Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 10, 1864, Image 3

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.jc Sun bury mriiran.
TT. B. MAftSFn. Editnr& rropv'ctor.
M'.JitliSV, f.X.
, ' B. 1ST. IT!TTir,7IOIt.L CO.,
Vr. Park How, New York, nnd ft State Plrect,
JVir,.i. nro our agents for tint PrsnriiT Annic j inlr '"mr looK up. 1 us at McLon
n tVw ritio, nnd nro niit'ioriro, to take Ailvnulfo- 1 ll;,'eS 11 lime nfter they hail encamp-
r onti and Siilscri(aipn fl.r in at our lowest rites. I " ' ' lul ,MWn " 11 11 very large
Tub CliioL'0 Time ostentatiously pro
e.'i'D': Mint the Democracy will this F ill
ii ivu r, fair ek-ctloti or n free fin-lit. Tic
Tr'.'iu ! asks whether they propose nniv, ns
in IfbiO. to have, the election fir-l ami com
mence the free fir;ht directly afterward.
Ilow mn Siu.Dirits Vmn.- Tlio 13$t!i
Illinois HiVTiinent is stationed nt Ko t t.piivcn
worth, Kansas, nnd numbers 800 men nil
ViM. It ivin recent ly canvai-scil b- rnmpn
liics, with thin result : For Lincoln 730; nil
nil other, 70.
PriT AO.UNST Ttir. Ooveuxmkst HoiuiKn,
11 wtoxn. -On Momlay last suit was
MH.-red in tin; Supreme 'Ourt of Hi-t.
Cn'irnbia against Win. A. llamtnond, late
!'uru'. !i'ti. U. H., to recover I.IO.Onn dol
1'i'v. the amount alleged the trovcrnment has
'een defrauded ofby his blanket purcha-ic
from W. A. Stevens, nnd. supplies from John
Wyeth it l?m .Vt.OOO licinr the nninunt in
the first case nnd 100.000 in the second.
I-'7"" The Miners' Journal says: T.iott.
C"l. riotstut of tho Forty-ciu'hth Penn
sylvania lietrimcnt. whose succe-sfid mininpr
oper itiors at Peter-burs', pained for him"
ec'f and his command much credit, was in
town a few days since, iu the enjoyment
excellent health.
Later liom Mlnrm:i.
Xasiivii.t.k, Sept. 5.
from General Sherman's armv to-dav
, j
repiirts III" eiieniv s loss nt .!.("") killed nnd 1
wounded. We raptured C.00-1 piisnners
A:ntii: them is a Vri-'ndier General. A
larirc ninounti.l material was enntnred. The
nrmy is in fa'l i-o--e-.aon of Atlanta. The
riv. r is four feet and tis'tio-.
31 era I Affairs.
t i-'I'lie IVi'sblenl of Hie t'niii .1 -!tn'. Ins reenm-t-i'-u
'oil tl.-n! on Sun lay next tliiinki;ivioi s!i:ill !
tificred up in till j-lnces of jiuMic worship in the Piii-te-1
Slain--, fur ihe rient vie! -rii s m' Adioirnl r.-u r.-i-nt
iiTi-1 tii'MiTf;! ShTniT. ttieir -rs nn-l men.
wiili TTi.yers mi ln-l.idf of tho -i,-k no 1 nolo de 1 hii.I
tlie wi l.-v s niol ori't.ans of Ih-i-o wlio hi'vo folti-a in
tl;e . i-rviec i-I the country. lint n I'ivioo l'rovi.
il.-iion in i..,nliii!ic to in 1, l-l lo.- tint! -ii against ihe
tl-! 1 . ot'tr.ii'or- .-nil t-innt 'J!u- recoitl
Mii'ia'iini is oiic uhieli Mill he d r eialy r. -j oi-.b-il
lo by I iyal ninl t'liri.-iiim proi'ii-.
V Tin: Ihi.m t. We h-n-ii tin- .baft
(li-ti ict will rmt take phici' for sever d dny- -uii'il
ti.e .-r' ii' r r.- coin i !.-:. . 1 .1 i:!l 10 itti r-- fal'y -mi
i-.l Hi', in er lor that nil d.-l.i.v an I ir.m'i'o in.v h
mo: K t ai'i.T die T li s i, !.. -.- lo in-, tit r
t in .
t.i i
! 1 :
i-fi'.i ; chouM I-'- left untiiii' to have tii" im .-
1. Th'.-di
; I
. i
. 1 1.:
t -
ni i:;
r- j. u. - -o ui ;
t.:;!y ,-n
M-hi"ll i
1 h is J la
! lo ll.i
. ii.
i'l.l 111
ni. i i .
pi.- if I in- i-shihi'.i i
. to I
for ihe
. . 1. 1.
1 :.
ii i sMy-aine ovil.nrs. ;
.l.llal v Ct.ii.i!.is-)oii o. .
i-h will be giati fally !
il-iif. s. hut t ery
'i !.e i 1. I . li.i
;"' i-t:.i .i in a s'p. I. a.. I
at- 1 i
r.i les w t i' 1,
nriiiior sel'lt'Ui e.
eli.v. Our l...'.i-s v
I'ie'.e so :s-s. to il.
u. l "
r I'.juaik'.i olit.-l'le ol l.'.i-.-it'y'ti.'l I'll' il e.-iii-trien-ts,
titiii.'S nlai gv i.-
l'hihfii 'ipl.ia, ll.ii.isi.-..i,' il w.e lnost s.o
an 1 V.
i.i r.
i l;i in .Ncrt
. t.ii 1 wil! I..- real in1
i.'c e r-1. lit r - - tlj - -
ael a . a
ciia i Wia :
; t - . lie r' ! I' ll ill .
IM- j ta .'. i.
ifll j'.l'lg' of'
e- tjily. Im I t.t
M' l.tlt.y iaft, al.d i'.'lli.
t i I el :
A--.'i,.i.;, i
i. II. Mill.
11. bur ly
..-order J.
of il
-'! --m. -u: V
A 11.
A. J.
I . !:.!.
.A.i I:;
I'. V.'. di
;!i .Martin of Chil
iv. t.t Sunt. ,0 v.
I j Tin: V. i
w ' .i ., to o.
to re-jilii e a .-h .
ni. iut I v li.e la
MMIOI.--A sal-iii:
i..i.;. i iiiii.i.-pi.i.r'.
.v of elo'li n'. '-:t
o heaiy m.i.s. A
t'!i a
i I .e
e: o e;!i
I ' HI
k ha
i.!!. -e
l. i-ll
.'!. tl Ul ill' ill I of tt.lS
t fc- T'-.i: ii.ii. c. ii,:siii-.h ii 11 1 1 'v .kk -
'too i-ri.i l: .loai'.re r nt:v i.lln m iui
I' -i il. 1 ui; ,.-e ,.i i.-u, u.i in. I ue -us I y uii ' I. j to im Ileal e that Gi A Ml ill is ndvali-liii-y
nu.;!ti a. .-id tin- pi.yiin-o'. ..j il .- iii -n iaii . tie- i cm;.
In. in I.- I I n e.. .1 l.y ll.v .It . !u: , nf ih .1 city, A e .III I '
w a.
ni i
i:.;s -l to 1 1-.: ihu I, i -. in. I I.-.-,,,,
I '
1.1 t.! i a e.. I em La ni. mint- I nine
utio it.i.tiu a i.j r- m l :ited tlni
.. 1 i.i tl..- ion.,-,ti ;., : , i tr i..n ..f ;'.:iu
. 1 . i .1 ai il.e ii i, . i . .. i i i i,. ih. -
i a . u 1 1 1 t : ... ". - i . , it t- ti. : tn
eh a
in. i
I i .1 :
sell .'...L'l
a h ...!...-
'. li.e ,,
ti Hit' pi I.',
in, Im
lei' ' I
' t 'li.ijti.i
I s
I i.v
ill lied t .1.
.1.1 d 41 n.
P' to...
V W f 'P Ih f.ilI.O .
I- l.lll III I. 1 I O . . ,
tLti ,-le
.i.i .,
. ti t
l Ii -I.
