' 1 r. B. MASSER, Editor Proprietor. SUailtHT, IAi SATUUDAY, AUGUST 371884. 8. M. pETtEWOlUCi Otj . 87 Park Kowj New fork, nd SB Ptrwt, n, arc our agenta for the PpuY Amain M olden, and v auUwriied to take AdrwtlM and Subeeriptlone for at oar lowaat rate. gTEsPoitTATios or Coal pHOHtBrrirn. ie State Department ha been officially mcd thnt tlio Governor of Canada linn ibitccl the exportation of onthracite coul i that Troviuce io any manner or way tcver. I'ciinsjlvnulu Ijjinlatiire. llARHisnuRO, August S3. Chk. Mr. Cochran, of Philadelphia, d up an act relating to coal and mining lanies. lis bill provides that corporations may hinds leased by them providing the e amount docs not exceed three tliuu aores. ie mil passed filially yeas 88, nays 1?, D!gliiUn, from the Committee on Ways Means, reported a bill providing for the lent of the expenses bt the fpetlnl bcs- i motion tfce House proceeded to the ideation of the bill, io first section authorizes the State Ttca ' to pity the amount ot a certain mili lnun, advanced by the banks to pay the ia of the State, trilled into service in and July, lSUtf, amounting to over six ircd thousand dollars, and repeals the I May 4th, 1 004, authorizing a ucgotiu l'or the pnyuieut of the loan, ie second" section appropriates fifty i.mds dolhirs for the payment of the I'lMS of the Legislature for services du oxtra session, and provides that each her shall receive $300. ir bill aUo authorizes the treployment or additional clerks in the Surveyor nil's Depurtmeut, at the salary of If 1UU0 uiiiuin. ie bill was passed to pecoud reading. ' bnnm-il until o 1'. M. X.nli'i- w from i:iirif, tw Yoiik. Aug. 3. fhe Bteamer (.'1 ii'.n i! livid with Livei'o l ilu'.is to the luth ut. u U. S. steamer Kearsnrc Mi'1 another fiean Bteamer passed Deal on the ll'.h, il west wind. n. (iiaiii' renewed ai liity near Peters has cans, d a del 111 e in the rebel loan, later American i.cv.n was uuxio.:aly wni- nr. .mi- desperate rioting lias occured at 1M Irrlami. J'russian decree has bjen i-.iv-J parti reiUieiiii; tiie fnrci-s l a peace f.mting. e decrease of specie in the liutik of .ec during the week, was over -l.l'.OO,- lanes. in" to h : pio'ciits of tli? Ann'iiean arid ihA'.iibas :.do:-, ti e f uikish Uoveni- perniits tl.e coiitinir.nn e ot the lcii i controversy on Protect nt In oks. Tim- of Saturday faMi'a t liv with .al. fthe Hriiish troops front Ciinuila, presence being an clement of danger invoking invasion whatever the Amen- have a grcviatice against England. tlio frown prosecution lor shipping .en on the pirate Gi orgia, the prisoners found guilty and bound over lor judg- ?ioral affairs. r WAXTF.D 1MMF.PI ATKLV. A Roy about arsof age, will betaken uuu apprentice u.t tliis Vy iii'i' villi; iuimcdiulely. One w bo has some , ledge of tlio bu-ines uud cun furui-h good re ef, preferred. Xbw Passksui.k Chi -Vc neglected to no. icretofore the new r assriigcr car of thu Sm.bury i-.. : lot i.n triiin betweeu tfunlury und Harris- . The car is 11 hiind-oiuo and comfortable, oue, ructcd with till tlio modern iuiprorciueuts This bus become deservedly popular, as it is most inly a great convenience for tho public. Tub .uetor Mr. liould and bis huila aru obliging and nil c tu tbeir duties. 'Si xuruv and Siiamiiki.n. Wo n:o plouc.l inn lleit Ibo travi-1 bi'twcvn Siinbury and Mia iu will tally justify the ruimiu,; ol tlio two daily ?!j;cr traius lately put en tbu road. TnoHm irt road is di-stiuej to bo one of tin great feeders e Northern Central road which now controls it every facility sboul 1 bo nflorded to the great nil region which sup). lie the I'nt'ie of the road. if Tub LACK. axa a.u IiLOoM.'.m no Road. roiid has recovered from its I'mhtirraainems. and iin a );ood busiiicsn. While on avi-it to Wilkes ,e and Scianloii, lust week, we ubrcrved that c was a luro amount of local travel. -pccially i the upper end. Mr. Folida is now the Super uilei.t ot llieroud. and M'. J. II liietTcnderf- r ienl ut Noribuiblcrluu'l, both B'jod mcu in iheir I'd. Kais We have nevcral refrobinj! rami the week uud ve;etAlin ha nearly recovered i the effects of the drouth. ToUtuM have come n from i'2 to $1 per bushel. J WoiM'i"n Seriieant E. 0. MAize.ofCom y K., 1 1-t lteg i'tnn'a. Vols., formerly pf tbis e, wc are s riy (u learn, hue bceu wouuded ia back, iu the buttle ut tbu Weldoo ruilroud, Vu , be Joth inst. Tiik 1 la ir .M aiikct GixjJ pearh'9 re iul- at Id per bushel. Tears from $1 .60 to a.s mid waier u,elon, ruisvd iu Cbilli-iiiaijue, i.ow iu iiihi ket, and are sellinj; at tt coiiBideruble nin e on old prices, uaiuely, fiom b to li cent, rdiii to siie. Those who puy attiKiioii to rait truil are reaping good baivtst. It is surjaii,. I but l.irn.trs do not pay more ailcntiou to ibis I of eulture, especially while puces bcru are 'icr ll.uli iu l'lnludclpbiu and New York. if lln:u I'lil' l' The ((Jc.li.n of value lore I to ihe price of au'urticlu is now u obsdeie i.k i. eiu! i"nr. u't bud euy one s.kcd lihy per cent f r uu ur''"l" ih.in the usual telling price to nothing of its worth, he would have bocu luuh. ,1 Now he is considered a iuod' st Uiuu if be t ii .1 ca id one hundred per full. Kme d.i.i, e a vciidcr of pci hes aked a frund four dolluis 1 j-h.-l tor bis pca l.es, and as very One peschta 1 b,-. n silliug at ill be ripeclci lu ecu .o . .g i . ry superior bat oi timuining the fiuit he -ui i"' d to tud Ibrui about as large as bulled li...i, and liui-l as hard If people Lave Ui pay ...ii.iunl pi lecs, it is fieijucMly their ou laul . I II. t in pro. lice a bltle silf-dcnul-a lilllsab.il ...v to iu Hie um of Miielue, Ibat ate but neci'titi lilc J hue w ko icasuu all b .me producle o say ,1 tl.cul I eeiuiuant ittrevafenl piicm, ulI a ueay aboeid be ibe eause A'muI ysaf sinee iu r run up u. Nee n. 1 aud Iu euu per ul. i Oiaey -f Ibe Weallby lllituM, tu wkolli . 1 lists ees uu ol jvel, kul bo fell ff the p, J Io rvsiiicl ibvuiMltesUx euiaJUupply la iub a e twiur fil Iu 4 ebie pi pounl , i. I i Js-tj MUUIig payu.ial l g.ld hus i.(-ui,ul If Ibe ! it( Ibat aslsele, lul ibis . i.iUi 4"tuit kiuslwei A adiasx ,ss wwil bs .