II. B. M ASSES, Idttr4 I'TOpiietsjr. E. WILVEHT, PuLltjhwr. Ml llt HY, I' 5ATURDAY, JANU.VhY 7, loCl 8. M. PETTE.VQILli A CO, Ne. 37 Park How, Nw York, and Stato Street, ficsrton, are oar agevta far 1h Susson v' Aurbioi n thosacitiesv end are. authorlted to take Advertise ment and Subscription for u at our lowest rates. A Pic-roniAt, I)ot'B!,F) Nomreb. The Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated, for January, appears with 83 quota pages, and a beautiful illustrated cover. It contains Portrait of Tennyson, Sillinmn, Slicrklnn, Cobb, Philips, Stpnnna Wesley mother of John an Indian Chief, Fran 8 Muller, Miss Sluggin, Miss Fury, the Pilncts of Wales .Florence Niglititigtiic, A Group of Warriors llamiilml, Julius Ctesar, Pi.a'rrn Cromwell Charles XII., Frederick the Grcrit, Scott, Wellington and Napoleon, with Ethuolngy, J'hrenology, Physiognomy, Physiology, and .Psychology. Published ut 20 cents it No., .or f i,00 a year, by Messrs. Fowler & Wells, :S99 liroailwny, New York. JrtfK-NAMKIXKD Slatk Mantei.s. We tijJI attention to the advertisement of J. Holmes trover, Philadelphia, manufacturers ' -of enameled slato mantels. These mantels .aru much cheaper than marble and decided ly more beautiful. ?Loral Affairs. Is" IjOnI on Wednesday the 2Hlk., of Duo. a gold pon and pencil in a gulta perch cue gold topa and slides, the finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. tyRev. P. H- Brooks, of Sew Jersey, will -....I, It, tl. Pr..ul.vli.riiin phiirrb. iu this nlaen. on Sabbath morning at' H i o'clock, and in the evening ! u,( g . I I'ff' The Court House, during the progress of tiie ; uiurdor trial, has keeu oramned full. Thoo who J wore compelled to be in that crowd, were ittirliod j that a bigger shauty was necisaiiry lor our Courts of Justice. . ' - '" "' We objervo by the last iue of the I.ewirhurg "Chronicle." that 0. X. Worden. Kaq., for lorn; i time at the head of thnt eaiablisbuient, baa retir(i. to pursue come ns onerous uu,l nioro profi'nbl busi- ! "new. Mr. Wordcn has been a sincere, htr J working ' and intelligent Inboror in hii pr.ifefsiop. tnith an an editor and printer. For Hie lat Tuw your-be 1ms' been the principal tninseribiii Clerk in the Slat. , Senate the dutiea of which ollii'ti lie dif-elirird most fnithfully. uli'l to the satisl'ie:ion of all Kim bai ' btKinesa in that department. As a man of industry and good business bubits. ho cannot fuil of suitress. fp" Rccoho vofii Dittos. Tho attention of p?r- ' t' holding unrecurded Iieeds is dirt-clod to the : provUiuns of lae A :t of Aaiiu;lly wliilh r.'j.mes thnt "All deeds hihI cotiveyjito'ef for real eut,. In tltia Coiniii,nwe:iii. hlinll be rec. pil in Itio.nTi 'e f .r ; lleei,rdin,2 h:,et!s ir, .he C'-onie where the UihIh li- ; trithtt . '- months at'ier tiie execution of such doeds and conveyHiice ; Hod every sifh dfed nod cnvov mice not 'reoorded i:s aforesaid, hnll b, j.ulcfil l'UAl.'liL'l.K.VTA.N'l) X11 a. iint anysuUiritiui pup'lmcr tor h valuitlde eoii"idiTJi'ion, uu'ei iio:h iloeds tuTee ,rdi-d netor tne recordini; ibe deed or '. eonvevMiiee und-.-r whieh Mich subsenueul purchjrt r or inort?ae stiell vt:iiui." 'f bis I- n vrv iinportniii tiriiiee, and those hf,l.!iiii; unrecorded dec Is will fee the tmnoftiuiee ol bt iug . iihoui recorded wiiuout furUi.'r delay. ( I'if' The man Allen, who up"S the militnry stvle and droM. w:is bollinif forth several ditys near the Court llouse. during the Court, hiiinhugjring a num. ' her of pcroiik into the purchase of some of his nos trums. After he left, another adventurer wa.-trying : his hand, or rut tier hi-, orator '.oil powers, in effecting tlicsa'e of some rajtor-ixiwders. and other notions. His theory was that tnedii'ine euied n body and did much harm, and thnt Alien was a bumbn, which was. perhaps, anions ihe f.-w rtdiable ptatuiiients he. . made. Who will follow him next, we have not board. Hut the world in boun-i be huuil,ud. . and the-'e feiiuits k.iow it and prulit Iheroby. ySf. Vkb's Pokthv. The presumption is. that there U a curtain amount of poetry in every ones composition, and consequently more or less iu every newspaper estiiblWitneiit. Jhis is generally duvel- , oped, whatever it is. about the holidays, and pub lished on New Yeur'sday as the "Carrier' Address " , Though this ietry is uot calculated 'lo add much to our national ehuraeter. in a Imrury point of view, it Jris, neverllieles4.ouegre.il dislioe.ive ehara-ter ex ; i ressioii or scnliinetil. If there is Hny putrloiism ill the writer, ft is sure to come out on this day. If we lo,ik at the twTusious of even tho most bumble and unpretcndin of these ''productions, ou tr.o part of the t'uion papers, we find them full of the fire,,f that patriotism, which ksvs expression to Ihe emphatic toast of IoCBlur : nr eoun'ry. may .lie always be right, but our country, rirhi or wrn." Ou the ' other hand if walo,kat thi lugubrious productions ' cf our coteinporarii'S of the Pece 1'l.ilform order. ; we find them teu times moru doleful than the lnineti- ' tations of Jeremiah, though much lejs patriotic ur ' poetical. . fJTHK Curat llorsa The 'Miltnni.in." of . the 23d ul1.., contains au article in regard to the j 1 Court House, whl.-b. at tlio time, escap.-l our .,.ootice. We mado uo objeoiion at any time to b'lild- , ing at present prices, for tiie plain reason that . there is no forcein such objection. The -'Miltoniau" ' and we believe every body nice, hut a admitted, that ! a new building- was much necdod, and this admission covers the whole ground It ia true, that materials haver greatly adrauced iu price, bui have not the means or procuring them, incroaed iu the same ratio. Formerly, wbeu uiaturials were low, a far mer would roalite out) buudrcd dollars for ona hun dred busbuls of wheat suppose UU taxes amounted to $KJ he would havo $70 loll for other purpose. Now, his hundred bushels would realise- him $20, and suppose Lis taxes are doubled, he would still I hove SWOlefr. Or, la other words, it formerly re quired 30 bushels of wheat to pay his taxes, whilst at present he can pay his taxes, although twice as high, with 23 bushels, and this holds good gcnorally with all producers and manufacturers. The only per tons who have reason to onmplliiu, are those who t, ave fixed salaries, at the old