Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 19, 1864, Image 3

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    H. D. MAS9EB, Editor A Proprietor.
E. WIL-VEBT. Publiahor.
Ne. 87 Park Kow, New York, and 8tt Street,
Boston, are out agent ft th Bcwrnr Amica
i those cities, and aW autbortied to take Advcrtltf
nenta and Subscription! for us at our loweet ratca.
. I
,'ieutcnnnt Commanding James Parker, Jr.,
f the United States gunboat Maumee, re
"ivotl. when a lad. the appointment of a
ulut nt Wvst Point, from the member of
ongress from his district in Ohio. Unfor
mutely, Parker was too young to enter the
cnden'iy, and his fat Iter, desirous that some
ic in his town should have the benefit of
e appointment, cast about for a boy wor
y of it. In a dry-goods store was a !ad,
e son of Irish parents, who, by his salary
clerk, supported a widowed mother and
ter. Tho place was oflered to him, but
.s at first refused, as ho disliked to give
the clerkship. Upon being urged I'ur
r, tho boy consented, and entered the
littiry acidamv. To-dny he is in the Val.
of the Shenandoah, and his name is
ilip Phcridnn.
?Local affairs.
ir We regret to learn that Dr. J. D. Straw
go, of Danville, has been captured by the rebels,
id now a prisoner in Richmond.
t)MxiBrs Wo observe among tho new im
imcnts, an Omnibus, awaiting the arrival and
rture of trains for the convoyaucr of passengers.
" Bank op NonrnrMBcnLAsn The aggregate
nt of taxes paid into the National and the State
ury, by the "Bunk of Northumberland,'' at
lace, on its circulotion. dc-pro'itc. dividends, 4c,
nt to about twulvc thousand dollars per annum.
s sum $2..V7A was piid into the State Treasury.
ie remainder into tho N-itional Troasury.
' Service? niny he expected in the Presbyterian
i, on Thanksgiving Pay, Nov. 21. at lOi o'clock
J. II. Young. I lie Pastor, will officiate.
?,)'. The :flrrt full of suof oj?urrei on
y last. It wits u bleak and s'orn'y day, and
S n for
taste of what no may so-m expect.
lit si.ow that fell win soon dissipated by the
i v '.i sum.
We publish in Mi"lber column a Hit of the
rs of digress elect, and alto a list of the
s'of the Legislature of this Suite.
I'he November term ot our Court closed en
-uturdivy). Souic important cases f dc-is-week.
We observed Gov. Pollock in at
v the best week, as eotiDsul in some impor-
lie Conventinn of S.:linn! Diicctors met at
c, nn Vci7f vlr-"" !n
r-;r the purro of
i the
onm.ifiitnn to rinse Ihe Bf'.ii- of the l
tipcriiiten-li'iit. It will h-
in another column, ihut !he t
a!nry fpnii fddO to J. TOO.
-.n by lie: pro--'hv'cnli'jn
r.c H.vsir.u,. We were " n t day
ur-hnrrclled nocket-pb.n!. with 1 rnvo'ivinc;
inle by Mr. John MencH. a blHoJtu.iiili in
y of tho Northern O.niral tlailro.-id. in ltiiJ
i point of mi-chtil'.icrc'. i-kill, it would dj
in experienced iinmilli. The barrels are
. of solid metal aiid aro two and a half
Sert Fanes, Chief rneiiie(r of the Thila
d trie railroad died at his residence, in
?rt.on tho 12th inst, Tim I'hihule'phia and nrl-
-uly doing a fine bunii;e;s in the wr.y of
ie cars arc new. commodinufl ai-'i cumfor-
curs leave Kric at alCi-lJin tho morn
her at it.O't in the evening, and at I'hila-t-20
in the inorniiii?. Tho trains of the
ntrnl road number from i Jo S ears, and
ly well filled. There are now four daily
rou tbid piece and Philadelphia, and all
Milion Hunk advertisis a nitetlng of thg
i. to tnke into eoii'ideration the propriety
under tho laws of the United States. The
t-Urcd a scuii annual dividend of five per
' id! UXff.
Howe Miukkts. The high rates of pro-i-iiniti
in mtiny artiolea. though thero i
tendency slowly developed. The butch-
at about their u?ual pricoj brtt pieces
eni. rtirk i rallior tcarce yet. and
:-e butchorat 25 el.. by the farmers,
l'ork, in bulk, in New York ami I'hil
vorth from 14 to IS cl. While in New
.ieek since, we n a nuuilier of hind
md Country beef for sale, at the foot of
t ten e nts per ouiid. Suuhaeii fire gei-
l.iorc plcniiful, but mill ooiuuiui.d i
t to gobt, nt the rate of olJ centa per
liirri-ihurg and at Philul"lph& the
iti1 H-iusageK, not nf the canine order,
ire geni-rally oouijxwed of equal parts
priced pieces ot beef. Apnuunng the
nh 15 ceuij. uud the beef 9 the aver
12 cent per pound leaving quite a
r lubor, pepper and null and profit ana
hnpa uot too much, considering that
d of the market. Messm. Hover k
I hers, keep the markot well supplied
hich aro bold at $1 ccnti per hundred
S per thousand. Applea we very
ro worth f O per barrel, for a prinl
Tor the Amoricaa.
i to the call iw-ued by the State Su
' L'ounuoa Kch'jolis, the School Direo
itv, aiembli-d in Suubury, yesterday,
ideratioD the increasing" ol the salary
Shauiokin, was called to the ehair.
t resolved by avOle of thirty-nine to
u salary to eleven hundred dollars,
December next.
;t lust has arrived in her slow coach,
i faithful and coupe-tent officer bas
, l.i-pn narticularlv fortunate in her
mi Kuimrinteudtnt. lr. L'lp'a ttu
tiou is only excelled by bis leul in
iie if educaion.
mt this eouniy, by her act yesterday,
uibsl aiiial evidence of bor apprecia-
id ixjinpctont oflicor.
'Tisii Rkvi s. We bar reeelved
lott i Co., 38 Walker St., N. Y., the
of tho AVeetmimter Hevicw. The
lie of cou tents : Modem Fbases f
.n t'ngland ; Mjuntaineering j Tbs
by gtrausf ; The PatVnt Law ; Pr.
loia ; Jlcrringa and tha Herring
'lcny'u' Poeinii Modora
IcsPiuUens; Tha Laws of Marriage
;hleienuaahcr s Lectures on the Lifo
i Leciutes on the Theology of the
j lb-tor y of Christian Theology, by
Meditation oa the Essenoe of th
on, by Ouiiot; J. J-B. Perown'
Hook of Pslms; Bod well' Trans
k of Job; E. B. Pusey oa the judg
y Council ; History of tbe Intelleot
t of Europe, ly John WUlia-n Dr
Dwks rf tbs Ttf'or. M-
(Condetied frotn the New Tork Tribune
InlervHllns; to Farmers,
Foo of CliDArt UiRDs. 8. It. Drjsx, We.
burn. Mass., thinks that cedar-tut U have
kept his fruit trees nearly clear of nuruis for
several yean. They come in flocks as soon
as tho worms appear.
This letter aroused Doct, Trimble, the
entomologist ot New Jersey, an autbusiaat
upon the subject of protecting birds, and
particularly this one, called Cedar, or Cher
ry bird because he considers it one of the
most valuable laborers upon the farm, orch
ard or gardeD.
