Attn N4. 1'l.llnrlpliln A I.rir UnJlroiMl. mills Kft Jinv traTcrtes the Northern anil North J west coiirdirt, of Pfnnsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Krle. ...... . It has been leased br thsj FrintyiTBni iidiiron-i rn TtTcnpTif TJR Company, find wi der their auspices' ii being rapidly Jt Know in life Mr mxinpir una rreifcni oupin- nil est to i'i or the liti:h A X D n o a rs nior. STIVE 0 I Are Ciifvd ly II U O F L A n r ' s German Bitter J7, tyrvnf Sirt.nt,i.ttii,g rtsr a from Harrlsbitrit toft. iMa-r's 2ld miles) on (ho i.astern Division. ml from ihclneld luiles.1 on the Western Division. tim K or maHEtiOER TRll. AT JU5rirnT. I'tir, (78 Arrive Eti'ttc ir Mail Train. 10.25 A M. ittrrr-ss Train. 11.44 P M Tsar WtfttiHtrd. MVl Train. . 4 OS P. M, Ftinres Train. KM A. M The? Fitter hive ytC ninci nmrc Cent! Have and Ao Hive Better SntLf-iJlioii: IiCVC lrc're TtS'.illlOHY ! ITaTf more F,cspcet;'.V,c reo; lo to Vouch for Them ' Hull my other riiticie lit lie market. T.'e il' fv ni'T ONE to c 't'trn !i '! tin' A '."lit: n. .r TiE.5i s4;;;r T.. err will nr.-itlnee H Celtic. 'ate I tibiidie.i ly iu, tint is hi i.i.m im . 1 cr;r.v.A?i rsivrntrt. I V.'i" cure everT ensc of Chronic or Xi ivi.iis lvhiltiy. liose ijf trie Kidneys, and Ji?n-si -itt;; from I a .lii-or ln c t Stoma -ll. i odoeiivi:tiie foi.i.OiVIXo symptoms- Resulting lrom Wrortlcrs of the liia-cstiva. Orgum : Oottfti- ! patioo. li:r'ir l 1 riles, or Plool to the Ilea I. Aei illy of the Sic- , Trin"li . lleeiibuui. Di-'gost I T Foo l. Fultii-sor t r'.-H in tt-e Stoma, h. S or V.niet:'.tioi:s. r-in'iaing or I- luttci iog at tin' Pit "t the Stnmneli. Swimmim; of the In.' t. ll"i;to.i nml ) ' ' ill i eoli ISnvrhi'ic. Flii.tirintT al the 'loiii. OK kin., . Suliitca'ioc: s o.i-.--':ov? ul'cn in 'lii':; posture. I'ltu ncss of ' ise '. Dms or ck- hc'V re tin M:'.:. 1 .' t-r nml l'u'l I'liinin ti -.- U' I. lie:'K'i.'i!.-yot l'o-j ii -i-tion. Vv'll "Mi"M of i'.u- .-k'n ni'.l 1 y . I"ni iu the Si.le. l i e":. l.itnis. ao. Sn i.ieu -.m' I'n;!'. r.mi.ii'. in 'lio 1 lesh, ,i.?:sv.t' l;n:j:i".v. of I'vil, nu.l :rt t K' i' ?uni 'm rn tl.vitifh witltAiit. ehnnire. ooth WHTfl. on lh'e trniiu between 1'hiln'lelphi nml lioek llnven, nn'l between ltnltimorc mid lioik llnvrn. rlegntit lco'ine Cem on l!.xrrera Trnir.a both T iy beiwecn lVi"llin.Ji'ort nml Piillimorp, nnd lilinin'-i'ort nod Philadelphia. I'.ir Information reTeetin; Twener bnsineM et the 9. F.. Tor. llth f 'rid Market Sta. And for Vreiglit bniineaa of the .'onir.any Atjentr, if. It. Kinsttoii, Jr., Cor. 13th and Jiniket St., Philiolel.l'in. J. V . P.evno? Jr. Trie. J. 11. 1'riil, Ancnt N. C. T!. II.. H.illimore. II. 11. llotaTos, (len'l I reijrht A?t. PhilaJa. l.pris I,. 11m rT. lleii'l 1 i. ket An't.. l'liilndn.. Join Ml li. l'orT.s. lien 1 MiuiH.rer, i iIhain.'-.oii( . THE. IlEI), LION I10TE1 r , (Late Mra. EoWlton'a.) mapket bthebt, sUNBuny, ta. jtri.ius nuiTEn, HAS Inken thlaoldand known ft nod, and i refitted and fnrni?hed ihe aanin if jirejinred to aoeoromodiite lroardeni and TrTeler with the lii'nt ' the market can aflofd. He hopeiby ilriet attention j to huiney to receive a hnre of public pntronnfre. j me I Atih cintaina the be?t tneninikot an.MR. lli. l:nr i filled with the choicest of l.itiuon, both I nlult and Spirituous. The ambiing it good, and attended by careful Oftlera. Sunbury, April SO, 1801. lj MMi5Ti:.iM ji:imt. It'PT received a new Mock of l'ifhine Tackle fi r KprirR jnlea. ooiulMinjr of ltoda, Jieels, l.ini i", ltnketa, Suooil?. Flontp. Net. 1'liefl. Artificial Unit, the Iwiivr!, and la It curried rofi off by the a tlie i M il lrnke Pillf. the Pnlmnnio 8yriin la mado into Mood. Thia la the rnl war to cure consumption. If I enntiot (tot a gooil appetite, ard food doea not di'eat, 1 cnur.ot enre the ) .iticnt Never mind the ! eolith ; reniove the cnus.. and will atop of itaelf 1 hit ir thejnot trouble, I havo with my patient at niy rooma. Ihevany. "Doctor, I foel atronircr; I tan nt ; my nifiVt aweala are belter, and I foel bet tor every wayj hut in y eon nh ia to bad yet;" and they are e"tonilicd to hear mo aay that doea not maittr; remove the cnine and the cough will ip nfilaelf. Sclienk a Seaweed crontes piod appetite in about nine (J.iya, when there ta no luntr diwao, I utili'M the liver i' o eonrented that the Mundrnke 1 l'ill eannrt taMoek thoductn of the pall bladder In . that aliort jpneeof time, In order to allow theatale bi!n to puss off. Keep the liver and atomaeh healthy and there I? lew daoiier of consumption or any other diseaso. It ia hnrd to take cold when thwe orjrang I lire healthy. Hiojo that are bilioua, low-apirited, 1 dienry. feilinK atupid, conted toti(iie, poor appcttto liipgcd l!inea. (irn'w and Hooks, to which the 1 t'crvoiiv atoni.ich full of wind, everything .that fa nn ..... ... . i .... 1 : I. .. vm am nf mnnini trv utm hntlln nr so 1. 1 1 1 v 1 1: u 5r lt':MiTK'. XI hH'riii!y iiim' t,i'i-.e'i in;; titr 'E't'.lH'El ! n"!!: eriii lr i "-ei'Mi .1 vith theroHte-t enre r.ji n tvi. ir i.u' pi'io i; !' ". and wmrMiited not to ci'iiiirn Mli !l'!'v: in tin ."liiiliii'd tl'':!re deletrriouv t the t.'.'th or "ilii. Nin:o of om li."-t etuilli'tit ll. Wal nv;:i 011 !i:i e i;iv n tlieir smti-v i. ii t , ini-1 ehi'i rit:' l , . . on n t-r. 1 it n a t'l't i .-.nil i.-u i.f oii..'i i. r tiu.r.- ; I'e-ervin 1. r ii mi. Wjiit.-Oit, f.M t ih.'iii r.'ii.Mi'. l'l'ti.t.'i-itii; tli t!u Kins'- that TU'3 mvt::i:$ 18 O T A I. C O II O L I C Ar... c.T.t i 1 : 1 n.r tv 1VhIli'j', the Ucst Tui-.ij 1 i:t i 'Id. t'.e H. Sot .Nonh Tr. m the Uev. Levi O. Hi .-);. V..." r rf the : Ci'.nrt'li. Prnii'eiton. X. .1 .. fotmeriy of tho r.."p:i.-t Church. Phlladt-lj-hia. 4 I h ive knoin llj"'.'f 'i .'rrr:an I!i:rer f.n ora My fi r :i number of yen-'. J hnve t.f .d tlietn in my own I.ii. illy. in. d h.ivo b 'di so . ple.'.-td with tl.cir C"..'.'t.- ti .'i 1 Wit.-1 tlnluced I'.ll'i o-ifillllt'lld ih. -Ill to lllll- I'.y otlier.. mil know that the hive operated in 'i Mvihinwdy bi't.elieial niaimer I take reKt pleainiro in ttiii!i publicly pro. 'lain: in;: thin !'.. mid Tallin.! Dm nitontioii of ih'af'v iitllicii ii v.itli the di."i"iu for whii-h th y l e-nionieii lej. to the-e JSiilir. knowing frmu exy"riii.:e that my reeoini.:"i)dati'iii will be .-r. t eti. 1 dotlji.4 more elieerhtUy ' llootbtrid's li:t:errf i' intended to benefit the ailliuted. and i' "not a ruui Yours truly, LK 1 li. lit-CU. (.'