- -kl H.TmASBEII, Editor A Proprietor. "RAT I'ROAY, AtT.UST 13, isot. 8. U. FETTEN Qllilf CO., No. .17 Trk Kow, New York, Mid 6 State Street, Pwton. lire our agent for the t5rsmT AwrntoAsi In those cities, and art authoring to take Advertise ments and Subscriptions for us at our lowest rates. 'lie irm.lo few disultory remtirks,'1 saiil tltc schoolmaster. Mr. Partington stopped auJ.iVnlv in the bustlo ln was waking around the table for tea, and ere.l over her pecs tlimislitfiilly at him. Leixnint; on n jiltitc cdseiviw, M if to cntorce lier views by the support it g:ive her, "1 suppose it wns because he wit weak," said she, "but At km s Pill will cure him. I never knew 'cm to fiil. Thcv are very solitary in snrh enscs." "Hcallv, niadam," replied he, "I cannot pness your meaning." "You said dyscntiry," said she, lavinct down the plato nnd putting ft spoon "in the preserves. "I paid desultory," said he, smiling, "quite a different thing,'' ""o matter,'' said she, looking up in time to hx Ike's car, who wua putting paper down the chimney of the kerosme lamp. The Tills are goo'd for both, I dare say. for they cure almost nil the diseases in the cornu copia.'' ftoral affairs. ti-fBiiinoB Biitxen. The six o'clock train of Thursday morning km several hours late in conse quence of the destruction by fire, of small bridge over a run near Powell's Creek this side of Clark's Ferry. YYc have not heard how the tiro originated. The bridge was hut recently constructed. ITlic extra passenger train between this place and Shamokin. has not yet bceu p ut on tho road as coutempptted. Wo have not learned the cause v delay. tJSTho Miltoiiian" of last week mentions tho arrest at Williimport. of a "hard cas." of that borough, for passing counterfeit money. There are souic, in our opinion, in this place, who might be safely put down as sailing in "envoy" with this one whose career is thus check..! b the laws Roimrnv. We lenrn lhat the offie of Me-r- P.-tl-liet A Co.. was broken into Inst week atot robl"d of about $!Q worth of cloth, which win in llitn.irice at the time. Messrs. rt. A Co. .tVer a reward ,.f Soil f.ir the delictum of the thiif and the recovery of the cloth. MiiionitiH. Ijgr" Ii-!ikasc oaSrsar Ditt Ou and after the first day of August. lei-l. a draft or order paya ble otherwise thuu at siijlit or demand, and any j remiss tv note, whether prtyale ou detnmd or ut u lime dc-iguated for a sum not .acceding ail'tf. five ceuts ; for every additional tlco or tract i"Uul par thereof, five cents, Dank checks drafts or orders at sight or ou dcuiau I, two ctu's. tA Visms. Teb Pratt, hi:t in tus Swirs A number of the good people of l'luiu Creek aud r.t Emrich'r tavern, have been iUrtled by a viiou of a nn'st marvellous character. The story is that ou Monday morning last, the skies exhibited a scene which appeared like large army mating iu a north-easterly direction. .Men in uniforms with mus kets and knapsacks, could be distmetle seen, !-, n.cu on horsehnek. Officers coiiM be distinguished from privates, Strar.gC to say. forue of the geod fulks up Shntuokin creek, six utiles ft cat the other parties, also saw the saitio marvellous exhibition about the Fame time, olid others west of the SnSiiiieiiana were equally frtunato. Some of these profess to have seen the rebel flag or a dark Cag. while others of tho fortunate spectators, out the turnpike, ihink the Uniterm of the soldiers was of a 1 luis i c.dor. Some may think the rebels, are "j..ii.g up." tut e believe, unless they very soon repent, they are n.w as ucur heaven lit they will ever gel. We have hear 1 Ihe nuuies of uo.re thau a dojeu pr,us. who j-ofrs to have witne-icd this Rip.iriti iu bauy of theai re.--peetalla individuals. For the American. The fillowiu circular ha he-n receited from Thiladciphiv We hot tit Willi pioioplv rcp.uj l t. and tat all will eiett lheuielve ! ai l in relievias our sick and su'Jerii:i sil.iier". If our e-nintry friend" will supply the I.a lies Aid with blackberries we will a' lead to huwi.rflhem made Into blackberry braudy that ia so urieiitly e .die I f r. K P PLEaSAVTS. TresideLt l.Ji,' Aid, 6jubuiy. i'a. V. S rlSIUIIT CoUHISMoR. Weiiis i 1'i.iitlvvi. liHiaia, J. liter Chntnul Srtrtet. J To tht At' t Sonrtif :ii lr.!iti.i,.-h I '.mfifu t ing to t:t IVnmfn's 1't HUsylvJnij ia.eh : The need of lllackberry, f t ue iu all our military hospitals, is prent and immediate. We are lofii.c lives valuahlo to bom and country for the. want of this remedial ageiit. We call on our Aid Noddies t exert themselves to their utmost in meeting ll.i ileiuaud. It w ill be well to iuveit a pari of Ihcir funds. 'if necessary, in the preparaib n of ibis article We append a recipe, lhat no one may be at loss as to the mode of preparing it What is done most be done must be done quickly, pelay brings death, desolate homes, weaken the armies ireuclh. tld linen cud ni'.i-liu bandajee are also needed in lare quantities. Hospitals crowded with wounded nieu are suffering fr want of them. Act promptly ; end largely In the office of the Sanitary Commission, I'M' Chestnut street, rhiladclj Ma MARIA C (iUIER, Chairman Executive Committee. RECirr. To one eallon biackVerrr Juice a l l twepouihl of white suari boil audskiui it , then add one ounce of grated cloves, one ounce yrotm l cinnamon, ten grated nutmegs; boll again. When Cool tdd oue quart of bet wbukey Acknowledgement of special service of wSih regi ment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers. IIkad yi'AHTxaj, Aaar or rut Potomac. August 3d, 1S6 1- 'GaraAt 'Rua.i, ) The Coinniaridinif tieneral take ifreat pleasure In w .-kntm led !. (Ho valuaMo serue reiolered bv 1 ieuteiiiat Coi .iet Henry I'lefe-ant. 4Mb Hiuutut Jnu-vlania VeltnaM .duiileer, and lhi oflieers mid men of bta v.u-uian in Itie exea atii!i i't tho luiue wtoeli wajniv.tutW ipb-.le't a Ihe mora inj of the .JoiQ ultimo uuder one of Ihe eui-mv lat leros in li 'lit of tUe tieomii l'ni.