Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 14, 1865, Image 1

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r;H.UM op tiimj "AJwniCAjr."
TKRM4 TWO D0LLAK3 pee uaio. $3 W 1(
si paid wllhia the to- 1,4 Ir duwontlna
aueil til arrearage F'4'
j beee tar ax will be etrieUjr adhered to hereafter.
if subsorlbsire ncjtloct or refuse to take their new,
pipers from tbe offio tuhioh Ibex ore directed, Uiejr
re reepousiuie UDlil thoy have eeuled lb bills end
ordered Ihow discontinued.
PwUiiaators will please set as oor Agents, and
frank lottor ouitnining subscription money. They
Me permitted Ui du this tuidur the I'uet Ut2oe Law.
We havo connected with our establishment a wall
selected JUU Ul'l'ICi:, whica will enable ut M
jtecute, in the nculest etjlo, every variety of
Printing i
HtitlnfiM v
llor!.:int IW.
with the ptIVk
follows :
Ona quart sr Oolumn, k
On half column, not rv
One column,
1 F.lnorinl of loenl 'IvortUirjf.
Dot eivowlinjr ln, 2i aaiiia f,-.t I.
every u.lditi.Hiul liuc.
Marrin,ie notice, 60 cwntl.
OLD SERIES, VOL. 25, NO. 10. iSS&A'&r v"ea
the oxr,r place where a cure
TTVU. JOJIN.STON has discovered the most Certain,
j Speed'v nnl only l'.tlectual lletnedy in the
World for all Private ltisi-nsm. Weakness of the Back
t.r Limbs. Strictures, Attentions of tho Kidneys and
bladder. Involuntary llisnhnrge. Inipotcney, lieno
rs! Debili'.v, Nervousness. Ilysp'psy. Languor, Low
i pints, C infusion of Ideas. Palpitation of the Heart,
Timiditv. Trembling. liimncssof Rir,ht or Giddiness.
Iiiseasc'ortho Head. Throat. Nose or skin. Affections
s f the biver, Iunrs. Stomach or Dowels those Terri
Vie lHsorders arising from the Solitary Habits of
t'oulh those secret and solitary fractions more fatal
to their victims than the sons of Syrens to the Ma-
tiers of Ulysses, hlinhting their most brilliant hopes
T anticipations, rendering inurriage, 4o., impossi-
Weiallv. wno ',nve become the viclims or Solitary
. ice, ihiit dreadful and destructive habit which
vrngrtllr swern- to an untimely grave thousands of
S"rorp, Men of' the niont exulted talents and brilliant
. fenect. w'tio miiiht othcrwisohfive entranced listen
tog Senates with the thunders of chxjuencn or waked
'oeostiity Iho livinR lyre, tnay call wi;b fall con
dence. Married Persons, or Yonns Men enntemplatlnu
irarrinjse. heini aware of phvsical weakness, organic
-lehilitv. deformities. Ac speedily cured.
He who places himself tinder the care of Pr. J.
v t reliEiouslv confide in rii honor ;t a Ktnt'tman,
nd eonftdei'.tli relv upon I is kill as o Physician.
Jmmedintclv Corel, ami Full iprn- lle.t. red.
This Af. -c'irm which renders I.Ira
Iserablf ii'i.l marring- luiposnide is ine penalty
I1 OV 'ne VICIIU "I Moor,.;" i ,11. ,.. .
Terson's are Mo apt to en inil evesses fivin not!
1 eii s iisit'j i I'tKe dieiilful oiiseinriees that may j
'sue Now. w!, 'Imt iui.lriand. the nib;e.'t will
l eten ltodenv limt the 1""''' nf pn'S'eatioc i !-t
eo ner )v ih's. lallioc in!" inipvoiwr I nlo'.s iliau l.y
' e prudent ' Ite-ides beinir deprived the ,l'-as ire1 '
ri''i-r in.Inivrenoes. 1 ounij
heal'tiv f.H.onns l;..- ioo.i s i .ou, an- ,
e- mpiom's t,. t.'tth b.. lv an." tind uris". The yt. m .
1 comes I'errn.u- l il'e I' ali i Mrnt:il I nie- ;
1 n Weakened. of l'i.'t'iive 1' Nervous
1 itol.ilitv. ,p-i! I'nljiitn'inii "f ir.o Heart. ,
"J , dii"'ti"i.'nti.'iinl i) a W uslittf j.f .
c r I'miiie, I'ouh. t'.;iiMiiupii"ii. J'eeay and Heath.
t!E-'. e. 7 Ste!i B'r-s!-ri'! Slrre-I !
ft hand si. I.. il.'i'J fr-ni Raltiroore s'reet, a few ,
ors from tbe fnia'l. rsu not lo nuerre nau.a ,
Letters n-.t'st be paid and contain a tn.p. ll.e)
5 -tor's Iiipiomas bans in fcisoftVr. I
a va'sii: Ast.UA.'siXiiJ "s vo:
A'u Xrr.-t 'u tir , .v--i.i,i !r:gt.
f -ember of the l!..ynl Co! 1 f Surgeon., t.onjon.
.idnnto lioin oneof th" m.t ..m'uenl . ollees m
I iie,i S'nt-s. and tii' creator '"i oi wwe ,u,-
. , in the hospitals en i.oien.
;i.ilr,l,i e'.eirhcrr. b:.S elT. -cid
s.ime of
ibe most nutoiiishing '"tires that v. ere ever known ;
t ny trouhleil niili riittiius in the bead and ears
.ii asleep, gre it lien oiisnek. beinc aKrme.l a',
e dde-.i sounds. I.afhfnlliess with freepie'd blilabibe,
i .ended someiimes with deraiigemciit ofaiind, aere
errd iirtrediascly.
t uti: isti i i 3l'z..
t . i . 1 1....... ,,it it,e bo have intuied them,
iebv in. proper indiil'ienen and s,,imry kaldts. .
v ich ruin )'-. Ii testy m,.i m, no. iini.,iii.- mrU,
. v... k.. . s:n,tv. so-ietv or iearri:i:e.
Inriii" are w.tne. of the ss'd ai d nielan-dioly efr"'
i ...luce d bv earlv Imbits of j..iuli. v t: Vf;sknw -I .
. lla-k and Limits. P.... . in the lle-a.t. ldmi .ee of .
S 1 of .Muscular l'-wer. .'olt n v.n.n of tbe ,
Ji.arl' lwpe. Nervoui, Irritahili'v. Peraiijrement ,
. ilie'1'i'' Functions, vtcm-ral l -bin y, nymp- j
t ii s of Consumption. ..Vc. i
MCSTALI v The fearful eflects on the reind are
P i,ch't be dreaded-l.os of Memory. C.nlLsn.i. of
J cos. Depression of Spiri. i. ll- orebodllm-s. Aver- ,
s-n to Socictv, Self-Disirust. Love of .-...lilii.k, ;
'niditv, Ac are some. if tbe cils produced. (
Piitiiiii of person' of ull i"B c.-iu now uda :
wlat'isthe ca-:.d fir .icc'.hi.n? besilb, .miner ; i,.r. l.'Couiit " l -i'e. nervous ard :
. aei.te.l. havniE ru!r about the
'ts. c.'Uijh and sviiiptoiiis of -on.iiiiop.inn
, in bare '.i inred '.P.-m-elN c l.v a ertain iraer.e ,
Ildulgedin wheif alone, a ha-.:t le.rt,ol i
u evil companions, or at s. ltoo1. the e. eer of
. icb are uibtlv felt, even wl. n aaleen. and if not
ted renders inr.riinl- Mnoossi'.'e. and deHi'vs .
j h mind and body, should sj.ply in. me iiatt-.y .
iv bat a piiv 'bat a v..mi. man. th Ii..w ' J . d'arlin-.' fl is nren. sV.ouIm hj-anal-tie I
... u'i ..n.l ef.i.ii meet, I'J i
, ,ei,iiem-o of deviating fiooi 'b I'
lb of nature
s ' in lul.tinc in a criain .-crei bau'.l
u pe rsoLS
I. f, t.elora con:..nipla'ioJ
, . Vet that a sniind mind ni, ll oiy the mrst
, r. eesnry re.ii'..dtes to pr .mott connubial .
