Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 04, 1865, Image 2
Cuf Simlmrt American. K. I:. MAB&RF., n.litor & Proprietor. 1'. WITjVEUT, Publisher. nrftitrnv, 5-f " We have only to say to the editor of ic tfitionian, thnt we find no fault hi his lltug the truth, 'plainly" or ornamentally, it we dn flnil fault in tiW rtfurtst to sup ess it in oil iM In nriiij in regard to the 'inmissIoni'M. en tin? t'niirt. qiu-s-n. If tlm nlitur i.f the ilihan'ma U puble of iH.icriiuiniiiii'.K between argu 'iit and aophUtry, ami rk'ht nnd wrony, ; must know thin to be toi. H hr rot en able- to show tlmt the C'liiiiiiixsioners ive, in n single instance, failed to pi-rfc-rni oir duty, or nited contrury to law. The .-and Jtlry id tlic month piece of the pco. " in thie. twitter, and is bo made hy law. i?y represent the peoplu in thu eyes of the .v, in filth matters, ns much po ns our nutor dou in letrislatiun, mid tlic editor 4 nsanrted thnt "Grand Juries liavo so leniently recommended the erection ofn nw Court House, tlmt these reeonimcndn ions lind become n mere matter of form." here, then was the indignant voice of the .Ihr.innf That xvns the proper time to otcit, not n)rnint the Commissioners, but ain't the Grand Jury, for such a rccom .ndntion. Again and again the Grind Jury rrror.i- If "iidcd the measure, hut when the Com iss'ioners, after having waited over six proceeded to perform ft duty re tired of them by law, nnd ly the action the Court and Grand J'"-, these modern ".uiiels" pronumed to set in judgement nnd ndemn their actions. They wait until ier the letting and nfler the materials arc nt ranted for nnd money paid over, then ddenly pond up an indignaut howl, for irposcs well understood. If the editor of the Vlltutiiau can point t any misrepresentation on our part, let n do so. If he can show that the Com issioncrs hare not. acted fairly nnd nccord g to low, let him point out in what par mlar they failed to do so, instead of muli ng a sweeping charge based on not a :ulow of evidence. . emption is worth abont two per cent, per tT Ot.. Jamkb S. k. e in I nniiUnij according to the rate of taxation in mmon with the ninny obi friends of Col. j various parts of the country, ullacc, were pained to h am that that dis-1 It is a Natioxai. Savinos Dam:. While ignished writer died in Louisville, Kv., on ! tlli1 l,,f"'s S "!antages to lare " , ....., , , j capitalists, it otters special inducements to turdaybi't. Col. Wallace possessed at' ,hos0 who wWi to make a safe and protita ictive social qualities, nnd a noiileness of ; ,c investment ofsmull savings. It is in nl that endeared him to all who knew j every way the best Savings' Hank ; for every in. As ajoi.irnlisthe had few superiors, institution of this kind must somehow in- ifioo , ' r ,,.. l,,iit,l fl, vwtits depos-.ts proti'.ably in order to pay "'" " lurans of the Mixnns' JornXAi,. in 1S4U t removed to llarriiburcr. where he became ' .i:m.m, ,.,,.!,.t ..f iVn r.!.- ,t t;Utlll ,1111.11 1 Mill IIH'IU Itl"! '.I. i t ,oin i 4 i i-. ! . r' ''r. iU IV 3 ilU IOIIIV ITlllLUI till uii:ii "I j S . TS i- 151.:i...1..1..1.!., I 'ic rorum, n iennj paper in i iiii.u.i:iinii.i. ; subsequently was connected with the ; liladelnhia CunUe and XirHi American J siv or aevsil years was joiut proprie-' v and editor ol the s,t, ,hit under his ! arg had a large eircuiaiiou. aw -f nn since Col. Wallace removed from ( (iladelphia to Loui-vilic, where he hccaun; , ,oi ,f o,l ..-I'll v, lr, nil.. n ! u. ........... ................... , .t viiiwmi riciuctct t:ie .loniwi.. lur- that nn-l ired in the .lot ks-ai,, v.liieh ivas naturally, u'lbuted to the eareful jen of Mr. I'rui :c. was vriiltcn by Col. Walla e. ... u.. uuui, n:. tnitting, nrdunus labor for overn quarter ; a century, with his pen, in that most ..wring of positions editor of tho dailv ess completely prostrated his health, and ; died after n eontinemcnt of several weeks , his bed. llo leaves a wife and tight ',1,l'n- , Tlie editorial nrofi.s-,inn of th'u f'litte. : thoul execjition, reinenibcis him kindlv, regrets his death. tii?" The V'iicm' Journal )ieaking of the ' (' -cnturer ol trliuyluiil county says: The County Treasucr received during the t year a salary amounting to between 1,000 nnd $15,000, and thinks application ght to he made to the J.ceishiture im- ornately uy tne comniissioncrs to Jmve a gnlar Kalary fixed for the Treasurer, say j 100 year, which would he ample in- ,.-,;,,.,. 1 ' .tnnn Cltrh. lure. According to the Auditor's lleport. there j is on the 1st of January, 1S05, a surplus! $10 112 20 11 in the li pids of the Trea- I "tc 1 h''ol"v" onu tlie ninlity ut iliu rouil to ' "ooui nmr s.jiiuro miles, lis jiuimrtance is ri r itli il. ',,',, .i'i'ftT. -n tn ,l "le'-l 'I'econstai.lly trrowitig business oiler- i greatly enhanced whin I state ihut it is cou r.r, with the mm ot fMO.-ou .0 in the , , nMl UUf.m,.lltl,(1, oSina in the lurBc ' '"-l with a system of river olUructions, nils of Collectors. ; amount cf transportation w hich the War j thevunx do iVise, torpedoes, etc., which it ! Department of the Government required the j would have been impiMu:ih!u to pass while iT Whatever siibsedtient iutclliirence l-'l""J' wi' to pei'orm. the xd tonnugo to ,I(,J "J" tho enemy's strong line of works on ,i;0i. .