. i 1,
1 4 t
I "The fiilhuviii"; from I'll, u Us Gnbin,
f.: niLt ly of t'.iU place, to u fiit-nil, describes
some id the opitulious of tlir rebels, on their
rcLi Lat nl'ltr burning Clmnibersbuioj :
Hancock, Mil., Auyiisl Hi), 1804.
Dkaii bin: Vi huii the l.'cls were jinsiug
iiinniu ncie limn i tic .iii'truct idii of (.'luiui-bcislmiu-.
tin v.cre. nearly ns destructive us
till! Locil.-la ill J.' lit what I'liu set Hashed
in. ii.. 1 1 iey went nun inn on i n huh loaned
up the na;s l hut, was not thrushed, alivl haul
ed it uroitu.i the Held in piles.
Tiny were nut particular what kind it
wn, in the straw or out of it, or n bircl of
Hour, they would take it out to tin if horses
nnd empty it on the grass, nnd turn their
horsPs lo it. They reiirehcil tho hoiisica in
every nook and corner, look things that
they wanted and moving things that they
did not want. They would tako women's
uii (.1 children's clothes. In one ease I kr.ow
that they stripped a man ns miked as he
was horn. From one of my neighbors, they
took the hat oil' his head, nnd tlio limits oil'
his feet. At onu tSesks, they ;;ot all his
horses nud old corn, and his meat, nnd
they even upset his bee hives, and roblied
them of many other things they took out of
the hoiu-c. '1 he next fuini below, they look
wlicut, rye, corn, Imeon, liugy, took the
crocks out, broke them up in the yard, went
in the spring-house, took butter, milk, cream,
in all about 11)0 worth. Next farm the wo
man stood tit the door with the nxe and
told t In-1 ii if they came iu her house to
search she would split his head in two.
Well then, he said, I will j;o to the window.
She said to him, if you do, yim will liiul
your head inside and your body outside,
lie cursed her and left. .Next they paid me
ii visit. The lirst thing they done was to
open the barn doors. turned their horses to
iih' oats, wheat nnd hav. Wherever a horse
could stand they put him, the oats they cut
the nuwt of that. My yird was cramped
full of horses. The Kelis eat nil that was in
the house, and iu the spriii-hou--e. They
ate milk, butter, cream, crock lull of cream.
They took some of my harness. They want
ed Liieeniiaeks ami wanted my lmrms, but j
w:u away with them.
(no of the Kebs s.'ot np stairs into Har
riet's room, and with the but1 of his j;lin
broke open her bureau. Siie u-.ked them to
stiip that, wlun one went up, ami was hit
on the head, and came tumbling dow n stairs
badly hint, The hurrenit was called which
took up time, and as Avctill bcan to draw
ni;jli tiny h it, and saved uii: turtiiii ihstruc
t it ii).
p. M.i IMotil-., Seit. 5. The . I ,-,'. uii pul
lidi.-s tlie following special dispatch:-
llr. v.ii-i AU'i'ues Miiim.K Mii.itahv Divi-
sri.v, m Ait I i: l; it v v 1 1. 1 . i:.
Sep. 4 7 A. Jl. :
lien-Ml 1 1 i"i nil s cava. IV corps, wi.ieii was;
e n ainpi il at Kippon's store, on the t'hurles- ;
t Ml rn idand l!eiryille pike, Ii I cnnip nt :
n tie o'clock P. M., on Friday, ami pi-iaved '
ed to 14erryilie, reaching tin re at midnight,
win re they went into rump until do. light,
when they went out through lc;-niil!c on
t ie Wim lie.ster jiik'e, t iking the rend tn the
1 It a'otil st Veil milts leytoul item vide.
a i re si.i; a'vii-.iing w In n last beard
llii-.n !;;t Id o'e!'i. 1 y. rr lav morning I,
tile'till:; with lit tie or im o:iodi ui.
CO' p. si i
ami pit.i
A. M. yi
', clrinie
tig ol' I IO"k's enln-
i erjis broke camp
vtd.iy, ami moved
ton nils lit i i iile.
k -r.
: .ij!
.maml was
the if
i l'..ii
t. the
ol; 1 1
I ni is
e I'll -I.
. .- i i.ivm ii" . i'i"i
... ni. .,i..l re-, d
in .-'..irl;r,l, tor
It kc: - l .'If beil;'
0.1.1- h-niillg If
o;.ji:e t.i hour-,
-li-d on the i!ii-
l!'- T ihe. The
So. ' i i r s l'ei i
: :.' H iii' lii'.-t r I! -rri -. .. r.
.(..i-ht-.l. '!.ur
i. . U s cull-Ill il.ll
-t i'.ni-; eii pile'..
i'. k, w ion I eav
at- iu. k-t litie.
I 0 ;:
I. a
; ii.;.
nniiig to tie' rigid
A I'i
,- Hi pi.-k
i:o Ii-, i
w i
1 . C
no eani
ami iia.l i
:.!,.r. ; i
U- a;d '! i
! '
w .1
; i i diy t ui-iii-i.1
! to th s i, pott
I ! oe I
rii.ll.l's ''I"'-''
The :;
-.wini had I t
Cll i 1 . Hull 111 1 11 1 s
a tliiviii tiniii
which thev had
it'i I'liin and '.' Virginia were
fir. no'!, i barged the enemy, driving 1
tie-in bai l; out of the entrenchments. i
A ile-pernte slrn.'.gle now en-lied, the re- '.
I .els I'.ing th triuin. d. if p.s-i! 1,-, lo regain 1
p i-"i !. i.i.i of t In-entrenelr.m'itts. '
it'i I'-.i- o'.ii et in view '.hey massed full
I w o it; i anions u' their com in a ml ai.d hurled
tin-in nil!, t 'n-ir ue -i-.-.toiii; d ferocity against
our gallant Utile baud, w'uo w. re siipportcd
by In. tli Pil- at nud Thnl-iti-n's divisions.
Tl.t v w . re haiiii-oiui 1 v repulsed cverv
t::ue tin V i 'ii.ii -go I, tile eniiiliet la-ting lolig
at'-1 r t'.e 'in had s i. th artilhry liiing be
ing kept up Uii1 il I. ire o'ei. ek.
'Ih" win tie arniv has been engaged all
night in
iig i.i.
. ir .1 l -
.t 1;-.
nml throe-
no-.v in Ciiiy a
: i' ni
Inn,. I
tit'tv p
h .1'- of the t'gh'lng so fur has beeti
V t'r.iol. ci l ii in .i ! I, wlni captured
:-"tl:-r-i and a -1 m 1 of colors,
loss w ill be abt'Ul odd hilled and
I, whilst that of the ineniy is it
ie thir l op iter.
f .lion iug are some of ihe c-isea'iii -:
ain Selby, ill'tii ( liiio, wnunded in : ..
I.ieuii-nmt Philtis, :!iil!i tihio, woun.h.l
ia th.- thigh.
l iiiarti tina-ti-r Si-rgeatit P.. H insott. 1
P i-tern Shore, i, I., kille.l ;. I. W. .Morl'oid.
tin ih , h it arm amputated ; Corporal .1. .Vc
( ivy. Co. A. mid pmatc Henry V.Yb.-tir, Co.
A, tin. do., slightly wounded.
lluivy lirin-.' was heard isterdav in the
vtclliitv of linuker Hill. This is . I
t'HO.'d T1IC till ll.N A :V iU.V it VAl.LMY
I 1! Mil'l l I'l llllV, Sept. r.-'lhe tlliitpli-
I tons .Mosby i afnund again. An nuibiilain-e
i train of ihillv-live wagons which Marled
jlroiu here jtsur.Wy weru nil ei.t four
(apt u it 1 1 by that gueinla,
I llese W itgolls
A ih livi it-d their wounded ami were iv
turning to tin-fr ml, nnd it is known thd
it w oiil l have to p,i-s through it cum. try Im
a distaliee of thirty mill all of which w as
iiili-tid by 1 1 .ii i iieiu y , j t-l .i r.tii'c to ias no
i i . .it h ii olleiv.l or gin u Ih, in.
'I ins 1. in. t tin: frit tl-tiil I hot Jias In in
eipliiii-.l, im tiieimiiiV In itl it 1 1 iiiiiii
iiiiiii ii'-ilit I ili.t r r.ifit, s.j.plit, tit
'.i.m.I' I..1: nil nl .il , ii I in. t In n i.; i. to
I i pi I ,.i ,i . .it
ll.i' i- I ti.ia i'i. mi the Ifoi.t V. llh il.
it ,
I. 'I.
I . I It
IV l
.1 til
'I... It,
It p
I I'
I l'l
I !
i I
, i-
I I.
