Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 11, 1865, Image 3

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H. B. MASBEH, Editor ft Proprietor.
E. WILTBBT, Publisher.
trC" 0,,T wt'c would hardly excuse us,
if even tlie Slmmokin Journal did, in rcply
Jug to th twaddle, nonsense and misreprc.
pentstfous of tlmt pnper, la.'t week. If the
editor will procure some one, w ho is capable
of treating a subject with somo degree rf
)ropricty and intelligence, we may, as a
. matter of courtesy reply.
?JLoral Slffads.
j- gfocint Court commenced nt this place on
Monday last. Judga Wood of Lewistown presided,
. most of the wcok til oeeupiod In tlio trial of in
ejectment. In whtoh tha Citrbon llua Improvement
Company wo plaintiff, and Ira T. Clomont, defend
ant, involving (lie till of about 159 acres of Coal
I ioil
The Rev. Mr. Hikso LB, from V blto Plaii,
N. V.. having accepted a cull from tho Presbyterian
Church in this place, Is expected to prensh next Sub
buth uiornlrg and evening. Preaching hereafter
may be expected every SubbatU.
LVP.n AccinEKT. On Thursday Inst white Dr.
William JlcClccry and family were attending the
'funeral of his mother, hishousekeoper, Jano lladgcr
aged about 72 years, fell down stairs and was in
stantly killed. Tho old lady wns in reality one of
tho family, having been raised by the Doctor's mo
ther and lived with tbo family froui her childhood
iaya up to.tljjs liiuo of her death. MUloman.
'tj'ArroixutKiir op Hovtk AuC.nt. Charlci
Curycll, of AVnUiimxport, ba been appointed route
-pent on t'.ie railroad line from Hiirrisbnrg vin Sun"
bury am', Williumsport, to Lock Haven vice I'sond
W. Uoiman. ttsigned. .Salary ?S00 per annum.
lp'A number of rebel deserter havo lately pas
.5tl through tbisfdnce. for the purpose of procuring
- eniploJTiient. Sumo of thorn going to the oil region.
Two of them stopped here. Ono of them was mi
ploved by iir. John liana in his coat operations, and
the other 11 Mr- ltcnnyu in his Foundry and Ma
chine .Shops. They nil my that thousands cf others
arc ready to'doscrttho first opportunity.
f-Tlie snovr'Jn the slrcoLiWj'1 fields has nearly
till disappeared. 'J'110 recent rains hu e extracted
the frost from tho 'rouud, und if the weather Con.
tiuursfttVOMbls aprii'S i"d vegetation will soon be
upon lis.
AimiTTr.B. L. 1.'.Kak, Iii., was on Tuesday
last, on motion of . 1'. ulverton, Ke'i., admitted
1c prsclV.c hi the at vera! courts of this county. Jlr.
Knse, uo uiHjeivJtuid, jaksscd a trcdttable cxaniiua
tion. He has many fri!-ffl, and will, no duubt, b?
cucccssl'ul in his new piv.feMon.
ty-Vrof. Porter of Fmikl in and Xartlial Colj
lego will deliver a lecture on "Man nnil the. Anime
Creation.' fur the benett of the liermr.n F.el'ormed
Church o' tl-.i place mi Friday fctoJiiug, Mureb 17th
at the Court House.
The Sunbur' Musical AshiciatiMi ill ho present
and sing some of llicir popular twees of mifie.
rrp Ho. Vol! Tnr. DavrT The final a-fitiment
i f quotas f r liiis district hiving been nis'lc, we inay
vxpeet Ui oe the draft-wheel retell ing sJ. ny mo
ment. The following is tho new list of ijuotc, uji-
int. upon the basis cf which the draft 1
fur deliuoiiciit tunncliiiu aud buruu"hs
Kill be uiadu i
lathis couii-'
yotmtrM;M!it Jn l".
l.'ppur Aiii-'iistn,
Lower "
Upper Maliunoy,
31 1. Ouimel borough,
Mt. Caiinel township,
- -Tr
10J j
ol i
41 i
:;o -"I
27 I
lj?-The ice dauis iu tho Susquehanna caused sc.
rious apprehensions all along the river for a week
past. It parsed offtho biiaiu at this plaecon Tuesdny
night. Fortunately, the danger is past. The mild
weather has gradually melted the snow, and tho ico
has ulso worn uw uy, to that when it moved, it was
carried off with less danger than uutieipated. The
ice dams on the North lirtuich, between this place
ami Danville, hud flooded tho flats of a number of
firms along the river. On tho West Hranch nt Chil'
lisquuiiue the road for some distance was under wa
ter. There were serious apprehensions for the safety
of the bridges which could hardly have escaped de
sir ut lion from a high frcchot and a sudden breaking
up. Fortuuutely, notwithstanding the inundations
ot tho Bats some utiles above Sunbury, the ground,
in tho vicinity of the Hound Houso und Machine
Shops near this place remained high and dry.
fjy The efforts of many of our eiliiens, to Oil thcir
fjuola, iu order to avoid the draft, has kept them in
a fever of excitement for more than a week past.
Twice after they hud secured the means to procure
the requisite number, their hopes and efforts wero all
tot at naught, by Increasing the quota. At first the
number us fixed at 17 men. Then aguin nt 18, and
when these were about secured, they ore informed
that it was again increased to (Jj. Tiny huve aliuoot
despuired iu filling up the last u'.lutic i number, but
are still making tttorls to do so. If thoso liable to
draft will do their part tho draft inayyet benvoided
in this plaeo. tliamohiu, we learn, bus sent two
companies, and has not uieu enough left to fill the
quota if ult on tho enrolment are drafted. Thlsi"
tne case also Willi Northumberland and other places.
CXr"A HaniisouisFlau. Captain Ii.niel Oyster
f the 47th Ucgimeut Penu'tt. Vols., who n homo
on furlough, exhibited to us aevcrul days tuict, a
iiuiidsonie new silk flag, in bis cuargc, for (ho regi.
iucut, on which the numes of seven different batllea
in which the 47th had purticipalod, had been paint
ed in gill letters, by the order of the War Depart
ment. Among the battles named was that of Cedar
Crock, In which the Sunbury Company, commanded
by dipt. Oystor, lust 21 in killed and wounded. It
was at this time that Sheridau made his famous iVle,
came up and reformed his tinea, after our men bad
fallen back five utiles aud lost !2 guns, charged upon
the rebels under (leu. Early, recaptured all our guns
and 30 mora from the enemy, besides a large number
of prisoner.
Death or Mus. Pollock. The ' Milto
nien,'' of lost week, give the following oocountofa
venerable lady recently deceased in Matoo :
Mrs. Karah Pollock, relict of the lata William
Pollock, died at her residence .in this boroueh on
r-ui. iuy of thu present week at the advanced age of
uiuety-tnree years ana several mouths, jier tiirtn
antedates tha historic dsyi of .ths revolution having
been bora iu Cheater county, OcUibec 27, 1771. fcho
haa six children living, one of whom is ex-llor.
Pollock, now Director of the V. 6, lint, Philadel
phia. Wl.ut a history auuli an voiiilul life must
uflord'. bhe has becu a reideut of IbU b-iroUKb for
almoat seventy-five years. Che was followed to the
gri on lbuidsy f.t iy bar rhildrey aud JtD4
tiiidieaand b , mpathum i fncuds.
