Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 15, 1864, Image 3

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H. B. MA8SK1K, Editor A PropilotorT
R. WILVKRT, PubllHlior.
f" i sirw.,a iwiawiMai,
linloit olc t!itllng:.
Tliorc will l. n. fNION POLE RAISING
i"nr the OM Ki;tp Fnnn in
Two mil. a liclow Hie Dunvilk' BriJ, on
TnrnsDAY, octobi:i: 20, ism,
Tlic fitiiKls of tho Union ami the Govern
ni'tit nr ittvitfiV to attoml.
fjf Good speakers will cvrtiu.jr be in
l-tf "Tin- result in l,cniislvnniu is 0rre
'nion ynin. Wo have 19 nut of the 24
'onroMiitpn pure. A majority in both
riinch ol the Vjpshituru, unci a majority in
lie home; vote.
In Ohio tin? jpff riarty-lmve elocti-cl only
wo out (.f the nineteen tni'ni'.M'r of Con
rcss instrnvl of fii'irteen their hn'esuut uum
er. Where is I'eiulletnn f
fctfTllK lim'LT in -i ins C'ot'STT. The
HU'iul result slioivsuik'inorriiticftain in this
mutty over the flection of Inst year of Kill
oti's. This gnin will he overcome ly the
hliers votes.
iloral Affairs.
It - It km a rut. The undersigned offers a rownrj
. 1 KN IV II, LARS fur information that will load to
ip discovery and conviction of the pcron or persons
ho have been trespassing on his garden and lot,
raiiug fiu'tanj injuring ti is fruit tree.
II. B. MASfF.n.
HIS'!'. In Market street, on Tuesday even
ir a sit of ARTIFICIAL TEETH (Gold r-'hite).
hi- finJiT Hill bo regarded by leaving them at this
-g-r- ii
Uitt.nnois N'oticr. The Rev. J. B. CrcSs
nit'T. uf Ohio, formerly of Ibis place, will preach in
ie 1 .u t (it-run ehureh. in this place, to-morrow (Sun.
at 10 o'clock A .M.
IV The l.ArcsT. Our Udr readers wiit
he :
leH.-ed lo lonni thai Mii M.L. 0 ussier hw again
inind a in' utook of K"d. It is a mnViPiit re
i.i liit wlioii we inf.irin the lioti that they
ere t looie l by hersilf. f ii lverti iiieiil t(i
iitithi-r eiilvnnii.
'5'Vr i-nll ntlfi ti. i to the n- tiieinriil nf
Wwfird C iii'hii.' fr"i:i i!ns plaoe. wliuh.iH o.eiied a
in iillioi nl llurri" Mr. t"bin is mi ii'K-lli-
cut and ih'lu:rimt imm.; io:ui, uri.i deaetviiig of j
le mtrt)ii;i:e of li'.i i'ri- nnd ihe siUo. !
!'ii. W'- nr re'iul"! to Flute
V I'.'irtner-hii' t'.i-tiiiif betw-cii iul. M.tlick and
. W. Zi':;I.t. 'il :). ir.ic:ic." of I.i. La been
ii'MilM-l In io i!.i:il i-i h.-cut.
rV'TK' I.:ulie Ai I Sk-h-Iv. of tli! pise-, hire
ived frmn W.'iuMi.y I'urdy.of I'liiladi lphla. a
miiitiiin of a l iirri l of I'ioj ir n i:iml from corn,
bii'li ill I'Mnble iheni lo I ul 0 a Kood fuiiji!' ol (of liii'lt lln-roi" anient d-u.un I) l..r our
x-k u'.d ' ..un L-1 soMi-'K.
IS T!,o
Mr lilil'iiil
:;, I
inn is t:oiut? oil' it' lite rute of alsjut
dulltira Jir wi'k. 'litis show? a
in tl,.-1 1 iiio.'t.t M--urilit'!i. j
"inns woi tttid ciivuly Tiaullitr vt ,
!,'. Iittf yielded to brijjl.t aii'uwi- :
i.dii en Jiiovl'tv l.t.-t, wii'd llie
Tl.e et
- I',,nK 'ihe cri-p of la-- tbi 'phi'iti is un.
t-uitllv slmrt. owtrjr. in seine nn'ii-ttre. t'i ihw faot
:i-tt iininy died during lie; snininer. fruin funic ei.ifc
. ihio. l!ut pork will n it rule its ltii-li n ntt'ny
nhciiHif. The i;rettt Vet reiiilaie. lite tnarkat
ere. as well as oilier laces. Tito ircsuniitio!i ia.
tint pork in bulk, in llto oily uiatkets, will hmg, 12 lo It ci nt.s p'r p
i-Kl-edon day was a beautifa! ntid ple sr'.
ay. Wf never kn-w a nt f.' iiieet and nrderly
looti ai than llto mi 1:1 I iti llti l.--.nih, f. r the
.twrt ai.d I'l'pn Aiijjttsta. ot. Tae-dvy la-;.
l j lil t'KM I1KAT.-
Vy c 1 il.i- fi.ll-
i.Hinced ixeellei.t.
rulMJ r I, lit llt br
id -1 tu:;--r dm. 1 b
Tlti-. iia;irlni t erop i ie.H"i
1 vi rjwiieri' llic er,.p l( pr.t'
lSuek lii at cakes will b a
itkl .it lal.lo. this w-nter, pro
;nj uioro ibun twice its real
tl je. mm t
I if- r.sitri. l'l.isoM lis Hit W
day evsniug
I 'lain oi' lebel I
uli.ui I Ion in i, umber pa
d ll ri ii;-,h this hico on lit tr sva'.ti ex
ht.i.o;-. Tbev were lao-ily inv tili.l-
I Ataiilicr F.oui.-i hi tr.-in for Ki n".
j- -'ly ol the fill ...Seers "f ll.e Poiit.sylv a
in railroad, nt 1 their r..i':. pf-ct :bt..e,;h tl.i.
place o l Wedl.e-d.ty last. A tfWSt p-11 :"ti ta Ibe
n-tr'v WeTJ 1.1 liis. wh twill, lia dollfl. 'Tea !'. ei-oiy
ihe seen, ry on ilie Mule. :.i. 1 ihe hn-pitah::. s ol thtf
nirens id'Kri. i
Mm mr Sinn'. Y . call .ii to 'Pa
t ! ei ti-oniont of Mr. lieiiry- ni who is now prenie. I
I t .11 kin 1' "i" wotll in lii-'.itiie Slntp ill lli
pViee Mr llinilV.s n lf I'tl.-n ll.e e-'.'i lidnoetn
ol K. Y Britjhl l.-'i .ta." or die best n lit ntry.
and heirt;; en htlelliu"! I'l '"id f.'e-lic.l inaohilil-t,
will l o u' le i'i iiirn "in wo.k fin I to that of any
Oilier CS'.tibM-I.Mielit. I
I" 1 he I oal ta le i. at pri st n: , iii a nsy unsel
tied slate. 1 h re isliitleoi iti dtanati l i soepi for a
tew (.' fr governtnrnt u-o. The de-dme iu prlea
at svhuylkill llivcu. fitaa $1 into tl M pr Km, (
., ,,. li red the l.peraturs llellflerelil iu regard lo
mil. in,', iii whieh Ihey are Keaity lavoi.d by lb
priM'tit srrike of the miners, whoso wages have been J
fsluced tweuiy-flvs por ei ut , and who Lava been
idle during: th proseut month Coal an4 all othef;
coin mod ilies mini ei.tne down, and litlnSM will kavs I
, I.atil los far.htr and much heatier rrducltoa 1
pr. lu u. ham run mad in their oslravayaul do-n.uiid-
f l,i-t of Willed uud vvnuilded, in the
l oiiipiliiy from this place, toiuiuly com
mimic I ' fnpt. John llujcr. Ne receiv
., the followiiisj, juat aa uro jjoiiivj to
I Sih C om' Hosfirvi.. Ni'Y Of TIIK ,
jAVii.a, Ya., lcl. llh, I em I. i
A'i'of S i'i'm y .1 an' iii'",
Mil I'hi) rollowitit,' is li't
ill.c. ill I oinpuliV ' I." .'.xih I'en'i';- "'
, tin, iotlllc ol t hal'iu'a 141 m, f','-
J.illi, 1 vll ;
K ii 1 1 ib
t' .ril. Il irriauu II I" i ert,
M.illll Welsh,
Jauiia I Il'ell.
