awa , editor Proprietor. ,iT, i'UtUtiher. S A TODAY, JANliAKY 21, 1W4. EDiTOHiii roBRBSPONnrrrcp.. ruit.AWii.niA, Jan. IS, ISiis. The uinnct ttaikct i:.ini'r.ii-.:i oinetvliat; t rm jit tit, mil business ''-fiT:.lly is ''''. Notwithstanding tV: -.vat !!'itii'.ir rf cur people absent in the ticM. the '! u.and l-T house in this citv and elsewhere -ems u:i- : diminished. Where the occupant ti , irom is pernitps n promcm h". v..-v . .. , (. Quite a number of building will I- erected the eomiti" rosson, notwithstanding the ad- i Tl . I,... nf f.'f. i vanccu. Diatom. Tin- o Pri. es o; i fi-r- . nicr times cannot be lflokcel r :.t IcM i-T , generations to como. Nor is it at tut hiir.-i-"ile they should be revived. When t'i'j f;irtuer received but SO to '" sjcnli per bushel fir v.'. .:t.; he '- "" rry for nuc'.i '.JXinUis, n tea, suB-nr ini 'uf fee, than even now, :it war priccJ. Thu roccal c.iiturc nf Wilniintun fv-T.n.'il tr tsUo vV'Vooav Ky ruryiisc lint t!i.t it wns tmnroimblp, but no one; txpivtcl it so soon nficr the recent tailure of Ovn. ilutb-r. . The impression seems a!mit nniv.n-s.-il. ; thi.l ll.o close of thu lebeiiioii is not very , J.sJunt. that pciiod arrives. lie re must be a revulsion, for w lii'.li all prudent iricn should prcp im, iillhotigh tln.t will L,(l . followed br n fenon of prosparltv perh;ips, ( imeatj!p!ed in thu Liluty l this country. Gi.XJKTj TilJTLPB ItEKOVED. At the request of Gcnend Cmpt, ths Vicident has relieved Gtp. Butler of hi? military command, and ordered temporarily Gen. Orel to cupcrsede ii'tn. It is prohnMe iio'.vevcr. tint Gon. Itosccrans v, ill be cveutu ally nppoiiito l. Gen. liuth-r it r.i ?rfivc nv.J r.s patiiotic a "inn as iivos. He was among tbe very fr.-t tj vob.inti.'or in defcace of the Union, when the great treason developed itself. He was v. itli the Massachusetts tro.ips tiic'r nrssoto was forciblv resisted at Ealtimore ; r.nd it win to him, rrore than to any nthrr ui,.i ".ein. tint Washington w savee i.l Annspoiis und I?r".!timore ::o convert 'I into loyal cities, lie is not t:i educated soldier, never having bo 1 the brnrfit of a West, rv ijit ten;', r.r.d on this nrcount may iK't Lc a thorough comtnnr.dtr of corps or ru:y ; -but as military governor, or as & e;-.'d administrator of the laws, the country has not yet produced his counterpart. The President-is v. ell awr-re cf this, and we pre sumo that after a short release he will be ttssigiwd to eomu post w here thec high qualities will be ot the great importance to the Government. MAJOR GEN. BUTLER'S FAREWELL ORDER. Ueiidqnai-tcrf Veiai tiirit V!rginit and Xorth Carolina, Army of thr Jamr Janmry P. lfGo. 2.UiiiTS of '.be Army of tor? .lames i ..... ,t .... A.l. - ioer ccr- iiuii.ief, .-nicitu e'iy uu Prcside'it, titlies leave cf vcu. Y'uir cou- ciuci in tiie iijlvl has exlr.rled praises iiom ill? unwilling. You have eiidiiied the pri-; vatuirn ol camp and niarcii:rg without a liiiii mur : vn nave, never iaoeu ihimhc I... '.,:!. ,.1 t.. nil ...V when ordered ; yon have sb rmed and carried .vnrks deemed impregnable- by the cnetvy ; you have show n positions to be so by hohl ;hvm ugainst liis first assaults :: i-.ttemntinj; to retai.15 tLem. Those skilled in war tuive marvelled at the obatueles overcime by .e;r .a! or. Your line of works has exoitp'l the won 3er of ofllte.-j of other i-hUmis, w ho ua-.a :onie to learn doi'cnBivo warfare from the noiuiitieuts of your skilled labor. Your lecds have rsuderc.i name illustrious. 1 alter times, your uentr.u s prouuest ntmory will be to say, with you, "I, too, j vas of the Army of the James !" j To share rueh companionship is a pleas-I rc ; to participate is audi acts is honor; to i avy commanded such an army is glory. la one could yield it without regret. I 'no-ving your willing obedience to orders, j 'tr.essir: voar ready devotion of your I lood in your country's cause, I have been liiry of the pr-eious riiarg confined to ip. i have re fit.-yd to order a use'ess si ritice i f lives oi'sreh soldiers and I am re evo.l lVoni your conniiaiid. The wasted '(K. l of my men docs not stain my uur- e.its. Fur my action, I am responsible to Oft :;rel t ) inv 'I'.UIltrv. Ti the Colored troops nf t rtr.j of the Ai'. In this army ymi Lave been treat-. 1 n't as leir--', but 11s eoKliees. "i.m have shown iii-miIvcs worthy r.f the rnifornis you we sr. .0 bet. dim ' rs of the Union seel: to cotn i:i l you. Yo'ir 1'iavi ry l::;s won tho nd iration even of those wbo vvotdd b y.-ur istera. Ycur palr.nisrn, fidelity "und urigehnri iil-.tst rati d the bet (ptaluit-s maebo.-. l. Yi'ith tlio bayonet yotj havij lockcti the iron tarred gates of prejudice, en!:..; new 'teM ; of fivedom, liberty aud uality, and ol' right to yorrselves. C'otiiriides of the Armv of the Jmatft. 4 I you farewell, i- arew. BE.t'JAMIM Y. iU'i'I.KR. XH- r-Uccr. Very 3-aiest Ir-iiu J'url richer. .M..SKOH Jan. 17. 0 rial to the Baltimore- Anerlc. j d .. .s and nit't-.T, (.und uiu ;: ?. M. nj. -After licet Fort ...rt' brr is c.'u-. wjjt, -td -.iu. . i's c oiiiniaiKlir lai. i. I n.' d " i f.i.ide by ihr army iijid tiie naval ige at thrpp fiVloelf tn tjat:r .i-v jif-er n. due cnrt r of the F'.rt w al "tuvurctl ai'" .:rt' but there was a l.a-.u-to-1 tl-.dit with 111'.1 jjitirisiin, w'rieh last'.-d 1 nivt o'c'o. '.e nt tii;nt, 'I'hcn, una .! vn and blody roeistu.iee. !' f'.rt i's ajii'inaeh-.i tii-ic trcji e,i;h tin he garrw.i-i U.3..;t, r, Inf.-nvd, '.lie v:.;iilier ;' pi i tulu--: is over We ciir.f,:re. V.' ri-n- All the forts utir.j ih M'Hitid it,il ,-kc'a Ijl'.vd t' .;. s. surteridere.;. 'J'l.t lei..-l j;, (.,. il. . -.Oil !. a l ev;,!,-. ..,- utitliidvil. i l.'.' Pr,- ;..!, md !.;.-::. i .rt. r, com. b.r.t "f Mio l!r-.g iiiij.. -,.,v .., uiilcd l ltatiit. n. Wbiftng aw 1 C..1. t. itidi .,re '...tii 1 ti.-o. ai.d w. .ceded. The r.-' ' 1 pii-.p s : Ht-t-e tiiiit e nicKiiii.uiigit wi re in i),j ; al inline and al.r.uid, w hen vcr the na , stid wpre iiriwn un the river, diir i ti.m J name and authomv am uekuowludg-r-.ta Went u;i the tirti on Monday ! nl. YVm. II. SewaHU. ii. g. . lur pritniirM will be immediate t aort!,. '.Ye hs I everai days of de. d v.athe. j n-.aj-i..niB in fh. f..rt rij.lo.led by so t un Monday u.