H. B. MA.88ER, Editor A PrayrlBtflih BWH.TEET, Publisher. SATURDAY, FKBUUAtVY SftlBOS. local Affairs. I? Hkdicatiok. The ntw Trinity Lutheran Church at Danvillo, (Re. D M. HohVlt) will b -dedicated o the worship of Almighty (Jod, On Sum day, the 20th Inst. Dedicatory wrhton ly Prof chaffer, J). D., of Philadelphia, Mfolktol by ftcV Ureenwalt, 1, 1)., of Kaston, Th publU aro tnvp ted to attend. I in 1 11 ty ViHTKH. The prweht winter Is one fr uni versal Jevcrliy. The amwlht of show too, that naa fallen I unusuatly great. On railroad the, effects of extreme eold fa swat disastrous. The Action of f rot rendera rai Is much more liable to break, and to the men employed, It li hard and disagreeable The (now ti gradually but slowly disappenrttig Uh der the Influence of the fun whose rnyii are brooming more vertical ns the days grow linger, this is dew limbic, as a sudden and rapid aMttfof would enure high fresbett tyPt. YaletitW'i baj passei) toff as Usual, iVrttirV :thv epistles sent were less numerous than formerly. 13' The Round House and Machine Ships at this place, Id progress of construction by the Fchwylv'a- ma iiaiirono. vompsny. are ireerty uiraor rtivcr, rea 'dy fur the slating of the roof. Mr. Campbell, the contractor thinks he can have the building and ma vbiiicry all completed by the first of Juno, or per haps Snottor. The sleeps at Itcuova are nearly com pleted. l"pThc Hi of February and the restoration of (he Star and Stripes on Fort Sumpter were celebrated in this placo on Wednesday lust, by the firing of thirty-six rounds of artillery and other demonstra tions. Some private flags were displayed, among them we observed that of our patriotic friend and neighbor Mrs. V I. tlrcennugh tyn. Pox. This luuthsoiue diseaso prevail ' cd among the rebel prisoners thnt passed through this place a few days since. The sick were confined in a separate car. One of them died as they nenred Trerorton. rp"S.w.l. Pox We tee by our exchanges that the I mall pox Is prevailing to some extent through 'out the country. The Itnuvill papers say the town f llloomsburg is afflicted with the seenrge to some 'cxtrnt. J'l!onort:ii Election. The. fallowing aro the 'officers elected for this borwigsi,u Friday the 17th inst.: Justice of the Peace Frederics: Larara. Constable Wiiltr.ni Tursol. School 1 irect its Ju'gi & tioirker nhd Samuel Ftchlcy. Street Cimrmisfimrcrs Samuel Xlspach and Sum tol Harrison. Ovcrscerswf tho Poor Jacob F. Rohrbnch aud Augustus Clement. Iludgc of Elections (I. I). Youugmun. Inspectors of Klectious C. F. Martin ami Wm Bright. Assessor James Heard Chief liurgoss- S. B. lloyer. Second Burgess tj co. M. Itenn. Assistiint Burgesses Wm. I. ftrecnoue.li, Ira T. Ck-ineut. John B. M'eiser and Jonathan II Bd-tinn Common Councilmeu Benj. Hendricks, Alex. Mnnlz, llcnj. Brocinas, Eumiiucl Wilvert, ('. !. Rohrhach, Benj. Zcttlcnmjcr. J nines Boyd, (Henry Fegely and J. W F riling, tie vote) Town Clerk John W. Buchcr. High Constable ticorge Knrrisuu. T E PAit.Annt.nniA Attn Ebik RuAn. We : stated last week that passengers would not be re- i ceivid nt Philudolphi l t't be forwarded through to ' Erie. This, we presume was whilst the obstructions, j caused by the great depth of the snow, lasted. The conipnny'a agents, nt this plitcei inform us that the ; trains continue to run ns usual, and ns Iho obfitrtic I tions htivo been reinorcd, the trains uro tuakili ' their connections as usual. Tnr. Xtw Poci tin Loah Mr. J.iy C'o.jke ! reports having received on Monday and Tuesday ul i this week subsuriptiom to the amount of $4,532,000, and on Wednesday the subscriptions reached '.ho enormous llguro of eight million six hundred and j seventy-four thousand four huudred and fifty dol- lurs. One subscription alono was for $500,000. i i ii J5-.The following is a list of nrticlos lent by tho ' Sanitary Aid, Sunbury, to tho V. S. Sanitary Com- j mission 1307 Chesnut street, Philadelphia : j Stockings pairs 55 ; slippers da 9 ; pantaloons do ' 2; flannel drawers do HI; muslin draners do8 muslin shirts IS; flannel shirts 5.1 i neek-handker- j chiefs II ; pocket do 1 T j J quills I ! wrappers 6 ; : slings 44 ; pads 132 ; pillows 8 ; mittens pair I i needle books 23 ; collars 37 ; spreads 15 ; towel 3A ; I bandages 74 ; pillow eases & j smoking caps 9 ; Sheets 1 ; finger dates 0 ; sausago (jar) 1 ; vosts S dried npplos bags 31 ; dried .cherries do V ; wine bottles 37; luwn yds. 10; cans fruit 130 j catsup bottles 12; blackberry srrup brandy 52 ; raspberry vinegar 23; maple inoliissci li eggs (doson) 36; jelly cans 2; iipplo butler (jts. 7; pickles jajs 6 ; dokcgsl2; potatoes barrels 3 ; hops bags 4 ; cur rant thrub bottles 3 ; puxiles 3 ; ocious iushels 4 ; sauce pans 6; soldiers' grocery boxes 2; tin plates 10 ; tallon cake I ; quince butter ; lint and ru's (paekiiges) 23 ; uiagiuues 60 ; books 27 ; a quantity of newspapers. The following articles were sent to the Central ('air, June I SO I : Cans of fruit 30; jars of pickles 11 ; wine bottle 5; corn starch, packages II; beer touguus 8 ; cat sup bottles 2; cocoa, packages 2; huuiiny )U. 4 ; dried fruits bnas 8 ; iiicklcs 150 ; collection of coins and curiosities ; doll pincushion 1 ; infant's dress body 1 ; horse-radish cans 2 ; eggs dot 25; doll's' houd 1 ; cako tidv 1 ; tailing collar 1 ; watch case 1; baby shirts 4; do eucqucs2; dull cushion 1 ; 1 child I cloak 1 ; large doll 1 ; beudstead. bedding, sheeU, and pillow coses ; iufants socks pairs 2 ; iu lanls flannel shirt 1 ; slippers pairs 1 ; (hoebag 1 ; ! oil-painting and frame 1 ; butler lbs. H. 1 Tkkasiiikh s Uei-uiit. Money sent to Central Fair, $131 75 Money received from Jan. 1st, 1861, to Jun. 1st, 1K05, JI J9 29 Money expended from Jan. Ut, 1&6I, to Jun. 1st, ISOi, 3u3 07 Balance, K. D )..EL, Feo y., SjOitury Aid. BOATMBWIS COVENTION. IJM at Suubury, Xorthiimlitirtainl Vvunly, Fthruary lut, 18()5, In pur.mtnne of a call made by a CtiiiiuilUre ap. (uiiiied lor tliut purHMe, Convention of Delegates epresenting the boating iulereset wus held at tuu. jury on the 1st of February, 1805. President J It, DIN UAH. of Xowport SccroUries A.,hH 4KTi, ot Miltou ; 1'KTCB (iA. iachas:, uf Wilkmuarre, Treasurer John L . Hopewell, of North umber laud. Tho President stated the object