EMPORIUM, Hnrkr-t Nunr- SIMM KV. In. HA VINO just returned frfrni the Cily with an en tire now stock of OrngK, 4'ltii'iil. Prrfstmrry nml Toilet Aril, lest to wtiieb helnvilcs hi friends end tlio public gemr , ally, to e all mid cxnniinc. The Drug nnd Mediuine ' lire nil sulccted ft-noi the best importing booses in the Eastern market with tho greatest care as to puri. tv and efficiency nnd nvoi'ling n much n possible, the introduction of dclcrious nostrums. FATENT MEDICINES Of nil kinds, stich as Ayer's. Jnvncs. MeClintock. Hnllowny". Wihnrt., llmtflniul, Pclii-iik". Brown's and all other popular patent medicines, ulwuys uo baud. BRUSHES, Itair, Tooth, Nail, Clothe and Pninl Brushes. Special earn is taken to keep en hand constantly ctory vaiiety of PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, f-uitnulo to the trade. Fiucy Toilet 'Articles and the mimrions articles which fir generally kept in a well couductcd estab lishment. In connection wt'h t lip above article, he also keep tin hnnd a lnreo assortment ol STATIONERY, such . a Paper, Envelopes. Pens. Pencil. Inks. Ac. VPb.v'cln s prescription nnd liiiiiily rc.-nipts compounded with the grcHtcsl neeuriicy mul dispatch, at ALL Hot US D.iy or Night. Remember the place, Murkct Square, Under the oSitfc of iheSunliuiv American.'' . R. A. riSfllKR. ' rjunbnry, June 25, 1844. look at the Returns ! WK, H. MILLER. Market Square. Bl.y WRY, PENNA., Tl'ST received from New York and Philadelphia fj tn-h shj-ply of the latest styles mid of the beet i quality if BOOTS AND SHOES, for Mi'ii, Women ou t Cliildrvu, which he offers at redm-ci prices. Women's Shoo ut 51 JO. All his good stock WARRANTED. No Pnpor Fhnei sold at hi store. Ho will also wholesale Root nnl Shoo by the box. Tho public generally uru invited to call and ex amine hi tnek. SunburyJM. 22. 1931.' JX C O 13 O . 23 iE C K MERCHANT TAILOR, An l)enlcr in CLOTHS, CASSI.MEHKS, VESTING, Ac 1'a i a str--. . I ii r n'cuTcr'a IsolI. StTNUB 1 . IN FORMS the rumens nf Sttift.ury and vicinity. lb.it he h n." just rcluiuid from Phil add phin willia full assortment of r.u.t, am v i vn:jc .mis. Or' KYV.llY DESCRIPTION AMI Ol'ALlTY. His stock cnusists of Cloth", l'l-cnch Cloth". ISInek Toe Skin and l-'um-y Ciis-iincroa. Hlm-k Sntiu, ripurod Hilkn. Plain and Fiiiicy CiiiniiTc YKSTlXtlS. which ho will make up to order in fttylc to iuit the taste of cu'tomer. on short notice, and tho moat reasonable icrtns. Any (lofiil not on hand, will he furnished from Philadelphia. Iiy tcivin inoduvs' noti,','. tiooiis Inrinslirit hy customers will lie tn.mle up to i order us heretofore." I An he will employ none hill experienced workmen. ! ersor miiy rely on getting their work well done at j 111" hop. ' Thnukfiil for tho patronise heretnloro heftoed, he respectfiillyMolicitMACOTitinuaucvo'' the ,inic. I Sunbury, Sept. 10. IA84. I :ntt )t I'nMl-3uH:a 'u(Tr o. 1 DEPOT: . j ICS ltcado Street, Xew York. j The uhovo Couipaiiv lire known all over the world as the owners nl'the Coffee I'lantHiions of Java mid Kala lit in the liith Kasl Indies, nnd ure, the largest mriiiiipol iters of CofTep on the tllob". Tho undersigned (who i& impointefl their aole Afreut In tlio 1'nited Stwten and in the ttritish Colo niti witphave for sale three flitTereiil kinds of Cof fee. Y.hk-h. ffr regularity of gtadu and cbenpticw of i prife. will defy eompeii'tion. Our 4,Inta ia CoQ'ee" never before introduced in 4hi Country, but eitonsively used in the Annies and Navies of Kufopo. and richly valued, will bo put up at price, lo reach ail consumer, and our hxtra Java wiil he the Ma.rnniu lluiinm Coilee of the nc. M'a will hnve. for tcconiniO'lniiioi uf (Jroeers, Fa miiie". and (ioveriimeut Contractors, situiples (i.iry, lui l drawn! for twin 4. , (trdcm solieitnl. u receipt ol'caeh. coDe Tompt Jt for'varded us directed. A.. I.lPr.M A V. 16? Iteai'.c SLr'eot, New York. Colo Aifuut, It. K. 1. C Co. July IVlRfii. ViiiiiiiKrton IioiNi, NOr.TlIV M 1! K K I. A N 1 1, PEN' N S V L V A N I A , (.Yir 'in Hrii::'.) TIIIE .uhscriher havini; leased tbii well known X Tavern Stjnd, lately kept by Mi. C S. Urowti. rspeetf:.lly informs the public that he is refitting and repiiiring'the prcmi.-rs, nud will be prepared lo en teriain, in u eomtortuiiie inanuer. nis numerous 1 friends throughout the county, and all who may I patronitc his wnUh'disl.wcM. I Oct. 1, 1SGI. JOSEPH YAN'KlRlv. 1 mi. ""lSGij MATvIHOTH STOEF.i a. w. rzt!riw a- mix THE UNION FOREVER! At the Store of ' JOH1T BOW321T Corner of Mnrkot and Pawn fctreetf, , SUNBUUY, I'ESN'A. Jnsl opened FALL & WINTER GOODS, for everybody. This no UlnwInK." but plnin truth, which everyone will bo eonvinced that culle and ex amine the stock, which consuls of lire floods. Cnssiiuercs. Cloths, (tents' Overcoating, Jeans, Cottenadcs, Muslins. Uruss iioods iu great variety. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Plain and r'ljjiireil IVlailie, Prciich and Figured Slirlnos. Pine Wool I'elalnee nil sorts and hadin. Print. Nankeens. UADIKS' CI.AKtXU. Table-Covert, Irish Linen, drown and White Sheetings, Mial. ltalmoral Skirts of all kinds. Hoop Ifkirte. all (irlees. Hand kerchiefs, ITaniiels, Ladies' Kid. Silk and .Merino Jilovc. Ac. . Jewelry (tfttll kliidn. Ladies' and (lent.' t'niou Skalea. A lurge assortment of NOTION";?. WEatXB.u: Hardware, Ccdiirwnic, (I'nsswnre, Chinaware, yueenswnre. Crockery. Groceries, Tobacco, SegaiK Snutr, Tea. ColTec, Sugar, llobisses, Spices, i'ish, Salt, Ac, Ac, and everything else usually kept in store. Pro duce taken in exchnngo lor goods, Xn trouble to show goods. JOHN LOWI'X. Sunhury, Nov. 5, 180.1. A .V 1 ins wot'f fiRtt rteT oa Scrofula nnd Sorofalon Diaeases. from Lmtrf Lite, a irf7inif wmAiiMi 1 Ox- fortU .Mil'"'. 't have aold largt ipiaiitliln of your 5mf. Rlt.l v. tint never yet one Iwitle wlileli falleil of the licaired elTcet and lull satli-fuel loll to tllOM' w ho toolc it. An fust n our people try tt, they n-rrt-e there lui lieen ne mcillcliie like it beiirc iu uur community." Eruptions, rimples, Blotohos, Pustules, Ul cers, Bores, and nil Diseases of tho Skirt. Vma Uee. IIM. Strait' 11, llrMul, KhiiIhn'I. ' I only do tnv ilntv lo vmi and tlm pulillc, when I add mv teatiinmiy t'u that you publish of the 1110 dlclnnl virtues of your uhapahii.i.a. My daugh ter, aged ten, h id air iifllletlnif humor hi her ears, eyes, mid hair for venrs. which we w eru nnnhlc lo cure until we tried your !.MMAfAlilLI.A. She has been well for gome month.,, " 'mm .lfr. Jime .'