5Sel flnuiiran. Hi. S. MAflSEK, Editor A Proprietor. TP.. WIIiVEKT, rubliahT. Ui-MIVIIY, I A. SATUnlV, NOVEMJUCU 20, 1804. ' S. ML PETTEN (IlLI tt CO Ne. 37 Pai Kow, New York, Mid 8 ("tax Street, sten, aror agent for the BrNnrjriT AjuntCA.i hwe cities, and are authorlxod to tnkt AdTertUe mt mJ. Subscriptions for u at our IotmI rates. . 57"The Sanitary Commission apenils 00,?O0 per month for the relief and com . t of our sick nnd woiiuiiad soldiers. I3?Gnvcnuir Seymour is gloomy, and hit anksfjiving Proclamation it made to Da ne the same character. The Governor is t of humor with the times. HVPkace Humous. Xo relianco is to placed on nny rumor that Commissioners 1 be sent to the rebels in quest of Peace. :h n course would only stimulate the re i to further action in the hope of cotu ling us to recognize the Confederacy. If y desire peace it is for theui to say so . submit. SLoral Affairs. ' The Rainy Benson, wo hope, l past. Rain mud for two consecutive weeks i enough to e (he most cheerful gloomy. r Elihtiox of Dinm-Tons. The Bank of Nor iborland held an election on Monday last, at the Aug House, in thin place, and elected the follow iiuied Director!) for the ensuing year: hit B Packer, James K. Davis. Jesse C. Itortoni II. Maples. Win. M. Rockefeller, li. Conrad, ot Ilciin. E. V. Ilrn;ht. Samuel John. Andrew .John B. l.inn. I'mil Mastcller, and John Haas. in linn and E. V. Bright, Esq., of thi place, oth now directors, both excellent business men. Thursday the Hoard re elected J II. Packer, President. '"The weather. Ibr several weeks, bu been M ble. unsettled ond uncomfortable, as an bunest crut on the Chicago 1'laiforui. V-'- . Mr. Jucob Klosn, ot Limestone township, Hny ujiity, had a single nnlk of buckwheat, which d '-four thousand on hundrod and venty solid grain. An extraordinary yield from a grain. 'A Musical AMGe'iuliou has been formed In this ana whs organized by the election of the ful 5 officer : ddont, Rev W. Creincr; Vie President, tl. Khou.es; Treasurer, J. C. VeTknr ; llee. ury Jucob Shipiuan ; Cor. Secy, John Vouch Conductor of Music. Rev. W. C. Cremer ; Con. Win. Kciinynin ; Kxccutivc Committee, lenny son. J . W. liucher, Sol. .Valick, Thos. and Rev. M. Rhode A draft hns taken place for those suh-dif-vhich failed lo fill their quoin under the jOO. I. ufter promiseshad been made to furnish the to number of men. Below we give the list cs drawn from the wheel, Tko-e of Dauphin aaata were ordcrtd to report yesterday. (Men td tause of Nortlminbt-i lan I, Vuiotf and Sny i'riday, 2ith int. : NORTlIVMliliKLAND COUNTY, eron Klifis Derk. John Dork. 1 twp. and Phami.Viii tmr Joseph Lnngsiinc. Seibert. John Knifleby. .io8:ph Kuseinau, Gillespie. Jncob Shock. .T .Mahanny twp Peter 1'orrell, Jo'inb He( enry Drown, (jeorge Shafi-r. Ilciuy Rings filliain Sputts. Kphraitn Winner. Liitinucl t. Peter Wort, Isaac Divi.bisa, Levi Keslm-, Lore. Wilbee Walt, Christain Masna. Kliai , Lyman PicfTer, PeUr Sulbuck, Heo. Urocius potts. John Lontx. aiiiiiherlant Uomugh Eli Croustr, J. II. Has .hn Kuck. Joseph Dodge. iokiu twp Kphraim Urobst. John Frank. Siber, Jacob Drakor, A. S. Miller. Jacob Jonathan Duiikclbcrger. JareJ Unapt. HoMF.I.KSS. It f sai I that twelve hundred and children, of Chamhershur);. arc yet with ies dependent upon the charity of friends, something he done to relieve them 7 Thr Vbatiikb. On Tuesday night there iddeu ehanife in the weather On Wedne rning Ibe roads were rough sad frozen solid, buiiin waa fru2-n over. The trial of Edward Rboad. who etand . with the murder of Mrs ChaiuLicrlin, wit'e s Chaiiihurlin, of Miauiukin towuship. na9 .d unlil fsxl r.nAitM, on account of some ab uew,CH trow er. of the Iianvilla "American." pub. e portrait of the turkey which he expect, e to tend him for a Hianli.-e.rt ihg dihnn . t hi f"nde-;l hfp may he realized, and in I followi!;;. fiiv u:- a pir'ttire representing -.on the table, ''tiniokini? hrtt." himself with 'oiled up, holdini; a Carving knife in hi nn, an t a fork in the left, ready for the ork. That would lie a picture worth look- 'ot-NTSKrEii IVsiH t'faHtiSr-v. We un. '. that within a vety shiirt time a large of counterfeit pnmat currency h-vi cen plac rculation iu the ciiica, and at the present -no plentiful that it ih used lo a g'eilter 6r ut in almost all our business transaction of five dollars of curruncy, paid a fow days lere were six bad notes, halves, and o well y executed that it was a difficult matter to icui. The retail dealers aro overrun with i which they eanuot keep on hand, but are d to pay out again. In the different mar- not an uncommon thing to hear a person hy this is a counterfeit,'' and to hear the ho offers the noto reply, ' I know that, but v'." There seems but little doubt, from int of this money now afloat, that there aro ;ho make a business of '"shoving" it. The tent is about calling in the present issue and j it by something more difficult to imiUits TiiAKKsaivt.io. Tbaokigiving day was :rved in this place on Thursday. The sloroe titss place, gonerally, were closed, and the nn for service. In the forenoon, the .Young, oftho fresbyicriun Church, who ted in Ibe services by Rov. Mr. Rhoads, of erau Church, and Rev. W. C. Cremer of rmed Church, delivered a most able and elo-a-oursc from the fdllowing texfr: rn ! In chariots, and some in horse, but wo ember the name of the Lord our Uod. Psalm 207. it part of the sermon referred lo the faot that reliance has been placed en divine Provi ou! f elves as well a by our enemies in all our Iu the concluding portions of hU disoourss, i short but vivid sketch of the conduct of the the progress of our arms, and while, he ad ic delects of our first campaigns, he drew I leween the North hnd the South their . c .edition, and resources that was lis- with marked aUeufion, and eould not fail t ympathctio cord In lbs breast of every pa le staled truly that the result was only a of time, that the North was eoutending for jality and eiisteaeo, and also '-for freedom be dignity of labor." Servloes were also is Episcopal church by Rev. Mr. Gibson, woine. sod by the Rot. Mr. Bboads, lathe i church la ibe eelng, oto sermoo eo Lvlttsr l0i llio Siutbnry Uuardm ' Pi EAR NEWTOVM, Va. ) Kovoinber H, lttU'l. lAfl WttTtBT I The day after election t)it entire army of the Suouauduah left their old camp ai v-cuiir creeK and tell back to tins place. The reason of this was the scout reported a lorco coming uonn ttie jLuray valley and the removal enabled General Sheridun to get a better position and establish lines' uuknown to the enemy. Iutrenchments have been, and are now being constructed that will bu&le the ingeniousuess of the best rebel Oencruls, ami such, that behind them our forces can repel double their numbers, and if they have the temerity to make an attack, with the number not slain or crippled by our arms, few could escape being captured.1 Such is the position we now occupy For the last three days a considerable number of the enemy's cavalry have been bothering ctrr pickets, with the purpose, no doubt, of ti tiding out our position. Our Brigade, (the 2d) whs sent out to give the Johnnies a clititice for a light, but on their n nival, the cavalry of Jellerson I). fell back nut of raugc i? our rides. Since then our cavalry went out in several directions for the purpose of giving them light or gobble them up, the hitter it possible. Brigadier General Powell took the l'rtud to Front Koy ul, met the gray bucks, whipped them, cap tured one hundred and sixty prisoners, two pieces of artillery, (nil they hail) their cais sons, ammunition, ombulauces, wagon train, and drove the bnllance ten miles from where tbey first met. Of the other cavalry we hare had no report as yet, but from the fact that they are led by a man who knows not de feat, the daring General Custer, we can ex pect news that will cheer the hearts of. nil who aro in favor of putting down the rebel lion by force of arms. The electiou passed of quietly and with out any military interference, nor the influ ence oi'olricers used in controlling any man's rote. In the regiments from the old Key stone, the co in pun its were formed by the lir&t tergennt,' when he stuted to the men the olject tor which they were culled to "fall iu," and then they proceeded to the election of otlii:er-to hold the election the boys having the whole control, none of the ollicers interfering iu the least. The result in tue 47th was as follows : Lincoln. McC'lellan. Company A. 10 1 " U. 2(1 2 C. 29 13 " 1. Ill 11 " E. ill a K. 18 10 " O. 9 13 II. 10 21 " I. IU 10 : K. It) 20 s 194 121 Lincoln's majority, 73 The 47th ivns claimed for McC'lellan, nnd at Hnrrlftbitrg wc were ranked as Copper heads; in f;tct two ollicers, niustt reit out of I service by rf;ton of expiration, boasted iu I their speeches on the stump tit home, that j their old regiment was strongly in tiivorwif the hero of the gunboat (Jatcna. Our vole I has proven that they were uliglitlu mistaken, not to use stronger hiiiituitt'c. The buttle ' ut t.ec:i;r LreeK thinned our rapka uy which ve l'st manv vote tins number ami those J iiwuy in lipilaK would have iiu'ivaseil the Linou mujnnty to three lutiulriMl. i Col. T. II. Oood has ri'siu'tied tn;d left u ' for in ii'Miic. U'.i'ore l. :ii..i; he i'Vtv.l il.e j !'t.'llii iiig addrs. j "Soldiers of the 47th," More than three ; years uo I nssiimed commtitul as your C'ol- tfni'l. .My relutions W)lli uii us jour cum- : m inder have been of the most ph-a-iny; : chuiucter. Ynur lulelity, zenl. soldierly ton , duet Siid military beurinf worthy of my j inndt hearty coiiimeiiilntiiin, nnd to leave : you, ufier so lonjr u term, I trust, of unit mil ' eontiilcnee; Is imleed a piiinlu! duty. When i the most of you re-enlisted under the cull of ', the President for veterans, it was my intiti- tion to have remained with you. and leave j now, only, by muon of distastetul liriitiide j u-toi'hition. Mv sense of hoiior will not! permit me to remain longer with an oriuni 1 1 .atiou in which 1 have sullVred muliiiiLr but itirli,nitii'S Kiiifi' unr riinrifction with its as I a regiment. I would gladly have taken each of you j by the hand ami personally assured jdu of; my contidence of your patriotism, my high j appreciation of your military knowledge j and to have thanked you tor your lu'inoil.l ; good conduct anil respectful obedience, had : not my overpowered ledums tela me 1 was unequal to the task. I take this in-t li .!, therefore, of bidding the living of the 47th, farewell, and at the same time sympathize with you in your lossot beloved ollicers and comradis, although dead, they ate happy i in victory. I Trusting that the rebellion will bo apcedi I Iv suppressed, the authority of the Govern ment re 'established, peace re-visit our laud e.tch of you bu permitted to enjoy the plea sures of home mid the smiles of those near and dear. Ibid you, and ull, a (soldier's farewell. Oil. Good was a most exeel'eiit ollicer and i was beloved Ijy the ollicers and iue:i nf his ; reuiiuent. Although bis loss i. nuretted ; ly ail, the bon tue iiiuel. pleased witu his j suecessor, I.ieot. Oil. J. I'.. SlnmM liobin. i Tnis resij;tiHtioii w ill hiioii plat'e the Lieut.' Odonel in full cnuiuinnd f the regiment. I have been informed he ha already been i commissioned by Govi Curt in. Promotions I comu so fast on our old Captain that the bovs forget his title ami scarcely know how J to address him. 1 hat those ot his company are well pleased you may be assured, for tlity know his true worth, and tire certain if bravery and daring on the Held of buttle deserves an honor, the shoulders of their late Captain should be graced with ti.'c Eagle. Lieut. Hendricks has just received notice of the death of a member of Co. O, Jacob C. Grubb. Another victim of the battle of Cedar Creek. The boys are well and in good spirits. With respects to friends, your sell and tamily, 1 remain Yours Fraternally, II. D. W. Khcrsuuu I'repured lor an Kxleu dire lumpiilgni Bckfalo, Nov. 21. Brig. Gen. Barry, Sherman's chief of ar tillery, arrived litre yesterday seriously ill. He left Gen Sherman at Kings'lori, Georgia, at 0 o'clock un thu morning of tho 12th in stant. Hen. Barry says that Sherman has all the infantry, cavalry and artillery he wants. Thu men had received eight months' pay, and their out lit has been especially adu)it?d to a hard