fBiir-J,-' N'lunro, Ml '. HUH , ln. HAVIX'i Jtifi returned from tho City villi an on tiro new stock of Ih'ii, 'i.tilrI , IN't-fuirior-f liixl Toilet At-ll-lt-N i, to which h" invites hi friends end the public Rencr Klly, to null ninl o.vuuii;i". Thi' Drugs and Jl.Mtioinos arc nil solclcd ('nun Ihe h"M importing lunin." iti tli c Kislern market ivi'li the trron.'est cine to puri ty nml i iNeieiioy mi l avoiding as much lis possible, the intro lneli"i, ni' delenous nostrums. PATEIJT IODICINES 'H nil kind.', si'ch ns Ayei's. .Tiiyrcs. MeClintnck. 11 ilbo-ny. Wish-irtr. 11 'tlin-li". 'Schciiks. lirown's Hti I nil iiiIiit popular Tnl'-itt nusILiiium, nlwuyM iui hand. tm-rUSIIGIr?, Hair. Ti.ntli. Ninl. Clothe ami Puint 1'iushcs. Special rare is taken to keep on hanil eon'laully every variety of FAiN'TS AND CHEMICALS, Suitable lo tho trade. Fancy Toilot Articles ninl the numerous firti,d"S which are generally kept in a well conducted cstub Ihhinent. In connection Willi the nhnvc article', lie iil"o keeps nn lmnil n liirce asortni"nt n( STATIONER V, ih-1i a? Paper, Em ohmes. IVns. Pencils, Inks. Aii. i v Physician s I .r - i i limis mul fnniily receipts con. p uncled wilh the greatest accuracy mid dispatch, at AM. HOl'ltS li.iynr Night. Ui ti.' inbor the place. Market Square, under tlic oflioe ut thu ''Sunbury American. ": 11. A. FISCHER. Sunbury. .Tune 25, l.WrW.S I'.VM'V AT JOHN FAUEIHA'S 1 OIl I'Miiblssli-.l Fin MANUFACTORY No. 713 .AliCII Street, .j'.-ft'-fv; : itbovo 7lh , PJIILAD'A IwmWA'- j ' )'- isAS - I'11""0 n"w atore , ', V''':t',Vr;f my own Importation " -.l1 ' 5' ?)i JS'rljniid Manufacture, ono r--'lf'ol tlio I.AKUKST iin.l lection of for Ladies' mul Children's Wear in tlie City. Also, r fine asn.rlinciitof (lent o r nr (llovis A t.ollnrs. Ail my I'tirs were nil purchased when (Jol.1 was nt n niuch'lowor premiiim tluin at. present, I aiu enabled to dispose i f them it L very rejvonriljlo price?, and I would therefore nolieit a cull from uiy frionds of Norrhuniherliina comity, and vicinity. I !' Remember the name. Number mul Street ! JOHN FARKI11A, 718 Arch Street above 7th, stmth side, Kent. 1(1. 1U. 5m l'lllLADiaVIUA. t if I hnvo no rartner, nor connection with any ther store in Philndcli.hia. COAL OIL LAMiS I beg leave to infortn my friends and tho public Bonernllv that I have, commenced tho mnnufucluro of CO Ali OIL LA.MPis of every description and stylo of finish, at NO. :w S. SECOND St., PUILADELMUA AVith my present, facilities for mnimfnctnring, and n praetieal experience, of thirteen yearf in tho mitn nRement of the lump lni?iness tor soma of tho largest h'oui" in the country, X flatter myself that my expe. Hence and knowledge will ciiablo mo to oiler to tho public iroods not equalled by uny in regard to stylo and wovkmanFhip. and ut prices competing with tho lowest 1 shall nlways endeavor to lend in oflering to the public new and useful inventions in our line. I hnvu also tnken the wholesalo agency for tho sale jf 0K0. W. ilUOWN A CO'Kt'Kt.EintATKn MfciAi A. J. WEiW;jEK, No. 33 S. Second St., Philadelphia. September 21, PKNSIONS, BOUNTIES AMD BACK PAY COLLECTED. SC. DOVER, Attorney nt I,aw, is duly author . ized and liecn-eJ to collect lliillw, Elotiitsit-nsimcI l";m U V:iy fur Widows, Or phans mid Soldiers. Onico in Market street, oppo site eaver's ilotel, Sutibury, l'a. January 111, 1861. ly E.iit K.iiv:tc:n:i V itloom .im- iiail roatl. ON. and after Jan. ISih, 1801, P.isjcngcr Trains will run iu follows : MOVINO SOl.'TH. Leave Sorantnn, 4.20 P. M " lingston, " Illooniibuig u Rupert. " lianville, Arrivo at Northumberland 5.1 .2.r) 9.15 9.55 MOYINti NORTH. I.eavo Northumberland, 8.00 A " Danville, H.V) " llupcrt,M S.4il ItlDonmbinf, U.:i." Iviiiti.n, ' 12 12 P. M. Arrivo at uiuntoii, l.oil Freight & PiiHs.-iixei leaves ninDimbiirg. 10.15 A. jr. r.'i-.i.gi'i's tiikii.g the Mail Train South connect with thi.' Kxpress train from Northumberland, arriv ing at Jliili'l-I'lirg, at 2.30 A. M.. lialtimore 7.0(1 A. M!, and nt Philadelphia, nt 7.00 A. M. Tho Mail train from Nortliuuibfrlnnd leaves immediately after tin; arrival of the Kxpre.-v tr.-iin from lliirrir'hurg and lbiliiitmie. allowing l'lissi.-u'TS len'ing I'hiiadclphin ai 111.40 1'. M.,lo reach points on this road during iht next i.ir 'luiiin, . N.tw .in 1 eli-g'iiit Sleeping cars Hccompany tho ni.;lii lui-iiis v-iicli w;iy bntivi'i'ii Northumberland and P-ailini'jre, and ortliuiuberliind and I'liihuli'li hi.i. K. T. 1IOLN1), Supt. LATLSTI -VPKOVEMENT of agki CUIJUHAL IMPLEMENTS. AT T1IK FOUNDS, "'ST, of HTJI-JETJIt'S-, PENN'A. Uet theUct liet tho Chcapets (let the most Eco L'j 'li'.'iil, n iii'..h i nn bo bud at the Kohrba'di t'oundry. !ii:inga laie assortment of the most approved ''1 V i'..-'. oieii its Looking, Parlor, Ouieo and Shop ;-r. . -, . l vn win tic soi l at Hie lowest rales. Xl ' K -m'... ,1L ,,1, sues, Pans, skillets. Ac. 1 'lh .i also uiiiiiufai tin iiijr Jluchiuery, Ploughs, Cistins. ii j.. at short notice. I Rep ort -i kinds of Agri, ultiiriil Iuipleinents ,1 .i: .. a good woikuiuuliko luauuer und at the I Stiol'U'3. ooi lee. All urtieles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended lo. KOlIliDACll tc COOPER. IV Ir"ni anJ kinds of Produoe taken in Exchange for work Huubury, Juno IS, 1961. tf A Ei H G T iTiTe TO OTJisro- 3VCEIsr Just puUislttU in a f-tclr:l Envelope. Price sir cents. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radical Cure of Sperniatorihiea or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Emissions. ,i'xul Debility, and impediment to Marriage gcnerallv. Nervousness, Coij.-umption, Epilepsy, and pits ; "Mental and Pbwu.i.1 Incapaci ty, resulting from Self-Abuse, ia. Jly iUiliEhl J. Ol'i.VEliWELL, M. D., Author id tho "(ireeu Ji's k," Ac. Tho world renowned author, iu Ibis ndiuiiahle Lecture, clearly proves from his orn experience that tho uwful eonsiijueucu oi fcclf-Abusti may bo ttfectu Klly removed without medicine, and without danger, bus surgical operations, bougies, inslruuients, rings or cordials, p-.inting out u mode of euro at once cer tuin and elleutual. by which every sufferer, no mat ter what Lis condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately, and radically. THIS l.EC- 'ilv1,e)y'1'l,'1"t'n"K A li'J,-,-, TllOLriA-NDS Ah D i lltll fSANDS. Sent iiudei seal, to my address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of ot'su cents, or t,o post agu sumps, by addressing the publishers. 127 llow-ery, New Vork, Post Oliioc lioj, 4jc5. Oct. 15, ititil. ly 3o Allorney tiu;l utiMi,. at I,aw. HAllKI313UaG, TENK'A. WILL carefully attend Ui c. lleolioaj nnd all otner matters entrust, ,! to him, j thee-ouutiis id Hiiupoji.. ortlniu,beriatid und e'urdur (.let. ls.