. I'o'e, tr7 i noieii nml mtff7i- eitrrmi'dttttltt nf hrittAftlh I iipe Mutf C o., . My ihiughtef bus Fullered lor 11 year past with A erolulotis eruption, which was very troublesome, Nojlilnj nfl'in-dcd any n-llef until we tried your H.MiSAl'Aliii.t.AiWlilcli soon rouidetely eured her." Frcm I'linrlft P. (Jtjc, ., nf the vlMy I tvturn tittyf, Murray P ('" i imif wtunrt of t Mmtlkd O'lii-W i'm .Vffi'i 1, A'. . ' I hud for several yearn a very troublesome, niimnr in my facts whic:i grow eo.ist.uuly worso until it dlsll 'iirc.l my features, an 1 la'eam an Intol erable iifllieilon. i tried utmost every thin; a man could of both ndvi v and medicine, l"it wil'uout any relief whatever, until I took your .S.MIStl'AIMl.l.t. H Imnieillalety mad1 tnv fiee worse, ns you to! t mu It might lorn timet but in a fe-v weeks the new skin bcg'in to loim uiiib'r the Mutches, and con tinued until mv flic Is ns smooth ns any body's, and I am without .inv srinptoiiis of the db-eisi- that I know of. I enjoy perlect health, nil ! without 11 doubt owe It to your Sails U'.util.l.A.'1 ErvDiDelwi Gonernl Debility Parify tha I ttlood. Trrm T)r. Halt. Sairhi, Ihmtnn si., .Yci. lor.'.-. III:, Avki:. I sliom tail to r-movo krti'twn nnd Srriifai.ai Son by tho MT."everiiigiinMii your riltl'ltn.l.A,und I tiave hit now cured an attack of M'lliaaaiit ;.-i v..ii7i with It. No alleratlvo wo possess' rpials the S.l:s p Mill.t.t you have sup. plied lo the profession as well n to the pisijile. FramJ. f.'. Jihnstoa, Walnnan, llhln. " For twelw ve.irs. I livl the vellow KryslK-1aa on my right ami, during wbleli time I tried nil the celebrated phvsl.dans 1 co il I reach, ,r.id took loin tlreds of dollars worth of ineilii iiies. The ulcers were so b id that the cop.1 l.f imc visible, ami tint doctors decided that mv arm must be aioiaitutc.1. I Ih-'iiii taking viuir Saii tr AiMt.t. . Tuuitwn twt ties, and sonic uf vour IM.t... Togetlier they havo eared nnv I am now as well and sound ns tiny body. 11,-ing in 11 public place, my esse Is known tn every I101I v iu thiJ commuuity, and excites the wonder of i'rom foil, enrv .lo.tifo, fr. i: cr Ytircaille, ('. U, a ttmliii'j UHHttitr of Hit (Vnifiiiiirt I'arluf viral. .... 1 havo used yftur Sti!M'Ai:Il.t.A hi my family, r.. , p..l ,eli;?;.. and lor nnrifahtu thr Itlmal. wltli'very IsMielii Li'l results, mul feel couddcuco iu iiicieu. Alwnvs ! Always ! Always ! ON HAXP, AND Slil.l.IXtJ CHKAP Till: FALL & WINTER GOODS, Just opened at No. 1 Store of WEAVER 8c FAGEL7, CilXSI.STI.Ml OP DRY GOODS! FOP.KHIX AND IHi.MKSTK'.such us Clolhs. Cnssi meres, .Muslin, Slieeiings. Ticking. Calicoes, l)e. Iiiiues. rhiniicls.niid all kinds of .MOl'P. XINli (loods. Alaccns, Ulack Silks. 4itighnui. lialinoral and Ske'.ui.m Skirls, Canton Flannels, Nankeens, Car peting of all kind. HATS &c CAPS. N.0TI0NS & VARIETIES, Coinnrisimr. Hosiery, tilove. Thread, llnttons. Sus- i Bt. Anthony's Fir A LECTURE TO OTJKTGr- IMIEIST Jitit published in a SntlrJ linrelopt. frit tiX trnlK. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment am! Iladleal Cure T Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness. Invol untary Kmissions. Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Mairinge cenernllv, Xertounes, Consumption. Kpilepsv, and Pits ; "Mental and Physical Inonpael tv, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ao. Jty HOUKltT J. Cl'LYKUWliLt, M. 1-, Author ot tho -Oretn lt.H,k," Ac. ' ,, The world renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful oonseuueiice ol Scir-Abuse msbe eftcotu. ally removed Widioiit medicine, and without danger hus surgical operntiors, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at. oneo eer ..i ..(r. ...... ..1 1... .1,1,. I, i.verv siillerer. no mat .,...,.. , ,v. ...... ' 1.1. ir oe. may cui i.i.ii.-,. sally. THIS l.r.O . .. el.,i iriiftl'tll YIp4 Iheilomaoh, and.U It earrled pofl off ty fit atht Mnndraka Pills, the Pulmonlo Byrup la made into blood. This Is tha only way lo oure consumption. If I eannot get a good appetite, ud food does not digest. I eannot euro the patient Never mind the eough; remove the cause and will slop of Its.-ir. This is the met trouble i have with my patients at my rooms. They say, '-Doctor, I feel stronger; I oan eat ; my night sweats are better, and I feel bet ter every way j but my cough is so bad yet ; and they are astonished to hear me say that does not I .... ...,! Mill min matter; remove 1110 ohihv um " '" -"r of Itself. Bchenk Seaweed creates a good appetiUi in about nine days, when there Is no lung dUenso, unless the liver is so congested that tho Mandrake Pills cannot unlock the ducta of the gsll blsdder In that short space of time, ill order to allow the stale bile to pass off. Keep the liver and stomach healthy and there is less danger of consumption or any other diseiue. It is hard to take cold when thoeo organs are healthy. Thoeo that aro bilious, low-spirited, dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite, nerrons. slomach full of wind, everything that is bottle ot one box ! If. II. niAKKI'.H. Attornry nt Lntr. SLNBUllY, PA,. . Collections attended lo in the eountiea of Nor thumberland, Union, Bnyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. ... Err.BE!tcr . Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. U. Oattell A Co.. " Hon. Win. A. Porter, " Morton McMiehael. Esq.. 11 K. Ketcham A Co., 2!S Pearl Btroet, New York. John W. Ashtnead, Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Huubury, March 2tt, 1S02. tur what, bis condition tnnv Srn't-P; :v1 x ft) T1I01SANDH eaten lies heavy, lors of memory, try one 1CUK 11,1, PKo h A H'lON 10 lltyiAw -SrIllrv(.K sKAWF.LD TONI0. aud 01 AAiilliuwaAlie. .. . vciiKXK'.S MASDKAKK PILI..S. It is only a rui.i - ... r si..ni ,i.,r...l anv aildress. In a 1, lam, envelope, on the receipt ot ol six cents, or two post ago stamps, by addresing the publiheM. CI1A. J- C. kl.lNUAC".. 127 Tiowery. New York, Post Olhce Uux, I is. Oct. IS, IMi ly : . InsionsrWnties AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. CJ II. HOYKH. Attorney at Law, Is duly author JT ied nnd licensed to collect l-n-iliii, tluiiiififstlinsl IIim-U lny for Widows, Or phans and Soldiers. Office in Market street, uppo site Weaver's Hotel, Suubuiy, Pa. January Id. 180-1. ly ICE CREAM FREEZERS. A New supply of Ma ssmi's Five-MtNfTK Fb.u . 