S. 1040 BONDS. These Bonds Ul ttsaed under the Act of Congraa f Iturcl Bih, 13? , wLUh provide that all Bonds issue 1 under this Act thnll b tXEUFT FROM TAXATION by or encicr nTtt or tnrmVpal ra ti only. Fnlrtoriptiois to than Bond r resolved (a Ctitrd ytn'ce not cr nclc f National Banks. TLey TO BE RKfLEMKP IN CCTN.at j Hevnrs of ih. Uov.rnrrieut, at any period i f Ari n " M' lu jof ftart r.vm i.u o il.to. n,l rrtil thrir rt'letnp!iou 1 ' L 1 i"1 ' INTEREST WILL BE rAlD IN COIN, on Bends f nctovcr one hundred dollar! annually ntid on nil ether Bonds semi-annually. The irterwt ii paya'de n the Hrt days sf lUrsh aud E.pteinbsr In each year. Subseriben will re:ie fither Registered or Cou pon Bonds, as they may prefer Knjis'erod Bonds 't recorded on tb books of the V. P. Trctfurer, cd eo be trcrjfrrd only on the owner order. CtiV-xo Bonds ar payable to borer, and art more convenient for commercial uaf. Eat?cribert to tbii loan will hare the option of having their Bonds drsw interest from March lst,,by fvrirg tfc suerood interest In coin (or in United ttates octes, or tho note of National Banks, adJ.irg fl.rty per tent for premium,) or receive ti.cm draw ing interest from tho Uatcol sulseriptitn and deposit. As these Bonds nre llxenipt IVoni 'IriT-Uipnl or Male 'limit ion. there vn!ue is increased from ore to three per cent, per annum, nroprdiug to the rate of tax levies In va rious parte of tho country. At the nrcscnt r ite of premirtm on gold they pay OYER EIUHI TER CENT INTEREST In currency, and ore of equal convenience as a per iiiuuent or temporary investment. It is believed that no sccurili"! offer so great in flucementii to lenders as tho various deBcripticme of V. S. Bondf. In nil other farms of indobtcdncee. tho faith or ability of privato parties or stock companies enly it pledged for payment, while for tho debts of tbt I'nited States tba whole property of the coun try ii holden tosecuro tho payment of both principal ai.1 interest in coin. Theeo Bonds may bo subscribed for in sums from $10 up to nny inagitudc, on the inme terms, and are tods made equally available to tlio smallest lender sind the largest capitalist. They cun be converted Into money at any amount, and the bolder will have th benefit of the interest. It may be useful to state in this connection tha the total Tunded Pebt of the United States on which Interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day of March, ISM, was $;i53.W5.0OU. Tho interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will be $45,937,123, while the customs revenue in gold for tho current fisoat year, ending June "Oth. 1304, has been so far at the rate of ovor $100,000,000 per numiin It will be euen that even the present gold revenues of tho Government are largely in excens of tho wantd of tho Treasury for the payment of gold interest, while the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise tho annual receipts from customs on the same amount of importations, to $150,000,000 per annum. Instructions to tho National Batiks acting as loan agents were not issued from the United Stuio Trea sury until March 20, but in tho first throe weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEX MILLION'S A WKEK. Subscriptions will be received by the first National Bank of Philadelphia, Ta. Fecond National Bank of Philadelphia, Ta. Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Tirst National Bank of Sanvillo, Pa. And by stlJ !':?iojil ISntaltft which are de;Kjlt-'.ncs of PuMia money, and all TicsrrcTATt.r hanks axb baxrriii t'.irrhiut tic country, (acting as agents of the Na ticnal Dcpo;itr-y Banks.) will furnUh further iufor maticn on application and AFxor.D r. vr.RV facilitt to subscribers. i'ay T, 13C4. I'.sii-siTpIlilrs. r V.r'e Knllr:t. Tll IS j.'rit line tr verse" Northern Hi d North JL si .M ianicE of j'cunsylva&ia to the city of Erie v'ji l.'.Ve I-'r,,-. I'. I:". lv; t-n longed bv tho Pcnr.sylvniia Railroad Cov.ipany. and nndor tlicr auspiviM ia being ruij'y opent .t tlirnuchi'ut us entire Ifiicih. Jt i now in I'.so tor i'a-viri'r ami I'reilit l uinrss from linrrisburir to St. .M-uy's!t) ni'ut--) on t'le EM?tr:i I'ivision. aii'i fiom Slu-lucid to Erie, (73 milt'?.) on the ANestern Division. time op pasknueh THAi.ss at srNrm.r. y.yn Triiin, 1 A M. Mail 'lii'in, 4.11) P. M, liXjiress X.- iin. 1 1 .45 I'.M j Express Train. 5. til A. M Cars run iliron'h without cniire, b-itb WfiVd, on these trtns t'Ctvvi'on Pliila-ielhia and Lock Jiuven, nud boiwtcn Baltimore and Look Haven. Elo.'. nt Sloepinj; Cura on Ev.rosj Trains both w-tvs tM'twoon Willi:, uiport and lallitiure, and V.'.'.iftuispi.rt ni-.d l'uiliululpliia. l'or iit'.in.!uiin ro.-i't-eiin Tasscnrcr business aj ply at the S. K. L'or. 1 1th anl Mm kot Sis. itid tT 1'reilit businoss of the Company's Amenta, S. It. Kinsjstou, Jr., Cor. 13th nui Market St., Thila Iplpltin. J. W . Itwnolds. Erie. J. 11. Drill, Agi-nt N. C. R. R., Tialtimore. II. II. llol'STOS, tier.'l Freight Agt. rhllada. Lewis L. IIoitt, Uen'l Ticket Ag't., Tiiilnda. JosErti 1. Pott, uvnlMunagcr, ilhamsport. IayST, m. SOLIDIFIED for li:ii.in. WliiK'Uinx uuil I'i- i.'rvistjf tin- 1 l II " tii nrii.-lf is prepare I ivitii the grtatest care upon t-'ici til.c prirc'.pli and w :itr'.i'tei uot to eoiituiu aayi!i'i.f; in the slihto-t decree delotorious to tlio tteili oi c'iii'.s. otne tf ur most eminent J.).-m h 1 Sureei: b.ive given their simction to. t,iid ehecriul ly rtv'oii.no'iid it us a preparation of upcrior quail ns t'"r ele.iii!;i)g, ubiieimig and picerii;iH" the TEETH. It "limn tin iu readiiy. r-'uderiug llieiii beuotiiully white and pe.iriy. w'ilhi ut the liuliiet iniuiy to the itiaii el It ia healing to the guios 1 woere iney are u,ceruiel una bore. 11 ; also au ux eelk'iit dtainteen.r t-.r old Uecayid tee.h, whicii are Htm excecuiuly i ll 'i.rive. It gives a rU h ervamy tiule to tho ino.nh, eleaiiMiig it thoroughly, and iiu palUug a delif'littnl IrairriihL'e to ), breath. f'KM'AKMi ONLY BY A. 11 A U 1. 1", Y iV CO., N. W. Cor. 10th . 4 I.ou.b.id Sto . Pkilalelpbi. And sold by all I'rui'fuu PUKti ij iL.Ma. TrTIMiMAl.S. tJThe follotiini? i piuiou ol i,"r W lute. tn the hih tl ' lit ill will' h he lo'ldt loo J "en I id t'tuaui. L.u.l h Suttlelellt f '. idt'iuc its ttlue ; to IJO'.te othrr levlt. lle'ril.U ill lit till1 1 lie dlt-.-. vniiteiii.l. i.urnill i , t- IUI( ly IfllH'? tile lo(llie Ulel U't'tll l i;feol i Uo pii.aul in exoell. lK l"l the lei1!,. I'l.ilu Inn, A ril 1'jih. lHtVI. Ilui in ear-t.,'lv - iiuii.ed A. ll-tw le -."