of tha Convention, vas not to extort from, or impose upon shippers or :ouiuiuers, but I uiply tu ue our own rigbi in the iroieulion ot our uwu iuturesU. This si a mean to wcuuiplish by the adoption of a schedule of freight ust nlgn enougn auove uiis, towage, unioauing aua leiuurage, to socurc us against impositions tu which te have hitherto been subject, growing out of the instable, erer-snittiug puiu-yoi me aiuuruut caual umpauic iu regard to their rales of tolls. Thc following resolutions aud schedule, uf freights H ;i adopted : 'lEUKAi, There has been considerable irreguja. ity u the truusportutiun ol freights on the dirlereut ines o canal iu Peuusylvunia ; Axu HUKUKAk, The i.'iul cvsupuuies hat e heretofore by fioj.unily rais ig hcir tulls, during the boating season, made it .uiwiUJ lot boatuieu to tlx a peruianeut schedule f freights ,' therefore, a'mW, That we make the following schedule fir ighu abom lolls, towage, loading, uuloadiug r;du.iusi; nut fir the purpuse of iwposiug upon iij.Lj.rs aud ooiisumers, or txturtiug hish price uu them, hut a a measure noces-ury ti protect ur.eU'ea against the juijiositiou praoliecd by the iintl iiouipunjes, ... . ii..,- tit 'tilnU, Tul we. the delegates assewblej Uiu idayol February 105. iu tout en lion at Fuubuiy . ple'lue ourselt es Ui abide by the aoiion of .aid ,.ventiou, ud erl omelv lo early out li tietislvtt, That, at the ennui eoinpnhlea charge toll on Lumber by weight, the boatmen are neoessa rlly oompolled to charge irci(ht by weight of 2.0(KI pbtinds to the ton j and farther, in all onset where a boat it detained over forty-eight hours in discharge Ins Cargo, of whatever it may consist, dernurfngo Win be charged at the rata of f I 2 per day, . On mot ion of J. R Irunbar, it was, linnred, That lumber and eoal freight to rhllndelphla and all other points be regulated by Vatlimbre freights. 1m motion of C. It. Ziegler. Esq., littolrtd totnnimntitp, That We Dsjfcl hill to boat on Sunday, and to as ail lawful menus to have the canal closed on the Sabbath day, (Hi motion of David Cannon, Kmolrrd, That we, the delegates her, assembled, do pledge ourselves to defend any boatmen who get Ihto difficulty with canal edtttpanlcs, shippers or re ceivers, when It shall be clearly shown that he or they have been imposed Ubon J and that the co-n-thlltce have power to draw Hinds from the treasury to pay all proper and reasonable expenses which may bo IhCurf ed by such defence t'n motion Of J. II. Blhall. KrrotW, That We fecogntre but on weigh -look the last one the boat pomes before discharged cargo. On motion of John k. Fiddler, Hnovrtt. That eaoh delegate pay to the treasurer one dollar for the purport ot defray ing any expenses that may accrue. Nr. Kicglcr moved that committee of nine be appointed by the convention to moot the shippers for the purpose of laying before them the action on the convention and reg tinting freights. The motion was agreed to. and the following ircntlcmen nnnnint. ed: Charles II. Klegler, Haq., J K. Dunbar, A. Shcrk, Wm. Elder, John A.Cook, Robert Sinter, ctrr (tsrschsu, v in. Campbell and John Cullin. On motion, Krmtrrd. Thnt lumber frcleht b wav of the t'lilun and Schuylkill cnnnls to Philadelphia be left for adjustment in the hands of the rcguiuting coin ttiittee. On motion of J. R. Dunbar, Ktmlvtd unanimousit. That wo. the delegates In Convention assembled, do pledge and bind our solves not to move onr boats, or put a load in until the committee shall have reported the freights screed upon and established. uo motion ot J. a. email, ltrmlvnl. Thnt anv boatman who shall knowing. ly and wilfully take, sail or give away any coal, lumber or other freight entrusted to him, s ball be subject to a penalty of $i0 for each and -every such oflVnce. On motion of Mr. Rudy, the proceed ines and pa pers of the Convention were deposited with the Pre sident for publication and authority given him to draw upon the Treasury for money to defray ex penses. On motion of William Met, the Convention ad journed to meet again at the call of I be President. J. K. DUNBAR, Pres. Samikl Swart. J s-;"'e- .V hrduk of Freight tulojitcil by the Contention. ON Ll'MRKR fEit to.x of 2,000 i-ocxds. 2 a u E SL o ST A ' - i I 9 ca 1 3 4 20 3 9." .1 J5 .1 5i :i 60 3 M 2 Si 2 M .1 45 20 2 80 2 8(1 3 40 3 li 2 75 2 7i 3 25 3 00 2 CO 2 0(1 3 25 3 00 3 15 2 V0 2 50 2 50 . p B f b a a 3- c- K er F ? s From Bench Crcok to " l.oi-k llurcn to " Pino (Jroek to " Larry's Creek to " Willituusiorl to u Loyalso'.k to " Muucy to From Bench Creek to 3 A. 3 00 2 85 2 70 ' Lock llnvcn to 2 :!2 2 .'10 2 25 2 00 " Pine Creek to 2 30 2 25 2 20 I 05 " Larry's Creek to 2 25 2 29 2 15 1 00 " Williamsport to 2 10 2 05 2 00 1 75 :' Loynlsock to - Muucy to . 2 00 1 V5 1 UO 1 05 OX COAL rm tom or 2,210 porsns. 3 3 3 3 3 B g.3 S 6 3 .1? 5 t? C ST5- " r -i e o S" "i ' 1 3 15 2 ' 2 Trt 2 R . 2 7o 2 2 0 3 25 2 its 2 40 i 50 3 7J 3 15 1 "0 2 75 2 )5 1 90 2 00 2 05 2 70 I '85 1 93 2 90 2 30 2 05 2 15 2 10 I 50 1 30 1 40 2 00 1 40 1 20 1 30 1 05 1 35 1 15 l25 1 7J 95 1 05 1 35 1 0.1 85 75 To Pliiladelphia, Delaware City, " B.iltimore. ' Havre do (trace, . " Port Deposite, " Pencil Uottoul, " Safe Harbor, Lancaster, ' Wrightsvillc, " Columbia, '" Marietta. " Midilletown, ' liurrisburi;. . " Olnrsi's Ferry. Xotk. In ll case bo twenty cents nix the freights from Pittsburgh! it'c Wilkfhhiirre freight, and '0 cents below Wilkc.