Yol Mis. I'
It., lull YU'liii, vsuiiiidud and mi.ill t
-,. ml. .1 .n.i J Di'koit'i, ' 0
,..,.! Iloiiii r, ih iU u. ai.kic.
,-,.lll... -iJv. ""
I rv. II ikci, tmiiiv a1'-
till Hula' I141I. ll-l1 ""
.1... oh N .'.l . '"'
.' 0 ..I. ,'i, I- M I..l
I ..!,., U l.i ii. . iv 1 ' -l
Ii n 1.1.11 in- ', I II'""
l s I. Vi .11 ii.
v 1.. it Mot'",
...1.; 1
' I .. ol I II''"!"
,' l".
I ,1 1') 14 1-s.l.
tt i tail US
..I ,tt. s 10.1
oodr i Ihai .Hlamvsnrl.
5t. Louis, Oct. 10.
From tliti .!efTi City cnrrcpiuh.-iice
of Mm Di'imicriit. it sot-ius the re he. I
ilemonslrution oa that place on the Ttii. wat
ruareiy to occupy our lurien w hile the ene
my 'a main body tMwl the Osnge river.
After feeling our fortifications, niul lhuling
them atronjt. they passei! vvi'slwuril during
tilt; night, KV.GOi) strong, w ith 111 to 20 gun
ii nd a Ion); traiil.
Oeii. l'li-amti!! r.rrlveil on the morning
of the 8th ifs'ulied coimruiril, nml in the
iit'ternoon tollmved the tebela with iihoitt
M.OUU cmaliy. At nlt;ht nport rent-lnil
Jetlcrann City that w had niHteil t'rica'a
rear, while Hen. CUrt'x, coming lion. Kansas,
lifhtiug llicm in front.
The LVinocrii.'a Jefferson City dispatch
of to-nitrht snji that a courier had juat ar
rived from California, 25 inilea west, bring
ing information that our cavalry were skir
mishing w ith the enemy nearly all day yes
terday, In the afteruHu the rebels filtered
California, and horned the depot and a train
of ear, l'riee inaued a proclamation stating
that hu had come into the State, intending
to remain, lie desired to make friends ami
not enemies, and that the depredations he
had committed wci a military necessity-
About four o'clock our forces placed a
battery outside of California, drive the re
bels out, ami killed and wounded over 100
of them. Our loss was only a few men
wounded. The railroad was torn up about
a mile on each aide of California. The re
bel Colonel $taudcvort is reported to have
been nt Tipton, last night, with 3.000 men,
moving towards fiooneville. The rebel Miij.
Howie and l.ieut. Key were killed, and Col.
Shanks was mortally wounded. Col. Fletch
er, with l." men, arrived here from Holla to
night? and report that 1,500 men are re
puiri.ig the Southwest liraneh road. A
oridge and water tank were burned at
Scot t's, 8 mile w est of Jefferson City.
ThcXrutliiibonl iho (jt-ortn lVare
Nkxt YoliK, Oct. 7. A letter from Atlan
ta in the New York Kveuing I'obt of to day,
li ts the following :
"The armed foot has pressed heavily upon
I this people, and they teel the unrelenting
ii.m h:ind of bht.-i man grasping nml holding
, vi r lia-i mid 1 urn sure with u vivid con-
M - iouaiiihs of the terrors of the lust, ami a
dread fnreboiling of the coming luuiie, that
tliey me ready lor peace on alinoet any
terms. N'eitlier the newspaper nor the
leaders my this, hot there are btrong indiea-
i tioiis in that (iirnlluii. One ot their news-
p:ipert proceed deliberately to discuss the
propriity of ol (.ioveruor Uinwn's accept
ance ol Sherman's invitation to come to At
lanta. You hac no doubt, seen the report
id sin h an iiikittilioii having been extended,
u hu ll has i ii'i lunch of truth :
1 h Ht while a prominent citizen of Georgia
was dining with General Sheitunti one day,
I Ihe gentleman remarked, 'I wish. General,
I hut Governor lirowu could see ami talk
with you." "Let him come," replied the
General ; "l have no objectiouto his coming
uilliiiiiny lines, lie sltuli pass safely ir.
ami out; there are aluuhle records here
iiit'h he wotihl no doubt like to gel und
liicseive. I-el him collie; I would like to
se him." 1 presiiuie tin; invitation was duly
de;iied to I lie Governor. 1 ipiestion how
ever, it he is prepared just at this moment
to accept it. I'ei hups we shall have the j
pleasure of m eing him when wo arrive at j
.Macon or Augusi.i.
.lliottn-r !i'c'H li-otii Jell". Iiil.
The KichiiiiHid H'.i., of the 1 Otis iia-t., '
has a speech of .It'll'. Davis, delivere'tl lit
A'ii.u ta. lictirgiii. .icff. is stumping Georgia
to pi vent tl.e State from seceiling, atnl his
spi echo-, me full of Slate rights doctrines,
ami -t tn the idlcet that if the
I on lei h racy dees not win in their present
desperate gallic, the Southi rners will be
come serfs to the Yankees.
The main object ol his speech nt Augusta
is expressed, however, in the following Ian
miayo. "We must do- on!" duty ami that
duty is this . every man able to hear arms
must go to the front, ami all others must
.Itvntt; themselves to I he cause at home.
There l e no pleadings fi.r exemption.
We are !-. I.liiiji lor existence."
Toui-lli & Arch SI-., IMiilndi lpliiai
Caur for Ihe besi Tiade, and oler 110 or do
cepiioti lo iioioee t us. 0111. but rely ou F.llK liF.AL
I.Nu uud litmli lii.inliS !
Be-I Meiinoes, Fatiiionable Hilks,
ot'ihly Plaids. Ptm a Poplins,
It ark" F ailald Floured Merinoea,
Plaid .-una Is, Vi.sid lihutkelS
P. S. c follow liilhl) down, as clo.e us wo fol
low ii up Now ira good luuo tor Merchant sud
toiiM.ioerp to ctane iu.
October J, In,'-!. ilu
(eile.v'a I.JKly'w llooli.
Tr F.-.siiion MiitAtivL or tiik Wuri.ii.
Lileralure. Fine Aris. and Fu.-hi on Ihe not
ninuinoeul Meel t.urav tugs. pouble Fashion
1'laios. Vt ood inrttvitig- 011 every subjoin thai can
interest ladies. Crotchet knitting, .Selling. Em
broidery. Articles tor Iho Toilet, lor Iho Parlor. Ihe
II. u.. 1 il... lkii.....,i k.h Mrv I lain. in ImoI. In
uiakc coutnlete Laslv a llo..k. I
77t l.n tn i J i, oi itt Jvr ol )"nir.
No Magsiiue has bseu ubls tocs nipele with it
Noue aiiiiiipl il.
tlislev s lleceipl- for every department of a house,
held 'l!iuu a. .110 uio w 01 Hi Ihe prise ol Ihe ll.sik.
Mo-It I Coll. .cs juo oilier Miiuuua givea iheuil,
wiih diagritins.
ltrawii, foi the liiung Auother acii.l
ty with vi.lvy.
Ongiual .Music, worih (I a year Oilier Mva
sines publish ohl worit.oul music ; but lb subssii
boil lu violey gel II bcloie Ihe mute s tttea
lariieuing lor Ladle. Auother pooullolliy with
ftitiliiont from Messrs. A T btenurl A Co., ol
Nw Yolk, Iho uni)iiiiuiiu uteiihanis, appear lu toe ools M .-'aliliu tb l has lllelu
Al'o. Fiuluuus lot ihu iislabiaiwd litolle.ol' New
Loins' llouuo.s. We gise more of tbem iu a
v oar lit. 1 u au ulher M ttr tstne lu l-ioi, Iba Lady's
Look coaulua tvoiy ludy lube berowu tautUel Waktir
ILU.I OF iiUbtfcY a LAUY 's U'Hik Full loj.