-Miily tclel. y! IJssst 4tabee . ' 1 1 .wi iaiutai J s. wf Mb wel4 yji " 1t f esi Inciter fVoiu tlio Kunbury aard Camp hear ChArujsto!, Va. At'gust 20, 1604. Dkaa "WiL-rcnT ! Since I trrrite td j-oti Inst, we havB hiid wenry marches nnd traVllled miiny miles after the Jojinnies, but ns yet havo not roci inem in a reuuiar tint tic. Pinco tlio lUtn of this month, Gen. Pheridno has done his best to catch and whin the rebels, but their floctnesi and the peculiarity of the countrv. in the way of mountains nnd Raps, is such that he ie now no nearer that object than when our march commenced. Our cavnlrv drove the rebel vidcttrs often whllo on our march towards VinchcsteT, and every day, iti ekimtshes, compelled the frraybacks to run for safety. Enrlv was forced to ri-lrpnt U) the mountains beyonu Btrashnrg; where he threw up intrenchments, hoping to draw our army into a trap, but our commander Knowing the position he held, and the al most impossibility of driving the enemy from the gup, did not advance further than Cedar creek with the main arm v. and thr-n sent the cavalry to commence operations, by trying to draw li'iiri out into un open field and fair fight. This they accomplished on last Tuesday having as Gen. Sheridan reports "a brilliant affair," in which the re bels lost severely in killed, wottuded and prisoners. In this fight the rein crossed a stream nnd made a charge; they were re pulsed and in recrossitig, besides the killed, many w ere taken prisoners, the cavalry bovs saying "come back, or we will shoot. Tliis command was readily obeyed, the Johnnies thinking like Ci'ipt. 'Scott's coon, "not to shoot and tin y would knock tinder." The enemy were forced back to Front Royal, when they were reinforced by two Divisions of J-ongstrcct's corps, from Richmond. Our force then fell ba;:k to the creek. when a snarp artillery duel came off. Not making anything out of this, Sheridan fell further back, try ing to coax the enemy from his earthworks nnd the stronghold of the mountain. This, thu Confed leaders would not accept, so Sheridan moved part of his forces ba.-k to Winchester, then to Uerry ville, keeping, however, his army so fixed that there could be no danger of a surprise, and finally to this camp, two miles from Clmrlcsto'wn, w here "every preparation is made for a fight, nnd the great wish now is that the rebel horde will make their appearance in force, ( that tin; strife may end in the valley, anil that we may so effectually use them up that lucre will be mi end to the raids into Petiti 1 iinia and Maryland. our route from P.erryviHc to Middlc t iwii. we pus-ed ii farm house, on the porch of w hich, woct're gaily dressed young h'.dies. They laughed and chatted with the boys, offering them watc r.i made them s Ives generally agreeable. Not suspecting anything w l ong, the most of our corps pas ted by, wh'."' h !:tt!e brother allowed "there was some soldiers in 1 1:" htnre."' The Pro vost Mar-hiil thought it advi-nhlo to exiim i ie the premises, and by so doing found ducfulid under beds. Uoee rebel' rifheers ti;iil s. un privates. These gentlemen were a! nor!, threshing grain, and our skirmish ers coming on them so quickly they could n it get away, so they sought the house for shelicr thinking by t''9 ri'se of the yountr ' la lies donning their "best l".b avd tucker," lh. 'i could elude the vigilance of the Yanks uiHl csei'pe. They wen- mistaken ar.d ere you get this, these c iralroii.i gentlemen will be in tlimiff rife, guarded bv Vi'le Abe's ''ls- I'liaricslow n ;s not the place it was three years ago, when we were encamped there as three months men. Thin business was brisk, stores liiied w it h goods nnd open to pur-ciia-eis, the streets crow. led with user, and the open windows shovved the facts of many beautiful women some of whom wore sin i It a and appeared hippy, while otheis played toe pal l of the- v-ir-fju and spat ut our .io s as they passed on the side wclk. Now tiu.ery and want are visible, stores closed, signs displaced, streets fVserted, buildings b.irned and everything indicates that these once happy peo! what ire left, are l'1-ollglit 1 ehe.-ler h: o poverty, il not . "nrvauon. m is bei'il a j'W.'if wiiirt place, having all the Modern improvements, such n? ;ras, .i.der works, iVc. The buildings are really ln.e and the streets well paved. It is situ ale I ill a splendid valley and must have been a piace of considerable business. Uut like its sNter, C'hiirlesto'.vn, war and battle lias had i i"'e'.'. it; uiid now it is but a 'Me.'i ru d iil.cgi'."' A ea-.ali-y train was attacked at Herrys vilie, a few dais ago, by Moeby's men, just as t in-1 were coining out of pal k. The guard iiiua l.id day men; were surprised ud lied, e.iving arms, cte., iu lb'.' Lonfusion. The iv.igon-., ui'out lilly, were burned and two u. nulled iniilis captured. A scouting of eav.iin hearing the tiring, ininieiliately btar ted lo the rescue, uud arrived in time only t i give e. use to tne guerrillus who V ire no iihed ot the i hereabouts of the-train by a citi.en ; who, for his part was hung as a -py. Tiiis spy made it speech acknowledg ing his gniit. giving his reasons for the act, and then most pittMully biynd lor his life, it w.i of no aiail, for tne facts were so pos itive thi'l hesitancy to carry out the sentence wou d h.iie been criminal. He had been under ;u lest twice be lore, but managed to e-e.ipe. flii- tune lm w as caught in citizens ores.