Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 14, 1865, Image 3

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    ' H. 13. MASBKR, Editor ft Proprietor.
BtliVBRT, PublUher.
i in tiv, PA.
SATURDAY, .UXUARyT4,7805. ix PiTTsnnto.'-Tlirns
nro 'iOitt; n iiuiiilur of nlnl tkrteM In
i'iltslmi;, :it iui.-. mi't, tlio- very bust
irt'i ut lct in ;i fiimiK'itil point of v iuw.
Mosl of Uictn lire willing lo wnrk, mid oino
licni vnliiit, i.itizoiis, ii.icnd t jirnviilo tlii'in
v itli jiU'nty of lulmr. Sunn; of tlii'in, how
ever, mv.iiiiiil for lulor, ninl i-immit tni
jiorl lliiMii?) Ives. Tliiir I'nudition i pitiful
in tlio I'Mivine, mid iinli'm aotiii' I'liiintiiblt;
citizens lo fointlliiiiif fur tlirii' relief, tliey
will Iihvo a very html time of il. If the
fiirmers, who during the spring will wi'tnin
ly bo in wm.t of liutitl.-", could lio induced to
"tuk mime tlioso who tiro lit for uLuii', lieside i
providing for tliciimdvcii, tliey would confer
11 grunt benefit on linn; rel'uaiia. )
The inm-rlad monitor Mnnhat'itn it in New Or
leans, the first o this class of boa's that has made tho
passage IV.. m New lork to that city.
?loral ft fairs.
- . .
fif ill" IlUhopof the llioceso is expelled to od
iniuinlcr the Kite of Cniiniiiinlioii in tho F.pisenpnl
Church ol this place, oa Friday evening the L'Oih
'I'irT.jnii' Instititk. The Teachers Insti.
'.'lit enicli uitt at Milton, on the 27l!i "It., was well
attctded. and the pmoc Jiling-'q lite iiileruatlng- The
iic.vl meeting will bo helJ t .-hauiokiii, In November
';. Thu follow i arc tho olliceri cue-en lor ihc
viiuing year ;
J. LLP, President.
J. V. Kel-ey nlnl S. Work. Vice-Prcs'-Knli
Ch.ulc.- 1a?-Iiit, S -i p'tnrv.
II. Wnldron. Ti iL'iuir.
'-We in ito tho attcntinn nfnnr readers In tho
mlrcrlist-uii-iit nf r. t ple (.raft". In aunt her column.
Toe I'oelnr h:i had experience for inor" th ilia qiiar
' tor nf n eeiitni v in the prailife of Surierv. lie in.
viles M who need trentuiiiit of llie, I'.ye. Kur. te.,
to git e him a cull.
t'Atteiitioii isdireeled In llie Curd nf Jnu. K.
Heller. Fsip. viho nll'ers his serview t" citUens and
comniiltees nf llie sub-ilistrii ts. In a-risl In lillii g
up iluir .te Mr. H.'IIit wiiohw Imd enlifi-
I r ibl" i xpeiieiii i' as clerk in llie Provost Mnrsluil's
I fliee. will, nuilni.i.t. be nt.le 't render valuable a.-1-sitrinec
t. nil who limy e.ill nl. liilil.
i'j Pi.livKti Tiikv lliniiT. Th" Mi'ltiiiiiiii siv
"i.e iii.hl bil wevk ihree nr four yneng men nf this
Ivirouirb nnd Chi!i.pitniiie 1nwti-hii, e.ineln.led to
l:g'ili.i the 1 ii-mi wt ol Mr. ,l.i". ib WonMver nc;.r
l'"'t.-gr.n-. They ubitt. :i iuiino r nf Tuikies. in
eluding snliie Chiekel.s. The ra'ii's iu rt dcteeted.
nnd ennipeiie-I 'o .ror;re the Hl-nttcn guin-nr
p.iy the filthy In'ere tor them. We arc ii':'"i lin .1
that one nf the Turkes eiMt one of tho p:n ia, Llie s:uu
ot eight dollars.
fjf" I'KltsiiNAI.. Col .1.1'. S. tin! .nflhe ITtb
lleis't. Peini'a Vol.-.. mo I l.ieut. Win. M. Ili ii.lri. k
of Co. C. nf Ihesrllne regiment, luriveil holnv at ibis
i:iee. a few ilavs ag n furlough. Tl.o Lieuten
ant paid us a vi-it nn Thur.-i 1 y. He looks hearty.
i:. J ;jivi" .-.mmI remrts .it the bov of On. C.
C'.l. I. .but i,-!.o on.- l.iiei.v .ioi: ole 1 to Colonel nr
llie regiment, ww r hi.-, honors vwll. The Cole:.-1
entered the urn. y ohen the ribelliiui fir-t brok-oul.
s M-cniel I.ieiitenanl nnd lltroiiih uieritorous con
duct has gradually mc tn his pre.-eut ptisiiinn.
1! A laborer mi Iiittv A Co"sseetion. near tliire.
town, iva killed on Friday week lu-t. by the falling
uu him .of some earth. ...
fx The reuiaius of Mr. .lames lltmy. nfCo I.,
:Wih Hegiiiient I'enu'a. Vols , were brought to lhi
pls...i f-r tiilcron-iit. "ii Thursday hvt. Mr. Iluny
vrtu a line ynuiu a brac s .l.lier.
jf-ill, .1.1. 1 1m Mo li i .T OliliKII. The fidbiwiug
ilupnrtailt order Inn' been is.-lled by M ijor 1'mle. to
the Iii-ir'n-t l' Marsh. .1.-. rcliitho to the .itoias
to'sigued to the lii-trii'l.-i under the ri-ei-ut cull for
lit, ."' I'll -I r.-'i :! .1- in I m. 'i :
iiimi I ni '. . i'.i.Miii i Wkst-
'!: N ' V IMON ..; I I v .. ,
'I IUIIIMii . !' . .lull. 11. Itvi... I
'. ' , ,. ..., . ,, It- iree:io.. r.-eoived from
i It Vrt ...-1 1
tli'-.I I.ilii ,.l:.i.. I
.mo :mrou: . -' I.. ilo
letter linm th'- nlli.
hereby r. peilltd.
II. Till, llie ll'-firl Vilnius II
. Mil .. llcei llli.. I lSl h. l-lil
Iblru'i l'r ..i"t M ilnls I y
il'ti 1 Hieeinber l"l!'i. nn-
N .-vv iniota
will b, a--:;;.:-il n.-i. re-eiol ol 'ho
Ciirt-.-tel i.-nroblli--"! u. i I "vctnliiT III. which
rlmulii i i i .ii .led 'n .iieili ly .! d i
.'.U il. I. lii'Ul.r,.
... A. f M. !eu"l
A . ,-i IIKKI.KII. dint, nnd A. A. A. !
iff The Iria' d K.I ward It. l;li-.l.- br Ihc lour
.'.er i f Mrs. Chal.ll. r!,"o. wife of I'haml . i l.ii.i
i.l ,-Niamiikiu toivti-hlp. on the 2tlh of Sepn-'ubi-r lnt.
1 waturdnv aftirnooii. n-.i:'. "i oi-.H-k.
and re-nlted in tio . i-vietion of ih
. - i
UM'tl, Oft
l.iiirdoi in the ti.- deiMco The ti-.-'iiii.ii.y a
i-toscd nn l;.i toy alnit In A. M.. when Mr. I.awson
. i. to. '. e'i ll i fill Ibe Mirt nf llie Col.'ln.Mi-
'illll. He IV.'H fii'lowi-'l ntl tbe l.nrt nf tb" de felieo
l.v.i. ii. Pin-: -l -ti.-liin W Cnnily. -'.-.. I!.
y.;,..;il F-i..nn e ol. -In lei on bo n:..-' of i'i
a-..-. . ni i..,i. hi .-I I !. M . oh Su i.V , . I on do
.i :.;l .-.1-1 -..-l 1 . Illi v n "I' i'eio c n .1 'Hi.
c'i'i rg.' . I a ii 1 v i i ' i ' 'l Ilo I'-iiiii'ol.y :l i.i .-!.';.
ili- inm. 'I i. -i.. -!,.- .. He- conn- -I in b"l:i -i o
were mile and elo I'l.-ut. and everv i'llirt wa mu le
'iv Iheioiin.-il nftbo iiuforti'.iato prisoner t. ave
1. im from bis impending f.ti, . ,i liie'ebiek P.M..
the up 1 tin- I 'our' li. u-i: bell nj I ami'! tho
roleuiii silence of lb" oigl.t. it sent a thrill throiigri
many a brcu.1. and tho court hi.u-c was umli filled
bv an enirer crowd, anxious to bear tho result. The
I ede. alter u minute nr loo of noxious suspense,
I '11 th' j iry th"' he bad piirliculiirly statod to liiein,
that II.' y i.iu. t find the ikcu.-cJ guilty of murder in
.. he fust degree, or elso acquit him. They had found
Siiui f uiliy of uiurder in the Second degree. The
jury again retiree'., and about 11 o'clock, the boll
, aguiw announced that tho jury bad agreed upnn
(In ir vrdict. and the result was as above, a verdict
. of uiurder in the first degree. This verdict, (hnugh
not unexpetsteJ ftethe first, was received in sol
emn siln;.. c The (ic used lifter Ihc niiiinunccu'ciit
uf tl.trl ver.lkl. c-Jiibiii'l h nervou-muM iuitu in
contract aiib ln .'iruie. sloleal iudiflercuco i.u ou
iler ftrsl aduaiuihl Liul, if it did Imt foretell bis
eomliig.djin, wliii-b it. I.lljun nn hour ai.uounccd
thai hi da. on earth utre ouuiLerc I
His -iium'1 uiovcd for a an' li"i which will
. Hrgued,liii 'Falurtlayl inoruing.
ilo tnuiu.c the ra 'c vr.i all ci.cuuuiluiial
Ibat w'btoli.r.e'btMl most agaiusl tlM' aeeuaed,
w te li.ip.-rMt of tho ..! of a ooot on louthcr
trunk, in tie Ibuo, which bad been broken open
nnd rU'd1ou ahitli as iaiu u tn-repionl v.;ii
tho jiiJ li acuwod iu the lows and position o
.he uails ditt l-j',A imprint. This in oonuovtion
with previous threat 'hat he w ould kill tlie dcveitsod.
was no duubt.liie tuiuu'iui that induced bis couvic
liun. ICuie ruu ro;.i.t-PoX. Kvery n r.Jcr of j.