Fiosa which ibei can b no liiaioa
Ous oopy, oite y vht, I1 00
Tu oi'iua, una yatr, W
i ajies oopiea, oity a.,f I dti
Four vupios, u )er In
Additions lo any ul ihe abuts alatui, ti d aa-h
suImci tber
liu-Uy Lady a Uouk and Aeibur's UoUiS Maa
tiua a ill basaas, one )ai, uuivseipi ul t)l ill
iVabav sal slab Willi al-JT uiU.I ilaatms ut
N s. Cutux ivtiih aad Claaual aiiwl. Flail
Uiiuuai , I sot St
I kt laasaliu ii.foiut kiyliu-als aad Iks pufclls
aanalallv 'ha! Ibsss uulsiuialwad Iba uaa.alolurs
ol I AL "IL LA Mi's u avsty daatuktwti aad uyla
VI li SktuSUst . PlllLAfiLLFIIlA
I ilk asf fsisawat ImiIiIim k statowUnug sa J
I fs ptaiwai a4tiisa ul Ikuussa il lu ike ax.
I ,.u.iltl ul tbs Uuip li.tuM lot tiki ut tke Ui4at
k'.-HSsi IM Ibe s.uii. I iiliai it.s.'f tk4 u. asias.
, kail s S--.U ai ssilvd by siia-4 'asin'
' st-1 was nsusl-ip aad al pn-va 4. "KsJ i' ik
le a I skail stssrs a4i4sa " h U4 ta -mi4
lu wa kanlta aa u I aaiul miaitiHM-s i "e
1 1 a... . ihe U"i': a as-. Vut Us :
(uln . kV vft jeiX 4 L'i l iiiimiu Wilsk
f M 1 f 'lsii'
asfuabaf !
III tk
lit ia-ltttisl 11 as I (- l as.
U.m. II. kso. asktauaa. as ,
on ft vns
Vhlt not only uneqaallwl, but they r absolutely
unroualleil,' bs an othar Reed Inttrurnent in
thaoountry. IenneJ etpreaatr for Cbarebea and
fchoolt, thwy are found la e. equally well adapts
to Ui. parlor and drawing Nxm7 For Vile, only by
Ifat II Sartb !Wvitth ilreel. Philadelphia.
Wleraoaoalaoba fd s complats aaeortaatnt of
ths I'erfret Moltsleou.
Sept. 24, l!44.-lyw
Two duora went of Fischer 'I DruR Siort. Market st,
IS conntantlv manafaoturimrthalanwlatvleeof Wool
and Fur limp, which for toluiraa anil durability
arc not urpmpmi.
Oive liltu a call and see bis ttoek of Hats which are
sold cheaper than elif where. MeruiianUiaud others,
purchaainir at wholesale, will find it to their advan
tage to oall and pmours au arlisla ohcapor sad iual
lootly mannraelars.
Suuburr, October 1. 1SCI.
TUE nndersinaei respectfully inform the citliena
of Sunburv. that he haa coiumsncvd ths h'.k k'
atrnriK bujinees, anil is readv tosurplv Ihom weekly
withUllTKR. FtlUS. MF.AT, LA Hi). Pol'LTltV
of all kinds. FHKtll HKtK and POi;K. Ac. o
Persoue deairini; any of the above articles, will bs
prontpily supplied by leaving their orders at bis ri'
deuce, iu lleudxivk's addition.
Sunbury, Oot. t, 1SW. t
No 26 South Second Klreet, Philadelphia.
Are now ottering their magnificent stork of M!k.
lireaa Uoods. shawls. Oloib". Clonks, Volvela, ,
far below the preaenl Hold Pricea !
We have also on hand, s InrKcatock of DOMESTIC
GOODS, which we are now selling at a great reduc
tion from the prices wc have been Selling tlem st.
As wu have had the advunuwe of a riae in the prices I
.t .-.1.- e.. i . I
vi our cii.tva in in proyre- 01 mo i- ur lor me. ia
two or three years, we now piepnae tc i;ive our Cus
touiert Ihe Advantage 01 Iho tall iu Frices.
Cttlicoca and Mu!i,.a. reduced.
Flannel and table I.intnl, redueed.
Blankets and till nitl'le Goodr, reduced.
V. c renpecituliy (olicit Vui the I.adiet and others
vifiting rhiladeljiliia. au i xuuiina'.ion of our 'lock,
which is uiipiirpiiatd in varioiy and style, in this city.
.b.. Whoiottatv linvers. ata invited to vxauiiuc
our stock. i.nWI.N 1IA1.1. A CO.,
No. 28 North Second street, Philadelphia.
October 8, lMi4. 2m
yio. .120 AR II St., lMiilal-IliIn.
lias a large alock of
Superior ptated TEA EETT', SPOONS, K0Rn 1
October 1, lS6t. 4m
Wllklllugft Oil IIOUHC,
(,Yrjr iht lindgi.)
riIIE subacribet having leased this well known
1 Tavern Stand, laiily kept by Mrs. C. S. Brown,
respoctfally inl'orint the public that he l" rt lining and
repairing ihe premise, and wiliLo prepared to en
teitaiu, in a cetuf-.irtwbio manner, his iiuui'roti4
friends throughout Ihe county, and till who may
palrouizo his ulnblirhiueiit.
0.:il. 1So4. JOSEPH VAMCir.K
Iti-iiMillCH, iucM, (.'ills., ,Yc.
flAlir iiibnor'b-r, opened in Thomson's
Brick Building. Mill jti.ct, Danville,
and complete slia-k cf I
M.lhtlU.N AN1 DOMttfTlC LI VI I OHS, i
ctiinprising the best brande of Brandon. Gill, Old ,
Bye, toetch and Irish Yv hiskey. Port, Sherry, Ma-
diiira, Champagne and ulher N ines. of all gru lea, all
ot nltich win be sold Wholesale, al the lowest city .
prices. Tuvern-keepcra, bybuyiugof us, can save '
tl least the freight. j
Persona desirous of purthvlu liquors for i
nay rely upon .being, furnished wiih a purs and
unadulterated article.
Being determine J to establish a reputation for 1
aclliug cheup. he respectfully aolioiui Ihe palioime
ul Ihe pultlio. AU or.iers pn iniiliy nltcinteil lo
Ilanvllls. 'Vt. 1
liiii-riiitr ioiiol llols-l,
'Mi auti 30" yirorfio-:y. t.'err I'liinHtti tlrrn
f I11IIS tirtt class lloinr ihe most quiet, hesirllke
L and pleaiant lintel 01 the city oilers superior
inducements to those vi-lling New Yoik for btiMiieas
or pleasure. It is central 111 il- location, und kept 011
ihe Ei aoi-KAS Puis, iu cot.iicetiou with Tn Lou's
S.VLOiis, where rvfiesbtia iMs oho be had all hours,
or served in their own i.iii--. 'llie charges are mo
derate, the rooms and ar.ettdanse tit ihe lit si order
bath, and all tho mod-111 conienienccs attached. Q
Oel l.lssll
SWALLOW twoor three hog-beads of -Huohu."
'Ionic Killers." ' fvirsiip.-iriila." Nervous n
li totes. '' Ao.. Ac. Ac , and slier V 'U are sali-tlel
with the result, and one bov of ni l lilt. HI I II A.N !t
English Specific Pills and he re-t.-red to health and
vigor in less thlth Ihirly days. They are lairely ve
getable, pleasant to take," prompt and salutary in
their ctTeeta 011 the bn kiu down and shattered cm.
slilution. Old and voiing enn Hike ihein with ad
vantage. 1-iiis-tu J and s d, I in tli- I ttiled !iU-a
onlvby .'AS . n. Ill TLEIt.
Kit. J'j; llroiolnav. New York.
Isr Agent lor ihe I'nited Mates.
P. S A Pol t l Iho Pills, securely packed, will
Im mailed to any address 00 reselfit nf price, which
is ONE lMil.LAH. Iis' paid : ntonry relun lcd by
llie Agent it enure sail-1.10 lion ia oul given
tSept. IU. lwil Jm
Fall & Winter Goods,
In Zellemoyar'a Building. npHs.ila Oeaibart s Com
fiH-iiouarv Vlore. .Markol slfi-ot, M N 111' It Y. Pa ,
I AS Jtnl opene.1 a w
II stdertee arstrtmenl of
. .t. ui.i.,1. he uifi r. iVr aula a! vcit lu ericus I
rnltt'.ltlN AMI DOMESTIC autfi as Ch.ibs, Cai-
uttiree. Uusitiis. ttheetiniis, Ticking, LaJiouea, 1S
Laiucs, bilks, Uiuuauis Ad As.
