Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 12, 1864, Image 4

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    Dam & oMmi
131tr!.(',KI'.TIM KV,
I: AVINuin-i yfiirned frim tho City i:h an n
1 :! !.. stock "f
Dnus, i 'hrmlcnU. Prrl"uiH'V.T
'I!!t ,.rUt'su !
to wl.W. -invito" hifril:l' 111. 1 the public
ally, (in: ill rod examine. TUP IMugst.nd Me iictuci I
ere nil from lli" l"t importing hoii'is m ,
the tuyii'iM market willi r I,.- ..-realist care as I" p"i- j
t I mil HVnilitlu t,4 OllO'll It' I'll--'-!1!!',
the intr.'.i.ic.em of iMn Nw nts-iun..-.
(If nil kind-, such i"- vrr'. .t'livtir. Mvt'llnln.k.
jJ.iHi.wnvi. IVi'hTK lloollaml". i-ili'-fl.s- Hiovwi s
Hn.l nil viIl-T i-j.iliii- luuvtit iiiudh-im s. nUeyi on
Hair, Tooth. Sail, Cloth and Puiiil Bi n. I.e.
Special cure i taken lo keep on hii I ;:..- i.m !v
every vurkiv of
Suitable to tho trade.
FancvToilet Articles nn.l the niiiucr-r.s sni- !
which lire generally kept iu a well conducted estab
lishment. In connection with ihoahovenrllelcs. be al' keeps
on hnud large assor'meiifMit S TATH'NLIli , such
as Paper, Envelopes, Pens. Pmcils. Ink". .
Cv rhyiilti k prescriptions and family receipts
rniupunnifi'il with llie greatest accuracy and dispatch,
at ALL HOIKS Day or Mght.
Remember tho place. Market Square
under the
ouieo ot tho "Sunbury American
Sunbury, June 25, ISM.
So. 71S,ARC1I Street,
above 7th , riHLAD'A
j I havo now In storo
Jof my own Importation
sSnml Manufacture, oue
LARiiKST and
most BEAU
leciions of
rnnct Furs'. , t
fir Liiacs' and Children's Wcnr in the City. AiSO,
a fine assortment of dent's F'tr lllovts A Collar?.
As my Fura were ail purchased when Gold v;,? at
& much dower premium than at present, I airi enabled
to dispose of them at very reasonublo prices, and I
.1 .i::i -..11 i . it.i 1-
wnum inereioru puuuiu n un iiciu my iiivma n
'nn huioberlaucl county, and vicinity.
Homcnibcr tho uamo. Humber and Street L
71S Areh Strett above 7th, south mdo,
11. 10. lg(S4.5io PHILADELPHIA.
have no Pni tner, nor connection with any
thir store in Philadelphia.
I beg leave to inform niy friends and the puMio
generally that I hava cnininenced tho manufiictnro
of COA UIL LAM Pa of every description and stylo
cf finish, at
TTith mv pre?cnt facilitiei for manufacturing, and
n pracUcai pxpenenoe of thirtoen.yearf in tho uinn
a ;t:ineut of Iho lamp business for some of the luret
li)ii?e in the country, I flnlter myself that my expo-rii-n-.-o
and knowleiio will enable mo to odor to tho
public jriniiU nut equalled by any in regard to stylo
mill Workmanship, and' at priced competing with the I shall always endeavor to lead iu onVriug
to the public new ami useful inventions in our line.
I huve also takcu tho wholesale agency for the snlu
No. 33 P. Secoud et., Philadelphia,
gcpteiiibcr 21, 1804.
Ao. r,-ii AEtCII St., lMiIIadcIiiJiin.
Has a largo stock of
Fuperior plated TEA SETT.?, JSTUOXS, FOP.K,
October 1, 1SC1. 4ra
Q B. H0VEK, Attorney at Law, is duly author
ized and iievnted to collect l('itiM,
ISiintf'Miiti ltsirk f'T Widows, ().-
pliaus and Soldieis. (lUico in Jliirkct street, oppo
site Weaver s Hotel, fniubury, la.
January Jtt. 18ii4. ly
l;ii'L.:iiiiiiiia & Itlooiiisliurg tSail
ON and after Jan. lth, 1884, ras.-cnger Truini
will ran a fjllj'.vj :
4.20 P
" liiipcrt,
" Danville,
9. -15
Arrive at Northumberland, tf.55
Lcavo Northumberland, 8.00 A. M
" Danville, 8.40
" Kupert, 8.40
' Bloomsburg, 9.35
" Kingston, 12.12P.M.
Arrive nt Sciunton, l.0
Freight A Passengur leaves Bloomsburg, 10.15 A. M.
I'ussengers taking tho Mail Train South connect
with the Express train from Northumberland, arriv
ing at Harrisburg, at 2. .10 A. !., Baltimore 7.00 A.
M., and at Philadelphia, at 7.00 A. M. Tho Mail
tr.iin from Northumberland leave immediately after
the arrival of the Express train from Harrisburg and
iialiiinnrp, allowing Pnnstngers leaving Philadelphia
nt 10.40 P. M., to reach pomtd on this road during
the next forenoon.
New and elegant Sleeping cars accompany tho
nL'ht trains each way betwecu Northumberland and
D. T. BOUND, Supt.
KnIins; Itailrond.
1 lij'-.n 11H..MV l.isr, ironi tllu orlh ann
V X North-We.-t for Philadelphia. New York, l'.oud-
ln, roiuvuie, i.i'imuon, Allentown. J-.aston, Ac.
Trains leave U'irrisburg for I'hilalclphia, New.
101k, llewling. l'otuiville. and all Intermediate
fctations. at n A. 31., and 2 00 1'. 51.
New lork l. vprcssleuvos Harrisburg at 6 30 A. M.,
arriving at Now York at 1 45 tho omio duv.
A spo.-iiil Aoi.-oininodution Piwseugor train leaves
Heading r.t 7 la A. n., aud returns troiu Harrisbur
at 6 P. M.
I'ures from Harrisburg: To New Y'oik $5 15 ; to
J'lniioletpMs Js.j Jj uitd ?2 SO. Baggago checked
Jtciuriiing. leave New York at fl A. M., 12 Noon,
nnu 1 r .i, (i-iiisi)iirgii j'.xpresn arriving at Harris,
burg nt 3 V M ) Leave Philadelphia at 6 15 A. M.
Mid .'! ;iu P M.
sleeving ivirs In tho New York Express Trains
turough to and from Piu.burgb. wiliiout change.
Passengers t-y iho C'atlawissa Kail lioad leave Td-
mnqua al iio A. .M., and 2 15 P. Al., fur Philadcl
Jihiu, New-York, and all Way Points.
liHims leave Pottsvillo at 9 15 A. M.. and 2.30 P.
M., for l'hiliidelphia, Harrisburg 111M New York.
Aiiaceoinuiodali(,nJ'aienier U-aiu leaves Beading
at jjo A. M., aud reiurns I'ruiu l'hiladelphia ut 5 Ou
c t All the above trains run iuily, Sundays ex.
A Sunday train leaves Pottville at 7.30' A.M..
and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M.
umiiiiutalion, Mileage, Season, and Excursion
"l rniuoeu ratw to ana from all points.
'J I funds llnggiigo allowinl eiuii Pa-senuer.
tl. A. MCULLf.,
May 2T, ISC I. C(Vr"1 ri"t'lf
A r ti:i:
P O U IT D S, -2",
.Ictlhe liest-ijo, ,u,. IU ,Vo.
