Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 21, 1865, Image 3

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    Cf)c unfrutj) SXmrviran.
H. D. MAB3EB., Editor A Propriatrr.
S. WIT.VEHT, Publuhen
HiiS'itiViiv, iX.
rSTlic Lpruhtrg Chroniclt oftlicCtli,
ny. two pcrstitta in that p!c were nenrl;
sufliiciitfl, a lew nights ago, from tlie efliicts
of gas caused ly burning wet coal. On go
ing to m tliey cloned tlieir rooms hd1 put
frc-li supply of coal, saturated with snow,
in tlieir stove, to licat their lied-cliiinibcn..
When found, one was jut oble to make
their condition, known, and the other was
helpless. Both narrowly f enped riratb.
There is nothing, in all the revolting dc
tails of all the cruelty ever prtictUed, that
excels or nrni Ids the following. The re
cital wakca the blood run cold. It is ex
traded from a letter from Shermans army
to the Cincinnati Qatette:
"Our escaped prisoners are hunted hr
bloodhounds. These nre kept at all the
inns for that purpose. To kill one of them
is certain dentil i'' discovered. On one oc
casion two were killed at Andcrsoiiville, and
the authorities not . Uing sblis to find those
who eoniin'tted the act, phteed the carcaws
of the dogs outside the (h ud line in the
brook which supplied the tamp with water
and allowed them to rot there.
"Hundreds of our officers and men hnve
been chased by these dogs. They are kept
ut nil guurd stations and pirket-po.U
throughout the South, and ts.poiji.liy si the
ferries and fords of the rivers, and nro used
to hunt both our men and deserters from
the rebel army.
"We have np;ice only for one c.u of a
bloodhouud chase. The parties who hud
escaped were privates Criiiiinit! anil H.ini.
of the l'tli lllitiui-i covalry ; Martin Clm s
'Id Illinois, and I'mtersim, .t tlie 2d New
York. T o of tlife soldi.. r WiTe Itdilt mi
j tars old. one twenty nml nut: .ml.' sfivri'
teen. They weir rtlmsctl liy lil'tum tl"j-s, in
i hurire of miiiic twenty men.
"One inaii. tln.lmg the diB close ii)on
bun, nml tut chance ofcM-npe (..n "iriiliiiu
itself, climed o.i the porch if x limi-v ul
wailed till the puity ciiiue up. Kn raged
tiitit their thmt ir Yankee lilood liii.l not
been gnititled, they made Crturimtt Come
down to theiti, tlifii knoiked him on tin
lu ud wilii a muskul, formed n ring, put the
liny in it, him linew him to tliein. IK' was
terriMe turn, and soon nt'ter ili.-d. llarti.
ati.l (,'l.ies were tre.ite'l ill the smite, w.i; mid
bmlly turn.
I'titier-on. who was a iihti" I tv. ktn-ek-tl
down and pr.i; e I tiiese hunian lien.N m!
let the dog tt i.r liim : but. tn ii" purpi .-!.
Hit whs forced ilown, nijd on ui-nti-rtitkiiig In
reitnin the jnircli tvn kittkul in the face, :
his .rout teeth t roken out nml lie rt-n.U-nd
inetiible, ;nd in that st.ile t! row into
the ring. 'I he dog h id satiated ti.tiiivjlvcs
with blood ami retucd to touch him. 'Hits
is only n single case of many w hich could
be related."
Tim C.(rcirv or son Curneit Enim n. As. .
English .Knriiiil pic. the eatacitv u( soini of .he
principal chor-he l'nrfw 'fit. Peter's, at it-noe. .
l.ul t .Vl.fluu jier-oii-: ths Cathedral st Milan.." lion; :
ft. Pant . London,. i'l.ifjiJ; St ii,pt..s. C' ,
iiop'.e. 2 ..not) : N..:re I,.i;h-, I'uris 2!.Ci; the a-:
itj-'iriil ut Pin. IJ.iliid , St. ;,,u-V: VenUf.. 7,01'rt. ;
- . . ;
llnti Vmirhcrr, t'.illi.niiit; th xanila of Val'.sn- i
11,-lie m. if ultuct to Amy pilitie.-, rruiuvn to "--r ;
Jl-1. I hireiul wii it (i.ijims it Unci li" . '
!': in Inn lair v((a :
IV'llif busrii.or tlm wguuitnt for a ni;w triiil
ff r.Jwur.l B ill.U'lfs, Lis beta iMlpouJ until tlie
I Jib ut February next. j
Ijr Ckntiul IlurkL. Mr. llsnry IIt.v,k pnt I
rvr.ion fif tbis well knnon l.orvl on WeJuctltij last. :
Mr. Ilins is mi exprriiTced ian JI'ir i, stid Imvf
kc 't'tubt. wii! tnaku th Cn(r.i a !n &m iiwut. i
'tfrfieiri. H u se -Our rwi-rs finU in
.nir nitvcrtisin, culuinii a notii! nf lliti;;
tliis truly in-iguiti-ru' lm!l, furmcrly kniwn us llm't
Jlotct. triUr t)i i,bve tiHinfi. Mr. TtiAimt ilit
owner, and fir the i'rciit its fr-jpritor. Iius rx-p-nici
ntmut .iH (100 in tfiirnsiin ami i.iTi ii.j!
litis fllia :otrl firnj.rriT. lir is U.Mriniliii thl.t it be thr llnirl of Ilarrisburtf. ai d we citn truly
say fr rl.i;iince. eiujfort. lrnu'iiH. and good f.rc
it ir D( turr:u"J by n ho..- i:: ill e S'::'.s.
U Mimtahv Ki-k Th' fuiral of Mr.
Jsi::' llu'iy. ii voivr.-ii. h-jldicr. took plt.fe oc Sun
day last, at t!u: rri,len:ii ..f Mr. Jobn h!iii!r. ili
rcmaiiH w'rt.-fciJI.w.:U to bis l.,t rrsiinir -ls''ebru
Inrj; 001011 uf fi itTi'l ari ciiiiis. and ir.trrid
by military bonirs by s itiiinti 01 i!i" h -USulti r
Und.T i!Olllliuilil 01 S.n.i'lil (ten. V. Kifb'. A In.
l.i-ral frnr.t.n u- drtivrred in tLe (itlur-D llrfcinird
rimri'b V.y Vv . Mi. C'ri-tiuit r.
H' rin:.-1b m ire bruvi". IJii-itniit!i sliop
r. i t--l l-.ui'n-. rtf thf rwirtl.tirti (Vtiira! lo.ili'i'.i (rem
fi:i loo.i'ed in tbt t-xer jf tbu l.nrul., Tierti
c:iuiiifJ b . f.ic .in 'jL-'.iy liiht.
Ali-ut It o' One "fib (i . r nt the n.jjii.a
bniirtt p'is-i'd tbrui the ni! I. i.s-, tii:l so.-n afrrr
n t.x ;.iori tftuK j'ia' r Ii isn r vl Unit a 'iirk
fr iui bis ti,;ht ln tf I a b.trrel cfocnl oil obiub o.iui
vf tba cxplusiiin. luebuildiuj wnfs frutti?, oa
tbtirboir'i I. and burntd vary rapi'y. n n uub to
rat bffrire y p.sistuiicd could b cy tl.
;itifii. lliu building "a aln:ot urt-rrly ei.iun.c.l.
Iba engines, all but out. were rtiifvtj xiU.ou; b
11 j daiuud. Tbu Iim ii ealiinaUid at abvut tl.OOO.
r' A Horrible Mliiiicii. Earty ',r Senrdiy
ii jiuir.g lant. tbe bixly of Mr. Jauma Vnnng, cigLt
I jiiHt.'h' T. at tl.ii placs, wut diaCovrd lying on th
'i; !'li-',liia t ri mi! road about bulfa u.K
b rc town, out in two by tl.a can. An inquest wai
it U l.y Cnrmior C. F. Mania, ani aTerdict m.der
ii by tbe jury, in substance, ibat tbe deceased bad
ttu inurj.-ieil and bis biJy Uued on tbo truvk In
void duirotiun. Tbe body when fnuuJ, was lyii'g
tween tbe main track and Ike aiding, aepera:d at
iv al'dumen. and U iupp"d to kuve batn run ov. r
,V tbe trie Kxprras train Koing nor;!i nbbat b'.lf-pajt
:itu o'clock in tbe nmriiiiij. Mr. VounR bad been
jcnaihort tloie previour, going up tbu road on duty
he ibarki o! rinleuoe. on which the jury bus.! Ibeir
rJi?i , wax b"le on the ton of b't bead and onu iu
is rijjlit breaxt, supposed to bavo bctb iullictcd
i;b a kuife.