II uud .! uInerydc-iipiM
notions & v.iur;ni:s.
CMtaisilag tf Ihuiary lloas. Ylreal. iiuinais,
bu-l-ru4, l.. NavkllM. l ollara. Ilaodki lelilela. Half Iak lancy U" 1 l'a.i. lUh
lataal ktrie aknui. laip.l bag.. Iiuuks,
lar, t utbrallaa. 1 ulluu- V m, Eoapa, and bUUstluuS
olbsf studies tutf tastluUS lu UiiulloU
tuck aa kaila. kiitgui aad tutswa, 1 i tUk ak
kuuW, aad 1 1 1 btHY ul ea; 4sji ptiua
Drub'Ss J4lit1 Varnlsiitas. DiU, Ulas.
fully, c . c
H sr taatU taluaw mrm (
t-rf ilKasfrlktllvu,
A is atuak ul
a n o o n 11 1 11 b.
isa-4 ul ssU t t-lsa !. Iv . Cut h siatak
IUsm l aiM.aa, Mtxvt, g 4sa, t kaaas, Ivkawu,
kksj kkS
lj mmm SiHa.aa a 1 IsklldlSSV
Cottar Organ )
AH Sa-Uul v-v.auy Huts' W 4i
is tts
i-.k. fjf 'r t
j iij -nun vityuiu
0. 1 ST0R
rned f:t lit I'liilndilpliia with i na
antl beat auleoted n.:k ol Hoods
AT W0.
I I A VK just returned
of ill lnrtft'V
vi brought to iiiitiiirv.
FOR&ttIS A.l IKM1;TIC.9U h as t;:.nh. Cai-n-re,
.Mucins, .Slue liokm;. fallows, lie.
lainm. FUnnl9. and all kludt ol .MubtiMNll Uorxla,
Alpaccaj, lliack Pilks, (linnlmn i and
Fkelelon Skills. CanUin Fliuuel;, Naukeena, I ar
HiUot of all kinU.
LN O I 1 1 1 S iV' V I ? T I T I l
V.V ? l I k 1 1 1 1 1 liij,
fCclnprUiag. Htahty, Ulovea. Thread. II u lions, Kas-
penaars. NMK-lies. I'ollara. Ilnndkerehirta,
Kair Brnehet, Tooth Urushes. U tun Rib
bon and Cord, tap, crotchet-braid,
worked oollnrs. fancy bead
dri so, tidy cotton, oitrK)t
binding, combs, fiinvy
' aom. carpel bairn
TriltiVs, Valines, l uibrelliia, lllauk Bo iks, Paper,
EuvslepeJ, Ac.
fH k. ..:
Of all kinds, such as Nnila,T!lb!i Srid .rrw. Ht-or
Latches and Knobs, Locka, and CL I I.I 1( V ot every
Also, Dyes, Drugs, Paints. Ynrt ishea. Fish.
Flaxseed ami Ilenrine Gils. Ghi-s. Putty. Ac,
4tuo4-UMSsurv nml 4;iitt nr i nil
Ad Extcnnte Pbick of
Composed of Sugar. Cofloa. Teas. Itice. rnrn-stareb,
Maocaroni. Parley. Btiking-powder. niolMi:s. om.
caudles. lobstfcbaud aictim. tall. Fish. Aleut, Cheese,
Ac, Ac.
Also. II large Variety of
for Jlen. Women and Children.
( All kinds ol Gram and Couittry Produce taken
in exchange tor Hoods.
Uive us a Call het'iie you purchase elsewlioro, we
ar bouid lo sell as low its any itio iie.
dtoro-iotini in l a T. t.'leiueiti's laiiiding at the
south-west cji'iicf of M iikot z- piart, uu.r ll.o Couit
Buuburr, ilij '21, l6C,i.
Sunbury High School,
"Xtf ILL re'open in fin old Bapti't t'l.nreb. oo the
V tirat day of Aiujost. 1 u o.iors of l"-irtnlioi.
embraces all rhe briiociies tauitltt iu Academics and
berntnaritat qf the l.i(;l.e-t (rin lie
1 KltM I'KH Session OK 21 WIKKS.
For Langi!.''.go-'"-saolent and modern includ
ing all othef branches. ?l 1 1 i
Natural ffcieie't-s. Al.rebru. tle.iraetry. etc. 11 I'll I
Advanced Ur.iiiiniar.Oevrapliy. Ui-torr. . I t nil )
Rudiments of above, " '" .
Primary, t- en ,
Incidental espettsis. ou j
1 union pavaliie quarterly ;u aavauco.
No dednclieii raadrf l;r leM time.
Pupils can enter HI n"y t''ue. and will i nly
charged froui the date tfi' y enlor.
For further var;'.oii!iii npple to ti c I'rinripal,
Suubury, August C, 1S'M.--U
i,c !
e:i?oi?iixjivi, I
.tliirlifl S.miiic. !l '.MSI ItV, i
HA V IN 1 just ri I ut nod fifna the Ci'.y viili an en
tire new s'.t ok of j
ISi-n;;, 4 Iti-iitis-iilsi, Pirl'iiiiiiry it ml
'I'oili-I Article-8
to which he invlict hie li -ctnl and Ihe piihl!e gerti't
ally, to call etei ex.-uttino. 'Hit line;.- and Me In iiies
are all sclecle from ll:eb,t iinn'trling h aifes In
the l.aslerit rtoit liie gieale-t caie its e- puri
ly uud etVe.i-ie y and !tv"i.litu ns itiin h its piiUc.
toe ii.lioiJucti. :t 1 fiiolcunus Mi-lriitit.-.
Of all limit, fah in Aver'. Jiiytir". M.ttinio-k.
Ilollovvays, Wi.-han-. lloollainls. 's, honk-. Unmu s
and all olhel' p' pulur palcnl Inidieilie-i, always oil
Hair. Tooth. Nuil. Clothe and Paint Brushis.
Special care i- tuhtu to keep 011 huud coii.-l.nitl y
ev ciy vuiicty of ,
Saitablo lo the trade.
Fancy Toilet Artielrs and the r.iitm runs articles
vihichaie gem tally kept lit a well coudticled estab
lishment. lu connection with tbeiil.ovo-irticie-.l'e nl.-i l.eep
on hand a largo a -01: 110-1. 1 ol y; Al'lnN Kit Y. stit-h
as Paper. Env. I ens. Pencils Ink-. A.v
Ixr Physician's pus. 1 iplions and lainily reoeipts
Colup'Ullnled Willi the gretttei-t 101 uraov tllul d:-patoh.
al ALL linl l'.S pey or Nigh'.
Kcmeinljcr the I'l'i-'o. .M-irki-t Somite, under Iho
oDicoof ihe
Sunbury Aiuelican."
It. A. f ISt III. II.
Sunbuiy, June I'.'i. I tl I
Allt-iiloMii .tlillliifj "!1-K''
Rev. M. L. llni'Fi' A. .M . President.
Major tl. El hllN'lU'lU'F, Sllpel il.ti inici.t ol" iho
.Mllllary liepartlticnt.
nlllS Institut i-ii. ehai leret by the Suite t I l'et.ll.
X -vlvania wit'n lull I'ol'.oial - p lu 1-. vtill olnii
its lo-XI scvtiotl. ettt. tlih. Every I'aeililV i.-tlll'-r.ied
for an English Soil olitic and Mililaiy e lu
callau uu ler the l.e.-l t 1 ii'-'r-.t -I irs. iot us ttrs it.
ceivedilllho Pi iinai v. I'reparatot y nnd Colli giaie
I'epailuieuls. 1 or t:ir 'u!nr; ad Itcas lnc Prt.-ideiit.
July d, loOh Ilia
(.Sevei'.ir In ."-' I ti it if r iV II ! rl f jr.)