I...IIIIOU). Whli.ll Mu jt ,,t H, U.A ,)t,rcil Voillul, v
"'.S " "'if "ssoriiiiiLI i.l lUe in.!
MoV I 0. su.-U IU I'U.fcil:.'. !'..!... n.r....
tiluv.,. 1. 1,1 h w-ll U v.W".f ,.v j ,,
lvi.!l!eS.otll iilfH, Tul-S, n . j ,
iuty aro oie., lunim lac inrinii j
CniMr.ej. A-.... ai . (,.., ,.,..i..
Muery, Ploughs,
!l.tru t ail kiiets 01 V i; .. I'ural r.i i.'cimnt
' - h wl. .Ut.a II.
iioi ttt nuncc
liihfiijtrr and at ihe
AH i.u.l.f jl.lppij ,s or.i.rcl. Old
f.i.y .hcua u.1 ii...iii , .,u,ui,,i ,
rcspe. t
IT.U. t-.t. HI It U i II 4 COfiPEK
.trvunrt. n.d,l vi p,vJae,
it -7 1 1 : it.
U. S. 7-30
Tho grcrttnry of the Treamry givM notice that
jubseriptlom will bo reoolved for Coupon Treamiry
Nota, payablo throe yoart from Augurt 15th ISfii,
with tcml-innual interest at the rato of foTen and
throe-tenths per cent, per annum, principal and
interest bolh to bo paid in lawful money.
Then notes will do convcrtiblo at Mho option of
the holder nt maturity, Into slx-pef cent, gold bear
iug bond., pay.iblo not Icje than Hvo nor more tlia
twenty years from their date, as the governraootmay
I elect. They will bo iwue.1 In denominations of $50,
i lnil, S500, 91, 000 and $5,000, and all subscriptions
j must bo for fifty dollar or soma multiple of fifty
i dollar.
The iioten n ill be transmitted to tho owners free of
tratHportnii'in charges as soon after tho receipt of
the nriginul C'ertificatos of Deposit as they oan bo
I pr.'paied.
j ' As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons
! making deposts subsequent to that duto must pay
', tho interest accrued from date of noto to date of
Parties depositing twenty-fivo thousand dollars
ami upwards for theso notes at any ono timo will bo
allowed a commission of ono-fjuartcrof one percent.,
which will be paid by tlio Treasury Department upon
tho receipt of a bill for tho amount, certified to by
the officer with whom tho deposit was made. No
deductions ft r commissions must bo made from tho
!l-iiil AtlTiinlnsrn of lliii I.onn.
It ts A Natiosal Savings Bank, offering a high
er rate of Interest than any other, and the- let seen.
riiy. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in
r. Note, considers that it is paying in tho best
circulating medium of tho couutry, and It cannot
pny in anything belter, foj its own assets are either
in government securities or In notes or bonds payable
in government paper.
It is equally couvcuictn. as a totnp'orary or perina
ncnt investment. Tho notes can always bo sold fo
within a fraction of their face and accumulated Into
rest, and aro tho best security with, banks as collr
tcrals for discounts.
Ill addition to tho vojy liberal interost on the notes
for thrcojyenrs, this privilego f.f conversion is now
worth about three per cent, per nnnum, for tho curt
rent.rnto for 5-20 Bonds ii not lcsa than nine prr
ant. premium, and before tho war tho premium on
six percent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent.
It will be eocn that tho actual profit on this loan, at
the present market rato, is not lens than ten por cent,
per annum.
But nsido from all tho advantages wo hace enum
erated, a special Aot.of Congress exempts all bonds
ami Treasury notes from local taratiou. On tho
average, this exemption Is worth about two per cent,
per annum, according to the rato of taxatiun in vari
ous parts of tho country.
It is believed that no securities offer so great In-
duccmonts to lenders as those issued by tho govern
mcnt. In all other forms of Indebtedness, the fiuth
and ability of private parties, cr stock companies, or
separate communities, only, is pledged for payment,
while tho wholo property of tho country is held
0 soouru tho dischargo of all the obligations of tho
United States.
While tho government offers the most liberal terms
for Its loans, it believes that tho very strongest apponl
will be to tho loyalty and patriotism of tho people.
Duplicate ccrtiHcateswill be issued forall deposits,
Iho party depositing must crmorso upon the origin
al certificate tho denominations of notes required.
and whether they arc to bo issued in blank or pnya.
bio to order. When so endorsed it must bo left with
tho officer receiving the deposit, to bo forwarded to
the Trea?nry Department.
Subscriptions will be received by the Trenfurer of
the United States, at Washington, tho As
Ei-tr.nt Treasurers and designated Depositaries, aud
by tho
l'ii'Mt rViij!n:il Hank of million,
Aud y nil Jsil3iiul Hunk
whi'.h aro depositaries of Publio money, and all
throughout tho country, (acting a3 agents of the Na.
tional Depository Banks,) will furnish further infor
matiou on application and
Augut 13, lCI. ;
iuWmm )3J TBS
Iiiti'U ICast-Iiuliu Coill'C Co.
168 Rcade Street, New Yolk.
Tho above Company are known all over the world
as the owners of the Coffee Plantations id' Java and
Balavfi iu tho Dutch East Indie, and are the largest
monopolizers of Lottee on tho ulohe.
Tho uoder.-iguud (who is appointed their solo
Agent in the linteil Mates ami 111 1 no isritisti colo
nies) will havo for sale three difTcrcnt kimls of Cof
fee, which, for regularly of grade and cheapness of
price, will defy eoinpe.ilion.
Our ''liatavia CoF.oe" never beforo introduced in
this Country, hut extensively used in the Armies and
Navkii of Europe, and richly valued, will he put up
at prices to reach all consumers, and our Kxtru Java
will be the Macnuui Bonum C'oMee of the ai:o.
Wo will have, for accommodation of llrocers. Fa,
miliej, and Government Contractors, samples (dry
and drawn) for testing.
Orders solicited. Ou receipt of caah, coffee prompt
ly tonvarucd as uirecteu.
13S Reiu'.o Street. New York,
Sole Agent, D. E. I. C Co.
July 2:!, 1S64.
ALLOW two or three hoirdicads of "Buehu,'
Tonic Bittors," 'arsoiiariila," "Nervoui An
tidotes," Ac Ac.. Ac. and after vou are satisll
with Iho result, and one box of Old l,lt. l!l CHAN'S
buglish tipccine 1 ills and be restored to health anil
vigor iu less than thirty days. They are Mirelv ve
getable. pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in
uieir cnccis on tno uoacn uown mm simtiereil oon
1 ill ion. Old and youus can tuke them Willi kd
vautnge. Imported aud sold iu the t'nite l States
only oy . j.w. s. lii iuji,
No. 427 Broadway. New York.
Ltf Aaent for tho United States
P. S. A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will
bo mailed to any address on receipt of price, which
is ONK DOLLAR, post paid ! money refunded by
me Agent 11 entire saiisiaction is not given.
Sept. 10, 1SC1 Ilin
(iVr tht lSriilge.)
TDK mbscriher having leased this well known
Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Brown,
respectfully informs tho public that he is refitting and
repairing the premises, aud Kill ho prepared to en.
tcrtain, iu 11 couiloruiulo maimer, Ins numerous
friends throughout the county, and all who may
patronize nis egiauiuuuiem.
Oct. 1, ltd. JOSEPH YANK IRK.