-i . . .i -i l'i -ity ha fallen oil', 73,000 tons being 1,10 opposite, peninsula, side of Cape Fear .y disclose, tne latest advices at this writ-1 lle,ivcru,, Uvrc -m oi, g,uut 107,000 iS ! rivt'r- Willi its fall fell also the works on 4 from Piichmond, would seem to incline . l(j:J. This deficit in the iwremito coal i tl,u opposite side of tho river, and of which . tire belief that the whole rebel army would I deavor to concentrate at J'ichmond or its rinity ; that some of the forces of neaurc rd had already reached them ; that I'e sburg was about to be evacuated; r.nd 'it Hiclimnnd wonhl be lletil tn ("in l.nat iremity. Such a course would seem lo bej Ir." "'V'?? l ,,ml u tbcf ., , . , - same time to ivspomi duly to the wants ot ? height of folly, with the armies of Slier-j tho (iovenunent, will ustoiiish those who ;n, Scholicld, Gillinore, &c., on one pidc ' have thought the continued prosjierity of d that of Grant on the other, with the ,llls ,ual was emitingeiit on a continuance lrnnds destroved. and the supplies rut off 0,''1l!,;;v!1,r,'.n"tl Ur' "oyeniiiient patrouage. . . . . ,l:'t this source ot revenue has not e intimation cf the northward movement amounted to fo much as their legitimate i scarcely be thought of for a moment, ns j coal trade, which wus of net'eity neglect ant can tianport his troops by water at a rt' wi" ',c apparent when it is remembered ten quicker rate to head him off, than he ,1'"t, ,!;0 ou c,ml "lu reinunerative, . , ... , , .... ,! , , ., while the Government pays oiu-thud less . march by land, v.uh dwapidnted rail-1 f(r lUc tnxnv,ri.Mu,n ot IrJ ops and supplies .ds for only half the distance. That Lee ihar. was allowed by the rates of 1801, while concocting a desperate scheme of some ! the Company has taxed its capacity to meet d, cannot be doubted ; neither can it be i ,t Grant is fully prepared for liim. A ! ylc week more must devclnpc eent? if, Very highest impnrtaiiee to tho General: vat ion. ' Tun Xistii N i hovai. Hixk ok mn : "V OF U.V ioilk Joseph I'. UrviS, OF Nun' Ylillk .loseiill I', orvis, -s-ident has been one of the most enter - sing and ituwful Agents for the various i n""!1'1 "K' -' nt, mutually benen , ,b .. ... cial, will soon be made, to enable the Com- vtrnnu nt lon. Over Mty million dol-! llunv tQ fc. Ic.,,i i,..ip fra, l lu .i1ilji.11t1.r 4 have been placed la the bands of the pie through its ugeccy . within nine nth, and it now advertises to furnish the. 0 Notes by exprc, free of charge, in all Is of the country.' In object U patriotic, t the hijjh reputation of Ul ofUcers, ns II as its capital cf million dollars, is a s g'Jiirfantfe that the 7 -20s subscribed for ;u'h itj ?r"7'-rlll ,t prcuptly for- Irt. 25C t-'netft About Itie T-30 Tlie AUron. tncMlliry ollVr. Tnr.m Atisoi.bTE Brcvihtt. Nearly nil active credits arc now based on Government securities, and banks hold them as the- Very best nnd strongs investment they can make. If it were possible, to contemplate the finan cial failure of the Government, no bank would be any t iter. If money is loaned on Inrlivhlnnljniitcs or bond and mortgage, it will be payable in the same currency us thu fi. ...... i n,i 1... Hit 'I'Ih' Government hs never failed to meet iu ! engagements, uud thu national-debt is a first mortgage upon the wnoin properly in me counsry. While otlier stocks fluctuate from ten to flfiy, or even a greater per cent., Gov ernment 'stocks are iihvajs comparatively linn. Their value is iied'nd reliable, be yond nil other securities; lor while a thou sand speculative Jumble rUv and burst, as a rule they are never below par, and arc often above. Its J.i m. l.T.:in:sr. --The yintrnl rate of interest is kin per ceiit. I'.iyablu nnnivil Iv. Tins is seven and three tenths, payable '' "";. If you lend on mortgage, tlii-ru must lie n searching of titles, lawyers' fees, stamp duties and delays, mid you witl dually have returned to you only the same kind of money you won) 1 receive from the Government, and le-s of it. If you invent in this loan, you have no trouble. Any. batik or bunker will obtain 1' for you without charge. To each iinto or bond are nflised five, "coupons'' or in)'rt th-krts, due at the expiration uf each successive half-year. The holder of a note has simply to cut olf one of these coupons, present it to the nearest b.ijik or Government Ai;eney, and receive his in terest ; the note itself need not be presented at all. Or a coupon thus payable will every where be cnuivalcnf, when due, to money. roil vis i to borrow ninety cents on tue i dollar i:pon tin notes, vim have the highest security in the market to do it xv'ty. If you .. wish to sell, it will bring within a fraction of cost and interest at any moment. It will be very hmidv to have in tlm house. It is convertible into a six per cent, gold -i,;.l, . i years n ho d' r ot tne notes ol the i.oO J .nun ; f ., .. ,. ,. :.. has the opium ol ncccplmt! navmeut in full or of funding his nules in a six per cent, gold-interest bond, the principal payable in i:ct les-s than live nor more than twenty years j from Its date, as the Government may elect. Thtse bonds are held at such a premium as to make this privilege now worth two or three per tent, pel annum, and adds so much to the interest. Notei of the same class, issued three years ago, are now selling nt the late that fully proves the correctness of this statement. Its Uxkmptiox rnoM Statu on Mi nkii'.vi. ! taxation. iitit aside from all the advanta ges we have enumerated, a special Act of i Congress enmtn (til wli mid Treuurii noUn I from lunil taiiii iim. On the nvenge this t.v- expenses. Iliey will invest large tmen't. ' Ihit ! hev receive, I ! expenses of I )y i; this loan, as the best inve lrom the uross interest which the they must deduct largely for the exi - . , . - . . Ihtnk. Iheir usual rale ot mtercs1". ul - irlorott I Jv ..W '.,,(.. A.I... ......... .....V- . I nved to deposilois is 3 jn-r cent, n-,,m am.ns 1 ver o0;. The person who i-., esu d'""f:-iiy ' .-it Ii Government wiil revire ulmos'... SO per I over with T-ive idnios' , SO per rent. nunc. 111114 '.m man ,Vho deposit, j 1 rflOOn in n linrnl m,.i Ml ,. ' ',.' ', " wle'' ,;"I1K Tr--. ..vw.,v i. floliaw. 1 or t!ose wish to nu1 '. sriTe, convenient, and profital..! lueans 'f inv-tiiig the surplus earnings which they "" en hh iiiiir out iigc or joruic belief of their children, there is nnthiii!' which pte-ents so many advantages as this! "1 e.-lerday, while the guns maintained 11 Miitional Loan. . " i heavy Cue upon Port Port Anderson, 1 prcss- 'J'm: lIi'iiii'iT ?rTivr.. The war i evi- ' l'' 'leniy on lmth sides ot the river, ami deniiy draning to a close, luit while it lasts scnt 11 ''.'rrc unU-r General Cox ahout six thc 'l'Vi.a-i::v ;i.u .t have monev to miet its i t'-'1'" niiles around the swamp to turn the cost, anil everv motive that patriot sin i;'.cuie should induce the peojilu to supply its wants without ilelav. The Government ' can I 'Uy cheaper for cash in hand than on ; i ieilit I i. 11 0.. tbor itu n-mii; i.i-.. i ,i . ' v ami liKerallv stilish'ed. .lIC,.,y, l',i. Ut ult.. The oillu rii (Vulrsil k(ii"iu:ty Ailn'i'il M.tlii.i; of the !o.