r the ijt wit A X t t I O r. T I Y ?' 7t o 1 Js Art Cfenhl I7 h 0 0 r t. a 7; r. e German Sitters, Tu O-nmt Stnr.fi Then Biller have trfijl no tWe I Dmt tuid Jo i fc.tMr Eutifctloii ! Have w.cs Tsriiniea y 1 liar more UespocUbl People to Vms-h for Tim. ! Than any other article iu fie niarfret. We defv nny ONE to contradict this Amnion, AXl T U.B. PAV fSJ0 To UT on Hint vtiil prodncre a Cor'.irtrate j!u!lslicd ly ... that it nil ounvisk. nOOri.ASTDb OERlfAK BITTrilS. Will cure every case ofChronic or Xenons Debility, Ihseuserd toe Kidneys, and Dun-iavs ri.iri; froru a disordered Stomach. OflSOVETlIE F0LL0WIXO CTMPTOMS P.eeulticg from Disorders of the Dijeaiiv Organs i fot.s'.i- pAiiou. Inward Vil. Fulness or Wood lo the Head. Aridity of the Pb Bifven. Nausea. Heartburn. Disgust for Tood. Fulness or Weight in the btoumc'i. Sonr Irnjt.i!it.iif.Siiikir6url'ln'tririr ut the Fit of i' omaeli. SniDimi"'; - i lhc Head. Hurried and Ditti tult Breathing, Fluttering nt the Mci.rt. Choking or juiiocattng Sensations when in a lying posture, l''iu ties of Vision. Huts or Wei More the Sight. Fever ml Dull Tniii in th Head. Deficiency ol l'eispira tion. Yellowness of the 1 in and liycs. l'ain in the Side. Hack, Chest, l.ioihn, Ac. Sudden jluiuesol .'lcr.t. Burning in the Flesh, Constant Iu.rgiuings of Kt.I, Hud grout Depression of Spirii. rait Tttis nrmni NOT ALCOHOLIC, Co&tuta no Rnm or Whiskey, iini oau't make PrriLk.rls, but It tin Beet Tonic In tho World. lloinl Mini rioyi Sot 'pom the Her. Levi G. Heck. Pastor of the Baptist 'hnr?h. Pemherton. formerly of the North laptiat Church, Philadelphia. ' I havo known lloorltind's German Bitters fuvera- ily tor a nuinnrr 01 years. ihavcuH'd them in toy n family, and hnvo been so pleased with their llccts thnt I was induced toreootiiinend them to jnii iy others, and know that they hnvo operated in a trikiii";!y beneficial manner I take great pleasure n thin publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the ttcntiun ol tfiuso ulllictcdwith thedisensc. f.r which hoy rccotnniendcd. to these Hitlers, Knowing from ipvrionce that my rcenniuicuda lion Bill be sustain li. I do this nioi c cheerfully as Hoollaiid i iiitters i intended to benefit tho nttlicieJ. and U "not a rum rii)k." Yol.-s truly. LEVI U. HECK. 'rom Tcv. J. Newton Iirown, D. I)., Editor of the Incyctopedia of Kcliiou3 Knowledge, uud Chnetian ronicie, I'biiiu!i'ibi. Althonzh not di?wed to favor or recommend Ta nt Medicines in enerul. through uitrus; of Iheir igrc lienU and effect, J yet kumr of no sulicient -wona why a man may tcitiij to the bai-e:'.:; h elivrcs biuiseW to hav; received l.OuUBkiDy simple repraou. in the hope that he luuy thus contribute 1 the benefit of others. I do thic tho more readily in rczard to Hnoflund't erman Itii'orr, prer.-.i td oy Ir." U. M. JucW-n, "f lis city, booau?e I u'i'S pieiu-nced a;uin?t them fi.-r iany yoaiH, under thu iiupie-aion that tlif-y weie uietivai. alcijii'ic mixtuie. lain iiidblcit t- try lend liuhert Shcomuktr, E.-ip. for the remivalol i? projtidieo by piropcr tct. and fr encotirajre en, to try them, when Mitl"iiii f.im j:re:it and ug continued debility. 'Jbe uo of three bottlesof ieo Diners, at the li,;iuiiinir of t!.s present year, as I'olh ncd by c'dci.t uliet an,l nuioiaiiou to a ?greo of bodily uud meninl vigor which 1 had not It lor tix uionthh before, and Lad almost dcxpuircd revaluing, J ttieicioro tunnk laod uud my iricnd r dinvtuii: to tie use ol liicii'. .1. .EWT0S HKOWN. Fr.-3i ILo Jlcr. Joi. 11. Kenuard, Paster of the nb Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson Deur .Sir : I hive been frc Ucm1t quested to connect my name Kith comuicndatioit' 'different kinds of medicines but regarding the aetiee as out of my apj-ropi tatc sphere. I have in I ca.ccs deeliued ; but uiih a clear proof in vnrious stance.'', and particularly in my f.imily, of the use. Inessof Ir. Uoolliind'a Oerniun lliltcrs. 1 depart r once fi'inii my um;d e-uve. I cxprei my full r.vi"tion tliat.'for general debility of the f -tun id especially for Liver Coniptnint.ii i a v.itc and luablo preparation. In oine cae? it may f'-il ; it usually, i doubt not. it will be very beucUcial to ose who nirtir from lb" above cause. Voum. very mpeotfiilly. J. 11. KTVNAKP, EigLiu below Coates Street, Philadelphia. ora R Warren vandolih, Pastor of Baptist Church, ill muir.t Jtvii, I'ono. Dr. C. M. Jacks.jn : lear Sir Personal fxpe. nrt enables mo lu uy that 1 regard the (ivruian ttci, prepnrcj by you un a iiiojI ovcellent mcdi le. lu cae. ofsuverj cuii ar: I jjcucr il debility I been greatly beu-'illed bv the ueof tho Hitters. Yours, truly, WAKKtN KAMiOM-jf. tiertnantowu, Pu. tra Ke-r. J II. Turner, Paiior of llcd ling M. K. Church, Philadelphia. JV. .l;.cli!on liear Sir : Having used jour (Jr iti Hitlers in my family frequently I alii 1 .p.in;.! t th-ii :'. has b' -n of tieal sen ice I belit vu II in uM cues ot general debility of the (vl'.a is the mint and most valuable remedy of uLicb 1 vany Lnovvlede. Vour, rcspectiully, J. II. TI RNKU, .No. 7M N. uiieeniU Streot. omthe p.er.J. M. Lyo:s. formerly Ptor of the ilucihus JM. J J and Milestoifn ;l'a ) Baptist lurche. New Uochelle, N. V. Tt C. M. Jackfon; Dear fcir: I t.:l it a pl. re thus, of niyon accord. io benr testimony to e c jcellouee ol" Hie Uermaii Ilitu s. rtome ve..i ice being much ail. I. led with --iu, I 11-ed em with very bciietieiul re'ult. i have often re- uimendod to peisons enfeebled by thut tormentii.t$ I ieaxe. and have hear 1 troui them ihe unit Hatter, j t"tiri!0iiia! to their groat value J u caais (f 1 ueral debtli'y, I boheve it to be a linir thn. cm- j i be Juii.aatcd J. il LVUNS. I iv-,f.iiuii iinorutK 1 tie punnc that lie i refitting uud om Ihe P.ov. Thos. Winter. Pastor of Roxborough ! repairing the premises. ",md will be prepared to iu Hap'.iM Cl.nicii. J teituiu. in u c.. inf.. rial. le manner, bis numerous Dr. Jack'on ; Dear Sir: 1 !! it duo lo your 1 fried throughout the county, and all who may ellent preparation. Jtcs-r. utU iierman L'tttcrs. to d my tes 11. ,uny to the deserved rrpolittioi. it b-is laiuel. 1 uutv for) c..rs, at tiaiis, lo ci, trouble-! ' tn great disorder iu iny head and nervous sysiein. ' ta- no vi.vl :,v a iniuij to try a bi tile of j ot,r iir- I in II. ...-r. I ifii o. Bud buvs experienced great) 1 unexpected reliii; my l.ealih l.na beeu very ; ilrniiliv t.eui'titicl. J eonndcntly reconiuien4 the ' icle wiiere I meet with canes simiUr to uiyono, i have been assured by uany of thair f-i i 3c:. ' iiKe.ifully yours, 'I. W l.Ml.li. j Ki.xb,rougii, Pa. om Iter. J. 8 Hsrman, ef the (Jerman ItfwrrJ : Cbureb, Kutttowu, ;u t e iiity. I't. j t. C. M. Jacksou ;--ilo'"cm4 ;ir .1 J Lav been ' ublod nitti Dysiefitia to-arly iste,-. ty ye.ns.aali t nri er u l any ,u lien a ihi did in as 11 u;u I xt as JIuellsod's'liiitrH I m eery much lui- j ivd io hil'Ji, afttr ha-.in(r un Ore buttle. I i ouis, wi.h 1 expect, . J i. I'Elt.ViAN. 1-HICK. rge S'u (h-1 Vw. ; rc.uiy etui le qnantitv ) .. n- "' 't.le-',.,fa.,. Hit . C-.