No. 022 M A UK FT Si rent. I'll 1 LAIiKLPH I A.
Di: l.i:il in l ine lit. Id and Silver K ATCH I S ,
Fitii'tlold Jf WEI.UY; Solid Allll.
S'.t.l ihe best of SII.Yl.ll-Ph Mi.l' Xv AIU-:. Cm
atiniily on haiitl a laige a.vt.a-iuteiit ot iho above oods
al low prices.
Watches und Fins Cluck-. Hepaired. I v sUill'iil
Woikiittii; al. Jewelry r.paiiing; Eugraving and
ail kin Is of lla r-wei k I., order, al -b ul mail e.
( v li. li I It ret I llie u!d S'."tt 1, N't li.'J .Markit
Mi. ,'t. Pi.ilad' l It vi .
.I t. lo, I Mi I :.iu
Al. t I Valor ill
(T.otiis, c.simi:i:i:s, vitini:, Ao.
I 'aw ii wlri-i I, atuulli til' W out I'r'at
ft U N Tt U 11 V , ' v . ,
INFoUMSthe eilid'its of Sut.lairy aid vi.iniiy,
Ihul be b.. Jn'i uiurued lioat Phil id l hia with a
lull assorlmet.l et
0FLY1.11Y 1'Em 'lUPTI'i.N AM'l.'l tlllY. j
Ul. l.K-k con- -is of l loth-, l leli. ll I ! .l,s, Il'aok
' lii.e Shin antl Fancy ta.-imures lllaea - tin-. I'uiuetl
I aila-r Pluiii and l.'t.ny I a-iioero i.;-'l I ol.i. Ii
he will maku up lu oidei ta .til- I " -'lit ih-' ' -'a of
suslutuuis, on slo rt noine. ai.-i ina mu,i i.-4V"itaiae
leriits. '
Any Itoods not on hand w;H be ftiriiidiod from
Philail. I hia, n tivma' ! d .v. i '-.t
II. tod. lulli.iltr-l by ea-'l anol. will be uitolo up to
order ua hereiol-iru.
At bs w'll esiptof iioita but r i-i'.eiiai I a
ttviMtiis may Itly o sjaii'm 'Stu w.ik ell done st
bis .liup
Thank l'ul for lh patruiia.-e heielol,.... bofi.tacd,
ks rostpwilully ulii'ii. a ooi.i avt "I Hi s.una ,
dukbuiy, rpi hi. h i
l.iirU.H I' I I I j
a r i
ou i:iiiLiiin i j
l't MAM FAi l'tUY
rv i. Tl, AMI II r rs.l,
abu.sTih , I'llll tli't '
-, I kale k -4 In ! "a
L, ifc a iu-L Han- 1
JJm l vs.i.ui ., iu. j ,
I to. , , ., , ..
' m ! lib
Ulllll is
Ittllobl l
I'MSirJr I Mrs,
S I . I - 1 I IoiJi.s s IV 1 .1 ! lb "
I., wa .4aa.l ul U -ul I -1 "I""- ' 1 '
Atk-1 u.a ail isnaml .l"" ;
lktli..i p..u,iM. ik.a.i ......1 I .".i
to l,e ui . IJ H-a-t.l. I"
.... J U..I.I-.. I.Uuia-l
Huiikaa.kwlaa.1 -.afc'S s-4 '-"
I kuilli Iwl ..-
kj .a.laf t I k.lV.1
- ,
J.'ll-. ftatlll
III At.k tvuas sL
(vsh l Mt '- IMlUl a-lruls ,
11 I... lilllMM, - S, -- !'
The P!LY t -iiable sulf-AdJmtln Wringer.
No ttflr)dWork to Swell or Split.
No Thumb-Screws to gat but of Order.
Warranted with or without Cog-Whs!!.
It took the FIRST PRKMICM at Finy-Sereri Ptile
aad County Knini isa't, and Is, Without an cstep
lion the boat V, imgor erer made
Patented in the United btales, Knglan1?, '.'niifiJa,
and Aualraliii.
Sainplf Wringer sent, Lipre.1 paid, on receipt of
F.nergeilo agntsoan tuakefroin .Ito 111 Dollars per
No. 2.W.J0. No l.$7.6C. No. F.fs.M) No. A ?.60.
Manufrictored and sold, wlndc-ale antl retail by
No. 13 Piatt Street, New York, and Cleveland, Ohio.
P. C. NOK1 II hill'. Anei.t.
WHAT KVRnnoliY KNOWS, vit :
That In n well gnlvaniied will tea ru.-d :
That a simple n.aclnue it belter than a coniplicKl-.-d
one ;
"I'lmt a wringer should he self-adjustinj;, diieiible,
ami eftt.'ient :
1 hat IbytnV' Sfresij and Fastening enu?o delay and
tniultle lo regulate and keep iu order ;
'that wood hem ini toi the sltult lorun in will wear
.nt ;
That the Putnam V ringcrr with or without Cog
wheels, will not tear thccloliv.'i ;
That Cog-wheel regulators rre eot eretitifil ;
Tnat thb l'utnara Writtgt r haa all tho advantages
Slid not otic o! the diitadvslitaes aoove r.Hined :
That all who have lusted it. prrintinco it tho be'.t
Wringer ever ma'lo;
That il will wring a Thread of a Bed-Cfuilt without
We ltiijjht fill the paper with testim "tiiitls, hot in
sort only a few to convince lite skcplii-ul. if snob
there be ; an t we snv to all. Ii.-t Putnam d W ringer.
Test ilTllliUUl Ulll.Y with ANY and ALU others,
and if not entirely aatisfretory, return it.
Pi rs.vvi Mamtm ri KiNti Co:
tlenlleuion ; I know fp'tu ta:lioitl e.vperit t.eo
that iron well galvmitietl with r. i - wilt it l tidi.o
tir rusl one pitriicie. J be ruti-tiiii W riieier is li
near pel In I a.-., and i can cheerfully re
couiiucitd it to be the b,.-i in iti
Ko-tpi;etlallv y 'tir..-.
JNn. W. V lll'.!:l.l.i;. Ideveiand, Chin.
M-tty visas' tperienoo ia the galvaiiuiiiL- ba-i
ness ei.itlile lnc to inder.--' '.tic uIkjVo staumiiil iu edl
.ty. v t.ri'KKr. i".
No. IHII Street.
Now Yiilk. JallUHt-. l-l'il.
V.'e have te-'.ed I'lltnaoiV t' Wril.cer by
iini-iieal em kin;;, sad k'V--. ii will do. It is
cheap ; ilt- -inij.le; il regain n i r i an. wli.-tl, r til !
v t.rlt or al re-it ; n eliild can o;tiaieil; it tii,e its j
li'ily thorniicl'ly : it nves litta nn l il stiver wear :
un. I tear. V e earia -li lot', i-e till l,li"lttive UiikIi i
v.ii.iitlit lo .1 :. vwiU iatjl lineal j la.oitrT olin liavi any. j
In btiv this Wriugt r. It will p-iv fur itself in a vvar
ainil-i. ii au ihHiACi: i;ui:i:i.i. .
June IS. lst'.l. I
U. S. 7-30 LOAN. I
The So'ieliuy i f Ihe 1 rea-ury pivr.- not! -" thai
-uli.tL'tlplioiis vvill t.o icceind for t?onpoii Trea-nry
Noll's, payable thrvj years In un August loih L-'il.
w lib -eini iititittal I'llerest at the rate of seven an 1
three-tenths per cenl per iiniititii, principal and
iittcictt I'ltl'u Inbu paid in lawtul money.
'Jhe.-M uoteswill bo coiiverlib!e al Ihonp'h.n of
the fold' r at iiiaiurily, into six-pi-r cent pdtl bear
ing I. no. Is. ptiyalilu not h-ss lit. mi rnonor moie litan
twi years fruin lln ir dale, as Ihe overiiiite"l may
cl.-o!. 'I hey will hu i-sued III ilenotiiiniilions of If it'.