-juing, killiu and tii.' Si'0 of lmr r,.ft S:iijii"0 tU f I' i.t biint'3 the bodies . Jre'..ji an I l',u;or aua tiie ji.f.i; c. c. r. 51 ore .Ibotit the Inte Fallnrc. Wafhin'oton, Jim. 1 a. -Tim Navy De partment has received tlio following! Xoiith Athrttc SQCAniioN, V. S. Flag ship Mai.vku, Ubukout, 8. '., Jan. 7, 1 have tbe honor tn enclose to you a letter received from Lieiir.-C'om. Temple, containing interesting matters Keating to Fiirt- Fisht r. It Is important as a matter of history, end tells Hie whole story. i uti, sir, respect fully, your obt. servant, David i). 1'oHTKii, Hear Admiral. ' To Gidentr Wtiles, Secretary of the ! Navv, Washington. I. C. j 1.. . fjLKAMtilt "PoNTCSfC," OFP IV I tM.i.r, .Inn. 2, lSdS.--Kent1 Admiral D. D. I'ni-ttr. V. t. Comuiuildin: lli iorth A'l.nitie Squadron t rir:--u may do oi n-ii-iancc i..j..u i. receive, '.ogeiner wun mv six reinimwnrn m.'titi'inetl in m v cuer or tins tune, en. inv rowing tm-niorandmu of inforiiuitinn olicit I from on'! of tlu-ir tiuinbcr. Corporal Thomas Taw ley, of W"-1 stationed '..'('til lliiIlllllirJim.t ; ,, (.lluiu,.,i bv Lit Miiliuu. lie :iya lie til during mid hiucu thu naviil I'iitttry Itui Imnun, utenant Chapiiuin, and s'timti'il l hi' tuoiind : Unit there . between 30J iind tl0 incii in the fort cm the ' (wo il iys "I attiiek. lint troops in Wiiminif ;o;i "r :- vicinity in reinlorei! tlinn ; that i I he tire from the llivt n co tierre as to .ili .e tiie rtbel from their guns and into ! tiie I'l'iiiliprnolV, thnilif hoiit the preater pnr I tion ol tiieir works. oon nftir the com ! inepreiK'nt of tiie aelio!i; that two of their Urook' im6 btirst, killing and woninlinj; sn cvi-tity-fivt' men : that we iliMiiountert iirlit of tin ir Kilns, besides wnundinir sevc- ' ral ;her of tli"ir carriages, killini' V.i'ntrcn ' men and woundii'g about tb!il(y . j'l,. Grnr r d Whitinu; sv.op'js.. ;lllt tie boats which V" 'ent-iTlty v. ;ir on t!i! C.'ith, to be a st'.U'Uo'j'i :irly of sevinicil, to which he ti'juM !i:iVo 'ecu obliged to surrender; that thij subsequent rapid bombardment ut s'lii ?ct of the same dnj was so tcrriiii! that when V.r tfOVpS- r.jipnared in Hunt i f L i t, immediately i'.t'U;-w:rd, the garrison only aw aite 1 their assault to surrender without resistance: tln.t they could not 'marine why the attack had been abandoned ; that mat ters remained in the name condition nn the morning cf tho WtU and throughout that day ; that we could easily have possessed ourselves of the forts until late in the r.ftei noou. w hen General Uragg arrived ut Wil niipgtor, with OtKil) men, from l.ces uriuy I at Uicliiiii.iui ; that, iinding our troops re- embarking, Umj, decided not tu moiesi lis. liespect fully, W. G. Tr.Mn.K, Lieut eniint Comuiaudcr. H.uie-dt from lVle-rslnn-jj. W.vsntNoYJN. Jan. 10. The Petersburg Eximi.-, of vesterdav, understands that one or two more cusualties occurred on the lines ue i.ay oeiore icsiciun, irom me caving ui of bowpruofs, iu consenoetice ol the heavv r.nd protracted rain ot Monday night and Tuesday. " i he enemy resumed his shelling of the Chesterlield batteries yesterday afternoon, and eorttiir. ed it with some severity. He invariably gains nothing by this practice, and no douhl receives much more than he Kives, for skillful artillerists manage our battery lire, ever prompt to r-turn tiie lire und drop thiir shells w ith increasing preci- ' S'.on iu the enemy's bi east works. A number of heavy bombs were also thrown along the lines on our left yesterday afcernooD, nud the bursting of many of them could plainly be seen from elevated positions around tiie city. "Grant's railroid trains are kept very busy running at present, for w hat purpose it is not known, except it be in conveying stores Irom City Point to the leU wing and centre e-f this uraiv. Everv uiaht and mor-i ii.g t'.io pulling and blow ing of the engines, ; n:ii the rattle of the cars can be e'Ktnictlv I , . i . . . . . . . iicara 111 ine ciiy. ocouis repot c an qti.ei. aiiii;a:1t tiitro was a rumor lit I'eteisinirg t!sut the enemy was endeavoring to advance his picket line in front of oer right. The Danville J!jiter learns '-that the : l. ... I. I . .. I .1 .1... oea.v tains ui caiei i.i;i wuio-o eomu ine trestle-wink on the i'lcunont Railroad, be tween Reidsvillc nuil Eesiajav (f) mid he- j tween Grce:islurg and S'.-rpciiuw (-.). so thai the ti'ains mnnot pass over that portion of the road. It will rupiire scveini iiays to re pair the diimi'ge' dor.i-." i lie I.yncldurg ii.i.i, 'itan sa s that til few (lavs since Captain Kit-hards, of Mose b'3 cominapd, with itl men. attacked near i'e rry's Fen v a fo,. e ot Hi) Yankees, and iu a close, w Ithout tlo: toss tt a man on i his part, killed, wounded ami captured tj 7 ol tiie enemy. 1 Liu killed anil wounded were between -10 and SO. The escape ol Captain ltichanU' men is as remarkable as the execution upon the enemy, ami shows the advantages ol coolness and ihish. Chaiileston, Jan. li. A llag-of truce boat arrived in the harbor to day with one hundred and lii'ty Savannah refugees, who were received bv" our authorities. ( D2ATH OV iiOM. JuIlWAKO) BVXHETT. i liOeTON, Jan. 15. I'.dw.ild Everett dietl ! t'uis morning at four o'clock, at his residence ) in Summer street, of apoplexy. His age was i :.;r'.v.ty year and about nine months. .ilr. Jvereit addivsse.l Ins lellow at Fan ,ict Hull on Monday !a.-.l, in favor ol I jsentling provisions to S.ivuiinah, and (lining I the itf'irnooi: of that tlay was present in I court in reference' to a claim lor damages ! against the city of Charleston n for tin; ovt r I llowin;: of a portion ot his estate in Mcdford ; by ilifcconslniciioti ofadamon Mystic river. ; (tn Tuesday he became affected with quite a : severe cold, but neither his friends nor him ' e'f deemed it serious. i On .Saturday evening he appeared almost i as well as usual, and retired to be I. declin . ititf tn trouble any one to r. a,i:i with him. ! .Vbunt i o'clock i.i the morning his hotie i keeper entered his room, and found him eiecpiiii: naturally. An hour later she was j alarined by hearing a heavy fail in his room juiid found him lyiier on ihe lloi r, breathing c.eavii.'. A pny-ician was iirompiiv biiin- i inoned, but. bt-fore he arrived, Mr. Kvcrelt 'died, llic evt !it was aiiiioiintetl ill nearly ; all the churches at tiie eoiiitnenceuieiit of ;': morning s rvices, and civated a prolound line? 1 1 sadur-. Hmnly after noon the 1 clitlfCh U-l's of the '-i'y and :sit-nr vef. , K-ilcl, r.verclt's iuiieial will take place , at l.o.iil ..