F. ;?"' H. D. MA8SE 11. Rditor A Proprietor. M SIU KV, SATIKDAY. At'CrSTO. 1 Sr. 1. The nicmluTs of ttio Union 1'iirty of Nor tliumbrrlniKlCoiintv, im rcqiirstnl l.t meet in tlic diilVrent Trvvi nsliitvi nn1 llor( itirlis of tlir County, on Sntimliiy Hie Clli of August, to fleet ileU'tintcs to titti'iul a County Con vention, wli'icli will tissemMi! in Sunlmry, on Mondnv tlie 8th of August, Jo nommnto rnn.lMntei for Con;:res, ..roMottire, nnil the Count v Offices to be elected nt the Octo ber elert ion. It is of the Frente.it impor tance that eneh District in the County should be rcprocnlecl. c. n. SMITH. C'-nirmttn of Standing Committee. Jioral 1 (fat re. Uf Festival. The Indies connoctod with the Gorman llefurmcd Church, held R festival in the former office ol'JIr. Hill, on the first three dnysol the present week. The receipt? were over $100. Rain. Op Tuesdny evening, about 7 o'clock, it fino rain set In, nnd continued, with little or no intermission, until midnight. The rain rnmc down in torrents fur nearly four hours. It was glori ous and refreshing, and was greatly needed to revive the crops of corn, twAntoes. and vegetation genorally. IFAt Home. dipt. I. It. Dunklcjcrger. of the 1st Regiment I". S. Cavalry who wassevorcly wound ed in the left arm nnd shoulder at Petersburg, arrived nt this plaec on Monday last. C V T'10 -Animst Term of our Courts commenced on Monday. There was not much business transact ed, and in the afternoon the Court adjourned over till We lncsday. on account of the flection held on T'jcs'lny. On Wednesday evening it nirain adjourn ed, in order to 'ire those desirous of doing so, to ohsort c Tlnir.-'day as a day of Fa ding and Prayer, as roconmu-ndc 1 bv the President. tir" Thursday beintr a d;iy set npr.rt by tnc Presi dent for Fasting nnd Prayer, the stores and most of buiinc--.- places were closed, liivine service was held in several of the chori'lics (."v"-' Applicants for the petition of teachers in tho public schools of this borough wiill bo examined, on Thursday. August 2'ith. in U. Vi. Haunt's oll'ice. t"'P. r.l'.Ki. PiMSoxens. Oil Sunday, the 2tth ult . a train wilh over seven hundred rebel prisoners arrived here, about six o'clock in Ihu nuirnilig. on their way to Kliuira. Many of thein had lieen laken during tiie bite rebel raid near Washing!-'!! and lial t'nt.ir". Wo spoke to several of them, who hailed from North Carolina. They seemed in g 1 spirits. hut n.'kr.ow lodged they had endure I a j'renl many priva'iiii;. for a period of forty-two days before Pe tersburg. They were anxious for peace, but thought they couid hold out suiiietbing longer. As ihey stated, they w ere hungry ; sonic of tiie neighbors present fund-he I a portion uf litem wish fine bread and butter. Several of Iheru were sol diers wives. Wo could not hcip contrns.ting their generous end chri-ti'an con. loci, wilh that of tho rebel holies, who generally insult our men whin pri soners. instead ofhiinistcriuy to their wants. ' I' Save thk I'xjroiiM's We hope none of our retinue 1 soldiers will pari with the uniform in wlii.di tl.ey f. light for the 1'i.ion. upon uny Coii-d. 1. .ration win. lever. 'I'he time will come when they will re gard those old bluo coats ur redcaps and trowgers, as the cho'cest treasures they possess. It would be n prou i thin;; for a father hereafter to say to his boy or girl . -'That c at was singed by tho (Ire of llet tysljurg,"' or, ''That rent was made by a bullet in front of llichmond.'' It will be a precious heir-loom to h'live beeiu 1 to thoso who are to tnko rur places. Save ihu uiiiforuis they will hereafter hu the best titles to honor and respect a man cnu possess. ti- Tili: MtAl'T ytoTAS of tiik V.minrs Townships. Lolni? w give the number of persons siiiject to draft, and the quotas of the various town shids. as near as. tliey can bo ascertained The cor reeliou of ll.e ciii'ollaicut lists will inaVo slight changes., bill the tiuies will vury but liit'r in regard to the quotas onTHlMBl:RI.Al o NXV. r Mil 227 OS D'7 WIS 312 :is lort ill 504 142 "4 40 4t ho 210 t'.t ll 144 loll )08 I 'JO I'pper Augusta township, Lower AiiL'cstu township, Cameron tov.u-hip, Ct.iMis'iiiieiiic Coal ton nsliip. ) Shauu'kin borough, ) JlelaWltro towuship. AleLweiisville horough, Jackson town-hip, Jordan town.-hip. Lower Alahanoy towltshipj Levi is tow it.-liip, 'Lurhuivillu borough I ppcr Alnhanoy township, l.ilile Alahiinov tow nship, a-hiitglon township, Milion borough. Alt. Cnrmel towu.-bip, Alt. Carinel borough, Point loivn-hip. N01 thuu'.hf rbind borough,- Hush loivi-hip, siiiiniokin township, Siiiilniry borougli. Tiirl.nl towiiliip, 7-ci be tow u-hip. 2J 4:1 0 1:; IS j i , 0 1 pj 4.1 . 2s : s 1 b 20 10 : .14 j Coi NTKitrriT tiiiKitsiiAi Ks A short t'uuo ago 11 oti counterfeit nolo was font nming other pn. 1 ers to tho Tre:.sury liep irtment. It is only tolera bly will execute I. but is ealeulaled 1 1 deceive a mere cu.-ual observer. Tho Treasury has also speci mens of counterfeit fifty cent notes, lioth engraved i.i.d liti.ogiaphed. A e .ireful coiupii'Lon wilb Ihu g -uuiiiewitl khow their spuriousuevi. I j- i'lri.lt AMI C 1.1,1 II HloM Colli III K lu Au.-trui ihiyutuku very superior pajier out of corn bu-ks, but wo see by tin) Wellington Chrouiclu tl'at tao Couiuiissioners of Agricultural has received some M , cillieiu of tdeui-hed Hud Uhblf H'.'bl d Cu-b Mild lol el'iilis made (rout ihu sniue umteiial All porii.ui, of the com hu-k urn converted Into puper-stutf. iu II 1. v-ioil. or hu-k uieiil, which is billed wilh i-uui III 11 II 'ur N iiieteeii per tent o( paper fibre, leu of -pinning u.aU r.ul, nnd clui en of feed dull nre ob tain, 1 together making lolly per cent , lt'ulu a reiu-v ! .1 y per cm , mueU ol il Oil thru and '.ii'ii l.i h u..y yet to Intend ui. I utilued Tkn ii..ii..i.jii.i,:r u said to to eiy pioLUldtf. 