New supply of Mahkrh's Fite-Mixtte Fiiee
ZKiia, received troin Acw lurk, for sale by
bury, May 21, (14. II. B. MASSER.
"C O LL E G E,
M'l lN4JIC4Vi:, Kujiltr Co., Pa
flV.M'. Fall Session of this Institution commences on
J. Till USDAY, Al liUST 18th. The W iute
Session 011 tho 1 7lh of November.
l l.ll.MS l'KU lSKShU)N UP 13 WEEKS
1 For lioardinir. WoshiiiK. Furnished Room, Fuel
j imI l,i :'JjI and Tuition in 111 tho regular studies of
I lit, folic gintc Deprrtiueut, only $52 75.
I ' A liberal beductiou made iu luvor of the Daughters
t our :!. lu-rs.
F01 further loriiculrrs, or Circulars, apply to
H. DOMEll, Principal,
FcbxiATcvp, August 0, 1804. Juios.
jCo3 "h ABLE Yi
(.Snemwu Klauffsr iV llarliy.)
DF.U.EK InFiiMiOold aud Silver WATCHES .
aud tho Lr-t Si I. V ER-PLATED-WARE. Con
I'enity ui, huud a largo aiiortuicniof the above good
at low prices.
Wat. be and Fine Clocks, Repaired, by skilful
workmen; also, Jewelry repairing ; Engraving and
fell kiuii oi lluir-nork to order, al short notice.
I io n t lorget the old stand, No. 023 .Market
I tu.rl 1'iiiUi'clpliia -
' Trrt iroaut oaixr nmrer rea
, Scrofula and Borofuloui Slaeasei.
From Emery Ktet, n wtll-knomn merchant 0 Ox
ford, Miiinr,
"I ham fold large qnantiliea of Tonr HAOT.r
Ktt.t.A, but nevrr yot one Imttle which failed of ttm
desired etreet and nill satlsfaelion to those who took
It . As fast as our people try It, they agree there liaa
been no medicine liko It beloro in our community."
Eruptloni, Flmplesj, Blotchee, Pustule, Ul
cers, Bores, nnd nil Disoasoa of the Skin.
From IlfV. Bnbt. Straftnti, liriitnlt Knijhmd.
I onlv do my duty to yon and tlio nubile, wlien
1 add my testimony to that you publish of tlio mo
(llciniil virtues of your P aiii apaiiii.i.a. , Sly rtauRU
UT, aged ten, had an anilctlna- liuinor In her ears,
eyoa, and hair for yeara, wlilrll wa were unable to
eure nutll we trliil your H.naAPAiin.L.l. buo has
been well for soino inontlia."
From Mrs. Jnnt K. liter, a veil lnnr,t ami
titeemotladnf nenni'i-ille, faj t o.,N. J.
" Jty ilaugbter has suffered for a yi'ar past with
Scrofulous eruption, whleh was very troublesome.
Nothing afforded any relief until wo tried your
Bakbafauiixa, which soon eompletcly cured her."
Frcm Charles r. tinge, Ksj., of the. vUMv-Unow-n
Gage., Murray if Co., n'rimiuctunrs oenametuU
papers in Xathua, A'. . ...
"I had for several veara a vert rrouldn'tomo
humor In my IVo, which grew ivmRtantly vyorse
out It it disfigured my features and became an Intol
erable affliction. 1 tried almost every tlilnrf a mnn
eonld of both ailvlcc and medicine, but without any
relief whatever, until I took your Sarsai'AHIU.A.
It Immediately m;ido my face worse, as you told ma
it might for a time 1 but In a few weeks tho new
kin began to form under tho blotches, and con
tinued until my face la as) smooth as anybody's,
and I am without any symptoms of tho disease that
1 know of. I enjoy perfect henllh, and without a
doubt owe it to your S utsArAitii.LA.''
Erysipelas General DebiUty Purify tho
SVam risi. Jnht. Kmrtn. llnnstnn Ft.. Xnn Tori:.
" lilt. AVKK. I seldom fall to remove KrnptioP't
and Scrofittinis Sons by the persewrlnguscof your
BARur AKii.i.A.aiid I have Just now cured .u attack
of Malignant tirisip'tos with it. N- ferntlvo wo
possess equals the Haiisai-aiui ,a y011 ,nv0 anp
plicd to the profession as f- as to the people."
From J. K. Johmtrn, Kq., yMlr,nnn, Ohio.
" Kor twelve yern. t had the yellow r.rysiiKdiis
on my right arm, duiioj wlileli timo I tried all thu
ci lebrntcd physielai t could roach, and took hun
dreds of doling worth of nu-tliciiies. Tho ulcers
were so h- j thnt tho eonln la-camo visible, and tho
doctors ilccided that niv arm must be amputated. I
l.inn tnkhnf your S.Mt'AfAi!il.l.A. Took two bot
tles, and some of your 1'u.i.s. Together they have
cured me. 1 am now as well anil sound as any uoiiy.
Being In a public place, my cane is knowu 10 every
body In this community, and excites tho wonder of
From Tlon. Henry Monro, M. P. P., of Xeirr-astlei,
C. '., a leadinr.member of 0tt Canadian I'qrlia
vient. . ...
" I Iisto used your SAns.M'Anil.t.A In my family,.
for genernl dehilitii, nod for pnritjiiiiri the. Uoxl,
with very beneficial results, and feci conudcuco iu
couimeuUiug it to the afflicted."
Bt. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Rheum,
Scald Hoad, Soro Eyes. -From
TTnrivy Slttler, Fsq., the ahle editor of the
7'uiikliannor!; Democrat, J'ennojlrania.
" Our only child, about throe yc:u a of age, was
attacked by pimples on his loielu ail. They rapidly
spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent
sore, which covered his face, nnd actually blinder
his. eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied
nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any
apparent I'lfoct. Kor lifloen days we gnarled hi
hands, lest with them he should tear open the fes
tering and corrupt wound which covered his whole
face. Having tried every tiling else wo had any
hope from, we began giving your,
and applying the Iodide ol potash lotion, aa you
direct. Tho sore began to heal when we had given
the first bottle, and was well when we had linlshed
the secoud. The chilli's eyelashes, which had come
out, grew again, aud hu Is now as healthy nod fair
as any other. The wholo neighborhood predicted
that the child must die."
Syphilis nnd Disease.
r-n. nH i;....n vl.,r,t ,YVl t.nuJi. Mi.rtrt.
"I liud your S.W'.SAi'Aiill.t.A a more effectual
remedy for the secoudary symptoms of Syphilis
and for syphilitic, disease tbi nuy other we possess.
The profession nrc Indebted to you for sumo t tho
best urediciues wo havo."
From A. J. Frenrh, M. D., an eminent phgsirian of
Micrence, Mass., who is a prominent member of
the Lrgifilatitve of Massachusetts.
"Dr.. Avkii. Jly dear Sir i 1 havo found your
8Aits.M'Anil.t.A an excellent remedy for Smdtilis,
both of tho primary and seeondury type, and elfee
tutd in some eases that were too obstinate to yield
to other remedies. 1 lo led know what we can em
ploy with more certainty of success, where power-,
ful alterative is renuiicu."
Mr. Chas. S. Van Line, 0 Xeir Urunstrirl.; X. J.,
had dreadful ulcers on his f '., caused by the abuse
of mercury, or mercurial ditaxc, wliieh grew more
ami nioro aggravated for yeara, iu spite of every
remedy or treatment that could bo applied, until tho
peweverlng uso or Avkk's SAltsAi'AUil.l.A relieved
him. Few cases can be found more, inveterate and
riitrc?mB- than this, nud it took Several dozen
bottles to cure him.