-It l'liio-ci':iV lic.v. iu file First ' Cli"r h. jitiv. n.'11'u? Klii pastor, ft is pre ki'tucil tin-ist.iiu und city aiiliioiiiies will t:.iv part in the ol.'.-qiiiei of this :, and : j'ii...; -y:-T''i. H Asiitrx.-fov. .lait. n. - The following I aiuc.'iiiii en, cut has been furnished for gene ' fid piil.ieatioi ; i !.;. it rjir. oi' tats. WAslli.'i'.'IOX, Jan. 13, !S!i5. Tnr I:i :ideiit directs the undersigned to perform tin- painful duty of announcing lo lie pi-op,v,, i; Cnited'Statei that ICdurd Fverett, ilistiiiguisiieii ma umro by hU learn iriir ami eloij,;, ncn than t y uns'irpussed and di.-iiitcrthtcd labors of pairioiism at a pe lio.l ,,f political tiisordcr, dcpaited this Itfe al four ti'idock ihia ir.oinii"- I'lic several CX.euUVi: ili-Marlments vf flip '"v-rument will caube anoroiiiialu bun. .is '" rendered to the inciiiory t.f the tleeeas-1 LudieaCFura. Ybe iaigaat KMnrtmrnt a" CH AP.I.K 0 AtT.I 4 IvlXS, tui.iibeutai ibaei, Philadelphia. Nov. li, liisj.iui Ile. J. X. It. Hoi., Ut Proaideqt of tbe Kala- !.'. iu.liiutiou. lor atia-ir.. .ib,i,,: u3 ( r.l, la Hi moral (baravterof : piamoif. llonovHl of tho Attack Afialnitt I'ort 1'Muri RAtTtitonn, .Ian. 10. Tho sprcial corrcs poiulent of thu Daltimoru Amtritnn, under ilate of the 9tli instant, roiuiuunieatcs the following important information relative to the renewal, or tather tout in'nul ion rf thu lirent move me nt niiainst the defences of Wilininjtoii, situated nt l'oint, lit the mouth ol the New Inlet. This corres poiiileme lia.s been witheld from the public hi-re until it should become known that the nttuck hud actually reeonunentied i- SllvAMl-llll' ''jjANTIACIO I1K CfBA, rtf Bkaviout, .tan. tJ, 1805. IIviti( ridden out u heavy Houthcast storm ut our nnehnr n;fe, during the past two days, off beaufort harbor, wo are now enjoying one of those periodical minis peculiar to this latitud", which can scarcely be expected to hut more thmi twenty-four hours. Yesterday morning, the wind having got round to the northeast and the sun shining out brightly, we were blessed once mole with a quiet feu, and our eyes were delight ed, also, with the approach of the licet of transport with the Hoops famished by Gen. Urutit, to co-operate with Admiral Porter's licet in the capture of Fort Fisher, The that vessel that arrived was the flag ship of the Commanding Ueneral, which Toiled the bur at once and proceeded Up in-amort iiuruor to communicate tvitii the flag-ship of Admiral Porter. Nest enme the I sienuiers jmxic ami tun .-lew-.,, each Willi nesr two thousand men on loard. The other transport", arrived soon after. the names ol w hir j c'juld not be ascertained. All, as rite, oro now anchored outside the bur along with the naval vessels. The plan of battle is fully arranged and the commander of each vessel Las been sup plied with a new chart, indicating not only ids exact position, but the precise point of the works of the enemy on which his lire is to bo directed. The .V.r a liutu Je Cula, being commanded by tiie sei ior Captain of the gun-boat fleet. Captain O. S. Glisson, is stationed tit the head of the line of vessels of her class, eleven in number, and whilst the others of the line l are io coiiceiiiruic tiieir lire on ine omwiirns ol Fort Fisher, our gnus arc to throw a Hank tire into the fort. My position to witness the flight will therefore be most advantageous for having a full view of the operations of the monitors and Iivnuiihi, and the heavy frigates on the right of the line, and of the gun-boat attack on the outer works of the enemy, including Mound llatiery on the left of our position. The position ol the vessels are nearly the stunt as in the former light, excepting that the iron clads will take a position about u quarter of a mile nearer to Fort Fisher than ut the lirst attack, and the JJiclutor wiil also join them w ilh their two tii'tcen-incli guns. j making the monitor fleet twelve uunssiiong . including the tour (runs of the Munminock Tlieii tiie IrontiJe, with her tremendous 11 inch broadsides, and the Minn'tio. M'ntiash. Brooklyn, Hum)i:e!tiiiKtt, Tunctirrn, tirntcn, TicomUri'ijii, Muhiran, Coluraifo, tihenumlmh, J'liiciiiiciit, Miiclinntr. M'ttiMce, Ptuchutnn, Junint'i, Yantie and JCiinitn form the second line. The iy(i-k, UiKidilht, Ilnn'ii and "cq'iot, which art as tenders to the Mopitors, are also in the inner line. Tlio gun boat fleet is to form a line in front, of tiie shore batteries, extending to the right of Fort Fisher, in the following order: Santiago de Cuba, 2'vrt Jarhum, Tocuiiy, ihccola, C'ihiificn, SaKiantu, Mara- ( (ama, llhot'.e Idaid, Jfaiiticiltu, Muuut Ycr ! tion. Quaker City ami luico. The reserves of tho various divisions, con- sibling of the smaller class of gun-boats; are ussii;uctl lo a position outside of the line ot battle A steamer has just arrived from the lower harbor, and reports that at noon, to day, a signal was hoisted on the ling-ship for the entire fleet to prepare for sea. The proba bility therefore is that we will sail to-morrow morning if the weather should continue favorable. The licet outside the bar ar all ready to sail at a moment's notice, and will fall in line so soon as the forest of musts come out 1 of !uuf,irt harbor. Tht: lamer tranuorls .-ro iil-.ii i,iil.-.i(lH itbunt liftt'fii miles fioiu tint shore, awaiting the movement of thu licet. GLORIOUS NEWS. tta"s a?s: e'oht resi:s:t:. 