rs U. S. 10-J0BONDS. These flwirU ne- issued BBiler tli Act c-f Cortgrs rt March'lU, 'hictt proviile that kit Dundt Ki'1 itti.lcr tint Act shall be L'XEMTT FUOM TAXATION by or ntnler anjtta! or tnur.iipa tuority. Subscription to tktse Points fir rcriTrl to United Strilcs notes or note of iNatiunal Hank. They nre TO HE ItLDLEMEI) IN COIN. t th pleiisure of tli Government. .t nn; f rriwl .-of hm than ten nor mure thtn fav if" f-cm 'tVtir date, pnJ until their rcl.tnntion FIVE IT.H CENT. lXTEIlIifT WILL 11E TA1D IS COIN, on Bond! f notoTcr one hnmlrnl doll art innoal'.J and on nil Other Floods titni-iinmillT. The lntT"t 1 parable ! n the fint day of Hnrch and r,ieuiurr in each cr. I f ubscribcr will receive either Registered or eVu on Momls. us they lniiy prefer Registered .lends re rceorded on the books of the V. P. Treasurer, mid can he transferred only en the owner order. Uuupon Bonds arc payable to. besrer. and are nor o-ivctiicnt (Vir commercial uses. raibscrtbors to Ibit loan will hove the option of liming their Bond draw interest from March 1st. by paying the ncoriicd interest in coin or in I'nited States notes, or the note of National lianks. adding fifty per Ct nt for premium.) r receive them draw. Ing interest from the dated subscription and deposit. An theso UoikIs nro 'Lxriupt from 'Itmii-lpal or Male TMxnliini, there TSlue is increased flora one I" three per cent, per Annum, according to the rate ul tux levies in va rious part? of the country. At the present rule of premium on cold they prty OVER KIUIIT l'ER CENT IXTFKF.ST In eurreney. nnd are of ciiinl convenience rj a per lo'incnt or tvniwrnry investment. It i believed Hint no sccuriti" pier to great in. diiccmcnts to lenders ns the various descriptions of C 8. l!ondr. In all other forms ol indebtedness, the fitith or ability of private parties or stock con. panics only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United States the whole property of the coun try is holden to secure the psjmcnt of both principal and interest in coin. These Donds may be subscribed for in sun:! from f jOup to any tuagitude, on the same terms, and nre thus made equally available to the nunl'e't U nder and the Inmost capitalist. Thev cm le Converted Into money at any amount, nnd the holder w ill have the benefit of the Interest. It may ho useful to state in this connection tha tho total Funiled Debt of the I'nited States on whi.-U interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day of March. 15iU. was STti.S.ntid.OOO. The int. ret n this debt for tho coming fiscal year will be $ 2tV while the customs revenue in gold for the current fi'.-ut year, ending June 30:h. has been so far at the rate of over SHlil.GOU.OflO per annum It will be seen that even the present got J revenues of the Government are largely in evcess of the wai ts of tin! Treasury for tho payment of gold interct. while the mint increase of the tariff will doubtless ru'se the ai nual receipts from customs on the amount o in:-., nations, to $l."n.i)ni).rtii) per annum. Instructions to the National li-mks acting as loan r-. uts were not issued fn. in the I'nited State lrca i.'ty until M ireh 21. but in ihe first three we. ks of April the suK-Mip:ions averaged more thuu TEX j.lLLIO.WSA WEEK. i,s will be received by the 1 .is. .V.iioii.d Eink ofPhiladeli'.iio. T. Fecund National lliu.k of rhilndt!; hia. Fa. Third Xit'lonnl Dank of rhiln lelpliia. Pa. First Na:ional lhmli of Dar.v'.lle. l'a nl tv nil ! ioti:il Ilan'.si vlith are ilepositmies of Fublie mmey. onl all nrsrrrr int.F. bank ami nKrr 1' r-Mighout the country, (aetiiij as n '.T.t . f th Na tional Depository rSank--.) will f'.irm-U furtherlnf-.T-Inatiou on npplicaiion ar, i ArFOUD EVERY FACILITT TO SfESC'RIEER?. May 7. Ic3. -J.-ltvlii: .V I'l-If ?;:il!r.:i'l. i r 111 tri e it line tr-iverfes the orttoTn .I..! i tvi-. eoiintits ol Pim.fy sylv iniji to llie city of luie on I. tike Lrie. I: has h- :i b-i.-e I by the P. rnsylvania P. i'Jv. id CiiopMiy. Mid ujiiler their aupies is beini; rnpidly . ptred throti-.dtout its entire length. " i It is now in use lor Passenger and Freight Iui-Iiu'.-j ft .'ill llnrrisbur to St. .Mary's 'ld miles) m the I intern livisi..ti. nnd fr.'iu Sheffield to Kiic. ' C.iles.l on the Western Iii i-iion. TIMK Ol- PA"1KNUEU TRAIa AT SfMBfRT. At ti r,r ;,tt(.v.r7 . l.rurr Wt .Mr -r..'. "I ill Train. lll.'J.i A M- Mail Train. 4 n.i 1' M. ltprett Train. 11.43 P.. M Express Train. .S .vi .V M 1'nrs run tlirtiirli without ehange. loth wa v. .n t.e trail s between Philadelphia and I.oek liaeli, i iMM'iwteii Hiiliitnore and Lm-k Hnven. It-''int SIee(ing Curs on Lxprass 'i'nilns Loth V ".? botwet'il WiiliMtn'port and llnltiiuore. nud U IVim.port and Philadelphia. Ir uiforioHiion respeettiig Pess'-r-r business :;!. at the S. E. for. 11th and M irk. t . Ad ti.r Freight business of thet.'oiot hh Ar:., I. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Mth ninl Market M.. rhila..lphia. J UeynnldJ. V'rio. . . -. Will, Agent N. I". It. r.:.:::i.irre. 11. II. Il.o .id. tit n I 1 rei.-lit Agt. PLilnda. Lewis 1. II. i i t. ti.u l TiekifAg't., Ihilala. Jj.sKI'll I' PoTI s. litu'l Mnnntr. WiiiiHtu-pvirt. j:;.v!:;si. 1 I 'l'llllli'-. 11 liif .'llillir uu.l l'l l-. l It - tit 'I i:i;'i II ! ' - nrl 1. If I prepared w ith tbe 'lt ltest fare upon ' !i'.' I Ttli.-i t.M, mi 1 Dot to eolil'iull :" X' -C in thcil i-lit.t decree ileleterious lo the or i;iiu.s. Siine tif our lioi.l eii.ii.eot lleutal roti- have uvvii their sanetion to. nnd eheettul. foinim nd a preparation .in.. nor uuali- Iv 1'.''" . 1 clean-iui, ntrliiii xnd piestrvitli tho 11 1 III. It el.'uu tlieui readilv. felhlrrin tlleiil beauiitu'ly wbileind pearly, w'itli.-ut the lvhte-t n.i.iry to Ihu ennnel. It i hralini; l.i tl .. i.u.a where 'hey are ul.tiated and 1: is !- an e. C'll-Lt ii..;i'lcci..r W old dtvayed tt tli. hi.-h arc l'v lovly i ItVik-sK te-ii i-iealoY 1 ' IO' Ulll. .,. n i! .r. t.o;o. -t 1 . 1 1 tit ,,: ir, -.. ,. , . , , 1 i:i P u;i u ui.Y aji.v. .i.d I- I .'.. . 1 1 -1 t 1. I. 1 .v (' loth . A 1.. i'ri.;.- il'Hr I Si . ,V. I. ! !.; -. Pit I ii. : 1 1 n 1 - A.. t: timi'M m f ie ..pinion . 1 ir W lul-'. n t a h I,, I,..: !- ' e li.-fa! I I . '. : I. .,v ol il .111 "t (!. '.ii ! tail i. lu-t.tli e ' M:iir 1.IW..4 it,. i...tTi. . k' I h ! tl . Ilk I I i. I 4 .II 'U -V I' r itlf ! . to I ';. 1. I'll... .1 I III I A IK..:.