-!.nJMn-lUurU (;; iTvola.t, Dut i-l'ir, ,vc, ' The regular annual ineetiii'' of the steel;- i hoUieis of the .Nouiieru Central Jiiiilwuv 1 i I omimiiv was Iiebl ut noon vesterdav tit 1 Calvert Sl.ilion to hear the reports of the j otlieers, and eleer a Loard of Directors for; the ensuing year. After the organization of j the inei liiig'the annual report of thu Pivsi- i dent. .1. D. Cameron, Ks.j., was submitted iiud read. I The report shows a very prosperous con- ! dition of the Company and largely increased ,'-l:''l' "' "mn lor tne pasi year tins cnruings bom all soiuces wire ;J,041,SC2 7 tliecxiH-ntes for all purposes il.!lll8,i'S 5, showing a net prolit of A ,078,:b0 3.'". A large ini rcasu in the eijuipment has tonnage added to the natural increase,) couiu it liavo been carriwd, would have much mure than counttn.alniiced the earn- ing from Goveio'.netit patronage. This ex lr.bit ot a falling oil' in die tonnage in a pro fitable trade, constantly increasing in pro duction ainT consunioiioii. because of the tne prrsoim; wants ot thu Government, and that williugly. To do so it lias been forced to t nego ii bii-iness legitiinately its own, of much greater value. The double tr.u k is progressing lavorably, nof.vilhstund ing the se.arcity and high price of labor and mati lial, the completion of which will ena ble the Company lo biinn to Baltimore a - : much larger trade than is possible ou ii i simile tr.ick, ! 1 he I'MSiiient mjulges in tho hope that Canton l'nrties have Ltcu aniioiis to ha'o the coal Iniids coutrollcd by th Company iu the Shmnokin region, but to secure this coal trade to Baltimore it is deemed best to uiaiutaiu this control, uud fur this reason all oiler, w hich looked to diverting this trade to other points bave been rejected. The number of passenger and troops carried during the year was 1,032,017; the T'lmVier ot livr In't of tln nbote iiumUr v7P.s tv r. I ihr -f l..-t Iheir lives br stand ing on the platform while the cars were in ruutlon. , The largo outlay in placing the rond in good condition render It less liable to ucci dent than 'heretofore ; and the road is now in as pooa n condition as any in the coun try. Tli Li judicious outlay will coiitinno until the road shall be complete in all ap pointments. In spcakinjr of tho Elm Ira Division, the report says : ;'YYc believe tho trade of tho iirtiiwtst, is snliieient at all times to niai'c ibis road profitable independent of the 'ad vantage it is to this Company ns a feeder, and tlie power which it gives us to nttract trade to llaltimore, which would otherwise go to ew i oik. The Hoard of Director", ns previously constituted, was unanimously re-elected, and subsocpiently organized. .1. ). Cameron, Ksrj.. the present" energetic nnd popular 1 'resident, was re-elected together with Uo'uert Itollins, K?., ns Secretary. XII N EMl.IiOF WIIUI.MU TOS. 0S Inl Etrport l2iiirnl rorlcr, Vrilmington has aisn fallen. It was taken possession of on the 22d Washington's birthday . Ve have no other details of the great event except the following report of Admiral I'orter to the Xavy Department, ho says as little os possible of the opera tions of the Army : t'AI'l! l-'KAIt lilVKIl X. C, Feb. 82. U. 8. Klauso ir M ai.vkkx. csi it : 1 have thu hon or to inform you that AVilniington has been evacuated, and k now in thu possession cf our troops. After thu eval uation of fort Anderson 1 ixished the uuubouts as far us the water would permit the army inishing .i ... .i ... . .. i i H i .... 1. 1 it... ........ i : ..... .... ii... ht and uiuius oi ine liver. fter winding nnd clearing out the mid dle ground, at liig Island, 1 succeeded in getting the gunboats over, and opened fire on i'oi t Strong, the work commanding the principal obstruct ions, where the rebels had ..i.... i r.i...:. i ........... .Northeastern, K ' Uur nre su soon drove the rebels away from the fort but now and then they would lire a shot, one of which struck tho Sassacus be low water mark, and set her sinking badly. She was struck once or twice more, but with no loss of men. That night, the 20th, the rebels sent down two hundred floating tor pedoes ; but I had a ttrong force of picket boats out, nnd the torpedoes were sunk, with musketry. . "One got in the wheel of the Osceola, blew her wheel house to pieces, and knock ed down, her bulkhead in board, but did no damage to her hull. Some of the vessels picked up tlic torpedoes without their tor pedo nets. "The next morning I spread two fishing ucts across the river. "Vesterday evening. General Ames, with his divisii)n,"moved within u short distance of the front, and had a sharp encounter with the rebels. On hearing, the musketry, and sceinir where our troops were, 1 opcif raoid tire on the fort, and along tho ,m.,Ix(' i Hue. 1 lie lori rcs-mniicti wuu '.nice ... i .1 . shuts, Imt tvas soon sileucc'. "1 ins morning we 1'Card that. ten. Terry was within tne T.orks: a: he road was clear to Yilur',).rton ontauk could n,;t.K' t af"-"M the withoiit lighten: 7S w0..f some labor. , 'l l'lasure ot placing the (lag nintr oji ' "'I' " .le-n". I;!ll.l lit 1'J I Port S .,,nr. find lit VI o'clock hi-ibiv. shull . -- . a salute ul ii. gun?, T'TS;"'.V of Washington's "" fo-'. a Riirifi. nt :' iniiu tliic Im.m..f ll ..i5 s birtli-dav. 1 ' H ill ol f ori .tiMli-t-ruHi. Tin; folliiwiii; is the o flic, hi I nii'il of General SclmBeld. of the fall of Fort Ander son, to Lieut. Gen. Giant. Jt is dated tho 13th : "General I have the honor to report the success of our operations against Fort An derson and the adjacent works ou Iioth Flll( s (,t "Pe i' ear liiver. enemy s right, 'llns ioree made Us way aloii"; a narrow (U tile Lctweeu two swamps, eomplelely turiie.i the cneniv s posi- '"As soon ns the movements liocninc known to the enemy he abandoned his works and ! retreated towards Wilmington. We eaptur j cd ten guns uninjured and a considerable amount ot ammunition. U'c have about ; fifty prisoners. The loss in killed and I WOtiniled IS cninll oil either ido. Tlm Ir.-wmu Mti pursuiny- the cneniv. and the L'uubonts lire moving up the river. Port Anderson a!ul iU eollnteral works are very strong, and '"ll,'-'"?