-u.u of Ihe .Su.lu Arinv t urn 'I lie li UTf. In tho latin out of an I uii- aliu.'tO'ii u ilic initio reilvel gieai eteaii ukiu i.ieui oouiil l ot, .in I l'llit-, llie ullicer iu ebare, and ttiu wiiliiiat riiduiauee by Ihe cfticeia and uieu of ihe It i.i. ul ,. the rxirai ri.uar lator and l.iliue m, , e I iu the piuai'ouiiou ol the . rk to coutpleto'U t ..tlii.e .J I lie l".(hcl ttaie jly ooa.utaiid ii Major li,ueral .Meade : ' i. UbLI !.. I'WIUl .... i .tj.MMKl AljUlUHt Ui'ttlJI. f A llalt tin l loav-lu Hit uiouuuina o I j rul ll U the euaiow ot ihe auuieu 4 einldreu lo v . ot a lita ll U bed bio and llveir aio.ual fr.114 uutil tiiJ( ln lk huiUnds, fj.h.ia. u I bto- ''fc """ I lb billi on thif iiuiu b.ooe iu !. " of ibe A luaii tuk a eui.ut t., u lhvr lb a.vf lh ailoimm .,iu diia aUul uu.eiwid nog a ldy An n., .i, lb aiai.it, il liatu H atuainiJ iubly ti'ou 4 lb iixioi-, ui oaouu t 04 to I iii.u t il lh kooaa t"lc Luia.t bibi lb lui 1.1,0,4 lbl lilt b'd ooi- i ! I.m. II it,'l lu Ids MI( 1.I.OUIU, a IU fil" I .it. 1 i..i. I k ut. I" be ib l"l a k"o. , t.i b UiJ I tuea.lbeit t t li,;-ia lk bi.t, Iu4l lot- I U..llt. lb fcutli 4 lH k IU tt ' 1. 1 l it 'be l"' ia '" j. J 1 ., , ,' ;t ii l' ' 'a lrovcellnin of ilio Cennly In ion i'niivrnilon, Si'Knuuv, August 8th, 18C4. The Union County t'oiVvontion met in Sunbttry, at 11 o'clock A. M., iu tho Grand Jury Uootn. SAMUKLi HHANXON, of Turlnitvilk', was tdected Clmirnian, and It. Johnson ot 1'oint, and A.N. IliucK of Sitn luiry, worn chosen Secretaries. On motion of C. .1. Itruncr the Ul of Del ciratcs was called, ns lollows : Sunbttry t!co. Wajenseller, C. J. Ilntnrr, aud A. N. Urioe. Nortlittiubcrland C. 15. Bniith aud Thos. Tobtnau. Milton L. II. Funk and TV in. C. Lawson. McEweusvillo I. U. Allon oud O. TV. Pi son. Ttirlmtville Samuel Shannon and A. T. Bisel. Titrbut Jacob 51. Follmcr nnd TV. Kutz. Delaware 1). V. W0U011, J, TV. Weeks and J. U. Hutchinson. Lewis It. C. Ibiekman and Samuel Cald well. C'hilltsquaqnc Wm. L. "eibit and Sam uel 3IcNiticli. Toint Thomas II. Watts nnd Iteubcu JollIli'JII. Upper Augusta TV ni. Kccd and Jacob Secsholtz. Lower Augusta Benj. Hetl'ncr( Jacob ll. Clark and John Steruer. Kuslt C harles Kuso and Alvin Hughes. Mi a too kin Solomon Mart, Win. Furrow and Isaac D. Kline. Coal II. A. Shissler, P. S. Haas and J. L. Uilgir. JU. Carmel Borough A. F. JMccker and David Kciser. Ml. Carmel tp. Caspor A. Tharp and John IIotoi. .iierbe ll. B. Weaver and Daniel Mtillincr. Ou motion of C. B. Smith, the Conveutioti adjourned till hall'-pust one o'clock. AKriiitNooN sKru.s. Convention called to order tit 1 i o'clock. On motion of I'. B. Stnilh, a committee of seven was appointed to draft resolutions ex pressiti!; the souse, of the Couvcntioti. Com mittee: V. B. Suiitli, Amos T. Bisel, L. 11. Funk, Capt. HiiteliiiKou, S. MeNineh, ,1. W. Weeks mi. I Tiiotu.w 1'olituan. After a recess of half u:i hour tiie committee reported the following rcsoluti'jus whieli were unani mously iidojitcil : J'envcil. In at this Coucntion has full faith and coiitiUenee 111 Aliialotiu l.meoi vud his .Vduiiiusira lion, and we pledge bituour iiriu support ; believing th.il Ihe nm.- ot itie people w ill stuud by tho "tail spittle! " auU the "b'iiiu tailor.' 7'i o.'n 1, 'liiat we honor aud revere our State Ex ecutive. Aiidrctt ti. Cuntii. who has ever stood lirui !y by tiie ihlerci ot' ihu Iveysi.nie Sltilc. aud eaie lullyguardeU her aons iuciery hospilul uud upon every n title tic! J. A'i..:'.'r. It at we will support every measure to tiucil the i.lt eiioldtr's reOellioii. to restore the laws uiel unity ot luc tai.d. and to ni.uuiuiu Iho integrity of our .Viiiotctl iot eriinieitt. .'.-...' it .. J i.jl no will labor to redeem our Cou jcres. ioii.it lti";ncl from the rule of H lleticl .yiitpa uiuer. ao i pi.tce a reliable I nion uiu.i iu his stead. A':..o.( 1 b it wejjlory iu Iho Iriuiupb of the liteis tl i'ejLM Ivtiuia 111 Oehalt of tho Auieiitliueut to iLe v'ott-a.utiou. riv 111 our brave soldurs in the Lei J then., tit "t suuiae. .'(,..".. 'lh.il e syiupathie with our gallant sous aiid broilo rs ill tht. uruties ot' the Heptiblic. bat tliii l,r the Uj. the laws mid the Coii.-uiulion. .Vsj.'rc. i'hal we w ill use all hoiit ruble ltieuus to deie.it tueeueuiics of our ctiuuioii country iu October and iovt oilier. yi',.e.'i i.. Jhat we will support the uomiuets of this CoiiV en.ioii. On motion of .1. W, TVeek,.the Cinvvt i) tion paweeilcil to lite nomination of candi dates lor Coiifv. C. 15. Smith nominated Cu'O. F. .Milir; C.J, Bruuer nominated J. li. Clemen! : F. S. Haas nominated John B. l'aeker. lico. F. .li iter received S votes ; J. K. Ciemettt i?: :u:i John B. l'aeker at). J. B. 1'aeker was declared the nominee, and on motion of 1'. J. Brutur it was made uuuiii iiiolis. i!li t!ie prt iiee uf iippoinling Ijis own conferees. The t'ouvcntioii proceeded to the nomina tion of County dliieeis. The following jjl-u-tlemeii w ete nominated by ticclumuliou : Jacob Al. Foilmcr. of Turbut, for Assembly ; John J. Siiiili, of Suubury, for Bcjiatcr und Hecorilor ; Autlrew Nye, of Delaware, for Coiiiiiii-ioiier ; H. B. Veuver, of Zei bc, for A :i.liior. Tje follow im; freutleuieii were appointed ou the SiaJvltiit! Coio.idttcc for the ensuing veur : Turitit -John Mei'ormick, Chuiruisti. C:ii!iis.tj:mu- .1 I.. Hielleiiilerfer. Cameron- .'Miiomoii IHiuklvberger. Cal -F. S. H its. Delaware J. VV. Week. Lewi-;-- Koberl C. Kiiekiuan. Lower Al.tii iiiov .loltii A. Snvtlef. Little Al tii.tuiK Satiuii I Kotlaiinel. Lower Auoust t Ulins Kiuerich. Jordan tieo. T. Ttiiilnian, J.n ki.,111 Wiliiitin l.itint.i. Mii. .ti-L. II. Funk. Alt Fweueviilt li-aao C. Allen. All. Caruiel bor A. F. Sticker. Alt, Carmel t wp John Hull'. Noiii.iuuU rlantl - ('. B. Stinthi Foiut Iboiie! Sterner, Ku-diA. H.iohe-. Sii.tuitikin Soloii'-i n Mart. Sunlmry C. J. Bruner. Turhulvtlk Tliomaa 1. Harr. Uppi r Autita--Win. Itettl. Upper At.tiialiov It.Miiel Heiltl. ahiiioion I). V.. Kehres. Zer'oe K.lw.itd H.tntl.l. tin motion im- Convention adjourned. SA.Ml LL SHANNON, IWident. A. .V iiltlt 1., I Klil MLS JviilVsoN, ( c(.'ivttirii-s. I-t" Cicv. Cni'iii ci'tivt iifil tlfj Ligi-1-litri;, ut tlio t'ajiititl on Tuist'tty last. Tlio iilijo t is t iu'.iit stall nif;iures in will lauke the