-iy J t :( tililiu:,, I Ifsttol, 3:lj ui; t,T ii''wy, ( ; PraniiM filrcet NEW UKK. rPIUS first (rlasf-.juse the most quiet, homelike eusa.it lyt.l in .h,:ity-W. . .eVw ll.iiUOellie-1 , or pleasure tlie JM itoi fcAK tfl., iu touueetion ith 'i'tvi.ou's nam, in ;uiiuuutii)u ill 1 i l.n it'll ,. " At nf? re ino. WUitf, MJid all the iuodi-ra euuvemencec auuchvd. ..muui u, 1US nrai uMer VUb t iOQi. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. The Scerotary of tho Trcnsury gives notleo that subsorlplions will he reoelvcil for Cnttpon Treasury Notes, payablo threo years from August 1 6th lafi t, with semi-annual Interest at tho rato of seven and throo-tcnths per cent, per annum, principal and Interest both to be paid in lawful money. Theso notes will be convertible at tho option of tho holder at, maturity, Into six-por cent, gold hear , ing bonds, payable not less than flvo nor moro tha- j twenty years from tholrdntn, as the govorntnot may oliii l. They will ho issued In ilohonMnntions of SiO, $100. S500, 91,000 and S5.000, and all subscriptions must lo lor fifty dollars or some multiplo of titty dollars. , The noles w ill he transmitted lo tho owneis free of j transportation charges as soon after tina r coipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as 'hey can bo prepared. As the notes draw interest from Augm t 15, persons nitilihtx di'p islij fuI seiiieiit to that date must pay the interest aeenied from date of noto to dnto of deposit. Parllei di'p'i.-iting twi'iily-fivo thousand dollni'S and npe iirds tor tlusc notes at any ono timo will bo allowed a. 1 1, minis-ion of ono-tjuavter of one per cent,., which will be paid ly the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill tor tho amount, cot-tilled to by tiie ofiuvr with whom the uejx.sit was made. .N deductions for coiuniissions must bo iiiado from tho lepni'iL It is a National Savixo.s I!axk. offering a high er rate of ir.turebl than any other, a-id f Mt sent, t il. Any savings bank w hieh pay its depositors in Notes, considers that it is paying in tho best circulating medium of tho Country, and it cannot pay in any thing belli r, foa i's own assets aro either in government securities or in notes or bonds payablo in government paper. , It is cuually convenient r.3 a temporary or pernm netit investment. The notes can always ho cold fo within n fraction of their face and accumulated into rest, and are tho best rccurity with banks as colla terals for discounts. CONYEHTIULE INTO A SIX PEIl CENT 5-20 (JOliD BOND. In nddilion'to the very liberal interest on tho notes for threc'yenrs, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for tho curt rent rato for 5-20 Bonds i not less than nine per cent, premium, and before tho war the premium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will bo soen that tho actual profit on this loan, at tho present market rate, Is not less than ten per cent, 'per annum. ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE OrwMUNICI PAL TAXATION. Put nside from all tho advantages wo'hacc enum erated, a special Aot of Congress exempts all bonds ami Treasury notes from hen! texation. On the average, this exemption is worth nbout f wo per cent, per iiiiuuni, according to the rate of taxation in vari ous parts of the country. It is believed that no securities ofler so great ln ducem.ints lo lenders as those issued by tho govern ment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith and nbility of privnto parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged for payment, while tho wholo property of tho country is hold o securo the discharge of all tho obligations uf the United States. While the government offers tho most liberal terms for Its loans, it bolievesthat the very strongest appoal will bo to tho loyalty and patriotism of tho people Duplicate certifieateswill bo issued for all deposits, Tho party depositing must endorso upon tho origin a! cortificuto tho denominations of notes required, and whether they are to bo issued iu blank or paya ble to order. M'hcn so endorsed it must bo left witli tho olliccr receiving the deposit, to bo forwarded to the Treasury Department. Subscriptions will bo rocoived by tho Treasurer of tho United Stales, at Washington, tho several As sistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by tho Vlrnt National Haul, of .'lilt on, And Iy all Aallonal KaiiUs which aro depositaries of Publio money, and all ItKSI'KCTAIlLB BANKS AND BANKERS throughout Iho country, (acting as agents of tho Na tional Depository Hanks.) will furnish further infor mation on application and Al'i'OltD EVERY FACILITY TO SUDSCUDiEltS. August 13, 1SG4. TJ Dutch i:al-lalia '(H'C Co, DEPOT: 168 Kendo Street, New York. The abovo Company nro known all over tho world as the owners of the Coflco Plantations of Java and L'utuviti in tho Dutch East Indies, and are the lurgest monopolizers of Coneo on the Cllobe. Tho undersigned (who is appointed their sole Agent in the United Stales and in thu Dritish Colo nies) w ill have for sale three different kinds of Cof fee, which, for regularity of grade und cheapness of price, will defy conipeiitiou. Our "llntnvia Cotleo" never beforo introduced in this Country, but extensively used iu the Annies and Navies o! Europe, nnd richly valued, will he put up at prices to reach nil consumers, nnd our Extra Juva will be the -Mngnutn lknuui Coffee of the age. o will have, for accommodation of tirocers, Fa milies, and (ioMTiunent Contractors, samples (dry, and drawn) for testing. Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, coffee prompt ly forwarded U3 directed. A. LIPP.MAN, 1B8 Rendo Street. New York, Sole Agent, D. E. I. C Co. July 21, ISOJ. . A CARD TO THE Sl'FFElliNU. SWALLOW two or threo hogsheads of 'Ruchu," 'Tonio Hitters," "Sarsapanila," "Nervous An t tidotes," Ac. Ao., and after you are satislled i with the result, and one box of Old Dll. lll'CHAN'S English Speoitio Pills and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. Xliey are purely ve getable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their ellecls on tho broken down and shattered con stitution. Old and young can take them with ad vantage. Imported und fold in the Coiled States only by JAS. S. lil'TLl'.R, No. 427 llroadway. New York. l-V Agent for the United States. P. S. A Rox of tho Pills, securely p-eked. w ill be mailed to any uddrcss on receipt of price, whieh is ONE DOLLAR, postpaid ! money refunded by thu Agent if eutiro satisfaction is not given. Sept. 10, 1S4 3m Vnlli Upton House, NORTHUMiiEKLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (.Yir the Bridge.) rPHE subscriber having leased this well known J Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. 