-l iilni,s-t mnt'CC'ssibic hy swuniii. A nr.,. ..i i i. i-.i i .i. . -1 . , . "'""i nucu i-ouiu inivc neai mem mull iiieir 'Pl'lies were exhausted, . "M.V hiformiilion is that the rebels haven ''nu "f defence beyond Tom creek, where l'R'.v l'roposu to make a stand. If so it can P'obubly only be a short ono."' l'ort Auderson is a work of great extent eovering nearly as much ground ns Port Pisher; it is a work, being a series uf large mounds or traverses rising 23 or '10 feet above the waters of Capo Fear Uiver, on which it fronts, to the nearest, and extend ing in alternatini' mounds, traverses, anoles. embrasures and ditched, inclosing nn urea of veiy strong ami capable of a determined "i-ieuec. - " ' , " ( .1 S II I "1 ii 'V O ?i . 'I'ho A'exl atiu-l. Hon. Hugh McCulloch's name will not be sent in before the Fourth of March, w hen Mr. Lincoln will send in tjio entire Cabinet as follows: Secretary of Stat", W. II. Sew aid ; Secretary of War, P.. M. btantou ; hec retary uf the Navy, Gideon Welles; Secre tary of tho Treasury, Hugh McCullouch ; Secretary of the Interior, J. I'. I'shel ; Post, moster -General, W. P. Dennison ; Attorney General, .lames Speed. AT. will remain tor the ensuing four years but Judgo Usher, who will probably retire at some future time, and lfon. A. W. Ii indall, of Wisconsin, will suc ceed him. Peiiusylvauiu will be without any representation other than Mr. Stanton, who formerly hailed from Pennsylvania. There is no unity of interest in Pennsylvania and no strong limn put forth to represent her, or she would bo accorded a place in the Cabinet. AKMV Ol' TUB I'OTll.MAC. ft jar ltc orts from tlio Is.iuirer'. siiccial in front ' "iUiH 1cmso they should bu iu- of I'etuMburg, dated tSunday iiioip.iiig, iay fd tts l'V1x;t'.ru.u' J lu'-v uru tt vegetablu ton tlmt tlie rain have made the roads one va.t ! ,c u"1a V "'J1'10 V" l" uu tUo tu,ltra bog, and that any movement of cither urmy woiuu, in jircseiu, ue iiniioseiiijio. liuuiors were current iu tamp that l'elers hurg was to be evacuated ut an early day.'s movemeuts, however, uro still shroud ed in mystery, ll is known that tho Jttbel l'r i so no m we liave been excliaiiKeinir are hurried to lleaureaaid for ilulv at once. siv iuey Va cheerfully and without furlouijhs, hi ing told by General Lee, who niakea Ire! fluent specchr, that all there is to do now i, to destroy bheruian and their iudenendeuce it gained. ' It is generally believed in Hichmond that Davii aud Ifl will cornpell the lluM Kenate tn "rant them the power to conscript all too Hlareii In the South, anl that they w ill at once conumnco f-vruitins l'.srriTl.M,ii m i (!cn. NUermnn's Jtlnrrh Through INortU Carolina. Wasiiixotom, March 1. Ilichmond papers of Monday, February 27, state that bhermnn is not moving to wards Charlotte. They decline to say where ho is going positively, but their editorials show quite dearly that he is moving north eastwardly, towards Ooldsboro, North Caro lina, where, as already published, a junction with" Schofietd's forces will lo formed. These papers indicate, without doubt, that there has been no fighting in Sherman's front of any account. Tho Ejraminvr says, "In tho ab'encc of official information of military affairs in the Carolinns, we take nothing from other sources of intelligence and omit the nsunl reference to our (lie of Southern exchanges. "We do so at the request of the authori ties, nnd with the understanding that other city journals liavo been put muter olihgiv tions of reticence to the extent indicated above. The public will no doubt be pro perly patient in this interval of silence, and not take it ns disocurasmjr. tor we are as. stired that there are good reasons for it, which look to an early official announce mcnt ol lavoraule results. "I'.rigadicr Generals Crook nnd Keilev, of the L'nited States Army, whose capture was noticed in this column on Siturday, arrived in the city on that dav, and were iurnished with npartmants at the Lihbv. "Mr. Hussel, member of Congress from the heeling district, visited Geu. kellcv yesterday. "The Hiclimnnd DieiwfeJi savs ; General Joseph K. Johnson, on Thursday evening last, nssumcd command of the nimv in Sherman's front hdely commanded by Jlcau1 regard." 'ri, r: ei. n:i.....i it; . "We tire indebted to the enterprise of tlic pnutliern Express Company tor August a " per to the 20th inst. 'o important niH tary movements nre reported. ( 'apt.' Dick enson captured several officers nnd a !on:iid crable number of enlisted men dnrjng. the recent Yankee raid into Florida. 'General X. II. Forrest has been placed in command of all the cavalry in th-' districts of Mississippi, East Louisiana nnA West Ten nessee. II is first general orde promises n reorganization of tin cavalry vfith the resto ration of discipline.' lie threatens to exter minate nil confederate stragglers, robber and deserters. J "General Thomas' trprtps nre being mount, ed for i supposed ftiartii through Alaba ma. "Haids have bec made from Hernnndo, Mississippi, townnf Sinntnbia. "Many Complaints of General lii' Smith nre made fn the West. " J "Gen. Wotlerl is in commaui1 . i,i, , The rcorganiatioi m commenced.,' Je' HW 41 l Kill KI, igin hus already t' - from Nort'.,Nn Missis,, .i 1 aveeen Knt tf) nn i ' " tK,0l)!' '0 moving in the West, ""S1. niiioi tant .nkvemtnts nre reported. A I-'.glshiture ot Mississippi is about a to r;: jfene in extra Ee-?sinu, it is said for the 'j-iivpose of calling a State Convention. r j '"The tleorgia Legislature convened on the l'Jtli inst., at Macon. "CiiAiii.iiTTK, '. C, Feb. 2-1. There is no alarm here. The enemy are reported to be mining in thu direction of . During the retreat from Columbia a train of eiil-a filleil uitli Indie broke ilou-n f.vnnomr ! them to the damrer of capture by the Yum kees. ' 1 "I'l-nm tlio beet Infill mutiiin reooivo.l t.oe.. it appears probable that a considerable con- thmratiou occurred in tho western portion of Culuinuirt, occasioned, it is supposed, by ' eatton ignited in the streets. It is reported I tliat the lire extended lrom Jlain street to C'iiaHoiie depot, nearly three-fourths cfit mile. '1'he iuformMtiou is jiohil ive us to the occurnincc of the lire, but doubt is cnlci tinn ed as to its