-lidi. '! btfi.iai ti-'iui,'' i luil'y e!"i;m.y i eui II t H I It to the pi.hllc Krtir.4lly. It o kll rk'-v!lvl.t yr.) .trull, i, p., , u ,,,,, f hi, j , i , j i,i, f tV lerlk, I t'u In u.t l.y ull pI,-l.i With lUv utile! '. ,.. i. tciive, . u. pr.' .-rtir tw rl' .ilj hi.il-ilr it. . ! 'i M t' 'i ti, it 1 1 '... , t ..iii.y ' l l -11 lu ImI 4UU., ttU.I ILi j l i 14 .1' 4,J..' 4.V44 ll ll4l tl l'4.. It v V. Will 1 1', i.'i i As. I. ft Th- i n Ii "r ui .VI i luut.il fvuih.l J ioikry, .'.'I rV:h l L i, ..ti -e, iu.( . o i40i."t. I.'5 Ai.Lrit I A Kl44 I !!.. i t Ii u t ,i ul 3t. b ! ti I ! j- . I n .,u ei. s Al 1' . .i, .;. .. ... ft. ti ,i.i i ,i.i t . inbiiai im:; it. nth I. 11 I ' I , l( l'4 Jl i .1 HIS l.,.ll4 j. 5i I. 1 I, i ut..hHS 19141b l V, J l-i I - Iv UK. ISAIAH FOILK, I'M , r l US AMI M It U".v I t -ia Pi tun tiff f. I , , 4-. - I I 4 I .l I..V ., :..l t - I.... , ',SJ 4 4 4t I I . I ...., ' i ' I i ' U ll .vi. n li, lit- i.'.'ii 1 " t t I i I', . I i ft. M I I iN'i U.. I.ll.l.f.i; 1 ')i t 4.4M ., ti.., H i vi i . . i i i', i . 411 i. ta m.i al. i i 44 -I . t,,. A U. LADIJEls' 6PKI0 AND BUMMKH FANCY DRESS GOODS, Two doors Wfit of the Tout Oftice, "FT AS just received nnd opened a Inrg nssortment iuov Dress Goods, such as Olovea. Jouvian ' kid-itlnvoii, bilk nrd lisle thread Ulovcs; Ladies itton Huso, Children's Hum-. Silk Mill, llnndker- , hicl. t'or.cts. Embroidered Slippers, Ribbons FAN- ' CY liRF.SS BU'lTOStf. Buglo Uliiibe, Trimming., i. ... h i. i. it. i. ,in t I,....:.! U..I4 I rin,r. Ladies' Ne.-k-tios. Fnncv Buttons. CRAPE RiRlSON nnd TRIMMINO ; Cnibroiderinr Braids, Jaconet nnd Swiss Edgings nnd insertions; Multecc j.nce Collars. Urcnadiue ills, i ancy Aires vomos Head llrcHci. Kelts, nnd a ninety ut ether artielea. l'HOTOORAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, EooVs. llvmn Boks. Itlank Bocks, Memorandum Books, I'iaries, Pocket Books. Ink Stands, PUB, Tencils, ie , Ac. TOYS AND UAMKSt KOH CHILDREN. All of whih have been s-lee ted with care and will betvld ut reasonable prices. ANNA TAINTER. funbury. April 23, 18o4. TlTFliE D LTiMiOlTiL. (Lnto llrs. Houlton's.) MAUTvKT BT11EET. BUNBUIIT, VA. JU&XUS AREPITKR, Tl AS tiiltcn this olj and well known stand, nrd l 1 ri fl:ti 1 and furnished tho smite is prepared to a.ooinniodnte Boarders and Traveler with the best the miirl:ct can ailoul. lie hopes by strict attention to business to receive a share of public patronage. Hit 1 AIILE contains the best the inaikct nllords. His Bar is tilled with the choicest of Liquors, both Halt nr.d Spirituous. The rtubling is good, and attended by careful Ostlers. funbury, April 30, 1SS4.1) M'oiri'K.'HK.VM imufot. Jt'f T received n new stock of Fishing Tnekto for Spring sales, consisting of Rods, Reels. Linos, Baskets, tvioods. Hoats, Nets, Tlios, Artificial Unit, Ringed Linos, Uut. Grass and Hooks, to which the atteulion ot dealers ie particularly requested. Crdors. Wholesale nnd Retail, punctually filled and satisfaction warranted. JOHN KRIBER, !nd nrd Walnut streets. Ptiiladclphia. February lt7, 1M)4. Qui AN "lNTEUESTING HISTORY OP B3, SCnnNK'S OWN CAPE, WI1II.E LABORI.Vti INTER CONSUMPTION And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and Mandrake Pills act on tho System in Curing that Disease, and the Great Siu'cc'KM Attending It! The above is a correct likeness of Pr. Schenk taken many years ago, nftcr ho had recovered from Con sumption: bv a course ot his "Sohenk's rulmonio Fyrup." The likeness, although it does not reprc sent him nnythiug like as bad as he wusal the worst yet it is in strong contrast with the halo and vigorous looks of the Portrait below, which is the true like ness of him at present time The contrast between these two portraits is so great that many would not believe them to bo the fame person. Yet thre nro hundreds of persons, in nnd around Philadelphia, who will recogriso both pnrtrnits to bo true represen tations. When the first w as taken ho weighed 107 pounds ; at the present time his weight is 22i pounds. Kew Yoiik, Wednesday, March SO, 1GI. TO THE PUHLIC. Thirty years n jn I was in the last stages of Pul morary C'orstinipiion, rnd given up to die. I rf sided in I'lii;aiielphia. and Ir. Joseph Parrisb. then ot this city, ordered me to Morcstown, N. J., a di.-iiHu'e of nine ni'les wiiteli took mo two days to got there. On my arrival I was put to bed. nnd there laid for mafy wi'eks. This wud my native place, where all my ! family iived and bad died of Consumption. Ir. I Thornion. who attended iny father in bis last illness, I w-ia called, and gave dip one week to fix up my af fairs, lie bad reen all uiy foniily go that way.'aud thought 1 was to go. too 'Then 1 he.ird of the'reuie dies 1 now ofter to the public whi'-h. cured me. It seemed to me that I could feel theui pcuctraUug my whole sya'.em. T'hey B -on rirened the inutler on mv lungs, and I would rpit ott more than u pint of oiien.-iw yellow matter every nioruini'. As aooii na lhat beinn to suliride. niy cough, f -ver. pain, night oYeil. nil bewail to leave lee. and my appetite bcciiine so great that it wis with rt i trif ia 1 1 y I could keep from eating too uiueh. I soon gained my strengtn audi Iihvo been growing in tleti i-ver nneo. l'or inauy years 1 have tnioyeil uninterrupted iionit healiti, hel ping the livirni.d st into-h healitiv with the chwh4-u to- liie and Al'indrakv Pills, tut 1 aui ot a billiou teuipor ament. My weight is two hmolred and twenty r unds tu uiy ruC"Very people would si-tid fur me jar nnd rti'ar, lo see if tlu-tr eases wen liku ii.me. I or this I urp'SO I pay pioiesiniml visitu iu the lariu , eities. Tlmeoii-iiuiptivee wi-h to aee ihe one that mnktu thtve Ua ilicu e. and who was cured of von- , uuip'iou by It.etit. 'lo loaku new luns it itniMi,i blv; but ravitit x in ihe lungs und ehroiito uh era-1 lions of the l.r.iln l.ihl lulu s oil l healed Su ll im-i arn d i ii g ti'Mirly uioier iho irdmay Ireatiui ut o phis Yid'in. and jurl itiieil are cured t,y tha proper ! b-,v ot Sckt-iik s I ulliiililO Srup, iScattvvd iolito, j and Mai.dliike Pills. ' I am ii,. w a loa'.thy man. wiili a larre cavity in j hi u. I !! I .i t the ri tht lui.'. ti e loner bha iny lliu.'li hi ..lttlei all I e..lli Irtr Mttii'4,1 ll ol lli4 pi em 41. I 'ihe li it liti.s ti r, und. und ll.euper h.hv ot the ril.t lung u in 4t ti ltf.it y l.ealll.) e .hlM.Mi,. 'JI.4, grml r.'iiM.u why I hyil -Mn do 1.. I euiM i-oit.uiop- I 1...1, I. Ih, y try I.. d l,, lino n , 11.. v il t Uio lleints lo X , !!. e i.,;t,. t,4 ,iup elilll. t.. tl.'.p 1. 1 I, miala, I i.i. e i.i.r. 4i.,, l.y 4h ...ii,, tiy il,iiii.,'4i ihe ! ti.'i.'