ITfje Sunbuty 'American. It. B. M;V-3K;t, iSiiiur & I'roprieti).. 13. WILVEUP, Publisher. y.VTLKHAv. i.;:cr.:.i!JE:i 10. J::" Thu hti.-ct.irul Colletro of Klcctois Voted ft r bv tint pinole lit tllO lrtsi"l'-titinl election, met id ll.iiiUlitirjz oil Mir,.hi la:. Morion SF'Miehai !, Csq., of Philadelphia, n as chosen us I'ltsti lent Orul delivered ml aide ami patriotic, address Hl'iir..' the luiUcd'u-jr commenced, when tUc -0 vnl s f Pennsyl vania were th posited for .--r:;j.-nii Fdneohi of Illinois ti.r i'rcsneiit nil Andrew Juhi, 60.1 oi'T..UK-:-sie f"f View l'rr vi'k-iii. Jotin A. Uitst.uii', Fis-j , m appointed us LciTtr of one of liie puL-ki.j.'i-' i-f votes ami ctitilk-dts, to thu 1 rt.i.liut uf the VllitV-i Miltf Ul!tl'.e. Ellas W. ll.i'.e, IJ-'i , 1$ urit i f package directed to John C.iivlrt nl.ntti , Jutljju ofthe C'.iuri of ll:o I" lite, l dlutts, F'hila iU'.j lii.i, iiml Charts II. Miriucr, Esq., to de liver the ci-riititiitc directed to the IVcsi (tuiil of tli u tH-nato of the United States. AYat.!iiiii)toii city, 1). C. to the F'ostmaster of the scat of uvcrnincui of this Jsiate. (ZT" I.'-oiroiii.'.i. Amlmtius. There is.' 6"iucthii:-; of ii Kilkenny Cat liht gtinj on j between two t,f t ur coteuiporuiics in .Mid- j tl: l,iirir. Nmh r county. 1 lio coir.cst wii ... ... . , I l-.v warrants, of f!ll.i.7:l' Hilled one oi J 'Utcil HlKl J. . i u letit. mill slier ' n , , . ,. . . . ... Dtil.ict I rum tm-.-i! I missiles, or i;iilh.e!s as ult'c,. xcC (pot li.!) u:i. I "IfuUh Ljcr L.;..'.r mc Fim-led at each other. tcr-.t !v AiiMi r or the PRESIDENT MESSAGE. IH-Urcrcd Drci-mbrr O, lSiM. l:T The following itbstrnct of the Mev raye contains the piineipftl nnd most im portant points d(8f-tusstd ly the, F'residtnt. The Mci-suye i concise, unil refers liiiclly to nil mutters- not connected w ith the war nml its t.-on.-.i-'i .cuces. It is n pound and able tU-i mi. tut. The proposed Overturn! Tclegrnpli be twecu America mid litirope, hy the way of l: luin's Straits nnd Asiatic Iltissi.i, which Mas sanctioned by Conrcs lit the hist session, Inn been itmlerlukcn under very favorahlc i itvuiiistances, by nil association of Amei k.iii ciiiciis, itll the ctuc'ial good w ill urn! j-upport, us well of this t;oernmelit as oflliic of tiieut Jhiliiin m'd Uus.-'ia, Asstir.ii.e.-i liavi: lnui received f'om most of t'ic.Nmlli American tUuteit of their np-pi-eC'i:i'ii'ii of the en!e!jripe, rtii.l their i, t,i i i...o-i i:iie iii i-DiistiMi-liiiu lines tribii- ! l.-.ry to that woiM eiiein lin.t,' communion iuftii. I learn, ilh satilatiioii. Unit the ' nohlc ilei,"i of the telegraphic ;ommunieii ! tio-.i between tlie eastern ona"t of America I ai.,1 Uivat Mrit.iin has been renewed, with ' e.teetalioii of its Hecomplhllient. j The receipts during the year from nil source upon tie.' Inii3 l w an unts Binned oy tl.e eeltary of the Treasury, iiu-luding lo.-fiis mid the balance in the Treasury on the l-t day of .Inly, IS;!-!, were il,:.:'.U,"!)G, 0(1 0'.', and the ngn'atc dislnirtemeiits upon tliosam.: b i-i- 7, ie $l.51'.(l.iu,101 leaxini; a balance in the Treasury, as shown t),!.(lj 73. amounts the amount ol the piincipal of (lie public debt redeemed, and t'.ie amount of issues in the substitu tion tin lefor, and the actual c;tsh operations of the Treasury were: lleeeipts. 81.070, Glii 57; disbursements, $8U5.3ui.OS? t-''. wliieii IcaVt-s u ( ash tuUiKe in the Trcaiti.-v of eiy.eiS.oOS 7!. ! Of the reel in?s. ttiprn xvpi-o ilerivpil fmin customs !?,15J 1)9; from lands' s"iSH.- 5i"Jolni li. Linn, 1Cs;;.,1uis been pppoint td Assessor of the Mauonul War Tux for Union comity, iu p!c of ili-jor Charles II. i ihriucr, tesifeiicd. 'J ho appointment of Mr, o "d i w,j ..); ironi ilireet tnxts !f l.i.i.d 13 (,; u,en the orioimd npplkaiiU.- Kc will pigvc u internal revenue $10J.741,1:M 10; irom i-.ii.s jood and eompetriit oliieer. J?"Col.. but lu. Some of the McC'.tllan organs prctem! t think they l.uvo discover ed ix marc '3 ncv,'. in a lew lints from Secrc tnry Stifer, to a frieinl in Snyder county, in regard to rrocivinjf the E.iV.ier's vole. Is it .vonderful that he should take an interest in securing f.-r tin- soldiers, the ri;,bt of .siif-f.-aye, in his own district .' ll!s oilieial posi tion only iii.t'vc? the obligation upi-a him the the stronger". Our MeCicllau friends must bo hard up wlitn grasping these to keep them afloat. cciaiicoiis Sources 17.51 1,4 IS 10; mi loans applied to actual expenditures. mj former balance, $oa;l.4-l:t,!)23 There disbursed for the end service $J7.'i(H,ri!)U ilf!; for pensions iiml lmiiaiis $7.517.U:10 !)'i'; for the War J). paium i.t, ifC.'.jl).;'.!! .fl-J 17; lor the navy IX-partim-nt, ; V?;,7;,i;)s u;Jor '..u-rest on ;!n: debt. !;5o.fiS3,4'il 01); makinj; mi aj of ;iti.VWl,07 t.t, nml lein i-.i' u n. n I in the liensurv. ol IWi.ri.jd j tateil. For the actual receipts and dWIi;r.--j tnetits for the lirst quarter, and tii. estimated ; receipts and ili-.burscinenU for t'.ie three re nt ftr.i'.vs like j i!iaiuii)f (jiurters of the t-uriar.t li.-i .il ear. j and the general operations of the Treasury , in detail. I refer on to the report of tne jlreat Klaug'Mcr ul'ilrbol Ui-ucrnN j eivtary of the Treasury. I concur with iu tUe Umtle oJ" I raiiUIin. 1 him in the opinion thai the proportion of moneys re'purcU to meet too expenses eon I Seciuent upon the war derived from taxation, 1 ' slionld be still furth'.r im reased. audi ear nestly invito yrmr attention to lllln SllliJI ct, Louisville, Kv., IX-c. 3. The Juiirnul of this uioruiu:' contains the follow in : Nsiivn.i.E, Tcun., Dcf. 4. Nothing of I Fpccial interest has occurred to day along the hues. Our urtillery Was used lit dilicrnt points against the rebels, vt)m are enaed in elect ing breastworks wiihiu a huli' a mile of ours. Prisoners brought in lo-day say that 33ri';n dter tieiierals Gist, btahl, Uruuberry and ltrowii, rd the rcU I army, were killed ut Franklin, Hint that jcii. Cheatham bst every brigadier in his corps. Tlia steamer James Walton has been de tained, at !I Her oihoers uro charged villi iKcnl opi rations in cottou. Among the papers captured on the rs'.t-l ollicers during Col. K urges'1 raid into Arkan sas vi:u an aliening appeal to the rebel General Kirby Smith by cx-Ueneral Wert Adams, who has been coiibciipted nml re duced to the ranks. Tim communication was dat'-d at tho hem'.ipJiiJti-r.s of the north ern district of Arkansas, November 