'i 2.C llutirc taiirriaOM Pi-ioii-r. CAPTUKB OP OENEHAL WlIITINa AND COL.. LAMS. Tin: Moicr c.itBi:i Htll.l'. ISY AS. 2, ..OO I'l-lnoncrw iiimI fi Ciiins 'up-lui-t-d. Wasiiixciox, Jan. 17. ) ' yia Fcr.Tisrss JIonhok, Jan. 13. ( Bri'jitJ" r Central J. A. llixllnn; t!t-:sr.!!Ai. : I have tho to honor to report led bv assault this that Fort Fisher was currie utti iiioon ami evening by (leneral Ames' Dit isiiiit of the Second brigade of the First division of the 2'Jlh Army Corps, aided by battalion of marines and seamen from tiie navy. VAi!ii.N'e.Tox, Jan. 17, 10.40 a. m. Mi'j. (Sen. IjLc, Sett Yj 'I-; The following oliiciul dispatches have been received ut this department. llEADQCAHThltS U. S. FoltCKS, On FtJ-'KiiAt. Poisr, Ji. C. f The assault wus precetled by a heavy bombardment from the Federal Fleet, and wus madi: 3.U0 1'. M., w hen the first luigade Cen. Curtis, Ames' division, ell'cctcd a lodgment upon ihe parapet, but full pos session of the work was not obtained until 10 o'clock, 1 M. Th.i I chavior of both oflic.ers and men was most admit able ; all the works south of Fort Fisher are now occupied by our troops. We have ne.t less than 1S0O prisoners, in cluding Ccneral Whitii -j and Colonel Lamb tiie Commandant of the Fort. 1 regret to my thai uui' loss is severe, espcci.i'ly in olht.ers. i r.i not jr; able to form any estimate of the number of cauadies. (Signed) ALFUEI) II. TEHIIY, ( oiiiiiiaiuting txpediiion. Ft.iiT Fisiit.K Jan. Iti. VJ A. M. I! m. C. A. Daim, Awiatant Shcrelury of War: Alter a careful ret on tac tile 14th, it was decided to risk an assault on Foil Fisher, l'aine's division, with line. ! already strung across the Peninsula ami facing Wilmington, against Hoke, while j Ames' division should ussanlt on the wt:t 1 i-iid of hu hiud front and 400 murines and l,i;ou sailors on the :""t flld. Arter three hours t.f a h.avv ivy fif, the i"sault was made ut a V. ii., on thu 13'.!". yvneiu! Curtis' brigade led, anil as uouu us it got on the west cud of Ihe land front, was b.llow e t by Penny buktr's and later by Ucll's. Af ter desperate lighting, gaiuing foot by foot, and with beveie loss, at 5 P. M., we had posse-sail n of about half the laud front, Abbott's brigade was then tukcil from our line facing Wilmington, and put into Fort Fisher, and on pushing it foiwurd, at 10 P. M. It took the rest of the work, with llttlo The garr'tou fc'.J back to the extreiqo point ol the Peninsula, where they were fob lowed and captured; autung iithers iou. Whiting and Col. Lamb, both wounded. i iiiiiik we nave captured l.tlUU pruoctrs. ls inipotsiuie to Jot jdg in the- nigut. Among thu woimded are tb. commander. ! ot the k-a nrg hr'jgevles, Gee Curtis bring wounded, not severely, but Colontiij Penny baker and IK'll dangerously. The hind iwint was a formidable our, tho parapet in places tll'seeli to twenty feet hi"h, but the Uien went at it nobly and under a ' severe tiitt:HetiV fire. Iho tnaiims and sailois Went up gallantly, but the lutiskctry ' lire Irom the east nd ot the land poin! " severe that they did not succeed ia mi. I tering Mie work. j The navy tire on the work, judging from me noies, must nave ueeu uirinc. Jiany oi j the guns were injured. How many there i were on the poiui I cannot say. ticrluiM lit) I or 40. " w m I (Signed) C. B. CONE3TOCK, ' l.ieut. Col. A. li. C, Chief Engineer. Another dispatch estimates the number of prisoners captured at 2,500 and the uum bt'i' of guns ut Vt (len, Uimit tulegruphs, in lionor of tiie great triumph achieved by the united valor of the army mid navy, that he has ordered a salute of one J00 guns to l: tired by each of the uruiiesoperuiiuguiiintit Itichmoud. C. A. DANA, Assistiint Mecrulary of VV, FlTIlTHEtt PAUTiCLI.AUS OF THU CAPTLHH OF VOHT FISHEn. lUl.Tl.MoiiE, .Ian. 17. lVtVAle lcllcn havo been received hern, gt vini an nrcount ol the progress ot the tit ta':' on Fort Fisher, to Saturday, P. .vi. l lie uttacK commenced on t riday. The troops landed siiecessltilly, under the conili'nnd Lf tien. Terry, and occupied the entire width of the peninsula. The fort was silent. Tlicle was every prospect of a speedy hiirreiider, a tlic Fort was entirely cut oil iVota Wilmington. S'l II I Jii:t 1M9M H l l. iKS. KEPORT TO THE SKCIiETARY OF THE uAVY. FiuiT Momiok, Jan. 10. Hon. Gideon WelLa, Scf'y otie Xaty: The Atlantic is jiut in from Wilming ton. Fort Fisher and the Works on Federal Point ate in our possession. The assault was made bv the army in,l sailms on Sunday afternoon, and by 1 1 P. M. the works wcie ours. The losses urn heavy. Lien's. S. W. Preston and It. II. Porter, of tiie Navy, tire killed. Our captures were guns mid about 2MW pn-oners. General Whiting and Colom-l Lamb, re bels, are prisoniis and wounded. The Van derl.ilt is on her way north with disp. itch es. Two 13 inch guns were burst in llic Monitors. (Signed) ' E. T. NICilOIX, ('omiiiandin'T. OI I M1A I ( A 11 1 "I 1:. WasIIincto.n, Jan. 17, )9G.. The Richmond ll'W'y, of this nmriiing' e-oi.t i:!:T Ine following aec-iunl of the cap tine of Fort Fisher i.y toe intvul and b'i'd forces of the Luit- .1 elates: kai.i. or l'oiie K!hiii;n. The unwelcome news of the fall of Fori Fisliei, comuiaiiiliiig the cniranct; to Cape Fear river, r.-ce-iveil this, ocrusifii eel in the i-oii.inunity a seosation .ifproloiuni regret. - 'J'he capture of I Ins ton is e",-ve;i-ient 10 the closure of the harbor oi S'il '.n.ii'xlon by the eiiemy's fleet. It is situated about eighteen miles below the city, but i- the main defence of the cn'ranre to the river, ami its fall, therefore, will prevent in Inline the arrival or departure t;l Llnckii'du-riltHK-r. How lar tins source "t revenue ! may jirove injurious f.i our oause roinai"s to be s:eii, but at irc?.cnt we rcjrard it rather I as an unfortunate than a disastrous event. I The follow ing is the official rtport : I lillVOO.! AltTKUS, AliMV OK YllOilNIA. ! Jantiar. 10. j Iloa. J. A. &.Uci: (.etieral Urai'g rop-'rts that thu enemy b.iiiii.iiliiiJfc nt Fori Hslu r all tint testerdt.v. iVt -1 o'clock b J. their ir.tur: : 1 . iidvan." to the assault, a h.-y dciiirijixiratiou ul the same time beino; made :,g.ilt.i their rial by our Hoops At li' o'clock Genetal Whiiio;: reported that tiieir attack hud failed, and ! lite (arri-ou was I cing strengthened with 1 fresh troous. About 10 o'eh ck 1'. M. the ' i f-'i'l .fas cup'uied, with i:iot of the garrison. : I o further pal in ulais a''e. fit rlii-; time! known. i;. K. Lki'. 1 Mo tlispntcues have been nceived from 1 ;cticrul Terry since ihat of Sunday night, 1 1 nunniiucitii: the lesult ol the assault. O. A. Dana, Assistant Sc'cretiii v of War, axi'Oa-n.tvr .i:vs i'ko.u k a vr, UliADlJCAliTKIH AltMV PoVoMAC", ) Jan. 10 Lvening. A nttnibpr of rebel dtserlers canto into our lines from in front of Petersburg, last uisdit. Thev briii. important iici'.'s if it is l to be relied on. ! Tiny sy that the Danville railroad, lie- 5 ""uviue entn.rtfiisi.oro . a distance ' '",V1: !"x'" desi roved by the le- c. ni nenvy raii.s, inui ttiat every culvert and bridge has been carrietl away, and that I.t-e's ai.nv is likely to be out- of rations altogether very soon. Tin; quantity they issue m.vv i utterly iii-ideouaie they say to satisfy their w -nits, aiul the nu n were not disputed to vein ii:; and sutler u;ai-t it irvatioii. Kvery eilort w is lieiiii ma le to re con struct tiie road, and large gangj are detailed tor that purpose, but ( veil nt that it will taku soiiiii ti lie to repair it, the -destruction being ait extensile. As tliis is tin it- nn. in road by which they get supplies to liichn.ond it would not he strange if Ihe state of tilVdrs in tl.i.