.u . . lr. 1 k Ln bp I Iiu i II. in kl I 1-1.4. jail, li. .ttlil Sli.k u( tin. AHr 1 lilik J utrrtul 44u.ll.ll,ii ll. inn, will, III" In ; o u. t il i I 1.1.1 lii..i . u,t, l.il lo eur, I Oil ., I II. I 4U. ..I li..w I,, u o I,, tl. ie. ,1,,,., l lUMll 1. ,4. 014 kU'.'.-l i .l ( U.J :tlil, IblMJl. l.l.l Ih 11.. will ail 4iU4 i, .-1 r IH, B b' lull 1 l. 44Ml4li444 pl4..4, l.p... .jl.,,1, 4kll U...I.U J I llll l..l M ,114 44, 1, .4 44 14... I. I... I f.y 1.. V. I .I44.J 11,14 14U. a 14414.1,141 I .Ul 4 l, kl . S 4 4 till 4... ... 14 "I bi 4,:., II U..4 bt. Ui.l 14444, IU H Ol!l'- 44 . i.4'44 I I II. ii".ii; 'it.44 Ifl li leii ,.l U I4srl ojf I tl si..!!.!,, it. I bit-tj Ii wui lilt i4V lii.i nod a;4.4i, ai.-i all ti. g I b..y will fit i in,-1 wny mini l.iiii i u, II-U44I4.4, 4.4 l 4,11'! U.'Jt Will U. I U4 II. 1,1 44)ll4J ti 1.4. i. ..4, ii it, iiu . i; il ).'i4 bate ll 4I4J4 U t.f III Ui IU. I 'll 4l lll 4.ftlH 44, -I' - , i-.-l V 1.1' I fl 4 Ml' III I 14 44 4 , 4 t I4 V 14,. ii.l.U4ell4H . l. 1 il" .. L il.; , I. fd ll.JU.41. 4J bl.. 1 III l,e lL 4,U.W 4.1 M I I.' 4.1 S l'. 14) 1 1.1 "I, 4)41 1- I' -I I4IIU.4 '44 ii.4 14 - 44 44 1 till.. .... I ..I I t I 11,. I. 4.. 4 14 It t I 4 .1 1-1 I .Ull Kill l..:i,ll -l.v U t: , ' 4 4, ,4 144 I 41 k. 11. I 11.41 ' U 44.4 4 I.-4 4)4 ,1-11 44' I- I- t 44. 4. S II 444 4, I 4-. -4 .4 '.4.414, 4'444i 44 lll.l I 41 ... . 4. I,. I -4, V 4- 4 41. I .4 I... I 4.-4 -4 ,l.e 4.r 41. I l 9 I .4, - 4) ( . I 111 1.4 - 4 . 'I l vl l- Il'4i 1,1. 1 II II lie lil r' vl " - .4.1 .4,, 14 44 .. . 4 f"0 r l li I I , I 4'J '.' If. 1 . I .' 14, H 4 4' 4 I I . 1 1 4.4 'I, (1 J4 4.l 44 I 4 44, -4) J44 1 44.1 .1 1 . h.i. the s'nmnrh. nnd It t earrlcd off by tho eld of tfte Mandrake Pills, the Pulmonic) Syrup in made Into blood, this is the oniy way to cure consumption. If I cannot get a good appe'llH, mid food does not digest, I cannot cure the patient Never mind the cou,,h : remove the cause anil will Slop of Itsnlf. This is the iiinet trouble I have with my patient nt my rooms. Tbcy sny, "Dootor, I feel stronger; I oan eat ; my night sweats nre hotter, and I feet bet ter every wny; but rfly cough is so bad yet;" nnd they are astonished to hear me say that does not matter; remove tbo cause nnd the cough will sop of itself, ik-benk s Sieaweed creates a good appetite in about nine days, when there is no lung disonsn, unless the liver is so congested that the Mandrake Pills cannot unlock the duetn of the gall bladder in that short space if time, in order to allow the stale bile to pans ofl'. Keep the liver and stoinnch healthy and there is lees danger of consumption or any other disease. It is hard to take cold when those organs are healthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited, dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor nppetite, nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is eaten lie" heavy, loss of memory, try one bottle of M'HENCK'S SEAWEED 'JON 10. nnd one box of ECIIENK' MAM'KAKK PILLS. It is only a cost of one dollar nnd twenty-five cents, with full di rections. This is sutticicut, in many cases, to satis fy what tho medicines are. Frequeutly one botllo makes a great change in the system. Any person that enjoys ordinary hcnlth, by using the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills occasionally, must get the digestive organs in such a healthy condition that they become tleihy I can produce a number of my old consumptives patients now enjoying good health, weighing nearly -00 pounds. I will conclude by relating three cures 1 have mnde in New Yolk, nnd which are nil ditl'crent. nnd with nny one who feels nil interest in the matter to visit them. First is Mis. I'arlow.residing'tl en atNo. 107 Houston street JUr bi sbnud culled upon me at my rooms, '.ii Bond street nnd wished me to call nod see her. He said I could do no irood : that h bod had all Ihe best medical atleiidai.ee. and nil (aid she was too far gone with Consumption lo be cured ; but she bud beard of some great cures I had made, nnd be ilesired to gratify her wishes. 1 called, nnd found her lying confined to her bed in the Inst stage of bronchinl" consumption nnd without doubt must have died soon. 1 examin ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes vi-ry much affected, but no cavities bnd formed, her cough wus very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick pus. Pulse 140. leg swollen very much ; nnd worse iban all. she bud chronic di:irrln.va. llerbowels had been moved eleven limes that day. told bur that she bad lungs t.nottgh to lie cured, but that this iltarrha'a bad been of Ion.: standing, and her stomach was in such n ulcerated condition that i wus afraid nothing could bo done. Sho insisted I should try nnd do what I could for her. observing Unit sho could not last long in tbo 7ondition shew lis in, and I could not make her any worse, i gave her first n dose of Iny Mandrake Pills, nnd the tonic and JS'yrup freely. 'J hat was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday tho diarrlurii was carried ofl', her nppetito had returned ami sho could sit up in bed and eat her dinner. She is now well, and gave a lung certificate, certified to bv Iho Rev. lr Downing. 'Mrs. Bartholomew, S3 West Forty-fifth street, ctiitiu to my rooms with a tumor on her liver, i'he was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels costive, no nppotite, and fast sinking into the grave. The said tuuior had been running over fourteen veurs. I gave her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, and told Iter totake them just as the directions wero printed. She eumo back to my rooms, 31! Bond street in two w eeks, somewhat better ; her tongue bad begun to clean a little around thu edges, her skin whiter and her eyes brighter and the lumor disc harging very othnsive matter, much faster than it had ever doi.o before. Site kept gradually improving, and in about two moult. s she camo to my rooms very much fright ened, saying that tho tumor had nearly stopped running, ana was healing up, and that every doctor had told her that if it ever healed it would cause her death. I told ber that tho disease had nil left her system, and nature would heal tho ulcer up. They arc uow healed, and have been for about a year, and she is n hearty mid robust n woman us you w ill find iu a days walk. She is ulad for any one lo call on her. mid takes great pains to visit any One that rhe bears has anything liko her cu.