InHeeJ without th-, the j o rnej tlirui.rh li?e I.
u es a wearv pilrinii:: propeet'y
, i . k ens to Ibr' vie; '.i.e. n.ird I e. on..- shadowed
L dcMi iT ar d fille l :;b tha mel..nMy relec
t ., thai the ui.. pine.' ..f fiou. her b-ro-nes blKbto,l
im.Tvs: or i Jim i w.'k.
V-ti It n't'tul-led m. I -iui n;.tt.:
,.rW,e finds tnai tie in.bil.c l tbe e -e"s oj tb .
1 t fill .liecuse. it too of.M! bepoI.s ll.Hi an
, re of r dread of dis- i. ry. de'er- bits
f m vuu t" !h"so V.V.. fm-n edi;.n.ii ard
,"i- a'i aione I. f. ieo I !,!.. de'a; iiie till
I e cor.sii:u':i i..'l .ifptoma f tbi l-tfid die -a
i-ske their npiiririniec. su h K' iilceniled '-e
.int. dise.isd noee. nocturnal pains to ire urno
i lil'nl.s. dimness ..fs'irbt. .!.M!'n-. ir. Irs on t!-.o
n Kw and arm. U. or the head, fi.-e an I
fremiti's, pro-v
.n .i o tiu'i.'Hu r'i"i'.iiy .01
e !:
t ihe it.iln " 'he
IO .d t". is t
c. 11. Uli1-. leti
". 1 en. .li ie
Ciiiar;. fr
r e fall ie. .in''
I., Ii horrid
r e a period 'o I
I. in lo "that I'l.'i'
ol di-e..-.'
. tig .'eftth
l.v see liiii;
ivbeucv no
tr'vcller rc'.urn- .!
ti.iei. 1' that th..ue.i.ds Ml vi.'tim" ,
to Ibis terrible disease. o ins I-1 l.e unskillfuliiess iol
I , rmit pretenders, who. hy die use ol lliat 7e.o.iy i
. ji .oM ,!r,cnrii, ruin the constitution and lukke '
l residuool life niispialili'
Trust not your
Ives. or health, tome care oi mo
a -ny l iiloafnc.l nud Worthless Pretenders, destitute
knnwh d.'e. nnino or e'.iniucter. who e-opy J)r.
1.U..-U . ... ..,... I IM....1..1
...l.-nrltsi-inellts. or siio menisci v., in
I' is newspap
rs. reuiany r.uueiu-u ,u.,.s.i-.
i. ai.iil.le ot eiirn'T, e v.. r -
1 . . , . .,. f.1.1... .....I ruiibini.t ...tan
t. i.nds. or a? loni! us the smallest ice ci.u be nbtair.yd .
a d in despair, leave you with ruined heullh lo eijjh
I. . er your 1.11111111! disappointment.
Jir Johnstou ii the only I'liysicinn a Ivertisinsr.
His crcdeniiiil or diplomas always hanit in his office
His renudiesor treiilement lire unkuown to all
Tf trs. t ed from a lite spent in the great hos-
T nils o Li'rope, thelirst in the country and a more
tensive y-VM .il.- d'ruciirf than any oilier I'hysician
;,ooiKMl- r Tin: VKKSH
The manv thousamU cured at this nislitutiou year
,f,er year." ond the numerous important Miricul
' "Jum perb ruied by Lr. Johnson, witnessed by
iTrcoortcisoflbo "M.u. ' "Clipper," and many
her napers. notice of which bnv . appeared a8uiu
rd a'ai'i. before tho publ.e, beside Lis s.audinM
. .... ,i,,,n of ehnracter and responsibility, is a
lunViciit Kiiarantee. to tho "f1;'';,,,... . . v
persons writin- should be particular in ilireetinj
their letters tohis Iiistilulion, in tlicfollowinit maner
JOll tl. .IOIIJhTO, tl. !.,
Cfllie Ettltimore Lock Iluspitul, Ijiutiuiore, JId.
April 2. isoi ly.
11 VI'TIIKW At t'OX,
. ..H nt tM, No- l"n for. Fulton
A ilnd "n od -ray! .New Y.k. Will carefully at
,,nd to collection, and all other nitttte-r. lutrusteal to
Sept. I'J, lsS3.
rt"l!E subscriber re-pecfully Informs H'e.rub;'
I that ho keeps eowtuntly on hand t his new
V AlVi'll "I'e-K. " "' ;'''',1"n v Mt? Kutlioad
.,. i" - XBl'Hy. Hour by the barrel and aock,
.ud . il. be b. "H.V'XIwpct.
Corner Market street .nd Market Briiiore,
Acknowledged A First c:iaa IIouRa.
TriK Proprietor would most respectfully call the
atteution of the oitirens of Siinbury and the sur
rtiundinr country, to tho flccotnmolations of his
house. assuring them they will fin'l everything that
can contribute to their comfort. It is situated far
enough from the Iepot to avoid the noise and confu
sion incident to railroad stations, and at the aume
time only a few minutes walk from the same.
An Omnibus will ba found at the Stations on the
nival of each train
C. U MANX, Proprietor.
April 0, ISrJI Sm
C. 0. BRUCE.
Authorized IVnr Clulm Official.
Wnshintrton.D. O. I Cleveland, Ohio.
Opposite I'vusion Otlice. 2 car the Court lioiutc.
1u1IInI-i i he Army flcruld.
nnd collects
Prire-inoney and all other
Claims. We pay especial attention to clnlrre lo
which other attornevi have FAILED, or which have
been SI SPLNlEfi. V have already collected
r.d l over lo t1d!ers ar.,1 their heirs over $500,
f.'OO. und are paying thousands daily. No charge
e'.ilrS" nucci'islul. Write us, blJ we will snd vou a
j-. . i irom eiee 10 vv .di uvum.
W e do mr Imsinrsi witooCT M.L4T
April !, pl..-
rilll' undersigned dealer in Coal from the follow
1 in well Collieries ,s prepared to receive
orders for the same at ike l.oweu M-ukel Kates, vik:
ih)u;i;:i .U's iiamo;i minkh
h'AKUlSII i-CO'rt
cti.Nsui.iDA ii:n C'0'3
lis is also prepared te Nrnieh the
Ktill2nirc 4 " t'-l-brl; Coat,
I.'.unp an I IWiHtrttl.
On tb Vine ef tbn S.'Siu-b' rnA P'ver W. Havre de
(iiace. lie has ma.',e arrii,;ei.itnt for the best j
j W hich be ie j.repare I lo deliver on board Hoats at j
.Noniiuii.beilnnd. oi l.v Cars o'er Northern Central j
I Kailroa i. and on tho line of tbe Philadelphia aim
! hne, on the bust terms
i He is prepared lo till all Ordeis with despatch, and
; r.speeiioiiy solicit oruars i
'be Trade.
J.,ll M.-KAIll.ANP.
ioriliuiut'Crlaud, Fa.