Kev. Mr. n eaver asked the Doctor to de
scribe the Cedar bird, as we now have many
in the city which resemble the Canary birds,
only larger. Some call t'ucm English Spar
rows. Doct. Trimble said that thev were neither.
The Cedar bird had a high tuft on its head,
and the ends of wing and tail-feathers ap
pear as though tippid with wax. They are
very beautiful as well as valuable.
bqUASii v isb Bugs Kkmkuv. Anson
Hammond, "West Liberty, Iowa, says that
by planting a few seeds of hemp in each hill
of squush or cucumber vines, the striped bug
will be effectually kept away. Let the hemp
plant grow until the vines are out of the
way of the bugs, then pull them up like
other weeds. This information will be
worth remembering until next Benson.
1 HE HliAT JUDGE. D. Steck. HUEilCS-
ville. Lycominjr Co.. Penn.. elves the fol
lowing full description of the white ruiuVe
i i. i . ii
uiiu us uhuub. jie sin s :
Having seen the article in tho Tribune.
under the question. 'Does the weevil fevi-
dently midge) breed in the mullen,' I here
with give you the result of my observations
on the habits &c. of that great pest of the
wnenc crop.
"1 lie perlect insect is a small (mat or Bv.
as its name (midge) indicates; it, is of an
oranL'o color, in general form it somewhat
resembles a nnisketo, but is a little smaller
being only about one-tenth of an inch in
length. It has long, slender legs, and two
transparent w:ngs. It antenna: are of a
blackish color; those of the male are nearly
twice as long as those of the femule. The
eyes ure b!a;k and prominent. It makes its
appeurnnce from the first ot June to the end
of July, according to lattude, later as we
proceed .North.
"The female deposits her eggs upon the
kernels of tho wheat, by uieuus of her egg
tube, which she inserts iu the opening be
tween the valves of the corolla or chatf
which enclose the developing kernel. As
many as ter. or (lf'tcen are often found on
one kernel, lit a iluv or two tho larva or
maggot is hatched from the egg, and com-
, menus operation upon the iminuturc grain
j from ulnoli it sucks the jui, of course pre
I venting iu full development, and when
! several are present, rendering it entirely
wonhlos. Iu about two weeks the liuvie
jiitt iin their lull size, and are prepared to
1 nndergo mU change in their existance.
t'lhcy cease feeding the body of the wtiim
ki'imnvis wiium me sKin. ana it remains
torpk'. in this slate for a few days, it then
bursts this envelop and emerges from one
-end .leaving its snell behind. Its appear
I mice ii aiigiitly altered. Soon after inoulc
j ing the insects fill to the ground, where
I tliey burrow tive or six inches below the
surt.tce. Here thev lie ensconced until the
r.,11., ,-., s,ri.r ...I,, ,i, .i
..... ,.i i. .. .-. , .
iiL'e. Unit it, from larva? to utiDaie.
j Tl.i-t change is cmnpleted without ta.-tiiiL'
i the skin ; the wings uud limbs of the yet im-
p- rie-ct insect being uueonKiied, instead of
closely enveloped, as is the usutil condition
of tinist insects in the puiue state. It now
works its way to the surface-, and emerges
j in tin; final complete state, ri-ady again to
multiply itApL-cie-s for fa;: her destruction.
'"1 wi I here mention an iiiftunce that oc
I curred in the Spring of l&Sli. Larly in
j April I plowed a piece of land on which
: the midge iiud destroyed a crop of wheat
t be previ'ius season. Soon after the plow
ing was finished., there was a heavy fall of
run; the next day I chanced to pass over
the field, and to my great astonishment I
s.w millions upon millions of the tniiig in
the- low places where the water had carried
them. They were- then apparently in the
sniim ciiii.liuun as when they lirat issued
from the wheat to enter the earth, As the
water subsided, they gradually disappeared
by burrowing in the eurth agiiin.
'According to the statements in tho arti
cle referred to the beginning of my letter
the uiidge would necessarily become a per
fect insect in the Fall, "when they take re
fuge iu the mullen.' What nonsetiee!"
Kcono.myis Wheat Growing. P. D.Beck
with, Dowagiac, Cuss Co., Mich., wants '-the
Club to discuss t he subject of grain raising
in all its various relations. I think we, as u
people who raise grain, and particularly
wheat, do not sufficiently understand the
subject in scarcely any one particular." He
s i)M, ,-lt is admitted by all farmers w ho
liue ustd grain drills, that they connot af
f ird to sow their grain broadeast, but should
use a drill by all means,'" and he thinks
Gage's Kollcr Drill superior to all others.''
The advantages of drilling whent are: sav-
I ing of labor and seed, increase in yield, and
! protection from Winter-killing and drouth.
All the seed is buried out of the wav of
birds, and seeding can be done in windy
weal her."
Miif. James Adams, Wee law-nee, Wis
consin, says that gape are entirely prevent-
'I among poultry bv sultini their food in
the same proportion as foon for oinse-Ke-s.
S.n.o.N Uiiuixson. 1 advise those who are
disposed to try this remedy to use it in
homeopathic closes. If it is "not so used, I
will warrant it to cure the gapes, for it w ill
kill every feathered biped as sure as buck
shot. Tkipe Hovt to Clean It. Robert Ter
rett, h'eAton, Licking Co., Ohio, says in
these times of scarcity and high jiriecs of
meat, he thinks the Club would confer a
reat favor upon all who read its discussions
if it would give bouib directions how to
save and cleau beefs tripe, which makes a
most excellent article of food, but which few
people iu !.h(J country know how to pre-
The Rtiawor to this is, cut a small an
opening into thepaunc'u ij)v-".w,ibl0 tl.irou."h
w hich to empty the contents. J"18 wlt''
caro, so as not to smear the outsido, ?nd
carefully .wash off auy substaacs that may
adhere. Then let one mau thrust his a:'u)
into the opening and sei.e the bottom firm
ly, while another turns the sac inside out.
Now sew up the slit that was cut firmly
itb Btronu twine. The sac is now to be
thoroughly washed in cold water, and then
either covered with whitewash just as you
would cover a fchcepskin to loosen the ni oo'i
or else placed in a tub of strong alkali made
of liine, or wood ashes or porash, and kept
there until the wooly coating is loosened so
that it can easily by scraped off with a
knife. Ai soon as this is the case, give the
sae another through washing to cleanse it
of the lime, and then it is ready to be cut
up for scraping. Cut it in long strips,
about fire or six inches wide; lay one of
these upon a table or board before you, fast
ened at one end with a couple of tacks, aud
scrape with a dull knife uutil quite free of
the adhearing coat. Then wash and put
the tripe to soak, iu weak brine for twenty
four hours or longer, Then wash again aud
it is ready for boilincr. It should be boiled
uutil it is quite tender. When it may be
Dicked or nut away to he eaten fresh after
n cookinu bv stewinc. fryinc or broiling;
and their certainly ia no part of a beef that
affords richer or more palatable food, ana it
is through tbe sin of ignorance that it ii so
often wasted.
i Cm. Bartlett said tbat he bad seen the
! effect tf aher upon land twenty -tr aftr
Mr. CARPEJrrKn said that t hers wss a great
dlfferanee In the qriality. Those from hick
ery wood aro worth flity cont a bushel for
many purposes on tho lurra. For potatoes
ashes are almost invaluable.
Alderman Elt asked tbe opinion of the
uiuu ns ro me value ot leached ashes. He
usea jsuu uusuclt year before last upon pota
toes, without any oerceDtible acvant
Mr. Bari.ett replied thai he might have
Used tbe ashes upon soil already stifflcicntlv
uppllcd with potash. They are apt to be
oi tne least advantage upon clay soil.