-'O, and tries to jict them lo come and see mo. The next case is .Miss iVcotield. from Stamford. Conn., Mrs. Bartholomew got her down to see me. und she has been ever since ut her bouse. When she first came to my rooms, site was much emaciated wiihn distressing cough, spit ting oirge quantities of blood. I examine 1 her lungs with the respirometer. and in nil my practice never found one w ith ono lung so tar gone and the other lung so sound. I eould not givo much encourage ment. I thought she would die ; but to toy aston ishment the Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, und Mtindrake Pills all seemed to go riiflit to work, tho lung is all healed over, leaving n cavity us large as n goose egg; gad appetite, fine spirits, ami has gained gome thirty-five pounds iu weight. Sho baa some cough yet. w hich I do not tuink will leave her beforo June." 1 thould think it would be of great interest to botnc unprejudiced physician to vinil tneso c-ises. parucuuii . y ..lixs Dcoltehl. or any ot tticui w tio have teen euii .1 "by my iiicuicines. They are inini erous in New Yi rk ; but the above threo nil UillVr l'rom each oilier ; and if my incdicitu-s uro doing what 1 represent they are tin y should have the credit and tin; aiiliclej" know where and how they may be cured. J. II. ."-'CHUNK, M. D. Dr. ,T. II. Schcnk on to tuund at the principal office, No. 3'J North li'.lt Street. Pliihidcl bin. i my Sa'uruay. from it A. M. i.nitl .' P. M-, to give a-lvi-jo free of charge ; but f. .r a tlir..ii;;li t,xaiiiiua'...-u l.o charges thrie dollars. Price I the Pulmonic . rup and Seawce t T. nic each f 1 L'i cr oottic. or 4-, ti.o ball dozen. Muiidniku I'ilU l. ei nta "ivr box, cud is fir sale bv all Hrucg.sts and Dealers. May 14. ism, ly 1804, 18G1. AFRESH SUPPLY OF SPIUNr. AND SUMMER- MILLINERY UOODS, At tho Large Mill'ncry S:orc of Fawn street, two cl.ior.- south rf Shamokin Valley A Dullsville Railroad. SUNlil'KY, Pa., Consisting of the very latest styles of AUn. TriinTnintri1 ouch u Uil..mn, Liioys, French iina AuirriiM.n l luwtr. lYHtlierf, Ac. ALSO, ALAUC.K ASSORTMENT OF Fancy Goods & Notions tn wliifh the ilirciMn tho iittt'ntion c flier friend:'. nvA iitviua ull U call ulJ ie bolero I'litvlianUig tUo- w hero Thankful for pat patronne, rhe hopes by keep, ing tin1 best a.-s irtincnt ut reu.onaUo i rices lo con tinue the same. fcunbury, April 9, Itnil. .".tn Itc.iti; ti; Itni Jro:il. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CI P.EAT TTtl'XK LINK from tl.o North anrt .1 North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Read ing. Pottsvillo, l.ehanoii. Allentown, l-.astin. 4YC '' ruins leave Ibirri'hurg I'm Philadelphia. New York, P.e'idtt-g, Pottsvillo. and all Intermediate IStatioiis. at M A. M.. nod 2 Oil P. M. New York I xprcxsleaves llarrifbttrg nl ,'10 A. M., arriving at New York al I 4.) Ihe sauia day. A spc'ul Accoiiiiito.lation Pais4'iigir train leaves Reading at 7 I j A. M , and return- from HarrUburg nt.'. P. M. Fares from llarrisburg : To New York ?.") 15 ; to Philadelphia 4j:i 35 and i! SO. Raggage checked Uitooirh Iteiiirning, leave New Yoik nt (I A. M.. 12 Noon, nnd 7 P M. tl'ituburgli Enpri-ss nrriiing at llarris burg nt 2 A M ) Leaie Philadelphia al ti 1J A. M. and 3 3tl 1' M . Sleeping ears In the New York Kxprtxs Trains through to and from Pittsburgh without change. PuMtengers by Ihe Catlaui isra bull Road leave Ta ium.Ui al t till A. M.. and 'i Ii P M , tor i'li.ludi-l-phia, Ni w-Vork. ati.l nil lliiv Points. Trains leaie 1'otlrville at ti Ii A. M . and 2. 30 P. M . f'.r i'l.iU.lelphiu llarrisburg and Ni York. An uceiiutliiudalkoli Ptk-eii- r lra:li l ai en l.oadiug at It uo A. M , and returns tmiu 1'Lilu.loiphia at i UJ P. M Ik" All the above trains run duly, Sundays ex cepted. A Niu.Uy truia leatus l'..ilsilllu at 7 3d A.M., and I'hiUdelphia at 3 U P. At. Ciiiiiiuteli.,!!, Mileage, Seiwori. and Fxcur.ii n Tickt-is.at rvduivd rati-s lu and fioiu all ioiiie. eu Pound DuitgHge alii.wvd ea. b Pa-i-oi-r II A MHH.I.S, (ivutiul Sui eiu.tiiiidvul' My '.'7, nU. MANHOOD I lltsvt liKl, Hum li'iur'l. ( T lubli.ht l a m. .lit.i.n. .f Dr. 1 I I.VI11. I LL it 1 1 l.Utll I t.li r t on 11 r -lu.l 1 I i-m n in itn..ui inn. In lu. l o Mmstiiiksii'4 4. or i'Uill.ai Mr44lii444. lili.liililry S4 44.11, al l4.-, . r..t . r . kl . nl and 'l v.i.-ul Ii.. ( . it , lo 4uei.ti ti. 9)iili.4t4). sul ; alM,. t'4.14,4 mi 11. n, 1 j 11. j nui sin, iKilncvl by wil iii.luliiie u 1. tu.l em ai 4111 m.i I if i ", Si 11 ti.i'. J tmil 'f, l.y IK The 4ll.ral.i uik..f 144 Ihu e.liuuaMe say Imil duu4i44)iil Iruat 14,111) )v( u4M4u pl4lKH, I till III lH4. 1 1,. K4l-4ll444l4 4l l 1 1 K4.4II !.4)J t I.IUUl) 4ll4,ll Uliln-Ul ll.t, J.l..,..,,! U4 l 14.1.1, ,4 14,44U.-'4I. 44 ll,. k pi Ik4)l.'4 l L (kilt- 4-l. 1444.1 k4"44 W SU4 ' 4.14.41 Mil. I l H141IU 4 IS 4,4,4,4 (,, I...-.4) S4 l. 4 1,41 ,. I -11. 4K 4 1..4,. ,,1.4 , ,,,,.4, 4,, . IHU L.. 4.4l ,1,4..!. J 1,411,1), 11.11,4,,,,., ( V t u 4 l. u , , it, 4,1,4 u, i 14., ,.,(,,,!, ) lllb 44 .,1,, 4,,, U ,4,. . , .'HI 4.. .4.I4..I I ,4 , J. 4, . t, , , Ui , I -1 t.. .4, l, ,1 4 I...-,, ........I i. l4 I.4 It, J,l ,,(..,, .... UK J ' ti.lHH'1, il II .,.4 11. ..j, -4. . 4 I II -I . I UK! I l'...l-il f. 4l I ll-- U I t il I at .1 m . READY ROOFING Ready to nail down. riEAD'sr HOOFING At less than half theooet of tin roofs. REAM 7OQFING More durable than tin. XIEADV "uOOFIttG Suitable for steep or flat roofs. KEAl)YROOFINO For all kinds of buildiugs, in all climates. 11E,VDY0(FING Easily, chsnply, and quickly put on. Needs no coating over with cement after it is nailed down. READY "HOOFING Made of a strong woven fabric. thoroughly saturated and covered upon both surface with a perfectly wa terproof composition, nnd put up In rolls ready for use 40 inch wido, nrd 75 feet long. We also manufacture LIQ"JID CEIOITT. Fob Leakt Ti Roori, Much cheaper and more durable than oil paint. ALSO, Compound t't metif, For Leaky Shinglo Roofs, Which will often snvo the cost of a new roof. Samples of Ready Rootiug and Circulars sent by mail when desired. Fiivorahle'erms made with responsible parties who buy lo sell again. READY ROOFING CO., 73 Maiden Lane, N. Y,. April 23, 1R04. I.vory Icotly 4'nsi Itc nn Artint. COOFER'3 FIIOTOGRAPU AND ART GALLERY, No. 1338 Chesnut Street, opposite the U. S. Mint. Gullery, F.cceplion and Operating Rooms ALL ON FIRST FLOOR. All styles nnd sires of Photographs, Ivorytypes, Ferrotypes or "Tintypes'' and taken ut prices to suit the times. Pictures Fintrhed iu Water Colors, Oil, India Ink nnd Pastil . Horses and other nnimals. Equipage. Country Seats Ruins, Models of Machinery, A., lur Putcutiug ac curately photogni.hod. P. F. Cooper desires lo call Iho attention of per sons visiting Philadelphia to his new Uround F'loor tiallery. whero he him introduced