- h I- Ill I tl II V eve I I I I II 0 1 il to the I I I' ll , . .Ui,' I' . .. rv II I t . I. .11, t an I.e. iiM-l I v all ( 1.. e, . II. ...."l,i.. pre ell 1114 II,.. 1,. a. lo llie gitu.', a . I l-i .1 till I,.,, -I- . Ii I 1 V 11 1, s trw'tfii, l Ii loi l.t. i t S a'Ml'-l'lu'e .i.i . K n.-l t.t v I" I'll. in. In 11.! I' ! 'I ! , 11. 1." , .t I ,i .. 1 I 1 . i: Mi rr t '. 1. 1 .s 1 . t .'.i , - ..1 it H .1. I. )l I', I. I I M 1 e .'1 1)11. ISAIAH rcil.K, IMI'H AN Ami .. 1 1 C:l K iri't I t. , ,.!,,, ,i , , . f. 1 o I l t ' r. ' ., t ,. . I . .. - . , .7 I. tu- . . .1. I I ., A, . vi i ' -1 Unit. .. ,( , 1 t , ,., . ,, "' ' -. - ', .... ..... .... .A Si 1. -U sW.k A k 1 . v;t nr um wuniuTiy IKiUlNINU H.V KIll.tll I Ull l..l.i.i I,lg'.t. IIKt .,, i 1 . i-..' i u I v ii 1 it Ul I i tti. i'J. . lu m4 iLM..I t 0 I ' ' LAUIEb' brUINO AND SUMMER FAXCY DRESS GOODS,;' Jlisa A..A YAW Tw o clmr Wtut t'f Hie Tost Oflicc, BTTNBUnY, HAS jut received and opened large assortment of Kane t l'res O.w l. rich as Uloves, Joutiasi Kid-gl"e. i'k and lisle thtead (llovee; 1-dir e,.ttoti lb-se. Children s Nik .M;t.. llandker- chiefs. Corset'. Kmbroi.lere.1 Nipper, nirrauw r.u- rv i.pi.s in irnss Kucte tiimbs. inniuiinir. Huiloi.. Helt Itihnn. Velvet Kildvns Uraid. It. It Cli'ps-Ladi.-" Neek-ti-s. Fancy Kuttons. C RAI h hlUHOS ai d lUIMMI.Nt) : t.mbnidenngHraids. Jacvnel an.t .-is E lm f aud iiiei rtious ; Alalteere l.aee Collers. tirens.lii.e Vuls. Fancy 1 res t -mlis. Head tr.e. Netts, and a variety ut ether article. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Book, llvmn Books. Illank Books. Memorendnm ltoe.ks, ll'iarie. Pocket bVadss. Ink Stands, Feu. Teneils, Ac 4o. TOYS AND IJAMK; KOH riHI.DIIEX. All of whi.-h have htm selected with care and will be old at reasonable prices. ANNA TAIXTER. Ennbury, April 1P64. TIIC LION HOTEL. (l.ateMr. lloulton's.l IIAP.KET STREET, SUN BURT, TA. jut.xus y.imircR. HAS tak-n this old and well known stand, and refitted and fiiri.isLeU the same is prepared to aeeomunvlate lloarlirs and Travelers wirh lii le?t the n,ni k el can af or.1. He hope v strict attention to business to receive a share of put. lie patronage. His 'i'AM,E contains the In t Ihemaiket attoids. His Par is tailed with the choicest ol LnUor. laoh Mslt and ."i irituous. " The stubiing is pood, and attended by careful Ostlers. funbury, April SO. IS54.1J mi'oktnjii:.! ii:imt. 1 VST received a new stock of Fishing Tackle f r F Ting Sales, et'l.sis'ilig ot Hods. IteeU. Line, liaskets. iino-1s. rlonts. Nets. Flies, Arlific'al Itait, Kigged Lines, tiut. ttrass ai d Ibs'ks. to whiththe attention ot dealers is particularly requested. Orders. Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled and sjti.aeUi'0 warranted. JOHN KMPER. 2nd and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. February ilT, 1n'1. Otn AN INTEKLTImT 111STUUY or VTl. FCHFXK'S OWN CASH. WHILE LAltOKISa I NPrit CO'SVMrTIOX And how his Tulmonij Syrup. SesweW Touio. ti ! MdDdrnke TiU? Rotn llicSytcm in Curing tht Great Niu'itm n-ii4liii It! The ab-jv isacorrect likeness of Tr. S.-henk taken many years ago, after he had recovered from IVn. fu nipt i. .n ; by a cnurse ol his S.henk'8 Pulmonic yrup." The likeness, althouch it does not reprc sei't him anything like as bad as ho was at the worst, yet it is in strong contrast uith the hale and viir tmus looks of the Portrait below which is th true like nesi of him at prei nt time. Tue eontrnst between the two f-rtraits is o great that niary would not l e'irve them to l.e the snme perstin. Yet tbere are hui: !re Is of pir".ns. in anJ around Philadelphia, who wiil rfHV.,tii.e b-tb portrnits tt be true represen. tati, us. V hen i ic first u n taken bo weighed 107 .'Uud.1 -i:t t .. w.iht is Z2 Huud:. Siw Yoiik, Wednesday, March SO, TO THE PI BLK". ! Thir'y yesr airo I was in the last st us c,f Pul. nu-niry O.'iisnn.plioti. and jjiven upl.i die. 1 resided in Philadelphia, and lr. J.eih Parrish. tlieu otthi. city, or-iere l me to Morcjtowu, N. J.. a tii-.taiiee of iiit.e t-.iile. viii. h t,.-k me two days lo get there, tin tnv arrival 1 was put to lied, and there Lid for many weeks. Ini-WHS iny native place, where all 11, y fsmily live 1 an 1 had died of t'oiisiiuiption. lr. t Itiornton. wh-i attended my father in his last illness. was c.'.l'e-l. and iravenieoiie week tti fix up my at'. I'nirs. He had .evil all my family p that ay."nd tto-Uithi 1 a. tj jr. 1 heu 1 heard tf Ihe relue dies I 11..W offer t.o the public. tthi h eurett me. It e iiii- l to 1110 that 1 could feel tiieui peuetlatmg uiy W i.ole sy.tein. '1 b.-vVs-ti riperrd the matter en rev luiiirs. an 1 I would spit offuiore tii.n a pint uf titleti.ive yelbw nottter every iiiomiti As .111 a. that be .jan lo slilisi-te. Uiy c.-ulIi. ttver. p:,ui. niht sweats all bt to leat e li e. and ln tip; eiile lutvinie so ijreat tlial It a with dittieultv I e. uld keep tiotu eating toti 1 n (i tirl iny sttenun audi have be, 11 rowiii in tlesti ever K.r nianv years 1 bat e et.jove.l ittimif rru led t'od health, kee 11 the I iv t-r mi ,1 l"liiifh healiby nilh the eawevd '1 li ft. t snt AKiidrnWe PilU. a i am of a billion., temper aii.t-'it .My weihl is two hiiiitie. aiid ttvitity I un is ln niV refovery l.ple would Mhd b-r ll.e t.ra,l 1,1 .-,r. if see if tt. tir ease, were l:kf nnne I ,.r t'..- I uri--e I pay if i l'es.loii.l Visit, in Ihe btlH - 'i t.e ,".,.uli. llv e wish In ee the one ll. it t.", 'm ' 1., -e lue ll-Hies, all I who a., cured ,t C'U. i.ii 1 , oly 11. 1 11, 'lo u ake lit w !ui is is iui...i. I'. t ,. 1 . n 11 :i 111 the lui..'s and et, uleeiH- I . t . -t i' . I r. 1.. tiii.l tute e.iu be lt,U e, , ,:, I 1; ' llv u:. ler ll.a ordlllnv irettllitlit it jtii.i ,sii- and 11..I n. h ate .'Uted t.y the ,r..ptr II : 1. k raUllolilO .Mui, ,''iltld ! -Me. . I M .1- n-.e I .0. !.. a ti.a'niy n nn. wi'h a laro cavity iu i i t 11 1 I .! I :,. t no t,.-l,t lunj ibv low ei Mm vt ly I o.i-'i I., , e,i,l.,iil e.,u.).leit a-llivsiiai ot the pleat ; I,,- ! n ii .. 11 , i,i,,l aod ll U per t be o ttiu II j' I I til, t- ot a t ttl.olv lual'tiy CltdltloU 'llio i i'lt-i t. - I v t I .1 ... 1 i. do Ifd cut et-i.. 110.4 ' I . -t, i . ' ' 1 . I ' 1 I 1 l 1 ,. lnu u , tUey git U.t dl. Il.t 1 I I M i l . . j.l. I , ,:,., ,1 ,., lu .l..p lillit .nil. Iv I... li- U,.i it, L .1.1,. Ity ,,,.t.,.. iLt) ! tu .1 ,1,;,, i.e 1 .!,. ,. W i.j; up Hi. .tii.n .i, ; I 1 . t- , ti. I .1 . 1,1 .,! ,1.4 uo. Atiti I !,.. ,t I .! V,i.ii,'l. u i l l all.i.l kliaili. I ! I ..