ni'i Mimn or tiik a.weuica.. .'litiM TWO DOLUAiiS pof twinm. JMIf rmlj within th T Vo P"Pr dlwonlum Hall afteanigosorapniil. rhwe term w'll t tr!otty nlherd to hareafW. f wttwriburtrrfglootor 'ffu lo tn thlr n rem from the oftiee to Which Ibey artdireuteil, IlieT n.oii-iole until the? lav itttioj the bilU and oreit thom uiwuTtttnucd. , .1ml..r Kill DllMUe Ot M OUf AffeDt, RDd iik letters containing subiwription muni'jr. They iriittcd to do tlii undar U Foal UJiocLiw. Ve hare oonnootcd with our otabUblnnt a H MteJ 05 OFFICE, which mill cnaliU us to icuto, lo lbs uaatcst t;l, tj variety of intiug 33 A-X-TXHVi: JTltt LOCK HOSPITAL. tablishud a3 a bk1toe from qt'ack i:ky. 'IE ONLY PLACE irilEIiE A CVRE CAN BE OBTAINED. )Tt. .lOUXrTOX hiu discovered Ihemo't Certain, Siit'cly nn.t oulv Eflur.tnnl in the jrll l'.r till l'rivatcf' Wcnkne-nf the Back l.imb'. Strictures, Affections of the KiJiiey( and ii l liT. Involuntary li;ulinru;i?, I in potency, (lone Debility XervonWm, Pvsprpv, Languor. Low irih. Confusion of Mens, l'alpitntion of the Heart, miilitv. Trembling. Pimnwof Siht or Giddiness, wnw'nf the Head. Throat. Nose or skin. Affection! the I iver. Lu!i?. .Stoiniu-li or Dowels those Tcrri j Dimrid-rj iirisinff from the Solitary Habits of tilth (lewc secret anil solitary practice more fatnl thoir victims than tlic sons ol Syrens to the Ma ,ui of t'lywi'S, bliujhttna: their most brilliant hopes anticipations, rendering marriage, ie., iuipossi- pocinlly. who ham become the vietini' of Solitary eo. tlnit dreadful and destructive habit whieh nunllv sweeps to nn untimely jrrnve IlimiMindiiof mi!(j Men ol the mwt exalted talents and brilliant teller!, who ntiirhl otherwise htivc entranced listen ' Senates w ith the thunders of eloquf nee or waked o slaty the living lyre, may call with full con- iaki:i.,'i:. Married I'erfins. ir Yotine; Men eoiitcniplBtirr .irriue, beiotf awiir" of pliysieal wenknun, orai'iij l.tiil". r,eliii:iiities. Ae.. speedily enrol. lie vh'i plan s liiin'elf under t't-e'earo of Dr. J. av leli-.-i.'U-ly e.inlide in his honor a a jrvntleumn, i.i coi.fideti'.ly rely upon his si. ill u3 a I'hyrloiuu. nmed'iitelv t'-.ired, and 1'nll Yi? "' Ke.stored. Tlii Pi.-iresin Alloetion .mU renders Life iseriMe and niarriao in-.poiii'.e is tha pe'itilty lid by the t i' ol improper in lulif tic.-s. Vuiiin rs-jii are too apt to commit txeescs from not -in in.iire of the dreadi'ul i --e "etie .'s that may isuu Now. who thiit understitii Is tbr will .-ctend to deny that the power of proeroi.tioo is h . uer I y lho Tallin;! into Improper- hebits than by le pm i"i,t ' Decides licin;r tlepricl the pluasuren .' healthy off: pi Un t'ie most rci-Ii-.U" and di'stmetive .inploiu's to uo'.h body end mind i.ri' . The -y: teni eeomes PeianKo'l. the l'liysieal tin I M. i.t'd I-'unc-.'lis Wi-jkeiied, Loss of rroercntivo Power, Xervoits riitahilitv. Iiv.-feissn. l'niiiitiilion of the lleurt. ndi"es'ii!n. t''n.-iiiutioniil I'lbility. a vr-js'iin; of r. .. . ... i 1, ...v. l0 l rame. v. uuo. -'""l ..... , (Ii''. .o. t rmlti M-fiVfl Mreei n'tt tinr.d sid.i ifoi'ii from ltiiltm lire Mreet. a f i oors trvM t! corner. 1 .iil t.ot lo .'jrvo name nd miniber. Letters mit.-t he paid and cntain a st . .dor's 1'iijloiniis !i.iri in h'.s oB.ce. smp. The TWO UK. JOEI.STO.'S. .Timber of the P.oval Old lege 1' Surgeon". London .rolnate from one id' th" rmst e idneiit Colleges in Inate from one td tii" e iiineiit Colleges in .'niled Siatis. and tin-ri-aler j ert of whose life ,,m j.pei.1 in the In .-, iials of !....!oi,. Paris. I e I' ,is I Miila l.'l Inn end el-e here. Iiks efn..'tei some ol oe tu.'St .'i-to'iil'itie eii'.'i' that wi-r' ever known ; ;".vy tioMbltil wiih ringing in the hi.i 1 and ears io;n :ideep. re;it neroii.-ni s.. ij'-ii. nl'iiuiiil at Ud len S..M!els. hllsllfllllies.s. Willi fiefjlp-Ilt loU-hillS. itted.led soioetinns with d.:ruucuait of mind, were vrr.- l iininidiately. i-iiii; r.issricii-.iK .Aoiici'. I'r. J. a Idresses all those v- ho have injured them, I elves hv improper indulgence and solitaiy li'i'iits. .vhi.-h ri'iin hotii body and mind, unlilting iheru lor .ither bii .ir.ess. study, so.'i- te or inniringe. ln::ss. are si in of the -1 ! i'"d f.o'laVehelv etVcets ; r-idiicul by early habits of v..nt 11. 1 11: V i-.ihnes of i i- liaek and l.imb. Pains in the. P I. i'liinnees of Sii;ht. Loss ,d' Muscular l'..vor. I'alpilution of the J!-:iii. Dyspepy. Nervous Irritabilii.v. liiraii'tuent ..f II. e l'ie-iie I'unct ion.'; 'J.-ie."-.!'. .'.'cbilit;-, Syu"p i.ei - 1 1'l'onruini.iioii. Ac. ' 'I'lie foHrf'.d :"i ''!on the mind are much to be diva led ..n of Vn'y, C.iil.ieti ,.f Ideas. Depression of Spiri'. il-lr eSi-.M-iine-,. Aver :..n to Society, S -li-lii'r!' i-t. Low of :'uliiud, Jiiiiidi'y. Ae a'r" m.iiiisin'tlie 'vilit pfo ln-el. i'M.-i s.iM.N if per?'.ns of n'licjr e..n now judge vl:'d is tin: (.'' -their d'-cliuiii t.-i'.tii. losing t'r.-ir vig-ir. IiiToiniti; WcfV, p-ilc nerve':? end e n iciat.-d. having a siiiiieiur appearance about tuo jyes. coinjli un.i syiuptour of c iusuuip:iuu. .l. !... !.-:..r..t (l.n.w..lvns I",.-. i-Vtin Tm Stl Indulged in when alone, it habit Ireqnently learned I i-on,' evil e. tnpanions. t at chool. the efee's of ihieh arc nightly i It. el en when asleep, anil it not renders iiinrria.'e itnpe'jnl.,!e, and destroys ...1 1, oiiod in .1 s .'-0,1 d 1," -DI v Immediately I V lmt u vitv tout a j"iing ritafi. t-'".1 hope of his (VMintr-. the darliii' ot itis pnreui houl.l bernnlohoA fioiu ail irtrtet am! etdoynie puts id life, bv the ' tl.e pi.ih of nature j ieoiunce 01 devialtli l'-oui slid indulging.!!! oertRiu seercl habit lien psrauns Mi:.-.r, Ueturo -.-uo ni' . ,.w .