- t.vio n borhood should undergo un i:r !ii' change within u few da Vs. llie en. tny tnaiie a iiemoiistration Willi 11 small force on utir rear line on Wyatt's farm, near the extreme hit this afternoon, and for a short time it was thought a light was go ing olf. A part of the 2d corps wero put v 11-h r amis, but the rebeU remained in siht only a shmt tun. , i-videiiily goit-g to that par titular place nil m1 some forage wlneli it is believed I hey curicd olf. Mo iiriuj tool place, ai tliey did not w it.iiii range 01' our pit k. is. The t.u I eat Moieiai'iiu of '1 Iiuiiiiik uiisl StU. fT. LoVis, Jan. 1 el. An uificc: 1'iom Clif ton, Wajne, Teiin., wl.tro he leit le e.a 'i on haiurday, says 1.0 active operations may be expected lor seve ral 1 1 ay . The truthfulness of the report that Hood is preparing t make a stand (.t Coi;etii is not jet ascertained, b'lt is l',iuvcd his dij-or'Miie-d forces are still flut ing aouihwurd. leaving portions of the cavalry ia thu rjar to cover retreat. General Tiiuuins' army has plenty of tup J.iies, and moiu were j)aa:!ng up the Ten ncbseu River, !.'d the ncuvj n.ii.s in Ten uessee render the roadl iin('a- d'le lur mili tary inoveuicuu. The dralt ordered by General Cunby is indepeutlent of Ihe late call of the Pfeaitletit, and persons so drafted will not lie credited to nay Nate included ia ihn rreddeut's Proclamtttiiin. posarters will not be diufted, and if enlist, will be assigned tu rogiments aerviD? mi tue Indian frontier, The Lltlla j;mi(t (Ark.) iMl.vr.if says the recent election of N. 1). .Snow to Ihe tuned rustes .Senate fKmi Arkatus was a faree, only sixty votes bupg t.,ut, whilo it required sovunty-bix to loriu a tiut.rmu, OautUinieu'. Hau. ',.1 ;j, 1j.-Sa All tb. lata at,!., at ClUIlLf 8 0AKI 0R0 4 ATTKniTRD OF IOOTL. Sptelul Deipntohej to U IcqUircr) Wasiiisotos. Jan. 10, 1805. Mrs. Kx Senator Foot 6 is still nt Vfll- t.r.l'. nd hn been called noon bv man L.' t,f.r old friends. From her nccuunt it sppcttfK that R few t-),(V1( ,efore Christinas Mrsi Foote pCoctired a pawpnrt to liring her through tlio llebcl ijm;, that she might Come to Washington, llIui proceed thence to Nashville, to looK alb r iier Imsbjind's property, i;i,,l,.r tho nretenso of visit! pretenso of visitinp some m hct friends in K;n George county, Mr, - t. Foote accompanied her. They veent to Hanover, about twenty miles north of Richmond, on tli cars, and there procured a carriage and driver. They met with no, dillhjuity until they uacl readied uu p.ap. pahannock River Bear Fred.erisksbui'g, where there being no bridjTQ on which they could cross, they V'tnl down tho river seve ral miles, bv.i.tlic Rebels in charge of the fe'irv VelUsrd to pass them over, notwith standing Mrs. Fooie's passport, they assign ii that thu river was so swollen as to make H unsate. Alter waiting in the vicinity for two days they drove buck to Milford, where, at a re lative of his (Foote's), they remained seve ral days more. Ile-ie information reached them that there was a Rebel force out in pursuit of them. They, fearing to remain longer quiet, Mr. Footo concluded to take the chances of passing Rappahannock and get out again. Taking a circuitous route they rrofvted the river in safety, and on Jaiiiiarv Tib Ciev Miive l at Dumfries No rebel lorei- is believed to be north of there; mid they conidered the danger over, ai.d Mrs. I- oote destroyed her papers, irsr ing to fall into the hands of our soldiers. On Sunday they drove to Mr. Ilammel's, Uceoiiiian, w here thev hopcil to be able to uet across the Potomac, upon the Maryland shore. Arrangements had been effected, and under the ;:':-t'i;e ol some slaves they were to cross the river on Tuesday, but two Rebel cavalrymen rode up to the house and arrested both. it :ipeers their movement had been re ported to Kirhiuorwl by the Rebel ferry men -'"d on fcti'id-iv ! i.-t .!''! l'avis tclegnii;e.l to . ine iieoei i nivw .1 usiiiii ill r irtieru ks- mug to overtake thttn mid bring both buck j , t i.'it hiiio'ul. 1 iudjii: it impossible to I 1 uet Iim. Foote buck that night, she Was . . paroled to leuvnii there nntil sent f"r, and j ' they set mil wi'li ir Foote for RichirO'iid ! 1 mi Wediiej lav. iiiorniu. Thev we 't t.'- ' w en Is Fredt-riefesblirg, Irom w hence he w .old I e rent I i rail lo Richmond, prob.i- i-lv naebiiig 'hviV last Tiiurs.iav or Ttiur hiv n'i'dit. it.f.'uniii'ti-nr --e iebed Cobniel Welles, ft Alexandria, that Mrs. Foote wua at Oct o- til.!!!, and he sent out a ca hit v foree. to i 1 niiy her !. Sb arrived 1:1 A lexmifnia ..n " ; I" i'n.:t..tmm.v s- i. . i Fri.iav morning, and s-ct reta--v Sew aid, ' "'''' w 1,1 ul,rt' as ll"'' li"v" fl:"''! ! lieiirn.'.,' i fiier arrival 'here, tliove .iown. 1 thoti'-.mds bet. ox- vox Fur ale by ;. -lirug-i bii.ilht her t:p in WiiiaiM's and or-ie-rcd 1 W"- a '-'tK-.itcs e.t 7.1 ct :ii jlitftt she slnul-l be well cared for. It i ! per hott.r, i a.o!! t f -t r .dr. fjrwtird expressed the ij iiiit ti i! Mr. 1-o.ite w:s in our lines ,....., 1,,. ir..,,..u ti...t 1.. 1... 1 ! ren iced is tail h in their c'liise, and wr, 1 , , ..,i, .. i, ,; .,,,1 I ills defy ivitl ! .lliie-h as though ! ol our Senate. 1 1: loiiKeil utter oy us as l i wen) preseut a member j Mr. Foote tins resigned his sent tn t1!? I l'ebei ll. ilse oi" dcpresct.lutivcs., assigning I i.s teii-ons. -'1'bc snpen.--iou of the writ of 1 ,',1Vi'K rnri'U.1," "the pussnge of .-.els in secret 1 -cm ion, against the ititi rests of the people;-' ; 'that the Seate titid the majority ol'tiie ; Hifttse are in the in!ere.-t of Jell. Davis, and have pa.-sctl sueh laws ns tend to eMioijuish I ihe lile rties of the people, nud disastrously alleet their inter- sis ! ! year-i, ' li- die. M;-. Koote toor .t:ch'v di''i:sted with the (..:fi-.I.-.-i.