7th, nnd stated that another copy hud been sent by Col. Cross via Slireveport. C.muo, Dec. 5. The steamer Clara Dob son, from Xew Orleans on the 2Sth lilt., has arrived here. Hhe was ti red into at the bead of Dead M,ins Fiend, but nobody w as hurt. ''The rebels lauuipieU Goodrich's Land ing, which the Federal troops recently alum doued, causing great excitement in Yicks bnrg. New papers by tho steamer con tain no news. Army of (lie l'otoinac. IlKtDQU.HlTI.UH AllMV POTOMAC, Dec. 5. Thi-ro i nothing of interest to report ou the lilies this morning. The enemy do not keep up quite tmc'i mi iiicc-.saut tiring as they did a short lime '. (jude u littio fusilado took place evening iu the vicinity of the Jerusalem plank road, but it did not last any consider able time, nor affect any important result ;. A number of brevets have been recently conferred upon olliecrs in this department. Aiming thu last are Major General Mtjdc in Major General in tiie regular, army, ami Iirig. Gcm-raU Ingalls and Hunt n Major Generals of volunteers, mid Major Biddle, ni.l to Gen. Mi.ido, breveted Colonel. Tliese honors have been well merited by the recipients, and there aro others in this army whose names might have beta inclu- ied ia this lint. Gen. Thomas has tnKi nien in hi employ w'uo serve as scouts and spies a, the iiuini- luay be such luluit uin I be iviiiired t5 meet of the Secretary. to the end that there hI legislation as sha tho jut expectation; The public di bt on the as appears bv the book amounted to one billion seven hundred and ' forty thousand millions, six hundred and ninety thousand, four hundred and eighty- j nii'.o dollars unit lorty-nmo cents, bly, should the war continue for year, that amount will be incrcasi-d far from live hundred millions, lie is lor tne mo. t part iv our own pe I i Iient hazard of their lives. The rebel Gene ral Johnson h is oUcrcd u reward of 3U,UU(l lor their capture. They have been much within the rebel lines nnd 'often in their very camp, but j disguised us to defy de tection. The Tckin Gztle puLlishes u report from the Chinese Government on thecxtinc tion of the rebellion, which ends with the following word: '"It is, therefore, moat lieedlid that ihuid'.i be offered to the uods for their usintance. Wherefoic the Hoard of iliUs is directed to examine into the ser vices reiideied by the diil'crciit oJs, and to Jepoit to us." Mill. I'uvr.LAs. ilio wilnif of .sci..".t -r Iinujtn is l li:iu fuit-l rciirviiHUt v. ill) l;er i.i.itln-r. ,Mi. L'uti, in liiueld Imiiivtioiiil. iieur ll.c- C.i.iiul buiW-)i-s-. iter fupt. Ciiitii. who t, . m-ouihU-J iu Hue (! tlu- Ink:: Ii-h in 'irii.i:i I usl -uiiiini r lia nut vtireejv'-ii. I u l i-Ti-cmin;; every rui-ililo e:ne ul Iter I11111J4. Air. liuu-tlii4Kiyiliilluiiu.nU K,liiio. Lui in. r -.vii. iidinii'9 ttf - fiiii.i Iu bo 4toji'l y eniii-'v 1 in Iho l tJ.-uil nni.e. Mr-. Cutis it ... jjiiiit 4 r..-i. i ft.-, can ui; n ui.,1 ii, filiiitiun t'ity, r t ven 111 l'.i lituona, iiriU '.ii-'- no !iip'rtunit-.- :j i-xj-t..-. l..r V'liO'jul m-i.iiiui ut. 'lhii will 'hi iieur 1-. littlu niKue Iu ti.n-ii; si,u llikt It. r tai.-1-o. 1. il liuiu 1,1 I.:-ilcili. km-in the in.;.i..v ut u.r Liu volu ' Ailaiini.-ti.illi.ii. Hn-l lliat l.u i,. vir ii.rm.--iK Uoilar iu Li lil.: x:r-t iu duvi-n.i.-.cui iii:.i-..t,t.. FlIlK I.N WlJ.I.IAMsl'ORT. 'l'lu 1'iHltldry itjd Machine Shop of the ,'ib -sis. sndJr Lro' in Vi!liaui!iMirt4 win- U s-tu-vnl Vy ir on S tt-.irltt night a ir--W. The"l.. i H'Out f,,0oi. Fusured in the Lvcumioa .iiutnal tur 1.W0, umi ui U. CumLiriaud Valley for .J j.i.oa. The Supreme Court of 0.'a:",.iiiin lUa tl. -cided that the taxei. may l-e pnul in j'lciii backs. Thi. decision vill iu.ilria!U' aid the p-nty i.i that State win. uio iiiviLg to iotrodutc Ooverunieiil pap. r iut cui reney. Ft bus bceu cxclu itulj ep'.ciu. An urtielo In a French i-oliiieal uaner ki Twently snpprtcd by Oin een.n of the has become a substantial brunch of national though private propertv. F'or ob ions lea sons the more nearly Ibis property can be distributed among nil the pei pie the bi tter. The National Flanking system is proving to be acceptable to cipitili.sts and to ihe ! p.'ople. On the 2"tli ot November five hun- -tired and eight v-foiir National li inks had i been tiu'.liori.e(l, a consideraj ihi number of! which were conversions Irom State Hanks. j Changes from the State system to the Nil- tional system are rapidly taking place, anil I : it js hopctl that very soon there will be in! the United States no banks of issue not an-I ! thorizetl by Omgress, and no bank note I ciri-.uliitiiiii tint si-cnri'il be tlm The general exhibit of the Navy, includ ing vcstels under construction, on the 1st of December, lblio, shows a total ot (171 vessels, carrying -1010 guns, nnd of 51Q. :;)! tons, being an actual increase timing the year, over und above losses by shipw reck and battle, of vessels. Hi 7 guns, 'I'iA'il tons. The total number of men at thi time at this time in the inival service, iiie'.iiding on'.ccrs, is about .jl.OPO. Thirc- ha'.e been c.iplurcd by the navy tlniiiig tin; year USl vessels, ami the w hole number of m.val cap-turt-s since hostilities commenced ii, 1U7U. of w hich ti? are steamers. Tie gross proceeds arising from the sale of comlcn nit-d prize propei ly thus ivported amount to $11,1'J,.. .-jO 51. A large amount of suc'n proceeds is still under adjudication, ami ; et lo be re t ported. The total expenditure of the Navy ! Department of eveiy ilescripli on, inelmlinu i tut-cost of the immense squad runs that have ' j been called into existence frcm ihy -Slit of March, lbOl, to the 1st of Noituibcr, are j $2o8,li47,2ii2 l!3. Vour lai o i-alile consider-! ulion is invited to the various rcctmimemia- j lions of the Secretary of the Navy, especially j I in regard to u nuvy yard a' id suitable cstab- : ami repair of! i irou vessel, and the machi nery ami nrniature lor our snips, to w Incli rtterence w as made iu my last annual ines.-ai e. Vour attention is iuvivett to the rt port of inc l-osumister Utneral tor a deluded ac- Count of the opeiutions mnl tiiiunt comli- turn of the F'ost Ollice Department. The j postal revenue for thu year cmlim; June DO, i 1804, ainomiled to Oli.