-.!!ii:iAst. re.leet that a found mind alia body ar the moht iieeessarv requisites toproiu iH eom.iibial impidness. Indeed without the-.;, tne y through life be -!.niies a weary piljfr'in'igc '. lhe pro-;.ee? hourly darkens to the view; the mind b-Comes s'aa lowed w ;t:i de-pair and filled wit'i the 'nehi.'iebely rclleo li.n that the bappiticss of another bi-coioe. bljhud w ith our oh n isj:ash !' nJSs:o sj:. :. When the nii"2tiidfl ?". Ininrti Unt votary of fle'if.ure f.i.ds lhai he Ins iiubihcd t!,r f-'e-U ot his painful itisease. i' too uftin happen, that an ill-timed eiise uf shiiiiiu, or dread .1' ili- overy. deters him from npplvin-j to those who, froui eduMtion and re.-peutubil'iiv. ciuiulon befrien.l him. d'dnyins till the nstitutioual syuiptoins of this horrid diicuso inak't thoir upp-ir'aiicc, ueb as uleernted sole ororit. dliUlfrcd lio-e. noctiirnal pad. s in the Ilea J mid liiubs. dimness ol sight, deafness, nodes 011 the bones and urtus, bloteliee 011 the head. r,co and 1 slremilies. progre ng with frightful rapi 1'ty. till i,t Inst in., nalate of the ir.outh ir the bones ol the so tall in, and the victim of ibis nlul di.-eaie , lieJomes a horrid otjeel of eomini-eriitiotn till death I puts a period to his dreadful biilierings, by Sending him to -ihut I udiscovered Country from whenCe uo ; t! livelier rctnrns." ...... It i arMr '-.''ov fa't that thnt'.rnnds fulj Yietiuis tn this IcrrlLlc disease, owihg to the unkilliUineM of I 'iioraiit pretenders, who. by the uso ol that JJuui'i) J'oin, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make Ihu rciJuc uf llfo miserable. Writ.tAfalsitN Trust not your lives, or health, to the Carotif tlie nianv I'nlearned and Worthless Pretender, dstituto ol knuwledge, name or chtiructer. wuo oopy ut. Johnston advertisements, or style tlicuiseiTes, in iho newspapers, regularly l.ducated 1 tiysie'.ars, incapable ot Curing, thev keep you trilling uiunih after month taking their filthy and poisoiiui eom l,ound.',or as long ua theemullest fee can be obtained, miI in despair, leave you with ruined health to t.b o er your galling disappointment. lir Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credttniiul or diploma alway hang in hu office. Ill remidicsor Uealemcut are unknown to all prepare.! from a. life tpent in the great hos i.italsof Kin-ope, the first iu the country and a more MteuMve Private I'rattict than any other Physician tliMWIlllliW OP THIS IMIK "Tl e tianv thousands cured at tin institution year nficr year' au-i ihe nuuierou imporunt Surgical ineraiiuii performed by Dr. Johnston, witueed by the reporter, of lb Sun,'1 'Clipper,1 and many other paper, notioe of which have appeared again ud again before the public, beside hi. a s (fei.tleinau of character and responsibility, 1 a tuflicient guarantee '"!"'"''';.. v I'lllDW. Person writing should b particular In directing their teller tobi Institution, in Hie following maner joii n. aoii.To., n. ., Of the Baltiuiora Lock lloepital, Baltiinoro, Md. April 2, lsol ij- .ii-iM-VM uf lJiw, No. lefl Cor. Fulton '.'" "r'.5dw."!K.w Vork. Will earefull, at d ud to collection! and all otber matter. luUiuted to their care. r-ept.J9. TBM. FLOUR & FEED STORE. WHOLESALE AND II E TAIL. rilHE uoribcr repeotfully InrVanM the publio I that he keep eoii.tanlly on hand at bi new V AhtHoCSE. near tb- bbaiaokm alley Railroad Depot in bV.N BL K V, Flour by the barrel ad wck, ,od ullkii.d.ofledby thWu. . The abov U all manufactured at hi own ill. d will b. Wld at Oi. lo- YiVwltlJLOE. :nt 1 47. 7tt t ' SMBTJRT PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. B. MASSER & E.WILVERT, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY TENN'A NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. Ucj. W. SuiTn. i Cuai. B. UisMTucn. SMITH & GE1TTEEE., Market itrcot, on door cast of Mr. Boulton'i Uotl Have opened ANEW TIN-WARE, SlM'et Iron and ,iiov !Sorc, and intend keeping constantly on hand, and tuanu lacturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SU GET IKOX-WARE of al! descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stovesof the Tolluwing Brands: Milliam Penn, lriiiiylvnuin, llopr, I'ulon. nnl lh Ci-le briatotl Niagara Cook Stove, unsurpassed for beauty of finish, t'mplicily of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and each stovo warranted to perforin what they arc re presented ALSO. PARLOR and OFFICE STOVEF, In great variety, embracing all ths test manufactures, and most tfthio'mi-lo designs Cool Oil, 4'onl Oil k.ltutvt Nluidos, Vli Kin i, nil till iirlicicM unusua'ily keiit in an establishment of this kind. VTo are also prepared toilnall kinds ot Spouting, Hoofing, Kanjjo ami Kiiruaee Work, (in fitting, Ac. Kupair iiieiieaply niu) uently executed. Country pro luco taken ill cichanso at market pr;ee. SMITH & OKXTHEft, IJavo tie Agency for fifBli'S CKLEUR ATE D i"IRE l'l.ACE S'ii.i'!,S, for the Countits of Northumbcr- in:.. I. Snyder, Lniou una .uoutour. Al 'i .ie ui.-o neiUji for I.'n ."l'ransp'.rta'ion. Sun 'utv .April kl, IbCJ. tha fijher & Willower Jones house .1 Coi n, r M irkel street and Market Square, HAnRISBURQ.PA., Ari&noft lodgod a I'irnt Clnts ITouho. fp)ll lV'prieior wr.iild r.iC-t rilr.eifiilly call the X attrition of the citlueiis of SuiiIhu v and tbosnr- li , ,i l,,,o lin C"itntry, to the aeeonimodatiotis of h'.s .i.i-uiiii:; tln iii tin y will tud evervthini that g , l. . , ,nXf , ,,rir cunjir. Xt it nituuled far toonli the Depot to avoid the nvie and cuufu n iik't lent to railroad stniions. and at thu sauio titiK oi:lv a few lniiiuiLS walli from t he saino. An Omnibus will be found ut the Stations on ths arm al ol' each train C. II MANX, Proprietor. April 9. IMI.-Stu C. G. BRUC i. XuXUt.vls.a War Claim Oflircs. Washington, D. C. I Cluvcland, Ohio. Opposite Pension .. .... Utollta- U.S .MNTII SMUKKr. ,n T. LYIIAS a lit.DCK. Otlu-e. I Xvwr the Coutt House. s I In- .li tii) IJcruUI. and collect PE2T3I0N3. BOUNTY, BACK PAY, Prize-money and all other Pis: A. I Cla'ins. AVo pay especial a'tenti' n to claims in ! which o'her ifoioevs have I'AfLliD, or which haro I been prsi'LMii:ii. We havo already eolleeted I and pni 1 over to soldiers and their heira over .(I0. j niio. hiid are payiio.' thousands daily. No charge , uiib'.