I ie
-i I.
I i
I- i i
frfiirial u.r.i-Ur.
iVAf'UI.NOToS, He it. 0 8; 10 r. M.
X dirpntcli from Gi .-.eral Grant, just re
ceived, ejves u statement from the Kieh
Inond Exitmiiier of tins luoruin that John
utrinn was surprised and Unlet!, ami his
stall captured, nt Greenville, TeiuiCb.-i e, yes- j
terday. An Uliollicial dicpntcli, received i
this morning from Lexington, elates that
Gelltral Glllem hud olliclally rcpnrtuil 1 ho j
sin p-ise and ill feat of Moryiu nt tin enville: I
that Jolni .Moi'L'im whs kilieit and his Hlalf
Cant uieil: from uO to 10J rebels killed. 70
l.risoners taken, and one nun caiiUired.
This report being continued by the Hieli-
...ond Jr.m;tr, tluie is no room lo doubt ,
its truth
In honor of the capture of Atlanta, Gene
ral Grant yesterday ordereil a suluto to bo
lired with shotted runs from every battery
bearing upon the enemy.
Jsothing has been received bv llic Depart-
nu-nt from Atlanta since tho 4th inst., nor I
anything south of Nashville, on account ol I
. J rt . .. . i . ,
the ileiungemcnt of the telegraph liues by
tlie prcvuiling storms.
No movements of importance have taken
place in the Shenandoah Vallev.
Secretary of Wur.
iwtt i 'i
ciioi'iiI .lloi'aii fiilletl.
f INCIVM-. Sept. 0. 1804. !
The VommtnU .ubl'ishes the following
disii itehes
K.M.XMU.r, Sept. (! -The following otli-
cial telegrnn. Ir.nn Genual liiili.n was read
carlv this eveliin-' :
Jill.l.S (i.P, '1 K.vx. Npt. . ,
Gl-'.X. Tltl,li.N-l surprised, defeated and ,
killed John Morgan ut Greenville this morn- '
, , ., , .
The killed nro scattered for mills mil
have iml yet been counted. They probably
number M or 1011. About .o in isomi i
were captuied nnd among the n were .Mor-
gnu's, stall', also one piece of urtiilcry and a!
The enemv's force oulnumbi-ud mine, but
t!:e si rprise w as comjilete.
Si:;::ed, Ai.VA.N G. Gil. .EM
y nil' llVFDTIvJIMI I'Y'IV
j I'i A I ' JiK J 1 OIj.U Ll 1 O.
The peculiar taint or i..n whieli wo
lllleitlim Wllllll W0
tail ciiiitrii.A luijvn
....II . ... . 1.,1,
in the constitutions of
multitudes of men. It
cither produces or is
produiVd Miv nil en- -
lroiluiVtl -liy nn en-
leetdisl, vitiated Mate)
t i Ifi '" ' ood, wherein
.jJn?' hecomes in-
it to sustain
'arees in their
notion, nnd
em to
'ow ay
ilecnr. The pcrof
riously caused
living, disnnli-rc
food, impure at
the deiressing
the Venereal :'
origin, it is hi
descending " fi
the third ami .
rectus to he the
visit the iniipi
children." Thi.
various names,
nUai.k. In th
tubercle, nnd '
(.hinds, fwellim
cnn:e ulcerous t
I'uwels, derange'
pestioti, ily.-)u jii-i
the (kin. crui.tiv
U'lii.-e. all having
fi'iue it lnedy, viz
lion of the bloo
the.-p il.m.rereu:- il
feeble, foul, or ci
luivo health; wid
healthy, yuti cam'
is cnnipniiniletl fin
(lutes that medical r
t.r of
this nH'iicting di.-tmi,
the disorders it entails,
riur to anv other reniedV it
know n by ull who have jfiven it a rt iai. That
it dues combine virtues truly cjitraonliniiry
in their cll'ect upon this chiM of coniplaints,
is indisputably proven by the (Trent multitude
of publicly know n nnd remarkable cures it
has made of the fidlowini; disease : King's
Evil, cr Glandular Swellings, Tumors,
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores,
V.rt7sinplt. Ttn nr St. Anthrmw'a Pirn
Coif it,,,,, C-.oll tJJ rMirrV. IVm '
Salt Kheum, Scald Head, Cougns from ,
tuberculous deposits in tho lunprs, White
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and
Syimuitio Infeotions, Mercurial Diseases,
Female Weaknesses, find, indeed, the whole i
terii-s of complaints that arise from impurity j
of the blond. Minute reports of individual
cases inny lie fuuntl 111 Art.iis AMtLiticAW i
Almanac, w hich is furnished to the drugj:i-ts '
for pr.iluitiiiis distribution, wlatiiu may be ,
learned the directions fur its use, nml t-.iine ,
of the remarkable cures w hich it has intuit-. !
vlu n ull other icon dies laid failed to ntliird
relief. Those casis it re put post ly taken
from ull Election of Ihe ctmntiy, in order
that every render may have nccees to umio
one iv ho can peak tn him of its 1 1 nt tits fn in
personal c-xperii nee. Scrofula th prefsi the
itt.l energies, nnd thus h avi s its tietill.s far
inoie tubjit t to ili.-i use and its fatal rcMihs
man nru nciiiiey i tiiisiuuiiiais. iit nie u
telills to flloltell, II till lines en atl.V tdinlton,
the uvir.ife (turntieil ot lanean lile. J be
va.-t importance ( f Hicm' ( ensiili riiliiins has
1. d lis to ipilnl t ills in perfecting R I'l'iiu dy
vhich is ndeliunte t.i its cure. Thisvc ln.w
.hr to the I ublic the niiliie of An it'll
, I'.i
,'-a.1a.-a..1..I.A. nil!,.,.:, , it is i.,.i, osi, l
ingri ihi Ills, mine ol Inch iM u d tin- best
cd' SanajMi-Ula in i.lleralite pnwir. l!y its
tt il Jim tuny protect tuiiisi If finm the nillir-
illg nml tlal'gi r of llu-.-e tli.-orders. l'urgo
out the foul corruptions thot rot nn.l fester
ill Ihe l hioil, I'Urjre out the causes of disease,
tin.Uh.'orous h.-ulth will li.ll.iw. liyilsp.iu-
Im mi lul s this ii nuily iiiiiuil.itts the ninl
liinctioiis, mul thin i.vpiU ihe di-ii n:pit
hit-It lurk within Ihe elein or luil out
en any part of it.
W'u know Ihe pullie h.ivo bun ilectivi.l
I.v nianv . ,,l. JuiuuiiVi'j.
..... "i. . .. i a: I ... .1 :..' . . ... .1.1
,.,...,. .....I. BI..I .... .,...,...,
will in ilin r be deci utd imr ili-appioidt d HI
this, lu ii nn l.u e 1 1 1 ii pi ui t ii I t nl mi-
ll.llll, Ulltl lln le It tliuilia lin l,lli . Iltill nf
It sol p.l'-iii(! I t i II. me lin- Ihe i an e nl Iho
allliiting ili-eiiMai it i inn mil il In imih.
Alihiiiilih under Ihe ulli.e liaine, ll is
dub u Ul li.. tin in.' limti any nlht r wb'
liiu Is I. ue Ihe pie pie, and i till I
liiluul lletn any nihil hn h Iota il
UliilUl'lu In Hunt.
rur.ituY i'i:cTon.
Tlu WorUI'4 fliiut Iteuii-'ily
t'Otlulm, C'oUU, tnclplcill lou
nuini'ti-in, unit tor ibn n itiif
UfC'UIIMlllllplllU pUtll l.ta
ia uiH ul 1 1 il
Ul lliiA.tllnilii.0.
1 hit lit I. . a n big and tn ii ui-
V.I..IIV Lie ll. thl In id tin U III. 1 11
II. an miui lh pn' be lli-l II unuhiv . k. I
bp li Ibe Ism II tor I.i li . ie -lei li- il il In It bid I'll Ui do all H I oi .l .i'f
t'n d I l' J t. Alia I.. .