April y
. lt.
rivi.H B.orai
The 0SLT reluble aetf-Adjus ing Wrlnrja..
o Wo-.-d-V ork lo Swell or Fidit.
NuThntub-Screws to get tut of "rJar.
WaraniaJ with or witlnut Co-W'heels.
uto.u iherriisTr?.i:stirv i r.ft-s.T.n St-a :
I 'rr.Vlir. m ls.1-.. .t: I i.. silltoul . ... ;
lion the best Writer ev.r j
I'atei.u-.; in the t nitod bluiee, r.rRlaLd, Canada,
and Ausnsl'. ...,, paid, on receipt of
I re:'
Lhtritetie aRintseaninkefrini3to 10 Dollars per
I dir.
I :,o". :
tl iO. No l.t: ie No F.?..''0 N". A 59 10.
..i.t'c'iired sr.. I ...Id. wl.'.lesaie and retnit, l.y
TlliC I'I'TN A M MANlKA;il KlN'i l".,
Vo !3 l'' S:rci, New V'.i k. and Clei eland. Ohio.
S. I'. NOK'l'llUor, Auou.
Ibui Iron well gnlvnnuvil will t.nt rust;
ibalatiojp! macti'LC is bet'er than a complicated
one ;
1 l,-il a wrir r s'joiil t l.n s-lf adjns'.irj);, durable,
i and e:fiei. in ; . 1 ,iiiml-.,-erews and 1 af cause aeiaj aau
: trouble to rt julate and keep in older ;
Tl at wood buaritiipi S r tb. sbulitorun inwill wear
rut ;
'Ibal tbe I'utnam Urincer with or without eo
wb.'i... will i.oi leur il. ;
lliat cog-wheel ie)i!ato.s are not esenlial ;
Torn tho I'miiaui V riri!r lois all tbe advantages
and not one ot the di.s:i.lvar.l!i(.'r above mimed :
Thai a'l who have tvued it, prouounce it the best
W'rintrer ever taade;
Inat i. will writ.ji a Ti.road or a Iled-Qsiilt without
Wen.ihlf.!l testimonials, but in a tew io ci i. ii.ce ihe tkrpll. -tl. ifeu-h
there be ; and we env to ail. tesi J'noianj's V, riiiRer
liei it TIKMl'Ji dlilY with AN V an I ALL otbsrs,
and if no: ei.iirelv si'i-fi'to. t. reinri. iu
I'i ts.vii M.irrn ti v.'.'n 0:
iJrnilemei.;- I k:m fr-n pr"'-a' experlerea
that iron well jralvanire I wilh line will nol oidii"
or met one particle, "he I'umam Vi'imr'T is as
rear i.rrfesl as powib!, an 1 I e vr. v'beeii'uiiy le-
euuwieiid it ha the i '( i'. U'll
It ..s.j.. r-t fill i v "l-rA,
'Nil. VV. VVIIl.Ki.r.ll. Cleveland. Ohio.
Mar v rears' eiT'eritncc in the icalvaiiitius bnsi.
ntia ei.'nlilo is to indors. the ab ve stntemenl in all
1 JNO. C. LT.fFlrHrs.
No. Keekuiun hlreet.
V.w VorU..Tannar. sC4.
Us have tested t'utnntu's Clothes Wringer by
nrs.-ie-nl working, and know thai ll will do. It is
j cheap; it is simple; 11 requires no room, whether at
w-.ri; or at 1 e.-i . a enn .-" . i-
Uutv luorounlily f il saves timo and it saves wear
and' tear. We eurneally advise all who buve much
washins to do, with intelligent persons who have any,
to buy this Wrincer. It "ill pay for itself in a year
tmu.t. Hon "lOUALt UllLKLKV.
June H. 1RR.
A UK not only unequalled, but they are absolutely
unequalled, by any other Heed Instrument in
tbecounlry. Designed expressly for Churches uud
Schools, they aro found to De equally well adapted
to the parlor and drawing room. For mle onltp by
K. M . L Ilf CK,
No. 18 North Seventh street, Philadelphia.
t-yAlso Uradbury s 1'ianoa. and a complete as
sortment of the I'triect MELOfiLO.N.
Sept. 21, InOt. lyw
lltS. M.4UI.V TllOtll'SaOrsJ,
(Formerly of the '-Lawrenee House,")
ft it v It IT It Y . PEN N ' A.
TNFOKMS her friends and the publio generally
,k. .k. k.. reAttad the house formerlv uecupted
by Ur. J. W. Peale, on Llackberry street, near the
Northern Central Kailway Depot, and opened a
Boarding House, where she is prepared ti keep
u-1,1. .,,l eookaaud waiters, boardors can enjoy
thenuieteomforuj of home with fare equal to the
brat hotels.
Patronage from those who may iojouru la Bunbory
mi.xj von 'irur. i:v yimic.
VU Time lias turned anotliur pugu
Of eternity nml trut'.t:
lie reotls with a wnrninr voice to ago
Anil svliinprrH n lusson to youth.
A vestf has llt.'d o'er heart ittxl head
Since lust the yule lo? burnt;
And we have n task to clusely usk.
What the bosom uud brain hnve lenrnt f
Oh! let us hope that our sands have run
With wisdom's precious grains; .
Oil 1 tun; we find that our liaiula have donu
Some work of glorious pains.
Then u welcome and cheer to tbe merry
new year
Wlnle the holly fdcftme above us;
With u pardon for the tcs who hate,
And a prayer for those who love us.
We may have seen some loved ones pans
To the land of huMowed rest;
We may tnias the glow of an honest blow
And the warmeth of a friendly breast:
Hut if we nursed tiicm while on earth.
With hearts all true und kind.
Will their spirits blumu the sunless mirth
Of those true hearts left behind
No, no! it were not well or wise
To mora with endless pain;
There's n belter world beyond the skies,
Where the good shall meet flguiu.
Then u welcome und cheer to tite merry
new year,
Wiiile the holly gleanis above us;
With a pardon for the foes who hate.
And a prayer lor those who love us.
Have our days rolled on serenely free
From sorrow's dim allow 1
Do we atil'. possess the gifts that bless
And till our souls w ith joy;
Are the creatures dear still clinging near?
Do we hear loved voices comcf
Do w.e naze on eyes whose glances shed
A halo around our home;
Oh, if we tin, let thanks be poured
To him lin lml li spared ami given,
Am! forgot not o'er the festive board
Tlie mercies held from Heaven.
Then a welcome and cheer to the merry
new year,
Whi c the holly clcnms above us I
With a pardon for the I'm who hate,
And a prayer for those who love us.
1M T PC! I Yli 01.' rTfl-IVC tlle ''est 'tint parlor, mid .'-lis. and Mr. I'et
ALLO AxU OlV Li 1 L 1 1 LO. ! tisol ,u:re delighted to see him.
ll'H .40.M'i Ol' .tl V CII -tllX-i.
II Y Urt8. IIlltHICT n. STOWE.
