tXR.MM OI' THIS "AMHIICA.I." TEUMS-TMO D0L1.AHS per ucun.' 2 60 hot paid within tbt jrer. No paper diseonlinucd until all arrearages are paid. Then terms will be strictly adhered to hereaftor. Kstibserihrrs nsgleetor refuse to tak their news papers lii'iu the oflioe to which they are direeted, they are responsible until the bare Milled the billa and ordered tticin discontinued. Postmasters will pleas aot ai our Agents, and frank letters containing subscription money. Thrjr bit permitted to do this under the I'uel Olhoe Law. JOB PKINTINO. We hae oonnoeted with our eetabliabment a well eloeted JO IS OFFICE, which will enable us to exeeute, in the neatoat style, ever variety of Printing BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ' ESTABLISHED AS A KEFUOE FROM QUACK EKY. THE ONLY TI.ACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON hag discovered the most Certain, Speedy nnd only Elfoctuiil Remedy in the Vorlil l'r nil Vrivale Diseases, Weakness of the Back or Limbs, tstrictoree. Affections of the Kidneys nnd Dlnilclcr. Involuntary Discharges, Iinpoteney.'Oene ral Debiltly, Nervousness, Pyspopsy, Languor. Low spirit'. Confusum of Ideas, Palpitation ol the Heart, Timidity. Trcnildin. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness. Disease of tlir Head. Throat. Nose or akin. A flections t f tho Liver, Lunrs. fltomnch or Bowels those Terri ble Disorders arising from the Solitary llabita of t'uulb thoso awrat and solitary practices more fiitnl Id their vi. l una than the eon of (syrens to the Mas liners of Ulysses, blighting their moat brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering uiurringe, Ac., iuipoeoi- .''specially, who hove become the victims of Solitnry Vice, thnt dreadful and destructive habit which immunity ewecpa to an untimely grave thousands of lontar ;uun ol the inust exalted latent and brilliant intollect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ling Senates with the thunders of eloquence or wuked 'o oostaty ,tho living lyre, may call Willi full con stidonce. Kf All R !.( E. JKarr'iel f,.rasw, m Voting; Men contemplating vriage. biii)gw.sfrJisie(l weakness, organic f- ' defunoitk. tt,. ajswdilv cured, ii' '''',' ' " l,f ucdcr'thecnr of Pr J. lie who pirn.. ;8 J.,i, Lorwr iu! n k-ciuletn(Ul, . ? rel'e.'ulr " M .1.111 a Phyfician. ud r-ouSentlv relv upon .. -;r, 1 mnu-dinttly Lured, and run iKor ti.; l i;d,i-...-;n9 Altre.tion wtiien aiscrable mi l mnrrinRe imposihlc is the penalty ren'icra , ar'd Ly the victims or improper indulgences. i"S tsnm- are too apt to commit excesses Iron) not einr .iwnrc i.fthe dreadful consequences that may Dsnc Now, ho that understands the subject will retenrt f tcnv that the power of procreation is lost wiicr bv Jio- fallinntnto improper habits than iy he prna'oiJ ' Hesidea beins; deprived the pleasures r blt)iv ''rine the most serious and destructive ruii.t.)m' U tntli body and mind arise. The system ecou'' lor.iigcd. tho Physical and Mental Func oo Wcr,:end. Los of Procrcative Power, Nervous rritnbilitv, ).T?lepwa. I'alpitation of the Heart. nUicesti'Ki, Constitutional Debility, a. V ostinR of i iraoic, Cwi;h. Consumption. Decay and Death, H::.--, No. T rSontli Iol-i-iflt Slros-I eft timid si '. p.iS f""" Baltimore street, a few jor from tl.a eorucr. Fail not to observe nams ad nuw'uer. Letters tnust be paid and contain a stamp. The octor's Diplomas bans; in hieoffice. .CI K5J VAKAiTE 131 TWO ' DAYS. Vo .Verrt-rjf or Nauseoui Drugi. EKi. JO!i5STO.. ember of the Royal CotleRe otZvrZ. London aduate from ct.e of the most eminent tu.. fr ,n e United state, ard the Rreater purt of whose lifs a been spent in the hospitals of London, Parts, li'.adelpliiu ami elsewhere, has effected some or e most 8tonil)tn(! curea that were ever known ; ir.v trouUcJ with ringing in the head and ears icii asleep, Rrcat nervousness, being alarmed at iden s.iuuds. bashrulness, with frequent blushing, :cnded soinotimes with derangement of mind, were red immediately. M . AEiE! PAUTlfl IiA OTM'K. Pr. J. addresses al! those who have byured them, ves tiv iini.roir indulgei.oe and soltt."ry hahite, tch ruin both body and riin!, unfittii.g ihem for her '..uj'.i.c-.-. fiudy . secii-ty t r inarrmj, i iHr.sK sru sin.s of the sad aid nivlam-hnl effects sduced by carlv habits of youih. vis: We ikntwi of r Ila-k u:id Uitlis, Pairin the Head. Pimnces of ,t. Loss of Museular Power, Palpitation of the art. Iivsp-li-y. Nervous Irritability. Derangement :!io IUijei'tlvo Fiinclioiis, General Debility, Symp- s of Consumption, a . Ir.STALLV. The fearful e!Tccts on the n.irJ are ! ch to be dreaded Ih of Jlfmiory, Couiuamu of as. Denres.-ion of Spirits. l'.vil-Forebodiiigs. Aver- to Mcieiv, helt-J'istrust. i.ove oi nomuae, tidily. Ac i.r" sotneof the evils pru luced. nofsA!i:K . I" persons of aliases enn now judge u u i no c:iuc of their dwlimns health, losing vior. becoming weaK, i.aic. nervous weak, i.alc. nervous and . icinied. ha ins a singular appearance about the. s cough and svmrtoiusof consumption. VOI'.Xil BIi."S j 0 have injured themselves by a ccrtr.in praetlre j lliced in wiicn alone, a iinl.it fretpiontly learned I v. evil companions, or at school, lira effects i f . i;h are r.ii-.lly llt, eten w hen asleep, and if uot rd renders luarriago itnro'c'''lc, mi 1 de-:troya i 1 mind and body, should apply immediately. ! 