Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 07, 1865, Image 1

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itilM3 TW(f DOIJ-AHS p una. 12 iO If
ol id within tlx year. No paper dleoo&Uoued
until til "rerage are r aid.
Then trmi will b strlotly adhered to hereafter.
If subscriber neglect or refuao to take tbair noww
paper from tho otbe to wbiob they or directed, they
in responsibl entil tbtybava eeCUad lb bill and
ordered thorn discontinued.
Postmasters will plea aot to our Agent, anil
trunk letter euntaining subseriptRpo money. The;
art permitted to do Uiii Under tba Post Utttu Law.
Wa have connected with our establishment a well
looted JOB OFFICE, which will enable ui to
execute, io the neatest style, every variety of
DH . JOHNSTON has discovered the moat Certain,
Hpecdy ntt'I only Effectual Itemed? In tho
World (br all Private Disease, Weakness of the Back
er Limbs, Strictures, Affections nf the Kidneys and
Bladder. Involuntary Discharge. Impotency, Gene
ral Debility Nervousness, Pvsricpsy, Lanpuor, Low
ripirita, Confusion of Ideas. Palpitation of the Heart,
Timidity, Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness.
Diserue of tho Head. Throat, Nose or skin, AtTcolions
f f the Liver, Luntrs. Stomach or Bowels thoso Terri
Ills Disorders arising from the Military Habita of
Fouth those aeoret and miliary praetioea mora fatal
their victims than the song of Syrens to (ha Ma-
inaraef lityases.hliirhting their most brilliant hopes
Mr anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, iropoiii
Ida. ''.specially, who have become the viotim of Solitary
Vi.;e. that dreadful and destructive habit which
nnnunlly sweep, to nn untimely grave thousand of
Voting Men of the moat exalted talents and brilliant
intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen
ing Somites with the thunders of eloquence or waked
to eestaty tho living lyre, may call with full con
fidence. MlRltlAOI.
Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating
nnrriage, hing aware of physical weakness, organic
debility. d'formities. c, speedily eiired.
He who plates hlm-lf ander the care' of IV J.
trtty religiously '.-ootidc in his honor as a ircntleinaD,
and cuiiudautly rely upon hie skill as a Physician, '
OXt'j-tSlC V.' H.K
fninediit-ly Cured, and Full Vljfnr 'iol-rd.
Ibis I'Miri-ftint- Affection which renders Life ;
miserable and marriage impossible is the penally
paid by the vioiitnsnl improper indulgences. Young
person's lire too tint to commit exceMts from not
being aware of th dren-lf'il i-nnseipieoces that may ;
eioue Now. who that underline. Is the sii'.ieel will ;
pretend to -l.-ny th-il the power of procreation ii- lo.t
sooner bv those f illing into improper imb'us limn by
the prudent ' Ib-ridi-i- ln-inS deprived the pler,urv.i .
of liralthy uiTspriiig the tu"t i-ri"u und .in.itru.-tive I
tvmlito- - to t-o'h tvutt ..ti-1 mind arise. The syitvto
bti'ol-:os Ii.nrve.l. tbf mel Menli,l KuliC
f iro fiikeneo.
Lose of rro-rcative Power. vops j
Irii: ti.iiity. Tp'- . l'eiri'Mion ol the Heart
Indigesti-io. 'oietitutionjl liebility. a Waning d
the rrur.'.e. Cou'h, Copsuniplioii. Ueoay atl Death,
!!3-i'. ' ? ottil I'rrdcris! Slrcrl
Left tifin.l sida going f-ron Tlaltinmre tr', a fw
doors troni the corner. Kail uol ta ubscrt nam
and number.
Letter;, must bo paid nod contain a stamp. The
IWior's Diploma hung in hisofEce.
nti: wAiiiA.Va"3:i i:j two
.Vo .Verrrry or .V,ueuif Prupt.
Member of the Moral tllng of Surgeons. London,
tiradu:fe fr in ort of t'.io lu'Mtt eminent t'olleges in
the United State", titul the ffreater pnrt or wt.ose nto ,
has been sti'-nt in the bopilnls ol London, Paris,
Philadelphia anil dwhr. has eflected some of j
the most alor ifbing eures that were evr known ;
jnany troubled with ringing in the head and ear:
when asleep, greet nervous!, being alarmed at ;
sudden hash fulness, with frequent blnsliiug. :
atti r. ltd soineiiiiies tutu derangement of nituil, wera
Cured iiemeJilitelT.
i-vki: pAUTi(.'ri-.iii xmh i:.
Dr. .T. nddree nil thoe who have Injured ll eui,
elvel:V iiiipmpcr iiululgenc- ami militm v hr.l i'.
which ruin ldy mid inuid, uiiniting tlis.111 lor ,
eit'ier htiiif-.i. rtn-ly. weicty or mariiage. i
TttKsr. ere some of the ud ard melnneholy effect !
froditeed hi t-atlv habilf of youth, vis: V. rskl' of !
lb 1 Itaek and l.iiidw. l'aiis in the ll'iid, Iduil'ev of ;
biifht. L.-isa of "-lueiilHr Power. Pali i union of Uie j
Jlrart. IHsiH-mv. Nervou. Irr'ahiiity. Iieranment j
f t" the I'igesma Function, doner it ucuitity, ,-yuip
loins of t oiiMiintiiion. ,e.
llron.l v. The felifful
effee's on the mind are
much in or dreaded l.oseof Memory. ( ouliisoai or
idea". Iiepresion of Snirite. li ii-l'orehudiiie". ver
fiun to Society, Self-li--rui. Love of .rlilule,
liuiidttv. Ac j're ?r.u.e..f tbe evils irodu'rd
1 ttorvA in, o 'person of nil ne-s can now judge
whit is the e.iueof their deelinin? health, losing
taeir igor. Ineoniinv week, pule, net vans and
e naeihii'd, h ing a diig-ilar appearance r.Oout lb
eyes, coiih and svuiptotns of contsunijiiiou.
vr.x' jh:.
.Vho have injured themselves by a eertain practice
indulged in when alone, a habit frvcjiieuily lekrned
on evil oloJ.alliol!. or at dM,l. the en'ecti1 of
vhiehan- uiirhlly felt, esen when asleep, and if not
red renders marriage impossible, and destroys
joth uiind and body. h'moiiM apply iinniedistety.
What a pity that a young man. the hope of his
country, the darling ofhis parents, should he snitched
from all prospect and. enjoyments of life, by the
consequence of deviating from the path of nature
and indulTinein a certain secret habit Sucn j arsoos
must, before coiitompluiing
rennet that a sound mii.J r.nd hod; are the most
necessary requisites 10 protn.df coonuhia1 baprii.ess.