'laklltW "4 ,liyll.j( I A.uill,
1 HI I II, kita
IM If ll dm.ii.u tivi ii.
h i I l , I ... ... A in I '. i"si;.
H (a Mill. .eu..uil.i.,
A.i'M i. , 4 I. .1. , a ,
l ll ktM.-i e.u-ki,
i t ll ' klUa..a
ii.) H i 4....lMai l ! ll
II I' -I,
U. S. 7-m LOAK,
Tlio Pi?relfiry of the Trn?ury gives noiico that
lutMrriptiiim will lp rreeivcil fur Coupon Trr.i-ury
lnl, jmynWo tlirco yvnrs Ir.mi Anoint l.itli lSut,
'U' "i-ini-niiuunl interest nt tlio rato of seven nml
Oiroo-tontlij per cent, .ur inmutn, bdJ
inirren both to lo pfii.i in Jawfnl numpy.
Thc nutMwllI bo eonvirtililo at thooptl.m of
tliu lioiilcr at tiitiluriu. fnlii siz.twr ii'iif lr..i.i 1,...,.
inc bund..,lo imt lew !. livntmr ,r , I
twenty jmri from their ilnto. nt tho irnvunimm-i i
eWet. They will bo iMunKii ih-noininntions of M i
$100, $:0ft, f l.nno ,i W.omi. and nil ,b.eriptini '
luiift bo lor fifty dolliu or sumo multiple of titty)
The note will bo trnnnnlttcd to tlio owners free of '
irniporiuiiun cniirj;es an soon alter the receipt of
tho orih'iual Ccrtilioiitin of Duiwsit tu they oau bo
.,. i,r., Pr, A ...
,!,;. ,i.,. ,i. . , . , '''
ranking Ueposts mlwniiont to that iIhIo mint t,v
tho interost accrued from ditto of noto to dato of
l'nrtioj depositing twenty-five thousnnd dollam
nnd upwards for these notes at any ono tlmo will bo
allowed a couiinis.i!in of onc-rjuiirter of ono per cent.,
which will be pnid by tlio Treasury Department upon
the receipt of a bill fer the amount, certified to by
the officer with whom tho deposit wn made. N
tie liiciioiu for commissions must bo mado from tho
Sl'-i:il AtlTiuilnscK of t!iisi I.oun.
11 ATIU!,At SlvINCiS "ffwin al.iKh-
"T rV'T ""'! 'f
' 5 "avings bank which ..iy its depositors in
l; '-.1, that it is pay!.,- in tho best
"""'"bng, of the country, nnd itrrw,,.
V'y "' n"i"lhl"B '"-'Her, fu its own iissets nro cither
i ' ,!"r n..K.3oruoiiusj.nai,io ,
111 Kov.-rmiient papir. I
11 18 f'l"-illy cuvei:ieiit as a temporary or perma.
ii in , .-,11111-111. i no nous can a wavs oc s. hi tor
... . - . , , . , - I
Iracti.m n their fneo Mid accumulated iiitc-
rest, and are tlio Ul tvcurily with banks ns colla-!
niei iiivesiiueni. i ho notes can nlivavs lie for I
t nils for diseojints.
(iol.l) Itii.Mi.
Tn atMition lo the vei-v lil, ti.tot-nct t. ii. n..ies
f,r ,hr,.e years, this priVii,. ,,f conversion is now I
Worth about three pi r cent per aniiuin. fir the cur
rent ruto for 5-i'il lionds in not less ilinn nine prr
crti. in iftifth-i. ana ueiorc tun war t lie premium on
percent, i . tnii wis over twenty per cent,
11 ' ' Hint the net mil profit on this loan, nt !
thenrosent mark .a is n,.i il i
..rmi '
T!j VVL-UPTIIIV rrn stitc rn evr,.t '
.......... ..v., rllUli va .ill ill'
.... ....... t
iiui irom all the nilvniilie;es wo hnee enum
crated, a speewd A at of Congress t.rrmpts all l,nii,I. j
. Tmimry aole mm tuxnttau. On the 1
lor.n i.rtin. im tnc ,
'"t-rie-c, tins exemption is worth ah.-iil two fer cent. :
per aniiuni. iiceurdiii to the rate of taxation iu vari !
mis nai-is r n ,,...
lt is oeliei ed tliat no securities ofTi r so L'reat In- I lo lenders s those is-,,,,1 ,v ,he -.v.-rll- !
nient In nil other tonus of in.lelite lues., the luilli
and n'.ilily ol private paities, or si.. ek e ,-nii,-s. or ,
sep.-irai.e cotiunilliilies. onlv. is pled"d for 'avu'ellt : Ihe nhole pn.periv of tlie" eountrv i- I,. IJ
to mx-iirc tht- ili.-clniro of nil the t.hlijiiit.ns t.f tho'
l : fit !
Y) tin- .f,u-i.riiiii....t r ii . . i-t .
1.1 il- loans, lt believe,--that tin- vert- sti-oi. 'est t i...l
ml! I t-to ihe l. val'v nnd pali-ioti-in ol the t-eoi-le. '
i'i. .i.-a:. e. i i!li -ales l. at la- l.-.-lle I I-.'.-ill dep .sits,
in- i-'i v di-i-..-iling ll.ll-t intense lip'li the a, :-,',.
vitiii'.ite tin. iloi:i,niiu.'iii..u,. nt lietes reoliiieJ.
in. I tvl -iler th, , aro lo he i.-."l ia blank or payii-
v""-r ioi-i.tmi.-tiH-K-ftiiith
Ine oan-re.-.-'.lllii ti,.- di...-il. to be ft.rwnl.led to.
the Treasury Ih ,,., ;e,e..
Siihsei-ipiitins wiil I,,.- received l.y the Tr.-.-isurcr iif
tit- I'lii'i 1 Sta-., -. nt W'a-iiii. -tee. the several A-.-
s.-tai.t Treasur.sanl ,Usiei,c.;Uu'S. and
I . . B ' ' .
il 'ii-'-t .'stlSimtsI 3:ilJiit.
i ty S:u:.,u;it .Inn..,
w 1.1 -li are de ,,.-i: aes ,.f I'm, lie in-ui -y. an I all
ni:si-,., r t na: hanks ami ha n n i us
I1. l ough, .at tli,. country, (a.-ting a- ug. nt.- ,.f die N"a
li li..p.,.;:,.ry will ft.iLi.-h 1'i.itinr
ui i. ii npp:;,-.i:i..ii and
Al-'l'OllH HVllilV FACILITY lidSl'l;SCKIIil'l!S.
An -uri i:. i
Ai:t iilii ti .TisWiai-.v 'IIc;;,
ALLbKTOWi,, l'A.
Pev. M. I.. A M., President.
.M.ri r (i iiCKL.M'iillFi-', Supeiiultiideut of tho
.Military llcpallnielit.
,'pillS In.-iitiition. eharli red by Ihe .lat of Petm.
L .-y Ivinii-i iih lull Coliegiiitc powers, will open
i:s util se.-i .n. .-t-pi. f.tti. l-.vt-ry laetliiy i.-at!or l.-d
tor an ilnijli.-li Chi-sioil, Si ieiilitie.uiiil .Military edu
cation urnicr inc uca m instructors, fiipits aro ri
l'uiv'-d in the Primary, Preparalorv and Collegiati
x,,.,,rlui(..ula. p-or e,-,euiurS adtiresn u,e i-rciJent.
July I, lsni. i
I.a ..iM iiiina .V CliMiiantiiii-K Itail
AX and after .Inn. lMb. lsiit. Pas-cnger Trains
KJ will run us i illows :
.M'lYINii rOl TII.
Sciiniloii, 4 '.'il P. .M
Kil.e It'll, l O.l
' lifieni-oui s.gj
' liupl-ll. I.I..-..I
innoille. lido
Atriteat -ioriliiiuil.itl;nid. '.' ...i
.M"lMi Mililli
Leave Xoiihumbt-rlaiid, s I'll A. M
I'ili.t .li .-, s.l a
b'd 'i h s t.i
" lo. oui-i. ar r, I' .:,i
Lin-Ml., l.M.'P. .M.