-.So..t pr Hftt:-hf J,. (4 tJ rxw.ii-: or c- vimm-m 'bat tb ivyiature cf T M. JACKS..!."" js ea V rnopi-r of k t.e'u P s hoi,; i your nearett d. is, r: 3-, i.je t!.0 r"cl . i oi u i "i a v "i i imoxic.iting pr.psia S tr .t insr hi oft -ji el I p'ace but send ia I I wo still tkiraard, eui noipsl f'thce tml Mai tl, Padatolhi. I; nuckial, ty express. I as oiy. .So. di AUCII I I (Successors to C. . ictioi A Co..) - For ?..! be I m 'Ml I s nd Dasir.' Ve , lMS.rtlAB. 34. lisft -Vsy. V lr U. S. y-SQ LQMl TV fWirrolary of the Trenmry gires nollco that ruboeriptlons will be rceeivid for Coupon Treasury Note, payable three years from August 151U 1S(14, Willi semi-annual Interest nt the rate of (even and three-tenths per eent. per annum, principal and Ibleres! bo'b to be paid in lawful money. There neUa will La convertible at the option of the ii ol .1 er at matorlty, into six-per eent. gold bear lug bonds, payable not len than five nor more tha twet.tt years from their date, as the Rcvernme't uiay elect. Tint will be S.'.'ucd In denominations of (Ml, ICO. HOU, ifl.000 aud fi.OOO, and all subecH; ti- must be tr fifty dullare or some Multiple of fifty dollar. 'Jbe no.'ee ill be transBilfted to the owners free of tiaueortatiun cbarrs a Hi'n af:er the receipt of tlrss irij;ioaJ Certificates of lcponit ss they can lie (irrpked. .s the tiotes draw Interest from August IS, persons mnkiff, dtpcsia suloeipient to that date must pay tlx luttrwt aetrued from date of note to dale of deposit. Parties cVpordtinf Irrenty-five thoiiff.cd dollars , and npnafds for thee cotes ut any one time will be I allowed a cYmtoifwioii of one-:iuarterof one por cent,, ' which will be paid hy the Treasury Iieimrluient upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by . the officer with nliom the deposit was made. N i d"dnet:ont for coininissivts must be made from the ' deposits.. j ripiM-itil 4CvitD;.i,".ea of lilst I.onn. I It is a Satiosai. Favisos Hank. ofT.-riuf- n hili- er rule of interest thnn any oilier, and tlit lt itmi. j my. Anyeuvin-ts t".:.U which piy ils depositors in j r. si. Notes, considers that it is paying in the besl ! circulating medium of tho country, un l It r:inwt pay in anything better, f.ij its own ncs are either in government securititsor in notes 01 bonds payable 1 in government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary r pertuu neni. investmci4. Tliuni.lt; canal nays be uld I"- i within ft fraction of Iheir face and accumulated into rtsl. and r.re iliu best security ith bunks no olla- i terals for discounts. ! CCSVEMTIBLE INTO A SIX PEIt CENT J-2U j tHiLH HON Ii. In addition to the very liberal ir.trrevl on ll-.e tiotes for tUrec'ycnrs, this privilege of cor cr.-ion is noiv worth about three per cent, per annum, for the curt : rent ra'.o for i-!0 Ei.ndi i not Icai Ihan nine yer tint, premium, and before the war tho premium 011 ix percent. V. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit 011 this loan, at ! the present market r.ite, is uo7 lens than len per cent. ! per annum. j JTS EXEMPTION FROM ST TE Oil JIVNICI- ; PAL TAXATION. But aside from all the advantages we hnee cnuin- ; erated. a special Ao cf Congress rx.-mj.m all boit,lt and Trramry notes from local taxation. On tho I average, this exemption is worth ubuut two per cen!. j per annum, according to the rate of taxation in vnri j ous parts of the County. ' It is believed that no securities offer so great In- ; ducem.inls to lenders as those issued by the govern- ! mcnt. Iu all other forms of indebte Inc.". tl,n faith j and ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged lor payinenl, j while tho whole property of the country is held ' o secure thu discharge of nil the obligations of the j Vnited Stales. While the government offers the niot Jlhcr-! :.-r.r,s ' for its loans, it believes that the Very strongest appeal ! will be to the b.yalty and patriotism of the people. ' Duplicate ecrlificatcswill be issued fora'l deposits. 1 The party depositing must endorse upon the ornriu. 1 a' certificate the denominations of notes required, and whether they uro to be issued in blank or paya- ' b!e to orJcr. lc-i o endowed it must be loft with ' the officer rcceivin,' tho dei jsi;, to be forwarded to I j the Tr?:i'ury lcj'..rtiueiit." I .Subscriidioi.i ;il be reectrel by tho Trentircr of . , trto t nitei btntcs, at i iv-binglon. tbo seven! .'.s j sisinnt Troasjrers and ueil juatcd Depositaries, at.d 1 by tho j S'irsf nSioia:il wltsnli or.llilicii, j Ai:d Iy nil .i;!iu:il Ilandst ! which are depositaries of Pulilio money, and all j rtESPBCTADLB BANKS AND HANK HIS ; throughout the country, (acting as agents of tho Na ; tioiiol Depository Banks.) will furnish further iufor- million ou application und AFFOKD lA KllY FACILITY TO SUBSClilBEKS. Auut in. ii.i. UuliSi C:.'3st-SnIia CoVo Co. DEPOT : lHi Rendu Street, New ork. The above Cnnipii.iv are knuwn all over the world a the owners of the t'ollee Plantations of Java and Batiivia in the Dul-di East Indies, and are the largest m.,i-.op.,i.,rs '.I Ciii'i-o on tho (llohc. '1 lie ot; I'i'siiied (who is appointed their r Aacni in Ihe V idled Males itnd in the liriti.-li Cobi. niesi w ill have for sale three dith-rciit kinds of Cof fee, which. -r regularity i f grade and cheapness of pie", will dily com pe.it ion. Jntr Ibitavia CRmu " never before inlroduced in this Country. Iml extensively iiseil in the Armies ami Nil vies of Europe. 111 d richly valued, mil be put up ut piieeL lo reach all consumers, and our Extra .lava Will 111! till .Mn;'l:.:m Iionuin Clfee of Ihe lto. Wo will have, fur aeeonimodation of llroeers. I'n milies. and llovi rumeiit Contractors, samples (drv. and draw n) for te-tint'. Orders solicited On receijit of cash, coffee 1 Viiipt ly forwarded ua dirtcled. A. LIPTdAN. 103 Hea.'.e S:ici. New Vork. f-olu Agent. D. E. I. C Co. July 51. ISM. A C.UUl TO TI'K sri-TEP.lNH. SWAl.L'UV two or Ihreo hori-heads u( Huchu," '1 niie Hitter'." ' ar-npariili.," -.Venous An I lidoti-,,r Ac.. c. ,'.c. and niter ou are saii.-lb d w.iiilho r. suit. and 0110 l,..x ofuid'lilt. Jll.'l'll A.N S English Specific Pills and be restore I to health and vigor 111 ic.-s limn unity (Iims. 'J,ey nic purely ve getable, pleasant to lake, prompt ami ., i ut .i"r v in their etleots on the bnil.cu tiowu and shattered con stitution. Old and voung can lake Hum with ad vunlnge. Imporle.I uud Mid in tin- I nited Stutc "'ly by JAS. s. !jr j ,i;it. N. 427 I!roa.li.;.y. Niw i,.ik. Ji'-Agent for tin; t'nited Mates. P. .A Box of the Pill-, securely packed, will b milled to any address on receipt uf price, which is OXE IKH.LAI!, xijni. ! money refunded by ihe Agent if entire sAtisiio'ti.n i-: not gien. p.'-.l". I'!.. "in 1 ai.r?.".;on IZotis..', NOUTil I'-MHEliLAMi, PEXNC 1 LVANIA, .rar the llritl-;e. rv yY. Sbs'Cl'ii,el hiivill-r lea.e.l this wtdl knoirn X Tavern .suuid. bitely kej.t by -Mrs. C. S Iirown, patroniie bis estiiblishmcnt. Wt 1, Ji'SEPII VANK'IRK. JACOB IIAULEY, iSuctfuor In ,S t a n ffe r J- Ua rliy.) No. ol'J MAltKETStreet, PIIILADELl'illA. Dl'ALEK in 1'ir.f 0id and Silver WATCHES . 