'J bu p4 . I 1. l H .1 lu ihu lineal lio. u pupvr, nd ou n u I.. a.;'.t t . l u 11 i d ah'HuU ,t pan lnueut J j I 1 in III un, - Hi luuiiilu 1 tuioiicitu A i'K 1. . rt.1 t. yt : ' 1 1.. I, .r" I -.iiiml litdick 1 , I itole ! ftlo-l-l ll'Oil lUittllla. Uul a iiiiMil.f livtlO.fe.l by lou 1 ! i 1 1 i.V (tlU'lwii l.vviltr Willi IU ih.lileliU J lo iv . lu It.w I'.IH Ml-'Ul 1'4UI tloldll ul tsall j t ,1.1' I. il U.i , 'Lit'd lto. UIUM alrfliuly ui I4IUIIU4 j ,.i. 1L h I 1 U' I ...l. J i.4 oe..u,l ,. U , it 1 ! l.io . I llw Lie . lo b 011 ,..,U I K 111 1 III I l.s I , I kll. I. id lu H. I alk. an I lii In I. 4 I" . ; ,1. II I .ou.ll.ui. I, 4lv. lo 111 buiii- I . , M .. .. M 'U 411.1 1 11 a I I'l J il.'.l I t.u-s ' I - I k il. .il. .'.IX It Au.utl U-.I.I.IU a 1.1 1 l I .1 t.illl lllS UlUSl 1 1. I 1 1 ao-a ..ij, I. , I , .i. 11 i'.uo i I l.m ii IU4 K tiliiitivi I J,. 1 11.4 ll HI U !!,,,. .ulvl t I wl I i 1. . -.U. I. tl. lis . It I II ti - a . i 4 11 . ; !, il I till I U It .1 . I ..,. .1 II.... I , I. u P.. ..a I , , J I b I .- I 1- I II . I I 1 II .11 1 (jTnit RnAitT. A toumticr of substitute are now being placed in the scrrteo by porsonswhn hare not been drafted, but are suljieot to drnft. Persons not willing to go themselves, nnd ablo o prooure substitutes should do So at onco. They will thereby clear themselves from draft, and nt the some time (ill tho quotas of their respective districts, and make it so much lighter on poor men who cannot readily go, end eaniwt alTord to pay fur a Subsl.'tiilo, The substitutes must bo under twenty or over forty-flvo years of age. cr those who hnvc been In tho service nt least twoycars. Aliens are alro aeceptod. If you wait until you aro drafted, you will bavo to pay double, treble, or perhaps four times the sum for which yon can now procuro your substitutes. Delay will prove both expensive and dangerous. Thoso cagef to know whether (he payment of S""0 commutation c.tcmpt.4 for tliroo full years from all drafts nre Informed that such payment, if mado nt any time prior to February last, true so exempt In February, tho Inw was changed so that tho pay ment of $100 thenceforth e. empted only for llir im- ptmlim; trti1 ; whilo since tho p.iss.igo of flic Act of this month there: is ro commutation whatever. All who are henceforth drafted, and found liable, must servo in person or substitute. tjpFisricfFFs. On Wednesday last, fcTeral fistieulTs came elf in Market fcv(unro, which resulted in tho tapping of several nasal appendages. Jn tho forenoon Win. T. Rickey, st blntnnt politician, nil pregnatcd with an extra qunntily of the green oxid of copper, gave vent, ns n.nnl, to a gassy tirade, nnd, as we learn, nbtised tho Administration and nil who supjiortcd it or fought under It. Some of the soldier boys homo on furlough, among tticui Bottlo Hopper, determined to castigate Rickey, when ho droit s knife, whereupon Charley lieck reiacd him to wrest the wenpon from his hands. In the sniffle, Rickey 'J olnret was tapped, and it was deemed necessary to take him to a pump to wash his mouth, a cleansing operation that might often bo repented, with ndtant - ago to foul mouthed brawlers. Rickey complained that he was left alone, among bull-dogr "id that no one came to assist him. although ho gate the sign. About noon, Hopper, w ho was entirely under the con trol of John llarUyoorn, was after him Wilh n pistol. Rickey was finally locked in n room and sent across the liver, glad to escape from '-Lincoln's Hirelings." In the afternoon a Mr. Hogcndobler of Milton n stout athletic man, who threatened to whip pirmo of the boys, wus severely handled by David Lewis of this place. I 'avid is a small man, nnd like David of id I. was a stranger to fear. Tho way he handled tho Milloniau was ralher surprising, nnd it wus thought the lesson might be a useful one. l'leel:uj Elelm-us ol" oi-!iiiiiiIm'i-. I:iii1 County , on Hie .Ameittlmcii t. OFFICIAL. First. .Second. Third. - 5 E ' " 'Jt K t: " c K CP: K K .T - re 5? t. c -I K - K K S. -Jt 1 - 1 2 HI .V? 219 6(1 2o2 .'.6 Jul 75 ltKi 7j Ion 711 2lil 2S 2I'J 2S )j I'S 111 1-2 i-2 M .'il II :;r ;ai :ii ;:ti ;t,;, Del t-J 1 1- 74 I LI 7.1 141 17il LW 17S j:iU 17ii 70 la.l 70 Ij.I 111 l.VI KS lilt !'j !i:l (i7 It'll 77 i7 ' '.A ful C2 Ml 72 72 S7 71 77 212 78 2oi( 7i 21.1 Ml I I.I K 112 Si 112 l.:2 22U 12,1 121 120 120 2'.i2 OS l7 f.'J 22 li'J mi I 7'.i 1 7H 1 ::2 .til ;n 37 ;:i :t7 41 !-2 40 h2 40 1-2 U I'.O u ii.) ti on 32 101 ."2 lot :i2 In I 25 Lto 20 i:;o 20 i:;o 11 U;i il 1 1 j ii liti 2 IS 20 2 IS 20 21 U 20 2:1 21 U 21 21 21 72 70 73 74 71 73 2:ilil 2170 2:S02 2l'00 2.IIU 2u0a TJW SSIIll'S. Sunbiiry. Northumberland. .Milton. .MeKweliSvilltl. TurlaiU iile, Tin-but. Delaware, Lewis. t'hillist(iiatuc, Point, I'pper Ate.rusta, Lower Ao ;U?l:i, I'.ush. .iialool-.i II. Coal. Alt. Carlnel I!or., Al t. Cannel I p., .la.'kson, Canieroii, lordan. I'jiper Alnhanoy, ashilitoii. Lower Alahanoy, Little Alnhanoy, Zeibe, 71 I Total. 2I7D IM A! y .r l'or ihc Am ah. The Liltle Helpers f r Ibe li'onth. emiilig July uO. have seal another !.. to ilie Ctirislimi Couunaion contaiiiiiig 142 Pads. ; I'oeU.'t ll inilli. r.'hii.fs. bo yards iltu. I ig. -. loin. .'.c. 1.1l.l Nf.VlU' C INTIIIIII'TIONS. 1 Parrels ot 1 inions. 2 hollies llusplierry 'ine:;ar. 1 1'ilaekberry Shrub, 2 " liblerb-rry Wiuu, 1 o Ii I upe Hie, o Testauicnu.. Pallets, Ac , 1 lout. 2 cans of Quinces, Cash, $0. J I'. W. tittn rr twwiei E.