8. Ilrown, respectfully informs the public that he is refitting and repairing the premises, and w ill be prepared lo eu tertaiu, in a comfortable manner, his numerous friends throughout tho county, und ull who may patronize his establishment. Cel. 1, ism. JOSEPH VANKIRK. ICE CREAM FREKZKPS. New supply of Masser' r'lVR-.Mm'TK Fiiee J: zliis, reeeived from New York, for sale by 6ul.buiy, May 21, til. Jl. ii. .MA..SEK. MitniTllil i ,t.t lllilr k OtoU.L'LilAiNiiA r hM.lLi'i C O L L E G E, " KC:i.ISt(Vt:, riijelr Co., Iu. rplll' Fall Sesfionof this Institution commences on J. THURSDAY, Aliil'ST ldtb. Tho Whiter Session on Iho 17th of November. TKKMS 1-KU SKSSION OF 13 'WEEKS : For Boarding. Woshing, F'urui-hcd Room. Fuel nnd Light, uud Tuition iu ull the regular studies of the Coiiegtato Dcprrtiuont. only 7"i. A liberal bsducliuu mode iu lurur of tho Daughters of our Soldiers. Fur further purtieulrrs, or Circulars, apply to S. DOMER, Piiueipal, Sclirugrove, August 0, 1BB4. 3mos. JACOB HAELEYr iSwressor to Nt auger ir llarlej) No. 622 MARKET Street, PHILADELPHIA. "IV'ALER In Pine Hold aud Silver WATCH RS . tho best of Si L VER-PLATED-W A RE Conl J J FiueUuld JEWELRY: solid SILVERWARE. u..l.u u.4 v:., n ...i. . i . . ... . ull kinds of lluir-work li ordor, ut short uol ice i f o JJou'l fore'et thu old Mlaud. X fi i'l Mrk. : itruul, Philadelphia. ' pi. io, lwi ;t tnt woian's onrjer bsmedt ro Berofula and Borofulous Diseases. From Emery Pities, a irett l noicn mereltnnt of Ox ford, Aiiine. 'I have told largo quantities if your arm PA filLI.A, but never yet one bottlo which failed of the cU-ilrXlTect and full satisfaction to those w hr i look it. A s fust as our people try It, they ntrreo tlere I nut been no medicine like it before in our community. Eruptions, Pijnplos, Blotches, PutulM; Ul cers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From llev. lloM. Strntton, nrM', -V'''lrm I onlv do niv dirty to yon and the public, when I add my testhnony fo that you p.ibllsl. of tho me lileninl virtues of your Sahc apaku.i.a. Sly daugh Vr n-'crt ten, had nu nflllotinir lnimor in her ears, ivi. mul hair for years, which wo wcro iiiw'io io cure until we tried vonr SAitMArAllll.l.A. onu uai been well liir some muiillis." From Mrs. June K. nice, a trcff-tnowii nnd much citermcttlmtnofVe.mil!elltr,ttiH Hon Vo A ... ' Mv daie'liter has suffered for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing iiflorded any relief until we tiled your Saksai-ARIIXA, which soon completely cured her." From rimrtes P. Ctoc, r7., of the. imiMii-lnnten Gnge, .rurrn;i Co., moiuijiu-turers ofenum'Meo pollers in Xonhii", X. II. m, " I had for several years a very troublesome humor In my far", which (rrew constantly worse until It (lislluiircd mv t'ectiires nnd uecamo an Intol erable nffllciioit. 1 it led almost every thing a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your 8AI(SAPAiiIM.A. It immediately made vxt face worse, as you told mo It mi 'ht forn thins but In a few weeks the new skin begun to form under tho blotches, and con tinued until mv face is ns smooth as anybody's, and I nm w ithout nnv symptoms of Ihe disease that 1 know of. 1 enjoy perfect health, and -without n doubt owe it to your SAfilAl.vllIl.l.A., Erysipelas General Debility Purify the) Blood. From Ttr. Ilohl. Rmrin, Houston ft., Xem TorK: 1R. Avun. I seldom fail to remove Kruntions and Scroitl'iii Sons by the pcrneveriiigiiscof your tinsM'Anil.I.A,and I have ju t now cured an attack of Maliwmnt Krvip:-luii with it. No ulterativo wo possess equals the S.U;SAr.Miti.l..V you have sup plied to the profession us well as to the people." FromJ. F. Johnston, Fs'., irnl-emtm, Ohio. 'For twelve yearn, I had the yellow lOryslpelas on my right arm. during w hieh tuna 1 tried nil tho celebrated physicians 1 could reach, nnd took bun- UreilS Ol (Ulnars worm OI meoi'.iuen. . ti uii -it, were so bad that the cords becanin visible, and the doctors decided that jny arm must bo amputate I. I began takim your fj.utsAP.utiu.A. 'l ook two bot tles, and some of your l'n.i.s. Together they have cured me. I am now ns well and sound as any body, living in a public place, my ease Is known to every body in this community, uud excites the wouder of nil." From Hon. Henry Monro, M. V. P., of Xciecnsllc, (.'. II'., ImtUiii member of (Ac Camutinn I'arlta ment. " I have tised your S.WiSAi'Anu.T.A In my family, for general. ilehlUlii, mid for pnrifniuti the Mood, with very beneficial results, nod feel couudeuce iu coiumcuillng it to tho aillkted." Bt. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Eheum, Scald Head, 6oro Byes, from Hnrrcii Siclter, Fsq., the able editor of the TuiiLhiinnm-li Democrat, Ve.nnsylruma. " Our only child, nbont. three years of age, was attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly snrend until they formed a lonthsomo and virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some davs. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, w ithout any apparent eiVeet.. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lest with them he should tear open the fes tering nnd corrupt wound which covered his whole laee. Having iricu cvciy nni i-": "1 m." hope from, wo beeau giving Jour SAr.s.U'Ami.LA, and applying the Iodide ol potash lotion, ns you direct. The sore began to l.eal when we had given the llrst bottle, aud was well when we had limshed the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew agaiu, and he is now ns healthy and lair as nny other. The wholo neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Morourial Disease. From Or. Hiram float, of St. Louis, Missouri. "I Hud your Saus.U'AUII.LA n more effectual remedy for the secondury symptoms of ttui'hili and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The profession are Indebted to you for some ol the best medicines wo have," front A. J. French, M. ., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass., icho is a prominent member of the Legislature ot Mtissacnusens. "Dn. AYKIt. Sly dear Sirs 1 lmvo found vonr pAnsAPAiui.'I.A nil excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary nnd necomluru type, uud ellee tual in some eases that, were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. 