1 tnetiold JKVVEJ.KV; S.,lid SII.VKH U AKE. ar.lthaUsi ,f SI LVl.lt. PLATED-WA KE. Cou stantly 011 bund a larg aa.ortuient of the above goods at low prices. atcnn and Tin Clocks. Repaired, by skilful m"."'"?' : Jlvlwy repairing; Engraving and all kind, of Iliiir-wcrk to order, ut short notice gf Don t forget tb. oil stand, No. tU Market s:r Plolauelpliia. Sspt. 10. Issilt 3m KOTiec. t I;V reruns indited to ti e. firm of Frilintr I ! J Oruut.ur requested to call al Iheold stand unj ! t pay up iheir account by the 1st of Heeeiuber. A'l I 1 ncr.niiur uiu pain oy nun nine, will be .ccj in vuus ui a kiusucv ler coiieeuen I lill-IXU & OHAXT. J Suubnry, !'ov. S, 1SCI LAlilli ASD GE.NTLEMEX if you with lo marry, addrcu tb undersigned, wl.o wi.l s r.1 you nithutit money nnd witfaou: pri-J", val uable Information lhi.t will enable you to marry happy aud spec lily, irrespective of , wxaiiii or I '.y l"n 10 arrr. I i'l vheerfully assist yiiu All lettors.trii.llkf nK.4nn,i.l e . .1 t.- j. . .ti,',. u.niiuu wni cosi you r.'ontn, sn i I s! . . .1. " . '. J ii,,, J uu uciiou iiinir' ' 7" " "l " '"" "'' lues, ions asked, . .s TTTTr'"' aaiBis, le A . -"... na vaitu'i oatAT atiictiT roa Bcrofula, and BorofUloua Discuses!. From Lmrru ,ln, a ire'M-imeii mervAnnt 1 On fiint, .Voiie. 'I have sold large quantiih s of yjinr R.ns.t IV V tm 1 hut never vet one bottle w I1I1I1 fulled ol tho S.llr?j effJeV and mil MtfRfactlo.. lo those who took It. fait ..0 our neople try It, they agree l.iere lija been no medicine like It before lu our community." Enipttorii, Pimplea, Blotches, Puatulos, Ul cer, Borea, nd a.11 Uisoases of th Skin. I-yom ntv. Holit. Strattott, JMttnt, ICn'thntil. I oulv 1I0 my Uutv to you and the public, when t add roe testimony o that for. pnMtsh of the mc AliiMnal vlTt'iea 01 vonr so- spa iii.i.n. ,ij unuh ( t.r awd tenrhad an afllieiinc humor la fier earn, eyes, and hair for years, whi.di we were unable to cure until we tried your MrtSAfAltlLLA. blic baa been well for some months." Frtm .tfes. Jnnr T. ?f -e, K wtl) i-nirr) nnd nw- tifremritlitpi'flrnni itle, f'.iif l :y Co., .V..'. ' My dsuphtef has suffered for a year past with m scrofulous emotion, which w.as very trotibleaotne. Notliine, afTorded any relief nntil wo tried youf r.liAfAltli.I.A. which soon completely cured her." im rnnrfrs P. (ingr, ."(., 0 tht witrltj L rwtrn Garre. Murray if Tri., m tnuf.tcturm of rmimtlUA r-ip?r in .VnsAn-i, .v. . "I had for rcver.il years n very tro'iblenomS fttiiti'ir in my face, whielt grew ereistaufty ivor -o until It dlsfigiireJ tit fiMtur s aim lieeiiims .1.1 intol erabln amiciion. 1 tried ulmot every tiling a nriu eouhlrof both adrl -e and medicine, hut without ooy relief whitever, until 1 took your S.M!s.-.i-.ntt.t... It immediately mini" niv face worse, ns yon told 1110 It ml.;h ftrsi tiv.tv li.t In a few iveiHa the in-w skin licgnii to form under the bloteheB, nil con tinued until my fnr Is as muooui na aov doity'h, sod 1 cm w ithout r.ny syinotns oUtbo disc ;.c l;i:it I know of. I enjoy peri'eet bcrdtli, and without ll doubt owe It to your h.uts.vf.uiii.i.A.'' Erysipelas QeneraJ Debility Purify t!ia Blood. Frrm Tr. t:M. Pn'rln, Ifr u.i'o't V f I'io-'-. iMt. AYi.u. I Kr-Plom fail lo t- i'Hivi' I'.rttj. n s ami S''ritful.its .v,r. s l,y liic icrsccrliiir tt:eof your Saiisat vitn.i., and I 1'iave.in-t now eur',l i,a attack of Mttliqiuiitt .risii.',fs with It. No alt -nilive wo possess' initials the s 1 lis r.wn M. V you h've sup plied to the profession as w ell as t 1 tin- people." Vrtal J. Ji hnHtmt, I'.-'f., .170. " Ior twidve yearp, 1 hsd t'e yell m- i;ryii.daa on my riht arm, during wldeh ti":ne 1 tried all tho celebrated physi.'trins 1 could resell, rind towlj Piin dreda of doll'nrsi worth' of tneoicines. The ldc-rs were so bad thnt tin r.'s Int.i'IV visilde, and liio rlte'tors decided 1 lint lay arm ouo t be aniiiuittied. I began lakinv' your s.iiM'.i:i!.i.. Took two liot C.ls, ninl 1.01110 of your Pu.i.s. To-.rether tlu-y have cored me. I am now as well and sound its any body. Itida.f in a public place, my cim.' Is known to evei'y body lu tlii.i coniiiiuuitv, and exeitea the wonder of nil." from 7i.. nmru .VIohh, M. I', n Xi i'Vintls, '. it'., a Utuliiiij iitx mU 1' i-f ttw t trit'Mli'tn I'ttrttu 111 fiit. ' I have used rour ? !. runt r. l:i my fv.-.i!!y, for general lU-t-.ilitii, r.nd for :!,-. t'aUiii In-1 !! tl, With verv benell-diil results, and tWd conlidcucj in eonuucudiug it lo til.- alllH'M.'' I Bt. Authony'g Firo, Eoao, En't Khoura, Dcald Head, Sore Eyos. rrom JTttrrn) A'icWci-, tl.f n'-f-. nlU-ir c ,'hs Tititkltanntirlc lia:l.H-r,'t, I'unisytraititi. "Our only child, about three years 01 i,g-, vrtia attackisl by pimples on bis forehead. They rapidly epread until they formed n'loathsomo and virulent sore, wliieli covered his nice, an I a, Mindly blinded Ins eyea titr some days. A skilful ph sici.iti a)plied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent eliift. For lilt.-ell days we guarded hia hands, lest with them he should tear open the fos tering and corrupt wound which covered hii who'' face. Having tried every thing else we hnd any hope from, we began iriviug your Saiis.w-aihi.i.a, and applying the iodide ol potash lotion, us you ilireet. The sore bean to heal when wo hud given the first bottle, and wan well when we had linndtcU the second. The child's eyei.ishe, w heh had 0:110 out, grew again, and he is now as h.-nithy nudt fair sh nny other, 'the w lode lieigliboihoo 1 jredk ted that the child must die." Syphilis nnd Mercurial Disease. TVom Dr. Ilimm Sltn:t, f St. I.uul.1, Mil... t:ri. 1 llnd vour SAi:sr.i:it.i. a more elieeliial fcnied for the BiTomlury t,)inpiottM of s'h,'is ami fur f villi Hit if H-i':irf tti.m imy ut Jut Wf jkiskcsf. 111 any inner we poshess. I lo vim for some of tliu tiio proirpisioii art hhh-dh-u oom liieuu'uu s wc itiivo." From A, J. J-Wnvht M. 7. vn cmnfnt ih;ti-ian of l.ftwrem'Ci Mites., i7n is n n-iuin. ut wo.;6ir vf tUfl f.tyi.iitiittre Mr:.urltn.ctti. LU:. Ayi:u. My ih-.ir Sir? 1 hnvc fouuil vmtr fAitsAt.i:ii.i.A nn extt-ilfiit rriti".ly for .'yti., Imih of tin priwir$ anj wttmiury tyiM nirl fi.iv t tial tu poim; rast'H lli it wiT' ton ulis'lmate to yit It to otlirr n nifi.ifH. I dti nit know wliat we cmi i-tu-ploy with mort-rcrtiiintv nt'tutasH, wlu-rc a ii'jttT lul ultc rative ia i.jm.viI." Mr. Chtw. S. Van l o '' f 'w flntnstrir?:, X. .Y. Iiml tlriMill'ul iilccpH on lU d1;:, iMiisr I y tin- jiIhimj of nn'rniry, or vir-'ttritit tli.it u?, r:v mum ttuJ tnon"ii','i-:r:iv:it(''tl fm t.ir., iu kjji:? uf every r on iol y or tn-atnifnt thai 'ir! 1 1 u l,uiiLil tiio p'-iM-'ViTin un' uf A vi-.k's s !:.viAitiu a rli.-v(tl liiin. IVw c:ifif8 can lw foiiml more iuvfffvntf aitl di.