Boi.03 K0BI580K saiu it is certain that
they are advantageous upon the sandy soil
of Long Island, as farmers there are willing
lu f t"si, nsues in panada West and
transportation all that distance.
Mr. Thompson mentioned the advantage
of leached ashes upon Lorn? Island and .
crop of potatoes this year, 875 bushels per
nee-i. i Kuiu leninii present saia that he saw
at Spiinglield, Illinois, J,200 bushels of the
long red variety of potatoos grown upon an
acre. Some persons w ho read tlna epnnnt
will thiuk this a large crop or a larre
ni ......
e would not, however dijr nn n tiinn t,nf
graft it with a better sort. Do this in the
spring as soon as the ground, thaws. Dig
away the earth, and cut off the vine below
tne surface, make a c eft craft. nnl .,.,
it up compactly with soil. I had a graft set
in una aj- him upnng wuicu lias made
vigorous, wcll-rinencd cane morn Umn
dozen feet long. Forgraftiug upon a wild
vine; use ctons from long jointed varieties
sucu as tne concord or Hartford Prolific,
nAKRisncno, Nov. 15. A general order
mis oeen issued noin tliese lieadqunrters to
the commissioners of the several cities ami
counties, directing an immediate enrolment
and clnssificatiom of the militia of tho Com
monwealth, under the provisions of the acts
ot Assembly ot May 4 and August 22, 1804.
In consequence of the great demand for
surgeons iu Pennsylvania regiment now in
immediate service, Surgeon General Philips
has been compelled to organize a permanent
State Medical Board in this citv. This
board is daily in session, and affords nn op
portunity to the members of the profession
in good standing, who arc desirous of enter
ing the service us assistant surgeons, to pre
sent themselves for examination.
Note from Gen. Pcott. We are re
quested to publish the following note from
Uen. Scott:
"Lieut. Gen. Scott onre more begs to be
spared ly correspondents principally ap
plicants for authoraphs as he caiino't an
swer one in thirtv of the letters lie receives.
"November, 18C4."
Diin-ieforlNlt.t.-An assortment of Dia
ries for ISf5. of varies styles and site. Also,
Cap, .'ote and Letter Paper, tor rain bv
fiinloiy, Xuv. t, 1805.
Gentlemen's Hat.
All the best styles nt CHARLES OAKFORD A
SONS. Continental Hotel, Philadelphia.
Nov. 12, 1S34. 3ui
ALL perwr.s indobtod to the firm of Frlling 4
tirant.nre requested to call at the old stand and
pay up their accounts by tho 1st of lloccinber. All
account? not paid by that time, will be placed in the
hands of a Justice for collection.
Eunbury, NovS, 1S5J.
Two Mirny Hoga.
CAME to the premises uf the subscriber in Upper
Augusta township, about four week since, two
wLitc eliouta wtlirlnr tf at the time about fifty pounds
each. 'Ihe owner is requcited to como forward, I
ju.r.v 1 1 . jjiy i-uui nnA innu un-iu a n a y ,
or else they w ill be sold according to law.
Upper Augu.'ta twp., Oct. 8, ISM. 2iu
At the Bturo of
Corner of Market and Fuwn Streets,
SL'KB U Ii Y , P E N N ' A ,
Just opened
for everybody. This no --Blowing." but plain truth,
which every one will be convinced that culls uud ex
amines the stock, which consists of
Dress Quod. Cassiuiere. Cloths, Uenls' Orcrooating,
Joans, Cotlcuades, Muslins, lrcs Goods in
great variety.
Plain and Figured Delaines, French and Figured
Merinos, Fine Wool Delaines all sons and
shades, Prints, ftatikecns. LADIES'
CLOAKING. Tublo-Covers,
irisli Linen, llronii aud
White Sheetings.
Pbawls, Balmoral skirts of all
kindd, Hoop Skirts, alt prices. Hand
kerchiefs, Flunnils. Ludu1 Kid. bilk
and Me-riuo tilovos, &e.
Jewelry of till Mud.
Ladiea' and Gents' Union Skate.
A lurge atsortmcnt of NOTION'S.
Hardware, Cc lurwnro, G'awwaro, Chinaware,
(ut-onswtire, Ciockciy. Groceries, Tobacco,
Segars. Stiutt, ten. Lotlee, Sugar,
Molutsis, Spicea, Fith, Salt, te., ie., I
and everything elso usually kept in a store. Pro
duce inken in excoune tor goods. No trouble to
tiiuw inods.
Sunhnry, Not. 5, ISfll.
t A t I at
Always : Always ! Always
Just npenvd at No. 1 Store of
HAVE just returned from Philadelphia with one
of tho inrgost and beat selected stocks ol Hoods
ever brought to fciuubury.
FOREION AND DOMESTIC, such w Cloths, Cassl
meres, Muslins, Shculines, Ticking, Calicoes, De
laine, Flannels, and all kinds of MOCRNINfi Goods.
Alpaccaf, Black ilks, (.iiughaiui, Bui moral and
Skeleton Skirts, Canton Flannel, Nankeens, Car
peting of all kinds.
Comprising, Hosiery, Gloves. Thread, Buttons, Sus
penders, Neck-tics, Collars, Handkerchiefs,
iiair Brusbos, Ttlj Brushes. Uuui Rib
boo and Curd, tape, cro'-ehct-braid,
worked Cillars, fancy head
dresses, tidy cotton, carpet
binding, couiU, fancy
sours, carrot bas
Trunks YW imoroiiiM, uiaua, vooas, t aper,
Envelopes, A a.
Of all kinds, such as Nulls, llingeund Screws Door
Latches and FA10U, Looks, and CUTLERY of every
Also, Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Fisli,
Flaxseed and Benzine Oils, Glass, Puttv, &e.
((uceuau aro mid (slussn ure oi' ull
An Ex tons! re Block of
Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Corn-starch,
Maocaroni, Barley, Baking-powder, inolaasea, soaps,
eandles, tobacco and iegaxs, bull, Fish, Meat, Cheese,
Ac, Ao.
Alio, large ruiety of
BOOTS & 3E023.
for Men. Women and Children.
tVAll kinds of Grain and Country Produce taken
In exobanae for Goods.
Oit us a oall before yon purchase elsewhere, w
are bound to sell u low aa any one else.
Store-room In Ira T. Clement's building at the
j uu
anutb-weeteoTOer of Market rxjuare, near the Court
Uerinniu,,,,,, Trlftfntpli.
A Family nri m A-irioilt'iraL Jhtottil
Tl i tUro' ,,,::,udin rocfry, Ni.Tlitlw,
km. , . " '"cruiiiniiH itenmng gonor-
fcT . Lh?rr? Uepiiriiiient we ehall present
Ui ohoiowt Varieties within the reaal, or nnr extend.
J!. J.'j , 0 Novelette., Tales, Poetry, &o., shell
be supplied from the best and highest aourocs, and
a equaltoMythigtobB,,un(1 , j,)Urnal or
Agiioullural and Horticulture, omhraolni Tnrni.
ng, Uardeninn, Fruit-lUWug, 4o. Our labors in
una department for over thiriv years, havo mot tho
cordial approbation of tho publio. Our purpose baa
ueen to furnish useful and reliable information upon
these very important branches of industry, and to
Protect them so fur an within our papor aaiust tho
talso doctrida and selfish purpoaosof tho uiiiny em
pirics and sciisation-adrcnlurcrs by wlii:h the Far
iner is inceasnnlly assailed. This portion of the
"Uermantown Telegraph'' is alouo worth the whole
price of subscription.