-barre from Xiiutioukc B v freight!. l.it Ol" ('BUM'S. Fur Tiiul at the Adjourned Court, commencing, March 6th, 1865. Plaintiffs. Defendant. Tho Carbon Run linn. Co vs Irn T Clement Kreitscr A fares vs James Pollock et al. The tiirard Fire A Ins Co vs Isaac Stadden et nl Com. of Pa. for usa vs James VnndXkc et kl Same " vs James Vandyke, Ao. Ceo O Welkar vs (leo Bums Jacob H Kngol vs John Young, Const. John B Weiser . vs Henry Weise et al David Fagely vsAMEastwick John llufer for use vs Burbara Ann Alrxnndcr The Bank of Norlh'd vs Benj Uearhart et al Sume etui vs iSame Charles Reinhart vs John B. Douly et al Jeremiah Ziuimcrmuu, vs John A Conrad John Xcuinun Ac. vs Mat bias Persing . Com. uf Pa. suggesting Klis. Evcritt vs Philip Hit- eartet al Sebastian Haupt vs David Waldr-m Jeremiah Savidgo v Jacob i)ii!dore, Peter K. Fisher vs Joseph vVeilt.ef. Ira T Clement, etal vs J. J. Dull iJ V Criswell I.Ikt f 'lins,'si. To Jc Tried at the Regular Session, commencing March 13th, 1865. Sarah Jane Coup, vs Elizabrlh Jeukcns. Michael Graham vs James Pollock. et til Fox A Brother vs Bird A Douty Thomas Comly vs John Mover with riot ice John C Morgan vs Stephen Bittenhendcr Hiram H. Moore et al vs O. B. Woltratt, Henry Bowman ao vs Edward Basm Wm 11 Kriechlioe vs C P llelfcnstein ot al Martin Uolden vs Wm Moutcliul Elida John, adm'rvs John NeuUiau. Peter K Feliger vs Ooorgo B Fetsgcf Allen T I.ane vs Jeremiah Ynrdv. Joseph liibson adm'r vsC F M'Pherson Jonathan Hoover vs Josiah Reed John A Dodge et al vs Jacohy ilurluian John P Beard et al vs Jacob Wcjck, Robert D Cummincs vs John Witleinoycr uuis vs Wm 8 jrorusman Truman Thomas vs Andrew Heckvrt Charle Hoy vs Daniel W Smith John P Pursel vs David Waldron Daniel 1 1 err vs John F Cowan Levi llecht vs Peter K Fisher Page A Bristol vs Jorome S Wolcott flumcville fcfehafler vs David Eshbacb. PROSPECTUS Of THE LAPIE&EE OIL COMPANY, Office, No, 70 North Fourth Street, (ic-cond floor, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, . . . $750,000 150.000 Share, pur Value $5. Subscription Price Full Paid, -. The Company own the following described pro perty in fee simple: Fi Ity acres ol land near Cbotty Tree Run; said land is on and a quarter mile from Oil Creek, and is about two hundred rods from the Well on Cherry Tree Run, that Bow from seventy-five to one huu dred barrel of Oil per day; and alto, an interest in t wo aore on the Sherman Proper! v with iuur welis NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. in vol iuus stage of progress on the property, one of which is now flowing thirty barrels per day. The Company gets the one-tixleeulh of all the Oil, deaf uf all expeuse ; also, two acre adjoining, with four wells now in a progressive condition in which the Company get oue-lhirly-eeoondth of the Oil, and also, une acre ot land adjoining, with one well down ready for pumping ; tho Company gels une-sixtcnth of the land interest clear of all espouse. Also, the one-kHirteenlh of the working interest of the last Uienliooed aere. This Company is formed ua a basis that is exported to pay a dividend of two per cent per month to the stockholder. Tb Company pro pose to place $25,000 cash or stuck in the Treasury for tb development of the property. President, Pro. Tern J J BARCLAY, Esq- Direoiors William D. Smith. U M. Davis, D. E sVlouinley, It- H bwansey and John F. Veaag. r-cruiry U A. Converse. Tr:nurui John I , Young. February t. Ifcoi. PUBLIC SALE. Valuable llrnl lnlafe. WILL be sold nt Publlo Sale, on tho premises, on THURSDAY, the 23d day of MARCH, belt, all that certain True l" I.iiimI, situnto In Lower Augusta tow nship. Northumberland coun ty, Pa., adjoining lands of John Fry, C.ileh Barrett Snd Jacob Bartholomew, f'ontnlnlnir; Hit Acrca, snore or lrsm. About W acres of which are cleared and under a good state of cultivation, tho halanco is good timber land. The improvements oonsist of a two story stouo beese, a log barn, with wagon-shed attached, stone spring-bouso, and other outbuildings, a nevcr-failins? spring of water at tho door, two apple orchards ami ono peach orchard, containing ono hundred trees of select fruit. - Sale to commsnee at 10 o'clock A.M., on said day when the conditions will be mndo known by CATHARINE FOULK. , Lower Augusta twp., Feb. 18, 1805. DlAmes. A few more diaries left for salo by ANNA PAINTER. OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily rcstoro sight and give up speetaclcs, without aid of doctor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, on receipt of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D. February 4, 1865. 0m IP YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating to tho human system, male and female ; the causes aud treatment of diseases; the marriage customs of the world J how to marry well and a thousand things never published bctoro road tho revised and enlarged edition of "MunicAL Cohso Sfksk," 1 curious book for curious people and a good book lor everyone. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price f 1. 60. C, ntcnt table sent free to any address. Books may be bad at the Book stores, or will be sent by mail, poet pttid on receipt uf the price. Address E. B. FOOTE. M. P. . 1 130 Broadway, Now York. February 4, 18(15.-in ELIDA JOHN, Rofpslar I.tcs-ntiurt Convrjiiiicer, BHAMOKIN Twff., near BEAK GAP, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania HA.V taken out license, and is prepared lo do all kinds of Conveyancing, at reasonable rules. Shamokin twp., Jan 7, 1805. 3mo ?0 W1TI ITG'3 . EXCELSIOR COFFEE. Whilst trying Coffee ofjll the various brands. Remember BROWNING S EXCELSlUU" at Uie head it stands. True, it s not like others that arc ' SOLD EVERY WHERE " . A little stretch, we nil do know, good goods will easily hear, (But a stretch like this ' sold everywhere" is very apt to tear.) Jfnw, I can safely say. without anv hesitation There's none like IlHow.vf.Nu'a Exi tLsioK'' in this enlightened nation. Skilled chemists have not found a Coffee from any store Possessing the same ingredients as ' Browning's Ex celsior " Nor is there any one, in or nnt of tho Coffee trade. Who knows the articles from which '-Browning's Excelsior's" made. I m told it's made Jrum barley, rye, wheat, benns. and pens ; Xante a thousand other thiugs but tho Right One if you please. But with the Coflee-men I will not hold contention For the many, ninny things they say too numerous to mention. Whilst they 're engaged in running round from store to storo To lenrn the current wholcsnlc price of "Browning's Excelsior," Some who know my Coffee gives perfect satisfaction, Have formed a plan by which Ihey hope to eau-:c a quick ruaetiun. The ease 'tis with a few ; no doubt 'twill be more To name their Coffee nftcr mine, (Browning's Excel- sior." Some say their' the onry brand that will stand a ready test. Now, try a little of them nil sco which j-oa like tho best. Three years have passed away sluco I first -sold a store; - Never have 1 in your paper advertised before; Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish more. Iflikesome used by 