-,, havinui liccii bul a short time belore seen a r lie! uniiori', in fact, about the lime tue train was ultaeUed. Papers were found o.i Ui in adiircrued to J.ougslieet, giving a p iiticiilar uecotiiit ol our lorees, the amount of infant ry, artillery and cavalry, and, be sides, he was ideulilied by uu Adjutant, aIioiu he, the spy, had stood guard over while he wiij in l.tbl y prison, ile hud the spiritual advice of tloec Chaplains, nnd was bapt .ed shortly before his execution. hin ial pronioii 'tl.i buve been made lately iu tue ditli Pa., Vols., the most proiut'ieut of w liicii is dipt. J. i. S. Uonis, to that of Major. Tula appointment is well deserved ami is the unanimous choice of the ltcgi meat. '1' lie members of Co. (,,'., lor their own good, are opposed to losing their Cupmiu ; out lor his ail winci incut arc well ple'ed, uud Coiisitler w hat is their loss is gain to tile r fillllellt. Tlie nieiiilieis of t'o. ('., that wcM takeu prisoners in the baitle on Kid llvir, have Cecil p ooled or e.vehangell, with the excep tion ol John C. Meiucr, und a:e now ut their lioines uu lurloiigli or hi ho-pitals ul New Orleans. W hiie at Ty kr, 1 fcAi, they were viiceiualid ur luuocuUlcd, Willi lllipuie mat ter wnn h impiegliatiil llieir blood and llow they are is ill clod with ulcerated limb uud sou- i vcs. '1 lie liiiuU, iireieiidiug to guv liic-c ineii a preventive lor sinull pox, tilled I it. i r s.atiiiia with a loatliSomu vlieu-u that w ill i-iing '.u through ble. Is not this uu I (l 1 1 II 111 ill net ( . i III ill I Miller is III the lioa pllal at .New Ol leans. Aii utt.ii U is houil) enpected. Our forces .lie ill po.llioii read) to leleivu the I in III). Ii j b.otle i on,, oil, mid 1 am lucky, I will send )oi paiiii illul.. he boys ale Well. iitii ic-jnits to ull iu ihu ullicc, yomstll ulid iHclnlv I remain, Youn, r ia'etimlly, U. U. W. I'ruia lltu Arm) ul' list I'oloiuut'. .Ntn Yoiik, August '.'1. A slu'l'litl Washington ll. Mi.ill 11 lit thu ' Colllllll'll Ul, s..s that lielllldl Walfllls, jii'lps isehliii'l a (j I am I limits un huinla. I oi r Ula itil4 ked umli r oritere lriu lae, Ihal Ho liiii'l las illliiU llxlii Dm WiLLm lallfiiad si aliilillf eailillitf. The ItUli I sti ie :..i. In ..s thr-'ileli api lelt III ! our lllo e and mill led emlil) wlalu Ihlif ' uihmi Mae inlinly ih tietcd. i Uiuuial A. I. Hill Ie nimifvd iifirully i s..uo U'l, and ti.u. i.l. l. lh kinl l.i, "ii 1 ul It r. l ie, ale sn In l)uUll i.lliil. 1 J Ui luloial ul llw lOlU Messi'l i J'leV Oil e" I) A Cnrd. Df. Jorij s Having been Informed by rny friend that wrong impression concerning that disgraceful riot in Stigarloaf township, is going abroad, I deem it not .only due my. self but also the public, to' inakc a pluin stiitenieuts of the facts, thut the people muy judge between me and those rebels who were the cause of that infamous nlinir. Ueing the juuior minister on Ofangcvill circuit, I wenl to my appointment as usual, and commenced the worship of Almighty Uud amid a large congregation. At the con clusion of my opening prayer I prayed for the country, the President of the United States aud all its constitutionals advisers. ior i ue vommaiHier-iu-ciiiel ot our armies and his subordinate nlliccfs the soldiery both by sea and by land, 1 also prayed for an honorable peace, and satisfactory adjust ment of our difficulties ; asking God to open the eyes of our enemies, cause them to lay down their arms aud return to their alle giance to the Uovernm-int, thut peace may ugain return to our bleeding nation. I the commenced n caching, uud when two thirds through with my sermon, Ksij. Cole drove up to the door with his drunken gang, some eight or ten in number, who I believe, were hired una mude drunk tor the express purpose of breaking up the meeting una injuring me. two ot their number. George Poust and John lirink, son of Ben. lirink, came to the door raving like savages. one of whom culled out, after uttering the fiercest outhes 1 e' er heard, "I learn thnt you are an abolition preacher, and if you are we will take you out aud hang you on this hickory tree; but if you arc a democrat preacher you can preuch oil." I requested .um to be quiet until 1 wus done preaching, !vhen I would talk to him. To this request hu cursed and swore at mc most furiously, adding, "I will not be quiet until 1 know whether you are un abolition preacher or not." 1 replied that 1 was no abolition minister, but preached the gospel. Mark, lie ilia not ask whether I preached abolition ism, nnd if so, they would hung me, but in reality lie asserted that if I was a Union man, (for abolitionists and Union men are called by that clique, abolitionist,) and stood up lor the government, nnd went lor tho putting ilown of this cursed rebellion, they would hung me : but it a democrat, in the sense that that word is understood in this county, which is, a man who resists the draft, docs all in his power against the ad ministration, whose pnncipel, il principle it may be called, is, "party first, country after ward ; it a democrat in this sense 1 could preach on. A drunken man is generally aid to be generally honest with liimscll, that is, he speaks out. regardless of policy or consequences, just what he thinks and w ishes. ITencc what this rebel said mav be taken as the principal or desire which gives tone and character to a large class in this countrv. They continued their nnthemas and curs es un'il Iccised preaching, which I did short ly after tlivv cntnc ; tVlten they again canio into the hou-c and recommenced their r.busive language, declaring that if I want- ted to preach nigger, 1 should go south and ! preach to the niggers, therefore they would have none of it here. Mean wretches I I doubt whether they had ever heard me j pica''!'. but, novejtheless were ready, like ( the most ..I lll'.'ir party, to condemn a man ! unheard. Tor, when some who were at church whoiu loyalty I would not like to j ass':rt, went out and feid to quell the riot, declaring that what they had said of me j was bilse, it only excited them the more, and ; w hile raving like the snvttg'.