'but it pity that a young num. t!o! hope of hi ! ltrv.jhe iliirling of It id parents, fl.ould he n:;!cVd I i all prifpents and cnjoyincnts fflife, by tho ! e'!unoo of deviattnc i'roui the path of nature j ii'.'dulinirin a ccrtnti. secret hublt. tuou ptrsa.is , t. before coni';;,iplMli- I !1.E!K1AT:. rt thnt a sound mind r.r.d lKdy are the must ?ry reiiiisites to prninoti connuijial happiness. :r i without these, the journey llirouh life be s a wearv rjilifiimae : lio piospe.'t huurly eus to the view; the mind becomes shadowed t .lost.nir and filled with the melancholy reflec that the happiness ul' aautlier becomes blghted oe.r own ov mpia rMan:. I hen the misguided and imprudent votary of tore finds that lie has imbibed, tho feeds ol Ibis lul disease, it too often happens that an ill-ti'.ped i of theme, or dread of discovery, deters Mm ai.plving to lhoi who, from cddeV.ton. and wtnoiliiy. can atutio befriend him, delaying till ejn:itutional symptoms of this horrid disease, e their appearance, s.ich as ul-erated sore J.. d'.-ensed no.-e, nocturnal pains in the head lU.,!js. diuinens of.ihf, deafness. no.lea on the t'riej and iuis, blotehes on the head, face and initi. s, progre-ing with frightful rapidity, till : tho palate of the .'r'iiulh or tho bones of the lull in. and the victim Cf this awful difeaio lies a horrid object bf comuiir?."'tion. till deulb .. ,.eno.f to his dreadful mflcrinrs. hyscndin-o-th;.i I ii iiicovcred Country troiu w-.ncc uo Her reiurnsj' ,,... aiMruHrWi f"l "'at thousands full victims . terrible diseiiki;, owiug to the unskillfulness of ant pretenders, who, lV the use of that V Wy ,,. MrrrKry. ruin tho constitution and muke Saidueof lile'uiiscraUo. is not your lives, or health, to tha careol the Unlearned aud Worthless Pretenders. d'titute .o..le.lge, name or character, who copy Lr. .ton's advertisements, or style tlieniselrw. in ,i-w -papers, regularly Educated Physicians, aole ot Curing, they keep you trilling month ,-wulh Utking their filthy and poiaonus com-i-ss long as thesmalle.t fee can be obtained, i deepalr. leuve yuu with ruined heullhtosigh vour (iallingdiiiuppoiutuicnt. Johmton is the only Physician advertising, credential or diplomas always hang in his ulhce. remidicsor treatc.ir.eut aro unknown ti all i, prepared from a life spent in the great 1 o of Europe, the first ta tho oouutry and a more ive J'rmaii i'raclict than any other Physician ioKKSIKliT Ol' THK l'HH i muny thousands eured at this institution year yetr," and tit numerous important Surgical tions pi rtormud by dJr. Johnston, witnessed by .porters of tho "hun,"' ''Clipper," ttnd many . apers. notices uf which have appeiued again 'aiu b"i'tr tha public, beside his standiug as itleman of character aud runonsiuility, is a out guarantee to the afflicted. uix knK.vM m'i:i.iii.y 4'iiti:i. sons wi'iing should Lai p&rticiJsr in direstiog letters to his lustitution, in thel'ulluMU uiuiujv 51. JOiniTO, 91. !., he Itallimore Lock UwpiUl, Paltisuore, M4. il 2, ls!U ly. . jii vthikw i a vox, ri'yi nl Ijv, No. Ufl Cor. Pulton 1 Rroadway, New York. Wilt earefully at t culleotiout and all ether natters iutt uslod to 111, JUR & FEED STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ; sab-i-rlbcr respeetfully Informs the puLUe -t j;,. keeps eonaun ly on band at his new TIOI'SI.. near thbbuiokin Valley Kailroad in liLNHLliY, flour by the barrel ana sacks k aids of Feed by the toa ah-.. is all Bianuatur4 at his own Mills, ,i um s-ild at u. loweei e.sh prvore. J. U. CAL ALLACLR. mT' , June 4, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. JONES HOUSE, Corner Market street and Market Square, HARRI8BUROPA., Acknowledged a First Claaa House. THE Proprietor would moot respectfully call the attention of tho cititens of Sunbiiry and the sur rounding country, to the accommodations of his houte. arwuring thrm they will find everything that can contribute to their comfort. It is situated far enough from the Depot to avoid the noise and confu sion incident to railroad stations, and at the same time only a few tninutes walk from thesnine. An Omnibus will be found at the Bullions on the arrival of each train C. II MANN, Proprietor. AprilJ, 19M.-3m 1 C. 0. BUTJC E. Anlliorixrsl M ar Cliilm Ofllcrts. Washington, D. O. I Cleveland, Ohio. 443 Nun! cth kkt. No 1, l,rA!('s Block. Opposite Penaion Office. Near the Court House. liibllhc tho Army lli-rald. and collects PENSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY, Prire-money and all other A. Cliilm. We Miv especial attention to claims In ulik'li other attori'eys hnvc FAILED, or which have I ben Kl'Sr LNDED. He have already collected and iai.l ovr to soluiem and their heirs over $500.- OuO. and ore iwyintr thoutnds dally. No charge , ,,'.' and wo will send vou o - - - rui'v ol our pnner. free. i WL COLLLCT irvm S10O lo $400 C.iih Bounty. Wo do onr busincMK KTtlol'T DtLAr. April 2, lG4. TO CONSUMERS OF pnllE undersiKned dealer la Col from the follow I ini well known Collieries Is prepared lo receive ordc.-s for the same at the Lowest 4,'arkct Rates, vis,: M01M)':CArS DIAMOND MISLS OKAY'tS " PAKKISII & CO'S COSSOMDA-rD CO'3 He ii also prep-vod to furnish tha Blalltiuoic Co's tt'cbinnd foul, Lump ami iVy '"'? On the line or tho Susquehanna River uVTt de Grace. Ho has made arrangements Tor . ''e bCBt PITTSTON AND PLYMOUTH c'PALS Wl.i.t. l.. !. J., li:.... l.An..l Tl.t. fit Uftilrotid, and on the iine of the Philudelphitt and Lnsr Iv..!iroud: ''li the best terms. He is prrpari J t" fIl rUl Onlcrs with despatch, t resnccti'..' !) solicit oruV" S the l'rndo. i.i ...'" - ' JOHN McFARLANH. ana Address April y. IS Ct. yurtuumberlcna, I a p r.'v i v tAvr i ( r... tv It ! c: The ONLY reliable self-Adjusting Wringor. No Wood-Work to Swell or Split. No Thumb-Screws to get out of Order. Warranted with or witnout t.og- nec.s. it tm-k the VIKST PREMIUM at iny-Seven bta'e SIKi County Fairs lu lsii;), and if, witiiuut an exeep- ii..n tha hest : ini-er ever inane. PalenlM in the United States, England, Canada, ard- Ausirn!i:i. Sample Wringer sent, Exprets paid, on receipt of P. ice. Lucrgctie agents can muke from 3 to 10 Dollars per nV':.