-s suecesniul. Write us, and wu will seud you a : copv d' our nnoi-r. free. j E Cul.l'.I-.i f tioo, jini) t $Kni cvsh Bounty. We do .iur bi.s'.iii-s v. iraji r ni'l.AY I ", I.-Vl. TO CON? L'M liRS OF f pllrl underlined denier in Coal freiu the follow l in i,e!l Known Collieries is prepared to receive or ie'i for the 0.11:10 at the Lot. 11 Murkui Kate!, vi: MDllDl-X'Al'a blAMOXU MINKS i',l!..V1 I'Altill'Mi iV l.H . CUNSO'.IDA '.'ED CG'fl .'lo prepared to fjrmsh the Jtal limoro ( o's ,'-l li-iiH d Coal, L imp and Piepitrnl. wn ,n ""c "f -he Stisouehanna Hirer and Havre do biraee. He hao Liude urrangeaicut. for iho beet Whi'di he is prepared to deliver on board Boats at Northumberland, or by Cars over Northern Central Railroad, and on iho line of the Philadelphia and Lite Railroad, on the betl terms. He is prepared to till all Oi Jets Ph despakh, and respectfully S'jl:cij orders freni 1 he Trade. A.llre-s JOHN M PAKLAN'D, April tl. l;l. Northuu.beilund, Pa. i. i nu i.v;i.i:it tilt OXLY reliable self-Adjusting Wringer. No Wood-Work to Swell or Split. No Thumb-Screws to got out of Ordor. Warranted with or without Cog-Wheel. Il took the FIRST PREMIUM at Fifty-Seven Stato Ki.d County lahsiu leviu, and is, without nn uxecp t!i n Iho h'!t Wringer ever made. Patented in thu Lnitcd Siutis, Lugland, Canada, UP'l Australia. Sum pi o Wringer Sent, Express paid, on receipt of Price. Euergeiic agents can maho from Sto 10 Dollars per day. So. J.J3.1S0. No l.7.<. No. F.$.50 No.Af9.50. Manufactured and sold, wholesale art'1 retail, by THE Pl'TXAM .MANLPACTrUl.VC CO.. No. 13 Plutt Street, New Vork. nod Cleveland. Ohio. 8. C. NORTHROP, Agent. WHAT EVER BODY KS0WS, vis: That Iron well galvimitcd will not rust ; Thatasiuplo machine i better than a complicated one ; That J wringer should be elf-adjusting, durable, and efficient ; Tb&t Thumb-Serew and Fastening cause delay and trouble lo regulal and keep in order ; That wood beuriugs fir the sbuft to run in will wear out ; That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog wheels, will not tear the clothes ; That cog. wheel regulators are not essential ; Tout tho Putnam Wriugor has all the advantage and not one of the disadvantage above named : That all who have tutted it, pronouueo it the best Wringer ertr made; That it v ill wring a Thread or a Bed-Quilt without alteration. 1 We might BII the paper with testimonial, but in sert only few to convince the skeptical, if such there be ; end we say to all. test Putnam' Wringer. Test it THOROIUHLY with ANY and ALL other, and if not eutirely tatisfrclory, return it. PtlT.UM MiSlTilCTURlSO COS Gentlemen; I know from practical exporieno that iron well galvauiied witb lino will not oxidite or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer i a near perfect a possible, and I can cheerfully re- omiueud It to be the best in use Rctnectfullv vours. JXO. W. WHEELER. Cleveland, Ohio. Many years' experience in Iho galvauiiiog busi ness enable me to indorse the abov etatewenl in all particular. JNO. C. LEPFERTS, No. 100 Beokmao Street. New Tork. January, IH64. Wa have tested Putnam' Clothe Wringer by practical working, and know that il will do. Il i cheap ; it i simpl ; it require 00 room, whether at work or at rest ; child can operate it ; it doe il duty thoroughly ; it save time ud it aave Wear ttll.1 taAF. We earneatlv advi.e all who have muob j PITW.H washing to do, with intelligent peron-wnonaT "T, to buy ihU Wringer. It will pay for itlf in vi-r itirost U"B 1J0RACK OKEtli Y Jaaie l1 7. Jury L.lsit for Xvieiuber 1'enn, A. D. !l8(?4. OKAND JCRORS. t Euocli D. Kukcr, Lit'tlu Malinntfy. 2 J. M. Simpson, Sunbury. 3 George Lesht-r, Point. 4 Mitlinol Euiciick, Lower JIulianby. 5 Philip Frederick, Cliillisquuciue. 0 Dmiiel Keller, Lew '19. 7 Vitiuntine Dietz, Sunbury. 8 Henry S. Heitz, Wnsbington. U I'hri.stiiin Kramer, Zerbe. 10 Francis Iluet, Sunbury. 11 AV il 1 in.111 Vunliorn, Mount Carroel tp, 12 Ntcliolus Untiger, Milton. 13 David Sliiptnnn, Lower Augusta. 11 AViliiitii) Menkes, Lewis. 13 (reorjjo Pensyl, sen., Slinmokin. 10 Gideon Deader, Slmmokiu. 17 John Fetteriimn, Jackson. 13 John Levy, Sunbury. ' 19 Suiiitiel K:iyle, Jordan. 20 William Coniud, Slinmnkin. 21 John W. Htiethor, Turbut. 23 Kobert Farnsworili, Sunbury. 2:J lltjnry Keller, Shtunokin. 24 Francis liuclier, Sunburj'. TRAVEltSU JUltOIiS. 1 Luctts Young, Lewis. 3 George Lyon, Sunbury. 3 Jucob Yordy, Zeri.v. 4 Willitiin Guliek, Hush. 0 Dultrier Kiel'er, Sunbury. B GuorjiQ NVeiser, Sunbury. 7 Thomas Puyeis, Upper Augusta. 8 Williiim Hutip, Lewis. 0 Jiic.ol. lloutz, Turliut. 10 Fittiihli'i Mueller, ChillisquftfiUe. 11 III 1-11 1 it Price, Sttnbury. 13 U'iiliam II. Lelghow, Point. 13 M. Hare, Northumberland. 14 Isaac Sticker, Millon, 13 Alexandria Drppiu, Jackson. 10 Ueorjrc JJ. Leonard, Lower Augusta. 17 George Zinnliefiimn, Upper Augusta. 13 Charles Maker, Turbut. 10 Leoimrd U. Dlellenbnth, Turbutville. 20 Philip Frank, Upper Augusta. SI Willitiin Grady, Point, 22 Joseph Illinium, Milton, 211 Henry Morgan, Point. 21 Win. L. Dvvnt-t, Sunbury. 25 George Interline, Upper Mahanoy. 20 Christian Albert, Jucksou. 27 Jacob II. Kiiullmnn, Ujper Mahanoy. 28 Sainml Derr, Pelewaie. 20 Samuel IfclKt, Uulcwc.ra. SO George SlintVer, Lower Mahanoy. ill William h, Lewis. o2 Iletifv Malick, Uppir Mahanoy. illl Henry K"i.el!., Milton, ol John K. ivieanier, Turbut. 33 Peter Vorij, L hillisijiiaoue. ;;! Daniel Disel, Upper .Mahanoy. ;j AllVed Monlyji'tnery, Lewis. :.'.b Jacob Viilt',"chilli?'iuaque. CO Ji.hij M. Hegius, Zerbe. 40 Anthony Mutltliner, Mt. Cdflliel boro. 41 Iratl llelwig, Lewis. 42 Wiiiinm 11. Miller, Sunbury. 13 Win. Purdue, Cliillifjuaiiue. 4t David Hillnian, Caineiou, 4 j Thomas Foiihl, Zerbe. 4(1 Peter Weikle, Caineiou. 47 Niuhohis Ciiinplitll, Shairibkin. 48 Jacob Neidig, Point. i'LTIT JCltoltS. 1 William Spatts, Lower MahanoVi 2 Daniel Latha, Jackson. 3 John Fiuk. Deleware. 4 Levi Kerstettcr. Lower Augusta. 