milit.iiy mvvir it ill'.' i'oinmoti M';ilt' iiuunv.i.UL'ly avuilaMu for State tmO Kutioiiol ilclV iii . - . J-t? Iiit7il0 liuv t.uNMKNr Loan. We cull titutitum to thu utlYLiVimiiit of this' niitil.ir loan. It any onu vim iltmlit ul the v;iltti' aiul sAcvtity cf this loan, we o-l vise him to rviiil tho tttlilrt-sa of Sicrrtary IVi th ii, in aiinthur coluniti, atul also tht' follow ing articles, from tho Now York Kxtiiiinir. TrK KxiM.ositiN vt ' I'KTl.ltMil no. A ror rfsitiitli'tii thus tU-icribt'4 the erviiu of tho fott, ili'stroyil ly thu vxpl'isiou !' the mine near IVteralmro; : Four coinpuiiie of tho lSMi Btittlh fafv lititv Uiiiiienl iMi'tipitil thu foil at tho time of tiie exphisiini, atul were nearly ull lutrietl in its 1I1 firit, uloiii; w ith six iiite ofaitill erv. Nolliiiii; touhl havu Ifeti more eoin- lele than the lUktruetioii ol' thia work. A rt'tit t or ( t iter over one huiiilietl feet In biiolli, niltl 1 I 'nearly ihut witltli, in Vtliiill wi re sit n iritriitlu nun", It ; or ImoU of .irli.illv lioiic I nit n, ami it abluent of Iluir 111 im, nirtitili run til) an I t aiup utt tiaiK, e.itttiitl otr iu rii'oeil siiil.ne, were ull that leuiaititil I ) allow lli uto'.u of tlio lm- llliv.ltloll. A 11. it ii:n unit of l.ilmr li ol to en e attiMcl 11 1 ion 11. a Im unit lull ol Ilia Iniiie, all, 1 gl'yll (It 'III i tint lh llleii. nit I'l.lulul fit .! uiita of ihe I'ort i;:hth I't 1111 . ly.tiii 1, uu- , tit r w iH'o it 11 1 1 lion I lie wot k too . Imic, lor I 'hu f.llo uiol !ll 1 1 1 1 1 .1 t v I ill 1 niiiliirliii 'the ivtuvatii.il, Alibi. uU ho li.nl to iln ; a tout or IuiiikI ol ti hiuulrttl Ink 111 luiL'lli, ho aiitivtilt'l io b nut 110' thu luiiiu 111 Urn luht sool, ' eltll lilot oil. uu.Lr ihu Ion, u Uo ie A l.oilie lof l.n' "i 1 hail llili.'nil of ilc ii .hiI iii ilnit i al 1. ol I" bo eii( 1 1. 1 at tj.lllilV, II, ll li plopi... .l l i l l i I w.lll f i'l',""'. Siii' o U '.io'v li iiM imi I'm rim linVl.s 1 ll) i'l I"1' il lioiil.l) an I too p. . l.t il l, aliioio.l.o, t 1 (l I HO II, ih.c IU lel, : .i o ipl anl urn it t I i) .ti'lu lii k 'O.I, a. ltt l a 1 - U ul mi Hat ii I tj 1. 1 1 1 1 1 a I III 1 U. S. 7-30 LOAN. The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that aulvcriptlona will be roeelved for Coupon Trenaury Jfotes, payable three year from August lilh 18(11, with semi-annual Interest at tho rate of feven and three-tenth por oont. per annum, ptinelpal and Interest bolli to be paid In lawful money. These note will bo convertible at Iho option of the holder at rfntnrity, into fli-per'cent. pobl bear ing bonds, payahlo not less than flvo nor more than twenty yearn from their date, as tho government may elect. They will be issued In dononiinntions of $."0, $100, S.itlO, 51.000 and $5,000, and all subscriptions must be for filly d-'ltan or tome multiple of fitly dollars. Tho note will be trnnsmittcit to the owners free of transportation charge n oon after Ihe receipt of Iho originnl Certificates, of Deposit 03 they can be prepared. As the note draw Interest from Atign't 15, persoT making depotta subsequent to that date must pay (he interest accrued from date of noto to tlnlo of deposit. Tartles depositing twenty-lira thotunnd dollars and upwnrds for these notes at any ono time will be allowed a commission of one-qnnrterof one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon tho receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the ofliocr with whom the deposit was made Ro deductions for commissions must ho uiaje from the tic posits. Nporial AslTniflaSfia of Ihla I.ouu, It is a National Savings IUkk, ofTeting aliigh er rate of intcrJl thnn any other, and the liet tetw rify. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in I, fcl. Xotcs, considers that it is paying in Iho best eircu'efng medium of tho country, end it cuitiot pay in anything better, foj its own assets ore cither in government securities or iu notes or bonds payable iu government paper. )' equally convenient ns a temporary c.'r jwrni.t. Sent investment. Ihe notes inn always be sold for within a fraction of Ihcir face aud accumulated inte rest, nnd are tho best security with banks as colla terals for discounts. CONVEUTJBI.E INTO A SIX Tlill CENT 5-10 COLD HDV'l). In addition to the very liberal interest on tho note,, for three years, thl? privilege 0 conversion is now worth nlxmt three per cent per annum, P tiiu cur rent rale for 5 ?n IVf.ii ii not less than mi'hc per n ut. premin w, and before tho war tho premium on six percent. I". S. stocks was over twenty per cent. I It nill bo seen that the actual profit on this loan, at I the present market rate, Is not les than ten per eeut. j per annum. ITS liXLAirrinN TiMAt CJt MUNICI PAL TAXATION. Uut aside from all tho ndvnntngcs wa hnre enum erated. 11 special A.it of Congru- exempli Imwii ilml Tri '.,nry note) from luatl taxulion. On tho average, this exemption is worth about two per oont. per milium, nceordin to the rule of taxation iu vari ous parts of the couutry. It is believed that uo securities offer f frent 1,V dueemolits to lenders ns those issued by tho govern ment. In nil other forms of indclitidnc.-, tho luith aud ability of privnto parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged for pnytneut, while the wbolo property of tho country is held to secure the dischargo of ull tho oblialious of the Uuited Stutes. While the government offers thoino-t liberal Icrifi! for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty nnd patriotism of Ihe people. Duplicate certificates will be issued li.rall deposits, The party depositing must endor-e upon the origin al eertilicato the denominations of notes require. 1, and whether they are to bo issued iu bbiuk or pnya I'lo to order. When so endorsed It must bo left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be forwardod to the Treasury Deparliueut. Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of the Cnilel States, at Washiugtou, tho several As-ki-tai.t Treasurers nnd designated Depositaries, nnd by the t'irl ulioual ItanU ul .Hilton, Aud by ull Aulivuul Juiik which are depositaries of l'ublie money, aud all lli:si i:i 'TA1U.E IIANaH ami sankkioi throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Na tional Depository Banks.) will furnish further iufor niatiou on applicutiuu and AKFUKD KVtKY FAC1 J.1TV TO PUUSCKIBLKS. August l:i, isi',1. WOOL WANTED! 1TAXTK1. I'loil pounds 01 pulled Wim.IL. Tan- tiers having W ,1 on ha.i. can find sale lor it j by calling at the Hat Store "C the UL.Iersitied. I ri. bAl .-T. f-unbury, July 2;t, 1S?4 ot pilale ol" llt- liauk ol urlhuiulM-r-lutul, l'a.,.lusust al, lnil. ASSKTS. t.oat. aiol Pills discounled. . . f21!.l!'J91 Ct rliticiites tif t'liitetl Elates Mint - . oil.otiit 00 United States 5 2i Loan. - - . . luu.tiuO Utl " ' Interest hearing Logul Ten ders, St Otli) HO Pennsylvania. 11 ... 2-4MU 00 Hank of N rthmuhcrliind Stock, 6.07U 00 Northumberland llridgo Stock, l.ftntl 00 Telegraph Stock, t . :tju oil liial Ktiate. Ac. ..... (..'i7'J S" Due bv other (tanks. .... ISii .tl? (is .Notes .,f other Lanks. and Legal Tenders fl.n.'tl Oil I ash 1 touts, . . - l Specie in uult Inclutling Coiumnnwealth Specie Ccrtillcalcs, 4 . . ft l'.l 0" 30.PIS IU JMH.bT-1 "7 LIABILITIES. Votes in circulation, ... Due toother Batiks. . " Commonwealth. Currency for Specie Certificate, " Depositors, fill's. ntll fid oil.Sjd 17 1(1 (ll 11 (ul 22u via , Jnl-I.ll',: 15 I hereby certify the above statement lobe just aud true to tho best of my kimwli d-e an, belit f. J. 1'ACKhll, Cashier. Sworn nnd subscribed In-fore me l. Hot kt riiLLCH. Notal Hut kt riiLLCH. Notary Public Sunbuiy, August 6, S(i4 four PSt'liuo! i'l'iitlirr Hiinlcd. A ''I'e A?'!'.'xs . wil1 .' 'r-'iv.d by the P .ar 1 . Am i .-enoiii 1'ireciors. piiuntirv K'Ii,n,I JM.-lrn I. iliree Male teachers f,.r lttaium Nt 2, a, and I, and oue Female Tca.-her for Ki.in No. I, 011 'lliurs day Ihe : .th day ot Auifust ueM. when the allot ment of ihe Schools w ill take place in the Law Ultiee ol lien. V. Unapt et 10 o'clock A. M School term seven mouths. All applications mu-i be accompanied bv nects.a. ry ccrtitieaies. Mr lip. the County Superiiiti nd nil, will be present on that dav In t'viinit.o at pli tants lor the s.b.H.ls. llfo. IIAl PT. Seerelarv of the 11 .ard. Sunbury, July 30, 1 t . Sunbury High School, It Hi. re-..pen in me oM u.ipli-t llmreli. un the 1 11 ui.iiiii v ol August 1 tin e.iiini. .,1 in-ii ueli..n ewbraees all the branches laiigbl lu Aca.Lmiei md Seiuiiiai u of the highest grade. Tl.llMS PKH (-K-SION OK 21 n;, For Lai.gu..gi -ancient and ui.idern iuelud- iug all .iilur blanch, s. fl1, l"l Natural Science, Algebra, ili-oiueiry, ele I t 1.0 iV.Hancel In anitiiai . Uet.jral by. Ilntors, ie I on lu 1,11 I a ia) : to 1 Itudnittnts of uboie, . lltlliaV, Incidental eipen.es, I luilion I'a.abl uuarletlv In ad I N.i dt-luell,in luaile ur b.t lime. I Pupil, can ruler al an Inn, and will only be 1 eh.triti I li'.ui Ibedale lliy ruler i tut luilliVr pulicuUia apply lo lh. I'm, -i .1. ! , f P. IIHIIIIAI. If hunbuiy, August s H-ail tf X'ulll u,V iHieluU - 'ud NT7tT 1 iatfi.ii lltoaorttaio l. . 1 ui,i, l'vui ll f, a.iu ul llv.li.,..ih u,t t, fm,.. (in. Inu.t .ul Pht.!,!,, of tb llnuiaa l.,, lllifll. r l, i'ie..Hl., u, J ,.m , lui,e, I I ooktlV : I lllk,ll .,,.1 l..u,l..,. ..I tl.,1 II ... 'I.. . u..ut , r.cii p.tui. g, md ll, t,u 11,1., .mic, I a.liue. I imn, r-, u.i. 1,1 i. I ' 'I , .j!.,., 1,1 .1 nil U.il''. A) pa. u. .a luSMrn il. lail.-n, 1.1 the NuiMiy Mitt 101111.4., uid b.-rl o.aj I'egrt. wills III . vu l lo in ...o. l. I., b It . liil, M ! Pin. m.i b rtai utu, l -All,.. toHUltA VI LLU4, lin4aay, .Ni 04k AUkiM'i) WANTtU. ' Of all Ibe putliciba k kale sll.it.. I 4 l a ii .. ul i.l Si.u.d L .Ml It 4 I) t J fe. O. .i lu. 1 'l.j ie I t., 4. k. I , IHi.,1) IL.Ii O. ,( 11 a .n,l. Ill 1 I.i 11. aait a, II .11.J I ,,i,! it ' X 1 l...a, ' niita ni'WAJi ffc wvtsi-A newRvtem of The JL siognwrny, Kye, Kara, Noso. LIps.'Mouth, Ilenil, Iluir, Kyebrnws, linnds. Feet., Skin, Ointplexbin, with nil o,sig, of t'haraolor, and How to Head lhem.M Iu 'J'lic I'liifitoloftlcnl kfonmnl, Ann Lira Ii.t.nsTnATED. H. II. VKLLS, EdlttY. Kthnology, the National History of Mttn, nations, fiicos, and tribes of men. described with Illustrations. Physiology, tnnotiifhs or tho Body, Henri, Lungs, Stomach, Hones .Muscles, and Nervous System, Phrenology, tho Temperaments, Mi. 11 a Inlclloo tunl, Social und Moral Nat 11 10, How to lmprnvn. Physiognomy, with the stusa or CUAiiACTpn, A.nn How to ltiiAnTnKM," on aeienlifio ininfipnls. Phycholmy, or tho "S-ienet of the Soul'" plan's relntiuus tt this life and to the llfo to como, A new tolune, the i()th, eomtnenccs with tlio July unber. Now ready. Published monthly, in timrt'o number: form ut ei 11 jmr. compies. Dy nrst post, xo cents, ss l'OWLLIl A WlibLS, o,-a firuadway, No Address l-'OWL); York SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE C O L L E G E, hlil.I.AM.IlOVi:, Nuylci- 'o.. Ha. rilHI' Kail Session of this Institution commences on TIIl'PfHAY, AlUVST 1Mb. Tho Wiulvr Session on Ilia 17th of November. TKH.MS PUB SKSSION OF 13 WKEKS : For Poarding. Woshinn, Kufntshcd lloom, Fuel and Light, and Tuition in all the regular studies of the Collegiate DeTrrtmenl, nnle $52 lh. A liberal beductiou run!oiu I'tvurof the Dnuabters of "iir Soldiers. l or further pa'tiulrrs, or Circulars, apply to H. DO.MLK, Priucipal, Sclin-;-r;iVe, Angnt ft, 1804. 3ino. Mulc-la i:nl-ln1iis Collec t o. DEPOT s US Rende Street, New A'ork. Ihe above Company nrc known all over the world ns the owners of tho Coffee Plantations of Java and llatavia iu the Dutch Last Indies, and are the largest monopolisers of Coffee on the t.Hohe. The undersigned (who Is npiinted Ihcir solo Ageut in Ihe I uited States and iu the llritish Colo nics) will have for salo three different kinds of Oof fee. which, for regularity of grade aud cheapness of price, will defy conipciiliou. Uur ihitavla Coffee" uever before introduced in this Country, but extensively used 111 the Armies and Navies of Lurope, and richly valued, will bo put up lit prices to reueh all consumers, nnd our Kxtra Java will bu the Magnum Honum Coffoo of the age. AVo will have, for accommodation of tiro -era, Fa milies, aud liuvcruuient Uoutructors, temples (dry, und drawn) for testing. Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, coffee prompt ly forwarded us directed. A. I.IPPMAK. 16S Heinle Street. New York, bole Ageut, D. K. I. C Co. July 2.1, 1S4. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, TA. DUeii-ii'st ol'ilic a-roiisi, Nrt-ilnnl, I i-iitai-y Usui (sifxiial Sy Kteiim- netv aud reliable treatment in reports of Ihe HOW A1!D ASSHCIA'l IdX sent by utail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SK1L. LIN llol'tlllTOX. Howard Association, No. 2 South Niulh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 10, lfjiil. ly CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZAR, ( nrnt r of .Uiu-Url Siiiiare &. Hfril KotisJ Mlrri-t, 8 L'XHUIt Y, PKHM'A, SUMMEU STOCK OP READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest slj les. cut by At beet Artists, trimmed and made t.iiil to custom work, nnd sold at the lowest price.-. .Mm tintl tf3 'lof lilns: of the best ma terial consisting ot D'es Coats, Frock Coats, Park Coals, Pants, and Visit of various colors aiti uuuli tit. n tiLXTLEAIKX S FUKXISHINU GOODS, such ns Shirts, Over-shirts. Undershirts, Drawers, Collars, Craviit, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, e)iockin-s. U loves, Ao. 6 IlalH nud Capst of all KIimIw. BOOTS AKDSHOLS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UAL UKKM.AS. and NOTIONS of all kinds, and nntnc. rous other articles. The public ure iuvited to call and cx.imino his Sto,-k. Keiii. inber the place. "Continental Clothing Store." Corner of Miuket Square and the N C. ft. It. e , " . . LKVI 11ECHT. Sunbury, July 2. 104. '!! . I.OIS KM! MAI.1:. rpilE undersigned will sell at private sale. TWK.V I. TY-S1X Ti X l.i ITS. situate in Ihe N.rougli of Suiiburv. Tho lots are located within a few squares of tho Pennsylvania ltuilroad Company's Machine Shops, in lhu northern part of tho town. They are all suituble buiidiug lots, situate in the most pleasant portion of the borough. They will bo sold on rea sonable teriLj. For further particulars apply to PL'TLlt 11. MASSLH, 11. li M AS.-LK, lUANClSUUIIL'R, Suiibury. June IS, lsoL txecutors. JACOB HAKLEY, iSureeor to St a uffe r 6 JIarley.) No. 022 MAKKET Street, PHILADELPHIA. lr:,ALi:P. iu FinotJold and Silver WATC1IKS A J ri im Hold JKWLLKY: Solid SI l.VKII.W A It K and the best of SILVi-.lt-PLA TKli.W A It 1: Cm. , nuntlyon hand a Urge assortment of the above goods I Watches and Fino Cliwks. H.'i.aired, by skilful I woikuicu; also. Jewelry renairiinr: Kuuravimr and ull kui.ls of ilair.woi k to order, al sh.irl notice. ( r Don't forget tho old eland, No. ti:'2 Market sireet. 1 niiailelplila. "P"1 ll. Su Atl-uluAt 11 .llilliat-y '11'(;', ALLENTO VVN, FA. r.cv. M. L. HOl'KOltl). A. M., President. Major ll. F.CK L'N DOltFF, Supeiinteudcnt of tho .Military liepartmcnt. riUH Inslilutb'n, chartered by Iho Siato of Penn L svlvania with tull I'ollfgi.ili tv,rs, will open its next session. Sept flih. livery I'acititv ualforilcl for an F.uglhdi Classical. Scientific.and Military cdu cation under the l.et of iiistrueinrs lU,is Hro re. ceived in Iho Primary. Preparatory nnd Colltgiato Dei.iirliiieiits. Fur circulars address the President. July 2.1, 1n'.4. ihu l.iM-ltavv lana V IMomhur-f; Hail ral. ON aiiil after Tn 18th, lCI, TaT'engcr Trains will run as follows : MOYIXU SOUTH Vu sct','r. L"sv Scrttiiin, 4 I'll V .31 " King-tun, ' PI loiiisl'Urg " Itupeit. 41 Dam ille. Arriteat Noithutuberlaji'l. i Hi tl li MOV I Ml M'inii. I. ravo Vorthninberlrnd, 8 no A. M Di.nulle, H 411 " Itupiri. X lu " P.biou.stiurg, V :s.i 1mu-.i..ii, ' 1.' i-i p. j;. Anil e at rant. n, I o,t 1 11 ibl Al'a-eii,r. r t nr. 111,, .in.t.ur 1(1 15 A j Pavel .g,-t taking the Mail 'Irani N ulli ennect with lb.- l.ipns train from N..rthiiiiibcrUu I. arm. II, g ul lliirii-'.iirg, al t M A .l , Halt, morn I I'll A M , an. I al I'l.il.. I. Iplua, al I IK) A. M The Mail Irani 11. .ui X..iihiiuil.trlaiid I. t e. 111.111. ,,tely atirr Im arittal ol Ihe t.sprc iraiu ln.ni lUni-burg uni llalllluoru allowing l'..el.gcr. I.ting I'lulajrlphia al III lu I' M .loriaih .luu ul lint road duluig the Ui'SI lorvli.H.U .New i,d elrgaM "lerping ers aivon.laiiiv the IiUbl t141luua.l1 way blairu .N..nhuiiil llaud ahj Laliiikuie, and N. rlliuUiUilai,, go I I'hila.U Iphia li T tn't M "jpt. IIK ulluu, l uJIt otiuU tJi-ulli'sui'Sj I AMita'JlYF- AND rUOToURAPil la Dsel alliiHt, up.il the Cvblial 11 itl, HUNiiuity, vv.. O llVl'KI.V, U i.... im ploiuielUM.it k. lu ilia : 4a. e. aifl u tutpertkl u lk PiMlieils lu lbs best cila sh4 uiaiikvr AalllUi'lVPU A.'l PII.loiim'l4, u Uk.a iu Mils u ibe Am, lkl iu.k-i be pud lb lb M.lo II.I.I.KINtl (.UMI, I1.1.J., It ei. gna aa.uiiiuu us iu tliaia j I' , ... ai l t. . ul i , 1., ,.j I 1, I II... 4 A,,,, l .(i-ail, lfc, ln,l,. II 11 I ,e'., ) Jue t. I .Tlnrl.rt Siiiiii e,MlMII 15V, I'a. nAVfNU just returned from tluj City with an en . life new sUwk of " Drisusi, li-inl'nlsi, Ivoi-raiai--and 'lot let Arlli'lcs) lo which ho Invites hi" llienls and tho public gener- ally, to call end cxamii. Tho Drugs and MedicinM aroall seleetcd from tho best iin orttng hiotses in tho Lasloin niniker with the greatest cure as lo pari. ly nnd rflicieiicy nnd nvniiling as much as lo.-ol'lc, the introduction of tlelerious nostrutns. ' PATENT MEDICINES Ofnll kinds, such ns Aver'. Javnes. Merlinbie'it Holloways, isburts, lloollantls. "Schtnks, Drown s niiu mi muiT I'vpuiitr pitteub uieutoiiies, oioays on hand. BHIJBHES, Hnir, Tooth, Nail. Ciotho nnd Paint llrushe. Specinl cro U t ikeu to keep on hand constancy every variety of PAINTS AXD CHEMICALS, Suitable to the trade. Fancy Toilet Ailiclcs nnd Iho numernus articles W hich are generally kept in n well conducted cstnb- lisbuicnt. In connection a-ilh theabnvenrticlts. he nl'o keeps on band n lingo assortment ot STA'i l'i.VLKV, such l i 1 liystticn ? piccriptions and Inu.ily recrif t.s compounded a it), tile greatest aceurncy ami dispr.4, nt ALL HOI liS Due or Niuhi. Ueuiember the ubice. Market S.iuiire. nnd. r thn nd',... ....... I ..... A : .1' v.i.vw ... uv kuuuui v tiiiet lerin. il. A. FISCHLH. Sunbnry, June 2". 