7.LH., received from New Vork. for sale by Sunbury. Mnv 21. Gt Otoliua UlLI., II. It. MASSKll. Comprising. Hosiery, tilove. Thread, llnttons, Sus penders. Neck-ties, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hair liritshf. Tooth Itrushes. Hum Itib bon and Curd, tape, crotchet-braid, worked eollnrs. fancy head dresses, tidy cotton, carpet binding, 'comb?, fancy soaps, carpet bags Trunk. Valises, I'uibrcllus, TJlank Cooks, Paper, L'uvelopcs, Ac. Of all kinds, such as Nnils, Hinge ami Screws, Door Liiichi-and Knobs, Locks, and CLTl.l'HV ol every description. Also, Dyes, Priiif. l'uintit, VniT.islic, Fisli, Kltixswtl tiinl Jk'ti.iiic Oils, Glass, Putty, Ac. ((iM-mslM lirC lllltl 4ll!IKStM lll-f ol" till STONE AID EARTHENWARE. An l!.tcuivo Stock of very they huvo just relumed from Ike City wilh LARtiC AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS! llirdvTHro, Quu?THfo CeJnrwHrf, Hosiery, ftluves. Notions, Trininiiug". Irinr nsttl 4'hftii'iilsi. il. l.tiiwp aud iu fact LYIiVTHlNO UEXEIt ALLY KEPT ill Country Siorfsi. We Bought our goods at the lowest Cash Prices' and consequently we thii.k we can tffcr great In- j dnecments to purchasers for Cash or Country Pro- duce. The higl est market frice piu'd for all kind efProduee. Give us a call. ! .1. W. I'llILINa i SON, j Fuulury, Nov. IC, Isfil. j N E W G O O J ). S ! i 1 G R O 0 EH 1 E S, CriiiifKed of Sugar. Cofl'ec. Teas, llicc. Corn-starch, 1 Maeeuroni. ilarley. lakiug-)Hiwder. molasses, soaps, candles, tubacco and scgars. Salt. I'iah. Meat, ChetcC, ' Ac. Ac. Ali, a large variety of SwwXO (Xi Om.WOsii for Men. Women and Children. I 'All kin. lof (irniii and Country Produce taken ' in exchange for Goods. liiveus a call before you purchase elsewhere, wo ! are hound lo sell as low ns any 0110 else. Store-room iu Ira T. Clement's building nt tho . south-west cirsicr of Market S.imrc, near thu Court , llou-o. Sunbury. Nov. 5. 1-V.l. I ut-:itiiiix tCaili'isicst. 1 7i:iTEH Ar.?vAIIGE3IEIfT. November 7th, 1864. 1 "" I'.F.AT TliUN'lv LINK from tho North ana JT Vortli-W est for Philadelphia, New York, Kcid ing. Poltsville, Lebanon. Alluntown, L.-lon, Ac. Trains leave llarri.-hnrg for New-York, us fol. bors : 3.00 and s. li A. M. and 1.15 P. SI., arriving at New York at IU . M. and 2.4j nnd I S nil P. M. The above onucct with similar Irani. Oti the Peuii syhnnia railrotiil. and Sleeping Cars accompany the uft two trains, without change. Leave for Heading. l'oiisvilJc. Tamaiiin, Mincrs ville. All'iitowu an, I Philadelphia ut M.U A. M. uinl If j P. M., stopping ul Lubitufin ai.d iiiucipiil stu I lions only. Way irain. stopping at nil poiuts. at 7.2.1 A. M. and 4. IU P. .M. Hoiuruiiig, leaveN'ew York at 11,00 A. M.. 12 noon, and i.OU P. M.,: Phitndelphiu at 8 A. M. nnd 3.. 'It) P. M ; Poltsvilleat 8.60 A. M. and 2.3. P. M ; T.imaqua ti.10 A. M. and i.U V. M., and Heading ut 12 ruuiniglit, l.Zb and iu.lo A. .M., l.ris and ii.uo P. M. lteading AcconiiiifMliitnn Train leaves Heading nt IV.'Mi A. M. returning from Philadelphia at l.ell I'. M. Columbia Pnilroad Trains leavo I'.eadtng at G.Iu and II A. M. Kphratii, l.ili.. '..iuuil in. Ac. On Sundays: Leave New York M 7 P. M., Phila delphia o li P M. Potlsville r.-:t) A. M., Taniiua 7 A M. llarri-liurg 8 li A .M and Heading ut 12 mid- night, for Hiirrisburi-. Comuiulaiion, .MiloAge, Season, and Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates to ami from all point. e'O Pound ilug 'a -c allowed enrh Pu.-sem.-er. (I. A. NICOLL?. , Uencrul Superintendent Nov. Sti IHitl. LiK'hu.vnnna 4V Btlooi:ilur CSull , rontl. ON and afier Jau. ISlh, 1S5I, Piuuenger Trains will tu 1 xt f jt I v , : MOVINtl S0IT1L y'.7,te-ii-sr. 4.2rt P Anthony's Firo, Hose, Salt Knoum, Sanlu Ileuil, Uoro i;yen. I ran Aire. v si,-l:h i; h al,l rilltvr of Hit ''Mlliliiiiwoi .- 'tm x ral, vh-,iii. "Our onlv child, aluiiit thni- years ot age, was attacked bv pimples oil ids loreheud. They nip illy m.rc,id until tlu v forioed ti loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his faee, and aetu illy him; .-.I his eves lor some davs. A killul physician applied niira'te of silver niitt oilier remedies, w ithout any nmiuroiit vll'eet. Fur lille. il d.iv we guarded bis hand, 1.-st Willi He ill he should tear olieu the lej,-ttrin-' and corrupt wound which covered his whole liuv. Having trhsl cvrv thing else we hud any hope from, we ls-giin -tuiig your SAiisAI'Aitli.'.A, nn'l ii'iplvlng the loilule of potssh lotion, as you ilirect. The Miru began to heal when we hml git en the first bottle, and was well when we had lliilshcl the second. The child's eyelashes, win 1 had corou out. urew atrain, ami he U nov iu healthy and lair as aey other. The wh.du uei-'.iborhoo.l prcdiclovl that the child wut die." Syphilis nnd MorctirirU Di..oase. JVnifl In: llh-am sluit,ufSI. .hiiij, Miwnrl. "I liud vour st:i tc.tuii.l.t a more elleetlliil rein.-ily lor the eeeoinhirv etiiiploms of Smiliili and foi-svphililic ilivase ihim any other we possess. The nroiessi.in an Isi.lt bled to ; ou lor some ol the Is at medicines we have." J-'r..iii J. '.vu. A, .If. !' "tt mU,ent jjujiirian r.f .fiiireior, Mt:t.,v!r i a promiacnt mniidtr 'J the l.r ii'lnlarr i'i' Miir.'ii'-Uu'rlln. " Hi:. Ari.i:. My dear Sir: I lute fini-ail veir S i:s trAUii-i.A an excellent n nu-ily for Siiali'lm, IhiiIi of the vrtinnrn and ffuitarjt lys aii'l ellis--tunl in su-.n - c-iM-a lhal .4o loo ol,.-tiual.: to yi.-l.l to other n-iiii ili'-s. 1 do not know what we enn em ploy with more certainty of success, here a potter lid'altenitivc Is rt.uin d." .V. Chat. .. Jim .fie. i.AVm- nrvnuru-t, V..., had dremlful uh- r 011 his legs, caused by tue .ibusu of inereurv, or memtrial tittan , tt hi.-h grety iiioro and inorc'iiggrvateil for years, m spite ol every remedy or treatment that could be npi-ll.il, unlit llio ti.-i-sete-ing use of AvKii's Saus.mmiiii.i.a relieve l liitn. li-WBiM'Hfim U- foiil'd ninp: inveterate and rlimrcs'.iii;,- ttian tliis, m it look set cilI dojeu bottle) to cure hh.t. Ijouoorrhoea, 'WTiiloi, Female Waaline- arc gem-railv prfidticwl bv Internal Scr'utau l i-rf-,r7.ei'.andiirevi rvi.fie.i cunsl hy the all rainc rir.-el nf this Stiis trAiin.i.A. Somt : rases mtinre. however, in nil of the tltlAl:lt.L.., tho slal.ul apilicuiio:i of l ic-.il n medi. e. brum the irrU-lnnrf ""'I r t U lil eeM rrwI TV. J.irvh Mai ril:, I'l l iaeiaaalt. "I have found four St un i-.tun.i.t an ck llent alrei-atite in di. -as-s of P-mile. Slant- rises of Irn-'olirWv, Leui-orrlne 1, li-.t-ninl I l. eratnm, in I l.ieardel.ilitv, nrisini.' Inun e-rofuloiis dlatlu-n-., hnve vi. l led 10 it. and ther- lire b-w lb-it do inn, whiuito, ir.-cl is properly aided by local trcatim-m.' .1 'A'", Hairillimj la ullnw 'Ac inil liiation of h?r noi.e-, a-rif.v " Mv.l-itig'it" r mul ni)-elf hute H.-.-U ee.r.l of" rert-debililailng l.eiieori-liu-t o!ta - xtatidin-;, by m-ii bottles of your S ins trAUit.l-t." Hhoiijaatiant, Oout, Liver Complaint, Dys- pnpsia, Iloart TJia--a.-io, Tifourclgiit, wli.11 e.niwl hv Srr-a'uln in the i t-sttui, aru rapiuly cured by 1I11. L.i. SaiiAi-au!I.la. SlOX P. WllLVIillTOM. niLL fit WOLVERTOW, Altorncj is 11 ml l'nn--Irf ut Lntr. Office. Market street, cor. Centre Alley, STT1T23TJJH5-T, FA.. "7 ILL attend promptlrv lo the eolU'etlon of olalme V and all oilier professional huine-is Intrusted to their earo in Northumberland nudadjuiuin-j counties. Sunbury, January 23. 