Mat orrnniip,
To be Tried at the Regular Session, commencing
Maroh 13th, 1865.
Sarah Jane Coup, VJ tllr.abcth Jenkens. '
Michael Uraham rs .) nines Pollock et ul
Knx A Brothor v DTrd A Douty
Thomas Coinly vs John Moyer with notioa
John C Morgan s Blaphon t'i'.tonhendiT i
Hiram II. Moore et al vsO. S. Wolcotf,
Henry Kowman io Vs ICdwnrd Ilaum
Win II Kriochlino Vi C I' Hclfenstein et al
Martin Uoldon vi Wm iMontelius .
Klida John, adm'r Vi John Nouman.
.I'otcr E Fclsgor Vs ftoorgo B i'otzgor
Allen T I.ane va Jeremiah Yonlv.
Joseph (libson adm'r vsO F M'I'herson
Jonathan Hoover va Josiah Reed
John A Dodge et nl s Jncoby llartuian
John P Heard et al vs Jnoob Woiok,
ltobort D Cummlngs i John Wittemoycr
frame vs Wm 8 Foresman
Truman Tbumaa rs Andrew Ileckcrt
Chnrlej Hoy va Uanlul W Smith ' '
John P I'ursol vs David Waldron
Daniel Horr va John F. Cowan
Levi Hccht vs Potcr K Fisher
Page A Bristol vs Jerome 8 Woleott
liuoDcvillo Schaffor va David Kshbach.
One person asked another if )ic believed
iu tlio appearance of spirits? "No:" was the
reply of the otlieT, 'but I believe in their
disappearance. 1 have ' missed a bottle of
brauijy since last night."
A traveller who met ft eotintrvmnn in
mourning, made the observation, "You linve
lot some of your friends, I see." "Yes sur,"
was the reply. "Wns it a near or distant
relative?'' "Well, purly distant 'bout
twenty-four mile."
By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the
undersigned has assumed tho General Subscription
Agency for tho sale of United States Treasury Notes,
bearing seven and threo tenths per cent, interest,
per iniuuui. known as tho
These Notes are issued tinder date of August 15lh,
lMiil, and are payuble three years from that timo, in
currency, or aru convertible ut tho opliun uf the
holdur into
1". 5-20 Six pi f '".
O O 1. 1)11 K A It 1 N G BONDS.
Those bonds are now worth a premium of nine per
cent., including gold interest' from Nov., which
mikes the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, ut current
ratej, including interest, about ten per cent, per
annum, besides its exemption from Slate and muni
cipal taxation, which adds from one to three per
cent, more, according to tho rate levied on other
property. The Interest is payable semi-annually by
coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off
and sold to any bank or banker.
Tho interest amount to
Ihie cent per day on a S jO nolo.
Two cento ' " $dun "
Ten ' ".- SfjOO "
lift " ' $1000 "
ft " " ?jnoo "
Notes of ull the dciioniinatiuiis named will be
promptly fumithtd upon receipt of .subscriptions.
This U
'I'lic Only liilii in .l;u-lic
now ofTered by tho (iovcriiuicnt, mid it i confiJenlly
I expected thai its mpci ior adviuittigcs will luukc it
i the
j iiheat popclau loan op the pi:oru:.
I I.. tli n ii iii'O.luyo.i'UO remain unsuld. which will
: prol.ubly be disposed of within tho next CO or VO
days when tho notes will undoubtedly command a
premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing
! the subscription to other l.onn..
I In older that citi u-usof ever.- town an ! section or
, the country may be atloidcd lUcilili,.- for taking the
loan, the Nuti nml i'anhs. State Jiauk.'. .n.d 1'ihatu
Uunkcrs tiiroii;;houl the emmlry generally
nrced torei-Ivr i:tn..iii'ii..,ii m jiir. Sultscribers
will select llieir h i,;.i;i.-. in whom th. y have con-
Adeiicc. and ho only are to be rcmi ole for the
delivery of :h. iiv'." . I'r o.iiv'ti tliey re.1,.-iv. orders.
:rns( nit'tiox Acf.xt, Philadelphia.
5rcsi nirrioxa mill iik iikckivkh bv the
First National Hank of Northumberland.
Pirt National I'ank of Milton.
Northumberland National lianl: of ShuuioMn
Feliiui.iy I.i, Hli.'i limp
i'a 'onmniIi vcjI
Tho undersigued having been restored to health
in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, niter hav
ing suffered .-cvcral years, with a ecero lung affec
tion, and that dread disease, Consumption is anx
ious to mako known to his fellow sufferers the mean9
of euro.
To all who desiro it. he will send a copyof the pro-
scrinlion used. Ifrco of chartred.) with the directions
for preparing and using the same, which they will
fiud a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchi
tis, Coughs, Colds, Ac. The only object of the adver
tiser in sending tho Prescription is to benefit tho af
flicted," and spread information which bo conceives
to bo invaluable J and he hopes ever- uffercr wil
try his remedy, us it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing.
J'urliej wishing the prescription will pleas ad
dress Tver. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg,
Kings County, New i'ork.
February 13, IS65 3m
R A II iT C II A N C E !
The undersigned will offer at public sale, at tho
public houso of WM. M. WEAVER, in thu town of
Miamukin, county or ixorthumbcrland and Mats of
Pennsylvania, on RATI UDAV, I'EURUARY 2.)lh,
IH65, nil their right title and interest iu a certain
tract of
situato in P.ear Halo, Coal township, county and
State aforesaid, hounded add described as follows to
wil : On tho uorlh by lands of William Wilson and
Muthias Zimmerman ; on the south by lands of John
Cowden and Bernard Troibiy ; ent by Michael
Krull and Muthias Ziniuicrluuu, and on tho west by
lauds of .Samuel Scott.
'outitinIn IH Acres, more or lew.
It being the same tracts of lands fur which warrants
wvre issued to Peter -Mourer, May 4, 1785, to I'etor
r-assauiau, Jan .11, IiilJ, aud to John N. Dai ley,
Jiui. 31. 178;i. The title or interest of the under
signed, rs undisputed. Persons desiring to purchase
wilt lma nits to ne one or tne richesl und must vulu
able trncts of COAL LANDS iu this section of Poun
avlvauia. Any further information will bo civeu on annlica-
tion to the undersigned, or KOL. MALICK, Esq., ut
his ofiioe iu the Borough of Hunbury, Pa.
Suie to couiuienco at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day,
wheu conditions will be mado known bv the under
signed. UKOttOK,
Executors of Daniel Mourcr, deceased.
Joux F. -MoLlil'.B, Atturnev in fact for tha heira
of Honry Mourer. dcceuscJ,
rcoruury , iaoj.
Office, No. 70 Norlh Fourth Street, (seeond floor,
CAPITAL PTOCK, . . f750.000
ISO 000 rHiareg, fair Vulus 5. Bubscription Prico
I uu ram, j.