rates. If the Com i aria. ''oncr4 wcrB to wait until every man, woman and chi d io the oouoty, wore unanimous as to the pro-'peri'-un'' ""-'J might well postpone the measure at tutoe 1 n,il " duy after th Millenium. Tb prose!, boa. Commission are practical and , . . t . . : t . . . uoonomit al m. wuo Bmy" ""ruea 07 nootw, am"- try all they pot sea, and who act from a seas of jM,. . rt ... aroauy sniataaeD 11 (out aou io loss than three years, not lm.f unM' iuious approval sStha t ''0PI tyit will, doubtless, int.. "l DO,n 09 "naer' a BOBSiimersofwLifkey to !eam tat a b.'U has passwl both bouss of Congress bvsreaa. '" aJr thefUa of January, to two oollars falloq. I" taw does cot Ua th stock on jiacd, Pp'y'ng to llrjuor manufactured after 1(1 times, attd, so th, tho who aro lucky asougb to bar a 1 "g stock . Ibid in will make tig thing of it. Wiia orn and ry at their present rate aod ,f rjuty.of two.dollsrs ' per galloo o whiakey, It old to pars who asv )o ' ia tha habit 1. punishing tea at tfleoa "Iwros" of every day, !!! b&vs to foil back a 'lger,-" other cheap Alimulant. A quarter a a'rink Hit tb figvi for "Old Monoogahal" h nd at lh j rioesnnacf your ttaidy drajier rot b ksog iii txrsltug owu a u)l fortuui. spce(,J course, u-oj adultareloa, aod si t tei'la fr-'w wlskay, a!4y u lytRUUroa MraDlR The trlul ol Edward P. Rhodes, for Lbstourdor of Mrs. Chamberlin, on tile 24U of OonteraW, la Bhaiaokln township, was eoasmotood oa MtMtfa oorotng, and occupied tttilf the pjir wodu. Th fcsjUa wu out ekwjd, as we welro tttt to tnm, on Friday. Tho oiHtswUaoos ia ljtJa to tho murder, bar al raady baen pablUhed, and are limply these. ' Mr. ChsmWlin had been at Sunbury thnt day. On his return, In th evening, he found tho houso dosed, and neither hit wife, whom he had left in possession, nor any on eh was to . be seen. On entoring the heuee he found his powder-horn banging on the ohsir, and his gun taken down. Up stairs b found that a loathcr trunk, In whioh ha had about $200 lo looney had been broken opes, and the money goo. Oa further search the body of Mrs. Chamber lin wai found in the woods, several hundred yards from the bouse. A disobarged gun was lying close by her. Oh examination, it was found that she had been shot through tho head, a number of shot hav ing boon extracted. ' Edward R. Rhodes, the accused, is a man about 25 yoari of age, and is married to a diuhter of Mr. Chamberlin, by bin first wife. According to wiw of the testimony, Rhodes had a grudge against tlio tie censed, huvinir declared, some months previous, that . , .1 L I1 1 Tl. 1 i - J . .in, I lu tvvitiM mil uti, Alio lutiiuiifu iviivu ,iu iu uwii- vict hitn, ball circumstantial. The prisoner lias becu employed nt the Lancaster Colliery for some yasrs. Uu wears a long beard and moustache, is gontelly drc&jcd, and exhibits a perfectly stoical Indifl-ronce in regard to tho trial in which his life is at flake. - Counsel for prosecution, Messrs. Rockefeller, Zeig lor, Lowson and Maliek. For the defendant, Messrs. Pucker, Couly, lltll and Wolvorton. . tjThe proposals for the building of the new Court House, in this place, were opeued on the 5th inst. There were fire bids varying from $84,000 to $107,000. The contract was awarded to ShoriffRi shel, of Lyeoming County, who. built the Williams port Court llouse, at $1)7,000, inoluding hepters and gas fixtures, estimated at $3,000. The Court House is lo be fiuiahed by the 1st of November nest. lair The ''Carrier" returns bis Ihunks to the pat ronsuf the "American" for Iheir liberality on New Year's dv. He has not yet been able to decide-how " the Woo,, change" suddenly com. into his - . C . . . . . . .u. A .. a I. . will .,.,, Hu THiguBl'.'OOit, iniii'ltUI iuuhwj,uo, ua, "ill -i.t.. bly invest iu government losns, unless tlin "oil busi- bcsi" diert him from this patriotic intention. " ( jVImfohtast to Ev lavaoKV. The Board of Enrolment pndluhe an extensive dreftisement in this paper, relative to (he correction of the enrolment lis:s. The Roard urgts tho appoii.linent of township and ward committers, whose duty it tjinll be to ex amine, the lists at the office of the Prorost Marshal, i nl have strlckeu therefrom the nsraes of enroled men who ere cither dead, in the military servoioe' over or under ore. or aliens; those who bar rcmovod ( from the distact or from one town or township to an other' all who hare served in the anny. ai.d suob as j have mniiitest ei lene ef phytioal disability. It is the desire of the IJoani to hare the lists correct be ' A,re th draft takes pine's, in or-W that n a unjust , iiuo'as may he imposed upon any of the sub-dis'ricts. j Notice is ii!:o giveuthst if the prsenl opportunity lo ' coned the enrolment is neelectrd. no attention will i i't ftttttrc is given to eomptaint about exressive ; i,iutar. I: is therefore to the interests of the people ',-f all tiiu toA'ttS and towtjships m this Conf?re.iunat , district in take iinwedia.e action in the matter, and atpoint ct.mtuittfosto attend to tho correction of the ! lists. The larger tl.e enrollment of any sub-district, ' the largt.r will be its 0,00(0. Kvery name stricken from the roil aids in reducing the ijuots. If the citi xeus neglect to atc-nd to this important matter, they c.iimol ctiarge tjie 1-t or l of enrollment with the im ; po.it.oii uf excessive qitotas. Wo trust tbere will ho no delay 0-1 the p.tu ,r ,r.) one. bet let nil act at once. l'.et'i the adfurtisom.-nt of tlw ii'a,4. Trial Lir l'Or .'iii f. iry Tonn. lbC5. j I'luiloiPl. t'ei'elidant. 1 ItiMPttH V Dowrt (Eipiily doe. ts Albert Wnrrcletal ; 'ors'ley and Ellen nis witu vs l'rank Porttr John iH.iht r. va Kimtier ('leaver's ex'rs. 1 he Carbon liuti Imp. Co va Im T Clement ; The ttit.ir l Kire A Ins Co vs Henrietta Marr edni'r. Iluh ('.ml vs t:inil Caul, Com of I'a. f.r T M Pursel vs Jamea Vandyke same fr ue uf Jamea VI right vs sjnie ct al tteo C VVelker 1 Oeo Burns .lii;,'h II Kne .1 A J Ciiiuniings John B Wcisor Davit Foyely 1' ) ilaclonitti John (Infer for us The Bank ot Nnrth'd Same et al Win L Dewart vs John- Young, Const, vs lieorgo Itlnin vs Henry Weise el al vs A M IJa-twick rs T'tios M Pursel et al vs llaibara Ann Alcxauier rs Bcnj Ite'irhai't tal vs -.,uie vs lh"4 liuiimgardner, Jeremi:ih Ztinnierman, vs John A I'onrad v.