-s of the forest, cried out to those of their party in the house , to bring t!ii' cut and they would make short work of it by putting me out CS Mie way. Two of their number took hold (if tliy arm and attempted to take me out, when I wrenched loose from their grasp. Two gen- I tlenien then came forward and interfered, ; w hen I stepped back, and w hile they were parleying believing them to be well armed, as 1 uflerwaids learned was the case, and know ing that I had no mi rev to expect nt their hands if they got possession of my person, for neither 1 nor my friends had weapons. I retreated to the back window and made my escape through the darkiu-s of the night. Those w ho knew the patties told me afterwards that had they succeeded in getting me out of the house, they would I have executed their threat, for they were perfectly wild w ith rage and bad w hiskry, uiihvs I had been rescued by my friends, which they could not have done, for wc hail no arms, while they were preparid for any emergency. It is just, how ever to add that the persons in the immediate neighborhood took no active putt iu the dirgraccful riot. 1'. F. triiR. Ulorinsburg Aig. 15. ISol. '.?" c V'eiili'ra .'onrpiriM' .11 ore t' 4'IOJMIM'IIIM, Cl.Nl'l.VNATI, August 23. The morning papers publishes long ex tracts fiom Dodd's corK pondence captured nt Jmiiaunapolis. The manuscript copy of Dodd's address to ihe Grand Council is among the papers, in which itnrpcarsa grand convention wus to be held July 1st, two days before the Democratic N"tional Convention was to have been held. A spon taneous meeting was held at Indiahnnpolis last night to take counsel concerning the dangers surrounding; them. It was the largest out-dour meeting ever held there. The meeting was extremely orderly, though there wus yep feeling against the conspiracy. Resolutions were adopted denouncing the secret order as a most mi.Hchicvous one, cal culated to bring about civa! war, and declar ing the charge that the Union party intend to use military power to prevent a fair elec tion, us a slander upon Union men and our brave slodiers. NEW AlEUmEMm Mlulp ol IliinU of ."".orllimulMT fuusl) I'll., Aiiuk( lotil. ASSKTst. I.onns and Bill" discounted. . . f?IM?9 9l LertlUcates ol I luted Mates Miut . llll.lHU 00 I Ullcd Mules .'i-iiU L'iNIl, . . . lull, (lot) HO " " Interest heuring Lrgul Ten ders. 31 000 on l'ennsvlvaida. " . . . 2s.4i'0 "0 liunk of Norihumhorland Flock, 4.H7U 00 Noribuiiiberluiid bridge Stixk, l.iuu 111) Te!-i'raph Shu ll, ..... .1.11 in) Heal r-lHi.'. ,tc 9.;.7D s7 lue by oib'-r liiinlts. - - . lSrt.:il7 0S .Voles of oiher Hunks, and Iagitl Tenders SI li d 00 Cash llt'lns, iil'J U puclt iu aull including Coiniiiouweallb peol Cerliticutes, SO 91 04 JT-ttl.eTl 7 t.'ls.MO 00 lit oon no Uo V7J 11 LIAFIMTIES. Not" In circulation, Due lo other Ihinks, ... " I'ouiinoiiwcHltb. Currency for fcpeeie Crri ittcale, . . " loill'iis, ... lolll III? IS I h. rrby certify the ebtre slalruienl lul. Just aud true lutbe btsi ot my kboldi!e and In Ii, f ri J I'AI hl.K, Cashier. f.iia and sa.su'rilad til' rs mr I D l.o.arrsi i ia V J I'uUie buubury, August a, Is I Funbury High Scliool, 1 If ILL t-"iu ia Ihe old Uaptlst Cbureb. Ihe II ttisl d .y of August. I Us e..uis ol iu.liuclii.il euibtaras all Hie Uaa.'ti.'e laugbl tu Aoadeiulee and ttwUiiuaf tue ul iSe bigbest jia4e. 1r-IIW I'KH tl.ulim of tl WICIII, f "f Lannua4 aueteul aud Kodsta luclud- ltt all Mli.r Uai.cls, fll M Xsiyi.l m.us Aig'W Utiieisiip eie II b4 AdtuiHl UtstuasM.livoajiapby UiMviy, 4 , It rladiSMbie ul abwte, Is) uO Pilsuaiir, t l0 lusidsuial llrM, M luiio. p..LIs sjuasierly la a-1 vai.se. k 4-v.iuasi sa Is I us luat na.e lepiis eaa esiiM ai as.f iisna, aa4 lUefcl ksil lisa i,e4aie lly aa'er Ins IuiUissj basluaiaie apply Ike Ctiaeii-al U. S. 7-30 LOAN. The Secretary of (he Trcssury rItci notice that subscriptions will be recoU-cd fvf Cbupe'ti Treasury ..o., pnyaoie mrce yours trim August l&lb 1864, trilh semi-annual interest at the rate of ecren and three-tenths per oont. per annum, prlnoipal and interoet both lo be paid In lawful money. The notes will be eorieertible at the rptton of the holder at maturity, Into eit-per ocut. gold bear ing bonds, payable not lose than five nor more than twenty yean from their date, ai tho government nia? loot. They will bo baned in denomination! of 50, 1100, $600. f 1.000 and 45 finn .,,.1 .n ... I,..,: ,:,.... must be lor fifty dollari or solue multiple of filly dollars.' The notes will be trntinn'tted lo the owners free of transportation ehnrjjtn lej soon after the receipt of the original CcrtiDaatea of JJiposit m thoy eau be prepared. Aj the notes draw lntorot from Angnt 1 , pereuij making deposte eubsequcnt to thrlt diiti niust pny the interest acarued froTn date of noto to date of deposit. Partioe depositing twonty-flTO thousand dollars and upwards for tbcic nttei at nny one time will be allowed a oomuiisslou of ono-qunrtcrnf one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for (hi amount, certfflod to by tho officer with whom tlio deposit was made. No deductions fur commissions nn st be iuadcfKlu fi.e deposits. Sp--inl AdTiuifiicrrfl of tlita Ia.1ii. nsiiujAi, oiTixos jank, . lernig ahigh er rate of interest than nny other, and the brst .trCK riiy. Any eavings bank which pay? i depositors in U. S. N'otej, considers thnt it is payu g in tho best circulating medium of the couniry, and it eannvt pny in anything better, foa Its own n&iets are cither in government rccuriticsor iu noted or bond? oavable in government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or penna. Bunt investment. The n-tcs can always be sold for within a fraction of llieir faco and accumulated into, rest, and are the best security with banks aa colla terals for discounts. CON VfcP.TIIiLIi INTO A SIX I'EK CENT 5-20 OOLD UOND. In addition to the very liberal iutercst on the notcj for three years, this nrivileee of coiiver.ion - nn worth aljout three per cent per nnmiiii. for the cur- niiii.oo ior j-.u uouiis ii noi less lain nine prr cent, itfemitin, atid befi're tho war the r.rnmi,,,,, six percent. I'. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that tho actual profit'on this loan, at the present market rate, is not loss than ten per cent, per annum. ITS EXEMPTION FftOM fTATfc Oft F.UMCi: PAL TAXATION. But acido from all the advantages wo haec enum erated, a special AM of Congress exempts all honili and Tif,i!iiry notes from Inral tiuenttnn. On the average, this exemption i. worth about two per cent, per annum, according to the rate of taxation in yari ous parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great ln duccruouts to lenders as thoso issued by the govern ment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith and ability of private pnrlios. or stock companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of tho country is held tf-ccure the discharge of all the obligations of the United ftntes. V'bilo the government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believe." that the very strongest appeal will be to tbo loyally and patriotism of the people Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits,' Tho parly depositing must endorse Uou the origin, at certificate tho denominations of notes required, and whether they nro to be issued iu blank or paya ble to order. When so endorsed it must be left with the offiocr receiving the deposit, lo be forwarded to the Treasury Department. Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of I tlio United states, at M iodninrion. iln ..v..r,.i .. ' si'tant Treasurers an! designated Depositaries, and by tbo I lis. I alioii:il ItiinU of .Mi I Ion, And ti nil .Aaliouul Haul. which uro depositaries of l'ublio money, und all BUSI'KCTAIILE BANKS A N II BAXKKI1S throughout the cuutry. (acting as ngeiitaol the Nil. tioiinl Dcpoi-iiory I'uiiVs.l will l"urni.-h further infor mation on application and Ap'OKD EVEItV FACIMTYTOSUBiSCftlBEKS. August 13, 18?l Tom . i.o rs rem s in:. nMIE undersigned will sell at prlvnle fine, T'EN 1 TV-SIX TuM N LOTS, situate in the borough of bunburv. The Iota ure located within a few squares ol the rennsylvania Hailruad Company's Machine Shops, in Ihe northern part of (ho lown. Th v are ull suitable building lots, situate in the most pleasant portion of the borough. They will bo sold on rea sonable terms, ior further particulars apply to 1'1-TKK II. .MASSElt, II. II. MASsl.K. KKANC1S 111 CHER, Punbury, June 1, i.Ci. Executors. JACOB I1ARLEY, (Ssieee.isor to & t a u Jl e r J art r y .) No. 622 MAHKET Street, PHILADELPHIA. DEALER in Fine (iol.l and Silver. WATCHES ; Fiuoliold JEWELRY: Mini MI.VEU-WAUE. aud tho best of SILVER-PLATED-WAilK. Con stantly on hand a lare asurtiuiut of tbo ubovo goods at low prices. Watches and fine Clocks. Repaired, by skilful workmen; also, Jewelry repairing ; Engraving and all kiuds ofilair-work to older, nt short notice. if Dou t forget the old stand, No. bli Market (irc. l. Philudeliihia. April , l.sol. 3m Alli'iilovn .llililarj 'iII'K', ALLI NTO N i PA. Her. M L. HOFI'dRD. A. M . President. Major 0. EcKENDolUF, Superiuieudcut of Ihe Military Depariiiicut. riUlS luslitulion. chartered by the Stato of Penn X sylvauia with lull Collegiate powers, will open its next session. Sepl. lilli. Every lacihiy isadorded for au English Clussical,.Scienlilic,aiil Military edu cation under the Inst of instructors. Pupils are re ceived iu Ihe Primary, Preparatory and Collegiate Icnarlmei July 2i, laol. 2ui lau Uiivrounii sV llluuiit.l,it rjj ICall roiid, ON and after Jan. lull, 16ol, Passenger Traiua will ruu as lollows : MOVINU KulTU. 1: 'render. Leave Feran'on, 4 20 P.M. ' Kingston, by " Bloiu.burg S 25 " Luperl, .ii .1 ll..., ill. u 1 1 Arrive at Norlhumberlan.l, V !i MOVINU NOKTll Leave Nortbumberlaud, S i;ii A. M Danville, H Iu " llupert. h 40 " lib.misburg, V 15 " Kmg-iou, Villi'. M Arri1 at Scranlou. I .'III 1-n igU 1 Passenger leaves Itloom.burg. 1ft 15 A. M Passengers taking the Mail iraiu Souib ooi.ueel wilh ibo Lsprcaa train from Nribuii.brrlainl. arriv in( at llariislairg, ai J .10 A M , Uahimore 7. nil A M , and al Philadelphia al T ihi A. M 'Ibe Mall Iraiu from .Virihuuil'fileiid lreumnrdialely allir Ibe arrival of tbo Eat ress traiu Iroiu Hm.l,Urg and lUI'lluoie, alloaii, Paaseugers lealii, I'hlU.li dphle al IV IU P M lo i each (..miaou this road during Ibe next ,ir,uoou Nsw and cleanl Kleepltig rare acsouipany 1'ie ilil Uaioss.cli Sly belts.!, NiflhulnlKtL.i.J and I'altituoie, atid N albtOibeilai.d and Philadelphia D T ll'l ND, l-upi. .tllraslluit, jatllt'M uud irullsutru t AMBROTYPiS ASH rUOTvORAPH OALLERY. Ia Deer Mieel, vpposlle ihe Cauiial JUlel, HUNllUltV ts jk. O llTlltLI, bw . .... a . I'uluis ll.ll.ry Kr, ia Ibe aUiiepUi. si.d u pi.uW Iu uke I'kiliaiie Ui (be tmi t;l aud u.sui.,1 WUllOtVI'U AND lll'JiiillHI.'4, aeuksa la eiy style 1 Ibe Ail, ib.i eai4 be uipsM4 lull.sauia lls.is.fi seisial s isp. Il.... be anl (its Mli.ixio.a ut u l.sis I Hee will U us liow all n.t-s 4 r'uiusss Uisekuit ssi Mns.sis.v.1 i-irte liekesiwel HdSei aiWrf 7iM f4 M 'lAM ( LOTH I . III.M. Ml The ONLT reliable self-AdJust'jig Wringer. Ho Wood-M'ork to Swell or Split. No Thumb-Serewi to get out of Order. Warranted with or without Cog-W botll. It took the FIRST PREMIUM at Fifty-SeTt Plate and County Fairs in lsiij, and is, without an eiocp. lion the best Wringer ever made. Patented iu the United Suites, England, Canada, and Australia. Sninplo Wringer ent, Erpre'e paid, on rcecTpt'ef Trioo. Encrgotio agents oon mt'm f.-ot 3 to iO Dollari pet day. No. 2.$i 50. No l.fr.50. No. P, S.50 Ho.A.$3.M. Manufactured nnd Mil, wholeeale and retail, by THE PL-TNA.I TIANl KACTl KINtr CO., ' No. 131'lRUdtroet, New York, and CleTelnnd. Ohio. S. C. NUKTHUOP, Agent. WHAT F.V EilHODY KNOW S, vie : That Iron well gaWauiied will not rust ! ThRtasimple machine is belter than a complicated ouo j That a wringer should bo self-adjusting, durable, and efficient ; That Thniub-Screns and Fai tenlnjf. cattfedoiay and trouble to regulate mid Jieep In order ; That wood boaringl for the shaft torun in will wtnf nut ; That the Putnam Wringsr. with of without Cog wheels, will not tear the clothes ; That cog-wheel regulators are not rc?entinl : Thut Ihe Putnam Wringer has all the advantage! and not one of tho disadvantages above named . That all who have tanted it, pronounce it the best Wringer ecr made J That it wilt wiing a ThreaJ of i Bed Quilt without alteration . To might fll t'ie paper with testimonials, but in sert only a few to convince the rkrplieal. if such there be ; and we say to all.tet Putnam's Wringer. Test itTHOKOUlJHI.Y with ANY and ALL others, and if not entirely salisfrctory, return it. Frn" SI..t.ArTi-ltio Co: Oonllemen ; I know from practical etprrience that iron well galvaniiod with lino will not oiidiie or mst hne particle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as possible, add I can choo-fully re commend it to he the best in use Re.poetfullr Tours, JNO. W. WllEE'LEll. Cleveland, nhlo. Many years experience in the galvanizing busi ness enable tte to indole tt-e atoe statcmont !n all particulars. TNO. C. tTEIlTS. , No. 1 (JO Beckman .Street. New York, Jni.uafv. Isfil. We have tcsled Putnam's Clothes Wringer practical working, and know that it will du. It is cheap j it is simple ; it requires no room, whether at work or at rest ; a child can operate it ; it does ha duty thoroughly ; it snves time and it saves, wear and tear. Wo earnestly advise all who have much washing to do. with intelligent persons who hare any, to buy this Wringer. It will pHy for itself in a year at most. Hou-sJlOKACi lUtEELEY. Juno 13, ISGt. rili'k nrnAR path r-ivisB A new System of 1'by L siognomy. Eyes. Ears, Nose. Lipe, Moulh. Head, Hair, Eyebrows, Hands, Feet Skin, Complexion, with all "Signs of Character, and I'uw to Koad them." in Tli5 IMirf iirlcl-:t! .lourn.