The Company own the following described pro
rerty in fecsunnle:
Filty acres of land near Cherry Troe Hun; said
land is one and a quarter mile Horn Oil Creek, and
is about two hundred rods from tho Well ou Cherry
Troe Han, tltat Bows from sovetitv-fiva to one hun
dred barrels of Oil per duv : aud also, an interest iu
two acre uu tho fchuruiaa Property with lour wells
in vol inua stages of progres ou th property, one of
wuicu la now uuwiug tuiriy Dorrei per ouy, ine
Company get the oue-sixtoenth of all tha Oil, clear
of alt expense ; also, two acre adjoining, Willi four
wells now in a progressive condition iu which the
Company got one.lhlrtyaeooodth of tho Oil, aud
also, oue aero of land adjoining, a iib oat well dow n
ready for pumping ; thu Company gets oue-sixtcenth
of the land interest clear of all expense. Also, the
ona-fourUiaulh of Ibt working iutereil of the bust
mentioned aera. Thu Compao la formed on a baiie
that is ei pooled lo pay a dividend of two per eont
per month lo the Stockholders. The Company pro
pose to jilaeo f 25,000 cub or stock in the Troimurj
fur the devolopment af the property. '
Prosidout, Fro. Tem J . J . BAKCLAY, Esa.
1'ireotora W illiam D. Smith, H. M. Davis, V. B.
Me'iiuloy, 6. it. bwanuy aud John i Young.
tieorotary II . A- UmsiH.
Treoaaror Johu f. V;ung.
aWuary 4, 1 3Ui
Py virtue of eertsln wrlla of Yertdinl' Kxponas
l.evaria Faelas end Plurina l.cvnria F'aciaa, isnuod
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Norlhoinbor.
land county, and to tne directed, will bo exposed to
publio sale, at the Court House, in tho Itornugh of
'unbury, on Monday tho Uth dayof MAKCH, AD.
IttHft, at ono o'clock 1'. M., the following described
real estate, to wit :
All that certain lot of ground, altuato In tho town
of Shamokln, in the county and slate nlorcsnht, to.
f;other with all the appurtenances thereunto belong
ng bounded and described as follows, on plan of said
town lota No. three (.'!,) In block number 190, to
gether with the hereditaments und appurtenances.
Seised taken In execution and to be sold as the
property of Ueorge Shipp,
Also, all those certain contiguous lots of ground,
situate in the town of Trevorton, Northiiiiihui liin I
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as rot
lows, to wit t boundud on tho north by Shtuuokin
street, on the east by lots formerly owned by Michael
Wortinau, on the south by an alley, and on tho west
by lots of Benjamin I'M ton, being marked in the
plan of said town as lots number i, 0, 7 A 8, nnd part
of lot number 4, in block No 1 20, on which is erected
a large dwelling house builiof brick, Ac.
Seized taken in execution and to bo sold ns the
pronorty of Charles P. Hclfenstein, administrator
of Ldwuid Holfcnstcin, deceased.
Also, all that certain four story, with bnsemont five
story brick building, intended for a hotel, incsuiiKe
and tenement, situate in the lower part of Shaiuukin,
and county of Northumberland. Pennsylvania, fifty
two leet iu frout and fii'tv-two foot in depth, bound
ed on the north by the street or space on the bunk of
the Shatnnkiu oreok, on tho south by Arch street, on
the east by Market struct, in block number thirty
soven ns designated and marked upon the general
plan of said town of Suuinokin, and occupying parts
of lota number one. two and three upon said block
number thirty-seven
8ciiod taken in execution and to bo Sold as tho
property of David Longuoekcr und Susau Longiiccker
Lis who.
WM. M. WEAVER, Sheriff.
Sher ill's Office, Sunbury, Feb. 25, lbOi.
By virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facias, Issued
out of tho Court of Common Plea of No'thamhnr
land county, and to me directed will ho exposed to
public sale, at the Public House of Thomas Foiilds.
in the town of THK VORTON. on THIK.SDAY the
(Mb day ofMAKCII. A. I). 161)5, at 10 o'clock A. M..
all the following described Lots or Pieces of Ground
to wit :
Lot No. 12 nnd 13 in block No. IIU, slluntc In
Trevorton, .erbc township. Northumberland enmity,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns lollown :
on the ciwrt by Eleventh street, south hy Coal street,
west by lot No. 11 in sumo block and north by an
alley, containing in width cncli 2.') leet. and in depth
Kit) feet, whereon arc erected n two story frame storo
anil dwelling house, frame stable, .to.
Also, upon Lots Nos. 10 and 11 in block No. 1.11 ,
situate in same town, tnwuh!p. county and Stnto,
bounded on the cast by lut No. 12 iu ssnio block, on
the south by Coal street, west by lot No. 9 in same
block, unci on the imrlh by an alley, containing iu
width 2'i feet and in depths loll feet, whereon lire
erected two story frame house with brixciucnt. ,t.
Also, upon lots Nos. 10, II. 12 and l.'l. in block No
C7. situate in same town, county and State, lioumlod
on' tho ensi by Eleventh street, on the south by .Mar
ket street, on the west by lot No. 'J. iusiune block and
on tho north hy Hail Koad. each containing in width
2i leet. nnd in depth 120 feet, all inclosed, whereon
are erected on lots Nns. 12 and IS a butcher house,
and on lot No 11 an open shed. Ac. .
Also, upon lot No. 7. and a in block JVo. 11",
situate in tho sanictown. county nnd Stnto bounded
on the north by Shniuokin street, on tho west by lot
No fl. in sumo 'block, on tho south by an alley, anil
on the east hy Switch Hack. Said lots Nos. 7 and ft
a large doublo friuno ihvulling house, two stories
high with l.a.enient. frame stable, well of water near
the door, Ac. Lut No U has warehouse erected ou
Also, upon lots Nos. 1, 2 and .1 in block No. 102,
in sumo town, county und State, bounded on the
west by tenth street, on the south and east by .''witch
ltaek. ami on thi, north bv an nllev. whereon mi;
! erected a shautyjand blacksmith shops' ;aaid buildings
urc noiownea uy Fayrcsj
Also, upon lots Nos U nnd 10 in block No 85. in
sntue town, county und Slate, bounded on tho north
by Market street, on tho south by an alley, on the
w'i st '.y lot No 8, in sanio block and on the eat bv
lot Noll, in same block, containing iu width, each
25 feet and in depth 12U feet.
Also, upon lots Nos. 12 and HI, In block No PI,
situate in sanictown, count and atnse.' bounded on
the vast by Eleventh street, on the north by nn alley
and on the west by lot No II iu the same block, con
taining in width each 25 feet and in dep'h 120 loot.
Also, upon lots Nos. t) and 111 iu same block, situ
ate in tho same town, county nnd state, bounded on
the east by lot No. II. uu the" north by Market street,
ou the west by lot No S, mine block, and on the south
by on ulley, each containing in width 25 feet and in
depth 120 Vict, w hereon are elected u small shanty,
Also, npuu all thai certain lot and half l it of
grouud, situate iu said town, couuty and Slate afore,
said, being lot number 1 1 and the half of lot No. 12.
adjoining nnd comiguous to paid lot Nu II. in block
No 110, bounded on tho north by Shamokin street,
on the south by an alley, on the west by lot No. 10 in
same block and on thu eust by the eastern haH'of
said hull lot No 12. containing in width, together .'
feet in front on Miaui.okin street, and in depth 1 all
feot more or less, whenou are ercctc J a double lVuiuc
dwelling house, tj.
Also, uion all that certain tractor piece of laud,
situate in Zerhe township, Northumberland county,
utornsai 1. ami bounded und described us follows, to
wit : iieginiiing at a stone corner, thence by land of
thesaid IraSayrea. party hereto, north 1S63 degrees
west 75 perches to stones formerly a white oak;
thence by land of John Heiisyl. north UU degrees
west, Heveu perches and soveu-teiu'i.s of a perch to
the centra ol the Trevorton Hail Hoad ; thence up
the said lluilroad, norih 56 degrees cast .17 perches.