.'.'I '.' ;. 1 1 clean t-.'r.itiriillv white an I 'iciu'Iw uitlirut th liable.-! i' juiy to the eirunel. it i heili-.i'; to the mur.y ivio ie tluy arc uii'. t nietl and jioie. It i hImi an ex ii'Uent iii?inli'ioi' I. r oid ilcae.l teeth. hich m e ot'eii ex.'i e.iincly tit'i'iici e. It nivc? a rich eremny t;.io to the ra'iiii!. I'lean-'iii it tli. .roughly, mid ini p illing a d. li. l'tlnl triiranee to t!ie breath. I '.il'.l'Alll.H ONLY HY A. II A U I. I'. Y A- I'll., X. . C.t. Ii' h . .1 l.oi'ilmrd St., Philndrlidiia. An i a .Id by all Driiggifta. l'HK'i; -'j l LX1S. TrsTI.Mi'NIAI.?. "The fdlowins opinion ol l'r. W bite. a. to (be hi :h eteem in wbieh heliohlsthe lienlal Cream, mu-i be Fiitli.'iont evi.icrce of it" value ; to nuole other listi inot'ialf in detail is nct ili eontcniiti curmdvea by sieiply K'.vinc the ivitiu! find lublre'.sei of per.-kins who f pei;' i f its exei '.b ner for the teeth. l'hila.u ii' April I Mb. ISM. Hnvin J carefully evainined A. llawley's ".Solidi fied lVhial Cieain.'' 1 hereby ebeerfully'd it to the piil-iie reuertiliy. It is nn excellent reparation for e!eiui::in;r mid pri'.;.'rv ing the teeth, and e.ui be ue.i b- nil per.-oi... niih llm uliuo-t con fidence. ai ilji pi. perties tire perfectly lia. nile. lie si.les re?..'rin; tho teeth, it pvoi'iiotes u healthy aeriun to the gums, ac.l iuipiirtsh plciiMintueMi totiio breath. Ir. W. R. IV fill 1'. 120.1 Arch S't. ThoniB Inprrnm. Jf. 1 . lietitist, i'.'l X. Fourth St. J. Uirhey. S. Sivih eft. l;. ar. te:lice. Miroou llenti.-t, 42j Arch !-t. 0. A. K ii sburv. Jientitii. 1 1 HI Walnut it. S. liillin-h.ini' 1 !.!.. "M Aivh Irt. F. M Dixon. Arch ft. Fdnurd Toni.f-ii.l. Dcnti.-t. 42r. X. rourth ,-t. 1. li. liorphlev. Iietitini. U7 X. Tenth M. M. L. Luiii. Deiint. ii X. cixih St. iy -S. Iri4. ly O S Ii O li iVS a:i.i;p.i:ATi:n rii:iAi:i:i) attention of dealers is particularly requested Orders. Wholesale and Pielail, punetiinlly filled and aatbluctii n narrauted. jonx icuniKR, , ?nd and M'alimt Ftrecta, Philadelphia. Febrimrv 27, lNit. fun TiiNSlONS, BOUiNTlKS AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. C P. I'DYIHl. Attorney at l.nw, 1 duly au'hor r i'c i en I li.-eii' d to collect lniliM. b(iuttif'iikl ii't lnv for Widows, Or '! ai.d Sildiei-s. lMli '0 ill .Market ftreet, eppo- i -it eaver s II iiel, !-uni uty, 1 a. .Iniuinry iti, lsiil. ly iiiOARDlNGHOUSE". (rormerly of the ' Lnivrencc Hoiic,') S V N 11 V U Y. V K N N'A. IXT'MIM.- her friends nod the public (renrrnlly that she bus refitted the bouo formerly occupied 1 v ir. ,1. YV. Pnile. on lilaekbcny street, near the. t i I Northern Central Railway Depot, and opened a i Mouse, where she is prepareii to Keep PI RMAXFXT AM) TltAXf I1-..NT RuARIiHif. W ith jrciod eoksaud waiters, boarders can enjoy the iiiiet loinlorta of home with faro rquiil to the best hotels. Palmnas;!' from those who may . sojourn in Sui.bury, is rcrpectl'ully solicited. Mrs. MARIA THOMPSON. Kut.l.nry, May 21, 1M4. :!iu AN INTERESTING HISTORY OK PR. SCIIFMTK OVN PAST?. AVIUM-; l.AMOlUNti VMU'U rONSlMTTIOX Ami Imw hin Pulmonic Syrup. Sf!iwi-e.l Ttmi.' nml Mnmlriiko Tills nctoif tlic S.v-tcui in Curing iluit lisriie, mul tho ;rrnf SutcoM AlloaOaajy: It I v in j'.l'V. P.. Luihtr of (lui . .1. Xcw ion I'rcwii. D, '. iiiMi.; jii-, tiii ivli'liuiKi. A:tlior.;Ii uot -i i-pu3r 1 to ftivor or roconimu 1 P.i tci.: -.I. . ii.:ii.c? in cih-tmI. t jru1i tlTMrnsi vt' Iht'ir i' ti.l I'tlfL'tt:. I yel ki.v ul no uUititiit ri-tyiii. w!iy ti ir.fln imt U'stii'y to (ho W-nclvts he beii?vce hiiitSi l'U) h ivr r-L-t ivc.l horn :my pimjilo prt' jtratn n. in .In- hope liint he uny thus cui:triiuto to the benefit of others. I il j tir tin: iiv-iv reutlily in r-:tiil to IIonHrtinr f'rii" in J'.iltn--. j ropari'.i l,y )v. C. AJ. tliiek-'on. nt t!ii?! city, bt'.'tiiifi; I vis pri-juliiM-it niviirist them for u'iiu;.' t ;ur.-ir iiiiiU-r Hip iiupn-eit'ii ihiit tht-y w-. ro vKn.iiy nn lcuhotiy n.ixtui t. I uin imkhu-j to my fri. nj U.'hert Sl:i.'ni;ikt-r. i'j., t'-'r the removal f t ihU pri-jii.iicu 1' pruHr t umi tor HiOouniiM -Uitnt lu try them, uhen sinfituiu JVmjii grcttt uu-l ! .ii :; f 'ii'i: iifil ieh'liiy. 'Ihu uc vl tlirco bottlo of li. . r.if '-r-'. itt :ln ijt'iimiii ft' ta present yrnr, f-l'.,v.'l liy f.i'Ioiit rliei" nlul re-toratioii t-t a l--'i'f v vt' I'M.iny mul uit'iiial viror which I hti'l l.i.t tVr :iji:it iiiiiii.ii! Ijifni. and hml H'mo-Jt tft'pt;;rott id ivj;.-i.-ii. i lit.ri'ioi'. thuuk tioU and n.y i'i ion J i'"r uiiie'n'io to hu u?cot thmi. J. .NMYTOX UROWX. JAVA COFFI 7? Ft i nr? ir a t i: n n n a SUPEHIOR TO ANY IN THE K AT! KET. T T is us. '."i by I'o'-t t'i i fan. ili s evir where, and X highly rLi.Miiiiien.le 1 f..r i.cioi:s n!i 1 d; persons, ocuir very uuiintioua aici tree p-ptie .m all deleterious substances, in tistnionv of which I havo certiticales tVoni tho most etiituineiit Physicians in tho Country. Try it. and you will ii'i sure to con linui) ita use in preference to any other. tfol.l at retail f ir Twenty -Five Cents per Pound hy Fir-t class iircera llii'ouh.iut the I niied "laic. lj A liberal dicllllnt to the Trado. Put up only by B.r.'ASS A. os'tss.v V.'h. li .do lpii!, ti'J Warren at. Xew Yotk. Mav 7, l-el. Tho above is n correct lilicncss nf Dr. i-'chi nk talicti many vcars n;o, after lie hr.d recovered lrom Con. sumption; by a cotme nf his Schetik's Pnhnonie j r-'yruii.'' The likeness, nlihoufh it does not r-pre- sent him nnylliiiii; like as bad as he iva?at the ivor-t. : yel ii is in i-troii eontra.-t itii th" hale n-.-l vi ne.s : looks of tho Portrait below which is th.i tine lil-- neji of him at present time. The contrast betwcii ihese two poiiiiit i so groat th:.t liii.ny LATLSTI HIPROVELIEUT OF AGEI CULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS. at nn: F O U N D K "ST, of "2 TTtS TJ t" a. . W - - -t i- W Fn ni the Rev. Jos. Jl. Kenuard, Pastor of tho , lnili li. j.ii.-t Ciuirch. Dr. Jackson : Ih- ir Hr : 1 have been f.cqucntly : n .(U. tc.l to eo. meet niy ronno witli eolllllletldiltioi.s ; el iiilicrcul kn.ds i.f mclicini.s but regard in;; the plaetlcc lir out ol 111 apj.l'oliliatc splierc, ha'.eiu ( all c iscs itcclineu ; nut wn!i h clear prooi in various j li..'.u,.'e?. ami particularly iu t.: latuilv. of lh use- I iuoe.--it fir. il....l!.'iii.i's li. iai.'iu iiitt"-is, 1 1 : i.'.-io my u.-ii'd emu - . to express my tuil' ' '. i.