1S01. WILIIAMSP0RT OIL WORKS I NON -EXPLOSIVE PURE CRYSTAL CARBON a n jb IS TMIiT rACIftVOLS. Orders will rcccivj prompt attention. II. D. IIOLDEN. Vi illintnsport, Juno 25, 18ftl. Proprietor. I'l T.VAH 4 !. I Itl.X.tilC The ONLY r linble pelf-AdJu'ting Wringer. No Wo-.tl-Work to Swell or Split. No Thnmb-Scrcws to get ont of Order. Warranted with or without Cog-Whecls. It took the FfllST PIlEMfT'M nt riflv.Peven Stnl and County Fairs in lstii.'b nnd is. without an ctecp. tion the best V ringer ever made. Paientrd in the United States, F.nrlntid, Canada. 1 and Australia. Sample Wringer sent, Fipress paid, en rcelrt or rrice. L'nergotic agents enn mako from 3 to 10 Dollars per day. No. J,$.50. No l.7.50. No. F.f-s M No. A. $9. fin, Manufactured mid sold, wholesale and retail, bv TIIK PI IN a.M M ANl FACTl Itl.NO CO.. ' No. 13 Plait Street, N ew York, and Clevelnnd. Ohio. S. C. NollTHllOP, Agent. WHAT EVER BODY KNOWS, vis.: That Iron well galvanised will not rust ; That a simple machine is better than a compllcnltiil That a wringer fhnnld be self-adjusting, dnrnblo, ati.l efTicient , That '1 hiiinh-Scfw? end Fiislenini' ennse delay and trouble to regulate and keep in order ; That wood bearings for tho shaft torun in will wear out ; Unit tho Putnam Wringer, with or without erg wheels, will not tear the clothe ; That c..g-wheel regulators are not irsentbil ; Teat the Putnam ringer has all the ml van In re and not nn( of tho disii.h antages ubove named : That all whohnvo tasted it, pronounce it tho be"'. Wringer ever mn.le: That it will wring a Thror.d or n IJcd-tjiiiit Without alteration. We might fill the paper with tr'imon!n!. but in sort only a few to convince the skeptical, if stteh there be; nnd we sv to all. tes, P,!.m s V ringer. Test it THOKOl tlHI.Y with ANY and ALL others, andil'notentirtly!T.t,sfretory.r...t,trnit, ' "' Prr.iAM Maxifactiiii.no Co: Ucntlcmen ; I know from frnetienl expericttcS that iron well ualvauiicd with sine will not naidisv or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as possible, anil I can cheerfully re commend it to bu thu best in uo Kespecttullv vours, JNO. W. WlillE'l.EK. Clrvelarid. Ohio. Many years' iineriencc in the italvnnijii i: bu-i ness enable mo to indorse the above statement in nil I puruculurs. .1X0. 0. 1.EFFERTS, No. IHU licekman Street ' ,. T ..... isew j ora.ditTiunrv, ino i. We have tested I'uiiiam's Clothes Wringer bv practical working, and know that it will do. It !s cheap; it is simple ; 11 requires no room, whether at work or at rest ; a child can (.pernio il : it does its duty thoroUL-hly; it saves timo nnd il saves wear and tear. e earnestly a Ivise all who have much washing to .1.,. with intelligent persons who havo any. utuio'st. llou HuKACE UHELLEY. Juno IS. lS'.l. LILLItS CHILLED IRON SAFE. The Only 8ufo Roliub.o .gain-t both Firo un I Ilvugliiry. Iam now prepared to furnish three sijes of Xnt in- M. . 1. w c J 11 .. 1 ,1 !- in , Lark llles. 1 h.-v are ln.tli 1 ire nud HtlrL'lar- pr.ad. with -two di-niiet iu-ide Hurglar Safes; and three of my new Aiili-Mici..mt li r Locks on each safe. bclicM-d to lie tho only biuik-loek now in 11.-0 that has not been pieked or cannot be i.icke. bv Iho aid of the micrometer. Ibeea Safe, all present fo ir to si inches in thieknessofs.,id iron, euaranieed . 1 . ,1... , 1..... I .11.11. ..II . I..1I .... I . . K. iV I ,, I" f".',' uted Slates of tho stand Iho most rc.11t.1nco against b. burglary of any Safe iu tho I uited same site and cost. 1 have, m hand al.-o. and w ill furhi-h all sls.es of 1 n,uik Yault Sales, pleasing all the advantages if1 the abole.gain.t burglarv. Also, all si.es ot Mercantile Safes both burglar- ; pr.s f and tiie and burglar proof At.,, ( iriiHiiu tilnt Iim ..llii.i- h. ll... S:,.f, l.,.r,.tr ' pr.H.f. and tire and burglar ( na.f iitairniite l n.d 1 damp). Abo, tho strom-i st and cheapest Yanlt duors. for ! bank and tnercaiftlc vaults. All Iho above aiu l.illic's wrought and ehillci! ! ir..u. j Aiao, sil I.cs l.ill'c Wi. ni?ht in n I';re I'rtf wariai.ti d e.i'ul It, anv eomtuoa Cafe, at t"lir one- lb. id lot pine. AUo, a gen. ral S'Soriment of 'on hand Subs, manv ol them nearlv n. w. and of 'irt mi e-t niik, rs feci lied IU rxcli.n.ge ll l.illie '. Ihlllid I' .11 -litis Ihc.e are of!vrcd a. .r th.v aii.i..ii pr M C Ml -1.1 It Ai. iii S M.I.MIl riift 150 A U 1 ) I N (ll 1 0 US li VI till I '1 IIOm'MrV K.m. rly of the l.aaiein e II m.e,' ) Hl'MII 15 Y , I'KNN'A. ...n.-.t, tiiet.it an I ui'i i ,,!.' 'lierailt I ikal .ho b... rt flue I pie t. !, t ill ,-,u n I , lf J r.s.e ol, II,. .-,i, .lr,,t lour Pit N iih. iti CiiUkI Katlwae ti. i ai.l . ."i. .- I a It ailtif House w't.l" u t.l. t li k f. II KM i t AND lit IN-IIM I. tl, I'l liS U lib finA c I.. n I wmii. I, I , ir I. it ebii i ; h v lbs uuM coivloiu I'l umoilli lit t'lial lu tb bss.1 Ii. tela I'.tt. U'lg. f til tl, wl. , n. if t. J. ,.-i In k t,l.m. Is fv e.'lai!; I 1.. il I M.s M till V ili'iMI tiN. Suul ury, Vtj il I , I - ui I Emu or advice roa udiis HVBANti. wn ti. ..iHtiN.n H. -uli ui in,.i,it,ii(ti,iu Sti.1 r 1 1 ie a m;J iii .l. .. i . i.ii tin. k,srM'l.l 1 t .V I ., W )dk f P ia f I-', lv NEW SUMMER (,00DS AT NO. 1 STORE. WI3AVER & TAGELir, I cvei brought to SunburT. DRY GjOODS! KOULDIX AND DOMKhTfC. such m Cloths. (' "'cees. Mulins, SI ctin.js, Tiekin;-. falh-oc, lie. - ''''"cs. Klui ntU. 11ml all kinds ..f M"i. 'A IMI 1 ;..,, I., ! lpeca, lllaek Silks, ; 11 il, :t -t-.-i, Ilalmon and 'Skeleton Skirts, Canton liamiels, Nankeens, Cue- I'vimiA ,.1 ., mitos. - HATS Sc CAPS. notions & varieties, j Comprising. Hosiery, (lloves. Tlm i-d. Itull.ins, Sus penilers. Neck-ties, Collar, Jliiidkcrehit'ls, sinir jjrusiics, J mil 11 uruslies. (inm Hit.. bon nnd Cord. tape, erotehel-hrnid, Vol ki d collars, fancy head dresses, tidy cotlon, carpet binding, combs, pmcy Soups, carpet b.igs TWiks, Valise, I uibrellas, Plank Book?, llper. Knvelopee. Ae. 3" w .i'ak. trvi "inj? tr .Av ns jn3Z or nil kinds. -11-h Nulls. Hinge and Serein. J'o, r l.nl' Sesiiid p.iiol.s, I, n k', in I CI '1 l.l.'ViY ol c.ci 1 tics. 1 ipt!