A iiut ocourrtd tbe ereoinj previous between
me employees of tbe railroad emipsuy and icvciu!
udx tuna of Ibis place, wbrn ibteate wore made to
il Mr. Young Ueo. Keener and Albert U'tbUii
t'iis borouib, wtro arreitcj on suspicion, and oa
(today bad a hearing before K)uireSbu.del, when
ey provesi an alibi and were ai;.;uiiitd.
lu-rusniA en t't rum i'oan Titao i This very
evalt:( disease bag xwopt from tbe pui culal lap
my a tweet bub ; and to preveot its further ravu.
1 nuiotK the liulo iaaueents, should be tbe earnest
j. 't "I U:l;it a id u.ot'uTt. A friend lias handed
the following recipe, which we take pluaaurein
-ing uur reiulen : A poultice rosde of tbe yoke of
o'ii ami fiLcsalt, of a ite-liketuisti.iicjr, lo be
t on the throat, and kept en iblily uiinutci, ualuxi
Dtr dry. If vhij J J f try fuveriab tbe ptjiiliea
ul I be rtpMteJ. A wau or earle ibould also
prrparrl and uee, eonaixting of tv-jUal parts of
3.-. It sad alum mixed with rintgnr 'oi a very
ere eawe, make wusb for lb Lbroax of bl'vjd root
'.0f. and palveiixed bayberry aj redi
infnrmed that ii every imtanoe wbore tksxo'im
rs'tclies bawe beea f?pi, mfrm tisj r-
ItcsMurkuhle Intri CCcWl Acsrsi.
Wahiii.noto.n, Jan. J7.
The Richmond WhiJ of this tnorulng
(Tuesday) status that tlm Hon. I'ierre Uoulu
had arrived in Mexico 011 a mission for Hie
Confederate States.
Street rituiiiis in nicluuoud suy thftt
James A. Seddon has been removed nnd
Oeti. Hrcckinridge made Secretary of War.
Other changes are talked about but there
is nothing ollicial.
The Confederate House of Representa
tives declared by a resolution, yesterdny, in
the case of Governor Foote, tliat, under all
tlie circumstances of the case, it is expedi
ent that the military authority (liechurge
him from custody, and it ia presumed that
he has beeu placed at liberty.
"I. "H. O. iU.-lNO Irl't V!l" These
eabsliilic lutters tnenn sotnnlbin. and if tho reader
will obtain but one oottle of I'ixkkiitox's Waiioo
axo Calisat. JIittsiis. bo will find them, on trial,
to be tbe m.ixt pleasant, hijaltbtul and popular bev
eragie now inure. Itiscoiopo.'ed of the prrt Hour
bun whiskey and the most healthy route and barks
ever kuowu to tbe medical faculty, nnd compounded
with great accuracy. PersoiMSu0.:riog lium dypep
liu, jaundice, liver ooinpluiut, or au of the misera
ble feelings that follow iudiatlioii, ivili find speedy
roliet from tbe use of those iiillers. Ye knour, l.e
caus.: w hate tried them. They will certainly
ftreiilhn iud iuviuruie ynu. Jf they donot. Ibea
iivtbiiiir will Look and ee thai tbu uume ut "Jacob
rinkeiton'' is blown on the bottle. Hut sale by
iirugi'ts and wholesale dealers.
.Sold hy It. A. FISUEK, Agent, Banbury, Ta.
The Correction of the Enrollment.
fPHK eirrMtion of the National Fnrollmnt is of
JL the first importance. Where it is excemtte.
quotas ara increased and urijast burdens Imposed.
Ttie tiosrd of Enrollment desires the co-opcratlon of
all eili sens those who are not liable to ttratt as well
as those who are in an effort to secure iu reduslioa
10 the proper stan lurd.
In a 10itter of this kia i, ortrsnit ilion Is what ia
wanted to future suoeesa. Kvery Town or Townabip
should at once constttmo a few of iu uilitcns a Com
mittee to alteud to its interests, The Committee
abii:ld bo rtqnired Ui see the prcpiiration of cvi
den"e with a new 01 liikiu- fmru the lia:a the nainre
iil'uicn in the srrvioe, tia th-it have reunvcd from
the District permanently and ii. good fut h, uj tin'
1 list arc dceased. as well as addifi tho names o-f
pcrsm.s oontia Into the iilstriut to reside, such as
h ive urriM lui twenty years of agn. uud auy tbut
may hare mcuped enrulliHeut hcrctoiore.
Thesi' will ho slrickvn ofT i the ccrtiurVwrrf taw
prvpvr rnroliinj nftjcr on avrl:.vii of two eiti
rcii, slating the nine of Heath as Lemiy aa possibie.
Cfiniiii:ic wi'l con no th.sir attention t
w.-h as Iihvc cniered the s.-rvice o:licrwiso than
osyeruu,h thii oflit. lrnftcd wen in ''tvicr., subali
lutssni'J volu.nii.erx raiietetl here lakon trout
Jtwa the rnrollmetit sa a luatirr of oonrs.. ' Tbe
Is.iii.l will strike oft the nnuies of enrolled prrspr.i
alleged iu have been iu the srrvice upiin tho sworn
stalruitut ut iwu citixvas. tivin tue oompiny and
regiment in uhieh the panics uiay betervinij. the
d:ite uLp luce of inuilcr, nixl sn'cb other facts as
way tu.jKtf.ti theuiselves. A specification of at least
ibe reiuent and the time cf muster, as nearly as
cm be ascertuined. is essential.
All persons who have removed poi msnently snd io
r?nl lailh tiotri the District, or from one Town or
l-wnskrp iu tbe District to another, will be stricken
oif o tha njipiicatiou ol two cilurns whote sworn
atiitriitent ui liie time nr. l mauuer of removal, to
Scllier with the prerent reaidence of tbu party, jf
known, enould lie tiUd.
7ha tbtrt have served two years in the prexwrt
wr are entitled tit be stricken oft. Tue discharge
.-uch Willi en oath of indjmity i jocii Vlirro
ti.e tltfchiirKa ia inavci ihlc for any no.d reusoTt,
mi? farjia UHilin il ehmrly tfca faai .f irrvico for
tbs' i-1 M iime r:il he r'ecvirrd Thf ..iauita.
tn.n..f Jtcs nnd mmter iu and out ahould not be
ou.iilv I.
vr,B on v.vDEn f agk.
Pi-ron whoelaim to hf Ktriaken "IT'-n aivnnnt of
bein arrt s. r r V'O yenix i t vr, bring
Ibeir own nSvttivil Mathi the tiny ot ibfif Nnh -Wbe.e
the .r i.r are livias tlieir uQdavir is sl-o
rriNirel. ! eve ske pwreata are (tea I, the aaV
darit of the ;ptr.-iM ssast state tl.ii fact, nnd then
lh.i uthlavitm any two reputahlo cit sens, slntiiig
that thi-y know iho loan and believe hit statement
In be truo. will bo received. In upport of tbe fore
goin t. idtuM', any record evidence, public or ni i
late. that may be in existence, wti.f he v-nj art.) .
Vt hei " there is t.u record evidence. 'hn aiudavits
;. old set Cr'.b iha lauls oi itr ojb-exiiteuce
Tliey mi'at flie an affidavit setting forth ihc d.ite
nrol pln-H of tiir fh : th port at hicli Ibcy were
I .i.'lvj.l, u wed as the tin:e ; their sv places of
roi 1' nec :rc in fb's coui'try, wiih the leiiKth ol
li.iit i.t each and thai :h'-y i.cer hivy C!.-d a
d'-t-laraiion of intA.'iion to becoino ci:iz-n. nor bsfe
voted or attempt. 10 vote at any election in any
Sia-. Iu addition. tL nil lavit of two respectable
eituens. not tiiemsclvvi i.lirite, mutt be furnished
who certify that tbey know the apnlictnt tu be a
man entitled to credit, and believe h"a stntement to
he true.
The Dnard is allowod to strike itf, for manifrtt
permanent physical disability . it i impossible to
u nkc this term any plainer. The inCrmitiea fir
which the Board aro permitted to strike off. must be
lie Hi manif'' and ytrmantnt. Those defiring to
be stricken off uuder this bead should coma a per
j'". Tlie tSnieun iu.n iei the trouble cotnplsiued
ol before reporting au opinion to tbe board.
Tbw laimiag exeinptloo for two years' srTie,
Minn ndi-r i;e. alienage tufi physical disability
ihoiilti h.pjr in person, hut a cursory exiiniuatioa
will be i;iieij the last class. Those that do net feel
Itit-tii'eUe pcimaneiHly and maiiif.stly disabled
should not appear As regard aliens and perions
cliiiiniug exeuiprion on age. pcrauu'il attendance is
ri-iptiMle Wlun it is practicable for a pertv olaim
it. exempt. on for any cause to appear, tie should
Come An applicHt.oti iu his uWeuee, without res-f-ivitilo
excuse for uon-utieu Juncc, is uoustrued
againit hi 1:1
A core of !ie trrollir.ent rrny ofien faoilltaU and
curtail the ttoik of eomiiiitttca Ihis will be fur-lu-t.ct
the lonnshivs iu tbe retanter counties on ep.
p'nt it'on Only Comn.ittees. not individuals, need
ari ' v Il.i.-. ' Ci.'ehax k&i not the help to furnitb
more thu. a sinla copy lo a tow naliip.