-;i..n Uin;. t'..r lt-'ii -ral itcliilny of the sy-kem i riel esi ciaii- ..i l.iwi I'i.':.; l.iiut. it is a salu and . Vidualilo prej.arali..i. In ? ui.e e..-i il mav tail; ' 1 'i .M.; It i.iii t.c very btlltticlilt to . u -till r h 'ui I l.e iibnl e c an--. : lciir,. icr n , 'citiiiiy. .1. II. KKNNAIID, i.;i. in tn.iit!:r.'t. rial ad lie tlet the Rest (let the Cheapi ts (iet the most Feo uonii.'Hl, which can be he.d at the Rohrbaeh Foundry. llavins; a lar,jo asoitiin.i,t of the mojt upprovi 1 fHilVF.S. such as Cooki..-, r.'iilor, ()!'.! nml Shop Stoves, which will be pol.l at the lowest rates. Also, Kettles id all Pans. Skillets, .tc 'I lie) arc also uiaicifaciiiiin .Machinery, r lough?, Castings. Ac., at rhort notice. llcpairiiiK "'I kind' of Ai i ultoral iiu; lcinenis d'-ne in a i;ood workinanliUo tnniuier nn.i at tho rthortest entice. All articles shipped n.- orderc 1 t'r.l.T.s respect fully aolicitcj und j ron. j ilv attciidcil to. JttiJiltllAt II ,v (.ODl'FR. I ..' i!d Iron, and all kin.U uf l'r i.Ii.e tukui hi FAeto'lis;c f..r work Suubiirv, June IS. lSi'.l. tf Fp.ui Rev V'a-r.'n It :. loli l I'l.urcb. Uw-iicii.t iw Dr C. M. .I.n;ki...u : Deal- S 1 '- lice elilltili P -.-t...r vt Ltip!":.t I'ti.n. : 1tl c xiif- I Jiiflutjiy iba; 1 ifpful Uiii litilii.il1 :tii i' yu i a ii;urt ! it ln-oi- ! -"Vi u- n la n mt j;t'itvr:il i t I 1 1 i I v 1 ' h,v L. u- ?! i i.v tli.j ii'!-,.) ila- liau-n. : . V AtiUL.N ii A. In 'Ll'il , j n-m.ftiituivn, I'm. ( M 10. r.r tii t- pai c.t I'lum Uev. J II T'lrn-r, I'a-'.T of Icd,l;i: t b.ilcti. I'i.iia.ielpi.ia. Dr. ,liiii.., i. .I.e.- Mr Uktibit ), Lull lol .cle ill II y UlUliy tie pii nliy I Hl.l 1 .i o i; ii ii i- uecn oi I m.1 wee. 1 l.eiKic !'.' iw tie-t ol d. Iiility ol thu h-iwi i' I'.e ..,!,.; t.,.d aU!.;,. t-Cu .1 1 Lu'. c hi.;.' Ule V. le le. ioul;. Ie:J 'ej.luMy, J li. iL'UXf R, ON . 7 '.''. X. '.c .T. M. N. J l.v I'.. rly I'"- T .1 M Ja.k Dr C sure i I.e. the leid! in.'f bcti. li.u.-li 111- 111 . I ' ll 1 ,. f be ''I'.niiU ll'a.) bapt Xew i; t:. a t i c "11111. le ie I lu .l.'1'.l.-i . Ill, 1 ;,. II . I- - .lie. I, i itt u.- In K 'lei.l! .U'l.liily. 1 ),. li ; l'e..r .-.r : i led ,y . ii it. , i.l. i,, t . ,, oi lite II. . li. u II JmIL I aifii ic I w i- h in - , j. i"li i d j ' ,w I I, X Y. It a pie ' ilioi.y I'U.W . ,i U. I u-i i-i ' i; i LILLIES CHILLED IFwON SAF. Viio Only uic KoIi-blt3 niiiut both I no uxid UujKlctiy. . f ;irn in ' prepHVfd tu fiirnlih t!irt t i-izt : I'-.ii,!: Mi it. 'Jhry r- to:h i- ii i :ni,M:Mi !! -juu!, two "hi-1 met ii.Mii Jtir:!j.r uli.-. hn.I tl iff il u y l.t Aliil-.Mli l'i'liii-lfr I...t-ks mi e ich ,-ttn . In-lii-vfi In tt ilio lui; k -l.M-k in w in iim (hut imt heti. i. i.i-d it em.ri : I-t U ki-1 h tli- n id t-t tlit- luii '1 lie-o 'ilc's nil r - i'i to;ir tu tix uicli' in liiK'kiu-M'l' mm. firimn i i I lu hu the iir'iiji, tiie ti;ist -iiili nit iu m.d In ftitlld tl. P h.o-l rilrl:t!ifO n:fHH..-L h..lh lire mil huini;iry ot ai.y Mile iu tho Inited t?tute8 ol the tailil flil Uii'l curt. I lifivi'uii iinni nl-o, und will fuihi.-h nil ni?i i f Ihn.k V ituit ..iIh iM.M'Vtii nil iho aav.uotnf.s of the ubt.vt ti.TitiLiu h.irirlnrv. Ao. all ! MtKTii.iiIf S:i!V hotli hur'l)ir- I l no I l.u ali i lnjihir-prt.i f A!-). "n.iimeolrtl a elliii-ht.iiifi' Sndv. pi oi.I . IUii tlio Hi d Luj iai - li.t A;.-.., ll.c :--tr i. -e.-t IT.1 clietii.c.-'t believe t'nein to iio the same per-oii. Yet there tire hundreds of pers.irs. in and nround Phiiade!p!ii:i, wlto will reeotiis" buth portrnits ti e true rei-.reoI;. tallons. AVhen the tlrst w aa taken he weighed 107 lio'iinls ; nt the present time his weight is 220 pounds 25 ?. tif Y'ottK, Vi c.liicsh y. J!!ircli to Tin: rn;i.ic.r) iii. i.-.;i. Thirt" year.-' airo I ias in tho la-t iieiptt .ii. a-id mi en np to , loirclar waili. filed not uik und uu-l ci.iiine ai.i Ail the ..l-ovo Hie l.illi c s r. . '. Vault I' ol.-'. fr ul.t and ehilbd l.Oi. :i.t. il U ,1 I 1 ;ut .1 t'.l II.- 1 lit o i t:.'i. ll.c Iti a let !C it.lll ,. Al-t. n .-'i s I.ii wi.r:.......l 1n. i lo l :i I I. i ;.. .' l-e. 1. ' I l . ;.l 1 HI.V i !,l 1 1 It. 'I II.. I ill I ..11 . I,, li l ir- P. , at li.lly I'll ii. I -f s. , nd-h . ! o . an ill.;:..., 1 li : I II Cillllt d I loll r I I . mo !:. a I i ie, ur if, in 11, 1. .. .M l 21 . DI. I-..1; .1 .iii.MII Ihjcs , f jy;. ii'ii v ' oo.-ueiiiti n. a':.! mi en in. to .li e 1 re-ai" 1 i in I'hiliidelp'iiu. and Dr. .I.him h Parri.-h. tie i. i t llii.- ciiy. ortlered ice to Mor.'stown. X. .1., a distance of nine u:iU wbieh ts.k uiu twu days to et tli-'te. 'in n.v nrrii si 1 v. as u: to l ed. in. I there laid lor u .it.y Wi.ks. Tl.i.- was ii. y native pi ne, where all icy I f 1 1 1 i I y livid and bad died of C..r-iiinCioii. lir. I 'll.onitoii. who iitlcii li,! my luiher in his hut illnc-s, I vc - i i.i- .1 ai d (!e uic one itw k lo tin up my HI- f its, lie b.i.l rcen all my family f" thai ttiic.'al. 1 I ll. .u,'.l,t 1 was to i:o, lis) 'I bi-li ri.cmdot Ihereuie J il'.-" I i.'iw i f. r to il.e pul.iie. uhieb ouri.ln.c. It fei-tne I lo tu thai 1 could fc 1 Ih in p. neui-'icj; my b le sy.teui. ) I hey .-iHin ripened tho matter on inv lni .'s. and I would .-pit . tt more thuii a pint id oi'.ci .-iw yellow u.utier every ne inii, r. A so ci us luat L-; in to siil;M.le. my couch, fever, pain, nil.t sw cats--ell beiran to leave me. and lo.v appetite bc.'.'iuie ... irroi:! that it Kiu Willi dill! ulty I cul l keep li. in e.iiioK to., much. I .s., -11 .rt.ued my strciiL'-li and I Laic 1 1 "ii 'tn Ali.ttf in Mi-it i er since. l'..r many ve ts I l ave et.j .vi 1 r.n.ulci ril.t. d (.'..! I.eallh, keeping I the liver al. d sloiiiaeli beullhy with ll.o .-,;, e,i i... p hie and .Mai.. Hall. Pill-, in 1 i. it. .fa billc.t.- I . n cr- cm anient. My ei:'!,i is two l.nn.lrel and iw.i.iv i poilli.M eu in) lecoiery pe,. lo vioiii'i s. I .1 I r loo tin ai I near, lo s. c it their eases were like Initio. ll.a 1 I a,y .lt.f i..Uttl the l.ire clto -. t ile i nisi, iii I lives wi-lilosec tl.'o ei.t llit U.Ml.t s tit. .-.s iui.ln !!... i.nd who -was cure 1 id eon. . nii.p'i 'ii Ly il i iu. 'bo it,, ke lo w liii-s i. IU.J...1. Lu, toil oa r I, in lie li.iirsant iii.i.i.- i. .ia ti. i -o II'." I bi . I tub. can bo ,. all"! Sic ii f.i'1 a. c .1 . 'c i...u!y ui -Lr ihu urdiu-iy ii.miiii. nt v t pi. -i i.-. and Jl.l .ll.'ll Ml i ,-ure.l L :lJ pioper u .-t Schel.k s I'uln.'