1SC2. AN INTERESTING HISTORY DR. BCHENK'S OWIT CASE. WHILE LAHOH1NH I'NDLH CONSUMPTION And how his Pulmonic Syrup. Seaweed Touie.' and Mandrnko Pills acton the System in Curing that Ditease, aud the (.rent NtifCfM Allciidluft- II ! The alsne isn correct likenes ol Dr. Sehenk taken many years ago, r.fler lie had recovered from Con sumption ; by a course ol his 'Sehenk s Pulmonic Syrup." The likencs-,. although it doe not repre sent him anything like as bad ns he was at the worst, yet it is in si mug contrast with thu hale and t ignroue looks of tho Portrait below, which Is llio uue like ness of him at present lime. The contrast between these two portraits is so great thut many would not believe them to be the same person. Yet there nre hundreds of persons, in and around Philadelphia, who will recognise both porlmita to bo true repreeeu tations. When the first was taken he weighed 17 , pound ; at the present time his weight 229 poan-s M Two doors west of Wui. H. Mill-f s Shoe store, tajibury. Pa. Justopem-! n frerh supply ot FALL' AND WINTKU (HtODr?, ucli as Fancy Dress Triunuings. Hibttons, filoves llRndkerehiefs, l.adie.' Linen Collars and Cutis 1.4'uve Sernnton, , Kii'gr-ion, ft.J Ploonisburj H.2.1 ' " Hupert, o.:;5 ' 11 Diintillr. tils ' Arrive at Nurlhumherlaud, tl.i.S I MOVIN'ti NOHT1I. ! Lat Northumbt-rland, R OD A. M j Danville, R 40 Hupert. H 411 1 . llloomsburg, i wj j " Kingsinn, J2 12 P.M. Arrive at Sernnton, I . in Freight A Passenger lenves Itlonmsburg. 10.1 j A. M. VasssVeers inking tho Mail Train South connect witli the L.xpres. train from Northumberland, arriv ing at Harrisiiurg. nt 2.;tn A.M. IS.iltimoro 7 .00 A. M.. and ut Philadelphiu, at 7.01) A. -M. The Muil truin from Northumbcrlnnd lenves immediately ufter the arrtvnl of the Kx press train from Hnrri-hurg and '5u.lliu-.orc. allotting I'ussrtiger. leaving Philadelphia at 10.40 P. M.. 10 reach jioiutj on this road Uunug lb next forvn.Mn. New and elegant Sleeidng ears accompany the night trams each ttay beiaeen Norihumberlaud and ltultiuiore, und NurlLuuiberland and Philadelphia. Ii. T. LOl'XD. Supt. Dlurl.-H lor s.'5. An assoi'linent of Dia ries f..r I mi. of taries stt les and frie. Also, 1-nrs Linen nnd paper Collar. N.-tts. Hells. Lace : l"l -Nu,e L"Ul'r 4 i''r. (ur"" ,.,,.. ri.llarsand FWer.s. If,.ir Polls, Vel.ot Klbhons, 1 ... ,. , - AN N A I .rTN f Lit. Ked. White nud lllue Ncckdiei, CorU. Quaker i P,,ry, Not-, j, 115 Hosiery 1 Scurf?, I tkirtt, Yokes and Sleeves. WOOLL.V (V OHS. comprl.llig of Soiling ff'T ladies in, d chililien, t'nps uf all kiieb tttnves, .Milieus. Kit, Also, a uew style of liiu.-tln Vr fl-iri ibabll waists togeliir tv lib Svti-s. .lacoiiet nud Icioria Muslins ( rape Jollais nud Veils. Oi ena.liue und Lace Veils sudavarittty of other aitlcb-s too numerous to meo ti"n. MAl'.Y L. LAZAl.lS. Sui.l.iirv Oct. 22, lfil. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PJIIl.Al LLl'HIA. T.. 'lYlHrases vrili.- "-ri.u, Xrniiniil, At li-il.lii-y iiskI sai.nii siistrni- w and reliable treatment in repofU .it the HOW. . AI'.D ARHOCf ATIONni by mail in seated letter . .ovelopes. free of elmrse. Address Dr. .f. SKll-: LIN HOI'liHTON. Ilowiir.l A-ialioa, No.1 euih Ninih Street. Philadelphia. Pa. I July If.. Ihr54.-l.r - ! HATS! HATS!! iJAML'LL 1'Al'ST, T doors west of Fischer's Drug Ut'.rc. Market st BTTtTBTinV, PENN'A. IS eonslaully inanufueturing the latest styles of V.icd i and Fur llau. which fur auluiese and durability 1 ase oot sur atsed. ' Oive Uiu a call auvlsoe uis stock 01 lisia wmcn ara I. 1C STAU1FEXI. WATCHIiIAKBH & "JEWELRY. No.Ua' Nurlh PECOXD meet, corner of Quarry. I I liiladulpliia. i An iimnoi-iiik'iii ot IViiIcIm'n. Jevt -. !rj, filv r .V IMiKr.l Wars- Constantly I hand, Suitable for HOLIDAY' Pltl'SENTS! ' tv' Itepairiug of Watches and Jewelry promptly all. u. li d to. I Dccricbir S, IMI ly I UJ'.HAT HKDUC'TION INT1IK PIUCE OF EDWIN HALL is, CO. No 20 South Second Street, Philadelphia. I .tie notv offering their maguifieeiit .lock of bilk, I Dress Doisls. Shawls, CloUis, flunks, Velvets, ao , tnr brloar the present Gold Prices ! We have also en hand, a large slock of DOMESTIC ', i.iOiiliS. aliich wo are now. selling at a gnat redue j tion from the prices wc havo been selling them at. As we have had thu adt milage of a rise in the prices J of our Sioek in the progress ol thu War sur the last j two or three years, w e now proio. to givv our Cub. ' timers the Advantage, of the lull Ul Pricv. Citlioot' and Muslins, reduc.edr Flaiiaelsaud Tabla Linens, reduced, HlunieUi and all Ma4Ui(iooda, reducad We ropectfuUv , licit from the Ladies and others visiting Philadelphia, au examination of our stuck, AYER'S CATTTAltTIC TTLLS pus,-ss so nmny nilvaiiiutri-s "vr tho otlii-r pitrgiitivt-s in tiff iiiurUct. mul tlu-ir superior virtu.-s art' somiin-rsnlly known. tliiitwciu'i'd not do tiion- tliii.11 tn iiesui-f tin- piililie tht-ir quality is niaintniiusl i-qiKil l.i the best it t-vi-r has bi i'ti, mul thai tin y may he ilctienilcd on M (iu nil thut tlu-y Imve fv.T Joins l'1-cpar.-il by .!. C. AYKU, M. L., 1 Co., Luw.-ll, .Ma- s." nml ml I by Sold by Friling A tiraut. Sunbury, It. Ii. McCoy, Northumberland, Aaron Parro'l, Wynburg, V. R. Kutmcr. Shuinuklu, J. P. Hugue. Walsoutown. Aud by all dealers in Modlcinrs everywhere. August 1"., 18fi-L ly. SOLIDIFIED SElTTiLL C?eEAi, I'or leuunl3tr, liili-iiina- nml Ir-rrTlim- lh 'ri'.I"I'll.t This article is prepared with the greatest care npnn scientific principles, aud warranted not to contain anything iu the slightest degree deleterious to the teeth or gums. Some or our uiosl eiuiueui I'cnini Surgeons have given their sunctiou to, aod cheerful ly recommend 11 as a preparation of superior iiuuli lies for r.leaiisiug, wliitcning and prwerving the TEETH, it cleans them readily, remicriug them beautifully white and penrly, without the lightest injury to the eaumel. It is heulipg to the gums where they nre ulcerated and sore. It is alee au ex cellent disinfccior lor old decayed U-tith, which are often exceedingly otlcnsive. 11 gives a ricu oreuiny laete lo the mouth, cleansing it thoroughly, aud iu. j parliuf a delightful fragrance Ui the bruutb. l'HLPAKtU ONLY UY A. II A VV L K Y tV CO., N. W. for. 10lh.. A Lombard Sis; Philadelphia. And sold by all DrugUts. PlilCli CENTS. TESTIMONIALS. The following opinion of Dr. White, a to the high etreiu iu w hjeh he holds the Dental Cream, must be sufficient evidence of its value ; to quote other lesti. menials in detail is needless, contenting ourselves by simply giving the iinmes end addresses of pel sous ho speak of iu i xcellcncv for the teeih. Philadelphia. April Hih.lWlT Having carefully examined A. lluwley's ' Solidi fied Dental Cream," 1 hereby cheerfully reeoui mend it lo the public generally. - It is an excellent prcparuticn for clcansiug and preserving the teeth, and can he used by all persons with thu utmost con fidence, as its properties are perfectly harmless He. sides i.rcscrtiLir the teeih. it promote a hcslihy j action to the gull", and impart a pluutauluess lolhe ' brio Hi, j Dr. V. It- WHITE. 