News Department. The sumo industry, caro, and
discrimination, in gathering and preparing tho Slir
ri''K J-yenlj of Oio Day, expressly foi this pnper,
Which hitherto lm linun nnn nf (l,nrlm,l l..,,l...n
ind given so univur.-nl snlWaotion, will be oontinucd
nu reaouoiun ellorta to nioct tho Increasing de
mands of tbe public.
Terms. Two dollars cer annum : ono dollar for
six months. No orders received williout tho cash,
and all subscriptions stopped at the end of the time
paid for.
Editor and Proprietor, Ucrmnntown, I'hila., Pa.
Oct. 2D, lwil. 2t
1 V'tv
At the new stand, in Market Square, SUNBCHY,
HAVE jtit received from Philadelphia the latest
and most fashionable strlesnt .Mill
such as llonnot", Hiils. Silk?. Velvets, HibUns end
I.acus, Feathers & Flower?. Head Dresses A Acts,
Old Ladies' Caps. Woolen Hoods. Sonlags, Erouktast
Shawls, bilk
CLOAKS & rurtg!
Black Craps and Laec Veils. Oraim no.l l.ln,.n I'ni.
lars. Dress Tritniuin- and lliitlonf. CivscN. Zephyr--.
Soap and Perfumery, Cloak Trimming, Woollen 4
Cotton Yarn,
lrcNiiaUiii;, Cloiik.mukiiijr and
Iti-iildinu lon i la I on t NM If.
Gents' Linen and Paper Collar.-, Neckties, tc.
COUNTRY PROWCE taken in cxchanKe for Hoods
or Work. Tbanktul for past juitronape r,o solicit
the same. L. it. silTSSLKK.
Suubury, October 22, lnfil
Ililln:,-lli!iin & B:i-ic ECsiilrwntl.
rpiIIS great line traverse the Northern and Norib '
J west comilies of liinsylvania to the oily of liric'
on Lnko ric.
It has been leiLed bv tbn TVnnsvK
Company and isoiicr.Ue-d by thorn."
lis entire lenirth was opened for pn."cnc;ef and
freight business. October 1 Till . ISiU
lime ot i ascenjror train? nl Suubury.
Leave l.H-l-.vuid.
Jlirnugh .Mail Jrniu.
Elmirn Express Train.
Lock Haven Ae -ominodntion.
Leave Wcilward.
Through Mail Tr:im
tlniira Fxpres Train,
Lock Haven Accommodation.
Williameport AecmnMiodation.
Cars run tlirounh wilboiit cbiinin
0.n. P. M.
II 1.,
J 11,10 A. M.
."in A. M.
.'17 -1.2.1
P. M.
1 1 "
both ways, be-
twecn Philadelpiiiii and Lrie
Llegant riluepinjr Cars on Express Trcins both
Ways between Williams-port and Jinlliiuoro, mid
Williarnsport and Philadelphia.
For information ri'snrctiint rasscna-er biiiness
apply at 30th and Market St.
Ana tor freight bii!iiie-.? of the Conipnnv's Agents,
S. B. Kintretun. Jr.. Cor. I :! t, uml i ,1. . t s.
.1. v . Kevnoldf. r.rie.
J. M. Drill, Agem . C. R. R., Baltimore.
H. H. Horsro.v.
(ien l Freight Agt. Philada.
H. W. Uwisnkii,
tleii I Tieket As't., Philada.
JoKI'II 1). J'oTTS,
Ucn'l Manager, Willinmsnort.
No. S, ISM.
jacob o. beck:,
And Dealer in
I'avvn Mlrvrl, k'osiiIi 1" t'vavor's
lloli-I, .
8TJNUB 3R"5T, Is -
TNFORMSthe citim-na of Hunlmrv and vicinity.
S l , i .-. , 111.:,...,..,. 1.1.. .-;.-
. -i ,
lull itusjpti.tnt-1 r.l 1
I-vi.ri ai xvc b i:ii .oois,
His str,ck consists of Cloths. French Cloths, lilnck
Doe Skin nnd Fancy Ciif-imerr. llliu i; Siitin, Figured
Silks. Plain and Fancy Cu.siiuero VKSTINtlS. which
ho will make up to order in styles to Miit the tu."io of
customers, on short notice, and the most rciifouablo
Any Ooo 1? not nn hand, will bo furnished from
Philadelphia, by pivinir two days' notice.
Uoode luini.-he.l hy cu.-louleri will bo masse up to
order as heretufore.
As ho w ill employ none but experienced workmen,
person? may rely on getting their work well done at
ids shop.
Thankful for the patmnai-o heretofore bestowed,
he respectfully solicits a coutiuuauceof tho same.
Sunbury, Sept. 10. IMI.
N E W G O O'D S!
Two doors wool of Win. H. Miller's Shoe sloro,
Sunbury, Pa. Just opened a fresh supply of
Such a Fancy Dress Trimmings. Ribbons, Gloves
Handkerchiefs, l.t lies' Linen Collnri uud Cutis
Oent's Linen and paper Collar. Notts. Belts. Lace
Collars and Slceve-i. Hair Roll". Velvet Ribbons,
Red. White and Blue Nock-tica, CVrscts, Quaker
ekirts, lokcsand Mccvcs,
WOOLEN GOODS, comprising of Sonlng, Hosiery
for ladies and children, Cups of all kinda, SicuriV,
Ulovca, Mittens. Ao.
Also, a new style of nunl'm for (inrril
together with 8'iviss, Jncouet and Victoria Miudins
urapo Jnllais and Vcilx. (Irenadiiio and Liico Veils
rnd a variety of otherariielis too nutiierous to men
Sunbury, C:t. 22, lHit.
Sunbury High School,
"tlTILL re-open in the 1
Id Ba'dlst Church, on II10
first day of Au"i-t.
'I'll, eoue of nufnieiioii
riuoraces all the bniuebes tuiiirhl iu Ac.'idcmie uud
beminaries of the higue-t grudu.
Ir.HMS TKit M5SSUI.N (If 21 MI'KKf.
For Lnuguagcs ancicht uud modern includ
ing all other branches, $l.i pn
Natural Sciences, Alu'ebra, lleouieti v, cto. I 'i nil
Advanced Grammar, Gcorjobv- llisiory, ic, 12 IHI '
ltudimeuts.of above, ID I'D
Primary, 8 no
Iucidenltil expenses, 6u
Tuition payabie quarterly in advance.
No deduction made for bt time.
Pupils can enter at any time, and will only bo
charged from the date they enter.
Fur further paitiuulurs apply to the Principal.
E. P. BollBAUl.
Suubury, August 6, 1ml I. tf
Uodey'a I.ikIj'm liuolt.
The Fashion Maqazinh oit tiik Woui.p.
Literature, Fine Arts, and Faxhioiw. The most
magnificent Steel Lngriivinjrs. lloulilo Fashion
Plates. Wood engravings 011 every niliecl tloit cuu
Interest ladies. Crotchet knitting, .Selling, Em
broidery, Anlclos for the Toilet, for the Pi.r'or, tho
Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, iu fuel, to
mako complete Lady's Book. ,
Tht Ladic Faroe it t for 33 Year.
No Magatine hat been ablo to coiupelo with it
None attempt it.
Godey't Kcceipts for every department c f a house,
bold Thc,sealoue are woilb the price of the Bock.