and rapid winters' campaign. The morale of tho troops Is unequalled for ef ficiency and vigor, and General Sherman wrll carry his army triumphantly through the work he has to do. On Monday night last Hood's entire for ces, including Forrest's cavalry, wcro in the immediate neighborhood or 1 uscamhiu and Florence, Ala., watched hy tho troops under Gen. Thomus. of sunk strcnctli h uill rn. .j ,r iUVttbiou ,f Tennessee) iiiiiinasililfl. j llIUJ eVen the withdrawal of Hood for ser- Ttce elsewhere, an operation to txtrcaiu dull cacy. A recent article on petroleum, says : Every I day new uses for this substance are being 'discovered. Its use for culinsrv DurDt)6ei tvtn is beine discussed. We know of one , KtDtleman who eats it on salad, and pn firs Tns icrma! opening of the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, had an Interest inde pendent ot that left by the member tt (lie Catholic Church, for of building to grand and beautiful Philadelphia mar well be uroud. It Is the largest church in the Unl ted States, and there are' few modern churches in Europe which surpass It in aizo and Bisffniflcence. It in an exact model of St. Charles' Church on the Itoman Corso, lacking only that vesture of age which heightens the beauty of architecural effect. It is said to be able to contain 5,000 people. If this be the correct estimate, it is one teuth the capacity of 8t. Peters at Rome, which will hold about 04,000 people, atrtl approaches very nearly to St. Mark's, the grand Cathedral of Venice. Notre Dame. .the tltrest churoh of Paris, will accommodate about 23,000 On Thursday afternoon a ladv was crush ed to death between a Car and the station platform, on which she was alighting. A plank had been throwu out from the car, wlucn was old lusiitrmed, with a door in the centre, and the train starting just as she stepped on the plunk, she fell to the earth and lost her life. A largo quantity of fined ammunition was lately sent to Fort Porter, Buffalo, and while temporarily deposited in the hull of the ollicers' quarters some drunken fool stuck a lighted candle on the toT) of one of he ammunition boxes, and before it was dis covered It had burned down and set the lid of the '.iox on fire. Au officer extinguish ed the flames just in time to prevent a fear ful explosion. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ladies' and Children's Hats, Latest stvles at CHARLES OAKFORD & SOXS, Contiuenta'l Hotel, Philadelphia. Nov. 12. 1S61. 3ui Ladies' Furs. The largest ntsortnirnt at CHARLES OAKrORD a ku.ns. Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. . Nov. 12, 1094. Hw GREAT MOTUmN! OF FINE GOLD AND SILVER V7ATCHES, ELEGANT DIAMOND EINQSV Diamond Brooches, Ear Drops, Bracelets And a er; large Mock of Elegant JuwaJry, valu ed at $500,000, CERTIFICATES., nnuiins each article and its iofre placed in Mi A LEI) KXVLLOPKS, and oell mixed. One of the.-) envelopes will be deliv ered at our oflice." or sent by mail to any addree?, without regard to choice, o:i receipt of 2! cent. V aillHond by mail or ezprrm, the article that the purchaser tiiay draiv. fur ONE DOLLAR, r will ixmnni? for any orhrr arttre on our bttt of Iht tame value as lir wtirlc drawn JSTO Entire jatUfaction gunrr.ntced In all cuaet Vou may obtain a OoLn WAtcit. or DtAifovh Rix: for O.N'E IiCLLAR. which you need nut pay until you know what yuu have drawn and itn value". jf l ire scaled Luvtlupt-s for Jl, Eleven lor t2. Thirty tor ?:. Send tor Circular. Agents wanted. GOODWIN. HUNT A CO.. .1 1-wri i i: u? i;rn,i-m. v v i All letter? t'lould he addicued to our box, 5 J UU Port Office. NnwJYovk. i"V. U', loot. it Ty,,,., f-,. M.f.An asortmeiit of Via ries for Itf.s. of varied stvKs and ize. Also. Cap, ,'olc and Lett-r Paper, t'unhur7, Nov. i. 1 3 if. for sale bv ANSA PAIXTLR. j OTICE A 1 Iniiit. ui tt rrqiu'i-tfj tu call at I he oi l dtimil on-l , (my up ihfir Accuuut.- hy th" Hrnl leceniner. AU : a.'c uitt- iit !iU tiy tlittl tiiiw, will be j.lncei iu the . buna? H J uilit'f'ivr cvll'-ciifit. i 1 KILINU A 15 KANT. I Siilmrv, ?.t-. if, lvf.l. T11K t.NION FOKEVKR! ! !' ?;jia.i.EO. : At lb" .tole of I ointr if .Market and 1 au Streets', Sl'XBUKV, I'EN.N'A, FALL &; VIiNTKH GOODS, for c'iry1i-ly. Thi-. i Uluwing." but pi -tin tru'h, ftltifh cwTymic will be cunvmcf t tbul citli and cx aiuiiies llie stuck, ivliL'li cm..uUof Vrvt liDO'U. Cwimere. C'l-jths, GnntV Orcrfioatiof Joum. CuLttuuk, Musliiii. brcsd GuoUs iu grtt vuiicty. LADIES' )ia:ss GOODS. Plain nnd Figured Delaines. French and Figured Merinos, tino M oid Delaine, all sons and (hades. 1'rintn. Nankeens. I.AliiKd' C L' I A Iv I N 0 . TaUt-Covers, Iriidi Linen, llrown and While sdiectiujp. Shawls, lialmorul kirt of all kiuds llooji Skirt!', all Jirices. Hand kerchief;., l'limi'.l-. Ludna Kid. iilk and Merino U loves, c. Jenrlry ol'ttll U1u1m. Ladies' and lients' t'uion Skates. " A large a-sorluienl of NOTIONS. Hardwr.ro. Ce lai ware, tl'aiaware, Chinaware, Oueeiiaware. I'rockery. Groceries, Tobacco, Segars SnoO", Tea, Collee, Sugar, MolasVL". Si'ics, Fish, Suit, Ac, &c., and everyihiii:? ele usaally kept in a store. Pro duco laken iu exchange lor goods. No Irouhle to frhoar goods. WILLIAM ItOWKX. f unliury, Nov. i, ls8l. Always ! Always ! Always ! , OX H ASH, AND SELLING CHICAP THE FALL & WINTEU GOODS, Just opene J at No. 1 Store of WEAVER & PAGELY, CONSISTING OP HAVE juat returned from Philadelphia rith one of Ibe largest and beet (elected mocks of UoodJ eer brought to .Sulil.urv. DRY GOD S! F0RKIUX AND DOMESTIC such as Cloths-, Cawi merea, Munliuii, Shceline,, Tickiiift. Calicoes, De. laines, flannels, anil ell kinds of MHI'HNINU Goods. Alpnccan. Ulacit Silks, llinhams, lialmoral and Skeleton Bkirtii, Cautoa 1'lunnels, Nankeens, Cur petiu; of all kin. Is HATS Sc CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, CoaiprisinK. Hosiery, Glover. Thread. Huttuns, Sua pemtere, Neck -tics, Collars, Jlainlkcrchiefs, iluir liiu.