-n. , A Istt, 1 It 'js. Urn- 1aii;tt Vin- is'ii n KMi .,.. .. . ' j. . . I (i""",MI,rl "' of alt I Kl"rt. . I , KTON' I! A I V 1" A I; TTI 1,'V W T? I' " '......iM.oiulllli. An L.vl'o.-n c Stock of G II 0 C E 11 1 E S , .mpo".l of Sugar. Codec. Tens, Rice. Corn-start h. Maccaroni. Hurley. Hnkiiig-pondcr. inolasscs. snap-', raiidles tobacco and fg.irs. ult, i'i-1,. Meat, Chcc-c. A'?., Ac. ,l-o. a largo vnritty of s w "1 r o s- "tr s TP f'.r Men. VV.imrn nnd Children t ,?-All kilelsonlininn..,! (o,irv lv,ls,. t,.l.,. evebnuifi. r.,r n i. (live us a enll lietoro vu Mirehnse (l-.ewh. rr j nro buuii.t to sell as low ns any one else. I Store-room in Ira T. Cl nieiit's l.uil,liiv nt the aoiitli-wi'stcoriisr of M nkct S.p.mre, iwnr tlio four: lloti.-e. Siiiilnirr . MaV fl , !sl'. 1. TI) rrpn t'Trviir ivi-uiv v.v i ittf i ? iwii r.. MIIOLEHM.K AM) JiETMI.. rp.'ie; 'ulisei-ibcr respectfully in firms tl." publi.' 1 that hnsjteeps eoiiintitlv'on Iimii.I nt hi- new WAKlillorsi:. near Iho She.-nokin Valley llailr.cel Depot, in SI NIU HY. Flour bv tho barrel nud sue'.;, mi l all kinds of Fec-1 by the ton. Tho nb.ivc is all matinfticturc l nt hi own Mills, nnd will be sold at tho b.wet cash prices. J.M.CADU ALLADF.K. Sunbury, June 4, ISfil. '!m " rENsiol(Biu?r" AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. Q P P.OYliU. Attorney nt Lnw.it tlulv nctii .r ! Tv. imd and licensed to collect Gi:!nt,. I liMHili'iMMi liviK'K 6'ny ( i- UI I ims. or. ' I'liiin and Soldiers, ullieo in Maiki I Vlicti. .,.) ., silo Weaver' II I. Sunbury, Pn. I January Pi. 1-oil. ly .&ii'iil It iiuK tl livery itht re to sell the rXEtlANT FILL I.KNtlTII STT-LL n.ATG EX UKAVIXH ol' PltFiSIDEN T I.IKCOLN. i ralaninte lhl '.tlilllli-Innllon IroSll. lnalicti. i T.e best and only correct hkrncss of (hi-great i man in exilcne,o. For Particular address. JOHN DAINTY, Publisher. No. 17 S. Iith St.. Philadelphia. .May 1 1, 1S.fei.2m lr , ' . ' M Lu M,v- ?A'-!-l : IMFOKTE113 AVINKS AND LIQUORS. JI Af A M l B,B, VIM'. No. 121 Souili Ninth Street, between ChesiiMt arct W ilnut, PHIL.VDI.LPIUA. M.iv 7, lsil. LATtSTI MFROVEEIENT OF A021I CUITUilAL IIiIFLEIIIEHXS. AT tui: F O TJ 1ST D R "ST 3 of twsi-.y. (JTy wWva JXb UdMBTJlt,-sr, IENN'A. Mrl t'u'llc't (lei the Cheape's - Oct the most Fet- (...', Mailt, n Li. ti can t c bint if, Ihe i:..lir!'.lc!l 1 ..It1i.lt Having a large n.-,.rttn( ut .1 the iin st approved S'H ' PS. siieh lis Co., kin -. t'liili.r. IHI'iop at..l i .. Sin', cs. which will be -old nt the Ion est ratts. Abo. Kettles ol ull siies. 1'niis. Skillet.. A c. 'i hcv are also in mufiictiiiiiu Mm hinery. Plomrhs. Casiings. Ac., at short notice . ""-T"lr"'- '"' '-r.ciii.ur,,, .mm, n-.cms ; A; " ""'' ""1 t ,!' !'1"r'""' ""'ice. t J articles shipped ..,'.-,) red Orders respect- fully s.'l'cttcd und pininptly ntleiiib'tl 10. KollltUACIl .1 COOPEt. ; f.V; 01 J Iron, aad a'l kinds of Produce lakeu iu Exehnniro far work ! Sunbury, June lb, ISO ! . tf NEW GOODS ! JTST ori:Ni:n i Spring & Summer Goods, 1 , AM) fmLl) ClIKAl'lCK THAN Kl.SK 1 YA m i!"' I ' ' ' ' ' T C t T TPTT? IF J- IT -J--w C J .jt.f.At , ! In Zetltiii.iver s lluililit.g. -pj, -itc tlcarb irt s ("mi fecli. met y Store, Market street, S I'M; IKY. IV, HAS just opened a well seb'-'lel n-.-i rtitii nt ..f (.b.ui'.s. which be oiler- l'"r file ul ve'y l ot pnc. s iDUlT fiflOTIS ' & U . I' ll 11 K 1 1 i N AXD DOMii.-TlC i3. h a- lo-hs. t'.:-i ' , . ' :', '.'., ' -."' : tncres. Alii-lni-. M:eetiu.'-. In-kiler. '.iilie. 1 .ii 1 ties. na.-. iitiri ti. s ac , ic. . '' ImI '.V l.a ( 1 1 1 . ry Us, r:;.;:.,i ; i'p InVii f- 'I)i I 'T I I V1 : x ) lUNlJ OC 1 illtl I'i J I I'i 1s, ,t n , , ,, .. ! " "'. . 1 V' J' 'K"'U V' ',' "Vv,l 1 ,!.,M"' t;'." '".r I-IU-IO'S. J..OM1 llJU'llll. I !lll,V til' I, int .-. m.iial Skitts. ll - p Sk r:- C..rp. t-bags. Tun.k . uii rclli's. I',,,,. ii-A ,,r..-..M,,..!oi ,,.,.- , lh ,,.,., ,, Ki; ,.. ,,,,,, TT A U T3 W A Tl 71 , , , , , , , ' '. "''.' ""'.'V ! "."",' v '", ' V'r'"V '" ' R! knob.-, ami I 1 1.I.IU . I " eiy .1, n Pus, Dn;;:', Paint", Wu'l.'-lu ;!, t;'..:s r..!tv, iVf , A.'. tlll l'llini'C II ltd lilllH-Vl 111-)' til" etcrj 1-'i-iiuii. 1'iN K AM F.AUHI1.N WAKi:. :i e- let -i-e S: , k . f Cl E O C E E I E r,. : l',.n. ' Mol . ' me I . 1 el S.t.r.ir Cell,.,.. Ten" Plee l'',, , .ttir- !. I an, lie. Meal I l.li. I hev.'c. !all. I . III.MIlV tltlit' I'll i'l' I I I V , - It Ij.V I 1 -M . I h t I.IIIIU.Mi, I -V'", j " ' . Sunt uty, ,1 mo is i -. I ' j ( OS () It i S i u i. m: i i n ri.u'Au ii JAVA COFFEE, II .1 .' .1 v ' ' ' SUPERIOR TJ ANY IN TUEff AHKr li. i.. I I rl. I i. f iu . . . i. , :. , ..I I I. til) i..v..B i. i i r i 1.1 i i . t . i . M V... 1UI1, .. ...ll,. I. .. Ul ...ii i -i " . . i.i i. '( , i. a i il s mo ...i It.. .;iu": i. .k!: r.; ;..v(.: ; i. " '"",''; I ' t, ,i,l .I.O., niiti . ', f I . j j ,1,,4 .wn.,11.. l,.. ' : I .' up u. i j !! . atavllOlt t, I ' I . I Mli.i.lM .v i i. , M t if i -ursrsrsiA. OF TB.li; I.lVi.CIt I A T I) 1) 1 1 1 7: f5 T I V i; 1 Aro I'urinl l,y UOOl'liA k h y German Bitters, The (irfil yiirmjlh These Hitters be.e pr-Cr"!! .1 more I'm .. ' Hiivo inul do llieo pettef Saib fie! ion ! li'i'.e t.:..rtt 'I', si:', 1 -r. ' Ioitc t'nre ili. -pe. !.'.!. i'i .-! t V-ct-h L r l',i : , 'l"i..!tl Jll.y otil. r i;li . o, h . :n::; ),,. Vi e ilefy a.iy OXi; I.' ..nh-.! ;;, i il,: . o. A.Vti IB., S- 1 vl t To niy i,i:c t;,i,t wMI ! Im.'c 11 1'. rti'i. 1 cl-ii-l:. by 11-. i;.;,: i- li'J rl.Mio:. HOOrji.Ki-" l!!-,l::. A v;i;,'... (.r,-.-i-.,r.":,r.,.i-.,rN.,v. .-- I'ts-Kseof tnc Ki...-j. nnd Di.-i .-. s ti,i.;,:g fr. 11 l!i.-..rder.l .-ton. lie Ii, t'HSIiltVKTHK FoLI.OVVIXil SYMPTOMS lltstiltiii;; I1..111 i'i.-.rdcr of the Dig. -tivc :. c.c-.i- p-.;e., .,..,r,l 1'il-'. b s r ;j 1 I" tit.' He.;.! A.-j illy li, 1 1 1 p St:.- fito'li. No 11-00. I leu. ii, 'iir. iMsn-t ,,r ! 1 ' "' itllii" r t e'.-lit in the Sl-m-H- 1 l.r.i.-t.it .',in;mg .,r I liiti-Tln;; nt the !; rib lirn-li. So iiire in .1 1! I'-tirie I ii. I D.tli e.ilt l:ie i'l.!n:r. I- I. ut. i .