5 Henry Gossler, Norlliuiubeilaild. 0 Philip Mattp, Lewis. 7 George Dunkleliei'oi r, Shnntokin. Julin, ti n., ii a tu. .k in. 0 liirnm IS'00 n, Lower Augusta. 10 John Mcl'ailaiul. Lewi-,. 11 Z icliai ial) Hugciiiiobler, Milton. 12 Jacob Kramer, Zetbe. 10 Huudi D. Hair, Milton. 11 William H. Irwin, MclCwecsville. 13 Miiijiti Gass, Shamokin. 1(5 Natben S. E.veti-r, Lower Augusta; 17 Mobcrt Highland, ChiHisquaque. 18 Isaac Turner, Lewis. 11) Daniel Kerclitu r, Turbut. 20 J. H. McCoimick, Milton. 21 John P. Summers, Miltntl. 22 Levi Drumlieller, Wushiligtoil. 23 Siilomeii Snyder, Lower Augusta. 24 Jacob C. HoiTimtn, Delewtire. 23 Dauiit Kramer. ChillUqutiquo. 20 -1 oh n Gulick. Point. 27 John S. Peterman, Milton. 28 W. K. Jrwin, ( hillisipiaque. 2!) Samuel Dcarniati, DcIiihuic. !J0 Philip Kiel'er, Stnibiiry. 81 John Wci'tmaii, De'uwurc. 33 Meiii'en Cooper. Cliillisquaiiue. 33 Samite! Brocii-u, Washington. 34 Farnsworili Meed, Slininokin. 35 Klins Wcist, Itiwer Mahanoy. 3(i Isaac Zimmernian, Lower Augusta. EMi'ORITjM, .tliirks-f Nquai-f, hl'.UI'ltV, Ia. HAYING just returned from the City with au eu tiro new dock of 1i'iih, l'ii'iiti-uletirf uint'i'j- aiitl 'loMel .It'ili-loMi to w hich he invite bis friends and the public gener ll ... u 1 1 .....1 ..wu...i..A 'n,. i,....u -..j l..i. are all Blueltid from ll.B Ii.jU iniiM.rt in l.oiies in I tho Luster 11 umrket with iho greutest care as lo puri- ! y auii emciuney uia avoniiug at niucn a postion, the iulioduutiou of deleriou nostrum. PATENT MEDICINES Of all kinds, ruch a Ayer', Jaynes, McClint.wk, llollowuys, Wiohurts, lloottands, t-chcnki, H'wu'i and all other popular paleul uiodiciue., ulwuyj on baud. BTJSHES, Hair, Tooth. Nail, Clothe and Paint Brushed. Special caro is t&kcu to keep on hascl constantly every vaiiety of PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, Euituble to the trado. fancy Toilet Article and the numerous article w hich are generally kept in a well conducted eaiub lutbmeut. In oonuection with the above article, he also keen, on hand a large aasortment ol STATIONERY, tvrk a Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, lukt, ia. t IT Physician prescriptions end family receipt Compounded w ith the greatest accuracy and dUpiilch, at ALL HOLRS i'-y or Night. Remember the place, Market Square, under the omoe of the "Buubury American.' it. A. FISCIIEK. Sunbury, June 26, 1864. Interim! lonnl Hotel. Sii and S61 liroaduiuy, Corner t'raiiiliu Street NtW YORK. THIS first clas House the moat quiet, homelike and pleasant Hotel in the oily-offer superior iuduoemenut to those visiting If eW York fut biuriuesa or pleasure. It is central in it location, and kept on the t Pt-iM. in connection witb Tavloh' Sa loos, where refrethmenu can. be bad all hour, or served in their own room. Tb charge are mo derate, the room and attendance of tb lint order bath, and all tb modern convenience attached. Oot 1. 14. - ..... . .. . . ., . T LANK (Parchment Paper,) Deed, and blank JJMortgat;, Bond., Exeeuuon. buminon., 4a., HtJltUectha''efcrr Acm ' SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 18CU, MISCELLANEOUS. KANSAS. St. Locff") tjcV, S3. A tlihprifch from Gen. Curtis, tinted at Kansas City, at 0 o'clock last night, says: "I have been pressed all clay, and thu at'.'cr noon tho enemy passed around my flank, when I gave him heavy blows for sweral hours. We havo heard heavy lirihg east, and I have just received a messenger from Gen. Plcasauton, who is lighting on iho other side. Leavenworth papers of tho 20th furnish the following : General liltint. with 2.000 cavalry and r.Mn. Itfut ilviii.- T ... nv... . , ...... .if.w:-,, llllll tl. JJI-.MI.1.11MI Ull i UI'S- day, Bnd on Wednesday Price attacked hiin With an overw helming force, and after a sharp fight drove him from tho city, lilunt, fell buck to Little Ukie river, fighting des perately, retarding Iho advance uf the ene my. On Thursday mid Friday tho skirmishing continued between Lit.Mo and Iiig Blue rive:s, and yesterday Si'.Vr'O'ing of an en gagement seems to have occtt'red between the iiiniii forces of Curtis and Price, but the loca'.ity of the battle is not known, nor has any thing been received ut licadiitiar-drs here since General Curtis' dispatch of last night night. Mlunt lost about iil'ly Jiien in his llglit of Wednesday. General Plcasauton is believed to by co-operating with Curtis and Mosecraus and A. J. Smith nro near by. Kansas City, Oct. 22. Thh fltf'it yester day, between Littlo D!ue Hlvei: amf Inde pendence w as a very gallant all'nir. We lottglit Price's entire army for liv hours. M'Lean's Colorado Mattery silenced I lie rebel guns. Col. Hopt mado 11 gallant saber charge with a battalion of the 13lh. Kuimus Cavalry. The 2d Colorado lost sixty killed and wounded; among the former " Maior Smith commanding the regiment. Our totn.l loss was over 400. We evacuated Independence falling back to the Mig Illue Hivcr. The militia have arrived, and this morning we hold I he line of the Mig Mine. General" Cur tis, muni utid Dustier were on ihe ground. About. ten o'clock to clay Col. Jenuison, with the 15th Kansas, with several guns, was iittaeked nt Myron Ford, by a. heavy column of the enemy. About two o'clock the rebels fmccd the ford, Jeiiuison falling back towards Crcstpurt and Ihe State Line. Colonel Moonlight went, to his assistance, and both commands got depurated from the main force. A portion of the Kansas militia fought near Pi, know Mills', but were compelled to fail back lo Sl.awnectown. The main' body of tho militia inarched to Kaunas City, where ths headquarters, now arc. They occupy ciitu'uchmeuts, and uru in good spirits." t olotiels Jcnnisr.ii, Moonlight, and Majtw Hart, willi, General Curtis' body-guard, fought the enemy till some time alter dark, driwiig them four miles over nn open prairie. tKir loss was inconsiderable, (hut of he em my was over 40i. We raptured 150 stand of arms, and the rebel captain Vuu Valkeubuig, brother of the New Vork Congres.