Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 01, 1864, Image 4

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    y-WI 1W Bl IISBSSIS.auaSJJ.
Ar Cured Ly
German Bitte rs,
Tlit Great MrtnytlttuiHg ,
r.GrJSJE )
These flitters have performed more Cures!
Have ami Uo Give Better Satisfaction!
Jluve more Testimony !
llavo more Respectable People to Vonch for Thcni !
Than any other articles in the market.
We defy any ONE to eontrndicl this Assertion,
A.B WII.I. 1MV 1000
To any one that will produce a CcrtiScato published
hy us, mat u not gkni ink.
Will cure every ease of Chronic or Nervous Debility.
Disease of Inn Kidneys, and Diseases arising from
a disordered Stomach.
Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs :
Fill's. Fulness or Blood
to tho Head. Acidity of the Sto
much. Nausea. Heartburn. Disgust tor
Food. Ftiluess or Weight in tho stomach. Sour
Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at the Tit of the
Stomach. Swimming of the Head. Hurried and DitB
eult Breathing, Fluttering nt tho Heart. Choking or
Suflocating Sensations when in a lying posture, lirii.
Iiess of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever
and lutl Pain in tho Head. Deficiency of Pcrspira
tiou, Yellowness of tho Skin and Kyes, l'ain in
the Side, liuek. Cliest, Limbs. .vV Sudden
Flushesof Heat. Doming in tho Flesh,
Constant Imngiuings of Evil,
uud great Oopvession
of Spirits.
Contain no Hum or Whiskey,
And can't make Drunkards, but is the Best Tonio in
the World.
ty Its-nil aVIio Miiyn Sot
Froir tin Rev. Levi U. Hock. Pastor of the Baptist
Chuich. Pemberton. N. J., formerly of the North
Baptist Church, Philadelphia.
I have known Hoofland's German Bitters favora
bly lor a number of years. 1 have used them in my
own family, and have been so ploased with their
.effects that I was induced torcooutmend them to lua
ny others, ami know that they have operated in a
s:riking!y beneficial manner I take great pleasure
in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the
attention of those afllicted with thcthseuse for which
they recommended, to these Bitters, knowing from
experience that luv recommendation will be sustain
ed. 1 do '.his more cheerfully as llooflnnd s Bitters
is intended to benefit the nttticted, and is ''not a rum
drink." Yours truly, LEVI li. BECK.
From Her. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the
Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and Christian
Chronicle, Philadelphia.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Ta
tent Mediciiios iu general, through distrust of their
ingredients and eflccta, 1 yet know of no sufficient
reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he
believes himself u have received troio any simple
preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute
to the benefit of others.
I do tin Hi. pu re readily in regard to Hoofland's
! nmiu Riltcis, prepare I by r. C. M. Jackson, of
this city, because I whs prejudiced against them fur
many year, under tho impression that they were
s!hietly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my
.friend llobcrl Shcomukcr, Eq., for tho removal of
this pr-ju lioo by proper tests, and for encourage
uient to try them, when eulfcriug from great aud
long continued debility, 'i ho use of three bottles of
ibe.-c liittcra, at the beginning of the present yuar,
nt followed by cvideut relief and Toleration to u
slegrce of bodily and nientnl vigor which I had not
fell for six month! before, and had almost despaired
of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend
.for directing to the use of them.
From the Rev. Jos. 11. Keenarl, rastoi of the
JOtb Baptist Church.
Dr. Jackson .- Dear Sir: I have been frequently
requested lo connect my name with commendations
it Uitlerent kinds of medicines but regarding the
practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in
ull cases declined ; but with a clear prool in various
instances, and uarticulurlv ii inw I'lmilv. i.f it,., h.
fulness of lir. ilootlaud's Gorman Bitters, I depart
for once from my usual eotirso. to express niy full
conviction that. "for eeueral dcbilitv of thn MVRl 1,111
:ftnd especially for Liver Complaint, it is a sale aud
valuable preji'i.itiou. In some eases it may fail ;
.but usually. 1 doubt not, it will bo very beneficial to
.those who sudor from the above cause.
Yours, veiy res-.ecifully, J. II. KENNARD,
Eighth below Coates Street, Philadelphia.
Jproui Rev Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist
Church, tiermaulowu, Peon.
Dr. C. M. Jackson Dear Sir: Personal expe
dience enables uio to say that I regard the Herman
Bitters, prepared by you as a most excellent medi
cine. In eases uf Severn eold and general debility 1
,liave been greatly benefitted by the use of the Bitters.
Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH.
Ucrinantown, Pa.
From Iter. J II. Turner, Pastor of llcddiug M. E.
Church, Philadelphia.
Dr .lacks.ii) Dear Sir : Having used your Ger
man Bitters in my family frequently 1 am prepared
to say that it has been of great service. bclieie
that in uuu-t cases of general debility of tho system
it it the safest and most valuable remedy of which 1
diuve any knowledge.
Yours, respecltullv, J. II. Tl'RNFR, '
io. 72i X. Nineteenth Street.
From the Rev J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor ol tho
Columbus . J I aud Milcstowu (Pa.) Baptist
. New Kocbollv, X. Y.
Dr. 0. M. .In. kson Dear Sir: 1 led it a plea
sure thus, of my mil acoord, 10 bear testimony to
Jlie ex"elenee of (he irormmi Bitters. Some years
mice being iiuieh atllieted with Dyspepsia. I used
them with very beneficial result, i hae often re
commended to persons enfeebled by that tormenting
disease aud have beard from tbeiii tho most flatter,
jug testimonials as to their jjreat value In cues of
general debility, 1 believe u to be a loiiio that ean
jiol be iui p.,.ed J. M LYONS
From tho liov. Thos. Winter, Pastor of Roxboruugh
Baptist Church.
Dr. Ja.kion; Dear Sir: I fn-1 it dua to your
excellent preparation, llooflaod's Guiuan Hitters, to
h I I my n sliuo.iiy lo the deserved reput.ilii 11 it Im
um.tiiied 1 have lor years, at limes, heen troulde'l
''" '" di-ordor in u.y lo ad and 10 1 ivut s.v.teui.
1 waa.Uisvd hv a friend In try a bi'lle ofyour tier
(uan Hu:ei-, 1 oi l hi. an I have experienced great
Ml uu.xp.vted relief; uv ,e,!ji .u ,,n rry I
liiat.iri.illy benelilled. J eojj; iui,,,. , ,v.u,,lltll, t),
ani. le m.ero I uuel with eues su'mlur In mv owu, I
and li'.ve been assured by many of Ha ir g.vd eilmis
lUtptcUully youis, T WiMlX.
liojibor is 11, p. J
I'mui llev J Herman, ol It,, lienns.', f.,,ie
noi, it 11.11011. iierk eouiiiy. 'a
Pr CM J.k..u.-;UJ.' -llu
LhIS t.f.n
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' ' ''' ' '-', -W bit dist il
" I - t t
Ihltnt-lptiln A Frio Rnllrtmsl.
riHIHgrsint lino Irnverses the Northern and North
A west comities of Pennsylvania to tho city of Erio
onH ske Eric.