- Malhios Persing vs David VValdroa John Neuluuu Ail. S:-b:tsiian liauiit Jeruiniah Savidge vi Jacob iud ore. Prior K. Fiher vs Joseph Wvittul. Ira T Clement, ot al vs J. J. Dull t J V C'ristwell Ferdinand Masscr, vs Jac M Maurcr Sarah JhiikCouii, vs Elizabeth Jenkcns. Com. of I'enn'a for D Long vs D. Waldron. Michael (trahuiu vs James Pollock et al Fox Brother vs Bird A Douty tl (i M Collum lor use vs J W McCormick Tnomos Comly va John Mover with m.uco John C .Mot tf'in vs Stephen Bittenbcndtr Hinun II. Moore et al vsO. S. Wolcotl, Henry liowman Ae vs Kdwnrd Baum Wm II Kriechline va C P Ilelfenstcin et al Martin Ooldeu vs Win Mnutelius Win Ptrstng Ts John Newman Peter E Fettger vs Oeoi gr B Fetigrr Joseph Oibson adqs'r vC F M'Pber-ou Jonatiiou Uoorer vs Jsiah Reel. . I'l-oait Uruul's Arsuy. VVA.-:iiMrt'N, )uc. . Iiit'orihatitiii from tliu Army uf tiii'Totouuc to Un i'VLi)iiij of S.iturLiv i us l't!lii: slftiuitt il:ivli;;lit tliis iriurniii our picct on tliut iorliim of tiie front line t'l-lwet-n Forts Honunt ami tuiiswortli, tiw occu pied Ly tbo 1st ami 8d C'nuiK'S of .tiie 1 at corps, uero s irprised liy about tlirce hun tlivtl rvbcU wlm churned upon them vtitb out any previous uariiii). ii I drove tlieui Iniuk witliin fit' eiiti't-iicljiiietita, killing two wniuidino; tliree, ajid cajituiim? tliirty-livo. The rebels then )iitliered tiie blutikets, kiiupioicka, tfco.. w liirli our men left at tbe picket posts, and retired to their own lines witoul losing a man. The allude was so ,...;..' .. ...... 1 1 .i. ...v..:. .... :..i. critnti.j UljrACt.trtl, diiu iijw wiiuir ti ttut.a- ly over that the orhters of our picktt-jiiard bad Dot time to even give order to the men gilli a view to resistance until tliuv bad fal- leu bin k upon entrenchments. The uatatilt was of a most furious character. The ene my . cUarijinij with terrigc jell anil onog rniiklly ua liuty atlvunceU. Arv naturullv iu- ductd the btiiut' that it was uu attack in force. The catteriujr lire maintained by our pickets during tltuir ret nut was imfTi-c-tivt-, and tbu eiu iuv did nut remain long unuugh tor those bvyotid tbo entrodcbuicots to bu aroused. Nothing further os inturost lias occurred here for a lew days past.. Tbe weather continuer extreuieiy disagreeable. To-night we are having a tall cf snow, which however, iiu-lts tteui'.y a& fast as it deceudu. "Se--1 w .... t'UAKLESTO.V Vasihnotos, Jan. 2. A private letter from the Duet says that refugees from Charleston, tod other parta of South Caroli na, state lb:l all tbe inhabitants, who could do an, haue removed into the country. Great distress prevails, and flour and otber necessaries of lifo are scarcely to be obtained at any price, buennao t moves occasioned general 'alarm. Several blockade-runners are in Charleston harbor awaiting an oppor ' (unity to escape. Many passenger tor Mat' . mi have aheady eusajred berths. Very jjtl ' business is doing in Charleston otber than . Ut cantictsecl with blockade-running and vai matters. An invetera ' old '"ipa f ftalled "she" b."" thcy J"!1 roan q tbo looko. l' A M oer apeaks ol , wtn "who diad wit!' uu iu... uid of a pvs n iuai.oL. '.- d.vl J-U isva.tig'i ?1' - - - a-- Sunbiiry High School, WILL reopen la the old Baptist Cburoh, on tho Vtb day of January. The eonrse of Instruction ctnbraetai all the brancbes taught lu. Auademies aud Ueuluarksi ef the highest grmif. TRIIMS) I'RH BKSSION OP SI Vt'EEKfi. For Languages ancient and modern includ ing all other branches, $17 nn Natural Sciences, Algebra, Oeometry, etc 15 till Advanced Urammar,Ueograpby. History, io., It 00 Hudiments of above, 12 00 Primary, 8 CO Incidental expenscr, !i0 Tuition payable quarterly in ndvanco. No deduction mailo fin? lust time. Pupils oan enter at any time, and will only bo obnrged from thgil'.to they enter. Eor further particulars apply to tho Principal. Ei P. llOlllSAClI. Sunbury, Ie.. J. IS'll. tf. . OrricB or the Nbw Yoiik and Mttttii.R Coal OAL ) x'lKLO Rail Roab and Coal Comtaxv December 21, lrttlf. The annual meeting of tho Stockholders of tho Company, will he held nt thei. office. No. 201 South 4th street, on Tl'KSI'AY, January 10th. ISti.i. at 11 o'clock A. M.. for tho purpose of eleoting five Di rectors to acrvs th. enauihg year, and for tho Iran aaction of any other businesa that may bo brought before them. P. K. I.ANDIS, Sco'y. Deo. 31, 130. It H-Jfl.1. 1SOS. llillnl!ltlili Al I'rlo Railrond. f piUS great line traverses .the Northern and North X west counties of Pennsylvania to the oity of Eiiu on Lake Erie. , It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Ilnilroud Company and isoneratod by tbem. lu entire length was opened for passenger and freight business. October 17th, 1864 Timo of Passenger trains at tsunbury, Leave tasiwara. Mail Train, arrives Elmira Express Train, Lock Haven Accommodalion, Leave Westward. Mail Train, Elmira Express Tram, Iiouk Haven Aocommodation, Williamsport Acoommodiition, 10.21 P. M. 11.35 10.35 A. M. 4 15 A.M. 0.211 " 4 24 P. M. 11.35 Pomemrer cars run twrnugh on Mail Train, without change both ways botweon Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Eric Elegant Sleeping Cars on Mail Trnins both waya between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and and on Elmira Express Train bolb ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger business apply at 30th and Market St., Philadelphia. Aud for Freight business of the Company's Agents, S.B.Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market St., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent S. C. R. R., Baltimore. 11. II. HnraToM, . . l n'i Freight Agt. Philada. H. W. GwiNKlt. tieil'l Ticket Ag't., Puilad.i. Josx en L. Potts, Ui-u'l Malinger, Williamsport. Dc. 31, DtW Wistar's Balsam WILD C H SRR3?s one of the oldest and . most reliublo remojics iu the world for Coughs. Colds. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Difli uulty of Hre.tlbing, Aeihma, lioirsnuuss, iiorn Throat, Croup, uui every Affection of THE THROAT, LVNUs' AMD tlltST, ' including eveu COIsI StTJMC fTIOJST WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. So general has the use of this remedy becoiti", and so populur is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to recount its virtues Its works speaks for it. and tind ut'evance in the ahuudant and voluntary testimony of the many who from long suffering and settled di sease have by iu use been restored to pristine tiiht aud hrultlr. Wecan prbent a uu.as of ctiuei.ee in proof of our assertion, that CANNOT BE DISCREPITED. This Itvv. .lucssis ("ics lilrr. Well know and much respected amomrthe Herman population iu tuiacounlry, 111 altos the- following state ment lor 'ho boueul of the utllielcd : JIa.xuvkii. Pa.. Feb. 15. lbj'.i. Dc-.r Sir : Having realized in my family impor tant beuetits from the ue or vour valunbls pr.-para-tion Wistar's Balsam of Wild Che'ry it affords mo pletwureto recommend it to the public. Sonic et,!it years uooncof my daughters seemtd to be in n di--cline. and little hopes of her rot-overy itcre, tntci taiued. 1 then procured a bottle of your xwlli ut Balsam, and before she host lakeu the 'whole nf tiie contents of the bottle there was a groat improvement in her health. 1 have, in my individual case, made frequent use of your valuable mtdicine, und have also beta bcuetiied by it JACOn SECHLER. From Jeaae Smith, Esq., President of the Morris County HauK, Morristown, New Jersey. . . "liaviug used Dr. Wistar's B ilsatn of Wil l t.'hofry foratjout titteen years, and having r'atiscd its bci,c ticial results in in y faiuili. it affords me great plea sure ii, recommending it to the pubii,- as a valu ilde remedy is oasts of weak lung4, col-i, coughs. &c. aud a remedy which 1 consider In be en:irelv inno. i cent, and may bo laken with perfect cai'uty by tiie uio.-l Jclicuie io heailii." From Hon. John K. Smith, A distinguished Lawyer in Wfsniiiiwter. Md. I have-on several occasions used Dr. Wistar's B.'il Sam of Wild Cherry for severe colds.' aud always with decided benefit. 1 know of no preparation that is uiorc etlicaeious or moieileservit.g of general use. Th Balsam has also bocn used with exceUeLt effect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, Md. Wistab's IHiham op Wii.n Cueanr. None genuine unless signed' !. BL'TTS," on tho wrapper. roit SALE BY J. P.THNSMORE. No. 4l BroadwaT. New York. S. W, FUWLE i CO., Proprietors, Bostofi. And by all Druj.M. llEIWISU'S RUSSIA SALVi: Heals Old Sor. s. REDDINO S Kl'SSIA HALVE Cures Burns, Sculds, Cuts. KEDDINO'S RUSSIA SAI.YE Cures Wouuda, Bruises, Sprains. IiKDhlXG'S RUSSIA SALVE Cure Boils, Ulcers, Cancers. BKDDINO'B HrtiBIA HALVE Cure Salt Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas. BEDOINU'H BUSKIA SALVE . Cures Ringworm, Corns, Ac, Ae. 0 FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Only 2S Cent a Box LJ roa siL sr J P. DINSMORE, No. 4D1 Broadway, N. V. S. W. FOWLK k CO. No. Is Tremont St., Boston. And by all Druggists and Country Storekeeper!. Deo i ltttl. j THE LEAKE P (tv p I PETROLEUM COMPANY HILADELPHIA. CMPITJI 91,000,000 100,003 SHARES, PAR $10 00. $50,000 CASH WORKING CAPITAL. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.50. President T HASKISS VV PUV. Presldeut o 1 tb Catisw Railroad Co. Vic PrideDtTHOMAS D WATTSOX. of the Hardware firm of Truitt Co., Jto. 628 Markot at. Treasurer -J-AMLEL WORK, of Work, MoCouub A Co.. Rankers. 34 South Third atroet. iMSECTons : T. Hoskin Du Puy i Thomas P. Wattaon ; K. 8. Kiobards, Of Qermantown ; W llliain P. t'uerred, li-uiauo Atient: Ueoog P. Way, Of lot Dry Uonus rirm, J. T. Way A Co.; A. W. I.eisenrinp, Cashier Mouoh Chunk Dank, Mauch Cbuuk ; Ldward Shippeu, Esq. The property of the Drake PeUoleum Company eonsisu of two traota of land, on of two hundr.-d and nfly-eeven acre aod on of two hundred ar.d sixty. fiv acre, making in all, tt hundred and twelv acres, in fee, oath Cad wall Branch of Oil Creak. Tb property has been orittisally eaaniiued by a Com mine appoiuled for that purpose, and th terri tory prenouueed, in their jadgeinont, to b fully qua! to that of Oil Creek, along which b largest oil wells ever dtaoorered bar teen tound. Tb lands resembl thos on Oil Creek, la very' particular, and it is believed from lb large number of oil springe in eloaa proximity, tbai valuable wells will b opened on both tbe traota. Tb management bar already aeoured several Engine and engaged a oompleut bupriatndeot, with a view to immediat and ao sncrgctie davelop meut. A larg portion of tbs tract 1 bottom, and admirably adapted for boring. . Several Compaujs ar organised oa lands im mediately adjoining this territory, among which ar th firiggs sod Creseot City OU Companies of Phila delphia. Id presenting th Drak Petroleum Company to th public, th iiireotor ask that Ibeir auhem should b amiod, anasubaoriptloos made to the block io full faith a 10 it present and prospective T'U"' T. U ASK INS It U Pl'V, Preideot. , TIIOB I). WATTSON, Vio Pretultnt. AMl tb WORK, I reaauror. KulorioUoua will b relvad for a limit! number ..I roar at tii flanking Hniwo of Work, UoCaucli t .... Vo. Voutb Third Ptry t, pbilsdolpUi. 1 i.vHi be jib, (Bud ,1 Attention, IsudlcH nutl Ucntlviuen ! AMBaOIYPE AND PHOXOGltAPH Orer J. Boir"n'a Btore, corner MnrkotA FtiwoSts., SBYERLY, has opened now Pieturo Gallery . in tho above place, and is prepared to tako Portraits Ifi the bcai itylo and manner. AW?,riOTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS, are tnken la every style of tho Art, Miat cannot be surpassed in tho .Slate. Having several year's expe rience, he will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will be taken from nil styles of Pictures. (iiva him a oall. Remember, over Bow en s store. Sunbury, Dec. 17, 111. Ueo. W. Smith. Cuas. II. Ur.sTBKn. SMITE & GE1TTSEP., . Market street, one door east of Mrs. Boultsm'a Hole Have opened A NBW- TIN-WARE, Slirs-f fi-on and Klove Mli', and intend keeping cnnsi.intly on hand, and manu facturing to tinier on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IKON-W ARK of nil descriptions. A Largo Stock of Cook Stovesof the following Brands: WILLIAM PENN ! and on the following two Brands wo defy competi tion, namely a , 4 'oiuIiInutir.il tans) llnrnrr, (.'00k. Uovrraor tVnu 4'oK. unsurpassed for beauty of finish, Simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, tr. l each stove warranted to perform what they arc re presented ALSO. PARLOR and OFFICE STOVESt. in grent variety.'emhracing nil the best ninnuf iclures, and mostfoshinnable designs Also. Tb. colebrated. OEM for healing up and down stairs. Also ihe oclehrated Vl'I.CAN HEATER. Coal 4HI. t'oal Oil I.iiiiih, Kli:trsi, .' 