-lo" j.2.V; 78. and the I expenditures to If 12,044,7 bo yi) ; the excess j of tvpcmlitures over receipts bcinir ij.'lni,- 1 Jj2 42. The iew jii t'si utetl by the F'ost- j master General ou ihe subici t of special ! rants by ihe Goverrment iu aid of thec.sta- i g"IJ, silver, nnd cinnubar mine havo been added to the many heretofore known, .and j o the country cecupied by tne Si-rrn Neva da and I'.otky JIo mitains, ami tho subordi nate ranges now teem w ith enterprising la bor which ii richly remunerative. It is be lieved that tho product of tho mints of pre cious metals, iu that region, has, during the year, reached, if not exceed, one hundred million, in .va'ue. There have been added to the pension rolls, during the year ending the ilililolay of June last, tho names of 15, 770 invalid soldier, ami of 2T1 diwiblcd seamen, mak ing the present ntimberof army invalid pen sioners 22.707, and ot naval invalid pension ers 712. Of w idows, ami orphans, and mo thers, 22,li!i8 have been placed tfti tho ttruiy pension rolls, nml 219 on the navy rolls. The pri.-t nt number of army pensioners ol this class is 5,4;!J, anil of the navy pen sioners 7!'.l. At the beiiinning of the vcar the number of lievolutioiuii-y pensioners) waa 1,-1'uO; only twelve of tin in were soldiers, of w hom sitcn have since died. The remain der arc those who, under tho laws, receive pension. because of relationship to lievolu tiomiry soldier. During tho year Hiding bill ol'ilmie, $1,501,010 l)i have been Jiaid to pensioners of till classes. The most remit kiiMu feature, in the mi'.i tary operations of the year is Gen. Sherman's attempted march of thne numlrctl miles tli rectly through the iiis-.n-geiit region. It tends to show a great iucreiisu of our nla live strength, that our Gem I al-in-Chiel should let 1 able t'l confront and hold in check evciy uctive force of the enemy, and Vet ih tach a wtll-nppointeii, large' aiuis, to move on such n.i t-Xit-dit ion. " Tin: result not yet lu-iii;', know n, coiijcetute inn-gild to h is iioL here 'm.lulged. Important movements have also occurred timing (he year to the cil'ectof inouhlimi ! society fur tiic durability of the I'nion. Ab I thoimii sluirt of Complete success it is much i in tne i lit tlirectioii that, twthe liii u j citieds iu each of the States of Arkansas j atid L-misana h ive organied local h-tate ooYcrnniciits with free coiiriitmions, mnl are earnestly titniggling to maintain ami : ti'.,n.iui..tcr iliem. j The movements in the swim direction, "'on; extensive though less definite, in Mis souri, Kentucky .anil l enrn ssi-e, ,-honlil not be ic.-iioiM.ed; but Manhind presenls the example of complete v-iiece-s. laryhmd is sft-m-e io libeny inn', I'nion for nil the fu ture. 1 he genius c i rel claim .l.uyiaiiil. Lik oi ..).; i. riven out it. but it w iil woo liei- ii,. ,.. Ai lliu last sessii ,n ut C'oii'.i-it.-s a proiosetl ' aiui udaient lo the Constitution, abolishing j -ivcry thrm.gliout u. Cmted States, puss- I cd tha In-mUe. but l.iiicl for what of lhe re- ! ' two-third vote in the House of lh-p- lv-cnta-uites. Although Ihe prcs- nt ii the i same Congress, ami nearly the -same mem bt i-s, and without tiue.-tioiiiiiL.' Ihe wi.-doin or patriotisin of l h. .-i; who stook in oppu-i- ! lion, 1 vulture to lecpniuiend the - ict-oi'isid- ' trillion nnd pussm;- 'ol'ihc measiue at the' present session. Oi course ihe abstiml ipiestion is not t-haii;;ed, but an iniervening eli-etioii shows alinost certainly that the next Congress will pass the measure if this does not. lleiict: Ihere is only a iciistion of time as to w hen the proposed aim luliiienl will go to the Stales for -their action, and i.s iL is lo go nt ail events, mav we not n-'iee 1st of ow'.r last i thai the sooner the better. of the tiva-iuv, 'Judging by Ihe recent canvass and iu re sults, the purpose of the people w ithin the loyid Slates, to maintain the integiily of the Union, was never no more linn nor more nearly iiiinniiiious than now. Tins .ua oidiiiary calmness and got , wi;h which the millions of voters mingieu m the poiU. "ave strong assur.-mcc of this. Tin; election has exhibited a-lotlu r f let not lets valuable to be known the fact that wu do not approach exhaustion in the mo.-t important branch of national resources-that of living men. While it is melancholy to lelleet that the war bus filled so many iravcs nml carried moun.iiig to ,-o manj hearihs. ii is some relief to know n that compared with tin: suriving, the fallen have been so few. While corps and divisions and brigades ami rcuimciits have formed and fought ami dwindled, and gone out ol existence, a great majority ofthe men who composed them are still living. The same is true ofthe naval service. The election returns prove this. So many voters could not else be found. To this ii'-ain should be added the num. her of soblnVs in the lield from Massachu setts, lihoile I-land, New Jersey. Delaware. 1 from I nclml- i llblic gate lance ei'ore loll III 1 niitither f no more id spiiit S'UiU tTAIE l. TInESNRi;. N'Asnv iLi.E, Dec. a. After two days of wet weather, the clouds disappeared this morning, and the day litis been magnificent. 1 have been on our light all tl.iy. Our li-le of buttle extends around the suburbs of the city, our tight and left, respectively, resting on the Cumberland liver. The etieiuy's line of bntthi is just two miles from the city, (Juite heavy skir mishing in front of Geneials A. J. Smith ami Wood lias been going on all the after noon, by sharpshooter on both shies. On the right of nur centre, near widow Ackliu's, lilt: cuemy's skirmishers be come troublesome, taking refuge behind houses, mi F'ranklin. Granny White nnd llillsboro' pikes. Two houses were burned, several injured and ruined by our urtillery. AVe used considerable artillery this after noon oil our light nml right centre, but t'litiled no reply from the rebel urtillery. 'I he supposition is that they are, short ot tins l;:ml ot nmniiinitioil. Several of our men were killed to day by their sharpshoot er?, including two members of the Sixth Ohio Flattery. The enemy's line fan be seen rpii'.e plain ly with the naked eye. All railroading south of this citv ha? cifls- cd to exist. Murfrcetboro' lb-iibieport and Chattanooga i-,re deemed safe, l-.ents of some moment, are anticipated to-morrow. Ii may be considered mi impossibiliiy for the rebels to ctoss the river either on our tight or left, as Coinmodoie Fi'.eh is here w ith a licet of gun boats. Johnsons ilie has been evacuated. Every thing h is been removed from nil the rail loads hi safety. Thirty -three locomotives an I trains were sent north this morning. Nashvi.le and the surrounding country for miles has I ecu -converted into a huge I'm tress The destruction of rebel property iu tlelcnee of the city will be almost incaieu lahle. As jdmost all the rich property mil 1 -1 .hi- i ..I'll .