-lies. ioolu Urusnes. ouru luo bon and Curd, tape, crotchet-bruid, worked collars, fancy bead di-esaca, tidy eottoD. carpot binding, combj, fancy von os. carnct hwja Trunks, Vsliscs, Vinbrcllas, Blank Books, Paper, .uvviopea, an. Of all kind', such as Nails, Hinges and Screws. Door Latches and Knobs, Locks, and Cl'TLEKY ot every description. Also, Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Fish, Flaxseed and Dwnzine Oils, Glass, Putty, ite. (taeeusware und jilat are vi' ull kiudtfs STONE AND EAliTIIfcSWARE. An Extensive Etock of G R O C E R 1 E'S, Composed of Sugar. Coffee, Teas, KiCe, Corn-sturch, Maccaront, Darley, liaking-poKder, uioluwa. soaps, candle, tobacco and segars, bait, kith, Ueat, Cheese, Ac. Ao. Also, a large variety of BOOTS & GHOEa. for ilea. Women and tbilaronv Uf-All)iinds of Grain and Country Produce taken la exchange for Goods. Give us call before yon purchase elsewhere, we re bound to sell as low as any one else. tttore-room in Ir X. Clement's building st the nath-westoaraer of Market busre, near ibe Court House. Boabary, Ker. I, ft&i. UcrnMlrrtotTit 'r-l-irriii(i A Family and an AyvhuUurul. Decolei to CholoeLitiiraturo. Including Poetry, Kovnleilna, Tales, and l far and Kntorlaining Kemllni -ner-I'yIn the Litoiary Department no shall present Ux ehoioeat Turieti. rflthin the reach or our extend, d nisans. Iho iVy-ilclte, Tales, Poetry. Ae., shall b supplied from I ho l,,t and l.iglut aonrrnf, nnd bs jual to anything to he found in any Journal or magactno. Agrioultnral and Horticulture, Pinhraoini Farm Ing, gardening, truit.KnMiijr, Ao. Our labors In thU department for over thinv yean, have met the aordial approoalion ortho public. Our purpose hns been to furnish useful nnd reliable information T-ni these very lmport4il I, ranches 0r induslry, and to proteol tham So Tar as wtibin our paper against the fslsedoou-iuosandselfldipuiposesol tho inanyein pirlcs andtensatlon-sdvtniurers bv which tho Far mer Is lnoessnntl nesailed. This portion of tho "Uermajitown Toiegraph'1 Is alono (forth tho whole pries of subsoripiion. Nows Department Tho samo Indiwtry. care, and discrimination, in gathering and preparing llio Stir, ring Events of tho Day, ixpres-dy .'ol this paper, which hitherto has been one of its marked lealures and given so universal satisfaction, will bv continued with redoubled eftorts to incut thu increasing de mands of the public. Terms. Twd dollars per annum : ono ih.llnf f'.r tlx months. No orders received wl.hont the cash, and all subscriptions stopped ut the cod of thu time paid for. Address PHILIP It. FREAS, Editor and Proprietor, Gortuaulowii, Philn., To. Oot. 21), im.2t ' L M IL L I NLMTV G 0 0 J) 8, AND s-'Astv rvvrio.M A. trmi uix;s At tho now ttatid, in Market Sitinre, SUN15L UV. HAVE just received from Pliilnd-lpliia the lutet. and most fashionable ft vies of Millinerv ll euch as J5iinuts, lime. .-iik-.' Velvets, l!il,lm? aati Loec3, I eathcrj f: Flower.-. Ilea I lircsc Set?, Old Ladies' Caps. Woolen Hoods. Soiitnf!'. IStmi.tiuX Shawls, Silk and Woolcu Scaii. Hw!vry CLOAKS & PURS! Block Crape Snd Lace Veils. Crape and Linen I'nf l.lrs, DreSH Trimmings ni,d litittonr. Cuircts. Keihvit. St-ap and Perfumery, Cloak Trimmings, Woollen A Cotton Vara, Irt-HHi:ikiu', 'IonK.iu;iKi nixl ltmidiiis'sloiK-iii Isilool Jlv li-. Ocnts' Linen and Paper Collar!", Neckties. Ac. COCXTItY PltODL CE taken in exebnne lor lood cr "ctk. Thankful for past patroiiatrc we solicit the same. L. & li. SUI.-'.-'LLH. Euubury, October 22, ISC-l lMiilusirlpssIa & I'i m- Biailio.-itl. rilHtSgreut line traverses the Xorihcrn aial North I West COUIll icj of PcllllKl lvuniu to the i-ilv of lii, on Lake Eric. It has been leased bv the lYr.nsvlvamn ltailr.mil Compauy nnd is operated by them.' ltseuiirc length was opened fur passenger and freight bufincss. October 17th. ltJOl Time of Passenger trains at Stinbury, Leave Eastward. Through Mail Train, 0 .or. p. M. Elmi.'tf Expre'j J'raiu, 11.4a ' Lock Haven Accommodiitinn. JO. 40 A. M. Leave Westward. Through Mail Tram :s .til A. M. Khnira Express Train, .'-.l" Lock Haven Accommodation. 4.2., P. M. Williainspurt Accuiniuolaliai, 1 1 "a ' Cars run throuj;!i without change, both way, be tween Philadelphia and lirio Elegant Sleeping Cars iiii Express Truins both ways between Villiamport nnd Hull i re, mi l WilliamspoM and Philadelphia. . For inforuialii n re.-pectiii Passenger busiiie.s apply at Sllth and Market St. ' And for Freight l-usinc! of the Company's Agents, S. U. Kingston, Jr., Cor. i:;th and Jiarkct S'.., Philadelphia. J. W. llevnolds. Evie. J. M. Drill, Agent X. C. U. It., lialtimorc. 11. 11. IIOIMON. lien'l Freight A--t..Philada. II. v:. nv.iNNK!:. ' ((.u l Th-'m'. A'-'t.. ritl.i l.i. Josct li 1. Poi rsi lien'l Manu.-cr, Williafn .rt. i Nov. 5. 138!. j JACOB O. B3GH: MERCHANT TAILOIi, And Denier in CLOTHS, CASSl.MliKKS, VliSTIXti, Ve. l'utvu ift -' I. isfuilli of WrnierN ta.ui. S U N u e i--sr, x. TXF0KMS the eiiirt'iii of .--iiTiburv and v:ci ii:y, that he haa jut retuincd troui Philadelphia ill. a lull uasoitmeut ot i ll. i. Sit vs.va'B'.ss .oms, dFEVElty DESCP.IPTDIX AXlMJl'Al.lTV. His stock consist? of Cloths. Frein-h Cloth-. Plaek I Doe Skin and Fancv t'a-iiiiere.-i. lit :i-k Satin. Figured Silks. Plnin and Fam y Cas-innMc VEsTlXHS. which i he will make up lo older in style to suit the la ic of : viistoiiieis, on short notice, und Ihu unit rcuotjahlc terms. 1 Any Goods not on baud, will he fun.i-hcd from ' Philadelphia, by givinis two days' in, lice. j llond furnished by customers will be made up to . order as heretofore. i As he wiil employ mne Itt't experienced workmen. ' fiersons may rely on gilliii' their work well dona at ' lis shop. Thankful for the patronage herctotorn Lotowed, ho respectfully sidicits a coniiinianccof the Mime. Sunbtirv. Spt. It). l.Mil. Nirw G O O J) Sil Two doors west Of IVn. H. Miller s Shoe sbire. Sunbury, Pa. Juxl opened a fresh sujiply of FALL AND WINTEU OOOHS, 8ch as Fancy Dress Tiiinmings, ltibbons. lilove Htindkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen C.dlar and Cufls Oetil s Linen nnd pap.-r Collars. Neils, llr In. I.aeo Collars and Sleeves. Hafr l'ells, 'elvct Jiibbnns. lted. White and lllitc Mcek-tiei, Ciastts, yuakcr Skirts, Yokes and Klctver. W00LEX HOODS, comprising of Sontags, H.iery ft ladies and children, Caps of all kinds, Scurfs, UlovcS, Milter . 