- l. I Iti. I tat k. li,.tlal. ,tt tu.. j j 1 1' - I ' ., .. t . i.,u ii,,, u lvm tvuitile. I. u"iii . .1. 1 11,. y Bii ,n .I,,., , O l' i I 1 ten ...i. a.t I I 1,. e.u I. tLitt.1 t. ,t,i.,ttu.l 1 1. ... . I- . a i lt.,., ,. .-.t.siH. CM.kttf . Itlt .ll. H i .1 .1, I .l,.u.. u .. Ui. l. k.Mi. I , N.. I lull. 1 It,,. ,'MtW.I Vl.lWUId .'.t,.t l I., .. .,.tt..-U t I lit I.I. V. ,l I M, lo U t I III. t.tbly 4 ht it lout .lnutaelt V.. u ut.. . LI i -1 ott ' ' .i, t p'.iU, .11 t 4,l i f.o.l t .ii-i lit. ti- tt... h 1 Ub ll'luiallit ii u i IU. Iti-t4 Il "t k.vt .uy ) tit ol Hi. U-l II .III I.U..IU i.. . I. .1. t In i ttulil V"V ett tltil lo. M.t -' I -. 'vl 1 ' ' v. 'lis I t.i t ) tli.... 4 I It., i. 1 - I .Jt t-i l.t.1 , f , ik. .Hi hi. t! I ' " '' t v, H 1 iii- .iiiutth si, I Iii .1 I 1 .1 t. . I.I i. 111. k.'tl'i M till l.l.l.. Il It. . . . 1 1.4 tlt.t .II..H IM.4-. lit. ttf .1 tl I'll' I.t I. ft.-.. I Hb.wli..-4 v. t-iM. 4Mttl u v."'.. . i.i ft. 1 , 11 W t.M.4 t. ijw . t. Ui'..'. -' IM lit. S.. , to.1 g.l It. .) Im l 4.1 Ik. Iii. I ul. Mtj. k ..I I'll .. li.tii 'Ill '.Mil t.1 1-4 11 n't vt. i... I..w4, 1 . I 1 .VI " - je-.-w WJVtjw- the s'omaeh. and it Is carried off by the aid of the nnrake Tills, the Pulmonis ttrrup is made Into bbl. This is the out way to cure eowmmntiun. If I cannot vet rranl annelile. ai d In I does not ilnrrst. 1 rannot enre the ralient Never mind Ihe rni!h ; remove the cans and will atop of Itself 1 hisi the BitM IrouMe I hare wild uiy patients at my twine. Tbri say, '-Doctor, I feel stronger; I rmn , t,.r . tiiry eat ; my nifcTit sweats are better, and ITeel bet- every wht: but in v eon it h is so bad yet , and !iey are astiaiislied to hear me sav I hat diiea not nllfr ' rvmnrii Ihi, ettui, anil lh -nih will fin pj jt.eir. rV-henk K-aweua) create a (timx! appetite in nlnut nine drtTt1. when thvn Is lutt ii.nw, uiiU'tw liver h m niietvJ tlmt tht .Mnn-Imke rilif cmkh uitlwk thr ductn or rh prll MmMer iu thai lwt ncf of time, in unli'r tn allow the flale bile lo pW"f Krt-p Ihe liver and tomrU-h henlthy ilierw H lr ditnrr of cnnumition or any oiht-r d irn?r . ll i hnrtl to lake rtti when ihtc orATtii re healthy. Hune thnl are hiliou, low-ypiriieil, Urcary, feeling slupil. contetj fondue, poor npi-etile. erviu.. viomavh full f winl. everything thitt i eaten lie heavv. a of inemnrr. trr e-ne bottle nl M IIKNrK VKAWKKI TU an.J one box vt bCHKNK MAM'KAkK IMLl... It only a cxiot oiio tbllar aiul Iweuty-fi e Cent?, with full ili ree;im. Hup i. ?uflkMrntt in tunny rw, to antie ly what the weJieines are. 'rt)uently one battle tuttkri" a fitvM ehnne in the P"lein. AnT perwn that etiji'V irlinnry health, by uiu the Seaweed T-ntCMtiA .Mati.lralie Pills oocH-ionally. tnuM gvl the ditctivv organs in ."uch a hoalihy etlition that they become dihy I cn prmluer anumbtr of my oM cn-umptivt ptirnt i.w enhtyiiig pn heallh, weighing marly 2i 0 "urni. I will enluite by relating three cure? I have tnntle in Nev York. mil which are all it ill emit. nn wwh any one who feel nn ititerct in the matter to 'rit them. First is Mr. Karluw.roi'tint; tf.eii at No. Il Houston street Her hu'Jii'l eslU i tin iie at toy r.niii.. M lnt street an I wihel tne to call attl cj her. He sai 1 coubl ilo no Hhs ; th:tt he hat lmt all the be-t nieUical Htu-iuiiittee. niij all ftu whs too fur pne with C'ti-tuir.ptitn to lc eurl ; tmt Jie httj heant of auio great cures 1 h.t matte, atct he ileMre-l to gratify herwi-hr. I callet. rtii l tunl her Win cmttiietl to her hel in the laM n.iijo 'l" bpnohial" cuiisumpiion aril without uVuhr inu-t he ilieJ khu. 1 extunin e l her lung. fouu-t Uith tuhes very uuu h mf.ectel. but no eav.ties IimJ firiiict.t, her eoigh w very severe, the spit-Vix waihIt iu!l of thiek pn. Tu'se I4. leu oltt i. v,r uiuC i ; tin I worse thaiia!!, she hmt ebrt-iiic ili.trt!iva. He: bowels hnii been ttutvel elven tini-'S that 'lav. t ! her tha. he had lun Hnotih lo Ik eunU. but that tnte lU.rrlnrH hat lv'eii of long sUinding. nud h.T su-iutoh wis in ?ueh a uh erate.1 coii l !i..ii that 1 a i raid Duihiuf CtuM tc done, ho ii-ied 1 should try an I do what I con 1 1 lor hr, ol?erviii that she could not last h'ti ir in the ohdilioii to?wa in. and 1 could nt ! make her any worse. 1 g.ic her tir-i a d"-e f my 1 Mandrake PnU. and the tonic and v'vrun Ireelv. lhai w.i...u and hy the next uiday tho ) drirrloea was earne.l ott. her appetite limt returnetl 1 ....I ttr. ...-,,,1.1 .11 imi in h.1 .i..l t... .lo.n.-r SI,., is now w'H. aiid v a Uuig ceil ilk-ate, eertit'icd to by the tU . lr Jowi:im:. ".Mr. M West Forty-fifth street , csmi trt icy rta'in with a tmii'.r on h-r liver. Mic wa hoA -siiiii iied, kiu billow, tongue coated. Itowels cMtie. nvi appetite, utitt l.t-t iitkinit into the )rao. Ihe naid tumor hid heen minting over li'iirteen veart. I $nt her Suup. 'i nic an t Tilt, and told her to take thi-iu jui a the direetiotv. were f rinti-J. ne came hack l niy r-'itt. IJoi.d rtrcet iti two week?!. fV' hotter : her tongue hcun U cK-nii a little around the edir, herkin whiter and her oye hrihtcr aiid the tumor d.t' hurnuiif very t'ff' iir-ive inatier. I.Kter th.- n it had ever dtne Ik fore. She kejt enoluultv nupro uijr. -nd tu aU-ut two uionttis she e.tum To ittv nKiti! vtryuiuch fiiirht- eue.i, sayuitf that I no tumor nan maiiv snppe I runuuur. ami wa h. .d.i- up. i:tid tint every doctor I ' MV.1HH II Kl'UIII I.IUH- U r death. 1 told her tht the di.-eae had all 1-U I Mtem, and nature wu!d heal the ulrer up. I'n y are nw healed. Aoid hae l.een l-r :ifH.i.r a vi-nr. n:id he is a hearty fend rlol h wnionti . Y-u will tind j iuday walk. Mie i i;litd l.-r any one to eall nn , I k-r. and lakes rvat ftiii' t isit miv ine tint ."he j he;ir h i nn$ lUtvg like her ea;. aud triesi to et ' tn-m to iul and . lue. 1 lie tnt e:c Mis j c'iield. tifiu Mrtiti! rd. C'i;ii . Mr.. Uurllu'lt inew I p! tKr iit'Wii tu Me tne. mil Iie ha?i been ever cineo I at to-r Ik'Um. Inn !ie tir.t et-.nio to li:v riKun. siitj 1 ; wai uiuvh emaeuited with a dtremi; coui;h. sjsit- tin -nrv: tUtiiiliiaot hlMt 1 (.'jkaoioitl iter luui;s ; witii the T -j' au4 in alt tnv tT.ielU'd never ,,un'l ow tihi:iw lun h tar gone and tho other tuetit. 