It has been leased by the Penny1vnia Railroad
Company, and under their au'pinea' is being rapidly
opened throughout its entire longth.
It Is now in use for Passenger and Freight businrw
from Jlarrishnrs; to St. Mary's (21 luile.i) on the
Eastern Division, and from "Sheffield to Erio, (78
mues,i on ine western Division.
Arrive JiafUmrit. Lrnre Wr.itirarH.
Mail Train, 10.2.S A M. Mail Train, 4 05 P.M.
Express Train, 11.44 P.M Express Train. 6. fill A. M
Cars run through without change, both ways, nil
these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven,
and between Baltimore and Lock Haven.
Elegant Sleeping Cart on Express Trains both
ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and
Wiiliamsport and Philadelphia.
For information respecting Passenger business
apply at tho 8. E. Cor. 11th and Market Sis.
And for Freight business of the Company's Agents,
S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market St.,
J. W. hevnnlds. Erie.
3. SI. D'itl, Agent N. C. 11. K., Baltlmoro.
11. 11. HorTO!,
Uen'i Freight Agt. Philada.
Lewis L. Hot tt.
Oon'l Ticket Ag't., Philada. I). Potts,
Gen'l Manager, Williainsport.
May 27, ISM.
I "or C'li'iinsilnur, H lilU'illiiK' unI
Ir -M ryiiff llio 'I II.!
This article is prepared with the greatest care upon
Feieiitific principles, and warranted not to contain
anything ill the slightest degreo deleterious to the
teeth or gums. Some of our most eminent Dental
Surgeons have given their sanction to, nnd cheerful
ly recommend it as a preparation of uperinr quali
ties for cleansing, whitening and preserving tho
TEETH. It cleans them readily, rendering them
beautifully white and pearly, without tho lightest
Injury to the enamel. It is healing to the gums
where they are ulcerated and sore. It is also ah ex
cellent disinleetor for old decayed teeth, which are
oflen exceedingly offensive. It gives a rich creamy
taste to the mouth, cleansing it thoroughly, and im
parting a delightful fragrance to the breath.
A. II A W L K Y vfc CO.,
X. W. Cor. 10th., A Lombard ..Philadelphia..
And sold by all Druggists. PHICE 25 CENTS.
''The following opinion of Dr. White, as to the high
esteem in w hieh he holds tho Dental Cream, must 00
sufficient evidence (if its value ; to quote other testi
uinnials in detail is needless, contenting ourselves by
limply giving tho names aud addresses of persons
who speak of its excellency for the teeth.
Philadelphia, April 15th, 180.1.
Having carefully examined A. llawley's "Solidi
fied Dental Cream, n I hereby cheerfully recom
mend it to the public generally. It is an excellent
preparation for cleansing nnd preserving the teeth,
and can be used by all persons with tho utmost con
fidence, as its properties are perfectly harmless. Be
sides preserving the teeih, it promotes a healthy
action to the gums, and imparts a pleasantness to the
Dr. W. R. WHITE, 1203 Arch St.
Thomas Ingrain. M. D , Dentist, 491 N. Fourth St.
.1. llirkcy. Ko4 S. Sixth St.
E. Vanderslice, Surgeon Dentist, 425 Arch St.
C. A. Kinsbury, Deutist, I UK Walnut SC.
S. Dillingham. D D.S., 734 Arch St.
F. M. Dixon, S27 Areh St.
Edward Townsend. Dentist. 426X. Fourth St.
L. 11. Porpblry. Dentist, 807 N. Tenth St.
M. L. Long. Dentist, 02!) N. Sixth St.
Mav2S, latl4. ly
O S 15 O 11 N'S
W A Ji li A A' T K 1)
IT is used by first class families everywhere, and
highly recommended for nervous and dvspeptiu
persons, being very nuitritious and free from all
deleterious substances, in testiiuonv of which 1 havo
certificates from the most euimincnt Physicians in
tho Country. Try it, and you will he sure to con
tinue its use in preference to any other.
Sold at retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound
by First class Grocers throughout tho United "tatcs.
I tr A liberal disoount to the Trndo. "
Put up only by
i.i:wim ,. oniioicv,
Wholesale Depot, 69 Warren at. Xcw Y'ork.
May 7, IStil.
F O IT KT D R -5T,
Get the Best Get the Cheapens (let the most Eco
nomical, which can be had at the Rohrbaeh Foundrv.
Having a Inrge assortment of the most approved
STOVES, such as Cooking, Parlor, Office and Shop
Stoves, which will he sold at tho lowest rates. Also.
Kettles of all sizes, Pans. Skillets. Ao.
! They are also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs,
' Castings, Ao., at short notice.
Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements
; done in a good workinanliko manner aud at the
shortest notice.
I All lirt ielt'S stiinnml as nr.l.,. .. .
I , .- ........... uiut-ii cvsiiuci-
fully solicited aud promptlv attended to.
l"t? Old Iron, and all kinds of Produco taken in
Exchange for work
Suubury, June la, 1SC4. tf
G. M. I.VJU!. A. M. 6A1.LADE.
Xo. 12S South Xinth Street, between Chesuut and
Slay 7, lfeul.
The Only Safe Reliable against both Tire
and Burglary.
I am now prepared to furnish three sites of Nation
Mi 11,11,1 Kut..J 'l'kn l..l. L,: .....
- --.v. j m,v uviu r ire auu iturgiar-
proot, with two djstinct inside Burglar Safes, and
I three of my new Anii-Mieromcter Loeks on each
I wife, believed to be the only bank -lock now iu Use
I that has not been picked or cannot be picked by
I the aid of the micrometer. These Sufes all present
fotir tu six luches in thickness of solid iron, guaranteed
to be the strongest, the most difficult to drill and to
stand the most resistance against both fire and
i burglary of any Sale in the t nited States of the
; siuue size and cost.
1 have on hand also, and will furhish all sites of
Bank ault Miles. wswsiiig all the advantage, of
, the. pt'ove Hga:ut burglary.
Aim, all sues of Mercantile Safes both burglar
, prool und Hie aud hurglnr-proof.
Also, liriiiimeiiliil Dwelliug house Safes, burglar
pro..!', and liro and burglar-proof (warrauted not
! Alro. the strongest and cheapest Vaalt diirs, for
I bank and mercantile vaults.
All ihe above aro Lilliv's wrought and chilled
AIo,s!xsls Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs,
Mairaiiled eo,ual to auy eouimou Safes, at lully ouu
llni I has prue.
Also, a scl eral assortment of seoond-baod Safes,
loajiy of mem nearly new, and of aprotel makeis,
received in exchange lor Lillie's Chilled Irou Safes.
I ties are .tiered at or below aueiiou prices
M C. SAD1.I.K Ag. nt.
No. 11 S. StkV!lI Blievt.
June II, l-il.
iiowakiT" ATt5rvrioN7
PHI1..11E1.P1IIA, PA.
nUi a.i-s ol'lhe tenons, Nrinlsuil,
I rlmiry inl Sruul ta,.a.i sua -
l ew and ssliel.!.. Irtaiuieni iu lipi rlsol Ilia llnV
Abl. Ar.'it'l liiS.nt l.y mail in sealed l.ilvr
i i... 'ree f , har,. Addresa Dr J SK1L.