.So soon us tbe present draft is ooropl - I :!:e
Ili-iird of Enrollment, or pirt o,' 1:, will vUit the
sv-r::l wmi v seata of the District, for the purpose
of C'irr"ciin' tlie lisis. Duo pulis notice of tbe tinio
of viriiii each comity mill be gives. The oititens
are urged to hoi i ihemiclvcs In readiness to attcad.
Persons of nuidible sc tko-e atBicted with perina
neut siiintuis. Ibve ihat bate sccu two years' ser
vice, alien' and all others who c m utteud sb'tuld b-
Uigexl to do o. Hi is a faithful eflort on the part of
tu,i' Board of Eurollineut to obtain accurate lists,
and should be met with a Cirrespondin' sjiint by
Commiltees need not wait until the Itoird visits
Countias. but can visit tbe Board here at once il they
see tfoper.
Vt l:eie 15 desired to Lavo a person enrolled who hw
escaped eiirolluieuf, moved nto the township, or bo.
ccme twoi.iy ens years of age, application iu writ,
iu should be made by one or more cilixons. The
staie-uenl submitted by them should should give too
full name, sue, ecu. ir.aiioa an i place of birth of the
man to be enrolled, as well as the plooo of residence
et ibe informant.
The sppropiiaia (OVorjaiOLtVtat'r? n uit be affil
ed i" al; iidHaviis.
Tbe Port i int'rBcted tossy thet if the opportu
nity now offered to currect enroiitnents is .educ ed,
no a-.iciu.on win in luiuie uu t.m to eoiupuibts
adout tieciiyt quotas. '
j vapiaiu una 1 icroet M erst 41
vu.inbu iiinen,
IIii&qr.'.TEas, Pbowost Marsbil, )
HarrUbur. Jan. 7, Istil. J St
Suabtiry High .School,
iyriLI' re-npen in tho old Dar'.itt Cburcb, oa tha
V Kth day of J-Luary. Tba couisc of uulruotioii
tutbraees all tbe braucbi s tuubl in Aoadcwiai and
beuiiuaries ol tbu ntbest grJc.
For Lanisuarfes ancient anil modern inolud-
ng all other branches, f 13 09
Natural Kcieu?u. Algebra, Oeometry,
Advanced Urauiuiar.tssoyiaphy, liuwry. 4c. 37 On
iXiiuients of abova, 11 In)
F.iinary 1 GO
Incuin,il eipenses, ill
'i iul.ou puvsOle ((iiartirly ia e.lvaase.
No ileduotiwl (nasis lor I Jt
Pupils oaa enter at lima, and wii! only h
barjjed trci tedatesbty eotur.
Fur iur'; vr cwticvlyrs appl y ! the rrinsipal.
1 I . t.jHJU'f.
,! . if'; ii. r.. t.
lwas. ikti.
lhll(ilrlthlit &. tU t? i:nll.Mid.
fpiII3 tfreat line traverses tho Norll.rn aid N--h
A. wcitejunties of Peansylvauia to tbe city of Lrm
ou Lake ririu.
It has buen leasel by tbe IViii.sylvnula l'...i'ir:il
Company and is operated by them.
Its entire ki ain. iriis opeueil f"r p iiiouft-cr and
freight business. Ootober 1 Tilt , H1 I
Time of Passenger trnir.s at mibury,
Leave tostwa.-d.
Mail Train, arrives 10 ii P. M.
Klmira Kxpross Train, 11. .16 "
Lock Haven Aceonimodation, lil.'Ji A. M.
Leave Westward.
"Mail Train, 4.15 A.M.
Klmira Kxpress Train, n.zn "
Loek Haven Accommodation, 4.UA ('. Ii.
Villiamsport Accommodation. 11. .1.1
Paasengor ears run through on Mai! Traiu. withovt 1
onange Dotn ways B-;.ween rr-ilHUelpbi.. r.nd Kric, I
and llsllimore an l Krie. I
Llezsnt Klcep.njj Oars oa STalt T-nins bolh
TVfivs between l'uiladolpbia and L.isk Haven, and
and on Klinua Kxpress Xrain both ways botweiu
Williamsporl and Halthnoro.
I or iiiformatit n respecting I'i'.ss'.n jcr luainuns
apply at 30tu and Market St.. Pbilado'.pliin.
And for Freight bmtincssot tlie(.'oinpanT'vi
K. 11. Kingtlvn, Jr., Cor. IMb r.i.i ilarkct St.,
J. W. Keynolds, Erie.
J. M. Drill, Agent N. G. It. R., Bnltimore,
H. H. UnfSToa,
Ucu'l FrrlKht Agt. Philnda.
H. W. Owissaa.
Oen'l Ticket Ag t., Thilnda.
Justi n D. Purrs,
Ueu 1 Manager, lviilinaisrort.
v. ti v -v t: lir.Mn'i"!
-Pfjotograpf) Gallrrtrs,
Kos. 71 and 7 ARCH STKEET,
Dee. 17, 1304,-a
Wistar's Balsam
cue of the oldest and most reliablo remedies ititac
world for
ConRhs, Colds, Whooping Couirh. Pi'vrii')'t". DitR'
cultv of lirustliiii j. Asthma, It'ni simc-, curs
Throat, Croup, and every AfTuotien cf
including even
O O I S TJ 3Vt f T I O
Bo genernl hits the uso of thl" rcaicdy become, and
so popular is H overywhori?. that it is unnecosii.oy
recount its virtues lis work spent for it, un.i I. ml
ulteruuee ia tho u'mu linit nnd vol salary testimony
of the many who from luu so.ff'erinj' uiri settled i!i
sease h.ive by its use buen riMU-roil to pristine if r
and health. We can present a bias of uwdcueo i'l
proof of our assertion, that
The Iter. Jaruli Sctali !'.
Well hnowanml much respected ninnnv; the Usrrtvi
population iu makes the toiluwin .-itatc-uicut
lor the bcucfit of the aflti .-tcd :
HANOVall. i'll., Pch IS.
Dear Sir riaviti realised ia ny fi.i-.i'.v iinpr
tnat hcneS's from tbe use or your vulti: ". : i : . ;. -milieu
Wisiar'x Halsaui of Wild Clie ry : i'..rd u'.c
pleasi ro to recommend it to the public, .-nic ciii'
yesrk agnoueof my daughters ueu t J t ) i.c i:i a He.
cliue. aa.1 little hopes of her recoVeiy hcic emor
tnnie l I then procured a ttittla of yr.vr ' -11. i l
lialsam, and before she kfid taken ti c w!i ole of th"
contents of tbe bottle tberu tvuia rcat ii ij ;- ivcnic.'.t
in ber health. 1 huro, in any; Sniliviiiil c.i"v in nlc
frequeut use of your valuable acdicii.e, uud iiuvc
also bees benc&ted by it
JAC03 SEOUL!:'',.
From Jossa Siti.lh, K-ii.,
President ol the Morris County Bank, Morris'.onn,
iseiT Jersey.
"llavtun used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of V.'il 1 Ch-ry
forabiiut fifteen years, nnd having ru!t:cd ill bci.t
ficinl lesnlts iu niy family, it aft'or.1-1110 ijv.vit
sure in rccoinincuding it to the puoii n.t a
remedy is cases of w cult lun-r, :A t. n.!;'.
and a remedy which I cowwesr to bo cwt';cv i..i;o
ceut, and miiy he taken wksi perfect i- i:.:j ' v tin
moat deik'.le in"
Fxoru lion. John H. G.i.i'h,
A ilisltiijjuiclie'I f,awyer in '.Ws mln tcr. JM.
I have on several ojci'ions nj 1 1.'. . W :si..r s ii: 1
sam ol Wild Cherry lor severe udds, and aiuits
with d'-cided beriefh. 1 ki.o.t 1 11.1 ' ",'" 1 J
is more rflisucioue or aioso deservii.g ot f tu t! -Me-
The Buls:ou has nlie-bcYa" iteVwi;ii excel'.ui.i e. -:
by J. IS. Jbllrott, MerciSMit, HatU's (V. f. no;, M 1.
Wistak's Ualsa-x vt Tu.d C.i. 1:111 .
Jfone jenuinc anlcss itgncl '-I. Bl"I7i1," oa VA-s
yon SALE r,Y
.1. P. BryMOUE, No. 4M P-soatS.j-.r.Noif .ork
S. W. POIVLE A Cd., I rt.pribic.a-, iiostnu.
And by sit iJinggists.