1 do not know what wo can em ploy with moro certainly of succcbb, w here a power ful alterative is required." Mr. Chas. ?. Pun Llem, ofXew Itrunm iel; X. had dreadful ulcers ou bis legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew moro and moro aggravated for years, In snilo of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until tho persevering uso of Aykii'h Saus ap.uiii.la relieved film. Few eases con bo found more Inveterate aud distressing than tide, and it took several dozou bottles to cure him IieucorrhcBtt, Whites, Female Weakness, aro generally produced by internal Scrofulous t'l ceration, nnd are very often cured by the ulterativo effect of this Saiisai'aihi.i.A. Some eases require-, however, in aid of tlie Marsapauii.la, tho skilful application of local remedies. From the trell lnoirn anil irideliehbrateil Dr. Jacob, Morrill, of i 'inciitnati. "I have found your Kahmaparilla an excellent alterative In diseases of females. Jinny cases of Irregularity, Leueorrhira, Internal I lceration, and localdebility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to It, and there aro few that do not, when Its effect i properly aided by local treatment." A Iwly, wmilling to allow the publication of her name, ierit"s t " Mv daughter anil invself have been cured of a very debilitating Leucorrliiea of long standing, by two bottles or your Saiikapauiixa." Bheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula In the system, ore rapidly cured by this Ext. Sausapauh-la. AYER'S CATTIAHTIC FILLS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the nuirket. anil their superior virtues arc so nniversully known, that e need not do moro than to assure thu public their qunlity is nmintnineil equal to tho best it ever ns been, and Hint they may be depended on to do ull that they have ever done. Prepared by J. O. AYKR, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., nnd sold by Sold by Friling A Orant. Sunbury, R. li. JicCoy, Northumberland, Aaron Rnrrol, Elysburg, W. R. Kiitxncr. Shnmokin, J. P. Hogue, Watsontown, And by all dealers in Medicines everywhere August Hi, 18114. ly SOLIDIFIED I'or 4 I'UiisiiiK, H hili'iiiiiir uud Ii--ervi!iH' llic I'Cirj Il.! This article is prepared with the greatest ouro upon Scientific principles, and warranted not to contain anything in the slightest degree deleterious to tho teeth or gums. Niuiu ot our most eminent Dental Surgeons have given their sanction to, and cheerful ly reeommeud it lis a preparation of superior quali ties for cleansing, whitening and preserving tho TEETH. It cleans them ro.tdily. rendering them beautifully white nnd pearly, without the lightest injury to the enamel. It is healing to tho gums where they are ulcerated und sore. It is also an ex cellent dif.inlc.etor for old decayed teeth, which aro often exceedingly offensive. It gives a rich creamy taste to the mouth, cleansing it thoroughly, aud im parling a delightful fragrance to the breath. PREPARED ONLY RY A. UAWL.KY cv CO., N. W. Cor. 10th., A Lombard Sts., Philadelphia. And sold by all Druggists. PRICE 25 CENTS. TESTIMONIALS. Tho following opiniou of Dr. White, as to the high cslceiu in w hich he holds the Dental Croam. must bo sufficient evidence of Hs uluc ; to quote other testi monials iu detail is needless, contenting ourselves by simply giving the names and addresses of persons who speak of iU excellency for the teeth. Philadelphia, April J5th,lSd3. Having carefully examined A. lluwloy's ''SoiltH. fled Denial Cream," I hereby cheerfully recom mend it to the publio generally. It is an excellent preparation for cleansing und preserving the teeth, anu can una can Do used ny ail persons with lliu utmost con I ti:enc''' " .rroperties are porfeetly burmless. Bo. III I'M ski I f idespresurviug thu teeth, it promotes a healthy action to the guuis, and imparts u plcuj-uutuesa to tho breath. Dr. W. It. WHITE, 1203 Arch St. Thomas Ingram, M. D , Dcuthst, WIN. Fourth St. J. Birkey, 2bl S. Sixth St. E. Yuiideislico, Surgeon Dentist, 425 Arch St. C. A. Kinsbury, Dentist, llltf Walnut St. S. Dillingham, D. D. S., 731 Aroh St. . ' F. M. Dixon, 27 Arch St. , Edward Townsend, Dentist, 42(5 N. Fourth St. L. 11. Dorphley, Dentist, 807 N. Tenth St. M. L. Long, Demist, 62D N. Sixth St. Alay 2S, lhtii ly EUEIt OF ADVICE FOB LADIES FIVE ANATOMICAL ENORANINUS. Has inforuuliuu never before published. Scut FUiiK in a arulcii euvelope fur ten cents. Address Dr. STANFORD, Box No 4,1)52. New York P. 0. July 9, lt64. 3iu r o n s a l i:. A I rt. I 1'iiitlM-i- l.iiiitl, below Trov. orloo bridge, eontaiiiiin" nijoiuuu ucrus. i'or further puxuculan apply lo I Suubury, Aug. 13, ItH it. ' CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZA R . Corner of JIarltct Hqunrc A; Itnll ICoikI Hired, SUNDUKY, PENN'A, SUMMER STOCK OP READY MADE CLOTHING, Of tho newest styles, cut by the best Artists, trimmed and made equal to custuin work, aud soid at the lowest prices. lit-n nml ltoyK t'lollilitpr of the best ma terial consisting of Dress Coals, Frock Coats, Sack Coals, Pants, and Vests of various colors and quali ties. JlENTLEMEN S FURNISHING OOODS, such ns Shirts, Over-shirts, Vndorphirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings, Ulovcs, Ac. lint nnd 4'iip oi'till UIikIh. ROOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, TJM. R 11 ELLAS, nnd NOTIONS of n'.l kinds, and numo rons other articles. Tho public aro invited to call and cxnmino his Stock. Remember the place "Continental Clothing Store," Cornerof Market Square and the N C. II. R. LEVIIIECHT. Sunbury, July 2, 1864. George Hill, Simon P. Woi.vertox. HILL & WOLVERTON. Attorney mut t'otmwoIorM nt Ijim-. Office, Market slrcet. cor. Ccntro Alley, J ILL nttend promptlcy to Ihe collection of claims V and oil other professional business intrusted to their care in Northumberland andadjoining counties. Sunbury, January 2o 1 bt2. AN INTERESTING HISTORY OP DE. CCIIEXK'S OWN CASF1. WHILE LARORINU UNDER CONSl lirTION And how hi Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and Mandrako Pills acton the System iu Curing that Disoaso, and tho iJr'al Wiiece AttpmlSnsr It! The above is a correct likeness of Dr. Schenk tnkeil many years ngo, after ho hod recovered from Con. sumption ; by a course oi his ' Schcnk's Pulmonic Syrup." The likeness, although it does not repre sent him anything like ns bad ns he wasut the worst, yet it is in sirong contrast with tlie halo and vigorous looks of (ho Portrait below which is tho truo like ness of him at present time. The contrast between theso two portraits is so great that many would not believe them lo bo the same person. Yet thero nro hundreds of persons, in nnd around Philadelphia, w ho will recognise both portraits to be true represen tations. When tho tirst w as taken ho weighed 107 poinds ; at the present lime his weight is 220 pounds New York, Wodncsday, March 30, 1801. TO THE PUBLIC. Thirty years ago I was in tho last singes of Tul moiiary Consumption, and given up to die. I resided in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parrish. then of this city, ordered lue to Morcstown, N. J., u distance of nine miles which took me twu days to ged thero. On