UN ll'il l.Mli.K, Hoaai l Aasncialion, No. I
So,,i,h Si,,,!, MIa, Philadelphia, 1'a.
J'y i, liM't -ly
'III. l till A UMIMt
tr-u trip fi . J.,ra Iloa,")
rsii r K v. vr. n na
H.ll, , lllk, ,a. ,b. MBUie
" . .,u l .M, k ho.. ,U ,,,,2,.
' . -1. v ... ., Mn,
11 I XT iitr T T- 11 n n ' 1 r A 1 (1 1
hAl(Y DnKSS I (I )N 1
- v ' 1
Minn A.VVl IMIM I.ll,
Two tloora West of the Tost Ollicc,
HAS Just received and opened alariro assortment
of Fancy Dress Goods, sneh s Gloves, Jourian
Kid-gloves, Silk and lisle thread Gloves; Ladies
cotlon Hose. Children's Hose, Silk Mits. Handker
chiefs. Cursors, Embroidered Slippers, Ribbons FAN
CY DB ESS BUTTONS, Bugle Gimbs, Trimmings.
Millions. Belt Kibon, Velvet RibU'iis. Braid, Hell
Cliisns. Ladies' Neek-tles. F'ancy Buttons. CHAPE
KIB'rtON and TRIMMING; Embroidering Braids,
Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and insertions; Malleose
I, ace l;ollars, Itrena'liue Voilanney Dross vonins,
Head Dresses, Notts, and a variety ot other articles.
Books, Hymn Books, Blank Boeks, Memorandum
Books, Diaries, Pnokot Books, Ink Stands, Pens,
Poncils, Ac, Ao.
All of whioh have been selected with care and will
be sold at reasonabl e prices.
Snnbury, April 23, 1864.
(Lato Mrs. Boulton's.)
HAS taken this old and well known stand, and
refitted and furnished the same is prepared to
accommodate Boarders and Travelers Willi the best
the market can afford. Ho hopes by strict attention
to business to receive a sbaro of public patronage.
His TABLE contains the best the market aflords.
His Paris tilled with the choicest of Liquors, both
.Villi ami spirituous.
Tho stabling is good, and attended by careful
Sunbury, April 30, 1SG4. ly
(".iMmrsti i:a!'r.
Jt'ST received a new stock of Fishing Tackle for
Spring sales, consisting of Rials, Reels, Lines,
ItBskeis, Snoods, Flouts. Nets. Flies. Artificial Bait,
Rigged Lines. Gut, Grass and Hooks, to which tho
attention of dealers is particularly requested.
Orders. Wholesalo and Retail, punctually filled
and satisfaction warranted.
2nd nnd Walnut streets, Philadelphia.
February 27, 1804. Hiu
And how his Puliuonio Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and
Mandrake Pills acton the System in Curing that
Disease, nnd tho
Carrnt Micccnm Atlosidiiig It!
The nbove isacorrcct likencssof Dr. Sehcnk taken
many years ago, after ho had recovered from Con
sumption; by a course ol his 'Schenks Pulmonic
Syrup." Tho likeness, although it does not rcprc
sent htm anything like as bad as he wasnt tho wort,
yet it is in strong contrast with the hale and vigorous
looks of the Portrait below, which is the true like
ness of hiin nt present time. The contrast between
tbeso two portraits is so great that many would not
believe them to bo the same person. Y'et there are
hundreds of persons, in nnd around Philadelphia,
who will recognise both pnrtrnits to bo true reprosen.
tations. When the first was taken he weighed 107
pounds ; nt Ihe present time his weight Is 20 pouuds
New YonK, Wednesday, March 30, 1S0I.
Thirty years ago I was in the last stages of Pul
monary Consumption, and given up to dio. I resided
in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parrish. then ol this
city, ordered me to Morcatown, N. J , a distance of
nine miles which took me two days to get there. On
my arrival 1 was put to bed, and there laid for many
weeks. This was my native place, where all my
family lived and hiid died of Consumption. Dr.
Thornton, who attended niy father in his last illness,
was called, and gave me one week to fix up niy af
fairs. He had seen all niy family go that way, and
thought 1 was to go, too Then I heard of Ihc'reme
dios I now ufl'er to the public, which cured me. It
seemed to me that 1 cuuld feel them penetrating niy
whole system.
They soon ripened the matter on my lungs, and I
would spit off more than a pint of urn-naive yellow
matter every morning. As soon as that began to
subside, niy cough, fever, pain, night sweats ull
began to leave me. and my appetite became so great
that it was with difficulty I could keep from eating
loo much. 1 soon gaired my straugtn audi have
been growing iu flesh evur since. For many years
1 have enjoyed uninterrupted good health, keeping
the liver and stomach healthy w ith the Seaweed To
nic aud Mandrake Pills, us I am of a billious temper
ament. My weight is two hundred aud twenty
pounds Ou my recovery people would send for me
far und near, to see if their casus were like mine.
For this purpose I pay professional visits in Ihe large
cities. Theconsuinptivea wi-h to see the oue I but
makes these medicines, and who was cured of con
sumption by theiu. To make new lungs is impoai
Lie; but cavities ill the lungs aud chronic ulcera
tions uf the I roiichial tubes can be healed Such
cswer are dying hourly under the ordinay treatment
of physicians, and just such are uured by the proper
use of Sehcnk s Puliuonio Syrup, Scuu etd 1'ouie.
aud Mandrake Pills. '
I am now a healthy man, with a large cavity in
Ihe middle lobe of Ihe right lung, the lower lobe very
much heliullted aud com l.lete adhesion of ll,a i.U..s.
left lungs is sound, and the umier lobe of Ihe
rigul lung is iu a tolerably healthy condition, lbs
gn at reason why physieiaus do not euro consump
tion i they try to do too uiuea ; they give luedielue,
to stop Ihe c -ugh. to slop chill, to stop night sweats,
hectic filer, aud, by so doing. I hey derange Ihe
whole digesiiia oners, liking up Ihe secretions
and eventually Ihe palurnt .inks and dies. After I
uiube a eaieluUxaiiiiimiion ul lite patient with Ihe
lU-rniioiet ler, and bud tulips euouh lull l.. .,ur I
t dire. l the paiiei.l how to use Ihe ll.ree reiurdiaa.
I lleiuoie Hie cause ami they will all slop of their
eoc o1 No oik can be cured of consumption,
: Hi r ciMup:aiut dyspepsia, ealairh. canker. aloreld
i tkioal, utiles, ill, liter aud stuu.ach are luuile kai.
'by lu New EugUaJ ibis canker chronic oatajik,
i ulcraled Ihiual, eluiigailou ul uiuia, is suure preia
lenl ihaniu anyolhrn soeliou uf lb, eouulrr. This
Is liisjueully caused by a foul slow a. k Vow way
' buia II out auk ceusliu liiu and asjaiu, and all ll
itnllei uuu.istfary r,lu. t'oiuet Uie sIuuisaIi
soi liter, ami u..y will btaj up Ibeiiueltus.