-i iiidependent tt' u'.l.iiii. :t has e. t-.tori,i; ,, () u I, -.1, ;.,i. ...I ..t I .... ! ivcniinent, ns. he set out to niii? to be a rjtie-tloii of tlic- : is. w ho is leiitrahriiisr ll..' ii in- power of tiie ."":iti th-racy in blmself. u lean'ie with htm are all l.ut Trenholni. Sccr-tarv ol It Trei. sure. !te i- boldiy j pi.Mili.g ior a i'..-i:ilotsuip, iiiK.1 lie is tie , Icrmiccd to carry on lie- w ar to suit him I elf lie will nevt r make npy peace, but wni continue to ''low in. .re liarbafu us he ,rovvs .nore desperate- by the apporenl hope- ; i s-ti' ss ol s'le-es.-, a'iri ll he tads, i tleter ; uiit.ed to inv. lee the w hole country, if pos- iible, in one .oi it'ion ruin. I Mrs. Foote floes not think the TJIairs' 1 mission, if intended for peuiv. will avail ! -inythinir. Mane of tin- people of the South i are weary of their burdens and losc, and I would willingly quit and make piant,if ' :!u ronld Le iiuarar tit it an ainiiesty and j si-i niv d their pr.-p.-rtv and alav, . It i.-. i.iteu'l.-.l, I.y ibivis to arm nud .-tiip ; two hundred thousand sl:iea I'm- l',;e uvvt ! suniiiit rs enmpaioii. ; H id Mr F..o! r-.-a-'ht "1 he.11. it nn. li's ! atlenlion to try nud mcdi.iir f.n bts rppress-e-d pf-.iple, iioleri-ndei.t of the llelvl bie,'1 i and f-ii,irs. t n.ake '.eaee, to tMt'tl in- some foreign cliti" review of bis Mid .-m' "tst ble. riv iu a t a.ui 'ritr.Ti-'Bcsii1: rosYEWiox j Ci.N. IS I t, ,1-ltl ! 4 Till. CuH.mtrciat nl j this eiiy has rc:eivtd thu following de- ' sp deb : ! .N'Asuvii.i i:, .Ian. I.I.- The Constitutional ! C :Hcuiioi. lias unaniinouaiy passed u reso lution declaring slavery forever abolished .,,,,1 ,,r,,i,;i,i.,.,i ii,,,,.,!,,Mn ti. ".,.,. . a 1, '-l.iin iin.hibitin.e thn f ...!.!. j I'.i.c.'Y.mi i'ecogi.ining the right of property I in man, and lot -Lidding it from lecturing I compensation to l-c made to owners; abro j gating the tlclaraiicti of State iutlepcnd ( em c a-, well as the luilitvy lcrue iiiuilo in ! it.l with the Confctlerate- States, and nil ! law s and ordinances mado iu puisuauco of them. All the oi'b'.-r-. nppo'ntcd by the Acting (i.'urnor sintc his iitcession to ollice are conlini.ed. Tl:i propositions are to bo sub mitted to the people for tutiiii atioa oil Feb ruaiy Jjd. and in M..1VU 4th the election is to be held lor Governor aud meiubers of the Leg'islal i:re. j.'earij thret hundred delegates participa ted in tlm final vote, 'flic gteatest bin 11101. y prevailed throughout the proceedings. Par sou lirow nlovv is thu unanimous choice of llm Convention for tha next Governor. Nasuvii.i.k, Jan. 14. The Union Con vention, iu itaaebsion to-day, nominated YV. O. iJrowiilow for Governor by acclamation, A delegate linked it he would accept tho nomination, w hereupon he responded iu thi following language i GENTi.r.MKS : fsettlo tlio conlroveisy ly my lUis.tering you that I accept. Applause ( cannot be exjiccted to do anything more, and certainly I ought to do no less than tender to yru, ss a convention, my sincere and unfeigned thanks for the honor end dis-t'be-tign you have couferrcd on m-;. I will not speak to you, gentlemen j but what I will lack in speaking, if the people should ratify thu nomination, X will trw In t ,,., e.t nt,...l and acta and Ci 1-in.T niT i)elp, if yu will send up Legislature ! t' reorganize thu militia and reorganize i oluf.r uet.uMsrv business. I will put an end ,ft tllil infemtd system of gnenilla lighting UntUo &Ute-in East, Mi.ldle. and West I I ennessee a "ii itavo n ...o-t vry . p'rieiii!.-. live a will as thtv ever did tn I lv "i:e who bus un4 huMolt a&trruuiu-r i-v.- von- ''iU'i2M-'''9 ! llbbii.. .al, .,- K.-bel 'Ircasurv Im.ting the -rM. o.aaek t r . i-y er.-la-i a , .-; M ..a- V" -ktfii j Mrs. Fr... i, a middle nged woivan, not J,"flUMKb '. .YFA IS. tu.. Ir....Uljn, Kings ' fi?d"' V 'Mi I 1 over iortv-five. ami in excellent heiiltli. Slip I Co , Ta '"'PWA V! yr.T.v.n P7'Vifi-isiit"C- : lis iifcitu.punietl !y her youngest son, of .c.-s. ,0- !r:4 .. . f ? rh , "i tn m-i .un; . Imreriualioii 'r-o! I 'A:l! 7i si i5i I I cnica.,n vj, k'.oii tliiu i'i,-"a.tM-. ..j-- 1 plause.j Pr. T,nrt, Jan. 14. Governor Fletcher issued a proclamation to day, declining Mis soHri s iree ftate, in aporitur.c wi:U thu eiiiniibiputiiiu oidjnaiiCu pnssud by tuu L'tntu Convention. i A hundred business liousrs and private residences are brilliantly illiiminaied to night, bauds of music ius cnliVcnim the streets, .and thousand upon thousands of enthusiastic citizens are congregated to wit ness the grand spectacle. Ladies' I'nrs. PurniiP-:s hlny r1 open ftrttltin lh bent Fun (it CUAIU.KS) OAKFOKD i ."W-SS, Cuutimruul Uutcl FLilndvliihls, Nov. 12, ISCi. 8 iu U I', temper which makes the bliss of home Fir disturbs its comfort. The home is in the forbearing temper, in the yielding spirit, in the calm pleasures ot a mild ths positioD, auxious to give and receive happi ness. , Ladies and Children's Hats, tntert KylM at CHARLES OAKFOIU) A SOXS Continents! Mottl, Philadelphia. Nov. 12, 1884. 3ia RlLtscB. A ebih li hin formed fnllel "TTu) Clnb nf Silence." Tho rule" lire that nol s word is lo be tpoken In the ebih by tnenihera or attrndnnls. Eating, drinking, unokinjr. nnd rending will bo nl lowed, but notbing else. The Httcmhints nretore Cetv written orders only. It Is curious thnt the flrst fccutiiuvnt given out wss n mcMHgc written by the president, hk follow : '.Ruy sll your jrrments nt ths Itrown Stuuti Clotlihin lla'll of'Kojkhil! Wiipoa, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut strcul, 11I10Y6 Sixth. Gentlemen's Hats. AUthcbcst stylos at CII.UtLKS DAKVeiltD A SONS, ContiDeutnl Hotel, Philadelphia. . Nov. 12, 1&04. 3ua Miamokin 4 on I lradf. ' Edimokis, Jan. It. 1SR5. lUMt. i'l". pent for wek ending January 14 Per tut report, To Mmetime lvt year, s.SIS 15 1.192 I t 6.70:) 10 r z.-iirl.'.'i I 4,2et Ou Triio.VT ArrrrTinss. A P'ivio:nn writin? from I ..I'Triiin... .-M'w lyiK. tpe .uni m 010 npt'iiemi lm 1 fe 'ls resulting from the wis nf -llrown's Hmnchial : 'J'roi'li-s ." tny -tlMiL' me bv rndii.rf me a l..rt n inure of your ' ' 'i'nK.-licv,1 cnt:loiii I. ill. ! l'or Lti- ititiui: llinl h'.'i'nd ii riillliou only lch bv j ihusu who huve'Fun'trfd hiiv L'pm diinl 'Afi'oi'ii, j eii'l lir ho.ifieneM und sire dinnit too. 11111 irt- jio . e..iifi." (ihi.ui;h I am io. M. ) I thy i nsn-r nil jcr . i-hiiiu I'urtlieiu. 1 would bon nu t-. 1V.-1 ih .' 1 mi mie ef Oil ln--t mn ii tli pri-l-- ijn fi .iirt a :.i i OiMi. but f-t I iu li.' l-'lnj y.