1 ihfUht !he Wttuld die ; lut to my aum j l-htuent ihe Pulinonie yrup, Seaweed li'Iiie. and . M.uidrake PiIN alt eeiued lo richt to wnrk. tho I luiij; i." hit It i'e-1 over. Ie.v in,; a eaviiv as lar,;o a I ' :l 5-e e4; ai-eute. Iilie M!rit54 atl-l h-U tftiued MUi.e ihir;v-tive i mn Is in weight. Shu h.ts , ."me truti yvt. w iiieh i d nt tliirk w til leave her I Vt-re June." i tdiouM tiuuk it wmid i ot' tfreut tu!eret to suie un'ijut:t ed ) h-U'ihn to vi-it ihee c im s j.rtuulariy ,i . tH-Mili-ld. "i uny ot tlu in who 1 h'tve heen cured hy my medicine.. 1 hey- are nuui i trrou m .New ork ; hut the nuove throe all d.rter ' tiiueieh oilier: n I it' my ate d-'iu what 1 rej resent Hi. v are." they .-liquid iine iLe j cr-.tit and the ntuic.ed know where and how they Uimv he cured. .T. II 'CIIKNK. M. P. Vt. J. II. Jvdienk can ie t-und at the iiuuial ; ir.ctf.o. y -N 'rih h:h Mreei. IMnl:otei.riia. every ! Ntlurday. tixui A. M. uniil j 1. M , tgue a dvieo tree -t diare ; hut t r n thn uU v&ainitialit-ii he ch.nrgo ti.ree d-'liai. Price d the Pultuouie Syrup aii i ..witst Tciiic wi l -a tnr ti'tttle. or tho h:ir di'it-u. M.tndmke V'tus -j cir.i per bo.t, and i t"t -a.- I v all iru;ltj -in I -Mav M. il l 1804. jin a rniu SIT PLY 1804, tiK SPKINil ANI) SI .M.MI-lt ;MIh LIaNEUY ijoods, At the I.arj;e Millinery Store of .tlisxt yt. I., (aii.itler, Tawn ftrort. twvdi.'r. south of Shamokin Vallev A Pott,tille ltnilroad. SI Mil 11V, Pa., " Consisting of ihe very latest style, of Alsiv. Trin:tiiiii; sueh as Kibbtvns. Laces, t'ren.h and Aiuerieau Flowers. Ke.'ilhers. .t,v ALSO, A LAItliK ASSiiliTMCXTOF Fancy Good3 & Notions. to which -In direets the Htteiitinu if her friend, and j ili Me nil lo esll und feu Ik'Uto .urelniiti elt w h -re Thnkfnl ft r pst f.itr-iniffo. ."h hon-vt hy kep Uz tne he-ft H"M.rtiiieut Ht re u-outthlo riiles to cn tuui the fiiio. j un urj. April J. 1m' t. ."(m I lttkiittnx Itailriti,l. SUMMFR ARAGKMENT. CI UKA r HU NK l-INi; frm th N-rth una N..rth-e-t .r IMnlhdelohiH. New York, liend I iiiif. l'"ti; tile. l.-t ttioii. AlKiitoun. Ka-I.-n. Ae. 'I h:iiw l e II .rnttnr t.r i'hil'tdelpliia. New ' V-ik. H.'mIoi. I'(ts 'Mie. nut ull Iniernieduttu ; tiJi.!'-. nt A. .M.. nn I J nn I'. M. ; ork Kre.-lim s llr.rnhur. tt ft M) . M., j uiriin Kt N-v orkat 1 4. I he i:uu day. A "i-c'tnl Ae.'.iiutiHnlHliKU l.if-eu j-r tru.u leitvr ' HdiiiHt 7 ! A. M., nnd rt-tuiiia trciu lianl-hut Ht 5 IV M ' rrn t'nmi IlnrriO ur : To Xew Voik $3 15; to Thil-tdelj hm y.'l ;U mid i ml. Umhu eluektd . llinoih K-'mriiiniT. Ienv New York ut ft V M . 13 N"t n, tn i 7 I' M. O'lU'l'Urh res.i Hrrivin nt 1 1 ;n ri hurj nt A M ) Lci.u 1'Lilu Ulhia nt Ij A. M , nn i ;i .lit V M. , leell. e;r iu tht -w Y-rk Krn Trulti llinunh ti. nnd tr"in I'iilhurh wuhu! ehitni'. I'ltei'iT T! tv liie CnU ixn Itii) Kon-I h nv e Td Uu iim nt :H A .M . mid - l IV M , t-r I'liiUdel iit.t, Nt--ik mid nil W o v IV'inU irKin- U.ue l'i die at V l. A. At . nt. I 2 IV M,l r I'hiln hm, lUiriiuri; nnd Nr ik. ; Alt ttet't.liiliusl:t( h L i'u- 1' ' I U HI) 1 K'ttll(U? ' nt ri on A M , nl 1 i.turi. l.ou t'hit.taet jUm tt 9 Uo i IV Al I ' All lh nh..ntr.i.m run Uily . un Invi n- I tfi pi d 1 A uiid'T t'ru Kmm !' ..w.i!! nt 7 .0 A M. nnd I i. i.t l'i ') 1 1. a hi .1 t. I . V uuiutuln t' ii. .V.U.i. - v't fi. nti I xeurln I Tu iti. nt rvdttvc 1 iuU- lo nud iou nil .inU. j ru iVui.d i' ji v ulU-.' ' i U I'n-v-. i. r ti. a x h ulls, I Uvioirnl f ai'wruiUbdti.t Mnv ::. IV. 4 IvtAIsf I IOOD 1 ll. I. u.i. Hum lt'iur-l II f t'oli.-K, I i.e . I hi. ,i, of It tl LV I It W tl.t. HI 1 ,11 111. .... V, .it tl,. i.. i..-. I 'till ,lilltolU lue.! It. I ,-l MIHV1. foUliUtk I, ut Ki.,ll,it. 1 1. V . t-llllti.l Lu. ,f., I. loll... I Mtiil.i .iiU 1't.ta.tal ll,ea.. II. lu...-tli. U.eltl. In l in l..t ,1 , .1., t',,,i urn,,. i.l.l,- I , all I I ll, ,i, l t ( by mII-UI'IhI Jtlt, W M'tnU . . 1 1 . 4H11. II I 4 i'' I. 1.1 4 t'rj M Is, It'll I 1... etl. I.i.lul .141U.1 lu llit. l w.a e..ilv 4i In ut , lli l v .a. ito--eMl,.l ltiit.. U1.1 iu. .l.iU'il.4 ttu.tit.iMiM ol -Ij-.btuti mav U l..,..i, .iii. I i,.l 111.41.1... to ul lit., lui Ut.tli. itotl ol llttl .',lt.lli.l4 ul lit IMl.ltltJ ..14! . Uio4 Vl VltlW. .1 uiK. .11111. lu utiium ui iii.viu.l L in..! . ul .l.itiiv.ti. .ui I.1.4 u., toi.iiut tok.i ... 4t4.ltll.,4 u.. La, . 4J .Ml tktuit 1.111. 1. 11 .u I, .11. . . ik4 l-.- luli. Ua u"l k. lu Ik. bun ul .IM I U.14 aul ...... ... .1. 1 .. I ' -t o.ul w.,,im 14,4 (.l.iu .i..lo... lu ii . l liaa., I--. 1 -.. . U It. I, , , ( U.,. ...1. 4 I Ji. .... 4 ill. t.u,. u. 1 . .., m- C l J 0 K I.I Ml. (1 I tl M. ,. 1, M. 4 Kik. ij.. U. 1 I Ju - II l t .1 Lu.. READY ROOFING Ready to mill dowm. nUADY ROOriNtt At lesa than half the cost of tin roof. READY TlCOFING Mora than tin. ready ."nooriNa bf italila fur steep or Bat naift. KEADYROOFINO For all kinds of huildings, in all climates. READY "ltOOFINO Fasily. cheaply, and Cjulekly put on. Needs no coating over with cement afier it is nailed down. READY "UOOFING Made of a strong woTen fahric, thoroughly saturated and covered upon hoth snrfnees with a perfectly wa terproof eiiinnisitiun. and t ut up in rolls ready for usti IU iueu wide, and 7 j feet long. Wc al'-o m.inufactura LIQUID CE1CE1TT. For I.eakt Tti Koors, Much cheaper and more durable, than oil paint. ALSO, Compound (Vmrut. For l,eaky Shingle Huofs, Which will often save the cost of a new roof. Sampler of Heady itooting and Circular sent hy mail when desired. FavoraMctcrius made with rcspousihlc parties w ho buy to sell agniu. KKADY ROdFlN'tl fo , IS Maiden Lane, -S. V,. April 21. 18C4. I-rjliolj 4'sisi lo an Ai tis.1. COOPER'S PHOTOGRAPH AND ART GALLERY, No. lo.'l;s Chesnut ftreet, opporito the I'. !. Mint. tiallery, Ueeeptioii and "peratiiijr HmiinsALI, li.N FIUM' F Li hi . All steles an 1 siies id Flnuuerati'is, Ivorvtvpes, Ferrotype, or '-Tiutypea" and tukeii at prices to suit i the times. i Pictures Finished in Water Colors, Oil, India Ink n, ,j nthrrniiunl. KmiipaircCountrv Scat,. j Kuin. ModeNol Machinery. Ac. tor IVneutiug ne curately nhotonrMphcl. I' t . Cooper dcire to cnil tho nttentum of per 1 tiiu ipiliti,; riiiladvt liin to h ir new ttiound Klonr ; tiallerv. Where ne nn.1 ititrolucet new ly -p.-tTeiitea i cinnera-. c:tpnhle id' taking, iu H lew ec" ttiu hundred I'hoioruph-. Ii"iu the snuill pi amp oruuto (rahtc. to Ihe Imperial and Lite ue. Alter nianv txi'crimtnH he ha .nueeeiled in l lii- 1 cin)5 hi ?ky-li.cht at nn iiuprovett anle, (liJ'.um the Ujsht in etjual pr'p riioii, nn.t rMlueiii tual ott .adatton ot tone which cannot be u hy the 5iIe and ky-liiitrt y-em rally use.l. and which i f !o uuich iinsoriaiK-e to the hi-aitty ot a picture It i Uiadu ot 1 icnch nUu-$ in id is ihe lai-;c.