' norlh 03 degrees east 18 perches, north 70 degrees
ensi o Iiei i.iitrn uuu Horn, r uciircca viwn i.w....
and thenco by land of Ira T. Clement, south Hi de
grees east 41 perches to tho place of beginning, con
taining thirteen acres und fourteen perches strict
Veiled taken in execution aud to be sold as the
property of Iru Say res.
WM. M WEAVER, Sheriff.
.Sheriff' Office, Sunbury, Feb. Id, ls05.
IN pursuance ol nn order of tho Ofj.hans' Court of
Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub
lie sale, nt the pub'io houso of John Etzweiler. iu
Georgetow n, on .Saturday tho 25th dav of FEIUU'
AHV, A. D. lso5. all that certain piece or TRACT
OF LAND, situato in Lower Mahonoy township,
said countv, adjoining lauds of William Bciijauiiu
Jucob Ler.ker and Christian Mossncr, Containing 20
acres and 70 perches, on w hich is erected a dwelling
ALSO, Another pieeo of land, adjoining lands of
William Biugainan, William Michaol and Jacob II.
Lenker. containing 13 acre and 27 perches. on which
is erected a small dwelling house unit staoie. i.aio
thoproprly of Charles Kcrstctler. deceased,
bale to commence ut 10 o'clock A. M. of said day,
when tho terms aud conditions of sale will bo laudo
known ty
ALIA-'l J.r.iw.ll, .Tim i.
Evordur of tho Court. J. A. J. Cumminus, Cl'k O. C
r-unhury, 1 eb. 4, ltsti.
Fall & Winter Goods,
ISAAC FlT?.li-lT.
In Zetiemoyer'a Building, opposite ijtarhart's Con
fectiouery tjtore, Market struct, hi XEUHV, Eu.,
HAS just opened a well selected assortment of
Uoods, which be oilers for sule at very low prices .
FOREIOK AND DOMESTIC, such as Cloths, Cassl
meres, Muslins, Shuetinga, Tiukiug, Calicoes, De
Laiucs. bilks, Ginghams, Sio , Ac.
ll.V'f'K und i'Alf' of every description.
Consisting of Hosiery, tllovea, Thread, Hultons,
Suspendurs, Necktie, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hair
Hrushe. Tooth llrushcs, Fancy Head Dresses, lial-
moral Skirls, lloop-BKiru, uorjiet-ougs, Jrunks, v a
liscs, Viulirellaa, Cotton-Yarn, taaps, apd nuuiercus
other articles too tedious to nieutiou.
such M bails, hinges mid screws, door latches and
knobs, and CUTLEHY of every description.
Dyt, Drugs, Puints, Vurnishcs, Oils, Class,
i'liny, uc., o.
Ouixnawnrn nnd UluKkuure of
every deau'rlpliou.
An extensive Stock of
Coiaposod of Bugar. Coffee, Teae. Hioe, Corn-itaroh,
Molaaaea, Caudles, Meat, Eih, Cheese. Bull, Tobacco,
and Segars.
Also, i
for eneu, wouiea awl children.
All kiudsof Couutry Troduc taken lu exchange
for Hoods.
buubury, 6ept. 10, lid. :
i. nmnuuni nnixnin.iii'iji'nwv i, mi jywr w ease
Viilntiltl Ilrnl i:lntc.
WILL be sold at Tublio Sulo, on the premises
on THtHHDAV", the M day of MARCH,
next, nil that certain M'riM-t (' I.iiimI, situnto
in Lower AntruM.u township, Northumberland coun
ty, P., ndjoining lands of John Fry, Culeb J'urrett
and Jacob Ihvrlholoiucw,
t'oiiliiiiiiu' Ml .lci'CiJ, more or Icun.
About flj uurea of which are cleared nnd under n
good statu of cultivation, tho balanco is good timber
laud. The Improvements consist of a. two story stone
houso, a log barn, with wagon-shed nttnehud, slone
spi ing-houso, nnd other outbuildings, a ncvor-failing
spring of watef at the door, two apple orchards and
one peach orchard, containing ono hundred U vea of
Select fruit,
Halo to eomiuenco at 10 o'olock A. M., on said
day when the conditions will be mado known by
Lower Augusta twp., Feb. Id, 1805.
SUNBITHY, Northumberland County, Pa.
OFFICE North sido of Market Square, near tho
Court House. All business promptly attended to.
Sunbury, Jatitiarv Irt, IoG5.
IN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court of
Northumberland county, will he exposed to pub
lio sale, on tho premises on F'lUDAY, MARCH
'Id, A. D. 1SH5, a certain Lot. or piece of ground,
situnto in tho I'.OROUOII OF KOKT1IUMBEH
LANI. bounded north en."t by Queen street; south
east by lot No. KM ; south west by Duko street and
north west by lot No. 18'J: Containing in front on
Queen street 00 foot, and in depth 220 feet, being
numbered iu the general plan ol said Borough' Lot
No 100, whereon is erected a small frame dwelling
house. Lato tho properly of Elizabeth l'oust, do
ceaicd. Salo to commence nt 1ft o'clock A. M. ofsnid riny.
when Uie terms mid conditions cf sale will bo mado
known Ly
.irl.IAN JOIIN.-'ON, Cunrdian
of Mtnnr Children nt'Eliaabuth Foust. dee'd.
By order nf the Court, J. A. J. Cummisus, Clk O. C.
Sunbury, February 7, 1605. ,
A PAMPHLET directing how to's)icedily resloro
sight and give lip spectacle, without aid of
doctor or medicine, f-'ent by moil, free, on receipt
oflllccuts. Address,
E. E.FO0TE. M. D.
February 1, 135. (Ira
A LITTLE OF EVEl.tYTHI.VU relating to tho
"V hiniiau system, nialo und female; tho causes
und treainieiit of dirieases; tho nnirriiigo custom-! of
the world ; how to lunrry well and a tlioti.and
tl.ii.c..- never puhli.-hed before road the revised and
enlarged l-dilion of "Mkuicai. Common !;'" a
curious book for- curions people, ami a good book lor
every one. -Itlll pages, 100 Illustrations. Price $?. 50,
Contents table sent free to any uddres-i. flooks may
be had nt the Hook stores, or w ill be sent by moii,
post paid on receipt of the pi ice. Addi cts
1 l.;o Broadway, New York.
Fcbrunry 4, 1R15 fim
Whilst trying Coffee of all I ho vnrioits brand'.
lUmcmbi'r illiOWNING S EXCELSlOK' ut the
head it stands.
True, it's not like others that nro '-SOLI EVERY
A little strolch, we ull do know, good goods will
easily bear,
(Rut a stroloh like thu "sold everywhere'' is very
apt to tear.)
Now. 1 can safely say, without nnv hesitation
Thiie's none like Bhuw.m.xu'm E'.i.'E1.siuu" ill this
enlightened nntiou.
Skilled chemists have nut found a Coffee from liny
Posst":.b.g the samo ingredients us '-Crowning's Ex
celsior "
Nor h there any one. in or out of the Coffee trade.
Who knows tho articles from which 'Eroivuiiig's
Exct l.-ior'" made.