Model Cottages (no other Mngaiine gives them),
with diagrams.
Drawing LeO ''ur YcunS' Another spcoial-
ty with Godcy.
Uriitinal Musio, worth $3 a year
Other Maga-
ins utililiKb nlrl worn-out IllUbl-l
but the tubseri-
bers to Uofloy gel 11 oeiore iu ii , .
Uardoniug lor Lauiea. Auoiuer jiuuhuhjt . ..
0oA"y.: . .... . t c r r
tastuona trom oiessrs- n. . . ..u.v -New
York, tbe milliouaire uierehanis, appear Iu
Godcy, the only Magaiiue thul has tiiem
Also, Fashions for the celebrated Brodie, of Now
York. , . .
Ladies' BonDcta. We givo more of them in a
yeartlian any other Magaiiue. In faol, ;he Lady's
Book enablee every lady to be berown bounet icaker
From which there can be no Deviation.
One eopy, one year, fS fO
Two copies, one year, u"
Three eopios, one year 1 00
Four copies, one year 10 IM
Additiont to any of the above clubs, ( 2 !0 each
Godey's Lady's Book and Author's Home Yajra
line will be tent, eaou one year, on receipt of W jl).
S'e have no club with any other Magaiiue or
AddfoM L. A. OOPEY.
K. t. ror-erEixtb til Ctr.aut Wret. Ph:!a
Cc-Vr i, 1H - i:
2fll AAA A I'AIA I
Two doors West of the Tout Office,
T TAB just reooived and onened a large assortment
XJI. oi ranoy wress oooos, euon as u loves, jouvian
r i . . . . . . -' r ,
Kid-glove!, Silk and lisle thread Ulovee: Ladies
oritton and woolen Hoso, Children's Merino Hose,
tfilk Mils, Handkerchiefs, Corsets. Embroidered
Slippors, Ribbons FANCY DRK.sS BUTTONS, Buglo
Uiiubi, Trimmings, Buttons, Belt Ribbon Velvet Rib
bons, Braid, Unit Clasps, Ladies' Neck-tios, Fancy
Buttons, CKAPKKIBBON and TltlM.MINO ; Em
broidcriug, Braids, Jaconet and Swiss Edgings find
insertions; Multeoc'o Lace Colnrs, Luces, tlrenndiuo
Veils, Fancy Dress Comhs.lHoad Urease, Netts, and
a variety of oilier nrtieles.
WOOl.KN HOODS, such as Pontage Brcaklast
Coseys, Cops, Mittens. Sacques, tiloves, Bilk and
Cotton Flags, Ao.
Book. ITymn Books, Blnnk Rf.cks. Mcnio'andiim
Books, Diaries. Poekct Books.. Ink SUin ls. Pens,
Pencils, a fine assortment ot Pnper, Ink, ic.
Toilet Soaps, Tooth-Brushes, Ac.
All of which have been selected with care and will
be sold at reasonable prices.
Sunbnrv. Oot. 22. ISol.
.IIIxh itl. I.. (kiixhIci-,
Fawnlrcet, twodoor.s south of Shnmokin Valley 4
" Poltsvilla Rnilrond,
HAS opened her Full and Winter slock of
Millinery Uoo-l. 1.AD1KS BONNETS. Huts
and Cups of 1 he Litest styb'a ; French and American
F'owirrs and Feathers. Trimmings of all kindi-; La
dies and Ciiildrens1 ilo-e. ttlovcs. ColLirs. Veils and
a largo ns.-oi iineot of 1-uuey Goods aud Notions.
Cull and see herstork.
Sunbury, Oct. 2-', lsfi4. Im
Rl:.PECTFt"Ll.Y informs her friends in Sunbury
and vicinity, that she has just opened her
oi Notions and Fancy Dry C-i'ods,
Market street, four doors west of Wm. H. Miller's
Boot and Mine slore. SLNBLRY, Pa.
Her stock consists of Trimmings, notions, cmbroi
dcries. L'tdiesnnd Uiildrons' hais and shakers: hilk
nnd other Iiiiii i. fW'iset., Hoon-pkiu.
Cr ipo and
Luce Veils; Nets, gloves, stockings, collars, and
corsets, Ao.
Break fust Shawls. Sontags, Red Riding Hoods, Cops,
Hosiery of all kinds.
Oents' Hiiiidkirchiefi, Cravats. Neckties. Suspen
ders ; Ribbons, of all kinds. Feathers. Velvet, uml
loiuiy other articles too numerous lo uieiili-.n.
Punbury. Oct. 12, IV I.
Look at the Returns !
.M-irkrtS jmir. MWBt RY. PENN'A.,
Jl STrceivedfroni Nov York and l'hili'del liia,
a fresh supply ol tbu latest styles and of the best
iiiali'y of
for Men. Women and Children, which he offers at
rcdneo'l prices.
Women's Shoes at ?l SO.
All his good ftoek WARRANTED. No Paper
Allocs sold 111 hi? store
lie will al.-ii wholci-ale Boots nnd .Shoes by the box
The public geuerally aro iuvitcd to cull aud ex
amine Lis .-bn-k.
.Sunbury. Oct. 22. IPfil.
Tho undersigned having purchased of E. Y.
Bright. Esq., his Machine Shop. Foundry. Ac, ut
Suubury. and h;.s now eoiumetictd operations.
All Kinds of Machinery,
Persons ilcsiringMAt'iilNK WORK iiiiine.liiitrlr.
" ",:'i
will do wclltoc:ill uud cxauiino bis fncililiej for
uoin work clnup.
n 1
William uenuyhon.
Punhnry. Oct lSil l.
MAT U I m O N I A I !
I if v"ti ti nmrry. iMroi ihe umlfinpfl, hr
t will ni'iiil ym ivitlu.ul im-iioy mi l wkbotit mvc.
1 util'lu iiiinriiiKticn tliut will cnaMi' yu to murry
1 happy uml pcedily, i;ii'-i(ptivo ct no, wealth tv
! huiy. 1'hw iiil'Tinatiim v iil o.X you noihtu. nl
I if ynu wi-!i to itiiirry, I will chriTfully m-sUi j.u.
i All li.,ltfr"'lni,ttv C"iitMii)tiiil. 'J'ho h-ir-J inf'-r-
nmtinn hunt by rutin n tmiil. nnd thi iiur-:inis tiskcU,
a-li-ns AKAUli. llA.MKKUT,
(iroonpoinf, Kiiijn cuuuty, Mow i'ork.
(ct. 1 j, S1. 2in.i,
Alto-n-y mid .'oiiiiN-lli ill Imv,
A7ILL carefully attend to collections and nil
1 other mutters enirusled to him. in the counties
of llaupbii.. Northiimberluud aud Snvder.
Oct. Id. 1WI4. ly
Just jiuhliJicit in a feanl ltitvrhpc. Price
sis criitl.
A Lecture oil tho Nature. Treatment and nodical j
Cure of rjpernuuoiTb'eu or Seiiiiiuil U eakness, Invol- )
untary Emissions, iSi-xoul Debility, and iiii)ediiiif-iits I
to Marriage gencriilly. NcrvoitMicwi. l'ou-uiii,iion. '
Epilepsy, and I its ; Menial and Phiciil lneapaci- I
tv, ri-uilirig frrou tcll'-.l)iiso, A-o. Bv KOUEliT J.
CI l. Elt WELL, M. V., Author ut the
Book' A j.