.i.ij Srup, K.i"wct I ', Mild ,lke Ptli. eaten lies heavv. losn of mi-morv. try ono bottle of ,V( llliNf'K'.! SKA W'lifiD TOXIC, and ono box of pClil XK'M MANDRAKK PII.I.N. It is only a cost of one dollar and twenty-five cent, wilh full di rection. Tina ia anfficient, in many canon, to satis fy what thu medicines are. Frcejni ntly ono bottlo makes a irroat elumci) in tho aysleiu. Any perso.i that cri ers ordinary health, by tisiiiK tho ricaweed Tonic uii i Mar.drako Pills neeaaionally. nm"t pet tho dinestivo orana in such a healthy condition that . they become fl.'diy I can produce n number of my ol I eoiisiiin lives palicrtsnow enj ili pood health, weijrliiii:' tionrly ito pounds. I will conclu lo by relatini! three cures I bin e made in Xew York, and which iire nil ditVetatit. and wi ll any one who feels an interest in the matter to i t-i tie r.i. 1 ir-t is .Vis.'ow.resi linc; then at Xo. H7 Ib us on street Her hu-baiid called up. 'ii meat my nanus. Rood street. end wiil'.ed mo to call und see lo r. He "aid I could 1 do r- I'ood ; that he had bad ell tho bet medical i iitenilatae, and all said she was too far i;otie with I'nti-aiinpiniii to he cure-! ; leaf siin tniit ncii.t nt some i,rent cures 1 had made, and he dc-iicl to irraiily Iter wishes. 1 ciiltrd. r.ud found hi r lyiasr c lYiim d to her bed in the last stac of hi-ore-hi'il c. in aii'iption anil without doubt, inu-t have died soon. I examin ed her liners, found both bropebial tubes very much iiil'o. .1 ':! lot no cavities had formed, her eonirh was very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick pus. 1 ulse, Mil. leit sw'"lU'n very much : and worse than all. lu bad ehpniie diarrhoni. Her bowels bad been moved eleven ttnes that day. told her thai she bad luiifs auouth to be cured, but that this diarrhii n bad licen of b mr stiindin. and !'er stomach was in filch a ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing could be She Insisted I should try and do what 1 could for her, observing fiat she could not last Iocs in the :ouilition she was in. and I con!.! Dot nake her any worse. I irave her first a d..e of my M..n.lrake I'ills, and tho tonic and .-'yrtip freely. That was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday the dtarrlio'a was carried off. her appetite had returned anil s!ie e.oilil sit up in i.eil tin nor ii'.nn'r. cim is in. '.v well, and khvc a long ccrtili' iitc, certified lo l.v Hie Rev. Dr '.Mrs. s: West Forty-fiftli street, ecuie to my rooms w ith a tuner on her liver. vbe was tow-spiritcd, skin sallow, tomiue coa'c.l. bowels costive, no appetite, and fast .sinking into the j:rave. Ilie'siiii tumor bud been ruiniim: over fourteen year-. I g ive her Sw'nii. Ti.t.ic and Fills, and told her Intake thent just ns the .lireeiiniis were prinied. Siie iM'tn1 liaek to my rn. nts. '.2 lton.1 strcit in two weel;. s-'tneivlint bcitcr ; her totiiruo h id Lectin to clean a little around the e.les. her skin whiter and her eve- brighter mid the tumor dis -'iar rim; very otf.'i.sivc lantier. much faster than it had ever ih.r.o She kept gradually improving, und in two months she came it. my rooms v- ry much fiight eiicd. saying that the tumor bad nearly slopped running, and was healing up. and '!.n every doctor 11 1 1 t 'id her that if il ever healed it won! I cause her death. 1 to'd h.r that the disi ice bad ell b it her S'.slcin. I'.r.d nature Win'.!.', heal tho ulc T up. They m e p. " I., all d. and have been for about a year, and she H n l,i:iu r y in; 1 r..':ii-l a W'.iaaii us y u will tunl in a dcys ivalk. Mie ;s -lad ..r any o,,c to call on hor. an 1 I l;-' gs. at pains to i-.1 any one ilia' she I cars ha-in.;. 'I ing life 1 cr i". .-. a'ld tri, to-,! , tiiein t coui- aids-e tat'. 'It.- n. .t .'!- i- .i-s I .vci.licbl. from Slalni'. i d. Conn.. Mrs. l:.n ii. 'loMiew g:a her down to sec n.c. nn lrlichas b -en cV'-r since l I liirho.... . ., ii she lir-t c u e to my n :, she I was laii. h i m.i'.'ialcd wiihu disi i .'---ini c.-i.h. p;t ! ting ,ai'::c .ji.aniitics i.f bl'M.l. I , .1 I., r I W ith the r -j il. ice!, r, I'lel in all in j n.-liee never I one Willi one lung so l':ii- -;i-i,i and the olber lung .'i S'CIl.d. I i.i ' civo ikii.'i ell 'ourge. I laetr. 1 tiion tlit .-l. ' wo.iid die : l a! lo niv at' 1-llUlellt ibe F.iiin. l.i, Svrnp. Seil.e;.! 'J.i..i', tt "- I .M m ir.ilie l'iits all .-. cnu I to . ., ii,;li' to v.- t !., ti.e In i ' is i'! he i Ic.i over. v iar r. ca . i' v ti.-'uc as : u e, cl'C t go.,1 uppciil". line Sptli ''. l.t. l l as I (".in. .1 v . Hi c p. .in. ,i iii w.-ighl. Sl.o lies t'.e ''iigh yet. w l.ich I ih. ia i tnii k v ill 1, ve her ; bci. vi: .Iio..-, 1 flitml ildnk it w ni l bo of great ! interest to onu1 lit ; i . jin'.icc 1 hy..ici.,n to vi-it tl.eso i ec-es. i.rli.".il..ily .Vis S.'-di-Id. orany oft: em win. j lev c ti. . n cured Ly my medicines, j in y ;.r.- i.i.u,. tr'.tts tu Xew loilt i bat ti.o ttb.ivo tiller, all unlet ficuieiii otb.T, iti.d ii my uiedii .ne. aio doiii'; W iiat I t, ).l' thee are, tb.y should have the credit and the aiiiic.c 1 hn-wwinie und hc-v th.y ui.v be on red .1 li. f-CHF.XK. M. P. Dr. .1. II. S'clti i:k cm leioat d ai ihc piin. inal ollice. No. ii'.l Xoiih Ii'h Strict, riiiiatlcl pi.i'l, every Satin-L'i;,'. Iioui 11 A. M unti! .'. p. .M., to mvo a lv iee free oi charge; but IV. r a through exati. itiaiioii he ehal g.s thlcc dollal-s. Pi i.-e ..I ine l'liltiu i ic Syrup it p.i seaweed 'i'onio cueh I L'a p, r botlle, or o the half ito.'.on. .M'-edtake I'illa j cnis ''-r lo.. unj is f.-rsule by all Druggists a.i l Dcaleis. .Msy I I. - ly CC:ii!inp; f C:i:! oHM -iTEil A B P. AVG L2INT. CfHIiAl liil.NK I.l MO from lie North ami N.'itii-V, e-t for I'ltita l, I; bin. Xew York. It. ad tng. Pottsviiltv l, Aiii-uttivn. Ka-ton. Ac 'frail's leavo liar: g ior I'ltiiadePhia. Xcw Yorli. Reading, l'otl.-viiic. and all inlcrinediiite btatioi s. at s A. XI., and 2 hl I'. .M. Xew oi k press I eaves llarrt'iirg at 6 ito A.M., arriving -it Ne,v York at I la tiie same day. A social AccuinioiLitiMli Pas.'iiL'ei' train leaves Rcadtnc: at 7 1j A. XI., utid returns trom Hun i.-Lurg i.t a I'. M. Far. i IV' in Hani Lurg : To Xew Y.u k S. l.r. ; to i Philadelphia J-l in. 1 t'J sti. l;ii;ago checkc I j lhi..:i!i !:.- n mil-", leave X. w Vt.iU at 0. A. M.. 12 Xoon, ' and 7 I'M. i l'itTsb.iiL:!i lixpr.'-s nrriving at Karris. 1 I. :r . at 2 AM) I. cave 1'niladel: f.i.i at t i j A. AI. I ted ."tl P AI. i t-'i 't'ni cats in the Xcu' Y rk Fj.;. ri-'S Triii.r I t h t-i .'