-t rfsi'i than tltih, ju t it KuU ei vtral tiuca btt!.M to cure him iC 71'iUTftlIv )ruTuot In t .!. -i? S'-rnfi ft- crntiim, 1 rtrr vcrv oft 111 i-un -l l' alti:rati7t flTcct r.fth.a SitfAi'A!l.l.A. SmncwcH rfir'. lioweviT. in iu i uf liit a ai.s.U'AUH.i.a, tho kilt'ul npplicatiuu of hn'al n'mitiii :i. J'roin Ac vclt-lntrn "i'-t "vV- rehrat(d Dr. ,htnb .lirr.V, V. fv'uur.ti. 1 liRvofomnl yuur ni:si-ai:ii.i.a an xp.-i r;l nltorarive iu lu.rai'H of f" matfu. Many r:ifit.f Irrcifiii.irity, L'iiforih'.n, lnti-ruul l.i.Uion, ami locaril-liilitv, nriiujt lrin tlu hon'!!!')!! (H-Jh'sii, Iiavc yirltlftl to it, mift tin n arif fi v tli.it !j not, wht'u'itM'llLTl in iirujii-rly ui K 1 by Uu-al trtatint nt.' A tfi''it uniculiiit tiltutv th jmuticiitivii of her " Mt ,hmahtiT nml mysi lf hnvn Irvn cr.r.l of a Tory ifoMlitatin Ituwi h'fti of !nn Ktaii'lin, Ly two bottU'f of your SAlt-sAf AHti.l.A." Kboumatiam, Gout, Livrr Ccr-.!iint. P73- pepsm, Hourt liaeaao, Neuralgia, whia c.n-. t.y Srr -fttbt hi tiV fysti-ra, ar cured by tlus fcxr. ..v ti.A i a kh.ua AYER'S CATIIATtTIC TILLS possess so it!ty lulvuiititfxoi tivor llic other IiurRutivts in the market. t:il tln ir superior virtues me so univers.ili.v known, tli.it we need not ilo mure than to assure Hie tmblie their quality is niaintiini'il equul to the best it ever has been, and that thev may lie oYrn. nclcd on to do all that thev ;,uvo ever done. l'tvimreil l.y .1. C. AY Kit, M. D., 1 Co., I.ou ell, I.'.ics., nnd nolil by Sohl by 1'iiiing A flriint. Funbnry, H. 1!. Mi t'oy, Not thumberlitiid, Aar in lliirro'l. -;iybur;. M'. K. Ivutnir. Shauiokin, J. IV iiogje. 'atsontown. And by all dealers in Medicines everywhere. August 'lit. l.stil. ly ja q 5sv.-xa.- H a -z ar 9 SOIID1 I' I li I t'of Thi nrti"lo is pr opsin I with the -rrfat'-ft iarc urn HficnliliL' piiiii-ipli?'. aifl HuinihU-1 not to vuniaiu anything in the flij.-liut tlercu i!f!c(t riin-- tu t!ic tftilh i.r tfiuns. Nnuo of our inuft finim-nt 1'tMifal .urt'uiib iiave piven t!:cir e;uit-iiuu to, Hint i-heuri ci ty ii-foiuineiut il tin 11 priptitntiun of mpcrior tmili tirv fur t'Umi.Hiit;, uliilcainnj niiil prc-tTV hi th; J l.i. III. l. f uu uh Uifiu n-itdilv. rt'inJi'iiii ilu'iit beMiitifiilly wjiito and pearly, w'ithonl tho lightest1 injury to the i-utimel. ft is f.culii.e' to the irtitus. where they uro uleeraieii and sore, it is i l-o an ex- j celleut di.infecior lor old dceuyo,l teeth, which are oflen eKeeedinirly i'Ceiisive. It vtivesa lieh creamy tate to ihe luoulli. clean.-iug it tiiorouhly. aud im. parliuis a deliirlitful frarranee to ihe breuth. ! lHKl'AllJ-.IJ I INLY liV A. 11 AW m:v A CO., j X. W. Cor. 10th.. A Lombard Sl.. riiiladelphiu. ; And sold by all Druggists. 1'IUCK 25 CK.VIS. TIT1MUXIAI.'. j The following opinion of l'r. VI bile, us U the liij.'h esteem iu which he holds the 1'eutal Cream, must be ' sufficient evidence of its value ; to iiuole oilier lesti- uioiiials iikletail is neeilles, eontentiuic ourselves by ! fcimply iriving the mimes and addre-sc of persous 1 who spcuk of its excellency for the teeth. riiiludklphia, April I'lih. 1 si3. I Having; carefully ixainiued A. llawley's -Sulidl, : fled fieuial Creuiu," I hereby eheerlully leconi- mend it to the publie generally, it is uu excellent preparation fr cleuiisina; and prc.vrviug the teeth, and can be used by ull persous with the utmost con li lence, ak us properties arc perfectly harmless, lie sides proem ing thu teeth, il promotes a licalthy actum to the gums, and imparls u pleasantness to thu breuth. I)r W. n. WHITi:. 1201 Arch ft. Thomas Ingram. M. ll , I lent in, 4 HI N. fourth it. J liirkey. 2'i4 Miilh St. li. 'aiulerslica, Hurgeon lienlist, 425 Arch St. C. A. Ktiisbury, Dentist, I1IVJ Walnut bt. S. Dillinghun.. D D.S., 7114 Arch fit. I". M. Dixou, h27 Arch St. Kdward Townseud. Dentist. IJoX. Fourth Ft. L. II. Dorphley, Dentist. ht7 N. Tenth h1!. M 1.. Dong. Demist, 62J N. Mith M. May 26. l.-Mil ly JETTES OF ADVICE FOR LADIES FIVE ANATOMICAL KNaitAXI.VGS. . IIus information never before publieliod. ' Sent rati in a sealed envelop fur tzs cents. Mtttu Dr. 8TAXF0UI", a Box So i.tit. New York P. 0. July I, 1PM -Jiu v o it s a h 1: . A Trn-t of riml.rr l.r.rtl, below Trr. or.. h- ide. eontaiulu aiAjut 0 ares. i'or further parlteular Sfply 16 ' H. B 'MAWER. iCVuisr i( It IW4 -- 4T A LECTURE o?o ""Otjisto- ivrxzisr Jntt piibliilnd in a Stiilul Hnvticji, frict tir ronti. A T . " n -? ("1 tho ynturo. Treatment arwl Radical Cure of Su rmatorihirn or rteniiiiHl Weakness. Invot imlnry Eiiiittsi-itis. Sexual Debility, end impediments ' to ,M:irrinc cniii'tiillv. NilvnustnT. Cnt'sutonllon. I Epilepsv, mid Fits ; dental and Phvsicnl Incapaei I Iv. resu'liini Jrnm Kclf-Abue. tc. lty ROBERT J. I I CI I.VKRU:LL, JI. V., Author tsi the -Orocn I i Hook' Ac. 1 ' The world renowned author, in this admirable j Lecture, i li.ttrly proves from his own expci ietice that 1 I the awful eonseniienco ol Self-Abuse may bo ellcetu- .,iu. ...... ...:.i , ...... t:..i 1 n.iil..,..l .I....,..,.. 1 . . . ... . ' "irittcal operations, bougies, inslrumcnoj. rings or cor .liiils, pointing out a mode of cure at once cer tain and effectual, bv which every stiU'crer. no mat- : fer what bis condition may be.'mny euro himself . ebenplv. privatelv, and riolicallv. THIS LEO- 'j I Hl-.'Wll.l, PlldVi; A HOUN T'J TilOCiSAXDS AND TII'H SAM'S. ! Sent iittders-al, to any aildrfr", In n plain, foaled I envelope, on the, receipt of of six cents, or two ptMt ago stamps., by odilressing tho publishers, CilA J. C. hl.INIJ ACO.. ! 12" Bowerr. New York. Post Olhcc Box. tOHi). 1 tv. 1:., istni. 1 v ;:c PKNSIONS, B0UM1ES AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. 0 P.. HOVER. Attorney nt Law, is duly author- 1 i.id and lieetise-1 to collect Si-nsin, FjoimM v":miI ItiK-U H":iy for Widows. Ur plinns and Soldiers. liU'tco in AlarUel slruet, ' ppo site Denver's Hotel, Sunbitry, l'a. liitillary I'i. l;,nl. ly H 10 CHE AM niHKZKHS. A New siti.pl v of MAssttit's Fivt-jliNl TC Fltltc J .lilts, rcci.ii ed from New Vork. lor sale I v Minburv. M-iv II f.l. II II. MASrKR. il.KoiKit: Him., hmoi P. Woi.v:ttro.v, hill &, wolvhrton, Attorney :ii:1 Cou;isi !rs 11I B.tivv. Oilt -e. Market slreit.cor. Centre Alley. 7 1 1, 1. 11! tend promptley to the celled ion of claims i and all other pi'nfes-ioiial bti-ine-s intru.-Jed to tlicirctire in Northumberland nndudjoiuiugcouiitics. Sitnlniry. .Inrunry 2:1. Itfi'2. 1 AN INTERESTING HISTORY t I or DR. bCIimXZ i OWN CASt:. I Aii'l how INtliuoDie PTUjt. Smwi'tl T.ic r.wl MHinlrnko at't 1 in t'.teSyU tn iu Curing U.ut rUV : The shove ir a Correct i;!n ness of JV .Wtik ta!.crt Uiany years ttg., after he h:. 1 reeevu'cd from t'on. sumptton ; by a er-ur-'c i I lr- '-.ir',. ink's 1'uitti-t:i .' Syrup." Tiie likt ni .-s. iil;hoii'h it does t.ot n re sent him r.r.ytliinx lik fs 1'id it be wasnt the wotst. yet it i- in stioi, er.nlrast wit'.: '.lie loi'i nr.d i;:. t:-s looksof the rortrait below vvlii :li Is tlie Iruo lii;e- r.- f.fliiin ni i rc-c:.'