-u!i. Mii'i ; s'.-i.-.:t:,,:;y t ft" !!.:.;!. I.-'.. .king im ii i'l ii l v:i: .-:to C. I l: in - ..:' , :-!..ii. Dots ,,r V. t bs !.,.f..r ;:,e .-'t.bi. I nnd Doll Pain in ihe Heinl lieti in, v i.' I'e. -pirn li. n. V t ',l.i Mi ss i, I' (lie Skin ami I.M-. i'uiii in the .Side. Dnek. Chest. Limbs. Ac'. Sudden F'ilsh. s. t' II. ,0. lliirnin in liie l lcsh, C stunt luniiiiji.'-- ..t' l. il, lll.d grt'lll 1 lej l e-sioll t,l Spirits. Sp C tJt.sli J'.v J : ' THAT Tins r.i'i I t.:; i.i y. o t a l c; f) HOLIC, 4 omnia no Uutti t.r AVI:is.Vc, .'r..'. cnii t T.-.ithe Drtrikards. l -if !.- t:ie y. t T- ni Ihe World. 'J ' iSt-:sl 'i i-it ?isysi Wt: I'r. lnt!,.' Iter. L"Vi (I. ?!oeit. I'm: r . :' i'- i: i ! t'li.'i li. I'. n.' .it .11. N . i'..it:er!v of ti,.' .''. I Dupti-t Chun li. i'hil.idc'i hi.i. 1 have ltr.o'.vn ll-.njtait.l :. ileriuiti Litu v- i,. .r. b!v !'-,: a rinn'e ' "f ve:i'-'. tl... -.en-el ;!,.,i inn rt.'n family, and have ben rien-. l with Ho citc-is that I w n .lu-.-.l tor. i-tni.i 1 in. iii i i i . I i.y ..iin a:-I ku iiv Ib'it they I. ! sti il:i:ii v bi n. lieii'l oiioin' s Ii 1 in .i . j. ,f ,i i:" ll l 1 1 : i . ll, :,' I in t!:o- i.'iblielv pr.e Ini'nin.r I '.' fi uttint1"!! of th.'.n iiillieteiloi.il the ,1:-'. :; thrv rei'oiiiincn.lcd. to lh. -c llitt. rs, 1 n evperi- ncc tln.t oiv 11 .'MMiineii,li.'i ,:i e ':!l ed. 1 il this niei-c cl.ee. I'c.ly i: He tin., I - J.iiier. i- inteii.'.cd t I', nt lit tiie 'filleted, n.i. 1 i- e.r a i i.ni drink"' V ..1:5 tr-il;-. L!i 1 1 , . 1.1. 1 From Pec. J. Newl-n Urown. I'. 'V. :iit,.r of the Fricvel.ijii .bit of livliv'i.'ici li iiowlcil ;:. in d (.'lirisiiLin Cluviiiclc, Philn.b I bin. .Mili.'ii'!i not i!i-p..'cl to favor or rt ei nnnen l l'.. tent el. dlcincs in general, tin1. ii-:t O'-hii.'I li.- .1 itigr'edit ul- iin-t iftc-.'is. 1 yot kn.-o of im Millb i. l.t reii-oiis why a moiii limy 11.1t testily to the loiieti i,o t clicves hiln.-ell to hiivo roecivid li'iln any sin.plo I'rcj arnli.'n. in the h,.j.e timt he in.'.y tlf..s c :.:.',., u:o t the InTiclil ol' ethers I do this the more rcnd'ly n; rci'i.r-l I.i I." ,r.d (Icrinaii Piltci: . pre nrcl I.y Dr. CM. .1,.. !,-:.. .t this city, li'.-ulll.-e I oils prejil lieid na;:;-l the. o ! : ni.itiv yenrs. I'lel. r the imprci-ion t'.mt t'; -y ? chieMy nn "Ic'i'ilic mixfnre. I am iti"bt. i t" 1 i.v (Vi, n i Hoi .'t :-heouii'kcr. Ivo., f'l' tho r. .s! . ' tlii j 1 1 iii'i ; ' e l y prepi r tc.-'s. it 1 1 -1 i'er ' nr. . -men: t . trv iV'i "'o n s-iHeii; g I . . t 1 ii',1;,; , I,. 11: c "t,..'.. ,t .1. .':'. il V 'ilic lie . ! '.or. i.il'l. the'-c l.it'ei ' til tb- tviimii.f of I'. 1 1 . r wn- I'.lb.-v. I by evi I' l l 1. b. :" a'. 1 r a to .t ! deirn-e of b -111 v ai.d itei.tal -or-r wbi.-h I !, 1 i 1 '" bit l-r -i n.t.:h be:' re. ao.l iii '.! '. 1 i - ' ! id" regaining. 1 llicr.'!-.rc t'-.,;t i...laiid u.y m i.i ! t.r din ctit. to the usefft'-io. J. N l'.WTC'.N LK' 'W N . , . ., . ,, ,,, ' I , , , , i , r h Konarl 1 ., .... ... 1- 1.1... L-.p..,l Umr. h. Dr. Jackson :Dear Sir .-1 ..a-c ' : ''"'t." ." re.iiisted t meet tlvmnne wi:h c-vi n 1 . 1 . - ,, lliller. nt kinds .-f lif-li-ne 1 but 1 - - -1-. i : - - 1.0 : I r.iciice nso.it of iny t ;t'-;-i i.-t - s; 1 I. ..1 j ail ea.vs .Lcl-ntd: but nitb 11 ft.:..- :'i . .: 1 s 1 in.-lnnces. and particnlm ly in my 1 '. I tulin s, nl' Dr. Ib. ithual s Ci 1 oni'i i'iII i- 1 . . I f ,r once fmlii ttiv ti-nal r-e I" t v j r, - n. .. conviction t'.nt. 'for i- iicrnl .Ic'dlity o' tin' e" I nn,l especially f..r Liter Cotopliiint. it i' " .-u' a i valunlno I'rer'.irn.i.i'i lusuinc casts i. inn but usuallv. I dniil t n't. it oil! '! 1 cry bi .e.'i-.i these who tlltl -r ll. .111 the I'.b.o e cnu'c. Yours, very r. spectiully. .1. II. Ki'.XX 1!!. l.Lji'.iU l-cle.. C.-utiJf.iv.ct, i'liii.nii.i. I'rn'n Hcv AVarr-n l:n.id.d,,!i. Pi.-tor c J' -p Cl.uich. (Icnn.int' v:i. P- i n. Dr. CM. Jitck-.,, -!.. t sir:- P.. ,' . ri- t.e 1 11:. I li s in t t,. Miy lii.lt 1 1 . .' llil.el-. pri p. II i bv ,,U Its 1 1 ,u.i . ."t.i . In cases else. ire ,. I I i:: I .-. :e .. '.'' 1:11 Tc be ell CICUil V hell, I'll 1 1 iM ' ' 1 1 I. -e . , ill" 1 ' I ' eiir- trulv", H'AKlil.iv it.VM'I.P!"- ti . : ! 'V ' !'.' i :n I'.c J li Tenor I'-- r !' D i ' -I Jiiileli. V; nan !n!i:-' Dr. .I.i.'k..t! Dear f ir :-ll.t'-. ti gf- I ' lnnn Jlintis in my lamity f-e-.r.' n:'.. i" i ! - le MIV l!illt it 'nil' Ie Ml t,t' I'll -i . . 1 i that inmost ui' ot gem nil .i.'i'ilit of ll f is tie' "all-t lll.d 1 1 V v.ii,i:.i.!e roo i.' i . V. bllVl Mil J.tieU Ie.te I X.iurr, rc-po.'Uiilly. .1. I 'U liM'. Ni' : - X. .in-icenib s u From Ike r.cv . M. l.v.a.s. I'-n ' 1' :-r Columbus N. J uud .ML cs. a il'-t ) i I'liurc'icS. .TV. ' ' ' Dr C. M 'a 'l, 11 - D.-.i .-i : 1 : . -He l!f.-. it t.'.v . on ii C'ld " 'i'i' : :- t . 11. nt- of P.i I., rliti.i. '..tt.-i-. i . Slli.'e I- in ' lif.l.'h iiK'nle.l l,1n l'.'.'l .! iii v,ft, vom ! n, 'ii-iii I r -Ml' l:i.., . : '. , ..! lit. ... , n.e, !. t I V r .!,-. - ; I I -.. I . .1.1 ti i, :!. .,.,!' ' ii J , . - . n., i in ! ii t. . I Inn ;,le. i t li . rui i.il.ilitv, 1 le.l.to t 1 ' in l bu nil parsed I ..1 1.'. ' , rrotu tho llcv Tl. .'. Wi.it' r. lV-i. r i; i'- II ;.,,,,: l. huic h Dr .1 i -lis . : ,v:r ir -- I !'' I it ' .V .,!.!,' I r, ,..!., . II . 'I f. I I , i. , u i , I V I. . in,, :. I . ' e I : ' i . 1 i io .! 1 1. i . in, ii - nil. w , n gl, .' di" : 1 r in ...i I e i I an I I I l.i.- I. . I I I .1 T I' 1 ' ' ' I'.' ' ' , .-, l; i .,, t , i l t i i ,.i I m . V I f o.i b. .' i I. - , : ,, ,m, , ... ..... I I . i.: I. ; . , 1 si I. vt. .ie I M. v i'. e.-.. . I j l.n I I i ' If 'i i ' ' I I 1 ) ' 1 ' I b. -I . 1 1 ..II 1 ) ui- I ll 1 ' I I I. I .1 - He M .1 , IMI.. I. , i'l.iv v . i . . i . i. .. .. , . . i i. . ii-'A .1. r o ..! f t. -.'...'.., ,:...i. ... 1,1. w v . i: i i i p vi . i t i : -. , ii. ,. 1 1,. .- . .1 i t M j i i i t ..... i . i ,. i , ... t i.i .. V ' . I i 1 I. ... I . I .. . ... I kv t. . . I I .. .1 I I , ,u, , i t'tl. . .. . I ., .. j . . , I..., I U t. J.'i J I - k I I tiiu i' ,' j . , . .ti I I I i .1,1 i, I I . , . ... I .... , . ... t.st i t v t l M - ly - I. i