'ihn world rcnowucd author, iu this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from h: ow n e.perience that
llio iiu eotiscipieiii-c ot Self-Ahuso may bj eltee.tu
Hlly removed wiilioiil medicine, and without danger.
bus suririeul operatics. U-uies. ipsiruin, Ms. iimr?
(ir-oordiitls. ttointing out u mode of euro 111 oiice Cer
lulu and eliectuol. by which every sutl'crcr, uo Hun
ter what his eoinlitioll muv be. nmy euro hiinci-lf
iln-Hply. priviiii-lv, and ralieiitv. THIS J.i.C
TI Hi: Wi'l.l. PKO E A BIM.N 10 TUnCisANlsi
Sent un.lei seal, to any addei -s. in a ptnin. sealed
envelope, on t he receipt of ol s. cnls. or two post
we stamps, by adilre.-sing the piiblirhers.
CIIA. J. C. Kl.l.Mi ACO ,
127 Bewrry. New York, Pott Ollu-c Box, 4oad.
Oct. I j, lNi'4. I v ,1d
(latt ol' list ICank oi' .orilitsinkt't--lantl,
I'll., M. !, I -(!.
Yen,- and Bills di-eouoi, I, - - ?: ol.PM2'i
t'eitili.-Hles of t oiled Matis Mint . loll eon mi
I nited States o-'-'it Loan. - - - - ioo.uutl 00
' ' Interest bearing Legul Ten
ders, 31.000 00
Pennsylvania, " ... 2. mil 110
Bunk of Northumberland Stock, 0,07(1 lit)
Northumberland Biidgo Slock, - 1,000 till
Telegraph Stock u ("I I
lioiil Esluie. Ac. 7,o7'J h7
Due by oilier Banks, - - l.".' lllh.J
Notes of other Bunks, and Legal Tenders r-2.ini t'O
Cath Items l.tllJ uU
Specie in Vault Including Commonwealth
'Sj.-ecid Cenificatc,
."l.liilS "I
Cb'.tJ.7j7 Dl
llVbOO no
::u.2tfo ut)
Noiesiu eirculaiioii,
Duo to other Laiiks, -
' Commonwealth, Currency
Specie Certiliculi s,
" jiepositom,
f 042,5 VI
NoHTllt'M Bt'.KLAND Co., S"T
I hereby cortily the abuvo statement to be just and
true to thu best ot my kliowlcle Hiid belief.
S. J. PACKLU, Cashier.
Sworn and subscribed before uie. I
Em L. WiLvi.iiT, Notary Public, j
Suubury, Nov. 3, lsbl.
rpilE utidvrtlgacd respectfully informs the citisent
X of Sunbury, that he hut ooiuioeoeud Ihe buck-
storing biisinesa, ami ia reailv to supply Ihoin weekly
i.I'hII Lin. Is . fi'RKSII HllkP and POKK. sl., Ac
Person duairing any ut tho uIhiv nicK-, will be
prouipiiy tuppnea oy itai tog mi-ii wi" - '
denco, in lieudriok't addition.
fun cur- Of 1'l 1
(Formerly of the "Lkwrcnos lionae,")
TNF0RM3 har friends and tha pnblta generany
that she ha refitted tha house formerly oooupiod
by Dr. J. W. Pcalo. on Blaokbcrry street, nnur Ihe
, ... ... w. .... ........ .
Northern Csntral Railway Drnot. nnd openM a
Boarding House, whero shn Is prepared to fceop
PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOAHDJ.KH. good oooksand waiters, boarders onn enjoy
the quiet nonifurla of homo with faro equal to the
best, hotels.
Patronaire from lhoo who may sojourn in Buubury,
is respectfully solicited.
Funbury, Oot 22, Did.
Cottage Organ.
A Reed
are Hb'lntely
liistrumcut iii
the country. Designed exprewly for Churches nnd
Schools, they are found to Bo e'o'.i-illv well ndntiled
to the parlor and drawing room. For'snlo onlr by
No. 13 North Seventh street, Philadelphia.
Whore can also bo found a complete assortment of
tha Perfect M'-lodcon.
Sept. 2-1. lwil lvw
t'om-th Ac Arcli Mto., lMilIndplvhla.
Cuter for the best Trade, and offer no Baits nr de
ception to induce Custom, but rely on FAIR DEAL
INt and tiOOD GOODS 1
Best Merinoes, Fashionablo Silks.
Nobility Plaids. Pirn's Poplins.
Dark Foulards Figured Merinoes,
Plaid Shawls, Uood Blankets.
P. S. We follow GOLD down, as cloe a wo fol
low it up Now is a good time fif Merchants and
Consumers to come in.
October 8, lti4.2mw
1 ii1ititin t Iiitil llnlitl
I gu3 aj 3,37 Broailnray, Comer Franklin Street
rPHIS first class House tho most quint, homelike
X and plensmit Hotel in the city otters superior
inducements to those visiting New York fer business
or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on
the Kiuoi-KAX 1't.AN. in connection with Taylor's
r.i.ooN. where refreshments can bo hod nil hours,
or i-ervcd in their own rooms. Thu charges are mo
derate. Ihe rooms nnd attendance of the first order
balhs, nnd all tho modern conveniences attached.
1 let 1. 11.
Fall & Vinter Goods,
and sold ciieapeu than else
whehi: !
In Zetleinoyer's Buildlni;. opposite tiearhnrt's Con
fectionery (-tore. Market street. SEN BURY, Pn.,
:- i T l AS just opened a well selected assortment of
Uiwds, which ho offers for iule at very low prices,
FOR Elf! N AND DOMESTIC. Mirh ns Clolhs. Cnssi
meres. Muslins, fhcutiiiys, Ticking, Calicoes, Do
1. nines. Silks, Liin'huuis. Ac , ic.
Il i'I's uud CAl'S of every description.
"in-'it in? of l!":cr.v. ,;lvc.. Tiirn,i'l. T'Hnmi,
Sn-pru'li-r?, M'peUtics. Collars. lliimihMvliiil";, Jlmr
nmnil Skirl-!, lluoi -SUirt-. tnipi'f-h:;. Trunl:, :i
liM -", I'ml rclliis. i nitn-Vi.rn. S7l)s. nm tmuu'ruug
oilier wrticlcei too tviliuis lo mcnl'on,
such as nnils. hinjics r.nj screws, door latches and
knolw, and CI. TLERY of every desci ii tion.
l.iycs, Drugs, I'uints, Vurnislit.-s, Uils, Glif-s,
Iittty, k"Lc, Ar.
CfiKH-rssiv, ar- aiad lsisjM sire ol
-vry i-s-i-IjJioi.
An extensive .Stock of
Cinieil cf ."' C-iCV-j. Ti:.. Tlh'v. Cr.rn-stnrc,n,
Mi!u?c;, Caiidli.-. Meat, Fi?h, C'licui. tult: Tolieoo
for men. women and children.
All kinds of Country Produce token in exchumrc
tMUibury, Sept. 10, ISiU.
Aliiiin;lralvrsi otiro.
VTOIKE m Ijpreby given that letters of iidmiui.:-
trnlioii buvin - l.L-en in-anted to the subi.-riber.
011 tbu estjuo of Jacob ivieoj -ii, lute ,,' Mai.o
lmy to-rt'u.ship. Norttiiimlcrlnu Pu., dce'd.
All piersous inU-.-btctt ure rcrues'ed to iin.kc imniedi
ulo pay tin-ut. tttid those having claims, to prcrent
them for settlement.
ISAAC L. lVfTMEK. Adm'r.