$v:.o. No i.7 m. No. r.? m No. a is io. Mnt.ufucturd and sold, whclexnle and retail, by T1IM I'l l.NA.M MANl'PACTLRING CO., No. 1J Piatt ii'.rcct, New York, ami Cleveland. Ohio. S. U. KORTIIRIP, AgeH. what EVi:r pony knows, vis : That Iron well fnlvaniied will not rust; That aeimplu uachino is better than a Complicated one I That a wringer should bo solf-aJjusticg, durable, and eili"ier.t ; 1 'lint Tlmmb-fvrews and Fiustenintrs cause delay and trouble to regulate mid keep in order ; I 'i h'it 0"d beiu ings fui the shaft to run iu will wear I nut ; 1 That, the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog j wli'els, will not tear the clothes ; That cog-wheel regulators are not essential J an4 not 01ie of tho disadvantages above named : 1 mil the. futnum v ringer nas an tue uifia;ti That all who have lasted it, pronouuoe it the best Wringer ever made ; That it will wring a Thread or a Eed-Quilt without uiteraiicn. lieillllHUll IUO ""rl . .vv...... , 1 I ... .n.(ne ll. akenflca . ii such i i. . K...i ... i.i nil imi r,iiiiHiiru Vrimer. I Tet it JIIUHUl tillLl wun n.il aim slii o-.uvr, ruiii if not entirely saliifrelwry. ic'.urn it. Pl'TNAM MAXlKACIt IlISO Co: tlentlemen; I know from praeticsl experience that iiiiu M galv.iiinc t with sine will not oxidise or rust one particle. The Putnaru Wringer is as near per fuel ns possible, und I can cheerfully re commend it to be the best in u&o Pespcetfullv Yours, J.M). W. WHl.KLLlt. Cleveland. Ohio. Many vears' experience in the gKlviiniiing busi ness enable mo to indorse the ubovo statement iu all i,Ma"- JNO. C. LEFFERT3, No. 100 Uockuian ijlreet. ICew York. January. ISOI. V.'e bavo tested l'utnuiu's Clothes ringer by practical working, and know that it will do. It is !u,.... 1, i. .i, : ii renuires no room, whether at work or at rest ; a child can operate it ; it does lis duty thoroughly ; it saves time and it saves wear and tear. We earnestly advise all who havo much washing todo.with intelligent persons who bav any, to buy this Wriuger. It will pay for itself in a year Utmost. Hon HORACE ORLiLLY. June IS. 1S04. OCTET'S, COTTAGE O R A N S . A HE uot only unequalled, but they are absolutely unaaualled, by any other Heed .Instrument in the country. UesigucU iipressiy ior -" " Kchoois, they are found lo t. iqually well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. I "r sale nnljr by Ko. 18 Xorlh 6cver,tU street. Philadelphia. fiAlso Ilradbury's Pianos, and a couiplcto as soi iuient of the i'erieet MLLUUL0-S. tent. 2t, lodt fyw - BOARDING HOUSE. MAUI A Tll0.mOe (.'ormerljrof th "Luwreooa House,") H IT N IT II V l'ENN'A. INFORMS her friends and tba publie generally that she has refitted the house formerly occupied by Dr. J. W. rale. on Uluck berry street, near to Wn-lirn r.nirnl Hailwat LleDot. and opeaed Iloardins; llotise, where the is prepared 10 keep 1'KHSKA.NhKf ANO TUANBIfcNT BOAKUfcKU- V, un good cooks and waiters, boarders oaa enjoy the quiet comfort of Low with far equal to lb kaail 1...I.I. Patronage from those who msy sojourn ia 6 anbury tf Cottaga Organ. 11 .. L,r-pu...o.te.-.MARuIB0iIp9(!. tsWy, Oot. it, 16 i. 21. THE UNION FOREVER! UOUUkj I'Olt MILLION t At the Store or JOE1T BCVE1T Corner of Market and Pawn Streets, 8UNBUHY, PENN'A.. Just opened FALL & WINTER GOODS, for everybody. This no "Blowing." but plnin truth, wblun everyone will be convinced that oulls and ex amines the stock, which consists of Dress Goods. Casaiincres. Cloths, Gents' Overeoatiog, wvhuo, vviicu.uvn, .uusiiiw. V1MUUUUIUI great variety. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Plain and figured Detains, French and f ig ured Alcrlnos, fine Wool Delaines all sorts Mat shades. Prints. Nankons. liAWtSi' - " , CLO A Kt N. TnblCoA-ers,"-Irish Linen, Drown and White Sheetings. Shawls, Uiihnornl Skirts of ell kinds. Hoop Skirts, all prices, Hand kerchiefs, Klannuls. Ladies' kid. bilk and Merino Ulovvs, &o. lo -li-y oi'nll KtuUs). Ladies' and Ucnts' I'nion Skates. A largo assortment of NOTIONS. Hardware, Cednrware, Glassware, Chlnaware, Vueensware. Crockery Seirnrs Snuff. uroccncs, looaeco, Tun. Coffee. Suir.r. Molasses. Spices, Pish, Salt, A., Ac., and everything else usually kopt in a storo. Pro diieu taken in exchange tor goods. No trouble to (liuvr goods. JOHN L0WEN. Sunbury, Nov. , 1861. Always ! Ahvays ! Always ! ON HAND, AND SELLING CHEAP THK FALL & WINTEll GOODS, Just opened at No. 1 Storo of WEAVER 8c FAGElYSr, CONSISTING 0? DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND DOMKSTIC.euch as Cloths, Caesi. meres. Muslins, Sheetings. Ticking. Caliooes, De laines. Flannels, and all kinds of MOURNING Goods. Alpaccas, Rlack Silks, Ginghams, lialmoral and Skeleton Skirls. Canton flannels, Nankeens, Car peting of all kinds. KATS Sz CAPS. NOTIONS tfe. VARIETIES. V. "-7 pemlers. Neck-lies, Collars, Handkerchief. iri. 11..UU 'I' .1. I , .1 i:l ' ' imiiii ui ufim. uuin iviB- kvn and Cord .tape, crotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy bead dresses, tidy cotton, carpet ' binding, combs, fancy soaps, carpet bags Trnnks, Valises, fiubrcllus, Plonk Books, Psper. j Envelopes, ic. Of all kinds, such as Vails, iu 'l Screws, Door Latches and Kuubs, Locks, and Ct'TLL'lU ol every description. Also, Ivts, Drugs," Paints, Yarrislies, Fish. l'Uteed Htul Ui n.ine Oils. (J lilt;, rutty, Sl: turriuwarv aisicl CiliiNieM ure o" ull kiitdat.' STONE AND EA11TI1ENWARE. . An Ezteuslve Stock of GROCERIES, I Composed of Sujrar. Coffee, Teas, Rice, Corn-starch, .ilaccarom. uaitry, liuKinir-iiomliT. molasses, soars, cnndles, tobacco aud seg.irs, Salt, Pish, Meat, Ciistse, A!3, a large variety of BSCTS &, SHOES. for Men. Women and Children. i.C All kinds of Oraiuand Country Produco taken in exchange for Hoods. Give us a call lielire you purchase elsewhere, we are bound to sell as low as any one else. blorc-room in Ira T. Clement's building at the south-west curuur uf Market square, near the Court House. Sunbury, Nor. S. 1S"L EScatiiu;; tSssilrousI. WINTER ARRAKGEMENT. I jvovemoer tn, mot. GREAT TRl'NK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read I ing. 1'oUnvilte, Lebanon. Allentown, Kastuu, Ac. I Trains leave llnrri?burg for New-York, as ful ; luwa : 3 UU and S.li A. M. and I 15 P. .M . arriving at New York at 10 A. M. and 2.46 and IS 00 P. M. The above sonnect with tiinilar trains on the Penn sylvania railroad, aud bleeping Cars accompany the first two trains, without change. Leave for Reading, Pottsviile. Tamaqua, Miners . Till. AlU uiowii and Philadelphia at H. 15 A. M. and 1 45 P. M , stopping at Lebfinuu aud principal sta ' tions only. ! Wav trains, stopping at alt points, at 7 25 A. M. . and 40 P. M jieiuriiiug, leave at tuiK at y.vu A. M-. 