Indeed without these, the jo., rny through life h
? ones a weary pilgrimage ; :he jrosp.-t hourly
darkens to the' view; ;ho mind beconie shadowed
with dwpair and filled with th.e nielsnsh i!y rcSoc
tion that the hap iness c.; an.o'.iir be.ouic b'hltj
with our own
When tlie misguided and imprudent votary of j
pleasure find thai he h i imbibed the seeds of this1,
painful it i ftn liipneiw that an ill-timed
iiscof sliame. or dread of iliot cry. deters him ;
roui appiying to tbose wii.i. fro;n educition ard !
opectalolity . eau atone hei'i iend delaj ir.g till :
he coiistitu'iional symptoms of this ht.trid dis'-oso (
nake their iiiipeeranee. smh a ul-erated sore
hroat. diseased ' nn-e. nocturnal p iitis in the head
ind limbs, dimness of ..iht, duafness. nodes on tiie
bin tejues and arm, blotches on ihe head, fiee and t
ztrcuiilics. progressing with frightful rapidity, till .
o last the pillule of the mouth or the hones of the j
oe fall in. and tl.e victim of this awful disease '
tveomes a horrid object of ion, till death t
nits a period to nit tlrea inn fluttering, nysmoing
inn lp"Uial Lni.t.-covcrcu (.uuniry tioui wiieuo no i
ravcllcr returns. " t
It is nmrlmirlioly fart that thousands fall victims
olliis leriihle disease, owin to the unshillfuluess nf
ituorant pretenders, who, by the use of that Deadly
"ci.oii, Mcrrurt), ruin tho constitution aod make
he re&idueof life iniscrHhle.
fs l BeA N!'.lfw
Trust not your livt. or health, to the cure of Ihe
lany tnlearneU uud Worthless Pretender, d-stitute
f knowledge, name or character, who copy lir.
nhnslon's advertis-ment, or tyle therr.iielves. in
he newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians,
ncapnblc of Curing, they keep you trilling month
ftcr month taking their lilthy and poisonus com
KinniU.or as lung as thoiniallist fee can be obtained,
.ml iu despair, leave you with ruiued health to ligh
ver your galling disappointment.
lr Johnston is the only Physician advertising.
His credential or diploma always hang in his office.
His renudies or Irenleim ol ' unanown io an
there, prepared from a life spt-nt iu the great bo
iialsol liurope, tbu first iu ihu country uud a more
iti-naive Vit ne Practice than any other Pbysioian
t the world.
.iiii,i'.?i'rvr oi- 'run pbesn
The many thou.-uuds cured at thislnstitutioD year
fier year, and the numerous important Surgical
perations perlonuod by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by
i roporitia of the '-Sun, ' -Clipper," and many
her paner. notice nf which have appeared again
id again before the public, beside hi standing a
Kt-utlemau uf character and responsibility, is a
itlicinnt guarantee to the ultiicted.
suia ii?i:ai:x i'i;i:iii.y
ci ki:i.
Pcron writing shnuld be particular in direetir.g
leir letters tohi Inslilutiou, iu the tol lowing uiauer
joii si. joiikto!, .n. u..
Of Ihe Baltimore Lock Hospital, Ealliinore.Md.
April 2, 18o ly. .
lloi-rt.-yw ist l-nw, No. 10 Cor. Fulton
i and Broadway, New Vork. Wilt earefully at
od to aolleotioni and 1I other matter intrusted to
oir care.
Sepr. IV, 1683.
, ''.rioC' respectfully Inform the publie
IHE mt-Mrtov. JZMl.oa band at but new
s0;Vl,nVVTehVmokiD Valley Railroad
KSm . T . barrel .dack.
-Vilk.nd.of Fr.d tTh bi, CM Miu
V. is all mannfasi-nred at ft
Corner Market street and Market Sqnara,
Ackuowlodued a First Oiaaa House.
rpilE Propriatnr would most respectfully call the
J attention of the citirens of Sunbury and th sur
rounding country, to the accommodations of his
bouse, assuring them they will find everything that
can contribute to their C"n.r rt. It is situated far
enough from tho Depot to avoid the noise and oonfu
lion incident to railroad stations, and at th saui
time only a few minutes walk from the same.
An Omnibus will be found at the btations on th
arrival of each train
"C. II. MASS, Proprietor.
April , lS64.wJm
AuitWi-ircd Wr Claim Oflircn.
Washington, D. O. J Clerelnnd, Ohio.
43 Ninth SrnerT. No 1, Lrwax's Ili oi a.
Opposite Pension Office. Near th Court House.
l'ukUwhc-s the Anuy Herald,
and collect
Prise-money aLd all otbrr
Claim. We pay especial attention to claim in
nhuh other attorney have FA I Li.D, or wluch havo
been SV Kl't.N ii-.f. W hava alicady collected
ard puid oi rr to "oliliers rr.d their heirs over $:niO.
00t. niol sri' paviw ibottsauds ilaily. No charge
unices succrslur. Writ us, and w will send you a
enpv of our pper, free.
WE COLLI i: r flea to u'0 Cash Bounty.
We do our t usii.M a itiicrr rj.iT
April 2.
I'M i :UsNi rs t'Mh KS 01-'
r jlUr nder gnrd de,.-r in foal from the follow
I in ' welt at,,.srn t'.oitieiies is l.repnred to receive
rdorsTor the ssm si iLe Lowest Market Hales, tit
OU.WS IT.Ij C'0'8
He Ls also to famish th
ICnllimorc ' .'rlrlntcl i'ciit.
Lump unl I'rei'irfil.
On th line o( the Susquehanna hiv. r and Havre de
tsrace. He La uiade atrniieuitiote for tbe bast
W hich h is r rrware t to deliver on board Hoat at
Nurihuiulrri.nd. or hv Cars over Northern Central I
liaiiroiij, itu.t on ih lice uf :b Philadelphia and
Krie Railroad, on the best trrine.
Ho is pi. par-J io All i,ll Or.teis with tl "patch, and
rcspectfttllv toliei orders from he Trade.
Address . JiiliS Mot'AKLANn.
April Si. I sot. Nun.hi.inberl.vud, Pa.
Th ONLY rlibl lf-Ad;aUng Wringer.
No Wood-VWk to Swell or .-; lit.
I No Thumb-Screws to n out wfOrd.f
Warranlcl Willi or without Cw;
It took th KIKST PI! KM 1 1 M t F:fty-!teveB Sta
at,d County Kairrtn 13''2. anJ i. niiuoul an excep
tion the he"! tt rmer ever nia-i
.... 1.. .1 I w... l' P.nA.l. '
ai-liif-l ill Uie I imru ,Ja-,
i,,.,rii. .
ainu.c Writ gr fem. Ki rss pa: 1 oo receiptor
Luerg.tic agents e: u rr.ti,e to 1ft I'ellars per
No'. 2. $.-MV N I I7.J0. No F.-.Jft No. A.Jfl.M).