1203 Arch St. ! Thomas Ingram. M. D , Dentist, t'Jl N. Fuurtk kit. j J. ISirkey, 2i4 S. Sixth St. ! E. Vuinierslice, Surgenu Dentut, 425 Arch St. C. A. Kinsbury. Deiillsl, 1 1 IV Walnut Si. S. Dllliiizhnm. l D.S., 7:i4 Arch St. i F. M. Dixon, e27 Arch St. Edward Townsend, Dentist. 126 N". Fourth fit. ' L. II Dorphley, Dentist, S07 N. TeulU St. I M. L. Lou;,'. Duutist, oVt) N. Sixth Si. May :M, Ibl'i4. ly ETTER 0i? ADVICE FOR IADIE8 FIVE ANATOMICAL EXUH AXIN'GS. i Has inf'4-mation never before published. I Sent nice in a sealed eurelope for rr rents. AdJreei Vr. STANFOKD. I 1 P.o Ko 4,JJ. New York P. 0. '. July 9, 14 -iu tMSllmte4k ts4 jFfr:&lg&!&. Vlk cost of one dollnr mid twenty-five cents, with full di rections. This Is sufficient, in many uses, 10 satis fy what the medicines arc. Frequently one laittle liinkcs a great change in the system. Any person thut enjoys ordinary health, by using the Seaweed Tonic aud Mandrake Pills occasionally, must get the ; digestive organs in such a healthy condition that I they become llcshy I can produce a number uf my 1 old consumptives patients now enjoying good health, weighing nearly 200 iounds. I will uonclude by relatina three eures I have made in New York, nud which ara all different, nud wish any one who feels an interest in the mutter to visit them. First is Mrs. Fal low, residing theu at No. JUT Houston street Her husband called upon me ut my rooms, 'Ji lb. ml street ' and wished ino tu call and see her. He said I could do 00 good ; that he had had all tho best medical ntlendiince, and all said she was too fur gone with Consumption to be oured ; but she had heard of sonic great cures I had made, and hn desired to gratify bet wishes. I called, ami found her lying confined to her bed in the Inst singe of bronchial consumption and without doubt must have died soon. I examin ed her lungs, found both bronchia! tubes very much alli-ct.il, hut no cavities had formed, her cough was very Severe, Uie spit-box was half lull of thick pus. Pulse 140, leg swollen very much ; and worse thnu all, she hud cbrouic diarrhu-a. Her bowels had been moved eleven times that day. told her that sho had lungs anuugli to be cured, but that this diarrh.ea hud been of long standing, and to-r stomach wo in such a ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing could be dune. Sho iiisUtuil 1 should try and do whut I could for her. observing that she could not last long iu thu joiidilion shewn in, and I could not , muke her anv worse. I gave her fust a dose of my ' Mandrake Pills, nnd the tonic aud .''yrup freely. That was on Tuesday, nnd by tho next Sunday the diurrhtea wn cnrrietl off, her uppotttu had returned and she could sit up iu bed and eat her dinner. She Uuow well, and gave a loqg certificate, certified to by the ltev. Dr Downing. . "Mrs. llartholoniew, Ivi West Forty-fifth street, . came to uiy rooms with a tumor on her liver. .Sho was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels costive, no appetite, and fast sinking into the grave. The said tumor hod been running over fouiteen year.. I gst e her Syrup. Tonic ami Pills, and told lier totake them jusi as ihe directions were printed. She came back to my rooms. 32 llond street la two ' weeks, somewhat belter ; her tongue had begun, to oleau a little around the edges, hcrskin whiter nud her eyes brighter and the tumor discharging very uliensive mailer, much faster limn it hud evrdoue . before. Sho kept gradually improt ing, aud in nliont two n.enti.s she c uue to my rooms very much Irigui- ! ened, saying that tbe tumor hud nearly stopped j ' running, and was healing up. und that every diaitor ! bad told her Hint if it iter healed it would cause her : denlb. I told her that the disease hud all left her , stein, and t Ltare noul.l heal the ulcir up. They t pi t- iiuw. healed, and have been for about a year and j ehw is a heart t utid rohit! a woman as you fill find : iuailny wait. She is glad for any one to cull 011 her, and lakes great pains lo visit any one that she tears has anything like her easo, and triis to get Ihrm to eomu und see me. The next easels Miss j ieoficlil. from Stamford. Conn.. Mrs. Hariboloniew gut her down to see me, and she hn been ever since al her house. H'heu she first enmu lo my roon.s. she ' was much emaciated wiih a distressing cough, spit- ling targe quantities of blooil. 1 exaniin.it her lungs , with the respiroiueier. sl in all my practice never found one w ith one lung so far gone and the other lung so sound. I could not give much encourage--Uieut. 1 thought she would die but tu my astoir i-hmeiit the Pulmonic Srru, Seaweed-loiiio. aud Mnii.lruke Pills all seemed lo go right t6 work, the luug is all healed or. leaving tt entity as large as -a goose egg; g..od uppclitu. tine spirits, met has 'j gained some Ihiriy-fivr jmunds in weight. She has some cough yet. which I do not It.iisL will leave her before June. 1 should !liiuk it would be of great 1 interest lo souie unprejudiced physician lo visit these cases, particularly Miss Scofiel.1. orauy of them nln havv been cured by my medicine. 1 bey are num. wi.ui iu Now York ; but the above three all ditTir -from each other ; aud if tny medicines are doing abut I represent they are, they sb.uld bsre the credit slid Ihe alilic.ou' kuuw wbt-ru and hew they u.ay bo eured. .1. II. .STHENIC. M. D. Dr. J. II. Sehenk can be touud nt the principal ofhee. No. Z'J North 6ih Street. Philadelphia, every Sat unlay, from It A. M. until i P. M., tu give advice free of charge ; but for a thruitgb exaiuinatiou he charges three dollars. Priceofihu Pulmonic Syrup mid (-dittoed Toniw each $1 26 per bottle, or ie tha half iloicii. Mandrake Pills Jj cute per box, end is for sale bv all Druggist aud Dealers. -Vay 11. 1.164. ly " !No.'tlu'rn Ci'iiti-il Iiiiihviiv ! si ti tii'ic rim: 'l Aixi.i:. TIIKER T11AINS DAILY to and from P.altimere snd Washington city. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Riiilroinl. to and from Pittsburg and the West. , Til 11 EE TKAINS DALY to nod from tueXorth and , West ltrauch Susquehanna, Elniira, und all of North ern New York. ON and alter MONDAY, MAY loth. 161, Ihe Piu.eirgcr Trail s of the Northern Ceuirul ' ltailauy Mill arrite nt and depart from Suubury, Hairisburg uu. Baltimore ns follows, vis : SOUTH W AUD. G-RA1TT &C dietzi LOWER WHARF, BTJNBURY, FA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL, In ovcry variety, Orders Solicited and filled with promptness and drspnieh. Sunbury, May 19, 1803. ly "'" C3-. -W-." lk .A.TT.FT, Attorney nnd t'onnsi.