mv arrival I was put to bed, and there laid for many weeks. This was my native nlace, where ull my family lived and had died of Consumption. Dr. : Thornton, who attended my father iu his lust illness, : was oalled, and gave mo one week to fix up my uf j fairs. He hud seen all my family go that wuy, und thought 1 was to go, too Then 1 heard of tlie'remo ! dies 1 now otfer lo the public, which cured me. It seemed to me that I could feel them penetrating my whole system. I They soon ripened the mailer on inv lungs, and I would spit oil" more than n pint of ollensive yellow matter every morning. As soon as that began lo subside, my cough, fever, pain, night sweats all begun to leave me, and my appetite became so great that it was with difficulty t eouWl keep from eating too much. I soon gained my streugtn aud I huvo been growing in llesh ever since. I'or many yours I hnvu enjoyed uninterrupted, good health.' keeniiot the liver und stomach healthy with the Seaweed To nic uud Mandrake Pills, as I am of a billions temper ament. My weight is two hundred and twenty pounds On uiy recovery people would send for mo far and near, to see if their oases were liko mine. For this purpose 1 pay proftssional visits iu tho large cities. Theconsumptives wish to seo tho ono that makes these medicines, und who w as cured of con sumption by them. To make new lungs is imposi hlo ; but cavities in tho lungs, and chronio ulcera tions of tho bronchial tubes can be healed Such cases are dying hourly under tho ordinay treatment of physicians, and just such are cured by tho proper uso of Schenk 's Pulmonio Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, uud Mandrake Pills. I am now a healthy man, with a large cavity in tho middle lobe of the right lung, (he lower lobo very mueh hepatizuduud complete udbesiou of the pleura. The left lungs is sound, and thu upper lobo uf tho right lung U iu a tolerably healthy condition. The greut reason why physiciaus do not euro consump tion is they try to do too niucn ; they give medicines to step the e:ugh, to slop uhill, to stoji night sweats, heotio fever, aud, by so doing, they derange the wholo digestive powers, locking up the secretions and eventually the patient sinks and dies. After I uiake a uurctiil examination of iho patient with tho Rospiroiueter, aud iind lungs enough left to cure, I direct the patient how to use tho three remedies. Remove tho cause uud they will ull stop of their own acoord. Noono eun bo cured of consumption, liver complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, ounker, ulcerated throut, unless the liver and stomuuh aro uiado heal thy. In New England this conker chronic catarrh, ulcerated throat, eluugution id uvula, is more preva lent than iu any other section of tho oouutry. This la lr,w.iinll.. ..ui.ul !. a I. ... I I.. V'.... burn il out witliautitic time uud aaiu, and all they will get u ieniHrury relict'.. Correct the ntuiuauh .....j.,..... uctw jr oiuuuieu. mil way urn tiv-ai, Um, intjy win uuui up IQUliiBeivea. uooa nutrition u lue remedy. IT you have any disease in any part of tho body, it w ill remain there and deouy more und more until you oun get the sto mach in ihe ooudiliuu to digest'food uud make new blood to take the place of diseased mutter. This is tho only wuy to huul cavities iu the luugs und ulcer ated bronchial tubes. Corruut the stomach uud liver uud uuture w ill do the heuling. Muuy persons have an idea that 'certain medicines are greut purifiers of tho blood. When bluod is ouce diseased it oaunot bo purified ; it u diseased the suuie us the diseased matter iu the system ; but get the apparatus in or der, the livei and stomach, uud give it plenty of nourishing food it will muke new blood, which will take the place of that which is dicoased tichuik Pulmonio syrup is out ot the best preps, rati'uis of iron in use, it is a powerful touiu of ilsolf, uhd wbCB tlit imwetil Tvujc dissolves th uiucU1 ',.fe4vwsv. Ih stomach, and is It carried poft off by the a tho Mandrako Pills, the Pulmonio Syrup is made Into blood. This Is the only way to cure consumption. If I ennnot get a good appetito, nnd food docs not digest, I oannnt enre tho pnlicnt Never mind the cough j remove tho cause nnd will stop of Itself. This is tho most trouble I have with my patients at my rooms. They say, "Doctor, I feel stronger I can eat : mv nlulit sweats are better, and I feel bet ter every way; but my cough is so bsd yet;" and they are astonished to hear me sny that does not matter; remove tho ennso and Iho cough will s:op of itself. Schenk i Seaweed creates good appetite in about nine dnys, w hen there is no lung disease, unless the liver is so congested that the Mnndrake Tills ennnot unlock tho ducts of tho gall bladder In that short spsco of time, in order to allow tho stalo hilo to pass off. Keep the liver and stomnch healthy and there is loss danger of consumption or any other disease. 11 is nam to take 00IU wnon mose organs nro healthy. Those that aro bilious, low-spirited, dronry, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor nppelito, nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is eaten lies heavy, loss of memory, try on oottloof fCIIENCKW SEAWEED TONIC, and one box of SCHENK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. It is only a cost of one dollar and twenty-live cents, with Tull di rections. This is sufficient, in many" cases, to satis fy what the medicines are. Frequently ono bottlo makes a grent chnngo in tho system. Any person that enjoys ordinnry health, by using the Seaweed i Tonic and Mandrake Pills occasionally, must get tho j digestive organs in such a healthy condition that they become fleshy I onn produce a number of my old consumptives patients now enjoying good health woiirhing nearly 200 pounds. I will conclude bv relating three cures I have mndo in New York, and i which arc all different, and wish any one who feels nn interest In the matter to visit tnctn. f irst is Mrs. Farlow, refilling then otNo. 107 Houston street Her husband called upon mo at my rooms, ,12 Rondstreot nnd wished me to call and see her. lie said I oould do no good ; that he had hnd ull tho best medical attendance, and all said she was too frr gone with I Consumption to bo cured J but she had heard of some i great cures I had mndo, and ho desired to gratify 1 her wishes. I called, nnd found her Iving confined t to her bed in the last stnge of bronchial consumption nnd without doubt must hnva died soon. J. examin I cd her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much 1 affected, but no cavities had formed, her cough j was very severe, tho spit-box was half full of thick I pus. Pulso 1 10, leg swollen very much ; and worso than nil, she