-nuin. Jetoiisoii and Moonlight are at State line, and Price is at Wagon Farms, moviuj, ra pidly in three columns. At sundown a message was received from ijt-ti. riea.-autun, strung Unit lie was press ing Price with 2.H00, that be had f night them ou the field of yesterday and drove ! thrill from li'l'.'jpeHiiviuce uml wus pursuing J .lirn Jhti'ply. rnev. I-, iie!iil'.::t !r Knnsan, r.nd Uvcy truss the State Hue in bis retreat. Our rear hud a sharp skirmish with the rebels at Mig Mine this niolnin foiU teeti anil killing one. capturing Kansas City, Oct. 23. Price's whole army is reported to be retreating rapidly south. Our cavalry ure in hot pursuit alto gether, w ith Pieat'i'.itou's force, numbering 15,000 men. Picas.inioti closed yesterday's battles nt Iu-lependeiiee by capturing a large number of pr. Miners utid three gtttis. This morning O'tr ime formed live miles south of Kansas ( ity, 011 the Wrt Point road. Shirmishing continued for several hours, when the whole toice .-.dvanced Riiil hetivv tlrinj' endued '1 be enemy rapidly fell back and formed a new line a mile ami a ht'lt Iron) the first position. An artillery engagement then en sued, our Infantry slowly advancing. The tight was kept up for ten miles fruin this point, tltu enemy gradually filling back. Plcusantoll thru came in 011 our left and 11 grand charge followed, resulting iu the total rout of the enemy. When our informant left tho front (tir cavalry was in vigorous pursuit and tho in fantry following. General Mlunt coinm-indeil tho volunteer force on the left; General thu crntte, composed of militia, who behaved gallantly. The Ud Colorado, Colonel Fori!, in the thickest of the light inado several brilliant charges. Our loss wis not heavy, but thut oF the rebels, judging from the number of dead and wounded left on the field, was very great. 1IIK APPEAIt.VM'K Ob' THU M.WAKIANB. I Mm at inn is a vrrv ! Thu characteristic of II round head, a little peakt'U chin, a large bel ly, am: a pale complexion. 1 hev have great. fit I eliies, short, clubbed feet, narrow sliof! ders, a thick, round head thort necks. They are heavy nnd awkward i!i their car riage, nml their small eyes betray u great ileal of roguery. The women in general tiro somo of tho most beautiltii creatures iu the world. They are, indeed, something gross, but their si; hi r'rpassej all the c-.rt'ntion ever used by painters. I saw some peasant girls with such clear complexions that they appeared quite triusparent. They ure well shaped, and moru lively and graceful than the men. The people of the capital are too fond of gold and mixed colorl Tlia coun try people dress without taste at ull. Tho chief ornament of tho men is it long, broad waistcoat, strangely embroidered, from which their breeches hang very low and loose, probably t' give free play to their bellies, which is the thief part of u Mavtinaii. Among tho attractions at the late fair at Ellsworth, Me., was a girl twelve yean, old, weighing two hundred and sixty pounds, and measuring forty-four iuche aiound the waist, being only forty-fivo inches iu height. Her name is Mart'.ett, and she was born ou Martlttt's Island, in Mluthill May. St. Peter's Church in Rome wi!l contain 54,000 people; Cathedral of Milan, 87'000; St. Paul's in Dondon, 85.000; St. Sophia, in Constantinople, 23,000; Notre Dauie of Paris, 31,000; Cathedral of Paris, 13,000; St. Mark cf Veniir, 7JKO. EE Ail Hour m 111 31oKcby. A correspondent of thu Newark (X. J.) Vniy Adccrtiser, who was a passenger 011 board the Mailimoru and Ohio Mailroad train captured last week, by Moscby'a gue rillas, thus describes his experiences : "When near a station called Honr-yville, ten miles south of Harper's Ferry, and about the same distaucu from Martinsbutg, we were alarmed by a sudden crush, which threw many passengers from their scits ; then followed numerous shots outside, tho passengers crouching down close to tho bottom of the car f(,r safety ; cries of 'gue rillas!'' 'guerillas!' resounded on every bide, and altogether a scene of panic was present ed which ban better be imagined than de scribed, loadtl to the tumult, three of four Shots were tired through tho windows, breaking the glass in a thousand pieces. ''In an instact we heard tho robbers en tering the cars from both ends. Surmising their errand, I Jerked tny watch from my pocket, handed it to a lady companion, till ing her to secrete it, which tho did. Just then one of the fellows stood before 1110 with a pistol close to my head, niid deniant'.ed my pocket-book I obeyed With commenda ble diligence. Ho passed on, to relieve illy neighbor of hat, cout, watch, and pocket book. "Another of the bund nppl oac'.ied, pistol in hand. 'Here. yHi tl d Yank, hund over your watch.' 'You're too late,' I answered promptly ; 'it i3 gone.' Tho fellow seemed satisfied with this, and went ou. 'A very demonstrative fat lady, seated near the end of our car, just theu jumped up, and caught one of the rebels in her arms. "Oh, my love, my dear man, you will not kill me,' she screamed, tit the sttmu time, clinging to him utit'l in uiu'allutil anger lie rouretl, 'confound you, let uiego, I will lose il'y part of tho plunder with your stupidity.' Wo were then ordered out, us the train was to be set on lire. On leaving the cars we 1'ud te climb a strip sard bank about twen ty feet high, there to uwail tint her orders. "The passengers in thu sleeping cars fared 'Vonc, Hi! all, v it!) one exception, lost their hats, cont.r, boots, w'titchei, ttnd money. When they were ejected from their quarters, and ("st ended the hill, they presented a sorry appearance blst conscious of their loss, trembling wilh cold, and fearing they might be invited to visit Michiuond. Iu one car there Were n'xty (-eiuion emigrants bound for Ohio, who, when the thieves demanded their money, showed fight. To intimidate tile i':.