-llor nt ljivr, Office on south side of Market street, four doors west of E. Y". Ilright A Son's Store, STJ3ST"BTJR"V. IP A. VTTI1 attend promptly lo all professional bnlness Tlis1 A1rtn'is I-;prrlai OntpnitT, (IVK NOTICE that they have concluded af Tl" rangementa with the Northern Central Itnll mail Company to run trains from llultimore for York, Ilarrlsburg, Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorb.n, Sunbury, Northumberland, l.ewisburs, Milton, .Mnucy, W il liamsport, and all Intermediate stations, eonneetinr at llarrisburg. with Uie OR EAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the Meat. Also with Howard A Cn.'s l!stiress at Milton ne Danrillo, llloomsburg, Wilkesharre. Pittston. Scrun- ton, and Intermediate stations on the Cnttnwia, Lackawanna A llloonisburg Railroads. At W il liamsport, by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey Shore anil Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton. Troy, Eltnirn, Rochester, Huffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Hunk Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes. PrnTui and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed,' and every effort will ba made to render sntisinetiuu. JOHN LIXOHAM. Superintendent Pena'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April, 1462. I KOI. aVUlV entrusted! to his care, the collection 01 claims Northumberland nnd the adjolulng eounlit. Sunbury, May 2.1, lstia. ly l'r 1 1 11 Ih, 11 it--, llom-lio, Anls, Itcd llii(;M,riotlii in I'sirM, M smiI.-iih. As-., Inn-els on lIanfs, l'ow 1st, AuIiiiiiIh, Ac. Pntnpin2je, JOc. and $1 fiO Roxes, Hot lies and Flasks. $3 nud ii sizes for Hotels, Public lustitu tion, Ac, "Only Infallible remedies known." ('Free from Poisons." "Not dnngerous to the Human Family," -Hals come oirt of their holes to die." .y-Pohl Wholesale in nil large cities. Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere ! ! ! P.'kw aiik '. ! ! of all worthless imitations. See that "CostiirV name is on each Hot, liottle and Flask, before von buy. Address ll'ILIC V It. m'OS'l'A K. Principal Depot 4H2 Broadway. New York. IV Sold by all Wbolcsule aud Retail Druggists iu Sunbury. Pa." Feb. 211. 1S64. flm JEREMIAH SNYDER, Altnmry .V 4'miit-llor lit Lnrr. OiTjce on ieutli si Jo of . Market street, four doors west of ticarhart's Confectionery store, STJ-N'BTJ'Il'Y, PA. Will attend promptly to nil professional busine-s entrusted to hi earc. the collection of claims in Nor thumberland and the adjoining counties. Coii-ultation in Herman and Euglish. Sunbiirv. March 13. 1KC4. READY ROOFING Hsa.l v to nail down. READY "ROOFING At less than half the cost of tin roofs. HEADY ROOFING More durable than tin. REAM" ""OOFING j Suitable for steep er Hut root's. READY ROOFING For all kinds of buildings, iu ull climates. 1 1 E A D Y R 0 O F I N G A rrnng rmcn I ol icrr Vork Lin?si. THE CAMDEN AND AMB0Y AND PHILADEL-' P1JIA AND TRF:NT0N R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philadelphia lo AVsp Turk and Way 'fteet, from Walnut ulreet Wharf and Krnsinqton Itrpol, trill leart as follow, fix ; rAliK, At 6 A. M., via Camdun and Am boy, (C. and A. AceuinmiKlatioii.) $2 2c' At A A. M.. via Camdun aud Jersey City, N. J., ceotnmndation, At H A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) At 8 A.M.. via Camden nnd Jersey city 2d Class Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jerey city, r.xress . At 12 M. via Camden and Atnbnr, C and A. ( Accommodation,) At 2 P. M., via Camden aud Ambny, (C. and A. Express.) At 3 P.M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Exnrcss At 6 P. M.. via Kensington aud Jersey Ctt;-, (Evening Mail,) At 111 P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. At II (ttight) via Kensington and- Jersey city Niuliierii txpreei At 5 P. M., via Cnmden and Ambev, (Aceom- nio.la iin. Freight and Pusseuger, First . CIium Ticket. Second Clan Ticket, lur Wa'er Unp, otroudsfiurg, Scrauton, V ilkes harre, Montrose, Great Rend, Ac. at 6 A. M., from Kensington, via Dulawnre, Lacka vanun and c.tern Railroad. F'or Maueh Chunk, Allentown. Bethleueni, Itoli. dere, Easbm, Lambertville, Flcminglou. Ai.. td a A. M.. from Kenin?t'on Depot, and at li P. M. from Wuluut street WharL (The 6 A M. Line connects with Tiaisa luavinr Easton for Maueh Chunk, at D-20 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at A. M . 2 and t P. M. For Freehold, at fi A. M. an 1 2 P. M. WAY LINKS. For Bristol. Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. M. ctd 2j aod S P. M. from Kensington. v Fur Palmyra, Riveiton. Dvlanen, Ileverly, Bnr liugton, Floruuee, Itordentowu, Ac, al 12. I, 2, 41 aud 9 P. M. F'or New Y'ork. and Way Lines leaving Keu siugton Depot, take the Curs on Fifth street, above, Walnut, -half an hour before departure. The Curs run into the Depot, nud on the 111 rival ol each Ttiu, ' run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of' Baggage only, allowed eavH' pns.enger. Passengers 'are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over lifly pound lo be paid lot exiru. The Company limit their rcspon-ibilily for baggsgo to Ouu Dollar per pound, and w ill not be liable for any auiwuul beyond $100. except be speciul contract. M. II liATZMER, Agent. January 17, ISol. i 2-' s oc' 2 3c' 3 BC' 2 2J' 00' .1 Of J of .1 OC' 3 C 2 2.'.' 1 60 WM- KiNOCHE. fit MARKET STREET, llAHKISIU HO, PA , Dealer in P I A N 0 s . "1!W Rosewood Planes, fiefn the beet mnkers- y trnui ?L'00 upwnr.ts. Mtole . MELODEONS. The best manufactured lustra- menu from lito$k"J tiuitars, Viulius. AccordcoiiE Flutes, Fin-s. Itrums. Banjos, lauitMiurines, Violin and 11 uilar strings und musieal mor-' o!raadise in general. - SHEET MUSIC. TLa n.VA nuhl.rsatimi sltW:lVa lin It'inJ. Uualltl MaMlh ' w '""K "'V n iniiiic.inurt.uBiiiT .i,rnT hy mnii lo tur pari ol Uio oux'.ry . U.i-i'y. chfftplT, dint qa'Vki-f put on. oedj do ttiin uvatr itb owiiit-ut niu-r ii .j U.feti -down. READY ROOFING and corrttl utnn 1 Jt!i tutfjicr with n tturft'ttly w tfrjTieuf roin)Miit1un. nti'l iut up in rult radv fur Uro 40 inch iJi. and 7 j futL long. - Wo ulfo mnnufittur liqtji: Ntw Y'onK, 'Wtdrefiiay. March 30, 1S6(. TOinKITIiLlC. van SALE. I . W,.l 1 ftsifi. In ll.tr a.li'an. 1 1 14 1 U saaM ts) s uuium'v. ... w 1 - - . . te to ui.ll a.4 uru a-. e..tl-: fbe.j.ti suti ni.sJ . ow .lo,. "; lo:.,y laauHtacture. . , No. 2e SoUih Secoud sirttt, PUilad. Ipbia pi.bur- " .;te...r I. l.T.l 4 Octvtvr 4 ,e. t.