This was one of the golden sayings of Je
deiiiah IVtrisol. One uiig'at think so. at
least by the fretjuency tir.d emphasis with
which it fed from his lips. Jedediah was
r. ckonid one oi the ticiie.-L mi u in the v il
1 g of Needvval. He lived in that great
wii.lcl.o ne you see vomhr with the tults
of lila. s belore eai h of the front windows,
the .r ut sugar mtples in the grassy yard,
tiiw liglu, lit-at picket fences, tint" laigit'liani
o erfectly bu it, to triudy kept, and rui
rouiub'i: by the wtll tended ucrvs of tiio
richest farm of the iieighlioiiiood. Jedediah
't'"11 ' - """s "." -; :"7y ',
"'"""r' "1 raonrv-iil w hich he had lai l
by ail untold store; how Uiuell it was dilli-
cull t.l My, but there was tl "slow, dry
sinile" which curled his hard features vvIh.i
t ftUmM
Imngintitioii ut tnc nUestloner more lliau tliu
'. mention of any definite sum. Jedediah was
an excellent householder iu all pertaining to
' his own. His wife lacked for nothing
rtistlt d to church in the stillest of silks and
j heaviest of satins, woru un India shawl, and
j got her bonnets iptartcrly New York,
i to the great edification of Miss IVvvit, the
eo.iiitry milliner, and of all Lcr'rnr'd r.ciuii
I bors. All .leih iiiah's sons and daughters
' walked in brightness and lived on the fat
of the land; they went to the best schools,
wore the best clothes, ate the best thing-,
: and were reported to do every thing in the
' best w ay. He rubbed his hands as he look
: ed around on his rising race. He lla""rcd
. himself that there were ro such children
going. He took care r.f liu'iii; they w ere
' his. an.', Jedediah always took care of his
; own things. Whatever was his, though but
; the breadth and thickness of a hair, was hi.;
nml was ntteaded to with microscopic
'. tii'-ctv.
liui to aTl that was not hi, to cvervbndv
n, n.vtl) (l1 ,.v,.ry bod "s cares, wants.
: outside the Cliei.' i t bis own Jeiseeludi bad
; one short, golden saying :
! .Tei'le'disi'.i was a proper, chureh-goiiip; man
' nay, a church nu mber, and lie-ing a ei'iireli
j member, his townsmen thought the lea 4
! they coiil.'. do for a man of eucii substance
: and admirable management was to ncil.e him
j a ocurut. They imped I hereby, !n a mi'iisure
j to brills' the chuich into the charmed circle
i which he called his own. .They were much
i mistaken; He was too shrewd for them.
. "If they ihiuU they're going to put their
i biirdeus off on niy shoulders they are mis
i taken. I pay my subscription punctually ;
that's all 1 agreed to elo ; us to the rest, its
Leme of my busincFS."
If a subscription w as up for any charita
! blc object, Jedediuh w as very acute in lind
! ing out that il wus none of his business.
Subscriuu to a town unrary f o : wnar
lid he want of a town library : I am able to
buy all the books I want, and prefer to lead
my own books.''
Hut, Sir. 1'itttsoi, think now many oi
vnur neiehbors are not, and what uu excel
lent thing tor tliem it would be. '
ell, let them get it : its none ol my
business, l'ui sure; we've more books no
than we cun ever read."
Mr. I'ettisol, we called t' sto if yon
would subscribe 'or a lurnaco lor luu
church ?"
No. AYhat's the use nf a furnace; The
stove keeps us comfortuble enough."
jour pew and two or three about it are
comfor'.a'ole, but tho galleries, where the
poorer lieoplu sit, and the pews near the
door in short, hulf the pews iu .the house
are very uncointortable."
"Well, let tliem that mm it so Buoscnne.
I don't ; so it's none of my business."
Xow .Mr. Tettisol was a very orthodox
man, nmv believed devoutly everyone of the
live points of C'alviinistu ; ami he could set
any young minister in a twinkling that
blunilcred on them, lie kept an austere
watch on his new pastor, Mr. Service, whom
he suspected somehow of not having the
good old ways. ' I don't liear you preach
the strong old points," ho would say : "Di
vine sovereignty anil election ;" and the
minister smiled in a wanner that Mr. Petti-
sol wondered at.
"Did you ever bear of this doctrine, .Mr.
Pettisol ! 'Look not every man on his ow n
things, but every man on things of others.'"
" That is'nt a doctrine," aaid Mr. I'ettisol,
-ne a ttlrrlB of ,' Uihie."
1,Why isn't it a doctrine ?" said Mr. Ser
vice, and left hint.
Mr. 1'ettisol felt for some time tliat dull,
confused sensation in his brain that is pro
duced by a new idea fumbling at the rusty
look of a very old door, lie had bt t-n to
the sacrament, punctually every two months
for twenty .veal's. He had supposed himself
jjrimcd in till the ins and outs of doctrine;
und in nil this time nouodv had ever said
such a singular tiling to iiim as this. It
confused him, and he put it out of his head.
The minister was yotinfe and modest ; he
cii:ii,., P.. linil rli' n seed wliioli In. i
hoped would germinate he did not make at 1 - 1
lance for that flock of domestic fowls
called old prejudices, who make it their bu- j
siness instant iv to pobble t! all such seeds. !
When he thought the wed h.i
gcrmina- I
ted. In
tailed on Jedudiuh. to open a case j
i heavilv on his mind, am: in which I
no oiin in 1:1s jh was better able to give !
lll-l malerial aid. !
Tliern liad recently been a facrory cstab- i
liilieu i:i u d!s'ant part of liU pal Lb, wiilell ;
had brought ii..' I he p!:i"o a huge pnpnla- '
lion of young lads ami girls, w ho. as often :
happens to T'.irli easo-", .-ecmed to be under
very indilferetit moral influence. Suudtiy
was u perfect carnival of unseemly proceed- i
ings. I he lioys marauded inrougii the fields
robbed orchards nnd virion Jiatchcs, and the
girls. Haunting in gay dresses and laughing
loudly, were often seen in certain dubious
coll'ee hou-cs. w hich had sprung up like
liiushrootis in the ncighhorhoud 'l the laeto
ry. Mr. Service, with tw o or three energet
ic, self-denying men and women of his par
ish, hail vent.. tvd into this region end set
up a Mnitli school, and s'i:cc'di.d iu pro
ducing some interest in better things.
That mottling at table Mr. Service said to
lis wife, ''if I only were rich, now, 1 know
wha; 1 would do. I'd .tit up a neat little
hall for a Sunday school, and hae a library
t in il, and 1 could draw in ever so i.iaity ;
tt i
' iniIu become the nucleus of the church as
W ell as serve for the use of Sunday school.
"Well, let's git up a'subsciiption (or it."
said his wife, "there'r. deacon I'ettisol owns
the land, perhaps he'll give u-, that."
"1 doubt it," Miid Mr. Service.
"Oh yes ! only go ami talk to him '.ell
him nil a!. ul it- lie can't refuse."
So that eveninit Mr. Si rviec- called ut Mr.
l'cltisol's and was conliallv received : some I
tine pears ntui grapes were oiteted o him in
lie io!.l his store.
I '1 hardly see w hat call you have to ined-
die with that f tctory population," said Mr.
l'etlisol. "If I mistake not the factory
j stands the ot'lier side of the town line, and
i ii's the business of Smith sV Simods to pro-
vide such l longs, if anybody. Why don't
', you go to tliem ; '
j" "1 have been lo tlielti. and tlcy are n.ove
moncv i.i ikiutr men oi the world, and don't
care for nnvthing of the sort."
i "W..:i, th.n." said .ledetli.ih. "1 believe
: t'ne factory, in point of Lie'., etaiius in -Mr.
J Drow i.'s p:ui-!i."
j 'lV.-hao' ', ;:. mere point gcogtnphy. the
! line may run this side, but in p"itil ol fact
': the peojil .. ;-.r.' tnuch ne tree t i us than to
j him. i n Cu t i- Mr. I cttisut. if is for our
, iiiteio.,: in tal.e i .'or i f thi.t population, or
' tlu-y will ioi injit the state ol'tvorals nmoiio
Us. Those roving, idle voting men and
I boy, inariy el't'iem bright ami'.e. will
i be leadim; away the l.oisol the pnris!" i-V-".'.
j now the Sabbath ii dreadfully profaned
union;' us,"
I "I'll risk my children," said Mr. IVttUoi.