A nt ser.iiiliin. I ..'ill
1 l ei.-lit A l'i,...-n -t r h-ai . s p',,
l'ii--, u.', i.. tukn..' il.,- M nl I
-'.in.'. Il' K. A V..
with ll .- I xpn ti.iin fr an nhui .I.ei t I. im 1 1 v- '
ii .u II im-burg. at J ;o A M . b i.' 7 o ' A
-M . mi l a. I' Ipl.ia, ni ;.uu . M. The A! el
li nn lo tu N'.i il.i.iul . : l.n.d I. at i- iinini-1. h. iy i:: r
" l ,i,"" ' '. " V" '",'" '"' 1
.lelUl"ii',ii.t..ti .'l'-le.-ilii-' liiltiileit.l,:( 1
ul , , ,. M .iu ,
t,,. ,,,-xt i ri ii . ii.
S,- m.d eii .aia S!.-.-piii: c-,is a.-.-eti.tahv t:. 1
lii.d.l n ain-. on I-. in. . n . .i.l.uu ' ,u .nil in, I
b liiiin. ie. in, I .Nt.i tl.t i .1 1 1 , a I.i: I I I it ! h,:i
1 1;"1 Si. Supi.
, ., .,i;,. .i ;,., ..
a t t -pri-Y
X "
, luthcr iu n..-iti- ihe r.t.tml li ,ul,
l;Vl It IV l. .,.,..,...1 itiiiv. . ,.. ,l,.lt..,v
r In Hit ids. ie pi ice. in . I i. lo luk'u
i'.il il ..ii 111 On .1 Ie Mo I In .lel.i I
AMlll.i'I. I'i .s ANH I'll' 1 1 "i. It t I'll.-,
SI. I.ili .11 III ft III -t t 1c i I tho All. I Ii :il ealili.llf
-..I pas" I in llit M. If li n n. 1 "i yen a i vpv., l,f Will a'or illla ll'ili i'i l.'iila.i'
I " ,t ud Ie lul.. II I ' HI nil i .! ol I I lin
.ii i.e Iniu a tall I,, ie. u.l., r .. " It il.. . .....ll
Il.ll, I
i Si.nhtiiy, J tine I, I -. I
iillcc ! -lilpi' l'l Hit' Im lin I Ii 1
4 eiilt ill II. 1. 1 inn,
.' I I n. 'e I ll O - I . I I ' I I'" I. III
It i. .1 I.. m u I i it i t" i. ' ' i - at ll. .:
a.l It ' . . ' t . i. I' i i'ii 1 , . i i , n
I I I .-, ! .,, I I I I.
S tl. i l I i. m i. . i l ue a in.
II. . k ... I a . . - I I '
. ..;.. I. I I ' ! i
I . .-i.t I i i.e . .... I. -I.e.
h ill I i -II. ' I o.
u I.t
i . I ..
j -.-.I. i ...bit -n. i in..
. . I i. i . i.i r.. . i it
I .i.i,. I - , I.
I S II II i .. I. t
. I ., . . . . .. ,.i
,,l, I N i i. i i. J
.. Is, " I I 11
r u u s a i. r..
l lriuiul HmUr I ninl,!' i t li..
Iii--tol.it4 aM.-to... t.l".ws. ,,A i-lt...lll
The OXI.Y t linLlo pi lr-A.ljusting Wringer.
woo.l-w ork to Swell or Split.
Thuuib-Jruima to put cut of Or lor
v'"'"i,'"l "r wi'lmut Cog-Whoelii
It '""k the 1! ItT rKr.MIU.M at FiHy-Scvrn Ftato
?',' ViiZw I'hTmLao "Ml,"ut "SWtf,w
Putinti-.i in tho United Stntis, England, CinaJu,
anil Aulr:iliu.
"'l'l" ri"g, r imt, Kxpress paid, on Moi lptof
lliierzetio ni'c-uls can make from 3 to 10 Dollars r r
Nri. 2.?'VMXo 1.J7.M. No. K.9s..'.0 No. A ?:t SO.
l!i!tifiieliin l riTid sol. I. wholesiitn htuI rothil, by
Tilt; l'l T.NAM MANLI'ACTI UINU 1.0. .
2fo. l.'i l'lutt Street, New York, nnd Cleveland, Ohio.
C. SOUTH I'.op, A Kent.
WHAT KVi:i;n''DY KNOWS, viz:
That Iron well c;nlviiiurd will nt ru-t ;
That a siinplo umchiiic is belter thiai a cuinplicati d
That a wringer sloml 1 be nilf adjiistiiig, dnriilile,
ami cflieii-iit ; .
i on im -irn-.,. i ... . imips enu-o ,ieiay una
trouble to reirulate nn.t keeii in or.l.-r :
That wood bearing tir the .-huft lorun in will wear
out ;
That tho Putnam M'riinrer. w 'eh or without cog
wheels, will not le.T Ihe i-liiiiii-f ;
'I l.,,t .-.i.-l I r.,.r.,.,l.IIM ..I-.. t r.,.,.1,',,1
Tlint tho l'utnaiii Wringer l.-s all tu dvinti'.'j
aiel not one of llic'.-i .vMit..)i- Miiav.l :
'f hut ail w ho have t.i.-.ed il. pionouii-je il the belt
WiiiiLTi-r ever ; .
'i'liat il w ill w rins a Tin iivl or a I'.e l-Qailt without
We lotdit fill toe ap. r with l.--'!r ui. Is. but i.-
S'-rt only a fiw to ,-..,ii,c-- :to.- 1. il su.-l.
j ttw-i-e In-: an.t w----:y i-t all. -i Wo:;i r.
T,.sl in tuiiiui ,;.v iviih A N . an 1 ..l.L vl! . i,
and iflf.tTiuiri-iy sati -f.vtory. rs..:.-i. ...
p,.TXAM Man, ,.a,.t, , .
n ,i i . t -
tclllleimli; -i. klt.HV Ir UI r:-. :..'al eprri. nce
that iron w.-ll iM'.iaiiited wi h yim- will n-t i.m ii..e
or rust one i. i i Te 1 -. 'li.e t'etnem U'rin.r i- as
"":lr '.' ' ' I ' ' 1 " -" ' '-
Li.mnien.l it to lie-1.
; ;.: --taitv v-iiv,
J.V. V. U Hlll.'l.i-.ll. C!-vdr.:.t. !d,i.
Many year.-' i .-. i i i- in ' ..- .e.i -ip.; l.csi-
Tticuto."'"-' ' '
,i .ii. i . 1,1 i t t i; i s.
No. too i:eil;:-..tii .-ue-.t.
New Yi il;..Tameirv.
We ha e t' s'.e 1 r.itiiaiu'!
Cloih. s Wrir.-'er y
prnetieal u..ikii - an ; k..,.. :l.a: i: wi!l .I-. his
cheap ; il t. si.; i, ; r .. pi.r-.- i-.i n. n.. !i'-;).'.-r at
work or at n-.e ; a ejild tvn ii : il do-s it'
duly tlioruu.-hty ; ii sa-.i li:v 1 i! .-avi-' weir
mid tear. W . - .-t! . a It i- all wh.i li.n c ui-a- h
I.:.. . ... .) ' :..V.. t. . i
ti.iiiii.i tn 'i'i. , iii. i, i... i' I'-. '"'t ''.I lit. I ii.
..!..... . I.; -.. ... l...::i
to buy this M .
ltwiil ii;iv i i; ii.-.lf in a year
at most.
Jiou ti niAci'i i;nm;i.i;v-.
June IS.'. I.
1 "J.
mat iv e -. i-e t.tviM- t to-w S e-t. in i f l"i v-
I ":.'" . Vl i. . , ...... i,i...' t. ,i, it, ll
llii- lv l.e. !.' II .,,,,. I'., i i ,,, i
witli uii --Sig'.s el l.'h.ii ai-ier. ne-l ll .wtotteal
them.'' in
. , , . . ..
1 1 " W !. ..: T.
rMs. ,, ';riWf ,, , , ,,, .;, ;r;lii. ,. ,
I'liyviido-.v. Im-eti. i.t ,.f the Holy. II. -m: l.uiis, :
S't.-inrteii. li' ii-.'- M,i- -e-.. an I N.-rv ais Sv-lein.