- 'sVrnt-J cl"l'linlM-r I .nud, bslow Tret . 1 01 lurlii. imiucutsis si'ply 10 H. S. MAJ5ER. i Stinbury, Au 1. HCi. if. Thirty years ngo I was in the lust stgos of Pul uionury Consiiinption. nnd given up to die. I resided 1 in Philadelphia, und Dr. Joseph Parrish,lheu utlhi. . city, ordered 111c to Morcstown, N. J., a distance of nine miles which took me tiro dnys to get there. On t my arrival I was pill to bed, aud there laid for many weeks. This was my unlive place, where all my family lived and had died of Consumption. Dr. Thorulon. who attended my father in hi lut illness., was called, and gave me one week to fix up my af fairs. Ho had seen all my family go that way, aud thought 1 was to go. loo 'Theu 1 beard of the'r. ine dies 1 now oiler to thu public, which cured uie. It ' seemed to me that I could feel them pcuetrating my whole system. They soon ripenej the matter on my lungs, and I . would apit off more than a piut of offensive yellow j matter every morning. As soon as that begun to subside, my eough. fever, .pain, night sweats all begnu to leave me. and my appetite became so great thut it was with difficulty I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my slrcngtn audi have ' been growing In flei-li ever since, l or many years . I have enjoyed uninterrupted good health, keeping the liver nud stomach healthy w ith ihe Seaweed To- I Die and Mandrake Pills, ns 1 am of a billious temper- umunt. My weight is two hundred and twenty i pounds tin tny recovery pcoplo would send for mu fur aud near, to see if their cases were like mine. For this purpose 1 pay professional visits iu Ihe large cities. Tbceoiuinptives wish to see tho one that make these medicine, and who tins cured of eon- sumption by them. To make new lungs is imposi Lie; but cavities iu the lungs and chronic ulcera tionsofthe bronchial lubes can be healed Such , eases aro dying hourly under tho ordinay treatment ! of physiciaus. and just such nre cured by the proper ' use of Sebeuk s Pulmooio Syrup, Seaneed Tonic, , and Mandrake Pills. I I am now a healthy num. with a largo cavity iu I tha middle lobe of the right lung, the lower lobe very much hepatixed and complete adhesion of the pleuru. ! The left lung is sound, aud the upper lobe of the rinlil lunif is iu a tolerably healthy condition. The great reason w hy physieiucs do not cure coiisuuip- 1 Hon is they try tu do too mueii ; they give medicines i to stop the cugh, to slop chill, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and, by eo doing, they derange Uie whole digestive powers, locking up the secretions 1 und eventually the puticut sinks und dies. After 1 mnke a careliil examination of the patient with tha j Kespiroineler, and liud lungs enough left to cure, I ; dlrecUhe patient how to use tho ll.reo remedies. , Remote the uuiiso uud Iht-v will nil slop of their own accord. Noono can be cured ufcousuinptiou, ; liver complaint, dyspepsia, euturrh. canker, ulcerated throat, uulese the liver and eioinu;-b are made heal. , thy. In New Eugland this eituker chrome cnlarrh, ulcerated thr.wt, elongation ut uvula, i more pret a- lent than iu any other section uf the country. This . is frequently cuused by a foul stomach. You may j burn II out a ith cau-lio lime ami again, aud all they will gel is teiiiiorary relief. Correct the stomach aud liver, and they will heal up themselves. tiuod uutriliun is the remedy. Jf you have any j discus iu any part id Ihe body, it will rviuuiu there 1 and decay mora and more until you can get the sto ' mach iu tho euuditiuu to digest'lood aud make new blood to tukli the place of diseased mutter. This is ; llio only way to Heal savtties in tne lungs ami uiuer- 1 ated br'uuchial tubus. Curroel the slowaoh aud liver aud nature will do the healing. Many persons have au idea that certain luediciucs are great purifiers of the blood. W ben blood is ouoe diseased it oanuol be purified ; it is diseased the same as tbe diseased matter in the system ; but get tbe apratus iu or der, Ihe liver aod stomach, aud give U plenty of ; uouri.hiog food it will luak uew blood, aaich will ! tsk tha piaua of that which u diseased I Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). II) IS A. M. ' leaves llarri'burg, I 20 P. M. " arrives at Balliuioie. 9 41 ' I.xpres Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) 1 1 4i P. M. ' lento Hurrisbur (except ' ; Monday.) 2 it) A. M ! ' arrives at Baltimore daily (except . Monday). 7 00 A.M. I - llarrishnrg Accuiumudiilion leaves Harris burg, 7 00 A. M. Huubury Accommodation leaves Suubury daily (except Sunday) at 7 30 A M NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex. . Cept Sunday) 8 20 A. M leaves Hnrrisbnrg 1 Si P. M, " arrives ut Suubury, 4 05 " Express Train leaves Baltimore daily 9 30 P. M " arrives at llarrisburg. 1 40 A M. " lent eslfurrisburg (except Monday). 3 li A. M. " arrives at Sutihiiry. i !'i " Hiu-jisburg Aecoiuinodtiliou leaves Hurris- l.urg, daily (except Suiidny) at 3 00 P M arrites at Harrisiiurg', 7 i0 P M Sunbury Accommodation leuvtn Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 t'O P M For further information apply at the OlDce. I. N. DrliAilRY. lion. Supt. Harrisburg, June I l. 0 siR) ir's ' CELKBHATKU PUKl'AHEI) JAYA COFFEE, . ir .1 Jl li A X T E J) SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. IT is used by first class families everywhere, and highly recommended for uervou and dyspeplio persons, being very nuitritious and free from all deleterious substances, in testimony of which I have certificates from the most emiuiiient Physicians in the Country. Try it, and you ill be sure to con tinue Its use in preference tu any ether. Sold nt retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound by First class tirouers throughout the I'uitcd 'tales. l-t' A liberal discount to the Trndo, rut up only by I. i:vim A. oitoiti. Wholesale Depot, fill Warren it. New York. May 7, 1S04. Allrntlou, l.udi- uusi -ull'iii-u I AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH Over J. Ilowen's Store, corner Market A FawaSts, 8UNBUR y. IP A.., Q BYERLY. has opened a uew Picture (iallery kv. in the above place, aud is prepared lo lake Portrait iu Ibe best style and wanner. AMBROTYPES AND J'HuTOHRAPUS, aretukon 11 every style ot the Art, that cannot be sui passed iu the State. Having several year's expe rience, he will give satisfaction or aacharge. ' Copies will be taken from all styles of Pieturos. Lite him a call. Remember, aver Buweu s store. . Suubury, Deo. 17, 1S64. , Attorney nnd Counssrllor nt I JM , HABRISBUBO. PENN'A. 1111,1, aarefullv aitswd ta eolleetioos anil all 11 ether matters ntru.led la bias, in laeeouutiee Fob Lmar. Tm P.oors. Much cheaper unj more durablo thau oil paint. A 1.SO. 