I hi Amiu is-bwdi4 .sesert tlie following recipe j
.,r tci.'ii'i.' c, u .s.aai.f luriMty. It U vouebed
for by the iai"t)jrl (iio.) trNHHrl . rule i ore.
I. H i- llie p'li.'ie.wi iiw i'ioupooiiiuift 01 a u.iiuvv
Imp yes.t aui Kater stvxcteMul with ukjIhssos so u to
l.u palMUUc. csUil part of each three time a day.
liit Boiled riceaud.iuilk, and toasted breaj niou
tciiod with water, uidiW ithout batU. Fat no meat.
,;ivc culuip Ua as often as llu saiieat ia tbiraty.
I.iio pbysie wbeu, iiocesMaiy. 'li tbe aboie treal
mvut U kric'.ly fujluw !. u uurlsr tuiall-ua ''
ty Ton Quotas. Wo learn that no definite quo
ta hat Jot been assigned to Pennsylvania, by tho
authorities at Washington, and consequently the
quotas of the different districts have not been fixed.
Tho boards of enrolment throughout the .Ntato hare
been notified to lend on correct copies of tho enrol
luent. with an account of how former quotas have
been fl".ccl, (he credit! on the mine, Ac, and tho
new quoins will then bo assigned. This will bo good
news to the people of Pennsylvania.
iV " AunifftTfiiAi.. From tho Nuycinliet circu
lar of Isaac Newton, Commissioner of Agricultural,
wo glean the following tablo, giving the quantity nf
tho various klmlj of grain, Jc, raised In the T'uited
Slates in I.W niul 1&AI :
1 Wheat,
i ''".
i Jtarli',
! lints,
in.71 (i.:;ir- i
liW.iuiii.tiill ,
.vm.iMs. i.ui I
li'7.4i.s.a'jj .
IS .7uil.Mli !
llH.2,"iH.rif-S I
Iitidtes' Furs.
The largest assortment nt CltAltl.l OA Kl'illlli
A SONS. CntitinentHl Hotel, 1'hilinli'li'hia.
Nov. 12, IKIS4. ,'lm
Hcdiicino; our currency to thu Hold stnnd-
' aril, Aniericii is only fp-iiilinit us mm li in I
wur lime Knglmid is on her pence en- j
' t.ihli.Hltuielil. j
' ! I III ,
MJI'Oli l'A.Vr TO I in: 11 111. i-.
Tka Correction of the Enrollment.
rp'l K of Ihc National Knrnllini'iit Is of
L. toe tirst iinihirt.iiice. W here It Is vxccwmvc
until arc increased and iiniuil hurdens itnnosed.
I The Hoard of Knrollincnt desires the co-operation of
all citixens tlmsv who are lint liable to draft as well
! as tlin.-e who arc in an effort to secure its reduction
j to the proper standard.
In a mailer of this kind, organisation is what is
1 w (illicit to insure success. F.vcry Town nr Township
' should nt iHicc constitute a few of its citizens a Com
: mirtec to attend to lis interests, The Committee
shmilil be required to sec the preparation nf evi
dence ,ith a iew nf striking frutii the lists the names
nf men in the service, those thu1, have removed from
llie District permanently and il. good faiib. and those
, Hint are licensed, as well as adding the names of
. persons enming into the District to reside, such as
: iuive arrived at twenty years of age. nnd any that
may have escaped enrollment heretnfnrc.
' These w ill be stricken u(f mi the c.orl ideate of the
proper enrolling nlticer nn ihc uflid.i it nf turn i-ili-y.i-ns.
slating the time of dealh as nearly as txissihlc.
! Cmnmilti'cs will please ennliiie tlu-ir attention to
1 such as have entered the service otherwise than
through thii nlriee. lltal'led lin n in service, sulx'i
'uites and vnliiiiloors eiiliite.t here are luken from
; tmm the enrollment as a matter of cniirs.t. The
' Hoard will strike off the iiaiiitf of enrolled per.i.
alleged to havu been in llie si't-.iee upnii the sworn
stat"iueiit nf two cittxens. git ing the enmpany and
regiment in which the parties may be --ei vintr. the
date anp pluee nf mut-lcr. and such nl her facts as
uiiiy suggest themselves. A .-peeilii-ulinii nf at least
( the rivnnenl aiel tlie time nt muster, as nearly as
can b.- ascertained, is essential.
All persona who have removed permanently and iu
) gond iniili fnou the Db'ric. or from one Town .r
! Town-hip in the District In nnntliei, will he sn-ken
nff uu the application ot two citixeus whose sworn
; statement nf the time and maimer of removal, to-
gi-iher with ihc present rosidciicu of Ihc party, if
known. .-?.L.ald be filed.
tvo kaus snivicu.
Thus.. Ib-rt l'-i e served two years In the present
w--r arc entitled to hi- .-.irickeu olf The -liMdiargo
of sneli with an oath nf indetiiily is su.-ii. Where
the ilisi-harge is iniicocN-ihle for an,. vrn"l reason,
iidiilnvils making nut clearly the fact of si ;-vicc for
that p-i iml of time w ill be received. The nrgtiuici
lion of dates and mu.-ter in aud out sliould not be
. niiiiued.
i OVKK Olt I'NDKll OF Ai.K.
j Persnns whoclaim to beKtri.iken otrnii a'(nutit of
; J being over 4.'i or under 2(1 years of age must bring
j tlieirnw ii afli lavii. station il. ,lny ol' their birth.
' Wlicrc tlie parents ore living sfn.lin i ij. ..
reipjired. In case the parents arc dead, the ufli
. din it of the uni'licunt must state this fact, and then
: tlu allid'ix it of any two reputable oil xcds. stating
I that thev know the mini and believe his statement
to be true, will be received. In suppir! of Ibe lore- i
i going e idi-iiee. any record evidence, public or pri- j
vaie. that uiuy be in exi.-tenee. iir.vf A.- prut urn). j
Wlicrc iht-rc is Ilo r.icord evidenue. ibe illlldavits '
I should set I'orlh the facts i,l ill uoii.t-xislciicc.
A I.l KN'
' Tbcy luiis-t file an affidavit setting forth the .Into !
' nml plaeu of birth : tho irl at which they were i
I lauded, as well as tbu time ; their several places "!'
, resi'lvoi-e -inee iu this country, with the li-nirth of
I time at eiieb ; mid that ibey uei.-r have tiled a:
j ilecbiratinn of iltleli'.i'-n to bceolne eili'-ns. !mr hav.; j
o!t.l nr altelnpt''''l t'i vote at any eb-etino iu any I
State. Ill addiiioii. the nll la it of iw.i ri-.-peetable '
; ci'icl.s. not thentselt ei. aliens, uni-t be tiirni-l.i.l j
j whne tii'y that they kii.ov loe afplii'-iot In be a
mail i-lit ill i. t lo cleiit, mi l belii i e cttileluelit to
l.e tiuc.
t The I'o.irti is allow,-,d to strike i-fl'. lor ;
, i f.tttiiftit filttt't'-'tt tfctlittlt. Ii i- tlnpo ibie ti ,
I it-. I.- i'.I.-i lerm any plainer, 'llie iuin-iiiiiies for ;
. v !,;,-li 'be Puiurd are permitted Ii. strike nlr, inn-l be ,
bolii tititi'ift .7 and iiffifiiiriit. T'i ise ib-.-ii ing l.i j
. be "Iriekeu oil tinder ilo- li'-a-l tilnml.l v. in tt r-
' aii . 'I'lil' Surgeon .o ine t.-on' .. ;i-pla:li-d 1
' ill In-line it ini'iiug nn opinion to 'he I ..r.i !