- ii j.i i ii t. tne rage mniotesteil I y this portion ot the community at the approach of the rebel army, the destruction of their p.ropi rty, it uiiboujided. Frank Chealham ttviimanding j one of the rebel corps, has his headquarters iiil, tim h"i(. of ;;r. lidiiionsoii, tm the M-.iriVce'' pil;e, fo: " miles from the j ci;y. Flu lol.l Ldmo:iM:i that Hood had ' orders to go to Nashville or to . : Tin re is pienty of wider in the tiver "fur I bi'i.T. itlg pill po.-es. i Vague riimoia are niioat about Forrest crossing use merami jirecKiuriilgi' .joining JIooi! ; ail uf which i-. nntrue. The situa tion of ct:r foiccs io caisidei' d perfecily sal i.-l'acti 'i y. J.tU I.--. II I.!-. Dec. '1. Cell, "lil blidge, with iik command has lcicln d lh-ati Station, nml Tlio full irllcul:u- f tlio liattlo at I-'i'ttuUliu. . CtsilXNATt, Dec. 3. Tho Nashville cor- respondent of the Gazette furnishes tiie fol lowing r.ddi'.ioual particulars ofthe I utile at Franklin : The plan of thu bnttle was very simple! We had no time to get up a complete plan, as the enemy pressed us loo sorely, find obliged us to fight him oil". The original plan was to withdraw the force of General Scholield until they met oirr reinforcements, nml give the enemy bat tle in the vicinity of Nashville, but the over sanguino rebels pressed too Imrtl, nnd w hen Scolield perceived that he could not avoid a Mtmtest he drew up his little nrmy in line of battle near Franklin. At 3J o'clock iu the afternoon tho .nssault commenced. Thu rebel General Cheatham's ANOTnnn Novelty is tiie I'luvrooRAiin tc AltT. A photographer has recently in troduced a nnvi-llv in the modi: of taking t lutes-de-visite photograph w ith tho signa- turesot the sillers tipteiided. 1 lui gives but little extra trouble. The sitter simply i sigm his nnnie to a slip of paper, nnd limls t ioj nit: simile, 1 1 1 in I n I-tic t in sit' i 1 1 .ni-ii.i ii .i to the portraits. If the sitter thinks proper he t un also ad 1 to hia signature a rccom lueniialion to ell persons to iinilale his ex ample, nml "sit"' in stilts procured at the Drown Ktono Clothing Hall of Kockhill & Wilson, Nos. 00J und Olfi Chtstnut street, above Sixth. or Lozenues, let the Colli, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, ns by this precau tion it more serious attack may I e effectually wanltd oil'. Soldiers should have ihein. its they can In: Canied in the pocket and taken as occasion requires. MADAME roitTER-S CfRATIVK BALSAM j ha len tfJtcil dip truth Hint llicrenrc fiist pi ineiilij In Meilicino ns there is in S.'li'ticcr, mnl this rliii "liii! I in cnin!nuniloil on principle snili?-l to Iho iiuuih'tiM ! miliirc of Mini ! 'J lie curctif CuM is in krppins open j tho pores, anil criMtintC a p;tillo Internal niirmi!;. I nn I this ciiihciI f.v the useiil'lliis Mvlifinr. lis it- iiiC'liul ipnililies lire bn'eil on ils jmwer to ns-M tlm lienhli.v anil vigormM eirculiiiioiiof tilno.l tlirnuxh die ! lnnnn. it enlivens llio muwh-a mi l n.'f ii!9 t lui i-r.iu Ut puil'iirin ils tlutiesnr roEiilititit; lliu In-at of lliu pys I tern, nail in Kenlly llirinvin oil Iho tvute Futslanoc ' from t lie furtacc of die bo l.v. It is not viulunt rf mu- j dy. but the einoll'riit, wurmui?. senrirhin nnl elhT I c. SolJ hy all itiuiji-1 a 13 nnl26 fci.ts yet bittlc. uug. l.u' A Good Timi: For tPsiieptits nml those who have been sttlVering for yiai- : with a disordered liver, or weakness of tl.e ; digestive organs. You will believe this af- tcr giving ilvtijhtnd' German Uiltcrs a I rial, i This remedy w ill cause n permanent cuie, and enable you to enjoy life. Ladies' I'ura. rtiri-hiMcr. iiei.C n-ly iiilmi jrolinii; the I. est Pi".) :it C11AULLS aVIvFORU A !iu:.:5, Cuuliiieuliil lijUl, l'llilll'li:ljlitl. .'ov. 1, 13j 1 . 3 la lnvur.inriiic, .-iiiiiaii n! iv t!.-i f.i'.ieii back toward Virginia. Stoi-.einaii wili, if nccc.s--.iry, aid his move ments in that, dii'cctioii. Major General Logan left on tl.e mail train thi- :il';ciuooii lor Cincinnati. batik r. luiii.t: t-: .-v iissi! a. tositim it'll:c AriiiiON. J CO Oil- ! IlllOtliCi' ' by not j hi as it COIlll', it N.i.-iivn.i.::, Dec. 1. ; Then.- iiif no li.-w" I'icveh'ipuients to dav. ' save ilc.i mtr army still eneii-ileslthe city on : ' lhe hourli and east, one wing resting on the I ' Ciimbcrbind. Tin; cm iny's lines are plainly , - I ) be seen from high points iu the suburbs ! . and at i lie Capitol. Tin y lire entrenching ' thinisclves in' ii siulh-.veslciii direction,! Ifliout three miles from the city. j During to-day heavy skerminsing occur red on our hi';, and progressed along the line to I he c. title. M'inv ptisotis witnes.ed ; i I he annomidiug ah.iig the right of our lill. s. j The general opinio:: is that Hood will, attack the l'ttlcial forces in flout ot Nash- ; illc. A I-'ederal cavalry force hits parolled ' I hi. null ti ItiliL- nl'tli.. river ..I. tin. I'oi-it irevent tlm cavalry crossing, as niiiuerous cross hine been i" i.:.-iieee-is!i, attempts to ln-iile I'V tiiein Joluiviiiviile has been evacuated, the road , has bt en in'.cri iiptctl, and a portion ofthe; trains Irom there tire advancing to this point 1 i by land. j I 1 1 is rumored hero to-day that Forrest j I has placed n pontoon bridge across the ; liver above the city, ami that Marinaduke j i has occupied Johnsonville. Ilotll theou le- lorts are without foundation. j The first block house on the Chattanooga : road, four- milt s from the city, defeated by i coloren soldiers under the command of Col. j .1. .Im-i in ul tilt. T ivi.nt v.l, e. rt li I 'nlitri.i ! In. Indiana, Illinois, nnd California, who by the j ut,.v. iul who surrendered Dalton, an i I cis iii inusc .