Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 07, 1865, Image 4

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TTEAsfss niKri.TiAj kiom iisonDErta
a i' tiw un:i
A M -I) DUit6TI V- y. 6 t. 0 A a3
Aisj Curwl ly
i: o o v i- a i a
German' B i 1 1 o r 3 , j
'ja.-sstA.'U.- is a:) ;
Tliww Hitters Lave ;i?...-ia(J mv - C r I ;
livo u1 Jo Uivo L'.iUr Satisfaction!
Have mure Testimony ! i
Dave ruaro Respectable People to Vou:h for Tbeui '. j
Than nny other article in the lotvt kcV
Via doty at:v CNZ to C 'iitiujicl this Aasirtion, j
la auy une that will Ctr'i.i:;.le published I
by ti. titit Is fi t oim-im:.
llOOFXi AN D'B OHBttAN Ii'iTTnr.1 j
V il! euro i".vry ease oi'C'unu !: or Nervous IVi ijity, j
Diseasi of (lie Kidneys, ond Pisebics arising from
a disordered Stomach'. I
AgjuHuj front Disorders of ihe Digestive Crgotis :
Piles, Failure or Ulood
to the Head. Aciui. j ol the ftj
mach, Nauseu. Heartburn. Disgust lor
Food, r-'tjlt'c-s or We:'.:ht in the Moiuiu'h, Soar
Eructation., sinking or Muttering at the Fit of the
Stomach. Swimming of tho Head, Hurried and Dili!
colt Ill-cubing, Fluttering at Iho Heart. Choking or
tutioc ?itit); Sensations when in u !;, ing posture, pint
bess of Viiiuii, Dots or WcL- .before tbo Sight. Fever
and Dull l'niniu the Head. Deficiency ut i'crspira
lion, Yellowness of ihe fckiu ami Lyes, Vain iu .
the Side, Rack, Chest. Limbs, e. Sudden
Plushesul 'Unit, Rumiiig iu the 1',
Const nut Iuingiuiugs of Evil,
and great Depression
of Spirits.
that 'ium trrrcuB it
OontuSait no IZura or IVblnkrv,
Auii nu't mako Drunkards, hat !s tho Best Tonic iu
tbo World.
t2- Itcml Who -uj Wo i
Prom the Rev. Ltrvi (I. Reck, Pastor of the Baptist
Church. Pciubcrtnp. X. J.. formerly of the North
Rantist Church, I'hilaiU-lpbia.
I huvu known lloufiani's Ocrinfin Bitters favora
bly for a number of years. I have used them in my
own family, nuil have been fo pleased with their
fleets that I w as iiidtuted to rcoi'moicnj them tw nia
Ly olbern. unit knmv that they have operated in a
bUikiiily bi'ueu'jial uiauner I l:ke ;reat ijleaduro
ia t!nw iulliely irw'laiiii:u' thii fuct, and uutliny; llio
attcntioa of thuo aillietedwiib thudioeudu for which
they roeoiiiuicijilod, to thcao Ilitlei'H, knouiue; froui
experience th:it uiy recuuiineiulutitiu will bo stain
ed. I uut'nis uiure cheerfully u. iioodaud liUtcra
U intended tu benefit tho itfilictcd. tnd i 'not. ft rum
drink." Yours truly, LEVI li. iiiX'li.
From 1'ev. J. Xowton Erown, D. 1)., Editor of the
Kucyelonvdla of Uoligioua KuoivleJ;;e, aud ChiLtittu
CiuMiiiulv, l;iii.ulel;iiia.
Althoutrh not dixwe l to favor or rceonur.ciid Ta
teut MWieiiit- in general. throu;li ilistrjit of tii.tu
IryredieuUi urd i y:; know of uo uSoient
r;-.'0:;3 why a man may not ti stii'y to tjo ocnelils lie
bulieve hiu:selt to lnvo received troiu any Hiuiplo
I'mraratiuu. !n lie hone ttat he day Ihut contribute
to tl.o bTitijtof otliefL'.
X do tiii" iho more readMy in rrgnrtl to lln.ut j's
Oermaa Litters. i'eiured fpy Mr. C. M. Jaclison. of
laisetty, I waa prejudiced aiiL.;t thetu i'jf
many vuain, unutr tho iupreien they ,n;r.
cLietly tin alcoholic mi.'ttuie. X r.m Indebted" to i.iy
fiiud Itobi-rt .heouiukei". K.TiM fi r the ienioval of
this iinjudico by proper Uk-Ij, and tor eiieuuru;,-e-mem
to try them, when ufl'ei ing from great and
'"! io:i!inued debility . The u..c 1.1" thief Uni.j..(
t:.vaw llHtert. at tlio be;;i!ini:: c.f !lu jircser.t yi ir,
was fjilo.Ted by uvi.'eiu rohef nud lestornticiu'to a
oe;:reo it bodily mid liientul vior which Iliad nut
felt f.'riix uionihJ befefc, and had almi .-t despaired
of rcyaiuiti;. X Uie.-eforu God uu 1 uy fiieud
direct iz'j: to tuo use of iheui.
J. .NfV.-I'.':: BROWN.
Fumi tfca r.ev. Jce. il. Keuawi, Putor of the
Sc. hirlcwu : Deur Sir : 1 lia e been frountly
ri:i;ii .;ti.a to eoimeet my natny with ccuiuicr..iat.oni
of uitieri.kt liitids of luedieincs but retirdiit tho
pruci.v.u a.Jr ui oi my ttppropnale ipnere, i nave iu j
uit 2..;e.i itcciiucil ; eut wttn a clour piool iu varioi;
iotitaiicii', and paitieulariy iu ir.y laimiy, of the u.-ie.
iulncas of ' ir. iioi'll irui'j u. iiniiti Litters, I depart
for once from my cu.'.l cuttioe, "to express my full
eonvicliuii general debility of tho ayidcm
uud etpeeinlty for Liver Ootni'l;.iut, it i u sat'e and
uluabie I'repavuiion. In couio etiics it may f til ;
but usually, i doubt not. il w ill bo ery ber.ctljial K.
iLuii) who au.lcr iVoin the ul jvo ciinne.
I'ouu. very re.-.ectfu!lv, J. IX. KEN.N'AKt,
llihiu U!.v Colic Struct, Philadelphia.
IViia Ilcv Wr-cr. Har.Jol.h, Ptor c-f Ualiji
tuurou ueruiautoWD, rcun. j
Or. t. M. Jackion Urar Sir I'crsoaul ex-).. I
tiencc ciinbie.i u:c iu say th:it X re.itd ihu Geiuuin
littler. pi-epuroX by vou us a U'o. t ej-cellerd niv-li-eine.
X:. eu-.c ot'-ovi ro eold and general debility I
have been ;rcatlvbi-r.i :i!l-d by Iho u.coftao Hitters,
icare, truly, WAiiilXX JtA.NIjuLl'JI,
U-ruuioivii, i'a.
Frux U-v. J II Vuruer. ;.r uf jluddig M. 11.
Ciitrcii, Phiiadilpiiiiv.
Dr. Jnfbu 6ir : Uavin twed vour (..
jjoiu lJitt.-r. in uiy laimiy I'lequeatly I iuu prepared t
tosjtv rbit u hu? been of great service. X believe
IUiU in niori ease., of uobiluy of the system
i;; tuc su'.ii and L.oat valuable r-.uiedy of wliieb X
bait any knowledge.' 1
Youie, rcspvciiully, J. II. Tl'i'.NXiR, I
iiv. iJo . Niueleeuih .Street.
From the lttv. J. M. Lvons. formerly P.utcr of the
Ciiuuilus J.N. J J and JIUcjtuvti, (Pa.) ilKptu,!