12 noon bihi i i . i'l.,; i iiiinut'iiiiii.t ul I 1 se .... li t . ti 8 A M. and S .10 P. M ; Pottsviile al 8 .ill A. M. and 2 3i I. M. ; Taiunoun 8. In A. M. and ii.li 1". !., ! and Keadini; at 12 midnight, 7.W aud 10. u A. M., l.lrt nnd b.ll.i P. M. I KendinK Accuinmodatinn Train leaves Reading at ! S.'M A. Al- returnius; l'roui l.'hiladelpbia at i M j P. M. I Columbia Ilailroad Trains leave Heading at' 6.40 . and 11 A. M. Ephlala, Litis. Columbia. A.'. I On hun liivs: Leave New Yoik t 7 P. M., Thila- f delphia tl.li I M, Pollfville 1 M A. M., Tamaqua 7 i A M. lliiiTisburu li A M and Heading al 12 mid- I night, for llarnabur Commutution, Mileage, Peason, and Excurnion I .bA,u uf pa.liii.ail t.. Mil. I tYiilil hII .l.ltlts 1 Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. bt) Pounds Jlacajfo allowed eacli I'uocnirer. O. A. XICOI.LS. Ocnerul tupeiinleniiunl- Kov. SO, IRC I. Lat kutrunuu fc Itlooiuaburg lluJl road. ON and after Jan. loth, ISC1, Pauesiar Trains will rua as fjlU.i : M0VINU 60VT1I. Fasungtr, Leave rViranton, Kiu!-ton, llloouisburg Rupert, Inuiville. 4 20 P. M 6 64 b 24 3i S.li Arrivs at .Northumberland, 9-ii MUVINO KOIITH. Leave Northumberland, 8.00 A- M lianville, 8.40 Rupert, 8.40 itloomsburz, V .34 Kingston. 12.12P.M. Arrive at Kcruulou, 1.3o Freight A Passensier leaves Blocnishurs;, 10 14 A. it. I'assengers laKiug trie aiuil Irain boutn sonueul with the tlores. traiu from Northumberland, arriv. ing at llarriahurg, at 2 :iU A. M., llaHiiuoro 7.00 A. M . and at 1'biia.lelphia, at T OO A. M. Th Mail train from Northumberland loaves immediately al ter tne arrival oi ine express iraiu irom iiarrisoarg ana Ualtiinor. allowinji Passenger leaving Philadelphia at 1U-40 P. M , lo reach uoinu on this road during the next forenoon. New and eleirant bleeping ear aoeomnanT th night trains each way between. Northumberland aud UallUilors, and NorlLuuiberland and Philadelphia. l T. U(ll!D Kni.l. DIitrlcH fir Iss6."J. An assortment of Dia ne for ISiiS. of varies styles and sis. Also. Cap, Not aud Letter Paper, for sale by ANNA PAINTER. fcuubury, Nor. i, 1864. CHBI8TMA8 AND BBIDALi PRE8INT0. HENHY HAKPEB. Xo. S40 AUCIl HI., riaiadclplUa. lias a large stock of WATCHES. . USX JEWE1ET, 60LIDSILVEE-WARE Bupwlor plaUd TEA 6ETIf, StOOSi, Ootobssr 1, 184. la B. MASSER & E. WILVERT, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY P 0 E TI C A L. ENOCH AltDETT BOILED DOWN. BY "JAMES 8M1TII.'' Dtilip Rnv ntiil IJiiocli A men Until were "apmniV' on Annie Le, Pltil did nut Tttl lil Imr tiniiuns, Blie prufcrruit to iiiuto with Him she wprldi;tl, and flic bnru liita Pretty litllyt liil(rcn tlttw; But l)i'Coiniii'4 pliort of rliitu), Enoch went amuy to tea. Lcnvinj; Mra. Aitlcn otvuir Of a vcllstiH'fi vil!ti(ii shop, Belling liuttl-r, sti.ip i,nr! trciidu, Bul'svvux, xvlitjicoi J, lu!li)ij. Ten lonjr yt'nrs alio waiteiT for him, But Jiu liiitlur citini! nor wrote, Wherejiire. t-hn foncliiili,1 Kuoch Could no longer ho tiiloat. So when Philip enmc to nsk her If site would he Mr. lhy ; Site, believing she. whs wiilnw'tl, Could uot sty her suiter '-nuy ;" And a second time wns married, Otiye up selliiio; lirmd und cheese, And in due timu Philip nursed n Little Kay upon his knees. But nhis ! the hm-lost Enoch Turne I up Hnc.XDecti'd lv. And wiih vnstlv tliscoiicetted By this uct of hig-niv. Yet reflect int; on the Rtirjcct, Ho determined to ntonu For his lengthened nlwenru from Iter By junt leuvino well alone. Taking to ids bed lie dwindled Do ah t i-ihulI iiinii likij n tihnde; Settled with his ood htiulhidy, Hi: it the debt of nut aw pnid. Then, when 1 vn fi tlie R iysdisoovprod How poor F.tini h's lit'c hud ended, They Citine out in hiinils'iiue style, nnd Gave his corpse n fun'ral jdeudid. Tliis !s nil I kr.nw nlmul it, . If it'n not PUlliciont. wTltC By next nmtl to Alfred Venny, Son, P, L . the Is'e of Wright. MISCELLANEOUS. THE IIO.Titfn3i.S: l. '' ' 'Ji'OV .iliss Ilariia, w'.iii, it will I,e reiiu r.ilarctl, b!iot Clyad a Tiuismy clerk liuuied bur roughs, oii Monday h.-t, :s receiving it large shure ofllu syn. pithy ot the Washingtoi: public. She is wty witituly jkl'oiidcd for the twtirso sjie t.).!", jimt havsS'jiW visiteil ill her imptisoiiii.L'ui. by niaiiy promiuunt ladies and eut h-mtiti. anions tliem Mrs. Cornelius Ucaiiell. .Senator Hale, und the HepresenUnvcs iV.nn Iowa, the native State of Miss Han -ii;. 'J'ho rejiorti r of the Wash ington C'iv,.(V.'c lias ui. visited her, und ia tiiu iaiiie of lhat joi;:iir.l yesterday, leils what lie snw and heard, lie found her in a cell of the ordinary l.i'.id appropriated to criminals of l.ili .r.uli'. It was barely furnialied, und though the ro was tire iu it, it bore a general air of tliccric.