-tuies coinii not voie awav Coi.ns and Couons. Sudden chmges of climate are sources of Pulmonary nnd Jlnm chiul affection. FCxpcrientc having proved that simple remedies net speedily nnd cir ... ., . i , c. .. .1 iniinti lieu iiiien in iiic viii IV B I nun ins- corps .was , on the r.ght, Stewart s on he ,, cm ,,,,, ,,t ,mfl to .en, aim . xj. s corps iu resti ve, ... me , ..nnt,en't Droui Trod, v;ciiiic, v Chcntham threw his whole corps on Wiig ner's division with great impetuosity, and after half an hour's desperate llglfting push ed Wngntr back on the second line, where they became mingled with Cox's nml Fin ger's men on our left and centre. The (cbels encouraged by their success in driving Warmer back", advanced with load cheers on our second line. Their order was I very peculiar ; a semi-circle, Iwo regiments I tlecp, cxlCiidinsj nil around Our lines, und behind every ulte nate rcuimcnt were placed others ; so that (he assauliing-coluuius were six regiments deep. I The rebel General lbod appeared at I about -t o'clock i 51., at tiie tiie head of Jus command, an I, pointing toward our lilies, said, "lireak those lines, boys, and i you have linished the war iu Tennessee. ! Fireak them, nml there is mulling to oppose j vour march Irom Nashville, to the Ohio ! iiver 1" ' Loud i liters nnsweretrthis appeal of tho I rebel leader, while the w hole space in front J of our lilies was crowded u ith the advancing I enemy. ! Captain 1 yman, commart lir.g the artillery ;' brigade, hud pi actil his iil n most ! favorable position, nnd from them storms of i shot and illicit were hulled into the charging ranks of tin: enemy. j Witii the mo.-t reckless bravery the lebtls : i-i .-lied on, and when within a lew bundled j y:!iilsof our woilu our hots opened upon I in-iii with so ttrribh: a lire of musketry that j it seemed ns if milking could live before it. ; Mo wavering was to be perceived in their ' advancing iin-s. On they came, running lo the very paiapil ol our woiks, huh sirui-n their bayonets under tlu hjs o.l our Luttlt 1 1 it ii t d oil tho Columbus pike. The pressuie was so great that some of Cox's and Warner's meii tempoiuriiy gnc way. L p to this time the brigade cminvinded by Ihe gallant Colonel Opif. ke, ofthe K'.Vh Onio, had bei u held in re.-arvc. Colonel Opdj kc, by orders of General fian'iy, nisi -cd torwarit witii his brigade, to r. j'.ore the broken line. Tiie rebels, who had crawled over our works, had not time to retire, and Couches' and' Wa 'tier's men. w hose line had been broken but a inouunt before, rallied and attacked tl.e enemy on the tlauk, while Updy ke charged them in front. A ilc.-pcratc hand-to band tight ensued w itii bayonets ami (In: butt ends of niuskt t . A hundred rebels wire, cupluitd here, and the line restored. For tuo hours and a half the batt'.f raged all along our lines. The men of the Fouriii and Twenty-third Corps vied with each other in bravery. General liiiey's brigade of the Twenty-third Corps fairly covired the ground in front of it with rebel thud. 1'lie libel General Adams Was killed, and. with his hor.-e. fell into tho ditch in front of lhe 10 tt ii Ohio. Set I ecu disiiuct attacks of the enemy were repelled. At ilusk the enemy were repulsed r.t all polios, but the liriug did not cta-e t'.il nine o'clock. At least 5000 rebels were killed, woiiinlei! or captured, while oi.r loss did iiot probably reacn liU'J. We have- taken from lhe enemy tbii tv llag some regiineuts (.among them the Totli Ohio) taking half a api-. ee. Oeni Scholield tlirected the battle Irom a fort on the north bunk of the stream, wlure some heavy guns' and the balteiies of the fwtnty third Corps wire placed. The latter did great service iu damninj tho enemy's lijht wing. CLOTHING FOR All AT jci. a .exi:r:3 cm re.-" 9 CONTINENTAL U I- O T II I BAZAAR, Corner ol'.liuvUct Kiiurc i. ! Hiinl MriM l, !i i; n 1; u 1: Y , 1 1: N M ' A. Ji'.M' Di'i:Ni.t, wiN'n.11 .-rocK 0: k!:ady maui: iiorin Of lli nc-ie-t -.vb-. I'.c I-..- t!o; l-i-.-t Arii-'n. i. Illl-i'l1! llJ;i) III i.'l-.i'Ul 11 1 o j -i-ill So. 1 iiivi?L ). iuci.. .tci unit itoji"lolM'n, of the 1- Icri-.l ei'-isdu oi li-i-s Cunits. Fmok CVti' funis, I'ui.u, I'.mt i-Hs !' vi.rt.jiu colian abJ lies. ULNTLKMEVrf lOVlIiK OA 5S .V. SHAW I UEXTl.EMl'.N'rfUSI.--mXii d'Md ! sticli ui fcl.iriii. fivei-fliirls. l':ider.-!.irt-. In j Ci.i.irs, l rn.ii-,,,st.i ; d l-Vi-S, I ESuM riuil ('ins oK'iill 1. imi COOTS AXti Sllnrs. tltl'SK?. YAI I-'f.- ' ItlilXLA.-. toi l XOTIOX. uf ail kiml -, m. I ; n e oilo'i- itt iii-k-i. ; '1 !' i; ; n-.l io .ii j luiiinil e cad icvl t..;ii. Ui-ti-.. ."" r fi r: I'l. tiin.'.-i- cl Al. il. Suaburv. I'.". I e. .C"tmt5wnt!.'. '.'I .tli'-r . s otri; a., i iii N t'. il LbVi lilv. . Hit. ORPHANS' COURT SA IX pu:?a-m -a ul' X ui-ilitii';li " I.i na or li-r ul' I Ii o "i.Ii-in-.' ( In Inn n. .S'l'.ur Ail il. I."M- .'!' I . Ill Act i-: ui 1 i-iuuiiv. will 1.' Ihutsc ( I J-'l.a Ku.' I I t lij, the ? di; r-,.; l i i I., t nr pie.-i; ' . lie i l:l r rnua t. s't-.i a l. t W I M.-.'. ' JJitn EI'ITOU OF AMKitlOA.N : 1 1'KAii Slit : Willi y. i.r rara.iv i ai I nidi t j ?:iv to lhe rcaik-r? t.f Miur i'. n r licit I t,-inl In- n' tlirii Itl lil, t'l fill i.Iiin.; i; jlrei-). u li'-iD '. tTilfi 1' iM ! .liri-i.-iii.ria lor to -iic'in mi 1 u-ia u - i j ( 'i-r..ii;;. I'.jliu. 'bat wii! .f.vctu'.Ily rrm ivf. in itn i:iy 1'iet. ; .ii'.. lilati'lies. 'J'.i'i, Iri '-Ki. ". i"i I ;.M ie .i;', ii.i ? i.f lllC SMn, IcilVillJ -.111! K.'.ILC i.-ll, i Ifiir, Su-il-J ti in. I ' "l tfi'lTahio Dnit ."reet. li.-.-ii iwi; K-,M H...!i. : or Itrt Fhcp , Hi.njil- .lir.-uruu Mill iiu'vi inlir-.'-j i licit iv.ll enndt." tl.cui s v'm-: i ,-.,n-'!i u' l.u. i llnir, '..irUsrs, v. a Jlutu.iu-ui-, in lu llerty duys. A'.i iiipiicntif.ns notncrJ liv nilurn tu iil ni:b Ul ! ch:irjo. ti-.p-!i'u!l yiuit-s. j liiOS. V. (. llAl'.M A. Cl-.i-irii". t..l li.'u V . X'?'.T 'oik. Spt- 10. IS it. -3m nt' li t c.iuli'e i.i o.ivr ,-'illl'r. ('.ir-iliie- .s.v iy toi l Wi-ii. --i.i I t-'ti y- iM.- f r -iii'i liiniL'.'' b' ri f'-i-Cii,! l,i.LH.-l...i- b : . -Cll iti; i i f tun.l-ol .l.t'm S.:! ! ': v. -.' ? : -it:-, e r t l . r. ul; l-.'l.i--:i 'ji':-:ll- l II ll'.l.' K II i; l. A eilii r J r ' "i be: I. sli-i -"'; i I '. I : ' liic i'.'l .11-'. !J l .u lil iV l!.o .:.'l t :ij.)i:il:.. VCbsil jl i.-liit .-I. Wlllla: a'u.m, I uri; inn .V .v.-it: r nn 1 ,i n .'. Iv b.-.i.;. lali.iii tiie !j. -I.i iti. mi I iiao hun It . .1 tl Jiiricli'.:-i. a. ti,- 1. .;i v'. I.i -Il ;.r.t l-l ' 0.1 I liiiu.-i'-i. l .i li.t an 1 . i-a-r mi.n'-.'W-m.ili: -. I ia'ri.a' ui I leirli-.1 K-.'' :U-.ti-i .et I Hal ii l.Ii- t.j ... a in- li-UI Mi l' : u - an t it !- -I. A. '.1 .!.. : -4 .11 I.-: it .:, '. ; A1.' V.! bt.Ni; ..l . a t n.ia.. -jl. A '.'.. Cr-jn'.l iac.-i' i I-: .. .1 II., i.i:.i .i ,i. 'A. 1 - : -.. Il;i.'oi-lltstMTl fire! To xtitvoi't .t Trtiu:n.s. A 0ntlsini.:i. cure! ef Xoi V'ii: I;"l.i!iii-. li-.', iii-.cien.