4c. Also, a ne' style of muslin for CaiTi'ja'.di waists (ogethur wi.d Suir". Jaconet ami Victoria Muslins rape Jollurs and Veils. II rcnadine and I.aeo Veils nd a variety ot other 'articles too numerous to nicu AlAlli I.. LAZA1US. bunbury, Oct. 22, Ibfel. Sunbury High School, "IIJILL rc-open in Ibe old liapli-t (,'burch. on Ibe 1 einbraccs all the brauebes tannin in Aoudnn'ci and Kcuiiuaries of tho hiybtat e;ruilc. TKIIM8 PKIt KBStMON OK SI WKKKS, . Forljiiiirungtt ancient und nio.Icfiiu.clud- iujpil other brunches, f 's M Xatuiul Sciences, Al-brn, llc.r.ietrv. etc. El fill Advance I Grammar. Goar.iiliy. Hisiort, Ac. I'-' lai Kudiuicnts of above, ill lid Primary. b 1,0 I Incidental expenses, J union pavauie ejuar:eny in niivnnce. No deductiun made foi' lost t.'tfic. l'upil-s eau enter at any tl'uc, and willraly hi charged from Ihodate the-y niter. For further particulate uplily to the Principal, Ii. 1'. UOHLACII. Bunbury, August fi, 1 Hit. if. iolej"i I .lidj "h Itook. The FasuioS Mauainr or tiik Woi i.p. Literature, Fino Arts, and Fashions. The most magnificent Steel LnraTliijrii. Double Fnsliion Flalcs. Wood enaravt.i.jrp vn every subject thai call iutercit ladies. Crotchet kiiiltin'if, Nt'liiiiK. Jim- broidery, Anicles tor Iho l.ulet. lor the l'ail.,r, llio Houdoir, and the Kitchen. Kveryihing, in iuct, to make complete Lady 'a Hjok. The hulita F'tnu-itc fur 8.1 Yt ttr?. , ., , , , , . . . ., .. Nd Mngatiue baa becu ublo to Compete with It Xone atteuipt it. Uodey's lleceipls for every department na house, bebl T'licso alone ore worth the pri.e of thu Hook. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gites them), with diagrams. Drawiug Lessons for the Young. Auother special ty with liodcy. Original Music, w or ill $.1 a year. Oilier Maira siues publish old worn-out music ; but thu subscri bers to Uotley get it before the iiiu&iu stores. liardeuing tor Ladies. Another peculiarity with Oodey. Fashions from Messrs A. T. is'tewart z Co.. of New York, the millionaire merchants, appcur iu liodey, the only Maaiinu thai has (hem. Also, Fashions lor ihu celebrated Crodie, of New York. Ladies' Bonnets. V e irivo nir.-e r.f them in a year than any olher Magaxine. Iu faci, tl.j L.. iy's Hook enables every lady lobe bcrown bouuet miil.er I TiiKMS OF UODJiY'!' LADY'S HOUK FOK IMlj. From which there can be no Deviatiou. One copy, one year, $3(10 Two copies, one year, A &0 Throe copies, one year 1 &0 Four copies, one year 10 Oil Additions lo soy of the above clubs, $2 50 each subscriber. Uodey's Lady's Bock sc.! Author's Home Majra Sine will be sent, eaoh or year, oa receipt of ft Ml. We have so club with any other Magasiueor Newspaper. AdeV ( L. A. QODFY, N- t. Corner Fi jib sad Cbwuut bUuet, Pbila. OtilotwrB, IM.wi FALL AND W I N T 15 K FANCY DRESS GOODS, jhss,wa iMi vniK, Two doom West of the Font Ofllce, 8TJNBUHY, riJISTN'., HAS Just rooelvrd and opened a largn awirtment of Fanoy Dross Goods, such asUlDves, Jonvian Kid-gluvw, Mlk and lisle throad UloTiiaJ Laillo caitoa nnd woolen Hose, Children's Merino Hone, Silk Mils, Handkerchiefs, Corsets. F.nrbroidcred Slippers. Hibbons FANCY l'RKlstt BUTTONS, Dugle tlimbs. Trimmluifi, Kuttonrt. Uelt Hihlmn V el cot Kib' bons, Hruid, IJeit Clasp, Ladies' Neolr-tlea. I'onay Buttons, CHAPKUIBDON and 'HUMMING ; F,ui broidering Braids, Jaoonet nnd Swiss Edgings and insertions; Maltecno Lnee Colurs. Laces, llronadina VoiM, Farnty Dross ComlM.lllcau Dressen, Xclts, and a variety ot other nrticles. WirtlLliX (iOODS, such as Sontncrs, Breakfast Cosej), Caps, Mittens, Sacqnes, UoTe, Silk und Cotton Flagi, ftc. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, BOOKS AND STATIONERY", Poolrs. Hymn Hooks. JUiink Hocks. Memonnditrn Books. Dinrlcr. Pocket Hooks. Ink Stands. Pens, Pencils, a line assortment of Paper, Ink, 4o. Tj'ilet Soaps, Tooth-Briishet, Ac. TOYS AM) O.YMKS KOI CMILDilEX. All of which hnva been selected with caro and will be sold at reasonable prices. AXXA PATXTEI?. Hunhurv, Oct. 22. 1SC4. FALL Awli WINTKft"' MiLLINKBY GOOLS AT AT REDUCED PRICES!!! Hiss .VI. I.. allHNlT, Fawn street, two doors uuth of Shamohin Valley A Pottsville liailroad, TJ AS just opened her Fail ami Winter slock of j JL I. nniiinery ttooos. lauius liu.x.M-. is. Hats end Caps of (he latest styles J French and American Flowers and Feathers, Trimmings of all kinds ! La dies and Childrens' Hose. lnre. Collars. Veil and a largo assortment .if Fancy Hoods and Xotions. Call ntid sec her stock, .sunbury, Oct. 112, 1801. 2m FANCY Dis V (iOOI) STORE. TvIIS KATE BLACK, 1 KPPEI'TFrLtiY infornishtr friends in Sunbury V aii'l vicinity, that she has just opened her PALIi AND WINTEU GOODS, ol Xotions mid FancyDry Ciouds, Market street, four doors west of Wm. H. Miller's Hoot und Slue store. M'NBIT.Y, Pu. ,Ter stock t"m'ts rf Ttiinniini.f?. nolioi . cmhroi ilerit s, Ladies and Children' hats and shakers; siik nnd olher limnirs. Or-ct". Hoop-skiits, Crape and Lact; Veils ; Xe'.s, g'tjre, ?tocliine;s, collars, and col sets. Vc. VsTOOLKtST GOODS, Pre ikliisl Shawls. Soiling, I'cd lliding lljods, Capi, Hosiery of all kinds. ticnts' llandkereliiefs. Crnvats, XockticJi fsnspen d.TS ; ltibbons. of all kinds. Feathers. Veltct, and manv other nrticles too hiimeroui t'i mention KATE BLACK. Punbury. Oct. 22. ISM. Look at the Returns ! WM. II. MIL LBa. Market S1Uare, M'XBl'KY, PliXX'A'., j "I CST rpceived from Xnw York and Philailcljihia p a licsh supply ol the latest styici mot ol the best .' fiualiiv of IliOOTS AND SHOES, j for Men, Women and Children, which he oll'cis at rcduccil lirice.s. V'nmoii'j Shoes at S I no. All his ,.,) stock WARRANTED. Xo Paper Shoes sold at hi store. lie will al-o wholesale Enois and Shoes by the box. 'J he public generally are invited to call mid ex amioo i,is ?tock. Minbuo'. Oct. 22. liil. 1 ' 1 i . s, MACHINE i 1 JJ.. Til " lit! I. lirighl. I,., Stinbtirv. air -i'r.cd having purchased of E. Y. his Machine .'i"lt,'p. Foundry. Ac, ut has now commenced operations. All Kinds of lYEaUinery, WILL UK MAHF, AXK lilil'A Ifl lil) P11HM I'Tl.Y. Persons di-irin;; M AC II I N'K WOIIK imniediately, will do well lo call and era-.ainc bis lacii'tii.s f.r iloin work ebr?tp. M 4U1 VIECJti Vi)K PATTEiW!.. WILLIAM KGKJ1YSUN. Sunbury. rt lit. 1-Vil i.l A T XI l"rtI ON 2 A Si"! L:IIiS AND llIiYI'LLMK.N j it vn wi-li tu iii-irry. n-ilna t!u u."lor':gr.CLi. wtm ' will u n I yon without n.oitcy n"A r itli'jut j-iicv. nl- II tl ' Ut' II' I'M III .1 1 I' ' 1 1 U..I I B III I 11 I ' ' 1 1: UU 1I 1 1 1. 