New Rochelle. N". Y.
ix C. M. Ja-:k3..:i; Dc.r Sir: 1 lcel it a idea.
fure luus. ot myo'.ii accord, to bear I -limony to'
l.lo excellence uf the Oeruiau Ititlers. Smnn ml
mice being biucli a'Ui-i.-d i.jil, ii"sl'.-..-in, I u-ed
Iheui wnu very b nelUtnl resulLs. i havo a. ri..
uouiiuctiul I.. ' em. e e i !,v ihat tvriu..,iiii,
uuourfc.uijil l,a,eUi'iiidiitu them il:a must hotter
lug lestimo .i.i;, their ;-rcu. , nlu Jii cwm-s t f
i.-urral Uobiluy, X belieia il u t a i.,.,i0 tllat can.
bbl be sui'itfeJ J. M iti.v;
I roiu the Rev. Thi.s. Vint,.r. IVstor of RiborofL'h
Ituptist t hu. ; ... "
Dr. Jackson ;li..i,r hirt-I f..r ;i jui. i.,
txeolleut p.cp'ir.'iiiou, lb.ollaii.i j ti.i m,,,, UittwV.o
u l i my t. stiiuony 1., thu diiiiiid r.q.ui.a. .u it h
ob.ti.iHej. X bine lor yearj, ai liiurs, l,...i, iroubbd
.wu hic.ii ui'iiii.r in uiv l.eM.i .i,.i ,,. ...........
1 ta. j.iiiw-4 by a iiiio.l t ,ry ,.Jlli. fyu'r Oer
- ...oimi-iii
iwie J.lWr..-u b,' a luii.-i l erv u Loille ,,.rl...ur
. ..... ,.i... . , mi, Jllikl iml e.vj.i rtenci'i rout
ai.U ui,ei!.. )led lelirl; u,y hl'iittli hns beei,".. !
I.,aieiul!y b.l..-.llte.i. X cvi.ti !v,.il v recommend the I
.i...'lo .ui.-ro X ini.-i wi:h v.rt.ea similar , my ou !
bX u .11. been .L--lirod bj uiyy ot their good cOv-ota' i
ilupn..'..!!;. ., r.WJM-J.R. 'j
ItoboIoU.tlj, (
l'roia I'.ev. J. S Ui.iman. of t.'.e Oc.uuu l'.cfbim.'l I
buret,, lliilt.,;,,. iieikseuol y. pa. '
Vr. fi. Al, J,.ek....u ;-Xt....poe;a .-..r :-I have been
rouble! ,,:, Dv..;.,p-i llou, ,i ,
I.oil ;,i . .oih. utter U.a.. u'ita 8v b.,:,!
, , ,. s j.rj.
'" i"'"-' uctu' .Misclii, l
M . j: -. W b.l ti l-Ui.: ii,.jf J
i ifi
v4 Cu
bhVAitS OrC IMil KlHTsr
Fee "!l,,'s'."aluri.f C
l.'.i - Miupper ol cue j ),,; ,
JACK;;t,i- is nl
o ... , ,n l.y , t , 1
llJ lllHt IJItV 1., ,.l...r.i ' . . ' " . ' t
in m v. in i.',
J'.-iui7..1 , ....-:-' " V by . xp,.
tut. rt.Lu,;;:;. ' "' wt ixtcxi
J -M-a A .I VANS,
pj.'f..,r0 in C. . Aefcji 4 Co.,)
... c i i J'roprntors.
I , I -.. r.u.l, lnuw i . . D.Jwr, uVtr,
th. '41 'I . I I H.U K,.. ' '
' 1 . . . ssn vi , .
Hio Bocrstary of the Trcarurv pvel lotico that
rubeoriplioni will le received for Coupon Tretumry
Mutes, jmyablo three years fiotii August tjth
with neuii-iinnual lulerost at the rata of (even and
th i co-tenths pi.r cent, per iinuutu. pr'iucipal and
intermit both to be paid in lawful money.
These notes will be convertible at the option of
the holder at maturity, Into aix-per oont. gold bear
in:; bund, payable not lixtt than fire nor more tba
twenty years from their date, as the government niay
elect, l'hcy wilt bo issuod iu denominations of $50,
Mil', fMW, 1 1. 000 and $5,000, and all subscriptions
inast be for fifty dollars or some multiple of Sit;
Ihe notes will b tncnuitted to the owners free of
truufportutlon charges an s-jin nfter the receipt of
the original CeitituatM of Depvsit as they can bo
J'.'v j.aTi-J,
As the tiotte draw uikrrst fruiu August 15, persons
lin.kii lci.y PuWomnt to that date must pay
the litunt accrued frvtn dato of nota to date of
dejit. ,
"I'aii'es d'.;ii;lug titetity-Svo thousand dollars
and upwuMs ior I'ntt.y notes at any one time will bo
u' tv od u w. in in ision ot one-tjuHrt er of one pur cent . ,
w' teh w ill be paid by the Treasury Department upon
the .coei; t of a bill fr the amount, certified tv by
tho oX,.er whoiii ihe deposit was made. N
'deductions fjr coiniuiisicu." must be from the
Si:"t:Ial A1t':iIu'0! of thi l.oan.
It is a National vises lltK. g.Tcring ahijth
er rate of interest than any other, and r'ir letfttru.
ity. Any aviui;s bank which pays in depoiilorf in
J.'. S. Notes, consijers that it i ; aying iu the best
oil ttl.iiii.g niediutu of tho country, and it cannot
pay iu anythirg ', foi its crrn mttU are either
in yverntr.oiit securities or in notes or bond" payable
in government paper.
It i.) eually convenient as u tompcirary or pernia
iient iuveslinent. The uoles can always bo sold to
w ithin a fraction of their face and nccuuiuluttd into
rest, and are tho best lecuiity with bank as colla
terals for liiscouuts.
GOLD r.ONi).
In addition tu ihe very liboral interest on tho notes
for threajyeari, this privilego of conversion is now
Korth about three per cent, per unuuni, for tho curt
sent rate for J-2U Ilonds is not less than nine y r
cent, premium, and before the war the premium on
six per ciul. L'. 3. stocks w.u over twenty per cent.
It will be seen that tho actual profit on .his loan, at
the present market rate, is not loss than, ten jir cent,
per ucnuiu.
But aside from all the advantages we hare enum
erated, a special Aot of CongreM exempt all bauds
and Treasury notes from font turati-iH. On the
average, this exemption is worth nlwut per cent,
per uunum, according to Ihe .ato of taxation iu vari
ous parts of tho country.
It is beliey-sl Unit uo securities offer so great In
ducements to lenders as thoso i.-sued by the govern
ment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith
and ability of prh-ato parties tr slock companies, or
separate communities, only, is plellgod for payment,
while tho whole property of tho country is held
o seeuro tho dis.-hargo of all thu obligations of the
United States.
While tho government olfrs the most libera! terms
for its lo irs, it believes Ihr.l the very strongest appeal
Hill bo to the lovul'y ami palrioti.-ni of tho people.
lUifliciilo ci, be issued for all deposits,
Too parly depositing must endorse upon the uriin
ul certif.cato tho denomination of notes requireJ.
nr.d whi-ttieptl ey ate to "oo i.-vjed iu I tank or paya
b W ol.Lr.. Whin s vr.-J-.i ed it tuust be left with
the otTiccr receiving the depo.-it, lo be forwarded to
tho Treasury J!..-;,.trtiucnt.
Sub.'rlptli.uJ will be received by the Treasurer of
tho L'ltitcX Stales, nt Washiuglon, the several As
sistant Treasurers and !.tuateil Dcnositarios, and
by th
2'Irst ."Vni:)3i:il llnulc vi- ?t i.soa,
AiU ly i.H Actional U.-iikst
which are depositaries of Pubfie motley, and all
IlCSl tCrAaLi: BANKS A N I, miiiii ,
throughout tho country, (acting as ageulsof the Na
tional Depo.-itory XJanksJ-wiU furusb. further iufor
ntttioii en application and
ArroxiD i:vi:itY rAciLrTVTosruscRiBKns.
.M;-'u-r i:i, lt.tij.
A tTi'Tpvrt .f:".T ,'0'; rf-f
EHU!i I'.asi(Hu(Uu Colli'e Co.
m I'.rnJo Street, New York.
The above Coin puny are 1. nou n all over tho world
as the owners oi thn I'otleo I'l iututions of .lava and
llatuvia in the Dutch Last Indies, mid arc the largest
monopolizers of Coticu on Ihe (i lobn.