Iioucorrhcea, Whites, Female Wenkners,
are penerally produced by Internal Scrojhhus t'l
ceration, and are very often cured by the alterative
effect of thia Saiisiaiahili.a. tiomu cases require,
however, in aid of the S.MtlAl'Allll.l.A, tho skilful
application of local remedies.
From tht ireU inorrn and widily-eelebratcil Dr
Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati.
"I have found your SAi:Ar-AUiu.A an excellent
alterative hi h8eaia cf feiuidea. Many eases of
Irregularity, Leucorrhrca, Interns! l lcertitvui, and
loc:tl il-bilifv, arising from the serofujuiiR dialhesis,
have yielded to It, and there stn few that do not,
when Its effect is properly aided by local treatment,"
A lady, uvMilllug tit allow the publication of her
name, writes 1
" Mv dtm','titcr and myself havo been cured of a
very debilitating lA'iicofrlia' i of king standing, by
twoibottles of your"
Rheumatism, Gout, Idver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia,
when caused by ScroMa In the system, are rapidly
cured by thjj Ext. Saiw-h-aiulla.
possess so many nilvantascs over tho other
purgatives in tho market, and their superior
virtues nrc so universally known, that weneej
not do more than to assure the public their
quality is maintained cquiil to the best it ever
has been, and tluiT they may he depended on
to do all that they have ever done.
Trcpared by J. C. AY Eli, M. D., & Co.,
Lowell, Mass., and sold by
Sold by Filling A (Jrnnt. Sunbury,
R. U. McCoy, Northumberland)
Aaron llnrrol, Elysburjr,
V. R. Kutr.uer. Shumokin,
J. P. llofruo, W'alsontown.
Aud bv all dealers in Modicines everywhere.
August 13, lb4. ly .
I'or t 'leaus-i lis, hi1-nin(' tintl
lrek-r Iiik llie l i;i:HI.!
This article is prepared with the greatest care upon
sciontilic principles, and warranted not to centum
anything in tho slightest degree deleterious to tho
teeth or gums. Somo of our most eminent Dental
Surgeon have given their sanction to, anj cheerful
ly recommend it as a preparation of superior quali
ties for oleaii.-inr, whiteiiing and preserving the
TEETH. It ulcans them readily, rendering them
beautifully whito and pearly, without the lightest
injury to the enamel. It is healing to. the gums
where tbey axe ulcerated and sore. It U also an ex
cellent disinfector for old decayed teeth, which are
ouen cxceeuingiy onunsive. At gives a rich creamy
taste to Iho mouth, cleansing it thoroughly, aud im
parting a delightful fragrance to the breath.
N. V, Cor. 10th., A Lombard St., Philadelphia.
And sold by all Druggista. PRICE 2i CENTS.
The following opinion of Dr. White, as to the high
esteem in which he holds the Dental Crcuui. must bo
aunicicnt evidence of Us value ; to quote other tesii.
monials iu detail is needles, conteutinir ourselves bv
simply giving tbo names and ad drosses of persons
nuu sprua ui us excellency ior mo luciu.
Philadelphia. ApiU 15th, 1SC.1.
Having carefully exuuiiued A. Hawley's "Sol id i.
fiei' leutal Cream," I hereby cheerfully rccoui
m ;td it to Ihe publio generally. It is au excellent
p'.eparatiun for cleunsiug and preserving the teeth,
nd cln be used by all itrsoiu, with tho utmost con
fidence, as iu properties are perfectly harmless. Re
sides preserving the teeth, it promotes a heaiihy
action to the gums, aud impart a pluasautneas to the
Dr. W. R. WHITE, 1203 Arch St.
Thomas Ingram, M. D , Dentitc, 4111 N. Fourth St.
J. Birkey, 2i4 S. Sixth St. .
E. Vuuderslioe, Surgeon Dentist, 425 Arch St,
C. A. Kinsbury, Dentist, 1 1 1 W Walnut St.
S. Dillinghum, D. D.K., 734 Arch St.
F. M. Dixon, 827 Arch St.
Edward Townscnd, Dentist, 420N. Fourth St,
L. H. Dorpbley, Dentist, SU7 N. Tenth St.
M. L. Long, DentUt, 62'J N, Sixth bt.
May 2-1, JMii ly
Has information never before published.
Sent rati in a sealed envelope fur ten cents.
Address Dr. STANFORD,
Box No 4,652. New Yoik P 0.
July P, lR6.-3m
F O 11
A L E.
A Tract ol'Tiiuber loiml, below Trev
ortoo brblga, ooutsining about fit) sores For further
particulars apply to
t.T.lKJ.XSg J), llti If
Corner ofMarltot Sqnnre A nnU
Itoixl Klrcol,
Of the newest styles, cut by tho best Artists, trimmed
and mado equal to custom work, aud sold at the
lowest prices.
Jtn nnI llyf Clotlilna of the bestma
terial cotisisllnir of Dress Coats, Frock Coat, Sack
Coats, Pants, aud Vests of various colors and u,unli
such as Khirtf, Over-shirts. Undershirts, Drawers,
Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings,
0 loves, Ao.
lint nnd Cup of all Uiittlf.
BRELLAS, nnd NOTIONS of all kind, and mitno.
rons other articles.
Thu publio are Invited to call and cxamiuq "nil
Remember the place. ''Continent', Clothing Store,"
Corner of Market Square -nd the N C. R. 11.
Sunbury, July 2, Vsfl4.
G EORtlB Kll.1i, ElMON P. WoLVEItTOft.
Attoi-iivi iiikI 'oniii'lor nt l.nn.
Office, Market street, cor. Centre Alley,
"7ILL attend prompt Icy to the collect Ion ofclnims
W. and all other professional business intrusted fo
their enre in .NorlliuuilicrMim nnuaujoiuing counties,
t-unbury, January 2.J, 1802.
And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic' and
Mandrake Dills acton the System injuring that
Disease, and the
rcut Sm-t'CMsi At4oiillns It !
The above isacorrect likeness of Dr. Schenk taken
many years ago, after ho had recovered from Con.
gumption ; by a cotirso ot Iris "Sehenk's Pulmonic
Syrup." The likeness, although it docs not repre
sent him anything liko as bad as ho wosat the worst,
yet it U in strong outrnst with the halo and vigoious
looks of tho Portrait below, which is tho true like
ness of him ut present time. The contrast between
theso two portraits is so great that aitoy would not
believe them to be the saino person. Yet there are
hundreds of persons, in and around l'hiliidelphia,
w ho will recognise both portruits to be true represen
tations. When tho first was taken he weighed 107
pound at tha present timchLj weight is 220 pounds.
New York, Wednesday, March 30, 1864.
Thirty years ago I was iu the lust stages of Pit!,
monary Consumption, and given up to die. I resided
in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph I'arrish, then of this
city, ordered me to Morostowu. N. J., a distance of
nino miles which took me two days to get there. Ou
lny arrival I was put to bed. and there laid fur many
weeks. This was my natire place, where all my
family lived and had died of Consumption. Dr.
Thornton, who attended my father in bis last illness,
was culled, and gave me ono week to fix up my af
fairs. Ho b l seen all my family go that way. and
thought I was to go. too Then 1 heard of tlie'rcuio
dice 1 now offer to the public, which cured me. It
seemed to we that 1 cvuld feel iLem penetrating ivy
whole system.