', Pl-illSiiXAl. APPKAKAXt-K. i
Tli' vhii tiling i xfhiptioii li.r t yrni - n vii r.
wr'M uii'ltT H.'. iilit ! ui ami p!iMc! 'Iwal. Iiit
pl 'HilJ tippfnr in mt-mi. I!ut ti i' h i-o-try uX'ttr'i.!i;.ii
he .'iii'ii tin In id i . u,.' ...! i
WM-tiiM-n i iHTintiniMiiiv iui'1 iihii.iit iu -ii-; ; i
, , , . M' . An nntir.l .1...,,, , I ..........
i i ; r
i (iiitiiiu c.t'iniUttu uu t;e. ct) . hti i
riii'i;. WIu-h il I jinititMil( t'.ir piirty .' lu.-
ini; ft'iiilinii Itir miy cnuie hi uppear. In .-It'iu't; !
t'oiiii. An iippli'-itioii in hifi ili.M-iii vt rt-
KuMiibli cKrllrt; (tr liulfilU tlilaiitia, in L'tiu ll lied
v r..:-i Jiini
A i'"'i f tin ti;rilii.t i l tut. y nl-' rit i'i 1 1 ilitiite tiinl
iuri tnv uurli ol' rmnniHi'f !.- t he i'ui-
i '! it'v It i in '.v rt-i' r i mt .4 J , . , ;
I li.'i'tii. duly diiitiit.ti t i u.i..itiinl,. l
.tl" :y- 'i'i'i- 'itfl' irti hH" Hot IlM-lit'lplu fuillitil 1
.ii'tn' limn h iiij;t,i copy lo it tow tvhip. '
tso Koitii n llie prcjH'til ilr-.ti ii i-oiiiplrlri liu- .
Uotirti of Kiiroltiiu'iil, w piirt u( it. will vij'il flit I
fcvTiil cuiiniy m'iiu uf On' J rict. for I ho parpo.-u 1
of itirrt-v'ih ihu I irl.s. )in pnlic mt of thu liiiK
1 of v'-iiin i-H'-h eoiinty mill heivon. 'J'!it uitizeim '
i ine urz' i to li il'l lliviuiii'lvt. in r'ii.iiiiefs lo uUeml. j
t l'lTrvm of MiiliMc Hjf tho-iu nfllirtcil wi'h pen. .1
I m uiIimi lit, thtwe tiuit tiHL' Mi two veiuV mt-
viit. nl' D- hi id all otliers who en ittU-mt VhouM he
urfl to tlo . 'J hiii 11 faithful 'Hrt on the prirt of
tip M..r i of Knrollniont to-oh(uin nreurntu liMi,
Hiil fhoulti be in el with a eurrc.'itonJiiijj npirit by
C'oiiiiiiitti'pH iirel not wait until the Hoard
(Niuiilief, hut chu vifil tlie liuurU here at once ii they
pee pnipvr
Where U d. -!red lo bavc a person enrolled alio Imj
t-scaped enrolluiciit, moved into Ihc lowusbip. or he-
iK.-nir twenly olio yeum ot nife. application in writ-
inX suoula l.e i...iuc ijy one or more ciiik.-us. 'Ihc
state'ueut submitted by theiu sbi.uld should givo the
lull Illiiuc. ll0. iK-cupallon nl.ij place ol On ill of tho
man lobe enrolled, iu well u Ibo pl.K.e of residence
of tbe iiit.ninniit.
Tim appmprialc U'lVerHmonlJ.-t.iuips uiusl bo n'cx
cd to all.altida Us.
Tbe Hoard is insirocted to say thai if lheopmrtu-
uity now t rriN't enrol I menu is iieL'Ieeled.
no atic-nlinii will iu future bu : - i cci.iji.aiuu
uUo.! c.ceri i 'iotas.
Captain and I'mvoal .'l'ir,lml
1'. R. WA' iONSKl.LhU.
Iii: a: ijCaiitkiic, Phiivost Maksim l, ' )
J'ourl'tiilk Jlutittl, J'iiim'u., J
llarrUburg, Jan. 7, lstll. t
gunbury High School,
TJ I.L. re-open in tbe old Uuplist Church on Ihe
' i. .... .. i ..-I ..
o. V.UU.IJ. .us wiiihi ui iiuiruoiion
r-iLCj all the Iwunchca tuuirhl iu Auadtiuiea and
Si-uiiiiunua i-t'the hijVe-l irrudu.
Ji;ult i'l'i! -Iu-" t'' 21 tt hKKIJ.
I'm Laruagos i.neiciit aud uiuJi-rn Uiilud-
Ing all otbci biuililics, lt Ud
Nalurul sl-ioui-ea, Algtbra.liioinciry.
Auvaueed Urmmar,lioi'iiapliy: i.olory. ij., 17 00
KuUituuuU of above, 14 lit
Primary. 12 00
lueiduulul enpeiisea, im
Tuitiuu payable uuarUily in advance.
iu detluoltuu ulade fur loai time.
Pupil, can cuUrat any limn, aud will only be
charged Irian tbe dale they eutur.
For further particular, apply tu the Principal
L. V. liOHUACll.
Suiilury, Pee. 21, ll. U.
riilliKlrlphfn Ac ! Ilnllroiul.
nHIS groat line IraTorsea the Northern nnd North
X west count lee of Pennsylvania to the oily of trie
on T.akc Krie.
1 1 has been leased by the l'l-Miojli dmii Kiu.osJ
Cnmpativ and hnnrra'"d by them,
itaeniim b-ni'li was opened for pnsaongcr and
freight business. HcUiber I7lli. IHT.l
Time of Passonp-r trains at Sunbury,
Leave Enjlwirrd.
Mail Train, arrives , 10.5 P. M.
Kliuirn Kprrs Trsin. 11 .(ft '
l.ock Ilavcn Aocominoilatinn, iH.;io A. M
J.eave Westward.
iMnil Train. 4..'i,i M.
Kl-nira Kxprc.- Tiiim, ..20 "
l.nck llnven Avfeioninofliitinn, 4 L", J'.
Wllllntusport Accnmin ( I i 1l.;'i '
Ps'scnger cirs run tlir'..ii;;h n Mill Tniiii, wit' our
change bollnvays between Philaiklplibi mid l-.rie.
in 1 lJiillliuoro and Krie
Klogant Sleeping Cars on Mail Ti.Jos ! I.
wnvs between 1'hilnilelpliiii and Jioek llnveti. i.'.d
nun on r.iinira-r.Npr".s trulli "o'll wus Hem ecu
M'illiamspiirl nnd l.niriinore.
For infnrinnti'in respecting Pus.Heiier business
apply nt .:mh and M'irl!.. St., philmloliibin.
An 1 fir I'lcifrht business ofllieCntupniiys Agents,
S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. l.ltli ninl Ainrket .-it.,
.1. W. Kevin.lili. i:ric.
J. M. Urill, Ajjcnt N. C. 11. H.. I'.nltiinoio.
11. 11. llni sTov,
lien'l Freight A gl. PliiliiJii.
Jl. W. l issi:ii,
Uen'l Ti. kel Ag't.. Pbilada.
IonkI'II 1). Potts,
lien 1 Miiiniger. Willliniisnnt
b c. .11.
ti 1
IJfjotogvapl) exttllrvirrj.
N"S. 7tland ?H AI.C1I PTHKHT.
Dee. IT, ISrtl. Am
invali r a:
I U O X I N Til K II f. 0 nil
Il Is well known to the ini'dicnl pro.'.- '. a :i..:.
IKON if Ibe vital Principle l.i'e F.lemeiit nf the
blond. This is derived chictiy frnui tie lo"'.l we i'
but if tho food is not properly digttfte.l, 1 1 it', fiiui
any cause wbntever. the neeessaiy iii:it.t.ty n
is not taken into thecirculatiou. nr beeoni. ' ic.luce t
tho wbolo system suffers. Tlie bad blood wi.l nr'- ,
tale the heart, will do, up Ibe lung, v. '.II ! t
the brain, will obstruct Hie livrr, iin-1 will s.-iel i- j
disease prclueing elcuicnU Ui all purls in' the sys
tem, ami every .me will sulfur iu whatever ernti i
luav bo preilisfmsvd to disvusc. i
'ibe grcut value of
Iron mm it loUi-iii'.
Is well known end ai-knowleilged by nil nvdjenl i
incn. The diHieuliy has been le "Hiain -rel. a ri--parution
of i as will uuicr the cirealatii.ti a.l a i
iiiilatn at once with the blmsl. This point, says Dr. '
llnys. Massaehueits Statu Cie-tuist. has been at- (
taiiied in the Peruvbiu Syrup, by combination in a (
way before iitiknowu.
'I'li- Pcrioiait Hjrup.
Is a of thu Pminxidc "f Im-.i.
A nc v ti.--ovciy in Mclieine I'vi! s'rikes tin K ml
nf Discasu by supplying the IiKmjJ witti u v'tal !'j iu
eiplu nr'u Kleuieut Iron.
'l lie i'itii viiiii i ru(.
Cures Dysp.-psta. l.iv. Cninplaiiil linp-y. Fever
aud Ague. Lnsonf l-inerny. J.ow .-:piiits.
Till-: I'KiU. vian'sviu :'
InfiiS'-.. strcinr'h. ,ior and new lif i'itii tb . :y.:tciu
tiud builds Ui on "IrunCoiistitiiiiou
Cures Ner'.M Atfectinns. .Female Complaints, and
all discuses of tho Kidneys and lllad'ier.
Is a Siieeific tor all diseiiics oriiiinatin ; in a bad
State of the ltbaul, or nucuiiipauied by Debility or a
Low Statu ot tuc Cy'slcm.
l'linipblets containing certificates nf cure and re. u'i'ins from some ni' the. must i-inineiit Miy
sicians Clergymen mi. I uiliers, will Resent Free lo
any address.