hnd chronio diarrhoea. Herbowelshnd been moved eleven times that day. told her thnt, she had lungs nnough to he cured, but that this diarrhoea had been of lonti standing, and hor stomach was in . such a ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing ! could bo done. Sho insisted I should try nnd -do i what I could lor her, observing that sho could not j Inst long in tho condition she was in, nnd I could not i mako her any worse I gave her first a dose of my i Mandrake Pills, nnd tho tonio and iSyrup freely. That was on Tuesday, and by tho next sundny the diarrhoea was carried off, her appetito had returned and sho could sit up in bed and cat her dinner. Sho is now well, and gavo a long certilieato, certified to bv Iho Rev. Dr Downing, 'Mrs. linrtholomcw, HH West Forty-fifth street, enmc to my rooms with a tumor on her liver. ,vho ! wns low-spirited, skiu fallow, tongue coated, bowels costive, no appetite, nnd fast sinking into Ihe grave. Tho said tumor hnd been running over fourteen : y nirs. I gave her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, nnd told her to take them justns tho directions were printed. ; She cniuo hack to my rooms. 82 Rood street in tw o ! weeks, somewhat better ; her tongue hud begunj to j clean a littlo around the edges, her skin w hiter and ! her eyes brighter nnd the tumor discharging very ! oll'ens'ive mutter, much faster than it had everdoiio beforo. Sho kept, gradually improving. umMu about I two months she ennic to niy rooms very much fright- died, saying thnt tho tumor hnd nearly stopped j running, and was healing up, and Hint every doctor hnd told her that if it ever healed it would cause her death, j told her that the disease had all left her ' system, and nature would heal tl 0 ulcer up. They arc now healed, und have been for about a yenr, and she is a hearty and robust a woman us you w ill find in a days walk. Sho is glad for any ono to call on her, and lakes great pains to visit any one that sho hoars has anything like her ease, and tries to get them to come nnd seo ntu. The next ease is Miss "'coliehl, from Stamford, Conn.. Mrs. IJarlhidomew got her down lo see me. and she has been ever since ut her house. When she tirst eaiue to my rooms, she w.ir much emaciated with a distressing cough, spit ting large quantities of '.'Innd, I examined her lungs Willi the respironieter. and iu all my practice never found 0110 w ith one luiig so far gone Mi' the other lung so sound. I could not give much encourage ment. 1 thought she would die ; but lo my nstoii' ishment the Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and Mandrako Pills all seemed to go right to work, tho lung is till healed over, leaving 11 cavity on large as a gooso egg; good appetite, lino spirits, and has gained somu thirty-five pounds in weight. She bus some cough yet. which 1 do not tnink will leave her beforo June. 1 should think it would be of great interest to some unprejudiced physician to visit these cases, particularly -Miss Scolield. or any of them who have bceieurcd by my i.icdiciius. They are num erous in Scw York ; hut tho aliove three,' nil differ from each other ; und if my medicines are doing what I represent tliev are, they should have thu credit and the ulllicled know where and how they may be cured. ' J. II. i-'CHEXK, M. D. J Dr. J. II. Schenk can he found nt tho principal j ofucc, No. ::J North lit li Street. I'bilartelphia. every , Saturday, from It A. M. until 0 P. M., to give advieo free of charge; but for 11 thi.ogh examination l.e ! charges three dollars. Price of the Pulmonic 'yrnp and Seaweed Tonic each $1 2." per bottle, or ;-s tb 1 j half dozen. M.iiiilrnlio'Pills 2o cents per box. and ' is for sale bv nil Druggist and Dealers. Muy 14, (sii-l.ly Northern Central 1 Jail way B'.Tiiis'is nri-fii: -aMJii.E:. THREE TRAIN'S DAILY to and from Rultiinore and Washington city. I Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania ! Railroad, to and from Pittsburg nnd tho West. i THREE TRAINS DALY to and from ineNorth and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and nil of North- new lorn. X and after MONDAY, MAY Irtlh. 1H. the Passenger Trains of Iho Northern Central Railway will arrive at aud depart from Sunbury, liarrisburg and lialtimore as follows, vn : S O I T 11 W A 11 D . Mail Train leaves Sunbury duily (except Sundav). 10 2i A. M. " leaves liarrisburg, I 2u P. -M. " arrives ut Baltimore, i IU Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) " leaves llarri.-burg (except Monday.) " arrives at Baltimoro daily II 15 P. M. 2 50 A. M (except .Molutny) 00 A. M. Oil A. M. r 30 A M j liarrisburg Accouiuiodalieii"lcave Harris burg. Sunbury Accommodation icajves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) ut NORTH WARP. Mail Train leaves ilnliiiuore daily (ex cept Sunday) 9 20 A. M ' leaves Humi-burg 1 35 P. M. " arrives at .Sunbury, 4 05 " Express Train leaves Baltimore daily H 30 P. M ' arrives at liarrisburg, 1 5U A M. " leaves liarrisburg (except Monday). 3 l.'i A. M. " arrives ut Sunbury. 5 53 llarjisburg Accommodation leaves liarris burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M ' arrives at liarrisburg, 7 50 P M Sunbury Accommodation leaves liarris burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 P M For further information apply at tho Office. I. N. Di' BARRY. Uen. Supt. liarrisburg, June 4 $(U. O S Ji O 11 JN'S CELEBRATED TJiEPAliEI) EE W A It 11 A N T E D SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. IT is used by first class families everywhere, and highly recommended for nervous and dyspeptic Jiersous, being very nuitritions and freo from ull Icluterious substances, in testimony of which 1 have certificates from tho most einminont Physicians in the Country. Try it, und you will bo sure to con tinue its uso in preference to nny other. Sold ut retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound by F'irst class Urocers throughout the United "tates. tjiT A liberal discount to the Trade. Put' up only by l.inVIM A. ONIIOK.'V, Wholesalo Depot, 6" Warren St. Now York. layJjMy Till! RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Boulton'i.) MARKET BTHEET, SUNBURY, PA. JULIUS ARBITER, 11 AS taken thU old and well knowu at ami, nnd ii refitted and furnitfhml the sumo in nroiiHt-A.I in aooomiuodttte Boarder and Travelers with the best J the market oau ali'urd. lie hone by strict atteution to business to receive a snare of public nutronaee. His TA1ILK ooutuins the best the market uttords. His liar is tilled with tho ohoioest of Liquors, both 11 ait and Spirituous. Tha stabling is good, and attended by careful Ostlers. tfuubury, April SO, 1884. ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia, rA. DUoiikt-si ol'llie erou, Nfiulual. I riiuiry uixl tseiuul Hy-sirinsw uew and reliable treatment iu reports of the HOW ARI) AKrjOCIATION sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr, J. K1L. LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association. No. 2 Boulh Ninth Street, Pltiladolphla, l'. July 16, lcH -Jy If. It. IrlAHKI'It, AttoVney nt t.nyx, FUNRVRY, TA. t'olleetions attended to in tho counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. ItKPF.nKNCES. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. U. Onttell A Co., lion. Wm. A. Porter, " Morton McMichaol, Esq., " K. Ketcham A Co., 2H9 Pearl PI rcot, New York. John W. Ashmcad, Attorney nt Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, Mnreh 20, 1HB2. O-ii-ifVlINrT &c DIETZ1 tOWEK WHAHJc, SUNBURY, PA. WHOLESALE AND KUTAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL, in every variety, Orders solicited and filled with promptness and despatch. Sunbury, May 10, 18113. ly Or. W- liTTIPT, Attorney niwl ComiMcllor nt I.hm , OlDco on south sido of Market street, four doors west of E. Y. Rright A Son's Storo, BTJNIiUHY, PA. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to biB care, the collection of claims in Northumberland and tho ndjntntng counties. Sunbury, May 23, 1863. ly I'or ttnttsTtlire, ICondtfH, Antx, Ill l!iii-,M,tIoth in Fur, tVool'ii.&:r., InNcvtM on lMiintH, I'otvlsi, Animal-, Ac. rutupin2.ic, 50c. nnd $1 (10 Boxes, Bottles nnd I Insks. $3 and $i sizes for Hotels, Publio lustitu tions, Ac. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to tho Human Family," "Rats come out of their holes to die." ."irSold Wholesalo in nil large cities, Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere ! ! ! Rkwaub ! ! ! of all worthless imitations. See that "CostarV name is on each Rox, Rotllo and Flask, before v"u buy. Address IllitltV K.COtiTAK. Principal D.'iot -IH2 llroadwav New York t" Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists in Sunbury. Pa. Feb. '20. ISfiL Sm JEKEMIAH SNYDER. Attorney 4V" ( ohiim'IIoi' ;ii Lin v. Office on South si le of Market street, f ur doors west of (learhart's Confectionery store, BUNBUBV, PA. Will attend promptly lo all professional business entrusted to his care, the collection of claims in Nor thumberland and the adjoining counties. Consultations in German and EngliMt. Sunbitrv. MiiTch 1(1. IsiH. !v III SADY ROOF1XO Uuiuly to mill ilutvu. READY HOOPING At less than half the cost of tin roofs. RSADlsT "rCOFINCJ More durable than tin. heads? "aooriNcs- Suitable for steep or Hat root's.' II E A D Y H 0 0 F I N G For all kinds of buildings, iu all climates. HEADY KOOl'TNO Kasily, chunply, aij'i quh'kh put mi. no cuHting uvur with cuiiunt ut'u-r it U uuilcd dvu. READY K OO MNr. .Miik' r it nirniij; woven Otlirif. iliir'i(jjily .!itur.itt"l Hint ctivcri'tl iipmn Imtli fin 1';: -,, with II " tI't 1 1 V W1 terpriM't' ciimpti.-'iiitin. mul pui up in rolls muiy r W inch wiilo, utui 7a !Vft lun. - ulro niiiiiiirm'turo LIQUID Ion Li:akv Tin lloois. Mueh cheaper and more durable than oil paml. A I. SO, t oiliKii;:itl 4 ('ii: ilt. For Leaky Sbiiilc Uo'.l's. 'hieh will ot'teti save the eest ef a nei roof. Samples of lteadv Rooting and Circtioiis sent by ! mail v, hen desired. i Eavorulile'.i i ins uuidcwith res.ou.-iblc jiarties nho uuy lo sell agaui. READY li'iiU'INii C'l.. 73 Maiden Lane, A . V,. April 23t ISC. I. WILLIAMSPORT CIL WOUKS ! NOX-KXl'LOi-IVK PURE CRYSTAL CARMN IX TliillT PACKAUK.S. Orders will receive prompt nltcntion. 11. 1). IIi'I.UKX. 1 ropneti-r Williamsport, June 2s, ls'84. 7l'!T received n new slock of Pishing Tackle for Spring sales, consisiii g ot Pods, Keel-, Lines, Haskets. ('nooils. Floats. Nets, flies. Artificial Unit, Itiggci Lilies, (iut. Crass and Hooks, to which Ihe attention of dealers is particularly requested. Order, Wholesalo and Hctuil, punctually filled and eulisfuctiuu wurruuted. JOIIX KlliniiH. 2nd and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. February 2", lmit. ui LILLIESCHILIIR0NSAFE. The Only Safe Reliable ag.iinst both Fire and Burglary. f nm now prepared to furnish three siies of Nation al Hank Safes. They are both Fire and Hurglur prool, with two distinct inside liurglur tiufes, und threo of my new Anli-ilicrouieler Locks on cuoh safe, believed to be the only bunk-lock now in uso that has not, been picked or cannot bo picked by tho aid of the micrometer. These riafes ull present four to six inches in thickness of solid iron, guaranteed to bo the strongest, the most difficult to drill aud to stand Iho most resistance against both tiro ami burglary of any Sale in thu United States of the same sizo nnd cost. I have on hand also, and will furnish all sines of Bank Vault Sates, possessing ull tho advantages of tne above aguinst burglary. Also, ull sizes of Mercantile Safes both-burglar-proof and nro and burglar-proof. Also, Ormuueutul Dwelling-house Safes, burtrlsrt proof, aud lira and burglar-proof (warranted uoj dump). Also, tho strongest and cheapest Yanlt doors, fur bank and mercantile vaults. All the above aro Lillie's wrought and chilled iron. Also, six sites Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs, warranto! ecjuui to uuy common cuies, at fully ouc tbird less price. Also, a general assortment of second hand Snfeg, many of thcui nearly new, and of upproved lunkora received in exchange for Lillie's Chilled Iron Safes! These are oflered ut or below auction prices. M. V. SADI.KK Agent, ' No. 21 B. SLYtNTH Street. June 11, 18(14. Attention, I.utlt-t nnd Lirullt-iucu J AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH In Deer street, opposite tho Centrul Hotel, BUNBTJRr.PA., SBYEKLY, has opened a new Picture Gallery in the above place, und is prepared to take Portraits in the best style aud maimer. AMBI10TYPES AND PHOTOiiUAPHd, art token la (very style of tho Art, that csunot he surpassed in the State. Having several year's expe rience, he will give satisfaction or uo charge. Copies will bo taken from ail styles of Pieturcs. (live him 1 call. Ueminuber opposite Ihe Central Hotel. Saubury, June 4, 18(14. BLANK (Parchment Taper,) Poed and blank' Mortgages, Ponds, Executions, Summons, Ae., J'vr 111 at the oftw ot the "Sunbury Auericsp." The Adnin's litpress Compntiy GIVE NOTICE that they, have concluded rnngementa with the Northern Central Ruilr Company to run trains from Raltimoro for Yt liarrisburg. Dauphin. Halifax, Trevorton, Sunln Northumberland, Lewlslnirg, Miltnn. Muncy. V llani-port, and all Iniermedinte stations, conneot nt liarrisburg with tho OREAT WESTERN 1 PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and West. Also with Howard A Co.'s Express nt Mil tor Danville, Illoomsburg, Wilkesbarro, Pittston, Set ton, and intermediate stations on tho Catlawi Lnckawanna A BliMimshurg Rnilronds. At A linmsport, by Hownrd A Co.'n Express to Jei fchore nnd Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A ' and their connections, for Canton. Trov. Elm Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara, and to nil neeoss points in Western New York and Cnnadn. by wl they will forward Merchnndisn. Snnele. tl.io'u V. Jewelry, and Valunble I'nokagcs ol every dose mm . Also. Notes, DrnTts nnd Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient niewcmrors ninnhv and every effort will bo made to render sntisfuct JOHN III N(J HAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division, I'hiliulelphi R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. AprilS, 1S112. IHO I. AifnitjiriiieiilN m of .'