magnitude. "The news from Columbia corroborate the kind treatment of thu inhabitants. The L'rsulino Convent was piotectud by a iniard. No public property was allowed to be bum-1 ed in the city. ".Sherman's headijuarteis were at Nicker- sou's Hotel. The alarm in Charlotte lias ', subsided. The weather is bud and the roads : heavy, interfering with rapid military move- j inenls. j "Sonic of the refugees from Charlotte are preparing to return. Ciiaiii.'ditk, Feb. 23, -There is no ad ditional news from the front, ll is suppos ed still that the enemy uro making their way to . AKtiv or Tin- .i t?is:s. AllMV OK TUP. .1 AMI'S, Bui'oni-l l'.K'll.MOM), Feb. 20, lMi.1. The military situation in Virginia, nnd particularly at this point, promises to furnish soon some interesting developments. The combinations of the commanders iu chief of tlie unities of the United States are gradually encircling Leo nnd his forces, whom he has driven into the trenches around Petersburg und Kichiiiond, w ith u cordon of moveable columns which w ill si.on change the nspect of affairs. Due important" thing seems now settled, that Lee will soon 1 c obliged to assume the offensive or leave his best fortified position without lighting. The complications which threaten the Con federacy are so numerous that but little doubt is entertained us to the advantage which has already been gained by strategy, and brilliant prospects now loom up in ad vance of the spring-campaign. Olliccrs be gin to see the end of the w ar, and to specu late that military campaigning upon any large scale will not be necessary af'er the next four months. Front this standpoint the end ecenis iu view. Tho weather is not at all favorable for military operations, but the enemy, being so surely pressed on all sides, may be driven to attack our fortified positions, or to evacuate, ins biiringiioiiis. News of a battle or au evacuation may reach you any day. Day before yesterday one thousand more of our brave prisoner of w ar, from North nnd South Carolina, were exchanged at Cox's Landing. They look as destitute and have suffered as much as any previous com pany of victims of tho barbarism of the South. There was some firing last evening iu tho directiou of Petersburg. A report was iu circulation yesterday that that citv was being evneuated, from which you may judge i- .IT.. i......:.... '.a i i .:..i. .'.... ... .UvV,lu,i.l ,uC,K u u nimiime . 1110 ttlllllen liere. Ultra 1 bluokt', It la true, but tlio tire Vt ill Minn be been. i a , , .. i "All Ounco of rruvftltim, is uorth a j Touiid of Curo."Tliu old uud ever true, j niaxini is fully fxeini.litied in tbo Ubo of! 'l'iiikertou'n Walioo und Culisaya llittcm." llundreiU and tliousumls lravo been taveil tnmi tevt'is by tlio dully use ol' tlieu liittera. ry ilo all L'uod w ho u.u them. Tliev lieln eireulatiou, icstoiu a lost uiietite, mid great ly promote tlieucliou of the digestive organs, aud never fail to counteract the bad effects produced by the change of climate or xt uter. Travelers should uol do without them. 1 hoy aru pleasant to thu puluto, and will i . . ... . . . - . . i .'.'Vio'o ueugiueu I lie wiiolo syuteiu. lr; ,u,e. wotlle-"!! will put few life in you, make you feci that there u u cure lor cu. o know they re thi; best Hit- V V!rcd ,, V", "f ld 'i "r ka,u 'y all Prugfjist and Uulcalo dealers iu the l:"ilcd i 6M L R' A Wllf. tuubury, Fa. Richmond papcrC ny the uianucr in which Ihe Clay atatu lie, betn il fiired there i it nbameful. imp tfhiiiy.i -ium jj. umu At ri.nttinr.niA. Tenn, the other dav. General Btcaduian imnishcd a merchant, who disregarded the chj"""" oi a negro soldier, by confiscating liH f tore and its contonts, and placing a negk0 nver it, remark ing that "If .Mr. Cn'tcliu,'1(' n,,t respect tho negro soldiers. '10 Rllft11 ""'"I""' the authority that inai?" o "P souiier.nua puts Jiim on guarif tt 9"c1'-'' 1 Riiamorik, Feb. !5. i Ton. Cu-t Pent for week endiH Fuunmry it . l'er lust rewrt, ' ( ToMnietimelttrtbr,"'i 2,602 17 28,010 0.1 3!. 209 00 U0.M3 10 Mi 10 Kniron or Allr.v'', Deah Sn l With your pcrmbslon I wish to lay to the rcaduM of 70U' I'"Por ,h(lt 1 sh by ' turn mail, to alliwl' (free) a ltoclpe. with full directions for in,1,llnS Hai U!in8 'Iniplo Vegetable Uiilm that w.rtl effeotually reuiovo, in ten Ua)i l'inipk'S, Bltcliw, Tan, Freckles, and nil impuritiu of tho tSkin, Imving the aaino soft, cluur, smooth and Ileuutiful . I I will nl10 ln" frot to those jhuvins Bald Head or nitre Faces, liuiplo dircolions mid InforinHtioD that vril enable them tn start a fall growth of l.uxii' rinnUt"'r hitkerf , or a Moiitucho, In less llinu thirty 4y. All applioatlvni nnswrrrd by return ninll wUhou char0' Itesprctrully yours, THUS. F. I II A P.MAN, Chemist, 8.11 lirondwiiy, Xew York Teb. 25.1SC5 .Ira WnifKKiis ! ! ! TIioto wWiinjr n fine jet of whis kers, a nice uiou.ituehe, or n beautiful head of gltwy hair, will plcaso read (ha card of TIIOS. F. tltAl'. MAN, in another part uf lhi paper. 'I'll' Itrlilal 'limiilMr, nn I';.-ay of "iVarnin) and Instruction for Young Men published by the Howard Association, and seat free of ehnr,, in scaled envelopes. Address l'r. J. f-'KIl.MN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Millndelptila l'ennsylvnnia. February It, JSCS ply IciiIiiomm, Illin1niM iiixt 4 nt in-lit-. Treated with tlic utmnst nieces by lr. 1. ISAACS Oculist and Aurist, (lonnerlv of I.evden. Hollnnd ' No. MU l'lno street, l'hiiii.l Testiu" :,'' 1'rnm the most reliable murces in the City - , , , try can be seen at his ofliee. The nicd'- ' , :'"" ' invited tn accompany ttx ir rnticj- "T' f'icu"-v!" ercts in his practice . Arlitlci-' "f llc hn "?f out imin. No cbn-e ui--' .. ' 'J"''8.. mcrli V. UU- July ! ISlil. 1- m. TltltOAT . ' . r. . " N'ewfw ..t'Fi:iTlnxs. A Fliysipian writing fnm f ..e, .cw iota, r)cKing m i no ociieiiciin e: u resulting from the use of iirown s. l'roncliml Troches ," iivs '-(Iblio niehv sending nio u more ofTt"iur -Jironchinl iroches. eiiclosin hill tor iillei idling Ihrit horrid irrittition ealy felt bv those wlio have suffered from any Dronehinl 'A fleet inn, and for hoarseness and sore throat too. I dim free to eonfe (IhoUKh 1 am nn M. II.) they au$ncr all you claim for thorn. I would beg you 't-j feel Ihut 1 mn one of the last men in the profession to pufTnnos Iriim. but feel I nm but doing you justice to n.