, V"s ''."''''t'v ' "-I t .!. . !?. M ... 1 ,.:..le---
I'll v-i...:,tMcy. mi1i tl.o Sk.ns r rri:, i
AMI Hott TH Kl. t' 'I IH.V." t-Ii i M ' !1 . J!';lf 'HI. ,
t hV'Miuiuv. w Uiv .-t -i. ; in:
lie: lo eoim-
A new V' ltiiio. the oi:.. o .lami t.,'i -v i'h i!:e,T.i'e
i, a in ma .
f t in. ill S
A.I ii.--.- 1
At. 1, a IV. I I.'', lie l It,
a . ir i ;. -. 1,, ;',' -: (
'l.ldlA V, LI. I.S, .:-.) ilien i.n.y, V.w
C in .;,,, , IVV1 IMUf K I 1
M'M'.i..!AiYNA I L.m.iLL
i f I I 11
.J U lj I J Vj V'H Yj ,
Sl'.i f S-ii il 0 1 1 1. n.v!cr '.. la.
fl'H'- ''oil Se.'-o.ll ot'lle- I ns:i:iiti,.n c..air..i-l't'i--; on
i V v i
.-i--li"ll onlle- l.lhot Nov. l.lbcr. ....
Ii.ill li.i; Sl.ssili.N (M- i:. i :
I'm-lloai-'iai . M'-...ii.g. I'lir-.i -l..-.! :.i l-'tit I
als I l.i.dit. i i.d Tuiiioii .11 all ii,
::r .-'11 lie- t 1
1 till ( " l i.. :.le lKpirll.l. ltt. .'e!y .
! A liiiel .,! he lucil.'t. l.el iu il. i'o el' I he P.Ut.'.hH 1 s
I of, 'in- I i. r-.
! For furih' r i i.iiivuli-i-, or ('it,-n!.irs. api !v to ;
S. P'lMlli:, Priiicijal,
j enlii.-C-eic. Auga-t rt.
M a. la-LiaiTz & .ta.rJ6L-:-ifi
r A Z A It .
C'orit-i i" .'.j.ii-I.i l fsi;i:.u t' V
tiniii! Slit-et,
s u u u k y, r i: x X'A. bTuc.; cr
Of the newest s'yles. cut by Ihe l-v-t Art:.-': , tric-uied j
mid liuide visual to eu.-toiii work, and sola nt the ,
lotle.-t juices.
oi, he . st, T
ternd consisting .: I'r.-s I .nils, l re.-i-: I -i..-. S'l.-I;
Cniiis, 1 tint--, ana t-l-el :n i-eieis nt.d .oiai.
(illNTLIl.Ml'M'S 1 'I "NI -HINii tili iUS,
such as Shii:', ii.
Cellars. t'i-ai..i-, :.i
li,,ve-, Ac.
is. Pni! '
. 111... .'.el
1 'r nit rs
M. ..-!.::. g,
Hilts, il'.l. I ':.(-. a.l'.iil Kiri
bin 'TS A M) 'dinl.S. TKINhS. YA I.I.-ll-', I'M
r.Klll.l AS. nt: 1 vt;
r-oi- it her in . '
'1 he j nl li" ai i :i i:
i '-
' lit melilb. r Ihe t !!. -.
; l..:a,, i ,1 K i.. : s
.'-' . f ll.l 1 ie.i-, :c, 1 l.lil...'
l.n 1 f 1:1.
,1 I" 'I ':..- :
I.. V I ill.
Sa: I'li'V. .1
L'. 1
.(i.ltt.l loot i .i
) I . 1 'O C :
Tie a' C.
a-il.e mi nt !
i b ,t.i. ia ie tin I
I i. a.. .lw. e-. ,
A .',' .e'lhei
hu. w iit
i,, . i. . n' 1. 1 .
ii.i- til d.-t
i'ur l;.it.n .
""' ' ' ' "
! o l. s ' I ue
, - - I .1..
. I ..1, i'e-
. I- re I. He In -
I ia
... I
i i. . ; ,
I u. l : .
',. I t..!i ....
.11 .: I I I
' ul pi .-. I.. I.- , -.:.;, ... M,
Will Lethe M ,.. ,, I
' We will h.- I'i" : '
n.,1.... an I I. ... I I
I ,.l d di nn l. t... ' ' . -
i',. ,. .. ti. ,
I 11.. I.
1 Heel
l l l HI deal I.
V I.I! I'M
I .- , . i :. .. .
. A ... I' i. 1 .
I s i:
I ,1
Mils. 'Itllll illllMl's.M,
( .He. I . , l .e l ot' ii I ll .... I
s i i' i I; , r r '
1nit: -il.
a I, I
I , la I
N.i,l..,i, i
I- .1 I.. . I
in Vim
i I . 1 I . . : ,- .e
, i . i .ii,.,
.ii..- , , i
. t . . , I' , i. .... i i .. I
it -a- , i I i
ti i i. ' ' i i i " 1 1 : i
, ., . i .
ti .
,.!.' . . . II. to. , II 1-. . t .1 I
I - I , . I, , I ' t. I ' l.l l ' I . I. I . ' .. '
' , I... , ..I
'a M I 1. I I I 11 ' i
I M .1 I . 4
IIU. t' ll"il. .1. '".i I'iV.i
11.1 ut is . . i." a 1 I l. l -I i
t.siOtl.'ll .l'"l'. I i iti '' '
A Ui l'l I I ' i '" I'
I i ' i I p. ' I f '
i i .
AT $0. 1 STORF.
HA V li just reliutip I fn.m I'ljilieb'lpl.ia Willi utio
of tlie liirireti and Itc4( Si.'lecle-i Siocks uf (ioodd
ever trouKht to S'uiiluirv.
rni:iox a . i dom i;sj t h cinUm, tvi.
iih iMu,-:in, Sii'ciins, i'i'kiiij;, ('.ilirnof, I)t.
Ifiiii. Kl.i.,11'1.-, ilikJ till liiit.U of M"l It NINO ihm t,
. I'HCji5, IUhU Silk, i iiightinn, lltilni'Mal ntul
Jirtin; ( nil kitpl.s.
Coniprit nj. Hosiery, (ilm-es. Thread. Iluttoiis, tius-pi-iidt:r,
.e".k-liis, Cotlnrs. lt.iiiilkon'hiuts,
Hair Itruslies, Tooth Jtruslivs. Hum Kile
bt-n niij Cord, tape, erotchet.lirtiid,
torktd eollMrs. fuiiey bend
dp'sc. ti,y cotton, carpet
binding, combs, fancy
soups, em-pet brtjjs
Trunk", Vali-ef, Uuibrvilaa, lllai.k Tgijl:", Tiipi-r,
Kiiveiopi-s. Ac.
TB 5''i. .aB3,l4"JT a St 7E O
nfi.ll kiii''. sooli ns Xiiils, Ilin;;-". and S -i ;-tv-i, Iioor
I.uMk s and KnuKi, Louks, an 1 Ct.LtHV ol evoi v
! description,
Also, lyes, Prng-, Paints, Vnrr.i-hrs. Pi h.
. J-'ht xseeil nnd '.etizine O is. da-s. I'
V. tXe.
(tuiM'UNM ! null l;!-.t tire ol' i.-!l
An l'xteii-ive fiiiM-k of
j O f1 V T? T V
" -IV- U J-V .1. IJ I
' t'- iiip'.t 'I of Soar. r -th . Tea'-. Ui'-e. Corn-star.-b.
M-u-i-aroni. llarley. l;-ii in;5-.. n .ho-, i: - 1;. . s.,
i candles, lolmvco ttnd scai , Suit, 1 l.-li, Mi. a'., Chcei-e,
,Ve., .vc.
Atso. a;;e v.uirty . f
' . o
! J w w -l fy Owiu'i
I-.r ... n, w i incn u" I i Im Iron.
i:o nt.d Loaiitl y IVoda e-
I . s
, -liali':e t.a i:...t t-
liiveos i. .'ill ll'-t .1-,- von Tmr.-toiio '..I .rr. n .-
' . , . . 1 ,
are bunt; I 0. i .1 a 1 .iv a- ai . one eSe.
s-..i-e-i.,..i,i in lia T. fh-ment's buildim at the
uth-wi ,1 u-nr fi'-Mrkft iipiaiv, tho
ii.'.ury. May l'l, 1-0 1.