. tho-? tv. j.wltai'- is Iti lii'v tliein t be tl, liiinli'i-ti:-of I cr-niis. ilti.o. The (. tra-it bftwetn ' .-vc:it t:i;'.t ti.ati' v i n!'. r.i't siTny ptr-. n. t t t':.' re nrt iu ai.tl i.rour.1 l'l'.iiu'Klj.l.i:!, w'jii will ric'.-'ni-c I-nJi f rtn ti. l.'if true rfprvtu-kt-n h Wfln I It-7 ft. Nr.w Yonx, Wclnc.-day. March 10. liil. TO Till': Tl I'MC. Thirty years iit'o I win in tho lust stages of W. siei..i. , Ct-iMiini'lion. and tiiici ut.to die. 1 reside ! iu l'hiln b l Ida. ninl l 'r. -e .h I'm i i-h. then of this eitv. oid'-ri d me tu .11 t, -town J . a Ulstntice i f i.ii.c miles v.b'teii t iol: no Iw my arrival I put to bed. w.'-eks. This was niv natik ;. -s tn ..t ti.ere. ua 1 'I. etc ' v i f.r feany di.ee. vtlicro ail my t fiiinilv liked iin-1 hid di" I ,,f Ctnsiitiii.ti-.n. lir. ! Thoriitoti. who attendid my f..'.b'r iu l;iJ l ist illurx, ; vvj.s ealleil, nod ftave lee one wck k lo f: x u luy at' i Inns, lb.' 'mid el'n all my futnily r i ll.tit v.tiy,and lb',u:rht I was to o. li o 'Then 1 hear. I of the'reine dies 1 now oll'. r lo the publie. w hi. h cured me. It seemi'il to me ll.al 1 ceiild fekl tin. m 'CiKdrutii.!; niy ; wlede system. They sunn rij ene'I the ttiatS r o:i my lttn;-, and I veaild s' it I'f.'it. ere tin. n a ii.t of i,:Kit-lke. yellow mutter eve.y ui"rni:i. As s.em us tl..,t b e. in to sttb.-ide. my t'.i. l.-ver. j.ain. ui'.tt :won;s nil be.tti to le.we ine. and niv ai'i'etiie heeauie so i.-reat . that it wii-v. ilh imii 'ill: y i e.add keep if ,., c.itim.; ! teo ntueli. 1 .-eon iridned my sliei.lli audi liaio been L'rowiiie; iu lle.-h ever sitiec. 1 or uiattv ve ir.s ' '"'ve en.i".veil uninterrupted ye-i 1 h" illh, Icepti the liver al.d sti.u'.a di luallhy with Ihe Seaweed Tu nic and landrake Pills, 1.- 1 lm of a biliiuus teniper aiiient. My weiiit is livj lunliel ar.d twenty pounds Uu my reenery peopie wuld send lor me fur and near, lo s-c if their ease wtre lILe mine. For this purpose I pay profevi 'ital visits in Ihe luro cities. I'lieeoiisuiiipiives wish to seo I lie uim that makes these lm illeilies. and wins Was elired of eon Miuipliiiu by tliein. To make new limes is iiupui. bio; but cavities in the luuijs and elnoniy uievrit t'otis 1 I iiio iirkliefiii'l ttli.is cull bo healed Such t'tircsarc dyiii hourly under the ordiuav treat:;. ent of J hysieialis. aud j...-l i,u are cured by tho I roper use of buhenk ik l'uluioiiio Syiup, Seaweed ionic, and .Mandrake 1'iMs. I am now a ln:.i;Ly n.nn. with u hir-o cavity in the middle lobe of the ri"lit lung, thu lower lobe kel v much liopntucd nnd complete udheeiou of the pleura', 'the left lungs is .oiiiui. and thu upper lobo of thu right lung is in a tolerably healthy condition. Tho great reason why physiei.iu. do not cine consump tion is they try to do lm uiueu ; tbry bive n.cdiciues to stop 1 ho ceugh. lu stop chill, to stop night sw eats, hectic fckcr, uud. by so doing, they derange the whole digestive powers, locking up the secretions and eventually thu patient sinks ni,d dies. After I make u eartluiexamimitiuu i.f ihe patient with the ltespirouieier. and fiml iuii.' enough left to cuee, I direct the paiient how to uso tho tl.i,.o remi-lies. liemuvc the ciutso and thev will i.il ftt p ef lueir own aeeoid. 001:0 can-be cured of cousumpiion, liver coiniibiiiit.d.vspep i 1. eiitanh. eai ker, ulcerated throat.unlessibcliveraiidstouiaehi.ro iiiudo hi Hi Iby. Iu New tiiftlund Ibis canker chruuio cula.ih, ulcerated lluuul, ili.i,e,.uou ul uvula, in mure preva lent than in any other sectiou of the counlrv. 'litis Is ircijueiiily caused by a foul stumucli. j'.,u may buru it out w ith cuutific time and u'iiin, and ull they will get is temporary relikf. Correct the stomach and liver, and they will heal up themselves. Good uulrition is the remedy. If you have any disease iu any part -;f the body! it will remain theie and decay more und more until you can tret the sto mach in lbu condition to digest food and make new biood lo take the place of d;.,cuS"i luatter. 'Ihisis the only way to hevil cavities 111 thslun;:! and ulcer ated Lionchial tubeii. Correct the stomach and liver and nature will do the healing Msny persons har an idea that eeitain medicines are great purifiers of tho biksi't. Wheu blood is ouae diseased it eaunot b purified; it it diseased the same as the diseased Uintttr in Hi Sje'i ai ; but get lit apparatus in or der, the liver and. stouaxb, and g.vs it plenty .,f nourishing food it will make new blood, wiiik.4 will Uk ths I laea of that wiiivh il diseased rVhdk's Puimooic svrup ia on of th best prepa rations of iress in us, it w a powerful Uaaw of IttWf, aol b fccawter) T.w 4iracstrv b (aneus r cnnz.' -.v-v". c . ci.'ii-..r f- I.J I rtl ! l-r. ..s, - U.j ttiffl.' I fSS3?JSckV i :'!jt Vr tlies tomaeh, and la It onrriod pof! off by the tbo Mandrake Pills, the Pulmonis Syrup Is mad Intft I'toou. 1 nu le tL only way w our oonsumpuon. 1 1 cannot ft a good appetite, anu loou noes noi digest, I cannot cure the patient r.cver mind ihe ' coocli i remove the emtio and will stop of itself. 'i'hii'ft tbo most trouble 1 bar with my patients nt my rooms. They Say, '-lioctor, I feel stronger 1 I can eat ; my night sweats are bettor, and X feel bet ter every way; but my cough as so bad yet;" and they are astonishe'l to' bear m uy that does not matter; remove the cause and lb cough will sop of itself. Schenk s Seaweed creates a good appetit In about nine days, when ther I no luna; diseicse, unless the liver is so congested that the Mandruke 1'ills cannot unlock the ducts of the (tall bladder in tiiut slinrt sjitvcc of time, in order tu ullow the stale bile tu pass olf. Keep tho liver and stomach healthy and them is less danger of consumption or any oilier disease. It is hard to tako cold when thoso organs are healthy, ihose that are bilious, low-spirited, dreary, fueling stupid, couted tongue, poor appetite, nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is CMleti lies hoavv. loss f memory, try uu botllo of MIIKNCIvA'Sl-AWEKU TOXU'. and one box of S-ClliiNK'S MAMiHAKK 1'ILL. It Is only a cost of oue dollar and twenty-five eelits, with full di rections. Xhis is suliicient, in many ousts, to satis fy what the medicines nre. Frequently one botllo makes a great chano in tho system. Any person that enjoys ordinary health, by usinj tho Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake 1'ills occasionally, must get the digestive orrctm" in such ft healthy condition thut I thy become fleshy. I can produce a number of my 1 old consumptives patient now enjoying good he.illh i welching uearly 3HI pounds. 1 will conclude by relating three cures I have made in New Vork. anil wbik.ii are till different, and w'edi any one who feels en interest lu the imiltortj visit thnn. l'irit is Mis. rurlnir. retailing then M Mo. luf Houston street Her hiHl an'l euiled upon mc at my rooms. 