'everybody," 'sold every wlicro' in everv store." A trade like this 1 do not wish; the orders I could not till ; The factory all Jerwy's land would take leave not a foot lo till. My trade ia not so very lnrgc ; still I think I have my share ; Bui reader, you may rest assured, 'tis Not '-Sold Everywhere " Manufactured nn I for ..ilo by the writer, 4.i:oic;i: i.. leuou.M.x;. No. 20 Market Street, Cumdeii, X. J This Coffee is not eiunniwed of imfsoneiis druirs. it contains nothing deleterious ; many persuus use this (.once tout cannot use tho o-ire outlet-: it takes bin one and n half ounces In make a quart of good strong coftec, ibat being just nuc-hulf the minitity it luKesot Java Cotlce, and nluays less than half the priee. Retail Dealers may purch.ic it in less quantities than ten gross ut uiy prices from tho Wholesale Gro cer. Uf'Ordcrs by mnil from Wholesale Dealers prompt ly Httended to. February II, 1SC5 fim BRITISH PERIODICALS, vii : THE LONDON QUARTERLY' REVIEW (Conser vative.; TUE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (ltudeul THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Frco-t'hurch.) and BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, Tory The American Publishers continuo lo reprint the ntovc-named periodicals, but as the Cost of printing has doubled, the price of paper trebled, and taxes, duties, license, etc.. largoly increased, they are com pelled to advance their terms as follows : TERMS FOR 1S05. For any one of the Reviews, S4 00 per annum. For any two of the Reviews, 7 00 " For any three of the Reviews, 10 00 " For all four of the Ruriens, 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magnsine, 4 IM) " For Blackwood und oue Iteriew. 7 00 " Fcr Blackwood aud any two ol the Reviews. 10 00 For Bl nek wood and three of Iho Reviews, 13 00 For Blackwood aud the four lto- views, 15 00 " The works will be printed on a prently improved Quality of paper, and whilo nearly all Auiericau Peiodiculsare either advanced iu price or reduced in siio and very generally both wu shall cot .inuo frgive faithful copies of alt inutlcr ooniniiicd iu the originul editions. Hence, our present prices will be found. as chgup, for the amount of matter, furui.-hed a those erf any of the competing periodicals in this country. Compared wilh the cost of tho originul editions, which at the present premium ou gold would bo about (100 a year, our prices ($15) are execedly low. Add to this the fact that we make our uiimuil pay ment to the British Publishers for early sheets and copyright in Gold 71 costing us at Ihi time (Jan., 186j,) nearly 3. 50 iu currency and we trnft that in the scale we have adopted we Shall be entirely justified by our subscribers aud the reading public. The interest of these Periodicals to Auiericau rea ders is rather increased than diminished by the ar ticle they contain on our Civil War, and, though sometime tinged with prejudice, tlwiy may stipi, eoosidering their great ability and the different stand-points from which they are written, be read aud studied wilh advantage by the peoplo of this country, of every erced and party. TnE FOUR REVIEWS FOR 183. A few copies of the above remain on hand, aud will be sold at Sj for the whole lour, ur ii lor any one. We also publish (be runner' iinldo. By lUxar SritpnES, of Edinburgh, and Iho Into J. P. NoKTO.1, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc tavo, loot) pages and numerous Engravings. 1'Klt.t ; tor tho two volumes Dy .Mall, post paid, LEONARD SCOTT A CO., Publishers, No. 36 Walker blreet, New York. February 4, lafij. IF you waut good Tln.Wara, go to SMITH A (iENTUEll'ct New Shop. dr 3. 1? you went a gnnd Couking-Slev, go te SMITH A GENlHtKtiKewtkop. dr3 I'll YNIt !.. Ac tflJIlUUO. .DR. ISAAC HUFF, WHO is a gradual of Jefferson Medical College, and bashed ample experience in ho.tital nd I city praoiiue, offer bit prof-xcional servicta te the vitiick ot' Uupvr August, stuidt nd tbKuw.io itoauships. hcsidenee utar tiyueriowp. Jn. 7, irnij. 3ui JT-n3 rWaH32saC-.ej 9 9 (tata HEBrVff Hotel.) Comer Market and 3d Street, HARRIKRURO, PA. THE nttefitlnri nf Iho publlo Is rceotfutly called to this Hotel which is now open Tor the aaeoinmndn tion of frnesls. In the past Ave mouth daring which tinio It lias bten closed the houso bus been thorough ly remo loled and repaired, until in point of conveni ence in id comfort, it patrons will mid It to own no superior. 'I'Im; 1'nriilt itr lliilirvly cw, Rooms larger limn aro usually found Iti modern hotels. Situated oil tho oorner of two principal business streets or the city.bul two and a halfsipinres from the Rail Road Depot. Thn prniirletor determined to spare no expense in securing the comfort of his guests and a fnvwrable repirtalin for the twtnlilirhmcnt, he feels willing to trust Its chnracter lo the Judgment of his patrons. HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor. January 21,1805. o00,0()0 M RE !. FILL I I' THE QUOTAS I ! nlllKsubsi'rihor. late an emplovco In the Provost Mm-shalt's Office nf thn llth Tll.i,l..i I)......'. oilers bis services lo the Committees, and citliensof uia mncrcni suo-tiistricts ot XMorthumberland and adjoining enmities, for tho purpose of assisting them to till their quotns, correct and copy t lief r enroluienb, iinae out ciutisiiture ana f.iilistinciit papers, nt rea sonable rates. Ho con found at Mrs. HOGAN'S HOTEL, North West Corner 4th and Market Sts., over Aduin's Express Olheo, Harrisburg. tlKFKIIEM'K : J. B. Packer, nnd S. B. Boycr, Esqrs., Sunbury. Hon. Frank Bound, and P. L. Hachcuburg, Milton. RcV. I. II. Torrcnco, Rush. Address Box No. 141, Harrisburg. Pa. J NO. E. HELLER. Sunbury, January 14, 1S85. Im UP DE GRAFFS Eye and Ear Infirmary, On tho Squnro. Three Doors from Steel's Hotel) , WTLKES-BARHE, PA. rilH IS INSTITUTION is now open and furnished J in tho most costly stylo. Jtooeption, Private and Operating Rooms are large nnd fcotivenient and well adapted. Tho Surgical apartment contains tho finest collection ot instruments in this country, nnd thus his faculties will ennblo him to meet any nnd all emergencies in practice, lie will operate upon tho various.lorinsof BLINDNE.SS.Catarnct, Occluon of the Pupil Cross Eves. Closure of the Tear Duets. Inversion