I!. Il 'YLT.. At! .rn. v at I.-.w. ij dulv m-'l or-
tioillilit--.lii.iU kinrk. Ii'': f. r Uilt ws. or-
! 1 hat s innl s..I.ii. is. diheu iu Mai kel irtiel, oppu-
I i.i.- Weil', el' s il.-lel, Slllil-ury, I'll.
January li, l.v'.l. iy
Suiibiiry High School,
"I t t i,t rr-. tii in tho oM linplNt Cluirh. on tho
11 Lt -.t 'lity t" August. Th ot'iirse of in-rut!M"ii
eielTace.- nil the brn.. dies taught iu. nnd
.Setiiiiiauos ut tlie !n;;liet eradu.
Ti.gv i i'i:i: si.ssion hi.' 21 v.i:e:;s.
P-.r"i'i:-s sr. -: . 1 1 and ue- b.-ra iuiilu-!-
iug all oliar hriil.ehes. $'j 0-1
.Nittural S-.-e-l:"es. , 1 -r', Geotn-. tto. I o U0
A Ivi.l.i'.'d dralt::::.'ir,li'.oirrnlhv. ili o.-y, Ac... IH i n 1
lludiuieii's of iib'jvc, !' '-
1 i Imaiy.
It..- i.-Tital exp- r.'is.
'l iiitinn payal te .eirterly in advance.
.s i ii ei i u-'i ii :i iiut'ie i t lion'.
l'upi:- in enti r at any tine-, iui.1 will only Iii
eh.'i j.'d ti-iiii lliedate tlo-y enlt-r.
for fin I her pal ti-.-lilaia tipply to the Piin.Vipal.
L. V. l."lii;.UH.
.--'iid.iirv. Aujii:-t ii. IstU. tf.
j w.' w 'J--...i.'i :J i
I ... .... R ,. ... ... .,, t ii i i
.1 II M h ft 8 ii I H ! I. :
, -J -i 9 U -JiltSUJdla:
li.-i.e Hiiiiari-. Sk .Mil UV. S':i.
HAVlN'd iU't rvlMitici freui the City t;b an en-
tire i ett sleek of
... . .
. .
1 "' .ri-U"
to which 1 e ini-ivs hi- Iricnds and the pi'.'.li.- gem r-
tilly, t.. e.-i! at i t' V.tun .-. i l.e Iii ui. 1 M.--li.. o o 9
Hit- uii M-l,'e'.."l ti- II: t!ei.,-t il,:;.eiung hol-es ill
:.,e!,!.-ro!.r,i.-: ;t.'.i -reai.-s-
1 '.V '-'-I ii,elel..y an 1 m .1 ill g us Ml:
' as l-i
as r-
1 toe n,:i.' iu-ii"i,i,l d ! i on-ii eiriiiai.
' WAT ;: r-IiTcT VT
Of: II 111 d-. -ttfl. a- Ayi :'s. .layle-s. Mv-Cll. !:.
ii .il. It 1'.-. V. i-i,.-, t, ii . ieilels. 'Set. it. liS. i.loWli S
Mid nil oil.t.1- p.juh.r lati.'i.t liii".li-'ilnii. tilivays t,ii
, Hair. Te. di. Mail, 1'lothe nnd Paint Dru V-i.
Sin eiat e ire is taken to ke-ep ou hand ejus, mtly .
VVe,y -.., - of
l'A i NTs a:;d ctihiiicai.s,
Suit alio to the trade. j
I'ltii-.-y Toilet Article mi l the Miuii-rons artnr. i
wl.i li are gi'iieriiily kt pt in a oi-ll ejitduelid t.-uih- i
iii fi'iiiif.'tii.ii nith il.'-n! ovo ;irt; Jif tU 1 ""
. m hi.ii-l Invcv ue-i.i'in-iit.t.l srA'n"M.Ki, tu.U
l.;.iT. f't.j'i-. V:, Inks. .Vc.
t -v V .-.. lnii roM.'iii:ii i e )ii;.l tnfiiily r"M i; U -. ' Ui u 'I uiih ihi- ri-'itost n.-'v'uracj uii l u; .tu.i.
at Ai.J. i liiiy t-r Xiht.
K,.-;i.i'!i.tKr ti.u lii-:t.-. .M irKft S'iuri;. uul .T t!.o
l!i 'u -t the ".utilury AUtLiicii,.'
11. A. riSt ULU.
Suiilmi'v, Jam 2 !-.
: l:l;KE cuvsTAL CAKRO.X
i tt B
1 . I
liu'd Mi'.i A. in I ll
i it 1 1..-, 1 1 p.u I' i
I ' i
I'll ii. hi
III . I It'i.'. M 111'.!',
ninl -i
..ti . t. t
lit I .
. .. I. i
, I .
mm i oi-t
Hit all I
ii'H i. to 1. 1. . t n
l i V I t
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. I t
I , ie 1 ,:,.;..:. vie I."' . t ..- I .'a-
I ' V""': 1 1 -i ' i Vi P. iMi-.'i.t-i'
' li .: ...:ii.ijrt I,, ii.
, l. TMIIT PACLA'.ilS. .
1 1 I . ... L-v. J II T:r. I"' .-.I !:..i.;M. il.
, l 1 i .,'.. 1 .,!!:, e e - : -.
I ' i : : i w .li :. .-. .i e i i. .: . r. . . . a. - . .-...c.-i- ,t .- --.. -.t. , i- -
. I.i, ii. jr. ll .' ;d.v ' '" 1 ' ' ! - " i' - ' 1 "I- !;!; ';'
i-" i LiLLii-s cHitLri iro:: z.i j! :..,:;' " v." ;":.! ''"'' '' ' ' ,: v5"'i' 4
, v.. i i'i. :. :.:.: i n i ni i.- i-u i :-. 'ii : :.o ' - ' 7... s ' " , ' ..
:' ! ..-'-V,''";':':.'- .-i -"'v v n- : v i"-" .' i'.- r
... - a - 1 1 . ' a I I - .- 1 " ' '
at t ..'.., I i . . '.,.,.. i r l d .i.i ... .-. -!l .. :i. I i ; : :
ti: t I .- I,"- 1 I. ; I.- . , i- .. . : - , I..- : - ' I , .. ,.. 'I t i . ., i I .
t:. , i ..'-. i , ". I e ... : ; , x. ...... , r, .-. . . i
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"" "' i" .',-:! I. :.- I --.'. ..' .. ' ' I " ,'. it .... I .:.,..::- .; lie- -. . .
, a I 1 ,. i . : , ,- ,.i d , j , 1 ,. i . .' e d I . ' . i '' '
' i ii" i . , I . I ...... i .. -. .
I ' . I '-' e I :i . . . ' .. : : i , ,.,,:. it .1 .v .: i .. a I . n . ' .
11 I . . . k , 1 g it!.'. I.V U.l.ii.e,..j vi e.,i. , ;i ....'j J M .p's
- . : , .'.id. .-it . I. I .:, ' .- p, ,,, C, i ,. 'il , -.r I'. - .r vi tl A .i..'i
',' "' ' - -i ' '' '' " ', .' a . ., . i. ' ' - - 1 . . : .t v ., i
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be ' I X... I .. , '''.
i. . i. . i. . .. . '.ei! e..t 1 . .. o i i. i. li' i ... I
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' ' "I'' 1" 11 1 I I I I j ( , . .. ,.l, .., at I '' i,..l 111.
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. , , li . I t'i .. v i ... . ...... . I i li -'
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II , Ml- . i
I i, A . 1 . kt " li I I'
,., I i, Ii
ni nAsua ttiAULTiNii tnoii disordej;8
or tiik Ltvi:
Am Curud j
German Bitterc,
Th G i til SUengtJicti tq
Tlieo llitten bavii performed more Cure!
Have and do (iivo liettor Suti-f mlioii !
Have more. Testimony !
Have morn I'espectablo People to Vouch for Them !
71. in any o!ln-r article iu tho market.
We d'-fy nny 01! to tiontrii liet this Avert'on,
AA? VII.I 1M1 ? I
lTo any me th-i'. Mill produce a Certifbato published
l.y VS. t.ilit IS U" I UhNCtNH.
nooxTtArcn'a c;fi!man niTTEiis.