-tt-r I'roiu I In- Suiibury 4aiiai!r. Kii:i)i-:iiH"K City, MJ., Aug. 1, 1SU4. I)i:ak Vii.vi:iiT -, Instead uf niin;; to Grant, in front of l'i tersbui-i.', as hu expected, orders were isMied somiiiij; the litli nnd Hull corps up tlirouifh Alan laud in ipiest of rebel''. On the route I cunveised with many funm rs who 1 1 h I lieen ill jinvi il 01 property lv tile chivalry in their i.iie mid mid, all .of "them Hieein t he ntilinrrenee with whit II I hey hold tin- I.iider, mid lire im ways particular in their speech cum 1 riniijj them. A j;entlenieii tidd inr they eauie lint ns Warriors, hut ns the lower class ol roldiets, reMirtiur lo petty hiteeny, and weie so iiieun that thi-v even I naked ladies fi.r the ear drops worn as orna mollis. At lit I iniu rs where tin y had stolen " j ei.:ht hnr.-e-, u yuuni; lady said that th? "I'lW Uiiows watitiil pup.i to take the. boots olf his feet lo "he them.'' On the antl we inade .Monocucy cn ek and encamped on the battle ground of that liaine the lhht of the 12th in whieh lleue ral Urw. Wallace, y holdiiii; ihu rebels at bay, saved Washington. 1'i irits of I he bat tle are till i.-ihh-, in biuki-u uiut bent mus kets, pieces ol alu ll, sinull .shut, iVe. 1 aw several t rendu' v-hii Ii euiif.iiui.il oer til'ty dead rebel., truth. I ue -gritt eonluined the reuiuii.i of three rebel .t.iil oil'u tis. Iu iin other putt of the ill ll iinile 11 liuuibcr of I liioii 11!. lii 1, me 'vh e pm i their lust hleep," liiiirdered Ii) it I.'-, who iii wiikedtliss urn! cold blooilcti ui-ti. l.i-,tt,iv Im. im io,ill. l 1 ''(ll. , (, ,,,,'i,,,,. ,UM. and wh. ii the ililliiu.ie in itiinibii. i Kivtn, it prove our meii lou-lii with n dclcruiinatiim f their huiiii . liotii the iuvuih r. I'ivx llioti g.md wus the uiiiouiit of the I nimi linen, and that of rebel. I w i nly live Ihouniiid. Our men hud to une voii .h lure thu heavv luuil- bei, hut Uol until I he tiiiinj Ins wu j heavy. I Muppin but u fhult lime in ihi.-i rfiinp, ! we puilii'd hutt.ird llir.iugii I'uiluiil, tit) lo ll.iipn f iiii, uhiie lit uiiiieil on h.ii- 1 111. Ial lat. lb it Me wire nlluwtd I ul an I hour 'est wlo ll 'il 11 mi Ileal. I, uin attain i 1 we wnu oil the limle, Ii 1 n.iiii lliu I'ulu- , I11..0 t,. lo,, I,, tiller 1.1- JidtlllllB. Willi U.'IH lepuried In Ih; in Maryland. I lllli ii-l mm tiUiu u, l .r iitir in in mi-, f r Ik gond nt Ihu I lie, pi ili.ip, w ishi.l In loaki 1 it tia iHilllli, III Ul.lllll ul VkhuiO il.l ulU'lill III,', i'llltil bill ea, mm 111 I iillllli.llll ul lull. 1'muL, juiiii i u al lb krr. ''ln Im., Hie uj, hit lin tii I lagi 1 "I 11, M bllu M c IlK'Vl l mi I i li.ti pl.uv. (if llll Ili.'tU mi ni I k t.u 4 11 ili.oj u .r 1 111 I uiiiiue, bill I, ..(e l,..ll i.l Hal Uny Ml.l uAiuli.pbU 11 lliu " Un I tliH .li!l will I tali. lil .. I) to ll.e p. pie I '. I l ill I I ll I ! b lo k, !i 1. 1 1 litli if I., i' Mai li"MU I'l lliu i-ilu llll uln.ilt'1 t allot U. Ilinlmu.. I ll.J il.l. , ill lllnl llli i loil ll I 111 II lllU 111. ll 111 I", I .I'll .lit' lol I I-, II I. 11., ll I IllV 111 .1 k I'l ll.l, I I lllil IllV ll '11 tUll'Ulo Lii,, 111! ) a.'l M a I ..I..J 1. Ii I) II I I 1 I I Ll. Ill) I'l ll.l. i. .i.i. I. I I 11.1 ii. -I 41. .11. II w itnli .iii 1. . .1 .1. 1.. ..1.1 I 1 . I ail l.ti.iini ,'Hn I 1 .1-1 Ii I i. I There were noino dlsloynl person In Fred erick, lint left ija tho reheli w ere driven from tho country. A few of this sort remained, hut they, nre known, and for (rood renons keep ipi'iet, or Act t tin h vpoet It iriil part ill crviiiit "sine the Cnioii."' Tim Inlijotily nre' for siHtntninsr the (roverntnent.'nnd liy their nets prove their loynlty: On S11I nrdiiy. when we were inarcliinff tllroiit'h the city, tired nnd foot Bore, thirsty nnd covered with dlist., liuttkcts) of cool wnter were pnsurd tlironirh tho rnnki, nnd stnndini; on the door utepi. 10 that the lioyi could n fresh thetiiselvei, while ninidens fuir nnd elderly Indies Klood in their doors distributing hrend, hnttrr nnd other oatnlilcs. llnndUerehiefs wnveil from the windows nnd mnny fliigs were displnyed from tho houses. Iti this 'nrt of tlio Country tlio Siinitnry nnd Christian Commissions sho-v their irood works. At Itnrper's Ferry njent if these nssocintinna gnvc the men .Inniuien, (linger in fresh writer, iittnded ,to ipiite a nnmlier who were sun struck nnd picked p some in n dying condition, nnd had them con veyed to piivate limiscs (hut they nilpht re ceive proper attention. The same was done nt Firderick Over five litindred sick nnd wounded nre. in tho hospitals here, who nre well attended and kindly cured for hy these men. I he soldiers nre profuse in their praise of these associations, nnd many a (lod Mess them, is uttered for them and those that eon triiiute. I am sorry I cannot sny ns much for thoso employed' by these O nod Samari tans in the Department of tho Gulf. Orders hnve just hceii issued for the nrmy to move at four o'clock to-morrow morning. Ktlfrior sayi that Chnnilersliir;r has lieen destroyed liy the rebels, aiid if that is the cuss our next move will lie ihto Pennsylva nia. The boys nre well. My respects to all in tho office, friends generally, ntul for your self, believe 1110 as ever. Yours, Fraternally j IT. D. AV. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I.iwI Ui '11 - lor ..ii'mk 'V., 1 !. John Wnliic vs Ex'ri of John V'alize, sen. dee d. Jacob J. Heed vs Lemuel Chauiberlin, John 0 Hoffman. vs same Win 1. Dewnrt vsUcubcn Fngely A Co Johu Driiher, vs Cleaver, l-'ngelv A Co., fanio vs Seasholt j. I'ageiy A Co., Kbie A Pnehncr. vs Wiu. L Dewnrt et ul, Traneis Klar. s samo Marin C ineent ts John I, lVnltin, llirard Pirc Si Marine d Marine Co Ao. V Slnttcn Alurr X Co Hugh Caul. ts Daniel P Caul. The Itig Al'tn. Imp Co. vs T ISaiungardner ct al Kilty Ptiniim. Ac vs John F Wolfinger. Coin, of I'enn'n for Fursol vs .Ins Vandyke A bail canne for Albright et al vs samo Isaac Alarl'ct al vs S 1! lloyer and Win Wert J. Al llostian and wife vs Solomon lirosiom, i; V bright A !oii ts K Osuiiin A A Usiuun, John lluyers. vs Win L Dewnrt. Catharine Peiffer vs Joinitban Dunklebergcr J. il. linker assignee vs Patrick .Mnehvn, John II Wciser vs Henry Wcise et al llohert Campbell vs t'ppor Aogusta township, A P Lark, vs John I' fusion-, et al Com. of i'enn'n for S. Finney vs P W Hilgert et al Aliehael lltlbtl VS Win Knsliiiuf ,1,1,,,'r C (I Ibicbinan ct ni Trustee vs Thus l'ur',1 et al I F.lizahclh li.i use. vs J. S. liiltncr. adm'r ; John llafer. for uso vs U. A. Alexander. : Tho Hank of Northumberland Au vs il (ienrhart et id I sumo vs stnuo (ieorge W Dixon, vs Jediah Keiscr, liaiik of Aliddletonn vs Samuel Wcisl, 1 liiebiird C Hans Ac vs liodl'rcy lloeky et al I liiehnrd Aleiiriiiui el al s l'hii A !. 11. U. Co Ac. David Wiildrmi vs Jane Wnldron. .Moses Cbamberlin et al vs John oris. Ac. Win L Dewart vs 'fhos lbitiingardner, vs Nancy Cavr A Francis, vs Solomon Alinges. vs.lohn A Snyder, adm'r vs Win 1! llryson vs Arbogasl A llobb, vs Jacob 7iiidoru. vs llonham Alarliu. Arnold A Wciser, Lib 11 li.iridiart Deealur Herb, tieorge L U'atts tieorge Snyder, Jereiniah S-ividgo John Duiikleberger t'eler 1 . i- isher Joseph cilzel. ! Ira 1 Clement, ct nl vs ,1. ,1. Dull A J V Cristwell I Ferdinand Alasscr. vs Jao Al Alaurer Ac ; Sarah Jane Coup, vs Lliwiheth Jciikcns. I l oin, of Pcun'u for D Long vs D. Wal lron, Aliehael (irahaiu vsJiiuies Pollock ct ul I Fox A lb-other vs liird A polity Willi am Hiegel vs Philip .erbe A Ciitharino j Thomiis Comiy vs John Aloyer with unties j John C .Morgan s Stephen (jitleiibcinler I Daniel Kramer for use vs Jacob .Moury. IuJurseo I llir.ini II. Aloore et al xm ! . S. ole.'lt, ! Win ll Krieehline vs C P llell'enstcin el nl . Ab Karland. Kvans A Co vs 1 rick and Stout 1 Win 1. Dewart -.s il. 1!. Ala--er. Tweiity.Ovu canes for trial the liisl week, and the balance lur second wcelt. J. J. LLl.MliNSN VDLIl. Proth y. CONTINENTAL C L O T 11 I X G B A Z A R . (,'oruer ol" .Tlin-Ki't Square it Itoail Sli'eel, SUN UUlt Y, l'KXN'A, ICnil. PUMMKK STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest styles, cut by the best Artists, trimmed nnd made erfiial to cii-loui work, uud sold at Ibe lowest prices. .lEt'll nnd Itoj-. i'lolliillji of the best nui- i leiiiil cowslinx "f Dress Coats, Froek Coats, fcaek j Coals, Punts, uud esis of various colors mid iiuuh- lies. (.'KNTI. LAI EN'S I'l'IlNISHINO HOODS, uch as Shirts, Over-shirts. I'ndcrsbiits. Drawers taillars, Cravuis, Neeklies, llauilkercbieis. Slockius, ll loves, to Halt and ('iim of all Kiii'tlx. HOOTS ANDSlliiLS, THI NKS, VAl.lSF.S, t'JI- IIIIFLLAS. nnd Nn'i'IOX.s- ,,f u kinds, and nuuie rotis other ariii'lcs. Thu public aro invited to call nnd examine his Mock. licuic inher the place. '-Continental Clothini; Store, Corner ol Aluiket Siiuare and the N C. R. II. Li:vi jiKcirr. Sui.liuiy. July 2. 1m',. TU I .!! I'Olt NAltll. rprlV uiidersiiiid will sell at private sale. TtVF.X I TY-slX T'nWX LOTS, tiluate iu Ibe borou'-h o Sunbury. The b.ls ure located within u few s.inires nl ibu Peiiiisylvitniii ltailroad Company's Machine Simps, iu tho northern part ol tho Iohii. Tin y ure all suilalile buitdiiitf lolf, situate lu Ihe 11111-1 plea-ant jiurlion if tb iMirouh. 'Ihey will he void ,u rm. uiiubl term For further particular apply lo V.'l Kit II .M IS.m!1, II 11 M S,.K. r IIA.NCIS III ( libit, fuiiLory, June IS, Is'l Fe,ulo." JACOB HAHLEY, t'rY'imr (a iS a u j t r iV 11 a 1 1 1 y ) la. II.-2 MAI.kl.T Sticcl, PIIIl.Ahl I.PIIIA n i:l.tlt in F1n.1l.bl ami Sdver H A Till KS ; 1 in., in. I I J Ml Fl.lt V ; Koh l M I. V Ml AV AUK. nnd lb b.-al ol MIA I II I'LAlLli W AHK Coil- .1 Mill I) nil liabi n t.S -oflu.t lil ul IU la. (,KMlt l in plici W ul. lua ale I Km Cha. Iti paired, by .klllul ttin'i.iiii-u , Imi, Jwwelry r. iliii, ii4inaj ubd Kll kit. I Ol 11.111 I. Ol .l l.l.llt. Ml tlioll Moll. I y It..), 1 ..ik', i il,. oU iabd, No. e:J Matk.l li,. I, I'l.ila l. IpLia Aj ill V, i l l -,'ut HUWAKIJ ASSUMA'nu.N, MIU.At.l.fllfa. r nlt'ii4'B wl'lltt- trritua, Mt-iwluul, I rlt.at' uml s.-w.tl t tt. hi. wd lvliat.1. tliala.kl.1 - lit lt.s.t 1 lb liuM A III) As. si 11 I k I ln.N . Mbl t u.ai IU Hilol I. lief ,Onli.p'- lla o 1 bal 1 A ill. a ll J C k I I -I.Ik IMI ltlltl ll .aall A Ullt.U ht 1 f .ulk Nlulk Mini. I bilavlaltbi f Jt lo ! - l 4, tllt-wItt m 'lllll.ti wllt .r, Atl-t-N ItJVS It. I' A . W . Ii I it I U M I .... l .t l It l.i klM-'ldl lt.1 .oil., l.fl i In I - kl. I Ml. I. I I !. I a. I-.-.. I T tills U.i ii i.. L. . 1. an. I. I if Ik !. I'.I.U .il.ai.-a .'m lull ...