.: i t. 1e and ti. in I'itt-i.iiigh w iiiioi.f ci.iii.,; i. Pacuci'-- Lv the ( ',i !.i w i-a li-iil itoad leav e Ti na i mi at s .ai ' A f . a-. I 2 l. P. M t,,r Pi.. in 1.1- pl.i.l. New-Yoi !'. nod all Way I'oii READY ROOFING Ready to nail down. nuAD"sr "Roornra At lca than half Ihocort of tiu iis. heady TicoriNG More durable than tin. HEADTT "Looping Suitable for Btecp or flat rooftt. ltKADY U00FIK0 For all klr.da of building, in all climate. HEADY "ilboFING tnsily. cheaply, and quickly put on. Needs no coating over "with cement after it ia iiUilcd down. READY "TlOOFINO Made of a atrong woven fubric. thoroughly saturated iiiirl covered upon both aurfaeo with a perfectly wa terprta.f couiposiliun. and put up In Toll ready for xxte It) inch wide, and 74 feet long. We also manufacture LIQ'JXD cemeitt; Fur I.cak y Tix Roors, Much cheaper and nioro durable than oil paint. ALSO, Coniponml t'l iin'til, For l.eaky Shingle Roofs, Which Will often save the cost of a new roof. Samples of Ready Rooting and Circulars fiul by mail w hen desired. Favorable' eniis made with responsible parlies who buy lu sell iiain. READY ROOFIXU CO.. lo Maiden Lane, X. Y,. April 2il, 1804. i;v4-r) iolj 4 'an he tin Araiisl. COOPKR'S PIIOTOaRAPli AND ART. GALLERY. Xo. ld"S Chcsnut Street, epposito the U. P. Mint. Uullery, Reception mid Operating Rooms ALL OX FIR.S"T FLUOR. All styles and uf Photographs. Tvorytypes. Fern tvios or "Tintypes'' uii'i tuken at prices to suit 18G3. FRIL1NG 18G3. & GRANT AT TIIE MAMMOTH STORE, vOTltD respectfully annonnoe that they have just received and opened a very large and well selec ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, a hi eh thev are willine to dispose of at a VERY SMALL ADVAXCE ON . FI rut Totnt. nun STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVERYTHING GIVE TTQ -A. CALL. Thankful fir prist favors wc hope to meet a con i tinuuncc of the same by still selling (ioods as cheap if not CISI'.AI'i'.ll than can be purchased else where. FRILIXU ORAXT. Funbury, May 5.1. ISH3. O. W. 80 Lu Mutt llil.UK. ZIEQLER & MALICK. A.XTOurllSIE-S'S A.T LAW, SlItllMII'V, -! lllllllDl'I'lillMl .. Iit. filfer their professional services to tlm public. Col lections and all other professional business ciitrui-tcd to them, will receive prompt attention AImi, Miliiary claims will be collected. ;.uch as llounty. llack-Pny, Pensions, .te., Ac. Roth speak the lierman l.angiia.1. HHicc .MaikctSi.uaic, next door to Protlirmnturv". Tlic Ada C-IIVF. NOTICE that, they have ermclndeal ir. raneementa with the Northern Central Railm.1 Company to run trains oln naltlmora for York. j.. .......... a-..,..,.,. i.ttitinx, iTeTorrnn, rcnnrnsry, Xorthumberland. Lewisbnrg, Milton, Munov, Wil liamsport, and all intormeiliate statirna, cniineclinif . t lnwt.l,..M .1.1. . t. - ..,,- . T- - p r .. .. .. ' n .t-ui.i h " 1.11 w.t- unr.m vrcir.lvcl r.- tir.i.'cia r... nu..!..... 1 .. c. t m 111.0U iu. . itHustg, vuwuioiu, o. Adonis ana UaSJ' West. Also with Ilowarrl Co.'s Fxpresa at Millrn or Danville, Illoonisbtirir. Wilkcharre, Pittsfon, girtri ton. and intermediate stations on the Ca'tawixw l.aokawanna Iilonmslnir? Rniltyals. At VnV liamsport, by Howard & Co. 'a Exprnm to .Teraey Hiore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co!, and their Mnrrctinns. for Canton. Troy. F.lmirn. Rochester. Ruffaln, Xiagara. and to nil acceisiul points in Western Xew York and Canada, by nbiah they will forward Merchandise, fipeeie. Rank Notes Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every dcturip' lion. Also. Nolo. Draft and Rills fir Collection. Lxperieuoed and efficient messengers oinplovo'i, and every effort will be made to render satisf u-iion. dOilX 111 i If AAI, Pnperintcndent Penn'a Division, PhiladclphU. T. A. FISCllLR, Agent fur Sunbtirv. April, 18o2. iNtfl. oface. Sunhure. Mar i. 1:,.,. a Pictures Finished in Water Colors, Oil, India Ink and I'nsiil Horses and other animals. Equipage. Country Seats Ruins. Models of .Machinery, Ac, lor Pteiitiug ac curately photographed. P. F. Ctsip. r ilc.-irc to cull tho attention of per sons visiting Philadelphia lo his new Urmind Floor Uallcrv, where ha ha introduced ncwly-pateuieil-ciuiicriis. capable of taking, in a few seconds, one Inn di e 1 I'lio'-'iaphs. from the small stump or uutu graphic, to thu Imperial and I-ile Size. Alter uniiiy experiments ho lias succeeded in pla cing his si v-ligW at nn improved angle, ilillusing the light iinpial proportions, and producing that sotl gradation of tone which cannot be given by ;h side an 1 tl'.y-ligllts geliclnliy li't'd. mill which i f so much impoi u nco to the beauty of a picture, it is made ol French glass and if the largest in Philadel phia. Air. Cooper has been engaged n.oro than tw-. uty years in the study and practice of thu Fiue Aits. ilis long experience us a Alii.iuto.rc a. id Portrait Fainter ii-Mitlicict.t guarantee lot ihc pufjetiuu of the pi -lures ii.'utc nt bis establishment. Ilio ,.i 1 r.t i lealiiing is well iii.icrttoi .l ; none but tile llio-l Mtiil'lii 1.1 ti.-tc al'C I'ij.loycd ill tlic I'l.-pcCilVO de..i' ;iiit nis. All I'lctuic- Wair.iiiicil the Ivorvlvi is will not 1111 V ciiinale. aial win sinii.i 111c test 11 11 11 I v p I 11 n ia tu giving ;i ace- It ill 1 Is Jl l' II h :, 1 ?C.. Li. (i. .;.V!ci:k:. I ti-iii-v u I an si t:i ;:v ! 1 Collcetioits'il to iitlii, cot.nlics ..f Xoi thiiniherlan.l.. l iiicii, ."M.j.b.r, .Mom .i:r, Coliin.bia and Lycoming. tM'.'Ritrtv'rits. Hon. Jol.t. M. Rai d, Philadeli hiii. A. li. Oaliell A I'd.. ' Hon. Win. A. Poller, " Morton McMic'uacl, liq.. " li K. a chain A On.. J,,y 'V,-.r. ?. r-r -i . X-wYotl.. John ii . Asl.te.'.,,,, Attorn:-' Maiti'e.ts l( p. AHoriiMs" '..irv.t v. .Mcr, h J.i. IM2.' irraiisrnicittsi isut. of ."'-r Aloi-lt I .;(. THE CAMDEN AXD AM ROY AND PHILADEL PHIA AXD TREXT0X R. P.. CO.'.S LINES. Pram Vhilaili-lphialo Xtif'i"l ami II'. 7 'i'nrc.t, from Walnut strctt Wharf ami lirnsinplon Ifypot. will Irart at fulniK-, rii : t aiie. At 8 A. M.,via Camden and Ain'Kiy. (C. and A. Aecoinmotliition.) II 2i AtOA. AI , via Camden and Jersey City, X.J. , Accommodation. At t) A. M.. ia Cauidcn and Jer-cy Ci'y, (Alori ing .Mail.) At HA. AI.. via Cauidcn and Jersey ritv 21 Claw Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jer.--y ciir, Express At I'i M. via Camden ami Amhoy. C and A. (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M., via Cum !cii and Aiul..oy. (0: ami A. Express.) At 3 P.M.. via Kersintrlon and Jersey City, Wash, and X. Y. Express At 1 P. Al.. via Koii.