-i! ja-ii 'e :o 115 ert ttiftt I l.HVe." 1't.ivoi'i i...i. v ure 1 obtain u gnuin: "Brwi.'s Drvovhint 1 iu..hii.' j Puoni vsri:; vt-o:;.- Ahy put ol your I cure ; If you are suil'in.i v. it h the Jypjjep- ! ' ''iu'r (..'ompbtint. or W.-.-luiei-s of the j Digestive lri;him. do vrnt (..lay, but r.-.ort I '' tl ..'.) r:j (.( Ayrr's Amerinan Almanac bus now nr. rived and is reudv for (Hiurv gratis by all i their agents, to all who ei f.,r it i hU ! 1'umlirr contains n treatise .vi n-mIiiIu ard its kindred complaint v. which is wtii we,nii perusal. It also gives ul Je general ined: cal inforniation, which is nsf tl aiul be kept sgainst a time of need in every fami ly. Its compilation of joke-s atnl aneodott s is about the best that reaches u, and these facts together have given it a circulation which is (aid to e the largest of any one book in .the woiid. - , . vi.i I'ublisbed f.r thebenelil, and as h, t. ' llON 10 YOt-Nd MEN aud others, who suffer in -a Xc.-tou-i D'iilltv. Premature Dochv of Miiiboi'l. .lc, ft'. tmrM-iiiiilioia I'rt-o! TO .VKflVnL", .en'Ft'.htHS. A fJrr.ttei-ii.n. ( -ircf cl" rerrrn IH-!.;iitv. I-to-t-i. jtieaoy. Prenixiurc it.jnv. u:..i Y -.itl.tul Kiror. : taiiie.; i.y .1 e-'ir- ! b. iu!ji . .- - will le b;.-pr t.. I'uri.ili t'j !! i.. f1 ;Vt...f ..-h-.r?- tin- ie ; and rlin.-c.i-.r." ir.i'Viirillie simple i- n..::lv n.-.i . 1 ejse. Sull'.-rers vriV-iin i.i pr. :it 1-v hc nti-:-r:iw hid, in,, p,,.a -s n vu:-..- ui: I vaiiuib.e in- ! luedy. cull do .;. by llil.lreiei 1:4 liilu nl '-0 .it hi place nt busines. Tb 1 R : aai fall ii;. i ol vital iinpoitnncc will be cuccii'.il'.v vvi.t bv return meir. ' 1 A'idrwt ,1 T I is H. ; I No. 80 TCtlSS&tl sir.iet. V.,rV I P. S.-XerT-ius feufterem oi' buiai scr will ti.i : I ,hi . ",lfl?,,',.i"n h"!"1" Hi4 .":u KYK anil 1-1. I Professor J. ISAACS 1 M. 1).. OecceuT nn-1 Acuist.,..T,y Leyl.-n, I Holla nd. is now located at A'... all I'mo i-'lreol. Pbibidi-lphiu, where persons ePlicto.i with tlisentei of j the 11YK and 1CAK will be 1 iei.iiflciillv iresta n:ul cured, if curablo. i a Artificial l.,cs luitrtci u... but putn. X. It Xo-chirget msdo f-r Ks'iiniuntion. Tb Moilical faculry i invile l. a, kubiu uw-.-crcts iu b.. mode of ireHtir.ei t. July 2,l!ii.-!v aaaraawauawaiaaaenw HVli BUR y M AUKET l: u.l I t-.t, 12 SO a 2 70 j Uuit.-r, Flour, Wheal, Kyc, l', lint. buckwheat, i'laaetd. ClovatniiO't, 0.1 i 14 - lOI. ( IHIll-W , li" 1 l.urd, r.aa, 'ItK-i'O, Ib-ii.. .Shoulder, b'a I Mi 7 '.'U 11 2i I V VY A h V V T I Q I.1 I V V I V i " ' ' U Ik l ' J ii.'l Iiiv X U. l'Jro I'ompaiiy Jlccjfn;?. ALLtbe ineniDersof the GOOD INli.X'T llT. COMPANY, nra requeued to meet nt the Court llo-ise on Monday Lvuiiii ", Janur.ry i'il. IS'. . at hi o'clock. Uusiuejii of iruprlaoco io ihe Company mil be transacted. E. YVILYEUT, rresidett. J. C. YVmKEa. Soc'y. Unubury, J.iu. 21, letii. It TaEAti ;.Y TierARTuRST, Orricn or Cumptroller or tui Cit.rknct, V'Aui.surox. January Stii. liiti. WaSr.ras, hy satintuctory rvidenc.- pn..ntcd :c the Liuiemined. i: bsa bocu run lo to that 11 TK Surthuml'rlatid County A'tiltv'iuf Vint.-. 01' Sumoiin,'1 io Iho lioroui;h 01' huiookin in the Couiay of XtTthumbtirlaiia and Slate of Pennsylva nia, bun bi-ouduly oraniicj uuder and .ucor.bii) In the-rc(uiri-iui-iits of tbe Act cf C'ouprcss tii.l.-l An Act loprovi.lea Natiuiutl Curreuc, secure-1 r.y a picJs'- of l ui.o.1 e.tau-1 boud.-, aua l j provide t..r the cirjulaticu and redcoiptiou Ibcreo.1'. appruved juna Ibol, ana na eouipnea won all it e provi- aions 01 baid Act requueil 10 be complied aitn oeiore eoi.iuicncini; tuo euuuta of UuLkinmin-ior Ac: fiow, 'iutKtroll.-:, I, Hugh -Mc- ullyoh, Couip. tro'ler of ihe Currency, da hereby ceilily lliut '-Tho Nortbuwberlaod Cou.iiy JS'ulioiial Huu rf bhi,ii.o. kin," in the l!orou)(b ot baiuukio. iu the Couuly of Mortbuuibcrland auil btuio of Peiiosylvonia, ia au tborued to eoinnieuca the biuiocw of ilack.Lg ul- aer tuo aoi atorriaiu lo Twtiuion Whereof, witness mv linnJ lJ teal of e4o this aiulli day ol January, 1H6.S. ill'uli AluClLLOCII, eoiri uoiiLr oi in turreticr. Jupuary 21, 1605, H fSVailada9 9 (Lit UrKH'S HOTKb,) Carnar Markat and 34 SlraauJIAUBlSCVRO, PA. TUB aUantion of lha publio if respectfully callsj to this lictal which is Bow ripea for the accuuiiotla. tion if gueats. In tbt past lira taaaib dnniig which time it bi bees olosad the Uw baa been thorough ly remodeled aud repaired, until in point ef oooveui. euoa and eopatort, iu pairous wiil Sad it 10 owu no superior. I'h I'uruilKre Ilailircly rooms larger than is uraaMy foaad in modern hotels, bituaiel oa tbe corner ef two trmcipal busiu: aireeu of tbe oily, but twj aad sbalf squaies from the Kail Hoa4 Depot. Tbe prr-prietor aatcrnuned to spare do expense in (Muring the eouiii I ,. t . f uetta anil a lavoraole reputation (ni ibe establlthmeL:, be fuels wil'.lug to trust it character to tbe judgnieut i of bn pittri-H nCNRT TH0M e. rse .H ;!. .'anaary :i,l-::3.- TO XKItVul-i vrPFKkKltS. i "1 . Ml 'il .vl . UP DD GRAFFS Eye and Ear Infirmary, Oa I hs StplMfe. Ibree lloors from Siecl'i Hotel WILKE8-BABKE, PA. THIS ISSriTUTION Is now open and fitrnlilic. in She must oustly style. Ileciption, I'rivnti and Operating llooui are large nud roarcniriit ant Well dnpif 1. Tho huruleul HpnnmeiH coiilin i,t Buni eolliicKon ol 'iufl.uuirnts iu Ihia country, aud ttiun his r-ieiiUltuwill eniihlu him to mret i,y all cmrrtfencif ij prneib-e. " Itu will opiruto UIm, tlio various l,.ii.-sot llLi:;i).-i;.s3.C,,,1,r,,ut1oluo oi tho l Or live.. Cloiuro of the Tear IlucW InvtTn.ju 01 ike livenda, l'Ui V;iuiii, Ao., Ac. Am will treat 1.11 forms ot riora Lyia, i rtintitt-d Lia 0aetis of Ui Cornes, sad twefnlou nise.t 0 the Eye, toKe'ilter wilb all tbo disviuvs tu whiob tht eye i 'ibj ! '. liKAfiNKSff Wlli treat nil the di totbuornan. Huchiu-goi from (be Kar, Noi-e in tht CalBrrh.tliUicultK.s of bcHriiw total Daitlnost wen wln-rt Ibu 1'ruiu is tloslroyrd. Will insert hi artiluiu! one, answering ncurly ull tbo liurpoaot 0. the unlunil. LlfilAsKS OF THE TIIP.0AT.-All ditetue: Coininou (o tho 1 mid Aow will be treated UKNEKAL SlKUElU'.-lle will opeVnte upor Club teet. lluir Lip. Cleft I'allule, Tuluom. Cancen Lulartfed TuiifiU. Ac. I'liuttie openili..,.. ,T K-liu new llesli iniu deforuied psrls.niid lionorul' Surifer; of whatever chnrncior it luiiy proc.a. llbll.SIA, (Olt nt:pllK.)