-t in lMii.H-lt:l phia. MT. v iK'pcr mis hcen ertrueti tnorc limn iwenry I t-i.iN in ll,.. .' uh,l t.ri.'l ,1' lli. I- iiin n I ii ic Ua k(li ,.x,.rivi.ce n.i a Mu-iatme nnd iVrliait p.nnttT iuthcient guarantee ..t tho pcrtcotiou vi , ,,u.,irH 1,1.1. tf HI I.IN Vl II 1) 1 1 I th ClI t . i The art id idealizing I well uit d''ttMM. ; rone hut , the ino-l pktllul iu-t,itare employed iu thu re.-pcctne ' dt partiueiit.4. ! All I'ieturvA Warranted : tlfe Ivorvtvpes wi'.l i;t ehiiiii'e in hiiv eliuiute. und will (MniM the tit t itl. PartiVular aiteiitiuit is j;iiu to ivii' yrni'e lul an 1 eny -iii J'n.;ueirc"iyi.i. atid a'l 'ther kind- id" picture; Copied. trm mall ?iiel-illiti t. lite io. n-t tii i-ii e t in colt irst r Indian ink, to tMk i iiai to pi-.-;uiv.i taken trt'in lite. 1 In- ititltcry p!teet( raro faeil lies f.r t:tkin Vtiiii'jt'rinii I'ii tura-w Iti.iii liti in 1 1 1 1 it- i r ititilniiie where iroiu one lolilty hnit-s cm ho pliobraphed at a liuie N. li To Phot israihers, Culorists und others. Jiit Issued. A New Work on Photograph tV..-riuir. ivoiytyping. Kuauiellin. Iv.iry .Miniitliire Patniiii. ,Ve. i woi, vitliial.le re.11: Is. never Itolore tatiii i.lio ,1. ; uselul to all pnoiojrriiphtri, lor oue ot wnicti a luru tlllu has hci'U otlered. i ily to!lowt!i? tlie direeliotis contained in this book, f evtu Itiose pel..olis tilth Utt previous kl.otvlede of 1 aintiii etiiiiii.t iuii tuei-lor phittorapbs in a hcau- i mill and cl:ccuvu ntylu. line copy with innd'el of coloring jj (ii). without model r'd I"1- liy reimitiiii; il''. ink model sett of Colors, Ac , will he sent Itee of chaise. W ill be Pul.lidied Shortly. A Vumi i: WoitK o lnnttisa With prores..v e illustration of the lluniitu 'afe and r'inure. A lUsn-nuoK oa Positions, j With Illustration, liesiyued tVr thu inc nf I'Luto. , grni, iiers and Ailiris. Air. Cooper continues tn receive Ladies nnd lion. lor insll lietloti lu iMavviti,;. , an 1 Photograph. Ivorytype. India ink an 1 l'a. in j Paiiitini;. nud a beautitul process lor Li.ttiueliu Picture. Circulars containing list of price. of pictures mil j further intoriuiit:,,n itpeeiitt the li.k.. m. 1 . ih... ' of iiistruetifii may In had by cnelosin I'ost tlih -e 1 A Ire.-., aud a Stamp to P. V. CODPKH. ' l.'l.'W Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. i Kt.fl-.ltKXCh.. Caleb Cope. rreident Aeadeuiy ot Fine Arts, l'r. iho. li. Wilson. I'riiiibolivi.-i nnd K.iloiiuuogi.-t Uev. Ttioiuas .Miles M.'.rtin. I'. K. Church. Ibn. ieior A. nrltli. Consul ot Leghorn. Itobert 11. l'laiks.,11, of Firm id Jay Ciku A On. New Voik, Uev. W. A. Maybiu. Uect. M. Allinii's t'hurcli. liitt.n. J. 1".. Tilton A Cu. Henry thuiliiut. Ls.p, Lont? llranch. N. J. Lalliuioro, .Mi'iis. Aiuedeo Sauvon, French Cuiicul. .Mav ill, Im'.I. .l.t aiu.i: I I rllik:iC ..M1AAI. I.AM.S FOE, T uhseriher ofl'ers for imte low. itotiic valuHMr 'i'rnrin (d'Tiuiher Lund, in I'luiimi in und l'tu LiHk touiifttii, in (Mittiuii entuiiv. nnd a valuihle imvt ot foul Lund, iu Ah-unt Ciirinel iouuhi. .im thuiitht rhuid eitunt y. Al-o n l'nriii. S.ih - Mill, Mill 'llli.ler Land, lit LiinettNtt ttHtl-hi, I llioli onunly. Al-n, a dwelliiu h"U-e Biol tu h,i in thu Uoruu:U of Xorthuudtt rrVini A I v mhiu to j I'll A K l.KS l'LKAANT. t Kxutitr of llujh IKlliw, deceased. ! Sunbury. May Jd. IV4. : Suithirn Coiitial ituihtuY ! mi nni: i iu.i.. I THUKI. TRAINS DAILY to an 1 Irwin Didtituoru and U u-huiifloi. eity. Ctiiiiu'etioni made with train on I'em.'aylvaiiir Itailitet.i. to mid tt'tiui 1'illphiir and ihe V '1 HlU i: Tli AlXS It V LY to nnd Iruiu tneNorth nn I ei itr.ii. h SiiMuehaiiiin, Lln.ira, nnd ull ot Xorth em Ni'w in k. ON nnd alter M'-M-AY. M Y Irtth. lvW. ihe Ta- iitfer Tr til. n( the .Si !hiTii Central itioluny will iirrn e Ht and d .art tiou iruithury, HuriLhurj and Itattiui'iie h ttSlowi. i ; o I I ii A U V . . .Mail Trmn leave Sutilo.ry dnilv ilIs.-. jt I Mindtt i. Id 2 A M HI :.i A I in 1' i U-aveii iLirrUhuriT, litll'. Al. I Kiri at Uriltiu - re. 4 VI " I l'l'ieM4 Train leav un'Uiy daily (eell Uiiday.) II 45 P j IfNt e il .ru-l.ui (f'-e-t J L.i.Uy. nrn.en ut !tnltiniorj daily I .eneelil M liduv. 3 Jl T n A 1 lUrrt-!.iT A.e'UiUiudrtU"U tuit'ct llarri- Oil A Sunhtiiv .NS.inui'Klati. n leae- uuhuiy da 1 ,t let nt .ulida v , 7 ..- M N'lMi llltt A till. I l.lll leiv e loilllUi I. Umiy ,t l ct I'l .tulelav ) ti leuve. Il.iru.loir. tt Hriive. at uitltaiy. M A i u r i MJ V iu 1' I M.t 3 li A M -II. M M. M L't ie Ir.iu U.te. Hal tijj 'ie I.iljr stritta al ll.iiul al.. f Itatv. Ilaliirtul ,i.t'r-t Mob lav ). 1 aim ,' at ."ul.l.uiy. iJ ' llitji..iur M A.-vMtLuLtio l.itl'u lliirw ItUliJ. ,i.tll. ,.4eii.l touUu I l S IHJ t M am 1 .. at lUnialtui (. T iJ I' Al Sal.ltury A i.i''U l.atv. H.rrti bur, ,t l, 1 1 Mtii l.v 1 41 4 IH I' M I 'I l .i, U.I Uti'.IUi.lluli i'l)' .1 tli. Otlleu i ,M !! 11 A i K V li.u tul llliubut. Jtoll. 4, l "l xi:v MILLLXIIUY A .Mi FAMVDItVCOUDSTOKi:. MUil KATU U1.AUK, I ) 4-1 ' -v li I LLV ii i'lto.. ii nl.itoiiik s 1 L a... I tuai it. k. up k4 4 M. "i 14 MlUH, .u-I t-.k 411 f. 4. . kai4inil u U M.'iut ik .k , .bulf I 1.1 alvwl, .i4 Cu. V-ta Uu ai. a.unl. ul Ilt4u 14,44-41 lia,!-.. ftu--k.vl.tks, L-444 .4,4' to. 14 .4.4 ....,. , ' .u4 -ItouS llbtlia, l .ato. lllto44iM. tMtu, U.,.4. ..III. l',(, .44 .( Jtuto). gl.ti., ' - I'wa to. i.a, .u I . .4.. . I4....IU llll.l..l,l(,, .t,..k ..ilk) i.. ... ;..i, i.-m k.4UULAvi ., kv T.i. 18G3. & GRANT 1H1LING AT THE MAMHOTH STORE, "TOri.P respectfully that they hart just received and opened a very Ur and wall selec ted Stock of HOODS W ML KINDS, which they ar willing to dlpos. 0f at VERT SMALL ADVANCE ON ' l'lrnl Vnt. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVE11YTIIIXO GIVE TJS A. CALL. Thankful for past favors we hope to meet ft con linnancc of theeame hy still selling Goods as cheap if not 4 1 1 liA l'i:it than can bo purchased cite, where. FRILIXU A GRANT. Punhiirv, Mnv 2.1. ISfi.1. . W. 7IHOI.KK, MULUNUIV U ALICE. ' SlKGLFin & 1MALICK. ATTOKNEYS AT LAW, SniilMiiy Aii-lbiimlMrlaiil 4'o Oiler their profcienfil nervier!" to the t ubllc. Col leetin?i mi I a.) other prutoioiiHl hu-tineg entrusted to them, will recrive ptiiittpt adtnlioii Alo, .MihiHty cl.-iinift will he collected, tuch ftfl tloimty. llin k-Puv. r'iiioi,.