-lai. -.n. i. fc.. tl a .'I W C.l lb I . llaH" I I . ,i.ik I ,, ... I... a. I VI a all i 1.4 'l ' l.ll m.l.l It' '-J I u. ,.!.. f f ' t.ii.4. .is. I'l. ..i) ...... , ii I I AiKlllor'n Itrpnrt. To th Rnr(irr anil' L'mmrilof the Tkrovgh of fiitiihttry, Vnin'a. The undersigned, tho Committee on finances re p'irl that they lind nnciiricelled lioroiinh and lloaii orders nmoiiiiliust to the sum orfl.aaT 7(l, wo be. llevo that the (router pari of ihese orders have, lieen paid and do not report that thai amount of orders re main unpaid, bul only that they ro uncancelled ou the order book. The Treasurer pnid and wo cancelled im Ihc or lor books, orders (liorougli and rond) to the smn of SL ID K HO. The Treasurer paid and w-n can" lied orders for Poor purposes to tho sum nf fil.OOIl 61 J. Tho Poor orders uncancelled, ntlirmul to Plol !12. The mo't of these prubably rcinnln unpaid to the dale of tlio closing of Hie account with tlio Treasurer, Via : the 1st March, Ihtil. Wo examined nnd nudited the account of tho col lector of Doroush, Poor nnd Road Tares of IMi.l. This statement is brought down to tho litli of April, 1SC4. tho date of the auditor. As some of Ibe tax payers paid on account of all their taxes instead of approprlatilic- the nniount to ono or tho other, or sprcilio i'lirts to each, wo could r.ot ascertain the amount of each tax outstanding but have c.xlebited the amount of the three combined. The uncollected taxes amount to fl.oWti 41, subject to suoh esonera tious as may bo allowed. We have slated nn nccnunt between the Iloronpb nnd John Diemer. collector of taxes for Lst):i. her t" anni'Sed, nnd find and reKirt a balaneo to tho 1 1 til April, 1st; I. iu his hands of SI till III. We have stated accounts wilh John Vi. Tiiicher, Treasurer, iu respect of llorouuh nnd Bond Tnxs and receipts, and also in respect lo thi Poor tuxes, hereto annexed, tho first marked ''1'." the second 'U." These accounts aro hrouirht dowii to the 1st of .March, lxtit, the bcinninc; ol his second year ns Treasurer. Wo report a balance in his hands of 200 2'J on boroii)rli and road account, nod a balance due him of $;lj? V2 on Poor account It will be seen from Ihc account stated wilh tho collector, which is brought down to tho 1 lib April. ISol, that Ihc Trea surer received dll) IMI. after tho 1st .March. 1.-.U 1. tho date nt which ie close the account stated, and other money has been received by him. all of which priTper'y belongs lo his aoiiunt for the curreut venr. Tho balance In the hands of Peter W. tiray. Trea surer, was $140 li". Of this he paid Treasurer Ibu iicr as charged in his account $1J2 (to, leaving n balance still duo of SIS 14. In the accounts with the Treasurer wo have not nllowcd nnylhing for Ids compensation. We believe that tivo percent, ou tho gross amount of all orders paid has heretofore bceu paid to the Treasurer's, and we recommend that nn order bo granted to him for Slti 4j, being two per cent, on tho orders paid bv him. AVAL I OULI'NOnai. 1 r. C1IAS. I'LL AS A NTS, L,F"W"0 JOHN 1IULKNK. Committee Account between tho Ilorough of Sainbury nnd John Diemer. collector of l!orou;h. Poor and lload Taxes for the year lsoM, to 11th April lSiil. Statement showing amount on which collector is to bcullow'ed commissions : Ilorough Tax assessed lur ISii.1, SI. 229 17 Pour " ' 1.12.1 Ml lloiul ' " " " 2,1145 27 $1,701 s:i Balnnce of Ilorough, r-or nnd Itond Taxes of IMvl remaining uuuollected lilh April, ISM, 1 ,09B 41 Collector chCTgnblo with f.i,uu7 Si) ACCOUNT, John Diemer, Dll. ilorough Tax lsf3 ?1.22'.i 17 Poor ' " 1.1 211 S'.i Head " " 2..i 27 1,701 ;w CK. Itoronirli. Pont and Itond Taxes; (t.'iruJtcf1 uncollected, T'Oiir, Commission ol 5 per cent to collector i n amount chargeable to him lr,t Il-iro' tax Cr. to Urccnoiigh's Judg nit It! Ot Poor " " " 20 si 41 '' I lload " " " u 41 Paid Treii-iiicr. 21st July. 1iiV, t'J.'i M . " ' 22 August ' "oil ou i " Wh .-Sept. " ITil la ii t' "ilih " " Jon mi I 2nth Oct " .'lliu mi j ' " oth Nov. " i :i no i 'i " 2;ilh " " 12a I'll i " " 12ih Dec. ' ' ?:! nil ' " 2uth Jan. lHt',1, 17a nil " ti 4th l'eb. " 1-ia till " " 12th Mar. " 31.1 nil I " " I Hh April " '2'.'i no j Ualanco iu collector's hands, lii'J .'il fi.Tni x: Account between llio i,ornurdi of Sunbury nr.d John W. Ilucher. Treasurer for I lie year lMi:i.in res pect to Ilorough und Uoud Taxed to thu 1st of March 1SII4. John Vi. Ilucher, Treasurer, I51 . lStl3, April ild. reo'd from collector Martin, f "0 50 July 21, " " " Uieiuer, 2.:s :!i Au,!. 22, " Sept. S. " 11 i' " it .. j,;, ii .i it .i " Oct. 20, " " " " Xuv. ill, " ' " ' " Pec. 12, " " " " ISt'.l, Feb. 4. " " " P. W. dray, late Treasurer. lSoit, Sept. S. S. jj. liojer, fit. JJurge.-s. Lie. l.il (17 !.2 li Inn mi 2'ti on Li.' no 12"i no 2i;'l nil l-v'i no 1'2 nil la im ! im f l.iTil H'.i 0U. 1.1 Hi) 22 112 2 60 hi I :.7 ti.l CI Mi I Ii M lit! .:.') Jim 2.1 Johu W. Buclier, Treasurer, Iiorcilgh and lload orders uf 1S..5, j, aid i " 1 S.V.I, - " 11 It 1 .Still, " ii ll Ii I SHI . it ii ii it si',2, ii ii i. .; s,',:;, .. 1 11 ll jstf. u Balauco la hands uf Treasurer i'l. 6711 im Account bJtwfcn th! Ilornuli of Sunbury nnd Jno. V. llueher. Treasurer, for the year ending tho 1st day ol March, 1S04, iu respect to Poor Taxes. John W. Buchcr, Treasurer, Mt. lsii.1, July 21. ree'd from collector Picnicr, IJ fill Auk. 21, ti. Sept.H. W ti llet 21, " ISfil. Jan. 2u, " 1 llulunco duu Treasurer, IIS no 7l.il im 1 . .I no 3 .7 H2 Tl.tin': SI cn. 1 in oil Oil 41 no V 72 I'.H 7 S2I S! l.tiud .'.1 I 1 liuince j Coiuiuiitce John W. Ilucher, Treasurer, Poor orders of is.vj, pid " " iMill, " 'I " lM',1, " " f ist:2. it tt loia, Lit; I, " M M I. C.P.I'FN'oi en I MAS. I'l.KAstAXTS, J"il. Lol 11XL. Sunbury, July, ISO I. J.ii't.a iiiiiiii .V lll.iii.ltu-a Kail roittl. OX and lifter Juu. lnh, s il, Pa. en;;, r Trains will ruu it I. lion : M0Y1XU SlUTIL J'-l.ttCM, r. Unit Persnton, 4 '.M P M Kinji-ion. & i' LbailllBbul H 2.1 It tj.irt. W ..1 liniiiilli!. V la Arriisat Xorlliui.il., rl.md, V aj wmiMi .M'liiii Ltl Xorlliuiiibeiluiid, S no A ! llauville, M III Ituprrl, h lo 0 ,l,K,iu.butg, V la flMo.toll, li ii V M Arm l Seruui. u, I Mi a Ji.ililAI'in';ir. rr !, i,.l nr 10 j A .M laaai blt luklliK 111 Mull llaili .xi.ll h 1 ohlt. el tttlb ll.ts Fprcaa IIUIII lloUt Nolll.tlllil'i ll-llol ami- in,( al llui 1 isi.ui i. ill 2 hi A M II iliiiui re 7 eu M , ami m I'lulwlt 1 1 In al 7 no M it. .Ma I Uaiu llolu Nollbuioh. lal.. iui. i in In o, nt I I V ill. III !! II l i'l 111 1. 