We select a few of the imines to show tlio clou
acter of testimonials.
JollN E WILLIAMS, l.-.j
Presideutof the Mctn imlituu Hunk N. Y.
llev AilKI. STEYKNS.
Late Editor Cliri.-tian Advocate ,t Journal.
Kev P. I'll rue ii.
Editor Now York Chronicle
llev. John Piuriwnt.
Arthur li Fuller.
" tiunlon Kobhiiid.
" 1' ottirr Kin,
Kphraiin Xu'e. Jr.
.liw.-p!l It 'Jllhcii,
Heiirv I'ph on..
' V. A-t.irvy.
Jhu Oliiihtuail.
ri. imre.l hv V. I.. VLA
Lewis J -hn- ni. M. D.
Ia-.' L'l y M
S K Ken. i 'I. M 1.
W li riii-holm. . 1)
Fraii. i- Dan-' M D
Jcrriinub, Stone. M i
J. Aiiio..:.. San.'bcs. Jl ll
A A Hay.-. M Ii
Abr.ih im b i-n Icll M II
I I: t 'liik.ii. .M I
II 1-. Kinney, M D
ltlv CO., cvelo iv !v I...
J V. 1I X.MiU.. ." J. .a. i
n Yoik
6iM iy ail hrii..'Mif.
Bedding's llussia t-alve.
IHltTV YKM-'S iM'lTlwi'K
Has lull) CMUl.ll.Heil 1.!'-SI:; "':,'. 1 i . (
ier all ntht-r healing prepariiti.":.
it iiirc-all V bids nfSii.'.. I i:'s. Se:.-1- l-iino.
ll"il. I leers, .'all lii- eli' Kl;..-i ela.--. SM.-'. I'lu-s
Corns, Sure l.iiis. i'Ae.- .'. - . uet'. i.i.- I.
I'aii: at oifte. nod Kedi -einn ll.e n .:. fi. : i.W'j
Sttl'llinrti illll till'.,!', II .1 I'V .1.-. :-'
U t'-ll il i.
.1 I', ill N.-.M"!: U. Nn I'i I-i-. idn:.v. 'ev York, j
V. F"V I.H CO.. N". !: 'iiii i":i' si ISosluli
Aiel I-)' ri.)rfciis ,
in .'"nii.ii iu, 1 vii y . j
1 l.i'j ka-. .' t inf.'i 1.. in.- :i:i 1. is Hint the pu!,!. ,
irelier.iHy linll ili-u-i ei'illlii'-lleed 1 .11' uianlltitctll. c
1.1 i''i -I', I'll. L.AI1 i'."1 of ever . .lijillpUiaiaud sty.
o! I:i 1!
.N't f. -i.".nii sr.. i'iiii.Ai'i:i.ri:i.
Vi:l n.v .4 1 .--ti .. : ::." i' .. i...ti,ctur.;i;. an-l
a I n .' I . I c'.i ru
. 1 e '.i tii-.i.c nl I i.irtci-u jeitr' ' lie ni:i:i-
at l.ieol .1 .i.e l'tli.l
l.iitlSe- ill th' coilllll'i
ri. in , nnd ktiowleili
'i:-llie.- t. .f smn e i'i llie lal'li-Sl
1 ! myself ihal eiv expe
' ill III.' : ' nllcr tnlhc
led bv 1111V in n-ir-ird In style
1'1'lillC irti.l- lli'l I. .111
i.d workimin.-liii' an I ut pi':--
iiip.'lin w-ph the
b.wol I -lt.t 1 1 ulwav- elide vol' lo lead iu oil. rinir
lo ihc public new an l iim-iul iinentions inner nn .
1 h u .- ilin. taken tho win-li .il v ; :', il" --e!"'.U. liliOU.' A Cti'SCii i in: A i k I. .di Mi
A. J. WFlliKNLIl.
No. ?N S. Seen-id .-ii., Pliila 1-Ii'Iiia.
'. ptciu'ier 21, I Nil. .
!:.- riiii.ADKi.i'm.v.
AIir.l Ml,0,00
fiO.OOO t'ASil iVOl.'KIN'U fAl'ITAL.
SLTsSCKllTIOX I'liK'i:, i o t.
President-T. HA.-klN'S DU i'l Y, Pre,: .u t o
the Catlawissa Ituilrmid Co.
Vict I'rvridiiiit THOMAS 1. WATTSON. nf the
Hardware firm of Truitt i Co . No. ii
I Trejisurei SA.Ml hi. W'OKK. of W
j '-'o-- llat.k i. ;iu .- 'iih 'lliiia street.
Nn. biA .Market st.
f Work, M -i i.u-li
Hii'Ci'roK- ; T. lla.-ki. liu Puc: Thomas
Watisu ; F- S. l'.ichHrds, Ot llci.oaui '.. . , ' i'ii...i
ll. Sheriod. liiMiriiiii-..- .v,-ullii ..ocu i'. !'' '
Utel'iy U.. !.. J. T. Way A Co.; A. W. )
httsei.i-in'. C't.-iticr .Maueli ''hunk llai.k, Maucli :
'::' nk ,l.aard si.iipcn. Fisp ilin iiru..-- 1 1 irnl-.-um Cc,' . i,'y
coii.-iui ol Uu ira-'U ot l.oid, one ol Iwo linr.lic.f and
lift c-st veu ai-ies aud uim nf tv.o biiudr.-.l nnd J.vtv-
I live acres, uiakiux i" nil, lie Lull. Hid ninl iweitu
acres, iu tee. on llie lujwall ot Ibl Creok.
The property has bveii erittically i-xantlmd hv a
Cuuiuiiite apioioted I v that puraise. and ii:c lerri
loiy i.rounuuued, iu iheir jaociucnl, Iu be fully
cquiU lo ihm of Oil Crock, al-jng which the luitjt
uil wells ever disooverti lm.e Lccn found.
'I'b.- lauds r"OLuo thiwe on Oil Crock, in ever
particular, aud il is bctievi.l ;'k.:u the l .r.'i' nuiuber
ofni) apriiiK. iu cIimi pioniuiily, thul ruluublo wella
will beiipeuedon both these tracts.
The inaniigeuieut hum ulready scoured fcvoral
Kniiincs uud tu;acd a couijielont Superiuieiideiit,
vi'li a vkw to imuitdiati aua iui cuirctio develop
mcnl. A larve portion of these UacuJ is bntloui, uud
admirably aal ipted for boring.
Several Company aie organised on lauds iui-ini-'liatcly
adjoining this terriiory, uuiuu whi"h are
llie l.i'., uiiil Cre-iul City OU Couipauiea uf i'bila-
del). bin.
Iu prtvcntlng the Ilrake Petroleum Company to
the publio, ll.e I'iricii'i. a-k that ihcir acbcuie
him i, 1 1 I u exuuiiuwl, aue subscription, uiudu la the
Slock ia lull lailu a tu il. picent aud prucpoclive
T. HASKIN'STir l'l'Y, Vrcnidenl.
TTHlS. I'. WaTTMiX. Vice i'rwidiut.
t-.VJil tt l OUK, Treasunr.
(subscription will be ruoeivvd lor a l.uiilid number
id .hares al tbe Hanking Hi um of Work, JleCuuih
A Co.. No. Jo S.imb 1 L-iid Uiti, fiulauUi'Liit.
1 i'tAaiUril',!!.
Attention, Indirn aiitl 4-iill-iiM'n I
Over J. Uowon'a Stn-e, corner Mr!t t Fawu.SU.,
e-UisruTjn i. , pa.,
SHYEHl.Y. tins opened n new Ple.n.r it . ,
, In tho alinvn rlnee. m l i ,i ; . ! -i c
j Pniirn :ts In the best s'j' ; m. 1 ne'tior.
AMim.nvr; . .w-r iioi .,
' f.reln's-1- - .;. ,i .
I'lli.l-.-' '. 'OS,: - 'Oir , . I vi tir c.Vl.J-
he .In
' ilii.'lii .. .
it il' in all i
j;,o i. uiber,
nn ehitl'
vl.v I'i.
M l f. iWi-l
oi. v!ll he ',:.!
'ive t. .it. I. ml!
illibu: . ; l-'ec IT
. W. iitii. Ci;a li . i.'k n.i.r.
1 M;irUct sheet, one duor oust of .Mis. lloull n'n lloto
Have opened
I Miwl. Iron nml Wove I !-,
I and intend V ' j 'ng eon't. iuly on hand. auU mniiu-
i fueturiiig tn (.rder on shortest nnli'"',
TIN AN?' : lILlU'IliOW.-Ar.Uof all deseripiiotis.
A P.'oek of Cook Stovcof Ihc f illoMliigllrHiid.-
I and on the two Krumla wc defy coo.pi.ti
. 'ion, namely
j 4'oiii1S.ii1oii aiiH irsirtr (.'.
Uoveritoi' lenn-('ol,'
unsurprised for l eauly of feioh. simplicity '.f nr
rangemcnt. c.ii''inin, ohet'i rw nn l dun' flit;.-, 'in.
! each stove wi.rnr.ited to j , i . r .i w!;-.t th.-y uic m
' pres. ,it;.l
Ai."0. PfM.i'lUnU 1 - I. S ":t -. j ,
a.-i, ly. e- ibra'.'imf i.l' ll ri .uiniuf cum .. ii..