C I im. J it it, ' I .turn and S.V'H'l, and nil aubs. ripiions
mu-t be lor fil'lv tlollair or soniu mitl'.ii'le of fitty
The iioli s w ill be t'aiirinlltt d lo Ihe owners free of
transporlalioii charges it- m-oii nl'f.-r the reoeipt i-f
the oiiginal Ccitil'oatct of '.Icis'Mt lis Ihey ran I f
As Ihe fiof -" draw inter."' f'-n'.i .'.n?i!t 15, p'-r-on?
milking d -p.i.-ls siib-cu'ei t to that tlaic iiat-' pay
the iitliic-t accrued Iruiu il t' .. if i -le l, l.,.o of
Parties in laoit!-rvc t !i--v: ttrnl l.lii-i-s
and upwards fn these to Its nl in V one liuie will I o
allow oil a oto.inii.s-i' ii !' oin--nua.i ter of one per t'ent.,
which will be paid by Ihe Troa-ury liepartmeni i-p hi
the reoeipt of a bill for tho atiiuiiiil, minified to by
tbeotli er wiih whom the ttep.vit was ininlo No
di- l'.i''il-iis for ri.tuinissiciut la'.i'l 1'C f.ado from tho'.s
Si 'iiil Atlt mtiUK'OM r tlilsi l.onii.
Ir is A Natiosi. Svvimis Bask, i.ft'er'rg a h 'sli
er rale than shy oilier, nnd in .v. v.
i ftit. Any savings bank which p:i iis ihtp...-iio.-s in
I'. S. Notes, coti-idci's. thai it is puyitig in the be.-t
triroiihtl'iij! iiieilium nf tho cotinlry, nnd il t-tinut
pay in itiiv ;hio hotter, f-.j its own it-.eti. lire i-iil t-r
lit oi eriiint ut sec'.irilie.j -or i'a Imj'.cs or h. ml.- p i; t i i
in t'c-'riitnool. paper.
It i- eti'inllv convinierit as a tetni o nrv or ). .Tina.
I lli-nl inl c:,tloeiit. Tholtolts cini ahru'.-s i.o Soid lor
vv tt hill ii fiii.'lioii of their fitcr. r od aooiimtihtlod inlo
n.-l. and arc llm ksst .-county w iih banks a, eolhi-teiul-
I t ili.o.ainU
In ad to tho tery liberal inten.-t on Ihe noto
f.-r llir-'u yenrs, this priv ilea of coiiversitui i- now
worth alsait llirco p.-r i-cnl. per tuinuui. for Ihe cut t
rent ra!u lor i-.l Hon 13 il not !' than me per
n-r. yr, mi, i ut, and bt f.-ro tho war the premium on
sixp-reeiii I S st. cks vva- over twenty per c. tit.
It will In- seen that I lie actual prolii im tM. loan, ut
the prescni uiurkut rato, is not K than ten per cent,
per annum.
Hut Ki-K- tVmn nil tli h I -ii rttii
, tinltl. jiLcial A i f . M;ir.'
ii. 'Vit HMy t : "i I . t! t:
I M t;'p, tin- iX iiti'li 'ii Uu' 'li !
-r Tp llttiM ClUltil
t "li 'v ill! "; is
Oil ll.o I
i-r iit
j H r HMHHIti, Hi rtll'i hi I M-
1 ou art "T lh i - I'i'ry
Ic it . - f. tl.Hl IKi vv
! ituiM-ui.tiir tn l'inlt ri a. il."
I UM iit. In h11 'iier f'fun
I mi-J tiiiility tt j-i-i!' j;i!t.-
j i- arutt: coUiUiuiutU", niily,
Whllkl 111 liU T'IuTt t
r n i
l'i . .i'.-r i -rent In-
i- ii d l y Ibe j;... t-rii-l
ilelit.-.lio-.s. Iho lailli
or -l.i. k or
( It l,;i 1 for pay 111" nl ,
f ll.o I'otlitlrv is held
0 si-furs the di-cliare t'f nil llic ohli'ii ion. of i!,e
1 ni'e I SIM,-'
W hite the ovtrnmeiit t .. tl.i- to -1 lif.rttl tone;
f.S i- b'tt.-ls, il bi.'iel I s th 11 ll, every -tr"ltt'l a;
will be lo llo: I v .' slid p.t'.ri..; l-ui o ll.e pl.t.
llUj li. ale cci ..ti. ut - a ill .e i'-'n d I 'l all l.-j-.-l'v
The paiiy de-"-iiiu ir.u't ne' ' e n .m ibe - - : -ul ale lae d.-it .laiaal i. It- t l lo ! -1 r- .pil'ed.
and wluiher llo -y aiu lo l-c i ote I in I I al. or i
Me lo order Wt. -u ,., . i I r , I n n.i -i I .. n 'h
Ihe olhoer tei'oivins; Iho dep.. it. I i lit rv t' le I t
the Treasury h-tai 111.11. 1
r-ulteorij lions will be ii-eeivt I Is lltu Tr. r f
the t i.ilo-l Stales, al livluli 'bu .. vin.l A--
'UluM Tiatuan-rs ai.l d-.t'Miu I l'oi ..uaiii., ant
by lbs
)'! ulaMii( ll.tul. i.l IIKwtt,
tad l ull IlitwUw
1,1 h sis dijo'lu, n.. of Put t 1 no 1.1 y ... I 'l
tn'.. tin 1 S. l"t "is.i.ttl
Cltou-h'-ul Ibe aouu.lir, la -llt a. . ..' ..f Ihs S
llo... I It. . ..1 1) PalA. 1 ..l Inn. ..h l.I t
U..U -a uu a 1 In alieu i. I
MF"UD It I l'.V '' II II I ' l 11 l l l.'
tuSUrl I I 1-1 I
, , 1.1 kill I'll I X X 1 I I l II I'
ir tl(l llll. It'"'. I II 'I Mill
V 0 L I. i: (J K,
Ml I I s.,UH r i ., I'M.
1 1 lil I I .11 a. u. .a ..I H i t 'i" u u
I Ull itdill Alt I I 1 . I .. aw
fc ul..ullia It II ul S .1 ... ,1
I 11 v (IU s sain', Ul II UIMvH I t iu 4 tt,. l nl k iu Isli
aa I I in .al U. . 4 111 in it u it.' .1 1
...,: .. 1.. ....... 1 .t.s.iii
- - -, . . - - . ' - -
A l.i..i ia koi J Iks Lku.ltisiS
ai .j as. .s
t4 lllk r.aSISllS. W I l.a-Uis ,lt Us
te.aa., ri.eas-..
Oko. W. Beirtr. Cn. D. Oairrira.
Mukat street, one door sast of Mrs. Boiilton's Hotel
A rvi: W TIi-WAUi:,
saiai-l-l iron HJ !W(- l(it e,
St. ! ii.ttr.l keeping o:isin:ii!y on hand, and ruanh-
fact in ing to ttrdor on shortest tieiit.'e,
TIN A NU ULh'f 1 KM.N - W A iL of sil deSOl .ttjr.t
A Largo Stock of Cook Slovo of iho fallowing Brands
William I'liiii, Iciii:sy Ivaiila,
llogtr, I uioii. loo! Id.- Cclc
?Tiagara Cook Stove, !
nn-urpesse 1 it nenity or tiuist. sitfpli.'iiT ot ar
rttiitt tncnt. loitilnniif: cheapness and doiabiltty, and
each rtov s narrnuted lo peflot in what ihey stare
preenud Al.SH. PARIiR and OFKICR STOY K. In Srea
vaiii'ty.'-inbnieing nil the best utanufticluici. and
most fashionable designs
I'ot'.tOil, foul 4M1 I.iliup. ihndi-M,
('liiiimlrH. mill till iirt Icli-st
iicu'ittilly kept In an rrlabli-hinenl of tt.i ki-i.l We
arc al?o prepared totlMaH Mmt,! .-'jKin'itig. ll"oftnr
Itange tind Furnace Work, lias Futile:, tc. licmu-inu-
oheaply and neatly executed.
I'eueiry iroduoe takcu iu esohano at luurket
MlTfl A- (iEN'fllLH,
Have IhoAsenvfor 111 liil'S CKLKHR ATl'H Ffltl;
I PL A It s'K'V lit!, for Ihe Conniiea of Northumber
land! Suy.Jee. I'niju mid Moutonr
Ardaic alj a-ettla lr the Pipher X YViliower
Lit, . rrai.-peeiaii'.ii
!sun ury .April V, Isnl.