-i. Ac. Ac. :ih e:ik the (irrnniii l.niiicuMift. Othee Mitrkut Stutre, iilxi door to Prothonotnryi ! Surhiire. M?mh 5 1 SC I A 11 at. PA. iV i'ollect'oh! 'iileiitled to in the counties of Nor- thuinl.crlitn.l. I iimu nyih-r, M'mtuur, Culuuibiu ami ly-oiuit;. HKrt:Kvrri. Il.-n. .r .V.n M. U.-ed. Phila.lclphin, A. U. ')ute! A Co.. linn. Vi A. Ptirf.-r, Morton McMiidiHd. I'o.. 1.. Kf'rliini: A Co.. l-,iH P're.;. Nw York. .'..!.n . A!.iiu-.hI. Attorney nt Law. Matthews A C... Alton. pyx'at Law, " Suidtuiy. Maivh iMiJ." if i j;it'fi iKi i i i,, 11", r i W;t ltt- T, f iii!'rtu u" nt i-l (hi.- well-known Hotel hnv iu- he. i. t l.y .Me-sr. V 1.1. A II KKH, i nriVfiM ( ii j.r.'ti.i. i- Ii-mvi- t ti'tnn tne public it ti.i- l.Min it'or L.'ifj thorni-r!ily renovated. ri tnti -i. niid tn..ri'V ed. w ith a low t the proiter and NUt.i' 1 l'i; ( n( tiio-e who mav faVfr iMMHtiei.l nnti their eu'l"in. ttueti? will lue fiMetitit.n inul etturte.-y, nnd no cxpeui , re"i-i e niil hi' iMie-i that mav CoioUn'ti lo uuiintutu Im'i l in ji tii1 -elf - jtvl Ktunili'f" and t.iber diirins to wiiourn in Harris t l'ur h i-uminer u; nth, w i!I Imd jdeasant laauditiir and larise aiid wcll-velttilated rtaintautour estuhli.-huit-tit, upon tiiodenite terms. St HI T COYl.r Mnreh 2.1. ls.',2. .1. lill.IitKT HK11H. .11 ISMI S I' l l . i i 1 a i ti: i i:i:i ; As Improved for X.''9 and I'if'O. KKTCHAM A CO.. Peirlst.. Xkw York. llv E ritlli: only Freezer F 'i tis'ructe'l on seliiifle prin tviiu can and spriit lilni'e 1 eiples. wiih a rev ! semper. The one hastens the treetatigot tne iTeuli,- -! the other retnoves it u.s last lls'trora n. I 'I he most rapid iii freezing, with t t.o lent qunctily i ol i,-e. J '1 tie irost economical in cost, as it is the uio.t sili'.ple i and durable iu siruetute. t Ft r sale iii nil ihe principal cities and towns in the ! rn'oin. J.aeh I-reeer acci I and lull tlireetioiis. nniel with a book of rec.pes Pit ICES. quarts, qller's, quart-, q.niris. 1 I'O 4 u J i tin n 00 h ml U ml suttburv. q. tl. Ml'.' in. 1.- to li. n. MASSEK, Pa. ya&iin(;tox iiopse, N utlirti -t t 1'irnT i.t Market Nuare, St ttl , IBA. rjlIK undcisined re-neetlully intniH ths f.Vjli. 1 mat he h t Uikeii L.-linre ot" the ave otinti'd lLitcl. and a.iv for ihe ei iitinuHiiec ( the Inriuer patronage and would inile nil others to ive him n eail. 1IISTAIU.K Hlwny-.8tipilitil with the hest the market ulTMrl!). Hi-. ;ar e-'Ut'iim the eh.'ieest linr. and hi s.tuh liuJ if oisd and welt uttendt tl h i HretiJ 'Stltr;. .Vilt HALL MLtUT. Sunhtiry. April. li. Ht. Ttkiu msE JOHNSTON'S 1 BOA II 1 I N tl A X t I'A Y SC il O O I l or loimu Indies ' No. Sprue Mreei. Philudel h'n. Lhi LhhXChS : I Rev i Uev 1 hev Ir. Howe. havid Weh-Her, l(., l'r. uddnr K Vui Ua v. ard lruyi. n. Ks-i lir. looiier, lit-Tire Al. Wham j llvnrj Al t ine. Khj., T ii. lloiiin;wurih. k.n , K. K. .Mtiinh'i.inery. f.srj- lion. Alexander IK-nry. 'ltit'iiui lunlap. Lmj , Vhiladelphin. I'uceiiifiir i-M.t x i : w Two dmtr west of 1803. (j oou sir,:; iu. II. Milli r' Shoe .tore Miiihurv. I'm. Jti.t oj'eiH'i u lruli .tiiii'ly ot' m;v mM loods, Siteti as r'uney lire Tritiiiuiit.. Hii,litis. tsluves llai.,kereliiu., 1. lies' 1, t'ollnrs alal t.'ufl. lieul . l.itieu litt'l ii,er IVui. Nelis. llelts. Lhcc toil th iti.l Mi eve.. II. or It, ills. Velvet UililHlis, ltt-1. tWille i.i.,l 111 uit Ncek-lle.. t'ortets, junker .kirts. .tun l uilieritlUs. aokermitl Kleeve. Aimi, a tan .lylc ol iiutiiliii I'-.r tiumlinlili waists totll'tr Willi S'niNt, J-ieoiiel ulul lelulH4 Mu.lilis t'ra'0 .'ollais nn, I Veils, lireu.ulinu an, I l.aee tils ai.U ii variety ol oilitt aiiiei'-s loo nuiuerous to men turn .MA1U L L.U.VlA.t. ."ul.l ury. .A ril I ", ltnl. ..A-.. llY HAhPtir o. S'iU A 114 II Sl., Illlllllli lhlll. .MAMr. H litlt 4 lil'ALLU l.N PIA'li Jt-WtLRY. K)LIUtli.Vl,'R WARE Ami ICKiLHS .iul.eiior I t4 All kin 1 ol .ilve.V, r. u,. I. mi the irruii Mr t .Villi It, i. uriii j c.ietuil) aoi, 1 .Me I el. i", Mi .lm , . i i in; I'AlllS No ilju C'Mti r Stain. Voriusfl Nu Iv' I I'lULAl'l.Lt'lllA Ni'W UI'LN-lM-.Hulf , MAMILLA miJ C'LOATCt. Alu. t rit au l Sun tt,r liaiuniils, ol our tt iUkuta.tule, .1 Ik Lale.1 Hj.n abj lu Jie.llf rivij J W . .'iliH lDll A C't j 1 11 I". Saal.l.ll t i.iioii Hint. Xu .'U I U son., I'4,il4tl ki. A lil i (,1 --u 11 - l I ltJAA(; K tl Al!r'l i ll l llnltii lukrr bkti Jnii lrr, utvi ti r m ii t i cILVCH WAHt I lut ntr -f WtTtlllS .Mu Ik Nultk N"'l ' . ''! ', I'llltA I'LL 1 1114 I 1 t La " I .kl I U .IV.. . I i 4x-i.kiai.i1jr ik L.i 4 tu m-.iii 1 1 1 ii 4 It. I f. it t.1 L.v.i, l-ti'u. k4 rl.iai I lb II 'l4 I i.l'UI .-.!. .4, I K.ta Lltual I'llaS 41 I U-,. tl-.l Ilk.-. Ill W.I.I. M U' IU, ( .1.4. V -- la. L, .!., I'.k.lli l.i. l.u IM. I. U. .'..l Lh4.II 1 . ,l ..I kluii.l I114 . aW.1 k444. l'. .l4 It... I I I, I k I buUk Lk 4 lll44. It.l4.l4l lt U. .4 I r- .4.' It I'l'l V U .1 l ll U.lU Il I Hi,' kl bl . I l l4V ...llj K'l t-4... I f.l'.l k'HI kl4l4 k,,j uj k4,4 .. l4.' kl'.' tt I .-I-W1 4J a.l,l noising, tcu Klonff NORTIil'MU-HLAM.'. TlMSYLVANlA, riMlE iuocr:ber hnving Lm.i;d thin ifll known X 'Invent t!taud. lafeiv kept by ir. V. k. Krowu, riHtnectlallr iwfornii the Dublin that he ii refllili.rf and repairing the prrmUeif aud will bw propartnl to cn lei tain, in a eotulortaoia manner, nn nuiuvrout frlendi throughout tho county, and all who may patronise bit eftabHshiocnt. April 12, mi, JOSEPH VANE IRK. 7l7 V. Jr.AItlI A IMK Confectionery, Toy and riTJIT bTORE, Klnrkct Ktn-i't, Kiinbisry, I'll. CONFECTION Ell Y OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRUIT. Sec. &c, CONSTANTLY on ham! and for sale at ilia armve cstatlUliuieut alnbulvsale unJ rvtuil, ut reasuti able prion. II 1 mannfactnrlng all kimls of Cunfoelionarlt-s. to keep up a lull assortment which ar suld at low rates. Ttibacon, Pc(srs, Stationcrr, Nuts of all kinds, and STnik'lynf other articles, all of wuioa ar offered Kliulesal and retail. l7 llemeuibcr tli namoand. plaoa.."' M. C. UKAKUAHT. Market street, 3 doors west of E. V. bright A iSon's store Punbiiry. Fept. 19, ISrt.l. tf liilrriiiiliosisil IIkK'I, 385 and 3G7 JJroailvay, Corner 1'iaiiVin Slrret NKW YORK, rpil IS first olass House tho most quiet, homelike JL and pleasant Hotel in the eity otters superior iiitluecuietils to those visiting New York lor business or pleasure. It is central iu its luentiou, and kept on the Ul'Hoi'KA. I'lasj. in coiineetion with Tayluk's Saloon, where refreshment win bo had all hours, or served in their own rooms. The eharjtea are uio derate, the rooms anil attendance of the first order baths, nnd all the modern conveniences atttichcd. Kept Itf, 1S03. Willi 111 1 I ! li , WALL PAPHK OF KVEKY HKSIKAD1.X OF frTYLKS AMI PATTITi.NS. Ju'h T received direct from the Manufacturer, at the MAMMOTH STOllK of FltiLIMI A 0UAXT. Sunbury, March 15 li4 BOOTS AND SHOES, Jl ST received from New Yolk and Philadelphia, a fresh supply id Ihe latest styles and of ihe best quality, which he Iwi had made up to order, and warranted to pve good satisfaction, lie has made arrangements iu the city lo have his best work made to ur.ler. which can bo had nt nil time., if not on baud thev wilt be procured at reasonable notice. .Manufacturing ot 1)1." 