of (lie Eyefids. Ptervgium. Ac, Ao. And will front nil forms of Soro Eves, Ornnulcd Lids, Opacoties of Iho Cornea, and Scrofulous aisoase of tho Eye, together with all tho discuses to which the eye is subject. DEAFNESS Will Ircnt nil the disonsos common to the organ. Discharges from the Ear. Noises in the Ear. Catarrh, difficulties of hearing total' Dynfnass, even where the Drum i destroyed. Will insert an arliGciul ono, answering neurly'uli tho purposes of the natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT. All diseases common to tho Throat nnd Nosn will be treated GENERAL Sl lltiKRY. Ho will operate upon Club-tecl. Hair Lip. Clcl'l. Peltate, Tumors. Cancers. Enlarged Toncils. Ae. Plastic operations by healing new flesh into deformed parts, aud (Jeoor.il Surgery uf whatever character It limy present. HERNIA. (OR RUPTURE.) Ho will perform "I.abius." operation for the radical, (complete.) cure of Hernia, this unquestionably a perfect cure, and is done with tittle or no pain. (Kit of thn many hun dred operated upon in Boston there has been lio fail ures, it having met ho approbation of all who have submitted t t it. ARTIFICIAL EY'ES. Will Insert artificial eyes, giving them the mrtion and expression of the natu ral. They nro inserted without the least pain. HEMORRHOID. (PILES.) This troublesome di sease is readily cured. Tlioso suffering from it w ill do well to call. Du. Up Ds tin Apr visits Wilkes-Bnrrc with a viuw uf building up a permanent Instttiito for the treatment ot the Eye. Ear, nnd General Surgery. The experience of more than a quarter of a century, in Hospital and general practice, he hopes, will be it sufficient guarantee to ttiosc who ciny bo deposed to employ him. Jannniy 14, lh05. ly J. IIDI..ME.S (sltOtXIt, Enamelled Slate Mantel 'Wr'WIV'Ji'riJ.HOLMESGROVER JH;.,h.K7NtijP s?ilh,l':wr'.ife "WABE-ROOM, MS, CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Manufactory Tenth and Sumson Streets. Tablo-Topj, I'ior-Blaba, Brackets, Weth Stand Topa, Ao.,i&o. Philadelphia, Jun 7, ISlij. tf BIG WHIT ELY CREEK OIL COMPANY. (Ml'ITAIi, "- - . ;5(M,(()0. Sharoa, 100,003. Tar Value, $5 00 SO.OOO SHARES RESERVED AS A WORKING CAPITAL. J. Lewis I'iim.ii s, Prcs't. T. M. Ky:nn, Trcns. lllUDLEll, .''eo'y. Phe Properly of this Company consists of a Twenty Y'cara' Lease of Six Hundred Acre of valuable oil territory, with a royalty of ouly one-eigth to tho lund owner, and i situated on Bi Whitely Creek, which runs north of and parallel with 'Dunkard Creek. Greene county. Pa. 1 1 has an unbroken sur- fii.ee ol over three mile on iho south sidu of said Creek, unit half to throe-quarter mile on the north. Thu Courpauy are putting duwn a well having a first-clus engine, (and arrangements are being inuilo for a second.) eight hundred feet of tubbing, a com plete set of tool, aud everything noocssorry fur vigorous prosecutiou of the wort. The Cnni,ny iu presenting this Urge and valua ble tract of uf oil territory lo the public, desire ut call special notice to Ihe fact thnt, iu many cases, larire premiums huvo buiu paid us.n single urrf, with one-halt the oil a a royalty , liolu which they expuul a Vury large yearly revenue. aide frolh Ihe rlatteiiiig prospect held out by their own develop meni usjii tlie laud. Au impuriunt eliarncleristie of the oil wells of this region is that, ul.eu completed, they have ucve failed in producing oil of a superior t'uulity , Iou'hh ti'jtt than xrt'c.u fM-r r.-r. hif ncttiitt rrifri tnutt se n Jitiing, ui. l eoiiiiiiuudiug Ills very highest uiaikrt pi ice und quick sale. The Lcusc. by the terms of said lease, have full privilege to sub-lease, uiine und bore for anil or uii of the mineral found upon said tract, and also Ilia privilege to use ; free of charge, all the Timber and Coul (the latter of which ubouuds lu immense qiian titles of the liuest quality) needed lo carry ou the operation. Geologists arid practical operators from the oil re gions, who have seen the Mvcos tract, uuilu iu tho opinion that, in locality for boring jur(iose as well as in it ouiwurtl indications a an oil territory, t-tli Inrgu aud valuable tract holds out the must Uallcring prospect in hiring ftir oil. Only limited number of Share will be sold. BtH.kt are now open at No. 2US South Fourth St. first floor, back room. Philadelphia. Subscription l'ticc, Tnu Dollai per Shurc.yrj Jan. 7, ISjJ. 4t COAL OIL LAMPS. I beg leave In inform my friends and the public generally that I haw commenced Iho manufacture of COA L OIL LAMPS of every description and style of Cui.-h, at NO. ii 5. HKCOND St., PHILADELPHIA With my present facililie for manufacturing, and a practical experiem of thirteen yearf in the man Mgcmeul uf the lamp buaine) fur some of the largest house in the oonntry, I Setter uiyulf that my expe rience and knowledge will cuab!e-iue to otfer to the public good not equalled by any in regard lo style aud workmanship, und at priou oompoltng with Ihe lowest. I shall always endeavor to load in olering ti the nwbliu new and useful invention in our hue. I have also taken the whole! e agency tor the sale of GEO. W. BROWN A CO b Cclciihavkb Mitij. A. J. WE1DENEK, Ns. 38 8 Sesoud st., Philadelphia. September 24, 1M4 BLANK iParchsient Ptprr.) Dds nd W.l', MnrigRges, i4iu, l..cunon. tummnn, Ac, in ulv at in .hc of the ? uiAiury Auiericau.'' I'M V 0 11 T A N T TO ALL . INVALID S! IRON IN T II E B L 0 0 1) , It Is well ktfwvn ts thn tnedlcnl ptnfesslon thnt 1 RON is the vital I'rirwiple or Lifo Element of the blood. This is dorived chiefly from the food we eat) but if tho food Is not propurly digested, or if, from any cnuso whatever, the necessary quantity of Iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced the whole system suffers. The bad blow! will Irri tate tha heart, will clog op tho lungs, will stupefy the brain, will obstruct tho liver, and will send its disease producing elements ti nil parts of tho sys trm, and every one will stiller iu whatever organ may bo predisiosed to disease. The great Value of Iron nst u Medicine. Is well known and acknowledged by all medicnl men. Tho difficulty has been to obtjiin such a pre paration of I) ns will enter the circulation and assl niiliilo nt onco with the blood. This point, says Dr. Hays, Massachusetts State Chemist, has hern at' tainod in tho Peruvian Syrup, by combination In n way heforo unknown. The Periii'Inis l.rrit. Is a Protected solution of tho Protoxide if fmn. A new Dujcovery in .Medicine that strikes the Root of Disease by supplying the blood with its vital Prin ciple or Life Elcmeut iron. The l'crii vinu N.rriip. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Compluint Dropsy, Fever mid Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP. Infuses strength, vigor and new life into tho system nnd builds up an "Irou Constitution" THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous, Affections, Female Complaints, and all diseases of thj Kidneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a Specific for all diseosos originating In a Bad Statu ot the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a Low State of the System. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and re. commendations frcitn sumo of the most eminent Phy sicians Clergymen nnd others, will be sent Free to nny address. Wc select a few of tho names to show the char acter of testimonials. JOHN E WILLIAMS, Esq , President of the Metropolitan Bank N. Y. Rov. ABET, STEVENS. Late Editor Christian Advocate A Journal. Rev. P. CHURCH. Editor New York Chronicle. Rev , John riorpnnt, Warren Boiion, Arthur II Fuller, (iurdon Bobbins, vlvanus C.bt, T turr King, Epbraiin Nutc, Jr. Joseph 11 Clinch, llcnrv 1'pbam, J' C ileadley, John W Olinstcad, Lewis Johnson. M. D. Itoswoll KiniieV, M D K Kendall, M D. W R Chisholm. M D Francis Dans, M l Jeremiah SUinc. M I) J. Antonio Sanchcs, M D A A Hayes. M 1) Abraham Wendell M D J K Clifton, M D II E Kinney, M D Prepared bv N. L. CLARK A CO., exclusively for J P. DINS'MOKE, No. 4HI Broadway, Now York, old by all Druggist. Bedding's Russia Salve. FORTY YEAR'S EXPERIENCE Uu fully established the superiority uf HEDDIXG S ltUSSIA SALVE. Over all other healing preparation It cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts. Scalds, Hums, Boils, Ulcers. Salt Kbeitni, Erysipelas. Sties, Piles, Corns, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, &c, Ac, Removing the Pain al once, and Reducing Die most ungry looking welluig an.1 Intluumlii.il a il by Magic. On! S? ecnlt n llox. ron ralk ii v J. P. DIN'SMORE. No. 4l Broadway. New York. . W. FO'l,E A CO.. No. In iremout st., Bilon And by all Druggists December IU, 1-S04. y 10.; Vhlliuleljtlila .V Idle ICnllrond. THIS great line tn. verses the Northern nnd North west counties of lVi:ii-yhal)ia to the city of Eriu ou Lake Erie. It has been leased by Iho Pennsylvania Railroad Company and Unpenned by them. Its entire length was opened for passenger and fri-igbt business, tletobor 17lh. IStil Time of Pnsnger trains at Sunbury, Leave r.usiwuiu. Mnil Train, arrives Elniira Express Train, Lock Haven Aeoonnnodaiion, l.cuvc Westward. Mail Train. Ehnita Express Train, Lock Haven Accommodation. Williamsiiort Aecoiiimodation, 10.2i P. M. 1 1 10. 3 j A.M. 4.15 A.M. .'.'.'(I ' 4.2o P. M. 1 1 ..)J Passenirer cars run throttish on Mail Train, without change both wuys between Philn lelphiu and Erie, und Ihiltiinorc and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Mail Trains both Way between Philadelphia mid Lock Haven, and and ou E Inura Kxpru Truiu boih way between WilliamsHrt and llaltiuiore. For iuforiuatioii respi-eting Passenger business apply nt otith aud Market St., Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the. Company's Agents, S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cur. l.'lth and Murkct St., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds. Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R.. Baltimore. 11. 11. Hot'KTOX, Gcn'l Freight Agt. Philada. II. W. UWIXNKK. Gcn'l Ticket Ag t., Thiluda. Joski'II D. Potts, Gen 1 Manager, Williamsport. Dec. 31, lti4. THE DRAKE PE1R0LEUM COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. CMIMT.I I., tl,000,0 100,000 SHARE?, TAR $10 00. $50,000 CASH WOHKIXa CAPITAL. SlMiSCIHPTION P1UCE, $2.50. President T. HASKINS DU PUY, President o the Cattawissn Railroad Co. Vice President THOMAS D. WATTS' N. of the Hardware lirm of Truitt A Co , No. o'JS Market st. Treasurer SAMUEL WORK, of Work, McCouch A Co., Bankers, ,'t'i South Third street. Dihkctohh : T. ilaskins Du Puy ; Thomas D. Wattsou ; E. S. Richards, Of Geruinutown ; William D. Sherrcd, Insurance Agent ; Geooge P. Way, Of late Dry Goods tlrin, J. T. Way A Co.; A. W. Leisuiiriug. Cashier Muuch Chunk Bunk, Muuch Chunk ', Edward Shippen, Esq. Tho property of the Drake Petroleum Company consist oi two tracts of land, oue of two hundred and fifty -seven aere and one uf two huudred and sixty live acres, niukiug ill all, five hundred and twelve acres, in fee, ou Ihe CadWull Branch of Oil t'reok. The property ha been critically examined by a Commute aptsdutcd for that purpose, and the terri tory pronouuued, iu their j.idgerocfTt, to bo tully equal lo Ihut of Oil Creek, aluflg which the largest oil well ever discovered huvo been found. The lands resemble those on Oil Croek, in every particular, aud it is believed from the large number ot oil spring in close proximity, that valuable well will be opeuudon both these tracts. The uianugeuiuiit have already secured scvorai Eugine nud engaged a competent Supuriuteudeni, witn a View tu immediate, and an energetic dvvilop tuent. A large portion nf theo tracW U bottom, and admirably adapted fur boring. Several Companv are organited oa land iar mwliktely adjl'lnln'g Hits territory, among Wfi'tch are the Bi lges auil Crwuut Cily Oil Companies of Philu delphiu. In presenting Ihe Drako retroleutlf Company to the public, Iho Director ask that their kubeino should be examined, auu subscription madu. tu Hi Suiek in full fiiiih a to it present and prospective value. T. HASKINSDU PI i l'rostJeut. TH0S. D. WATTSON, Vice Prosident. SAMUEL WORK, Treasurer. Sulwcription will be reouived for limited number sof shore i4 the lianktug House of Work , MoCouik A Co., No. 36 south Thud Street, Philadelphia. , December 10,ltio4. 1 F you want a good haolom Parlor BWve.go to Ml Til A GtMlittl o M( Btiuo. dr3. N O T ICE. ATOTICE is hereby given to all persons knowing Uiuuistlves iudouied lu the subscriber, uu kxaik koeouqt or ulhe.