1 ple Irani 1 1 -lu lltltl'tial.'ui.d ilatllmole ullollig i'aa. I141 la I, ai ii 4 I'll h i lua l lu lo P M , lo IVa.SU a.ll,lt ou II.U tout Uulll'f Ih I.. I or,b.-'b . ai.4 vlrabl Sliepil.jv.il 1.. . ill, I al t ll.e 1,1.1.1 liana naeli M) belMw.n N '.t, ii,.l.. 1 l..i. 1 ui. I li.llllb 'IV, kil l Xolltub.b.rUt. 1 at. I 1't.lla.i. 1 1.14 Ii I 1ml SH rait. tllsalla. .laall.'a... I u t ! i AMBROTYPE AND fliOTJUUifU O-AsI-iTai-EJIlr. ll Itaal ml, upi.il li.. I .1.11.1 II a. I MllNUWHV, ..v.. .,k & .. ..... Sllltil l a oi.4 i.'U't'i.. ty t II. la. ik., pla- , II. I w I 1. i .. I la lal a : I'villMla IM Ik. t.-l lta ... I AULUI.lt AMI I ll'i it t M 1 1 ll ki lak . at IU i oil I IL. 4 I il.al . a. ,. 1 I i ti,. -... ii. .. I. . to. . Ol g, il. 1. t . . a I I. i. . a li It... t.u. . . ... I . - t II i - bit III ','''.JrT',ri'.-r'Tj'r? OJEZTTS JST , .ttarl.fl MttMin-f, Mi a ts V, fn. I I V ',' -x'"nM "'",u ",0 ' "y nn cn- l)rnS, lienil. i-.tsi, IVt-niiiit-i-y imtl DRY (lOOfS! . . T0"'"4 Ar,4,,"" ,,. rol.l.KiN AMI DIMr--IC.s,,.bair:i,i,,'c.si. to which he invites l,ls ti lends and tho publm ?ner- 1 wore, Muslim, ;:i.c. in .v. Tieking. ''ali.'nea, I),., nlly, to call and examine. The Druirs and Aleilieinel laines. Flannels, nnd all kindxir .MoI'PMMMIoihD Mr,, all seleeleil Iniin tho best importing houses ill Alpaecas, black Silks, tiinghams, Lulnoral end the l'n-tern nun I..,! with the gretitest euro as to puri- , Skeleton Skirls, Caulou Flannels, Nanl-cis, Car ty and ellicieiicy and avoi.lir.g as much us possible, j-ut inr; of all kinds. tlio introduction of dclerious nostrums. i r-yi cr C f 1 " TATENT MEDICINES lV,,'Pinx' te rTm., Dfall kinds, such ns Aycr's. Juym's, Muflirrlick. llollowiiys, isharts, lloollaiiils, 'SchcnUs. Ilrown's nnd all o'.lur popnlaj patent mtdiaincs, nlwcys oo btuid. Hair, Tooth, Nail, Clothe uud Paint P.ru.-hes. Special euro is taken to keep on bund constantly every vuiicty of 1'A1'nT3 and chemicals, Suitable to the trado. Fancy Toilet Articles anil the numerous articles vhich are generaily kept iu a w ell conducted estab lishment. In connection rith the nbovo articles, he also kec rn hand a lnre assortment nt STAT1' I.N LKV, such ns Pnper. FiiTtlop.s. Pens. Pencils. Ink'. Ac. r .. 1,1 :.. I- . i e .. . . Ijf Physician s prescriptions and family receipls compounded w 'Ph the grcitest accuracy nnd dispatch Ut rtl.U IIVM.UJS i,iy,,r jMgnr. lloineinber the place, Atarkct Siunrc. under the office of the 'Sunbury Aincricau." K. A. FISCHLU. Suuhury, June 2j, lsfil. WILLIAMSPOS.T OIL "WORKS ! Ji'OX-EXrivsIVE PURE CRYSTAL CAHIJ0N C2HLHi IX TI011T FACKAUKS. Orders will receive prompt attention. il. D. II'V.TiKV. Willinmspiirt, Juno 23, ISf.l. Proprietor. l i "l'A ti a .'.' c i i .-t. Et s at The ONLY reliable self-Adjusting Wringer No Wood-Work to .Svcll or Split. Xo Thumb-Screws to ir"t out of Order. Warranted with or v-itbout C-Wheels. It tool; thcFntST PUKMll'M at Fiftv-HcTcn Ptnlp I ' l.'..lv. Wi ! ..,,.1 ;., .. Ol lion ll.e I..U W,iii.cr'eter made. Palented in the I nitti Stales,' Lii'-Iaiul. Cieni'In, nnd Australia. Samplc ringer sent, Kxpress paid, on receipt of 'l'nn jelic n-cntscan make from .1 to 10 Hollars per day. Nu. 2.?d.S(. Xo 1.?i.fil. Xo. F.SS.firt No. A.sIi.aO. Mannt'ae'uii'd I sold, wholesale and retail, bv 1 111-. PI TN AM MAM I -ACTl lil.NU CO.. l:l Piatt Street. New York, and Clot ..'bind. Ohio. I S. C. XOlifHKuP, Aiail. I V,MI T EYKHIKiDY KXoWS. viz : That iron well iralvanized w ill not ru-t ; That nsimplu lino hiiie ii better t'uan a complicated one! Th.-.t n '.rriitKcr should bo fc'if-ndjusting, durable, Hint '1 liumb-ScreTi s a'nl Fe--tenir.i:s cause delay and trouble to regulate und Keep in order ; That woo 1 bearii;;'s tor the shaft to rim in will wear "id : That the Putnam V"r!n?er. wilh or without eo- wh"els. will not tear thcetotbes ' Tiutt eo'-wiic l r. culiitors ere not ts--er,t;.d : That the Putnam Wrimrer has all ll.e advantages and not one ot the tlisadyatti.i,'.snl.avc natne l : 'Hint all who have ta.-ted it. pri r.ouin'e it the best Wringer ever made ; That it will wrin it Thread or a Led Quilt wit'uou iilleriitiou. We niipht fill Ihc paper with te-tiinonials. l.tit 'n- sertoiilva few to coi'iviiu'c the sUi )itit al. it sueli there be; and we mv Mall. test Pimanns Wrin-er Test it '1IH ill. .t Ulll, iiitii AXY and ALL otiiers, and if not i ntiiely sutisliclnry. return it. Pi tnam Maxi KAi'Ti i:im; Co: lientlenieit; I kr.o'v lroi.i praeiicil experience that iron well o.ilmni,.1 ii;h zinc will not oxi li.c or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is ir neiir perlei't us po.-inle, 111' I I can chccrtully re commend it to ho the b. st in use lU.-peettiiliv vours, JN'n.V . Wlll'i-i'l.iil!. Cleveland. Ohio. Many years' cxpi 1 ieiiee in the alvani.inir busi-lles.- Clutlilc 1110 to indor-o the above statemel.t ill till particulars. .1x0. c. li:i'1-i::;ts. o. lou Ueikman Street. Xi iv Tork. .Ttnurif ,-. l,-i. We have tested Putnam's Clothis Wringer l-y practical working, and know that it will do. it is cheap ; it is simple ; it requires no roi.ni, whether at work or nt rest : n chil l can operuto it ; it dots its duty thoroughly ; it saves time mid it saves wear und tear. o earnestly advise all who hale lunch washing to do. Willi intelligent persons who have an?, to liny this ringer. It will pnv for ii-elf in a year at most. Hun llo LACL liilLLLLV. June IS. ISO 1. LILLIFJS CHILLED IFON SAFE. The Only Bafo Itoliixbla nuainst both Fire and IJiiiTlury. I am now: prepared to t'anii.h ilirce sir -s of N ation al Hank Sat.