"I can't ctil down all the duckweed in inv
1. 1... si.. ....I i.r il.,ie ll .ill tin. t -1 ,i 1 1 -1
l.'iom iny i.eighbotV trees, but 1 can keep
them oil' my owTi lai in.
"I thutbt'it." s aid Mr. Se rvice; "but if vou
couh' !; w t'lild be
one stock of ilockvv
hs work to cut doivn
id . fivrn in voiirnciidi-
j bin's fold, than to hoe up a thousand young
docks tiller the w ind had seeelcd your farm
I with them. If any one woulel have ntadr it
their bti' ;ne-.s to cicar the catetpilers oil the
wild cherry tree at the head of the streel,
you would have saved two davs' work
in the oiehiii'ds about."
... , .. ii- t.. .t. .i...i T ..i.,',
1 l.ll V, lllill, .Ml. x Liti.s.-i, .'in. . iiiii ,i
.eoin.e to do other tieoiiie's work. T hat
j trie stands on dim Steiitou's ground, i.nd if
I he dou'i ntteiid to it, 1 ain't going lo do it
; for bim l'tiiuie"
j :f ::'i'.li.s eery tree of our orchard
with rnttcrpilrr-f" mid Mr. Seivice.
I "1 can take cure of my own tires," said
Mr. Pettisol. "I'd rather do twice Ihe work
on my own place iii.ui in no sum iinu isu i
I 111V bll-ilies..''
I "".Mr. I'ciiis.ii." s.iid Str-xt1. '"'3vu jt.u
j tiio;:''' ! y i f dociriue 1 spoke to you
j about;"'
I 'V,'!:,-' doctrine, Sir;"
i.oo;; not every ria l n i.;s iwn iiiincs,
but t veri man oil th'J tilings of tii!;cl V
V.' lint do vou tl 'ink ot .'orlrinu V It's
iu tu.- liibic, a piu'.n as the ebx'.rine ol'il -e-lion.'.'
At t'.'.'s t-oint Mr. Pettisil bocrin to have
secret douiiis as to the validity of Pauls
epistles; but he did not venture to assert
them in so many words, so he passed the
grape dish again to his minister, mid said :
"1 trust 1 inn always ready to do my duty
in my own Held. Hut I believe in order, sir
order; in every one sticking to his t ..siness.
Now, we have cnoag.-d you, sii, to attend
to us keep up our preaching, anil weekly
lecture, and pi aver mretoii;, and really, sir.
I don't Be"; ii.-w you rtr.i !,,inirn yroirsdf
wi'h this work without taking ttie strength
you need for your mail: bu.-ine'ss."
"Mr. PeUisol," said Mr, Service, ' I do
not-consider myself i:i the light of a man
hirefl to take care of ou nierclv ; I am tnc
shepherd and fcrvatit f'lirist, and t.iy
duty is to an wandering souls 'vnoni l am
able to rench ami care for; but of nothing
else but vour interest and your children, I
would gliidlv do twice as much as I do now
for this population ; it is the only way I
can save the children and youth of my par
ish lroin corruption.
'I don't know how it is w ith other peo
ple, said Mr. Pettisol, "but I dt.n't t'.i'uik my
children will wish to r..tociuto with factory
"1 don't think you can answer for your
boys or for mine, Mr. Pettisol ; boys tire
more attracted by boys than by fathers and
mothers, and if they ur; gay, lively fellows,
w ho keep some kind of a jolly thing going,
they care very little what, station they be
long to."
"I shall for'oi l my sons all such associa
tions," said Mr, Pettisol; "and I should liks
to see any of them disobey me."
l,l should not," said Mr. Service, "never
theless, i loar they w ill. '
"Well, perhaps I may feel it ny duty to
give something," said the dcr.on.
"If you would only give us that lot this
sido of the) factory, to put our hall ou," said
Mr. Service.
"Wr), M. rVrrrast, even. Vt trp in ViiM-
ness matters," said Mr. l'etlisol, with a pa-
trouizing smile ; "iliac tot ol land is using
in value Kn per cent, a year,
l-'or alf that, I think it would be your in- j
vevtnietit to uivo it lor mis! caiisi., it is m
one sense i'.ir niun: our business to ta!;e care
of these factory people that it is the busi
ness of the owners of the factory. They du
not live bete. They have no children here,
They will nol, in their persons or their lam-
iiios. stiller as we shall Iriiln liiltinie tlmm mi
Hies, sutler as we (shall from letting them go
to ruin."
"Who wants to leave them qo to ruin i"
said Mr. I'ettisol. "Can't they come to our
'liu' t-'1 11 ""'J' Wlint to ' 'I'bwu are free scuts
1,1 !l,c g:'"t'y. without .our going down to
'""''I I1"' tln-m.''
"15llt lllt'.v w',,'t ,,""c ( ,,up church, and
experience has shown they will l-oiiih lo o ;
1' CV appropriate!.! to tliem alone, utir poor
"ul1' t' " croMdt it every Mmilay, nml
seme go away lor want o: nitini,
"Will, Mr. :Vr ice. I'll Ihint; of it, nr.i
send you snnieliiin:;, t!;ou!;,li I must say I
don't iliiuiv as ou iio. If people u-ii': r.t
lend the s'atcd means ol grace, 1 really
don't fee the need ol our going down on
our knees to tlnui it's their ov. u affair alter
" 1 lie Lord Jesus didn't think it our own j
i"""1' "oeno i veni, in iiBiiuuiuii -i gin s in ad should be placed umlcr a cover
! not, ' said Mr. Service. "He did much more ! :,c I'asha's dinner table. It is the cus
; one would think, than his part. e were i tm in Turkey for the male heads of fami
enetiues and he lei, heaven l..r us, l.ved , j,.s t:, f ,lrt j,,,,,, tl)(.ir wm., Un
pooi mi ins uie, uieu uiu woiai. in ue.o n-. ,
' und is lie to do all this for u und v.u feel
that we are not to lift u linger for each
' otlu r ';"
i "Well, well, Mr. Service, I'll think of it
and let you know. I'll sub crilie mniic-
thing," said Mr. I'ettisol, and su the lainis,
' ter rose and left.
I "He is a good man. ir.r dnr.'- said Jed
' ediall I'ettisol. "1 believe Mr. Service is" a
, verv good man ; but I iluubt about his or-
" Ii v. tiv dear," said Sirs. I'ettisol, 'what
i makes you doubt his orthodoxy .'"
"th ! Ihe-c modem voting minister, with
tin ir litimauitaiii n notions, want to cany
tin- worid on '.licir own shoulders. but they'r
I dumb on the doctrines, lie says he believes
; them, but he don't pleach them, llavn't
1 heard a sei mon on divine sovereignty and
! man's dependence since he's been here. 1 1
ii.; had more ttnt.Ii in that he would l.c
'1 think," said Mrs. I'ettisol, "what lie
. said about our children is ridiculous. I'd
! risk our Johnny anywhere poor litllu fel
: low he went lo bed with the headache early
: this cvining."
j The fact was, that "our Johnnj" ut the
i moment these words were spoken was tar
: enough from his bed. He was ill fact, down j
! at Smith's factory, Unfiling to play poker
! well Mike Dornor, a sharp, shrewd, adroit, !
i droll fellow who led uli the boys of the. vil- j
1 lage, uud had taken entire posses-ion of (
. oiilinny lVltisul.