'Xiie iimiersigiiril (who is tqipointed their sole
Agent ia the 1 niled Sates und in the lirilish Colo
nics) will bin o for sale throe different kinds of Cof
fee, which, fi r regularity of ,;ra Ic and chuapuess of
pri.'c. will defy eoinpe. ilieu.
t'ur "llalinia i IVeu" nevor before iti'rodm.ed !
this Country, hut extensively used in the Armies and
Navies of, nnd i !.!y i will be pat up
ut prices to ruach all .'ousum.w-'. nod our I.xt.-.i Jala
v ill be tin, .Magnum iionuiii CjiTco of the age.
We will have, for accouiiuodation of (Jrucer. Pa
luilies. and tioi eruuieut Coutracti rs, tainplea (iry,
and drawn) for testing.
Urduis solicits 1. On receipt of s.ub. oeffee nro::iri.
iy f.rarlci as dh- .-.- td.
Ki lU.i-.ia Street, ,w York,
tole Agent, D. K I. C Co.
Tuly 2."., 1&64.
A CARD TO TliK Sl'Fl'tlilNO.
SV, ALLOW Uonr Ihrco !.o,vheaiis of "Muibu,"
X'oiiic Uittvra," 'Saisapiiriila, ' "Nervous An
lidotes,'' 4(., is., ic , un li.lior you uro talillil
with the rceuli, uu.l one Lo.: oi Old liii. XJVC!! V. ri
liir.-lUh specif.,'. Plilauiid be rolorcd to health end
vigor iu lei, tbau thirty diyu. Ihiy aro purely ve.
geiable. pleasant to lake, prompt 'and salutary in
itieir etlurts on tin) broken dowu and shaiiercd con
ititutiou. ; Old and y'Uiig can take thim with ad
vantage, luipotl.d uad oold in the I'niled States
only ty JAS. S. Ill TLUIt,
No. 4117 R road a ay. Ncrr Yoik.
t'jf Agent for the I'nited States. '
P. S A Rox of tbo Pills, sei.inelv naeki,!, will
bo mailed to any ad liu, uu i' tipl if pri:o. which
is ONE D.)LLAii, jKslpaid ! u.on. y r-funded by
the Agent if entire t..ii?l .ct:o is not given.
Sent. Ill, lb J I. iliu
;ihiiiu3- KSoiimc,
(.Yi r; the Ilridtre.) '
flili; stibj'iiber having leased this well known
X 'Xavuru Maud, lately kept iiy Mrs. U. S. Brown,
resK-il'ally informs the public that he isrolitling uud
repairing ihe premises, and w ill be prepared lo en
tertain, in a ooiutortal'li' Ufa. iner. his numerous
:..ends ihrodglinut i In, county, anil all who may
patri.r.iio bis .-lali'.isl.'i'iy.i.t. '
Oct. i, fool. JuSXa-II VANKIRK.
nee s sor tti ,S f , jf ,- r A 11 a rlf y .)
"I XllAl.Mt iu Fine Oold and Silver WATCllFS ,
I r'iiKiiold JMWULltY; Solid SIL i;:,. WAUL,
aud the l,i ol 1 1. - IM. A TK l- W A I! L . Con.
Hunili ou hand a iargt MsOrtmenlof the above goous
at low (iric.
Watches an 1 Fico Clocks. Repaired, by skilful
Workmen; also. Jewelry repairing ; Kngruving and
all kiods ol llair.woik to order, at shorl notice. -
lion t forget Ihe uid stand, No. 623 Market
trert, Philadelphia.
Spt. lit. li.14. Ilia
rr o tic e
. L!. (.eiBons iudebltd to the Snu of Friiiui A
X tin nt, are requested lo oMI at tluold stand and
py up their aoeouuts by the 1st of December. All
uccoiiulf uot paid by Ihal lime, wiil be placed in iho
hands cl a Juc'.icc for ucllt"ti.n.
ri a tu im onIali
...voa fculi lo blurry, JJri.s tlio undersigned, who
v, ill n-j'l uu ni I ot wi.iicv and wilhoul price, val ioi.'iii iiti.iu iln.i w,ii euuble you to marry
bsppy ami speedily, irre;p,stive of ago, wealth or
t.euuly. I bis li,;'...i,.iiiiou will oust yuu nothing, anil
11 you Wi lo ui.iiiy, 1 will cheeilul.y aut )ou.
Ail Iellu.-iliilly cutldi litlal. The .t.iw,od ilifor
tnutiijii t.-nt b ri'luil., usol uu uucs'ioii asud
aws, hAl.A :! li. XiAVl L"HX",
I 1 ,..; t, Kiujfi ni...:y ittm
!. ls. i... ..
Tna peculiar tntnt or
InffUtiutt wliicli wo
call Souui'ULA lurki
in die constittttiimtK'f
wultitu'lct nt'r.itn. It
ttitlti r jirntliu'OH or is
lirotluuftl Yy uu tn
..1.1...1 a.:,:.....! L,.itii
tv that iliittl hci uttn's in
ifl,.,,,i t;i tent to sustain
f7fc-7i.-f,7TTtlic Vital f;iroe in lliiMf
horrni, . . ....
ktwyPviRtirotts lutitm, oml
-",rrSl!SSO fall into ilit tinier Htul
(Jcttny. The neroftiltitia cotittiilnut'niii U vn
riously caused by itiorctiriui tlisiusi', low
living, diwmleretl tliRt-stltm from untiptiltliy
fooil, lmiMire air, filtli ftnJ filthy hiOn'tn,
the tU'tiR.Fftng vices, und, abuvo nil, ly
the Yi'iu'i-cMil infection. Whatovir he ita
origin, it is hprotlittiry lit the rmistiliilion,
dehermlinjr " from imrenta to ihihhi n unto
the third nml fourth pi nerntion i " iiidvt-d, it
secmB to be tlio rod of Him who snys, " I will
visit the iniquities of the futhers upon their
children." The disomies it urifrinHteii take
vitrious iimni-K, aceordiitp to the oigana il
allacks. In the lung, Scrofula, jiroducc
ttihercloE, nml rinully C'onRiimption ) in this
glands, Kvellinu;n which Fti)purute unil he
come ulcerous surcsj in the Mnmnchitnd
howilii, deriiiinements w hich tuiiihice indi
pistion, dyfpcisiii, nntl liver complaints ; on
the fUin, eruptive und cutiinenus ullections.
These, nil having the siiine origin, require the
ratne remedy, viz.. purilicutioii and invijjoru
tiuti of the Wood. 1'itrify the blood, tint!
thci-o duinterous di.tcmpeis leave you. Willi
feeble, foul, or corrupted Mood, you cannot
have health; with that "life of the !!eh"
healthy-; you ennnot hiivu-cerofiilous disease.
Ayor's SarBaparilla
it cotiipoun'ded from the moat cflectuul nnti
dotes that medical science has discovered for
this ullliiting distemiier, mid for the cure of
the dimrderu it entails. That it is fur supe
rior to nny other remedy yet devised, is
know n by nil w ho have given itu ti 'i'lmt
it does comhiuc virtues truly extraordinary
in their eliect upon tliis class of complaints,
is indisputably proven by the (Trent multitude
of publicly known and remarkable cures it
has made of the follow ing diseasea: King's
Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors,
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores,
Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's lire,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from
tuberculous deposits in tha lungs, White
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and
Syphilitic Infections, MercariqJ Diseases,
Feirx-tla Weaknesses, .'. Indeed, the whole
series of coti.plt'.ipta tint! uiise from impurity
of the blood. Minute reports of imlnidual
CRM's may he found in Aitii'.s Aii:i:iiam
Aliianai', which i I'uitii'l.ed lo the druggist
for gratuitous distribution, wherein may lie
learned the directions for its tie, and seine
of the remarkable cures which it has made
w hen ail otlter remedies had failed to allord
relief. Those cases, are ptirpuscly taken
from nil sec lions of the counliy, in order
that every reader may have access to some
one who can speak to him i f its bem lits from
personal experience. Scrofula depresses the
vital energies, und thus leaivs its lictitus far
more Mihject to lu.-caso nml its laiiil results
1 1 iu n i'le lieallhy constilulious. Home it
tends to shorten, und does greatly shorten,
tins average duration of human life. The
vast iniportaiiMf' of these ronsideiatioiis has
led us to spend yeavs in perfecting a remedy
which is rub qutitc to its cute. This we now
ntier lo tho public under the linnie of Avi:n"s
trills U'.utiLLA, although it is composed of
ii'grctlii nts, foine of which exceed the l est
ot Smaixi) ilia m alterative power. I'v its
mil you may proti ct youracll limn Hie Miller
irjr and danger of these disorders. l'urre
out the fin.l ee. . l 'dions that vol and fester
in Ihe blood, purge out the causes of disease,
and vigorouslieaitli will follow. I5y its pecu
liar virtues this remedy stimulates ihe vital
functions, and thus expels the dbtcinptrs
which lurk wilbiti the system er l it i M out
on any part uf it.