They soon ripened the matter 011 mv lungs, and I
would spit off more than a pint of offensive yellow
matter every morning. As soon at that began to
sultside, my cough, fever, pain, night sweats all
begius to leave me, and mvapputile becatuo so great
that it was with difficulty t could keep from eating
too much. 1 soon gained niyslreiigtb audi have
been growing in flch ever since. For many years
I havo enjoyed uninterrupted good health, keeping
the liver and stomach healthy with the Seaweed To
nic and Mandrake Pills, as I am of a billious temper
ament. My weight u two hundred and twenty
pounds On my recovery people would send for me
far and near, to seoif their cuses were like mine.
For this pur.iose I pay professional visits iu the large
cities. Theconsuiuplivcs wish to see the oue that
makes these medicines, and who was cured of con
sumption by thein, To make new lungs is iuijiosi
hlu; but cavities in tho lungs and chronic ulcera
tions of tho bronchial tubes can be healed Such
casus aro dying hourly under the ordiuay treatment
of physician, and just such are cured by the proper
usu of Sehenk's Pulmonic Syrup, Scuw ecd Touio,
and Mandrake Pills.
I am now a heaiihy man, with a .large cavity in
the middle lobe of the right lung, the lower lobe very
nracb heputiicdand complete adhesion of the pleura.
The left lungs is sound, aud the ucner lobe of thu
right lung is 111 a tolerably healthy condition. The
great reason why pbysiciaus do not eure consump
tion is they try to do too mucn ; they give medicines
to stop the c:ugh, to stop chill, to slop night sweats,
heetio fuver, aud, by so doing, they durange the
whole digestive powers, locking up the secretions
aud eventually the patient sinks and dies. After I
luako a carelul examination of the patient with the
Rcspirometor, and find lungs euough left to cure, I
dircl the patient huw to use tho three remedies.
Remove the cause and they will all stop of their
own aocord. Noouo' can ho cured of consumption,
livil complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, eanker, ulccruted
throat, unless thu liver uud stomach are made heal
thy. Iu New England this canker chronic catarrh,
uloeratud throat, elongation ot uvulu, is more preva.
lent than in any other section of the country. This
is frequently cuuscd by a foul stomach. You may
burn it out with caustic time and again, and all they
will get is temporary relief. CurreU tho stomach
and liver, aud they will heal up themselves.
tfoad nutrition Is Ihe remedy. If you have any
disease in any part of the body, il will remain there
aud decay nioro aud more uutil yon can got the sto
mach iu tho condition to digest food and uiuke new
blood to take the place of diseased matter. This is
the only way to heal cavities in the lungs and ulcer
ated bronchial tubes. Correct the stomach and liver
and nature will do the healing. Mauy persons have
an idea that certain medicine are g.'eat puriSers ci
the blood. When blood is once diseased it eannot
be purified ; it is diseased the same as the diaoated
matter in the system ; but get the apparatus in or
der, the liver and stomach, and give it plenty of
now h-hing food it will luaks aew blood, which will
take the place of that which is disaed
bebenk t Pulmonic syrup is one of the best preps,
rations of iron 10 use. it is towerful tonis of iuJt
-u.d bta ih Rtswetd T-mc luod-res rbe ensjeut 4
sua?, 5-r ' I
f the stomach, and is It carried pofl oil by the a the
. Mm.lrs.Ki l'illr the l'liltnonio Byrup la made Into
blood. J his is the only way to enre onntmption.
If I oamiot irot a irood snceote, and food dries not
digest, I cannot cure the patient Never mind the
eongh ; remove the cause and will stop of Itself,
J his is the most trouble 1 Bays wun my panonui aj
my rooms. They say, "Doctor, I feel stronger ; I
oan eat ; my night sweats are better, and I feel bet
ter every way) but my eongh Is so bad yet;" an
they are astonished to hear me say that does not
matter; remove tho cause and the eough will sp
of itself. Sehenk's Seaweed eroates a good appetite
In about nine days, when there is no lung disease,
unless the liver is so congested that the Mandrake
Pills cannot unlock the ducts of the gall bladder in
that short space of time, in order to allow the stale
bile to pass off. Keep tho liver and stomach healthy
and there is less dnngcr of consumption or any other
disea-e. It Is hard to take cold when those organs
aro healthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited,
dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite,
nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is
eaten lies heavy, loss of memory, try ono bottle of
.SCI'iENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC, and one box of
cost ot one Hollar ami iwenty-nve cents, with lull ut.
roo lions. This Is sufficient, In many easel, to satis
fy what the medicines are. Frequently one bottle
liiakca a great change in the system. Any person
that enjoys ordinary henllh, by using tho Seaweed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills occasionally, must get tho
digestive organs in ejtieh a healthy condition that
they, become flushy I can produce a Lumber of my
old consumptives patient noflf inlaying good health,
weighing nearly 20Q ontids. I will conclude by
relating three l'ros I have made in-New York, and
which arq different, and wish any one who feels
"n. interest In the matter to visit them. First is Mrs.
Furlow, residing then at No. 107 Houston street Her
husband called upon me at ray rooms, ,t uomistreci
and wished me to onll and seo her. He said I could
do no irood : that ho had had all tho best medical
attendance, and all said she was too far gone with
Consumption to be cured ( but she had heard of some
great cures I had made, and ho desired to gratify
her wishes. I called, and round her lying confined
to her bed in the Inst stago of bronchial consumption
and without doubt must have died soon. I examin
ed her lungs, found both bronohinl tubes very much
affected, but no cavities had formed, her cough
was very severe, the spit-box was half full of thiok
pus. Pulse 1411, leg swollen very much ; and worse
than all. she had ehroiiio diarrhoea. Her bowels had
been moved eleven times that day. told her that she
had lungs enough to be cured, but that this diarrbroa
l.s.l hco ..flonir stun. line, and her stomach was in
such a ulccruted condition that I was afraid nothing
could bo dono. Sho insisted 1 should try and do
whit I could for her, observing that she could not
last long in tho condition she was in. aud I could not
make her any wotso. I gave her first a doso of my
Mandrake Pills, and the tonio and yrup freely
1 hut was on Tuesday, nnd by tho next Sunday tho
diarrhoia win oarried off. her appetite hod returned
and she could sit up in bed ami eat ber dinner. She
is now well, and gnvo a long certificate, certiOod to
bv tho Rev. Dr Downiug.
'Mrs. Bartholomew, .l West Forty-fiflh street,
caina to mv rooms with a tuinor ou her liver. JSlie
was low -spirited, fkiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels
costive, no appetite, and lust sinking into tne grave.
The said tuumr had Jiceu runuiug oyer fourteen
years. 1 gave her i-yrup. ionio anu 11111, aim nun
her Intake them just as the directions were priuted.