UixmI auliiiiou is lb, teiussly Ifvimhavu auy
ditraM Ui ai.y 4il ul lb, !ly! it llf i.iu.ln ih.i,
and deesy isture aud m-.f, until you ssa gis lb, stu
iuss.k lu lbs eutuliuv tu disj loud aud busks n.
biuud Iu take Ibe -Ia4.e v( Uuaasi-d saailsir Ibls
Ibe only way lu beai i; uu( m4 ulo.r
aled Ixuissblal luU, 1'wImI lb, siwt,sli au4 liter
as4 aalure s all du the kxlii ( alany fiuu kale
aa als lain SMiieuis ae i,al puoasrs uf
a, bluusi H ksu bluud to ,uss aisss 1 t aaaaui
U puna. I , I, sinasal Ue sau,e a Uo 4 nsi.d
n.sius la lb, i).aat but H lb, appaiatua la w.
dss.ia. I..., ,4mi. b aa) i. it pl,,, ,.f
a..isl, , u.... t,, Cluud. wla. ,,
i . i . - u ,a.i abub is 4-tni 4
. s I
-'i ariMslisiN siiat,
Us iU .auful lasia t 1 .
a a4Ms4 )M,
the stomach, and It Is carried nA by the aid of tho
Mandrake Pills, the Pnlmonio Syrup is made Into
"'lanitruke rill", the I uluionio ryrup is niaile mtr
l,M This is the only way to euro consumption
If I cannot get a good a
digest. I cannot cure the patient - Nevor mind Ihe
conith ; remove the cause and will stop of itself.
This is the most trouble 1 have with jny patients at
my rooms. They say, "Doctor, I foel slionger ; I I
csn eat ; Iny night sweats are better, and I feel bet-
tnr every way; but my oongh is so bad yet;" and
they are astonished to hear mo say that does not .
matter; remove the cause nnd the eotigh will s op t
of itself Schenl s Seaweed creates a good appetite
in about nine days, when there Is no lung ill1-!- se, j
unless tho liver is so eoneioaled that the M indrnko i
Pills cannot unlock the ducts of the snll bladder in I
that short space of time, In order to allow the stale
bile lo pass off. Keep tho liver and stomach healthy
and there is less danger of consumption or any other j
disease. It is hard W take cold when thoso organs;
arc healthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited,
dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite,
nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is
oaten lies heavy, loss of memory, try one bottle of '
.SCIIENCK'iS SEAWEED TONIC, and one box of
S011ENK S MANDRAKE P1LL.S. It is only a
cost of one dollar and twenty-five cents, with full di
rections. This is sufficient," in many cases, to satis
fy what the medicinos are. Frequently one bottle
makes a great change in the system. Any person
thut enjoys ordinary health, by using tho Seaweed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills occasionally, must got the
digestive organs in such a healthy condition that
they become fleshy I can produce a number of my
old consumptives patients now enjoying good health,
weighing nearly i0 pounds. I will oonelude by
relating three cures I have mado in New Y'ork, and
wnicn arc ail uinereni, anil wisn any ouo w no ici-is
an interest in Ihe matter to visit them. First is Mrs.
Karlow. residing then at No. 1117 Houston street Jlcr
husband enlled msm meat my rooms. .12 Bond street
nnd wbhod me to cnll nnd sec her. He said I could
do no good ; that ho had had all tho best medical
attendance, and all said she was too far gone with
Consumption to be cured ; but she hinl licnnl ol somo
great euros I had made, and he desired to gratify
her wishes. I called, aud found her lying confined
to her bed in the last stage of bronchial' consumption
anil without doubt must nave died soon. 1 examin
ed her lungs, found both bronchial lubes very much
affected, but no cavities had formed, her cough
was very severe, the spit-lmx was half full of thick
pus. Pulse 140, leg swollen very much ; and worse i
than all, she had chronic diarrlnra. Iler bowels had
been moved eleven times that day. told her that sho
had lungs anough to be cured, but that this dinrrho-a
had bcenof long standing, and her stomach was in
such a ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing
could be done. She insisted 1 should try and do
what I could for her, oliserving that sho could not
last long in the condition she was in. and I could not
make her any worse. I gave her first a doso of my
Mandrake Pills, and the tonic and s'yrup freely.
That was on Tuesday, nnd by the next Sunday the
diarrhoea was carried oft, her appetite had returned
and she could sit up in bed and eat her dinner. She
is now well, and gave a long certificate, certified to
by the Rev. Dr Downing.
Mrs. Bartholomew. Hi West Forty-fifth street,
came to my rooms with a tumor nu her liver. Mio
was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels
costive, no appetite, and fast sinking into the grave.
Tho said tumor had been ruuuing over fourteen
years. I gave her Syrup. Tonic nnd Pills, nnd told
tier to take them just us Ihe directions wero printed.
She came back to my rooms, 32 Bond street in two
weeks, somewhat better ; her tongue had begun to
clean a little around the edges, bcrskiu whiter and
her eyes brighter and tho tumor dischurging very
offensive matter, much faster than it had cvor doue
before. She kept gradually improving, and iu nlaiut
two mouths she came to my mums very much fright
ened, saying that tho tumor had nearly slopped
running, and was healing up. and that every doctor
had told her that it it ever healed it would cause her
death. I told her that the disease had all left her
system, nnd nature would heal the ulcer up. They
are now healed, and have been for about a year, and
she is a hearty and robust a woman us you will find
in a days walk. Sho is glad for any one to call on
her. and lakes great pains to visit any one that she
hours has anything like her easo. and tries to get
them to come and see mo. The next case is .Mi, -a
.'cotield, from Stamford, Conn., Mrs. Bartholomew
got her down to sec mc, and she has been ever since
ut her house. When she first ciiuio to my rooms, sho
w as iiiiu-li emaciated with a distressing cough, spit
ting largo quantities of bloojl. I examined her lungs
with the respirometcr, and in ull iny practice never
found one w ith one lung so fir gone and the other
lung so sound. I could not give much encourage,
meut. I thought sho would die ; but to my aston
ishment tho Puliuonio Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and
Mandrake Pills all seoiued to go right tu work, tho
lung is all healed over, leaving a oavity as largo as
a ginwc egg; good nppclite, tjno spirits, mid has
gained situs thirty. five pounds in weight. She has
some cough yet. which I do uot tulnk will leave her
beioro Juue. 1 should think it woiild he of great
iuterest to some unprejudiced physician tu tneso
oases, jiilieulurly .Mis SeoSebl. oranv of thein who
have been cured l.y my medicine they are num.
crous iu New York ; but the above three nil dillcr
from each other ; and if u y medicines are doing
what I roprescnt they are, they should huvo tho
frviit and the aiUicied know where ud how they
Liny bo ourcd.
Dr. J. II. Schenk enn ho tuun-l at the principal
ofliuc. No. .'1'J North tilh Street, Philadelphia, every
Saturday, from V A. M. until 5 P. M., tu give advice
free of charge; but lor a through exami-..lion he
ch.irges throe dollars. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup
an t Seaweed Tonic each 1 26 per buttle, or to. tho
halfdoicn. Mandrake Pills 2i cents per lain, und
is for sale by all Druggists and Dealers.