We know the public have bun deceived
Ly many compounds of !iir.'apuri'ii, that
pii.misi'il rr.r.i li and did nothing; I. tit liny
will neirher be deceived mir disap.oi:in d in
this. Its virtue litiM been proven by iiluin-d.ilit-tiial,
and there remains no question of
iK wurpaseiiis; e.vcelleni-e for the lure of the
fifllictiiig lUsiaseS it is intended to reach.
Allhoiiirh under the same name, il is a very
different medicine fti.m any olln r which lias
been before the people, anil is tar more ef
fectual than nny other which bus eicr been
available to them. .
Tho World's Groat Kexrcdy for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con
sumption, and for the relief
of Consuinptivoijatienta
in advanced etuges
of tho disease.
This has been so long u.-ul-aiiil so uni
versally known, that we need do no more
than assure the public that its quality is kept
up to the bst it ever bus bci n. and that il
may be relied on to do all it has ever done,
l'repnred by Die. .1. C. Avr.x AV Cu.,
l'raclicul and Analytieal t hi-miit;
Lowell. Mass.
Sold by all ifl uggbts every whir
Sold l.y Kriling A 11 runt. Sunbury,
P. U. .McCoy, XorthiimbcrlaliX,
Ampmi Iturro'l. Llviburg,
W. I( Kutzner. shamokin,
J. P. llogue, Wtitsuiitowii,
Aud by all dculcrs in .MvUclnes . inhere.
Augusll.i, laol. Jy
I'or .'Iciiuiu, Vi liiluiiisjr unci
1'i-cs.ciMiiiifj; Hit- '3'i:i:'lHJ
This article Is rrpored w ith the greatest cure upon
scientific principle.-, and warranted not tu contain
anything in the slightest ile.;re deXeterious to Ihe
teeth or gums. Some of our most eminent Dental
Surgeons have eivin their sanctiou to, and cheerful,
ly reeormnend it as a preparation of uperior quuli
lies for cleansing, whitening and preserving the
TXtlLfll. It oleans theia readily, reudoriiig theiu
L'o.iUiifully wu.tu and pearly, without Ihe lightest
injury to tho enamel, it is healing to tho gums
wbere th' y are ulcerated and sore. Il is also an ex
cellent ilisiufcetor tor old doeayod Iceth, which aro
often exceedingly otl'ensive. It gives a rich creamy
taste to the mouth, cleaning it thoroughly, uud im
purling a delightful frugrutioe to the breath.
A. II AW h K V eV CO .
N. W. Cor. loth., A Lombard Sts., Philadelphia.
And sold by all Druggists. PRICK ila CENTS.
The following uuiiiion of Dr. V bile, as to the hi'5i
esteem in which he holds the XV r.tnl Cru.m. must bo
suaieient evidunoe of iu value ; to quote other
monials in doiail is nocaless. conlenun, : nrselves Ivy
snupiy giving i no names ami addresses of persons
who ".leak of its excellency for the teeth
Philadelphia, Anril I'nh, l.-li'l.
Itavinir carefully exnuiined A. iluwley's 'Solidi
fied Dental Croatii," X liereby oheerfully reoouj
mend il to Ihe pu'jliu geniraily. It is au excellent
preparation for clcunsiiig and preserving the leelh,
and can be uss.l l.y all poisons with the utmost con
fidence, as its prope; lius aj4 perfectly harmless. Re.
sidsw preserving the leoib, it promotes a healthy
aotiuu lo the fcuiui, laid imparts a piimaiulness tulhs
Dr. W. It. WIIITE.12ur. Arch St.
Thomas Ingram, M. D , Dentist, till N. X'ourlli St.
J. Xtirkey. i6X S.Sixth St.
E. Vaudcrsliee, Surgeon Jieutist, 425 Arch St.
C. A. KiosbuVy, X'eutisl, I Hi Walnut Si.
S. Dillingham, it. D.S., T..i Arch St.
F. M. Xn'xoii, b27 Arch St.
Edward Towiitvnd, .t. olist. 42rt N. Fourth St.
I., sll. Dorphley, Dentist. Su7 N. Tenth St.
M. L. Long. Iinutist, tiiJ N. Sixth St.
May i;,bl ly
Hun inf"rmution never before published.
Bent rare in a scaled cuvelops-for te cents.
! Address . jjr, STANFORD.
ti o No Ko ifiit. Now York P. O.
July t, ISfiX Suj
""vo n SA L K.
A 1 iiict ul'I'ltMbt-r l.iisii, below Trey.
orlwii budge ooutauuu abvulau irfa.lhii'
bituiii ; i ly to
i is,.-. H-TH
l. 1. W it
7ii. puWithett in a Sfraed HnvtJvpr. J'rift
i.r rrM. .
A Iieeture Mi Iho Nature. Ti eatio' tit anil Hndieal
Cure of Spi million litt-n of Seminal Weakness. Invol
nnfnry !' jtiwlot s. 8eiml llebllity. nnd impedimenta
to Marriag" gneriillv, Nervousnrss, CnriFnmption,
llpilei"V. and Fits J Mentnl ni"l Phvreal Iitci paei.
tv. reii'ir-frnm Mr-Xhtuw.. Ao. 7ly ROHICHT J.
Ol LVl'.KWELL, H. I)., Author ot the "Urecu
The w v 1.1 tcBownftl author, In (Ms ndmirnblo, clearly proves from his own experience that
the aw ful rousequence ol Self-Abnse may bo efleotu
"1 1 V removed w ithout medicine, and without dancer-
hns surgical operation, bougies, instruments, rings
or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at mice oer
tain anil effectual, by which every stiflfrer, no mat
ter what his condition may be. "may cure himself
ohrnply. nrivntelv. and rndicallv. THIS l.KC
Sent undiirseal. to any address, in a plain, sealed
envelope, im the receipt of of six cents, or two post
ago stamps, by addnwsing the publishers.
127 Bowery, New York, Post OOiccBox, 4itS6.
Oct. 15, IStil. ly 3o
O D. BOYEIl, Attorney at Law, is duly author-
KJ nod ami licensed to collect I't'tiniotlH,
Itouiilii-Mmxl ICacU I'ny for Widows, Or
phans and Soldiers. Office in Market street, oppo
site Weaver's Hotel, Hunbury, Pa.
January 1(1, 1S04. ly
New supply of Massku's Fivk-Minctb Fuse
tiiits, received from New York, for sale hv
gutibury. May 21, 04. JJ. II. MASSLR.
(UoltOB lllLL, tiao.S P. WoLTKRTOX.
Attornoysi nml 4'oniiHcIort nt lnv.
Office, Market street, cor. Centre Alley,
H XT 1ST 33 XT i3. "ST. I'A..
WILL attend promptley lo the colluotion of claims
nnd all other professional business intrusted to
their care iu Northumberland andu ljniniug counties.
Bunbury, January U3,' le02.
And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and
Mandrake Pills acton the System in Curing that
Disease, and the
Circut Siicci'ks .11 teiitllxss: St!
I he above is a correct likeness of Dr. Scheok taken
many years ago, after he .had recovered from Con.
su n i pi f ii ; by a course of bis ' Schenk's Pulmonio
Syrup.-' The likeness, although it docs not repre-
i sent him anything like as bad as he wusnt the worst.