-s. Tin y arc holli Fire and llurlur proot. with two ilisliiut iusi'io Lurfrlar sates, and three of my new Aiui-Mieroiiu ler Loeks on each three 01 my new .MUi-.M,cr..m, ur i.oeKs on cacn sate, believed to be .he only '-ink lock now . use llltit has not bcill plekcd or ealin.it be picked hy the aid of the luierouieter. '1 lieso Sales a'.l pr.-sent ! lour to six inches 111 tine km .-s ot .-nil I iron, e,n:ii t;nn ! tube the sir, 11 'est. tl,,-1.10 l dith illt lo'liilland 1 stsnd tho 1110.-1 re-i.-!:.nee airai:.-! ls,rh tlri; and j herniary ol any fate ill ll.e I lilted .-'eles ot too I same sie and cost. 1 lia- e on n. 11, 1 mm, aini win 1111 io-ii tin 1 J'io::;;,,!.,!; ",'ho a,i Alii, a'i si-ea ot Mereiiiiiile Sates I ,.; h l '.irflii- I roof and lite mid lairtar pna.f. A!--, urn.iineiual IHn-llmu Uou-o .-ales. I.ur-l.,r 1 r.t. uul hi a und Imriur-prnoi iHarintiKii not dauipl. ' Also, th" stronite-l and clicupiwl atilt doors, lor naliK ami tin reiilililo 1 nulls. All la nliolc ale I. lliu-"a wrought ll'id 11 O'l iron Also, six .ics l.illie s Wr.ui :!il Iron Fir.-Pr..(.,s. Uniriilited etll:ll to any collilin u .-'lies, at tally one- third lepuee .-it.i.u H' in i"i 1. --I'll f. r.-it.ntj Mitir. .'ling 111. lli t llu-iu l.i ivl l li'-ta . fill I i'l II To'i I II ill. I- i'l i wsi ill l' it lmi.t lr l.iiliL' V h.iV 1 lixti .ni.s 'lUi-4u urw wiK riii hi or U'W-w iin. ii.ai j in v- .i 1 M.l.U A'.-ttt, Jure U, a sriiKNDID TI1A31 O M.M. 'M AM 1. .'.;.-!, iH .d.f,-.- Mr . ( I W ii hit . ii j i : - nii.-r t; i u u' I iti r Ul.tt 1 mII.U t tl n Ml.l. . i' I I HI I, I t nil till- M i i i i 1. iVo 4h1 II it kfl r W : It. "li l i M.lt .tit iliu' mii I "ii i. . '.- i ii '' I nl ."U K 1 A U J. I lii ii-.li ui.lur Julv i, I t liOAUDlNOIIOl'SH. I i frVf t.rrl t t i' I 4n um II . , rt I N I! 1 li i , I' . .N N ' . INtiilt Ma It.f It, .1. aid ll aid.f ,( to la.l 11, al alii faa . titled 11 I u-c I . b.. 1 1 I - .-, I I I tf J t l,..le '. !"' K'ii'1 'I'iiI ton t'x.x ii 'i-1 i'm""-t' v.1 k?.j II.I.IIUiM IMi lllli'lltl ."U.I'ilii illlll -.. t-l a.' 1' I-'. I.I-...I. ' Ik it.i.l .. U.I .,1. it I .ill I is t ,....1 1.. l.o U.I In Ida fall 'I a, ll'i'u l i t. !. 11 .) - .1 '. M .!..,. b I . . II an . . i. i i . unit iiinlr' ii.i.i. , , . 1 1 i i CtrfcH MY ADVICE JK I ADUi i I . U. II. I li i lata .. . I. I NEW SUMMEU" COODS AT E0. 1 ST0EE. II V l: ju.it nl.. i u'-. (,'i.t.i phi:,..!, ii'loi with one , .mi l,r..i-l,t to S.,l,arv l i t.i ine iar;t. -t ih,,i ik.-i si.ei tcl .;oi Ks el t.ouils , : i U J IUiIJ VV i i t I J j I I I n i a 7 Cm ij. risin?. I'.- V--. . ii! ,-e.. Thread. Lutioi,., Sus prnilers. Nt- ?t -t ir a. C.,:;1, i lan ikerehiel', Hair Urn-lies. 1'isith lirusbes. limn llib bon and Cord, Inpe, crotchet-braid, worked collars, limey head iircsc. tidy cotton, carpet binding, combs, fancy soaps, carpet bags Trunks, Valises, Uiuhrrlliis, lllank Eooks, rupcr. Fnvelopcs, Ac. JB."M:rJBBll 'a.-S-VSk EC?, Of nil kinds, such ns Nails. Hinge' nnd S rows. Door I (,.,Ti,,ti(m I ii , ' ' i,, 1 -V S e 1 a V coo, I nr Luteins and knobs, Locks, and C'l TLL'UY ot evey Unit', T'nlnts, Vnrr.ihes. Fish. ! J hi X seed nil-l HetlKino tills. Uhlss. I'litty. At (ueeiiti nre iiikI (iinssn tiro ' i-ll It i ii tl x. STONE AND K A H T 1 1 E N W A I K. An Fxten'irc Stock of GROC E R 1 E S, (Vt.p.fUl nf Sitn;nr. Conv-r. Tor,.. K.' ('orn-ctnrch, Mart'iipnii. HurU-y. . lSiifcinj-i'nw.l.T. nn Jti--sct. cimiji?. phikIU's. (uhiit'co ami f rrm', Nilt, VlAi. Moat, CUt-'ctc, A.e , Ac il.i, a large vniicty of for .Met.. AVnincn ntil ('tiildrcn. if All kiln!.- nl t iriiin aw i'uuntry Wn-tlucc t.ikr n in tsi'liiinc ftr (.'.;.. (Jivfi u n full Ui-t'iro von puri'li i.-o ?e ucre. vc lire lulti In fi ll i low h HtiV ntn' clr. Sl'irc-pntin in Jin I', t'li-nu-nl ' l.iiil'iiii nt tlio m,i1itm.m otur i .;i.rikci Nitj.r. n;ir tin LuM't .uiil ury. 21. FLOUR & FEE!)" STORE. WUOLESALK AXD RETAIL. r I II I K yuV.-fi ilttr rcrotfully inf'rr! r rul .ii' 1 hnt hi- kt'cp. con-innllv hun j nt M nrw VA.l-;ilHK. il(.,ir Mia Sli.-.'nu.kin VhIIov IlflilmH I w.t. iii St aM!1 KV. Flour lv the burrcl nmlMck. firm all kinds ol l't-cil y tin-ton. The i0mvo fi h11 n.nniiiatur'l nt M- nrn lill?, and will be u!d tit tho K-vrot r?h prii-p'. J.M.UAUWALLAr'ER. Hiinarv. June -1. ISi'd. .'!m llNSIONKjlJiNTlES A?ID BACK TAY COLLECTED. O I!. liDVLll. Attorney nt Law, is duly author k7. ii'el nnd lie(ii--ed to collect lVii!iis. Kiiii)lii-iiRtl tliit'K H'y f r Mid ,i. r pban. and S-l liers. lUliec ill .Market v'.reel oppo wite WeaMir';. Ib'tel. .uilbury. Pa. .lamiarv 1. 1n'I. lv Af.ilsi Wntrl !..4-rj'M Jtft-e to sell tiie ' KI.KHAXT TVth T.KXUTII STKF.L I'LATF. LX- OP, WIND OP I PHESIDFNT JjINCOT.K'. i ifnFfiy Ilif I.iiiiiik I (;il ittn "ro iii- i Iti:tl.-.n The I and dnWcorrei t likeness of Ibis cre.it man in existence, l'or Particulars nildre-j. JnllX I I NTY. Pio.ii -her. Xo. 17 S. fail Si., risib'ileiphia. -2n Slay 1 i. tr.l i " " : L.vi mas A. .... . m.lahh. I HVlPORTEPi-l t-f ' WINES AND LIQUORS. I ,t IMlN ' SII.I.IDJ'. No.l2SSoinb Xinlli Streit. between Chi-n;t and I Walnut, FlIll.AliLI.rill.V ; May 7, lsiji. .... y Ton-r,. .p-,-. , Aa-i-ail V l.lta.i 1 UaJ i.l CULTUHAL IliPLEIIEUTC. j 1 AT 1I(K Ji ZJ" IsT ID !R xT 3 j f . "5 U k. TT Pr "i 5 w w CAs w aT I BUNaUK., J.