'IS and SIK'tb of all kinds as usual. I will also wholesale Hoots and Shoes by the box. Cull and examine, before purchasing elsewhere and satisfy yourselves. 'J hankt'ul' for patronage heretofore be.towed.hii respectfully solteiisa coiitinuanee of ilies.-une. Shop and Store Tontu. three d'eir. we.-t ot the Uail Fina l ill .Market Square. WM. 11. MILLEK. Sunbury. Sept. 19, ISfi.l. T,l r AXTEI' iintnediately. a .Tour Shotmnker, on If Metis' Work. Good Wllgi-s paid. PRIVATE "ACADEMY. K0H1HUKBERLAND. riJlll; KEY. .1A.MF.S UICKSD.N. will re pen 'v.MF.S UICKSDN. will re his J. Academy on Mondav, the 17th day of Augu-i, lii.'l. The following branches will be taught : Latin, tlreek. Mathematics. Philosophy- l'.hetoric, Logic. Hiaik Keeping, Vocal .Muie in theory and I pniotiee. Also, iteography, It raiiimiir. History, Coiutiositioti Writing. I TF.P.M3 : Per Quarter of II week. Ji'.toH i In the ntaive branches without the language. t' Latin and above branches, f" t'l' j tiretk and above branches, ft in1 I See . ! Por further particulars apply to i lil.Y. JAMES l'K'KS". Teacher. I Northumberland, August Isi. l-sii... ly It KI.4tV4 S IMilt.t) Iii. I 11. pettier and Coie-iimer ol ' Wtt.h Blue, will please take l ,bot (Vl,br-f .l , that the Labi is ' nre altered to rt a.i s, 1NDTGO BLUU, j PI T VP AT ! AUVctl 1 IilliT-i-'si I I) II V d ST il 11 E . ' No. 233 North SECOND Street. PHILADELPHIA. ( The quality of this Blue will be the same in every j rep e'. ' j l.i- warranted to col.-r inore water : i.-m twife th. ' .Utile quillitltv of Illdi.M. till-1 lo 'i Hit.- Il fiinliT . 1 1 r ; 1 1 1 auv lll; Uh.-1i Liu ih,- l.w. iho ll. M'l veri I ei'h eh.iln-- ..b n, ly fleur and d" i.o. s-itle r'l.f the o' n..!k. .hi. itK- ii. halt' pint of wafer, will liutk I a Liquid llluu hi liny that i nia jc, a; nne thlid the C"ft it is retaiU-.l at the line prie us "lo1 Im it;i t i.n.B nii'l Inferior uiii-le.-. hmisekeept is w ill Cud it very t" iheir :i lvaiitaie lo u.-k t-r ih;-! put up ul W II. nil lli.rHs, i m' All lilue put npafrer ihi "lute w ilh lUPLiw liniin: on it is HTl liniialinii. 1 'te New L d le d-u nut nquire h Stomp. Kr ale l.y Storekeeper.- generally. fell (. lnt lilllW oiiovasra' sc 1 ietzi LOWER WHARF, BOMBUHV, PA. VIIi,KSLK AMI ItKTAII. IK.l.r.I'.S I.V i W 11 1 T E AS II 1 1) A L , in every ninety, Op ler roliciittti ami tillcil vtitli di'tnncli. fcuLbury, May H, Im'.I. ly iptnti". Mi l .i tin:, ii titiw.ic's. HIIULKtiALK 4S I1KT.IL CLOCK KT.:l.lIIMF.NT, . Corner Sccon.l an,l riii"s:iul St . rhiholclj hi itll'NfV Ir Hi.- I'A TrNT 1";1 A 1.1 ZI Nil T1I1H. i TV lAV l'l.ii(.'l. a very tlerirnlilu article tor Churches, Hotels, iiankf. Coutitii -ii lloiiM'.., I'arl. rf, Ac Aim. Manufacturer of KIXK liOI.I) I'KXS. t'lf'ks re,airt.l alel u.niaiiie.l. CliK-k 'l'riiiiiiiin. ol' t veiy tli .i i i jtt i.,n I'lllla lll'lllil. .laiiiiat v I'J ,Mil .iy O. "W. H AUPT, tlliii'iii') inul 4'wiiiii-IIir ul I .ii., Oflic on onih si,e of Markel street, fom doors t of H. V. Uiiuht A Shi Siorc, BUNBUMY, PA. Will .tien l j rotoflly lo .11 ) rofessii nal loi-iriwu enlru-ileil tu bis care, th collection m claim, in Xorthuuitierlaii'l anil the .'Ijoiiung countie. Sunbury. May i'l. lrt;i ly I 'or II II I , II It.-, Ittiil-Iia, tula, lli-ll llutta, lolli lu I'ui'to, wttli-iito. Al'.. luai-CIa VU I'lllUla, I'whU, Auiuillla, Al. I'ul up In tS. Mc .i.J II ifl 1.. t,4. l!t.ilrnl I la,k.. 4 kbtl J Ht (ol liul.i.. i'ublw itallltf li..!, ij- ' til l inf ill iM. ri lue.llu. ktwttii " ' 1 lu. tl- 141 I'l'iatlu " -.Mul 4uu-H.. to Hi lluiu.n " rtkl. tf"Ut t'Ut uj Itll i li-'li. Ill u... ' I 1' Soi4 'it kt'ital. tu .11 t.rMu ll4 Avi I tta .li Uiukk'U. .iti itfiaiiti, ...ryab.r ' ! ! lik .Uk i'l kit a. 'libit a. Ib.ll4te.. ' So. I1.. I l u.1.1 ku-. i t.u .4.b iau4, U 'lll Mil t H . u buy Alui. 11. M k II. I 4I I' III. j . fnienai l'.-' 1-4 aii-414. .M.a ,uik ! I , rt .14 t ) . I W :,u..44.t 4k4 int.ll i'l.k-' U m , I-.. It k H Ikt i .M ,Li.i.jl'4il t aYL'IR. .WI..- A I ,. IM tfi.4 u s kk ui W.i k i.' toi 44t4 . aM 14 Ut.l4j . I toVla'k.l at ... hUWHJHY, U ill l'ii 1 1- III. I. .11 Jl-ltkM uaJ kM' .lt.M. k k 't 14. (Ml.towi,, ul alalav l u,a 4). 1 1 kl a u lr .u.i . a ti . 4 ' .. 1.44 . . , .U.4 . ., ..'. l-4) " GTi ,1tt1nm,ia l'rr I'oinpnnT. IVE NOTICE that they hare concluded ar. rangement with Ih Northern Central Rail,-oad Company to run train from Baltimore f..r York llarri.hurft, Dauphin. Halifax. Tievorton, fiimbar Northumberland, Lcwiilmrit, Milton. Muuey AVi'l-, ami an intermtit stations, cnmirrtin Vt ll"burg, CinclnnU, St. Louis and th. Also with Howard t Co. ' Express at Miltm nr PanTille, Blnomtburn, Wilkesbarre, I'ittston, rteran ton. and intorniediat. .tations on the Cuttawi,,, Lackawanna A llloomsburpr ltailroailj. At Wil, by Howard A Co.'. Express lo Jersey fchoro and Lock Ilavcn. Alao, by Howard A Co . and their connection for Canton, Trov. Elmira jUhester Huffalo, Niagara, and to all nccowhu poinu in estern N ew Urk and Canada, by which tLVl frT v''i W"!,,"n'i- Spwif. ati'k Not.,, lion luablo Packages of rcry dcsctipl Also, Note. Prafts and Bills for Collection Experienced and efficient messengers euinloveJ and every effort will b. niado-to render satisf S'jPcrlmend Philadelphia. V' -, , J ,C,"LU' Agent lor iuuburT. Aprils, 112. KltAltY 1IOI ki:. Crntr of Slate and Third Sreett, IIinntstit-Ra. Pa. THIS IinrSE. in conseiienee of ft. conveniences and near location to the Capitol, ha inado it desirable stopping p,..p, notonlv I..r those liavini business at tho seat of Government, but for others visiting Harrisburg. Miu-eh 2V, ltij. lI. Arriiiiuoitifiiiw lw-OI. of .Xi-M- Vork l.inos. THE CAMI'EN AXD AM HOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AXD TUEXT0X 11. R. CD 'S I.IN1 S. From Pllilrdtlphia to Xr,n Yorl riid II Vy J'arrt, Jrom Wahiiit xtrtrt Wharf ,ru,f Kr,,i.ici, Vrmt. Vt'l Irnvr fft fnllvtri. tVj . (.