Ifimls 0!.l Snre.
Cures Durns, Soulda. Cuts.
Cures Wounds. Bruises, rain-
revdixgh nuaaiA xalvii
Cures Boils, Ulcers, Cancers.
Cures Salt Rheum, Piles, Lryipci.s.
Cures Ringworm, Corns, Ac, 4c.
, tji-Ot'y ?1 f cr-ts a Bo u
ron At) -BV
J P. DIXSMORE. Ho. Sill Broadwav. N Y
8. W. KOWLF. CO. o. P Treinonl St., Bsarton.
And by all Druggists and Country btj,-eiccicrs.
Dee i'i lto4.
"coal oil lamps?
I be); leave to inform my friends sn l the pt:l.i1
generally hat I have ooinsncmrrl tb tuatuSMtiir,
of COAL' OIL LAMPS of every description and rtjlo
of huith, at
With my present facilities for uienulsetui iiij, :ii.d
a praotioal expertenco of thirteen yearf in tbe man
a(oment of the lamp business for sume ol tb l'ir . -housus
ia the country, 1 flatter myself .hat my expe.
hence and knowledge will enable me to olTur to the
publio goods cot equulled by any iu regard tostyic
and woikmauship and at prises oompeiiu- wnh mo
lowest. I ahull ulwaya endt-avor 10 lead iu oKctini;
to the public new and useful icvvntiuus iacur iine.
I have also taken the wboltsale agenoy f r tbe sale
v GLO. W. BKOWN A CO'b CetKDiiAinu Jlerx.
Vo. 33 . Second at., Pbiiad.lpbia.
f eptomber 2i, 16-1.
CiPll'.tLi, $ 1,000,01)0
100,043 CiHAP.CS, TAR SIO (l.
President T. HAfrKIXS DU PCY, Fresidcnt 0
tbe Cat'.awissa hailroad Co.
Vice President THOMAS P WATTSON', of Ibe
ITsr litnr fl.ui of Truitt A Co , N'o JS Mui k.U at.
Treasurer-hAMIip.L vV OUK, of Work, MOoacb
t Co.. Bankers, 3a .South Third street.
DtitkCToas : T. tluskins Da Puy ; Thymus D.
Wsttsou ; L f-. hichnrds, Of Oeruiautown ; Vi'illium
D. herred, Inmrsnoe Agot; Qeooge P. Way, Of
lute Dry Hoods firm, J. T. Way A Co.; A. V.
LeisemiDf, Cashier Maueh Chunk auk, Alaucb
Chunk ; Edward Sbippen, Esq.
The property of the Drsko Petroleum f ompary
eobtuut 01 10 tracts of land, one of two but '1 u and
fifty-seveo acres and on el I a hundred and sixty
five acres, -nuking in all, five hundred aud twelve
ores, in are, on tho Cudwall Branch of Oil Creak.
It properly has been cnt.ieally tzanjisisd by a
Comoiitts appointed for that purpose, sua the uni
tery nronuuuoed, ia tbeir jaJ,;eoisal, lo be fuily
equal lo that of Oil Creek, along which the largckl
ail siclls ever tllcovered have heen fvun l.
The lands reeouibte thtw on Oil Crook, ia every
particular, and it is believed fruia its laige tumbtj
of oil springs in close prosia.ity, tu; viluibie wuila
will be opened on both iuoui tracts.
Tbe oianagoment bare already Scented several
Enziues and engaged a eevpettnl bupotinteudout,
with a view is iuiiutdiato and ut ttiurgtuc dsvclof-Ki-nt.
A large portion of tease boot it boUca), anil
admirably adapted for boring.
beveral Couipaoye are oranisod oa land In
nediately adjoining this territory, among ahiob are
tbe Lriio ana Cie.cut City OU Companies ui' Phila
delphia. lo presenting tho Drake Petroleum Company to
the publio, the Directors ask that their scheme
should be eaauiiaed, an subsorlptions tuaiio to the
Kt a In full laitb as to its pruuiut and prospootive
,JU' T. IIASKIN'SDU PCY, President.
TUCti. D. rt'ATTSON, Vice Fredsct
EAia'EL WOiiH, Treatuixr.
ahscriptiona will be reoelvw or 1 limited ember
nsnir.sai tbe liauaiug Ilounr 0 Vura, JdjCouti
i:u . No. .V South Third S'.r.-t, g-tj.i jjaski.
I va.lvr lt,ie.
AtlcilUn, aikJlcsj iinsi friitlcnicii t
Over !. n.iwcn's Hto-e, eonter i.t. 4 I'awnKts.,
Cj UY13ULY. has opened anew Pi.ut.r 1 iHerj
in tlie utjove pi we, a'1 ; l-'p'rec to tkc
l'vi'.iaiu iu Jest ety it uud nmnncr.
arc taken hi every slylu ot the Art. liml oimnot be
suiiinsaed in tl,ei. te. Having several year's esjie.
riei'.o. lie will give satisfaction or no e'liir .
t e; wili bo tiiketi from nit stu-v "t I'io.urps
tiivu l.ilo S r ill Itci '"lliot.1
, over Uuweu s itore
0 B
'V.gj'iTn. CitA
Market slrvvt. one door enat of Mrs. Doiilton's Hoto
Have opstieil
Mice! iron nud Wfoi o Si ore,
snl Intend keeping consuutly on hand, en. aitinu-
facturin lo order on slitrf!el notioo,
TIN AND SHEET IKO.V-WAP.Kuf all. lesevipltona.
A I.arjte Stock of Ciajk Stovesuf the following Rran Js:
and on the following two Brands we defy competi
tion, namely--.
( 'out t( tuition tiiw IJiirncr, .'oK.
4oVf mtr BVusi Cools.
nnsoroastted for benuty of (inleli. flmplicily of ar
rati jtoiiH'iit, ciiiiliiiiini; lifapnessiiiil durability, and
each stove warranted lo perluriu hat tlicy a.ert
prc.cnled ALSO. PAKLOIl nml OFFICE STOVES. In prcat
Varii'iv.eiiil.raciiur all the best luunut'.iclur'.t. and
miit lashionnlilo designs
Also. The ccl . hniinl OEM for lieatlnc; up and
down -tniif.
Alto eeMrnted VU1.0AV HHATI !i.
t'o't ll. -iil 1)11 ljii)s. aiUttflox,
'lil'iiii r, iii:1 JII n'-tls-tcM
wr.u'iMlly kt f . in an es'al ii-liinei.t of Ihk kind. Wo
are also pr"'iircd to.loull kinds n i-ouliii): Itonhu. mo I Kuril ice Wiirk.Uis Kitliug. io. ltcpai
iiijf cheaply noil iiently executed.
Country prdtico taken iu ixvksngo at marktt
Wiva t'..e. 'iTcy P'V t:ir!l! t'EI.EIlRATED FIKK
1'l.ACl cTOV;-.:-. fur llw Oourtties of Morllinu.licr
Im; I. dcr. I nioii Montour
Ard use nWr a;;.-tifs for tlss Piplior t Willower
Lin ' 'I'm ! :.-ri iiti.m.
S-..n. a-t.vt;, ;;. SC4.
xx S- x"j.j te :oLrjE:95i5
B A Z A A 11
('iii iicr til' .llai lid JSijuni-c L Hall
' Io.I Slx-vvt,
: S U M C V 11 Y, 1'K N K ' A.
! jrsT openi-:d, winter ?rucr. ok
Of t'sc k' v,".t 6;'.. cut by l.u Artists, t.iniined
Mini u.a.K C'luai to ci'-stom woii., und.foid at tlie
lowest prices.
JSt-n Jjsttl i5nj-N t'loSliisiR-cf the lic.-t ft..-.-
teii.ii Mi.-i.lii 'j ( f Drui- Coals, prick Co .its. a,.l.e
.'o-l'-, I'aliti, and V ests ol v t.l lous colors 'ni l lyiail-
2::sTl T-'Mi-X" ' '.I'rNISlltN'l
'1 n M.iit-. v'ta. at.
sittir's,. i'n.ks'.iirt'
'i. - it iii;il;fr 'wicf-
lir.iw ois.
iSn-.-i ;s- i'-it- ofiU 3iltt;n.
K'iur.- .'Nr': i;i'i:P. jruxks. VALtrtn?, r.M-
!! !;:!.!. AS. ri.'l NOTli'iX'.N of nil kinds, mi l iimoc.
r 'lis otiiT nrtijle1.
'1 to; i.i'i No aio invited to cull and examine his
P.eirf ;-,W the I'lne'e. -Coiiiiiifu'al Olothintr Sirrs,"
Cirner of Msrkf. fiuuaro and the X It. !