-sness. Miss Ilariia pp tireil io lie in severe mental trouble, und tho marks of it were already visible, uljcr but a lew I. .mis' cotilinemciil, but it also evidi iiced lii.it. .die had Ioiil; sul'- fered under the n iiu of what she-conceiveil to be a grievous wrotio, until her phjsiscpie I wt.s ituuuireil. and her menial nature that : ot the monomaniac, t-liu seemed older than she said she wa-; was of a r .tiicr slight but frtiud lijilirc, with n well-lornud head, line hair, cut short and worn iu ctir.s, which the sunlight taught the 0 to look upon as black, und dark l.azel iyes; li was cracci'ul in manuer, and ialfjlipcii t in look aud speech, thou-h hhe has Imd but few etluca liuii.d udvniii.i;,'vs. ller iamniiicu was, how ever, conciae nnd ,c.i)il. 'ike reporter, by .earnest expressions ot svmi'atliv, uotuineil from lier bt.irv ifivm .villi a totii-iiiur I j arllessness, nti.i interrupted with many sobs, j It is, iu substance, as iodows: My m uie i.- Marv lJanis; 1. in thedau:gl:- ter of Williani Harris, of l'urlinutoii Iowa; my parents are lush, and are cpiile poor; am . t mueiccu Jems ma, uim.o. -.. u e,u i,K m. tirst Ix'CUliie inapiainted Willi Mr. iiurrouijl.s; was tlieu in u store iu uai iiiinion; .nr. ii. wa residing the.i: he tame iretpjently lo see tut) ut my I'a t hers house, Irom un early periud in our uetpialtiluuee utitii he left IJur iingion; Was very loud of linn, and for a lonjj time fie.pietiily sat iu his hi;; in the presence of my patents; he niwayb manifest ed great interest in 'me ; us 1 yrcw older, Ulld his title. itiolis I eiii.ic more ol the eh al atltr uf suiior , mv liaielils opposed tin in, . ' 1 . und conliuuallv told inu that bis family was too high lor ine; that he would never many me, and that 1 should not keep toiiip.iny with him. 1 disregarded them, jier.-isleil in seeing him, and became moru uml more at tached to him. When he left, liurliulon 1 dul uot ask to write to me, but he had uot been long ;ono when 1 rotcived it letter l'roui hiin, which 1 answered, and a corres pondence inteiruptid by my icftaiiiiiiii; w'rit IUj. lint he would iiciev.)re in renewing it until 1 would bu persuaded to write to him. Ik-fore he left llurliiiotoii ho asked tue to many him ; 1 rclitscd because 1 ielt that 1 was too youiio to disobey my patents ill lucb a mutter, lie always protested his determination to make me his wile. About two yeais ujv1 he wrote me that he was raiaiug moo lor the war, and expected to get a commission, uml then hu was deter mined to marry mo. Not long after 1 re ceived a letter irom Miss Devlin, w ho keeps a store ou Ciai k sircU, Chicago, rcijuesliug uie to come there, saying tuat tlio was it friend of Mr. iiuri unfits, und 1 could tee him there. About nunty tuonllis ugo 1 went to that cilv. jMeauliine Mr. liuriouhs, who had ruicd a company ot troops, injur ed bis ankle, t-mld not go to the tie-id, aud resigned his commission. 1 saw him tie queutly, and ret eived notes fioui him re gularly, uulil wiihiu a week of his mar riage, lu August ur beptenilH-r 1 recti veu tt note which ilia Devlin mid was bum Uurroughs, asking me lo meet hint in one of the no.oiioLa douses of C bicaiio. Although 1 did not know who whs the writer, nt her suggestion 1 answered il, aud u friend iu the post ollice watching to r-cu who came lor it, gavti a diseiipllou of him, much re euibliug that ol liai roughs. I then Uclcr miued to go to the house tippoinled with Mia Devliu. The people there Slid the gentleman we iioiuired tor wa not in, but that he bad wailed there before askiog that no otic aboulii uaswer the dooi-uell but him self. ' . : Tha description up gsr cf tho mao iud (M jure that Hum burroughs, ea- SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENN'A. 18, 18C5. OLD peciidly tts he wits a limn of mnrkctl nppetirj MUKKHI.M-'fsj Stl:.HI.lNC'i:CS:' mice. I received u third note npjiointin;? , Tho Hon. Urantiey Berkley, famous as il a meeting i:i the Kume place, but it did not ..,., . ,t . ' , . btko ,.h.ce. r.-r ...ii.!.- li.ne betoru tliis I I 8l)or,9nmn. wI'" ,;ldo "P to tins country hud not seen Mr. Burroughs. Tho nnonv- some ''' "K" to hunt bulliilo on the tvest inotis writer w anted to be ik It lend to me. i'le crn phiitH, is solnein hiuiself in his old n:i suid. nnd Ileltit-t ictensu tlesitc to know (now 03) bf writiua his memoirs. He thus whether one I li.id so loved, nnd who hud ,.,..,t. n. r.,iir . r r- i . protested his love Cor me, could be ruiltv of . ' f'uro f,ur ll,mu "el'tB such baseucs. 1 then nlso tleten'nitie.a to -,u"rfi:u l-ourfJi, then Prince Itegeiit: prosecnte him for breach of proiuisc. I I-'l.v Hti;,' rstone luid itt hi r residence n went to gee his brother Prof. lint iiiu-hs. niiniatuie biiin jiird, nnd .thete pretty little nnd ilii'.iiivd of him w hether Jackson wits . Alderncy pat t If. When the piii:te mid hi in the city, lie walked the llooi, nsked ene ' 'i-iends had arrived Biiecame forwutd Irom n il I was from Iown, and upon my replying j hi,l'i; ticket ns iiiilkiuuid, fur the uii)ose of in the nllirmiitlve said that his brother 'was ; O'i'kiiiy a nylubub !or (he ptiuce. Miehad a not then there, but had been, and had ifone I "i'ver pail in one hi-tul iiiid an ornamental to Wublilnjrtun.' hhortly i, l arned thnt he nan lieen n.urrieil lv Ins lirnt lii-r. the I'm. (issmtr, I thirdt the day niter I wtm there.. l' then di'tcnuincd to come to Wiishitiston j and pnmecule him, but continually deferred j it until last Auuust, when Miss Devlin hav- ' iiiR reeHled!y advised me lo do to, nnd of- J feted nie all the aid in her power, 1 come he:e, only to learn that hi; hud j,nne to! Chicil''o with his wile. I immediuti lv ro. i turned, and On reachinij Chicuoo emploved it lawyer anil n itelective. 