newly. patented cameras, capable of taking, iu a few seconds, one hundred Photographs, from the small stamp or auto graphic, to the imperial and Life Siie. Alter many experiments be has succeeded in pla cing his sky-light at nu improved angle, dilfusing the light in equal proportions, ami producing that sofi gradation of tone which oannot be given by Ihe side and aky-light generally used, nnd which of so much importance to tho beauty of a picture. It is mnde of French glut mid is the largest in Philadel phia. Mr. Cooper has been engaged more than twenty years in the study nnd practice of the Fine Arts ilia long experience its a Miniature nnd Portrait Painter is sulhcif nt guarantee ibr tho perfection of the pictures made at his establishment. T lie art nl idealizing is well understowl ; none but the most skilfulartixisure employed in the respective dopariitients. All Pictures Warranted ;-jthc Ivorytypcs w ill not change in any climate, and w ill stand tho test of acids. Particular atlcntiou is paiu i giving grace ful and easy positions. Daguerreotypes and nil other kinds of pictures copied, from small medallion to lite si.e. nnd finish ed in colors or Indian ink, to look cquul to pictures, ttikeu from life. This tiallery possesses rare fucil lies for tnking Equestrian Pictures from life, in Ihe rear building, w here ft oin cue to fifty horses can bo photographed at a time. N. ii To Photographers, Colorists and others. Ju-t Issued. A New U ork on Photograph Coloring, ivorytyping, Enamelling, Ivory Miniature Painting, .tic. Complete instructions given for malting Ivory types with some valuable receipts, never beiore publishud, useful to all photographers, lor one of wtiieli a largo sum has been idfcre-.j. Uy following ihu directions eontiiined in this book, evuii those pi-i.-oiis with no pievtous kuowk-dgoof Painting eannot tail to color photographs iu a beau litiil and L-Meclnc btyl,'. One copy with nu.icl of coloring $j 00, witiiout mode 5','i llO I'.y rcioiuii,g f 10, Ink model sett of colors, Ac, will be acul 1'ieeof chat go. Vi ill be Puhli-he-.l Sliort'y. A YAH Alil.l', V.'oIlK ON iMtAV.IMI. With progressive Illustration ut the Human Faco and ilbUle. At .SO. A IUth-CouK on Positions, With Il'iis'rations. Designed for the use of Fhoto- gr-i) In is ui 'I Ari. ii Mr. I ""' r eoiitit.ucB to receive Lndies nnd Oen tletoci ir.to his Ciio-scs l'or niotruetron in Drawing, and Phot.iri.ph, lcrytype. lini.-i ink and Pastil Feinting, and a bcuulii'ul ptociss for Enameling I'icttire.-.. Circulars conttiinim: lit of prices of pictures and farther inforiuaiion ri.-pc.-tiiig liie l'.,eks ami Terms ot iiistruet) n may Lo had by enclosing i'ost Otiice Addresd und a Stiunp to P. 1-. COOPER, 13""s Chesmtt Street, Philadelphia. It El EK UNCUS. Caleb Cope, President Academy "f Fine Arts. Dr. Thus. ii. ilson. (.irni;holoi-.t and Etiloiuologist Rev. 'J hotiias Miles Muriin. P. 1,. Church. Holt. ictor A. Sarlori, Consul ot Leghorn. Kohcrt cl. Clarkson. ot 1-itin of Jay Cooke it Co. -New Yoik, Rev. W.A. Maybin, i.tct. St. Alban's Chiircli. Po.-iou. J. K. Tillon A Co. Henry llouhin I. E-q., Long Rranch, N. J. llaltiiuore. Jl.ins. Aiuedce Miuvon, Freuch Concul. .May 2lri, ImU. VAi.k tss.i: j i.niiiiit .-Hi I.l.-tlS FOR SALE. T HIE Stil.st'rilier olTcrttUP palo low, some VRlttftbli) 'J rtuMf of Timher LtimL iu ('liripitnm nml i'olu liitxk tiusbitis. in Ctintou oountv, utl a valuuhlo Traet of Cutil J.nriit. in Mtint C'arnicl ttiwrn-hip, NorlhumlterliMid county. AUu u l-'urm, Snv-Mill, hvd 'ii in ber i.uitj, iu hitia-ttnie tnwiihip. liiinn counly- A!-, h ilwt'iiii) intui1 Hiul Ivtu luts iu tbu IJtiluUli Oi Nortlilillll' Tl:il!'. Ati Iv mhjII ti CUAU.r.S VUIASANTS, KxpfultT of liuHU Ui'lliu. Uecuuiod. Funl.tirv. M.iv 21. In'... Nortliiin (Yiitr.. luii;tv ! m iiii:h i isi: 111.1.1:. THRFK TRAINS DAILY to and from Italtimore and Wu-iiiiigiou city Counrctions ina.ie with trains on Pcni,ylvaiiia l'ailri.ad. to and ti nil Pituburg mil the H ,si. 'I lilt Y V. TRAINS DALY 144 and from llieN'orth nnd S ei Driiiu-li Siiniiietiaiiiia, Lluiiia, and all of North ern New ork. ON and aftir MONDAY, MAY Idlh, l,, the Pa- ngi-r Trains ot the Norihorn Central Railway Hill at rive nl and dopart from kiunburyi llurrb-hurg und Jtaltimore n. tollums, ts ; SOl'I II W A HI). Mail Train leaves Suubury daily (oxocpt run.iav). 10 2S A. M. leave. lUm.burg, I 2U P. M. " arrives at Dullimore, b -III Exprens Tram leave, .-uiilmry daily (except Sunday.) 114JP. M. " lean-s llarrirbuig (except Mm. luy ) I 50 A M " arriii. ut llaltimore daily (exei-pt .Monday I. T 00 A. M. llvrri.l org Accoiiiuindatioti leaves 1 1 art U- buig. T 00 A. M Sunbaiv Aecoinuiodatii n letves Suubury daily ,1111 pi Sunday) al T 30 A Jl NiiL IIIM AKD. .Mail Train leave ltaliiiu..re daily ( e. 1 1 S11, lay) W A. M " I uvi Il.iii onurii 1 3j p. M, ' aiiiiie at Sviiibury, i Hi ) tsprvas Tiaiu Iniu lUniuinie daily V M ' M airui-i l Jiri..Lui. 1 tu A M. I Laid H al 1 wbiii if is,cvpl il.uUyi, S1SA.M 1 airni. l Sui t ury i U " Iliri il urj j a luiuu-Uii 'M liiaios llru- 4.411 g daily i..r t Kuo.Uy) si 3 MP M IllltJ , 44ilUllUl4j 7 .HI t M Suubury Ai-vH.uiii4i-Uii..u Unns Htif..' tiui,) dii) ,1 i .l .'al'.lii) I l I lit i tor UitliiK it-t". 4..4.I i..ii tir al 1I1. titlioe 1 K DttitUUl Ueti Ont'4. IU114.O014 Juun t, I'll NHW MILLIXUIVY FAM V !)!IVU)0l)ST()"i;. Tt iv'r. n 1 4 .j c , Hi 1 1 1 ii 1 t i. 1 ii.t,u,:.,, 1 U1, 41. I 144.4,1. , IUi 41,4 k 44 4,,4.4 I S J HI 4, 1 J ,i ll i.v I j , ,., ,k k4.j, i i. 4, K4M J 14 .1 III,,,! Ml ,4 I- 41 I 4. . . w.,,.i - I I .,. ,.. k,. ,4, ill I. I i, IIII.J U..J4 , ,..4 ii, .,., j 14.1 ,.4,t 1.1.14.,. I ll l-U.4 I. I .4, i 4 tl. ll.t, ,. l... ...I., ,, ,!(- Ull. I l. , , 4, I 44, .4.1 i,M .U- i , i i I. .' 14. 4 l'"i4 i , 4Vi "I till .ll ll. 4. ,4 I , 1863. 1864. FRILING & GRANT AT TOT MAMMOTH STORE, "yTyJ'OULD respectfully announce that they hare just received and opened a very large and well aeleo- ! ted Block of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, wbiob they ire willing to dispose of at a VERT FMALL ADVANCE ON rirsit Cost. 0 OTJR STOCK 18 COMPLE.TE AND EMBRACES ETEnYTIIINO GIVE XTS A. CALL. Thankful for past favors we hope to mteta.oon tlnunncc of the same by still selling Goods as cheap if not CIJIiAl'I.K than can be purchased else where. ' FRILING A GRANT. Punbnry, May 23, IRfi.1. i e. w. ritoLEK, SuLoiiom malick. j ZIEGLER & MALICK. I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NiMiitiiry, Aortliimilx-i-liitMl '., . Offer their professienal services to the public. Col : lections and nil other professional business entrusted to incui, win receive prompt attention Also, Militnry claims will be collected, such as Bounty. Back-Pay, Pensions. Ac, Ao. Roth speak the German Language. Oflice Murkot Square, next door to Prothonotary's office Sunbnry, March 6, 1S64. II. II. IIIMSII'., Altontoy nl I.nv. SI NRURY, PA Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. RKFEnRNCES. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia. A. U. Oattcll A Co., ' Hon. Wm. A. Porter, " Morton McMichncl, Esq., 11 E. Ketchnm & Co., 2S Tcarl Street, New Y'ork. John W. Asbmead. Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at Law, " f-unoury, marcn in, imiz. ni:a:RM iioii.i,, llarrisburg, Pa. nilH! management of this well-known Hotel hav X ing been resumed by Messrs. CivYLK ,t 11KHH, the present proprietors, beg leave to inform the public that the house is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, nnd improved, with a view to the proper nnd comfortable ncoommodation of those who may favor the establishment with their custom. Guests will receive due nttention and courtesy, nnd no expcua will be spared that may conduce to miiintuin hotel in a first-class style. Families nnd others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer months, will And pleasant hoarding und large nnd wcll-vculilated rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT COYLF., March 20. 1SH2. J. OILREItl HERR, 31A!!!il.IC'i IMVM..V1' I ivi; .tux. in; i'Ki:i:zi:if As Improvod for 1859 nnd 18S0, By E. KETCHAM 4 CO., 289 Pearl st., New York. riMlK only Freerer constructed on scientific prin X ciples, with a revolving can nnd spring blade scraper. Tbe one hastens the frceiingof the cream- - the other removes it as taut as trojen. The most rapid in freezing, with the lcu?t quantity of ice. 1 he most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For Bale in ull the principal cities and towns in the I'nion. Each Frecrer accompanied with a book of recipes and full directions. PRICES. 5 quarts, 1 3 00 4 quarts, 4 1)0 6 quarts, 6 00 8 qunrts, 6 CO 14 quarts, B t'O 20 quarts, 13 00 Applv to U. B. MASSr.R, Stiuburv, Pa. March 2ii, l"t!2. WASHINGTON HOUSE," Southwest Comer of Market Square, NIMH ICY, SV. fTPHE undersigned respectfully informs tho public, 1 that lio bt4S taken charge of the iihovo iiamcd ll'itel. and itiks tor the contimiaucc of tho former patronage and would invite all others to give lnui a cull. HIS TABLE is nlwnysstipplied with the best the market affords. His Bur contains the choicest liquors, nud bis stab ling is good nnd woll attended bv careful Ostlers. MICHAEL WIL VERT. Sunbury, April. 10, lSti-1, " THE MISSES "JOHNSTON'S- I. O A K I) I N O A X D 1) A Y SCHOOL l'or Vtiiins l.mlii-M. No. 1209 Spruce Street. Pbila lclj lia. REFERENCES : Rev Rev Rev Dr. Howe, David Webster. Esq., Dr. Suddards, Wm Hayward Drayton. Esq Dr. Cooper, (itorge M. VVhurioii, I.iki., Henry M Fine, Esq., T. U. lloliiugswortti. Esq., R. R. Montgomery, Esq. Hon. Alexuuiler Henry. Thomas Duulap, Krq., Philadelphia. December a, iMii NlTW GOODS! Two doors west of iu. II. Miller's Shoe store, fcunbury, Pa. Just opened a fresh supply of NEW SPKliNG (JOOIhS, Such as Fancy Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Uloves UaiidkorebieU, Ladies' Linen Collars and Curl. Ucut s Linen and puper Collars. Notts, Delta. Lac Collars and Sluuvea, Hair Rolls, Velvet Ribbous, Red. W bile and Blue Neck-ties, Corsets, Quaker Skirts, Sun L inberrellas. Yoke, and Sleeves. AUo, a uew style uf tuusliu fur Uarribaldl waists together with Swiss, Jucoiiet and Victoria Muslins Crape Cullurs and Veils, (irenadine and Lace Veils and a variety of other articles too nuineruu. in nieu tion. MARY L. LAZARUS. Suubury, April 18, liCI. " ititiNItY HAUTE 11, .o. SiO AIU'II IMiilutU-lphU. MANl FACTl'RER A DEALER IN WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY. fcOUDSILVER WARE And RlHiER'S Superior Plated Ware. It All kind ol oiler-Wer, male on lbs premi se M'ATt Ii Hepniiing tarulully done ! March ild, IK04 Iiu Al i in: TAUKS MAN'ULl.A EMl'OKIUM, No. V.l Ckkssi t Hraaev, iF.riu.ily No. Tuej ) l'lia.l'ELI'lll.. NOW UPEN-lMriaHuUt MANTILLA tail CLOAKS. Aim, 84ii,ij and Buuiui.r Uarainiits, of our ea Uuiuliwluiv, ol th Letwt MiiKmd lu aiMl it. J. W PUOCTOKACO , Th fern MaulliU Huiporium. Sn tr.'U CkMbUl rrlrwt, 'Ullt-J.I kl ituUl, ' h Hejil a y 1HAAO K MTAUrt'kU. t m it It Maker tsssU Jrlrrs ti ah ri it knit ur ILVLI AslK Iu.ii.1 f MATCHES ju. Ut hik in-i.-l Hi r. ikw Quwi;, HIILA- i'lriii-t jr.; H iu I,. K k w oneiu.ilf w kluj kMusiiuMit of (toll ui MUM I'. 114.4 lu.l Lii'in. a4 fl.ia I io ti. ii i Ln. .U ttU 'tis. "imH I'lU i Uil-C H..I H.4.. ttl4Mli4le, iil4,l.4l Ul. it. 11. Lu knlS. V. 444.U. (t,llMM ie- l..l. .t,. r.-l. i'--ii Ih 4..14 si-4 Uii4u4 , U4II . i t k ' U'M '! I ttvll.l k Ull t 4,11 I I. I -44,-41 i'!44"4.4 rU44- vl I I4-.I ul., in b..4i.4l. ti-Uit' M i I 'ti 4t 4 I ,1 W4 -.,! (Ull l444 Tl4.l 1. 4141 Hll4 SW444.li. S)-4 I ' 4M,4 V1.4 4.I4.UI 4141.1441 Wnsihlnrton SBonisirl IIOtmiOMBERLAIlD, PENNSYLVANIA, ( iVc ar tht Bridgt.) fllili; mrtsorlber having leased this woll known JL Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mra. C. P. Drown, roepeetfally informs the public that he is refitting and repairing the premises, and will be prepared to en tertain, in a comfortable manner, Lis numerous friends throughout the county, and all who may patronise his ustnblishnient. April 12, lb82. JOSEPH VANKIRK. 91. C. UHAIt li A ItT'M Confectionery, Toy and IFPtTTIT STORE, Rlarkct Street, Sunbnry, lu. CONFECTIONERY OP ALL KINDS, TOYS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRUIT, &c, &c., CONSTANTLY on hnnd and for sale nt the above J estalilisbment atwbolcsalo and retail, at reason able prides. lit is manufacturing nil kinds of Confecllonnries to kcop up a full assortment which are sold nt low rales. Tobacco, Begars, Stationery, Nuts of nil kinds, nnd a variety of other nrticlos, ull of whioh are olfered wholesale and retnil. Remember the name nnd p1nee.,T M. C. GEAHI1ART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. '. Dright t Son's store. fiunbury. Pept. 1!, Ifir.rT. tf iiitcruiilioiinl laut.'l. 865 oiks' 307 Broadway, Corner Franllin Strtfl NEW YORK. rpiIIS first clans House tho most quiet, homelike JL and plensnnt Hotel in the city oilers superior inducements to those visiting New York fur business or pleasure. It is central In its location, and kept on the Ei'iiur-KAM Pla, in connection with Tai lor's Sa loos, where refreshment can be had all hours. or served in their own rooms. The charges are mo derate, the rooms nnd nttendnnce