May 14. I&o-t. ly
lis!' SII'I. 1C
At tho Large Millinery Storo of
31iNM n. I.. 4aii-U-r,
Fawn street, two door south of Shnmokin Valley i,
Pottsvillo Railroad, SL'NBl RY, Pa.,
Consisting of Ihe very latosf styles of
JI E CLP .tV W B lZr n
Also. Trimmings such as Ribbons, Laces, French and
American flowers, rcathcrs, Ac.
Fancy Goods & Notions.
to which she directs the attention of her friends, and
invites all to call uud see be for o purchasing else
where Thankful for past patronage, she hopes by keep
ing tne best assortment at reasonable prices to cou
tiutio the same.
Sunbury, April 9, 1SCI .'Im
ISrntfiiiff Knilroital.
BEAT T1U NK LINE from the North ana
North-West lor Philadelphia, New York. Read
ing. Pottsvillo, Lebanon. Allenlown. Easton, 4c.
Trains leave llarrislmrg for Philadelphia, New
York, Reading. Poltsville. and all Intermediate
Stations, at b A. M., and 2 IUI P. M.
New York Exprcsslcaves llarrislmrg at 6 30 A.M.,
arriving lit New York at 1 4.'i the same day.
A spu -ial Accommodation Paasenger train leaves
Reading ul 7 li A. M., and returns from llurrisburg
at i P. M.
Fares from llurrisburg: To New Y'ork 1 5 ; to
Philadelphia t,i Si uud $2 SO. Bugguge checked
Resuming, leave New York at 6 A. M.. 12 Noon,
and 7 P M. (Pittsburgh Express arriving at Harris
burg at 2 A. M j Leuie Philadelphia ul s ISA. M .
and 3 SO P M.
Sleeping ears in the Xew Y'ork Impress Trains
through to and from Pittsburgh without change.
Passengers by the Cattawisaa Rail Road leave Ta
maquaat H 60 A. M , and 2 15 P. M , for Philadel
phia. New-York, and all Way Points
Trains leave Poltsville at V la A. M , and 3 0 P.
M , for Philadelphia, ilairisburg and New York.
Anaccomiiiudalion Puneuger train leatea Reading
at 6 Do A. M., aud returns fiuiu 1'liila.ielphia al i uu
P. M.
tfAII the above trains run daily, Sundays ex
cepted .
A Sunday traiu leaves Poltsville at 7.80 A.M.,
and Philadelphia at 3 I j P. M.
Couiumtatiou, Mileugu, Seuja.n, ami Excursion
Tickets, at reduued rales tu and ftoui all points,
btl Pounds Bagga-ii allowed each Passenger.
Umeral Suiieriutvudeut-
Meysr, mi.
How Isttat, Hist KralorsMl.
Il sri.ublishe..a nsw edition of Dr. CI LVER.
I.I.L S l f.l.r HHATKD KSSAY uu Iherudical
cure (wiihuiit unNlieiue) ol tint ksmtohmiika. of
tetitinal weakuasa. Involuntary Seminal Less, I.
ruraacv Mrutal and l'Lsi.,l Iuwapaity, liupssli.
susuuio Marriage, eel ; also. Cool arnoa, Ipilrp
y, and Fits. Uiducad by ssll-ludul jenee or sexual
Ijr" l''ie, m u tt.iltJ inilo), auy nj
The eeluWate4 auth.-r ia this admirable aaay
slsaly deuiuiMUalass, fruia a thirty yw suouutti.1
pias-liee, thai lh alsrailng iSuusqutuoi of soil
anus, uiay Iss ra.lle.lly euid aiUuiul the Uangeruus
u.u o ii.iiru.l iu,.jui4,e or tha applwailua of ika
kaire-uiuuu out a auli( cure, at vuct muioU
a-lata aud efev-lual, ay a,ro u Luh..i ,ut
f.r.i, ui kn.iur stiu ku autsdittuu sue a, saay
Ufa kiu-Mlf cheaply, pruauly. atui ladieally.
It I bis Lsoiuie should siliai bauds f evar
yuuik and aey ssaa Us lbs I sad '
aval aaiai sm. la a platu elu(, u aay addrsa,
pusl paid oa IMS, lb J.,jUt( Msli.u, ty ad
uieseiutf Ui nuLiUa.s '
l?T B.. M.f Yk, Peat titksa lk,, tW
Ja l. a-s -y H
I u
ik iPamhsaeat I'auar I 1mmi a4 Weak
"a IsMisaa. Kassmuuisss Sh.iis.oss. a .
tt7atw Tnr.T?ixrnnkr.
XVlJlYU X. llVVl 1X1 V ,
Ready to nail down.
At loss than half the cost of tin roofs.
More durable than tin. .
Suitable for steep or flat roofs.
For all kinds of buildings, In all climates.
Easily, cheaply, and quickly put on. Needs no
coating over with cement afler it is nailed dowu.
Made of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly saturated
and covered upon both surfaces with a perfectly wa
terproof composition, and put up in rolls ready for
use 40 inch wide, and 75 feet long. ,
We also manufacture
For Lhakt Tis Room,
Much choapor and more durable than o'l paint.
('oiiipoaail foment,
For Loaky Shingle Roofs,
Which will often save the cost of a new roof.
Samples of Ready Roofing and Circulars sent by
mail when desired.
Favorableu-rms made with responsible parties who
buy to sell again.
73 Muiden Lano, X. Y
April 23, 1804.
I'.TTj lMly 4 'nit lie ii n ArllHl.
No. 1.1.18 Chesnut Street, opposite the U. 8. Mint.
Gallery, Reception and Oporating Rooms ALL ON
Allstvlcsnnd sixes of Photographs, Ivnrytypes.
Ferrotypes or "Tintypes'' and taken at prices to suit
tho times.
Pictures Finished In Water Colors, Oil, India Ink
nn.l Ptislil
Horses and other animals, Equipago. Country Seats.
Ruins, JUoilolsot .Machinery, ic, lor l atenting ac
urntclv nhotonranhed.
P F. Cooper desires to call tho attention of per
sons visiting Philadelphia to his new Ground lloor
(lu'lerv. whero ho has introduced ncwly-patenlcd
cameras, capable of taking, in a few seconds, one
hundred Photographs, from the small stamp or auto,
graphic, to tho Imperial end Life Site.
Alter manv exiieriincnts he has succeeded in pla
cing bis sky-light at an improved angle, ditlusing
tho light in equal proportions, nnd producing that
' s..ri rn.lation ,.f tone which cannot be given iiv the
side nnd sky-lights, generally used, and which of so
much importance to tho beauty of a picturo. ; js
made of French glass and is the lar'.ai in Philadel
phia. Mr. Ciaper lias been engaged mere than twenty
' yours iu the study nnd practice of tho Fine Arts.
Ilis long experience as a Miniature and Portrait
Painter is suiheicut guarantee fur tho perfection of
the pictures made at his establishment.