I yet it is iu strong .'nntra.d with the hale and igorous
looks of the Porlrail below, which is the true likc
j ji.-s of him at present time. 'Ihe contrast iK'fwecu
these I mo' porli ails is so g:c-t that many i.oubl not
believe theiu lo be the snuie person. Yet there lire
hundreds uf persons. In und around Philadelphia,
who will recognise both portraits to be true represen
tatioiis. Wheu thu first was takcu ho wriglicd ltli
pounds ; at the piesent time his weight is 2-ii pounds
Na' Yonu, Wc.JtitfJny. March SO, ltl,
Thirty years ao I was in the last stages of Pul.
inonary Consumption, end given up to die. I resided
in Philadelphia, and lr, Jirioph Purrith, then of this
city, ordered me to Mor.sluwn, N. J , a distance of
nine miles which took ine two days to gel there. On
ay arrival I wus put tu bed, and there laid for ninny
weeks. This was my native place, where all my
family lived and htid died of Consumption. Dr.
j lliornton. wtin attended my father in his last illness,
j was utuii.i, nnd gave me one week lo fix up my af
: fairs, llo Lad seen all my family go thai way, and
I thought 1 was lo go. '1 hen I heard of the reme
dies I now offer to (lie public, which cured mo. It
j seemed to lac that X could feci them penetruting my
i;. uu sieiu .
They soon ripened the mutter on uiy lungs, imd I
would spit of u.oro thai, a pint of ollensiio yellow
matter every ini.riiiitg. As soon as that began to
subside, n y Cough, lever, pain, night sweats all
begun to leave me. and myaj petilo bee nine. so great
that it was with diuculty 1 could kuep from eating
loo much. I soon gained aiystrengtu audi lime
been growing in flesh ever since. Ft u.uuy years
I havu enjoyed uninterrupted good health, Keeping
the liver and stomach healthy with the Seaweed To
nic and Mandrake Pills, as 1 am of a billious temper
ament. My weight is two htiuJlcl nud twenty
pounds On my recovery people would Send for mo
far and near, to son if their cases weru like mine.
For this puru I pay professional visits in the large
cities. Tliucoiisuinptives wis;h to see the one that
makes theso medicines, und who was cere 1 of eon.
sumption by them. To make new lungs is iinpooi.
ble; but cavities in the lung nnd ehi .nio. ulcera
tions of the brouchiul tubes cm bo henle 1 Suob
I case! are dying L. urly under iho oruiuav treatment
- ol Piys'eins. and jusl such arc cured by'li, u proper
' UaC &l'"enk Pulmuuiu byt up, ScaAceJ X'oiiio,
I Bn'1 Jltindraks Pills.
I n"w healthy man. with a largo oavily iu
1 """ '"" "i rigui mug. uie lower loou very
Biuch hepalitcd and com.iteube.ionof the pleura"
J Its lelt lungs is sound, and the upper lobo uf the
right luug is in a tolerably healthy condition. Tbo
great reiuon why physicians do not euro consump.
lion is they try lo do too mucu ; they give medicines
to slop Ihe e.'ugh. tu slop chill, to stop night sweats,
hectic fever, and, by tu doing, they Ucrooge the
whide digestive puweis, locking up the secretions
and eventually the patient sinks and dies. After 1
bmke a oiirotul examination of the patient with the
Respirowetcr, uud und lungs enough lel t tu cure, I
direct the patient how to uu tbo three remedies.
Remove Ihe cause and they will all stop of their
own accord. No ouo oau he curod ul' consumption,
liver complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, oauk er, ulceruteS
throat, unless the liver and stomach are made heal,
thy. In New Eugluud this oiinker chronic catarrh,
ulcerated throat, elongation ol uvula, is more preva
lent than in any other section of the country. This
is frequently caused by a iuu! stomach. You muy
burn it out with caustic time and agaiu, and all they
will get is temporary relief. Correct the stomach
suid liver, aud they will heal up themselves.
liood nutrition is the letncdy. If. vou have any
disease in auy part ot the body, it will remain there
and deoay mors and more until you can get the sto
mack iu the condition to digest food and uuks new
blood to take lb. place of diseased matter. Ibis is
the only way to lieu I oaviiios in the lu.s aud ulcer
ated bronchial tubes. Correct Ihe s'.cu.mcu and liver
aud nature will do the healing. Many persons have
an idea that certain medicines ars g rest puriders of
the blood. When blood isonos diseased U oanuot
bs p'irited I il is diseased lbs sains as Iks diseased
mailer in lbs sj si sin ; but get ths apralus in or
der, lbs liver and .teuics. sad gits It plenty of
uuurisuiug load it will niaVs new blood, which will
ue ius put os oi mat wuicu u dumssMl
hsbk s Pblmouic ,,,. KLfjftk bsU prsna.
" f -oe. Ii i . . 7"-1 vans st' isst.t,
nsj.SIU. mbi-K' . a,w ,
bail Mts
Miosis1'' SjL '
theaUsniarh. and 1st It eenleA pofi aff by tt th i
Maurlrako Pills, tho Pulmonis Syrup isj mada Iuu. ,
blood. This ia the only way to ours (amsnmpttiiu.
If! satinet ornt a pond amietite. and food docs not
I digest. 1 cannot mire tha patient Never mind tho
i cough ! remove tbo cause and will slop uf Itself,
This is the mot trouble I hiiro with my patients at
j my rooms. Tlmv sny. "IKH ter, I feel stronger j I
I cnu eat ; tny night sweata are bcltvr, and I feel bet
! tor every wsyi but my cough is so biut yet;" ami
' they are astonished to hear mc say that does Lot
j matter; remove the cause nnd the cough will fop
I of itself. Schenk's Seaweed oruutee a good appetite
j in about nine days, when there is no luifit disease,
! unices Iho liver is so congested that the Mandrake
I Pills cannot unlock Ihe ducts of the gull bladder in
i that short spnee of time, in order to allow the stale
1 bile to passoO. Keep the liver and stomach healthy
ana luere is less unnger oi consumption or any otuer
: disease. It is bard lo tuke cold when liiOse organs
j are healthy. Those that aro bilious, low-spirited,
1 divary. feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite,
nervous, stomach full of wiud. everything that it
1 eaten lies heavv. lois of memory, try ouo bottle of
, SCIILNJJK S SEA WLED TONIC, and one box of
i SCHUNK'S MANDRAKE I'lLLtf. Xt if only a
' east of ono dollar aud twenty-live cents, with full di
I rcotiuns. This is sufficient, in many cases, to satis-
j fy what tho taedioines ure. Frequently one bottle
, makes a great change in the system. Any person
! that enjoys ordinary health, by using tho Seaweed
I I oiiic aud Mandrake Pills occasionally, must get tho
I digestive organs in such a healthy condition that
ttjev become nciliv. 1 can produce anumDer oi my
old consumptives patients now enjoying good health
weighing nearly 2U0 pounds. I will oonolude by
relating three cures I have made in New York, and
which aro all different, nnd wish any one who feels
an interest in the matterto Tisittlicm. irstis Mrs.
: Farlow, residing then at No. 107 Houston street Her
I husband culled upon meat my rooms, 'ii Bond street
1 ana wisneu me to cull anil see ner. lie sum i coulu
' do no good : that he had had all the best medical
i attendance, und all said she was too far eons with
: Consumption to be cured ; but she had heard of some
great cures 1 nad uiaue, anil no nesircd to grainy
! her wishes. I called, aud found her lying conDned
1 to her bed in the last stage of bronchial consumption
anil without Uoubt musruave tiled suon. 1 cxanini
I od her lungs, fouud both bronohial tubes very much
affected, but r.o cavities had formed, her oough
' was very severe, the spit-box was half full uf thick
pus. Pulse 14U. leg swolleu very much ; and worse
i than all. she bad chronic diwrhuta. Her bowels had
' been moved eleven times that day. told her that she
i had lungs anough to be uured. but that this diarrhoea
, had been ot lot,,'; standing. anU her stomach was iu
. such a ulcerated couditioa that I was afraid nothing
".cn.l'l bu tli.ue. She insisted' I should try nnd do
j what I could tor her, observing that she could not
lut long iu tho jonditiou shu was in, und I eould not
make her any Worse. 1 gave her first a dose uf my
Mandrake Pills, uud the tonic and .Syrup freely.
'I hat was ou Tuesday, and by tho next Sunday the
.liarrtiwa wits carrici oil. tier at petttn bait returned
I aud sue could sit up in bed and eat her dinner. She
is now well, and g ive a lung certihcalc, ccrliued lo
by the Rev. Dr Downing.