I nl told il's made from barley, rye. wheat, bean?,
and peas ;
Name ii thou 'an 1 other things but tho Eight One
it'yoii ph-nye.
Rut with the Colli e. men I will not hold contention
For the many, many things they say tuo luiuierui.
to mention.
Whilst they're engaged In running round from storo
to store
To learn the current wholesale price of "Browning's
u iin.' who knowViy Coffee gives perfect aatisfnetion,
Have formed a plan by which they hope to cause a
quick rot'ction.
The cu.-c 'tis with ti few ; no doubt 'twill be more
To name (heir t'oKce uller mine, (Browning's Excel
sior." '
Some say tlnir's tho ouly brand that w ill stand a
ready test. '
Nor. tsy n littlo of them all sco which you liko
tho bc.-t.
Three years havo passed uway sinco I firit 6uU a
s'ure ;
Never have I in your naper iwlvcrtiscd before;
.N-ir would I now. or ever consent to puhli k moro,
it'i:',,cfome u.-ed by "e erybody," Bold everywhere'
iti "every store."
A trade like thi I do not wUh; tho orders I cuuld
not I. II ;
The factory all. Icrsey's land would talio leavo not
a loot to till.
My trade is not so very larjc ; still I think I havo
uty snare ;
But reader, you may rest assured, 'tis Not 'tu
Manufactured nud for fulo by the writer.
i:oici. i,. icEjojv.M.J.
No. 20 Market Street, Camden, N. J
This Cuffeo is not composed of poisoneus
contains nothing deleterious ; many persons use this
tolloe that cannot use tuo pure cotlee ; it takes nut
ono und a half ounces to make a quart of good
strong eollee, that being just ono-half the iiiianlily
it tHUcsot Jiitu toucc, uud always Icr tuuu hall the
Retail Dealers may purchase it in lc quantities
than leu gruss ut my prices from thu Whulcs.du tiro-
f-' Orders hy mail from Whulr.ialc Dealers prompt
ly allcudcd to.
" February 11, 1305 6m
vii :
vative.) THE EDIXliL'l'flH REVIEW (Whig.)
THE NOETU ElUTIrill REVIEW, (liieo-C'hurch.)
The American Publishers continue to reprint the
nt.ove-naiued periodicals, hut as Ihuuost of printing
has doubled, the prico of pnper trobled, and laxci,
duties, license, etc., largely Increase I, tuey are com
polled lo advance their terms ns follows :
TEKMS EOll lotlJ.
For any one of tbo Heviews,
For any two of the Heviows,
l or y three of the lieviewi,
For ull lour of tho Eeviows,
f I 00 per annum
10 On
12 (ill "
4 0U "
7 00
For liiue.kuuod's Miigatiue,
For llluvkwood and mio lteview,
h'er I'.hn kwood aud any two ol tho
Uev lews, 10 00
For Ul aekwood and three of tha
llevievs, 13 00
Fer Illnckwoud ncd tho four Ho-
' views, 15 00
The works will bo printed una greatly improved
quality of paper, and whilo neatly all Auieiicnn
Feiodiculs lire either adviinccd iu prico or reduced
in uirn uud verv ueucliillv boili we. thull continue
to give faithful coj ies of ull uutltor oontaincd in tlio
original edition. . Hence, our present price will be
found as cheap, for the uuioui.t of uiutter, furnished
a those of any uf thu competing periodicals ill this
""USua'ared with lue cost of the original editions,
I ut the ureseiit M'euitum on Hold would !
about )10U a year, our prices (41i) are execedly low
Ail, I i.. il,i the I'aet that wo make our uuuuid pay
nieuts to the EiiiUb l'ublishers for curly sheets aud
copyright iu (iold 1 costing us ut thu time (Jan.,
!...', i n.,arlv iu eurreucv uud wo trust thai
iu thu sculu we huvo adopted wo shall be entirely
jusliiied by our subscribers and tbo reaUing public.
The interest of these I'oriodicals to Aniciicau ren
ders is ralher increiued tiiuu diminished by tho ur.
liule they conuiiu on our l ivil Wur, and, though
aouietiuic tinged with prejudioe, they may alill,
oousidering their great ability uud tho different
stuud-poiu's f"U which they are written, be read
uud studied with edvuuliige by tho peojle of thi
couutry, of every eieed and party.
A fuw copies of theubovo remain ou hand, and
will be sold at for the whole lour, or f . tor any
We a1o publUh tho
l'ui-nierM aiiltlt',
l)y IIknbv STKPHEaa, of Edinburgh, and tho late
J. 1 . JNOKTOJ1, of Yale College. 2 vols. Koyol Oc
tavo. lo"u page aud uuuierous Engravings.
l'KICE V br tu volume by Mall, futt
jiaid, to. j-qjjjj, HC0TT I CO., I'lihlisheif,
Ko. Kalkur fctuet, New Vork-
I'ebrusry i, IMS.
Jff-- c ar3 n w b : t: tt 9 9
(Lsto HERll'S HOTEL,)
Couior Market and'Sd Street, HARR1SBURQ, PA.
THE attention of tlio publl is respectfully coiled
to this Hotel which Is now open for the nc.couimorfn.
t ion of quests. In the past live month during which
time, it has been closed the houso has been thorough
ly remodeled nnd repaired, until In point of conveni
ence and comfort, ila patrons will find it to own no
'!' 1- is i-ii Hiiro l'nHi-4'J.v r""v.
Rooms larger than are usually found In modern hotels.
Situated on tho corner of two principal business
streets of the city.but two and a hnlisumuros from the
Bull Road Depot. Tho proprietor determined tot
spare no expense In securing the comfort of his guost
and a fuvorublo reputation lor the establishment, ho
feel willing to trust it character to tho judgment
of his patrons. ,
HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor.
January 21,1 SRi.
rpHE subscriber. Into an employee in the Prompt
X Marshall's Office of tho 14th District PcnnV.
oilers his services to tho Committees, and citizens of
thfl different stib-distriots of Northumberland and
adjoining counties, for tho purpose of assisting them
to fill their quotas, correct and copy their enrolments,
make out Substitute and Enlistment papers, nt rea
sonable, rates. Ho can bo found at Mrs. HOllAN'S
HOTEL, North West Corner 4th nnd Jlarkct SU.,
over Adam a Express Ollico, Hurrisburg.
J. B; Packer, and S. B. Boycr. ICsqrs., Sunbnry.
Hon. Frank Bound, nnd P. L. Uuchenburg, Milton.
Rev. I. H. Torrenco. Rush.
Address Box No. Ill, Hnrrisburg. Pa.
Suubury, January I t, 1SG5 lin
Eye and Ear Infirmary,
On thu Stpuirn. Three Ioors from Steel' llut-ul
TUTrf IXSTITUTIOX is now oiK-n nnd furnin-i,
in tho mitft costly tttylo. lUTOiilinn, Privnto
and OptTutinj; Jto.iiuo are Wgo nti'l foonvi'uit'nL uiu
uell inl;it(it. 'i liu Surijiciil upiirlini'nt uutitiiinn Uio
fiiifnt coUi'otinn of inlr uiiirntfl in this ronntry. wnd
thus his fucuHict will en h bio him tn meet any iititl
nil cnu'ii'ti' ictf in i riKticn. JU will operntn upon
the vari'iu fitnne of XDXKf?. Cntnrnet. (flu"n
of thu I'npil ('riifn I.yes, Clwuru of tho 'J'eur Duclis,
Inverstinn f the Kyeli'ln. I'turygium. Ac., Ac. And
ivill trertt nil fornix of horo lives, Urnnuled Lulf.