The art ol idealizing Is well understood ; none but
the most skillulnrtistsarc employed in the rcspcotive
' departments.
All Pictures Warranted ; the Ivnrytypes will not
change iu any dim. He, nnd will stand the test of
acids. Pellicular attention is paiu tu giving grace
ful and easy aisiiinns.
' Daguerreotypes and all o:her kinds of pictures
copied. I roni small medallion to life sue, unit finish
ed in colors or Indian ink, to look equal to pictures
. taken from life.
This Gallery psesgcs rare fucil lies for taking
Equestrian Pictures from life, in the rear building,
where from ouu to titty horses oaa he photographed
at u time.
X. B To Ph.logrn;hers. Colorists and others.
Just Issued A New tork on
Photograph Coloring. Ivorytj ping, Enamelling,
Ivory Miniature Paining. Ac.
Coutplu'.c itisi ructions given tor mukiug Ivorytypes
witli n.iuo vattiaidv T--ceniis, never belore published,
useful to all photographer, lor ono of wnieh a turge
sum lias been offered.
By following tlie directions contained in this hook,
even those persons with no previous knowledge, ot
l'uintiLg cannot tail to color pholoinphs iu a beau
tiful aud effective style.
One copy with model of coloring $5 Oil, wtthout
model UU.
By relenting $1(1, Ink model sett of colors, &e.,
will be sent free of charge.
Will be Shortly,
A Yaliaiii.e WoitK us I'i-.awimi.
With progreisive Illustration ot the Human Face and
A IIa.nd-Book on Positions,
V illi Illustrations. Designed fur thu use of Photo
graphers and Artists.
Mr. Cooper continues lo receive Ladies and tun.
tl.-uieu into his Classes for instructroii iu Drawing,
and Photograph, Ivorytype. India Ink ami Pastil
Piiinting, and a beautiful process for Enameling
Circulars containing list of prices of pictures aud
further information respecting tin- Books and Terms
of iie-truetion may he had by enclosing Post Olhce
Address aud a Slaiuu to
EI.1S Chesnut Sliest, Philadelphia.
Caleb Cope. President Academy of Fine Arts.
Dr. Tina. U. t ilson. Oruithelogist and Entomologist
Rev. 'itiiunas Miles Martin, P. E. Church.
Hon. Victor A. Sarlori, Consul of Leghorn.
Robert G. Clarkson, of Firm of Jay Cooke A Co.
New York, Rev. W. A. Jlaybiu, Reel. St. Albau's
Boston. J. E. TilionA Co.
Henry lloulan t, Esq., Long Branch, X. J.
Baltimure. Mous. Amedeo Sauvon, French Concttl.
May 21st, liiil.
Orders will receive prompt attention.
Williamsport, June 25, 1S64. Proprietor.
Northern Central Itniluny !
ki .vi.Mi'ic inn: TAiti.i:.
THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore
! and Washington city.
Coiiuections mado with trains on Pennsylvania
Railroad, to aud from Pittaburg and the West.
11IUEE TI1A1NS DALY to and from tneNorth and
West Branch Susquehanna, Elm il a, and all of North-
I em New York.
ON and alter MONDAY, MAY ltlth, 1654,
the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central
' Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury,
, llurrisburg and Baltimore as follows, sis ;
I SOL T II W A it D .
Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except
1 Sunday). 10 25 A. M.
, " leaves liairiaburg, 1 2o P. M.
; " arrives al Balliuiora, i 0 "
; Express Train leaves Sunbury daily
(except Suuday,) 11 45 P.M.
" leaves llarrisburg (except
Monday.) 2 50 A. M
11 arrives at Baltimore daily
(except Monday). T 00 A.M.
llarrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris-
burg, r 00 A. M.
iiunuurv AMotuuiodalluu laavv 4Lbury
daily (except Sunday) at
' Mall Train laarts fca'limore daily (ea.
eepl Sunday)
" leave ilarruburf
" arrives at Suubury,
Express Traiu Nat as Baltimore daily
. " arrives al llarrisbuig,
" b at es llairisburg laicepl
j Mukdayi.
" arm as at Suubury.
8 20 A. M
1 Jo P. M,
4 V5 -
il So P . M
1 iu A U.
3 I5A
5 id
Ilarjisburg Aooouimodaiioa leave Harris
burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M
' arrives al lluriisouig, T 5U I al
Sunbury Aoouuiiuodaiion leatea Uartla-
bu'i daily isie-tpi tHiaday) al 4 00 P J
for turthw ibtj.ii.sHoo apply al the Olfioa.
I Jv i'lU-lUHl. teu
llariuaurg, Jaua .t
PKaNaSIOXS, sou.vritis
SI UmVK. Atlufu.y at Law. U duly asiilws.
I !-( u4 ll--o4 W I'llisleMs,
ass.sssst)is asissu U ! It MiJoas, ".
Lkus,4aul Jiis I'lUwa iu Mwkst stiset, eppw
la Shin II al, auubaiy, Pa.
slaaaail 4, lac 4 ly
isa iissl livsa ke T"li. aisVete
- ww.
Ol'LD respectfully announce that they have
Must received and opened a Try Urge and well telcc
ted Stock of
which they are willing to disposa of at a VERT
Fir sit font.
Thankful for past favors wo hope lo meet a con
tinuance of the same by still soiling Goods as cheap
if not Ili:.tli:il than can be purchased else,
Sunbury, May 23, 1R6.1.
o. w. riK.oLr.n, soi.omo mai.ick,
SuiilMiry, .wrltiiiiiiti'rliinl 'o.,
Offer their professienal services to tho public. Col
lections and all other professional business eutrustcd
to them, will receive prompt attention
Also, Military claims will bo collected, such as
Bounty. Back-Pay, Pensions, Ac, Ac.
Both speak the German Language.
Office Market Square, next door to Prothonotary s
Sunbury, March ft, 1WV4.
II. A! I '.It,
A Itonu j nt I.UM-, SrXBl'RY, PA.
Collections attended to iu 0 .. counties of Nor
thumberland, I'nion, Snydr, Montour, Columbiu
and Lycoming.
IIon.T,.bn M. Reed, Philadelphia,
A. G. Oattell A- Co.,
Hon. Win. A. Torter, "
Morion McMichael, Esq., '
E. Ketehnm A Co.. 2V Pearl S'frcef, New Y'oA.
John W. AshVicad, Altornry nt Law, -
JIatthews A Cox, Attorneys at 1..-IW,
Sunbury, March 2, lllj.
Isilt-niittloiial Hotel,
365 and Sli7 llroiiitiray, i'uriier 1-ranllinJitrert
rill IS first class House the most quiet, homelike
J. and pleasant Hotel in the city otters superior
inducements to Ihosa visiting New York for business
or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on
the Ei'Koi-kan Plan, iu oouuection with Tavi. oil's
Saloon, where refreshments can be hud all hours,
or served in iheir own rooms, 'i he charges are mo
derate, the rooms and attendance of the first order
baths, and all the modern conveniences attached.
Sept I'J, 1st',::.
in everv varieiv,
Orders Kilioltvd ai d tilled v,i
plvVip'. and
1 despatch.