She eamo back to my rooms, 32 Bond street in two
weeks, somewhat better ; her tongue had begun tu
I clean a little around the edges, her skin whiter and
! ht.r ..vna Itriirhtrr nn.l iho tumor disetlttrif Mill VcrV
offensive matter, much taster than it hud ever do; 0
beforo. Sho kent irradually improving, and iu about
two months she cuuio to my rooms very much li ighi- j
eued, saying that tbo tumor had nearly snipped ,
running, and was LculioB up, aud that every doctor I
I ha.1 told her that if it ever healed it would cause her 1
death. I told her that the disease had all li lt her
j system, and nature would heal the ulcer up. They I
are now healed, and have been for about a year, and
' she is a hearty and robust a woman as you w ill fiijcl
in a ilsvs walk, rue is giaa lor any one 10 can on j
her. and lakes great pains to visit any one tat she
bean has an thing liko her case, and tries tn t.'t
i them to come mid seo me. Tbo next case is Miss I
1 fonfield. from Stamford, Conn., Mrs. Um Iholomew j
j gut her dowa to see me, and ehe has been e cr sineo I
I at bevboyc. When sho first oaiiic to my rooms, she
I was much emaciated with a distressing es.uh. spit-
1 ting large quantities ot 0I0O1I. 1 examined her lungs
' with the respirometer, and in all my practice never
1 found 0110 iih one lung so far gono and tho othir
lung so sound. 1 could not give much encourage
ment. I thought she would die ; but to my nsloii
! 1 diluent the i'ulinoiiii; Syrup, Seaweed loiiic. hu4
Mandrake Pills nil seemed to go tight tu work, the
lung is all healed over, leaving 11 cavity as lergu m
a goose egg; good appetite, fine spirits, niei his
gained some thirty. five pounds in weiahi , Sj ku
some cough yet. which 1 do not liiink will leave her
beloro Juue. 1 .-hould think it would be of greet
; interest to some iiuprcjudiced physieii.u to visit those
c;iscs. parlieuhirly Miss Scotield. cr any of tbetu u ho
have been cured by my medicines. They are uuui
' eroiH in New York ; but tbo above lln vu' all
fi 01,1 each other; 110.I if my niedicii.ts arc doirg
: what I represent lUey are, they should have il.e
' oiedjt and tho alBicUd know where and how liny
1 may be cured.
J. It. M' lib Mi. M . II.
Dr. J. H. Seheiik can bo found at ifee 1 tiucSpnl
office, No. 3'J North tilh Street, Vbdiolclj,!.! 1. every
Saturday, from it A. M. uiit'.l i P. M., to cive advice
free of charge; but for a through c.t:u,iuuiiwi he
charges threu dollars. Prieeof the Pulmonic Sysup 1
and Seaweed Tonic cac?i ?1 21 per bnitlcvi i. the Mnudrake Pills 2f ccutipct Ui, and '
is for sale bv all Druggists and DeaV.i-'.
May 14, ISiil. ly
Northern Central Ilailwnv!;
Kr.njane'riMi: tai:i.i:. !
THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from ISaltitnore
find Washington eilv.
I Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania ,
' Railroad, to an 1 from I'ituluirg and the Wci. ,
TIIUEE TRAINS DALY to and fr lucXorth an t i
West Branch Snsquehannu, Elmira, aud all of .North- i
eru Now Vork. I
ON and alter MONDAY, MAY loth. ISfil, t
the Passeuger Trains of the Northern Central I
Hallway will itruve at and depart from Sunbury,
Hairicburg ami Baltimore a Mk-m, vii i
SOU T H W Allli.
Slail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except
Sunday). 10 2.1 A M.
' leaves Harrisburg, I 20 P. M.
" arrives at Bulfiiuure, i 10 "
Express Truin loaves Sunbury daily
(except Sunday.) " II lip. M.
" leaves Harrisburg (except
Monday.) 2 ill A. M
" arrives at Baltimore daily
(except Monday). X 09 A. M.
Harrisburg Aucummodutiun leaves Harris
burg, 7 00 A. M
Sunbury Accommodation leaves Sunbury
daily (except thtuday) ut 7 0 A M
Mail Train leaven Baltimore daily (ex
cept Sunday) V 20 A. M
" leaves iiarrisbure; 1 P. M.
" lurives at Sunbary, 4 n.i '
Express Train leaves Baltimore daily (1 .' P. M
" arrives al Harrisburg. I iO A M,
" leaves Harrisburg (except
Monday). 3 1.1 A M.
u arrives at Sunbury. 5 5.'! -
Hurjisburg Accommodation leaves Harris- j
burg, itaily (except buiufay) at .1 00 f M
" arrives at Harrisburg, X &0 P M
Sunbury Accommodation leaves Harris
burg dully (except Sunday) at 4 00 P M
ior turtber infunuulion apply st tho Office.
I. N. DiBARRY. lien. Sunt.
Harrisburg, June 4 S64.
f T is used by first class families everywhere, and
highly recommended for nervous aud dvspeplio
persons, oeing very omtriuous ana tree lroiu all
deleterious substances, in testimony of which I have
certilicates from the most eniminent Physicians in
tho Couutry. Try it, and you will be sure to con
tinue Its use In preference to any other.
Sold at retail fur Twenty-Five Cents per Pound
by First class lirocers throughout the United "talcs.
f A liberal discount to the Trade.
Put up only by
l.i:U IS A. OfsBOII.y
Wholesale Depot, 69 Warren st. New York.
May 7, lht4.
(Lata Mrs. Boulton s.) ,
HAS taken this old and well known staud, and
refilled aud furnished the same is prepared lo
accommodate Boarders and Travelers with the best
the murket can afford. He hopes by strict' attention
to business to receive a shaie or publio patronage.
His TABLE eontains the best the market affords.
His Br U tilled with the choicest of Liquors, both
M"U and Spirituous.
Ibe stabling, is good, and aUtK by careful
buubuy, April 30, 1861. ly
DlMcancM of the Nervous, Heuiiual,
I riitnry uutl siriuul WyatesiiN
new sod reliabls treatmsnt in reports of the HOW
ARD ASSOCIATION sent by mail in sealed letter
envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKIL
L1N HOUGHTON, Howard Association, 'o.
Bouta Kintb Street, Philadalrhis. Ft
Jily 14, loCi.-ly
ttomey nt I.nw. KUNBURY, PA
1 Collections attended to In tho eonutiea of Nor-
thuinbnrland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia
and Lyoouilng.
Hon, John M. Rood, Philadelphia,
A. (4. Oattell A Co.,
Hon. Wm. A. Porter, "
Morton McMlchacl. En .
K. Ketcham A Co., 289 Pearl Street, New York.
iionn vv. Ashmeart, Attorney at Law, "
Mntthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, "
Sunbury, March 29, 18U2.
In every variety,
Orders solicited and filled with promptness and
Sunbury, May 18, 1803 ly
Attorney nud Counsellor nt Iaiw,
Offico on south sido of Market street, four doors treat
of E. 1 . Bright A Son's Store,
Will attend promptly to all professional business
entruston to his care, tbo collection ot claims in
Northumberland and tho adjoining counties.
tunuury, juay ibuj. ly
I'or lint d,3Iiec( Itonclien, AnlM, lied
Hug, MolliN in I'ui-si, M'oolcni. Ac
InKrclM on I'lnntai, I'onls, Animal,
Put tip In !.',c, SOc. and $1 00 Boxes, Bottles and
I lasks. $3 aud fj sites for Hotels, Publio lnatitu
nuns, sc.
"Only Infallible remedies known."
"Free from Poisons."
"Not dangerous to tho Human Family,"
"Rate come out of their holes to die.'1
t7? Sold Wholesalo in all large cities.
Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere
! ! ! liKwanE ! ! ! of all worthless imitations.
See that "Costar's" name is on eneb Box. Holtle
and Flask, before you buy.
Address II KM It V It. COS T A It.