1 .Mrs. i!i.-.')i"liune.v, rJ West Forty-fifth street,
I came to my roouts with a tumor on her liier. IShe
, was low.spiiited. skin sailon. tougue cuatel, bowels
' costive, uo appetite, and l ist iibkit -t i.itu the grave,
j The said tun. or had be.u running over l.iurleen
i years. I gav e her Syrup, 'funic and Pills, and told
; her to take ihiu just i;s ibe directions were printed,
i She came beck to uiy rooms, ill! Loud street ia two
j weeks, souirwhut betur ; her tongue hud b.v.un t0
. clian a little nrottt.d rite wXges, her skin n und
her ces liriirbter and th tumor ais-'hur'ti': very .
.j ...leusi , e u. .ii t er, i.iucn cisi.t iii iu u uni v.eruoue
. before. She kept gradually iiuproviug, nnd iu about
j. two months she .oune lo my r.'otns very much trighL
j eued. saying that the tuiuor had nearly s opped
I running, and nr.i hsalii g up. and that every doctor
j had told her that if it ever lienlud it would cau,e her
de ith. I told her that ihe dis-nso had all left her
: system, and natuie woildhe'd the ule r up. They
are now la-aluX. mii I i.aie been f..r about a yeas and
. she is a beartr'ui.d robust a woman as you wi.p und
; in a d'lys walk, frbe is irlad for any one to call t.u
. her. aud lakes great pains to visit auy one thai she
i beais has anything like hut ease, and tries to t;et
tuem lo coinu ami seu uie. ' The next ciue is Misst
colield. fiotu Staiaford, Colin., Mrs. ilfirtln.l. t.isvf
- gul her .low u to see me, and she has been e nc since j
: ut Iierliouse. M hen be lirst came tu my rooms, she
; was much emaciated w ith a distressing coiib. spit.
ting large qiiautiiitsol blou l. I examined her lungs
. w ith thu respiroinclcr. a&i iu all my practicu neier
fouud one with Miu lung so far gone und the oilier
lung o sound. 1 could r."t give much encourage
uicut. I thought she would die ; but lo tny K,,on
ishmcnt the Pulmonic .yrup, teuwovd Tonic, unit
' M ilidi ike Pills all seemed to go right to work. Ine
: luug is all healed over, leaving a cavity as large as
u goose egg; good npputile. tine spirits, and has
gained somu Ibirti.tivn in weight. .Sn has
some cough yet. wl.ieh I do uot Iniuk will loot her
before Juue. I sl.ouid tl.luk it would be of ;rat
illtei. st tu souiv unprejudiced physician lo lisil these
cases, pin li .'i.lurly Muu ScoSeld. or at y j( tbein who
have been cured by my mediciues. 'I hey are i.uiii
or .us in New Yolk ; but tbc above lines all dillcr
from each other ; and if my medicines nrv p.
, what X reprosvi.t ihey are, they iboal 1 Uc
. crudltaud .he alH'.eicu kuwA where ubd ana ih.-y
I luuy La cured.
J. XI. SCIILN'is, SI. Ii.
Dr. J. II. Schink csn bo found at the b.injitial '
i oHice, No. tj Noi'ih 6'lt Street, l'hii t,l ;.hi . ij '
.-lurjiy. flow V A. l. until i P. M , t- g'w, h.i.ijo !
, free ot chaise; kut t"- U.rougli exaii.insti.'b he .
1 chaw .i.tce ilothirs. Price of the Pitliuuiii.- -Syiup !
' and Seaweed lobit esch ft 2s ner bottle, o: the i
half dozen. Mandrake Pills llj cents oer bui.und i
I is I'or sale by all Drug.;lsu aud Dealers. j
; .usy n. - y
i Northern Ceiilni. ltiiih.av !
fi'.M.-xt:ir -rE.yjn taici,i
THItl-.K TRAINS DAILY i and ,r oo. j; 1
ami Wasbingion eiiy. .
Connections made with trains on P eatiSvl Cdlii.s 1
Railroad, to and from Pittsburg an t tho -VV est. j
1IIRLX1 TRAINS DALY to and froui tneNorlr. at.! I
West Branch Srs iucLauna, Uliuira, a,.a ail of Nor.!.- '
ern new lorn.
f and alter MONDAY, MAY Dtth, ittit
lue rasseiiKor 1 rains of tho
N"rlhcru Central
Railway will arrivs
at and depart from Sunbury.
liurrisburg aud llaliintore as foil
S o C T 11 W A R
Mail Train lcares Sautury Jail
11 lt rrs ii.irrt3hp.i'j,
" arrtrri at llaltiniore,
lTxprin Train leases Kuuhurj
leicept Sunday.)
14 Uatcs llsrruburf
' arrivts at lialtiiuure
(excipt iMoudav).
to 2; a.
I -io P.
t to '
u t; i'
2 i- A.
Hitiri.burg AccuUiUiudaliou leaves lijrris
burg, ;
Sunbury Aocomniodutir.n leases Suuburr'
daily (rxoepl Suudy) at
00 A
I) A il
Mail Train leav ,s Utillir.. ore Oail,,
opt Sunday)
" leaves iiurrishurg
' arrives at Sunbury,
Express Truiu leaves Rallibiere diily
' . arrivss al Hurrisburjc,
" leaves Ilarrlsburg (except
9 20 A . M
1 S.i P. M.
1 iOA AX.
3 ISA. M.
arrives ut Sunbury.
i 63
Ilarjisburg Accommodation leaves Harris
burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M
" arrives, at Xlarrisburg, T 50 I M
sunbury Accommodation leuves Harris-
burg daily (except Sunday) al 4 00 P M
For further iuformaliou apply at the Office.
i. N. DiitAKRY. Ucn. Supt.
llarrisburg. June 4 Sfil.
o F"BTnrivs
IK .1 P. It A X T E D
IT is used by fir-t class families everywhere, and
highly recommended for nervous and dyspeptic
persons, beiug very nuilritious and tree from all
ileloleriotts substances, in tostiumnr uf which I have
certificates from the most euimlnent Physicians In.
the Country. Try it, und vou will be sure tu eon.
tiuue its uso in preference tu any other.
Sold al retail for Twenty-Firs Cents per Pound
by First class Crooers throughout the L'nitsil "tales.
jf A liberal discount to ths Truds. "
Put up only by
i.iwin a. o.iuoi:.,
Wholesale Depot, on Warren it. Jiew York.
May T, lHttt.
(Lata Mrs. Coullon's.)
HAS takeu this old and well known aland, and
refilled and furnished tha sains is prepursd tu
accommodate boarders and Travelers with tho best
the market can afford. He hopes by striot attention
to business lo receive a shars of publio patronage. -Jlis
TAULE ooutains ths best lb. market aSords.
His liar is tilled with lbs choicest of Liquors, bolh
Mult and Spirituous.
Ths tubling is good, and attended Ly csj.ful
' Sunbury, April 10, 164 ly
TlaMsrsi of list-.!- ohm, Nfmlaal,
I J I rlnarv stsssl Kriaal Hi.ii.uia-
Bw and rsliahls trsaisasnt in r.uorts of ths HOW
i ARC ASSUCIATI'IS seul by usyl ia ssssM Islter
ssleres. frss of chtrgs. Si,
UN llOCuallo V
rlh X frtfc Sy a
Jtl, ts. t"-
snvsijeres. tr or oaergs. AddrsSS Dr. j. pxiL-
Asr3sa.'Sji, X....
IS. II. 91 AKHsL'M,
At.'onicy (it Ejiw. BUNRKIlx", PA
Oollootiuns attended to hi tho ooentlos of Nor
thumberland. (Juhiu. tbTdssr. lloolonr. Columbia
aud Lyooiuinit. ''''-
lion. John M. Koed, Philadelphia,
A. U. Outlell A Co., "
Hon. Vim. A. Porter,
Morton MoMiuhal,Eso...
It. Ketohani A Co., atf Peru-1 Stroot, Now Vork.