I The "next morning Mr. l'etlisol enclosed
; in n very cold note seventy-live cents to his
i minister.
I Shortly, ni'ter secret (os-alisfurlion r.rose
' in the parish. Mr. Service was accused of
1 heresy. There was a great meeting muii-rls
j much talk and disi:ii-sio:t. i'oor Mr. Ser
: vice was badgered and bailed, and obliged
; to spend so ninny anxious hours, uud so
; lit i.i h time in i d stnngth in ip'ainir.g ex
: nelly his view s of the consisrct"-e of tind's
i decrees with hui;;:;:: a'.i.iiy. and di lining the
' exact state of the heathen in the lulure
I win hi, that I he heathen in Sinithv ills; were
I left to go en tlnir own way. 1.1 a short
i time Mr. Service wus ilistnisti il. the church
hired nunistirs at ten dollars a Sabbath to
i "i'I''' .the pttlpit, and said this was icono
i m v. it rot; shops crew up in the villa
the poor house Inerciiseil its inmate, boys
1 ssfw up godless, dissipated young men
i l,r"Uc ,i"'ir lather's and mother's hums,
and Johniiv FVttiso! dret and lor. most.
There weru days, long and hitter, when
Mr. Pi Iti-.ol, i, id and trembling wit'i jiarti'.y-
sis, ami his wife sat, sad and br.'l.t ii heart-
ed, wept over their spendthrift tiudiit'l'ul
sons, and wondei eel why tiiev should have
! turned out so bad in iW rifsueli e.. client
instructions, flu; duckweed and eaternillars
, .
c".1"' 'V ,,llt "'. .Jt"!
nil's lic'ni.
A ttn ail Ins enei L'V : nml III his own seen l
soul .while trembling on the verge of eterni
ty ai.d reviewing the use he had made of I, is
iiie. he sometimes remembered Mr. Service,
and wished he had given more thought to
the git at doctrine, "book not every matt on
his own things, but every u. ,ui also oa the
things o li n.''
li-3ti'Si nl J'l.-ijs-tliiy : 8Sfs.e.
Though i.'.any curioua tricks and mis
I cUievoit.. but h iniiie-S capers have btctl
I jilayed 'oy horses within o irown knovdedgc,
j yel it is hard to give credence to the follow
ing anecdote from un lltigli.-h ; ..per:
There was some years ago, a very flue
horse in the posscsiion of Jleitry Me us iV
t'o., tho eminent blowers. It was used as u
dray horse, but was so tractable that he was
left sometimes without any restraint, to walk
about the yard and return to tnc sial ic, ac
cording to his In the vard, there
were also a few pigs of peculiar breed, t'c,'.
on grain ami e- ri and t) these pi's Ihe
!.c..; nad evidently un i!iiai;" ,i' objection.
There was a deep tr. '.'.g'.i in the yaril, hold
ing water lor the horses, where this horse
went often, taking his mouth full of corn.
When ho reached I he trotiu',., he let the corn
fill near it on the L""'tinel, and when the
young swine appm.u iicd it (for the old one
kept aloof) ho would suddenly seio ono of
them by the tail, imp him int j me trough,
aud then caper about the yard, seemingly
delighted will) the fro'ic. Tls'j ti'.in; ul'tho
pig soon broiiLdii, the men to his assistance,
o i.ii knew trom elij'.eri.iiif e w hat ens the
matter, while the horse indulged in ul I soils
of unties to show his glee, ami then return
eel tiuictly lo hi( stable.
Tun Iiios Pyrites. A man applied to
Dr. Juckson, the celebrated chemist of Pos-
ton, witu tt box ot specimens, tun jou
tell mo what these is sir (" "Certainly I
can, sir. That is iron pv rites." What
siri" in a voice of thunder. "Iron pyrites."
"Iron pyrites ! Aud what's that'" "That's
what it is," Biiidtho chomis.t' putting a lot
on tlie shovel over tho hot Coals, w here it
disappeared. "Dross." "And w hat is iron
pyrites worth " "Nothiug !" "-Nothing.
Why there's a woman in our town owns a
whole hill of that uud I re married "
The lady's maid of a fushinnablo Mar
ciiiouc.s, whose styU of dress far exceeds
that of her mistress, having occasion to
w rite an order to a perfumer last week,
actually reouested him to send 4 dosert "vn,
t'.ei of -O tirk At"rao." .
.lealonsilj - In (do rSrnjt!!?; E'f ni fal j
Tmd't'sly" In Xwrln-y.
A horrible tragedy is reported in it f'on-
staiitiuople letter of the l'.lth ult. The fob
lowing ate the nurticulnrs as tnus reported :
lijetiiiia Sultana t'.io third daughter of the
latu Mult nil, iiow j:i her fAenly second year,
wiu ntafriid lo Muhmoed Jclludin Taslm.
a lie position of a subject upon the bultan
confers the hand of one of his daughters is
,,,,, tl,;.,.. i,... . .......i i i...
anything but an enviable one, in the
princesses treat the nnli;i(Tpy husband much
in the same way as they do their slaves, or ,
rather worse, for the hitter have not the;
misery of appearing in ( lai-o position. It j
is well known that the hufbtinds of the :
daughters of the late Sultan I'ntitna, Haina
and Ujomila hu-ve leaet the most wretched
f ivt.a from the arbitrariutss and jealously
ot tlieir wives. The tragedy which occurred
on the lath inst. arose Irom this cause. The
Stiilana Dji.uiila, from causes well or ill
i'vndud, became jealous of one of tier sl.ivis, !
w iiom sue imaginetl w as regarded
:d w i'.h some !
favor by her husband. In her hiohtii ss'
rage against the unfortunate, girl she ordcr
dered one of eunuchs lo cut her head off.
w hich was done at a stroke of his cimeter.
i Then she dotorminorl til i.vtnnrl hoe
,, .r husband, and cooly directed that tile J
i,... ,;.. lrl me3tion the Sullatm seated
herself on the divan a long sofa extending
ireross the room previous to her husband's
entering the dining-room. On his arrival,
(in is c.i-'.oiuary, he went up to his imperial and rendered her ti.e. usual
Mie re(iiesled him to proceed witii his din
uli". When seated, he called on the servants
to remove the cover which is thrown over
liie l ray wiiieh forms the top of the table;
lo his surprise they hesitated, and shrank
back. Tlie Saltana then called to him to
remove it himself, upbraiding the servants
lor their conduct. The unhappy Tusha,
obeying his wife's directions, threw olf the
cover, and then before him luy tho gory
head of the murdered girl. II.j reeled and
fell buck a corpse, l'revious to taking off
the cover he had '.Irani; sonie sherbet, and
i whether this was poisoned, assume imuaitic.
or that the shock produced aponlcxv. has
not, been ascertained, as no post mortem
e..i-.iii.alion has been held. It will, of
curse, be thought that the imperial mur
deress was at once seined and placed in the
hands of justice. On thu contrary. Djemila
Sultana, a princess ot the imperial family,
daughter of Sultan Abdul Mcdjid und niece
of Ihe reigning Sultan, hffs up to the pres
ent moment remained in her house unmo
lested, and the only notice taker, ot the mat
ter has been that her imperial unulo is very
uugry it Ii her.
rsoikir tiling .11oh! CjMcrs, J
A writer in the Springfield l'tepublif au
dcvoles a colume or more to ditcussion of
oysters, iu the course of which he says:
Tho art of cooking oysters is not so far
advanced in our northern cities ss it should
be. There is but one place, ive Lelievr, in
nil New Haven vvher.i steamed oysters can
be had; ami w hy they ar.j tint more common
here is very strange. In Washington and
liul t ttiiiire! u is liie favorite stylo of cooking
them, yet many of our readers scarcely ever
heard of them. They nre eaten by thi'perk.