-;t,two men were instantly shot by the butchers, and ti wounded. Thu re mainder were then ordered to leave the cars, but did Pot understand the ctmnut'.i'd. Most by ordered his isien to 'fire the cars mid burn tile Dutch.' The conductor beg ged of him I 1 hold on until he -.ottlcl fnul a man why could speak German. The poor creature were at last made to understand. They lel'l the car, it was set on fire, and the two ineu and one wounded votnaii left iu the flames. "There were about thirty I'liion roldiers 011 board, unarmed, returning to their com mands. These were taken ' prisoners, and, also, forty or fifty of the pnsengeis were ordered to tail 111 line to oe taken oil, A no 11 1 1 this time I le't a little nervous, not having any strong desire to visit Libby; but, for-I Innately, us I iu;.! 11 scredinitig babe m my arms, I was not of the chosen. "Among the persons taken was a burly nt gro, who Contrived to escape by falling lace down on tl.e road. Tho whole parly were soon ordered to inarch. Then follow ed hitrri.-d, ngoni.'mg fatewells, and tie victims moved fnvv.urd. Wu all supposed they were mi their W'iy to liichnior.'.1, but mlly the soldiers met will! this fate. Tho citirclis were taken a short distance to a piece of woods end thoroughly sellrched, and robbed of w hatever money they left and 'the ber.t ot their clothes. "While standing with the ladies I saw a Union soldier aporoach cautiously along the tence. When close bc.-oae us lie quietly pulled elf his coat, then his pantaloons, and !, .. ... '., V .1 . llfew them across the fence, having nothing left but a s!'!i t ami pair of drawers. Ho then walked lorth bohlly uniting tho !ii:i'au ders, asked for somo clothing to keep him warm, complaining that the rebs liaii taken nil his clothes. The ruse saved him from further attack; Then arose a fry that the 'Yanks' were in the woods; the guerillas i mounted and started off in a hurry, but in live minutes thev were back and exclaimed, 'a false alarm !' i'.rd they fell to pluiuk'iing still further. My this time the mail, express and Inu'Ltaoe had been robliltd, and what thiy gtiirrally did not w ant was !tl rlames, and tin- generally did not want clothing, and certainly no surplus I'u-ll. "One of tile ladies of tint party lost all her baggage. In vain she begged a pV.'th' -I,. I.,.,L ,.. ......r;il., ... 1ru Iw.r , !..tloi.,r I and tlift ot her chikl. '1 here are no valua bles in 1 lib trunk ; you Certainly can do no 11.; j ' d... .,1.."., I,., I I . . I. sneered the 'chivalry a he swaged pas't her "thev will dd lo help on the naiTie, and ,1..... ...;n .1.1 ... .... it,., ri ....,1 belli tilt ll.unes thev accordingly did. "It was then announced by one of the officers that every rider had plate for a wo ntt.u in front ot him on liis horse, but thiis beastly threat was not carried out. They then made a final search, and sttw the work was complete ; the tril'n had been burned; 11 paymaster with fiilf.OOO robbed ; the pas s'.'tigWs plundered of their hats, coats, boots watches and nloney ; and looking and burn ing tho mail, express, and baggage, they bade us a boisterous farewell." The New Emcsso. Ci n. It lias bsen known for some time, among a select few i.i naval circles, that Captain Ericsson has been getting up a new gnu to sm pttas any thing yet knortii in ctlefiivenebs. Otis of them has been undergoing tests at the navy yard ttfJd dow 11 the bay, w hicli proved eu tirely successful. It is a 13 inch wrought iron piece, weighs a little over !M,000 pounds, and was severely tested with 75 pounds of powder' burning up every prain, and ren dering the Ill-inch solid round shot invis!ble to the ordiance ol)V:er, who could not trace its progress. It i-i presumed it traveled about eight miles. Around tho breeching it is about 20 inches thick, and if it meets the anticipations of some naval etilcsra it will revolutionize naval ship building. A very curious method of reducing the in tense head. ie ho experienced by fever patients lias been lately pointed out by a French phisician. It Consists simply in pressure extended over the integument covering the temporal arteries. It was discovered quite accidentally in feeling the temples; rather than the wrists, iu order to ascertain the frequency of the pulse. Two of the trees in the mammoth grove In California, each measuring thirty feet iu diameter, have been named respectively "John bright" and "Kicuard Cobdun," and tablets vith tfci.' Bamei f Ist'ei urtia tUetn ICAA 0 OLD SERIES, VOL. 25, NO. 7. 'ltMILX.VriONS FOIt THU AlltiY YoTK. TllO following regulations to insure to the sol diers a fair opportunity to exerciso tho elec tive franely so have bcun. made by tho Wur Depurtrtlent 1 First. One agent for each Army Corps may bo designated by tho Saute Executive, or by tl.e S.ate committee of each politicul pany, who, on presenting Ins cretlMent'.als from tlio State Kxuputive, or from the chair man of said committee, shall reecho from from this Department a pass to thu head quarters of the Corps for which he is t'-.-sig-uuted, with ticl!"ts, (or proxies, when In quired by the State laws,) which may be placed by him in the hands of such person or persons as ho may select for distribution olfi'jeo find Mildiers. Second. Chilian inspftlots of each politi cal party, ivt to exceed 0110 for ev'vi y bri gade, may ih !il3 manner bo designated, who shall receive passes, on application to tho Adjutant General, to be present ou the day of the election to see that Iho elections ate fairly conducted. lliiid. JSo political speeches, harangues, or canvassing among the troops' will be per mitted. Fourth. Commanding officers nrcertioined to take tulch measuies as may be essential to secure freedom and fairness in thu elections, aud that they be conducted with due regard to good order nnd military dicipliuc. l il'th. Any officer or private who may wontoitly destroy tickets, or prevent their proper distribution among legal Voters, in terfere with tho freedom of election, or make any fulso or fraudulent return, will be deem ed guilty of au oll' against good order and military dicipline, and be punished by summary dismissal or court martial. &.v.mIuiii UiiMch, Tlio Clayton County Agricultural Society of Iowa have manifested tho institution to Hive a premium of a set of silver spoor1? p;r the best looking btlby al the next fair. As may be expected, tito parents cf many of these responsibilities are already exulting wilh the successful competitor. The follow ing letter from Polly Ann Smoctts will give our readers S.