4'liiiiiiiit-si, 11 ml. nil iirllt low unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. Wo io I. i ii- I nrenNo prepared to do all kinds of Snmiling, Itoofin Range and Furnace Work. (Ins Filling, Ac. Repair in cheaply and neatly executed. Country prouaeo taken in exchange nt market price SMITH A IJI'.NTHEU, Have the Agenev fur MRU'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, for tho Counties of Northumber land. Snyder, l.tiion and Montour. Ard are also agents for tho Pipher A Wiilowcr Lin "f rtiii-'pnrmiion. Sun ury .Dec. .'!, Mill. CLOTJIINU FOR ALL!! AT . s ja: esc: ra tf arrsi CONTINENTAL CLOTHING T A Z A A 11 1 ! Cornel' ol'.W'.irl.el Square V iiaiU I Koiid Wtrtsft, 1 1 h 1: N 11 r It Y . P K X N" A ! ' JUST OPENED, WINTER STOCK OF j READY-MADE CL0TIIIC,i i of th j newest styles, cut by the best Art 1st .-1. t.-i mined ! j und made tijuai to custom work, und sold 'ut the i lowest pri.'f j. I .lieu :iul itisv'i 'lot III 111; of tLe best urn- leriiil consisting of Dress Coals. Frock Conts. Sake Coats, Putils, nu.1 Vols of tariuiis colors and (tuuli- . tiu. w 1 ttcA'TLEMEN'S OVERCOATS & SHAWLS. OEXl'LEMESV JTRXI.-'HINU UO' IDS, such as Shifts, Over-.-liiris. Undershirts. Drawers, i Collars. CruruiB, Ncoklics, ll.uidUci chiefs, Stockings. t.i. ot's.', OC. IB;ii inn! 4'itjtN of nil Mn:. BOOTS AND SHOES. TRUNKS, VALISES. I'M- BR ELLAS, and NOTION'S of all kinds, and nitnic- 1 rotis t'' n'li.'lcs. I 'It. jub 0 re invited to call and examine his I Stock. j Rcineuiber the place. 1:Contineiita1 Clothing Store," I Cornn ol Market Sou ire uod the N C. R. It 1 LKVI HEC11T. j Snnbury, Hen. 10, lSJ-t. j Tiae Couilt-l, ISoiilI-.trliu' S-lf CORN SMELLER ! ! PATENTED, AUUVi'T 2nd. 1SC4. fpHIS Sheller is the only'one that shells the Corn .- perfectly cleun from the Coh when green, soak. ed or dry. It gives the Ear a Uouble operation l,n ! the Shelling Wheel a it passes through, mid pa. ; rates the Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it at once fit for market without tho use of tho fanning I mill. This machine shells a lla'f Jiusftd oj Ear t the Minute ly Onli-' vury Jlund J'otrer. and can be used, also, by Horse, Steam or Water i I'outr by atlaeliing a Pulley on the Crank Shaft. 1 For Durability, Cleanliness. Neatness Cheapness f and Rapidity in Shelling, this Machine cannot l e f jittiUcl by uny other. STATE AND COUNTY RltiHTS FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. j Or.xri.v:vt;!i If you want your corn Shliid ! clean ; if you have oeension lo shell green or doii.p ' corn; if you want your corn and cob separated ; if I you want a durable maehino ; if you want a cheap i shollcr. buy the Complete, Double' Acting, Kclf-Sep. j arating Corn Shellor. REFERENCES: II. B. Measer. Dr. J. W. Pettle Nunhury. ChnrltK Haas, Miller, Samuel Eessig, Reading. C. O. Morgan vi Co., tfico. VV ciser, L. Augusta. Millers, Sunbury. Sol. Marti. Farmer, Henry Leiscnring, Bear (i.ip. C. Albert, (itsorgetown Manufactured un.i for halo at tho Fouudry of R01IKBACII A COOPER, Sunbury, Pa. Suubury, liec. 3, li4 llm BREAD! BJKEADL! BREAD I ! ! 3STEW BAKERY. frUIE ondorsined will open a Unkery, on Market 1. street, Suuhury, Pa., in tbe course of two woeka wbcro be will keep constantly ou hand, I'i-s-hIi llri-utl, T itIColl-s, Ituk, and TtA.BCNNS, which will be delivered to fiuui lies every morning. All kinds of FAVCY CAKK.S. Common Cakes. Prctacls, io. Piu-Nio Parties, Weddings and funerals, will bo supplied ut the shortest notice. A good assortment will bo kept np at all times, manufactured out of the best muleriul, and orders will be promptly utteuded lo. Iletrurl that his friends and the public generally will sus;uiu hitu iu ibis uuw eutcrprue, now greatly needed inriunbury. He trusts his experience in tho business will ena ble bim togive gunerul aalistuciioii to all who may fuvor him with their patronage. DAVID FRY. Banbury, Dee. 10, lbSI. r.tut ol IKfiiiy liclsicr, tir I'.eiM. vyoTICE is hereby given that letters of adminis tratinn bnving been granted to the subscriber ou the estate of Henry Keiser, hr., late of Lower Augusta township, NorlbouiberUDd county. Pa., deceased. All fornons iudeblcd to said osl.it e are requested lo uiuke imaietliate payment, and those having claims to iireseiil thorn for settlement. UEOllOK k'tlSliR, Adm'r. Low. August twp., Deo. 10, IbUt. ow IF you want a good handsome Parlor Slot 0. go to SMITH A UENTUER S Kew Shou. Ur3. COAL OIL LAMl'S. I bc( teav to Inform my friends and the public generally that 1 hav commenced Ike tuanufaclure of COAL OIL LAMPS of ovvry deaoriptioaaud style of nnUh, at NO. ia B. SECOND Pr., PHflADELPUIA With my prosrnt facilitira fur mauufactur'tng, and a practical experience of thirteeu yearf iu tbe man agemcnt of Ihe lamp busincos for ,.01110 cd' the lai gest house in the oounuy, 1 tiatler myself lhat my expo, ritnoa and knowledge will enable mo tuon'u.' to the public griod uui equalled ly any iu regard loslyl kud woikiuanship, ai.d at p.ice oouiputiug with the lowtat. I shall alwavt endeavor tolcudiu odcriu;; ti th public uew and aeful ivoutious iuuur hue. 1 have also taken lb wbsitssala aguuey tor llio tale of ULO. W. UH'JUN iiObCai-ssRATEU Marat. iT a. J. i UDENER. ' f'7MJalst., 'lidclj-hia. f.jleuitt FANCV DM GOODSTOilE. MISS KATE BtAOII, RESPECTFt'LLY informs ber Mends In Snnbury and vicinity, thnt she bar just fpened ber FALL AND WINTEH OOOD3. ol 'Notions end FanoyDry Ooods, Market street, four doora west ofWm. II. Miller's Bootand Shoe sloro, SUNBURY, l'.i. Her stock consists of Trimmings, notions, eiubrnl derics, Ladies and Childrcns' hats and shakers; silk and other linings. Corsets, Hoop-skirts, Crape and Laqe Veils; Nats, gloves, Blockings, oollars, and corsets, Ac. WOOLEN GOODS, Breakfast Shawls, Sontogs, Red Riding Hoods, Caps, Hosiery of all kinds. Dents' Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neckties, Suspen ders ; Ribbons, of all kinds, Feathers, Velvet, and many other articles too numerous to mention. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, Oct. 22, 1804. AdmtiiiMtriifor'a "Volloc. VfOTICE is hereby given that letters of adminis X trnlioii having been granted to the subscriber, on the estnlo uf Jacob Kiebach. late of Lower Malm, noy township, Northumberland county. Pa., deo'd. All persons indebted nre requested to'inuko Immedi ate payment, and those having claims, to present them for settlement. ISAAC L. WITMER, Adui'f. Lower Mnhonoy twp., Oct. 8,1Sot. Ot you wont a good Cooking-Stove, go to KM ITU OENlHEIt'S New Shop. dr3 F A I. L A X I) W I N T K K FANCY DRESS-GOODS, Mi a.vvv iAivri:u, Two doors West of the Post Ofiice, SUNBURY, lETSrNA., HAS just rvoiw'vi'd and opened a large assortment of Fancy Dress Ootids, such as Ulvvus. Jouvian Kid-gloves. Silk and lisle thread Olives; Ladies cottou and Wfiolen Hoc. Children's 'Merino Hose, Silk Mils. Handkerchiefs. Corsets. Embroidered Slippers. Ribbons FANCY DRESS BUTTON'S. Bugle tliiubs. Trimmings. Buttons. Belt Ribbon Velvet Kib lions. Braid. Belt Clasps, Ladies' Neck-ties, Fancy HuttoiiB. CRAPERIBBON and TRIM MINK ; Em- broiilering Braids. Jaconet und Swiss Edgings and insertions; Malteese Lace Colars, La.es. (Srcnadine ! Veils, Fancy Dress Cnnibs.lHead DreSes, Nells, aud a variety'.,, ot.ier articles. j WOULE.V OODDS. such as Pontags, Breakfast Coseys, Caps. Mittens, Saefiues, O loves. Silk aud Cotton Fiugs, Ac PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Books, Hymn Books, Blank Bocks, Memorandum Books, Diuries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands. Fens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, luk, Ac. Toilet Soaps, Tooth-Brushes, io. . TOYS .VSl) tJ.VMF.S FOR CHILDREN. All of which have been selected with cure aud will be sold nt reasonable prices. ANNA PAINTER. Sunbury, Oct. 22, ISM. I'oiii lls A. Arcli Sis., IliilnI'llhIii. Cater for the best Trr. lc, and offer no Unit;: or de ception to induce Custom, but rely ou FAIR DEAL ING and UOOD HOODS ! . Best Mcrinocs, Fashionable Silk", Nobility Plaids. Piiu'e Poplins, Dark Foulards Figured Mcrinoes, Plaid Shawls, tbxid Blankets. P. S. We follow (tOI.D down, as close us tvu fol low it up Now is u good time tor Merchants und Con.-r.rtii.rs to eoinv in. October S, 1 bij . 2tuw HATS! HATS!! 1 SAM I" EL l-'AUST, I Two doors west of Fischer Drug Sloro. Mnrket St., ; SUNBURY, PENN'A. IS eui-lnntJv iiianuiaeturinglliHat est style of WotJ and I or llais. which for softness und ilurnbility are not surpitNO'd. t J ive hiin a call and sec his sto-k of Hats w hieh art) i sold cheaper than elsewhere. Merchant-and ot hers, j pur.'InoMiu at wholesale, will find it to their ndviin i Iir;c to cull and procure an artielo cheaper and cu "1 1 to .-it v manufacture. Sunbury, October 1, ISfll. CllBAT UKDUCTIUN" IX TIIE PRICE OF J22)EG.Tr XCraiBfa EDWIN HALL & CO.. No "A South Second Street, Philadelphia. Are nw ufi ti ing tltcit- u.nnlfiount aln"k of Silks, l'riss lioods. t-huwls, Cloths. Clonks, Velvets, .to., fur below the present Hold Prices ! VFe have also rln baud, a larire stock of DOMESTIC tiOOllS. which wo ere now selling at a great reduc it'Oi fi'i'ttt the prices wc hare been selling them tt. .s we have had the advantage of a rise in the prices of our Stock in the progress of the War for the last two or thrceyours. we now pronic to give mir eas terners the Advtiutago of the fall in Prices. Calicoes and Muslins, reduced, Flannels and Table Linens, reduced, Hlunkets and all stable Hoods, reduced. We respectfully solicit from the Ladies and others visiting Philadelphia, an exnuiiii.itioii uf our stock, which is unsurpassed in variety and stylc.in this city. X. IV. Wholesale llnvers. arc invited to examine our stock. "EDWIN HALL A CO.. No. oft South Second street, Philadelphia. October S, IStit.Suiw NEW GOODS T JL'ST OPENED Fall & Winter Goods, AND SOLD CHEAPER TilAX ELSl' WllIIREf j ISAAC F-J1A1T. I In Zetlemoyer's Iluilding. opposite tlearhart's Con I fuclionery Store, Market slrect, SIMil K . Pa., j Tt AS just opened a well selected assortment of 1 J.1 Uoods. Inch he otfets for sale at very low prices. DRY GOODS ! KOIIEIHX .XT DOMESTIC, such ns Cloths, Cussi mures. Muslins. Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, Do Laiiies, Silks, liiughams, Aa , Ac. ll.m'l'N mill ( Ai'M ol every deaoription. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Consisting of Hosiery, tlluvcs. Thread, Buttons, So-penders. NeektiM. Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hair Drushes. Tooth Uru-dics, Kmicy Hid Dresses. Hal-, mural Skirts, Hoop-Skirts. Car-iet-bage, Trunks, Va. lines, I'mbrelliw. lotion-Yarn. Snips, and numerous other articles too tedious to mention. IIARDW ARE, such a nails, hinges and aerewa, door latches and kuobs, aud Cl'TLLRY of every description. Dyis, Drills, P. lints, Vnrnislits, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c, Sic. tiirriiwar iiikI silua-sivvure ol' s'Vrry ds'ax'rlplieu. BTOXEAXI) EAUTUEXWAKE. An extensive Stock of Couiftoeetl of Fa,'ar. Coflce. Ten. Rlee. Corn-starob, ,M,,li..ei, Caudles, Meal, Fish, Cheese. Sail, Tubauco, and Kgars. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. AUt, BCCT3 & SHOES for men, women and children. All kinds of Country Produce lakea in exchange for Hoods. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1831. E. C. Q033HST, At lor ury und ('oiius-llor ul I.iim, HARRI3BUUO, PENN'A- "".tVILL carefully attend to collection and all other miittcrs entrusted to him, ia ibeoouaiie ulT'auphib, Noriliumuvrlaud ami Snyder. Oct. 15, IstM ly Inti-riiHlionul llolrl. 345 and 3tiJ JifuaJiuy, Corner 1'iunilm ttint NEW YORK. f piUS first cla llouo tbe m'sit quiot, homclik J and pleasant Hotel in the uity oBeis auperior inducementa to those visiting New York lor biuiuta or pleasure. It i central iu iu locution, aod kept no . .... . .... .m -.. or served in their own rooms. Th eharire are iuo tiui. , . . i . . . , r . fieraie. me rooms and aluuulaoou o ill fer.t ord r- kalha, and all lb Usodcru e-jOtvaivSKu atlucbed Oct I, lest I THE UNION F0REVKR.! At the Stre ef JOH1TBOWE1T Corner of Markot and Eawa Streets, 8UNDUKY, PENN'A. Just opened PALL& WINTER GOODS, for everybody. This 110 "Blowing," but plain truth, which everyone will bo convinced that culls and ex amines tho stook, wbioh eonststa of Dress Ooods. Cassimeret, Cloths, Uenta' Overcoating, Jeans, Cottenadcs. Muslins, Dreas Ooods iu groat variety. LADIES' DUESS GOODS. Plain aud Figured Delaines. French and Figured Merinos, Fino Wool Delaines all sorts and shades. Prints. Nankeen. LADIES' CLOAK.INU. Tablo-Covors, - Irish Linen. Brown and White Sheetings. Shawls, Balmoral Skirts of all kinds, Hoop Skirts, all prices. Hand kerchiefs, Flannels, Ladies' Ktd. Silk and Merino ttloves, Ac. IstM't'lry !' till Kintla. Ladies' and Ocnts' Union Skaltj. A larje assortment of NOTIONS. 