32 llond street n:i I wished nio to coll and see her. lie said I could : do :io good ; "that he had had ull the best niedtcil Htlendance. and nil Enid ho was too far gone with ' Consumption to be cured ; but she had heard of somo great cures I had made, and be desired to gratify , her w ishc. I callkid, and found her lying confined . to Iter bed iu Ihe last .it age of bronchial consumption anil without doubt must have died soon. I examin ed her Imii;;., found both bronchial tubes very much , l iVccte.l, but no c.iviiies had formed, her cough ' v,a' very even Ihe -pit-In x was half lull of thick pus. 1'iilse I jo. leg swollen very much ; and worue titan all. she hud chronic ti'iiri l.cc.k. Her bowels hud 1 ef-,i moved eleven linu j that day. told her that she had I ttitirsj unouh to be cured, but that this diarrhoea bad been oflutig ianoii'.'T. and her stomach wni iu such n ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing could be ibjno. Mie insi-'ed I should try and do I ; whit I eottld for hi' oh-irkinj; that she could not ! lad ka;;. ill the 'oudilkm she win in. and 1 could not I make her cry wofie. I gave hvr first a dose of my Maudta1.. e Till?, and the tonic nnd vrup freelv. 1 That me on Tuesday, nr I by the next Sunday the di.nrhu- i wi:J cart ie I "lr. her appetite had returned 1 and idle con'd tit up in bed and oat her dinner, the ii:,v; well, ui.l g.ve a I t ctr'itictite, ceittlied to by the Ucv. lr lik-wi.in. M-'. Let '.liol 'hiev. , j 'VkSl ror!v-fif h jtrce'. ' cant.-to my ro'iiv.i wl.li a lunior on her liver. .Mie- ; was iow-spirited. Kui U udee, tkal.ue coated, huweis ' Coii, e. nu appetite, nod tu-; .'t.Uittg into the grave, j I 1 he s;nd tuue.r loid bkiii riiiiniiig i-ver I'oorleen i veins. I gav e her r. : . 'I .i.ie and Tills, and 'o'd !i- r lotuke them j'ut i ;Lc dii've;!otiS were .riii..l. I hiic came back to v tvoei. lhitld Sti'tei iu twj I , Wii-ks. iMiievkbut belter; iiir'.jtigue bad b'.';;un to j e'nut, u little around u-e e 1..' .'. bir.'kin wl.i.vr ni I j Ler eyc brigi-u-i .io 1 li.o ;uti i.r di-thariiM' very J ofTcimve uiktier. ii a, b f.-.U' then it had v wril-ue ! ; before. Stie kept grudtidily iml roving, all t in i.bol.l . ' two months tne cjii e to toy p un .iy uiiii.Ii fright. ! 'eued. saying tliilt the f.lluor lad liearly s'oppcl ' runtii",-. ;;i.,i was I'eilir- up. and that every doe'or , hai tol l her rl,;it if it ,. ..! ticiUd it would 'V..t;,elicr deatli. i told her tb it t.o. di. -a c had ail lu h.r ' systvui. ni.d natLrv vod iiv: I tie elcr e'. I iiey 1 ere i x lo. tiled, r. I h.-vv; bk-eti f r about n err ntid , nlit i- .i iuiirtv and rol.t.st n noimti l. voii ii,f ti in a d. 4 i.eill.- "no I . j;'.-. f for .-j.y t.iie to !t:s l i k anv one her. an I t.ikvs creat p heats i,.i.s nir, tii.t. ( l.i tl.k'Ul t e..n:v an 1 .-co .Scolivl 1. from M-ili:'o: i.oi e,e, nn.l r t s i .t lis. 1 he ntxt en... i Jim j ,1. '.Vi ii.. Mri. Iim hlouifW gjt :ii r u tn oi; t h.ia htn tr fincu 1 Ut lltT i.'j'trC. ' lU'tl r;Elf fitit VtJiai) tu U.V p-o'trl, slt'U w; i:u.c!i tiamial d Vii:ii a nu':isir.i; t--uA'h. it- ' lijii-; ia ji ni;.i,'J:i.i of i.I-..J . I et.ituine i hr luui J wi; 1 liuj ti;,u i-r. itL I .11 a'.i my pr u-tir nevr J f uiii I I'tj-i v u.''. - f:ir --(nu uini 'ho vilicr lui1.: ei :t;.l . I f u:i u- mu'. ii rT.c-ur-;r 1 tii' lit. i t hi. u tft.is mo ; hut lo !i:y rUW i-hiiifi.; :ho 1 ilihH.r.i' ; i;p, ..ciwcnl TvLO'. atti ; .nJialif l'ili.i is. 1 1 jiuiI I if -t rifchi i rurk. 1 lu:i;; i'i uil hulu'l er. lu i. ;:iv ity a Irr i ft ;,n, -i. j'ju-i uj-ptiiie, tiii'i iiplriij. ai.J ban! "ii.t.t M'luo liit: ty-lii p-juii t in wi;Ui. :; tj h. j a-.tuii.' c.'iih yvt. Mt.i'b i Ic in.t tr irk i!l .-. IvT b i'-r ,liiu-. I .!' . ii I t i it , k it r-'.-uld ha ..t rvitt : iiilt rt s: tu iLiu 1:1: i u 1 1 1 i '. v-ii' i'in o : i'.i lL jm Cii'f -1. purlKaii!t!!'!y Niia -.;ifcri t.'r iui ol l!.0!n vho have i.ri-n ourcj i my u-ifuiyiiiti. Tt..y r uuu. tjus in New Vrk"; bu: ihg Lt thrc t.; ui'Ur 1 fivu tj.?h viinr ; hrl f niy ij j'J;'.vl ary ji..iuf ; i::ti I rer.t-:H Iht nro. thfv aLutiM hao lit I "'t-niuuu Hiw auic.ca Uuw uto aoa bo ,tlv, , tuny h curwa. ; It. J. 11. 1 1 1 i eie f-i'. t (il 'li-j l;u..'Vi.-J dice, .Nv. i Nu,-:L tj.h I fjturJa-y.ft u i A. Ai 1 frt vt ciiuri?; Lu'. iv clsiircs ll.reo tiulium. .fir'-ct. '.'hii.!? lj -iu. vry lu;i' I t'. 11., lj .fit fcivt.' 1 t-! l;tu ruluitiwiv- ti,p and Svuweel 'i i'. S5 yt tMlle, or 5f tL half d iien. .'.1. reirke l':i! 'jj ?eiii per bvt, and ' is for sale bv all l'r o tJ lit.Uis. i Huy 14, t's.61.- !y iorllirrn 'cwfiiti iiaihva ! ; hS'..-V!E:a . J lis: TAIU.f. I llthtE TUAIS9 I A1LY u mi ' fr.u. HWcii ' aa l V isbir.il .n ri-v. j Conneeiijhs eidj i:h 'rsins en rt'sj'.v.Lia j . IUiliuj.l. I,, and frviu I' inl.ur and ih Vs. : 'illit: K TUAIN.s i;.t to ai d frvia too.Nr li and j ; We t Ih aLcb M.s.juil,M'La, Miuira, aid a:! of .orib- ' ; eru Ni-w Vork . j ON and i;.-r M'JNIMY. 11 A V V,..h. !',. ! ihe I'lesKiikr '1 rail ot the Northern CoLtral Huilway will nrriv at end depar trvtn Stulary. llurrljlurj and llu'.ti.'i ore as lollews, vis : 'J I T 11 V, A It 1' . j Mail Train leaves Saubur Isily ioice; ; uuilaj !. ' 10 '.'V A. V.. ! " leal t Hart istiu-j. Jup.il. 1 " arrirss ul i.tiu ..!. 4o ' : L&pres Traio, Uk.Toj MuLbuty tid'lt I ; tt.,t Sunday.' ' tl ii P. ft " Utku Itib-risl.vr ;vs.k!Kit j I il 'ii'liyi i I) 1. -M i i " criies at I'al: j-.vr daiJy t (es.'ipl Mnbdayi. T A. i!. j Ilarr'tf'-'tirr Acck,'i.uik,i-;.vU liuve Uirr.- ""V. 7 CO A. M. J eiunbury AeC':tuir.U''. n lear-jf Fut.bur ' da.ly i.tloejl .surds,. 1.1 " f SO A M ! I S'.'i.TIIWAr.T. lla'.i Trtia leave UuUi'i.ur. daiiy ! cert isjnda. ? . j 11 lea.'es i!.ir."i,l.i.r; 1 3i p. l, " ajrik . at ritii.l.i..-y, i OS ' ; Erpicsj Train leavos Italliiuor daily U iO I'. M ' arritr rt liurrisLurx, 1 iO A M. : ' lenv c llarru!)iir (txctpt ; Um,day i. J IS A. ?.!. arrikei kt .-i.i.btiry. i 13 Harjiavurg Aecomiuo l.itiuu leaves Harris burg, daily (wept Sun. lay) al 3 di P M ' arriv ej at llnrrisbiir', 7 iO P AI Sunbitry Aeco!iinnidiiiii.:i lraiej Harris. bur j daily (except Sunday) at 4 CO V M For further information noplv at th Office. I. N. DuliAnitY. tien. ISupt. Harrinbtirg, Juno 1 sf,. O S li () 11 iN vS CKI.KUUATKU 1'liEl'A HUD JAVA COFFEE, ir .1 li 11 A aV T E J) SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. 1Ti'u;edby first elnss fumiliej everywhere, and highly recomiiiciidcd for nervous and dyspeplio persons, being very uuitritiuus aud free from all deleterious substances, in tostiuiouT of which 1 buv certificates frrmi the most emminent Physicians in the Country. Try it, and you will be sure to con tinue its use in preference to any other. Sold at retail for Twenty-Five Ceuta per Tumid by First class llroeers throughout the I'mlcd "tutea. Ic-.i libvrul discount to the Trade. " Put up only by .mi l!! A. OMIIOIO, Wholesale? Depot, di Warren St. yew York. May 7, ISC. i. THM HED LION HOTEL. I (Lato Mrs. Doulton's.) I MARKET BTBEET. BUNBUIiy. PA. i JULIUS ARBITER, HAS taken this old and well kuown stand, and refuted and furnished th same is prepared to accommodate Boarder and Travelers stub the l est the market eau afford, lie hopes by strict attt ntiou ' to business to receive a shure of public patronage, i His TAliLF contaius the best ihe mat kel atlords. I His Par is tilled with the choicest of Liquors, both Malt aud Spirituous. Th stabling is good, and attended by careful , Ostlers. I Dunbury, April 30, lS64.ly j " HOWARD association" j . PHILADELPHIA, PA. , lAUrnsiest of I lit .ervou, Nt-mlnnl, 1 IJ k I innry nutl Nrtuul hi.leius- ' and reliable treatment in rcporla o'f tba HOW. I AKD ASSOCIATION sont by mail in eald letter envelopes, fre of eharr. Address Dr. J. EKIL. LIN HOL'UUTON, Aoward A-ootallkai, No. 1 H.