1 1 I ! hn;'(-v tuiil .-.tvli! y. in 'jn-.-iii e ut' nu. V-.aH!i or ln-.tuty. i It if iii!iriini' ion will v'. ;.mi uuthii'tf. mvl 1 1 1 v -it vA to in ii fry, I Mill rhrt-iTuUy n-si yoi ' Ml r-r-.ii.-llv v ! (i.lt'dtinl. 'i m I"M-. r ii..r- ma'ion sent by reiuru mail, and ro 'jtiesti,,'.. 1, atler Cs.S SAKAII li. LAM UliKT, tireenpoint .. 1S0I. La: Kinv-couui s- .Von- York. I let. I IE. C. GOEIIT, .tloi-iiev it it si 'i:ii-'tSoi- tit Law, HAERISBUHO. TENN;A. "II1L1- carefully atlen.l lo Collections mil all V oilier niatieis eniru"ted to hiai. in ihccouulics of liauphii.. Nortbuuibci-laiid anil t-iiyler. Oct. I.i, T -! I . iy A LEG TURK TO TOXJISrO- IsAlJEHXT Jtist fuUiilti! hi a Hiahil liuvetvpr. I'licr 9 XIX ct'ttt. A l.ts-lure on the Nature. Treatment and Radical Cureol Spcvmntorrhu'ii or S -niinal Vil-rness, Itici uutary l-Jiuii-it?s. Sexual Debililv, and impediments to Marriuo p-norullv. Nervou-.ios I'oii-uuiptioii. lipilepsv. ami I n?: Menial and Phical incapaei. iv. resuitini; from Hell-Abuse. Ac. liv li'iJJl.lll J l l L, lill LLL, M. D., Author ot iho Hr-.-ni Hiol:,:' tc. The world renowned author, in thi admirable Lecture, clearly proves from bis on exi erieoee lliat tiio iimi'uI eunsooiioncc of olf-Abu-e niav bo elleetn- j nllv iciuowd witboul meJicine. a:;d it ilia ut ilaeiL'-r- j i btiis ar.-leal operations, bougie". ifi ;tnoeii'-. l ings j or c .roo.is. po.oinif out rt o..e vi u.-u..s . tain and etteetual. by rrhieii eterv Miile'ir, in- inai- ic-nbat his coialiilon may hi-, luur euro lii'ii-clf I ubcnplv. piivtiulv. an 1 ra.Ii allv." 'ilHrf LEf- 'j ( lili'Wll.l, I'ilVK A 1IOON T" TIIOl'SANDrf avii TlliirsAN'Hf. r-ent uinlcrseal. to aov aiMreci, in a I lain, peeled nuclopo. on tho receipt ol M ' cenis. 01 l,-.o post , iio staimui, by ailtlressing iho publi-bers. ' C'lf A. J. 0. I' Ll.Nli 4 CO , 127 C.iwt i v ?rew York, l'oit OUicc JJox, -tifil. C.t 15. l-ii'l. Iy c ; Stiitf of Hjm'Ic 1" rlinnibos'- IhiiO, k'u., .ov. 3l IMIL' ' ASSKTS. j Loans am! Hillr dl.'eaniitcl. . . SoOl.fild -'0 CcrtilVales of t'nilcil Mates Mint . lob. null !U I'oitnl !lales 5--.H Itiaii, ... - 'iial.oliU UU I ' Interest bearing Lcjal Ten- I ()e!s, 3l,liml 00 I rennsyivanhi. " ... 2.t 4otl 00 ; Hank of Northumberland Slock, o.iiiU UU 1 Xorthiiiiit'erlund Bridge block, l.oUil 00 I Telegraph Slwk, - 11,1 1 I leal listate, Ac. -- '"' 1 ' luc t.v oilier lianas. - j Nj,l.gf U,.r l!uks, and Lf(;al Tenders bli.TiH U0 line bv olher UaukJ. - - lnj.lllb.1 I'a. 1 III l.liO oO Specie in Vault including Coinnionwcalib (specie Certificates, 3l,0ll!9 71 fS'Ji.ToT VI $:I18 41IS"0 Id OHO 00 LlAUILlTIliS. Vottit in circulalinii, - - Due 10 other Hanks. " Commonwealth. Currency for Specie Certificates, " iiepo-ilors, - . $ol-;,95 t XonTiti Mr.i:i.ANn Co., Srr. 1 hereby certify the ubovc statemenl lobe just uud true tolhc best of my knowlrdi;t and belli I". S. J. FACKI'.lt, Cashier. Sworn ui.d subtilibcd before uie. j I'm ... 'i.'i: vi i'r. .'MHaiy l'ub'tic. ) buubui'A , NeV J, Liol. j PROVISION, ' IIUCKSTE1UNG, &C. f Itllli undersized respectfully informs the citizens i 1 ul Sunl'ury, that he has commence. I llio buck. , Hermit business, and is ready Ion pply Ihim weekly I with Ul'Vl LH, Flii.S. MKAT, LAllD, 1'OILTUY of ull kinds, I'ULSH HlitF und PoltK, Ao., Ao. I Persons desiring aDy of tbabove artioles, will he promptly in. plied by leaving tbeir orders at bis resi- S.ooo,UUt0drick's .--lioomR gjjfLTZEB. 1 frisbury, Oct. I,ls44 --ti i I I I i BOARDINGHOUSE. (Foraierl of Ibo "I.swronoo Ifone,") HnBUUY, PRNN'A. TNF0HMS her friends and tho publio ijfirrarajly that she has refilled tho honso fonneily ooaiipiod by Dr. J. V . I'ento. on Hlaekbcrry stroot, near tho Northern Central Haltwoy Depot, ard opened a flonrding rfouso. where she Is procured to keep rKKM ANEXT AND TKAXRIENT B0AItDrHH. With good cooks and waiters, boarders csn onjoy the quiet com lor U of homo with far equal Ihq best hotels Patronage from those who may sojourn la Sunbtiry, In respectfully solicited. Mrs. MARIA TUOMPHOS. . Sunbury, Oct 22, 1164; . ESTEY'S COTTAGIC 4 BIj not ou!y Ulieuuileo. but they t o ab.olntclv i. V iincquaili'l. bv any oilier Ued lii'trmnent in thecountrc. Dtsiened expressly for Churches and I Schools, tbey are found to bo equally well adapted to the uinir and drawing room. For sale onlv by K. M. BKXCli, ZXo. 19 Xortli Seventh street. Philadelphia. Where can also bo found a coniplcto assortment of the Perlect Melodeon. Sept. 21, ISt'.t lyw & 'nut-Ill A. AvcHKt., IMillal liIia. Cater for the best Trade, and oiler no Daits or de ception to induce Custom, but ruly on FAIK DliAL J.VU und HOOD UO0DS ! Best Meritine, Fashionable Hilks, Xobility Plaids. Pun's I'ojilins. lark F:olartls Figuretl Merinocs, Plaid t'liawl;, Oool Blankets. P. f . We f.dlow COLD down, ns clo'e as wo fol low it up. iowisngocd ttiuo for Merchants and ConsunicrS to coio,c in. October , ISdt. 2inw Nlniy IIokw. Ct AMI! to the pre'.nife? of tl." subseribcr la Vppcr Augusta tow n-liip. about four weeks since, two white shouts weihm at the titnoatKiut ttl'ty pounds each. Tho owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take thoia away, or else they will be sold i.ccordin to lacr, DAVID W. MALK'K. Vppcr Augititu twp , Oct. , lsol. 2m Oenllemert's'Hal.s. All the best styles at CHARI.KS OAKFORD A c'ONrf. Ciaitincntid Hotel, Philadelphia. Nov. 12. 1-ojk 3m 1 it I t'litii t iomil Hotel, iOj ;ii ,'iii7 Hnni''i":ii. ?orntr l'ruaklin Street M-.W Ith. i 1 1iIiS first class II, mso the most quiet, homelike I and pleasant II. .M in the city oilers superior ' u;o le.-euieiu:, lo UIO-C f.-llMl .sew 1 Ulh 101 ousiiie.-s , or pleasure. It is cen'ral in it locaiion. and kept on j the li!'i!oi'f..'