V.'iil euro c Vj-y cii-o of Cliionic or eTorvntis- Pehitity,
Ji'.-a. a- i f ie Jii.lp..ys,'uud lliseases arbing Irom
a I''leo Sti-liiiieh.
('ii.-i U M f 1 1-: l-;,7.oYIXi) SYMPTOMS
1'i.iiiitiL ioioi'Kra of tho Digeativo Orguu
PH. l'ulio- or Lll.iod
to Hi-, i.ea'l. Aeidity of tiio Sto.
!i. I,' u.s. -a. ileariirara. l';-':.ast ii .r
1' ,'-!. 1' ;:i ' --'..r V.'i . a ia t' - Siointu h. S' nir
!li i.'.taii i.s. .-:;-.!.i-ig.'i Kiii't.-riiia nt the lit !' iho
-.Vm-.-i.-li, -ti:, s .-I llic II.- . I. Il-.irrii 't and liifli-i-ith
lin t !,:.- : :.: -trii.g a: lie- 'I. arf. t'hi.Uii -r or
s i''. a: i-:!;...r sj.-i.---li'ios nn.-rt in a ly ;nj- ..'-tui-.'. Iliin-las-
.1 V,-i,'ii. I', its i- W e'.s !":' i'i. the S:l:I.I. fever
in. i b'.'i i'a.n ie tie- lleail. i.-'i i ni-yof l'.T-pira-t;..i..
. 1: ..i ro --s ..i lia- skin at.d Jlyi-s. l'.-iiti iu
the .-'-I-. !t-.ek. l ie -si, I. A-j! Sod ii u
i'lu-!..--.: Ji".if. lt. lining in ilio I'Usli,
t'uii.-tiiiit in i.;:inii' s livii, ii.-ii Jii;,i.siiou
ol .li'il its.
mbJ At i. -a
Coiita.iisi no SCinii or 'WliSUcy,
And can't make Drunkards, but ia the Ect Toniu ia
the World .
(li'iicl AVKo rSlJS Sol
rroin the Rev. Levi (J. llcok. l'astor of tha flautist
' ' i.i-.ui-.-t,. ri'iincrt'in. .. j., formerly ol tna .urta
W ii.ip'i 1 Clureti, l'hihi'lciphi'i.
i !
I I 1. ova knov. u IIo'.M mi's lit rt.ian liitt'T favora-t-ly
.'--r u lam. I-i r if years. Ihai-'u-ed tlit-in in u.y
inn 1'iUiily. and hate been so pics.-t-d witli tin ir
I of, -its thai I was indue, -d to re.j.'intnend tleaii lo nia
I iiy ,.:l,.'!-s. in. t kn ev that tiny have o) eialed ill a
' s".l i:idv l.-li: -ti :'al mano r I lake great pli-aiiro
in iLii pjldi-.ty -r .-lai'iiing thi.- t-i -l. and calting llm
tlltiuti'.u of liio-.e alii: .-ted i'li the disease for v hi.dl
tiltiliti'.u of liue.e al.'i: .-ted .Mill thedisease for
tlicy rei.-tinnicndcd. to tle-ic I'iit-rs. knowiiij; from
10. ri.a.oe tli .: iov ric.-.i.i.o i.dati.,11 will In: sustuin-
I ,l.,i,is u...;.. eli.erf.'ilv a- II.. Hand s Itiu.-u
i- niiei..i..- l w t' in h: ihe iil.iijle.l. nod is no' a ruiu
JiinU.'' Yours tiuly. 1.LV1 li. LLCK.
Prwn lb-v. J. Xi-w'i.n iln.wn. P. P., Editor of tho
' f';l y'.-leped:il of Ueiigiinis ivuonk'd;;e. aui Liilistlail
' Chro-.ieie, I'iiiindeli hia.
; Al!h"U'h not ili-pjs-1 to favor or res.,n-.nien t Pi-
: iu g, n. ial. ilnoie.-'u .'n.-:i u.-i of their
iilltrt..i,.,,w ai d i-fl-cts. I -.- know el' i -siillieii-nt
r,.,t., i,;; iiy ii ilinn leay not t'-i-ii'y to the l.i'iitdiis ho
Let i , 1, iii-el f , ie: e re J i Ved f 1 - 111 IIMV sltepio
pre j iirntifii. m i.o- 1; lla". lie may tuns ci u.r.u.o
to rn- I'. i i '.'i id tith.i-.
1 do tl'i- li.e mor.: n .nlily ill r.-gar 1 to I!'st
titrtt. .i. IVtirs. pr.-pitr-d l.y I'r. CM. .1 ick ..f
t! is city, Lo'-au-e l i, -i.- rtd-i lie-1 iiL'ain-: tl.i in !, r
iimt.y years, uii b-r die ii.ipr si--u tnt tl-y c i-.j
cai-ii.v ..ti aleohtilii' in. U. i.-. 1 nui ie-liloi d to my
tri. ! i I. iii-.-i sl.foii nkt-r, J.., f .r lie- rt-iiiuvid of
tie-pf j i li a- l.y 1 1 -, -1- lo-1.', and for en-.-oiirag
lio n! u iiy ll.. in. when sideling limn gr,-a! a. id
I i.g i eieiiiu.'d debility, 'iue u,o of din e ifj'ii.'iul'
tl.,!-e Kilters, at the beginning of the 'ti s i.t year,
Viet ll'il' "id l.y relief and ri-lelUtl'Ol to a
ti. .-in- of bodily an I! ig-r which i had not
felt t-r.-i.t l-imil'i!- b ! l .-. i-ii I had ill must dc.-p:iirid
d' re.aii.ieg. J ' ii rt fa e thank 1 ' jd and my ii'iettd
lor liuieiiii-- la die u-c of theio.
J. .NiAVTOX I'.K'.iWX.
Prom Ihe Pev. Jo3. 11. hlei'Mird, Pu.-tjr of the
I i.'lli Ihtpiis: Chinch.
I'r. .laek- m : I.'.-ir Sir : I hav been frCipii ntly
ri-'(ueded lo i-'t.n.'et toy n.'iiue with e...iiiiueii'iilioi.s
d l,!ll-s f luedtcilK-s but regalda.g 111
ne-ice n-ollt of my li iopriatO splnr.-. I l.-tve in
ml eve.-, de..-liii-d ; ttiit with a clear pns I in vatnun
ii.-'iini;.'3. and p iriieiii-i:-ly in luv family, of the use-,.iliii-.s
i.:' I'i . il-.o liana's deruiaii liittcni, I del-art
l i ore.' i'ioni n.v li-unl cotira'-. la cxpie.-s my full
cen i '-.ion tliat.: .r ireiier.i! tieitilily of the syii.-m
ui. i i-peeii-liv for Li-,er ( "lopiiiiii:. il is u il- and
t .ilitie 'a- pri'i' ar-iti en. lusoiae c ises il ueiy full ;
l ul ieu.".:!y . i du.ti.i it will be ery Ixa, id
Ih.-c 1. 1 .,":. .: r fi "Ui it." l e j.UHe.
Xi-urs. wrv r..-t .v.i-.tlly. J- It- KLXXAKIl,
Llal'.'il l.' l.'iv I'i ate-t Slteet, Paihldelpliiil.
Pi-.m l'.cv AVnri-i u Laiid, li!i, P.iii'.or of Hiip.!t
C ii n sh, ij tiiietiiioiv ii, 1 nti.
I :r. i". y. ':ic!..-in : l'ear -'ir l't :'ii .1 expt
ri. : . i. .' . : i.. . s ty ti al 1 r.-.'-ti I ti - di n:. .1
-.,... -. p, . :.i -: l. i ..ii a.- a n.e; . x ---lit el no 1 -.
i'. t J.. el ...'- - v-1 t -,: -. i . l.:-l .1 i!t dill i
.1. 'I? I ill'
, ....... it l-l 1. J.
I ,
I g I . a . J - , i .. ..
l'l ' . . ' I I i fi ' I.
,1 .. - I I-. ... i .11
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.to I. I ..... t. ...
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I ..I n t
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- . t.1. 'I W
H.d ... II l"l il
U U M "
1. 1
i at It 4- V. : I'