'on(oiiitl '-IHVllt, For Leaky Shiuglo R.onfs, Which will often save the cost of a uew roof. Samples uf Bendy Routing and Circulars sent by mail when desired. Favuiiiblo'cries uiadenith responsible parlies who bey lo sell again. Rk'ADY ROOFIN'H CO., 7ii .tiaiden Luoe, N. Y,. April 23, IS84. LILLIE3 CHILLED IRON SA P f '1 1 V. 1 Safa Boliabla against iata) Fir . and Burglary. I am now propnred to furni.h-three sixes of Nation al Bank Sales. They are hoih Fire and Burglar- proof, with two distinct inside Burglur Safes, and three of toy uew Auli-Micri.nteier Locks on each safe, belietcd to be the only bunk-lock now in u-e Hint bus not been picked or euniiot be picked by the uid of the micrometer. These Safes all present, four to six inches iu ihickntss of solid iron, guaranteed tube Hie strongest, the most UiKictilt to (trill and to stum I Ihe nioftl resistance against laith fire and burglary 'of any Safe iu the L'uited States of the same sue and cost. 1 hat eon hnml also, nud will furhUh all sites of; Hank Vim 1 1 Safes, jussessing all ttiu advantages of the above iigaiust burglary. Also, nil sites of Mercantile Safes both burglar proof and fire and burglsr-proof. Also, Ormiineiitul Dwelling-house Safes, burglar proof, and tire and burglar-proof (it.urnnluu not dump). Al-o, the strongest and cheapest Vnalt doors, for bank and mercantile vaults. All thu ubove aro l.illic's wrought and chilled iron. Also, sixstzes l.illic's Wrought Into Fire-Proofs, warranted equal to any eulumou Safes, at fully one third less price. Also, a general assortment of second-hand Snfes, many of them nearly new. and nf approved makers, received iu exchange tor l.illic's 1'hilled Iron Safes. Thcso are offered at or bclnw auction prices. . . M. C. SADLER Agent, No. 21 S. SEVENTH Street. JuneU, 1301. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE C 0 L L E G E, M:i.l..ltOVi:, (wtiysl.r 4'o., In. f pilE Fall Session of this Institution eomnienees on J. TBI RSDAY. AKil'ST ISth. 'The Winter Session on the 1 7th of November. TKKMS I'KH SKSSION OF 13 WKEKS: For Boarding. Woshing, Furnished lienai Furl and Light, and Tuitiou iu all Ihe regular studies of the Collegiate Deprrlmeut, only $52 7. A liberal beductiou made in favor of the Daaghlers of our Soldi.-is. For further particulrrs, or Circulars, apply to S. DOM EH, Principal, pelinsgrore, August I, 1864. 3mo. JACOB HABIEY. Surrwor lo .S' laufer ilarley.) No. 622 MARKET Street, PHILADELPHIA. DEALER ia Yine Holrl' aad Silver WATCHES , Vine Hold JiEWELItY; Solid SILYFK-W ARE. s..d thebest of SjLVER-PLATED-W AHK. Loa- stnntly on baud a large assortmeut ot tne aoovegoous al low prices. , . Welches and Fine Clucks. Bepsired. by skilfu ...rlf.n,n .1 Jewelry rettairing,- Engsavlng ana all kinds of llair-wsrk to order, at short notice. I By K. JtlTC l iT Don't forget ta old stand, No. vit -Martet . riK only street, I'hiludeli.bia. 1 ciples, w bept. JO, 1804. 'Us THE RED LION HOTEL. (,Lat Mrs. ISuuIIod's.) MARKET BTREET. BUNBUHY. PA. JULIUS ARBITER. TJ AS takea I I SchaiA 's I'uluaonta svrun I ex. of th beat areoa. raunus f ln iu use. it is a powerful tool ef itacll, ot Hauphii.. Nnttbumberland aud Sfijdtr aid wbeb thv oeetd Tuutc dtssoltes tb aiucu Oct. ta, laoi ly i.isoldsud well know stand, and ..1 furuishui th same is prepared to aeoomuiodale Boarders aud Traveler with the best I the market eaa aeora. Ii uop ey sirio. to business to receive a share of publie patronage. His TABLE eoulaios the beet tb market aords. Hi Bar is ailed with ta chuioest uf Liquors, both Mali and Spiritual. ... , , Ibe siabim is good, and attended by cartrul tastier. euubury, Aptil V, Wi ly OVAL, SIJLAKE, UILT AND ROSRWO0D FRAMES. Suitable fur looking glass., and !1 kinds of picturesj al-weys on band. A'fibe a..t-tme;it ofOt lnled ' IWItiNW OLASSEfi from smallest ti largest sin. Anv srvlsoT frame made to order at the shortest 1 notice. " WM. KN'OCHK. ! April 11. 1SCJ 93 Market si . Harrisiiurg M. Ol K ES I lit l"r Confectionery, Toy nd FR'D'IT store, .llai-kot Htrs-sS, Simbsiry, l"a.- Ct)N FKCTION EH Y OF ALL KIND,- TOYS OF EVKItY DESCIUPTIOX. fhitit, &c. &c, C CONSTANTLY on band and for sale at tfco above .' stablishment atwholrsnlu aud retail, at reason abls prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confccttonorlfv to keep up a full assortment which are sold at lue rates. Tobacco. Pegars, Stationery, Nut of all kinds, anc a variety of other articles, all of whijh are ouWef wholesule and retail. J.V Hetaeinber the name and place. J1 M. 0. t.KAKHAKT, Market street, 3 doors west efE. Y. Bright A Son', store. feunbury. Sept. 19, IRo.1. tf "WASHINGTON HOUSl"," Southwest Corner of Market Square, NIMH IIY, (t. riHE undersigned respcetfully informs tb public X. that ho has taken elinrge of thu ubove r.amef Hotel, and asks for tbe continuance of the forme patronage and would invite all others to give him . call. HIS TABI.IT is always supplied with the best the market afford. ( His Bar contains the chuiee.-'t liquors, and his stab ling is good and well attended bt careful u-ilers. MICHAEL WILVERT. Sunbury. April. 10, ISul. J. R. HILEUSH, Couuly hinrvcjssr V 'ont'jincsr Mahvnuy, Xorthtimlitrhiiid Count;, I'fnn'o Office hi Washington township. Engagements ea be made by letter, dicectud to ihe above addres) All business entrusted lo his cute, will be prouipll attended lo. April , 1S04. ly TOW LOTS 1'OK mm:. rpHE undersigned will sell at private sale, TWF.N 1 TY-SIA TOWN LOTS, situate iu the borough f Sunbury. The lots are Iocs d within a few sqimr. of tbe Pennsylvania Ruilrssd Cou..iuy . Minhin Shop, in tbe" northern part flhe loan. They ar all suitable building lots,) it rate in the must pleaxai portiou of the borough. They will U sold on rei sonuble terms. For lurtbei pasiiculnn aj.ply to 1'ETEK B. .M A.SSER, 11 11. MASSER. FliANClS RICHER, EaaVary, June 1". 1HM Executors. U-ilTtXVMAS. A. M. gjLL.ll'l IMPORTEK8 WINES AND L1QU0HS. LAI'.tlA A MMiADi:, No. 13d South Niuta. Stxeet. between Cbcsuut an Walnut, PUILADKLl'lilA May T, la4 L man.i:k'n Viiiivr itvl .111. I 11: i'Hi:t:i:ii ! As Improved lor IsJS au, istlrt, I Bv K. KETCH AM A CO., 3S Pearl st., New Yor! Vreeier constructed on scientific pri ith a retolvinn can aud spriug bla. ., r.er Th uss hastens tne troofinr 01 uie cream the other removes il as fast a frotru. I Tbe most rapid is freriiiigwitb the least quanti i of Ice. . . , Tbe most economical In aoat, as il is lb most sirup I and durable iu structure. j For sal ia all tb priueipal cities and towns in C ( l iiioa. i Each Freeser aeeowpauicd a ith a book of reeif and full Uireutiou. rUlCES. I quarts, 0a, 4 quarts, 4 01 quarts, W I quarw, . OA , 14 euarU, . t 2 quart, IH"1 . AppH t IL B.MA'rEK, wiibur... T Mtiok Vs