1 soon ascertain ed that he had aaiii one to Washington, but that his wite was believed to be in Chicago, anti I supposed that he would :e tlirn fur Iter. So I waitetl a lolly; time, with Ihi'j cxpeclatiuii, but I Mibsnitieiitly le.'irnei! that hu had been there md frone without my knowletloe. That renewed mv resolve to come on here and s, euro rei'ness, if possi ble, by prosecution, mid ut till hazards to sec Into. I had been disowned by mv parents. I could not return to tl. em ; and in Jiurliiiir- ton, ns well ns in ( hie io, I hnd been r poi'leii lo have bad impu per lelations with i. mi. i in-w as never so. I vindicaliii,' my iharacttr. was lient on If the stories against me hud been true, I could never have had the heart to co. ne. here to seek re dress or to vindicate my repute. I believed that I bhonld wipe out the fctain on mv name by the prosecution, or in sonic other way, 1 liardly knew (low. foiu starling Irom Chicago I was wulkiiiv; iihio- the tt pistols in a shop window, that many of -i lie ladies in pistols, especially when tcriiiiutd to buy one, and i. " one. J The loo 1 din not know ol the d.,y that I hit Chieayo I cxamiiii'd the .'oitcd directions upon the wrapper eC(Miio:a:iyin ;he pistol t.tid cttr-triiiol-s, ntid, l y i ..'.Utw !:; tliii.l, Piuceeded in loadintr it. I was then caKcd to break fast, and p;itti:! the revolver with my ' things, loroot li tt'i'.iatl it. .fV r I started ! I coneludet! to kee)) it loaded, but had then ; no intetitioti of tviii.p; it when I t;ol here. I After my arrival liere I becamu almost i frantic with a d 'sire to see him, and put on ! ii "nubia' (which I was not wont to wear) ' and li veil, and so di-i.iseiT, went to the ; Treasury. When 1 went into t lie Treasury j building yesterday rmrnicj;. I iatpiired lor j the room in which Mr. I'mrmtl.s w:is, and' ; having learned that, walked up and flown j the hall "for some time. Once, I w ent to the door of the room, opened it a lew inches?.) and saw him at the do-':. The moment 1( looked at him. sittino- there so c.)ni!'i rtali'y. ' tin; thought of all 1 had sull'vrcd. and of his i beiu tiic cause, cinaued me. and my h iv.d invoiiMitarilv :".'.h back the t r: :". ( ' " pist.'l in niy pocket. I closed the door, ' and. eteppi il; .it. ay, moved al out i.;:ain. 1 1 know not bow or where, except that 1 kept my eye on his room until the men be- , inn to i ouie out of their rooms. Then 1) placed toys li whcr.r I ki.e'.v he would i to come near me ia ooin to the stain tve i 1 When he appeared, 1 lelt smhieuly lifted ; tt'p ; my arm w as cti m!ed still' as iron, aad j I taw him fall. 1 knew nothing more until I I was called U a.-- I V;,s leaving the 1 huihliii";. l'tav, sir, what w ill tl.cv do me. If it was not h r nr. poor f-i(!n ran-l uio: j I would not care. The friends f Mr. r.i)-.i.iuo',i5 say lha or, ho i it tt brother of Dr. Uurroitohs, . resident of; the Douglas llapti-t Si -miliary in Chicago;! i that he did reside foi a considerable tune nt Iinrlin Inn, Iowa, where ho became ac- i rpiaiuled wiih and much interested m Miss, .Mary Harris. Dot they a!o state that Mr. Kurrouolis licfp.enlly told Mis llniris that j he could Hot lecipioente her attacl nielli, 1 and iiofflicd her of his iuleiided inarriage a short lime before the wedding, called upon J her with his bride soon alter, and win weii , received. When Mr. liurroughs stalled to go to (.'bii'iio,! to be married, in August 1 hu lo'.d a (.entlei.mn here, who had : been his warm friet d, that he had had a ; hard htiugole lietw.-eii ii:e!iiialion tni-ing from the alleftinn of earlifr ye-irs nnd duty, but hail decided to luarry the lady, who ' soon ulier became his Wile. j His friends claim I hat he has ever been a j genileiiian ot the hiulitst honor, lie tit-, tended the Uaptist church willi his wife every Sunday. He always tpohe in terms of strong commendation of Mis Harris, und expressed the mo-t friendly interest n her we fare, lie said that Upon one occasion, when the stibtect of his own niarriane w us mentioned to .Miss Harris, she told him she , ixas engaged to Mr. Devlin, a brother of the ' ladies with whom the had her home in j Chicago. Mrs. liurroughs yesterday stated that aliotit twelve mouths ago Mr. 11. re- ceivtd, through the mail, a M range news-j paper, in. which was n mamagu notice j marked, und that Mr. 15. repu-teii her to tail it out and preserve it, which bhe did. j The notice whicli she produced and showed to some IVil-nds read somewhat as follows: j Married, by Hishop D'lgitn, Mr. Charles ; Devlin, of lhiliimoie, to Miss Mary U. ! Harris, of lJurlinjiuiu, Iowa." Mr. Bur-j . . - . , ..I nniglis, upon reiulilig II, sal.l "no was gum to ka' not' the mariiai.'e; hoi.-d that she had mai ficd well, for he as a good girl, ami had seen tome hard times." A I.oso Teum ot' Im.m'.isonmi nt. Tn the K( rthampton County Couit Michael Hurley was convicted of burglary, rape, ngginvaled assiiutl ami iiauc.., :inj -ifi... arrest. Judge Maynnrd sentenced the cul- iri in ii.iv a fine o'f MTM0. costs of prosccii- I lion, nnd to undergo an imprisonineiit in the Kastcn I'vniteiiiiary for the term of 20 yearund 0 months. There ia a coal mine near llazlcton, work ed by A. Pardee it Co., that is considered the deepest coul mine in the Tnited Slates. It is VTv) feet in preHiidiculur depth, which is below thosnrlaVe of the Lchigll river ut Puun Haven: The slope is in tho neighbor hood of 3,000 feet in length this mine has been worked succef study lor nearly til) year, thus proving the inexhaustible weullb ot' our anthracite coal di positee. MT oot a bird who sleep upon the ing be said to occupy a leal her bed I r I SERIES, VOL. 2o, NO. 21. '"' the other. Lady linker-tone tripiieil a. iiij,', with Miliums l:in;; Irom her ttyintv bltle luilkip'j lot lliftt hung on one sifie c'f Iter (,-nteii'ul head, at, d the smallest little? upion tied below her i-ici (is'.omaelie, till she came opposite to his K,y,.l Di-hness, to w hom she dropped a rtaliy V'racel'u'l cutrtesv. Tin a pnsiin lightly over the lienuiiful. phd ted straw, hei' iiu-ked up gown show in;; ber Dei. t ankie as well as her colored stockir..i. i placed her pail nn stool cotivenientlc on use. j.eanino; niali.st liie Hank ot the cros.