-m giici and .Icr 1 y City, .Evening AlnilA At 111 l. Al. via Kensington an-1 Jcr Southern .Mail. Al 11 (night) via Kensington and Jo: Seutucrii Express At i P. Al v in Catj; leu aivl A oil "v. (A liiodmiou, Ftelghl 11 'id 1 i'" Class Ticket, Second Class Ticket, For Water l.ap. .Sirouds'.ur-. Pcrau'.iti. barre. Aloi.tro.-e, Ureal Lm l. Ac., i.t d fn. 111 Kett.-ingtnu, Yin li tawaie. l.ncuaw We-iei 11 Railroad. For Aliiueh Chin i;. i;. How n. il. o l.'ir' di re. La.-ti.ll. L.llllbel ! v lii... t . " A. .vt.. I.i lii h. ii-;i.g ' city, i- city 2 2i S 09 2 23 3 m 2 20 1! fo" 3 u. 3 n 3 tit) 3 1.-3 com- First at I. t l.a T.AVT FC ViTAHF. f;l" "r itHV, Wll-H.l 'SALE AXD KETAii, DEALf 1' r.. s i.v I'iil'i iciilar iilt. iiiioii is paiu I . pc-l.i.n . .1)1 cs ami a'l other kinds of pictures it siitiilltiiicLiliioii to lite sue. und tiiiLdi . or 1 111 ink, to lo- k i'4Uiti lo j iciurcs ht'e. p.,s,.s-cs rare f.tcil ties for taking . 111 the rear null. ting, t can be j If'togm! itcd and others, l'nanielling. lol i iel l.iiio 1 1 eoi ic'l. Iio ed in i .ii.'l -taken lr..n I i I.i- liallcr l.rili.'.-'.l'lalfc ri'-'ui't s t I'l.l.l 1 Vt.'.iri' trolil tot'.,')' hois lit a ttllte. X. II To Phot' graphers. Coiotisti Jn-i N.-ik.I A Ni.v ioikon I'i" '. .a ..'li O. . iorii.g. Ivurytyping. I. IV ,i ittl.i. ft e I'm il.l III'.'. t'.C. t on u .e ii.-.ti 11. 'units given for making Ivory types wnh rome v;i I n -t til u iceeipts. never ticn-rc publi-nctl, u 10 ad l.e'ogrhpheis. lur uuc of winch a lare Sl.lll 1. 1.- been oiieleil. J y l' i...wiiig the dircciions contained in Ibis booh, uin. tin s pel -ops with tin pU'Vioiie know ledge of l' ceanol tail 10 color photograph? in a beau iii'til ai: I clic.'iive siylc. --.'iv, nli l.ualel of coloring $3 00. without ini.iii.1 i on, J'y iii!..;:i:i $lti. Ink r.iod.l sett of colors, Ac, v. .li be 4 cut lieu 01 charge. W ii! he Shorlly. A v 1.1 .viil.t. UuhK i.m Imiawiv.;. Willi progCM-ivc ititi-traiioii ol .he i.uinai. Face 1.11J Figure. ALSO. A H.isn-Iluok ox Positions, With Illustrations. Designed for the u-o of Photo- gini-!icr and Artts. I Air. Oti iper cooltiuii i! to receive l.a iie ei.d lieu. ; tlelnen ii.t.i hij ( iasM-s for inti .iotl..n lu Fraivilig. : and Photograph, lc .rytyp-. India Ink an I P..s:il Painting, and 11 lei.ulilnl procc.-.. l..r Li.atiuling Fictlltes. 1 Circulars li-t of prices f.f pic'tires itu.l fu: thcr it 11 i.-tuig tl.c li.'.il.s end leru.s 01' il.sinicti.iit may be I1.1t by inclosing l'c.-i i.iili;e . .-oi.ti 1 is? una a Mump to (OA L in rv'-vy vtri' or.1 stilit-itctl tyA liilotl v tlt-r.:itrll. liill U1V. M;lV 1. b'. lV v.' ."t s i'tom Walnut street V.' (The li A. Al. Li-.-Fasten for AlH.i.n Chin Tor M..,mt Dolly, at l'oi 1 rci hol t, at a A WA For Pii.-tol, Trent.. r.. j P. M. from Ketistlt Fr i'aliiiyi'.'t. Riv' 1 li. '.'ton. Florence, lie. and ti P. AI. i For Xew Y-rk. -i::..;..n In pot, '..iLc t. W alnl'.l. hall an I.i: run into the I.;.o:. ri.t: ,Y. in il.e lo j...;. i i.:y I'. un.l.s rn' ! t-wngcr. I'.i.-.-.' 1 I'liyttiin as baggage l. l-.'..ige ov er III' v p ., 1 t "...pai y limit iio n I'i f Dollar I'll' .in 1, auc unt le. ..n i f H'o. . v HA! January 17. I "-tt. Hep. :n ti'in, 1 in Will:--. A. :vl'. t' .ia an - P"',i . i.t 1 ; P. V.. iituets w-i.h T;' lilts lc.i"' .. at .'" I'. Al.) A. M . 2 mil I'. At. M.a-.l P. .M. LINKS, '-c , at tl A, M. RJ;,I 2J Ar l I' I t.t I. o III. I .r..' ii 1. 'v. 1'; I. 2. pit I i.-l. t ain . I fit ..i.ic. All The " n, ' any .U.:M.:i.. A -tut. I Oir.'e en s"ii:'i si lo nf Mat':.-! siit-o. f tu :i id 1.. Y. I'l i li-' .V -on i- St.:.', .-T.Tlvrx.J"M'. :fa.. Will attend rroti-ptly ni all 1 -of sional S'Clii-'.'il to Ilis care, the Co)!, etlen Ol I Xot il iin.berl.".nl and the 11. 1, c-untits sunt. ury. May 2-'t, l.iVt. ly :l vi , . s W , ,.t j !'.; MAKKl.T STIi D: .i-:0CVB lie- it, :;r. PA elPoW j Fii'.'s V I A X 'Ei Ivosewond Pl.ll..,, .: Ir. 11: SJ i-l up., ards. -M 1' t.'M'lv i S. 'fro.' ,.,t , liK'tps li-ni to $tiO io!iiivA.".vrle.. s. I D: nuts, ila; j"-. 'j ,..t: In: an 1 .ii.i '.i .-.(:..,. '.it: ti. ,: 1:, i.,i. ti:i ; ' a:;- 0 '"'.." ' ' v titr-i -t'i'.vt-s, v. '-iy. ' -'.Jiit- v- ii-s . '..i'ir l'i r,7i.:si. tiiot', SN-in Iiov. Asif irl k'.ii's. o!s!;h in i itrsi. 4 il'iis-. v'., l.t-i i ; 011 Pl;:i:t-, E'itYt Atiinntl-s, Tot 111. in 'j.'.c, ,r'.v 1 I -' 1 1.1 I.O"KTX. Any stBv 11. ..1. e. A lit II. 1 .ii Hue -. .i..tll .- of li uiu 1. vrz ' for J! rt tile P. F. COOPl K, trcct. l'hil.itlelpiiia. I-".'!- I'he-IUlt H1.1F.R1NI l.S. Caleb Cope. lVosident Aca lcuiy of Fine Ar.s. Dr. '1 bos. li. Wilson. tMiitii"iiii-i and l.ntoiuoh.gtjt Uev. '1 tioiuas Aiilcs. Al'.rtiu. 1. E. Church. II. in. ic!f A. !i:iio:i. Cou-iil ot Legtioio. lit.hcrt li. I l.ilk- 0. ot 1'ltlll of Jay Cooke .1 Co. Xew Yolk, Lev. W. A. Ala) biu, Reel. St. Alban s ( lunch. Ro.-loi. .1. L. Tilt. ni i Co. li. i.ty Jl.o'lct. 1, 1.. 1 . Long IlrHiich, X. J. lialiilioilc. Alotis. Aini'lee v-auvoll, 1'U-licii Concul. Al iv gi,i. I., .1. 1- la-L-v ..i an.i -;i .-1 tioi.-. o.'. I"i.!v infiliib' 1' In I'l'." Noi .la'ic.-ioi.s t the II.. "iiais c.n.c out of lh. 11 i .',.' 1 l l.oU.alc ill ail l.n :c S..I . t.c ail tlrtii.-ls ai. 1 It ! ! I L'kvv a li 1: ! ' '. ..fall See tiiat "I'i-slat's' name is ait.l V h.s!;. ti.-1'..rc vu Lev. . s- ('.. stt'l cE. l'n.icir .'il D. i "I 1-2 Itr.i iu'iConfecticiieiy, I PKUIT I J2:u In I Mitri-v t. f CDS! 11 Fatni1 : lo die tat'ers evcryn here ill. s-' iii.iiatit i... .'Ii ea.-ll liox. I'.oillo !;' isj. I w -s v New Yo:U. 'M-'TiiiXivhY r 'iti'isi iF J-. i-: rivfiT, .' icy CD .E3 , 1 ti 1 y , I'-.i ;.-ri;:rn and i.'. .1 : a'.t YW an t U-i .il liii.i.- I V,II.LIf;i&f t!lyf OIL VvOP.KS XiiX-EXl'LOSIVK Irailis leave P'lttsv'lte at V I A A. Al.. ai.d i'.ttti M I' i 1 Lilit'!' It hi. 1 . liarri-hiirir und New Yt.rk. Al.l .ll l...i.L'.t i.'l. I'. I. gel I! '11 b al e- lie, l. I'I. g a' li il A. Al., an I return.- f.oiu I'lula d. Ii tua at a taj P..M. Cepe,!. , M.I day tr.'itl leaves I and I'n in, t' ti I.i i ul ;1. 1 a I. ..tiiiniiiai ini., Mii. . i i. k-'ts. :.l reluct t l al,' Sti Pounds L.i.:.i.:e ail ( ill NT A L CARBO.N T;: oxu ti::iiij ru;i l.i.Iv, uit-iiij c-x- a 7 :u A. M., IX TliillT PA KAk.i;.. , W.l. M. 1. "n. Hi' f hxcnrfi- ii I.i niii tioi.i all li. i' l '.tt !l I. :i'i'. (it'ltiT ti .Lli i l '.llttLoiUt lis; 1 A" In. 1 1-. . 