of the tirst order bntbt, nnd nil the tuodcru conveniences attached. Sept I U. ItiC.'t. nl In per lOOO Iiecet, OF WALL TAPER OF EYERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERNS. TL'ST received direct from the Manufacturer, at tf tbe aiA-M.MUiii siuivt. ot FRILINU it GRANT Sunbury, Mnrch 15 ISM BOOTS AND SHOES, Jl'ST received from New York nnd Philadelphia, a frosh supply of the lntest styles nnd of the best nualitv, which ho has had mndo up to order, and warranted to give good satisfaction. He has made arrangements in the city to have his best work made to order, which can be had at ull limes, if not on hnnd thev will be procured nt reasonable notice Manufacturing of BOOXd and SHOES of ull kind? as usual. I will nlso wholesale Boots nnd Shoes by Iho box Cull nnd examine before purchasing elsewhere and sntisty yourselves. Thankful for patronngc heretofore bestowed, he respectfully solicits a coutinunnce of the same. Shop and Store room, three doors west of the Rail Roud in Market Square. Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1803. WM. II. MILLER. "tTTANTED immediately, a Jour Shoemaker, on W Mens' Work. Good wages paid. PRIVATE ACADEMY, N 0R1 HUMBERL AND. milE REV. JAMES DICKSON, will reopen his X Academy on Mondnv, the 17th day of August, lstiS. The following branches will be taught : Latin, Orcek, Mathematics. Philosophy. Rhetoric, Logic, Hook Keeping, Vocal Music in theory an t practice. Also, tieography, Orammar, Hiatory, Composition Writing. TERMS : Per Quarter of 11 weeks. $8 to 8 In tbe above brunches without the languages t t'O Latin and above branches, $7 00 (jreek nnd above branches, i U0 See Circular. l'or further particulars apply to LEV. JAMES DICKSON. Teacher. Northumberland, August 1st, ISttH. ly nim.ows iim4 ati.. i:. Dealers and Consumers ol the above Celebrated Wash Hlue, will please tako nuticn, that the Labels are altered to read 11SDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT DRUG STORE, No. 233 North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA. The quality of this Blue will be the sane iu every respect : It is wnrrnnted to color more water than twice the same quantity of Indigo, an. I to" go much further than any other WhkIi itluu in the markst. ll dis solves perfectly clear and docs not u ttio on the clothes as mo.it of tiic other makes do. One Ilox dis s .lved in half pint of water, will make as good a Liquid Bluu as nny that is uia'ie, ut one third the cost As it is retailed at the same pri-e as the Imitations nnd Inferior article. In iiM.kei'i.-rs will find it very miioh to their advantage to ak lor that put up U vi 1 1. Tin l. in ti s. ljf All Hlue put upafter this date w ith BaTLOW 's name on it is nn Imitali.-n. 1 he New Lablc does not require a Stamp. For Sal. i by Storekeepers generally. Feb. 13, lStli. tituw LOWER WHARF, BUNDUKY, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALP.RS IN Will T i: A IS II COAL, in every variety, Orders solicited and fillod with promptness and despatch. Suuoury, May 18, 1S63 ly JAMES IltISIti:it'4 WHOLESALE ANI1 RETAIL CLOCK KSTAIU.1S11MENT, S. E. Corner Second and Chesnut St . Philadelphia 4 tlENCY for the PATENT EQUALIZINU THIH. A TV DAY CLOCKS, a very desirable article fir Churches, Hotels, Banks, Counting Houses, Parlors, Ac Also, Manufacturer of FINE (10LD PENS. Chicks repaired and warranted. Clock Triiiiinin-'s of every description. Phihi. Uphill. January ln".l'l S? Or. "W. "IH A.TJiT, Alloriiry niitl 4'insa'llor it I !.:, Office on south side of Market street, font doors west of E. Y. llright it S.u's Store, stnsrxiTjmr, ifv. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to bis care, the collection m' ctuiius iu Northumberland and tho adjoining coul.Ui-.. Bunbury, May 23, DM ly I'ur llul,ll ', llo4s l. . As. Iltl llutt, Hoik Is l airo, lri. A'., Iaarvla S4 I'l4tl, I'smIi, AssiiuuU, Al'. Put in ?.W, JO. aaJ l V Bosis, Putils aail Fla.k. J and l ii fo D""ui Puhli iiKiitu tUlSISis), "tuf luUllihl. leaediM Isliuwa '4r4 llUlll Pl444 " 'No4 il4U.4j.ii.i4. to lb Hum awil," -K4 svaie wil u lb.il Ih4m W ill. ' L lkol4 Vt MmIi i H lmtd sill Md s ell iiit 4i4 V.i.iIms !. km I I I bta.a ! ! ' o all umililM iniiian-ni. s4 ik.i "iWni1 e.iue u Mt s. tivt, ttvltls J l)l4 4) twio. (4H4 IVllV liiuo 111.141 II. roar III. I'limiiMl iri 44 UiiMhlaap 0 ivik i ff si-ii ) ail M kuliMi k4 hiLail I'.u;.-. ut tu-huiy. r r- V. I .tttMlAU eMYPIit. .llr t I eUNHller t l-tM, t1 wi '. k i4 ri Mik4 U4M4. f ur 4Mt KUWlHiHtlllilllllltlH 44 1 u u iv p u n v , tr. ui i44 HH f ii !' k.is 4H4iii4 4) vi, ike evilly I..) il il,!, 4 Jk . 1.4,4 A,4 Ifc HJ.I...I ,1, .,u, Mo. il, 4.4.-1" Tli Ailnm'n Ktcpre ('(impnnv, GIVE NOTICE that they have oonol tided ar rangemcnta with the Northern Central Railromi Company to rnn trains from Italtimore for York, llarrisburg, Dauphin. Hnlifnx. Trevorton, Sunbery, Northumberland. Lewisburg, Milton, Muney, Wil liamsport, and all intermediate stations, connecting at llarrisburg with the GRKAT WF.STKRN F.X PRKS3 for Piltaburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the West. " Also with Ilownrd Co. 's Eipreiw at Milton or Danville, liloomshurg, Wilkesbarre, Pittston. Bcrnn ton, and intermediate stations on the Cattnwissa, Lacknwnnna liloomaburg Rnilronds. At Wil liamsport, by Ilownrd Co.'s Express to .tersoy Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard t Co., and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara, nnd to all accessible point in Wrshern New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie. Rank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes. Drafts nnd Hills for Collection. Experienced nnd efficient messengers employed, and every effort will be mndo to rnrder satisfaction. JOHN BINUIIAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCUtR, Agsnt for Suubury. April5, 1SC2. ItUADsY IKM:l'. Csmsr of State and Third 5lresM, HAitmsaiitn, Pa. THIS HOUSE, in consenuence of its convenience ai d near location to the Cinit.,1, has made i a desirable stopping place, not .,:, for tilf0 having business at the seat of Government, but lor otheis visiting llarrisburg. March 2S), 18i,2. ISCI. Ai'i'imgrnientK lflOI. ot Aw York Idneii. THE CAMDEN AND AM HOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From ThUndrtyhiato Keir Ynri and 'y ra'rt. from Wahii't stmt Wharf and KtHsinctvit Drpot. Kill leave as folhirs, fit : pahs! At 0 A. M.. vi.i Camden mid Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) ' t) 5 At 6 A. M.. via Camden and .Tor"y City, N. J., " Accotiimodation, . ' 2 2j At A. iM., via C.iniJcn nn I Jersey Citv (.Horning .nan, I AtSA.M .via Camden and Jersey citv 21 - Class Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington nnd Jersey ci'v, Express At i M. via Camden nnd Amboy. C and A. (Aoivinimoda'.iiiii.) At 2 1'. M., via Camden nr.J Ambov, (C. nni A. Kxprr-'s,) At 3 P.M., via Ken-'ington and Jersey Citv, Wuh. nnd N. Y. Kxpros At di P. M .. via Keii.