:ii:lrtry, Dec. 10. 1.3;'.. j
! 'fl'O I .tIl'IC, IOHl!c" tftfuf !Ui
. :r;su'-ntiis
i ?ATEXTED, Alti'f 2nd. ISH.
i fltifsS rthsllet it the only ouw that (fVells Ibe Corn
-L iwfsotfy vleMi frtiiu the tTob whou green, soak- I
ejor.iry. It ijive thv a doi.ola operntioti oa :
I lbs Sliel.ini; Uil at' it yt," i llsrsngi, ni.d scpi.'
I rail's-list) Csityfrtrss-'hoCiraentstploieVyronderiLpt it I
I ut ctt;i- K ssa: act wiibout the use uf the finuinj
mill, uiucTtino suvtis a I
.'t.y DmhJfJ J.'"'- tu the XfinnU hy ti-Ji-'
t.iiry tl.n-l Vuitn:
ar.J r-n be uied. also, by ikirsr, or WatrS
l'oer by uticl:itl a Pulley on tlii Crank rtal't. '
F-ur Duial'tliv. Cicuiiliucss. N'-ainess Caespiuss
uud ivapi'iily 111 ueli..i, this iljciii:.- canL'U
s4uallcd 1-y ui-y other.
i.i-:AioxA!!i.i: 'i ::,tisi.
OESTi.rwkA : if "U nut ymar corn Shelled
olcu. . 'I ""u Li-v c ot'ji.siou to slieil icrn- tr tl.111111
corn; ifjott i.ttt.t yoai corn end cob st-utssdittl ; it
you U4iik a ditiiiLi'i. r. ..i.:i:c ; it you waul a cucap
ibclltrsbuy tl-oC iii; ictc, Dou'u.o-Ac.ti., cclisw--i.r.;..
Coil. iiivUvr.
Jlirt JilHiXC-iS : !
H . B. .Masser. J- v- I-''' tur.l i.ry.
t'litr.os !t.a"M.ll -r, Keauin-.
C ' ilor;i!ii A Co., ft.. Wfist..-. t.. A.y. a.
Willets. ftunbui i-. si. .Mi.'-r. 1- rmci-,
Henry Letscin 11. DerT lijn. J. . '"cr . t.r.ti.wn
Aliinnfueiured and tor ...lo ut v"o ioandry ct
Itt'llUBACll A COPkH. ."uiXuiy, r 1. ,
ciui.b'iry, lc. . I" d-1in
BAi) i iiiLD ! ! BREAD ! ! I
fIHE nndcrsinsd will open a Cakery, ou Market
I street, Suisto.ry, Xi., la IDS course 01 two week:
where IS r.ll koep Cunuiully on hand,
I'i s-ali Vtrvutl, '' l.latl!, t:.-.Ss,
sua TKA-BUNNS, wlii.b will be delivered tu fuuii
lios ovory uiorniag.
All kinds of
FA CT CAKES, Coitiuon Cakes, Prettels. e.
I'ic-Nic Psnies. Welding and Funerals, will oi
Supplied 1 IhU Sf;.tl 1"'I0S
A f rj.I as-' .inci.l be kopt up at all times,
'r.. a ..... ..r.u.. .. ....i.i -...1
silt be promptly aitcii lcd to.
Ue trust tiial his fri.'r..U uud the publi- generally
will susiaiu biui in ibis new enterprise, now greatly
needed il. Suobury.
ilo 11 us; bis cxparieeee in the htnvness niil ena
bla biui tog've general ai:i:slact.oii to all wuo may
favor tim with their iaiooao.
Sacbu, Dec. 10, IEC1.
t.i ine
P O U N D H "Y,
rsOH?s3ACH &
Sot the Boat Uet the CheapoUt Hot the roost Eco-
' noinical, which enu bo had ut the It. broach F-umdry.
t Having a largo sat.nuei.t of the uidel approved
(TOVLat suoh as Cooking, Parlor, -. jet aud Shop
' Stores, which will be sold at (be lowest t alcs. Aitu,
Kettles ul all slios. Pans, SLillots. Ac.
i Tbey are also munuftuturiug Slachinery, Ploughs,
j Celtiaji, 4o., at short notice.
Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Iupleraontf
: done ia a good workmanlike nianuor and at tbe
shin iest uoucc.
! All articles s iipyied as ordarsi. Orders rtspoot-
U 1 So is:taa aud piomftiy aticccea to.
' i.uiIrtiAO:i COOrER.
Ijf Old Im, and all kinds of FrsJuca lakea in
Fx.-t.acge for work
KuaUry, June IS, tf
f F vou went a (too" fctt'lsooie Purl'- 6Uie,gi Uv
, J-()Oi,SJsick'Sys-SI. e V
J1I'E( IH'L1.Y luf'n-tn-her friends In Mintinry
tv and viuily, tlm' lies jut opened her
1'ai.t, a vn wiktjsu ooods.
ol f'v 'onf paf.ryDry Ot.onls,
MnrVM rlreet. f ur doors west 'if Win ti, M'.i'ot's
iksiiaal tisit store. feU.SBt'HY, 1'a.
Her stock consists ni Trlmiiili.KH. itnii.ii.s. emluoi.
drrics, l.-iili.'i and Cluldrens' baia and shaker ; filk
sn I ti' Miliums, Corsets, Jlia.i'kiris, Crape at. 1
L'ico 'oils ; 'lots, gloves, stot'ktuj;, collnrs, nud
corsets, Ac.
rireakf iet Slmwls. Sontags, Red Hiding Hoods, Caps,
Hosiery nf nil kinds.
Onnts' llnnilkerciilefs, Cravats, Neckties, Suspcn
Ucrr J llibbot.s, nf all kinds, Feathers, Velvet, and
mat y other articles too numerous to mention.
Runbury, Oct. 22, 18CI.
ilistsi A.Wt. k".I.'I'i:it,
Two doom Wet of tlie Post OUlcc,
F,XJlSl QtritY, I'ETsTJM'A.,
HAS hist received and opened a Inrtre ir-sortno nt
til fancy Drejs ttiaids, such as Uloves. .louviaii, .Silk and lisle thread ('loves; Liolin
cotton and woolen II. ue. Children's Merino Ho--:.
Silk Slit. Hanlkerehivf'. Cortets. l.un.roid.rcd
Slifpars. Hihtairs FANCY DltKsS BUTTONS, lttiitlt)
(jiinbs. Triiiunii.KS. Iliittons. Uelt Kilihnn Vnlver H;b
Imiiis, Xhaid. Hell Clasps, Lndiea Neek-iies, Fam-y
Hiitloi.i. CUAPEltlltUilN and 'i'KIM.MINU ; En.
hi .i lt rinj; Jimi ls, Jnci.uet an ) Siss Lditiuits mid
insertions; .Malteete Lnee Colars. Laces. Urciiudiiiu
Wilt, l''..i,cy Dress Ctnubs.llleau Dresses. Nells, uud
a Sariotv l other articles.
V. O.Jl.LN Ulitills, such as Sontaw, Dri rktns:
Coseys. Caps, Mittens, siucquus, (iluvvs. cilk uud
Cotton Klas, Ac.
Pis.'s-s. Hymn IVK-ti". Dtiink ptsrks, Meniornndiini
il inks. 1ii::ri :-. l'is.fect T7isik. Ink Stands. 1'i iis.
l'ciioiis. a fine nfyortftitTJt iA Par-rT, Ink, Ac.
Toiiet Suaps, Tooth-Brushes, Ae.
Ti )YS AND CA.MKS FOR rillT.Dr.r..
Afl of wAich IniVe been selected with caro and will
be sold at rcitsonsble priues.
Siinbury, Oct. T2, 1861.
you want n Rood Cooking-Stove, go to SMITH
(ii;NTi;i.K S New tl.op. drS
v j
I'tiirlf V ti- l Sin., a'ti!ii3'liiii.
Cater for tho be.-t Trade, ami oflcr no Hail.-- or .le-f'-ption
to imluce CiistiuM. but rely on 1'A 111 DKAL
I NU mid (.ii' il) (iO'.iDS !
P.c?f Aicriiioe", l'ti-lu.Min'ils Silk?.
X'ol.ilily 1'lai . l'.n: a Poidii.s.
It::i. t' jiured .M.-: in.ip.
X'.ai 1 .-l.a is. la-tiikets
P. tf. We I li'rvw litiJ.D .l'.wa, n.Hose as ko f. l
1 w i; up '....v i-a is-o I t.n.e for Ji' a:.-l
CoiiuTn.-v.: to coino in.
iict.'be.' s. IWM. -pi t
Two .iooi-.i w.tvt of FicloT s Dm;; iftorc, Mt.rket tt.,
HUNBUB Y, F-Esrr-r'A.. i
IS c int.intlv limtitii'iietiirin'tthfl la'eM stylos of Wotd '
mid Pur l! itf which lor soilness ui.d durubility
are not Mirpn.-tiod. i
(liv t.ini a c.ili and his .1'. .fk of II at will. "re I
rii l t-luapcr tli'in I.-ewLere. Mcrcliiints an 1 oilier:', j
por.-'haMiits at i liol''j. uiil 1T11 1 it to tlitir a. Ivan- t
tie to '.'ail nr. t (.rocar" an article cbtarer t.ul
toeitt' luariliiac-'irt. !