-e.st looking nfthe Aldu.T.eys. she was ttltn:pii!i to commence her rustic hiljors, but not havitifi seh t ted tliu rin'ut sex, the oir.'iideil animal did not set to to l'aiiey the perl'i.rmaiue, 'for he first kicked out ami Ihen trotted ir.vav, nearly upseittn-f stool, )ail and Jidy llaerstoiie, who, covtrtil w i t Ii confusion, made a ha.-tv retreat back to her lu lie dairy, whence she dU pear naisi. no; no Hahd and Soft Water. Tho i-fl'.'ft nf Hard nod soft water in cooking; different veoetajiles very matetiallv. Peas and henna cooked in bard Water, containing lime of - cvpsum, ti in .t boil tender, because then- sulistatices harden vi-jrctable casein. In soft w-.iter tii.y boil tender and lose a certain lank, raw taste which toe;, fetain in hard water. Many vegetables ins onions) boil iitar!? tasteless in sod water because ail th . A lew days be- Ilavor H dissolved not. The addition of ft wo weeks ao), ' s.dt often cheeks this (a,s in the case of nets I saw sotpe I onions.) caivii;;; fh Ve-etal.its to retain Having learned the peculiar ilavor'in;: pi ittcipies. besides C hicauo carried ! much nutritious matter which miht he lost tiitvcliitig, I h- ; in soft water. Ti; .is it appeal s that salt tit. once bought , h.iidi.ns the wider to a ueyres. l'ortxtrtict how '.o load it. , ini; the juices of meat to make a broth or ; soup, sott ya'.cr, tmsdied and cob! at Cist. is be.-t, b.'r it much mure readily penetrates '. the tissues; but lor boiiiii:r iii'.'Ht where I he juices sh'.uM b.; retained, hard water or soil. I water sVited is preferable, and the liiev.' i shottUl be put in w bile it is luilin"; so i.i to ; te::l ttp'.lhe ports at once. 1 Loxii Dnus'sTf. 4 We- d not spo ode latly in ten walking tiie streela." says a vei.tuie souie totempoMiry, "wiiliont, a constaiit !ldg-tinf v it Li the long skirt of 1..' .'.ran. Some pin them up at the regular gj.aivs, givlt.g tiiet.i iivery rii-.ioiled ppfiira:ict-; others wear iigts,' or an clastic, cord, ju t below tiie waiat. p'.iiiiug up the (iics3 jt.st as o;,r grandiiiotin rs used to Uo wLen they went to scrub tiie kitchen: others frantically seize the si'le l.-rea'biis, lu lling them in front, having the appearance of a desperate determination nf silling uouiiitt the lirsi corivi nient opp:TU;:iily. "Some walk on. h-Him; their dri- Vun.l e-iiituaiiy oroiilit up on ties lrotit bremilh, stumble. lloumUr, puil up, and try it again. Nov.- nK this co ihl be avoided. Modesty an 1 ic.pei.-t for theonicion of man kind dem ind a reformation in this loaitei-. W'e have only (riven n b.ir w at'ner view of this nvi':ii-. It' ladies would only put n (punier of a yard less iu the length of lli-.- r dresses, they would save tho amount ti e good- cost, and as much public observation. Ti: Wav vor r.t p o.er tc!U Always St.u'I':.i. A n good s'.orv ot an oim,- ccnt old bi'iv, woo ne'er beiore In.a "r: 1 on a railroad," who was passenger on onewt the Vermont railroads at the time i f a recent collision, when a freight train collided with a p-.ssei.gel- train, smashing one of the cars, kiliii g several passengers, nail upsetting ihiusgoncruily. Asso..n as he could recov er his scattered senses, the conductor went in search of the venerable dame, whom he i found sitting solitary and tilon.- in tha car ' tail the other pasen:'eM having s. night terra iirtaa.i w i'h a veiy pinch! expression , upon Icr coitnli nance, not withstanding she 1 hau r.iai.c il compu te siimmd-siiii mir tne siat. i'i f.un'., and her l..iiidooX anel b'.u lie had e.'iu' r.iiecremo!iioi,iy down Kie pa.-sa-'e way. .vie you un... iiiipuien ine coioua-- lor; " iiuril wiiy: sain tne inn iauy. ne have j.ist becu run into by a freight train, two or three passengers h ive I'ren killed a.iil j several others sever. !y injured.'' "Ia me; I ilidn t know out tout Was i... icnj y; iicxjyt tlvjlul.'' HUMOROUS MATTER. Yoi tt V.:u:, Mij-. A young lady from the rural districts lately enteit-ti a city rail- ! road car. 1'ictiy ion thj couductur ap proached her r.nd said : 'Vour fare. Miss." She blushed and looked confined, but said nothing. The conductor was rather atouiihed at this, but Ventured lo rumalk once un. re : 'Vour faro. Mis." This time tho pink on her che ks deepen ed to carnation, as the rustic beauty replied: "Weil, if I am good lookin, you hadn't ought-tcr S'iy it out hmd abnv f"!ks." The passengers in the car ronrcil with laughter, and her lover at once bellied the fare A Schoolmaster tells the following good one : I w as teat hiii'-t in a quit t country vil lage. The second morning of my session I found leisure lo note my mrrouiidings, nnd mining the scanty furniture 1 espied a three legged stool. "Is that the dunce block ?'' I asked a little girl of live. The dark eye sparkled, the curls nodded assent, aud" tho bps rippled out, . "I guess so, the teacher atways Bits on tln.t." . , , l The stool was unoccupied that term. What a world of gossip would be preven ted if it w as only remembered that a person who tell you of the fauiis of other, iuteud to te'd other til your la tilt a. GttKAT Shock. A lady we know was Startled tiie other day, by lieing told that some tme wa waiting below for Ucr ' body.' Dressmaker should be careful. Wby U married man liko a caarliel D ciusu. "ha ec out ai night wusai ! oaut i not ta Trim . One aqunre of 10 Ik, Every subsequent ii , One squaro, ! moot, Six months, One yenr, Exooutora and Admi Au'litnr notices. Ilusiueae Cards of 1, MiTclinnls and others with the privilege o follows : One qnurter enlanin. t. One hull' column, not VliO eolUIUU, Editorial or lofiil nd I not exoeeding ten. 'M .. I every ndditieiml line. Marriua notices, 50 ' Ohilunries or rvsolui! deaths, 1U uenta per hi Mark .13urU t C(l Mary Jano Wiggins : light. 