I Sut.tiury, May PI,
.Vtdorm-j- iiikI
Ceunsi Itor uf I.iivi .
Orlice on south si.le c.f Market street, foui doors west
of E. Y. Bright A Sou s Store,
Will atti-a ).tovptly lo all vrofi-ssionnl bn-iness
entrnste l to his can-, Ike collection oi claims iu
Northumberland and the adjoining wcativs.
Sunbury, May 2.1. l-ifl.'J. ly
I 'or ItnlH, VI !', IEiim-Ii-, Ants, U-I
llii;;, IIoIIim in I'iii-n, sioleiis. Ac,
Insects on I'lmils., l iiu I-, Auimil,
Putup'm?5c, 50c, and $1 On Boxes. Bottle? anJ
Flasks, fi and $6 sites for llm Is, Public lnslitu
lions, Ac.
'Only infallible remedies known "
'Free from Poisons."
'Not dangerous to the llumau Family,"
"Rats come out of ibcir holes to die."
Sold Wholesale in all lurge cities.
. Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere
! ! ! Bkwahi: ! ! ! of ull worthless imitations.
Scelhat "t'ostar's" uauiu is ou each Box, Bottls
and F'lask, before you buv.
Address slilMtY It. i'Osi'l.t It.
Principal Depot 42 Broadway New York,
fj Sold by all holcsulc aud Retail Druggists iu
Sunhurv. Pa.
Feb. 20. l3r.L Pm
.via.i.i4'! i.riv' i ivi: .m..
in: riti:i:.a:it :
As Improved for 1659 aud 1860,
By K..KETCHAM A CO., 2ol Pearl St., New Yoik.
rilllE only F'reeter constructed ou scientific priti
X ciples. ivilb a revolving can and spring blaoc
scraper. The ouo hastens the freexiugol'lhe ereuiu- -theoiher
removes it as fust as frozen.
The most rapid in freezing, with the least quautity
of ice.
The most economical iueosl, as it is the most simple
and durable in structure.
For sale in all the principal cities and towns in the
Each Freeier accompanied with a book of recipes
and full directions.
8 quarts, f.l 00
4 quarts, 4 no
A quarts, 5 00
8 quarts, f 00
14 quarts, 8 00
20 quarts, 12 110
Apply to It. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa.
March , 1S62.
Southwest Corner of Market Square,
HI Alii U V.
rpiIE underlined respectfully informs tha public,
I. that be has taken charge of lha above uamed
Hotel, and sks for tba evntluuauce of tha former
patronage and would iuvtte all uUibis Id give h.ui a
is alwartMcplikJ with the bast tha inaiket affords
Hut Bar ouutaius the choicest liquors, and bis stab
ling is good and Veil attended by careful O.tleia
Sunbury, April, l, lao
N E W G 0 0 D S!
Two dworswasKf Wat. II Millar's Shoe store,
Sunbury, pa. Just opausd a fresh supply of
i Svi-h as Fancy Drasa Tiimmiup, Ritboas, Qlotes
1 Hai.dketibials, La lies' Llnea Collsj. ai,d I' - Us
: Usui s LImsb aud ppr Collars. Nslia Hsl's. I w
(..liars aa,i ivsa. usir noils, Valval Hill,
Red. Ubliaaud Blue Nask-llsa, Coiaau, Quaker
fekuia, kua I ubeirsllaa, Yuxsa aiui SUavas.
Atsu, a Ben- Mylear ssuslia at Oarrikaidl weiaia
lua-xker wiik w(js Jasasuat aas) Vvetocia Mutln
l ia w'ol.ais aa4 Valla, Uraaadisas atui Lasss V il
aasl a at lety al eta at ai lialaa u aaw oms to Suva
. aiAU I LAAla
aaal-ary 14 l4t
l ossaiy kiwrTrswr A sairj sisarr,
.VjA.n.-y, rtiitmbtrluHj (Vtsnfp, axa'is.
A'! Wskiuik Invest I a Iiitai aaa
J aaa4aaUuas,diiealwfaliisal.saa4sVas
All aassaesa esusaaiasi la km easa, Ui ra
aua4ss4 is)
Tits' Alnin I'irsi Compntir,
CIVK NOT1CK that thnf !) ormolnded ar
"j rangements with the Northern Central Railroad
Company to run train from Baltimore for York,
Harrlshorg, Dauphin, llalifas, Trternrfon, ftnnhe ,
Northumberland, Lewisbntif, Milton. Muncy, Wil
liamsport, and all intermediate station, pon nectinjf
at llarrisbnrg with tha GREAT WESTERN EX
PRESS fur Pittsburg, Cincinnati, 8t. Lonist and tb
Also with Howard A Co.'s Exprtsw at Milfoa ef
Danville, Bloom shtirg. Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Soma
ton, and intermediate stations on the Cattawisaa,
Lackawanna A Blnomsburg Railroads. At Wil
liamsport, by Howard A Co.'i Express) to Jersey
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard It Co.,
and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira,
Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible
points in Western New York and Canada, by whioh
they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes,
Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip
tion. Also, Notes. Drafts nnd Bills for Collection.
Experienced and efficient messengers employed,
and every effort will be made to render satisfaction.
Superintendent Tenn'a Division, Philadelphia.
R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbnry.
April 4, mi.
ItMll. Arrnnscmenla Itj0-1. -of
Sew York I.iacw,
the camden and am boy and piiiladel- '
tuia and Trenton r. r. co.'s lines.
i-Voni Philadelphia to Nrm York and Way Plana,
from W'utnvt strrrt Wharf and Kensington
Drpot, trill Uave at folotrt, rit : Tint.
At A A. M., via Camden and Ambov, (C. nnd
Accommodation.) 12 25
At 5 A.M., via Camden and Jersey City, N.J. ,
At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City,
(Morning Mail.)
At 9 A.M., via Camden and Jersoy city 2d
Class Ticket
At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
AL 12 M. via Camden and Atnlxiy, C and A.
At 2 P. via Camden and Amboy, (0. nnd
A. Express.)
At P.M.. via Kensington ond Jersey City,
n's". and N. Y'. Express
At fij V. il.. via Kensington and Jersey City,
(Evening Mail,)
111 P. M, via Kensington nnd Jersey city,
j.- n.tliclD Jlail.
At 11 (night) via Kens'fngton and Jersey city
Soul 'x,'r" Kspwsi'
At 5 P M , vi Com len nnrl Anibny. (Accotn-'
m..,i,i,. u, Freight and Pusscuger, First
2 25 '
3 00
2 2
3 00
2 25
3 00 4
3 00 1
3 00
3 00 '
3 0(1 '
t SO
Class Tic.
Second Chi
is Tii ket,
F'or Wat r I "I cl-"U""urg ,-crsaton. vii:aes.
i.. m..... l.rcHt IVi.t, Ac- nt ti A. i4
from 'KcnsinL'tnn. vin w'. Lackawtui',
a and
U'.... ,
,, i.i, in . ...
For Mauch Chunk. . '""'"yn. uctiiioh.-rn, B,,v
ere. f.iis'on, l.uiubertvi.