.x Plan, in connection with Ttvi.on's , Saloon, i-lo re rctre: lunents can be had all hours, i or served iu their own roumsi il he charges arc mo KtiiIu. liionnmis hikI :itlenlitncc of the f.it ortltT bti llis, inul nit the uiixitrn cttLVcniciice? ttiK'hti.1. Oct 1. I .SC. I. GOODS I Jl"ST Ol'LNKi) Fall & Winter Goods, AND SUM) CIliiAI-Lit TU.VX KI i. WIIKKK 1 ISAAC FTJ?aAlT5 In Ze'lciioycr s Puil lin. opp-s'iie 'iei:r!i,ii'l .s Con fectionery Store. Market :trrt t. SL'.S Ill J Y. I'a., K AS just o . i.eil ii well seleetc l ns oiiuient of l.Joo,l.'. w li is: It lie oliVi : f,.r sale at v e;y low prices '. NTi DO no-res. Mii-Iitt-. She l.-tiaes. Siil:..:. 1 1 ioiiaois . oc . Ac. 3 ViT a( .. Ol c teiv.le NOTIONS fc VA KILTIES, llU.IUMO VV ! ( mff in Su-jk-U'Iit. ,.f llo-ierv. i!..ve'. Thread. Jititt..i:s, X .-.!: t u -. liolla:.'. Haii-iker. hi.-i'-. II .ir l!ru.!i" T- it. HiusIk -. I ancv ilerol Drc-sef. lial moral Shirts. Ioop.'kirts. Clip, t-bis, Ti Us. a- , list s, riabrelltis. t in.ui.-t am. Soap.-, ail-l ntnucious other unifies too tedium to mention H A 1 D T A R X! ! -neh lu- nail.-, hinges ami jerews. ! tor latches and J knobs, and 111 I.LKY of "very de-ci ij.li'-n. j Dye--, Drugs Piiiiits, Ynmi-tirs "ili. Class, j I'nlly, i i:., A;i', I l(cei usu :iro nsitt 4liis.i tin ' vrvy t'i''ijittrit4 fTONr A XI) KAirnUCNWAUC. An c.Mta-,ive i-loek of Cmupfwctl of Sn-'eir. Ci.flVn, Tc;". Uiue, Corn-cdirch, .Mtlitt'S. Cnu'lk', 31ui:t, J'isb, t'ttou. .Suit. Tobacco, KUADY-MADE CLOTHING. Alsr-, OQTG ?r. SH0S3 for men. women and children. All kituN of Country l'loduco taken in exchange for li.Htls. r-unburv, Scot. 10, 154. Asliiiillr-loi-''s ."Xol !-. VJUTCK is hereby j?ivcu that letters of nduiinis .11 traTi.-n ha inir been granted to tlie loibscriber, on the estate of Jttc'ib Kicbach, late of Lower Malm, nny lowii-liip. Norlhiiuiherlan J county, I'a.. die d. All persons indebted are reipicsted to make immedi ate payment, aril those hating claims, lo present them lb." t'elllelnelit. ISAAC I. WITMElt, Adm r. Iower M ihoiiiiy twp.. Oct. S, 0-1. lit HATS! HATS I ! ! SAMl'Kr, r.Yl'LsT, j Tko iloors west i f Fischer s Drug Store. Mulkct A., j &ONBURY, JtKINJ JST'A.- j IS coiistnutl v m.-mufacturititbobwM sl vic-of Word mid Fur II Us. which for'oolir.cw urd durability arc not s-arpr,.-scil. Hive him it call and sec his stm-V nf Hats v.-hh-S aro ; sold eheaiier lltan elsettheie. Merebant-aB 1 others. puiehaii!i at wholesale, will Ihid it to tbeir n.lvaii- , tage to call and procure un article cheaper and e.uul I to cilv niiiitiif.odiirc. Sunbury, October I. ISiU ; DISSOLUTION TAUTNE JtSHH". flUlK partnership heretofore, existing between J. ! 1 W Filling A W. T. Uraot. under the firm of! 1? riling A (iiiiut, has been dissolved by liiiiituiion. ! All peitm indebted lo iho above nnu will please ' call ul once at tin old sland and settle their accounts. ' Mr. Oaant tenders b thankx to the public for th d ' liberal patronage oHeuiied to the old firm iu lb f I lonir continuance ia busine.-s and hope-, that ,'uC-'v will exiemi ibe same imlruiiagc 10 Ibe new C'm tTr J. W. Fiil'ag A sou. I The business heretofore carried on by ' .-i-ijitj.s & j Grant, w ill bo continued by the und.-rsi;-r,( uj,.r i 1 the lirm ot .. W. Krilin A Sun. hi the ,J,( xand in 1 Market S uaro where we jri-peoifulry tnt in, ail t j call. .1. M . Vk ILI.V', " : H It FKlLtMt, Ptn.it.irv. Oct. 8, lS'll Im iGKK.VT liKm OTlON i.STHE VWLV. or EDWIN-'HALL & CCX, I No ill South See ji,d Street, Philadelphia. I Arc now - offering I'jelr mi;r.'ifi"eut stock of Silk.', 1 Dre-4 lioods. Slia aIs, Cbalrs. Cluaks, YohcEs, Ac, I fur below the '. esetil liuld 1'iicts i ; W e have al .hi on baud, a laiyu stock of DOMJiSTIC ; tlfM)DS, w l .ie-h we aro now selling at a si eat reduc - ti.m Itom the pricei e have been eellipg them at. j As we Viato bui the advanlai;ti ofu risu iu ih- prices ; of our Stock in the prorets 01 ihu V. r t. r ihu i..: l , two or three years, wo now propese to f;iie our Cub I toij.cis ibo Adtuut.njc of tho fill iu Prices, j Caliooes and Muslins, reduced, I - I'lnniteis and T.1I.I0 Liners. 1 educed, I Blankeis and ali siabic Cfoo.ts, reoiiced, I Wo respectlully solicit from taj Ladies and uthers visiting Philadelphia, ta ex imrnation of our slock, which is unsurpassed in variety snd stylo, in this city. N- II., Wboiesaio liuvcrs. arcinvtiiai to examiue leu!ock. LDW IX UALL 4 CO , j No. 71 fssuih-f'.ttrivl t, rLU.letrl)i. 0-lbi , loiej Kuiw tin j'sckif. -:!ii--.M V'; xttiy Mt'AhTS P.n8Cf.TIcT0 FROM HfSOP.t'F.BS OV TUB f..KTl.tt AND I) I 0 E 8 1 I V ft U 1! 0 A 1N'3 Aro Cured by 4 HOOF L AND" S German Bitters,. Thi Grvat Sirenytneuing These Uitlors hove performed more Cures' Hive and do Oivo lictter Satisfaction! Ilaro more Testimony ! Ilavo more Hespectnblo People to Vouch Tor Them T Than any other article In the market. Ve defy any 0XE to contradict this Assertion, wti win, I'av fci) To any one thnt will produce a CertiCeetg pnb'iihcd by lis. Hint i not crxriMt. HOOFIjAND'S OEHMAN BITTIiRS. Will cure every case of Chronic or Xervous Debility, Di.'eaaeof toe KidneVF, and Diseases arising from a J'oider"d toiotuh. OlWIilWliTHK MLL0Vi:iJ SYMPTOMS P.ei'iltiiijr from Disoiocrs of the Digestive Organs : Ii.wnrl J'iie-;. Fulness or Blood tl i'i-j. Ilea I. Acidity ol t'ne Sto tpaeh. 'sun. Hcjril ni'n. Disgust for too I. I'uir.css or Veighl in l!-c hJtc:::iich, Poor liructatitan. Sinking or Fluttering nt thu Pit of thn Stomach. Hwimtninv of the Head. Hurried and Ditfl cult Urcuthin. Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or Buriocating ."v nsaiiors when in a lyiitg posture, Dim ness of Vi'ioii. DjU or Webs bcloro the Sight, Fcter and Dull Pain in the Head. Delieieucyoi Perspira tion, YeMewiu" of tin; Skin and Eyes. Pain iu the Side, Lack, Chest, Limbs, Ac. Sudden Fluhesof Hunt, Burning iu tho Flesh, Constant Iutnii'ming of Lvii, and great Depression ofSpiiiti. HIAT TUH Bl'tTCnS 11 N OT ALCOHOLIC, 4'outniiiM no l!iim or VIiIsl.oy Ami can't mtke Drimkar ls. tmt is the Best Tonio In tho World. ilvAi May Sot r, ,i, it,... T,..: n. rfeck. Pallor of th Enpti-t Chureli. Petn'icrlon. X. .1 . formerly of tho Xorth liantist Church. Philadelphia. t Sf T here 1mi. n H"o(land s Ocnr.an Hitters favor? blv for a number of vi ars. I have used thtm in my oiin fainilv. and hava been so plca-ed with their cIVcci" that I was induced torcoonimcnd iliein lo ma ny oilier-1, rind know that they have operated in a si'iiVn.