1 made her acti about six week ugo ; v , and "c.i!!e;l ni'aiu." Sb,.' as nice as they make ni il was struck, tigunttiv. ncipia'mlance h id pro;re: la, i,l ably I hat I consider b. i n. e every Sunday night, j Las; Hahbnih evening wo I about the weather. Many j back on the weather when ta I ly gill. There is something i I t'.ial's very haiidv when vou I unyihing tUt in tttlk ubnutrj j There was a cold mint), Sunder i li.Liuber. i "Ml'st Ire good akuting, Mr. Mul ' M.-.ry Jari-J. "I think tn. 2)o you skate o, i no not. tor some renssj I , never learned how, though I've gol Ol br.,cs, 1 "I'oti do. D ) you skate I'' j "Certainly." Now, I bad nnver been 'skates iii my lite; but when a man is in t presence of a pretty girl, and she asks hi if he is familiar w ith anything that is pop; : lar, he must say he is, as n matter of coursi whether he is t.ot. or she limy think he is dull. All young men manage in this way ; , but I've found eut that it doesn't aUvr.ys pay. "1 d like to kwrri," said she, aud what Could I do but say, ! "Well. I shall hu happy to teach you ?" I'd seen 15:il Smith, and Sam VibberU skate, and didn't consider it much of a trick, und 1 made up my mind that 1 could gut about "alter a fithion" anyway. So it was arranged Ihat oti Tuesday Mary Jane und I slvould go down to Pal it rivet and I should show her how easy it was (for 1 had told her it was an emy matter) to 6 ii 1 . . v.' . Tuesday curr.e. We (that is Mary Jano and myself) went on to ihe ice, ami" found lots of young fii-ks cutting and whirling about, and having the best sort of time. 1 buckled on her skates, and she kept her seal on the embankment wad till I had fast ened mine tin. . Ali being ready Mary Jane-got up ; I got up. She smiled ; I smiied. I took hold of her hand nnd wo faced each other, about three feet from the pluce w here we had been seated. She smiled ; I smiied. I said wo lueed each other; we did, anct onuti'i: a to m be-, ur.'.i we suulud. 1 c .n't r.ccu ii.t for it, but my light lesr organ to siiiij outwar.ts, una that isu I the worst of it ; t.iy left leg followed suit ia thw -tl, c'.l.'iv '.!. .i. 1 kept he ld (.' M.ry' hinu, and wo boll in.'.t'lged in oi.r i.-u.d hiidlj. V,y ll;ib; (that's the word I believe) kept sliiiitiv' r.i twi'.i-lly, and that isn't - tho worst of it ; ;ii:.-y .iarie, being a wonderful imita tor : I l'otiud, had cuu.mciieed sliding and. bhe l:;;it d. :: g g. . I s:.v tiie S!tu:itli):i v.T.i ciilioal? It win ; I fuud it hu; ami so did Mary Jnt.e. All great eti.is have their culiiiinatiiig pi;:t ; so die! th present. l'our legs iih but aaii.'.e ' tliouhl" Two LejrU taut tea: an Co'j'i'art stand evervt'uing the h; iu par- ti.-i.: and ,r- mi.) l.,... ,i..i'. fail them wiial a tviii uiy country- ( L.c.l '." Mevtr v. ! L.uJit Leh; V a". ill b'.iCtl ; lidiy a n a w k v.-ard i red iea Junu sai I she never lint we get cut of i: and out this Ski.t-s. I ivm iiiipres-s'd, on taking a careful stir ; vey of tic .tUa'.ion, lir-.;, with the idea that ; Ivi sley, t.'arpeiiter Hitthcook d.du't make ' my pants ot bnckskiu, and didn't warrant ; the seams to ke-.p on ice ; second, that 1 bad . bii-iaed a wrong csliimi'.e of liill Smith's and .Sam Vil-ben'r skill; liiird, that skating ! wasn't my l"ite, thou ;li it might be my ! i..lteiy : ami fourth, tli.it Mary June woulj , think that 1 was a belici i.a:' than 1' was a j bk;-.tu j Hut I got out of it, that is, so far as my j tVui lh impression was couceiued, ni::ely. 4 1 thct.gbt yoo knew liow to skate," said I Mary Jane, alter sue had compuscd herself, i ' .io 1 do. You sue these skates are ro.k- ers 1 uever lised ihem before; liaio alay skated on the Ulateniui' skate, and it makes all the difference in the world. Very U'W can use the Glutcinury skates, they iileyervdillici.lt t) manage. Ilockers urn I simple, very simple, but having accustomed U; t t lo o, her the, u in t lit me. I adhered close uteri v, ill ob.ierve that I l tU t?il Tibs buiUiied Mary Jane, and we are g'v- iiig lo try our luck again, I to use tliu skate 1 am aeeu-.t inied to, a-i soon ns an ml.iCC of j M';i'tf'i (which I have had badly very I badly) leaves n.e. I think it will lcavo ! about the Hist of May. j Makr M .nKs. KllIUll-UlUlAU Wil li. A wa. Eiim'i The following, though not now, comes in v.-.-y tt;;):'o;'riutcly these aieig'.i-iidiirg limes: Sao'.v iia ', f.ulen: the young of the villngu g it up a grand sleighing p .ity to a country tavern nt some dist.in :e, and vile interesting widow Ltiiik'-'kin sat ia tliu same bleigh, unk'. uuder the s itne buli'alo as myself. "(Ji.l oh! don't!'' she exclaimed, n wo c.u.ie to the lir.st bridge,' catching tue, by tha arm, an I turning her venel l ice towards j me, while her little eyes twinkled through the mo.iailg!,!. I Don't whati" I asked; "I am uot doiuu atiyti.-.ng. Well, I-thought you were going to take toll," replied Mrs. Lambkin. "What's thatl" said I. ' 'Wow!'' exclaimed til widow, lier clear laugh ringing out above the tmisic of the; bells. "Dr. Meadows pretends lie dou't kuoiy what toll is." "Indeed, I don't then," I said laughing iu turn. "Don't know that gentlemen, when they g on n sleighing party, claim a kiss as toll when they cross a bridge Well I never!" When next we came to a bridge, and t claimed toll, the struggle of the widow to hold the veil were not sulheiont lo tear it; and somehow, when the veil wa removed, her face was turned directly toward niy own, and in. the glitturiugof the moonlight the hoisc trotted on l.imatlf; toll was takea for the tirst time in his life by Dr. Meadows. Soon we came to a bridge, but the widow said it was no use to resist, and she paid up a we reached it, without a struggle. ''Hut you won't take toll fur every arch, will you, doctor!'' she asked. To which tbe only reply was a practical auiraiauve to the quouou. Did you reader, slelgoride witb a wl-iow. aud oiV toU ai loo bridal