John W. Ashniead, Attorney at Law, "
Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, "
ttulibury, March 29, 18B2.
aA3T,x, sz dietzi
in tvery yaoiety,
Orders solicited and filled with nromntncaa and
ounDury, May 16, 1H03. ly
C3-. "W. HA.XJJPT,
Attorney nud Counmrllor nt I.n-T,
Office on south side of Market street, four doors west
ot fc. x . Xlright ft Son a Storo,
Will attend promptly to all professional business
entrusted' to nil care, the collection of claims in
Northumberland nnd tho adjoining counties.
ounoury, .May zj, 10J. ly
I'or ICiitM,! !., ICoiicIicm, Ail Ik, IJcil
ltiigM, IoIIih iu l-'urss, t oolens). Ac,
IsisteclK ou lMuntN, I'ovvIm, AiiIiuiiIm,
A-'- -
Put up in 25c, 60o. and f I 00 Boxes, Iiotfles and
Flasks. Si and $3 sizes for Hotels, Public lustitu
tious, Ac.
"Only infallible remedies known."
'Free from Poisons."
'Not dangerous to the Human Family,"
"Rats come out of lher holrs to die'
fi Sold Whi!salc in nil large cities.
So) I bv all druggist and Retailers cverywlusrc
7 1 ! br.WAiir. 1 ! ! of all northlrsa iiiiilniions.
See that "Costar s'' usiiic is ou each Xiox, Rctlls
and Flask, btfere vou bu.
Address Ik'li. f SS. 'S'I'. IS.
Principal l'rpet 4.-J liroadway New York.
I'jf' Sold b ail LoUsaie abl Retail Druggists iu
Subt.urv. IM.
Feb. SO t-:-i -Jm
JLKEMlAri TtN Yimi.
Altoruey A OiitUKflloi- u( l.uv.
Oihev ua S"uth iiXe of ALiiket street, four doors west
of leuriii,rt's Confictioncry slor,
V ill attend promptly to all prfifessioral business
entrusted to bis care, tire enll.-ction ofclaikus iu Noi
Lhumherltind snd the tulj .inii.g ''otinties.
Consultations in German and Kngiuh.
Sunbury. Msich 19, Ihiit ly
Xieody to nail down.
. At Ivd iUau Ua( tbv cuJt ol' im ruusV
More dur. l'U' than tin.
f uiubr fur ile p f-r Q-U rot fi.
. For all ktLds of buildni!;s, iu all ctiirates.
kwil.T. rtPist' uxxl .jui'-k'y put on. Noci r
COattUa- w i Ct liih CCIIlt'llf ilfiiT il IS tluil'Xl UC'VIU.
i Ms.Se "f a sfroiij wi.v en f..bric. d.'.ronthly s-'tarnted i
1 snj coicre l upon both sui ."..eei with a pevti-olly hi
j terprouf eo', sr.d put up iu rolls ivady lor
j ui.. -IU into wide, aud li t. t long.
We alio iu.h efatttri.
i'oH LrskT Ti Roots,
Much ehr.ipei anl f' titan oil paint.
A I. SO,
4'oirip,ii,u (Vincut,
For l.nks Sliiule itoofs,
Which wilt oMrn save ll.r cost of a new roof,
r-auple of Iteady llojllltj Jll.l Cltculftrs lout bl
Mull when Uesirfd.
Firersbl.'eriui madewi'h rcspuesible parties who
buy lo sell S.IU.
if il.aaCU sLattt, sN . V.t
April 1.1, Wi.
C2 B 2T..S
IS TIJi.T 1'Ai.XAUi.S.
. -
! 0,n will rcclv prouipt stlcLlion.
I , . Jl. D. 1I1.M-V
! V i), Jua.2i, lv5i. . X'ropjinor.
ss'os; Twvjfrv? ii:i'i-.
I 1ST rssnvij a new n,i-k of Fishing Ta.
1ST reseivid a new t,,
.'. f. r
tt t nng sales, c bsisiibg ol Rods, RsH
liusltels. Snoods. i-'luu!j, Ni. Flies. Artificial llait.
Kigitsd Lines, liut. linus and Hooks. u which the
attention of dealers is particularly requested.
Orders. Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled
and aalistaciiuu warr..nted.
2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia.
Febrtisrv 27. IS04. Cm
Tbo Only Buo Keliablo against botb Tire
uad Uurgiai-y.
f am now prepared to furnish three sixes of Nation
al Rank Safes. They ars both Fire aud llurglar
prool, with two distinct iusido Burglar Sufes, and
three of my new Aati-Mieromctur Lucks on" enoh
safe, believed to be the only bank-lock now in use
Ihat hue uot been picked or cannot be picked by
the sid of Ibe micrometer. These Sufes all present
four tn.ix inches iu thickucaeof .olid iron, guaranteed
to be the strongest, the most difficult to diitl aud lo
stand Ihe most resistance against both fire und
burglary of any Safe in the L'uitod Slates of the
sume size and cost.
I have on hand also, and will furbish all sites of
iiuna vault Miles, possessing ail thu advantages of
ills BWTD.guiu.1 uuii;iury.
Also, all sizes of Mercantile Safes both burglar
proof and tiro and biirglar-nroof.
Also, Ornamental Dwelling-house Sufes, burglar!
pruui, anil pre ami uurior-prout (woiruulca no
Also, ths strongest aud chespest Vault doors, for anu luerusuilis vaults.
AU Uis above ure Lilhe's wrought and chilled
Also, six siies Llllie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs,
warranted laiuSJI to any Couimou Sufes, at lully one
third loss price.
Also, a general assortment of second-hand Safes,
many ol llisui nearly uew, and of approved makers,
received in exchange lor Lillle's Chilled Irun .Safes.
These ars ufierod st or below auctiun prices.
M. C. SADLER Agent,
No. 21 ti. SX.LN XU Sirset.
Juns II, 1844.
lr.l.I!wmtori:, lujl r Co., Iu.
ri"HE Fall Session ef this Institution commences on
X THURSDAY, A I'll EST lsth. The Winter
Session on ths 17th of November.
For lioardiug. Woshing, Furnished Mooai Fail
sod Eight, and Tuition iu all ths regular studies vl
ths Collegiats Deprrtuicut, only - ia.
. A liberal boducliou made iu latur ul' ths Daughters
of our Soldisrs.
For further parUoufr,r(, or Cireulars, apply to -is.
iMiMEK, X'rinoipal,
6sliinigroTO, August , 1864. Juno.
I rL"ANV (Parebaient Pspar.) Dosds
' I .Mortj;ses, Lob OS. avaraull.a, M'.i
sur s-.t al iL uiBJS ul tin .-uubi rv A.
TM AsVlWsi Iltnms
G1VJJ NOTICE that ihoy buys conclude ar
ransTmcnUwtlth the Noribem C(.nir,.H,,ti T....i
Company to run trains from Ualtlmoro for York.
ltMi.iBl...r.. l....t.l Il...:... m '
..... ....,p,, vmi,iiiu, jiaiuax. ir.'vorion, isunnury,
Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Muncy, Wil
liainsport, and all intcruiedialo suitiuiis, cotinoctine
Jt Ilarrlsburg with the URF.AT WESTKRN EX-
i-Kttsaibr i-ituburg, Ciucinnall, Bt. Louis aud th
Also with Howard A Co.'sKinrra at M;il ..r
Danville, Uloomsbiirg, Wilk. sbarro, Plttfton, Serun
ton, and inlermcdiat stations on the Cattajn-,.
Lackawanna A Hlooinsburg - Railroads. At Wil
liainsport, by Howard A Co.'i Express to Jnrsey
Shore and Lock Haven: Also, by Howard A Co.,
and their connections, for CanUai. Trov. Klrnira.
Rochester, Naffiilo. Niagara, and to all oocossiblw
pointa in Western New York And Canada, by which
thoy will torwurd Mercliandiae, Speisie, Hank Not,,
Jewelry, and Valuable Package of every deourip
lion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Hills for Collection.
Experienced and efficient messengers employed,
aud every ellorl will be made to render satisfaction.
Superintendent Penn'a Dieision. Philodelphuv
R. A. FISCXXER, Agent lor (iuuhury.
April, 162.
1804. Arriini-iii-iitis lnOI.
ol Sew Work Lines,
From Philadelphia to New Yuri- and Way Plant,,
from Wat nnt xtrert Wharf and Kensington
Depot, will leave at follow, vix : rans).
At 6 A. M.. via Camden and Amboy, (C. and
A. Accommodation.) , $2 li
At 6 A. M.. via Cuiuden and Jersey City, N. J.,
Accornmodatiou. 2 25 -
At 8 A. M., via Camden und Jersey City,
(Moruiug Mail,) ' 3 00
At 8 A.M., via Camden anl Jersey city 21
Class Ticket 2 2
At 11 A. M. via Keusiugtuii ud Jersey city.
Express 3 u0
At IJ AI. via iumdeu aud Atnboy, C nd. A.
( Acomiuudation.) 2 21 i
At2P.AI., via Camden aud Amboy, fC ami
A. Express,) j o(,,
At M P.M., via Kensington and Jersey CitT,
Wash, nnd N. Y. Express ' 3 Qi
At lii P. M.. via Kcusiugtou and Jersey Cilv,
(Evening Mail,) 3 00'
At 11 j P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Southern Mail. . 3 qo
At I) might) via Keusintcti and Jersey city
Soittnern 1'i.vpress 3 00'
At 5 P. M., via Camden and Ambov. fAccom
modtiiion. Freight aud X'asseu'gsr, First
CIOjb Ticket. 2 25
Seeoud Clibis Ticket, 1 0
For Water llup. Stroitd-!;urg. S.'rmiton. Wilkes-
barre. M..r.trose. ijieat Rend. Ac, at 0 A. M.,
from Keiisii. tttL, v iii. l)t'l :isTtr. Ltu'ls'mv.mnA mvi
WctfU-rn ltiiLliuud-
i 'r Miitu-U Cliuuk. -1?hMiIown, ltftlilttlinn, Bvli-
uert. haiLun, isiuiibcil uli. i Ivmiiilon, Ac., tor
A. M , iiuui Ivt'itomitoii icju., uud at 2 P. M
from Walnut ryv S hiirl",
(i'l.t.- 6 A .1 Lu-.t c j!iii'cts with Train learb.
j KHtDii t'nr Mitu'h i. liuhk, ut o-Jo H. M.)
Fur .MounL Jlullv. at il A. Al., 2nnl 1 P. M.
ror otrwiiula, ut 'i A. i 1 ', M.
a v u.NK.s.
F..r P.nttI. Ti:nf... Ac, at 11 A. M. and 2i and:
'i P. jM. ii nil ivi'n.i iit4 to,
jr'or Pttluivru, Uhcruiu. i-ilanou, Hverly, Uur-, i'luU-UC-J, li'Usl-iJt jTrl I., AiJM Ut 1,2, -it
uu.l i P. M.
6iT V YarK, titid Way Lines irini Ko-
fciuiuii JKM-o:. iMKf liir v .iM "n t Ut n sirct-t . unOTi
j Vli,ut, hdU im .H't"Jt' tlnprirturw. Thu C'u.r-i
run thi l.'pui. aii-1 ui tlx .inhul eaoU Truiu.
' run ff iii Uu iH-p"t. ,
I i-'itiv Ptfunds ul iiiiiiH only, ill ,ttr?t cU
j pHAsfUi(Li'. l'itSfii;ti(j;His kie j-r',liibitd iVoiu Lukini;
I nnythihj; .u lnx;:ir but thi-ir c;ii iii4aiMTil. Ail
1 ...!;r,ix- w tr utty jKMitult t he pui.l fur 'J"i
j C't..i.u,iijr iiuiii ihuii ri-.-'inilnliiv iur Im'utfu to
'.)'- iMitlur dv pnuii i. at 1 4 w lit !Mit lt liatilc lor ttbf
S "M . ii. iATZMl-;Ut Aut.
January 17, IrfM.
'ealr iu
13 MARKi.I Slli
V i A X O S
XT EW H..s.'d I'm
j. from $?vn bp., .r.i,
.ii.Li'lli'.l..,.v--': n
meuis i'---'ii st., ,, 1 li.
the best makers
. si luauf.tctured lustra-
iX atlals. ioliil!-. Ace--'!.-'., I'lules,
Xil.s. Drums !t-u.j....i. Tninbwiirines.
v I'.liu and liuitarstrings and iuu, ical uier
eiiaiiitiii. in geui-ral.
SHEET .'.il'SliV
T'o. lit!.-. I p jtili..iUO-'t..:il e ,t uu h:ovl. Mtuigsent
by .oail :o st.y .art of tin e.'unirv.
U'..l., jmCAisii. Uil.l' AND R0.-k.WoUt
Sr- U AM litH.
for goi..i,. on all kinds of piciures-
.i s., 1 1. 'n ii ini
LOtJfCIS't; ul. isti..- .'roiu
Al.i s.yli. el Iiuiii. iuiuI.i i
I'b-sl plated
lloiile! lo l.t! g.-t. eises
-.r .r :it the shortest
M M KNDI'!'!;,
" "l.ill... s'... HaT'isburg.
l-ri! 11. I'-'.'..
11. v. y
Confectionery, Toy and
.a..iu,.,liit, iiu.iii-y ,
I'lU'IT, At-.. At-..
(CONSTANTLY' on hand and sale st the alsive
establifhuebl ut niioiesal. and icluil. ul reason
able prices.
He ia manof "tniii. . nil kind, .if ('..nfeetinnariea
t ..p up u f ill tuacr'.uci.t ..l.icl. are .l'l at los
lob.a.'Co. Solars, Si.nii.ii.'rv. Nuts..f nl 1 kind", and
variety .f thrr aiii;!, allot J.uli are oBjred
whuitsule nnj retail.
llemen.bur the name and 'lae. 4
M I' (IK All II HIT .
Market street, 3 doors est uf L. Y. lirijjht A Sob's
i slorn,
' Sunbury. S- pt. III. !!... ;f
wasiiin(;ton. iiorsE,
SuUllinrsI C un. r ..I Market Spiare.
!J 3t KV. Sl.
rpilE uii'leni-ned r-. v ini',.rms the public,
I llial be b.ns talisn ciinrgr of l lis- above rained
lloul, and asks I'or the ..ontii'iiance uf the former
patronage und would imiie a. I btners to givo him a
Jll.- TAHI li
is a! ways suppliaj wit Vs the hist the mark't affords.
His liur coniatna ihe ehoicss! limit r. and his stab
ling is good uud well ullell.i. tl bv direful Ustlers.
Sunl.ury, April. Id. IS'VI.
'ouuiy Murvoyor A n -y anrrr,
Mtilwnoii, Xt.rtuuvilierliiml (', 1'tnn'a.
Office in Washington townihip. Ei.gngesaeuis etm
be made hy letu-r. directed lo the a lust e aiMre-r
All business eutrustcd tu his care, will be promptly
ttlteuded lu.
Aplil i,
" Tiiw.i i,(i:s B ie ! ti.i:.
ritllE undersigned will sell at j iivute sale, TWEX- '
1 1 Y-S1X TOU N l.r-T-. lituule iu the borough of
Sunburv. 'i'he lot.- are lo.-s 'e.l within a few squares
uf the Pennsylvania Kailrrrd t.'i.iiij.aiiy's Maelnno
Shops, iu Ike iiwikou part il the lowu. They are
11 suituble building Io.s, i il late in the uiost pleasant
portion oi tne ooronii. i noy win i,u sou on rca
aonablu terms. I ur furlhei pari i.-ulan- apply to
J'fc. ' J.K li MA.-M.R,
11 11 MA.-.-1'.K.
Sunbury, June 1, l"t Executors. '
U. M.I.lil-l A. M. SaLL.lfi,
No. 12d South Ninth Street, between Chesuut and
, Walnut, X'HILADELl'HIA.
May 7, 1604.
.HANXilOIfM" "lATi:S'T fii 11 3tlX.
i in l utitisMiK :
As Improved for Isia and laGO,
By E. KETCHAM A CO., 2bU pearl si., Now York.
a IHE only Frecier constructed on scientific prii,
. oiples, with s revolving eau aud spring blade
scraper. 1 he one hasten. Ihe Ireeitng of ihe cream- -the
other removes il as last as Iroseii.
XhS must rapid Ul trccUIC, With thu least ouanlilv
oi ics. " ' 1
I hs most economical incost, as it is the moid Simula
aud durable in structure. t
For sals ill all the Uliuoinal uiiiea autl town. In 1 1,.
Esch V reeier aeeownai.led with a lii-.i ut rm
and full diisoiiuu.
I quarts,
13 (
4 .1'
s quoru,
It quart,
14 qusal.,
0 i' uuti,
Apply m. Ji.
b MAFi'I'E