You call fur at least half a peck, or if you
aic very hungry, possibly a peek. Soon a
smuil eiirly boy comes nml puts a hot pinto
bil. ie jou. Then the small dirty boy places
a lump of butter beside you. Then you put
some butter ou the hoi plate, with such
other seasoning as vou iileiie. niakiiiL.' a
l.iuii of lieli gravy of the melted butler. '
Finally thu small dirty boy brings a re. k I
measure ol bis teslaeeau v ict iir5, piunts hini
seil s .pnire iu front of you, and by u dexteri
ous kind of the wrist lands an oysters with
1 a gtaeef.,1 i! op in the mii'.dle of y bur plate.
i Ti eti a'l you have to do ii cut 'tin ah, yes
i tat 'cm
j Oysters are native to the temperate and
wru ui w aters of the greater part of the globe
but in) where else do they grow as line ns iu
America, und now here else are they so high
ly appreciated. We adv ise American travel
ers, who have been accustomed to them at
home, not to touch thein at Europe; they
wiil be only discussed a'jd disappointed if
ihev do. Paris is famed tintl justly so, for
t.isto like
but Paris ovsters, fauttli! tliev i
oner cents. If A morion has a
tialionul dish, it is ovatt-rs; and they are a
dislt worthy of so grand acounlrv. Give
; .ioiitiy jiuit ins putui.tig and his Itct-r. give
.lo'.ttiy Carpau his boulhin and fricandcau
i we stick to orstcrs. Who can tell how
much of our national character is fashioned
bv rhmf Tiiev are O'c.- . X . i i.eo.t inn .nrl
Hull his
. . ...f-. ......
j do not maae en.' sieejiy; ihcy nre slimulil- 1
. ie?;, but do uot make one meddlesome; they
, make one enthusiastic, yet keep his brain i
' cool nud clear. J
I a remark tit I hackeray s when in this'
country, illustrates the superior growilt of I
: our oysters lather forcibly, lie was accus- I
; turned to those of llnglanel and Fiance, but j
j knew nothing of the monsters we rise here, j
i While dining with some lit.iury friends in
-New York, he hose oysters, aril" win n ask-!
j ed in vviiat style in! s ti '. raw he liked so
I much toswaliir.v ttiein. The waiter brought j
; out a plate of splviidid fcliuns, which were J
I i.i su.e about like u man's hand. Tho great !
! satirist was nmlismav ed lilted one into Ins i
j mouth a porcepii'.! elVort, and down it
weiil! 1 I, ell iiiine a pause "Ah. vet fwaj!-
low "cm," Ie i l'gad, I'd as soon think ol i
swallowing a raw babv. j
S:K:iissioN. For conoral i
,lisl, l. I, .,e il, .17, . .('
Iibsli UlIuw the dates ,f ,
lUthcru htttles lioni Ihe ,
, I 11 1 a LJ 1 I in ,.IJ-
T.. .. 1 . . ....
inf.iriiiiuioii wo pul
tho SercaaioU of Solltl
Liiion :
South Carolina seceded Dec. 10, l?!!0.
Mississippi seceded January , liil.
Aliibaiiiii seetiled January 11, isiil.
Florida stcedeel January II, istll,
lioorgiit seceded Jan uaiy l'J, I SOI.
Louisiana sectdeel January "tt, IS't.
Texas seteilcd Marrii 4, leOl.
Y iriui i seceded April k I, lf-IJl.
N'sii-tli Carolina o,.,....i m,iv
TcillltS.5eC; B'JCeded oVIiC l, ititll.
On Tranlal Wij ilic 1I luu Co nun o
ST Lo.vortLtow.
flft have I teen at some cathedral door
A laborer pausing iu Ibe dust und beat.
Lay down his burden, and wiib r.ean .d feet
tnler, and ernes biinseif, and on t'..e 9.or
bueel lo repeat his nater.aostcr e'er ;
Fur ctr the coisca of the world retr em ;
Tbe loud Vociieratious of ihe street
Becomes an uiidiiin cuifb ible roar.
b ., us 1 euter bore from aay to uy.
And leave my burden ul ibis miusisr-ftre,
k neeling iu prayer, und not ashamed 10 pray,
1 be tuuiull tit' tbo lime discinsolate
l o inarticulate uiuiiuura di.ts away,
While tlie eternal f wab'h and wait
(ttuo A'strAT
I.ipa's Aiitmm. Like t!"j It.f, lifj hi
Its K li";r, We spcji!; nuel think of jr. s-i
sidueM.,iust as we think of iiin nMu-uti M.ft
Son. Xli.t there sliou'd be no sHtim .va st il' j
ndine; of a liiu ti,,,, i,,,3 its (rk VVL..j
it we rejoice at the advent ol a n, sv inl im.
to tho unccrtaimios f w,,r(rs nv.v,
iwi.y .i!iotild Hutu be so rnneh gloom win";
its war.ine. w,, t.ic j.orv of ' ' t-.-r-j
i.,! i " ' -r
nn i:ii..v.- uiiecniiinties are past, and hi j
d ?
Il utif.l ns is c.hi!dhoo. i.l its fter.hne.s
as iaii i.iencc, its bcau'y is of untrie i
life. It is t!i beamy ot uroiiiiuc, of s';rini;
f the bttd. A holier and tsrt r beiuiy u
tl t beauty V-jjit.h tlin tvain of lu'e of faith
and duty Hears.
Il i; the beauty of a t'-.inir cotupleted :
and as ttt n together to cungratttlai.' tno'.;
other when some great oi j, c: has beLf
achieved, and sec in us conclusion notlo'n;;
Mil giruliies.J, so ought wo t.) fie! when t'vi
eun mugs ij.n'K its heanm upon Id,.
that has answered well life's mimosa. Vv'iin
the bud drons are hliiditml n:,.' rim milii,....
oiusi.s ii. e flirty grain, anil ther- p-iy-, "
hope of th'J harvest, any one may ell be:
sad ; but when lite ripened year sinks amid
(Zarniturs) of minima flowers and leaves, why
should we regret or murmur I And so i
life tint is rcauy and waiii.-.g for thrj "iviH
done" of Ond. whose latest virtues and tuai -ltics
aro its noblest shr.u.d be given buck lo
Ouel, in reverence, wc re
joicing that earth is rpable rf so much sad
uce3, and is permitted such virtue.
PtBrpTitxB. Tifce Licutctidnt General nf
the United Statoa Army wss wa'kiug on the
dock at Oily point, a day or two ago, ap
parently absorded in thought, and Willi the
inevitable cig'ir iu his mouth, w hen a negro
gunr I touched his arm, saying, "Ko smoking
on tho dock, sir." "Are those your order,"
asked the OeDetal, looking up. "Yes, ci.,"
replied thojicgro, courteously, but decided
ly. "Very good orders," saiu Grant, throw
ing his cigar into the wutcr.
A letter from Montreal savs : "It was evi-
dont to spectators in the court room, that
the raiders would be discharged, as they
were weil supplied with overecn's, imliierj,
I Ae., all ready to skedaddle. Sleighs were
I td! prepared to convey them out of thucilv.''