-tl, Ann Lirr Ibt i STn iTmi. S. B. '.VELI.S. IMttuf. Ethnology, the Natior.Hl History of Man, nations, races, and tribes of men. described with Illustrations. Physiology, lunctions of the J'odv, Heart, Lungs, Stoiniich, Hones Muscle., and Nervous System, Pbrenologv. the Teiiiperiiinents. Man s lutellec tunl. Social and Moral Nature. Hot to Improve. Physiognomy, wilh the "Shims or Cii a r acte r , Ann llow to Kkaii Thkh." on scientific principals. Phychologv. or the "Science of the Soul"' Man s relations to this life and to Ibe life to como, A new volune, the 40th. commences wilh the July number. Now ready. Published monthly, in quarto bum. at f i a year. Samples, by first ost, 2'lcenls Address FOWLEK A WELLS, iis Broadway, New Wk. SUSQUEHANNA F KM ALE COLLEG E, Si:i.lsi(JllOli:, SnysUr 'o., In. TIIE Fall Session "f this Institution commences on THlllSDAY, AliilST ls(h. The Winter Session ontho 17th of November. T Kit MS I'KH SESSION )K 13 VVKEICS : For B.iapling. Woshing, Famished ltooln, Fuel uiiii Light, and Tuition in all the nyuinr studies of the Collegiate Deprrtuient. only t i2 V.i. A liberal beductu u made in luvorol the Daughters of our Soldiers. For further piirtieulrrs, or Circulars, apply to S Dti.MEli, Principal, 6eliugrove, August 6. l.-fil. :iio,,s. CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZA 11 . Corili r f ."OiirKrt Siinre .V Hail. Itoa;l Sli-'', SUXUUlt Y, P'iXX'A PIMMEU STOCK OP READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest styles, cut by the bct Artists, trimmed and made equal to cui-loui work, and sold at tbo luwest prices. Jll'll and llJ'(s 4'lolllinu of tho best ma terial eon-isting of Dress Coats. Frock Coats, ,'ack Coats, Pants, aud Ve.-U of vurious colors and quali ties. tlENTLEMEN'S FIU.N1SH1XU GOODS, Fuch ns Shirts, Over-hirls. rmlersbirts, Drawirs, Collars. Cruvato, Neckties, llaudkercbiels, Stockings, (Moves. Ac. s llalsi und 'uiim of nil kist'. LOOTS A SI) SHOES, TIU'NKS, VALISES, I'M. M'.ELI.AS. and NOTIONS of all kinds, and nume. rous oilier articles. The public are invited to call and examine his Sloca;. ltcmember tho place. "C-'i:Hr"ital CI. .thing Store." Corner ol Market Siuare aud the C It 1! LEVt II1XHT. Funbury, July 2, ISM. Dultli i:u.lniliu t'ollVo t o, DEPOT: Iti? ltcado Street, New Yor!t. The above Couipunv are known all over the world as the owners ol the Coffee Plantations of Java and lialaiia iu the Dutch Ea.l lmlie.. and are the lurgest monopoliters of Coflee on the Ii lobe. The under"igned iwho is apH,intc1 telr Solo Ageut in Ihe I nited .-tale- a-id in the itriti'h Colo Musi wil! have tor sale three d.tlerenl kin.ts i f Cof fee, which, for regularity of grade aud cheapness uf pi ice. will di'fy eoiiipe.iiion. ur "llatavia I'oiUe" uever before Introduced in this Country, but eslen-lTel v used in the A rune, and Navies o! Europe, and richly va!ue,l, will be put up at I'Tiees to reach el! roiisuiuer. and our Elira Java Tiitt be Ibe ?lagnuiu Itoiiuiu ( oRce ol Ibe ago. We will bate, for aceuiniii olutmn of iir.-ers, Fa milies, and lioieiunient Coutractors, samples (dry. and diuwuifiir testing. t'rJers si'lleicd t'n receipt of ca"b, eoffee prompt ly lorti-d as directed A M PPM AN, Ills Iteade Sireel. New iork. t-vlo Agent, D E I 0 Co. July?!, !-. BOARDING IIOUSK. .tlllM. .MtltlJt IIIOHI'silO, (Foimerly ul Ihj ' I.aareuso House,' ) s r N II r It Y . P K N N'A- I M'ull Si her friends aid the publi,' j. nerally Ibat be bas r.ailcl Ibe bouse ..ruierl ivrupied I I Dr J W Psale. .a Ulaekberijr Hi"' real Ibe Noribrra Ceulral Hailaay Dep.'!. aid opeuvd a ll.-s.r-lit.gr lb .use. wl'sre sl,e Is i.sl.. I'. ' k'ly II It MAN EM' ASl TllAN-llSr m h ft. K sf H lib g.a.1 raks an! wallers boarders e.a o y iHe iiuiai eou,lu(K ol h"ua with leie eqlal Iu Ibe best V..UIS I'aUouags frouiib s ahu nay 'ur iu tunbury, I raslNMllully eulwilrd ' ' W.s MAIll i TIKMI "N Irutiburjr, May II, Issll - ous ETTER OF ADVICE FOR 1ADI18 live AMTuMICIL INiiH AM.MU4. II u.f -miioy a.isf L( is p,.i l.,i.. hint fate us eetlei e,.il e l ise e.i. Aeiiee l' Ur"ii, X'f NEW SOJIMER GOODS AT NO. 1 STORE. WHAVKIl 8c PAGEIST, HA VKjnst returned from Philadelphia with one of Ihe InftV'V and best (eleotcd iiooka of Ooods ever brougbl to .SutibUry. DRY GOODS! FOrtEIUN AND DOMESTIC. such as Clotha, Caasl. mires, Muslim, fc'heetiiise. Ticking, Calicoos. Do. laines, Flannels, ahd all filfi.fj cf flolllN ISO Oooda, Alpaccna, Illr.ok t'ilks Hinghsuu. rnlmoral end Skeleton Skirts. Canton Tlauuuls, Nanktcni, Car peting of all kinds. HATS Sc CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery, Olores, Thread, fluttons. Sus penders, Neck-lie, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hair Uru::?''. Tisalh Uriielies, Uum llib bon and Coril tape, crotchet braid, worked oollars. fancy heail dresses, tidy union, oarpet binding, con'S, fancy eoajis. earpct bni'S Trunks, Valises, L'inbrellua, Dlunk Hooks, taper, Eurelopej. eio. k. ii m Buss aVA" ;ra Hi: Of all kinil. uch ns Nails. Hinge, and Screws. Door Latches ami KnoN, Locke, and CLTL'm id every description. Also, lta, DrUsn, I'uJnli, Viirr.isJic.t; Fish. Fluvsei'il nttd IScninr Oils. Glusa. Putty. Ac. iiwrttKT nrn unci lihis.nnre of till kind. STONE AND EAI.TIIENWARE. An Eitcnsive Stock of G ROCE R J E S, Composed of Sugar. Coflee. Te.is. Jlicp. Corn starch. Maccaroni, Hurley, llaking-powd.r. molasses, soaps, candles, tobacco and legnrs, Salt, Fish, Meat, Cheese, Ac, Ac. Also, a large variety of 2CCT3 & f.tr Men. Women RnJ ChiUrfn. v'AU kiriil-oj ,Jrnin nnd t'ont',T ProJuc? taken in t'Tchnnurp fi-r (c.tfr. Oke us a cull )i'f re ynu fiucbwo ci?ewhor, we ure lwitintl t ct-ll nz low in nfiy ouo cfc. torc-nmrn ia Ir T. CIi-hiptu's limlil'ms; nt thr Miith-wocornor of Market tfiniite, uur tUo Court I1'HIC. , tSunnury, Muy 21, Wl. FLOUR & FEEDSTORE. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. rillli; i-.'bscrioef rcpcrifiilly Informs the public X that he keeps constantly on h"nd at his now W AltEHOl'SK. rear th Sha'niokin Valley llailroad Denot. in sl'NHt'RY. Flour by ihe biurol and sack, and all kin.lsi-f Keeil bythet-n. The above is all manufactured at his own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest ca.-h prices. J.M.CADWALLADER. Sunbury. June 4, 1814. :tm PENSIONS, BOUNTIES AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. SB. nOVEH. Attorney at Law, is duly author , iied and licensed to collect l'llioil, iolsili-!iil lt:ii'l liir for Widows. Or- I'han" and Sol.liers Office in Market street, oppo site Weaver's Hotel, LMnbury, Vi. January 1(5, IHU. ly AkcuIm l iinli-il i:vrj M lierc to sell the ELEGANT FI LL LESOTH STEEL TLATE EX RAVI'( OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN, Mgiilnf; I !' :iiiiin'iullon I'rnrln , liillliuli. The best and only correct likcne'S of this grest man in exUtcuce. For particulars mldress. JOHN DAINTY. Publisher. No. 17 S. Cth St., Fhiladclrhia. May H. 16l. 2m '''"i,T5,"!:''TJ,, re urn & jui'js'iim-Ai .tlnrKrl Mqiiiir, sl .Mil 111, Pa. HAVIXU jut relumed frota tho City with an en: tiro new stock of DriiK", 4'lirmlt'itl, lVrftiiiict-" und 'l'il-( .-Ii l' lo whirl' he Invites hi friends nnd the public gener ally, to call and esamine The Drugs nod Medicines a'e an nelrcU'tl Iruin tlic best importing l.ii-e, in the Eastern market wilh tbo g"patest care as to puri ty and efbeienev and avoiding ur mucS as possible, tho introduction of delerious nostrum PATJJNT MEDICINES f all It iritis. puh as Ay or' a. Juyue. McCliiito'.'k Ii -illowayi1. Wilmrtu, llisotlinul. Sc!un!:s, lirown s itnil ull u l Lilt mi'itlur intent Uielk'itii;s, hIwhts on band. BRUSHES, Hiiir, Tooth, Nail, Clothe aiil I'uint Jlru'licf. HpfiMtil t'Hro is taktu to kei'p uu bmiU consuiitly tMry vmiety of PAINTS AM) CHEMICALS, iSuilul'lv to the trutle. Fhhov Tuilet Articles and tho numerous Articles w hich ure generally kcj-t iu a well Conducted eslab M-hment I n e'iM.-"li'"M wiili Ihenbo'-e artieep. he nlo kee.i .n IniTid n 'nro a- Ttt'ieut nl ?'! ATI' N Kit V, eiKh I'Hjior. KnvW..es. Pencils IlUj-. A$. l'hjsii Inn h .r scri'itioii!) and liunily rcct-ij-ts com totiri lt d wiih the gmttet ac-uraoy and ilif paich. at ALL l'Ul ItS hay Sr NijfSt. i(iuieiihtr th I'luee. larkct Puarc, uuder i'i i.'fiiee id ihu 'i?uLbuiy Auie:iem.;: 11. A. 1-I.SCIlEK. Suubury, June 25, WILLIAMSP0RT 0IT- WORKS I son explosive PURE CRYSTAL CARBON IX TIGHT I'ACKAOL'S. Orders will receive prompt sliention. II V. H'U.DKV. 'MIliaT'Jvrt. .lime 2'. H"! l'r..prietor. LI LUES I'HII LFD IE0N 9AFE- The Only Bufe Keliablo ngumst hr.Ca Vire un.t llurglaiy. I a:u now prepared lo furnish three sites of X' n al lljl.k SHI,-. llo-v ale I- ill I'll f a'lil llorglar proot. Willi lao dl.lilicl lli-olo llu'ffl.'r Safe-, and three ol 11 v new Anli-Micr. uieier l.iks on cadi s He, bcliei i i lo be ihe only bank -lock k.w in u-o (hat lias 11 .1 I i icVi J . r e.inn..l be picked by Ihe a d ' I ihe t'O' touii't. r 'llicm al . all . , til fo.ir lo st 10, l.e iu ibickuei, ..t'.l i, 'r in. guar.inieed to bo the -Ir. iigt'Sl, the newt dilticull to drill and to stand the no-l iiAt-taiice ai;a'itl bolh tire and burglary of any Paid ill ihu t'lnlid Males of ihe latnv sice aiol ct I I. sic. 11 ban I alo. ant will fuihi-h ull sites of rtsi.k aull I Mill s. K.e .1.4 all the ttdlUlllues of Ihe above agallisl bu''ar Alx, ail sii. s ol M. i. joule ."-sfes U.lh buralur. prool aii'l Ure and l uigl.it r,i' Also. Uruaiiitolal ltHelliiig-bouse atce, burglar ir,i. aud f' and burlai-pria.) (aaiiabltl but Uauipl Al-.'. tk str.aigist and cbcapnat Vault dors, f t bank siid uivr 'aniila sautie !' the abe are tillic'e WMuU aud eholvd Ir ii Also, sit sites I. lilie s W r.'ul. I li' U Fire Proofs, issriaiiivi iHiual lu any eoiuito.ii Ntlt. al luiiy one. Ibild Uss puce. Also, a a.ooral airiiusnr of lid baa r ."sh a Hiai.y ol ibrui ksailv nisi, abd ut a'lfoikst lutat-is, r.'u.l iu sabsus l"f 1. 1111s s I t.illvt lion tMlt 1 bus ale oUuvvl al us b l" au, lo.u )"' ' ' M .No 21 n V 1st I It A4'Ul, Just II, le iOWA!tl AMH.,IA'I'U.N,I ; l llll.tbll Ull d ' nlteitsee est' Ihe Irrt ssss., airsstltSMl, ttss.sr sssssl fertts.ll lk)ars - b. a ead isiimUi i aa.wi.l - m i. -iis 1 iae II" tl . 1 Al.l A""l 141 I 'A -ssal l b..l lit ssaltd isl.f as.'slup.-e Ii .1 . b.i i alli.x In I eklb' III', il'il silliN. II ...4 As4.swk, )m. I ' s'f',if"r,i'u4,,! s M I DYSPEPSIA. DCTsisoos awmrsa rnoii Disor.DEri AX D DIGESTIVE 0 tl 0 A K3 Aj Cut ad If nOOF LAND'S German Bitters, TWe Hitters havo perf,irmel inort Cure' Ilavo and do C'ire Hotter Satisfaction ! Have more Testimony ' Hare moro Rcrpectable Teoplo to Vouch for Tbem ! Than any other article in tho market. We itey auy PN'K to contradict this Assertion, ..ir ivii.i, imv sfiooo To any one I'.nl i Tl f r, ducc a Ocrlili-'ato published ty 0?. that is not r.ESriK. ITOOrLAKD'S GERMAN BITTERS. Will ruj! rrery rnsi rrChronic or Nervous liebility, liifasei f tne Kllneys, nml liiscuses arising from a disordered ftoinnrli. OHstKUVKTllK F0LI.0WINO SYMPTOM.' Resulting from I'ifrders of tho Digestive Orgnni : Const i fattoti. Inwnrtl .rile-, Fulness or lllood is tho Head. Acidity of tho Sto fnac'i. Xuusea. Heartburn. Idsgust lor fif'J. I i'ln"i)' Weight in the !nmncli. Sour rri'cti'ti'.ti. fflf'iinfnr I lutt-ring nt the fit of tba i-'loinach Jn 'li-iing of tho Head. Hurried uud liilii cult 11-onUiin, fluttering at the Heart. Choking or rvifhwvitiit7 .weTi"atioiis when in n lying posture, liiin nes of ViHujn. lnit or ebs before the !