-scrt what I have." To avoir! disappointment, be sure to obtuiu tbegenuine !rowus. Uroncliitil'i'rochcs. ' T 4'iili'NiiiM anil I'iM'i-icn'- o- AS IN V ALIO. I'uoo.iicii i up oi-ni-iii. una lis 11 i .o. 10 i'N'll MbN mnl others, who suffer from .Nervous ! lli'liility. I'ri'iiuituro leo:iv of Mmihooil. ti-., sup. 1ilviu; nt tlio shiiio lime J'he -ileiins of Sell-1'nrt. -iy one who lins carol hiaiscll lifter iindorfroiio; em,. ' si'lerabk' ipiaokery liy enclosing n H.-tMiiit i:1- ilri'ssoj envelope, siulo copies ei.iy be loul ol' the I nuthor. SATIIANII"!, MAYI'.MIt, K-T, , Irwktyn, Kh.s. fo.. X.V. liic. 10, In'. I. ."m ' Illllol-IIKIltoil i'l-l'l'! I TO X Kit VOL' ' .St I l'KKtltS. ' A tlentletiinn, oure.l cf Nervous llolulity. Inconi-; potency. l'rcniHturc becny. nnil Youitil'til Krror. tie- 1 ui t r 1 ley ii ilcsirc lo lira 'lit others, w ill lie lmppy to I fu to nil who neeil il (free of eluirire.) the recipe mot ilirections niHkintlio simple renieily u-cl in his . cnsc. S-utVcrors wishing to profit l.y tho let vert isers ' hie! cxpericncF, mi'l .. ess usury inn! vulte.tilc ri1 mely, cmi do .-o by iullrosiux him hi unoc Ht his pluec ol' hu'il.i'.s. Tho Itccij.u nn l full inforiunti'.n ' of vital iiniiortiiiiei: will Li; cheerfully tent by return iiuiil. Address .JOHN' It. OtiliKX. ' No. fill Nhssiiu sirect. New York. I'. S. Nervous s?utreri rs uf holh sexes will llr.d this inforiniiitoii ln ulii.iLlu lice. ls.ll ;im WHISKLllS : whisklks: lioyoii wimt M'lti-kirsor Moti.-t:ie!u. ? .ur einn Compound will f.-rac tlum to row on the siuoo:iiest fiiee or chin, or hnir n hatd heads, in Six Vi'c-ks. I'riec. fl.oo. Sent hy lonil anywhere, clo.-ely seiilcd. on receipt of price. Address. XV A KM 'It .V IU . liox MS. lirnuklyu.N. Y. "'ehrunry Is, lSfi.". Iy d n a t h a . HiiiUde niaiouiiecnients of deaths. Kltr.i:. Those nceompiiuied with noiiees. A'c, must bo paid for nl tbt- rate of 10 een' iter line. InShnuioliin,..!! the lllib ult.. CbAltA ALICM. daiu,'hur of A. .V A. I). Ii ""A bDHjUed I voars '2 mouihs nnd lhd!iv.J. SUiSBUHV MARKET. 1'lour, XX heal, K.VF, I'oru, Oats, IhlckwIlPrlt l'!usewd, Clovcrscvd. I:; mi i V.v, t'2 JO a 2 Til I liuiicr io lluiitr, loll Tallow, l.nrd, i'ork, lliicon, lbiln. Siioul-lcr, 11 I'M 7 j loo ?2 ill 7 eo is in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, j THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK. ok Tin: city or nexv york. CAl'lTAb, J'.o.noo.uoo, PAID IX, I'lSCAL AQENT OF THE UNITED STATES. And Sj'ifltil A'jtnt jvr Jii'j t'ee.'.v, Hubrtrli tioH A'jent, AX'ill deliver 7-.10 Xotos, Free of clwrF, by ex preis1, ill nil parts of Ihe country, and receive in Imynicnt Checks on New York, l'Liludelphin. liriA loslon. ourrcnt bills, und ull livu per cent, interest notes, witli interest to dale o subscription, trrdcrei sent by mail will bo promptly tillsd. This Hunk receives I lie uccouuls of Dunks nnd Daukoni ou favurHMo term ; also of Iudividuals keepiii- Xew York nueounis. J.T. 1ULX. Cifbier. J. f. OUVIS, rriden. Miircli 4, 186i. .'in MILLINESy GOODS. 7 11 It OOK8 & itu S J.' N II K I JI , WHOLESALC DJiALKIlS, Xa. 4:il Miukct Street, north (ide, I'UIADLLPHIA, Halo Dow open their usual hnndsouie variety of Ribbon?, Itunnet Muteriuls, Fitreiii 4 I'niioy lloniiets, Lulio' X Misout' 11ms, FLOWERS, BUCHES, LACES, and nil otbor oiticlc rtfuirvj by lUa !UUliiM-i-.v Triutv ! y long bruucb uf bufimviicxeluaiielv, we flutter ourselve. thnt we cm otler induceuicuts, in variety, Hvles, - iiunlily and uicdorate priei-s not vrerywhora In be lound. Tboaneuiion of MILLIXEU.S aiul MtK. u rcupoctfully noliciied. Z-if Tartu u'nr attention pud o dllng r'lrrt: Wurcb ' 'iui- BEST WHITE LEAD! iiiiHi' nti Pl'ltK LIIIEKTV LKAU, t'uopprewed for XVUitcaing. Fiue Glon, Ilurabilily l'ii uines aud KveuucM of Surfuee. I'l'KE LIR:itTV I.EAH-XVarranterl to eover morg uirfuee for tame weight lliau uuy oilier Lcud T'y il and gait will liui'C ho othtr .' TURi" I.I BET V ZIXC, .Selected Zinc, ground in Refined Linseed Oil, na fpialed in quality, always Ilia uma. l'UBE LIBKltTY ZINC. XVurranieJ to do muto and be Uur work at a given ost Ibau any elher Get the R tt! Manuf.elared at PtXX.vyLVA.VIA TAIXT 1 CO LOil XX OMK.S. Orders ozeeute prompily by ZZSGrI-t2 SB BMITU, 1IJi,Vjus Drug, I'm mud liu Dtltr. tV t'Mf I Offio, Ka 117 KorlU TiliPl' glKet. plilLAll'bf HIA March 4, HM -ly. TO P.S1T7. Tlic lsrtjut nnd ommodioui Hotel, (pnrlW furn iMicd) known u nil! I.I ZI.IlI2 IK1U MH.! Bltnntcil In the Val'.i-y of WyoniinR, in tlif ImrouRli of Wt l'ittjlnn. on IL... Iini of I ha Lackawiitmii & llloomturg Kiiproa'1. six piuiRengi r Irnini it dnj s'oppin m llio sta ion, within fifir ranU i f llm hnuno. Oooil tarn. utiiljlinR, anil iau fotiio, (fiili-'ll alo sis norm of lnnl .Tlj. in iu J tlie liouio. Will t" rcntr.l on ncimimcni.iUiiy luiuis to any eiitprnri ItifC and oliliinv tnnn. N 11. None nut loyal mrn need apply. 1'or furthi-r piirtivuliirn apply n llin 1111'int'W to WAI. A.1SKOWM, Agi ut. rittnton, Pa , March 4, lSltj, it , Oriitn PnovosT M tiisnAi. Htli Iiistrict. I llAiinisnrnu, l'a., February 27, 1UU5. j rpiIK following extract of Circular No. 1. from X A. A. 8. M. General's office, is hereby published lr the notico of nil qoncerned i 'Men who enlist alter they are drafted an- con sidered as dvscrlcr from the draft, and luiisl be credited to their curolliuont places, no waller whe ther tbey received local kuuuties upon thuir illegnl ealisiuii'-nt or not liy orJer of MT. II PATTF.HPON. Csptniu and Provot Marshal Utli Ui;trici, l'a. "lurch 4in, 1SC. M GEO. DEMERIT & CO., jr'.VEI.l'.fH, Ca3 Inromlvs ay, Vl iCOltNirit LilANKSlKllUT) 1CO.OOO VV.TCJtf3n. CII.VIX9, GOLD TENS AND I'ilMi 'II ?. AC., AC. VTm ih 03Ot,Oti ! TO 15 h SOLD AT (ue Iollnr EACH, WUIT. OCT AJJUAUU H Aid li. And not 1 te. paid until J""U V.'iow what y';fl will XvcS c : El'U-'.'iPID LIST uP AlVlK't.!'.?! All tf U .