1 te I ry . j, r vnt.u.';i v i r.i 1' ir ; 11 ci-i : r. I i' npf l'i'-T ? tf: til' ii'.e-r ri!M'V t". it Jl I 'tt 'I m iKiK : iu; ii iit i.a la of 1.0. li,r 11 ? r.-.'pciirif.'tl il. C'v ar. I tiui in .-.uK'Hij . iri-i k.iIc tu ull t!ic 1 ni.av - 511... 1 IV : ' -:.. New York. , ti i .a. s icl t.'ic piin ' 1' 'l'. i -1 ri :g bilM'e I I; ,-t it g i'l tl.e ire. 1111- - ! .!"' II. v 1.I1 l!.c least tlurilttity as :t i. ti.e li Oft sin ply 1 riOX?TANT!.Y .. lard n If V ' i'S.:.ll::'..!lii:I.I .111. I:ttks:.!c a i.e..' pi'.''-'. y i iitanuf.ictiiriiig all Iiit,'-. o to Keep lip a full as-orluicnt : : h ra'.s. Tobacco. Scgars, Str.'icrcsy. Xll.s aviiiictytT other articles, all ,tf ' V l.t.i.-.s.lle hf.i 1 -. 1 .;; . ; li li.-io. 11. oil the I'titt e at. y. 1 n M .1 In 1 ,-!r 'et. 3 dcrs wc.-t . fli. . nt tlic al, r..:' i.:r. : ..1..11 .1.1- . 'ill 1 A .r.' ,;;i, ,T ,.pi, pa, pj-" ti'tii I'mu'i-. WALL PAPER ni si VI. IS AN,i (hie IE I II'iEDlTx Pi. -I'i!. it.r. MANHOOD ! How I ioy Ueafinri!. I v-T 1 il l:,1..' t. a ,iew elition-'f Dr. t I EVE!'.. v I.!. I. .- it i.l 10; All H I .-AY 1 u II c ro'itcd j care ,wtit. 'nl in, licini t-t' M t l' vt v t 1. 1 '111 .1 . ir , s. nii.i.l w. luv 1. 11.1. l.n v tii... I I...... ,. In. ; i'"i m 1 Al. 1.1 .i no i pi:...i'.l lo. .p ,,-iiy. .i.,-.ti. j menl- 1.1 M mi ..-c. i i ; al-.. t'i.-t mi ii '.v. I j, j.. v, and Fits, in luce i by soll'-indalg. or muni , 1 xtr.i. a jiu. ea I L i'"ir, I'l rt ritf'i'Jii'. tni'y sis -I I. 1 J J. r -ti f ... I i , .' ! . I 1 I III -...) J .. a Invi , , 11 ' itote,.-. 1 ,i I , I. i Ul H..'C . I 1, 11 licit .tiv n.i -nt'r, an It aU..' I a'. J h ivt l.rcil a-.ui P.. I .-vallull) I 1.1.1 I" I J. M il I L'tl tl K ul Dr i' vl J.. k ... li'.UM. 1 1,1, i; . brv I u.. ( .1. 1 t -I ' II . .Li. , , pi ' I IU 11. ,1 Ii . I w.t ., 1. 1. 1 I V llti , 1 10 u.ii, .Im lo I..V 1. - . I I . : r .! Lit' I X"ul u V k. y u i lot. . It. t il ls Ciiti'laiUn lt'- 13 i: I'OT: I r "Ii .""'rl, X, 1. Y "il Tl e l..t (' n oi.,! 1... ; ... an ! tl,,- ut, II .- ., 1. ..I iu l',.". p! ,.f .),. .,i lit' l I. li. II , JUU I, !...( I,, 1,,., ,lC 1 . .."nt! 1 1. 1 i 1 . itt o i.t. in,. i;it.u. I 1 Oil', i. Ml I "llil.- l l!u ir . '!y 1, Lhy man, alth a lare eavl'yin ,i the 1 1 ill lull, tlf. low r It br very and eoli. thy. pit tltil ' " -1 1 " I ''" uppir It I.U 11 111., a I I. -i.y Inuliliy clidili..!' 'Ine Pt I'.. ''I" ) I - I I ... Ill f d.l.V In I. 1 d. i I . r I.i, . , .I , 1,11. 1 fli ie i) I' llip I.l .' .. . lu l t 1 1 '. y but 1 ai. 1,. 1. r oi. ... kt 1 ii .. 1 I. .1 . .1 , .'.l4;..i,ni I .... , lh. It., I ' , I .1 .1." .!. 1 , . cl Ii . v . r I. 1 , "lV I HI V alu I l'... n. 1 ,. I . ft, . , o.'lali'.l. I'. Il.'l 1. Ill iu. r I III lule. Slid 1 Ls 1 t.t up I s i Java 1 am now a h tli, lol. I lit I. Ik lo'icli lo I t'li.l J I..' I.l; Inn 1 tl.'ll l..l.g 1- I : gtiul '..m... Itjiv I ti.Mt'liii.. t. 11..I cttiu eon limp. IcIiIjI'iV 11 lo ' I" 0 lino 11 . Il.ev V e lur licii.c. I... I. pill. Il. I" .' "p 1 1. 1 ' I. to .1 , lil,!,! (I.I.I., I.. '. I ie: .....I l ... .bug. It, ) hi' wholtt illctiivtt pxv.i. I"k.u4 up Co ..-! inn,, si I v. i-ii, al,) the 1 u.l I.t an I t.u. Ali.rl i.,1 1 .11. I., i.'l. "i tin I 1: . I.l w 1. 1, it t, 11 it, I, tl I.l cue, I l ua mi. "lit. - a , .- , 1. a iio v w i.l . tl .'"p ,. tl 1, V ..iti. mli 1... t uli.t ot ' ....ii.t. Ui.i , .1 . -I.v -(.' -.iu i-.iiMlll. .41 k I utl.iUlid il.e ti. . r .I'd t. bou l Ml. !. lu li. .J. Ul I I I, I li.l.. . I.l I " ' . I ' I - I J ie,. I 1, l. t I III w t lit ', It . Iv ,i wf A II. w I. .... 1 ' I J I 1 1. I l I i". 1" .. .J iillsaul'i '.- : ' i'i H vl ol ' I.. IV el., ML I II. , ), .u !., ." u 1 1 it.j 1 l U s .1 S.i I.... l I I . I o. It .1. - til 1.1,11 'I I tin 1 tLc 1 l.ltl '. Il.l i.ii a ' . 1 I It. i ,it.ui . ti.11.ut ui.'. II 1 I . N. I 1...I. .. I 1! ot t .l k. ul. I.l . 1 U...mI. . I '!!-. U 1J lj. I. Iti Hi Hl.l .oh' I '- t.U I U l,,i,.t.lly . ..K 1 b u I. ..I . 1.UIII it b.t illi l.U i I.U hi- 1 .1 'ft. 1. c.l.l'r.i'' 1 a. tier in ills a lin'i i' le -v.v ele .rly .1. 'tat... in. 111 a thin 1 .v , ,.r i..,!l plaillce, tl, .1 l:. ..'-ii lilt' C'li-.i,'.!!:.... ..I .-.I!'. l.i..-e I'.'.y l.u rvl c ii: v cund ... li e d mget. it. ti.e i.i i.Otii.ul u.i"iicit,o or III.. rtppli .tl"it Ihu knife- o lining out a no ale of cur. . al 01, ... e 1 lain i'i,d t ",.11,1,1, ty mi .ni n( n)iiiyviry .uf fi lit, 11.1 inn, l. r l it hi. ct ii.tiMoi. lo ty -, liuy euro bin -ill .1.. sp! v . pn. ait ly an t ra l i- a!! v . ( J i tu. I.vci my do.uld bu in tl.g titl du id tier w ..u,h kud 1 v ry man in tli I ,,, ,'-,'iit 1 n l.i . .i in a 1 Lii ti t, lo any iili,, p. .1 en leci ipt ,,; u,i j.iao at.iuil., b) ad- Ul. -slo pub co .1 r ki.i vi: dm , I .'7 It. . rv . X. u(k, Ft 1 t!t -a H.., .Wv. Juno 1 1, I .1 ly iv vt'!1 receive pr .'inj.i f illiiiinspori, June 2i, Itvil Nof(Ih:ii C't'iitral liitilwnv!! SI 51 Ml LIS 'I'l Ml I. t' A II I.ii. ' i THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore ! j tin I . asnii'gtou city. I ' cti. 1 i.s ma I., a ith trains on Pcnnsvlv niiia j Railioa I. to rn. I Ir. ni I'li'.-liin g and tho We-. 'I fa 1 : I.i: TU M V DALY to and 11 "in inrVorlh and ' i . -J l.iaiu li usmh,iiiiia, Eliuiiu. an i nil ol North- i i 11 New Yoik. I ON ant nt'.r .MONDAY. MAY Ml:. l-f.. 1 ttic r '1 rain, ot the Northern Central 1 Kailu uy will urriv e at and depart from Sunhury, !!..! ! id llTj 1.1! '. Itn!lllll"re HS follows, vu t ' . .Snl' I 11 W A It D 1 Mad Train leaves St:t bury d,.ily (except 1'iiion. E t, h Fi cczer acc and lull directions. .n:p:n 11.111 tl eit'es and lowusiu the j 1 wi.1.: a hoik of recipes JI'.-'T n icivc 1 dire iLe AlAJlMi'IH ,v S 1 ibiiry, Al .rch H c:;r i',, I i-Ii X I EIKAHLT. i'.'i I i f.KVS. 1.. the "'i'.ii.i.i.ctiirsr, at qiiar'-' II qtlurti., quarts. i.uarts. 20 i.iutrls to 11 March 2l. i-i 2. 1; m a-sfi: j-i ro t on I I'll II I'll S 00 12 lai, Pa. 11 IU) OTS AM) al', 1 iill.lN'i .1 illiANT STiv 1 fr 'I dally Id Si A. M 1 2ii P. Al 4 iO - 1 1 l.i. ... . ui. 1 . u 1. 1 1 la lit .rv pi. v i- ;.u 1 ui.ii II. . ..... u 1 .1 , a I all .' V .1 . a . Pi." tu.t4 l!f fat .! la. k...iu 1 u Wi m 11 Il I . I. I A" I lift ii D if l I'M ' 1 I l.u, I . II I I MM' 1 I 1 - 1 a...., v. a . f I l I h I i a. I il . ' al mi. I 1 I it .Hi'l. iu ll,. I. ut, ,,( a ... 1. . ... 1 a ilai.ia a I. a.,ua. a ' . l-la..a.ka l I 'au ""' ! I ) lla 1. uu I..,.,) 1. " luuia .a. !,. u.,l (f i.auui J Ii . am b Ai ,a Ha.. a .on ut.aa .... 