(HE At n A. M.. via Cuimlen and Ainbi-r. IC. and A . ICfouimoillltloll.) At A A.M., via Cuiinlcti and Jcrev Cite. X'. J !2 25 Accotu tuodution . At tt A. M . via Cnmdcn and .Tcr.-cv Citv, (Morning .Mail.) At!A. M.. via, Camden and Jerjev city 2d Class Tieket At II A. M. via Kensington and Jersey citv, lxpres At i M. via Camden and Aoiboy. C and A. (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Auib iy. C. and A. Express.) At S P.M., via Kcnongton and Jersey Citv, Wash. m,d X. Y. Express At fit P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City (Evening Mail,) At IIS P. M. via Kensington and ,lrcy ci'v S'luthcrn Mail. At Ii might, via Kenin.;ti.n and Jersey city -Si.utnerii Extres At n it i , :.. i . , , . , 2 2 3 Off 2 25 3 00 2 25 3 00 3 00 3 mi 3 U' 3 00 ... v , . ..... , in v.iiiuii-ii aim -vrilOfV. I -VfPi-im. luoduliuu, Freight aud Pi-sen'ger, First Class liekot. , . Second Class Ticket. , J,, For Water .Jnp. Strou.M.urg. A-rantan. Wilkes barre, lontrose. i treat liend. .vt-.. u v m tiom Kensiii Mon, via Holaivurc, L.tckuwatina and V, estetli Ulllltoad. For Mau h Chunk. .Mbnt.ovn, R. (1,1. 'lerri, B.-h i dere. l.itatou, Lamherlvill,.. Flem'iigtoi.. ,u- ,.t ,J A. M.. from Kensington l,pt. and at it V. M irotn iilnut street hurl'. t l he o A M. Line connect, with Trains lea, I- r Mime h Chunk, at .t-J;) . . " ! or .Mount Holly, at H A. M J :luj j . j l ot Freehold, at ' A. M. an i 1' WAY LIXIS. I or Pristnl. Trent,,,.. at II A. M. and 2 and o I'. M. Iroiu Keuaiiigtun, tot fitiiiitra. iviteiloti. 1 t.l -itico l),.v,..t,. it... llltgtoti. I ! li'ilde.ilot.l.. A,;., ut IJ.'l' 4, mi l ii I. .M. I For Xew Yora. and W, sinion Hepot. take tin. t'ur Witll.ul. half mi hour before t.V I.''!.' leiivit).- Ken. "tl Fifth stlv.-!-!. ul-ovo i- parture. The Cars iri iit.l oi'etich 'Iraiii, ruu int., in,. Hepot. and on tin run Iroiu liie lietrnt. Fitly Pound, f llagg,,!.'" onlv. n!!otvcd r h pa,.-e:.r-er. Passengers are prohibited (,m lnki, lo.t .htng as luggage nut their u earing at. i,r. l !1 ba -age over fitly pound f. be p.,: ,.Vv!-.' T:.., toiiipaity limit rvp m-thilnv f r l..i-.oV t., t'ne llollar per pound. ,,.i , ; K. ti..:,",. -R, amount beyond hti. .-r,-vyi in r,., 7 J'lnuary 17. 1',1. Agent. lli-ariilii-N, iii.t rpiii; -t,b.-,Ti . 1 i-. jl llrii'k lilliMil, j.,. a n ..t 'J!.. u p- l'an iile, a lu U'i l oiiiiiifi' fUvk i.r H-iKiaii.N AMi l0.ihSTIi c- tt t '.ii.n .,c best l,rM.,. ,.f i:r lit. :,,t,'b itii'i Iii-h vhi..:;. v. I' ll ,r. i . I'iiai;ii, a.'i'l -.tiii r V in,--, o! 'nieh will l.e sol, I Mi-.. .!a,.. I.I'II'. !!. "1 1 .M.i . a. I e I V th.. I 'ie.-e. iliVel'll-Kt'CJiei'S, b v l-i ,; i.K ,, H letL-.t tin. Sr. inht . 1'efi.ns tie-ir,"is ..('Mir.-l...ii. ii ii,.j KAMI I. i 's;., nay rn!y upon h.-itiLT f-iriiUiii-l nit .itin liiit. rati- l art,,-le. pur- UeitJl! dvtcriuiui'J to e,tnl.;i.h a r. t-i:' . . j. ,,, tt...ll. cLeajt. he rt.-l' -ct;il'l , - ..' i.,;r,,. ., ot the i-uMic. All ..r.l.r., f,. , ,. j j ,,. ., ,. . ,, Ji lii-MlAll S. I1AI.1. I''iliv i.,e, .Tunc lo. l.i o. I.lniill.'l-: l,i,iiii,..,. ; I'll : LI i" Mi V. M a.,.-... ., I M :.."! S t. I il ..' i - . ,ri.;jiki;v i,,1 ,ii mi' V. !'':., th- ii It-, , t I., l. tl.. J. ;:. t tl'l i,i. kit. Laii i i a I t ,'r,-! ne it ui L.Marcii .'.o. 1 - I . .i i to, o, l'f vh i:ccm;. M .""J.UvKKT SI 1.1 IT. l'A , ln-t.ler i'l 1 1 A X 0 S . X I'.Vi lt"en .,.,.1 I'lan,,.. IV ,,., il,. i,.r. r-,11, Ji .1 .MI-.L'U'Kii.VS.-Tl,.. l,.-t liU,'iufaet'.:r",l It'rc Mfllts tiom tt. Itlll uuil.',t.. i..iit,., A.-.-. r-i.' .!. I'ti, J'tl. .-. liriui.. Hm.'. ,. i..;,,'... ut,;,..-. V lollti IU..1 In.;. ,r. ,.(,,., ;,...( cLhlfli;' ill i lu r li. Ml I-IT .Vt SIC .1 Thr !:'-. t t ul 'iii:i.-f .: tnv, ,.,i ; hv niioi t . hi v j,art ot tl" ,-ait.t v i'VAL, M.'r.HK. 1. 1 1.1 A Nil 1. Mu-ic ti : r.o.-:.'tit)i,ii VHAMES. Suitnhlr l,,r liokiin; dtt.-Mi. inul all kin Ii alvviiv. on iiiti. I. ,f pctnrei A Pre a-'.' .rtnielit ofl.r.i :'mv I.ohKIXi; i l. A..i.s ti'.-ui .in .ii, .i 1,, I.,,..,, Any .lyle ol Inure uimiv tu or ler at u.,7 lo'l'ie it .l . ,- i ' A,ril U. InVI. f:l Maike ilr.rr.-l.u I I -"'lit kt.4.u-ili. lil M I. VANS ,t WATS.iX S Mi I'l' BALAMANDKK R Alr'L.ti liHtAl H1!K AT KKAMXii. l'A. Kelimniy 12. Im',2 (Ir-Ti.r.vtri It Kiv.-) un nno-'i siiti-t. eti.-n t , in I. m you that in the. sen-re lire vvhi-h. m tl ., in.-iiiina of I1..- 4th in,t . en:ii, !y .Ut -. 1 v sba kand Ut.ltriii!.. lla.l ol,e.. v.ii.t .valatnai, I 'i lira I'rtail'-n. All.-r eli'luril.' an iiit.-i r,..j heat for nu ll hour-, the Sale via. ,,, m ,l. m? t:,., alul l'i. ,r. were ,r. . rve 1 ii, al. nu.l . -mi-i , t C"ioiiiioii I j-i, I i nn an., ther .-iMt iu uni.r. lour., m ..i n -u 'it,il!v ,,ii a. 1 . I' 1'KIv1NniN.'k,,i;, . rn r. at uiti.iA' cam'i.i: Cu i vt ut li Mil no. I- nn kiln ,- note, '. An ;u-i Men lint .1 H it,..,. 1 lutli : I'ti tu iiirf , . our Stor.'h'iu'i- at ine-i.e-i.. ie tt I it. i ..'i,t,: n.. (u,, :,., lew year. .in.'. , ij.,. . I to I .-I. I, I'ft - lit t - I Aiiji.-r -li -ii,. , , . 1. 1 t. I 11 , ,l,i V , i tl ii 1 1 ,i!ii. I : i llt.U-U. kll'l Co 1,1.11111 11 1 1 i , I. tohiell to lie .le.. I tt I tu a , ' I-1 .-I , in II. t! i ll"., ,1 I,, a ., .,.1 i. I,, Il I I 1V4.U ,. .1 . to l.ut t. I li,. Kill -til l. klttil4it'r litl er .,t, . Voui. Hoi,. Salaiuaii.lti .,n., f. r Kaiiuliu. 4e , Ac A Al liao.u, al l .i k 1 k. aUal In any li .in iu t,, (,.-4 l.iu.. i X k. 11.4 Itillt'toll. . .1.1,, It.tu. .lo I l.-A'ka I. .. (u u.e H'-ll, au 1 U..II) ,. i. I t a lII.Ulli,.i.l J t'Lliatlul).),,. llltll'M4lll tk.lttt I A.U'.'iluui I I' lit I, I. . A A ! I hi ' I I'l . I II It ill PtUlftoll ital k 14. ItnlMt ill. l. .. I 4 tJUti itt'bl. I .. . , I . J.tkV) It ! It " k I . L-uvk li.-.k i- k, r. I bU to L.I... l .It. Hat i .., I.., I'.v U' i . k L-i . I'.,,! I I , 1', 1 i ll. ai Ll' .11 ' . -.1, ilt l'I.U'al. it I . I I:. :Ub l44-. A , 4 u. 4.. k4kk i" ' rUil I, tl.. . U I. , .'- o'' Vlaal lalui a. ta . . - fk 1 ' 5 I . .1 SHI, a. t ' .. a r. I -ul I"I4, I- I U.4 hi: ciiimm riti:i:zixs. . k. lit I .- -I ' ..v. t . . . I I ' . . . .. . . ll- a .1 l.(.l I I v u.i I'll I 11.11 - k i ! I anil, Ml. II. Illl I I It 4 I 14 -I I I I k.4 L- ui Jl 1 t -' la. X.. k . . J i X.. L