-.Ilo will perforu "bnbiuf," upeialion lor li.u ihUiciiI, (coinplele.) eun ot lluruia. ibis uiiquvsltuiittbl y u purled curu, and ii done with litllu 01 no p.iui. Out of tho many him. dre-d operated upon in Uosum Iht.rc bus been no fail urue, it ImviuK met rbe approb ition f all who navi BubinitK'.l le it. ARTIFICIAL KVI1S Will insert artifieiitl eves giving lliiui ll.o uioliun nn.l expression of the 11M.1 n.i. They nr iiirertvd v. iihoui the Has! llCMOUllUDli). (PILK.S.) This troublesomo di is rcudily cured. J'buje siill'erii.x froui it nil! do well to call. Ult. l Iib UKArr visits Wilkcs-ISnrro with r vie'wof buildinj; up a l.i-niisneiit Insiiiuto for tbt treatment ol tbo Kye. K..r. anil tieneral feurevry. 'i'ui. expi'iii'iieu of ia. re tli:tn 11 quH-tcr of a e.-i.tury, iu !! 1 I'lti l nud ifenuial practice, he hope?, will b v suuicifiit Kimiamee lo lavs wbj 1u.1v bu apposed u VU,.IUJ llllll. January 14, U-G5 ly 300,000 MORE T KILL IV TI1K gi'DTAsi ! ! rTlIITi si-.lis-iilit-T. Into un en.p!..yec in tbe Troroj; 1 x innrsii ii. s c.;noe 01 un- nth nistrict Pcnn , j i.tVn his servi.-c to tho, 1.01I ..:tiz. n oi 1 the .hll'emit rul.-districls . f Nortbuiiib'.ri.irul e.n i : i;.l;oi.:in t c.;u:.tie. for tbo purpose of isi-ain th-'ip 1 to oil lie-ir ouoii.s. fine t no-l '.-ipy ibeir!iii..-iit-Iinlll'! oet Siib-iUtu. riii.l i-. i:l is::ti-r.t pu-ery. nt r.-'i-' : -milile rnte. lie can be f-und nt Mis' Hi 111 AN 'a i 1PITKL. North W'e C.irnsr 4U r.nd Market at,., ov-.t Ainu . Kx; i.tiioc. liu: rial. urir. in: rri'cs. .T I'.. 1', ,-lt-r su! K. li l lte-o. J-r.nk li-.ou.l. mil P. I. ltuv. 1 H i . i; r. . r....-!i. r r.-.jr.. Sunbury. 11-irhei.t.ur, Mil...... A ! Jr.'ss Pnivo-t ,M t I'.fTic... II-i: t " -' Pa. .IN". K. lflil.l.l-:!'.. "tjikury, .1 inur-.ry !t, iia ORPHANS' COURT SAlZ "5 N piir-ii-incf o i n order o( tbo Orphans' Court ol I .i.vlii.unberllin'l roiinty, will b" -SK.-ol to pub. Hi! sale. 011 the premises, on SA Illui AY. die 4di ii..;.- f i cbronrv. A L'.. iT' r. certain b t of ironi-d :.t:';tti- ia Lu-t-:r Mii.ii: -y iotn.-.hin. mi l c..:i.y, it- it'i'l nil:., iioihbv funis of Ph.'ip Il-l:ert. wtt by !.-.;, of Wi....w (..L-Ve.t. sulith by l-ilirta of .'cbn lV'piH-n i'lui I-imiic b. V.'itiii.'r. mid on the e.: y inrel-i I . ,1'? 1,. ilior , coi.ininin.- li i.crc moro r U". v.-'-re!i s vrev'vt ' tw eey l.'Kt IKiLi-K. bm -ro.m .ifj . un.i r.uv'd Lo It ,m and u'Ln'-ni'iii -;; . .to. Line 1I10 p-opttity of .Ti.-iol. Ksab.ivh. dee'd. Pjle Jo coaiiiK.i-.-t- ai ic-ti t.'cluck A. Al.. of .-aid ili.y. whra t!it- o-ruis and coii.iitions of -.vl! be n.aae kocwu by ISA AO i.. WIT.MKK. Adiu'r. fly nlt-rof tbt Court..! A l . Cumiuins. Cik 0 C uuiivutv. Jail. 7, lo.". a. i!(u..tia:s oitoriist. Enamelled Slato Mantel "VxrriE room. 5S. CHESTNt'T STItEliT. i'illLAl'flbPltl A. .1 M.-V-r'-' isiSas",i M? :j IMA W v 7 r T 0 Tf.;-.- rWvri ti : ..V-J,'2i.i-,o,oiou?3 M-tuufact-.-ry Tea'h an-i So.n'-oii ,S;reatf. Tb!e-Tj?. I',, Bruelt-u, V.'a.h btsnJ Tora, Ac riiiluuelphiu, ."t.u 7. l6i. if I SI V S H' I A . A; S V SS tZ O rf . 1)K. ISAAC Ill FiV I f Jili 1 Un.- i irt fu)ir:!c i Ai-trrti'ii'-e Hi h-.s pi i-ii nu t o:ly proiitc. iVers pn ic?.:t.nnl .n-rii iT i 1. 1 it'.-: s i i ' 1' r Ti ; hi-Im. dii'l ;i tuiuktu u wn-.iiT lU'-tut .iicj iar :lv.';o'.i. Jmi;. 7. lb 'n "itu i? Hi wimtkiv YriViinK OIL COMPAw 'AI'I'... t.toi, oo. t'nr Value. $5 00 i.P AS A VYe-RKI.NO ei, 1C0.OC1. 2,Jtr'lA4lUsn:.-'l'.i CAl'iiAb f , J. Lewis I'u;l:i'. Pres'l. T. M. Ksitii, Treu. f . Hi iir.i.KR, .Sec y . Pbe Property of tbi" Compiine coni!iiii aTwcntv W-ais' I.ii'seui ff-x lluioli.-'l Acris. ,.1 valuable oil t.-.iiiory. w .tn h r yu'.y f o-i!v oin' ci.h to iho I. 0 I cvu.rr, anj is aiiuuleu op U14 l'iiiieiy i'reek, nhicli runs north of ui.d piirallcl viib liinlar t Creek, (iricne com. iv, pn. lin,au unbroken fur fuce of over three iiiilcs on I be south si. le of aai.i Creek, and half to lhrcc-u,uariers wile ci tbe north. The ('..nipmiy nrc pulling duvn a well iiiviun a f.rsl..'lii.-j 1-11,, ine. (mi I iirrau-'emectb are beim raa'A. f.r a .-.i.oa l.) ci'bt buu.irtd feci t tubbitx, a com. plc'.o iet i f toots, and every'.hinj; ncctssari'y for a vi'irous proM-v-ut'ou of the wir't. 'ilie C -I.';: my. in preseiuitij; this larce and vela blu trai't of of oi! u-rritoi y I-. Hi? -ublio, itesiro c-.M .ee;nl ri'-ii.'? to thel.-t.i tui.t, in many cuita, b. c pre i.iuit' have L-.'tn pi 1 u;.:i a .(;.' iff, Willi cue-halt the oil us a r.-i.;tT ; from nbi. h tht-r t-xptcl a very lurpe v. i. iy teve.iue. i':ide fr. u, ti".. Ilie.iciii. pio-"cls leld out by ditiroan develop-lle.-l.ts u;.tl lite i..:ul. Ail iaipoi taiit i h:ir:l.'tcrilie of tbe oil wella of Ihia u thnt. a h.-u completed, Ihcy have neve.- laued tu piotlucu.i: oil? 01 superior quality. o"hii thtta tn '.i itr rent. Aa urinal , .rpcrimrm m "..". aud eouiiiiundii' die ery l.';;bcst uiu. krt ; quu s The Leases, by Ibe lermi of en el lease, hare full privilege to auh-leafe, n.iue aud bore for a n or a-'! of the ir.'.-i -ilH foun.l upon ail tra--t, and a!.o Ibe irivilc-e 10 use ; free l charge, all ihe Tiu.b.-r at.d .'oul title hitter of which abounds in hoineraa quan tities of the tiucat quality) iieede 1 lo carry ou the operations. lieolo'-bu and practici.l operator! from Ihe oil r- jt'ons who have seen Ibe Mreat tract, unit iu lha I ouiuion that, in Iocs I it v f,,r b.-ni, t,ur.sM aa melt I a iu tla ouiward inuiciitions aa an oil t.nillorv, ibis j large and valuable truct holdsout tbe utott flulteriug i pr.'spect in norin i..r mi I a limited Luiul.Lr of Kl.arei, ::i ha ol.-l b.j. sre ac opeuit No. loa South I'uurtbSt. first floor, buck room. 1 hiladelpbia. Ijr hutcripliun Prioe, Two Dolluri per cbare .aU Jan. 7, isoj. it N OTIC E. NOTICK It hereby given lo all persons knowing thcniselves indebud lo Ibe subset ibi-r, on bn,.k account or otherwiio, to actUe tbe same on or before iho 1st of Mirch ueil after which duie th.y ill be nil1, ia lue ba4,d oi a us.i.'C ; so m t.a.c uii.i cos:. ' JOUN WILVi'li Fuebary, Jan. T, lfS. " EiJir-Ak. joiiir, lirulur Idtrused t'nvcju.ufr, 6U4MOKIN Twp.. near BEAR OAP, Nuribumbsrlaiid County, )'eanyivaia. II A.S tskeo out license, and is prepare I lu do all binds-of Couveyanjiot;, at reaosMa raov .Va .no '."p c-e ,. is..-. - n