1 :BtB.a:.sa79 Hardware, Ccdarwaro. 0!wnre, Chinaware, Queensware, Croukery. Oroceriea, Tobacco, Setrara. Snulf, Tea. Cetfee, Augar, Molasses, Spires, Fish, Salt, ic.r4c. i and everything else us-.ial1yk .pt in a store. Pro- j duce taken in eschaugq lor goois. No troublo to, tlU WILLIAM B0WEN. ' Snnbury. Nov. fi, ISM. I : tl.,n. u I ll.. .,. u I .tl I ! . st 4 a 4 in , U Be,B f ON HAND, AND SELLING CHEAP.THE FALL 4; WINTER GOODS, Just opened at No. 1 Store of WEAVER & PAGELY, CONSISTINO OF DRY GOODS! r-nut.-r.,- i-t ,rMT.TTt 1. m .1 . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. such as Cloths, ( i?s, Muslins, Wheelings, lick in - Calicoes liiines, ! lunnels, and all kinds of MOURN IN (ij Cossl- Do- tv.m.lc Aluaceas, Black Silks. OinL-hams. Balmoral and f Skeleton Skirts, Canlou Flauucla, KaukceLS, Car peting of all kinds. HATS Sc CAPS. ' NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery, Oloves. Thread. 1'uttons, Sus penders. Neck-ties. Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, liuui Rib bon and Cord, tape, ciotchct.braid, worked collars, taney head dresses, lidy cotton, carpel binding, 'combs, fancy soaps, carpul bags Trunks, Valises, I mbrcllus, Blauk Books, Paper, Envelopes, ic. :b h: tv ja-mw.ia"c.3Ji3 fall kinds, such ss Nails. Hinges and Screws. Door Lhiclp s i.r,d Knobs, Lo.Us, juid CCTLERY ot every description. Also, Dvs, Drujrs, Piiints, Ynrcisltes. Fish. Kliixst'od nntl Rinzimt Oils, Glnss. l'uttv.Ac. ;.ie,ifv ure mitt liissuurc ol' all ! I STONE AND EARTHENWARE. An Extensive Stock of I GR0CER1E S, Composed of Sugar. Cofl'e. Teas. Rioe. Corn-Stareb, .M acaroni. JJarley. liaking-powtter. n. lasises. soaps, ctndles, tobacco and S'.-ms, Salt, Fib,.Uval, Cheese, io., dc. Alw. a Wjo variety of BOOTS & SHOES. for Men, Vomen and Children. i IT All kinds of Or tin and Country Produce taken in exchange for Hoods. ' Give us a call bef . re you purchase clsowhcre, w are bound to sell ns low us any one else. Stor'-riHim in lr T. Clement s buildim' at tho .""itth-Wcstcrucr of Market Square, near tho Court j H-lll-Nt. '- j Sunbiirr. Nov. 5, lritil. ! LK von went (food 'Jin-Wure, go to SMITH A Ot.VI lli:i! New Shop. dr 3. r l"tt.t. An assortment of Dia- ries f..r Hi'..'i f vavies s'vles and ni:e, Also, Cup, Note and Letter l.,i:er, l',r sale bv A SNA PAINTIM. Sunbury, Nbv. 5, ISCi. at.-sO KEtVAUD. rilHE subscrilwr oflers tbo ai cvo .rewind for tho j 1 Utscorery or in ,.,.-,, ,hn entered his dwelling ! iu Hash township; ntarlv opposite Ked 1-0:01 l',.r. I niice. about the loth oT Anusi Lis, and robbed him of Clothing nod other articles to luc value of uboul ode hundred dollars. Address the siioscriberut Danville. P.O. CHARLES CARR. Rush township, Dec. 3, 1S01. I. K. STAUFFEH. WATnUMAKJSR & JFWELHY. No. I IS North SECOND street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. An iiMrliiM'iil ol iitvltt'w. Jew fli-y. Silver V lI-iti-sl Win ootist mtiy on hand, Suituble for HOLIDAY PRESENT: : Vtf Repairing uf WalcUi and Jewelry promptly attended iu. December 3, lS61-ly . . . , i CaitlBTMAS AND BRIDAL PH3ENTH. HENRY II All PER, Ao. 5-iO AIK'IE St., riiiludvlpUiii. Has a lare stock of WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY, SOLIDSILVER-WARE Superior plated TEA SETTS, SPOONS, FORKS Ac. Getubcr 1, ISt'.l. Im tCt'iidin ISallroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 7th, lflc)4.. GREAT Titl'NK LINE from the North ann Nortb-Wesl for Philadelphia. New York. Read iuir. Poltsvillu. Lebanon. Alietitowii, Kasttm, Ac. f ruins leave Unrri.-'iurg for New-Vork. as fol. 1 lows : .T un and S.ld A. 51. and l.i5 P. M., arriving ' ul New York at IU A.M. and 2 4 and lt UU P. 51. j The uhove aonncct with similar trains 011 tiie Penu- j sylvauiu ruilrund. and Sleeping Car sucoupauy the ! nrst two trains, without ehiiue. t Leave for Residing. Potttvillc, Tataaqua, Miners-I ville. Allciilowu aoid Philadelphia at b l j A. M. and I iS P. M , stopping at Lebanon aud principal su- i lions oulv. I Way trains, stopping nt all points, at 7 2j A. M. i and 4 411 P. M. Ilelurniug, K-avoew iork ut V oil A.M. 12 noon, and 7. UUP. M fuiladelpbia at ; 8 A. M. aud S 30 P. M ; Pottsvilleat S.5U A. M and ! t.Sb P. M. ; Ta1na4.ua H. IU A M aud 2.1a P and Reading at I- midtiight, 7.35 and 1U.15 A M.. ! M.,1 i.na and 6.0 r. m. i Readiuii Aacoiuuixlation Train leaves Reading at (.30 A. M. rcturniug from Philadelphia at 4 ;iu P.M. Columbia Kailrnad Trains leave heading at 8 40 ' and II A M. Epkrata. Litis. Columbia, ic. j Ou Suntl iya: Leave New York al 7 P. X.. Phili delplna 3 U P M. P.tcvilio f .3u A. M , Tuui.4ua 7 ' A M, Haribburg 8 li A M and Keutling at 12 mid- ! uighl, tor Hurriaburg. , Commulation, Mileage, Season, . and 1'xeurion ' Tickets, at reduced rates lo and from all points. tut pounds Duggugu allowed each l't:-s, nK'i r. 1 U. A. NUOI.l-S (icneiul Superiuteedent Nov. S6. If.l. ' I.ii'kuuuuii A Itlouiubur It , road. ON and after Jan. itsih, I pas't-ngcr ".rail will ruu a failsJ : MOVINlJ SOL'TH. I'afnenser. Leav Scranton, 4 .211 P. M. " Kingston, DliMimsburg Rupert, " Danville. K.25 .3i 15 Arrive at Northumberland, .S, MOVING NORTH. , Leav Northumberland, VM A. M " Danville, H.tn J Ruper.1, H.41I I KloouikbuM, U35 ! Kiasuoi, 12.12 P.M. Arrive at Scruuton, 130 freight a Piuei.ger leaves lllooiushurg. lft li A. M t Paanrt taking lb Mail '1 rain Nalk otiiiot-i 1 with lb Express train froui Northumberland, airi. ' 1.,.. ut llMrri.tMitM mt V .Ul 4 M lul.; 4 u.. - M., aud X Philadelphia, at T.OU A. M. The M ul train from N'oi thumbi-rlund leavi immediately alter i the arrival t.f the Eanrcsj tra-.n trom Uarrb-hui,: aud I Rultiuiora. allua ing puMccifcr leaving Philadelphia , si is w i-. iotoucu poiuuon taw road Uuriuz i the uexl k-reuoon K .. . Au.,.n, hi : . . , "j v,,t---i'iujE vm, auuw wi, tue I niaki traiusaach wa btttweeu NoriLuinburland an,l 1- 'i. . S VI '.i ... 