Sunburv. Hi i..l.-.r I. ls.VI.
li'tFAT i:i;i)l tTIt)X I S '! HiC PRICK OF
in j r. a Mi" jrs3seisffsa9
2.uth fH-coi'il Street. Philade'.jkia.
Are nmr rfi-trinis their itiacnifteeiit s:ix-k of Kiiks.
iir.s.. tioods. rl.Htvl. Cloihs. L'tiriks, Velvets. Ac,
f.-u bcloft ilia present Hold Prices: i
'. e h ive also ou hand, tilai'.ues'oc': of DOMESTIC
(.,t)OI)S, which we are now selling at a retit iialuo- j
tii Iroui the prices we have h in silling tlicm at J
An tri: h.ivs bad the ailvnntne- of a ritai in the pricis
.four e'--k 111 the pio-ressol the War for the
, t, .iip. - -- 'i",n.-v ... .isnoar ens-
tinners the Advantage of the lull lu Prices.
Calicoes and Muslins, reducod,
Kiii'i tls and 'JuLle Linens, reduced.
I31arcis nnd all siuble lioo ls. reliice.l,
Vr.i yes;H:v'l'iilly solicit fiotii the l.ndtss and others
vi:-:tins M.slii'lttplifa. tin exiiin'iniition of our stock,
whivh is OTisnrpassvit iavaiieiyund styte. in this city.
N. 1'., Wholesale linvers. are ii.vired ta t-xaiuiue
ourtock. 1.DW1N HALL A .")'..
No. 2." South Second street, Philadslpbia.
October S, :61. 12unv
i..vtsi:s imacv ri'itN :
otti i:.(.iLi;tic:
Xo. TH.AKCH Street,
V.c'-Lt .
bovc 7tli., rillLAD A
f llsi's now tn klora
'HJrfifc.Ht 'y "wn Ini ortali. 11
,s , an.i .viatiut'ieiure. one
t the LAltlil'.-T tint
. r'" ' DEAl'lIl'l'L sc-
Ic.'l's.iis OS'
t'nttvy Fm-si.
Sir Li'Km' ami Children's W ear in the City. Also,
a fine as.orttr.ciit of U-nl's FtirOloves .t Collars.
As m.e furs uiri ull purchased when (told was tit
11 inai-i. ii.w.T 'rei'.' tnrui tit present. I am ennhled
t. ilitposc r:f iheiii at very reasonable prices, and I
w-'oild I'l'-rer-ie ttoli'-il a enll fioin my friends uf
!nrrt.iiinl. 'r!i nd eoimtt, ai;rl vieln'iy.
I j-- Rttnenibcr ibe i-ji, Niimher am! Street '.
.101IN a'.Viti.llt
Tt 1 Arch I-tret aM e 7th. h.iith snl".
Pspt. It). is..ol iiu yiriLAHHI.r'UtA.
IV I hive mi I' to,r eilioa with ury
Other at: re in Phila iulphia.
Tali & Winter Goods,
In Z-.tieuiover'j Puiidiii;
fectionorv store. Maiketstrcvt. i'WNUt'LY. Pa
t I I
- -S-
A3 just op.-ned a will sel.-cle l asts.rtineut of
Uuutia. w Inch be otlcrs for sale nt cr J" low prices.
FOllEI'lN1 AXD DO.MI.'STIC. such us Cloti'. C.i-si-uieres.
Si.isliiis. Siiceiins, Ticking, Calico.s. Do
L.-.iner. Mlks, Ijinhains, .ic . Ac.
Kl-VK'S lia.u 4 Al:s uf every description.
C ' t It 1 111 I'c't
OC V A Ul Till Ls.
IVr-Jistin of Hsiery. tlloves, Ihreml. Duitnns,
Suspenders. Neckties. Collars, ilandkeiehieis, liuir
Ui uslies, Toolli i.'iu lies, Fancy Head liresses. Hal
moral Skirts. Honp-Skiri -. C'ai -prl-l. igs. Trunks. Va.
lises, L'mbrellus, Cotlun. Vain, aoapi, ur.d numerous
oilier articles u ledioiu tu n.etion.
r ss sra sr-p r
Jt. s(a. , SJ W J.A. sVt, Sj
such aa asi'f. hinges and screws, duta" latches and
kuobr, and CL'ILEKY ofovery deseniilion.
Dyts, IViigR, Pnirits, Vnrnislii s, Oils, Glass,
J'utty, fcc, Ac.
iuceivnr and I a a ware of
cvt-ry tl- i-l j'lloii.
Aa extenaive Stock of
Composed of Sugar, Coffee. Tesa. Hioe, Corn-starch, I
Molasses., .Meal, Fub, Catose. Suit, fuoacco,
sd &egars. j
Also, 1
for nitu. wouisu and obiMreo. '
All kinds ot l-ouutrj Froduue take 1 eeCr a.
f-sr .-iir. P
rt.i t", fy I0,1aw4
'IMIL' nVllV UllHl'VIM.
lliis (Jiiiun i KiiiJl rut
04l!f IMMi .-1a".I.s.N I
joe it Bovrru
Corner or n.rrket sr. 1 fa ir. Street",
tat kl't lii nf 'I
FALL k Wmtoi (iOODS,!
lor ever; Tins no -Dlowir,-." bat Hi.. .n truth,
wli'u h evi'iy ona will be coi.vineeil that cnils and ex
amines i lie slock, which consis.sof
Dress Ootals. Caiiiiere. Cloth, Oents' Ovorccatlng
Juiitis, Cott?'iades, Muslins. Dross Oods in
reul variety.
Plain and Figured fie'airi"". Fr"n?h and Fi'jfttrr:!
Merini t. Fine Wool Dd iinc" all sorts
shades. Print. .N'nnkccii". LADIEj'
C L"t A K. I X 0 . e-Oovers,
Iiith l.iuen, Itrgwnnni
Whilo She.'t nci,
Shaw ls. D..I...CI .1 Skirts of all
kir l-i. Hoop Skirts, i.i! prifrs, lin"
krreliiefs, Flnni.el. La Ik s' kid. oil K
and Mcr'mi lilotes, Ac.
sl,scli-y M'.ill l.5r-?M,
Ladies' and (Knit1 Union hkiHs.
A liirijfl assortment of X'tTiONV.
FI C. 5i ft 3 T. at
Hur-lirnre, Cettirwnre. (slnr-.rnr
Oiicetisnnre- Orockcrc. itrnceii.
. Coins .r,
, T'dtsc:..',
Ses-ara Si.ull'. Te. Coffee
, huejnr,
.m.iIsvls. npices, t?ii, A.., uic,
an I t vei,v;iiiL cine usually kept hi a Ploro. Pro
diiou taken iu exchange lor (; ' J.i. No trouble L
show xoods.
Sui.burv. Nov.f, 1851.
AIhvh ! Always ! Alwuys !
Just opened at No. Store of
CON.-"I.TINO 01'
POP. Kit IX AXD DOYF.-t'TK'.smsIj ninths, CaH
lueies, Muslins, kftiectiiii.'. 'X is Uirtar. Calicooe, p.
lames. Flannels, and all kinds of MUl'RNINOOoojs.
Alp'iecae. Jlluek Silks. Irnjilii tn-,. ltaluiortil nnd
Sati'leton Skins. Cnntiu Planiiels, Nutikceiu., C:if
pni.i; r,( an kinds.
Coii li.-lii):. Hosiery, (.loves. Thread, llulton, St:j
penilers. N talk-lira. Collars. Ilnnd'terehit t--,
sluir Drushcs. Tonth lirushes. (luin llilj
bcu and Cord.iupe. cintchet-lranl,
work.. I collais. f.iney h' nd
dresses, li ly cotton, carpet
biudiii;;, 'ci iuts, lar.ty
fotlps. carjiet blitfs
Tm:ii1:. Vali-ff, I uilirttlns, blank Hooks, Pap.-t,
l-.iivc.ope., c.
Bf W. vBk. DUR Ma-TlWk "KCt :
Ii!' nil kinds, sui'li ns Nu'ls. 'lliiitres nnd Screw , I. sr
l.'itciits unit iviioi'J, Locks, and CITLLKV fl every
Al-o, Uyvs, Drit'":, Falnt.-i, Varrislif--, i'is'i.
l' l iNsi til mill ik iiint i.iiis. filiis, l'uttv, Ac.