Lower Mahonoy twp., Oct. S, 1-iU - ft
"TiArrs! TiATsTr"
j Two doors west of Fischer's Drm? Store, Markot St.,
j f3UIT33X.T V, l-'EJSriM'A..
TS ciiiislautl v manufacturing the latest styles of Wool
j L and l or lints, which for tol'mcss m.i durabiliiy
I are not Miip.i.sscd-
i i.iive htm a call and -vc his .stock of Hats w hich arc
rold cheaper ih.iii ehewhcie. MerehauUiinl others.
I purchibiing at tthc'.esulo, will find it to their adva.i
I tujf v to call and procure an article cheaper and i-uai
I to city iniiiiiifui'tuic.
1 Suiiliurv, October 1. lSii-t.
I rpiIE partnership heretofore existing between J.
j J W Friliiig A W. T. Gruut, under tho firm of
I 1 riling A Grant, has been dis-silved by limitntton.
I Ail persons indebttd to the iiIkivv firm ivili please
I cull a; once at the old strnd and .etile ih'-ir aecouius.
t Mr. liniiil lender-his ibauks to the public for the
I liberal patronage c.xlende I to ihe old liriu ill ti.eir
j long continuance in busitn.-s uud hopes that Ihcy
t will exletid the same putiouagc to the new linn of
j J . W. Friliiig X Son.
The bu-iiics heretofore cnried on by Fii!inA-
Giant, will be continue I bv tbu un Jcisigr.c I uioler
I tliu firm ol J . W. l'riling A S-.u. at tbe old s'und in
j Mui kol Souare where wo icpecti'ully invito ull to
call. J, W. 1 UILl.Mt,
11 Y.FWL1NG,
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1S1 1. lm
N elcc'ioii uf Dircci.or to serve for tho crsuing .
year will be bold ut the B..ukiug llnuse iu Ihe
li'irooh of Suntiiirv, Pa.. on Momiav itie tw,-ilv-firsl
ilav-d November next. Iieiwei 11 -tho hour, of 10
0 clock A. M.. aud .'! i-'i-Us k P. M. ;
1 be rei-ular ai.uual lneeiinj of the Slockl.ol lers
w iii be bell kt tbe Lt.iil-.iii-.; lioo-o iu tii-j Jior-'Oli ,
of Soubiirv more.-ai.l, on ibe liis, i'uf lay in Nevciu-
ber next i'.N'ov. IjI. V,i. hi Ii) o clock A- 1.
SAM EEL J. PACKEit, Cuhier.
Suubury, Ta., Oct. s, 1-mU.
. No 20 South Sccoud Slrcot, Phiiadi'j,,;,
Are now offering their magniSccnt s'oek f-f Silks,
liress Goods, shawls, Chaiw. Clou ,,s vUvtte, io ,
fur In low the pmeni Gold Piice 4 ;
We have r.'.M on hand, a laiv stork r f DOMESTIC
(iilOL-r., which we are now Hlling, hi a great n ou--1
lion from tbe prices we rjvvi, . e 1 t 'lit, ;:,e n'.
As we I. am na-i iuu auv autie 01 a rise 111 lue prices
of our Slock iu the pr-grck., of ihe War for the lust
two or three years. vye nw propose to give our Cun
toiuers tbe AJi''.nge of the fall in Piicct.
Calicoot un j Muslins, reduced,
Flaiiiic.'.s oi,J Tubla Linen, rcduood,
Blatiki ia and all stable Goods, rviuced.
We res-j.ocifully solicit from ihe Ladies aud olhert
Tlkitlug 1 buuueli-bu, sa li-uilea-.i ol our sloei,
, wblcb it unnurpajaed io varieiyand style, iu tbu city
N. b- WbuitAtde Bnvi-ra. are invii.isi 10 t-xauiine
onrttock EDWIN liAI.L A CO..
rV'e'iN.f ft. 5(114 Cm"
or TmrisiVTi-jre
Afo Cf.rctl ly .
11 00 ft, ai? if a
German Bitters.
The Great ! t?tigtt.n!ng
nc an .tv cr
These Tilters have perf rn-ed rrore Ceres
Have and do Give Better tiiti'l ii.tloo
Iltivc more Te'iiuiniy .'
Have moro rj'.'fpcltaV.e Pcoplo to ouch f-ir Them 1
T j;in any other nrticic in ti e tn-k- .
Wo defy a-iy ONE to contind'ct this A'-i'rliou,
To any one that will produce a Ceriifictite publishd
by ut, that is not (iLM'iSE,
Will cure every oss.u of Cb'oiilc or Nervous Debility,
Iiiscnseol ti'c Kidneys, anl Diioueua arhiajr, frt
a disordered Stomach.
Resulting from L'i-.or lers of the Bigesiive 0tguu3 :
prt'jn. Ii.wiir l
Piles, l'iiliie-s or Blood
to tho Head. Ardiiy of the Sto
tr.ach. Nausea. Heartburn. Difusi fjr
Tood. Fulness or WoiftMt In the Stomacb, Four
Eructations. feinltift or Fluttering at the Pit ofil.o
Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried end E'itTi
cult Bieuthing, Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or
Siifl'oentin); Scnatior( when in a lying pesMire. Btiii
ncss of Vision. Dots or Webs before tho Hijrht. tover
and Dull Pain in tho Head. Deficiency of Perspira
tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Puiii in
the jSide, Ba"k, Chest, L'mbs, Ao. Sudden
Fluherol'H ;nt, B'.irniia in the Flesh,
Constant Iini.tiuin-.'S of Evil,
and preut Drpressiou
of Spirit!.
Contsiitts 1111 Rum or AYliisUc-y.
And can't mako Drunkards, but is the Best Tunic in
the World.
I j?' Uedd ho Nny No j
From the Rev. Levi O. Peck. Pastor of th 1) -i t.
Church, Pein1. ci toTi. N. .T.. formerly of the North
Baptit Chitrch, Philadelphia.
I have kny.m Hoofland's Herman Bitter.-; Invora
bly for a number ot years. I have used them in my
own tbuiily. and have been so pleased with tbeir
effects that I was induced toreooiiiiuend them to ma
ny others, and know that they have operated in a
strikingly ln-nefici-il manner I lnko grot plenssro
in thus piibliely proebiiniinc; this fact. 111.J c -illiuj :l.o
atlention of tli"--' aii!:e'ed w ith thedi-ias-.- i r wlib-ti
thev reeoninieiide-1. t.i :lnst, J'.ttteis. knoiv.oj from
j experience Unit my rccuiuiuuu Jnlioo w ill be u-i!iin-
- : eu. 1 UO'.ltls mi-re enei.-riti!, i- ih'ii:i sjotiei-i
I U iiileiidcd to beiv-tit the nP'ic'.eJ nnl - - i -'i a rum
drink. '
Yours tnth .
LEUG U.'.t'K
Ti-om Bcv. .1. Newton Brown, V. P.. Editor of tin
Encyclopedia of llcligions Kuow ledge, and C')ii'ist'ii
Chronicle, Philmlelphiii.
A'thcuuh not difposnd to f.iver or i-"".iihip"1i 1 Tu
(cut Medicines iu general, through distrust of their
ingredient and effects. 1 yet knoiv of no ,-uff -iei t
Tiiisons why 11 mull limy not testify to the benefits ho
believes himself to have received tiom nr. v simplo
' j r 1 . . l-r;i' iIihi he niity th;v LoiitnOiite
' to the benetlt ot ot'l ?r.'