-.iiio idea of tho excitetueut created by the society's oiler : LtTTlill FUOM TIUIK.UY mvtn. -Va. Sutoutfii hwma a coiiipttilurjiif ''tho Turtle Duv Botom, ) Turke Mivcr, jtitie 7th. f MtstEii I'DtT'Jit. Ever since I red yer pi per about thengrckulterel society mid them spunes, Io beeti r tvazin' Suiootes to git j """ " - ionics 101 iiiu oaoy, and let 1110 tuko our little Sammy up to the ngrekulter ed fair, and would you believe it? lie out for a long lime, ml' tried to Lent me down that Sammy wern't iiothin' inure'n a commiiil b;.'iy, an' that Sally Smiths" baby, little Tildy ami, would itand a better chance for the spunes than Sammy. Wed I declare i'.: so prcvokiu' to hear how come men will talk! Now I ib'n't tike to say uolii!n' against other f.ilkes' babies, but cue who Elvs the doctor's hor::o th-d at Smith's door eve. v ' for the last three months. I think its tune the airtekulterel s ieietshould know i I it; b'-'-ides ole missus Mrowii says there is Jsumthiu' wrong about Smith's Tildy ami, j and miss Smith needn't to deny it, neither. I j I declare it sounds so silly to hear miss i j Smith talk about her baby; she's foreverhist- , iyg tellin' how smart it is." Stuart! I do w ish f you could see our Sammy! thy poor littlo' I feller is just four ninths' old next Friday,1 I and I declt'.ro to gracious he can stand tilou'c! and tfioii he fci-ms t-j fe-tis everything! Olo I missi's Mron. cum over tc. cur itousu to g't some tlax-seed to make a poultis to put on the stutiiie of tlieir hired man, who's been j dcvn on a raft, and ketched the fever unl iitiger, and I told her Sammy could stand j alone, and she said shu wouldu't believe a ' j vord of it; aud so I mado Janu rprinkle : : 1 1 ...... . ..... ... 1 1 i . , j T I'""",' KY. 1 . " . floor, and I stood the i.oor chi u on it. and sez I, "all aloiiey! up so dayy!"' and as truo as Fine born, the child tuk three steps, and mi.-.sus Miowu eeed it in a minute. She took oil her spectacles and put them in her 1 satchel, and utter Hiking u pinch ofsnutV. sez she, nt'.sjes Smootes, i wouldn't distress you for tho world : I've seen a ureat manv i j;'.l;s iu my life, and let me tell you, you'd . better prepare Mnoote mind tor the worst. ! for I tell jou that child can't live, and then I alio took the llax-seedand went homo v-Ith- 1 out savino; another word, licit woudcr- fully distressed till Smootes camo iu, w hen j I told hiu! tl about It, and all ho said was ' fiddlesticks" and asked Juno if stioncr was! ; leady. Smootes is a naturally kind hearted j man, but he has such uu unfeeliug iuy with Sow, Mister Editur, I want tou to set I our Sammy dowu for tho spunes; goodness Igraeh'us, though if lie should git them! I i '-'li.;ve miss Smith would go raving dis- i'.ii-'eii . ,1 eu 1 uou 1 caro one su maiK e." she's no biucss to bo forever tn'.kiug about Tilday fun, when every body knows it haint healthy if the truth must be told. I dure bay the judges cau tell a baby thut is Komclhiujj, the moment they set their eyes on it. Yours, POLLY ANN PMOOTi:;. r. S. Don 1 let the agrekulti'rel society put Sammy's name on the spunes till you hear from me, because we're going to havo him christened us soon as Smootes comes back from Eldader. He's gone din n lo se1; if 'r. Tbouiaiiiri has made bis dieli w ill, end if ho itlnt, 1 tell Smootes we couldn't do no better than to put iu fcr a middle name. IlT f.ft EniToH Livns Chkap. The f re sent prices of till th'j !ti of life de velop a vast amount of economical resour ces that havo heretofore remained unkninvu. Choking a dog to death w ith butter Is iaid to be 1101 the only way iu which lie may be killed; but those who desire to i-sCape such a death may follow the plan of the editor of the Kinderhook Moagh Xotcs. v. ho jays: "Our butter end tniik, sirfce wo have re duced the thing to a system, only cost us twenty-eight cent a week ! We use a pint of milk a day, for which we pay four Cents. The milk is skiiunlcd twicu a day the cream thus obtained is sufficient to give twochtiru iugs a wfcek. 1 he butter properly moulded is put on a plate, and every meal time a lit tle pantomime i goue through with repre senting the act of taking butter and spread ing it. What butter is left over at the end of the week is taken to the store aud sold at IS ceuts a pound." .A gentleman who has. just arrived from Dixie states that recently the rebels in Mo bile, notwithstanding the tact that caudle and other needfXil articles were very scarce, got up a grand illumination la honor of tbe uetvrits of Tsr'.y w Its Gucuacdccb V!ly- TERMS t OP AI)TEU'- On Iqaar of 10 Unirf, on lima, Every lubisquent iuMrticti, One iquaro, month, 8i mouth, ..