PrineiprH Depot 4S2 Broadway. New York,
f, Sold by all Wholeeulu and Retail Druggists in
Siiiiluiry. Pa.
Feb. -Jii. -m
Altot-nt; CoiiiiKi-ltor nt vi...
Office OL j.Mli U, ,.f Malkcl slr.-et. f .--, y.i.iy.wesl
ol f.enrloirt's i 'out, ci i.,o.r
'itTNEURY, A. .
W ill '.iteiid proinpllv to all pnoiy.siiiiiil tiu. oiess
enlrejted to his cure, the collect '.ii 'if.-lniiiis ill .Nor
tlo.fitbei Im.d and I he in! joining co.iMtit f.
Consult, itions in tioi ii.nii uifl l;nli.-h.
Suiibiiiv. Mifr. h lit. l-e'.t.
lltj;xlaV tt) ti:til ltd Ml.
At Ut I'rr.t lull' thftftiftt of liu riM.iY.
..t,.iw ft.v lila II
Mr fur fh'Pli or flat rmttit.
i:e.dy hoofing
For till kiu.Ls of bivJiliniri. iu ulluliuiales,
En-i!y. n nH-Uly put 011 Xce-'it no
Coal ill, i. r Willi cemellt allet it i. .lnld '1V .
m:DY iiooi-iNd
Made of f. - r.'i.g woven fabric, ihor-oi.
and c ,.,c,i op,.i. I.:h hu suith :i
tei r..f c.,iu;.,si:i,.ii. ai.'i put up in 1
use III inch tti.Se. and ; j feel long.
lily saturated
p, 1 lee; Iv v, 11-
,IU ready
nirinitfiK: uri
W jfV as 1
I.i. vkv Tin Hmn .
Much cbc.ipir and 11,01c d urn I. lo than oil oa
t'olllMlilll iVfiM'UJ,
Fel l.c k.V Si. illgle Wool's.
i.ich Mill ,i, ci, Ihe ci.-l f II In , lis.f
.l;t. i ,., I!c.mI l,.iv.ii.g aicl Cllctilai.-, s.
nt by
Iliait o 1 1
bu lO M
id" nith re.j.oniiol,
pat tii s iho
7.1 Mci leu (,
April 21
I m I .
IX TltHIT PA('K.V.i:j-
(orders will receive prompt attention.
Williams;-, n, June 25. Ii'.. Propiietor.
!OK TMH t:.Af' IIE IMI I .
I 1ST received II new slock of F
-l.ii.g Tackle for
1 f
:- HI:.
.l'es. col.sistillt' ol 11,. Os. liiels. Lines.
lli,sl:t-:s. Massb. Hunts. .Ni ls. I Ins. Ailili. ial H.nt.
Ringed Lines, tint, tirns- ai d llouk-. to b'ch the
attention of denier- is pa. lieiil.,,,,- t.-iutsH-j.
f'',iltr. Wholesale and Retnil. puiietutilly filled
nnd s:iii.if,.clii.ii warranted.
.inilX KRIDEIi,
2nd nnd Walnut streets, l'bila.lelj l.ia.
February 27. t. iii
The Only bttfe Reliable against both Fire
and Burglary.
I am now prepared to furniah three sixes of Nation
al Bank Sates. They are both Fire and Burglar
proof, with two distinct insido Burglar Safes, and
three of my new Ami.. Micrometer Locks on each
ale, believed to be tho only bank-lock now in use
that has not been picked or eannot be picked by
tho aid of the micrometer. These Safes all present
four to six inches in thickness of solid iron, guaranteed
to be the strongest, the must difficult to drill and to
stand the most resistance against both fire and
burglary of any Safe in the United Stales of tho
same size and oitft.
I have on band also, and will furbish all siscs of
Bank Vault Safes, possessing all the advantages of
tho above against burglary.
Also, all sizes of Mercantile Safes both burglar
proof and fire and burglar-proof.
Also, Ornamental Dwelling-house Safes, burglar
proof, and lire and burglar-proof (warranted nut
Also, the strongest and cheapest Vaalt doors, fur
bank and mercantile vaults.
All the above are Lillie's wrought and chilled
Also, six sizes Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs,
warranted equal to any common Safes, at fully oue
third less price.
Also, a general assortment of second-hand Safes,
many of them nearly new, and of approved makers,
received iu exchange for Lillie's Chilled Iron Safes.
These are oflcrcd at or below auction prices.
M. C. SADLER Agent,
No. 21 8. SEVENTH gtreet.
June 11, 1681
Alleuliuu, l-udivsi aud (aeutlemeu!
In Deer street, opposite the Central Hotel,
E.VERLY, has opened anew Picture Gallery
J, in the above place, aud is prepared to take
orlraiU in the best style and manner
are taken in every style of the Art. that eannot ha
surpassed in the Stat. Having several year's expe-
rienoe, be win give satislaction or no charge.
topics win os taken irom ail styles or Pictures.
Give him a call. Remember oi'iuosita ih r,.ni..i
buobury, June i, 1861.
TYLAXK (Parchment Paper,) Deeds and blank
JJMortfa.ges, Bonds, Eloviliuns, buuimom.
Us isl u ib cice of the "Saubary Auiiucaa."
Trie Aslnm'si rvnrii rmnn.
I in nvuvn, mai uiey nave ermiu'tod ar- .
j rangemcnts with tho Northern CsntnO Kailroad .
Company to run trains from Baltinurr lor York,
Harrisburg, Dauphin, Halifax. TrerertiTO Surtbwry,
Northumberland, bewisburg, Miltony Muueyv "Wll
llamsport,, and all Intermediate stntwn, rrstnectmif
ni, iinrrisoura; wun mo If rlKA 1. WtSVI JlKS EA-
ricr.oo ior i iiisourg, UlnciunaU, &t..liwus and the
Also With Howard A On ', r,nrf id Vm,,.
Danville, Rloomsburg, Wilkcsbarre, Pittst'jn. Seran-
Hin, ami intermediate stations net the 'Jitttivwissa,
Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Railroad Wll
liamsport, by Howard A Co.s Exprx- tn Jersey
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by lbwnl Co.r
and their connections, for Canton, lint, Jtisairfu
Kochcster. Buffalo, Niagara, and to ail aeeovtWai.
points in W cstern New York and Canntb, by whicdv ,.
they will forward Merchandise, Speeie, Ermk Ntites,
Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every doscrip- '
Also, Notes. Drafts snd Bill,- for Collection..
Experienced snd efficient nii-winrm rnr!r.iwl
and every effort will be made to render sntistiiutiub.
Superintendent Penn'n Division, Philadelphia, ,
R. A. FISCHER. Agent for Sunbury.
April , 1802.
1901. Ai-runaenM'nlft .
ot ev Yoi-lc Lines,
From Fhiladrlphia to jYew Yoriamt Way Places, .
from .II alnut street II harf and Kensington
Depot, wilt leave as follows, fix : .
At A A. Si., via Camden aud Aniboy, (C. and
Accommodation.) f 2 2i
At (5 A.M., via Cnmdonand Jersey City.N.J.,
Accommodation, 2 2d '
At H A. M., via Camden and Jersey City,
(Morning Mail.) 3 Ot)
At 8 A.M., via Camden and Jersey city 3d
Class Ticket 2 2i
At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Express " 3 00 I
At 12 M. 'via Camden andA-aiooy, C and A.
(Accommodation.) 2 2.r' '
At 2 P. M.. via Camden ami Aiubov, (C. and
As)Kxvvsa.V ' S 0U I
At 3 P.M., via Kensington nnd Jersey i.;!, .