-old U ON'K VOhLAR Kacti : 100 Gold iTunShigessci Walchcs eaeli f lOil 00 ! loO fluid Wntibvs 6'-1 ! ' I"0 l.ioUcs' Wutehet li Ci) j MiO S.lvir Watch- f t' 00 to $- 00 : f.00 tiidd Neck an I Ve-t Chains UWto 15 00 !' ItiOO Clmtetniii and Vest Cliaiui i t") to l.i Oft j IlOUO Yiat and N'cok Chains 4 0a it 12 P'l ; 41100 Solitaire Jet and (fold Uroochcs -1 Oft to ft n0 j laoO Coral, Lava. Gurnet, Ac, do. 5 00 to 6 01) , ! iDDI) ttold .tel. Opal, Ac ,'Eur llrops, o 00 lo 8 0i i MOO tici.ts' llrciust and Scurf I'ins 3 0i to K (" 00110 thai F.nid Jiriicclcti J! CO to 3 I'll j 'I I I......1... lift ti Irt llil 1 SSttl California Wamon l I'ins and Iti 2 6U to S 00 WOO (iold XVutcli Keys 2 il) to Ii 00 j 0(111(1 Solitaire Sleeve liuttoiis uud Slu ts 2 00 to S 0 i ! .'SUIKI tiold Tliiniblci 4 00 lr 00 : iOui) Miliiiilurc l.ockcts 3 00 to 7 Oti ' ."000 Miniature Lekeis, M.igie 4 00 to 9 00 2000 Cold Toothpicks, fniwi.lo. ' 2 Oil to 0 00 ;;0M Fob nnd liihtion MideJ 2 00 to i Co 5000 CliiLstil Gold ll:iiSi 2 0" to 5 00 ; 4000 Stone Sot Ring! 2 00 lo ll 00 ; B.'-OU Sel.- bil lies Jcw clry-Jet mvl UoIJ i 00 to 15 HI) 1 00,10 " ' varied styles, S 00 lo li 0 MOO liold Tens, Silver t'nsc und I'cncil I 00 to S 00 ; linn) l- bony lloUUr and V-'iiM?ti UU to 10 00 Ci.00 ' " Mouiitvl Holder 2 i n to C i d . All the r- ia tie? List n ill bF ssit. wild- ; out reservation, for 0 X I ' .UHLi.AK KACIf. fcrtt-j flcntis of nil ll;: arioiis nnicles lire p!c-1 ;ii simi lar cnvclo;ics M-ukd mi l lui.wd. Tliese cni elopes will l.o sent hy unit!, or delivered at ear nO , nil!:iml regit rJ to choice. Onroceivlnga f'eitijente voti will s-.-c vlnil nrii'le it rq roseiits, seal it ii i;, liouul hilli you lo send olio dollar, nnd rcc.-ivc b-1 urlicln named, or uny utlier hi thu list of s:;uie Milne . Uy this mode we frivo lcciiuio freui var'n-l ! slock of fine .Koo ls, of tho hest ninUs and lutes', stilts, "il l of intrinsic worili. nt u nouiiuul prici", while 1. 11 li1ieii cluincc of 6cotu'iij0' nrliclvj uf liie i very highest value. I In nil l-.insii 'ti ii.. by imiil we chnrF f r f ii w.inl ! ili tho L'erlilic lie, l':iyin i.s:ii,'e, a:. lh bu.-incs-i. l'"r--.l e:ich. l'iie certifi.-luei a';II 1.. : sent for ft ; Kin hi for Thirty iur S'j.ty I five -it'1 ; m.d One lluiidn 1 t .r 1 i. j REASONS WHY. 1 X'e should supply your wnets ; our ficilitic arc en" ; surpassed ; ourwoi U of ui.rii idled excellenco ; iur i promises puuctiuilly observed. Our c-ntial lociitii u , brings us iienr the Mio-a reuiolo i.iiuls. Uur eocid nre new from tlio lnuiiul.i-'lorel.-, uud uf Ilia lull i and most ilcsirable styles Tho Roods b solu:.. I mid Ihv tirins nre uueuualled. All urlic'cs unUrcd uro forwrirJcd by' return limit. j M'c gihtranteo cn'irc satisfaction in eve-.-y instance . ' mid if ihcre should be uny porson dilisficd Willi I 1 .v ',r'u, ll"V ,uny reoeivu, tiny will imuic.uaioiy ret irn it. nnd the prieo will bo rele.iiUed,. I AttKNTs. A'e nllow tliosc nolin us Aenti Ten Cent on each. CertiBcato rcdisrtd,. paui iiled their rcinittuiice uuiouut tu OnololLur. , , 'J'licy ivill colleot 25 eenU for- every Certificate, ' und, retaining 10 eeutd, remit tu us 1.5 ceul for each. Address . I :. K-i.EKrrv . 303 Broad way, Xcw Vurk i Muich I.I-W...'.-.!) " ! AIiEW NOVEL) DSTHEUEV KIKG5LV. ' TUi: 1ULLVAKS AXU THE lil l'.TOX.S; A J SaVRl 0E TWO FAMILIES.' ! la THE XEW YORK tEMI-WEEKLY TIU. ! ll1. XE of Xurch 3, will be couinienccd "Tbo llill yarj and llio llurionii ; a Story of Tno Familiev" ' ihu lust novel of Henry Kingdcy, uow in course of : puUieutiun in MueMilbiu'i Mil 4:11! no (London). This i iceno in held purtly ia Englund und purity in Aoi- India, uud thu story dvuls with 11 fuoiily of tbo ur is- 1 tourney uud a family of the pwiplo, httoO fortnaes are strangely iuternroven and dependent upon each other. Those who icUh to secure the rending of this capind uuvel, thebisief tho duy, should EubscriLc 1 nt once for -The tfeinl-AVcekly Tribune." i It contains nil the Editorial articles, not uurc'y local iu character ; Literary Reviews and Art CM- i liclsms ; Lutlvrs from our large corps of v. ar corrc- ' pendents; Foreign and Poia'.iio Xeirs , !.cl4iiu Iteiil uf Ihe Froeoediujs of tho Furiuer.' Club of the Amoriciui Iustiiule; Talks uhout Fruit, nnd .1 11 .- 1. 1 1 . 1 1. ii- other Horlieijlturul and Agrlcallural Inl'orinalien ; tuck, Fiiiiiuciul, CuUlc, Dry Goods and Ucueral M.nUct ilepo;ls, vihluU are published iu ' Tho Unity Tribuno. The Scrub Weekly Tribuuo also gives, IS THE COl'USE OF A YEAU, . J II Jt fll OR I'Ol'K -or THE Ural nid I.ulht l'opulur .ov 4 i V LIVING ACTIIOHS. lae oost of these alone, if bought in book-f rm. nould be from i to eight dollars. If purchased iu the Engli.-U Masaiiiies from wbieli they 111 c cureful ly leleated, tbo cost would be three or four times thut sum. Nonlure rlao can so much current intul, licence and permaoeuC literary mailer be had at m ebeup a rato us iu "Tho tSemi-Weekly Tribune. Thoae w bo beliere in the priuoiples and approve of the character of The Seuit.lWIity eitiiioo. Ii Kill in Ihut way bo supplied lo them at Ihe luiveij price fofwhlch such a paper can be printed, l'eisuus residing iu tho rity oan find o uioie valuable jour, nal to soud to their eountry friendl. IFUMS. Mail sabicribert. 1 aoi'y, I year 101 auiulwn tl Cn do Seoiiics, do do T 00 do i eopiee, or over for each eopy S 00 Fersonj reuiitliui! for 10 eepiet $30, will recciva aa e.vira copy, for in mouihs. reteoin remitlinj for lieopics. $lj, will rooeivaa extra oopy Prafu oa Xew-York, or PoatOfliee orders, pnjtt'.e to Ibeorder nt The Tribune," being eafvr, are prj ferable to any Olhi anida of remittance Addr... TI'V Tl Il l'i r v .. Marth , l?!3.-lt -. MAJOR CENEBAL HANCOCH'S FIHST Altlir COitVH OJr1 VT3iXiTAI.3. Tilt lilllNf.Y IlUHiAM:. Tult ItonniloM nnit no CommlMHlonsi. Ko Slnr on our Flag shall be Iliiumcd. . to MK riioi'LE ET.nywni'RK. "Rally round the Flag boys,'' and ki"p step to U s Music ol thn t'nion. IIOL'.VIICM Al IAV. Tlie net pay of a Veteran Voli ntci rin nnncocV Culpa is, Tit : For one veiT. tlivernuicnt ItotiTity 9 400 City ol f'liihidulpbia Moulhly Pay from V. S. Oov't, flrt per month l'J'.' Clnihiiig account yearly 4i ard llounty iiiverage) 2j City relief f. j'uiniiie.of vol., f'l per month S j ' Total H.1.U j The nel !) i f a Veteran Volai.tiwr i".r tuo j hi Hancvk's I'orj'i is, vit I t.?ovcrniii...t It-nin'y I CitT ot I'ilililclell bl.l Itoiuity 50) ;: nt j M'.utlily ! from l". S. tlo.'t tui per nion1.! Clolhi ; iu - mil. til per iar . Want Jlouutv iaver:i-?i ! ciiy r..iu-1'tor luiuily, ! f.r uouUt ll ) Tola! ' Tlii net pay ( f a Ve'rna Volunldr fr iLrio yean , in Hancock' Culpa is, vil : , Government t PuO ', City of 1'bilndclphis !n0 ' Monthly pay from V S C j't $lit J 21 iuarh l79 I 1'tothtng account, tf-lj p-er jeur Wo trd Honnty (average) 2i I City relief I'vi faiuilic.