-. On year, Eieoutor mil Admin Auditor notice, -1 -Kusinesa Curd of 6 1 Merohiint and other with tbo privilog, fullowa : One quarter ooluwrt, r. One LalC eoluuiu, u;t t One column, KJitorinl or loonl dro. not Qxcuiilii' tn. IJ'J col every ail'litioiial lino. Marriage notice, 50 ctit. Ohituiirica or rcfolutiouj no, u'unth", 10 t.nlii for line. . Diikss. We are all more or leas on somo ground or other, to win the of our fellow creatures; and the w winning it aru infinatuly diVcrsiiied. olrtain influence and position, t'.u lunjoii, of luaiikind may labor ftu eiitir life, aim continue to toil, in snino ';trticulur trade o. profession, long after tliv'r aclur.l necessitit are supplied. The merchant ttill speculate in the mart, the seamen still plows the tleo tho "jold-hui'ter sliil diga tby mine, and t' scholar still collects f.ddiliohrl tore by midnight lump. With this object in it' en exert their beEt enffjtes hi their modes; but there is cno mode whir' ditiun to al! other, is tulooted, wi ceptioiis. by the whoVu huuitfii fact au attention, to prrsonil sppearani endeavor to produce favorublu im by tho fashion, or propriety, or In ness, or lier.tness, or splehdor of the merit's. Tho etVe'j'.l of dtes's is indee questioindilo importance.. It typifies pos'tit'h 111 society; it indicates his U ptrtVs.t'y Lilltablo'dress is ti passport everywhere. Wealth or worth ill-atti ItBiially ill-received. Tha man who 1 in a stylo below his place and circttm must expect to meet many a mortify! buff. Sjme philosophers and men ol hav bicn great slovens, and have a to consider attention to personal nppc as effeminate or foolish. This mis! less common than it used to be, and 1 our liUraii now drees like gentleman, son drc'sed with propriety may save 1 from the ridicule, and slights, and Jn tions to which ill-dressed merit is h. exposed. Amongst strangers, dress is only critcr!;M of u man's title to consic fiou. ...... "P.t") rr Ai.oso." Yes, pass it a' whether you believe it or not that sided whisper against the character virtu ius tenia K You "cfty you don't bt it, but you will ycur" influence to up a faljc rcpclt aikl beilr it hs a cm Strange creatures a!e mankind! How 1 reputations havo been , lost by a sun How many hearts have bled by a win How many benevolent deeds havo b. chilled by the shrug of a shoulder! Ik many individuals h ive been shunned by t gentle, mysterious hint! llow many graves have been dug by a false report! Yet you will pass the slander along you will pass it above the waters bv a waar of th 11 tononp. when you might s'nk It forever. Destroy the passion for telling a talc, we pray you; lisp not a word that inay destroy the charac ter of another, tint! as far as voi: ar nor.r.i.rn. cd the lander will die. , A Yankee, who has a pie factory in New York, turns out 35,000 to 40,000 every week. He occupies four buildings, and has ten horses and wagons engaged in c'.eliveriug his pica about the city. A Cavalry soldier died rectrJy at Over full Hospital, who belonged to a Missouri regiment and had been through all the bat tles of the wost. After the death of the vet eran it was revealed that the supposed young man was 11 woman. It Seems that silo en tered the army early in the war, and served her time failhfully until mustered out. Du ring all this time she w as r.blo to retain tho secret of htr ncx Gali.aJt Action cf a Pennsylvania. Rxcu.uuNT. We have an account from tho Army iu the Southwest, to the effect that the 78th Itegimcnt Pennsylvania Infantry, Col. Sinvell. after being mustered out, im mediately volunteered to pursuo Wheeler, pud counteract his raiding operations in cut ting the co!iiuunications on the Nashville railroad. Tho 7t?th had turned over their r.rms, but drew them again, and did good service Tiiey deaetfve all honor for their fallutit conduct. ...... Dehavioii tx Socieiy. If your language be good, your knowledge creditable, your personal appearance devoid of eccentricity; and if you havo learned to avoid makiug yourself "conspicuous," there is no reason Why you should r.ot be firm and assured anywhere. Do net vex youself with thoughts ot inferiority, but "Le yourself to yourself," and a littlo familiarity with the world will soon teach you t!:o absurdity of timidity. Tase rapidly brings grace, if any effort what ever be made t3 s.iy and do kindly things in a cheer. ul and conciliatory way. Exercise your attentions and your thoughts when in company. If you fiud that bashful ness aud ctisbcrrassmeiit, without cause, oc casionally iutlict you in society, bauish them by Ciid'ng something to do or say forthwith, Do not stop to nrguo with yourself, but act promptly. TCdtCn lov I lie Isiirtlcii. Preparation for winter is all that can now ho dono here. Let roots of different sorts bo taken up at orce, and stored w here they can bo most couveniently got for use. Puts' nips and salsify, or oyster plant, tiro better left iu the ground uutil towards spring. Mury cabbages iu trenches up lo liteir leaves, and protect with tho best covciiug you can command, put upon forks just lagU euougl! to admit the circulation 01 air. AM'.vKAuts Pel's. Clear these of tops and weedo, give a dressing of salt sntlicieut to whiten the ground pretty well, und then cover up veil with utaue.Ve, thai may bo forked in the spring. C'Ei.nnt. Fiuish the caftlifn up of cele ry, and before Laid freezing cover with straw sufficient to keep out frost, throwiug tn dirt tc keep tho straw in place. So man aged !t can be got out lor u.-o iu the coldest wcalhef. Cabiiaob ash Lktti'ce Plants. If these are in frames, pive them plenty of air in mild weather. It in open bed, give theiu protection by a covering of brush laid 00 a frame work, which will admit the circula tion of air. Fault Potatoes. Potatoes put in tho ground and well covered with straw or coarse litter, will be quite secure from frost, und come earlier thau the tpriug planting.- Fni'iT Gakdkn. Hardy fruits may all be' now planted, if the soil Le dry. Tito ground should bo at once put iu a thorough state of pirparuliou by plowing and manuring. If thus put iu good coudiiiou, littlo manure is wanted immediately about the roots of the tree. It is uot well that jouug trefs o forced into too rapid development. Avoid' deep luvcs iu planting. The trco sliouid, st furthest, bo put 110 deeper than it stood iu tho uurstry. Peaehes, apricots and necta rines are better planted iu spring; apples, pears, quinces, plums, cherries and walnuts, may be planted' uow. Plant also raspberries currants and gooseberries now. Grapu vines muy b plautsd bow, or tlicy may be obtained from the nursery and pre served in trtuche till February. , The strawberry thoroughly cleared ot' w eeds and grass, so' as to ueed no workiujj in spring, aud vervi' witb mau ur. ' . -'