Wash, and 2s'. V, Express J ud
At 01 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City,
(Evening Muil.) 3 00,
At Ui P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Southern Mail. 5 fii.
At li (night) via Kensington and Jersey oity
Suutnern Express ' 3 0!;
At 6 P. M , via Camden and Amlmy, (.ccom-
miauuiou, trcigui una I'lvspugir. Mrst
Class Ticket.
Second Class Ticket. . . .
2 2f,
1 Si
tor Water Hap. Stroujdiiiri?. Sctuoton. Avilkc.
b;ij,t. Montrose. Ureal Rend, Ac., al tl A, M.,
pom kiu.sington, via Delawaie, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad
For M uieVVhuok, Allentown. Bethlebni, Reli
drre. Knrn, Lwlx.'t,illi'. Flvuiiiigiuu, Ac . al6,
A. M . lui.i iu :.i:iiMi Dcii, and ut 21 P. M.
from W ilnut street Wharf.
t'l 'ltt tt A. M. Line connects n ith Trains leav in
I Eu.-uu for .Maiieh Chunk, at 3-2H P. .M.I
Fur Mount llollv, ut li A. M., 2and I P. M.
I For I'vcihold. at A. M. and 2 P. M.
I WAY;,.;,
I F..r Tbistol. Tientou, at II A. M. aud 2i aal
j .', P. M. from Kerisin.;t,in,
! I'oi Pulniyra, Riverioti. Detancn. Beverly. Bur.
! lington, Kloience, llor leiauwu, Ac, at 12,1. 2. 4
I and o P. M.
! li For New York. nr.d Way linos leaving Ken
I iugton heis.t. nV,e ii,e Can .It, Huh street, above;
Wuleut. li'ilt" tu, hour lief..n departurv. The I'm
f rv.s ivii- to Vepol. aud ot. tin) ttuiud of e. U 'Vi aiti ,
; run w.i in.L.
Fitly Pounds of Itsiggagc only, nllowed each
: piMseugi-r. Piisseli-iTS are prohibited t'rotu Ink in -'
1111Ul.i1. g us baggage but their eni ing apparel All
baggage over fitly pounds to be paid extra. Thu
I Coinpui.y limit their re-tpoii-obiliiy lor baggago ta
Hue l;,ii!iir per pound, and will uot bo liable tm any
. .'mount beyond lo0. ixeept bv s.ecinl contract
l V..d il. li.V17.Mr.ll, Agent.
I .lonnarv 17. I t! I .
0.1 M.VUKET STREET, HAKRlil!.l"Ril, PA ,
DcsiUr in
P I A X O S .
! "T EW' Kosnwood Plan
EW Rosa wood Pianos, fnuu the bust makrrJ
, it Irnio ?2.iU upward.-
be-t 11011, of. c ore, I Iii'tra- lll.lll M.M11 lllll
lillitllls. t iolilu Aceot. loom. Flutes.
Fib s. Drums, lini j, TiiuiIh. urines
VW.'i'j and I to :;.( iti ys '--ud ..
UK,ii tn gt-nriil.
'I l-e latent puhlic.iiioiH aluas .to hnnd.
b.' 11. 111! lo al:V ol'ihe ctintitrv.
U vAl.. Siil Aiii:. lill.T A.N I; It
Muic sent,
Siiii.-I.le f. r li.t, .,.sijlaNe t.,,,1 al! klodii ,,f pieturrs.
.l! It 1" V Ul Mff.
A line asuiirtmeiil ol l.ort plated
, l.""KIN'll li l...--.-l'S 11 rliiillcsl to lalgc-t ,..-.
An;, style of l..,ioc li. i.lo t....i,; r at t.i. iii,,rr..t
inoi.e. V. 0 hN'K'lIE.
A . lit ;v l-oiy ?,.-.iiailici s!.. lien i 1 org.
.-. C. 4;:: ktu.i fcgt'l
Couftctioiisiy, Toy
fruit :bto:fije3,
3im-t I Nti-i'Ol. Su:tiriiry, lit.
i'OM'::t'Tii)Ni:i!V uv ai.j. kinjs-,
TOY OV EVfyy 1)11 UU'TION,.
("tOXS'l'AXTI.Y 011 In.i.'.l i.ii.l for sale al ihe ul,vo
. establishment utwholeiale and retail, at rea- !; .
able prices.
He is ms.'v.faet',iriTig ull Vv ' of iViifVcliousrios
tu V". a lull assortment wliieh are sold ut low
j ruti-s.
' : Tobaceo. Segnrs. StHiii'iiery. Xuls of all kinds, at .1
! avaiiel.v.if other article-. !all of u I.1..I1 re oil. nd
j wholes , 11 nd retail.
I '.Vw.Vsbe; thy te.noe and place -5 t
I At. t"; ft
Muihet strict, 3 tlwws sivKtofi:. V- ' V So-; i
store Si pi. 10. HI.?. 1
; v.sii!N(;t()N iiorsi:,'
iulliwvst I oiucr ol AlHiket runre,
SI A It I (t 1. !..
fpilE iiu lcrsigned respeetfullv iiifon'ns Ihe public,
I 1l1.1t he has token rhauie of. the above nii'.u.t
II. .tel. and asks t. tj, uniinii ol'ihe fijH.ev
p.illoliajjo aud -uld invite till others to give hi in u
Is ulwnvs supplied nith the hist the market affords.
His liar c.Mitain. the elmieesi liquors, snd hi.- ial,-
1 giant and well attended bv careful intb-n.
Sunbury, April, 16, lstit.
County Purveyor A t'wuvr) uuot-r.
Mahunuy, Xvrthumlx' County, l'enni
Office iu Washington township. Engagements cai
be made by letter, directed to the above address
All business entrusted to his care, will be prouiptl'
attended to. '
AjmM), 1804c- ly
TOMM I OT!i l'Olt N.l.l.
THE undersigned will sell at private sale, TU'E.N
TV-SIX To W X LOTS, situate in the borougj i
Sunbury. The lots are Incited within a few square
of the Pennsylvania Railnsd Company's Maehin
Shops, in the northern part of the town. They ur
all suitahle building lots,) il tate In the most pleural
portion of the borough. Tbey will be sold on re.
souable terms. For further particulars apply to
Suabury, Juno IK, 1864 Executors.
G. M LllMAK. A. M. SAI.LiD
I. ll Ml A N.4I.I.AIU:,
No. 128 South Ninth Street, between Cbcsuut ai
JMjrT!L 186 tc
.tiAfjiMrit'M iAi'iri;lFivi:liii:
ITU riii:i:xi:it i
As Improved for 1859 and ISOO,
By E. KETCHAM A CO., 289 rcarlst , Xcw Yor
rilHE only Freeiur eoustrueted on scientific pr
X. ciples. with a revolving can aud spring bis
scraper. The oue hastens the freezing ol the cream
the other removes it as tVa us froien.
The most rapid iu freezing, with tho least nuanti
of ice. '
The most eeopom',cl in cost, as It is the most aiuii
t4d durable in structure.
For sals in all the PtincipU cities and towns in t
In ton.
Each Freeicr anccispanied iih of recli
and full directions.
S quarts, 3 00
4 quarts, 4 I'"
8 quarts, a ml
8 quarts, 00
14 Quarts., 8 ail
20 quartt,, li Ut)
ly II. B. MASFER, etmearv, Tt