-wice. to kettl the Shine on or before the Ut ot Maxell cent after srhich uu tbvy will l l u' iu ihe bukdsol a Justice; o save time and uoa. ' JUIIN WILVEIl. Sunbury, Jun. 7, I So j. Oso. W. Smith. Ciia. B. GrxTiicn. rt.rrmTf 9. "nrtiTrmMT' MJ4 m mm W WU. m it L llTes Markot street, on door mat nf Mrk. Boulton' lloto Have opened ANEW TIN-WARE, Klieet Iron nnd lore Store. end Intend keeping constantly on bffnil, arfd mnu ! fneturing to order on shortest oolico. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of nil dtHtnlon. A Large Stock nf Cook Stoves of the following Brandt WILLI ftlVl PENN ! nnd on the following two Brands wo defy cotnnoti. tion, namely 4'onilsinnllon 4)nM lliirner, Cook, (overiior Ieiin 4'oU. tinsiirpnssed for brwnty of finish, simplicity nf ar rangement, eninhining cheapness and durability, and each stove warranted to perform what ihey are ro presented ALSO. PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES. In great Variety, embracing all tho best manufactures, and Lniost fatdiionnblc designs Also. The celebrated UEM for heating up nnd down stairs. Aim the celebrated VULCAN HEATER, foul Oil, 4'oul Oil I.uiii, SluitleN, . 4hiimileM, nnd nil iirlii-IeH tintistinlly kept lh nn cstablijhmnt of lliis kltnl. Wo are also prepitred todnall kinds of spouting. RtKiOng. Rnnse and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repair ing cheaply nnd neatly executed. Country produce taken in exchange, nt market price. SMITH & GEXTIIEIt, Have the Agency fir BIlIB S f. tLr'.f?R!fTED FIRE PLACE BTOVfeH, for the Counties of Northuuiber land, Snyder, Union and Miititour. Ard arc also agent for the Piphcr A Willowor LI tn 'Transportation. Sun urr.Dvo. X, ISM. .CLOTHING FOU ALL!! AT 3cjt3ar:-r: CONTINENTAL Y3K.rX'99& CLOTHING BAZAAR , I'ornrr ot'.Wnrkef Square &. Itsiil Itond ireel, SUXBUIt Y, PEX X'A. JUST OPENED, WINTER STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, I Of the newest styles, cut by the best Artists trimmed and mn.la equal tu cnsuim work, aim sola ut tnu lowest prices. Men nml lloy'st 4'Iolliln;; of the best ma terial consisting of Dress Coats, Frock Cunts. Sake Coals, PunU, and Vest of various color and quali ties. GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATS & SHAWLS. tiENTLE.MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, such ns Shirts. Over-shirts. Undershirts. Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings, Gloves, to. Huts nnd Cups or all Kiiiti. BOOTS ASH SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, UM BRELLAS, and N0T10N.S uf all kinds, nnd iiuuie reus other nrticlos. Tho public aro invited to cull and cxuuiino his Stock. Remember the place. '-Continental Clothing Store," Corner uf Market Square and the N C. R. H LEVI 1IECHT. Sunbury, Dec. 10. ISM. The Complete, lotill-Aelin Self. Nepnruf Infj CORN SHELLER I f PATENTED, AUGUST 2nd, 1-itil. I riIIIS Sholler is the only ont Unit shells the Corn L perfectly clean from the Cub when green, sunk- e.l or dry. Jt stives the l-.ar a double operation n tho Shelling Wheel as it passes through, and sepa rates the Cob from the Corn completely, reudering it at once tit for market without the use of the luuuing mill. This machine shell: n Jin! liutlnl if Kur In the Minute ly Ordi- hurt ih ild j'uirer, l and can be used, nlso, by Horse, Stenin or Water I Power by attaching a Pulley on the Crank Shalt, i For Duiability, t'lennliness. Neatness Cheapness i and Rapidity in Shelling, this Mtictiiuo cannot bo equalled !y ury otner. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE UN REASONABLE TERMS. Grnti.hmki : If you want your corn Shelled clean ; if you have occasion to shell green ur damp corn; if you want your corn and cob separated ; it you want a durable machine ; if you want a cheap sholler, buy the Complete, Double Acling, Self-Separating Corn Shelter. REFERENCES : II. B. Masser. Dr. J. W. Teale .s-'unbury. Charles Haas, Miller,' Samuel Lcssi;-, Reading. C. G. Morgan A Co., Geo. Weiser. L. Atigu-la. Millers. Sunbury. Sol. -Marts. Farmer, Henry Lcisciiring. Bear Gap. C. Albert, Georgetown -Muniifiietuied and for Sale ut the Foundry of ROHRUACH A COOPER. Sunbury, Fx. Sunbury, Deo. .1, ISol liiu BEAD ! BREAD ! i" BREAdTi : 3STE"W BAZEIyY. fITHE undersigned will open a Bakery, on Moiket I street, Sunbury, Pa., in the course of two weeks where he wiH kee. constantly on hand, l'resilt llreutl, 'I'm l.t-ltollM, n-.k, and TEA-BUNNS, which will bo delivered to fami lies every morning. All kinds of FACY CAKES. Common Cokes, Pretsels. Ao. Pio-Nic Parties, Wed. linns and Funerals, will be supplied nt the hortcst notice. A ;ood assortment will be kept up at nil times, manufactured out of the best luutcrial, aud order will be promptly attended to. Ho trust that hi friends nnd the public generally will siisiiiiu him iu Ibis uew enterprise, now greatly nuetlcd in Sunbury. Ho trust his expericnoo in the business will ena ble hint logive vuuerul salislavtion to all who may favor him with their putrouaa. DAVID FRY. Saiibury, Dec. 10, ISC. I. FROM WASHINGTON. LATtSTI IMPROVEMENT OF'AGRI- CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. T Tll F O U IT D R P.0HR2.CH & CCCPEP., BTJNBTJRY, FENJSI'A. Uct the Beet Get tho Chcapets Ovt th mi.A E.o nomical. which can be had al the Ri lirbw h Fiiundry. Having luriru asttrtment of the iniN-t approved STOVES, such as Cooking.- Parlor DMice aud Shop Slov'es. which will be sold at the lowest rate. AUo, Kettles ol all sites, ran. Skillets. ,c. They are also manufacturing Muehinery, Ploughs, Castings. Ac, at short notice. Repairing all kind of Agricultural Implements dune in a good wrkmauliku mai.i."i and at Ihe shortust notieu. All articles shipped ns ordertd. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended to. KOHRK.UH A COOPER. (.V Ol If"0. nil all kind of Produce (akvu lu Exchange ti.r work Kunhary, June 18, 18B4. tf MILLINERY GOOD S, AND IMCV AOI'I(.S X 'I'III.UII'! L. ft, B. SZIS3Li;?v, At the new stand, in Market Square, SUNUl'RY, HAVE just received from Philadelphia the latest and most fashioiiubl slylos of Millinery tiuwl, such a Bonnet, Hals, Silk, Velvets, Hibboii and Laces, Feathers A Flowers. Head Presses t Nets, Old Ladies' Ca, Wool on Hoods, Soiita, BrenitaJ Shawl, bilk aud YYcaleu Scarfs, Hosiery CLOAKS & FURS! Black Crape d Lee Veils, Crape and Ljswu tful Iats, Ureus Trimming-.aud Uuttous, Cutsets. Zrphyrs, tx.ap aud Perfuiuery, Cloak Trim uiiugv 1 uoijeu A Cultun Varu, Ji-cuukisf, ('ItkHk'Uiukbac; and llruldlusx slustein lull sly If. iioiii' Lmea and Paper Cellars, Neckties, At). COl NTi'.V PKt'Dl'CE taken in exchange lor (Joel or Wu.k. TbaiAful fir l.ut t.aironaje we still.it the same. L. A li. sllI."LLR. Sunburj.OiUber ?2, Ut1 TES li snd ? ol Not Market street, four Boot aud Shoe Her rtook consists of deries. Ladies and Child s ; si'l spo IIIH la-rs", IfO' and other limns. Corsets, luce Veils; Nets, gloves, ft corsets, e. , WOOLEIJ.OOODS, IlreaVf(it Shaw.ls. Son'tiigs, Red Riding Hoods, Caps IIosiiTy'of all kinds.' Gents' ll.indVerekiefs. Cravats, Neckties, Suspen tiers ; Ribbons, of all kluils. Feathers. Velvet, nu many' oth'ur' art teles to.,' nutnetous to mention. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, Oct. 21, Wl. , F A L L A N ijiTKR FANCY DRESS GOODS iuh aa im ivri;ii, Tw o floors West of the Post-Office, HA? kisl reeohd nnd opened a large nssortmen of Knncy Dress Goods, such ns Oloves. Jouviui Kid-gloves, Silk nnd lisle thread Gloves; L-idit-cotton nnd woolen Hose. Children's Merino lh.-c Silk Mils. Handkerchiefs. Crsols. Kmbmhler. i Slippers. Ribbons F.tXt'Y DRESS BUT'HINS. Jtdgl. Ohnlf. Trimmings. IHittous. Belt RiblKin Velvet h.b I'm". Braid, Belt t'la.--ps,- Ladies' Ne.-k-tb-s. Fuuct Buttons. CRAPERIBKON nnd TRIMMING : Li ' hrnidertng Braids-. Jnconrt nnd Swiss Edgings an insertions; Malteese Lace Colarr. Laces, Greiiiidim Veils. Fi nry Dress Conibs.llleud Dresses, Netts, uu. a varielv of other nrlieb-s. WOOj.EN G'lODS, such as Sontogs, Brcakfns Cosej-s, t ops; Milieu, Sncrpyes, Gloves. Silk an Cotton Flars, Ac. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, iks Htmri )r,k.. Blank Hoiks, Memornmluu Bt.k.. Wurir PrnTket I.mk.. Ink Slunds. Pens, Pencils, a line ussnrtuit.iit of Paper, Ink, Ao. T'ilct ?eiiy, Tnoth-lVuAfl, Ac. TOYS AND (JAMES FOH CIIII.nKEN All nf which nave been selected with core and wit be sold at reasonable prices. ANNA PAINTER. Sunbury. Oct. 22, ISfil. & LA k I'onrlll & Ar li Six., ftlitlillelrlil:t. Cater for the best Trade, nud Offer no Haifa or de ception lo induce Custom, but rely ou FAIR DEAL ING' nud GOOD GOODS ! Best Mcnnocs, Fujhic'habte Silks, Nobility Fluids, Pirn's Poplins, Dark Foulard Figured Merinoes, Plaid Sbuwls', Good Blankets. P. S. Wc follow Gut.!1 down, as close aswo fnl low it up Now iaioud time tor Merchants aud Consumers to come in" October S, lt;l. 2-w CI1KISTMA8 ANnBltlDATi PILKSERT8 1IENKY IIAItrEtt, Ao. riO AIC41I Nt.-, lUiluleliiii. 11a a large stock of WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, S0LIDSILVE-R, WARE Superior plated TEA SET It, M'00 , F'Mt K i Ac. j October I, ISC I. 4iu j Sunbury High School, A IT ILL re-open in the old Bajitist Church, on tb. tV '.'lh day nf January. The course of iutrii.:iii.i j enibrace all the branches tiutghl lu Acedvihics am . Svniiiiai ies uf the highest grudv. j TK.ItMS ri-,11 PliKStON OP 21 tVK.K.KS. For Lanjemtcs iiricit-nt and uioderu includ- irrg all other branches. SIS tu j Natural Sciences. Algebra, Geometry. J Advanced Grainihaf Getigr.iphy. History. , '7 ft' I Rtidimeuts of above, II Q. I Primary, li r ' Incidental expenses. It ' Tnition payable qmirterly in advance. No deduction made for l-.t time. .' Pupils can enter at any lime, and will only 1.' charged trom the ditto Ib.-y enter. Fur further particulars upplv lo lite priocip..!. ! ' E. P. Rt'llBALH. Siiiihurv. Dee. 21. ! St I . I'. i Llilliiisl'ltl'l I'llCM! AT JOHN FAKEIK.VS Old DftluMiMlie FtuMANUFACT'iR' N'o. 71riAl;tH Street iAvV? 1 lmve now in nor t mv own 1 uiiMtriHt in U-ctions of i fur LaJ.iV "till riiiltlrcu s Wcnr in tin- 'ity. A a fine iiftortincnt ufUint'n rurClnwn A r,,i!nri. Ai my Furs wi-m nil ptirclituril wlien iol.I . ! a much lowt-r iri'tiiiuiii than h( tn-irnt. I hiu on.ibl" ' lo (lisiMt-m o' thrm lit Vury ri'M-oiiMbk' iriLM-i. tuiil ' WmuM thrn!re nulicit c.ilt fn-m Diy l'riouU ( Norrhinnltfrliiiul etmnly. hiiI vu-inity. Iti iJii'Uibcr the nuuu. Nutuh'T ntil Street ! 1 JOIIX KAKK1KA. I7M Arch Streot libtivc "ill. wufh -i-U. Sept. 1(1. 1804. ftm 111 1 1 A 1 11111 1 .V. ttf 1 hfive no l')vlnor. i)uf cMlinouliuii with hh ! other rtore in lMiilndcli hiu. NEW GOODS 7 .irsT opi'.NKn Fall & Winter Goods, AM) SOLD CJIK.UT.li Til AX KJ.bl WIIEUK! ISAAC FTJF.lAlTj In Zctlomoyer's Iliilldlng. opjmilteVlearhart's Cot feetioucry Store, Market street, Sl'Nlll'KY, Pa.. HAS just npeticd a well selected assortment Goods, which he otters for sale at very H priee DRY GOODS POU E It 'X AN1 no.MESTIf. such as Cloths, r meres, .Muslins. Slieetins iu-ktu, Calicoes, 1' Laii.e. Silks. tiini;hatos t.i , Ac II 1 I N aud .'.!' of every description: NOTIONS & VAUIETIES; Cou.-ictiiiji; f lr.A'iery. OIuvm. Thril. Jinttoni Suspender. Nivktics, t'ollur. JlABitkrtrcbie.l', 1 1 h lirinho, '1'ttoi h Hi 'uli, Kmty U'l lri'ir. li mornl Skirt, HHi'SkirU. I'nrjtJias, Tiunk. V. litf, lTinhrtllrii. ( ottnnVhin. Sim5, hU iuuieroi othtr nr licit loo tt'Uiim ti nttf j. HARDWARE, such a nnil. hinpe and screws. Itticites an knotn, nnd CI. '1'1.1'.U w'vreiy OVsiriiiUun. Dyi.s, 1 iritis, Pnittt, ttTtivht', (tils, 0n- rtttty, At-.jiiii. tKienni'r.' k4 Uliuswure -rv lvi.Tlill.. STUNK A.N D H.y.TUV.WAKr. Ait ejitemive St'uk ut G- IR. O G E R I E a. Cwtl ofSuirar. CoKiie. Tas,.Hiec. Cnrt.-iHrcl Mota-vies. Cnudl. s Meal, FuliLCliaev. Si.lt, I'.ii'.u aud, Sgar. KKAUY-MADE CLOTI1INU. fur Hutu, wuuiee.aad children. Alt kinds efitWiBtry Perdue itkeu ia s.v;bajii forljjuds. buubury, Sept. W, 18'U. lHi4rii;ttiuiiU lt..il, 3d aV 3t7 liiuaitnv, Cvrnrr h'iauHm Slrt NKW yKK. . MMU ffsst olasa House the most tjuiet, ht ntein X and plviwuiit Hotel iu the oily i.rieis suui inducements to Ihose visiting New York for busiu, or pleasure. It is central-ill it roe.t4uii. sud kit. the hi KofHAS Pi., in lo nneetiou with Tati.uk sUlo", wbTTOlie'hu.!. a can te hsd a.l n.iu nr trmii in tbr'r ovsrt nrj. lu cS.-iik" rs it, derate, the r t and aiien.lttnre ,4'the lust ,Td-. r Obi I,., in dM the lie . ni u.venieue, all hsd vt 1, fr. -I: PV Vv rx Ni V V !