' I do thifc tlit UH'rc readily in regard to J'loofumi'.-i
I fiHrman ililters, prepared by l)r. C M. Jtu-:H-!i, e
; thii! city, because I was prejudiced uifaiiit them for
' lnHiiy years, under tho impression rtiut they were
' cliietiy 110 Hlcoholio mixture. 1 am indebted lo my
j Irion i Slicomukor, j., lor the n-tnetal of
; this prejie lice by proper test?, and for Ciieoui age
I lueiit to try llii-ni. when SBtVcriog fiotn great and
I long eoMiiniKii 'lebiiity. The uie ( f three bottles of
! tlie.-e lUl'. jrs. nt ihe I'L-giunini; of the presmt ycur.
: wa5 f.-'.lowcd bv evident relief and restoration to a
J detti-i.o of biKlil'v ni 'l mental vi.'or which I had tu".
i felt for six lUuuin) before, and bad ulnoi-: dcipiireU
j nf re ruining. I therefore thtiuk God and my liicnd
for uirecliiig lo the Use of ihem.
! Fronvtl.c Jos. 11. Kcnnard, Tastor of tho
lu;h Baptist Church.
1 Pr. Jackson Dear Sir : T have been fi-wiinntly
' reiue.-ied to c-imect my name with coiiinieii-tiiio'e.s
J of ditiennt hii.ils of medicines but regKnling il-u
I ioneii..-e usout of 111 v nppropriuto bjdieri-. I have in
I iill oases declined ; lint with u clear p: ill val i
i iosiani'e?. nod particularly in 111 y family, ol the 11,0.
i fulness of Dr. lioollund's German Bitters. 1 deptirt
i for once from lny u-unl eoui.-o. lo expre-a my full
i-oiivi-'tiou that. 'for reticrnl debility ol tl-c sy.-teui
) and .-lie-.-i-illy lor Liver t'ou.idaiiit. it is s.iu en-l
valuable prcjinraiioii. In oll!C ease? it may fail ;
but usually, I doubt not. it will be in; H-'Jelioiat to
those wlio'sulU-r from the above cause.
Yours, very;lly. J. M. KEX.S'AHP, below Ce'atcsft'.rect. l'b:l:i.le'.: lii:i
I'ioiu Bfv b ud-ipii. P-t r
Cho.rch, (leruiBiilov n. l'-:im.
cf Enrt'.-t
I Dr. CM. Jack m Dear hi- Pe-. joi-'-I CTp--!
rieiice enables me to :-ay th it 1 re-rid ilo 'i iiii iu
1 llittii-s, picpared by you 11- a 110. i eAel'-.tii i'ii 1I1-
cme. 1.1 cj. 01 severe com aim geucr.11 m i. .my 1
have been grcuilv buiicliiied o il,o usu oi the IVtieis
Yours, truly', W Ail HEN KANDOl.l'JJ,
liei'uiaiitoKU, i'a.
From Ilcv.-J II. Turtcr, Pasyrof JiedlUi
; M. V.
Church, Phihidelphia.
Pr. Jack ton . Dear Sir : Ilai In. ire 1 your tier
man Hitler in my Uiuily fieijUt-i.'.Iy I am jie u- i
to say (hat it ha.-' been oi' i,rcat sc. ice. 1 beii-vo
that in u..t eai-c-ol gcuetal I'ebility e;' tho iv-iein
it ie the safest and most valuu'dc leiuedy ot which I
huvcilliv k..olv ledge.
Yours, re-peeilully. ,1. II. Tl'JiNTP..
No 72i N. Nineieeulb istrtet.
I'roiutbo IU-v. J. M. Lyous. firincrly P-nior of tho
t'olumous N. J I aud Mile.-tonu (l a.) U,.i tis-c
New Kechcr.v. N. Y.
Pr. C. M. Jack: '-:: Dear Sir: I Uel i: a pie,
sure thus, of my own a, 'cud m beat ic-tuai.i.v to
the excellence ol the i.crmaii llilie.s. Sooie -ars bci'n: much u:'i!'u-tea vith L' s?j,.j.; in. 1 iiseii.
llicu wiiti v..-;-y b.-ueticial re.-cl'ii. i b-ae oit-.-i:, rc-c-ia-.meli.led
lo peroltS enteeblo t ry lhal tcimioL.lo;
dis-.-a-e. al. 1 hti c heard trom i'uoi llie lul f.alls-l.
iug testimonials as lo ihctr -xai valu-i i-i eas.s of
g .oend debility, I bcliuvo 11- lo te a t.-'jic llit run
not be ui pjssej J M LY0N0
Frcia the Rev. Thei. Wi:;tor, Pis-Mr of r.oxhjrouU
Faiitij' Chuich.
Pr. Jackson ' Y'ear Sir I ttel It duo to your
iivi-llctit prcpa'ntion. l.iwHa"d's Cermnu Hitlers. t-
a 1 1 my l-.sii'o.'i.y 10 .Qt jt ,crvi i 11-puiation it iiiLi
ouiaiiid. 1 liu 0 f jr yci.r rt been tioublc-t
wiili .'ienl, .lisorilcf , my bead and nervous system
1 mi- 11 1 i: e l 1- y u f, loud to I V a u-vilo olyoor i,ei-.
iiinii bi'nis. .,'i;l ul.l have experienced glial
kil l nil. xp C;,,l r..',;c. ; l.c-llih bsi belli l..-iy
msl-riallv Icnrtltie.l. 1 c.'uti dei-tly leoouuivtid ib'j
ar'.i-.-le w i,e,u I mi-t with 111.-1.1 siiuilar 1 iii' 1
and u" bceu n.s,.r-1 .y ;..a; y i-i u. 'r I " .-ts
lie., :at''i,ily y, tir-. 'i . UiNli.ll.
Kuxb r..u.-,i, I'-
rrcm n.-v. J 3 lb . 10.111, of the C.-r:nan F.c.
1 r:u I
t liurib. Kuttown. Berki, county, Pa.
Dr. C. M. Jtick.-et ; P.e.-pecti-d sir :--1 Love 1 e- n
troubled Willi Dyspeiiria in'ulv iweut; vim. nl
have nuvcr used any oieli-M-io that dui e.10 a
ffo'l as llor-i'ifl-id s'l'.il'cis I Hit vrrv 1111:
proved in health, a!i-r bavirg'i -u tv;
tours, vilh rcspivt, J. e. 11 E;'.'
'i i 1 1
Largo Sue
H '.'i,.- bi ..:i'i-- j. .". I"
takll SliX u per l.'e'.U '.ie',' 1 1.. i
iiKWAK1.' ore v:'i"t.i, -t'.. i
fee that the Piuafn'o f J M .;.ClvN ' is in
li,e Yi' rapper i f each ( ' t
Should your ne ireit'-ru" : iiA tha a.-;ic: -.
do uut be ptilou ry wi' 01; :; ,-.-para
tions that uiny l- oil. red-1. t 1 plaoe bin aind to us,
toil we will MkuiI, seci-i -1 packed, by X ie .
I'riii.onjil !ldUM mtti Mum 11 uir. No. &J1 AKCTI
i s,,Mi v hii. uh i,u
(3i.vail' t-o C-M a' ksoy . :"t..l
i .up. . -3...
tForSileh'-t'.ugs 1 1 B I Icx, in .. t
l iv ibv Vi-'li St-a
J i,ni 4 'e-i .) Ii. - I-
l tLs jrj'.i-tK-b. 1 fuarur-
re r. !?1