. ni'-s .... -iiion.'i'iU. d"3ir.s
Also. Tbo eel '.r"f d i m,
l.u... t.'i-
ill I
i. :A: ill.A J'i l
.-, r'!l.l'?l-s..
' . !'!' Ii kind. V e
f-'s.-r in.,-. II... jii e. ;
l'll'.:i .. i.l .1 t
l,'l.'-i:ii!l V kept In nn es'a1
1 '
H anc a
!!: '!'"!
' , ": '
1 1 innic
ii"-l r
pro. -. .
rl- il. -"
M..H. .ve
it 1 1 I.- i
X I .lied
co 't, ere!i
'I tPI.IHl'l i
s.iii iii ; finxri.
tin. ' 1'ie ;t-n, y foi p;l! . I .:i !,
-..:t, ri:i fi it
l'LACI. .'t lV l. Im- the Coiii li.
! ,-,.. Siivde.-. t i.mnMiil Miml'.o.-
oi .v'orihuinbcr-
A '' a'-: ni-ntf (..r the Pip.. r A Will'.wcrj
Lin-. 'ti-..r. ;'.:.t la-inn.
S-i" uiv .l'e. .1. IV! j
1) AZ A A R
i-:i'c oi'.'taiii-lii-i iiiiir- i
m-.ucv. :'EXX'A'
irC.-wiiWra ,
' ' ' ' " " " 7,
Of the newest s!les.eut bvthc'csl Ail'i-ls.
i and iiia.l-' equal to cu.-. u: ivtk, s...'i
i lowc-'t prices.
I "-.'Jl li?sit lio Jsi 'f of l-J. ',", - '' o
' -t i'u-
Cl.:lt'.. Sake
, and ip.i'.li-
I terial cnusisting of Li'o--fi C...i'r.
Ci. iU, 1'ants, nud Vest--. f
j ties.
ii- xtu-::.ii:x ithxisuixu ;ouw,
such us Shirts, ' v r-shirls.
Col Inrs, 1 raviils, Neckties. H
ItOL'kitizs., Ac.
S8i.t 0111! ';-! of till KiiiiIn.
U'MiTS A Nl .-lldl-:., 'IT.l'.NUf!, VA1 ISKS. I'M-
r, 1.- n'hei
. The l.i.l'
iT IlN"' rf nil kind and iiiiuii-
: ine invilid to call and examine his
1 Sii.iii
I llen.'-i..! :-v ".'
1 i. inc. it '
'ni'.i.t.d Ci':.-'i. i-.orc
: ami ll . N C I.
L.L I 1! .-It'll I'
1 1
'uiicp. 11 ai.n
..I 'v
1 -M.jllcr i:
f pl'S SI. jllcr i l.u ii..'v nr,..- iii. i. .-' - !N .T.i- Coin J
X ) i te.'.tly ei.-in fi'.iiu l!ie Cfi'n w .i a '.-i eli. si;.k
1 or dry !' -.'ivei i'- 1- .. a di ih.Ij u .-...( i -n o:.
Ilin si i llii'-a Wt ," i i..- i: p.i-ses thr-i '.am1 i-i.a..
rales tin. '-'. now. ll.l
n, it
at ein-u Iii I'-r market without die ue ol'u.o
mill. This liiachine hells a
uniuiij; '
Im 0,:K '
i-r V'..! r
i.l -I- i -
:' '.l.K :. '
JJtJj' Jiiml'il uj :'(' ','i.s .li'iniiiV
mu Jl.rn ! i'tt'CLi-.
nun etui !h u.-ed ulsn. by llur-e. SteMn
I'.iwir by -itliu-iiiii ti Pulley en il..- C--For
lll.raiiilitv, Clea'ilill.-.v. N-a'l:.---ini-l
Uai'i'liiy li. Mielliii, t'i'.s .'!..:. .n.
c.u:ill-:ii Ii) any other.
st'.h: .vnji C'H'.ntv nn: UT.s roi;
HFAS'iNAULi: 'it.i.MS.
I.fnti.kmkv : If J -a want yiu.- co.u Slul!
eV-iin ; if you have oecisii u In .-l.cll irret-a nr d:
coin; ii'vou want y nir corn and cm. epariili . ;
vnu wiii.t uiluiaiilc tii.Tciitii.; : if v. nt '-uii: :i !i
I.IIV ll.e Ciili-'pIclC,
i.l a :
Corn Shcller.
llLFEKtN'CK.1, :
II. 11. JLis-er.
Charles Ilu-is, Millc-,
C. II. .vl.iran .V Co.,
.Millers, Sunbl Ti .
, Jiio" .
j j, ,,rv
c:.-l.''. I.' :
1 .1' .. 1 1,1. 1
Ii A ' "''I'i ii, .-n.-c
3, Is' .1
Jltiiiuf. "
l;SiSAJ) : 3 MAP ! : lil&I)
!V1K ..'"I"
I i .rcii, s
.1 w'll -.p
i: V
i Ji.
v.i. re l.e will kecpioi.,1 ::iy '.uu
I'rs'i-U k!Vi-'tt:t. 'a i-t-il.ilis-. t,:.i-'!'
and TEA-lfl'NNS, which Mill be dcli.i cl I . ! :
I", i .'V im.i'.liiig.
I'A NCV CAl-r..' i' '.!.-. . .k-. : I'm ,V.
Pic-Ni" Paiiie- t -i!-!iur, h:i- luin '..i-. 11 I
Slll.l'.cd :t lie s!,l liolii e.
A tfood n.-'s'-rpu .,: in.
i.i'iniifactured out of tin- l-i.-l l ie
.. ..I' t
t ol i .
V ill l-c . il i i1., i;t ' -' ted to.
iiclni-l Ibui iii- l-i .aii- ni'! the pnb'ii
i! -enain him in 'lit.-, in .'. ei-i'.iii-e i
ii,.'..i.. i.' "', 'ii,'
Ho trusts h'n, cxpu ie.i.e in ii via..-- w'..l -
I.!e him toK-vc tfcti.-r.i! ..i-lmi'm. to u'l olio t
favor hiui with their pauoi : re.
)..'. l i) I'll i .
Si,U.y, I've. 19, i-'il.
AT Villi
Jie w TW. CZs 'w.. ,dmi
Uet thoBe-t ll-i the Cbr-inc-.i-Cet n.- : r I o i
nni.iieul ol.ichcau bo liad at Uu H i" rl ; 'i !' in i '
Having a large ii.-a-iiluiCM i t' t1 c i i.. n;., . .. i,
STU LS, su.-b us Co,kii'., Pail... , Out. e an i ; I . t,
SUives, which will bo Sold' ul the lowia-t n.. Aim, I
Kettle, ol all sites. Pans. SI -I' -r-' ,U
They arc u.m uiuiiulucturii, .duchincry, rlnulis,
Castini, in., at i-h-irl Lulico.
Uopairins all kiuds of A'riculluri:l lu.plemeuU
doue iu a tree t wu!iuiai.iii.u uianucr uud at ll.e
ahurtest uulico.
All ariicK. shippt l a ordered. Oidera respect
fully oliuitcd Mid prompt! utlendeu to.
KullltUACH A
J iOld Iron, and all kind, ut Pioduoe tukeu iu
E' b i'i tor wink
Suubury, June IS, lOI. tf
F you want a fr I Purlor luvc,
Ml ill A t.fc.NiJJU; o .New tuou.
MISS katu .i3iv crr.
1 ) K?rE':TKi;Ll.Y'lirrii, ni l.
1 j ond vi linilv, ihul rho hiis jufI o-
is in Sill:
. ! her
I .v....- nnd l'"neyl)iy tlo V
rkt' r.-et four '1 . : i i Wei. II. Mill, ft
Loot ' id -'mo store, t:.ll-ltY, Pa.
if' .- t'vk con-tsts of T'iniin'ngif, notious, ciiibne
I.Mdiesiii d t hi'ili- ;.s' I ' i-and sli 'iker ; silk
".tlo" p:'n!tr. Cnri'ts, Jlo,. -l:ii. lirnpi; nnd
'nl-; Act", gioves, tui-i in nt v.niuis, iiiul
niwl-i. ? ii, lludHiJlii; H'.ml-. Cat.?,
llijoioly i I ill kiml-.
jut r 1lnii f, rVavats,
ilcrs ; l!il,bms. of nil kb l -.Fi'
Ne.'kiiis. Su.'p. i
ers, etvet. iiuu
liiiii',- oilier iirlieles too numcit-.j to nr-nlinn
Sunbury. Oct. l!. I?(U.
Y A T, 1. A J 1) WIN T,K )?
ni, iMii'i:u,
Two doors Wi ft ni' liif I'ort fMIine,
sxrviinjiY. r-Txsrisr'ys.
HAS , just receive. t in.i'i opened a large nsHirtmcnt
..I l i...c.v lire (.isiils, such a. Illovos. Jouvian
ivj.-glove, Silk nnd i--to ibrend Ol ives j'es
i-.. 110:1 and woolen U'o. Children's Merino Hose.