-iiigton and Jersey Citv (Evriiiug M 'il.) 3 CD Oil S C) 3 CO 3 CO 3 00 3 CO At Hi P. M. via Kensington nni Jersey c-'v uthern Mail. At li (night) via Kensington nnd Jcrsev city Soiitnerii iittT")! A , I. 1 M ' 1 1 4 . , . . . i.l i . ei., ,fv leieu no. I muniY. (ACCOm- ntodaiion, Freight and PiiueiigtT, Eir-t Class 'i'ickct, 2 Second Class Ticket. For Water Uap. Stroud -burg. Scranton. Wilk-s-barre. ..lontro-c, Utent Rend, ic, at ti A il li-i'iu Kensington, via Dcia'va.-c, L icka'.t.iu'ua and I) ivtrru li iilroad. For Mauch Chunk, Ailcntown. RctMoliem. Bclvi dcre. En.-lon. Lan.licrtville. i'iciiiington, ic. at I) A. M., from Kensington i)iit, and at 2i P M from Walnut street half. ' (The A. M. Line connects w ith Trains leavinn l.an. in for Man "h ( hunk, at i-23 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at tt A. M., 2 and 4 T. M. For Freehold, ni ti A. M. and 2 P. Al WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ao.. ut 11 A. M. and 2i and ti P. M. from Ken.iiogton, For Palmyra, Kiveri-.u, Dcbinco. Dover! v. Tur lington, l-'h reucc, B.-leu:oiin. ia., at l.'.'l' 2 it and 6 P.M. . Li For New York, and Way Lines leaving K-n-siugu,n liepot. tako the Cars o'n Fifth strect,"aboi Walnut, half au hour befme departure. The Cars run into Hie liepot, and on the arrival of cit 'h Train run from tiic Depot. ' Fifty Pouu.ls of Btti'gage only. a!!cwcd each pnns.-nger. l'nfcsengers me prohibited fiom t iKitig auything as b.'igg.'ige but their weariugapnnrel. All buggago over finy poin.-U to b- paid lor i xtra. The Con puny limit their rusjam-ibility ir Oarage to One Dollar per pound, uuj will no! he li-tii t-..r nny uuouut beyond luu. i-xcep, ).; ;,eci,il c-.;itr.i-t WM. Ji. '.AiZMi.U. A -out. January 17, 1364. I'rl'IliKlii-si, iiirsi, ;ii,, v-, rilllL subscriber, hivii-g I'p.'ct 1 1 lirick Huildin.r, !;! 8trcii, I 1 ii. ' on s lare '.m ;!! ai.a coinriete tt'.ot; FUKEIH.S AND DOMESTIC I.ItJl -.IRS. com rising the best brand, i.f itrai: lies, tiin,' Oil Rye, Scotch t.a.t Irish V bisk'-y. i'ort. ."iieti v. .V.-i-dcirn. Chumria;-r.i and other VWi.i-s, ,.-t i.U m ie.-. ad o! which M ill be ci 1 W bclcsalc. at tho l,.west cuy prices. Tuveni-kci pers, bybuc.agof us, cm save it least the frei'ut. Persons desirous of purcha-ir liq-iors ftr F A M I L Y V a E , nay rely upon hointj furcishol with a pure and Jiniduiteratei artcio. Af Being detenu iued to cstub'.uli reputation for t.g cr.i ap, he respejti'ully aohciui the vmiioiiuho of the public. All orders promp-lv i.tt. i, U 1 to .,, . .U-.i.l .'iilAli S. HAl.L. loiiivillu. June 1 c3 . Is?:). t iiiulx r ! I.iititji-r rillLIP SHAY. Mtit..-v.l.i ..,.;,,.,.. e p., . 11 NFOl'.MS hi. I'iii-r.ds nn-i . n:.'-:.-in i.'i-.r.i! that bt) col.stiiu.lv kei i.s ,m I. -in 1 Roar i- i ,'a.-l.. nth, ili.ii.tii. i.i.d a'.l hit., ; ,;' l.uu.l .- ::.( bii.i itu- Laterials. which l.ewiii ut ;lc low.:,,; ;.,;." " ni.March 30, lVil. WM KNOCIiK. 93 MARKET STREET, H.'.r.r.'.SURO, PA., Dtakr in r i a x o s . ""EW R,.4w,,oil Pianos, from th bust mtm- .MEL'HlvJ.S-L b-i'. manafaetureJ Inxtm. mcnts from S !.', to j'lmj liuitats, Vioii:-..-, Ac.:' : U"-t:. Flutes, A'it-i-, Drum., iiaijo., 'fambvurines. Violin ai.a Kuiti.r strings uud mcsieal raer chunuiie in general. SHEET MUSIC. The lr.test public itior.s always on hand. Musie sent ly mail to hiiv part of the e.'untrv. oval, sua hi:, ..ii.r aSd rosewood I'lAMFS. Sui'aMe far:.-...kii.gg!a'scs. nn i ail kin.L of pictures atiiays ou t';t..l. A fine a:ort;i'.er.t cf be..t p';i:el LIWMCIN'il iil.ASi:s in, in Mi-.ai'.cst t., : ,-. t :s Any s le ol Iruu-e utado to ,-i ler ut the rh-.rie.-i notice. M li ' 'I' II i., A.nl II, IM3. ft:: Matkct , il.-4iri.-t.uig. tisa .1 I iirg AMovr4i'iii "'fJJ1? 'JirP F.VANS A WATSON j M fciALAMANDEK R A 1" i: U . (4REAT FU.E AT liEAIUNti, PA. February 2. C2. liEtTLir"r It g'ves me much mti-faction to inf rui you that in ihe scmto lire uhich, on thu morning ,,f the lib in-t , entirely 4le-.tr,,ye I nil my stork ali i lii'-iti'i'l.'ils, I bad one of y..ur -ilain;,n ier lire I'ro.-f :-.,fo.. Attcr eiiduiii.g mi iiu, ine re t Oval fer et -n hours, the Sale upeiu-.l. and the lick, ai d Pan r were preje-rved in an uiubleun-hnt ei LdltU'O' 1 "hull 11 1 litlother Sate Ua iih.u a-1 Ai'i in order- Your. ui.i r.--i.,.ittiliv. W P lilt KINsi'N.'Rc.uliii.r, P. Fll'.K AT II It EES" CASTLE. Cii.uM.Bi.ut hu, Frui.klin coun'v, Pa , Auijii-t nut. Im'T 1 Me r. M x4 Hll,,, Pluhideli hia-llrnlle. t in en t (,n tbe uiiuiiinJ o thu 1 4.1' Au.-ii-l. Ivil. our M..reboi.-i4 at i4iceiicaatle W14. d4-.-tr..ed bv lite 'I tie Sal.uiiiiii.U-r S'4lo w a pur.-l.-iM-.l ti -in ou uia Ii w yviiii iiii,.vm in ihu nl.i,. luennhni-il rd.ie- I, ,01.41, ui J C4. 1, tan, i', ail our t..,eki 1 u i i. lull. .,-wbn-h i't piiwiit l iu a pericct i, t.u, n, a.t.r I eilig r .,, , ,, i,..jt 11. 1, 1.4,- luo.l f, 1 eiol h ill. l'lu.4i 11,1, iiu (.. iijoii Uat tun,. mill ll u., another UrHer Sni... uis uuil, HAI.S 1 Al vri SaUu.au. lr 4V4I1, It r Uiiiik., Sn rn. I'i4it FaiuiliiM Aj 4I41 A44.1, I.i no, 4 M an,.!! I ' 44 1 4 1 1 1 Al b.l .noul Bunk L. lii 114.4 Lot. k t .uii I ..., e- nut 44 any mad 111 ill. i-uliiiv, 4.1,. I 44.1 4 ,11 ivi j Kdlrlii'. t 4 w.iuld i.i.'t.u.l 1, t,i Ii it l4.i,.).4i.c iUiiks au I ull, er p 44fii4i., biin.1 limr Sl. 4l' I I. ll I..' Ill U,4, 1.1 11,441 Ibllie 44.ll.l44. ' II. U. ai,4 U.441.J, Ull,. 4 JI1 4 44 411 11,4,1 4-ll,K I "ills M itu Mm, ll. iiu li li.iik, r-lnity i,i: I'tlllivl. t,b4 wl.l4 44H I IllllPlltll AailkAi.,1 it j l,, k I l'l,:,. I I,,, 4 iiilluiuta i',44.1 4 4,, 4."4 t 4 4l I I.. '4IM.,4)U I'Ul.k, P 1 w..i4.iii, i..,.a i , Ml .41 1.1. 1,1 4J 11.4.4, I J.144 I K4..1. bw k, I I" li.4. lint.. t 4,44.1 -I 4, ll.4it.44t S.'l.,4,l4,4 4 4l 11 4 wl t 1 W'4.4. .4.k 4'1!4, U N..4, ll k, I -I U-4. 4,1 S 4 , ll.l.l 'tl, i "in 1 l. k ..I I'L.I 1 Ll44.4 1,41.4, 111, I ! Ill I !, tv Ol '1 ) I-.. , 1 I N .1 4)141.1.1- a ...1 I (l-i a ..( S ..14, 41 Lii-.iii.i, I ..III U.( L ,4, I -4-.I 4.4,4 IWfcU., t l 4. t il .4.4. Vt ,.4-u . 4.4- 1.4.441 ii4.4 I'd UI44.4 lllilll.,,,. 4..I4 e,-'U 4M4..I4 .1 "4.1 !"!. , I "Si - I t -441.4 iS.l, k 1-4.4, L.4 - iri' riMMH I.MM'P'IMtC It 1 4 litis l.'l I 1 1 1 4 1 . 1 1 1 0. S... I M4..S- Sl'iS V1..H. r 1 ? . .., .i. it, v, H -1 e s ii Kkii n i ,