0ijieetif ! of t ho CurneH, nii'l torofuhuis uicnfcH of
the Kye. together with all the diectues to which the
eye is nuhjwt.
J'KAFNKH.- Will trenf nil the disomns mm men
lotheorsan. 1'irMjhiirgo.s from the Kur, Noises iu tho
Kiir. CutHrrh. diHiuuUie of hetirhifc totHl Dwiifuo,
even where tlio Drum is dnstroved. Will ineurt nn
itrlifk'lfil one, niiawcrin nearly all the purpo-scg of
me liiiturni.
j;.-i;asi:s ok Tin-: tkuoat. au auvaw
eoiniimtt ti theThrnjit nud Xoe. will he t tented
lil'NKUAh I'lUiKi; V. Ho wifl opemto npnu
Cliiteet. Hair Lip, Cieli. 1'ultnte, Ttmior-j. Caueer?",
Enlarged Tuiiyilf. Ve. Plai'tit! operations hy heniiu
li'W Hefh into deformed part-, and tit iiciul Surgery
of whatever ohnraeter it nniv present.
HKltXrA, Kl'ini'KK.) He will perforin
4ilsfl.iu;f." operation ftir ( lie radical. (I'oinptete.) ctno
of Hevnia. litis un jue.tionaljly a erf iH cure, nnd is
done with little or nn ptiui. (hit of tlie many hun
dred openttt'd upon in Ih-ston there ha heen no fail
ures, it having met ho approbation of ul) who have
Hihmitted le it.
ARTIFICIAL KVKS. Wilt insert nrtifirinl eyen.
jfiviui; them the motion and expre-ion uf the natu
ral. Tlu-v aru inserted without the least pain.
JIKMUl'iKHOJl). (I'lhKrf.J This trouhlesomo di
?eiL"e is readily cured. TI.ojso eiilleriug from it ill
di well to call.
Jut. I'p k (Ira it vill "Wilke-lhirre with a
view of huildiim up u permanent Institute for the
treatiiHiit of the Kye. 1-,'ar. nud tlenenil Surgevy.
The exp'-ricnue of more than u quarter of ti century,
in Jlo-tpital ami general pracliee, ho hpen. will he a
Hfifllieiit uaranice to ttioeo who may be difpwud to
employ him.
.laiiunry 14, ISCa. ly
Enamelled Slate Mantel
1 -."j .-jrjsrfwmrjam
M-r, .' -1.2'.
us '
:, rilESTSl'T BTIIEET, rilll.ADEl.l'HIA.
Slanufiictory Tenth and Hamson Streets.
Tablo-TopB, Pier-Slabs, Brackets, Vuth
Stand Tops, &c.,e&c.
l'hiladelphia, Jan 7,.lS0j. If
.rlli A Ait-li Stw,
Cuter lor the best Tra in, and offer no Hails or de
ception to imlueo Cu.-ti in. but rely on FAIR DEAL
l vii ,.,i in ii it 1 1 ti ii il i-s (
Ecst Merinoes, I'ashioiuiblo Silks.
Noliility Fluids. J int a i'oplms,
Dark Foulard Figured .Merinoes,
Fluid Shawls, liood Elunkels.
P. S. We follow OOI.D down, ns close ns w o fol
low it up.. Now is a good lime lor Merchants uud
Con:-uiucrs to eoitio in.
October S, lt04.2mw
Inlorii:il!o:i!il EI-1,
Wjj tiii'l 3o7 i'ini''H Corner I'raalliu itmt
rplIIS first cless House tho most quiet, homelike
J und pleasant lintel in tho city oiler superior
itidueomcitt to thoso visliiug New Vurk for busiueas
or iU'i.sme. Il is central iu its location, and kept on
the El iii-KAX Fl.A.i. in eoinieclion with T tvi.oK a
Saloon, where refreshments can be hud all hours,
or served in their own us, ins. 'the charge are mo
derate, (lie room and alteuduneo of the tirs t order
bnths, un 1 nil tlie luodem conveniences attached.
I bi g lonvo to infoi ui my friends and tho publio
generally that I hai -j commenced the manufacture
of COAL OIL LAMl'S of every description aud style
of fiaUh, ut
With my present facilities fir manufacturing, and
a practical experience of tkirlcou ymirf in tho mini
agcineiit of the lamp businch lor some of tho largest
house in tho country, I Hatter myself that my expe
rience and knowledge will enable uie to oiler tu thu
public goods not equalled by any in regard to style
and wuikmanship, and ut price competing with thu
lowest.1 1 shall ulwav endeavor lo lead in oflering
to the puhlie new and useful inveutiun in our line.
1 have also taken tlio wholesale ugeney for the sale
of UEO. W. DROWN 4 CO 'e Cki.khh tkii Metai,
A. J. WEI DEN Ell, v
No. 38 S. Second et., Fhiludelphia.
September l!l, ISH4.
It-.uliir I.ifi'HMt'd t'ssiivryjiiti'i-r,
Northumberland County, l'ennsylvttiiia
AS lukeii out license, and i prepared to do all
kinds ol Conveyauoing, at reusouulilo rates.
Shamokin twp., Juu. 7, ISoi. 3uio
To I lie E'cojilu !
A Work by Dr. VOX MOSCHZISKER, Of No. 1027
Walnut Street, l'hiladelphia, eutiiiod
A 1100. KOKTUE I'tOI LK,
On the following Diseases : EYE and EAR Diseaoea
THROAT Disouao iu tlenerai ; Clurgyiaon' and
l'ublio Speukur' Sore Throat ; Discuses of the Air
Fw age, (Laryngitis, Bronchitis,)
jlklhiuu uitl i'u(ni'i'li
Thia Eook U to be hod at No. liofl Chemiut atreet,
l'hilutiol.hia. aud of all lSookscllcr 1'rie 1.
And from the author, Dr. Vim M-whtisker, who
cuu be consulted on all theae maladies, and all Ner
vous Atleclious, whb h he troau wiih the suret uc-ce-s.
Office, No. 10J7 Waluul Uvol, FhiUdelphia.
Feb. 11, loOd -3m
mm mi
Wistar's Balsam
W i X. D C XI 33 Xt It ST
no of the oldest nnd most rolinldo raniodius iu tlio
World for
Corahs, Colds, Whooping tNmjrh, Hrcnchltis, Hiffi
aulty of Breathing. Asthma, iiniiruuiias, Niro
Xhroiit, Croup, and every A.'leulion ut'
including even
So jenral has tho nse of this remedy become, and
ao popular is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary lo
recount its virtues Ila works spoaks lor it, and lind
ultoranco in tho abundant and voluntary testimony
of theiniiny who from long suffering and settled di.
scasc have by Ha use boen restored to pristine viuor
nud health. Vr'ecnn present a muss of evidence in
proof of our aertinn. that
Tlie Rcr. Jacob Nccliloi.
'cll known nnd much respected nnmnu;tho Herman
population iu thiseeontrv, make? the lollowinj;stuto
uiuiit for the beneCtof tho alllicted :
IlASoren.l'u., Feb. Ki,'l8.i9.