-lv Leiiefe ;inl manner I take great plca'aru in thus itiblielv preclaiming this fuel, and ealling Ibo attcnth'ii nrthtVo aCliclcl with tliodisoasu for which they ree:,;)itiie,i led. to thesi Litters, knowing from etiicriene-.' that me woannciola'.iuii will be sostain i. I do V..i tno're cheerfully as liool'.ni'd s H'tten iot;o!,leil lo benefit the n.Viieted. at d last f. rum diinh. Your- ir-il-'. l.li I U. lll.' K. j Fr r.i Hcv. J. Newton Urown. 1). !., IMi'or -f thi Kiifvcbti c'-a of lteli ;Va-.s Kuiwledge, and Cbri.t'.u:i j ChrinWe. l'l-.it.uleli.b.-!. j A!'l-.c-.-5i V.ot ttisi-e-s.l In f..v--f "r r.-.:.-:v.?.i-r.J Ta i tt,ntMe.i'fi!ii.i In irt-ticr.d. i'.:rf.i,,-'i oi-':-u-i f !he,:-i'lp-re V and t:Tet ti. I Vcl ol l,.i si:lactel)t ! r. i- .t,- v,!-.v r. i"n may LJl te?ti:'y lo the ecnclilf ho 1 believes iiim.-ci, ,u L.'VC : .'.-viV. I ! -: i s l. ( . I ; (.reparation, ir. the 1"; e Unit 'ic may tints I'uiiuiouio ' t ' tho bencoti 1 ..liic-s. i 1 ,Io ilii tl.c iie.rc ic-..lily i i rep.t .l !o Ii-;o.i.-ntl I I Iterman Uifer--. prep'.rU by f. ' '';"''. thi- ci'-. Iievati-- 1 wa re.iu.lici-tl a 'nl tl.eiu lor manv years, uodr tho iiaprwioii tl ut.iiie.v were c'lieiivwm alco'io'-i' i li.-ilirc lata lodfhif 1 to my tii-jj lioUit .i.ef.ii.i..T. ;: l'f !' rt :i.aval of this 1 r.j i lie bv pop.-r le t.-, ui.d lor -.n-.-our.uc-, lu'.'tiiiotiy il-t., hen mint-lit' 1 '.tin frica. and i b,t - fi.t.tini e I it i-iiiiv 'll.e a-- 1 tii. bottles ot Hns- Hi'lcrs. et the bcisilininis of li"' )' sent year, imis ioii 'f e.i bv i-i.-U-tt. rvliff end ri- "raliit lo a ilc'tvc ot b.-aii'v !! iiicntul vshor wi:i::i I bad not feii lot-il u.iuih- before, and hud nlmese d. spairiel ot rffnii.iiu. ' I lii'.f -ror.- tbi i'.U lod ar. t my tucnd. tortiircclitotheuscofMi.. I'rcm the I'.ev. .1 OS. 11. K?nntril l'a-tor of Iho 10lh H.. .1st Ci.uleb Dr. .)a'-i..--oo : D T llavc hi '-11 frf'Ml' litly rtni :ed to c oilli ft mv name v.Hll ioi,.!i:ell lall. i s . Ilif, ttt l-iiul. ol nied'erne- Oat reilartlHix Hie practi.e a.-oid of lev npp-opi-ia'v -pbei-e. 1 li.ivc in all ea-f-deel'tl - d; bill tvi'li a c!e:ir p'oid 111 van. il ia taiict- and .iltic u'.arl.v in my family, "f ibe O'l. fuli.it-ff Dl . liooliaod s tifrn-.iil Uitifis. I dep-. j for once from u.c o-nal conr-e. is express my'. .11 coin i-tioo that. 'lor ).'cncinl ileoility of Iho -y:i.:m and t.-pecitiil.v loi l.ivei Ci mplaiti!. it is a s it.- ami viiluabiti pieosrailoi'. In some cases il may :uil ; but utuai'.'v. i doubt not. i: will be very bem i.jiil U. tbo-c who sutler lioiii tin; above cause. Voors. veiv re-pectfulil .1. 11. KLWIUD, Li ;li'.H below luiitc.- "ilrcct, i'hii n.ve.phia. From Hcv Wnri-en liandolrh, l'a-t jr of Hapti't erluan)wn, l't nu. f'hureli, Dr . O V. Jac!.Mn : Dear Sir: l'er.-onal expe rience enables tut lo say that I regard the t'ernmii Litter., preiiatc.I by 5011 as a uo,.-l excellent medi cine. In cu.-cs oI'mh ere c II an i general debility 1 have "wen jjrenily bencfilte.l by 1 lie uscol the lliliei.s. Vours, truly, WAIUU-.N ItA.NDDLPH. I tie-ruiauiuwu, in. I From Rev. J 11 Tinner, l'utor of "TiOtluiujj M. E. I Church, n.ila-telphia. I Dr. .laekson Dcur Sir :--Haviu used your Oer- I until Hitlers ill toy laeiily f.'eiueu ,v ( Mm prepared; to say that it has been o: great t it i.-c 1 belic-.o 1 thai in i-iost cases ol itoneial do'oilny ,.f the sst, if. I it i: the safest nnd most valuu' ,ie reincly of wiiicU L I buveunv know halite. : Yours, resptretiully. .1. 11. U RNLX. No. 710 N. NiiielveulU Mrcct troti the fler J. M Columbus N'. J 1 Churches. J .yoiis. fturrly I'n'tor i t " ami MiUstuWU vl'a.) l'sptt. New So iheile. N Y". Dr. CM .fa 'kson; lVar Sir: I feel iiailea suro thus, of 'uvmn, scCHil.lo bear tesiiiaonv to the excellenr ,i( iu, Cvi'saau 1'itier i. Some year since be-in; nincl, Mu!i,-icd with Dyspeps a. I used thenii:b ten, Ue,ie:icui't re-.-nlis. I ha -t- oi'teii re comnicr. je.i t.," (..-r.as ejice'ileJ by ibat tormt mills! disca-u. i,d li jnelieuid fioiu them iho uiot II. ill. 1 iiiS tt'slimop ,Mi- , i ibcir gieat taluc lu eas. ; m' Reut ral de1 ,u;tc, I belie t'o ii t'- bo a t-mic 1h.1t can not bo sr., j,Vd J 1 Froip Mt iicv. Thf. "'Viuter. Ta-tor of llfxbor)iiIi Baptist Church, l .r Jack-on ; Dear sir 1 feel it duo to your " Celb Ut prt iaratioll. Hetolbiu.l J liermau UUIfS, to dd mv les.i nv lo 'he deervetl rt-puia:i, a it has . ..i.t.t.i .i I have for years, ut nuns, been trouble.! with letcai tlioidcr iu mv head und nervous system. 1 was advised by a fiictid Hy aboli'.c . tyf ii Oei min Hitters. 1 did and have experienced fcieat and uoe.peetei r.lict: iny health has been very niidei iallv lout litled 1 eoolidflnlj 1 ecoluillelld Hot arii. le- skl'ivru I meet with cases similar to my ottn, ami have bt a-u'.ftl ly uuy u tbeir ataaKRcvis. itcspeetfully yvurs, '1 MINI 11'. Lo.vboioi-.--ij, I'a : From Hcv. . I S li..rmaii. of !!. '.'t ria.in P.vfoTuii 1 ,' I'j .u't; Kuw.te.. i. ib i !'.s eomit.t . I'a. Dr. C. tl .IhcHsoli; Itespif.eJ Sil - I h,ivel .U ' troiibletl with li.f-p. psia neatly twciii.v )nr. uad ' havu never use. tai t ine.licine that dni ran in u.ie-.i i t'ood as llooU..i,d s'Uiitirs. 1 r.m vciy u-h 1111- ; 1, rut e l tu heall 1. ittli t Iitvu. J l . aeu " o 001. if i ours, tt illi rc.-o' t'l. 111. UMAX. ! l-RTCiEra. . Lifge Sit (holding nail" di ul If (j-iai lity.l ' ct im p.-r b. itni i.itll .le-. 1 mall bie 7jcenifr per iiettb-. bill dui. fl o.l 1; r. v Atiii 0 f c VJ ; 1 1. it i-LU's: See thai Hio ji jr.a.urc ef -3 .MtJ.YCJvOS" ia ra Ibe "wrapper of each I'-oiti s 1 sbtiol.l your 1 e-iroMdri. ..!,'. not bavo the bt ieU, j do nut be pu! oil by si.y 10. i i uiioxicatin pr para j tious lUai u.ny iv oUvied 1 I I p'.ac u I nl sin l ". aud wo will luswurd, sikui .lj (.ticitedt. txpi'..- Prii.cipuJ Oli'ewi luiii Maal .4 ai,v Zto. bCi AitCii , Diicei, 1 utius.: uiv I j j:vi.'i-v J (Sucoe.sors loC.i l AeKSoa A t o .l llA.e .-Wtrt. I Ctr Fjt Sale by Pru -lil- 1 1 el Its6l,s' iu v . y ' ou ic ij 1'iiitoi. ctsyi i Junsi, Wt -'ViM. !r 01 (-