-atli r.'iu'krHssrt FUlstaAi fa. 1 JV , TtlM II. II. !)IJiaHEK, Vttornry nt Iuv, Ht'NPJ'HY, PA. tj I lections attended to iu the eoiu,.iiM of Nor j Coectious attended tllull,blllllul (.uiou, bnydor, Woulour, Columbia ,1 i.v,i,, ' and Lyuuutinir. ttat'tna' ti IIoP. Jolin M. Reed, Fhlladeliliut, A. O. Oaltcll A Co.. Hon. M m. A. l'orter. " Morton McMichacl, Esq.. " K Ket.ibam A Co.. 2s9 Pearl Street, '.is Vork. John VY. Ashincad, Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " buubury, March 2'J, lSiii. J3IA.3srx, 5c dietzi LOWEH WIIARP, SUNBUET, PA. wIIOLtSALE AXD RETAIL DlALtR5 IM WHITE ASH COAL, in over? randy, Orders solicited and filled with, tiromrtncn and despatch. fcuubury, May 18, 18M. ly Attorney nnd I'otinscIIor At l.tivv, f lffice on south ide of Market street, font doors west of E. Y. llright A Son's Store, STJNBTm-y, TP w. TVill attend promptly to nil professional business entrusted to his care, tho collection of claims in Northumberland and Ihe adjoining counties. Sunbury, May 2:1, 1SM. ly j 1'or ttalsi, li-o, ItoiirlsPM, AiiIm, ltol ' llnsi, ItilliN in I'lirw, Hooleiii. Ac j t lns-t'tst on I'limts), ren!, AniiiialM, I A . Vut up in lee. Mo. nnd $1 00 Holes, Hollies and j 1 1aks. $;l and fe sizes for Hotels, l'ublic lu.iito tions, Ac. "Only infallible remedies kniwn.'' Kreefritn rois,,iis." "Not dungcroun to the Human Famtlv," 'Rats come (.ut of their boles to die' 3 vd'l holisalc in all Wife cities. fold by all drutrgis's and lteiaib'rs cveryw'urc ! ! ! Ill' w a fa ! ! ! of all worthless imitations. See that CiMturV' name ;s on each llox, llottle and l"la-k, before vou buv. Address b'aO. .'' f.. 'XT . It. l'rineiptil liej nt Pii'.adutiy New York. C. V Sol. I by ni, jVaulesaie end lieiail l'tuggists in Eui.ourv, i'n. Fvb. Vo. lf t - Ta Atf." ;'rf A 'vuFJK-tr 't I.r.vv. Office ef Ju'h ii le ef .V krt el s'r.'ft. f. '.tr doors we:d k.f UtfArn.li. Coatee i juti stors, vl'ill aiiki'd proii'Ti!v to nil prof.'s.icnal busir.e-s cntriiied lo bin e,,re. lite ellkC'ion of claim iu Svir liiumhcrlst.d end tee n.'j -M.ie nii-iies. Cot.su t.itiotis in ft vriioin and Kl'.LU. Sutj'.urv. Marcii ll. h.t.- Iv ;k-'S;Ri:ady hoofing At It-if ihnii Li!.' lie -u.t of tiu'rotfs. yvt J-f-Lln tbiu i'n . XAm h. &JI at V.KXbY HOOFING Fvr all kii.d uf tuiluius. in all climates. REAiY"iTonn:;r KuW. c!jai j. an I qi.-klr put -n. N'er! f Ma JJ Of s;.rl O0tl f.U. iv. .t.-i-,uiJ rwr.r. t RiiJ Cw.;vJ u;wp,i.t'.'r.V'H fi.h 'i' tru'W -trrproc c.uifira'uivu. ar 1 put up it: rw'.'j re-Jj f-ir a ig ictU .U, a. 1 i seat ! '..uf. T u.- i. 1 k! Tl h'.Ot l. llywl ekii.ipci ai inomdarLl k'ux oil p.i A.' rvr i.i.ivj '-oiDie iv''is, YTV..I fi'l fieu as :1s. -oat f a c? tol). r -"i.kki'w sl rlchiy Kwwa u4 t. ir?kllrS CM! 1.T i uu! .ln .'.im. ; I Favk,r.ulr-iii.i ibadealkb rupuu:ib!e pariins wbv ; '. buy li sell JI1. ! I.CAI'Y l'.'.n.riN J CO . I i M.iieu I.Rii. '. 1,. ; '. A.ril SJ. IS:i. ; SW.'-EXM.OSIVB- 1 PlUE CRYSTAL CARtiO; 13 iw:.t ri.cXACi;:.j. Oidors ail rk!ii prjieys .tvs..lvO. it. r."t.r'!iv. ft illiaiLirsjrt, Juts 2i. Ist-. prvprietKr. NiH.IlI'.lS:.'e ui:a--ciT. l:T rertlvfd a new voek f I- isbio laeiia fk.r )! ni c s .Its. r sij'ti. ot It.'ds. l;.-..-. Lines. lia.'.ets. Situous. Flouts. Nets. Iii.-s. Artiti'iil Dim. It'ssTed Lines, liut. liia... and Ib'i'ks. to .-Inch ihe aiteiiiioii r-t l "alers is particularly re.que.te-1 'r trr. Wholesale ai d l.oial'.. pureiuaily fliled aLi sCl,c:ib srarrau'.ed. JOHN KMI'I'H, Sed r.nd Wainul s.reets. Phlladulr b.tt. Fkibrary 21, Isot 01-1 LILLIES CHILLED IRON SAFE. It Only Bafo Heliablo aaxainat both Firo and Ilurglary. f am now prepared to furni.h three sites of Nation- .1 1, 1. k...,'d 'r'k. .... 1....1. I'i. 1 I' i.. I .1 uttusk nmc. siik ni w ,n.,u . il" su'i .'uriikr- prk,'f, with two disliwet inside Durglnr Salis. and j three of mv tew Anli-.Micriimrier Locks on each safe, believed to be the only bank-lock now in ue thut has not been picked or cuuuot be pieked by Ihe aid of the micrometer. 'Ihc'A Safes all r.-i-ii-nt fie.ir t.i six inches in Ibiekness ut' solid iron. L.onriiiiii.pd to be tho strongest, the most difficult tu drill and to ITIIK undersigned will sell at private sale, TVYr'N slitnd liie most ruristancu agi.ii-il lioth lite and' 1 1 Y-SIX 'lOWX l.OTt, .ituitte iu the borough of burglary of uny Sufo iu tho I'nited States of the Sunburv. '1 be lots art? Uk'i ;tii uithin a tYw tiuaris same tiie and cost. 1 have 011 hntid also, end will furbish all sties of Dunk Vault Sales, possessing all tho advantage. .f the above against burglary. Also, all sins of Mercantile Sufi both burglar proof and fire uud burglar-proof. Also, Oruiiuieulul Dwolliugdii use Safes, burglart proof, nud tire uud burglar -prjof (wurranled no damp). Also, the strongest and cheapest Ya'alt doors, for bunk and mercantile vaults. All lha above aire l.illte'j wrought and chilled ' iron. ! Also, six sites Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs. warranted txiual to any coiumou Sales, at fully oue- I imm less pric, A Iso, a general ai-sertiuriit of sseond-hafd Safes, many uf them nearly new, aud of ap r.Wvd ii.akHrsi received iu exchango lor Lillie's Chilled Iron Safes. Ihujo ur oflcred at or below aucliou prices. M. C. ciADLKK Agsnt. No. I'i S. bLU-NTH Stre.t. Jun 11, 1S64. SlISUUEIIANNA FEMALE COLLEGE, ! ki:i.ikc.icovi:, f.i.,.1. r r;, in. rl 'UL r all hessiou of this I n.fitulion commences ( IlilltaDAY. Al'ULST lsth. T!i Itim., neanion ou tne l7lHof ikuvciuber. TKUMS I'KU SESSION OK 13 WEEKS: For Boardini, Wo.hinif. Furnished Room Furl and Light, and Tuition in all the rezular studies of tua Lotiegiate lieprrtmeut, only (52 74. A liberal licducllon tuade in laiorof th Daughter of our Soldiers. Fur further partiuulm, or Cirouls.i. apply to 8. DOULK, Principal, BelinagroT, August (. 1S04 iuios. BLANK (Parchment Papa Dftds and blank siorl;uui, Hosids, Kxsrutiosks, tlaaitrwkfas, Sir sisks si l as (i. "Vmltury atasrtei ' su jisssi .auraasraaaTisKassaaajs Tlsr Aiinm'si Ilttnrrsiai t'ompnitTs C'lIVE MiTICE that they hiv eonclud- nr. f rnngementa with the Northorn Cei.tralllail roa4 t'ompnny to run trnins from llultimore for York, llarrishurg. Dauphin. Hiilifax. Trevorton, Suubary, Nortliumberland. Lcwisbura;, Milton, Muney, WU liamsiort, and all lutermedinte stations, connecting at ll.irrisburg with tho til'.liAT Wi;.STKU. EX IT. I cS for lY.tnuurg. C'iiicinntiti, .St. Louis aud tb West. Also with Howard 4 Co. Express at Milton or Ihinvillo, llloomsburg. M ilkesbarre. I'ittston. icran ton, and intermediate stations on the Cattnwiwa, l.nckawnnim ft Illomiviburg Railroads. At Wil liamsfwrt, by Howard ft Co. 