1. I A . ' fsitivuf w, us4 t,rtiuuivvrt-oti mv.. rim-t','i.uta. V 1 li .lL ND. ?ap Fswn slrect, two doors v Pottsvilli SXJlSTBXJlrx . HAS Just opened lor Fall ,. ,,;, ,,f . W.lioery Ouoda. LADIES h S. It-'"! and Cupa ef the Inle-ii styles; French t. Ant' iiean llowers and heathers, 'irimmings of all kind.; I..i dica aud t'ltll irens' Hose. Olovcs. Cdlars. V t.i! - and a large assortment of Fancy tJoodd and .Solium. Call and scehersfock. funbury. Out. 'iui Iiookat tho Returns! VfTiL H. MIL LEU, MaikelP.4ua're, SUNI5UBY, I'F.NVA., '" , I I'ST reneivod from N-a S,.a-k sod Philadelphia, j aj a fresh supply ol Ike latest s'j b-s und of the besi 1 noiilily of HOOTS and shoes. I fiir Men, Women and Children, whi oh lo' nth.rs al j rcJucuU prices. ; Women's Shoes at ?l M) ' All his good stock WARRANTED. No Paper ! Sf ors svld hT l;ls store. ! lie will a'ao whoKsalo Pouts and Vh.m ht 'he boa. i The rulj'.sc gon-f aily are iuviud lu nail mid rt- amine bis stock. . Sunburv, Oct. 22 HM. l,''HVTtJV . V 1 1 MWlllV"' 1 Ul i I) i 1 AiMJ ii .1 Vlli.M , - . ., , , Si IOP. n , . T" . . , s, Die iindei'slgnt"! having purel esed of V. T llrlght, Esa., his Machine Shop: Foundry. Ac, al ; Sunbitrv, aud has now commenced operation. I All Kinds of Machinery WILL LE MADE AND REPAIRED PROMPTLY. I Pers.ts desirinc MACH INF. WORK Immediately, will do well lu call and examine his facilities for doing werk cbcup. ao cafAicui: for ivvrri.us. WILI.XAM KENWYBOX. Sunburv, "ct lo. 16iX. J" J COS O.BEOK MERCHANT TAILOiJ, Aud Dealer in CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST ISO, &t I'um u street, sioutU of Weaver's llolti, 8 U T U B n"5T, V . INFORMS the cittietis of Sunbnrv and vicinity, that he ha; just returned from Philadelphia with full assortmett of t'AI-I. A.M M S.VI'EIl WOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His sttatk coiu-ists of CKths, Frer.cb 'Moths. HiueV Di.oSl in and Fancy Uassiuiores. Black Satin. Fiurt l Silks, Plain and Fancy Cassiuiere VES11NOS. which ho will make up to order in styles to suit ihe taste of customers, ou short notice, ami ihe most reasonable, terms. Any Good? not on band, vill be funushud frolu Philadelphia. y i:iviug two days' no'ice. Oouda furnished by customers will be made up to order us heretofore. As ho will employ none but experienced workmen, persons may rely on getting their work Well done at Lif shot,. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed, be rcspectlultv solicits a 0 nunuauceot tue same. - Sunbury, Sept. 10. 1OT4. GREAT DISTRIBUTION ! FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES , ELEGANT DIAMOND RIWOB, Diamond Brooches, Ear Drops, Bracelets And a vcrv large 'lock of Elegant Jewalrv, valu ed at $500,000, CERTIFICATES., sutuiug cocb article and it value me placed in SEALED ENVEl.OPI S, ami well mixed. One of lln so envelopes will be deliv creil nt our oflico. or sent by uiail to ar.y address, without regard toolioiee, on receipt of 2i cuts. We will .send by mail or express, the nrucle that .the purchaser may draw, for ONE HOLLA K, r wili.rchtuire or until orlirr article cm our lot, of the .tit me tve a lUc article drawn. BLANKS 1 Kntire salisftct: m jruaranteed in all enses- Yuu mar obtain a Uoin Wait: it, or Ill inois. Ri.su for O'NL' I'OktAR, whioh you need not pay until you know what you have tti.wo and its value. t'i--Kivo sealed huveb.pti fir tt, Eleven for Sfi. '1 hirty tor 3. Send tor Circular. Agents wantcf. GOODWIN, HUNT ei CO.. JEWELERS, :7 Dioudway, X. Y Alt tetters should be ad Jrccied to our b-, J7Mf Post Utfije, Newt York. Nov. 11, Itsu-l. at millineTyTooTs, AND ! aVMACV ACTUM'S iV'l'mM.Tffl.XjJP L. fcs Al,uouo;v und, in Market !soiia4v SUNUI RY , L- . X-T A h lust reeved f.,.1.1 liiiadidphia the l.-v- n and mu.-t ta-hior.able styles ot M'lUnerv tlood. is k n1 v r h us liomiets, Hals. Silks. Velvets, R.bbon not j Laces. K"a;b-r A 1-lowers. Hi 'id Dresses V Net", j Old Ladies' Caps. W'cdei' Moods. P ) tags, BreaKl'ivC t Shawls, Silk aud Woolen Scarfs, UosiiiV CI.OA2SS Sc FURS! lllack Crape .md Lace Vii's. Crape ami Linen Col lars, Dress Trini"i!iiji and lluttotia, Co:s-f. Z pi... Soap and Penumery, Cloak Trimuiin:, Woollen A. i CoUuo vra- SrjCKKiuiilt in;r, a ishiiii.iwimk,- ii'i'.t llriiidiitdttnr iu lsttt.t IJ Iv. Gents' Linen and lVper Collars, Neckties, Ac. lOCNTHV PKOM Cniiikiain cvc'ni-is, for ii'. or Vork. Thankful fur post p.itrouniie we s,,li,.tt the same. L. j. b. SHlSSLbU. K.'.ibiiry, October 12, Ifefl-t 1SGL ISiU. MAM2I0TH ST0HE. J. W. FItll.l.'NCT Ai 6i, BEt! leave to eull the nttenlivAof tho jtubii.-ihnt tksy have just reiurued truui tbe City with a vry I.AROE AND WILL SELECTED STOCK OF OOODS! Conslsiios of DE.Y G001S, Hard wart. (Jucrni wars Cedar waic,. BOOTS fe CEOE5, Hosiery, tiloves. Notions, Trlmuiinc, Isrupts mill 1'lii-itiit'iil". S'iIm. I.aini and in fact ENTUYTHINU uEXk'R ALLY k.Ei'f in 4'uuuiry rs(tri-a. We bought rur g.s' b at tta lowest Cb Prior and eo.istini.'inly i tl.it'k we can vf-r frfa In ducements iti purchaser for Cash t-r Coufctcy l'i. KC -v. The kifhest itiaiset price paid fr all kind t,f Protluc. divJ us a "itll. .' W. yHIUNls 4 PON. Sunkury, Nov. li. Ifc-ii jX R V Q O O D S! i. Two it e rs -tof Wui. . Miller's t-bat moi, anbury, i'a. Jusi bpt-aml a t'"h sufplf n j PAl.L AMI WIS TEU lioous'. I Su' hsJ Fancy Dress Triuuiiliigs. Ril Ikji.., i1ov llMidkercbiefs. Ladiei' 1 !i..tt. li.lluis and i'ii.Is . li, nl s Luiru 4id paper t.'i.iar. IU. H. l's. i.s,-t , Collerf and Slceiei. (,r iiJLv, riioi Ril l.n., Red. Whitei.u.l "Ire t,!.-iic. I ,.i - t,-tiunk-r rtk'.rt-, Wk-sand feirt-v j IVlinLEN iluI'S.eur,priink',d Sutis IF ,i,-y tit ladies in. 1 cbil lru, taps' ol all kinds, ri, j lilovea, Mittens. Ac. Alsi, a new lyli' of niurl'.n for Oarnbaeili ttm.ii I together with S' is. Jaeouut and it turia M i-i: ttrupe kollani and Veils. Orenartuie aiut l,"' ' :il mill a variety of oilier aiticlt-ti tm ttuuu rous t. n en lioa. MAR V I, i.AHl. r-oid ury. O-.t. J, m4 . I HO MIHiv M ii. I AME to the premises tl.e sitosiriber In X'pef I .J Augusta tnmutitp. atKt four week. whit sbiials (rt t;bii et U' limeao,ut IPty j.iundt i ' ... t eaon. Ilia uuner is reo.ut-sle.1 to v me i tirove ioiM-rrv. iisr en irires ana taae " eiu .. itrVtt lu., . .Mill kautlS u. ...... I,.. t., l..w , " "-i W "-."."'."- 7.' . .. ' ItlllMVS. St I'rrsr A.;4'uti .'V! S !",