-, t'i rnr moiiili 115 I total ,o OJiflANIZATIOS TO llAISi: 1 111'. HUM bV. .Tho Comiolttce who have chaise of tl; e orgunifa tion otitic U: i l ie are : o. V. PAVIS UKNHY C liatKl.l, lil.t). lil'l.I.nCK, JJAVIH I At sr JOHN W l'VF.UMAN, JO.SKl'II F TOBIAS, l s viNi:nitKNNt:n, hET'll It ST1TX.'. r!:CTTIMl OtTllT.1l 01' CoMUtTTliK, l:l..NJAMIN 1HANKI.1X, , . Chief of Detective Tclicc of thu Ci'y or rbildl 'h'n TacASt nun. .MOUT'V.V ilcMU'llAKL, Jr., Cushier of 1'iM National HulIi. The I'.rignde will be coaipo.-ed of threo ltcgimcnU One will be raised under the direotioacf the Cofpo-ralion-'of 1'hiladelphia. From lacsc Cwrporoiious lite Committee will consist of Colonel TUO.MAB A. aim. Vice rrcMdvnt of .ho Pen.ylv.,.m Hnilro. - 1 I'.FI'l.lUl K 1 UAI.1.1 . rrcsidcntcf tlie '.Scbnylkill Xiiviation t'ois-2"''!-t'ltAKI.KSi:. SMI11I. 1'rt-i.Uut of Iho KendhiR Unilruud Conilanv TtlO.MAS 0. 1IASI, President of the Delaware Mutual Insurance t o. STKI'IIKX ACALD'.VKI.l., rrc.-idtnt of the Tirst Nalioiial llmik ot I'liilu Ielp!:iu TJie Second Itegimcnt will be r.iistd mil-rili.i direction of the' Manufacturers. Mcrebnnt-. mid brokers of l'hiliideliihiu. The IVimuittcF Hill em- "Avf P,AUT')V II. .TENIC?. IX Ml I-L C'OKKIX. lU'.NUY IXWiS 4ji. ( 1 1. VS. L. I!'"KIK. "IT. I.. A It. Ior'oi JOIIX W. 'M'.XTDN. V'l' ley IAai'.f A C. Tic Third f."'"mcnt mil be muter t! . di-f.-cii-u ! tWuiu K.v:liBii-e lie; Citmtu.- l T. -iitl-'a nrf ( 'IIAKU: KN'r-t H I. nt.-i.tcrt ot tfcc l.i.-!iinna. F, ('... AM K JAMI 1-. WAKD. JOSKWI V". MlM.r:i:r JAMKSrV. 1K1UT. I'or.u-Htol jra n-',WVivu tiv in Maine .r Mte'ii ' "'. A'-'"-"'- l"1"' "' n' o'b-r iovnl tic. -Ill wb l-n.- tl- ji.'.li.flt ,...k. noil "ll !" "' "'- Vcate Uir iioe n. I uoiHl-vineal Us 3.1M.M ui. ev hnvc .....) i1, ir m,it-'.,-Io jvlnin IroM t'ii-ie' .1.1.. .....La eoiirst.-ltf l!Ci!Vn.-t". er.. :'.ad tnlk the ...1 wiih Ifc. -itoui. ' U.hl'C t.:l TV'S mil n iili vim. niel ;' Il l" V m. -:Ty unl e Mill have a bir.! MVt js-uIohsiw r , -if-. 1 Link of this, nut i'.'l le ""o l: decide. XX e wmlt lpul '.Ws thmit ltir,.ulr Vh-h ll.e lira', ot Mny. n v r 1 c t. e s villi.? finolnted by llcncrnl f'"' .M.sUi.plv'lo nny but biut- 'Ihe ...lumilieei c!H,4 .l"l'ikell.e tune 1" .' uf!-'';'ff erlouiiswerlotiors. XVo waul 10 il d n-ts.i t I-. iheir -";!!i'1,,IN rKASKux. Chief or.lvlec'.'.'C l'olitfc, il.M.r'. I'u, VuilnleF. From tho-kw. J vf 0tnci.1l H-leet tho folloivir... as cvtiildlins -"e' which the Volerun Kccruils Uve be.-n reo. ive,i 11 prouded fur. CireiUa. ftiviagfell pft"la be bud ut nils WW, or nt ns.ioilint ""'" '' (uluiiit to be ornuiicd,) iu dilkrir.' cciioli " WAaHltrCTCSi. I' .'.s. It!. 1- ' lienjnniin FiRnklin, V -i-, VV.itM HctecUva foliu l'h:!:i li-lphia : Mr ln-:a Sib : Your de1achu.ut of. uttur.wu f the It Corp? arrived ycsierdny. The inea,. wiXia: exception, time been mustered iute rserv,ice of th I liiiml Stales. I am very iiiueU iildi "t. tu.jnu ( Iho eierti..n vou buvo used tonard filling m. in; corp,. und 1 iru.-t that Ibe success you buvs Ikus tn met wi.h may bo an earno-l I t greater su.'' i t'je future. 1 uiu, vcrv respectfully, your obedient f.-rvnnt, ' WISKlKI.US. llAM OCK. Major Qcneral V . Army. C'vuiuiandttu.Urf- llcanr.xr.rruslsT Anxv Conre,. Wasiiinuto.n, Feb. 1-1'5'. Beaj FtaniiVJ. Chief of I'edice, Cuiuer of Fifth an Chestnut, 1'kila-dulpMa ; SuVul'ualcj ffr cnrellcd men itc. sot recciv tfi Oovcrnuieut Bounty, l'riiripatmire evmpf.1 Iroi draft. Hi preseiitntive rrdruit rr.ei iv lie tiuven no l.l b luniy Volunteers. Mib;tilut-. and reprcsci tiuive reeriiils rosiiling in Fhilarletpbia aro tre liie to that citv iu coming driil'ts. I'm cuiiiiiences fro duy the tulUuirul i perfect. .1 Letter by limit. XV. S. H AM'Ol'K. Mnjrr (icueral. It is to be ejprefsty undi r-loo-l Hi'i' v rieran ( either of the lutuiilry .-ervi.-c, CuvalM .wil. uiy be erejite l lo ibe, Ciiy. J or lowiijliip where iheyre-ele ToWU, C'ouut ihe totbm ii-i' arTiiln'.J wal ft.iii once 11 adiuiru'ole il.meanor oi Vie rtcmin uen iuey a rived ut 'Vashii'lon, und hon Ibey were tnusicre '"' VAfHi(.io. I' C. Feh. in. lsrtD. I herihy eertil'v us a .V.lury lliWic 1 w required ! trf pre.-eiit at t'nuip Jitoaeiwaa, yeslerdi the nib, on the iH-cau.u of uiustciiij! iuor 'lweiit. oi'l.t una recruited by lioii'iuiiiM FrnliUhll. E) I j i7ief of Jlelectivcs ot ltiilaiiHia. luui 1111 were all siioru in und iiiiiforaied ia y )rescne .,..1 ihe a. l.noIcdiiirl tlmt they bud been l'aid a ul'ihi: lioul.ties promised Ibcm by Mr. Franklin. ! further state, that all of thealovo aieu eipre sed, llieiuselvcs its siitislie l wilh the exeat ut-t id M rninklin. I further say. of my own kaowlni l!:ut rlierts worn made by persons uliout lti Uuli more depot iu XVa.-binstuii to induce the uieu V i iuie tlieir vpj'-iifeuienta with Mr Fraukliu. bul to r eifcol I iliis t.r the credit of the uieu, who OaUiesuie giveu above. ' S"eo C'ir'iiliir. A. O. LAXVIUNCE, -NoWiry Fubbc. 4'i'I.'!iIl.i. t'l V..leruns who de.ii j lo have their interci I t atlor wilhoul boiiijj swindled by .bnrpers ai dire.ied In tho KeuruiiuijS Aeucy, 100 -"''u cixi Mr-set. Hcri T 'a Marquee,' where Ibe ltifle tf to b seen daily which Hie X'eieran is entitled to keep t the'ou ul his terui of service, whi.U disoharg ainleeu shot per uiinulo All ciBuiniiiiicul;uns 011 this subject after ibis e plaualiou wuel be brief and to the point. XX'ii. 1 i.rouii.ily answered bv addressing .. 4 ' liKXJAMix mx-xr.i CLiofPeti-otiie Pctiarlui.'iit, Mt',Yie, Uiadulp., ' '.!e.f.-. Tl...:, ... Iiim, r. I-. ....... I iion Jieri hud apldy, as aa d5a!ma' will be aitone j tH lueiu. li"'tiohe,. Ihateich ireran will kr supptie. ; wil'i a mteii.bree. h loadiii nhe tlm eau be hrv 1 1 r' .1 Mrch' . 1 B 10 liuies i r UllliUll