Hoar Sir : Having realized in mf family impor
tant beneflis from the am iir your valnabls pveptirn
i'ioh VVi.tar's Eiilsaui of Wild t licrv it nlronls nio
pleasure to recoinmend it to the puhlie. .Sfinni eijilit
veins ax"ottoof my daughters seeiiu d tn be iu n de
cline, mid little hopes of her recovery were enter
tained." 1 I lien procured n bottle of your t.xeelliut
Hiilnam, and lietiirc she had biken thu whuiu of tho
ooiitents ul'tho bottle i' il rasa great iuipr.iveiiieiit
in her health. 1 have, i.i u r individual case, untile
freiiieiit use of your v bi ll o ijicdieinc, and Lave
alio been bcuelitcd by it ,., ,
Smith, E.-q.,
reil;ntol tho Morris County Hunk, Mormtown,
New Jersey.
"liuviug used Dr. Wistar's 1!m1hiii of Wild Cheery
fornliotit lit'teeii yeuis, and lmvilig run 1 1 7.1-1 1 itn bene,
li'.'itil results in my family, it nllords me jrrcnt plea
sure in recommending it to the iullic as a aiunble
remedy is enses nl' weiik lime;, coltls. coughs. A-c.,
and a remedy which I con.-iiler to be entirely inno
cent, and may be taken with perfect safety by tho
most delicate iu health."
From Hon. John 13. Smith,
A distinguished Luwyer iu Westniiusler. Mil.
1 have on several occasions used Dr. i isiar's Enl
sniii of Wild I'lieny lor severe colds, nml always
with decided beuelii. 1 knott ot nu preparation that
is more elticaeioiLs ov inoiu deserving of geiiernl ito.
liie linls.'ilil has al.-o uceii used with excellent elici t !
bv J. II. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross iloads, .'Id. 1
WisT.u' Hi.mam os" W11.11 Cui.mtv.
None geuuiuo unless signed '-I. EL'TTji," ou thu 1
wrupper. I
l'OK SALE nr 1
J. T. lHXriMOnE. Xo. 4al Hroadway. Xe Yoik.
ti. W. EO Lli .V, Cli., Proprietors, Dutou.
Aud by ull Dingisls.
11 eu Is Uld bulxs.
Cures Eurus, Scalds, Cuts.
Cures Wounds, liruiscs, Spiuins.
Cures LVils, Vlcers, Cancers.
Cures .Salt Hheuui, l'iies, Ery-ipeias.
Cures Kingworiii, Corns, Ac., ,V'e.
12s Only -j Cents a l!u. ,VVJ
J IV DIN.-MOni'.. No. -nil llnia.hvay. N. i .
S W. I'OW 1,K rl CO. No. IS Tieninnt st., Huston.
And bv nil Druggist mid Country rtorukeupcr.
Dec'".' I iSill.
IMiiliMls-lplilit .V: i:rl ECrtilroml.
riHIS great line traverses the Km llicrn and N"flh
Y west eoittilies of I'ennsv'viiiiia to the city of Erie
I ..l. iu
It lo,.l'.,.,'l.. inert t,v il,., lViiimvtvatiiR Itnili
Company and is operated by them.
Its entire length was opened for passenger and
freight business, October l?lh. KSI'.l
Time oi Fassenger trains at Smiliury,
Leave Eastward.
Mail Irani, arrive
Eliuira Express Train,
Luck Uuveu Accommodation,
10.2:. 1. M.
IO.oj A. M
Leave Westward.
Mail Train, 4 15A.M.
El'.iura Express Train, -I)
Lock Haveu Aeeouiinodation, 4..i F. M.
Fasenger ears run through on Mail Train, without
change both way between Fhiludelphia and Eric,
und Hiilliinore and Erie.
Elegant Sleeping Cars on Mail Trains both
Way between Fhiludelphia and Lock Haven, and
ami on Eluura Express Train both way between
W illiunisport and liultimoru.
For information respecting l'nssenger business
apply at .'0ih and Market St., Fhibidelphin.
And lor Freight business of the Company's Agents,
ii. ii. Eiugslou, Jr., Cur. l ilh and Market St.,
.1. W . Keynolds, l'rio.
J. M. Drill, Agent X. C. P.. K.. Haltiuioro.
il. H. Hot STON,
lien'l Freight Agt. l'hilmlu.
Oeu'l Ticket Ag't., Fhiluda.
JuKGt'il D. i'dl'lh,
tieu'l Miinugcr, Williauisport.
Dec. .'!, lsf.l.
t-'.lS.T 11.. 1 ,0,tC)
lnO.Oi'O SIIAIIE.", FAR SIO 0''.
President T. HASKIXS DE Fl'Y, Fluid. ut o
the Cnttiiwissa Railroad Co.
Vice President '1 IIO.M AS D. W ATTSi .". of tho
Hard ware tirui of Truitt .V Co . No. Maikei st.
Treasurer SASH" EL WORK, of Work, MeCuucb
& Co., Rankers, 3'S South Third stieot.
DtitKi ions : T. Jliiskinslm Fuy ; Thomas IJ.
WutlHin ; K. S. Richmds, Of Ocriiianlown ; W illiaui
1). Chernd, Iiisiirance Agent ; tl conge I. Way, 'if
latcDrv Ooeds linn, J. T. Way Co.; A. W
l.eisciir'ing. Cashier Maueh Chuhk Hunk, Mauch
Chunk ; Edward Shippen, Hni.
Thu property ol the Drake Petroleum luiupuny
eoiisist oi I w o'traets of bind, oue of two hundred and
lifty-suveu acres and one of two hundred und sixty
live ucrcs. making iu ull, live hundred and twulvu
acres, iu lee, on the Ciuiwull Jirnnch of Oil Creok.
The ppiperty bus been oriltieiilty cxaminuil by a
Comuiitte appointed fur that purpose, uud the terri
tory pronounced, in their judgement, to be lully
euuul to that ot Oil Cieek, along whieh the largest
oil wells ever discovered have been found.
Tho lands resemble, those on Oil Creek, in every
pui Ocular, and it is behoved Iroui the largo number
o! o.l springs iu elose proximity, thai vuluublu well
will be opened on both these tracts.
The management huve already secured several
Engine and engaged a competent Superintendent,
wiili a i lew to immediate una uu energetic develop
ment. . ,
A lurgu portion of these tract, u bottom, nnd
udniirubly adapted lor boring?
ec voi al Company are organized on lands im
mediately ailjuiiiiug this territiirv. among which are
the Hriggs anil Cre.cul City Oil Cuuipuuiv uf Fhilu
delphia. In presenting the Pruke Petroleum Company to
the puhlie, the Director ask that their scheme
should bu examined, uuc subscription luado tu thu
Slock in full lailh u lo it pruseul and prospuulivu
T. HASKIXS DU Pl'Y. Proident.
THOS. Ii. W ATTftOX, Vioe 1'ie.ident.
SAMl EL WORK, Treasurer. "
Subscription will be recclvod for a limited number
of shares at the Hanking Houne of W oi k, MeCouch
4 Co.. No. SO South Third Street, l'hiladelphia.
December 10,lSoi.
rliVNieiAM c Mi' it i:o.-.