'e. Fl
i imngluli, Ae.
. at t,
P. M.
A. M., from Kensington
from Walnut street Wharf.
"P"', inJ u; .Si
(Then A. M. Lino connects 'ils Trains leavine
Enston for .Mi'iicfc Chiitik. nt .'i-2ll P. 'VI.)
For Mount lloliv, at 6 A. .M.. 2 nn-1 I P. M
For Freehold, ui ,! A. M. and 2 P. M.
For Bristol. Teuton. Ac. ut 11 A. 31. and IJ and
j I'. M. fiotn Ketisingtoii.
For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco. Bcv-rlv. liui
lington. Fiorcncc, Burdeiitown, Ac, at 12 V Jl
and 0 P. M. ' ' "' 1
l.a" Fr New York, and Wav Lines Ieavin. Ken
sington Depot, fi.ko the Cars ou Fifth street.'ul.ovo
Walnut, half an hour lo-iou, ,.- :,, tore. T'le Cars
run into the Depot. ,u), tUc ari l- ul of each ivujn
run lrom ihe Depot , '
lit'iy Pouuds of Toisgagc onlv. allowed earli
passenger. ! iifcngirs are prohibited irom taking
anything as bagngc hut their weiring apparel. All
baggage ou r titty pounds to be ,:,,.! for extra. The
Ciunnnny liinil their responsihility tor t.ngnage t
One Dolinr per pound, and will not be liable l'..r any
amount bcyoi:! tjill.U except l-V spe.-ial eolilract
V. M. li. UAT.M1.K, Agent.
Jatiutrv 17, DIM.
lilies, 'iu, As-.
hait-L. ifH-ned in Tkutui-Wa
r i 'nr. siihseritu-r.
Itrn-k lliiildili'. .V.,'1 il. ..-
i t'.:u .!le, u
ami eomr, stoek ot
F"l;l;l'N AMi DOi5t-TlC l.tcjroUS.
I eomi.n.-iug the hot brim i u; Hru-.i li.-a. liiu. I'lia
Uve. S.: t k ar I Whi-kev. l-,,tt, S,, rrv. M i,
j dviru, yhs.f.sgu.: und oilier n.,-s. ,,! u grn'l. all
i u win i,es,., ii niileM.le. at tlie ou.-.-l i
uve l ie-n.-keepers. I,v l,u
1. ie,i.-i Till- IT' Il'oi
Vcrsoiis d .-irons of u:ol,-,uk. itt...r, fij
F A M 1 I. Y I S E .
nay My upon l ing fiirni-Led witli
aiuidiiit-r ite( artii-le.
pure HVi-l
I 1" ing iletei inined to e-it iMH, a retuit.itioii foe
.-'liing eil'. ',.. ;i re.l.ecllul!v Soliel-s ; ,.. ' .
e public. All or..U.i.,v-'.i..p;:y .nten I. 1 i,..
. . -II ItEMlAH S. 11 ALL.
DiinviMs. 2-utie lit. IVmi.
M MARKET STREET. V. 1;i;;!3! !','l. .,.,
Dealer in
r i a x o
VI IV Hcew 1 Plan-
floin lh
from J.'oo upwards.
. 1 lit best li.KMif.iL'ftirt-t. FiKtrii .
Ill- ll!S
. Fit-.
. .teir-Icn!i.-,. Vint ft,
I'l lllll-i. lllinii.4, i ni'.iuuriiii.j.
i.-liii and (iuiiarstiings iui wvAl,-al nier,
ciiai; iiie iu general. '
The bilest iil.icalions always on hand. Mii-ic som'
by mail to any part of the eountrv
Suitable for looking glasses, a:.d ail hinds ofpiot itej
always on hand,
A fine assortment ofbot plated
LOOKINli liLASSES from sm.-.tlest lo largest siics.
Auy style of frame made to order at the shortest
notice. . WM. KMu'llK.
A'' L"- 3 Market si., HarriburS.
Wiis-liin-ion flu -,
(.iur tie Iirithe.)
Hi: siibsi-riher haling leased this well known
J 'is
aiern Stand. Imelv Kent bv Mi. t". S. Its,.,,
respectfully in I, on..- i lie puldic that he is refining and
repairing the prcmi-is. mid will bu prepured to en
tertain, in u coiuii rUiMo iiiaiiiier, his uuiueroua
friends tliroughoi.t the county, and all who may
patronize lis esiubli.-l.iueiil.
April 12, lri2. JOSEPH VANKIHK.
Si. '. UV. liiil tit V'Si
Confectionery, Toy and
.Miii'Lrl Mi-i-i-i, Siiiiliury , a,
toys of i:yi:i:y prscniiTiox,
Flit IT, At ., Ac,
C CONSTANTLY' on hand and for sale at the alaive
j esiiihlifhuiciit atwIiulcs.Jo and retail, at rea-iu-able
He is manufacturing all kinds of Confe. tionarics
to keep up a lull aiortmei.t which aro told at low
Tobacco, Secsrs, Stationery. Nuts of all kinls. and
a variety of other articles, all uf whuh arc otlered
wholesale and retail.
Ijf Remember the name and place
Maiket street, 3 doors west o! V.. Y. Lriht 4 Sou's
Sunbury, Sept. 9, l.-v'l- tf
nl luM-r itMMf i -,
"I VST received direct fr,.m the Msuuluoturer, at
fj tte .n.v.n Jtuiii fi.irvt ,,
Sunbury, March 15 Iai4
II ST reui I, f I from New Y'oik aud Philadel loa.
a Ircsli sui i ly of lbs lattat ml.s and ul the Usl
quality, whuh La has Isi ins le up lo order, and
warranted lo giie good sati-faetioii He has made
arrangements iu the city l Late bis best aik made
Im order, akiehean be had at all times, if not uu
hand lliey will be procure.! al n -list. is u.,nce
iisiiula-turing ol UUO'l'.-i aud sU"ts of aJI kinds
as usual.
1 will also aholsaals Boots and Shoes by tha box.
Call and elaiuiue Ivl-ie purcbasmf slseabeio
and saiisiy youixliea.
ibauktul ur psairunsge bsretof-e tieMowad, be
ropsvitullv S..IUHS a ctM.iiuuaiHe ul ihe tamo
BUip a I More loom, Ihlee divas wral uf the Hail
lUai lu Market ruisis
WM. 11. MILL) 11
wunbury, ki t l, -V
l' Jour Bbaakar, o
Il Muus Vloik liuud ii paid.
.tllssratc) A l auasrllsr Ml IIM ,
Oftre au t..Hik w-leef Msism stis.l (Lui duuis aesl
isf liaaikail s i'uulssiluiy sSula,
K III alias.4 pS'-u.i-llr Ui all (u
at,Ui.4 W ku ,., ike swiliMs,
I, ! stsl asssiawa
'luiaisvs la kn
waibissiiaaa au-l li i)utuu.g suaa i
'o' ats.a , i
ai Cs ssfxs 4saMi "
.aba.., um r. i n Mum-'
tl , l 4 -ly
I Biss-kui, a, ,, )