Mr.ufe'ured anil st,id. aie.-.e ,! so I retail, by
No. ioi lausaiCl, New York, and t 'ev.Var.d. Ohio.
6. C. Ni-rt riiKOi', i-cnt.
Ttiut le,.n well 3'vlvatiixcd will noi rust : '
That as'.ieil.- r.;a-hin is boiler a complicated J
1 That a wrietyr should b self-a Ijistifg, durable,
' and e(iciut ;
,' That Thumb-ferest sed Vasteniocs cusadnlay and
i troubfe lo r'jtL'ai scot ke. ir or,ter ;
I Tlial scot iiuariys lor lUc shaft to rvu in will wear
j out ;
. Thai ib ruir acs Vt r-ner. i"i'b or withoat eng.
wheels, will not tear lha clothes;
I 'that r .-whi el reiulauus are not os-onlial ;
.' Teat the Pnlnani W ringer ba all the ailvantacs
: and not one ot the disadvantages above named :
' 1 hat all wh- have las'.id it, probwiiuo il the best
j Wringer evtr ma-le ;
( Thai ii will wrn-i Tlreal or a lic-i-'iallt aii'uutil
; alteruticu.
' one
W e niijsht 811 the paper with testimonials, but In- a tew to ooi.t inc it. -kepoal, if such
tl-er he : and we s:iv to ail. ;es- Putnam's V ringer, j
Tit iilllnlt'M tilli.V with N'V sii'l ALL oilitrs, ,
atul il uxi entirely sotmi-'-tory, rr.'.ur it.
1'i tssm Mam tai ri r.ia ." :
tientli men--1 know fn-m rra-tical experirrc
that iioii well x .lvanii-d with lino wiil not oxidii
or rust one particle. Th I'ntnsiil Wringer is as
nor perfit as r-ssihl, end I cau cheerfully re
Cuu.mend it to b th best in use
Ki-spcctl'ullv vonrs.
JSO. Vt . tf 11 Cleveland. Ohio.
Many year' experieiico in the galvanising bush
n . . 1a n.A t., in.1,,n it.a jOmivh lateniAlit in Mil
ho. 100 Ucekinan Street.
New Vork.JanunrT.
have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by
practical working, and know that it wiil do. It la
cheap ; it is siuiplo ; it requires nn room, whether at
work or at rest ; a child can operate if, it docs its
duty thoroughly ; it saves lime aud it saves wear
and tear. We earnestly advie all who have much
washing to do. with intelligent persons who have any.
to buy thut Wringer. It will pav for itself in a year
at rnosi. lion 110UACL OULLLEY.
June 18, 1S64.
ABE not only unequalled, but they are absolutely
unequullcd, by any other heed Instrument in
the country. Designed expressly for t'burche and
Schools, they are found to be equally well adapted
to th parlor and druwiug room. For sale only by
E. M. URUeK,
No. 18 North Seventh street, Philadelphia.
llrAIo Bradbury Piano, and a complete a
oiiiueut of the Per cet MLLODLUN.
bept. 84, 184 lyw
. H11S. 9IAK.a,T10IIPS0-f,
(Formerly of th "Lawrene llouie,")
RL'SBl'n V. PENT; A. . ..
TNFOKMS her friend and the publie generally
that she ha reft l led tbe bouse formerly oooupied
by Dr. J. W. Peal, on Ulaoklrry air eel, near the
Northern Central Kailway Depot, and opened a
Boarding lloi-so, wbere the is prepared to keep
Vi ith good cooks nd waiter, boarders can erjoy
tbe quiet oouiforut of tome wilb fax tqual to the
best tioiei
fairooag horn the who may sojourn is Bunbury
i.r-peoy.L M4HA
BafiWy, 9cs ti. XiSI" , ..w
Qet the Uest Oet the Chen pen Got the most Keo
oomioal, which can be had ottlie ltohrbaeh foundry.
Having a large assortment of the most approved
STOYt. such a Cooking, Parlor, Office and .Shop
Stoves, which will be sold at the lowest rates. AUu,
Kettluaofall sites, Pans, Skillotx, Ao.
They are also munufactuaing Machinery, rioughs,
Castings, Ac, at short notice.
Kenairitm ail kind of Agricultural Imtilement
don m a good workmanlike manner and at the
shortest notice. "
All articles shirjpad as ordered. Order resnect.
fully olioited and promptly attended to.
tyOld Iron, and all kind of Product token Id
Kxchang for work
Hunbury, Juno It), 1861. tf
M irltct Squnre, SI ltl ItV. la. .
I TAVIXOjuit returucd from the City with aueu
! A L tire new stock of
Iru-;si, Clit'itiU-al.w, lVrfiiMicry and
Toilet .i-tl'losi
to whirl) he invites hl friends and the pul.lio pener'
ally, to call and eiamine. The lruxs and Medicines
are all selected 1' the best importing houses in
the Kiislern nnrkel wi'b the jjretii'vf e,,,.. n4 to puri.
ly and eUiciency nod uvoidiur as much as possible,
th introduction of delvrious nostrum.
Ofallkiuds. rueh as Ayer's: Jaynes, McClintock,
llollowuvs, Wishari. llooflai. Is, "tchenks, lliown's
i and all other popuiox fttent luedieiuM, always on
Uuir, Tooth, Nail. Clothe and Paint liruahe.
Special care is Uleu to keep on Land constantly
very vaiietj of
Suitable to tho trade.
Ker.ey Toilet Articles aod the nninerous articles
wldeh ar generally kept in a well conducted estab
lishment. In connection with theabova articles, he also keep
on hand a larn nsor'inout id STATIONKUY, such
a Paper, bnvclopes. Pens. Pencils. Inks. ,lo.
. Physician s prrcriptioi.s and family receipts
compounded with the Krcnit accuracy aud'dispatch,
at ALL llnCUS Hay or Ni'ht.
P,euimbfr the place. Market ouare, tindur the
olhce uf the '-Aunbury American.''
Puubory, June 2'j, 1SC1.
i.aiie:?s t'.iscY, i'ipsm:
JOHN iwur.uu's
. OldlCsttabliHlsod
No. T13 .ALCIf Street,
&&&?t th L
LAlliihsT and
LLALTit'l'L ae- :
I':n-- 1'tsrn.
for Ladies and CV.! lien's WV in the City. Also,
a line amort meiit of li.-nt's Fur ll'.oves A Clt-s
As inv Furs shi all tmrchaed h-ii fluid was nt
M...l.'l..KM. r.,. .. L II InMlll 1 MO, OI,f,llll,l
m ui,,- ,1 Mini. u ... imin .1 i-. - -
to.liM.o.e ofthein at verv reasonable price, audi I
wouhi Ueivfore si.l,,:it a call Iroui u:y Irieuil ot
"Wrhuwberi.n. t c ointv. an-l vl.-inhy. . I
ttf' Keuieiubiir lh n..ire. Number and Streot .
- J'lll.N FAHKIKA, (
T1R Areh treet above 7th. south si lo. 1
Pert. 10. IStt.-.'iu l'lllLALKLrillA.
I ("il have t rartner. nor connection wild at.y
j the r sior in 1'l.ilaiHj hia
i Lav.-liis tiiu'.ii .V IttiKintHbiir-j ISnil
i rotnl,
lf and after Jar., lstb, 110-t, Piui-engnr Trains
will raa .m fill t
?0 P. M
" . liuwsi-n,
t !S
" liloouisharji
" Lupcrt,
41 liaovoio.
Arrive at Morihum'nerland,
Leave Xorth Hinterland, s.ffll.M
' I'aiitili",
" hupert,
" Itlooa-sinrj,
" Kintton,
Arrive at Scriint-n.
R :i
ft n
12 121'.
Freight A Passenger leaves I!',o imsl.urg. 10. IS A. M.
i'asieners taking llie'M.til Tntiti riouth connect
with die l.xpress train fmni N rihuiuherliod. nrriv.
in at llarrisi urn. ai Z an A. .vt., liaituuore j.i'ii A.
M.. and ai l'iiil.. Iclpuia, at 7 on A. M. The .Mail i
train from Northumhrrland li-avesiinmedielely alter
the arrival of the Express train from Harri'burg and i
Dnltiinore. allowing Paeaen-jcrv leaving Philailelphia
at 10.10 P. M., to reach p'oi.tjoa this road during
the next forenoon. 1
New and elegant Slecpinjs car accompany the j
nuhl trains eu--h we v between Norihtiniherland and (
lialttntore, and Northumberland aud Philadelphia.
1). T. imrND. Supt.
I heir leave to inform my friends and the public
gonerally lhat I hav commenced the manufacture
of CD A L OIL LAM 1'i of every description and style
ol tjm.-n, at
With mv pressnl facilitie for manufacturing, and
a pructioal experience of thirteen yearf in the snan
agemcut of Ibe lnu-p husineas for some nf the largest
bouse in the couutry, I Hatter myself that my expe
rience and knowledge will enable me tooflur to the
nubile voods tint enuulled by any in rezard tn style
and workmanship, and at price competing with th
luwet. i shall always endeavor to lead in oflering
to th public new aud useful invention in our line.
1 nave also is sen in wnniosnie agency tor tne saie
of litO. W. BK"VN CO'S0ei.r.BnATn Metal
A. J. Vt 1.1UKM-.K,
No. 73 P. Second St., Philadelphia.
September 2.. IU64.
ltcitdlnx ltnltrotsd.
November 7th, 1864.
nREAT TUL'NK LINE fruta th North ana
' North-Vt eat lor Philadelphia, New York, Kead-
Iog, Poturni, Lebanon, AUeutown, Laiton, if.
iraina leave itantsourg ior .ofs-mri, m ioi
lows : 3 00 and A. M. and 1.4& P. M , arriving
at New Vork at 10 A. M. aud 2.4S and lb 00 P. M.
- The above oonneot with similar trains on the Penn
sylvania railroad, aud bleeping Car accompany the
ursl two trains, wuuoui cuaiii-.
Leave for Heading, fnitsveie, jatnaqua, miners
ville, Allenwwn and Philadelphia at 8.14 A. M. and
I 4i P. M., stopping at Lbbaoon and principal sta
tions only.
Way trains, stopping at all point, at T 25 A. M.
and 4.40 P. M.. lleturning, lent New York at 0.00
A.M., 11 noon, and 7.00 P. M : Philadelphia at
8 A. M. and 30 P. M i Pottsvilleal S 60 A. M.and
1 35 P. M. ; Tawaqua b 10 A. M. and 2 16 P. M.,
and Reading at 12 midnight, I.JJ aod 10. ii A. M.,
LS8 and 6.U P. M.
Reading Aoeoniutodatlon Train leaves Reading at
.S0 A. 11. returning from Philadelphia at 4 30
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6.40
and 11 A. il. Kphrata, Litis. Columbia. Ac.
On (Sundays -..leave New York at 7 P. M , Phila
delphia P M, Potesvill 7 3u A. M j Taraaqua 7
A M, jiarruliurg a.ta A Jsl ana iieaduij ai it una
Bight, (or lltrriZburg.
UoaiisuUUoo, Mileage, Beaaon, and Excursion
Ticket, at reduoed rate to and from all point.
by Pound liaguBe allowed ah faa-rnger.
i , , T O. A. MC0LL8,
IVJ tit iifartj
v"Vj'J I havo now in atoto j
S'",tijXc'f my nn n Iinportulion !
II i uri in ,, ,,iu l
P 0 E "tTca L.
Tbe fi'liowing I a translation from an anelent
Spanish Poem, which, says th Kdlnhurg Rrvtrw,
i surpassed by nothing with which we are acquaint
ed in the Spanish language, except the "Ode of
Louis do Lcon.' j
Oil ! let tlio soul 1t elombcrs brenk
Arouse its cn's anil ukc,
To eg how soon
Lift-, in it glories gkoi away,
Autl tlic slcrti footsU'p of decay '
Come tsteajiiijs on. -
Ami while wo yiew the rolling title,
' Down wiilcli our flowing minutes glido
Away o fast, '
Ltt ut tlio pit-sent hour employ,
Anil fit-cm each future d renin a joy
Alreudy past. .
Lot no vniu hope deceive the mind
Xo happier let ust hope to tincl
To-mnrrow thau to day.
Our gulden tlreaitis of yore were hright,
i".iku tin-in the prrsemt shall delight
LiUo them decay;
Our lives like hastening strctims must be,
That into one enp;ulpliiiiir sea
Are (loomeil to full
The sea of death whose waves roll on
O'er kiny; Hiitl kingdom, crown aud throne,
And ewulliiw all.
Alike Ihe rivcr'n lordly tide.
Alike the humble rivulets glido
To that ad wave ;
Deathjevels poverty and pride,
And rich ami poor sleep side by side
YYiliiin the grave.
Our Lirth U tmt a starting place;
Lit'o is the running of the race,
Ami death the pal ;
There all our glittering toys are brought -The
path alone, of all unsought,
Is I'otiud of all.
Soe then how poor and little worth
Arc all these glitterinp; toys of earth
That lure lis here !
)ream.-t of a sleep that death must break,
Alust lu-fort! it Luis us wake,
YYc disappear.
I.onjj ere tho ilar.ip of earth can blisjht
The cheeks pure glow of red and white
Has passed uwny.
Y'outh smiled antl all was heavenly fair
Age came ami laid his Hnger there,
And where are they f
YVIiert; is the strvupththat spurned decay,
Thfj atep that roved fijight uud gay,
The heart's blith-: iiae ( ,- ,
The titri-ngth is pope. Bte srfp-i slow, t ,
And jot grow wuarisVimoaud wo!
Yi ln,ti ages come on.
MISCELLANEOUS., uecva.n oath.
Most of the temperance stories of the
day are weak antl washy dilutions of pre
! ceding ones ; 'ml tlvc fo'.lowing has a start-
liny strength ami vigor. Daniel Bryan, as
appctua iiy ihe context, had been a inwyi-r
. - , . .
ot eminence, but had Inllcn, through lllloxi
Cntloil, to beggary and a dying Condition.
jrviln had married, in belter davs, the sister
, . , . tv.i,,,,, i
ot .Mos-.-S r eltt 1
At letl.olh till llOOCS were glVCIl lip. M Cl-k
after week the fallen man would lie drunk
( on the iloor. and net a day ot' real aohricty
.'Ued his course. 1 doubt il'slt::h another
' cast- win known, lie. was ten low for con-
viviuliiy ; tor those with w hom he would
have iiMsot-iatcd wmtUI not drink with him.
j All alone in his otlico and chamber, he
j still continued to drink, and even his very
lite seemeil the iillpritig ot his jug.
In early spring Muse Felton had n call
to go to i hio. liel'ore he set out ho visit
etl his Mtder. lie ollVred to take her with
him, but hhe would not go.
"Hut why stay here ?" urged the brother.
"You are last lading away and disease is
uiion you. Why should you live with uch
a iirute : "iiiisu. .noses, fuciik not,
answered the wile, keeping back he: tears,
"1 will not leave him now, but. ho will soon
leave uie. I In ciinnot live mucli longer."
At that moment Daniel enu red tbe apart-
I mem. Jle looked like a wantleier Iroui the
I tomb, llo had his hul on und his jug in
his hand.
, "Ah, Moses, how aio you?" ho gasped,
for he couM not speak plainly.
The visitor looked at linn a few moments
111 Slieui e. l it-.ti, us ilia ii'muie naaiiiuetl n
cold sit-i n exiuessiou, ho said iu a strongly
emphatic tone :
"Pnr.iei lh-yan I have been your best
friend but one. My sister is on angel, but
matched with a dtsmon. 1 have loved man
la-fore; you were noble, generous ami kind ;
but l hale you now, tor you aro a devil in
carnate. Look at that woman. She. is mv
sister she might live with me in comfort,
only s'he will not do it while you are olive;
yet when you die sue cnti come toine. l lius
do I pray (hat God will soon give her joys
to my keeping. Now, Daniel, I do sinnrn
ly hope that the lirst intellig'-ncM that
reaches me from my native place after 1
shall havo reached my new homo may be
'Stop, Mos-.-s, I caii reform."
"Vou cannot. It is beyond your power.
You have had inducements enough to have
reformed half tho sinners of creation, and
yot you are lower than ever In-foro. Go
and die, sir, us soon as you can, for tho mo
ment that sees you thus shall not tiud me
anionis the mourners."
lir) mi's eyes Hashed, us he drew proudly
up. "Go," ho said, witb a tone of the old
powerful sarcasm, go to Ohio, and I'll send
you news. Go sir, and watch the post. 1
will yet make you take back your words."
"Never, Daniel Bryan, never."
"You shall. I swear it 5"
With t'ueso words, Daniel Ilryan hurled
his jug into the tiro-place, and w hile yet a
tlt4usaiid fragments were flying over tho
floor, ho strode from the house.
Mary sank fainting on tho floor. ' Moses
bore her. to a bed, and then huviug called
in a neighbor, ho hurried away, lor the
ktau'O was waiting.
For a tuoiith Dauiel moved over tho brink
of the grave, but did not die.
"One gill of brandy w ill save you," suid
the doctor, who saw that tho abrupt remov
al of stimulants from a system that for long,
years hail almost subsisted nn nothing else,
was nearly sure to prove fatal. "You csh
surely tukij'a trill and not take more."
"Aye," gasped the poir man, "take a gill
and break my oath, i loses Felton shall
never hear that brandy tlad f tit killed me I
If the want of it can killliue, then let me
rtie I But I won't difl'll live till Mosrl
Falton tfetil wit bjjw j esra,"
7, 18C5.
lie did live. An iron will cnmiuered the
messenger Death sent Daniel Drynn lived.
For ono month ho could not even wu!k withi
out help. Cut ho had help Mary heloed
A year pussiol away, and Moses Telton
returned to Vtrmont. He entered the
Courthouse at tturlington. and Daniel Bry
nn'wtra on the floor pleading for u young
man- who had been indicted for forgery.
Felton started with surprise. Never before
hail such torrents of eloqueneo poured from
his lips. The case was given to the jury,
mid the youth was ucquitled. The., suceee
ful counsel turned from tho coutt room and
met Motes Felton.
They shook hands but did not spt-uk.
When they reached a spot where uouuotheis
could hear them, Jiryuii stopped.
"Aloses, He saitl, "ilo you remember the
words you spoke to me a year ago '."
"I do Daniel."
"Will you now take them back unsay
them forever!"
"Yes, with all my heart.''
"Then I ant in part jepaid."
"And w hat must be the remainder of tho
payment f" asked Moses.
'I must die an honest ans! nn perjured
maul The oath that has bound mu' thus
far was ma hi for life."
That evening M.iry Bryan was among the
happiest of the hnppv. No a'lit.-imi "Was
made to tint scene of ono vtar before.
ono year belore. but
.noses cotmi retm in tno eoiintennnecs ot ins
sisier ami ner iiusoanit me tteep gratitude
iiicj uni ii'n spetiK.
"'"Ira ui tun in lives, nut- nn- most
lionoreil men ol Unm-nt. rive times has women exert themselves niter marriage to
he sat in the State Legislature, three in the j make their presence indispensable to the
Senate, and once in the National Congress. , happiness of their husbands !" When luis-
- I bainl atul wile nave bectimo thoroughly ac-
, Isslrra-s-lisi' llistlorienl I'ltetsj. fuatoiued to each other when all the little
The tardiness with w hich Dinnkiud adopt ' builery of charms which both played ofl 83
improvements tuav be, in some degree, ; skiltully In-fore the wedding t'.Hy bnd been
illustrated by tho' following facts, hastily J exhausted too many seem Jo think that
thrown together : ; "'bing remains but the clanking of the
Canal locks w'crc invented in 1581. by j d clmins which binds them to each
engineers of Viterbo, Italy. They werej-'lhrr, The wife seeks to develop in her af
ne.uly a lniiidretl years getting fairiy into i feidi'-ns no nw attraction for her husband;
, use in Franco and "about one littttdred and , ,,le hitter perceiving the lijrnjt. begins
fifty in crossing the British Channel. to brood over an uncongcniality which does
At Uie time it was made felony, in several j n".t L'xist. to miisruify the ills that do
(.European States, to ride in wheel'carriiiges. j cxiat unsurpassable obstacles in the way
t T he steam-iioine was invented, or. rather
j the principle ol It discovered, by Ihe Manjuis
of Worcester, as early as 1000. Few under
I stood and none eiiceurnited it. lie died in
; great mortification. The honor was after
! wards engrossed by Siivnry.
I In 1TU0 the Karl of tstimhope applied the
; steam engine to propelling a vessel. A
! Steamboat was run twenty miles on the
caiiKcy canai, Liverpool, in y,vi, anit an
other on the Forth and Clyde canal, in 1801. I '"bis done, sho may quietly laugh at all at
A steamboat trip was made on the Delawnru i tcnipis to alienate her husband's, inelitta-
as etfrtfas 1T!:1. In 1fj7. when Robert
Fulton was fittini up his first steamboat u
iNew lork, respectable ami gray headed j
men pronounced htm "a lool lor his pains.'
Oliver Evans went before c iiimittee ef
I Legislatures, first in IVnnsylvnnia, and then
in Maryland, with a (iroject of a steam car-
i ringe, as early us 1H114. lie asked a little
j aid to defray the expense. They could
hardly be prevented troin reporting in favor,
not ot steam enirines lor carriHtrcs, Lut or
j a straight jacket lor himself. Jiow, tiltnust
i all nations have had the sagacity, and in
Igentlltv to aoivu unci utilizo the prc-eioun
; iih-a. a
j When li ter the Great, in 17t!0 or there
I aboti Is, commenced a canai between the
j Wolga anil the Dou the Governors and lio
j ynrils of the country oiposed it eareestly.
, thinking it impiety to turn rivers out of
' their channel which Heaven hud assigned
j tliet-i.
When some Dutchmen proposed to muke
; the river Manr.tiiiares navigable to the Tug us
, ami that to Lisbon, the Council
said that
ll it Hail tx-en the will ot God that tlio river
should be navigable, ilu would have made
it so.
When Hriuley, the great engineer, told a
committee of Parliament, to whom Hridge
water's petition was referred, thut canals
wero In-ttcr than rivers, and would super
sede them lor the purpose of navigation, the
committee were shocked, and ask him, "And
! prav, fir w hat were tho rivers made for C
lo leeil the cauals,
v, em the answer.
i j,r r,i,klin sHrveyed tho rout of tho
' iKdaware and t 'hesapeuke L'aiial at his own
j expense, in 1737. L
; Baron Napier surveyed tho mute of the
Kouith mid C'lvdo Caiiul at his owu expense,
(in 1701.
I JJoth these works wero subsequently ae-
ctminlished. but alter creat deluv.
j)r HuUliel UovuUtmi introduced inocnla-
u,,,, lor t,0 g,mlf.Pos into Boston, iu 1721
and tried at first uc his son Thomas, and
other members of tho family; but such was
the force of prejudice and unbelief that the
other physicians gave a unanimous opinion
against it, the municipal government pro
hibited its prut lee, and the populace would
havo torn him to pieces it' he had not retired
from tho city.
That she-guerrilla, Sue Munday, and somu
of her male consorts, visited one day last
week a small town iu Central Kentucky, and
went to the house of it man named John
Wetherion, and without cause or piovoe.
linn, murdered him in cold blood, Mr.
Wethcrton was trying to pacify tho ularuis
of his wife, w ho was at tlie time sick and in
a delicate condition1, when Suo Mutiday
with some two or three uf her cowardly bri
gands, rushed into tho room, aud shot the
unfortunate until down in the arms of his
wife. At last accounts, Mrs. Vet!i.rtnu
was considered in a dangerous condition,
owing to the crushing shock which so sud
denlv tore from her the ouly protection sho
had. Mr. Wethcrton was u shoemaker by
trade, and a poor man. They afterwards
w ent to tho house of a man named Leo, and
iu cold blood murdered him by shooting
three or four bullet in his head and body,
llo had hid in his closet, but too hellhounds
hunted him up, and killed him, while
crouched in his iiiding place. When dragg
ed from tho closet, he w as cold iu death.
The reason they gave lor killing Mr. Lee
was, that he lirod on them when they dash
ed iuto tho town. Mr. I,eo was a wagou
tuaker by trade, and a poor man.
On, in Indiana Cot sty. U appears also
that Indiana county is lo bo explorei'. for
this valuable mineral. Already we hear of
leases being taken iu several acctiona of that
county for tho purpose of prospecting for
the hidden treasure, Maboming Creek the
iirot-pect seem the best, and nearly all the
land on that stream, has we learu, been leas
ed for lhat purjiose.
It is stated that the best indication are
about the Lead water nf the Little Mahon
ing, where oil springs are known for year
paL On what la kuown as the "otuchal"
farm in Canoe towushtp, prospect are saitl
SERIES, VOL. 25, NO. 15.
Signs Tn.tT FAit.n:i).-Y all remernhfr
the story ot the innkeeper who bees me pmnd
as ho prospered, and tnklnr down
fi. the Ass, put-up n p'-rtrMt of Ocor:re IV.
r.1-,., in. t, -ii.j.iisiij an in )fy mnrnige nas liern neea-
,11 1 I - I,c,3n!"' .'nn'"lw''-'r ""neJ -by ntf-l-ct in tt.c.e pr-i, u'ais.
irm?.'i r-n.?.n,?-y' .mrJ'i -in ,th, ! be m- re cnr.,Wt,...n tj.eron.
iqairui. 1 he Lift hmdn.rd, alarm.-! ; d-.tft of a yr.ttPR wort an, wl.n s k to .e ad-
IIlOriluinrr fr-tisl .. ..tfi : . . . . . ri . ' .
si in
lio roufiuurod.1
.," i. .. " "n P"i'"!-'"-y ri'i rivr.i, and
understanding the cause, wrote
'This is th
i lie grim visage ot bis M.ijestv:
real Ass." J
a p. '
h.i,r NC,pi,'.'n .0"e"f tht'pBhhc schnola
,, avuuiiiir ci-cuinrs to trio psrents of
lus pupils, which, signed ttntl returned, will
a.ilhorie him to "imliet snrlr p-,in!:h.ner.t
eoroorallv or otliorai.o t '
jti.lgement be proper. The following an
twer proves that some of the patents are
pleased with the Men:
' Dkau Mu. KAitA.N : Tour flowing ei.-V-lar
is tlnly resenved. I hopes as to mi sun
John, you will llo;; hitn jus BO often as ynu
km. liens u bad boy is John. Allhnu-di
I vo been in the habit of teachin him n'Tself,
il seems to me that he will never larn 'any
thinghis spelling is speciully outrngusiy
deliaiel.t. AVullt'p him well, sur, and you
will reseavo my harty tlinnks.
Yours Mosi: s SrAMrrrt.
8. Wat accounte for John bein' sieh a
bad speller is thut he's mi sun by mi vi ilVj'ss
Inst Jiusbund.''
A Littlk Lesson koh Weu, Disposed
Mvcs. "Why it it," askrd a ladv, "that
so iniiiiy men are anxious to cet lid of their
wives t Moralise ' was the rculv "so few
ol his earthly felicity. This is the true te
cret. Tho woman who charmed before mar
riage can charm afterward, if she will,
(hough not of course by the same means.
There are a thousand ways, if sue will, only
stnily (hem out, in which she can make
home so attractive that her husband will
unconsciously diiike to absent binuelf from
it, and so she can retidily make herself the
articular deity ol" the domestic paradise.
"""; and wijh those im-linatiuns will i
alwnys go, in, iucu cues, his uclive judg-
; (iitKL.NK Cotsrv Oiv l'
a few day the Oontiucntal Oil Company.
boring on tho Maple Farm, has struck oil
j in what they regard as paying quantities.
j The excitement of tho subject of oil is
; sprVadiny; in thai county, and we hear of
I o.o.i panics ail around there organised and
j about to oiga.;lte, n, t.,H..,5o in thii eoler-
prise. This is tint cas.e od Whitelry creeK,
Muddy creek and Ten Mile creeks, aud their
tributaries, as well as ou D lit. k ard creek,
j which is at present regarded as thu loading
point of attraction.
It is r. ported .ihut in the new State of
Nevada, beneath i tliin covering tf refuse
saline matter, for a denth of toui
pure rock salt is found as clear as ice, ami
"as white as the driven snow." Ueiteath
there is w ater. v. hit h seems to bo filtered
(through salt to an unknown depth. The
whole of the fourteen feet in thickness does
not contain a single streak of any deleteri
ous matter or rubbish, and is ready for
quarrying and sending to market. Tho lo
cality is ono hundred miles west of liees
AiTonsEY GffNKHAi. MrvitF.DiTit having
filed an opinion thr.t neither Koontz nor
; C'otfotlh cau rceiivo the certi'kute, both re-
v,....-.... -""
I j4....,... I n.rl tl.. , all tn f.v Mm
, ,V . i' h- "
Iliuuscoi lveiireseinun i.a, siiiiiv it. villi uc
disposed of on its merits, where, alone they
: can ' caijvassed. The effect of this will be
tn charge the Clerk of the House, under
instructions, with thu primary decision of
the ciw a state of circumstances that will
give Gen. Kootitz his sta'..
Lakuk Ilium ok Cattle. Last Saturday
I about U.000 head of cuttle, among which
were a mi in Iter of sheep, the fruits of Gi D.
Men it's expedition to Loudoun Volley some
ten days since, pasM-d throuph this city m
route for Pennsylvania. That portion of
the Vulliy visited by our forces has been
completely stripped of horses,- cattle, sheep,
titid hogs for at IriM tho miles on cither
side ot the road tiav detl. aud a large
amount of forage burned. Tbe losses occa
sipntKl by the raid, will, iu many ca'itv, f.ill-
mum innocent ami lotal p-iities.
uml l al put tes, out tue
importance of devastating the country to
prevent suppuea lutiuit: iniu uru uuuon -
Moseby, rendered this i,-VnffW'
nwoiHiip) au aiieoiuie
Km miner.
CoSTiiiivvi Tom,' who has coine Into
Sheridan's lines, cats the rebels are hivirg:
a "right tart" about armiiig the col-
.rvd men, aid the negroes are talking about ;
it themselves, but the blacks ate about j
etjiinlly divided on the mutter, tviv foui : ;
" 'ISoiil hull ilu colored men minii iiey woum .
run' directly over to de Yankees wid dear.ns i
in their hands, and toiler half think tie;- j
would jiats stand an' tire a few vollrjs t.i do
rear fust, fore dey run dut'i all de differ
ence." !
Tho yeast prepared by the Hungarians
will keep for a whole year. l":i.-ing the sn-ti.
mer season they boil a quantity of ti beaten
bran and hop iu water, tin- decoction is not
place, they throw in a anHi-ient por:on of
bran to fo,rm the w hole inti a thick paste,
which thiy work Into balls, that arc lillr-
wards dried by a slow heat. W hen wauled
for use they are broken, and bcilirg water
is poured upon them; having stood a proper
time, tho fluid is decanted, and ij a tit state
for leavening bread.
ii .
The Chicago Journal claims tjat, if tbe
.oldierafrom IllinoU .1 allowed to
vine, air. j.iiieoin tu-vuritjf iu tuav oiwtw
Me..sill V m - sunn II nitA
WUUlt tV-fr-! VtAUU.
It is stated that t.eorge a McClullun I
liaa rMr-Mlvpil flu. m,' aaIhOuaio .,t' Vncriit.p.r-in- '
Chiuf of Vim i .-rr- and tsacg lUilro&d i
Newenrty, vtth a 4!ry irf ?8,Ot
Ona ..jnnr of;") lino,
r.vetjr sa'eqnent ir.scri.
One square, I roecths,
Six ir.iniki,
On yenr, .
Kwtit- ,in1 Ad:rlnlstrato: Tro.Km
An.lttor r.otiess,
loinir.css Ctuds of J ii:if. ncr m.iiert,
MernhHatf 2nd ethr idve;.islng hv th yc
with the priils of changing qusrlerly, M
KiloTS !
One quarter olnn, not cedlng 4 squares, 1S p
Ono L.alf eejnaon, not xooding i rqnirts, Jii no
One olnmn, . i, i
Editorial or local adterdsing. any nuw hsr of lim 1
not ej.jer ling ten. Jo cecU por line ; 10 cant for
every additional line.
1 Marrh.g notices, 38 cent.
"S"1S'M-W?,, tntk"t
YTrrrfh ATTftsu To Tilts. Xovcr let f.c
husband have cause Io compl-tin thstt 'vir.i
ate uiorsi itrcrftblo alironsl than n.; home.
I Mar v i
an uiiiinppy marntge lias l-ern neea-
mned in imcm.! frw-i(.tv : her HolitefeM
an-1 riipsginc manner, or skill in lO'sie,
when, v tit airi tune, see mnkf ro cll'-irt
f-t reni'.cr hff henue. n-liether a tilaie crrot-
ta.a. is t'te very cenirr. of her betn-r, thu
i mtrieim Mouud Pfhicu her affections should
1 fuvel-. o.
i . , ,
A vksbarjt
1 drs. Lucy Utt
paper mv : Tho reaidence
Lucy Davis, a of
Dnvis, was mom ber-it:f!!llv illuminated la. t.
evening, in minor of the election of Antlim-i
Lincoln as President of the United State.