Silk Mlts, lliin.lkeiebb V C-.r,. ts. Kiiibreid.-r.d
Slippe-f ln'ilionsFANcV Lit ESS BCTTiNS. lluglu
Oiliibs Trimming'. Hutton". Kelt '.i' :i Velvet Lil
Ism" '' nb'. lb It Clasps, l.ailies' N-ek-ilea. Fam-v
'i'.ioiia. CHl'l-.ll 1.1,1... .mUTHIMMIXU; Km.
biiiidering L':-.i'-i. -.lot mi I '..i-'-' Fd;i".- .. il 1
in- - 1 -n-: jViSil.eire La... .i. 1-. i.i.f.-s. 1 ri..eiine -'"'!.:.
Fun -.;,- l'-"rs Col.:!,'.! li. .1 i .' li . '.. . .Setts, and I
a -. 1 id' ,t' 1 I.k'i ri tt,:!e.
Yv ...':.' 1 biJ.S ,10 Ii n Foiiiiu--. Pr.jakla't
' '!;- .Viltel s, .S.cituw. ti.---s. Silk and
.L...-I. 1.,-. Ac.
ROT 0 OL A? H A L 3 TJ H S
V'.'OK.'t A;jr ';TATioMrRY,
ib .-I i U'-i-ni 1: ,.ks, Dl n.k Iloeks. Meiiioraiidniii
i;. r.s. Hi nn- I'orkel'llis.ks. Ink Stands. Pens,
I'.'in il-. a I'm" iifot t'lti-nl of Paper, Ink, Ac.
Toil '' Si:l,", 1 1 ntl: Bl'j-iicj, .'it.
toys anii n.y,v. roi: nnr.DKKN.
All -il' v!ii- !. !.i' I: be-on S'.'i''
1 --j .-.!! nt r'.'uso.iiiuU prie,:s
I'led wi ll ci.rc and will
Si i'.niy. u-l, iytil.
von want i pood Cooking-Stove, go
'(.1 N'J'Ill K'S Niw thop.
,li. I
1mi-(i triliMs.. fliil:i.l-l1:i:i.
j ' br Ibo In at Tm.lo. ofii r no 1' tt nr de;
' -. pi ion to inuiiee Custom, but rely ji-. FA IK 1E. L
) Kvl nud iKiODCOOD.' !
licst Merinoes. Fashii nnbl" ailk.--.
ibility 1 'I ni l.-'. I'im fnnlii".
D.ir1' i-'. i. '.ii. I ' Fiu.-o.i . inoes.
i ' I". iid i'oi". ..'I.-, ilo id iJliiiil'i-ts.
P. S Wc fnllnv ti'!.I) down, ns close we lol-JSiiil-
f 11W j; up. Nw isagond time I n Mercliauli mi l
' Cnnsi.incrs to ciniie iu.
' Octi.bcl' S, IMIil -IUW
! "nJ&.Af?
' Twodoowt of Fischer's Jlrug Sftc, Market H
t3 rTisrmu ry. pi'.rsrx-J'-
f c ip.-taiit! - nianulaeturing the latest styles of V
.1 aii. I 1 - nr Hals, which tor soilness I .tui-;. ..-:. :
lire i. nl t-urpa-sed. !
I i.'. - !.:: .1 . all .III'! - re 1 i'i St.. k ol UnL- ' 'del: ulc j
s .Id lii.-ai i r lhaii I 'l.-i-.'-I.e..-. MeitiianVai. I nili.-r-. :
In.-i;, ? ..I nlin csni.T nl Imd i: to tneir M-lvaii- ,
tage tu call and prneiirc an article c'le'jpei .aid
1,1 L-ttv iiiitiiulii'-tiire.
I Sunlmiy, Oi Inl'er I.
Xo 20 South Second Street, Philudeli bin.
Arc iinr ntl'crini? their imgnitiecti' stntk nf Silks.
1 II.miiIs. KUawl. Clntlui.-Clnalr .', eivel:., ic,
far la.-lnw the iresent tl'ild l'ricis 1
1 We have also nn bi nd, a larestnek of iW.MF.sTIC
: tllHil.'.-'. ,.;.i,-!i e i.rc now sellin'.f at e reat rejlne
lion In. m the price w h'M i been si lling them lit.
A-tv. c have had the i. I v:inta2e nf a ri" in llie prices
i of our St. ck i-i the pre-.': i f th ; War ii.f the l-i-l
; l.v.. ..r tlnve y 'i.r?'. ic now pne-ve In iice our Cus
i lulncis t!.u Auval,'.a,e nl llie fall in Price.-.
Ciili.Mcs i.ini 'e-lins. reitii.-vd.
t- l.-ii: -" '! ' ' l.i:'- n- vi .'.i- 1
'"liikel.- and ail -'taMc linnd-. 1, l... ,-',.
Uoii,-"tttl!!. !'. i ':-!! th- Ladl.-s in-!.
the l.aili
:l..l : .! li
ir: I.,- ;
in ii- !
:v M '
... -I .
1:. I :
I. . DIL'.S t'.i. i'i
ICS '.
oii i:t uii!;-!!
l'lii.M NM'Afr'1'V
No. T'-' ,.U.CH Slteet,
ubovo 7lh.. PlllLAll'A
Chtiffiml. i i .-..' i Imp
11 store
iliiili.eluie. uiio
v- tj?--nt tin- 1
unst IlLAiiTIFI'l. se-
3iiii- l-'ui's..
f..r Lad e- Chi. .irci-s .Vci.1' ii: UeCit ' M
u i::.. r--i rtmcn: ol l.cvt s Fm i.: - -V J -wliara.
A i. j H-iv were al . iiiel,...-. .1 wni ii (..1
o.t-cli b iT-.i- puiiiiu'ii than at T n -i u' 1 t:'-i
Ih'.IS i:l
. !. I
.o .i-r- j 'ti
i I I
: "I i
h ir. s I .' : il t fr 'i :n -r
l li'S -ila. " . .. -t . .ni i :e i i'.
ii--....'ii1 ' t oil,' N cu. !- -i ' -rt '.
in'iv r.v p.; ,:,..
1 1 ,rt , i-. f.-rt i oi'VC it:.. - " th 'de.
.- --. iii - - j: i i nn .)ii:lp:i!a.
1. . " , ' i .tn"!.. v.ui urn -ti -u villi .mv
..-r'e.-. ..imiJ.-n-.J...
Winter Goods,
iVI) fiU) c'iiK.vl'.JU THAN LLSE-
In Zeib-i
yci iitiM'r:ig. '.pjnilo liviiru.irt t I on-
r V .itoic. JJ .1 kct flic. t.
isi i',.'iii.l a will -e',
- ','l'l. 1 r i.f'rf n t ..ll
1 I
i FOI l.l'.N Sli C'.'Jll'STlO. m 'h at Clnths, Cassi-
1 i if. Co. Jin -I iu-, ;
iis, Tickiug, Calicoes, i'o
i..iinc. S'lk.-. iinifii'.uis. u , Ai
ti V'S',-4 itud i'.il.i ol every dtscripl:
. Ci i'M-l-' i ni H.isinv. tllnves. Thread, lliitinns,
1 .--pi-ua. r- Nc-.'..lie. Coll iM. llaudkciehicfi, Iluir
. iti . . :e I'e oh bt us'ies, Fi.ncy liead liritscs,
I 1nui.1l .''kill.-. Hoop Skirt.-. Carp -t-bai;.. Tiuiiks, a-
I01-. I iiioriiius. i ell. in-1 am. r-oei, nuu uuuirroiis
utLcr ri.licliton ludiou. to ineiilion.
such u uuils. hiuiris nud c'us. door Intidioa lUid
kiinin, uu l CI TI KM V . .". y d -,.i ip'iuii
1.i a. riic i, r.iiafi, ninl ln 3, OiW, Cijusa,
V".:i , dr., tVr.
1 1 .l.'t'Jlr. 4 Hl" liilil flailt. III-!' Uf
! I"-tIIo.i.
:-'l'( .!: AM) KAKTU EN'W.VliE.
Au extensive Stock of
CailHsed of Sugar, OufVoo, Tens. K'u-e. Corn-starch,
Molasses, Caudles, Jleut,, Chcou, iSult, Tubagcu,
aud K-jiiis.
fur uien. women and children.
All kinds of Country Produce U! i a l i xehano
fa- Ooials.
,-uul.ury, Sept. 10, lsd4.
ii001. l'Olt .VI 1 1, a.
At the Store of
Corner of Market and Fawn Streets,
. Jastoti.ed
I lor I'veiyb.nly. This no lllr, vii ir " l .u phntr'ill
: vilii.-h every mn- .Till be C"i:vitice.l that .::.- in d e:.
i.iiiiii.:s the sloe'., whicli eoiisitn-if
: Jlre-slin . Is. I!a inieres, Cbahs. '. inirs Ovriemi'i.!..
! Jcuns, Cotteiia.le.-. Mi l.t.-i. Ail x LlovUs iu
g-cal ml"iy.
LAi'iCS' hliLM GOO!).S.
plain anii J 'gored Im-Miha J i -v., h and Fitrm i 1
.norino fir" Vi' l j - I sor's ui.'l
. tt'i I'-s. I 'in's. .Vir ii.uns. T4.Mlkc'
Cl.')AkJNi:. Tab!" Covers,
Iri-1' i. in. -ii. Il.nwn and
Wl.itu Sheetings,
Sbavls. liulmnriil Slii of nil
kinds. Iliaip Skirts all i-rlce.-. lland
kerchinj I'b.c ,! ' l, . .l...-s' Kid Silk
and Merino Uloves. Ai .