'a Express lo Jersey rlioro and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co. r nnd their connections, for Canton. Troy, Elmira, Kocheslcr. lluthilo. Niagara, and to all accessible; points in V estern New York ami Cur-ndi, by which they will forward Mcie'iim,;;.,., m, N0t,, Jewelry, and Valuable ruokuges of every doscrip lion. Also. N'.,tes. Ilrafts and Hills fr Collection. Experienced and elrieient mcsscniruni eini,lo.l. i and every effort will bo made to render "atisfictioD. I Ji.HIN ll INGHAM. I Supcrinten lent Venn's liivision, l'liilwltdphik. H. A. 1 i.s(.'lll;il. Agent for Sunlurr. ! April. ISHZ. iMOf.. , rrrmyLi-nioiiIsi l(IL. ! THU CAM l'X AND AJrVA- AND I'HII.AMJU i 1'IUA AN I) TiiENTON U K. fO.'l LINES. rrom rliilu.i-lfihta to A rr 'n:i nnl 'iVny Vl,iret, rnm Wuhntt ttrrrt Wharf nnd h'enuntirt P'jint. will li'ttrt: a jltnu'i, vi: TxHtr. At n A. M., vin ''amden and Amboy, C. and" A . Aeeoii.ii.odntioii.) " $2 2i At ii A. .M.. via Camden and Jersey t.'ily. N. J., .ecnpMloidlltion. " 2 25' At H A. .d . via Camden nnd Jersey Cilv, (Meriii; Mail. I ' J otV AIM A.M. via Camdcu mil Jersey city 21 Class J ieket " 2 S At 1 1 A . M. via Kensington and Jersey eity, Express " ' 3 OC At 12 M. via Cuniden and Amboy, C and A. (Aeeonimodation.) J.v At 2 I. M . via Cum len and Aiulsiy, C. and A. Express. 1 " j jes At .1 l'. M.. via ICeii-'iitou and Jersey City, Wii-h. ai N. Y. lixpri-s- J 0k) .V ot IV M . i in Kensington and Jersey City, i Evening Mail. I " J i) At Hi I'. M. via Ken-ingto:. r.n 1 Jeriev ci'.y. S Of At 1 inulin vm Kfiisiii.i.n ana J'.riT t:ty Sunlicrn K-vi-uvi " 0i. At i V. M.. ia t-'uni'Icn iiii't Ainhoy, (Ar-om-niu'tut'ftn. l-'riht uni 1'iwot'npir, Kirn CI iim Tifkikt. J i. l'r W mim ti.tp, Sinunl-hur. r2 Tiint ri, Wiik" I hnrr .Vntiiir'i'i', tiff.t lici.'l. A.c, at iS A. M... ! from Kvii-i'fcU'n. in Jiflnwai. LacVawmmn ni luiiln,-..!. . Fur M in !) . noi.k. APtT.'tiw n. PftMr'arm, Iitli j 'lore, l-.ti-tim. I.:tti.l)rt illv. i'lrmiiitoti, Ac., ttfl, A. .M.. iVt.ni K't'ijiiiuriuii L'cpu., un.t t -fl 1. M. ! lnm WiiSiiul -iiivt't Wharf. (Iht C A. if. I. inn f.iiui with Train leaTicy Kwii n f -r Mriu-'h i.liunk. .t .'i-J'i t'. . ; KrM .ui.t 11. ;!. Mt fi A. M.. li ami 4 P. M. . 1 ur Kr-jt'Iil i. nt r A. M. hi.1 2 1. l. j W . , F.r rtr'j'. !. TrfiM'.ii, Ar., t 11 A. it J 2j oni , 5 i M. tr..iu l.iiii:..-t.ii, i I yr rtii;ivrL', rt '.tl.inru, rri'r'T, l!ur. 1 linf.jii, i li.it4.':T. U'.u9lilww.i. kc. nt 1. 1, 2, t ; :..n1 0 1'. 1 tv' ' L'r s,,'w Vurk. an ! W:iy Lint-" haviD Ktn ' iti-r dsn laki liiM i.arrf mj i 11. h ft reft, ib.-( J V. jiii.ut. ti li a.i liutir '.n'1'..rn i-i urlurv. 'lhtiCui . run iittu tut I "put. Hutluii.liM irrival uf ftoh Tmiti,. run fmin il:t l'-....t. ; i ili ' '.".n t- - I T.I ;: (? .'I.!;.1. falluwol ra-.U p!i-:u;cr. l'rtriifi- in- pr'-hiuui d hum takiru; i" tl !ui iiu..i; i.;v r'.i ;!j-tr --f rifiir iipi-iarel. Ail ! "n t!tr Ii.ty p.-ur.-li t" ho p-ihl f ir fxtru. Th- Cuuii.uiiv liini ia-;r r.Jp"iisihilay hr hiii;i;uf tu '.'nr t'ui.m tr pfinitl, t:i' I .Mil hoi be liuhlu fur uti f : aiauutit h '.u4 $100. -.t rpt i v i.tu-bl C'-ntr-i'M . i M ll. UA iMKlt. A rnt. j JiitiuarT 3sVAf.KV.I iTRL'KT. IIA.'lKIJiSl'n'J, ?A... I I 'tjtr !o i V I A N () S . f "V1!.' K'nrtwr..; i'luiu- frc-rn tho bft rua)irs .1 trwic J. .''1 ii'ivjir-.i". ! iM:i."i 1-.'ins. -iht- Knt j'.in:f.ri:fa Ln!rr- ! nirli'i P-. I4J S4.mo$I:0 . tjiuiinr.i. : I m;. A.-r l' "it-i. I'!1!'' . 1 , i 1 , t'rti 'i ,'.t:,jt.. i aiti'.ttriiisl V:aiir, ninl ' iii'iiv vli in,; nri-1 mti-.i ;al mop uhat.siiatu in iit r:il. u.iu 1. .iV iri 01 mi unit . OVAL, .-isilAT-i:, jU.T A Nfi UOSKWO-jrr u 1 Lie fwr jiX vz !.irT-i. auJ sit k'u lf of nielnre A lli.c t ,l v( i tit plated L'?'", ' t . kj L..s.si;.s, fr,.tj (.lualleM tki l&rvkst si. A ut S' v Iti ,f fr;a, ion'1 :o or t-l at the .hartn.1 notui. ' M. KS K.'lii:, April 11. I iil. M Market si . llurrisburjf. ."1. . . I.!'!'. .4 ?S 51 JJ'."'si . A , i 011ICCtiCilCrVi 10 j and JXJX-r ti'TOFLT-J. y$:-r ti .'tis ft;, r-csitlrui)', .,;.i:a:;:f Ti'i.i:KY of ai.i, kim)?. i-'iifir, ic. ,v-., ("I'JV.eTAXTLY on I hi I nt d fr Mile at the aSovo M;:.:i.;iUJ1?Jlt R; w i,. ttiuu and retail, ut rea..ri- I ttOtw priCrii. lis is lueiii.f-.c'uritii; all kinds of C. iifeiti.tnarin .o.iitj'uit a tutt a-,'r'U.e(:t wlu-h rates. lob"!.'.'. Sijf. m, S'a'ikTerv. Xn- S'.dd nt lk. "'n'l kinds, and men!.'.; M.r r-.!-.e, nil i.f w huh re k3ire.l W bull! . I'd I , l. -l . i' Kr.riia..vr .li? i i'tiu ii. i i !ae. f 1 V iir..till.'.;.l, .ri.oi, Z duer. we,if J,. V. il.'ili Se,t,' Varks Store bl-rv YASiiIMiTON IHtlSE; v.!.! I Cormr 1 f Market Spinre. - a:n, .. -.Tl-ed r-lT'ecfrLMv Inf-.rms lb,, nnt.li,.. 1 th lha. liH ti ss taken ehari-n ..f tl.s Ml.,..s n.m.l ll"l"i, a, 1 u.,1.. , r th,. eeiitiniiMico of thn former p.i'r .i.sn and would invite all others to gir. him IMS TA in.:-: i:i I'viti-tifj !i,a with the b.t tin, i-.rk't arTk,rd. Iii lUr et.ntaiLs tl : .b-.icesk li'ii,'i. and hi, ,:r-- '' ' s""d Sl. i alien lrd bv careful tMUrs. . , .VICIIAM. W il.VtKf. M'Ml ry. April. Id. 1m,4. J. R. HXlr&aSH, 4 UllOly Slt.'t.y,;,- ( uiejilUt'tT, Mttlmnou, Xvrtitumiitrlitxd lUnn,tv. Vnr.'.i Oif.ce in Washington township, bu made bv letter, d. reeled t Kngugeuients cau to the 1.1k.. 1, uitilrM. AM bu-inrss en. rusted to hi, care, will be pruuit'tlr ! attended to I April !, Is.ti4 1 ' ..... . iy lois roils i .tea? IOIS a.l.-:, ol the rer.iisy.vaina K.ulti r.d t ompanv's Mnchin Mn.ps. in Lie northern pert if the town. Thevars a:i ruitable builiing lols.i inula in the not pleasant portion of the liorough. They will be sold on rea sonable terms. For furl bet particulars apply to l'l.TKIt It M S.-1 V 11 II. .MA..Kll. FK A.Nt'IS DI Cill'it. fiunbury. Juue I It, Iff.4 Liecuurs i O.M.Lai MAN. a." M. ' ViitaeT IMPORTEKQ WINES AM) LIQUORS. I A! Mi A SAI.l.tl.t:, No. llicvaih 'kiiilh Sin-id. between Chesnut and Walnut, PHILADELPHIA. -MayT, la6t. .viakks:;:. Evi'iiS-r ir.ni.x i ti: l it 1:3-7:1:1: As Improve! f.r 159 and 1-tlO. Ily E. KLTCH AM i rn , 0.9 pf.; - , xPW y.-.rk. rl'HL only I re-czer eon-trueted on M'leniiuc rrin- 1 ciptcs. won n revoii ing can and spring Mao wi'h n rev i.vi . 1 tie 1. tl. u.i.-lk .is ... trek ztngol 'tie cieuui- 1 tie 1. n. h.T.-ik the other removes it 11. fust as froien The meet rapid in fiieting. with liio lea.t quantity cf ice. The most economics! incust, as it is the most simp! and durao'.e iu slructuro. Fur sale iu all ttie f riueipal cities and towns in th I'lion. Kach Preeser aceumponiti with a book of raeifot and full directions. PRICES. I quarts, 11 OS 4 quarts, 4 CO t quarts, - 00 8 quarts, Oil 11 quails, B 01) )0 quarts, 12 00 AprW to 17. B M4.f I, Paorivr, r kTaSek , Wl 1: