CTfjc Stmtmrg American, H. 33. MABSSR, Editor tt froprlatcr. K. WILVBET, PiibUahar. wjsiuiiiy, im. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1864. . B. M. tETTEKQILL ft CO Ne. 37 Park Row, New York, and 8 8UU Street, Potion, an our agent for the Bokbobt AmftiCAS D lhoe citUw, and are autior!id to take Advortuw merit and Subscription for us at our lowest rate. 3Loral 8 fairs." IIlAtr-sBEiT. A pra or Job work, and a acar,city of hands, mutt be onr eat use for issuing only ahalf-theet tbiswok. CFCnA.iai or Time. There hia been a slight change ia running timonf the trains on the Northern Central and tho Philadelphia and Erie roada, ai will be accn by the new aebedule, or time-table, pub lished in our columns. The prinoipal change is, In the Erie train, whioh now arrives, eastward, at 10.30 P. M., anhouc and a half later, and northward, at 4.14 A. M , an hour later than previously. ' 't Count. The January sessions of our court 'will commence on Monday next, the 21 day of Jan uary. The trial list is a long one, and oontains a number ol important causes. . CThe CARRIER of tho "American," request 'US to say that ho will cull on its patrons to-day, (Saturday) with hit addres', in which he will briefly prescr.t his views of things in general, and the war ia particular. "eeCS liy PonKisn. Several largo porkers have been killed this season, in this borough. Amnngthehcnv iest were two bolonging to Mr. S. llnupt, whose Joint weight was 092. Another belonging to M. E. Buck cr, which weighed 512 pounds. Ijg-' We are informed by 8. II. Bove-, Esq., that he intend building a three story brick building, on the lot lately purchased by him, in market street, adjoining B. Zettlemoycr. The building will cover the whole front of tho lot, and sixty feet in depth. The cellar Kill be fitted up for a saloon, the lower stories for stores and offices, end the third story for a hall, llo estimate the building to coll seven thois anil dollar. Mr. Buyer is one of our mo: energetic business men, Hud will, no doubt, successfully carry out his project. ArrOHCTMRXTS BVTUI Coi'XTr ColKUllo.- Ens.Chorlo Weaver has beeu re-appoinid Clitrk ro the board of Commissioners. Jese M. PtMpson, Mercantile Appraiser. '. P. M'olvertoii, .Selici.'or for the county, and lr. J. V. Peale, Physician lor the Jail. These ale good appointments. .Mr. Wea ver, who is the old clurk, baa had considerable expo e in the oSico, and is obliging auel sttrnt'v to ies. CuniMTv as. This time-honored day, secured 1'hri.niuu world, was celebrated with the usu- iod cheer, uotwithstimding tho Miifai .wabl " hor. If thore Is a bright day in the calendar. ; 0 ciieerful thau the reft, it Is t'hrisluiM day. aud a one just po&icd wad a day of rejoicing and good neer, individually and nationally. The fine sleighing has almost disappeared The ruin and wild weather, tlie beginning of the woek, curried off the snow and left the streets most bare. at- t"i?TiiB Ckntual Hotkl. We understand this ell known s'.aul bos boeu sold to Mr. Henry lists of Northumberland, for tho turn of fl 1.000. .Mr. Haas knows how to kei;p a hotel, end wil 1 I'Ot fail to make the Central one of the best in the country. fjp" We observe for the last few weeks a large number of horeOH being taken over the rarns'l, at this place, on their way to Washingtou. Tney re generally good Lorres. intended for. the army. I'ncle .S'am will have a good stock after this "cruel war is over." t J Thanks Kev. M. Klu.d requen us to Un der his thanks l Lis friends and members of his c.iureh, for their generou. donation tohim ou Christ inn eve. .Jy' s'HEiiiFP'a .Salks. Our neihb.ir of the Gdselte.'' in gi ing a synopsis of the sales, advc-i-ti-el by .sheriff Weaver, is particular to stale the fact, that the ''American'' has been selected as one of the papers for that purpose The SherilT is well l.iionn s a correct and careful business man, and this is another evidence of that fact. Besides the editor of the "American" and the Sheriff, are personal f. ieudr of long standing. fjf' Post Vol ii Books. As this is the end of the yer, everybody who has any open accounts, should be posting up his books and getting ready for a gen' era! settlement. The men wbo uttends to his duty regularly aud thoroughly, l poriods not more than a year apart, will do well in the world, let him en gage in what bucinera he will, niue cases iu ten. You might us well atlumpt to fling a cat from a win dow so as not to fall upon her feet, as to break a man who keep his accounts posted aud holds too frequent settlements. "knrt settlements make loug friends," and what is stronger argument even, iu these sordid duys, they make long purs ton. Post vour books, then, friend, druw up your bills, settle disputable uiatterawitb your neighbors, on the liberal soirit of men resolved not to go to lav, and rtkolx cd to know tokore you are when another 2Vew Year comes in, so you may welcome it in peace and quietness. The I'. S Assessors will call upon you to make returns of your uuoual iucoioe, and you should have your books posted up. t j?' The following is oopy of an addreee issued to the people of Pennsylvania, by Major Hodge A. A. Provost Marshal General. Our readers should give it a careful perusal, and act accordingly. Every loun is interested iu the matter, and should assist in fillingruotut in the manner mentioned : Attention ! The President bus called for 300,000 troops to be raised by volunteering or draft. The 5tb of February, 1M5, has been fixed uion as the duy of draft. If your quotas are not filled by volun teers by that time the deficiency will most certain ly be mode up by draft. Ward and Township Committees are earnestly invited to commenct work at once. Tha longer you the more difficulty will be your tiwk. The attention of these Committees is also invited to the necessity and propriety of delivering np to th' District Trovost Marshals all Jetinijutnlt from former draft. It is impossible for the Vnited States autboritios to find these men, secreted as they are by their friendt and by persons hostilo to theUovernmeut. Committees, United States, Slate aud County offi cers, and all g'jid citixens are requested to arrest these men, and deliver them to the Provost Marshals. Every man jo arrested aud put into service by tho Board of Enrollment counts one towards fi'Ung your quota. Information by letter or otherwise, furuithed to the liiHlrict Provost Marshals of the whereabouts of these delinquents will do thankfully received and promptly acted upon. rrovost Marshals will cause list of delinquent, from all former drafl to be made and distributed, t the end that all to disputed may understandingly assist in foreiug these delinquents to perform their duty to their country and to their own people. Lrlng In all your delinquenuj ; exert yoursolvet to jfut in volunteers, aud tha neecasiiy of a draft wttl be avoided. Our tirwuet and ttmvtit mrt evtrywhtrt vicla- , now- The dawn of peace is at hand, due power- til blow cow given, will be fatal to tha Rebellion Let u Urta our several capacities, sud at tit u to st le4, unci to make that blow eBeoiira ui final mCHAFP I IOIGE. UJf !M Iafti.tr;, A I. I'. M. G, Ity CoEtaiiPtAtTP f araoraaairr. The Indi cation era, from what we own learo, that tsunbej of new buildings will b ereoted. la Una daoe, next tprlng and summer. Bore of tbao will be superior structure, Among them, a Conrt House, end a handsome Banking house and dwelling, for the Bank of Northumberland. GT Donatio. Re. M. r.hoJ, raetor of tha Lutheran Church, at this place, WU, on Saturday evening last, tha rejlpisot of One Hundred and thirty-three Dollar! and fifty cants, presented tohlm by friends and members of his church, at a Christ mas offering and testimonial of estoem. It was a generous and well-timed donation to a worthy tar tant In lie cause of Christ Cabd Mr. Yotrxo of the Prcebyterian Church of Sunbury, begale.tr to tender his thanks for 'the several rich and beautiful presents he Las restive 1 from his congregation, on tha era of his departure- But Independent of this Intrinsic value, he shall price them as expression! of that friendship which he to fully reciprocates, and which survives kit pre- sect services. Tho donors shall be Irreparably associated, In his memory, with their gift ; and though needing no such spur to remembrance, their graceful offerings shall be a continual memento to recall the givers, when long time end apnea aball intervene between him and them. $-Sr-The victories of Sliertimn and Thorn. as, have bud their effect in bringing down I the price of gold. As soon ua Sliurnian takes Chni'lvston, and our fleet unr.l forces capture Wilmington, X. C, the only rebel post of entry loft, which, no doubt, will be nccora. !Uhcd very soon, we shall see fjold full ' rapidly, and remmn tit a, moderate premium. Every thing tle w ill be reduced accordingly as matter of course. Peace on War that's the Qcasnos ! There are thousands, aye, tens of thousands, of persons in our land who are desirous of having peace, but tbev are so nltlictcd with the various diseases to which flesh is heir to, that there is an iuceuauj. war going on wi, thin on account of tho inpure state of their htood that they have no peace dflv or niht. Their earnest inquiry is. ! there no balm in Oilead or no physician there ?'' Yes, yes! I'so Pinkehtox's j V AHOO AMD Causa r a KttlKItS, Htnl you will iou f find relief and possess a cjuiplcte vier.ry over your j troubled and diseased coimitution. We peak 'thus confidently, because we have tried thein. ud the re i soli in our case wns most glorious. lilcs-ed lie those i Bitter! Indeed they are "peAce-uiskn!. " ReuTcm ; t.r (be genuine Wuhoo ai.d Culisi.aa Bitters have j the name of Juc.b Pinkertoo blown, on each bottle, j For sule by all le-ipectahlo drugis:s ut.d wholesale dealers. H. A. PISHKR, Agent, Saubmy. la. Trial List for January Torm. 13JS. Plaint!". lleleudairl. R'uetu V l.iwsrl jt'.iuifj Jos, vs A l-ert Worrcl etui ( oiley nt.J Llleu Lis Kite vi I'ruuk I'ortt-r Jnhn li-:her, iuibur Oarer's ex'rs. 'J'iic C-itbou Run Imp. t o lr. J Cifjieitt The tiirhrd rii'o X iut Co ts llenrin-i .i.-r adm'r. liuHl C.iul VS l'Huill Uiittl, Cio oi' li. for T M iiripl vi Jauui Vwielyke same for use of Jaue Wii!.t s s.riie el al !.o C Welkrr n lieo l.uriii J KCqb Ji liel ; J A .1 Cumuii!);! vs J.,J.t. Voting, CwuSt. vs Oeor llluin il llouiy WeUe et al A .M Last wick vs Th. M I'ursel et al viBurlj.i.' Aun Alexauder vs Uonj tiearuart elal vs .S.uue r Th llaumardner, i Jtnu A Coi.rud vs Mallii: Perfitlg John 1! tifti 1,',v7, r i..i ii.,- r. . The liai.L ;l Svi . tMua et al ' Wu L Dfwsrt Jeremiah Zimikerman, John Neuinan Ac. Kchiutiau llaupt vs liavia al'lron Jeremiah Saiitle vs Jaoob Jindt.re. Ivter lv. Ki-her vs Jo?r,h W eiliri. Ira T Cleuioi.t. etal s J. J. bull A J V Crietftell Terdin'ind .M:uer, tsJae M Mdiiror is Sarah Jane Coiiti, vs K.i.ulAtli Jerksus. Coin, of 1'enn'a for V Lting vs It. Wat.lrou. Mictiael tirahatn vs Jsiuc Pollo'k et al Pol .1 llroilier l.'ird A X'ouly 1 J M folium for u.u vi J W Mt'oiuiiuk Thomas Coo:ly vs John Mfyer : ith LOiice John C Morgan t Steshrn fiittet t.Kit.ier Hiram 11. Moore cl al vsO. S. Vr .U-o.l, lleurv liewman Ae i Kdwsitt lir.uui Win II Kris.'Llii-e rs C I' llolienf'.rin el 1 Martin Ooiden vs m Monteiius Win Pcrsiui; TS John 2i'.i:r. Peler K P-Uer vs George B Peujtr Joseph liiKwn adm'r s 0 K Al'l'heitva Jonathan Hoover vs Jusi.di Kecd MtitiuoLLu Conl 'l'rit. FnAiioais, l. 5, 1S34. I onm. I'tct. Sent for suk eujisg bee. Per Imi report, 14. To tame Ume Isft year, J'H7 12 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TUE UJiAKL PEIKOLEUM COMPAKY oy riiiLADrJLrm.v. CMLllT.4Ii, M, 000,000 100,003 SHARFjS, PAIt f 10 00. $30,000 CASH WOKKIXCJ CAPITAL. SUIiSCKIi'TIOX I'lUCE, 2.50. President T. IIASKINS IU PL" V, President o the Cattawissa ltailroad Co. Vice President THOMAS IV WATTSOJf. of the Hardware nrm of Truilt A 'o . No. .'-'J-i Market st. Tre.teurer-AMlLL WOltK; of Work, .UjCoueb & Co., Bankers. 1'S S'.uth Third street. Dinr.CTous : -T. liaskins I'U Puy J Thomas P. Wuttsou ; h. S. Iti'w-hards. Of Ueuoautu.i-n ; William 1. fcherred. Iusiu-;mco Agent; lieovve I1. Way, of lutebry liootls firm. J. T. Way A Co.; A. W. Leise.inu;. Cashier Maue'n Chuiik I.uik, Muu:h Chunk ; l.JwurJ hhipprn, 1 k-i. 'lite property of tiie liraku Petroleum roint'any conisu oi two Hoc: ui' land, one of Uvo huudre'i aod tifiy-xeven acres and one of two huiidreU and sis'y fiie a'.'res. uiOti: in nil, five l.ui.Jred and twelve acres, iu 1'ae. uu Itio inell I tr.f.i ij u! Oil i.re.k. 't hu r r.'purty L u L en crit'.ici-l'.y exaioiued L-y a Comuiiltc bpp 'i.iied f ,r ti:u! (.u.-pjso. i,ni ti,a trri- lory prouounceii. iu tueir J Ufemon. to bo fully etiuul u lluii of uil Cierk. :u which the largest oil wells ever discovered have beou found. The laiids resemble those ou tiil Creek, in every particular, aud il is believed fn-m the large number of oil springs in close proximity, thai valuable wells wil) be opened ou both these tract!1. Tbe u.auaemut have already secured several Kugiues and engaged a competent Superintendent, with a view to immediate aua un energetic develop ment. A large portion of these tracts is bottom, and admirably adapted tor boring. beverul Conijiauya ure organised on lands im mediately ai joining this territory, among which are the Briggs and Creseut City Oil Companies of Phila delphia. Iu presenting Ihe Drake Petroleum Cnmpsny to the. public, thu Directors ask that their scheme should be examined, aue subscriptions made to the Slock in full faith at to iu prusout and prospective value. T. IIASKINS DU PUT, President. THUS. D. WAHfON", Vice President. BAMl'LL W OUIC, Treasurer. Subscription! will be received for a limited camber of shares at the iiankiug House of Work, McCouch i Co., So. 30 South Third Street, Philadelphia. December 10, Irtdt. BREAD I BEEADI! BREAD!!! NEW BAKERY. aMIE undersigned will open a Bakery, on Market . street, Sunbury, Pa., in the course ot two week where he will keep constantly on hand, 1'ri-wlt Ilrs-ud, 'I'm Uf-llolla, IUtkt, and TEA-Bl'NNS, which will b delivered to fuini lie (very morning. All kiudt nf FANCY CAKES, Common Cake, Pretrels, Ac. Pic-Nio Parties, Weddinga and Funerals, will be (upplied at the shortest uotiee. A good aaaortuicnt w ill be kept np at all time, manufactured out of the best material, and orders will be promptly attended to. He trust thai hi frieuds and tbe publio generally will tusiaia bim in this new enterprise, now greatly needed iu Sunbury. lie irusi nn experience in the business will ena ble him to give general satisfaction to all who mar favor him with their patronage. , DAVID TRY. BanboryDeo. 10, 1864. Imitate of Henry Uclser, Sri, dec'U. NOTICE is hereby given that letter of adminis tration bavins been grauied lo the aulacriber on lb etle nf Henry Reiser, Sr., late f Lower Aeguua township, Norihumberlond county, fa., deceased. All person indebted to said tateara requested to make immediate payment, and those basting elaim m preeeot them for settlement. GEORGE KLISER, Adm'r Low. August twp., Pea 10, leol w "I P you waat a rood bandeom Parlcsr Cwv,r to JL fcklllU ACalTDI.tv..wbi.uo. u,;. i.i lb Jl.i.lsJ, In j -lil.lC" 12 j S-it.iii Co i ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN partosnoe of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Northamborland oounty, will be exposed to pub- no sue ai ute House ot John Btswiler, la uoorge tuwo, on Saturday, ths 31rt day of Dtcembtr, 1804. All that oertaln tot or piece of ground, eitnate In Lower Mabonoy township, Hid oounty, adjoining lands of Petor Wltmor, Caroline Bwob, George Downey and John Werta, oontaining TWEN'fiT Acres and Fifty-one perches more or less, 2d, A eertaiu Limestone Lot, situate in said town ship, adjoining lauds of John Sohreyur and Philip Bubb's estate, oonlaininz i4H nerchoa mora or less. on which is orootel a Lime Kiln. 'Hi A certain other Tract of Land, situate as nfnro- aid being the Mansion l'arni of the snid decuient, adjoining lands ol William Alicbael, uuiiam Uing aman, Christian Mener and Jacob E. Leuker, con taining tbirtv-niueaores and ono hundred and throo fetches more or less, on which are erected two Log louses, Stables and other improvements. L.ate (he property 01 marles Kerstetler, ueocosed. hale to commencoat ton o'clook A.M., of said day when tha terms aud conditions of tale Kill be made known by ADAM LL. Kl.lt, Allin'f By orderof the Court, J. A.J. Cmnmlni. Clk, O. C, bunbury, lec, lst4 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. rrpursuanooofanorderof tbe Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lic sale at the bouse of Abraham Kothirtnol, iu GEORGETOWN, Northumberland county, ou Saturday theSlstday ofLkctmlerA. D. 1801, a certain lot In said town, No. 0, adjoining nn alley and lot of Pbiliaj Bobb, fronting on Water street. Also an island In tbe Kiver Mnquehunim. opposite laid town oontaining 6 acres ami H'J perches. Also an Island situate in said Kiver, oallnd Rover's Island, near said town, containing about 2 acres and 27 perches Also, another Island in the "n l Itiver Su?quchan na, noar Clcorge'own, called Shuflni 's Islnnd. Also, an lslaud' annate in a short distnnca above Plat Island in said river, containing about ono and oue-fourth of au acre. Also, another I!and,.aituate In snid liver, nearly opposite fiddler' Hun, called Brocious' Island, con taining about one nore. Lute 1he property of Sophia I.nhr. deceased. Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M.. of said duy. when tbe terms and conditions of salo will be mudu known by (iEOKOi; B. LAIlll. Adm r. By orderof the Court. J. A. J. Cumiuiugs, OIL O.C. Sunbury, Nov. 23, lsbt. AtU'litloil, L.uai:cai unit dinttriuvn ! AMBR0TYPE AND rHOTOGRAPII GALLERY. Ovvr J. Coweu's Store, corner Maikel A 1'awuSiS., BTJNBUKV.l'A., Q HVKltl.Y. hes opened anew Picture Gallery u the aleplnce, and is prupr.red to take Portraits iu the busl style and manner. AMP.UOTVPKS AXli PlIOTOiiltAI'Ji-i, are taken in every style ot ihe Art. that cannot bo liuipaMjd in the 'ut(. Having several yioir's expe rience, he will jjive saiifaeliou or nn cliare. Copies will he tj.ken Iniiii all suits of 1'ieturei. (live him a cull, lteuicuibvr, oVr Howell s stoic. Sunbu-y, Deo. 1", lutil. (Jaa. W. Sitii. Cii.is. B. Ok.ntheu. o x.sw Xt jr ijX Market slrect, une door east of Mrs. Boulton's Ilote stjistb-ctpiy, I3 A., Have opened A N E W T 1 N - W A U E, Shi't't Iron nm! Slove ftors, and intend keeping consiantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHKliT IHON-WAUli of all descriptions. A L."-rge Stock of Cook Stovesof the following Brands: VIZtlilAXVl PBNN ! NIAGARA, and ou the following two Lrand we defy competi tion, namely 4'oiiiti.'iHtIoit Ciax Ituc'ii-!', Coot.-, (aererniir IVnii C'oi. unsiirpatsed for beauty of finish, sitnplicitv of ar rangement, combinini; cheap'ir. and liurabiiity. and caeb stove warranted to periorui what ibey are re presented ALSO. PA P. LOR ami OFFICE STOVIW. in pront variety. eiobrnciii; ail tho tst uianulacturus. and tn&l fsihionat!e ilesiLS Abo, T!0 cclsl rate iMlTM for heating up and down stai.n. Alro the csetratet VULCAN Hi: tTElt. ("asmI :!, Conl (Ml I-ui;w, Sliitlosi, 'l)iitr Srp, :iuI all nrliVIc anusually kei.i in an estaV.i.-hiuent oTtl'ls kind. Wo are eUo prejared lo irmll kinds el Spooling. ItiKiOiii. Hane ai.d Kurnuca Work, tlas Pitting. Ac. ilepair h'tgeheuplf and neatly executed. C'cos'.ry produce taken iu tA.-i.ango at ntatket pike. sriTii a r.r.NTiir.K. Ilase the Az'iiv for BIBB'S CIll.V.IIll ATEP Ft UK Pl.ACl'i ST'.iVliS. for the Counties of Northumber land, ;;uy!er. Uiii'.n aud Mon'.our. I Ard uie alfo ag-nts fr th l'ij hor A Wiliower Liin 'Trnnnrortntien. Sun u: v.Deo. 3. Isdl. CLOTllING EOR ALLir AT js a air. eLZ2 m x.r3r'9s CON TIN E N TAL J L O T II I N G B A Z A A 11 . Corner of.Harkct Mquarc .V Itnll iSoiKl !tri''t, SUNK U H V, P i; N N'A. JUST OPLNr 1. WrSTEU STOCK OF HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest style?, cut by the best Artisis. trimmed and iMtvle eriuel lo Custom Work, and sold at the lowest price.. 1'U mid Ko Clollilsifj cf the best ma- Icrir.l ennclsiipg of Dre-"a Coats, Fro-k Coals, Sake Ci.its. Pants, aud Vests of various colore and quali ties. OENTI.F.MUSS OVERCOATS & SHAWLS. GENTLEMEN'S FUKNISHINO GOOD:?, svtcb rj Shirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Tiecktics, Uandkorchiuf, Stockings, Gloves, As. Hut and npa of all klndN. BOOTS AND SHOES, tltl'NKS, VALISES, UM- BRELLAS, and NOTIONS of all kinds, and nuine. rous other articles. The public are invited to call and examine his Stock. Kemember the place. ''Continental Outran? Store," Coiner of Market Square and the N C. It. It. LEVI I1ECI1T. Sunbury, Dee. 10, 1361. 'J'lie ('oiuplete, IoulIcA'tItigf !S-lf. mriiui-ullux; CORN SHELLER ! ! PATENTED, AlGlSTud, 184. rpilIS Sheller la th only one that shell the Corn X perfectly clean from the Cub wheu green, soak ed or dry. . it give the Ear a double operation on the Shelling Wheel as it passe through, and epu rate the Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it at once fit for market withoot the ns of the fanning will, 'ihit machine shells a Half Bushel of Ear$ to tht Minutt by Ordi nary JJand Potter. and can be used, also, by Horse, Steam or Water Power by attaobing a Pulley on the Crank Shall. For Durability, Clsanlioes. Neatness Cheapness and Rapidity tu ("helling, this Machine eauuot be equalled by any other. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. Giktlkwiii : If you want your eorn Shelled clean ; if you have ocousion to shell green or damp eorn; if yon want you corn and cob separated ; il yon want a durable machine ; if you want a cheap holler, buy tbeComplct, Double-Acting, Self.Sep. aratiug Corn t holler. REFERENCES ! II. B. Maaser. Charle Ilaat, Miller, C. G. Morgan A Co., VT.J. v. reale JSonbury Samuel Lesaig, Readmit. Geo. Weiser, L. Augutia. Millers, Banbury doi. nan, rarwer, Henry Leuanring, Bear Gtp. C. A lbei Georgetown flsnafactured and for tal at'' ..Iry of lAPniDvu m imii put, r fcuubury, Dee. 3, loot 1- ' FANCY DUY GOOD STORE. XwTIOO KATB 33I.A.OIE, RESPEOTFULLT Inform br friends In flunbury and vicinity, that the ha Just opened hor FALL AND WIIfTEIt OOODS. . ol Notion and Fancy Dry (toods, Market street, four doors weel of Win. It. Miller' Boot and Shoe store, UNBUliY, I'a. Her stock consists of Trimmings, notions, embroi deries, Ladies and Cbildrens' hats and shakers; silk and oilier linings, Corsets, Hoop-skirts, Crape aud Loon Veils; 2iols,. gloves, stockings, collars, aud Corset, Ao. WOOLEN GOODS, Breakfast Shawls, Sontaga, Red Riding Hoods, Caps, Hosiery of all kinds. Gents' Handkerchiefs, Cravat, Neckties, Puspcn dors ; Ribbons, of all kinds, feathers, Velvet, and many other articles too numerous to mention. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, Oct. 22, 1801. AdniiiilwIrnfor'N ."otloc. OTICE Is hereby given that letters of adminis trillion having been grunted to the snhjerihor, ou the estate of Jacob Klehach, lute of Lower Muhti. noy township, Northumberland county, Pa., due'd. All persons indebted nre requested to make immedi lite payment, and tboso huving claims, to present them for settlement. ISAAC t. WITMElt, Adm'r. Lower Mnhonny twp., Oct. S, lrtfi-1. lit Ivnu want a good Cooking-Stove, go to SMITH PUENT11EU S Now Shop. dr.l ALL AND WI X T K It FANCY DRESS GOODS, .Hi A.W1 BMi.xi:ie, Two floors West of t!ic Post Oflirc, eTJXTBTJH-5r, PENN'A., HAS just received and opened a largo assortment of Fancy Dress Goods, such as Ulnvos, Jouvian Kid-gloves, Silk anil lisle thread Ulovcs; Ladies cotton mid woolen Hose, Children' Merino llo.-c. Silk Mils, Ilnndkerchiefs, Corsets. Embroidered Slipper. Itibhon f ANC V DRESS 1)1 T'lONS, Bugle Gitubi-'. Trimmings, Duttons, Belt Kihbnn Velvet ltlb bons, Braid. Hell Clasps, Ladies' Neck-tic. Fuucy Buttons. CliAI'KltlllllON nnd TH IMM NO ; Em broidering Braids, Jueonet and Swiss Kdging nnd insertions ; .Mnlteene Lnec t'olnrs. Laces, tirenndinu Veils, fancy Diets Combs, tlleuii Dresses, Nctts, nnd n v:iritv of" oth.T articles. WOOI.I N tiOODS. such ns Sonlngs, Breakfast Cosoys. Caps, Mittens, Sacquc, Cloves. Silk and Cotton Flay.', c. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Books. Hymn Books. Blank Books, Memorandum Books. Diaries, Pocket Bonks. Ink Slimds, Tens, Pencils, u fine assortment of Paper, Ink, Ao. Toilet Soups, Tiiotli-BrU'hcs, Ac. TOYS AND (i.VMKS FOR CHILDHEX. All of which havo been selected with care nnd will be sold ut reitsonable prices. ANNA PAINTER.. Sunbury. Oct. 22, 1861. I'om-lli .V Art li Sl., E-liilal liilila. Cuter for the best Trade, and oEer no Baits or de ception to induce Custom, but rely on l'Alll DEAL I.NU and GOOD UOODS ! . Best Mcrinoc., Fashionable Silks, Xubility Plaids, Pini's Poplins, Dark KoiiluriU Figured Merinocs, Plaid Shawls, Good Blankets. P. S. Wo follow UOLD down, us close as wo fol low it up. Now isa good time lor Mcrehunts and Consumers to come in. October 8, 1801. 2mw H ATS ! II ATS ! ! SAMl'KL FAUST, Two doors west of Fischer' Drug Siorc, Market St., SUNBURY, PENN'A. IS constantly manufacturing tho latest styles of Wool and 1'ur li.i'r. which for softness uud durability are not stirpie-sed. Give him a call and sec his stock of Hats which are sold cheaper than elsewhere. Merchants and others, purchasing at wholesale, will And it to their advan tage to call and procure nn articlo cheaper und equal lo city manufacture. Sunbury, October I. 13tVl. GUI' AT KEDl'CTION 1NTIIK PRICE OF CDBR' eC&ijoBas9 LID WIN LTALIj & CO., No 20 South Second Street, 1'hil iul l J. i i . Are ii'"T ofl'erin'4 their mngnifieent flcli ot Silk", Dn-- il is, Show Is, Cloths, Cloaks, Velvets, J.C., fur below tho present Oold Prices ! We have also on hand, alarijrstoekof DOMESTIC ItOODS. which we are now selliug nt a great reduc tion trom the prices we have neon selling Iheiu at. As wo have hud the advantage of n riso iu tho prices of our Stock in tho progress of tho War for the last two or tiiiee year-, we now propose to give our Cus tomers the Adventure of the fall iu Prices. Culieocs and Muslins, reduced, Flannels nnd 'i'ablu Lioens, reduced, Blankets and nil stable Woods, reduced. We re-'pc'ttiilly s.'liett from the Ladies und oliirrs visiting Philadelphia, nn e.taminaiinn of our sloek, which is unsurpassed in variety and style, In this city. N. B.. WhoEcsule Bnvers. mo invited to exiuuiuo our stOL-k. "EDWIN JIAl.l.t CO., Xo. I" South Second etrctl, Philadelphia. October S, IMH i'mw MEW GOODS JUST OPENED Fall & Winter Goods, AND BOLD CIIEAFKK TII.VX KI.SK H HKliE I ISAAC FTTP.1A1T3 1.1 Zetlcmoyer't Building, opposite Geurhurl's Con fectionery Store, Murketstreet, SUNBURY, Pa., HAS just opened a ncll selected assortment of Gooils, which he offers for sale at very low prices. DRY 1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such us Cloths, Cum lucres. Muslins. Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, De Laiues. Silks, Ginghams, Ac , Ac. ' IIA'I'rW iiul t'Al'N of every description. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Consisting nf Hosiery. Gloves. Thread. Buttons, Suspenders, Neckties Cullers. Handkerchiefs, Hair Bi utiles. Tooth Brushes. Fancy Head Dresses, Bal moral Skirls. Hoop-Shirts. Curpct-b:igs, Trunks, Va lises, L'mhrellas. Cotton-Yarn, Soaps, und numerous other articles too tedious to mention. HARDWARE, tuch at nails, hin'jrs nnd serews, door latches aud knobs, and C CILERY of every description. Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Yiirnislics, Oils, Gluss, Putty, Ac, Ao. ((iici-usuiire tins! 4iilahvure ol" every lt''i'lliou. STOXE AND EAUTH EN WARE. An extensive Stock of Comfmscd of Sugar. Coffee, Toss. Rice, Corn-sturch, Molasses. Candles, Meal, Fish, Cheese, Salt, Tobacco, aud Segurs. ; KEADY-MABE CLOTHING. Also, 300TS & SHOES for men, women and children. All kinds ot Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Sunbury, Sept 10, 1804. E. C. QOBI3ST, Attorney natd i'ottnellor at l4iv HARBISBUBO, PENN'A- WILL carefully eltcrd to eolleetinna and all oihrr matters euirusled to him. iu the counties of Dauphin, Northnoibcrlaud and SirVder. Oct. la, 1(I4. ly luternnliounl Hotel, Mi and 67 hroadmiu, Cornel' Fiauihn Street NEW YORK. . rpUIS Bust elas Honse -the most quiet, kofnelik l and pleataut Hotel in the city offer superior inducements to those visiting New York for business ; pleasure. It it eenlral iu iu location, and kept on the EuHoraAM Pls. in oonueetlun with TavLuu'e Si l.oox, where refrethiuenla eaa be had all hour, or ervei in their en room. The charge are mo derate, the roouil aud attendance of the nrat order- ba'lui, and all th modern eoaiecleaec attached. 'Get 1, loot. UWWM THE UNION F01tEYT.lt! At the Store of JCH1T BOWE1T Corner of Abirket and Pawn fiUeets, BUMflUnr, PENN'A. Just opened PALL & WINTER GOODS, for overybody . This no "Hlowln;," but plain truth, whioh every ono will be eonvinc j that oalla and ex amine! tb (took, which ounitit of Dress Goods, Casslmeret, Cloths, Oents' Overcoating, Jeans, Cuttonados, Muslins, DresaQoodt in great variety. LADIES' DUESS GOODS. Plain and Figured Delaine, French and Figured Merinos, l'iue Wool Duluiueaall torts and tbades, Prints. Nankeens, LADIES' CLOAKING. Table-Covers, . Irish Linen, Brown aud , t White Sheetings, ; ' Shawls, Bslmorul Skirt nf all kinds, Hoop Skirts, all prices. Hand kcrcbiufs, Flannels, Ladies' Kid, Bilk and Merino Olovos, Ac. Jewelry of all kins!. Ladles' nnd Gents' Union Skates. A largo assortment of SOTION3. rstfm&crj ," Hardware, Codarwnre, O'aaswaro, Chinr.wnr, Ouuenswure, Crockery. Oroceries, Tobacco, Scgars. Snulf, Ten, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac, Ac, mid everything else u-uully kept in a store. Pro. duce taken u' jcbanjjo for goods. Jio trouble to show Vj- WILLIAM BOWEN. Eunbury, Nov. S, 1881. Always ! Always ! Alwuys ! ON HAND, AND SELLING CHEAP TIIK FALL & WINTER GOODS, Just opened at No. 1 Store of WEAVER & FAGELY. CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, well ns Clolbs, Cass!, meres, Muslins, Sheetings. Ticking. Calicoes, De laines, Fitinuels. nnd all kinds of MOL UN 1NG liouds, Alpaccns. lllack Silks, tiingliains, Balmoral and Sluluton Skirts, Canton Fliiuncls, Nankeens, Car peting of all kinds. HATS 3c CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery. Gloves, Thread. Buttons, Sus penders, Nefik-ltcs, Ci'llars, Humlkarchicfs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Go in Rib bon and Cord, tape, crotchet-braid, Worked collars, fancy head dresses, tidy cotton, carpet binding, combs., fancy soaps, carpet bags Trunks. Valises, Umbrellas, Blank Books, Paper, L'nvclnpc. Au. is? at m.'aa:ffljTivW,iv."ia.jaH3 Of all kinds, such as Nails, llinpes nnd Screws, Door Lnlcliesaud Knobs, Locks, and CUTLLUY. ot every (Inscription. Also. Dyi-u, Drtifrt, Ptiints, Van:isbcs, Fish, Fluxsi-cil nml IWiizino Oils. Ghiss, Putty, &c. t(uei'iisjnarc "j".' flltM urc oi' tall STONE AND 'EARTHENWARE. An Extensive Stock of GROCERIES, Composed of Suitor. CoH'eo, Teas. Rice, Corn-sturoh. Maccaroni, Barley, Baking-powder, molasses, sotips, candies, tobucco and segtirs, fc-ult, Fish, Meat, Cheese) Ac. Ac. Also, a largo variety of BOOTS & SHOES. for Men. Women and Children. t'-AII kinds of drain and Country Froduce taken iu eAchtinjie for GikhIs. Give us a call before you purchase elsewhere, we arc bound to sell as low ns nuy ono else. Slorc-rooin in Ira T. Clement' buildinq at tbe sontli-weetoorncr of Market Siuaro, near Ihe Court House. Sunbury, Nov. 5, ISM. F you want (rood Tin-Ware, go to SMITH & . GENTUElfS New Shop. dr i. Disu-is-M lor I (.. An assortment of Dia ries lor Ist'tj.of varies styles and site. Also, Cup, Note and Leiter Paper, lor salo bv ANNA PAINTER. Sunbury, Nov. 5, 1S65. 5o atr.WAno. rp'IE subscriber offers the uljove tewntd for tha L discovery of the person who entered , dMellinjr iu Hush township, nearly opposite Red Point Fur nace, about the luth of Aujrust hmt. nod robbed him of Clothing and other urliclcs to thuiuluo of about one biindi'e.l dollars. Address the subscriber at Dun ill. P. O. CHARLES CARR. Rush township, Dee. 3, 1361. I. K. STAUFFER. WATOHMAKEH A JEWELRY. No. 14.1 Norlh SECOND street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Au iiwtM-,iit-tif i Vstt'ltise 3-iv-fli-y, Sil'r Kln(4'l e urs- cor.slaully on band. Suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS! l.if R pairiug of Watches aud Jewelry promptly nti ended to. December 3, ISOl ly CnaiSTMAS AND B1UDAL PKESEN'PS. henry Harper, o. R-SO Air 1 St., IMiiludelpIila. Has a large stock of WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY. SOLIDSTLVER WARE Superior plated TEA SEW, SPOONS, PORKS Ac. October 1, 1861. 4m vi 'r if ,T r?"ro ew i tj TI tr -( iiur-, ( Mtl ItV, I'll. HAVING just relumed from the Cily with au en tiro new stock of Iriif, i'lt-til'ii!si, Ierruiuery und Toilet .ti'lieleNt - to which he invites bisfrlcn'l" and the public ?ener ally, to call und exumiue. The Drugs and Medicines ure all eutevted from tbe best imjiorting houses iu the Eastern niui hul with tbe grcutest care as to puri ty and efficiency and nvoiding as much as puseibie, the introduction of dclerlous nostrums. PATENT MEDICINES Of nil kinds, tuch us, Ayer', Jnynes, McCllnlnck, llollowns, Wifhnrts, lluofliinds, "rV-I.enks. Brown's and all other popular patent medicines, always on hand. BRUSHES, Hair, Toulh, Nail, Clothe and Paint Brushes. Special ear is luken to keep ou bund constantly every vullety of PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, Suiluble to the trado. Fancy Toilet Articles, and tho nuinerout articles w hick are gcuerully kept in a well conducted estab lishment. In eonneolion with thoubovcarlieles. he also keeps on hand a largo asxjrtmeut ol STA'l 10. LI Y, uch a Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Inks. Ao. Physician s prescriptions and fauiily receipts douiKunded wiib the greatest uecuracy and diipau;h, at ALL Hol'R.3 Day or Nicjit. Remember the place, 'Market Pquare. under tbe office! the "Sunbury American." R. A. FISCHER. Sunbury, Juue li, 1SG4. LATESTI MPR0VEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TUB P O U N D B -Z3 ot & CCCFE?, BUN uTju-sr, penwa. Oct the Best 4 let tbe Cheapo! (set the most Eco nomical, wkieb oan be had el the Rohrbaeb Foundry. Having a large assortment nf the most approved PTOVEri, such as Cooking, Parlor, Office aud Shop Mtuves, which will be sold al tbe lowest rale. Alto, Eettleiot all siset, Pans, Skillets. Ao. They are alto manufacturing Machinery, riooghs, Castings, Ac., at short notice. ... Repairing all kind of Agricultural Implement dun in a good -workmanlike manner and at the shortest nutioe. All an iclee shipped a ordered. Order rpeet fully rticM and VcOOVZU. l-p-Old Iron, and all kind of Produce ttken in Escnang fHr work sunbury, June 1, I tf eM y FALLAKD WIUTEB MILLE2V GOODS AT AT REDUCED PRICES!!! Nlatt Iff. Kj. CSoatiler, F awa itreet, two door South of 6haraokln Talley PotUville Uailrnad, HAS just opened bar Fall and Winter t'.oek of Millinery Good, LAOlhs BOMKKTts, Hat and Cap of tho latest style; French and American Flowers and Feathers, Trimmings of all kinds ; La dies and Childrent' Hoso, Gloves, Collars, Voii aod a Inrgo assortment of Vane Qooti and Notiout. Call and toe hor stock. Sunbury, Oct. Si, lSf4 Jm " LookatTlio Returns ! VM. II. MILLER. Markot Square, SUNBURY, PENN'A.. JUST reoeived from Now York end Pbllndolphia a fresh supply of the lateet style and tf iho best quality of BOOTS AND SHOES, for Men, Women and Children, which ho effort at reduced prioes. Women' Shoe at $1 F0. All his good ttock WARRANTED. Ks Paper Shoes sold nt h's fore. He will also wholesale Boo' and Shoe bv the bot. The public cennrnlly are Invited to call and it aniiitn his sleek. Sunbury, Oct. 23. ItSM. FOuiNDilYANI) MACHINE SHOP. The nndersin'-d hnvinR purchased of E. T. Brixht, Fsq., his Machine Shop, Foundry. Ac, at Sunbury, and has now commenced operations. All Kinds of Machinery, "WILL EE MADE AND REPAIRED PROMPTLY Persons desiring MACHINE WORK immediately, will do wetllocul And examine bis facilities for doint; work cboap. CHAKUB FOK PATTKBSS. WILLIAM: BEKJJYiiON. Sunbury, Oct 15,161. MERCHANT TAILOR, And Heal er in CLOTH3, CASSIMEKES, YKSTIXG, &c 1'iiw u tjlrocl tioulli of Weaver' Hotel, SUNTJB 152", r - TNPORMS Uie oitisens of Sunbury and viointty, that be has just returned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of I'AI.L A.1 WIJITEn CsOOaM, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ASD QUALITY. His stock consists of Cloths, French Cloths. Black Doc Sllln nnd Fancy Ciissimcrej. Black Satin, Figmed Silks. Plain aud Fancy Cnssiuiere VESTING S, which bo will make up to order iu styles to suit tho taste of customers, on short notice, and tho most reasonable terms. Any Goods not on hand, will bo furnishod from Philtidclphie, by friviug two days' notico. Goo.! turuished by customers Will be made up to order us heretofore. A ho will employ none but experienced workmen, Iiersoug uiuy rely ou getting their work well dono at lis shop. Thankful for the p.itronaRO heretofore bestowed, ho respectfully solicits a continuance of tho same. Sunbury, Sept. IU, 1S04. GREAT DISTRIBUTION ! OF FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ELEGANT DIAMOND KINGS, Diamond Brooches, Ear Drops, Bracelets And a Very largo stock of Elegant Jewulry, vulu- $300,000, CERTIFICATES., naming esch nrttclc ams i'f. value nre plaen.1 in SEALED ENVELOPES, and well mixed, uno ol incse envelopes will De deliv ered at our office, or sent by muil to any addressi w ilhout regard tu choice, on receipt of 25 cents. We w ill send by mail or express, the article that the purebuser niey draw, for OX K DOLLAR, er will fitchanvt Jor any oilier artielf on our list, of tht aots value as tlit arti-'le tlravn. NO BLANKS 1 Entire satisfaction guaranteed in allcajci- You may obtain n Goi.n Watch, or Diamond Ri.no f ?r ONE DOLLAR, which you need not pay until you know whut you have dawn and lit vJ'.tie. Five scaled Lnvilupei fur i'l, Eleven for 12. Thirty for 55. Semi tor Circular. Agents wauled. OOOinVIN, HUTfT & CO.. JEWELERS, 387 Broadway, N. Y. All letters should be addressed to our box, 67 06 Post Olliee, NewJYork. Nov. It, lsC-1.- 5t MIL LINERY GOODS, AND i-'a .-votio.-s A. l UinMnus Jje tX. S . J At the new stand, in Market Square, SCN lit'RY, HAVE just received from Philadelphia the latest and most fashionable styles of Millinery loods, such ns Bonnets, Hats, Silks. Velvets, Ribbons and Lnces, Feathers A Flowers, Head Dresses A Nets, Old Ladies' Caps. Woolen Hoods. Soiling-, Broakfuat Shawls, Silk und Woolen Scarfs, Hosiery CLOAKS & FURS ! Black Crape and Lace Veils. Crapo add Linen Co'.s lars. Dre Trimmings and Buttons, Cojsets. idephyrs. Soup and l'erluinery, Cloak Trimmings, Wuolltn A Cutlou Yaru, Oi-t'xsiiitiiKiii-j', l'IostUnii!klci' und Elruidiik'doueiu lalcst Mly It-. Gents' Lineu uud Paper Collars, Neckties, S.c COl.'NTR Y PRODl'CE taken iu cicbunge for C'o.fl! or Work. Thankful for pas, patp'iiase we b .lioit the snmu. L. A D. rHUSSLEIi. Sunliury. October 22. 1S01. ItendinK l:iiili-oad WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Novomber 7th, 1601. GREAT 1 KINK LINE ftoiu the Kortli ana North-West fnr Philadelphia, New York, Read ing. Pottsville, Lebanon, jMltntoWn, Eartou, Ac. Trains leave lLirrisburg for New-York, us fol lows. ! it ')' aod b 10 A. M. and 14a P. M , arriving at New Yoik ut ll A, M. ar.'l 'J. li and Is tW 1. M. Tbo ubo c juiiwct with tiiiiilut ir.iirs cr. the 1lu tylviinia railroad, ami fleepiug Ca accompany tho first two trains, without clianjjt. Leave for Reudiug. Pottn ille. Tamaqua, Mirers' villi', Allentowu aud Philadelphia at 8.16 A. M. and 1 4i P. M , slopping at Lebanon and piiueipal ttu' tions uuly. Way tiains. stoppiug t all points, at 7. 2b A. M. aud 4.40 P. M. Returning, lenvuMcw York al ll.uis A.M., 12 noon, and 7.00 P. 31.,: Pniludeli fia m 8 A. M. and 'i.'.iu P. M i Puttsville al 6 iO A. M. and IMi P. M. ; Tamaqua 0.10 A. M. and 21i P. M., und Reuding al I- mhluight, JMi aud 10 li A. M , 1.38 and tl Oi P. 31. Reading Accommodation Train leavet Reading at 0 . . .1 1 A. M. iclurt.iug from PbiladvlpLiu al i Jll P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains looto Rending at 0 40 and tl A. M. Ephiata, Litis. Co!tm:ii., Ac. On Suudaysi l.cavi- Now York si 7 P. M., l'Lila dclpbia J.li P M. Pollevillo 7 an A. M., Tiiioi.qiia 7 A M, Uurrishurg n lo A M uud Ruudin at 12 mid night, for ll.irriburg. t'omniutution, Mileage. Seaaon. and EaCufiiion Tii'kcis, al reduced rales to and from uil p.nn'i. SO Pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. G. A. MCOL1.S, Generul Saperinlcndent' Not. 29, lbt). N E W GOO 1)8! Two doors west of Wm. II. Miller ."ho l.re, Sunbury, l'a. Just opened a fresh upfly ol FALL AND WINTKIt GOODS, Such a Fancy Dress Trimmings. Ribbons, Glnv llaudkercbiels. Ladies' Lineu Collars ami tuffs Gent Lineu and paper Collars, Nolls, Bolls, Lo Collars and Slec.es, Hair Rolls, civet Ribbon, Red. White and Bluo Necktie., CursU, Quaker Skirt, Yokes and Slu e. WOOLEN OOODSToouiprisingof Sontaga, Hosiery for ladies aud ehihlrcu, Cap of ell kinds, Scarfs, Glovas, Mitlcim. Ao. Ab, auewstyleof muslm f.r Oarnbaldl waists together Wilh Bwi. Jaeouet and icloria Mj-.iui CraiM Oollurs aud Veils, Grenadine aad Luce ell and a variety of oihei articles loo numerous to mea liuu M AR Y L. LAiCAl.l o. Sunbury, Oct. ii, lo64. '1'veo fAU'iiy lluyw. CAME to tbe premises of the (ubscriber In Upper Augusta township, about four weeks since, iwo w hit iboalt weighing at lb time about fll'-y pouud each. The owner is requested to eouie forward, prove property, py charge and take them awy, or els ibey will be uld aooordieg to law. ' DAVID W. MALI(S lPPr Aujejta twp , Cot. 8, loot wi eyss-iitS' ' i xjir2:riF2iAa art) TXTSSS RBSULTIlfl) T.0M fclSORDKRi or xhr t.lTtitt AND DIGESTIYfi OllGASS Ajtd Cvte-1 j II OOF LAND'S German Bittors, Th Great Strer.gtltenity Mar -cs "-Jar ja ci 9 These Bllters have performed more Curs! Have and do Giro Batter Satisfaction! Usee njore Testimony ! Have more Ilrspectablc People to Vouoh for 1'Loui ! T'vin any o'her article in Ihe market. We dfy any ONE to cor lra.licl thi Assertion, A.M WSUMj VAV I;t To any one that will produoe a Ccrufioote publiAei by us, that is not otJCiss. UnPtUMDB OEBMAS mTTTUS. V'.lll enreevry eve of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of trie Kidneys, aud Diseases urging from a disordered ?toiuaeh. OBSERVE TIIE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Reeulting Trom Disorders of th Dtslive Organ t Inward Piles. I'uli.es or Blood M tho Head, Aridity of tho Slo tnich, Nause:i, lfcutihurn. Di-ast t'.'f rV1, Fulness or Weight in the litoniacri, Sour Eincta'.iors, Sinking or Fliitterirg at tbe Pit of the ilomaob, Swiuimiiii; of liio Held, IlurrieJ aud DiiU cnlt lireathtiij;, tiu.tciing tit tho ie.i.t, Choking ol' fculhioa'in Sensations when in ft lyinj; posinie, iimi ueu o! V ifwn. Dots or Webs before iho Mlil, Fevi.r and Dull Pain in :he Head. Deficiency of r..rsp:r lion. Vei low nest of thu Skin and Eyes. 1'niu in tbe Side, Baok, 'Jnevl. J.iu.bj, As. Sadden Flush"- of Jl-ir.t, Burning in lioFlr6h, Consfint Imcinius of Evil, and grrst iiiprossiou of Spisiis. V tCAT THIS DrtTURS U NOT ALCOHOLIC, Coutalns no liuia or IVJiIsStoyi And can't make Drunkards, but 1 the Bt Tonio III thu Vcrld; X3F Bead M ho Say Hoi From the Rev. Levi G. Besk, Pastor of the Baptist Chur-'h. Ponibctton. N. J., foimerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Ibaveknowa Uooflund's Gerinin Bittrs fivora bty fur a number of years. I hate Used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with t':eir rfi'ects thai I was iudiiscd lorcoommend them to ma b others, and know that they have nperuted iu a sirikingly bcnef;ciul msrh'T I lake treat pleasure in tbbs publicly proclaiming this fact, end culling the' ntteulioii of tboso ultlicted with thodisea.se for ui.iju they tocommended. to these Bitters, kuowing from experience that my recommendation will be i..:staiu ed. 1 do this more cheerfully oj li'juu.iud's Litters is intended to benefit the atlliclcd. uud is --not a rum drink." Yours truly, LEVI G. BECK. From ltcv. J. New'on Brown, D: D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and Ctr.amui Chronicle, PLilad.'lj.hia. Although not disposed to fuvor cr recomrotnl Pa tentMedieines in ireneral, ihrough distrust of liieir ingredients und eflects, I yet know of no sufficient reason why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have reeciveda from any simpia preparation, iu tbe hope that ho may thu contribute to tho benefit of other. 1 do this the more readily in regard to IlooCsnd' Ocrniau Bi'.trrs, prepared by Dr. C M. Jackson, of this city, becuusu I was prejudiced aaiust them for many yuuis, uuder the impression llmt they tvete chictiV uu alcobolio mixture. I em indebted tc my friend Robert S!iootij.kf,r, E:., for Ihe reiuol of this prijuuu'.e by proper ttw'r, ana f-r euenufe ment o try '.! ."u, whm sofiuring f, om Rreat ai..I lonj continued debility Tnc uso of tbieu boitieioi 'base Pi'.tcrs. at tho beginnii'j of tho praseut yeu. vuj followed by evident relief ui-d resorauoo to a degree of bodily and mental vig r whuh 1 had r. .t felt for rdx mouths before, and bad almost despaired ofregaiuing. f tbcrelbro luraik Uisi und my friend for directinz to the use of them. J. NLVTONEROWN. From tki Rev. Jo, li. Eennard, Pastor of the 10th Euput Church. Dr. Jackson I)e:vr Sir : t have been rYeuco'ly rcfjuested to conueel my name with couimeietutions of diHs rent kinds of medicines but regarding tbo pructlc3 fUout of iny anit.rlnto sphere. I have In all oases ueelined . nut with clear prout in vi, riots iusttruces, and particularly iu my family, of the use fulness of Dr. llontlaud'a Gcimau Bitieia, I depart for once tram my usuul course, lo exp.-.o my lull conviction that, "for geuer.il dibility of liio i!y.-tcn uud espccial'y t'.r J.iwur Complaint, fl is n t.Ju und valuable prctaration. I:i aoii.e ciui il may fan; but usually, 1 iluubl net, it will be very bousiieiullo those who suflur from the ubje cause. Yours, very icrpcctfuiiy, J. 11 HENNAED, Eighth below CuulceSUtol, Phi.tdctphia. from ftev ff.rren llaudolph, Pastor of Baplljt Churoh, GeraiuntCiVD, Pctn. Ir. C Jt. Jackson i Dear Sir : Perstnsl expe rience euubles me to say that I regard the Ueitfin Bitters, prepured by you as a most excellent ciedi Cine. In casis oi'severe cold and general debility 1 hare been greaiiy bcui littvd by ihe usenl ire Knieis. Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH. Ucrmantown, Pa. From Rev. J IT. Turner, Pastor et Iteddin; M. E. Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson . Dc.ir Sir : Huving used your 0?r mau Bitters in my family frequently I um i repaic 1 luay that it has been of grent e.rvicj. 1 beiuie that iu roost ca;r ot geneial debility of the svsinoi ilis tbe safest and most vlu.-blu remedy of which I have any kuoivlutige. Youis.rtSiieoUaH'y, J II. TERNER, No. 7?fl N. Nineteeulh itroet From the Rev. J. M. Lons. formerly Paor of tre K'olun.hut IN. J I and Milustown (i'a.i Baftut Cbu.vku. New Rochello, N. Y. Dr C. M. Jackson; Du:ir Sir: I feel il a pl; sure Ihui, of my uwu accord, lo bou tcsliin y to the licjilence of tho Gcruiun Bitiers. Some yet. since bting much uUlieted vr::!i DyspuptU. I l v.i tbem with very bent-ccial result, i have ol'lmi iv couiuiebde ! 'j peu-xs cnfecbUd by it:ii lurujerun dtsei.je, and baicbcarJ from tLcn the Ui'wl tl-.t- .' lug Icsiimouiats as to ihelr great valtid lu e.-, ,,f general det'iity, 1 buliute il to be u toi.ic thai Co.' not be surpoMid J M LV'jNj. yroin the Rev. Tbo. Winter, Pa,Ur vt ItoxbWpu jtr Baptist Church. ' I'r. Jack;on : Dear Sir : I f-cl It due tk vour j excellent prepar.Uon. Ilootlaiid's Gtrmau B-4 rs. lo I add .y toiiuiuiiy to llic deeervej rcpritali. iJ it ha j oblaiued. 1 hue foryears, ui liuien, ti.cn tleut sd w ith greal disoruer iu loy head atal neri ou.. sysieiu. J I .. .dvi.ioii by a frieud lo iry a boUlo ol voor Gur- muu luliurs, I dia so, ana nave eipericnoi t grti.it and uiicxpectrd rliel, u.y health Lu to.rt iu uiairnally Uei.oti'.leil. I cenlideniiy recoatWOaU U.e art! ile where 1 rood a iih chsj. similar u niyuwn and bave been assure 1 by many ot iheir gs. ..tiu u Jt.petfully your, f WINTER, l'.uxb.iruu.;u, l'a. From Rv. J. S lUi ui.m, of iho G-rmsu RiforiueJ Chur:ii, kaltiowu, Berks jw. . ty, fa Dr. C. At Jackson; Kepeotol Mr ; 1 hare boea trui'.bled with Dyspepsia neaily twenty yeirs, ul hv neier used aii uiodicinu (hit (inl'suo u wuuti good as LitiuiiAi. j'.. nillurs. 1 am very much iin i roved iu boalth, after baling l.-sn nt boiila. Jea's, wiib reapeet, 4 f. nEUM.Vi.'. Lare BU holding ucarly ikubl quao'ity ) I IW per Uule Imlf do, raaJl Site ? eouw pur lli ttle half do. BEWARE Of C'rtrNTKuraxS ! Bee that the Signature of '3. M.JACIiSON IM 'If of me Trrupprr oi eocu ilotll Should your nearest druyjllt J,,T, tll, Uik do not be puioU by Hny nt kl intuxMutuvg u'..we nt thatu..ty on ollured plaoe but ui and wstwftl forward, aeounlj packed, ly express. Priuaipal Othie and Maw iu J, Ni. ul ARCH Ulrett, Pluliuelihia. 3 XSS A2VAK4 (EamoeewMr to C. . icsaox A . . ' V.Sfl "M..!. C5r"Fo Bal by Injtl i IWtt. "er en le th t ailed vw V