-tgbt. Fever ami liull Pain in the Head. Lietieicncyr-f I'frspira ti"n. Yellowness of thekin nnd Kyes. Tain iu the fcMdo, Hack, Chest. Limbs. An. Sudden Flushes of Hcut. Burning iu the Flesh, Constant Imngiuings of tvil, aud groat lepresaion of Spirits. sUAT THIS BITTBHl IS KOT ALCOHOLIC, Contains Hum or Vliinlioy, And can't make Drunkards, but is the Best Tonlu id tho World. DJIt al Mho sii)N So 1 jj'o'n the Rev. Levi 0. Ecck, l'astnr of tho Paptist ffliurch. I'embcrton. X. J.. formerly of tho Sorth Ijaptist Church, 1'hilndolphia. I have known IlooflaiJ'e ferrrinn L'ittcrs favora bly for a number of year?. I ued them in my on family, and have been so pleased with their eflcets tout I was induced to rcooiniucnd them to ma ny otiiera, rnd t'now that they bavu operatr-d iu a strikingly 1 cncficiul mnnner I take great pleasure; in thus, publicly proclaiming (bis fact, and calling Ibo nttent'on of those u'llicted vith the disease fr which they recommeudeil, t' theso Uitiers, knowing from experience that my rceommeii'lnlion will be sustain ed. I do '.his more cheerfully as Hoolland s Hitters is intended to beneflt the afflicted, and is ' Lot a rum drink' i'ours truly, LLVI li. LiXK. From Rev. J. Scwton Brown, D. P., Kditor of tho F.neyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, nud Christian .JhrfUiicle. riiiladelpbia Alih'r'rdi not dirp'.scd tc favor or recommend Pa Icni dcdicines in general, through disirutft of their ingredients aud etlcols. 1 ye., know -f no sufft .'ient rea'ons why a man niny not tentify to the benetits bo bdlevcMiinelf to have roceivcl Iroiu any siuiplo preparation, in the br'po that he may thus contribute to the I'crjelil "f i theV I do this the more readily il reard to iloofland'a tieriuan liiiters, prepared by ln CM. .lacks'iii. -f t'iis city, becouc I was prejudiced nirHinst them for ninny years, itM"r the iinpre-sion that they wcro f hii-tly an aleohi lie mixtu-e. lam indebted to my friend ll'ilart "-heoiiiaker i-Vi., 1't the removal of this prejudice by proper test", and tor encourage inent to try thein. w hen sullcring frop groat und long continued debilitv. The use of three botileaof these Hitters, at the begini'lng of the pic-"ent yeur, was lollowed by evident relief and ro-toration 10 a degree of bodily and mental rigor which 1 bud not felt tor six mouths before, and had almost despaired of rcgniniug. 1 therefore thank Uod uud my 1'ucnd for directing to the use of them. J XEWT0S mows. From t'.e Rev .os. 11. Keauurd, Pastor of tho hull Uaplist Church. Jr. .lacks,. n : "ear Kir : I hnee been frequently rcjuc-led to e"uiec( L'lrnanio with c-nimfndatioi.s ot dillcre-it 'ti'id- of inedieiuos but ri'g:ir,ling tho practice eotoi' my apj vopnate ephcrc. 1 have iu ! all ea.-e dcclin.-"1 ' Ion null a clear proof in varirus t in.-tan."es. aiol pariic'ilarly in my f.iiiiily. of tho u?c- luliie.-- of ltr. ll'MillaUil s (tcruoiu jhtur-', 1 depart f,.r i'lieo lr-'iii niv usual eour-c. lo exprej-.- uiy full eor,' iclioii llinl. for general debility of the vfU'i:! aoi' c-peciaiiv I'.ii- Liicr Coinplaint. it is u sate and valuable .Tcti'r.itiou. iu some ca.-cs it 'nay fail; but usually, I d aibt not. ii will be very beneficial t.j thoi-c wh," sutler from the abuve cause. Yours, vcrv rc-pccttul'.y. J. II. KKNXAltP, r.ighih below LuitciStrc:t, rbiladclphia. Tron Rev Warren Randolph, pastor of Eapust Church. i-icTinunt j n. P. nil. Dr CM. Jack.-ou J'etir ir: Per.na!1 expe. rieuce enables me lo ay that I regard the licruota Hitters, prepared by vvai n a most excellent uiedi ciue. lu eu.-e-- oI'm ie cold and general dcbiliiy I ha e been greatly bcnetiUed Lv the use of the tinier Yours, truly, Y AKRLX RAXbt'l.l'll. Oeriuuiiiouu, Pa from Per. J II Turner. Puslor nf Ueddin4' M. E Chinch. Philadelphia. Dr Jackson; Dear ;ir ; Having used yo" mer man Hi it. t; in my family lre,ucntly I am f'epared to say lb it it has been of great .-en ice 1 belleva lhat iu uiot ea..cs of gcueral debility of the sy-tem it i Ihe safest aud uol valuable rv"dy of wilich 1 have ai y knuwiedo. ours, respecitully, ,T H Tl'RXPR. o. TK X. Siueteeuib iueot. From tbo Rev J M LjiUis. formerly Pastor of the) t'oluuibus .N. J sl'iJ M. lesion u (Pa) Baptist Churches. Now Rochello, X. Y Dr C M JucVif ; Pear fir: I teel it a plea sure thus, of my own accord, t.i bear testnuouy io tho ex.'ellence of the itermau Milters. Solue years mucc being tnu.'h urllicted with Dvspe(iMa. 1 u.-e l thi'Ui a ith i eiy beueticial results, i have ciu-u re con. men. 1,-d t" per'ns eltleebled by ibat '. iuieulin j di-case. and bfte heard from ibeui tbo tu si uattct ing (e-iiiuoiiials as to their great value lu caso of general a.-biiity, I bellcvu 11 to bu a loui-? lobt eau uot bo suipas-t-d J. M LYijXa. From Ibe Rev. This Wiutir. Iastrr lxborouii ltaplisl C butvb Dr Jacks,, n ; - Dear Sr'--I let u due u ynut H", 11,1. 1 prepurall n. Il -.l's'-l s lielluau ll.Un- lo U'l 1 u.y testimony lo ibv dcs. r i, repute'. .ii u b-is otCailted. 1 ba.u l..reul-. a' l'.ll.., liutu irolii'lci anh greul di-oi lr in uy bew I an I u. nou iai-;eiu. 1 sis advised by u tr aiei lo tiy aboiili oi'-ur ucr liirtli Uillcis. iloi r. aii'l bavu eipi-iieuced greue and unexpected re'lvt loy hva'lU hsl tve Kt liooeriall) U l,ellll.,l I e.iftd, nlly reci.u.iaeti.1 ;uu aili.'le wl.eie I 'u.-vl Wllb t'evs s.iniiar to biV onii, and bsu been assured by many ot il eir g -vl tttccis KcsfWiuJI) )n, I WMl tt, Ii. a!...'U.b, Pa FlcaiMiv.J S llermaii. of l ie l.rm au Kcfoiuieili t'buicb, Kuutueu, Lei ks e.oit,iy, I'a Pf (J M Ju 'kvoU ; I. .' v.'l. ,r - Iba ebicii In. Uud isil'i I' i. ) i Li'a 'unlv IWi-nl) liul. and b.i uster usi.l ..I v 'i.,.luiii thai .1,1 oi,-us liiu.ll jro..l as llooLiti,.4 llitnia I am let s u.u, 'i lui jiu.i lin bsa.ib. alter b 1114 l..k. u In Uui.s uurs, y,j 0.,, J 9 Ill.KM.i.V J'llIOKH. sparge bits tbw.d-i4 bail ! ui ls tusnliiy 1 1 UU I vl l-i, US ., ,11 i lniil tsue- ?) ewois bi i..i;iw. iimi .. s ti tv i th lis All; U'l'IMI HI Ills' al ll.a vua(u.e vl I' -1 JVlU-" IS oil 11.1 Yl ,, ,, , 1 t.b bUS b,ul4 ) jsi Issi-iiMi Ji u,,; .l u'! bale lbs . il. d U..I is ptil -U I) I bs ii.l. , iii 4 pi. 1 j lois lLal u. be oU.tv I ia Us pUct, ni . 4. t,, W( ao I a ol sisu I s . 41 ') pa. .1. t . s , .m I'lu.!!!.! 'lto.s .i lbula-l 1; , Nw bll sslsl U e.i.sl, I ki's-lk. bla J 'M a k LY (Ns, (ceabft ls C Id Jitii.tiu I I'l.-p. IS'wit IV t- 'v:, L l''J4iia awl l't..i . tbsi H I ss4 4m