I Greene, tho Maiden, Mass., murdcter. will
hung on the llilh of January.. Y'oung
Converse wus murdered one year ago Tunis
day. Rice rrnntTO. In former paper yon have ar,
nn nru-ilo from tbe I'rairio Faruier. alaoit nuikinit
noo pud.iiu oi n never use c.s ; oui
pi mi is as follows; Wo wash a hitif pound of rkr
and put it in a broid. sballo-.r tin rsu noOur... :.iu.
qjiirts. (wo h-ivo a ltiro fuuiiT'.) vviih a laro tea
cuptuli ol stior, nr 1 a hull'toispuuful of s:iU. i!l
ttie pun up wiui milk, tVusli from tho co, is t,wti
nn I i-et in the oscu r i .ipfl lo b ko, stirring it oca
si:.u.llT n i trying iimbje. V bra the In'.. or i soi't
and saw:u ihiokan the milk, Ih.l pud Lu is .Ion;.
If it boils boo long, or lucre ,s loo much io it, ,
will be loo thiik to be tpvjd. Vou caa spiuuit if ..i
choose, it U exouiieut. a
(r.-rvantotcii Teliraji.
rioTTToMiKa i Yisttcs I'ruritin rts It i
foiuolimes said thai it lake's a T.inUce lo m.'.Ko a o
nuinpkiu pio. and as 1 tiud th u llicr ere ma.lti s
didereni iu iT.ese puns, 1 wiil toil yuur lady reader
how Ihe do niake theru : ii'rif tbe pa'up
kin ad ioii as pos-ible, until tbe juico is nil utie
up; strain lhruiJii;b a onbiuder. nni add e.i:k a:.,
ure.ueu lo a proper oon-islonce ; sircoten wilh hal;' s-,
gar and half uiuhwuea; a l l a little jjiuircr; c,;s ar
useless; fl.,ur ui ikes ihm pasty, r.uj slowing i!ee.
und siniiniii the juiuo oil nad llir,.w.u u awaf
tukos oil ail iho tit-iviest pari of ti: o
BAKrtn rEA"ts Few people know the 1, vury c
hakc't beans, simply bsdau.'S foif aoks pi uerl;
prcp:iie tbein. Iluai.s. generally, are not co k
bull loi.if onoa;b. This is our niclhod: IV'o fjiiar'
of nil lliiny s.sol while bc;.ns, two pounds it -x
pork, and one 4j.o.Tit'uLl of uiolasses. l'ick the i.s:il
over uiiieiui'y. w:e-h. aud ad-1 a gnllon of b.-'liu bo
soft wuier ; iet tbein soak iu il ovor idiit ; in ih
morning pnl them iuficsh wator and boil gently ti1
ibe bm in is very tender and aUout to break, ad.iiui
le-aspoonfull of saionuvs. lake liiiui up dry, no
pus iboin in your di.'h, stir in the uiol.irsvs. 'iii tbv
pork, and put it don u tu tbe dish, to a.' t. hut'
ueiius oover ail brl tbe upper suiiiioe ; turn iu noil in
water tiil the lop is just oovorci ; buku witb a stead,
ure lour or five iiiiurs. Wafch them. a::d add
I water from time to lime u. it dries uwnv. It be tore
filing is ii fn ll-r.ite receipt. J hose wlio d jii't l,k
the t irs of Iho uioiii'rea. may emit it. thou.;!: r .. i.l
to the pcil' of Ihe eleaL. J taurmintitwH is.'.
i A Xrnr VVjiv op Cuutisa. M.
Kaoinet of th
I French lutlitute. w s-.'.i W li.ite duj...aer..'t the ti-.en
I V? coo!t,a "l,lh,"'1lJ:r. fU bcV" .S"'
t'reutili Acsieuiy ibe rosuli ui ai. exi c;iiwpu. Hi
recipe is : I'luco jur food iu a black pil. cover j.
wiiti sundry panes' f g'.:.. aud stand it iu he sun
x'ko water uu buils. and lue too:, t.. Lo) ol tout,
tluTunkaii it euokod iu UK e.iiuiu way.
'Travels Like risen."
Tie electrie tvlegrapb. la bound te rcrna'.u in i
inestcry to ibe niilliou.uu.l the Pilioruus uouoepiion
ol its intuitu vv'ratt'ii, whus bouim o. :li.-lU'.Ht i-
noraut I'cople have foruied, are aj mirib-provoam.
as aiivinn. out of Habolnis or baioliet. The la.
iilus'riiinni of this taut Las :a!!cn aader our eyes i
ibe foliosrius; stoty :
Not h'ty since an old lady entered the te
oCice and said .be had a uitrfu,". w s.ud lo W'noci
nij;. iu a u w uiinuies Ler i.oie w ie depKited ii. :
liua.l-wuiirr, and iss.JJ ie e us..rwui maiui.'
through the Gediii.
!.. ilv. to WLsa.iot" taairei lire ob
Yes. n.n'aui." answered ihe eleik t
'1 inn er was there,' couuuued she. bat It;
s.i.ti:; pusiilile ibul tLe'.r Wwu b ui tnai Sueouoil
it heu wul 1 get au eusur t
l cun s-' ocely ull Liiim; It sssy tss tw u
ti i ce to ins."
Ibe old 1.. !y went away, anl reiurcel In e(atl
two hour .lii'. iw she eiuerinl ILe dor eke iluurt
wiit. r came down through ibe eeiliu
' tliere is ibe answer, ma am," toij lie eierk.
M k, , k a, .;lo. ,UT,lo, it) hf
..9ti,I. ub a -i i; of lainglid k;raiif.eaii.) atd ar
Wow beats all," eiclaUned the. "Slew m
benrl ; all ihe- nay iroiu W u -linf. aa1 See wef,
slill wet. uakwaed hveUsj , bat
eau truv.l i.kj paii.1'
A AsToi snan Dkicox. In tl-e eltyef R
tbei'e ie:i !i-t a wuriby dt'Svou. bic-.d wr euraed w:
a t:iii, ifiiuut figure. a!ta iiVidnof a'ivi"4JU4 diuiei
Menu, ii mas t,ricilv poiua, u.eer feiliti u oak
t lc-sii nol only bcii u' suit fe ei'y u t.i, b.
al s. til ile servaill.s a.e 4. Ou ei.e ogaarMou be eir
ployed a n.a-e striut . was .1.. y ig. ornt,;
ll:u Jt ncmi re.'sie. pewi'e.iiiae liu aoias 1.
eppeanu.ei kefore sbe ilium ; k"ur, ai d .
soon us Uie e unueu. tteseivani s. eriei tr eh
table, atid tsi.liuei cerebioliy cuiUteoeJ UaveeiiB
liie Buod ibiivs 'Ibe us . ia e-rru'.ss.', m.ii
tended bis bu.ii. tsji b
ru.-. ciu u ar; ,sa I"
TLej jL..- U. .U e-ii'MfcMi'l ri.u.J his eyda-,-e
t;ii w i.e ae .Cat e i..iursi aaa, iji i replikl
"Ye. Uli pesii- oa ;-ies. 1 euaol l Siy'."
Junk Billinit's te yousj
!..'. a
ascl.1 1
' a. to ha'
she sh ili iil.i.'
il kiud, looking" wiik aa ut r .uu ar..
half iwalol -i ka.f weri. iha s p ova.
il ure less .ir wume is. fciev yoe. i dun t tiiii.i. i ivs,i
sayyeeor un. but iei lb tkius; kiul kiwi or ut
iu on eou'e. itere ts (uatniu lUT alva
titesk raw. est tkw 1 svm sc. tstar asaaMaviir
dsf i-rTrira