-y. l'reia.ttnre laviiy. nn l Ynu'Mi.t li'rt r. ! taiili'il by a ill-ire to ! n :: otV-r... iil -i- .t.. v t-i fui ie-ii to nil wiin nee. I it (l'r"f ni" ch'ir.; ) ilia ', .-'t it nit ilirectioip milking Hie siiio-le r.-nu tr ie...i :n Ie c ;-'. SulTi-rerii -.vishin- to .rntit by tac -i.le.-rii.-- rf h.-ul txpwion.-i'. itn-l iii---i-vh a tur- uu I iiibt.i1!...: i-' -uii iy. i-ftn do .-i by ii.lilresio! l.-ni a- i.n-'.-t.: is p!iei. nl busim s-. Tin lii-.-ir-t' rtn l fall in!.ir:i: i'.'.-.n of vital im;iu; iunci mil to cheirluliy .-cut by r'.'iiirii inail. AUrcsj ' J )1I" I!. I'.H bN. Xo. ilil X.-i-i n: Ftr-'i-t. Xr Vn.-lt, 1. S. Nerv-ita-.sjuli'T'Td id' butti iosts ivill ic. l this inlirnmliiin j i'oc. .!, 1801. .tin , .illllt I V." '.'i I ' ;."1 i' ' ! 1.!-. rl.ili'i I'. i- l.a. ' 1 A . . X ..rl'-r ...':..!.- .s.J... :i ce-' ut. I I. AN si: I i 1 Han A: i a. in A:r .1 1 It. ; . f !'au-. V i .-n I- i -i. i 't. a. n i '-.a1 n t:'i a'l 1-i.iT I i' . ,- .r 1 '...I i-In el .V.r-.; ..ii.n.i-i-I.. ,' i- ;, X a a !'. n . .a - .IU-.- .S:--a: :i--t l .- tin I -a .ti-.; I K'V ,-i''i; r X. '.-uj'i in t!: -ii- I'.i: n-nrt KJB.-Prifw J M. I).. OceiltsT toil A l 111' r. fnrn.i-r ll.illtili.l, in tiotr loo il.'.l ul .V. .',11 1' I'lii '-li Iphis. iih"rt :'. r-iii t: t-i'Ii.t' t.l w:'V tin-I-l b Kli.l I .Ul will no sii' Mliil viliy r-aO i"j:r l. if car.ille. l- Artilioii.'. ty.-., iif trio.. t'tit X. 11. X'.'i "l-argc cel t. f.-.r riat.iii-.n-iuii. Ml it'.- ll fj jlllty in ilu'ltlU, KJ i..h'.s lui iV.H.. i Lie Ie ul' trtri n'.-nl. July 9,18 it. ly l-'. C.-i l.-v If.. nil 1 r.. nt M uni iu e.M wilt i m: t r i K-tipiiuu fur i!tf ourv i-i' l'i' cliiii. itn-i itll hrotf m 1 it:'iri:t . Uv T- lin A tu;tn. I!-"Tf 1 ! l;t-:ti I. 1 .'! v -- ,.).-. .'.III! - lie,. i ri X.i i ,.i it. i f--. ir ill.-;., WII.SO.V. t .iUa.-i'Mirj;. S-p. 21, ISr,:. Su St Vurk .rKmaj vwn -iuwrati irts. i-..,l. i . In jircsi I. ut An.;i.-ta b In il'.-Ie- :' l.'l .-i-l !.l t- '.' I' l.u- s, :-. i. i.i '. i - i . ..'it, .rV.TrT'i." BVrjBTJJ'.V MAI'.KITT. t m blisiinieiit uf ntw lines ut tic an mail steam- I ships and the pnlicy he recommend:, fur the ' i develumient uf increased t-nmini rcinl inler j with iidjaccr.t und iiei'ihimring fuun- ! liit-k khmiid I'tciiit the fiiielul tulitideru-j ; tinii uf Cnngies;:. ! Ft is cfntiu Mtii-Diy interest that the uti-miy j laVpaiisiiill uf pcpuhititin, in. prow-mints, und ! guveriiineiital lit-; i t jtiiii, oiei ll.c lutw nnd Uiiiicciinied pin linn uf our tcriitury have M.ircciy been t hei l t-i, mui,h less imiieiicd urde-iii tiled I'V t)-..- great civil war, which, ut I in; iitt ghiiicc, wimlt'. seem tn liavu nb ' Mirbt'd iilmnsl tiiu entile energies of thu ita : linn. ; 'i'ti j (jMitutiiy f public, lands disputed uf ' during lliu tit.t iii. liters tiii'.ing mi (he liUth i kit'ptt-mlicr It'.si, was4.'-JCt,ul2 acres, of jvhich l..j.;sj,iill acres. Weru nderfl under the : Flt'iuiaittad Law. Thu icmaiildel' Was Incu i ud wilU military Und warrant., agiicultu ! (ul wiipt ctii liiied to States fur railroads, ttnd ' kuid fur cash. Thu cash received from tales j und lucauou tiii was ijil.OU'.-lM. Tin- e.reiu cuttrpiiseiif L'imiit-ctiiig tho At liiiiicMUli ihe i'acilic rtalc. by iaiiwavs and telegraph lines lius belli enlelid upon with tl ligui that gives likkiiluiiiu.ul'kllct-eBS, iioinithsl.uiding the embmruslmc ids uriking liotu thu piciMiiijig higli (jiict ui muteriiils nnd Ubnr. The luiite ul, tlic nutln linj ol the mud has been detinili-ly bleated fur one liuiidicd miles westward from ilie initial point ut Omaha City, Ketirahki, imd a jecn uiury lacaii.iii of thu F'ucilio Ihdlroud t.f i-ie left Uuuk, leaving i.jdv ll.c hiauniL'. i California bus been made lituu hucruineiitu Uitl.vr r tt lioinj: in mi l thu kiguiui tabtwurd to iho Creht tud of lhe Trutkee tt . ftaiiior &t t b tir- . fi i V.A.M,. IjivMiu fii0.. Njaiiruu dinvert" t-f : Irum their humes. nml which number can- ni.t be less than UllOOn. Nur yet is lliis all. ! The number in t lie orgnni.fd 'territories is j il trill.; now Itf what it was lour years ago, w hile thousand, while ami black,' join us ns I the national arms press back, the 'insurgent lines. . So much i.s show n uftirmatively mid ln ga j lively by tin; eleftior.. It is not midfrial to ! inejiiirc how the. increase has In en produced, i or to show that it Mould have been greater j but fur tiie war, which is probably true. j The important fact remains tlennmst rated i that we have more men inr.v than we Imd I w hen tho war ln-guii, that wc me not ex ' hausted nor in the process of exhaustion. th' t we are gaining strenylh, inn! may, if need lie, maintain the forde.-t indelinitely. This as to men. Material rtsotirees an; now more complete nml abundant than t ver. j The natural resource ihcn tire liiie.xlniusted, ami as we inlicvi', inexhaustible. If we yield, we are beaten. If the pniith crn proplu fail him, ho is beaten. Kilher way it would be thu victory nml defeat ful lowing w ar. What is true," how ever, of him w ho heads the insurgent cause is not neecs p.irily true tif those w ho follow. Although he cannot reaeccpt the I'nion, .Thcv caii.r Some of them, wt ! now, already tlcsiie peace nml reunion. Tiie number iif ffut li inay incrcnsc. J I icy can at nnv moment I have pence, (-imply by laying ilniiu luir firms and Hibiirittinjr to thu iialiunal author ity umff r the coustiiutiou. Alter so much. tiie (.overnment could .not. if it would i maintain wnr against theni. The loval pen- ! pie would not sustain or allow it. If o,ucs- ! tioiw should remain we would miiust (henii by the peaceful nie.tns of legisln'tiou, con-' icrenies, conns anil voles ojieratinij onlv ill con-titutiiiiial and lawful channels. In prckenling the abondonment of firmed to the Xaliannl authority nn ths pari of the Insurgents ns the only indispeii si.Mi! ci-.iuliiloii o t-mlini' the" war on the The peaco liietl of Fk-lawnre. refiiped to participate in tiie of Thaiihsgiving lJav. because Governor C.mnon. ia his nruc- l.iniation. inslanced amon tl.e canst s for i lbifc-1, ihanktulness thu freeing of Ihe blave Maryland, and thu prospect ul dcciar.iiiou uf universal! freedum. was parolled, l.eid out mill! the alternoon when they surrendered. Colonel Johnson ; and a port ion of hi s nit i tstiipitig iu a ' train. j The icuiaiuder were raptured and the j Iniiii was tired into. The lomluetor and j others Were killed. ( oluliel Jo'nisuil tscaii cd and in l ived in the city tu-liiglit. j A recoiinoiici'ing ty , sent out u:i Thurs day returned lo day, having gone gome , eighty miles up tiie. river. Tliey report that i no rebel- were seen or heard of c;o-.o.iiig the river, inel nunc nppeaic-.'