tiie Depot.
Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, nlloived onch
passenger. Passengers are p inhibited from taking
anything as baggage but their w earing apparel. All
baggage over filly pounds to be paid lor extra. Tho
Company limit their responsibility lbr burgage lo
One Dollar per pound, and will nut be liable iir nuy
aniouut beyond f 100. except by special cniilrnut.
MM. U. GATZMKR, Ageut.
January 17, 1864.
Dealer In
P I A N OS .
"VTEW Rosewood Pianos, from the best ruakori
X from S.200 upwards.
MELiiDKOXS. The best manufactured InsUu
menu from $45 to $l0
Guiturs, Violins, Accordeous. Flutes,
File. Drums, Bunjos, Tambourines.
Violin and Guitar strings and musical mor
chundite in general.
Tho latest publications always on bund. Musi seut
By man iu any part ol :tio
Siiitu'Je for looking glosses, and all kinds of pictures
ulwoj-s on baud.
A One assortment of best 0jved
LOOKING GLASSES imiu smallest to largest si jee.
Any style of frumu uuulu to order n: i.Tt- shortest
otic. WM. KM it. HE,
Anril 11, 16$. Oil Market St., ILirrUew
St, V. UV. SS II. IK'l'H
Con&ctionery, Toy nd
?lai'U't NtrtM-t, Suubury, Ijs.
FUUIT, Ac, Ac,
C CONSTANTLY on band and for sala at tho above
J eslahlUhnicnt at nholesale aud retail, at reason
able prices.
He is manuCieturrn all kind" of ConfeetionariM
to keep up a. rall assortment which nro sold at low
Tobaen. Pegars. plationery. Nntsof all kind, and
a variety of other articles, 'all or wbioh aro offered
wliolcsa'tM'niid retail.
Ljjt Remember tho name and plaeo. JF
Market strot, 3 doors west or E. Y. Bright A Son's
Sunbury. Sept. 19, lSrt.1. tr
Southwest Corner of Market Siiunro,
M .Mil SiV, t'A.
rilllE undersigned reyjieetrullv inTorms the publio.
X that he has taken charge of the ulojve named
Hotel, and ask foe tho continuniiee of the former
patronage and would invite ull others to give hiin a
is always supplied with the best (he market af!br,l
His Bar contains tho choicest liijuors. and his stab
ling is good and well attended bv careful Ostlers.
Sunbury, April, IB, 18l.
County Purveyor V Conic jnncrr, .
Mulionoy, Xortauiuln'rlitinl County, 1'tnn'a
Office in Washington township. Engagements car.
be made by lelter, directed lo the above address
All business entrusted to hi cure, will bo proiuptly
ulteuded l.
April S 1P64 lj
'i"oi S i.ois I'turiAiTt:
THK undersigned will soil nt private sale, TWEN
TY-SIX TOWN LOTS, situate iu the borough of
Sunburv. The lot are Incited within a few squares
of Ihe Ptoniuylvuiiia Ruiln id Coinpany Machine
Shops, iu the northern part ar tho lown. They are
all suitable building lots, itcate in the most pleasant '
porliwi of the borough. 'J'hey wiii be (old ou rea sonable
term. For furtlwi particulars apply to
1'l.TtK U. MASSKR,
H. B. MAS.-EH,
Funbury, Jun 1, 1864 Executors.
G. M. Ur, A. M. Salladu.
l4Al'.M.i: v nai.i.aii:.
No. 128 South Ninth Street, between Cbesnut and 1
v alnul, PlllLAilLLl HIA.
May 7, 1t64.
l-'IVK 51
As Improvjd for 1S5S and isrtrt.
I Iy E. KCTCHAM 1 CO., Pearl St., Nw York.
THE only FroMer on.t.-''x on le.entifie prin
ciple. with revolving eaa fn ;PrlnK bld
K'ra)tr. The one hastens llifieejirlgcvJ!f reani
the other ramovos it a fast a froien,
1 he most rapid in freeimg, with U lju) luuntits-.
of ice. '
The most economical in cost, a it is tbeoiostainiple
and durable ia slructur.
t For al in all th principal eitie) anj towns in the
Each Prewar eeompaiii4 with a book of recipe
I quarts,
4 quart,
I quart.
ti 00
4 00
8 AO
14 quoru,
SO quoru.
1J 00
A 011 V tall. B. MAm. aat,.,r. T.
rlwcb, 2i, lUiJ ' '