Col mr Mai kit filrct and elnrltel Jqtiaic,
3i-A.lHiRa:S13TJl.C, IP. .,
Ae'tnc wlclfsoil a FiiM C'l ims tfoot,-.
rpilK Proprietor would in. ! n -poi'ifullv e.i'l tl.o
1 litlelttloTi ol 111- oitt'.elis ol Suitlatry it'nd the. -or-ri'tii-iliiii;
eiam:ry. In lite nce'iiiieiiliti ii of his
leiu'te. ti-'tn llt tiieiii l!tey vi'll f'td e vi n lliin X 1 1 tit
: et! a ttaiiie tr, tht'it- e-ei.i.t. j; itni.t,,; jr
j en.."li !iaa Ihe In pot lo aveid lln. ih.I". ' i o.airu.
j sit n in-1 lent to l ailroad stall. ai-. tittd nt tho aauic
Intie taily a few tninulis vrttlk l"r,ai, tlo I'.itne.
Ao '.iii'nitaH wl! bo !-.'ruid at the Stutiuii on iho
I anival ol i-atli iri in
I C. II .MANS, rrojrittor.
pril B. IPC I Sti
C . O . BRUCF,.
Aullioi-ificil Unr Inlm Ofli-i.
Washington, D. C.
I l.i .S . i a ! i ui.i.r.
'o'.,.:i0 I'n.sioa Uffico.
I'iibliliCK Hie
Clovolantl, Ohio.
Xo 1. LvM.vs'a Bi. oi K
Near the Court House.
.li-in.v llcruld.
nnd collects
Pi ie-iuonoy and all othef
I ritttin. tVe prv e-pecial allenlion tn elninis in
vv'oiili other nil-it fi.'v a have FAILED. r whieh hare
! be. II SI PI.XIF.l. Uc l,tive llll e.iilr ""llt'etetl
! l nd pai I over to Mobiiei- lir.-l ihllr I'tlrs ovel 'oltil .
ItOII. till.l art pnyurj lhotl-an 1- tlaily. N'l l-l.liri?o
; iinl.s. sooesu). VV tiie us, uud we will send you a
i eopv ol enr pap. r. hoe.
1 W i: I 1 fi-oin .--Inn lo find Cn.-h Bounty.
I We do ottr I.U.-I iif-s w :tii ti r in LAV
April J. I st' I.
NEW Vi I Is 1 1 N E li V AM)
al 'l.
I.. S!tlsS!.T'..;.
.Mvih'l Spn
The Mis-.-. B. A- I, ;
es'.ol.Lsl.ii:, ai to mote
i. .SI MllllY, PA.
'hissler. httv ill retool
ei taino lions and t'o
-1 I't.r
V eiilci.l
r-t 'in-. ..uc do a-i.'.ot t- i!n it foi tiii'i bi-itii.a
th. ir ti-i.-ii.l and t toiotii'-is. that llo i nave r-.'
nnd ju-i "pi ned a t-hoioc anil well '.-' It ote'l t
ineiit of .MILLINERY A.XU FANCY liOi.'D:
, iu
eiuiling evciy .-lyle ot
aOJNJvKTri, HATS, RiaEOXS ol TlilM-
an I II ulher i.rtiel'-s in I lit- i line, w ho h will bo sold
C. unite pruducc of nil hln.lj tnhi'i in exclian" a! j
C'l-a I'll-
Sunb'iry, April 3, lst-l.
to eoNsu.vt.Hs or
M 7i
.Aa SB ft
s v v.
i iiii.lei-itied il.-i.b r ill 'Val from the follow
well Ulioivn Collieries is propureil lo icceive
for the same ft the l.oili."t .Maiket Rale-, vi:
I ; l AY -v
I 'A I .'!ilsl I A liIS
Ct'Nst 'I.l II YTKD CD'S
lie i iil--o pri oared In ftirui.-ii tlic
Itlllll"t.l '' tl's. i I'-I.l'llll'll t'l.lll,
- ."tv .r.. V.;.,,v7.
I 'n the line -.(' the suJiiut baiiii'i Rif er rn 1 0,.vrc d
'i n ', lie hai nut le "ni ii-.n eincti s .,r lOe i-, :l
Whi'-h he is prepared to r!iv -r -jo hoard 11- ti's al
Noi ihuiniiei Ittt 1. or bv I'tir- ever North, tn t'
"Railioa.l. and on llio lit n of t'ao l'hila leli hia and
Cue Ra.lroa.l. on ibe ln -i term.
ite 1- repare i In till all III. lei- v.-ith il. '-patch, ill.. I
rtspciliilly soli'-i'.s or It r.- l"-m ilo- 'I i tot.-.
Addie-r JOHN .M.'FARI.AN'n. a. lsi'i). Nui-thiiuil.crli.u-i. Pa.
Ut:oiu.K Uil.i., Sto P W n.ruS.
Atturiii'y iiiiil 4'onus.t'loi'a. nl l.:v.
I'tV'.'C MarVel Iree!. c.r C.-et'e AKi.
! atJiNfiiTji-i'-i", i-A.
TIM. liHelid pi't'iipih-y In ll'oeo'l. olloii rl'clni'i.s
al t all - tint' pfi'le-.-l.-nal lut-lli.-- nil u-lt.l to
i their .-ire ill Noiiloiioiit-i Int. I an-lo ij .e.niii . tint :s.
Sunl.iiry. Jui.uiirv - i. l-oj.
ntciiil'.ji,!irs iisi.l ;.. 1 l.'i.u il !
OVXalLtEI vv . !
Iii D or .-tree!, oppo.-iie tho C. i.tral IL.t.l,-
11 tho a'
1'- 1:1 lite
ol eu
d a net
1 10.
,t.t:. 1 1
I :i.'ii-;.i
.; I'lH'i.
p.vrcd lu I.. he
i..R It'll-.
A Mlil.t'i YP
keli i.t i'l . .'V .1., I., ot ll.e llo.
s. d in ll 1 -'al' li 11 I ! " i 1 "I '
1 I....
I.o l- Itl . : o . li'l-i I lion ot- I
I t, ml: 1 - . I' t'tti o'l -t t !
I, ,. I....I hi ti! Ii. Member oj I'
ll I.l
r-u.l 1" v ,1 .'tit I t
I I'.-
I l.llt I..IV1 ,111(111 .V tttxt.ltlal.llt-'
I I I.U.I.
j US ai I a.'a. Jull l'..h l-'l, l'i.. -a
1. 1 1 1 I 1 I I ...... .
I t" IVi 'il III
at a
" i i t. n.
Ltli,"l a.
t .'.t P M
a v
v i 1
10 A
a II
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A ft 1 1 1 al
M " I
tit.:, b. .
I 11. 11
il ia t
I nil
I i
bit ,
I.' l V M
1 1 1 . l . at a , Hi
I 1. .01 S I . .. i-m' ' b
p4, . 1 m t '
k'lo II t "I I. s its u I
11.4 al II st 1 '-' at 4 .1 i
t ... I .1 I'l. 1. Ii 11 1 '
, . I
t. '
I' .
I.t j
.. k .
, 1.1. 1
1 it, A 1
a t l
..,il u.
1 V.
1. i
I 1 .
00 I
vi ..I
II. u
lb .
.1.1,. 1 1, 1 lt It..
.lt.a. ..
.lliin r
,S IL... twat.
lu- .. I 1
S.s a. 1
tiopl i . a.-, it ( -
Il t
bi.ui ,iaku
la. ... u u. I a 4 I ... I I . I
kaast.i ' si I I I - I- 1 1 a
I t, I .Vk. ak.a
1 i.i.a.a.a
.si Yv
r o 1: s a is 1:.
1 -si mtA a
ml I liwUi r I MM!, i'l- ft.
(".'Ml el.'!" il H ttf.
II KHill
" "I
1 '! rf
F Xtir I.1T1.H
Aro Cured br
G r fa a n Bitter b
7 fit tfrf Strtnfffisninf
7'luse Tiitters hava prformcS mors Carts!
Ilve and do Oivo Letter 5atifacti5M !