. alouy tiu banns. A n btl ilesi rti r w l.u lame in to day rc i pons that Central SS. il. I.i f itb!isiied nu order lo his men on IVi lay morning, com ; plimenting, tin in on liie.r biabery, tlcvuUon ! iVc, nun Ihankiii!' tin iu for the victory at Franklin, ami unnniiiichig that if true to I only forty, and have committed a tho j tin uisclvet now in Iroiit el ..ashviile they J would h-ioii Iu cnallj to enter and take, po.i- i i ses-iuti of th-j vast of slorta c6;i- i taineil there. I Two piisoiicrs wvre l'r.ui'.'lit Lieutenant liyckman, Nintli Tennessee Cav j-alry, tM)itmed on ihe H-irding pike, four miles troin tiie ctly, and C. dray, ot r rod s tr'i.Mii Ceorgia Kegimti.t. Floi.r, . Wheal," lly-u. (ail'Q, Oat. lluitknlieat. ol a speedy ' Ciiivumecd, ii' en : i:,;-s. a i 7 i I li'i.:i-r, .'ut li',0 I Titiln-t, M 1 jo i btit l, I.i t'oi k , lull I I'ei-i.n, I s ti M j Ibiir. :'i ar i j i . rr -rr -r-t -. F'X' T i A I.I. 2 n V A s. t n I u o x ix t ii i: n 1. 1, v i II lilla Vil ', 111 t'.-tl IT It i 1 li- I.N 1.- . li' vi a! l'llii.ael'' . i.i..,... '1,' i- i -. iv.- I .-ai-.l. 1-u- li' fill t-.a l i- Ha I !";-";i. tiiiy i' . n - ' viti itt i ,-r. lii.ti-. --it-i- t ii. a. ..a .in- i-ir -ut;ai. I.i taii.t tioiii l a.- ti 1 1 ii bn-n-1 ey i. ir I..- il. I NEW ADViLUTISiAi LVi'S is : tc h . a. IfiW. i auiiext (lay Le tuluiinis of the jocin.J (thu ktiuce it would buie' c.'ciu.icdi part ol the gnrerriiueiit, I retract belt t'llure said ns to klaverv 1 repeat the declaration made a year n-'o. lliat while I remain in uiv pi i sent' position I kh.ill not ntteiupt to rel ' act or modify the Fiinaiit ipatioii I'luclamiition, nor slu, J rc.. tuntto slavcrv nnv person who is flee by the terms of that Proclamation, or by any of the acts of Congress. If the people should, by w hatever mode or means, make it an exetutivu duly to rc tiishive such persons, another, nnd not I, must be their instrument to preform it. In stating a single condition of peace, 1 mean sin. ply to say that thu wnr will cease on the part of thu government w henever it shall have ceased on the part of (hose w ho began it. (Signed) ABI1AIFAM LINCOLN'. Vcamhir 0 18C4. Mrs. Stephen Berry, of Mue-hiau, Maine, cried out in tier sleep, one ni-rlit hist week, that some onu lind cut her throat. She win covered Willi blood, nnd on exnmliiation it wu found that a'rat loii", bitten lhe side of her ueck mid car severely. Thu uniiinii u!o td'.in.kcd a rU14 Ia u. auiaiu til'i .Idvam-e Only U .'iile Trstu fsa Tiiiiaiili! Washington, Dec. 5 The Wa.-L'.iigtim .'.;'!. ';V.i of thii even ing iys: Hy the arrival of a Governmt'iit trau?mrt at l'ortress Monroe last evening, thu Gov ernment has received advices from Savan nah to the -d of iecenibt-r. When thu steamer left information hail reached Savannah that tjlitrman's advance wa within six miles of that city. This doo not couliict with thu r.cws brought by the steamer i'elle, which arriv- ltd on Satlirdav lliidit. Unit tin Kavioinuli notliing papers ofthe llllth aiiuouuced that Sherman, Punch reports the following conversation, i."o ...ifcto the Divenport brotliers: Flow can yoil prove tiie exi-tentte of ihese perrits.'" asli"d a skepiit: of Mr. S.'C. Hall. I'mva tin-in,'' replied t. C. -iiiiprcssive'y. The tfpenits are aboiu proof!'' neii Mademoiselle Arnault Hie nctress, went t.i ih-it Voltaire, he sai l to her, "Ah ! Madrni'iiselle, I am eighty four years old, and F liuvo committed us many follicrs." 'Ouite a Iriile," rt plittl the actress : "I am mil. i The rumor of the death of Central C.inby, in Louisiana, liom the clfctU of wounds it ched mi a btniner bv lebtls on shore. . ! turns out to be incorrect. II j is not only iu to-day , n(t ..j jiut t() fir rL.(.0Vl.lx.j ui t0 iw uhie tu attend to business. Litii'T. G::n'. Gbaxt, during his laic visit to New York, paid his respects to General titytt, who presented tho hero of Clint tTnga with a copy of his Autobiography, wrjting on thu fly leaf of one of tiie vol umes. J'ruiit the ildcat Cm the Inlxt itddicr in t.'.e world." Such a compliment from such a man, is wordi lighting for during a lifetime. T T.2EA1) ! BKPAD ! : BRy.iD ! 1 : I1L' iinikTsl-iiel will o'hii ii ll .i.ii v. oa M irki t e-t ).. Tl.e '.: syt 111 .-.I.i. . I"a- I., 1 1 !.;! li. a.t. iti'.l e i-A t,a i!i- Ian ;--, in. n ill i 'i ti ti.-: ti.-t t:tr.ii.i j.r '-In-- i, ; i-l -ta--ti I.i ai: i t, i i l .'Wiy .ai.. II -i t i I " -li.-;.,- .1 in i, ise.i -.. '. v. v. i'l , -i I ul' I Lai. v. - ul-j iji leiu i. ,,l'j ilctbd SliamoUtu ConI 'I'railo. Sent for weak ending Dcs. 3, i'ur luol report, To lame time lift jer, Eoauokix, Dee. 5, 1551. lout. (Jwr. 3. it'll) Oj 2i7,Oi C( 3ll.S:5 1.1 272,5tltl IK) 23,3i'J 10 main niuiy was wUUtn lurty miles ut Unit city. A gentleman recently from Savannah in forms us that there are no important defcu ccs on the west side of avunnah, l!.l,riMi'iii-:, F)ee. 5.-Tku special corres pontlciit of the Baltimore Anuriam, writing from Ft. Monroe, hut evening, reports the arrival of tlio steamer General Lyon from Savannah with 70- released prisoners. At thu time the General Lyon left, on last Thursday night, Iho lulust news re ceived fuun Kiviiiihuli was to the til eel that Sherman occupied Milieu, Cii , ami that his cavalry was scouring several miles out from the town, meeting with but little resistance. Jivtry tll'ort wus being made for the de (nice of buVHiiu.di. Our prisoners report that boys of K year and even women weru assisting in the trenches and earthworks. bheiuiuil was slowly lull surely advancing to thu cost, mnl no doubt of his success liecil bo entertained. Ladies' and Chddroo's UaU. LulMl slylM at CIIARLKS 0AK10UE A 50X3, , laMillual t&l lloiol. 1'l iUUull-tlk .OV. 1 .