WTHO la a traduate of Jefferson Medical College,
aud ho bad ample experienee inhitpital aud
citv practice, utler hi profuasiiuial service to th
oituuu of Upper Augu.ta, Rush and bhaniokin
tuwnahipa. Re.ideaice near guydurluaa.
Jau. 7, loos. Siu.
BLANK (Parchment Paper,) Deod aud blank
Mortgage, Hoods. Eaeeuixiiu, Surauou. Ac.,
of aal at the o. ot lu "BuiAiury AweiicMu "
Market utreot, ono door tauA nl 3lr Heu, m
Have oponcd
K3i-t Iron nnd Kioto Wtorp,
and intend keenintf cmelantly on hand; luid mill.
factiii-ing to order osi shortest notico,
TIX AND BIIEET 1ROS-W AUK ol ull dweriptio
A Largo Stock of Cook ftoveaM' the following llran'
.nd on tk3 following two Erfiuds wir defy oompc
tioif, namely
4.'oiilinution 4iinsi linrnci-, fL'ock.
Wownor BVnii (iook,
unsurpassed for benuty of finish, sintplteily of
rnngemont. eouibining cheapness and durnlolily, 11 stove warranted to pelorin what they are
ALSO, rARLHIl anil 0F7I2 STOVKH. in (:r
variety, emliriieln: all tho bent miiaafuctuics, t
most fashioiitiblc designs
Also. The celebrated OEM for lioa'iaj wj 1
down stairs.
Also the celebrated VELCAX IIEATFK.
Coal Oil, t.'onl Oil Lmiifi, rliiisli
i'tiiriiiilcsi, iijkI nil nrlis-Ics,
unusually keit in nn csiablisbmcnt of thin kind,
arenl-o fHi..pitied todonll kinds ol Spouting, ltiioli
Kunge and burnace 'la'k, ejus I'ltliiig, ilo. Hep:
ing cheaply uuil neatly executed.
Country produce tukcu in exchange ul mm
sMrm ,tT;K"nii:n.
Have the Atf..P..v lor ItMiU'rf CKLl.lill ATED Fl
l'l.Al'E j'loVE.-t, forth,'.' I'ountics of N'oithuuit
land. S.ydoi'; Ei.'eai and lyntour
Ai'd m e also itgont!" lor thu EipUor A Willo'
Liin. 'Truiispoi'iittioii.
fcun utv .Dee. .!. istil.,
B A Z A A R .
.'oriis-r vl'IurKrt Ssjiiarc . SSii
Jt'oatl Slr-I,
s u x I) u a y , p i: x x a.
Of the newest s'rles
find made eoiial to
cut by the l" -t Artists, triii"
u.-toiu woii ai sola ut
lowest prices.
Jlt'U U5il liSsj'"i t.'lolUiiii'?; cf the bist
teriul Consisting of Dress Cuati. Frock Coals, !
t.'o.tts, Finite, and ests ol various colors and ip
such as Shirts, Ovcr-shirls. Undershirts, Dra
Collars, Cravats, Necktie.-, Uaudkeichieis, Stock
U loves, Ac.
Hal tsii'l i!iH ofsill Uin&m
r.HELLAS. and XOTIo.V.y of all kiuds, und n
runs other articles.
The public uro invited to call and nam in
Kcmeinber the plnee. 'Continental f'lothing Pl
Corner of Market Sc. mu e uod the N C ll I
Sanbury, Dec. 1(1. ISiU.
'l'lio niil'lo, lfonbloa.Vctiiijo,
rpHfS Shelicr is the only one Unit shells the
J. perfectly clean from ilie Cob wln-n green.
vd or tlry. It irivui-lite Earn double opcru!
the Shelliim heel as it puascs through, and
riitee tho Cob from the Corn completely, rcudei
at once tit top market without the uo of thu lu
mill, litis machine shells a
I ft! J!ashdf :. to the )im,U
AUvy Hand 1'uinr.
1 I ami can be Used , also, by, Steiim or
Power bv attaching a Pulley on thu Clank
For Durariility, Cltaidinis, Neatness Che
and Rapidity in Shelling, this Machine cam
equalled i any other.
(Jkxti.i:mi:n : If you v.uut your com S
clean ; if you have occasion tu shell giueu or
corn; ilyuuvvant yuur corn and cob sepaia
you want a durublu machine ; if you waul a
sheller, buy the Complete, Double-Acting, Sc
uiutin Ceru Sheller.
II. B. Miwer Dr. J. W. Teale Sa
Charles lliwis, Miller, Samuel Lcssig. Ri
C. I). Morgan A Co., Ceo. Weiser. L. Ai
Millers, Sunbury. Sol. Martz. Furmei
Hemy Letseuring, Rear Onp. C. Albert, Oeor:
Jl iliufaeliired and for Sulu al the louli
ROHlltiACIl i COOPER, Sunbury, Pa.
Sunbury, Dee. Isoi (jiu
3ST3W 33AI:3l
ltK undcrsixn-l will ikm-h a JUtkcry. on
where he will keep coiist.iutly uu hand,
fl'rs-hli lir-uI, Tn iat-lColU, Iti
and TEA-lil NNS, which will Le dclivjjed u
lies every morning.
All kinds of
FA VCY CAKES. Comiiuui Cakes, Preti,
Pic-Nie l'artu'.-'. Wedding and Funerals,
supplied al the shortest nntico,
.1 good,1 1 in v nt will In? kept up nt nl
liotliliiaet til ,'d I lit el the last UlUUi :al, and
will lie pl'inuptlv lilti.'laled hi.
lie trust that hi- lri. and Ike puhl'e g
will sustain liiin iu thia new c-Urpiw, nov
needed in Sunliiiiy.
He 11U.-.IS hi.- experienec in tiie business w
ble liiiu to give general satislaetiou to ull wl
favur him wilh their patrouitge.
Saiibury, Dee. 10. lt04.
hi n w .
tiol the Rest -Miet the Cheaia U (let the u
mimical, whit ii can bu hud at thu Rohrbuch J
Having a large assortment of the mosl i
STOVES, such as Cooking, Parlor. Office i
Stoves, which will be sold ui the luwe.1 rau
Keltic of ull sizes, Pan. Skillets. Ac.
'1 lie are also inaiiufaeiuiiug Machinery,
Custims, Ac., at short uotioo.
Ho, airing ull kinds of Agricultural lui
done in a good woi kuiuuliku manlier ai
shortest ii.)ice.
All urueU 'hipped I'S ordered. HrJei.
fully solicited and prontpl'v alUnde I U.
R'UllvRACil A CO'
l i Old Iron, nnd all kind, ul FioJuoo
Exchange for work
Sunbury. June IS, ISO I. if
n otTc e
NOTICE Is hereby givcn to all persons
thcmselve indoljled lo thu suu-eiib.i
aeoount or oiherwiso. tu illi, the aame ou
the 1st of March noxt Mlll;1. WUK.a ,lu8 i.
pu'. in thu bauds ot a juiiia ; oosive iiin
. . , , JOUNWI
Sunbury, Jan. T.jsoi.
r. ui ti:k i.-iHT
IJfjotograpt) (fiallr
NuJ. 90-JJ, tOl and 70U ARCH ST
Deo. 17, 1884. fim
IP you want good Tin-Wojo. Co tu
UEXTHtR'SNew Sh.ep. ' '
1 P you want a good Cooking. Ktou. '
(jN IHLli o x,t, (J,,
Uko. W. HsttTit.