1 , a- fl I 1 I II a, 1 j, L ll It M -I .1 HU. if lav v ,j H . I lkaa.lS .. Lu a i a i.l fjui la uu -UhI,v i.l.. I t ..1111I ll.i a -u .. . atilltair aul lla. a. iii k at wp Il.t u utl. 1. OumI awl. Ill a i. Ilia. ltl.a.t ll)'tlfcVtJ ai. J a. at I 1 .11 ,. .... i. I , u B.ll i.u..ia II. . au I d u at.4 aV-ua Ul.lil ) ua i'ala av- 1 llw al... U i lla I 'bua I . di ;.. ... i a., a u.-ia b. llt.-t la l.ka ll.a lva l Jt. a.t I la. ., l.r 1 1 is Is llauva.lyaaKli..i .. ai.ltlaaa aMlkatuUajafea.4 ul ul asad ajak4tll I. lu i ..1...1 il,, a .aa. ...4 It.. aa. I k.l. .. a. I 1 . il.v a .... -4 Mat) )..iau.u Lata aa. 1 Kut It..' aaUiaa a... I., la... ti.l ..-ftva bi I . I Hi., I l aa ..( 4i., I a .ui t ia I Ul.uo I , I. la U IL. lla 4,wum la .11.1 la la. a a . a. aau , i l t 11. a , j alua) las a. - j i.a Ik. i.a. t-1 .. a i at kl.lf if ' a. ... I . t ., a ,1 k. . 1 . t, La.j .1 ' l-l ' a.. , . . .J I, , 1 j a ... a . I .. . ... . . .. .. . at.! ..... ! ' -a I la I aai a.l a- as au aw. . I . a, a . I ... ...... as a I ... lt p,.. ! kav a44 4 iMttUl itu bi'ilir,0 AMU NUMaMtH FANCY Dl!i:ss i00l)S, HI.. I' tl WI It, 'I'vlil llt.ula Wl'at l.l'll.i. Ullll,', HlWUlHV, 1'ENN'A., M, tu a i. . in I uu. I ..pair 4 fi laraa. aav.iiu'.al t.l 1 a. y Dl.aa li.ta.da, acta as l.:..i J... I. . 1 n I v . k a io Il I II 1. 1 i.i.m, I., l.u. 'I .1'. laa. !' ., .l Villa l,la.f- II, 'lt I t lait. I . I '. i ll., d Hi. 1 1 .:. I. .I.l.i. t . . Ik I'.ll a 10 II II1.4U Otu U, illitaull.;, lall...., t. it H.U'W I flail tt.l l. a... ala. l l 11 .. l.i. .a .. a .1.. I..,' . I.ul.ol.1 I H It! Ml'l.a. a. I Ihl li Vll0 . ( U.U01I.H1 J dial la, J, a.l uu 1 I" u I luiuja and lo.., ilaia , l.luaa dl.j l.i. a.a Y van. I .a f I laaa I vaub., II. a i I'l'm. N - lis. aa. a laul.l u UIU t aa lailaa NI U I 0 U H A HI A LOU Ul liUUH A tali kl AllUaSa-Ulf, I . ilaiua !- lla. I'-1 I lla uaiaa luat I -U I' lkai I; la I .l, s"ba, III, IMI lll I llil Mil V Id i-f ai... a laa a. la) .u aa4 aj ai Mill iitVf. " hi ri i nt p. til'i-vr Train li'Mri Sh utiuty (ri'o4 m .Uy ) 11 KmiM lliliburt (fcirit iirnm hi It.iltiii'oro Unily it vii'l .M ti...ivi. H tif 'iurj A.. Jtiimo Ulit'U UaM II .it I i k-ufti, 7 rutil'ittv A 'i'iinuiUiiou lrTc Nun'imy .V'Ui'lliH Altl. MU 'tram Unvrti li,iliii-it Uaily -f. Jt I I ."tUiiilalJ 1 9 ?i A ' K 'iii Itmi ni'Ui I s 1 I' in 1 it ni t,i i.u;jr . 4 V 1U..1 lk,'iiiv Muiuii. iiii ijttily ty ni I w.iiw .t Uu. i.i.ui ut, 1 jfj A ' " iiiiiii t( .anliury ! 111 ' HI 4 AovU.U4itIUU ll'lkN U4lfW bui, ( til V ,1 l UU tat ) ftt HI I II v Hi ltl Mbuitf. fui 1 irij , o..ii uiu.l iiii-u lUlti Uutj Ull)) tYii.4 i.H.U j J 4 tHj f ) m t), t.'Jimlio Hfl1 ' iS l'il..Viiki. Uwt 9l assdciatiu.n, IH1LAMLMIU t n Iktii. !' ka t-raU, Hi' at I Mia) I, I tiMati a mmU a' katal I k.iata - H4 aa. I l.l.-l... I1u.l1t.atai laj-un a Ika 41 "VI AMI Aaas.t I illfy. aaaal ll ad la laul.i tall. I aua.l. 1 aa lla. -I i..uu Da i lll. tl lint tali 1.I, Il .. Aas.Maatia.ti, .l I tatk ai.a.l I ta..allikla. J. j lu, ai In II 4J P M 2 Ji I M 7 ed A M. tin A M T HO A M M M. M M. M ha id 4 IMJ Y Y I UU P il WASIUXCJTOX HOUSE, Scuihwest Corner of Market Sipiare, M till IM. 11. MIL llilderaiglie.l resl'.-ett'illtv il.loril. tllS pttl.liiS. Ilut be ba tiki 11 eh trge ol the abt.1.1 litilttetl li-'lel, an I a-k. t. r ll:c c. 1.I11.11.11--C of tt.o former piitiiinage and a.'tild invite ail ether tu giva iiiiu a fill. iiisT.uii.i: la aUavouppiicl with il.e beat the maiket affords Hit Ital c.-iitull.t tin ct,"it'tft lltfllt'lt. Slid bit ! lin u ,'ood and at II all. n le t I v ciin iol H-Hera MIOH AH. MIL LIU Kiiibuty, Api.l. pi, lv,l Jl I I' IIPIM I) A Fllfcsll St FPLV OF PlUu AM .-.l MMtlt MIL UNKI.Y COODaS, At li. l arci! .:.:i.u.iy "'t.'ia of I M., ii, tw.ala-r. I'saa wiect, two I .... aa.iiib of tlall.t,lu Yaiti-y A P..11.V11U lia.iiuad, hi Mil UY , Pa , Outati.lll a id II Very lulaaal alylaaa ul Mflm' aV Hi'IVasj4 Aihi, 1 1 iu mlii ; tu-h tv K'tt-iia. Ljuw, tiwu Au4kU'U k l.f !, tV Wtlll.oifJ, Faucy Goods & Notions. Ui lal.k ak duuuit li. aiiattiiua ul lai (Haa-la, aa. IU.1U1 1- vail a.4 fa , Ui.tUtaia.u t'af. In lLaalful I.f fatal ! kkf lut 1 ..M. Il'.t) tua Usui aaaiulattaaii at latavawaalaia ll..a-. lu lla a. u. a ualuia. tibial t I sit -So, ive ! fr. ni N. e 1 li nip: Iv ot the in. 1 ttlatlty. ul. ich he l.r... ha t tvi.irttiit.-d to give good .'.' an ungcnii nis iu the euy to t to in. in. which cull be 'ba 1 1 hand th. V vaitl be r-.. nr. i .1 .Mauufuc!uriii of l.i i. 1 1 r- . as u.ual . I Hill afao al' liooN Call Slid t'Si'li lilt- belt.! c nl. I siiti.iv 'lhaliktul It.r p...i(tii ...licit, a v. i.i ste.p an 1 , ..in1 room, ti. Kind 111 .Maiket SiUiilu r . ,'. lie - I. -I t'O . . 0 K S, o.' ol. '' !i!'., ! I I., -t 1. r, an ..." 11. ad.- 'k I.::., t.l I i UU I'.e ail k.l: 's I'. I , I . r- t,.i .1 l.e P. .1 t. Is), AT YNTFD iunn .M.i.a Moil V, V. II ... 1 1. 1.! It inediuie, y li i'i. 1 1 tt a 1 l' fat. i. JtRKlIIAil i. YDER, tlliai iii'y tV t 1.11 iia.t li.if in I. OBica uu ...uih ai ls ef M 1. f , vi iiataiaari 1 1 onte. t.i.,i , HUNHUUY, PA.' M ill attend iiouiplly I., ail r... .! .,,, e'llrii.laa.l lo t... yaru. il.e .-..!, v. ;.,, 1 !....,.. , ,. lima b.'ilau l aad t h as u.lj .10, , .., ,, . i liltaultallolia la Hot avail at, i I It -l:,ij Jtul.buly, lli'al ll. l-vll 'a X H W a O () !) S! I u.i r. a.t of tl m II M , , k , . , si.n,ii y, p.. J u , j ,,,. i, ... (, . t( ( j m:v si'iu.m; coods. a.. .1. 1 1. . ruiiBtj rn'f 11 llllUttili ll 1 I a . 1 . hiwi, lall.M 1. ILaa li I,. ... ..,.1 1 l: I-. I tt a ',!. - I I . .1... N. 11. , Y.i ' 1 1 . I ai tvj lai an 4 W ktiitfi nam t l.inta and p. .r UHa. 0. Iluit and Mttiaa, Han P H.-i tt l.u. a4 blua .Vs. I 1, kin la, kuu l u. L.n. 1 i.t. . a. a . Aiau, a u.a atl.. aaua . It,vlkl aitl kuasu. Ja.... 1 I I. .pa .'ullaia li..a.ii..a.,j,. a..4 4alaly ui ullal till' I' a ... . I . il till I ui.l.iiiy Am) 4 1,, 1 t I. . I , J. u. niraiusii. a ssa af aaru)fr a I ...ill J'V ', . (.i .1 t . lam, ItliMk PatJ I t, if tfelU. I)kl' tl l.a.a.fcu. k.avtu 4 .iv. I ly . I a aut- lal.b JMPOttTHltU Ul.NKS .MI I KIlOlt.s. l A Mil I. Illf, ytt lit Auia h:t,i kl.aai -...., I kaaaval a, I tl . V 1 1. A L. UIU !.t 's ' Ot a lb ).uiibtpvMI tt tStala l ' kuau bt l.iiM din, A.i lua-baa aa lata4 tat la. . t.b Ua-t . A. . I. - If 111: ci:i:m rui:i; a at) fu, 1 If ui li ata a Hit a.a4 II at. . ilia. I . t ul at t taal I, l' . a.