-, Id - Till-: Mt'MMtca of TnriiF.8. Messrs. Aver & Co. have received from Alcxnmtriaa car go of rags to pay for their medicines, which are largely sold in Egypt, They are evident ly gathered from nil classes anil quarters of thu 1'aeha's dominions tho cast'ojl' gar ments of llujis and lluwiijia while liuuen turbans, loose breeches nnd flowing rolies. N'ot the least part of their bulk is cloth in which bodies were embalmed for preserva tion three thousand years ego. They nre now ton oe imidu into pajitr for Ayer's A1-' mnnaes, ami thus, for having wrapped tho dead for thirty centuries, nro usrd to warn the living IVoui t Ijo narrow house which they have so long inhabited, am) to which, iii spite of all our guards ami cautious, wu must su surely go. Daily JCcening Journal. lie CoulcitaloiiM nnd l'xuerlence Or AX INVALID. I'uliliahed for lha fj-nefii, anil as a CAUTION TO VUl' Nil MtX ami otlu-ri, whamllrr frnin Xwvous bilnlily, Premsluia Deonv uf Mauhooil, Aa , tup. plyinit at Iht mdi lim lbs Meant ol rtolf-Care. II v una who bu cured liirciell afturuuderKoini oon nilrrolilu quaokary My anclokiog a pclpaia ad-dri-xad arivulorw, iujlo ounios may La tali of ifaa aullmr. XATUANIfL MATrAIQ.E , EoxilyD, Hap ll it, UC4 ut.-,;-.'., Mtr.iiui-y, l'.i.. :.i :l.t j wuero Ins tnl ueep u J HSi-ellll, 's ivtsl-lloiin, lliu.-:., and 'I LAdiL'XN'S, w hi. u will ji i!i!ii .1 j 1 iu f..Ui l.oj i-very u.u.;.iiy. A!lki:ij," FANCY I'AKI'S, t' uii.ii ui fili-s, Proti.-'s. d.; I i'iv-Xe: l'.iriit-.-, Wc.i.liii'i mil i'u:u-ri.s, mil tij sui'j in.-1 ut the -hurti-it ii.mi'e. A gum! i-s.-...r:uR'nl "iil Li- krirt up it nil it. ils. ' IlliiliiiracltruU iull ol die lutst Uiauilal, .uiil eri -iti , will lnt priiiiiiily Btienilsl t'i. I Ho iru. 1 Wtai ttis liii-n U uii-1 tlio pii:ai ' -.-.t a tity Will suspm tnai in tou euu-rj-risi;; iuit hi:i'.im. licitlo.l in ftunuury. I do li u-U n.i oitiiit lunco in tiie will nn I bio Inui i-jive gtui-ial siitisl.ic'.iou lu ml wu.i iu y iaer Liu titiu .ut-.r tuiiuajug. llAVILU'l-.V. I Satilury, Deo. 10, 1S6I. THE DBAKE PETROLEUM COMPANY OF PliiLAUELl'lFFA. j 100,000 SHARES, PAK'CIO 00. $JO.O0a CASH WDUIUNU CAF'FTAJj. j SUIJSCIUPTION FUUCFa, $3.50. ' PresiJcnt T. HASKIX3 DU rt'V, rre.-iJunt o!'j the Cmlaiuskti Hiiilrniil (J . Vice l'reiiidciii '1U0.MAS I). V.'ATTSoN. of tli'J Ilnrdwiira firui of Tiuiit 4 t'o , No. i'.'s M si. I Xreaauri-r SAML'tb WOKK, of VVoik, AioOjauh i Co,. lliuikrs, 3ii riouili 'lliird s-.reet. I liuiECToBS : T. lla.-kins l)u l'uy ; Thoeu n I. Watltou ; t. 8. Kivlmrdu, 01 liorinanluvt u : WiHmia V. bherred, Xotuninca Agent ; Ut-oo.u P. Way, I il l lute Dry Goods Hi ui, J. T. Way Co.; A. W. l.i-iaeiiiing. Cashier Muuoa CUuiik llauk, M -.ab Chunk ; tdward Miippeu, lit-j. t Ilia properly of tlio Dmko Pelinleiuu Coin)ntny , oongiu oi im o trucls uf land, one ol two tiumli-cii nii.i filly-evcu acres uud one ul" two liuuilred and nixiy Uvb aoroii, uiakini( in till, live liuiiJrc.l and twt-h o acre, iu fee. ou liiu t'aiiwull tlrmt.-li of (III Cn-ik. I 'i'bu properly liua bceu oriltioully extiuiinul by a I Couiuiilte upiMiiutod fur lliat pursttii. nu I llto tnrri- i lory proDoiiiieed, iu iheir jaileiui-nl, lo be luily enul tu tliul ot Oil t'rei k. aluiij; uuu-Ii lliu lari-tt : oil aclla ever diavovcrcd hnve I'oen found. 'i'l.e laiiji rioi'uili'.c thu.ia on Oil Crook, in rvary j parlieulsr, and it l bilitved fioui lliu lurh-u i.tai.l,.-i I of ml itpriiigs in clne prnxiuuly, that valuublu i-iU will boupouedou botli llrcita tracts. The luauuiaut'iit hava iilromly itcured leveral i uiues aud eni;iiged a ooiupotuul buperiuti-udeiit, i uh aTitw to iuiUei'iule and aa eiicrutio Ucvtlop- i uicnt, I A Urge portion of Ihise ImoU u botioui, aai j Js-. I'.. iil. II I .a c a' .1- 11 r.-l in-i.i...t 'V I;,- I....-i-i. a-r t fw 1 I IV II.-. V , I I .1- l"t. -ii't: Iii., o. .ar u'l .' l..-1-n ii a-.i-ai 'i'i-.f t i-i-i i''.(at -i,' A le-w 1,; ll.e : .i, . ri: ,-. l-.taSl'I.: r.t. li fl- 'I" Li: ... t-.i' it tii- iVa-ij-. iii-3 !- :;. C-iiii Iiv-tvi. -i i. La..- iV.ta.'.'r !-,,,. I'. '.d A-U'.a Lo'sol La- . :; . la v i-pi.VS. lllli l".;i!t: IAN M i'd r. lufuM-s nrti.di. w r ;.t t ia li:' ini tlio ( ua I t ; mi "i.' -a t',,ii-ii!t.ii"ii tiiu n.i.rviAN s i ia p Curt-si Xi-rxi-iis Afin-ii'.n all iliat-iisia ul '.r..i Ki'liitys ti.i.1 XUH IVdvl'ViAN Ii a .spe tin t ti,r nil iiis,.tu.-,t.-t p.uto el dn.- Itl'iod. or iu-ci.i i.. Ljm tf-itc c! tlic 'j's.e'u. it . 1.11UI.', ' mult' l'i I I'-la t Ii .- 111 I' ariin tihi in ll 1J u l liv 1. .'biliiy il T r.niipiileti 1'i'i.niii.iiiL; I'i'i-ii.'.o.iii'.- el "'ar'-- .'tr. 1 i cuiiuai'iiJiCiuiiii I'oiii t-i.tiio ul tuo n..,-. tatiii.-i.i I'll siciun t'li-i-jyiaou una oiUei.-, will be .-i-ut f. vs any uddre-s. 'c nolict u few uf the Ultima t,i sli.iff llio ch; acto.- of JUtl.N K WILLI AMis. l'"si . . 1'rcd.leut ef tie Mftrop-'Hniu li..i.k X. V Iv. Alll l. sfl.Vl.XS. but,.- L.litur CLnman A i v. A Joarnal iuv. r ciH r,ni. Kdi'.'ir New Vmii r.,'ii-'.-.. Uev. John Pii rvinril. W itl ti-ll Ital ti'li, Ardu.r li fuller. a lillld- II l'. ilibillB, vlv.laut c' .(ill, 'J'' tot'Tr K'li. !' luttiui .V me. Jr. i .l,.-a li 11 Clinch, " ILnrv li lisui, i 1' C d'-i llity, 14 John Uiu.i(i-ad. Li'v. ti .l-'lia- ui. .M . ft. liusueil IvialM-v. M il f li Kiiilml. M Ii v U i'Iii- i.i!iii. M li I "i'l i. AI ll J . ai "aiial, ."I,. ne. M D J. Ainiitit-i faiK-aes. .M A A II iyi-. M I) Aiinilum U . ii I -U M b .1 Kt'liil.iii. .M l il L Kinney. -M D Pn-pnrid In X. L. CLAlili . Cd., ei tlusivelv f. J P. DlXaMJlii:. No lid iir.itU,Xi-.v Cold bviM I'm ;iiit. Reddiug's Itusia Salve aduiirubly adupied for boring. .1 touiuanj VvJKTV VEAKS E.M'LRlEXCi: lliu .'.illy eatublishe I tho sjju-ri.nity of .ltliDDIXa's F:i';! salve. Overall (illierhcilinx pro'uiraii Il ciiren all kiinU of K irf", Cut. Seat.l-., S-jtm Jiuii. I ioiji. aii iiaeiou. rryir-i-iiu1 . oiu'.-. ria-. Several Couiuanvi aro oriiuniied on bu-iti iut- mediatvly adjoining lliu lerriiorv. aoion mIiu'Ii are Ibu hi i;;t aud Cruttut City Oil Couipubies of Piiila dulphia. Xu ,ruatDlinK Ilie Drake Petroleum Couireny to ' lie tiubliu. Iho Direclore ark thai their be he rue ruuuia oe eiaiuiuea, aueeuoi:ripiioti uib m c,iui, onv i.i, r r.vt-i, ac.. ,ii' . i.eiu 111114 01 bluok iu full JailU ai lo lie preauiit aud piopectivo pin ut once, nut Ko be-in; tlio iunt Hilary luokus. ...a... : u....u.n..J 1 r..ii. ii..H '.....-1 .. i....;.. ViftlltW. I .... luuiui.iiuii w . r i-iniiv- T- HA6KINSMT PIT, Prejidect. Oulv US irula 11 Iln. TUO.-. D. W AlToKX. loo lreidut. I VUiy Ulw U Ctox. bAMI LL WOMK, Treafuier. ! rou sils ar ( U1 be received for a liming I number ' J- P; DrN'SMOIU: Xo. 1J1 rroiidway. New Voile, otbarwat iha Hanking lloow cf Wt-. ilol'-uaou b. W.iuHLi. t t,O..Xo. Idlivu.ot.4 at, Uotii At.. No. Sddouth JHH OWeet. I aviyi... 1 . -. -j - . I Cti 10,1064