H''siiv:cr- list' J!iismm lire ol' till
lilllsis. 1
An Lxlm-ivo Stock of I
G R 0 C E 11 1 E SJ,
1." imposed of Sunr. Cflt e. T"". Kice. Corr.-flatch, t
M.ic.i'irotii. I!.,rky. '. kit 4-po,.U r. lnulussv, sonj s,
cand'ot. to' an i se(;.irj, fcnlt, pith, Meat, Cheese, .
I.:., ic. .
Airo, n large variety cf
gssAssr. t r -r---T
J W W i. S.J fjJ h.VJ
j ISch, Koiuea arM Children.
1 J, m All kii.iis .a' inaii: alii Country Pro due? -ukcu
i in 1 .-haTor,e lor tioods.
I line us n eull In f ir-vti frtrchS't elsswhere, wo
nr. bound 10 sell ns losr as any cite else.
Su.rc-riK.tu iu ira 'f. Cleu.eLt's building at thu
' touiti-wisj corner vi Mm kit Siiuuro, 11c ir the Court
I li'.use.
bui.bjrr, Nov. 5. IRol.
1Y vou wnnt uoial Ttt.W'iiro, to 10 fr.i.llll i
Uli.M HI.Ka New IShop., tlr 3.
D'n .-; i'.tr .". An n.ortr.i nt of Dta
n"i !' r Irt'j; ( f vuics stvlts and aiz. Also,
Cap, Notu uiid Letter Paper, for sfcle by
AN fA PArrfTlilt-.-
Butibnry. Nov. S, 13t'5.
HFrr.'HY ilAHPliH.
.... .-'iO A;'II Si.. a"IiiiaU-TiIi:s.
I llaa a larestoch of
1 WATCiiS.
I Superior plated TEA SETT. .'-PtON.i, rOP.U'
October 1, 18i4. Cm
Wl's'TEr. A EE AK GiiMEiJT.
f'ovei-nl-or 7th. 18B4.
1 PE.t TlM'Nli LINE fiMu tie Nerth nnd
t X S . os. I'.at I'hila. elfhiti. New York Km.!.
in, l-.-t-s-.-ille. ia-i.-ition. AHentown. h.usSijii, Ac. i
I I rait s 1..-jiv" li-irriali'iris for New-Vork, us fol.
I lovs : .'. tni unl k to A. .K. and I.4J r. .M , auivii t;
I at New Voik at IU A. SI. i".d 2. to and l-S 0 1'. SI.
! 1 lie iiliov." ..oi.neet wii siniilar trains on ihe Penn- !
sylvitnia railroad, and Slt-ej.iiiir. Cars acconipauy tbe j
lii-t two trains, without chsma. I
Leave f ir l'.oudiii. l'oltsville Tauin-in.i, Miners- j
villi-. Ailt ir.own ai d Pl-.ila.U iphitt ut A. M. nnd
I lo P SI., stojipine; at Lebanon and principal i-t . !
Way trains, su.ppinjr at all point', a! 7 Si A. SI. ,
unl '. In P. Si. lietui ion ;. liaveXew York ui tf .n :
I A. .vl.. I.' iiikii. mid 7.00 I'. M .: Piiil.iJe!;i!.';.i 1.1
t s A M . in 'I ll.llj P. SI ; I'ottsville at S.mi A. SI na.l
? 00 I'. St ; rainii ua 0 IU A
uit-t ltuaititti: nt I'J u.i.lril -ht, i
SI. and -Mo I
and in. lo A .
I lls uu I I.. Oa P. -M.
Itcii lii .' Actcoii.iiio'lation Triiiii leaves Ucmii'i; r.i
li .Ki A. SI. teiurninx t't. 111 Pl.iladi'li liia at '..''l
P. SI.
Columbia Itailroutl Tr.'-ins 1 aivo !leiiuini at C !"'
un l II A. St J . j i.i -.-.!. t.ilir. Coli 'j.t ::!. a ".
in i.iid.-ys : 1 .fine Xew 1 .0 k st 7 P. Jj., riiila-
lel'ltiit o 1.. 1: M. i oit.- iile 7. oil A. St.,- laintitiua 7
A .M. llnrrisi -urji S li A Si und lituding at 13 uiid
l.i..t , for ll.i:ii:',i:r.-.
C.tuiuiutatuHi, Sliluiisc. SesKm. anl Excursion
Ticliotj, ul re'la-iitd rates to ai.d IVom all points.
Poukda liaggge asl iwcd rack Passenger.
(.i. A. NIClii.Ld,
tnnerul Supt lit'tcudcnt'
Nov. .'I'.. 1V.I..
i.;t-Wnw iiiinii .V tttnitslvtiru; ICuil
ON and Jan. Uth. 1.131, Pas-cngsr Trains
w.ll 1 aa .u fitlo vi :
SloVlXi't S'-l'TlI.
Lesve P-rnnton, ! P.-51
' UiofcStull, t
PI ..jti. lurg b.2i
" lUi;crt, li.l'-i
Arrive at Noril.uin'je.-lsitd. V .'.5
Leave 5oit-i.tiiilerlai.d. Srt'.V.-St
I't.ittil!-, S-ld
" liupi-it, S Id
llisiii,slrg, V .t.'t
k illusion, U P.M.
Arrite nt .-crant. 1 . I -in
i-rciullt 1 I'lissenc-i r ' r ve; !:t .it.
jrK' 1'i.lS A. Si :
Pa.-scUi;' r- uUmi H e Mail Tts'U
.s-wu'li 1 otnei-l ;
ttiti. 't.c KSprt-ss liain 11-.-111 .s -I, aim.
'u ' at ti ori-' ur-, ul Z.."l A. SI.. Is..i.nni.iv 7 c!l .V. 1
S.'. and at Pl.iladcli nia. at 7.w A S. i'ln .'"ail
iriiiii lroin Norii '..u i tiinnd leaves!y utter ;
thu arrival of the i sir. ss train Ir.-n llairutur arl I
lia'tiiuta-a. ulioiu' I'.i . J-r. leavii Philadripbta '
ut lit It' P- Si" ois icli points uu lh:4 toid dui tiK .
the 11,'jtl lorenisiii .
i,.w and clej uit Slee ii. cars aecniupji.y t'.e
nibi tra.'Usea'li wav hetwctii Xoribuiunvrl-.i. I and ;
llaiuuioitJ. and Ni.ftl uiubi rland ami Pluli.deiphis. '
I). T. L'iH'X D. j
lait-rntttioaal Ilottl, j
j oBi ana! 3J7 lo,t tuuy, ('" itr i-'U'i..ia Flrr.-i
I NEW ".' 't K . ;
I rpllIS first class House ti.e most ijuiol, l.ointlika :
1 I and pleasant Hotel 111 the city oilers superior .
' :. ... .1..., ...Hi.i- .. v..u ..u 1. 1
IUUSV.H l run iu l.l.w .' - " . " .". VL....Hva ,
or pleasure, ll is eef.itnl in its location, iiiol V I 011 j
Ibe ti noi'KsN I'l.vK. iu C"i'necli"li with 1 All oil's '
Saloon, where rciesbiui uts can he had ull b-.urs, .
or served tn tlieir own i.kjius. T be ebi.i't;es are ti j. .
derate, the 11..111.S and atlen tenoo of the tirs; oJ-ii.. .
baths. lU.d nil the uiudtrn cmvetiicuces tUtacuvJ. I
Dot I. I He I .
: B'.-ltils- ,, tli tii')' KeUer, r iM-t5. 1
"T'HCE is berel'.v ivn letters of a Iminis- j
1 1 H tratiua bacint; bevu (rrauled lo tb-i si.lucrtber
I ou thi estate of Henry Keist r. Sr., laiu vi Lower I
Augusta township, Nortluiuiberlmd. eouiny, P..
. deceastd. All prisons it.Uin.s ta asuite aro ;
.... 1,. 1.-. r .. . . 1 .v.-i
'l ' 41011 lute payrueiti, sr V"i
; bavins; ol.u I.) pStsjor; t.CP3 lor lailletasut.
I ! f "' Tm. is -
il'awn street,
i o.i -l t o! ll,o iir.ostl;,:os,
h!"eri nr.d 1 rntii"rs, 'i,'iot.i:t.
t'nes I h'lirfiis' I! ... .
l"l- eolf.ieT.. of Funry ti
k5JI.!i'irv, ( ct. 1J. l;Ol.--?r.l
-. V.
M-i'i-'-'-T':,;--, pf:;nr;w, i-wx-a
recoivj !ri.i.' New Vo.-r fd p':;'..-.
'.tie o.
,0 ui'ta-. :. . a-.:i
150 0
rp fN
i '
! f.r Me-. V,V.;bo m-.I f'l.IMrr.a, '
I red. , i-1 piver.'