- York l.lneM. TIIE CAMDEN AND AMIIOY AND PI1ILAD PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES From Philndelphiato Kev York and W'nu Pr from Walnut street Wharf and Kensint Depot, iL'ill leave as fullovs. l it : p At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation,) g: At 6 A. M., via Cnindcn and Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation, At 8 A. M., via Camden nnd Jersey Cily, (Morning Mail.) At HA. M., via Cuindon nnd Jersey city 2d Clnss Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express At 12 M. via Cnmdon nnd Amboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) At i P. M., via Camden und Amboy, (C and A. Express.) At 3 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash, and N. V. Express At lit P. M., via Kensington nnd Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) At Hi P. AI. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. At II (night) via Kensington nnd Jersey city Soutnem Express At 5 P. M.,via Camden and Amboy. (Accom- laudation, Freight uud Piu-scngur, First Class Ticket, Second Clnss Ticket, For W ntcr Oap. Stniudsburg. Scrnulnn. Wi barre. Montrose. Ureal He-iel, Ac at li A. Ji'i'in Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna Western Railroad. For M:iueh Chunk. AlbMitown. Iletlilu'icm. dcre. Easion. I.unibcrlv ille. Fleiniugton. Ac. A. M.. from Kensington Depot, and at 'ii Y from Walnut strei.'t U liarf. ('ihe li A. M. Line connects wilh Trains lea Euston for Ma ue h Chunk, at '.-t I'. M.) For Mi. nut Ib.llv. at tl A. M . 2 and 4 P. M, For Fre-hold. at ii A. M. an I 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton. Ac. at II A. 31. and 2j j 1'. M. Ii'oiii Keningloti. For Pnlinyrn. Rivcrton, i'tlaiii.-o. Revcrly. lington. Floieiice, llei ieiitonn, .t., at VI, 1, and tl P. M. I j For New Y'oik. nod Way I .iiie tea , ing !-iit;t ,ii Depot, take II. e I'ars on I-iab stre, t. a Mn'itul, butt' an hour bei,..,e ile aiture. The run into the Depot, ami on tjciarivitl ol' each 'I run IVom the Do-ml. Fifty I'oun-ls of Undergo only, allowed )nisieiiger. I'a-reugeis iu'c probiliitcd from ti iiny'.liing a- baci:!r.:e but tlieir wearini.-jip;'ai"jl. hiigaire over liny pounds to be paid lor extra. Company limit their region- ibiiily lor luigtra t.bio lioliiir per t-.uinl. and will not be liable i KIIKIIUIt bl'V.'l.d .jlllM. I.'"ept I V SpC-.-bll -otitril. I WM. 11. OA I'Z.Vil.H, Ag.. January 17. Hill . Will kcNOCLIK 83 MARKET STRKUT. UAKUISRUiW, P 1 JANO 1 to TEV lloscwood Pianos, from the bojd in from Sli'iu uiiwards. .Ml.l.til.'EtiNS. Tin' bust luannfaotttrcl Ti nn ins from fl.) to SIC" li.iitnrs. 'ii. litis. CC..HiI..'olu, Flute.', F ife-. Dl'iims. Ilanjo-'. 'I'aliil.ir,'iues. 'ioiin ami tiuioirsirings and musical nur e'hnnli'.e iu general. mii'.i.t Musrc. Tiie latest pilblieaii' u.- alivavs on hand. Musi, bv mail to nnv pint ol'll ountrv. (iv'Al., Si.'lARE. UII.T AM) ROSEW PKAMES. Suitable for looUio gln.-cs, and all kinds of p:i uiuavs on hand. A fine assortment of best plated l.tinKIMi lil.ASSKS from smallest to largei! .o si vie ol tVanie liiade to order at Ihr notiie. ' WM. KVii'M .!-ril 11. IsiW. '.i:; MaiUel 't., ilM'ii,-;.,, i: iuttii.iii'rss Confectionery, Toy a F.TJXrr STORE: .tSai-iirl I". I ! ' I, Smtiiiiry, Ia I O.Nri'.CTlOM-UY )F ALL KINDS, toys of i: i:itv. Di'.-rCii'.rn Fit I" IT, efl., it., f tUXSTAXTLY on band nnd for sale nt the i V j establishment at wholesale and retail, at n able, prices. lie is loanuf'ii.'tiii ing all kinds of Coiifeetim to keep up a full nssoi'tiucut whieh are sold u rates. lobaeco. Segars. Stationery. Nuts of all kiu l n variety of oilier articles, all of whijii are o wholesale nnd retail. t is P.ciucmber the name and plae".." .M. C. (ILAKHAK'I Mnrliet street, .1 doors west ol'E. Y. Uright .V storo Sunbury. Sept. 1(1. ISn.'i. tf WASHINGTON HOIS Southwest Corner of .Market Stuart, fltllE undersigncil resjieetfnlly inl incs the p i that be has tukeik e'lmrgi. of the above li Hotel, and asks for the eoniirunni f (he I. palrouugc and Mould invite uil others to give ! cull . iiistaulk is always supplied with the best the market a! His Har contains the ehoieesi liquors, and bis ling is good uud well attended bv careful ti,, , . MICHAEL W11.YE1 Sunbury, April, 1(1. 1S(I4. J. R. ' HILBUSliV" County Niirrcyor A t'oinejun Mithonaij, A'nrtlittiiiliirlund County, Vt Office in Washington township. Engu"emon' be made by loiter, directed to the above ad Ail business entrusted to his cure, will bo pro attended to. April V, 1SB4. ly roivi io i Nr7K x i. i.i:. THE undersigned will sell at privato sale, T TY-SXX TOWN LOTS, situate in the homii Sunbury. The lots nro lia s led within u few wt ol the Pennsylvania Kuilnad Company's Ma Shops, in the uorthern part of the tow n. The all suitable building lots.s it sato in thu most pit portion uf tho borough. They will be Sold on souublo terms. For furthei particulars apply PETEK II. MASSEH, H. II. MASSEH, FKANCISUICIIEH. Sunbury. June 18, ISIU Execut. U. M. LvtiiiS. A. M. IlVlPOFlXEXXS WINES AM) LIQUOR I.AI 4I A A N t 1.1. I'll, No. 12S South Ninth Street, between Chesiiu Walnut, PHILADELPHIA. Muy T, IStti. ti.i!.si:itM iAii:.vr i ivii .ti i ti: i iti:i:i:it i As Iniprovod for 186'J and lsiitfl, By E. KETCHAM A CO., 29 Pearl St., New TIIIIE only Freeior constructed on scientific I ciples. with a revolving eun and spring I scraper. Tho one hastens llm freezing of thu ore tho other removes it as fust us frozen. The most rapid iu freetiug, with tho least qua of ice. The most economics! iu cost, as it U the most si and durable in structure. For sulu iu ull thu priucipul cities und towns ii Union. Each Freeicr accompanied with a book of re and full directions. PKlCtS. 3 quarts, 4 quaru, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quui ts, 4 ud & 'in 5 (Ml S 01) U 00 B. MA.esFP., Suubury, 20 qusruj, Apply to H w.Iki.;., March I.