Thi Ooiiuv.ifsioners of Internal Revenue)
has decided thai real estate, passing by in
heritance from husband to wife, or vie
verr.a, is subject to a succession tax of six
per cent, upon i.t clear value.
Tt is reported thai document enpturer oti
board th Vlorida, implicate some foreign
oljiciait of high rsnk.
Ilsna is what weonsi;r lannifnst iraproremtat
00 eld story of lb '-friend intsoi"
A friend in ned ts a friei.d indeed,
And this I've found most true;
But mine is snch t riscrfv friend
lie sticks to me tike glue.
ATsta or Wo. I clasped her tiny hvid la
mine, I oiasped her biutous form; 1 vowed to
shiold hr front the wind, end front the world's cold
storm. She sot bar beauteous eys on tne, tho tour
'did wildly flow, and with her IU lo lijishiivd.
'Oonfonnd yoa '. let ma go.''
A 5ccttij al.-osat who, in hi brmd Scotoh,
pronounced th word water, waiter, being asked in
oust by the chance-.lor il he spelled water with two
'. replind, '-No, my lord; but X spoil manueiswitU
two u i."
Pioklcs already made eaw be pres-rvel by pul
ling in a few roots of horse-radish. If the vinegar
is pure end ('ear, lby msy bo kept fur mou.hs
wilsoul Memuiing over
A :ibl-poorful of fionr to each uath and pom
kin pi is etiiU ia valae to one egg.
Ipr. tore it small inch bit, makes a good
bed, a a substitute for hair r feathers.
Put some juteo of tbe frost grape into your old
eider, if yoa would irmks, vinegnr ootne.
Oiv your hens, with their frod, at thri!of
Uvpou-i.'ui of cayenne pepper every other day, lo
dcaea fowls; it makeslheui lay finely.
A small quantity of rinegtr will genorai'y destroy
imuicdiAlely auy insect shut may find it way in-o
tae stomach; and a lull salad oil will kill any insect
that may enter th ir.
Staoo Pni. v"illi:im Lovo old at pr'vatu
sa- f,jur barret i)f pure whi'koy lo Oenjimin Lon'f
a few days si ties for th sum of Jill J oun. Tnra
was an aggregate of one hundred and sixty gallons
in the f ur barrels, costing just five do'.lsn per gal
lon. llmgtrttown (."IJ.) jilntt.
Littlx three year eld M try was playing very
roughly with th kiUn carrying it by the tail,
lies mother lolii hr ikai she would hurt pussy,
'Why, no. I won't, " said the, -I'm' carryia it by
A Tevrn nshop said lately ina.mon Lot
women rtaeabet, while patting on profuse and fx
pnuiire, al.i, hvw cw.-ow are Ih gated of I'aru-Jiso.'
Oi.a atBDS ar not eaaght with cn&, jmai
Woaiea are ofkea oht wuh Boihiu j also.
I.fiNO Woims, like long drese, frequent
ly hide somuthinj; wroDg about the un
derstanding. Petroleum taxd one. noiiir per iuol
would, it is stated ; produce a revenue of
two millions of dollars ia Pennsylvania
Pcthoi.rum ix Socrnsn I?tdian Over
seven thousand acre of bind have been.
! leased in I'erry county, Indiana, by h
wealthy Louisville company for the purposo
o( "i' ''ating in the oil business.
' -
I From the Baltimore Sun.
Turin-; Eork and llcef.
J Editor of the Sun As the season for put
j ting up poik is at hand, I send you the fol
j lowing long-tried receipt for the curing of
j lhat anicle, whicii .will A-iinble your n timer
i ous readers to prepare their meats for family
use to their entire satisfaction To every
i 100 pounds of pork take 4 csJIons water.
S lbs, line salt, 2 ozs good saltpeter 1 nz.
i pearl ash, ii lbs. broken ,; or
. ' .
1 QUnrt
i molasses, made into a 1 .-;
no. Y hen th
meat U cool, pack it in a tight vessel, and
pour the brine over it until covered ; and
: w hen not sufficient t.i cover the meat, make
i an additional quantity relatively. If tho
meat is small, 7 lbs. salt instead of 8 is sulti
i cient. Let it remain under the brine about
four to six weoks. according t i size; tiko it
i out, rinse il in C"'i wafer; hang it up a
week to try, anil then smoke it some ten
: days or two weeks,(hickory wood preferred.)
,' During tho n.onth of Mtiieli.Lag it, atul ler.
j it hang until used. When the hams and
! siio'jiil'.rs are some six months o'd, soak
I them over night before cooking, which
1 should be done by lmiliug the ham hour
; for every pound the ham weighs.
! Beef put iu a brine made after this same
' r.rcipt, (taking 7 lbs. salt instead of 8.) an
cording to the qu.tatity, cau Le used ti u
days out of the brine, and rounds cured in
. same wav hunt; up for daily u-e. Kamili' s
' deiir-ius of having prime family bacon or
; coiucu uuci, ti.ii i;nu uie iuoi rrveij-t
t valuable, it is seal
yoj lor thotr beneiit.
Tito Kono Puui.teo.
CAttronxiA V.'ink Cci.tcub. The vin
tage of California is estimated this year at
over tlx millions ol gallons so much f r
the present. The crop of wine per acre
from UOO to 1,000 gallons according to
i".nlil v and growth. Th nuniht-r of acres
lilted fur the growth of wine' wus estimated
by Ibni. Will n Flint, l'residiiit of Cslilotr
ula Wine Groviers' As.oi iuiiiii, Hud Mated
to the Commissioner nf Internal Kevcuuc. t-i
be twenty millions of btcs. Others tlu-ro
have ti.tnie'l fjvt- millions. Taking the least
estimate ami tho- mioittniiti vicid, we bate
the capueiiy of the pohsildt. future yearly
j nine crop of Calitonua ut 3,2.iO,000,(lUO
I gallons.
; - " " .
lor or )M (iilStfUly ip ,,ri.n.w..t u. uikmg i.
,rr im,r yellow stun t ofru8;iai aol-rmg or iu lao;
making il'at all without .l nf ebaramg. Th.
I foilo-iug dneetions from one who '
I " '
0 to0n u y,, bilking t enUbd. irfcia th milk
loutm pails ard set u. kutl- k --. ",ur'.'-"
U.r. .,nd uwt.l .a. ."'jVutii U i
! then iria ll .nte pan aud allow 11 lo ;' ''
j t ukea 0, Hlki) wlM depend nn-
on its tioiiiureof the ' ""'"f ",
( Bef
i - ri aal 0, mM ,004 auuev.-
1 w
k V.uir.tnsr C ABB. TWO Cttl CI"
ia ' nwal. n.e cup flour, t-ooulul salt, tshle.
nfl spoonful itiolae, trt rupweoW Mr'f X
I tv.1fli a aiu.n tk'M MfH ai.