I W.tman' r.' it hi '
i All i:'.l 1; Y.'AliRAN'w'n'. N'o
Shots s-l.l at bis mors.
j lie will i' No n!v.t". ile l'.rts and Sinus I f (I,
' U- pih.ii t-.-neraSly tre ii. tj ce.i a
' SU..I e 'lis rtt.cK
sutJ ory. lift. !;,
J O O !H O-
U .2 C
W I I j )
And I
nier in
I'UVVSI Sltlft t. wssSStii
s' it t ttvrr'ii
S? XT IsT XJ B 11 '
I N'POItVS tlm cili.-.':r.t f Zm..
I Hint ne Iiiis.'ii-i returned frai Pi.i. I; rip 1i.l1
full assortment ff
nix Am w."Ti:rs Gtianfv.
cr every DEsip.iPTif-:: a::j v amiv
His twl: eo'.fistB of Clothe, i 1 .1, .'.. C!"'i'- I!:--Dnekiu
nii't l-'i. ycy C;." urn-rui,'k '1111. Jr i.T"
rrilks, I'liia and Fancy Cassia-era V t'.'Si iN-.i?. !
he will make irp lo order '.11 stvlct t. --uit ': '.
cu.nnuieiT, on al orl notice, ntid the 1:10s' r..osoi. '.I.
ten is.
i .V..y ')or, r.ol r: hsr l. will l.o furni'Vu froi
Pl.i-lelphia. I y ''ivili two dt.vs' ri'.ice.
I (ir o U lunii-li' d by cistcirisrri will ho mndo lip t
' order hiiretof Te.'
I Aa lie will cmplovnnne hut experierteed workmei
I j.fMors may rely oil ("cHini; their v.oik well doiio 1
i Li :lll'.p.
j 'rh:iiov;'.ri IVr Ilia pitr'nui-o hsrer.- f.,rs Heiir.n p.
be re-1 -r...'lf.fy solicits n cf Ike tame:
!-'.i!.uitrv, j-ipt. IV lS"-it
r n , s... Tri"
At tliu new M.iul. itl Market StU!iri
"! 1 AVK just n je ved from Pliilndel
j I 1111 i i.."St f ishivi.utu.' stj lea .if .1
such us ll .l. nets, Huts. Sili.s. Ve'.v. t
Laces . Fell till Is' i i'I.oi . -, ! !t .".J ll
.. Sl'X'Kl It V
l.l.ia tu" 1 .:
i.linTy ti. s .
, llilit'ol-- at
tsi.'-s .'i Net
! r-i. :..:!;.-' C : . '.V.....l. i, li,,o Is. S.,i:tas'-, liiw
Sl.i.vis, iolt nud Woo.en S'lii fj. Hosiery
j Ulucit C-iifle iir.d f.are Vri. Crape and l.lpen Col
I l.lrs. Dress Tiitsiniircs :f.i'f l!u't"t r. Coiso-s. Zcohvr
Soap nnd Pen"ura.-:y, Cljalc T-iuiLii:s', V.o. il.n
Cottoa Yarn,
rexsi-i;t!:iiif-', VlanfH-fitfi'Si-Stff itn-.
j Bti'iiitliiiL. tltists-lit I:K-Ht '..c.
' Gents' Linen find i'aper Collar, Netkti is,
I COLXTHV PKODl.'CK taker in cro'utinjc for O.-od
I cr Work. Tbaukfu! f r pat rntn nncj we t -lit,!
I tlm same. I. A D. EllISPLEU.
1 Saabary.Octdl'r !?,! I
1804. 1801
Jt T. i K! ft sorv.
1 TE'.j lsve to call t'.itt attention of the nuh'ia tha
' 1) they havo just rctulncd fiom tbe City vita
! veiy
1 rarjsjjtinsvof t'UV GOODS'.
Ili i lware, 'jr.ecn'sraro Ceilarnf.r;
scstt, ?f. r,"n2u .
Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Ttir.'.-jiin!,
Its'its .nii !inlo!il, Oils, I.nrav
an 1 iu fi..:t KVrilYTHINid 0LX'EI'..:.LY KLP"
j Iu t'nuutr) Stos-o.
j We our Roy's rtt tli- ?-1i V:'
I r. f ci nse.-iucntly we llink we can tfer great ii.
I (Itrecr1e1.11 lo piircliasers for Cash or Crnn'ry Trj
I duce. The Lip! cs! ntr.:li-.t juicu piid for all L'te'
' rf Produce, (piveusa sit.
T. tV.
Sunlurv, N'ov. 12. Iff.-l.
T v r!oor we3t f.f s'n. IT Jtillcr s Shot store,
I iSuoi'iirv, Pa. I'pci.S'l a frtvik stipplv uf
: ''i.-li rA T: '.ry Drf Trimmings, Hibbcas, C! ves
I M " r T hieis, Ladies' Collars nrd Co"
, 1 lent s lnen and paper Collai-s. Netts. iieiia. Lace
: Coliatv and Sleeves. H.iir Kolls, Velvet llib'".,iir,
. I'd. White ail ! Dice Neck-ties, Corsets, iu-,.er
j .Skirls, Yokes and Mcovis.
1 WoOl EN OOOliS. comprising of !"nntrs, Ilosinry
, for 1luii--. an 1 cl.intreu. Cap! of all kind-s, Scaifs,
I Ijiovcs. Slitters, .to.
1 Also, a new slyleof mu. liu for flnrribaldi tvats
. 1..1 Ilirr :tti Swi.. Jacn-'-t and t'irtoria Slusiii.s
' f :.if. i 'Jollars r.: d Vcili. lirenadine and Lace Veils
1'iid a vuiietv of other artiale too nutnerous t-. men
tion. " MAsti L. LAZAKL'i.
J fuul'try. Oct. 52, lCk
i' .IW'OitiiJl .'J
WtirUei imsis-o, al .ilH RV,
HAVINi juit rct'Trlt'l frctn t!. CUy villi 'n en.
tir ucs. stoca of
Urn-f C'lscnilfHlw, crfansepy nss'il
loiirt .li livlca;
t whirh im itci Lis friends and the pnl lia (jener
aily, t , call and exauiins. Tbe Di u js and Slu licint s
are all mlcctci tie b' t impoilin ; h'Uses '
tf Eastern L.srkt; wi.h il.oieM tst cr es tc piui
ty ami cili ioti.-y and avoi Jii, as saiKa as fois.ele,
tbu iuiro.ltictiou of islcioius ucstrutis.
nr.-.!: kils. at Ayer's. MCI!rtoek.
il iiosuys. Wi-barts. IKo'aiiJs, "Schenks. Drowu's
and alt o.her p atctit T'e-licliisi, al ou
iUir, Tooih, Nail, '.'loth a.-.l Paint F.rntii.
fijieoial euro is tuleu to kesp ou hai.d coin:.'ly
cv.-r- taliety 'f
I'Al.V I S AND CHEiilC'AL-t,
Suit, tic 'o the trade.
Fancy 'i'uilei Articles tai the assTerocs nrticles
wl.ih ui't eLerallj ke.1 m a aeil coiidueted i4tao
Ui! in. i.t.
In connection wb the above articles, lie s'o keeps
ou km. i a i ir,-r a.-sortn cm ol j 1 A 1 1 OX trl V . si..-..
k l'ajriF: vcloris. H tit. VMi!s. Inks. Aj.
L.fc Pi ysicli.n's prescriptir.i.s and isuvily rceeipt,
s'.'u-.r.'.ii' io'J- stub ibe Kit'i'ltst i.ccurt m. I disj.ilcli,
ut A LI. 11 i,l. s Ii. , or -v. ;!.!.
lien eaib r ti.s p:a e, Slsil ct
oie ol the'ttrT Aaassiic-:r
tuubury. Jul e '.V Isil.
S ahi'.er tho
A. I tSCitttt.
I. K.ETlirfi rK.
WAf i;IiM AK.F.R t 3 3a WLVt Y .
N'o. Ha N'orA JF'.'OMi !i'c. f" vi t,un.-s
Pl.tliilel,- !. c.
An nswftrt menl nt' Vatcbc.' Jwi -lirj'i
Mllrrst l4lMi H are constat. ny.
M. baod, MiiuiLlc ivr '.tf '1.1 DAY I'MTjEVIs'
it P.epuiriui cf 'rfatches arid Jewelry prC'i-piT
aii'-ttdvd iu.
liecsu.b.T It. iM - -')
33. C. GOBIN,
Attornt j nt Cotnn'Ua stt f . .
ILL .1 1M.1II r attend Ve s-.'.Unloi.s and a'l
I . sTiaWeni eairuatwd a
in Ikeuoual-
1 ef Deik.i. -ieeihan
I aasi. si. Sisst ty