Have mere Testimony
Have tnore UerprctaMa People to Y'oucS for Tbeu !
Tlta'i any oilier article iu the initrket.
We dt ly sny 0NK to cuntradiut litis Asarrticn,
To ar.y one IhHt ill piotlocs a Crriiftcals 1 1 iiiishol.
by us. lhai is not olm iss.
Will cure every e te ot I'nr.nii? or Seivora Pehllilr,
Id 'en-1 1 liie Kidt.vys, and llusaaes arising fiuiu
a I'ivdccd Stcdiiach.
P.cauliina-from LUordt rs of tho Iiigcslivs Organs ;
Tib . I' illness or Blood
to the Head. Acidity ol Iho Sto-'a.-h.
nu"eii. lieariburtt. I'lj-ult lor
f e -v I. I u!ui s or Wci;.-lii in the r-tmnai-h. Soar
1 nn I itii'tis. i-jikin:; or Flattering Ri the Pit ol ths
.-loinnett. r iieittiiii; of ihe Head. llnrrieWtnd I'ilH
eull Kre.'ithii't;, I'lulieriiig lit tho "ienrt. Choking or
rii!!oea;tf,;; Sen-itions v hen in a lying postnte. I'im
Uc.i ol loiou. U.itr. or 'Vein bel'.lre ihe ri"ll'. Fever
end Hell P.iitiin ti. t- iKnd.lMicieiieyot' Poi-aarh-tl'ao
sf.thiwm- ol ibcfkiii and Lyes. I'am in
tl.e tsidc, hnek. t'htit. Liinlts. Ac Satlden
Flu.liest l li'.tt. Ruining in the Flesh,
Coit-ttiot lit'iitnitica of Kvil,
niii reul 1i .icstiion
ol j iliu.
that TUia Bitrkint ti
Contain tiTt Hutu or VblaLcj,
And can't mnks Iriinkard. but la the Beit Tonit !a
tho World.
ti-It i' tut 1Y Ito Mays Mos
From tlir Rev. Levi li. Be V Pastor cf the Eap'ist
Church. Piniberioti. N. J . formerly of tho Noiih
Baptist Church. Philadelphia.
I have known lloolhind's Ounaati Bitters favors tor a ."li'-b'-f ".' ycu-. lhaveu-ti ilo in in n-y
n r s liimily. i.l. 1 have been fb pita-1?! l'.h Un ir
illicts Iha't I,as imluoed to rcooiiiuieiid iht lu to Sua'
nyolliets. and kit.. w thai they have opsiaud iu u
strikii.ulv beoi licittl manner 1 lake g, eat pleastiro
in ilia- p"ul'lo-l. preoltiiiniit :1.1s (acl. and calling Iho
at tea i ion of i l."se tiiilicted w i t li tlto ui-eii.c lor w hieU
tl.i y iiooiuni L.i'-1, to llic.c Bitters, knowing fituu Cat niv rec.'iiiiiiL-ud.tUoii will be sustain
ed. 1 do this in. rc chitili.ily a-llooli tod a Liners
is intended lu IcinSt ihe nfi'.ioled, and Is "no: a rtiia
drink'' Yours truly, LL I li . BLtk.
'I P.f. . J
Ni wion
Brown. D. 1.
bu-. Kt ;
Eiiilor of tho
,.,. . . , i: , , e p It.-
br- id.-It-. I'hi' I'l-'pl-i-
.-s itbontrli mil tli-p-'sed to favorer recoiutut-nd Ta-
l to:
' ii
re j
I .d edit ines in -noral. iliroiin oi ti.e.r
rcdii'iils ami efic.-ls. I yet know ot no sufficient
- .us why a lunn inny i.-..t te ti''y lu ihe b'-i.clin bo
lives hiin-eil l.i have r.'t 1 li.-ia any siutpl-i
: pi 1 1 .null. .ii. in ihe hope thai he may thus oou'nbuto
1 lo ll.o l.eii.-ti; of olheis.
I do il.t. the ii.oto readily in r-n"iird to a
tl,li.-,i n Liilera pr.pat'.'dlty Dr. C. M. -t'.-kson, of
ti'l-ci'y. beci'il-.e I was l-,'.'" them t'r
li.anv year-, uinl-.r ihs i'it rerion il.t.t i!:cy were
ehicilv im alcoholic mixture, lata it..U-b'id t" my
nd Robert frheou.akcr. Ln- l, r tho removal ot Ly piop'l- lesit. III. I l..r ei.cooiae-
Illelll lo II " I'-
sut:c:ii'.i futu ureal and
IT CoU'llUetl aeoil.ty J DC it--' U. Lit t;e i,o..v.-o.
-e liiiten. a! lite b." .inti'V; of iho niisent year,
i'olloive.1 bv ei iiicnt relief and re-!orn-iou to a
d-siec "I bo-lii'y and uiebtal "t-.'-r which 1 had not
fill or-t iLOitih b. fore, an I ha I aiiitos' despaired
..! ri iMiinii '. i iht i -lore thank o'od nnd my t.icLd
l--r dirceliii" tc the usi-of
Eton, lit.- lie .1os II. Keouard. Pastot oi its
U'lh L.tpiisl Church.
Dr ,1'it kson De-.r sir : - I I 've b--n frequently
t r 111011,1 to tunned u. v ii-tnie with coninieii laiious
t ,v,"--?rit hte.ti rf mi .licit-s bnt re-'irdtiit; U'.
j.t tti ti...' as tin: ol' il y appiopritito sphere. I i.avc in
all c-.s - t.eotiio I ; itt.t vv i : h a eletir pro..d in vt'fiout
hi.-lntices. at .1 itrl'i-ti1.)' riy i'a mv family ol Hi'- t". -I'-aiM-M-
of l'r. Iloo'bilid'o liiTUil'Il l!ittr. I dopa:,
f..r oo-'o ti.'in mv o-.t.-il iviin-e. lo cpr"-s my
o-'iiv is .... i !!..' ."fur d.'ilitv el' tl.e rv-ino
' un I e.; i t-i.-il v i,.,' Linr C il i; '..-.''.-it. it L' a al'.'-w. d
: laltlablc , . c'-'iratloll J:iSilll" CIS'.-.: it l.-.tV fail ;
! but usually. I i.o.lbt n ' ii will be vcrjt .ai'fio:al to
i lb -c w Im .sillier l'r' ill tiie i.t.ovo eao-o
I ioui-. vi re rc'vectfully, J H t liNNAiUi,
! l.ijl'.ih hvll-vt Coal. Street. 1'liiiaue.pbui.
From Rev VVn-ren K-iud-iph, Pastor oi" B:'
Cl.".r'.li iei iiiautcoir,. IV--.'. i.
C TV .1 ui-.-oi. i-J'ear Sir: Pf - ml eipe
evtt ie- me t.- .-av ib it I lei;.-:.! l'-e
rte-T. c
hilti fs.
t rfi.are i nv von a- a m..-'. ixceiUnt ;o'.r.-
elite. ! a C...-0- ..1 m-i
have b -on jrr- al!y be
Id an d! itobiiay I
i I'll l 1 ' the us-. I't'l" Bllle.t.
I ..a no-.'.m n. Pa
1 .-un
. tii.iy ,
I rotn !;c-r J
Dt ,!a'k-.i.
ta m Ibttor- .ti
l. -an roil it 1.
M Tn' Pi
,'l.tir. L. I'l.i'u
Il .d h:iM li
i l;IJ
In -it- --it - it.u.ii-1.- 1 vo..r t:, r
ni'iy li -uii.tly I sin -.'.ut,-.'.
ts'lu-t it of .'ti- it service I I.. -e.o
- ,.' .lior'.l debility ol' Iho .-..-I. IO
I f .. , .t - .-,
. il,.- -
!.- t ami l.. -u
-I ;.
a v
.lutible relt.idv t I v. ni. I. 1
lllil .' it!;V
.1 I! "ft
.'. N. N..,. .
1-. tot nti 1 ly
l'r. 111 Ihe Roe
Tallin. bos I N
riiro ll.u-. t l 1
Ihe . V. . licit.'.
-1:. .--1 n
th ,1 v-lil. t -t
.- I tnelt-l. .1 I .
.p.. .ee. aii'l :
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