.! Iry oi'nli Ksiiiio.
Ladies' and t if-nt.-;' I nb n l. '.
A largo iirsorlnienlnf NOTION
irndwarc. C ilniw.iriv i'iii"wa' c. fbinaivuro,
Queen. ware. Crockery. in jcri.-s, 'I'liiiaecn,
Segars. t-.tillr. 'Jt-a, Cof"!'. Si.;ar.
Molusse'. 'Spices, Fi.-li. Salt, Ac ,
nti'l e.cryti.l.'g t-l.-e nsindl; "u- -t in i: store. Pro
duce t:.ken in exchange lor gmnls. No troi.ble ij
-now gou'b.
it'M.i.iAV il'lWF.X.
Siirbur-. ,v j, 1S64.
AItH' ! Alwavft ! Alwav !
J.;-! iipoiunt i t a'o. 1 -tore of
FOK KMX AM DO.MESTIC.sncli as flotlis. Cnssl
lucres, Miulins, Sheetings. Tickinv;. Cali'-oe-, llc
I lines. Flanio Is. and nil kin-Is of MOl It N.'Nti (loud.
Alpaccas, HI iic k Silks, Otnuhauis linlmoral and I
Skeleton Skirts. Ciiiilnu Flauuels, Nnlikeciis, Cur-
puliiii; of all kinds. i
ComprMn. Hn!iory. Glnroj. rhreml. lii(tinf, Pj--j'tiHlcrj".
Neuk-tu'!, Culluri, IlHiK.ktTt'liiel
iluir Urush'V J ijh t h J)ruliic. vlaui llib
b'tn ni si .iri!, tap'-. tUlicl-itri.,
wntkctl eul Imth, limey hetil
irn?.i. (iily cntlnn. onrpct
1 T.nnk4. Vj(!;.-"-t, l i.-lin-lla.-, JIU' 1 T Pjijicr,
! Kiivi!oiC. Ac. m
i Ol nll kiml-. Elicit hf NhiN, J!iiJj't;f nnt! Sei;. . , Ditur
l.ntcites and ji-tii:., Loi'ks, mid Cl:Xl.F.ltY ol every .
Also, JLS, Driipi, l'nitit-i, Varrisht'S, l"i-li.
rlii.vsieil ninl jjL'ny.i'll! :ls.'s, rnttv. .
f iit'!!' art' just! ('liissniiri' 4' nil
Kin l SI.
An Dxlen-ivo ?. "-I; of
( i T f TI 1" I 11 O
T ( ' Vl 1 Pi h .
Cmniseil of Sit"nr. Cotlcc. Teas. Kice. ' en.
Macearoni. I'.iivlev. rnikin-tii.wder. innlasscs, suiiTm,
candles, tobacco and ...ars,. 6ult, F'ish, Meat, Ch'-esc,
.ti.. .vc.
A'-'o. a large vaiietv of
l'ir Men. Wnnicn n'nl Chihlren.
( y-All kindsof ( and Country Trodiicc
in i xcluinire tur (londs.
liivo us a call bcf-irc you p irchaso elsewhere, we
arc Isuind to sell its low as any onu el-c.
Stnre-nsuii in Ira T. Clement's biiildint; at tho
siiutli-w ittcnrKcr of Market Siiuare, uuar llie Cuurt
. Sunbury, Nov. 5. ISI'1.
vnu want enmi Tin-Wi.ic, 1:0 to SMITH A ;
li F.STI1 lilt Xow Shop. dr A.
"I Nlili-I" Ibrl!'.!.- In assortment of I'ia
1 J r; - li.r l--:ij. -f varies i-tyles nnd sir.C- Also,
Cap. una LelU-r Paper. f"r sale by
Fi'.nluiry. Nov. &, "!-:!.!.
o. tld il M., I'liilatl. lhiii.
ji. . ., .. . -...,.'t;; r
sn lie; i. l '.::. 1 'Jl... iX I"; ', 'Fl '.S. K.lUutf
l.-t- her I. l-l'il llil
, i-ir i'h';' SClli(i--'inl.
I 1 i : c:.-.'r" ll'1. It'jl.
i - ' i' ' tr i; 1,1X1', from the .V. rin aim
T V .'l,-V . . I-r : i lelpbi.1. Nev Vr.:l:. I'.cail-
in. i' .Ltiulle :. - I1...0II. AU.-iit-iHii, F iston. Ac.
' 1'iains l'Kivn llarri.-liiirit for N'ev.-York, ns f.d-
, jow ' .''.iln a::., .l-'- A- M. uod l.i. r. M , ariivinir
' :.: ' .-. V ..rit nt !u A M. 'ind 2.4."' nnd IS H P. ii.
Tlie above a-ri:c;-t wit!, siiiiilar .i-ains on the Pcnii-
syivania rnilroiul. end S . -l inir Cms ucc- uipaiiv llm
first twu Irani-, without cinn-o.
Leave for lt.'tidini;. Potts '.-I -. 't iniui i mi.
ville, AlKntowu and i'liiliioelpliiu at 8.1.1 A. .M. and
1.4j P. Si., toj.iug at Li'.'-.i . .'i ami principal !
linns only.
i.j .......... rloppintr nt all points, at 7 2.1 A. "I
Mid 4 -ill P. M. Ui turuinir, liun-X -vt York at W.till
! A. .M .12 noon, and T.btl P. M ,: Philudeli bin
S . Jl. nud :i..'ltl P. J' , l'ut'svillciit S.d'l A. JI. nnd
2.:1 P. JL; Tam- pia S.IH A. M. mil 2 l-i P. Jl ,
nml r.c.iilinjr ut l i iniunij;ht- "' rod ItUi A Jl ,
: .-ii-1 r i j P. M.
I I'.eiiitini' Aoa uii.'"! ..linn Train leii-.-vs Vending at
, r, :
A. Jl. n ."i. i mu -i'"1-' ''I-''
1; :..a :.t 4. 'Hi
e-iLi&Mt H ill
lleilrnild T'
1 1 a "e
1 1
I . ..; l-..l.l i'a. I i-i Colill-r. n .Vc.
', .' n. m: I., i. ..- rk -t . P Jl , I'lillii
1 i i: :'. . : 1' a!. P' livuli-7 "u A. JL. laiuii.paa 7
A .li. jlnrri-'.uri: .lo A Jl ami I'i: nl.njr al ii mid
night, .'or Jiarrisbiir.
I'.'l.llllet till r Jl ' ' , -nn. Iil-d Lc'n-ion
Vii, l ets :, ,, .;. j ' ' all ' frnlil all VoilltS.
jo .'o.ii i! i '!oe'i.,l i 'le'i I'a.-! if'-r.
li. A Nit "1.I.S,
"lleuiriil Supcrii.l.u lout
Nov 2"5. fi'l
k.a, t..t ;iiiii .V fHooutsldiJ-jH iiii
ON end af'-.-r ouu. IS h, laf'l; Pa.eii;'ir TraiiiJ
, :il tun ii f i: i .
i' sr user.
4.20 P. JI
-.lar. l, .S
An ;
it Ni rib nml. t
Leave T'.i.i'ihuiiil irlaiid, h. I'll A
iiaii.iil", rl
" liiipirt, t.4U
!)!i.ii'.-i ,n--, o. ;.'
K inasion, 1J.IJH
Arrive nl S, lanl.'ii, l oll
Fiei ;iit A i'nsrcncr leave. ll..oiu!.iir(f 111 1.1 A. l
Pii-cliCi l'S taking the Jlail Tr.iiu -i.-.i- Ii en;:i;vil
with ih.- !'.Xi..- 'r im f: -in Nnriliuiiib. u:;:..l. u.iiv.
'. 11. . i. '' n ,', : i :. '-II A. JL. !' .lim.u - l t -I A.
JL. i".i . nl Philudeli lii.i i 7. lie j . J 1!,,. Jlail
f in iu tioui N ..i ..... i. v "'-tn. l le (' iiumcl lately :il!--r
ll... a: i ' i' f the LxnUT '.Mill liolil 11 1 1 l-i !-i'V; ,rad
iialliliml'O. llHovvil: Pa-Bfnnle lell'. il I'll ll . le1 1 Ol :.,
at In. till' i . In iciu-h joiuii-iu mad duriifj
the torenoou.
New mid-1 levant Sleeping earn accouipany Hie
lii'nt tituuseu'di way bclweeu Nni'iliuiiiberliinl im-1
llalliuioi-e, mid Nuilhi.Uibcrl.ind and Pi:it i.lelp':i.i.
H. 1. llilb'Ni.'. el., -
Illi (flll.l iollill ll.ll.'l.
3ti5 aittt iioT lii'uiiiii
( 'nrm r i'ltuWt .
tHIS first cla-i liousc tbe nit quiet, hnii'd kc
and .,lea.::t ll. . .-' ir ll.e t-i''- -i-'eM 'U ei.T
. i -Ii'.' t.i .lie Iu I!.'N 1 Y". k 11.:
', nr ph i:i i c. li is cciui. I in it- ! . -i ti-ii. an 1 kept on
j the r:i ion-, is i'i is. in p 'i:i:i 'cii.-n with T i.on'a
' S i !."". . nli.ii-i1 . i ei..acuis tan be had all hours.
..r ser -.- J tu l!:: :. "'-n room. 'I 'i chin nca arv iiio
: dcii lc. tl.or.uin unit attendant-.. - f tile lirsl ontci
! bulbs, and all the tuial-ru cixcuicuucs aiiachcl.
Oat 1. Itiil.
I'..-1 nl' ol' leour-j- lrl r, fwr., l.--M,
K U'l'H'K I- hereby iflv.-ft P'Ht letters of a luiinis-
nation haiin be u Krau'c.l lo the aul 'fiber
ou the estate ol Hciuy Keisi-r, Sr , lu!t wt lover
Auau.-la luwn-biu. Norlhuiubuilatiii County. I'a.,
j deceived. All per., us indebted tn 'iid otale at..
. retpiesied to uniKc iii'iui-lluie pa.meut. aud IIiuaw
- having claiiiu lo i .c.-i iit tb- tn 1: r c tiL-iiit-nt.
j l.t.'ilfii: 1. 1.ISFK A-lui'r.
i "n i i TiV.
' j i-'ii.w.-i.- i ' t-..
: (.,, . ' i. l ..n.,
1 -. r-' a.- ., o . . l i.
Ca'l nr I b-r-t. ,kVs
1 'iinlviy. " l. J'J. i- il
Lcok at the i
WAT 11. MlLti. l.
Mil' K. I Soee' I S''N I ' 1. 1
i'.knN a
.. i I",.", :
I tV. T .
I -i Ir, -1.
1 ....:iri'v ..;
v ! '
I Ihc la"
m o ts
I'.r Me -. V, -
; .- --ri'..yr.
"W'-'lnl 'l - -In .-- I
Ail hi- . .1 - I:
Si....- sob' at hi- s'rir- .
U ill v'Jv v oo'e !
'j i.e 1 1. Mi.- : mm1!.
tlllil.L lib -!eel
Sun', u.v. Jit. ti 1'
.I'll :
3 O. ! Hf! O i ,
V'ti V II ! . t , -S.Ml I i (i ; V4MfVk-
!,! i v i n I
1 tli.'it he iis luittu.t.i li
mu i'ii.l.iilt:!!
tllll M.SJMpH Illi'I.t (it
tv k r:ni' dj.-'.'kW'j io:; a d ii;ajt
J(t r'l- in Jin1 'inv.y I 'uiitH-T'.". ir.-k fc ' ". fipv
Silka.T'i iii ;.mI l'-!. '":f:-in,. . . VLSI ' ?
he ill lantr r.p i r-kT in ty v ; !hc t.-i."'
OM' incrs, uii tliurt nuiiut, .iiid llie iutl leu. Oi.i
Any"..t i : !ur.i'. wi'l furiii-liva
rni.-hi'.l LUrtuiii'.: will be mfl'iJ ii
rtli r iif iicrctclbru.
Ait lit w ill fii'1-. v
vr.rk h- ll .J. .
Thank Tul lor llm T'iitronn;;c livrctt-lDti.' Lcrt-'
tfuul'ury. iSt-pt. I'-. I Mi I.
1 . V .'i'14.l '1'K Tt i.
L. to, 3. rJZhLX,?.
At the new stand, in MarKct - m-i".
T 1 As li nisi . -i
iv--! .:--'i.i i nil ! t . -l.i.i t.n I
Jl ii-.d uii-i fa;'!ii"iiul
.-in' .Millinery I!
- 1'. n.l el.-. Il'l'y. Silks. Vclveli. UibU...
Fe ithcrs .( Fh weiv. l-i id lire.-a-.v '
Old L.Tlii S' C'aW. Woolen li ' 1' "
Shawls Silk ouu Wuolcu Meant, '..s".-r
lltaek Criii"! ati i La- c Vii'.. r .e ' in. l.u -i
l.Hs. I'ress TrtmniitiKs an !''.-.". a:- 1 - .- . ;
S np nnd rerfutuery. iuaK Xriiuuiiui;. II "u.
U'ottoi. Van'.
ki''i.iillit'a, ioji f.-iu.u. fi
lri.ni3i. ,i:.i.-n l;t sl lv
llci.ii- Linen and Papi-:- Collars, Neckii'-i, '
COI'.VTlii PL n! v:i;tiikcv. exi lume lor i
V' .r'.-.. Ihunkful f r past p' tmimui we r
the same. j. !; .-iili.'!.!
Sunbury . Ocl.iber 22, 1SIU
1804. IS
.1. W. I'lllMAti A o.r,
ri:i1 lenvo tn cull the 'itti'ntini.i.r Ihc puhli
) they have ja.'. i tni'-'d li"tn 'he ity i
LA1K1F. AN'l) Vi;t.LSi:i.!:c7Tli
Consisting of DRY 'HOODS,
Hardware, ijuccusware Ccdiu ware,
5 w
.N., Trimni
and ill j
-:nl 4 If 4-i it-:
. l.YKL i'fillXii
tU. HI
In i'.i.itiii-y Mi-e
li..'.. ,:"0'.L- Jl '':e '
, -'li 'ivly WC lllieli We em
to pii'.' -ln. -er-' '. r 'asl' ';'
e "
nnd e.'t'
ii u -en .'
1 l-'.fl'
.-Per e
ii..c. -J!..
of Produce
hi' 1 I..' lri'i kct i ' l !
IjlVl- U:
Smd'a'v. N" 1-- 11 :
n i: w
G O 0 J)
Two '-
T in ii
re I'a.
Vn . ti M 'I". - . !
.Ju.-t oi.cni-d a lic.-h .-ui'.i
KALI. AN'l VVIN-'IT.Ii l.ifii);
Such as Fancy Jlrcs. Tr'ii 'iii'i;.-- ' " '.
ltiindkeri-hiei's. La. lies' L o i n i :; r 1 1.
Lent s Linen nnd p-i: i . .ilia..,. N'c": L 1
Collars and Sleeve:-, llai.' ltoll. ' ' '
Lei. White i ud lilue N'ooh-li"-', Corsuu,
Skirts. Yokes in..'. Sl-'i-.-es.
W'.n iLLX llOt 1 ..S. cue. pi his;? ot S..i:ia.-
for la'lics i'."l childrei,, .'up-: ol ill J -uds
lib'Ve.i, Jlittei.- on
A!: I, :. I 'lV -tel . ' -llti! for ll'ltllbj.'-
l y. .i'h Sni.-s. .lacn. r i u i 1 iel.iria
Cr-ipe I'ollar nnd 'eil'i. I.rcaad'u.- a?:. I I.'
and a vaiinv . i i'i-. ..:: ' i.mi-- u
li. -.i ' ..nHY L. L.-v.
Sunbury, Oct. S'J, Ptil
nt !
V rJ r.i-
-v-r-js-r' r-i
.fliirl.fl Kri', i:.KR'ISV.
T I A' lN'U jn-l ri turiied lre.n iuu Ci'y wi
j j l tire new stuck ot
' liruv;, 'ti-ii.l' a;lsi. I'.-rluiiit'i
! ''.,.!'! ,i'(i.-ii'i-i j
I to which l.e invites hi friends and tho puU
till), to vail ai d examine. The H'njfsaod J
I are all selected fioin t'l-i 1 c.t impuritni;
! the Fiuit-r- ! "'. it nilh the grent'-M i ik i
f ty an.i etii.'icncy and avnidir. us much a
I the introduction of deli rious nostrums.
I Of all kinds, such in Ayer's. Jauie-i Ji.
I llolleWBy". Wishnrlx, H. a. liul. Is. "sebeliks.
j and nil oiln-r populiil' l-i.-eul tandi.-iu.'.-'., a
! Hair,, Nail. Cbulio uv.d Puinl I'.i u.l.
1 Spi'-l. l Clio '- taken to keep on hand i
j ieiy vaiietv .t'
' Suit'. hie Iu Ihe trade.
Fain'.' To'l -I A"ielc and Ibn miner',
hidi lii'i generally aiyi m coll eond::.-
. li.lllnclll.
In c.itllii ciicn with :hei.bne article.. In
' i ii b-'lid e lar.Jt'i luent ol SI' ' I'l'IM
j s Pap-", ':.i '.-!.- : I'ciu-. Pencil-. 1...
i if . i i sn Inn - lr.-s.'l'l''.iul' ll. 1 I'.-- i
e.ui.p -il i, n'.l ihe rcilct .u'.-i'i-.i.
al A I I. II"! US Lav n. N'it ,
IU men.'' 'I llit'plme. l-iik.-l ,joa..'
ol!..'eul' li: -'.'''i IliUiiy All. lie n
1. A. i 1.-1
s-i'.u'-' !.. h.:i.
WA'.TilMTfKK ,'ir' r j
No. 1 . r.i'i ;-;:('' :i s'viu k..-..
U !. ..I'll I !' llll'l.l's
vivy, :i .V; r'i.iM 'l Mr.'
on h..i. l. :-i.: .i'-.c t .. II il.lliW CUF.Si
t j- P.ep.i'ni., of i a, ill ' and .-,
ut'el.lle.l I"
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Allurucy nud t eim.i lli'e n
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olln r ui.n.-;. , i.-i.-l In bnu in
1 1 liuiph'i.. N..riliiiiulMilii4 and Miitet
u. i. la, l-Jl. -.y