-aJM IM -a?V 1 n. P....1 llet the I'lu ai.ets tiet ihe most t en- liotni.-al wni. heiin he bad at the P.obrbai'h 1 .mu.lry. Ilav i'i !l lart' a-s rti.iont ot" the most ant roxed 1 Su li-. sn'-h I'c.kin. I'lii-I'-r. t uiiec uinl .-t:-.i Stoves, -.vliii It ill In-s ild a.' the lowest rates. Ah'. 1 Keltic of all sies Pans. Sk-HeU. A" 'Ihev are also imiiiut'io't'ii '. . .Machinery. PKioirhs. Casln.-. Ac. at short ln.t P.i pan n, if till kind- of Airrieul.'ural Implenients done iu a i;ood wol ktiiaul.ke luanucr and at tlic shoiti-t notiec. All ariii b s -hipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and pnunptlv littt'li.led lo. l.ttllLLACll A C'li'l'LIl. IV "bl Iron, and all kinds of Produce takcii in L- In.iio for work fuiibury, June IS, lSi'l. if "new goods I JLST OPKNKD Spring & Summer Goods, ami mud ci:i:ai'i:k than ki.sk n'MKui: : IGA.d T'JT.VlJAJj In .etltmover s Luil lini:. oppi'i 'ite tie.irliart s Ci n- feet ionery Store, Market street , Sl XLl Pa., T , AS jst op. ed swell seleeld a-,r;m.nt ef J J , j,,,, ,,,,', I, he oilers f.,r sal. at vc-v lw prices ' ' SiDEY GOODS l ro'l'ili'V ". X P In M I''l' IC --ich a Cl-lh- I'a-i .'incus. Mnsiii.s. .-i,,-, nn,-. Ti. kin,?. l.alKoc- Oc . .,jm.. i, ; ,atn- Ac Ac ; vs ;.! rAi-..,,,.,'r).l,,rtr-i..n. notions ir vmr,Tii:s' I Cai-i.-tir- ,f llo-i.-rv. ("I'V.s. '1 in ct l:uti ' n- ,t. V. ,-Vti - ivlNr- liu., It,, i,-; '-, Iln I Lri-ln- 'loot'l Lii.-Io-s. Faticv II. a l I r bat I ,,,,.,; ,-.;lts. l!o.,. .-!. u'-. Call "t-l.a;- T, nil,-, 1, 1... . p.. ,r..t .'.. ,.'. ar... ...,,... ,,.,,1 ,. liter mi: U- to lilt l.il II A il II W ii. II B . ',,.), s in il- I iti .'es and . ""is I, ,r I iti-l.e- and ! U..U, mid CI 'I l..li ..If. liplt 11 Dvis, Out,;-, ;:-.:--. Yii.ni-iii-s, ti,:, tihi--., r butty, t!u, i).r. (uri-ni. ..rt mill al.l'.lr, UlT) lit ffllllll. iiMM: n:i i:.v!;nii..N akk. A.i iM.'i : t - k of ! C I . O n E R I 13 S3. ('..nil..- id -i.a C. .'.'. T t- l.:.-.-, t .it i .im. a M" .N'i.i I . la.AiiY-MAtii; rH'i'iiiNt;. A I ., W.A atasst O- raavi av a W W aV O l MalavaWa.) t r tn. i. u i.. ii . tl k . '"li 1. I ,1 I 1. . It ..I. M i'l ' li VI ii. i. 11. r i .... li li I- ll.l.ll.v Jttiot 1 I - 1 1 o s i; o ii N's III 1 Hit VI il fl.l !'..!:! J As V A CO FFKEt i ' li I .'. . . t ' . ' 6UPC.11UH TO ANY IN ! V K Y. f 1 1 1. 1- i. i '- ...-. lo.l. . I I I . a. . , . i . a - i- - . a i 1 at I i ... I I .1.1. I I 1th . 111. III. V ' . ' ' I , .... ,k l'lKAJCIJ KliTLIINO FK03I I)13'.'B Dfcl.5 oi im: i.mi i: A IS I) DUitSTl V 1'. O R O A N Arc Cure.l I,. HOOTLAXirs Cxermau Bitters, J7i tiral Slrtt,git;'tlui These Litkr? b.ie pr-. f.rmel n.ore Cnrcs! li n e and do Htm Pa tl r'ci--'i tini ! Ht.-c nvire T -'t'-'-ry ' Have p'.orc J't to !.-pJo t. V..ueh f r Tl.ciu' Than an - ;!ier at li.-le in ti c i irket . We t'"ry r.' ONi: l- e n'r.-li -1 th' As;Tt'.:i. At Vi F.J.II. I'AV 5IMi' To n.V- o'.c C'al nill irolni-c a Crii(i .-.'e pnWM.e-t be tV'i' i 0 it IIKM IM:. iioori..Ar-:D's ennus riTTTrr.p. Will r i-e every c ,. 'if r!:.-enie '-r Xer ons li.'hili v l'iscaseof lae Ki'taes. and lliheases ariHllg from ilis.ir.lere'1 Sti tc'K !i. oiw-iKViiiiiK pn' i.imvinv. ?y:;pt.'Ms Resulting froiu lio:,k." of the lsiculiteOrf.icn r I'. T'!"'. Inward ;!.-. ri!r..-.-s or l!...l tn t'o- Head A 'i.iiiy ol the Sto mach. Nau-ea. il-a'.'n'n. L -n.-t ior Fu' .l. l'uliie.-.-. or WeiL-liI i'l tiie : I'na.'li. J-Vc.r la'ai't-itii e.-. -il.i.inir or I'lie'er-r. nl 1lc I i: .';'!:, Ston!:.!:!.. S.' iln? lilii; cftl'c I'er.'l. Huriii iil.-i li.:!'. cult L: fin lii 1 iM'teri' .: rt the 'ieart. i r.'i.'i i Sunoca!:l' .V'i:- I : .1 . s v.l'.'n i;i s Ivi.j p -:.:ie, 1 , : it - , i;isi f Vi' ii. !'i n nr Wed lu i'.ir.' : end Hull Pail, ia tin' Jt.--.-I. lien- i l' -v ol Pit -p.ia-lion. Veil 'Wiio-i . t" Hit Skin and liyt . l'.i'i in the Side. Pael;. Ch.-t. Liti'I s Ac", .-uddt a Flii.-iiesol Heat. L'-ridiiL' iu the 1 ic.-.i, Coi,.eta:i Tinn r'ti'n-1 of L" il. ud frriiat in pre.-sion ot r-piri'i;:. TIIAT Tni3 tlTTr.M T SOT ALCOHOLIC, Conlninsi no I:nt or 'WhlsJioj-, .nil cn't nnlro Tlrtir.k nr t -. bul is the I'.c-t T.ni'- ir l:ie Vi i-I t . fir" IS-tti lio r:iy rVtis lo;ii t'lC Rev. Levi ll. Ile-I;. Pastor , ." Ihe P- j Church. lVii'.leTtfi. X .1 . torn .-! of t.., , jjaptist Churi 1'. I'iiilciii Iplii- I b.ave known Hooi1: 1 s itertr.nn P.it'ers fivon 1 Iv for a v.an.ner -i a:--. Jl::.on-o I ;i.:.i ian.v ti u fatnitv. an i have b.-eii -o vb- i-e I v.'t'i t;.-.r ,.tv J w - iti ic e i 1 - r o- i:-'ie:i I t Oe-o t - n a- ;iy others, nnd kl'"V, in .t ti,. y have rp.ialel :i, n : strikini;lv lien.-ii' nil u.iinv.. r I take jrre:" ple.-ur.. I !n l!m unholy pra bu'.ii;-.. ::u In. n i .'-iiiii i tlio Itten'.i' n ot 111 "-" at.'; . t i a 1 .Use .' I :' n M 'I they rei'-'tMiieniii .1. to liu " I'.ttirs. k'n v.::; t;.;n evperieoec that n:y Iveonin "'i latioli irill l.e -n-laii'-ed. 1 do '.hi- uiore el.ee: l'.:l!y ii- lb i.tlaini s L.ii-'s is intended to bin i tb" ;e 1. a'nl is not a ram iiriiii,- "' Vi u'.s truiv. l.t: V I il i i Ck Fricn Tic. T Xcwtoti V.riw: l-'i-,cy,'l.i;',l'.i , f I'., ii.-om.' Ki, Chr.'.iiiclc Philad -Ipliia. li IL. IMitor of ll.e ii .l.'. i.nd Christi?..! Al'Viitcb '1 it r.i-;''i'l to f i"' r or rec. n ih.t 1 Pn cnt Me.i'cii-.e- bi ir. neral. i'n 'acl: il 1 r i ; r : t of their inirrevlicnts ami f I-ct.3. 1 yet kn w n! r" sv!Vi Mot reasons why a man May ii"! li -1'ty to tile i t ii, :.t.- !., h'.'li''Ve-- bitll ll t 1 !l:.vc rvoiv,.l ;-i to :n.v ?.-,':tl. j.rep"ra;t..1 ii :':e hope that he :-y thu1 coi.;r:"uti to the I .'-noli t 1 f others. I if. t'lo? lhc mere readilv ir r, x 'rl t.i il -.tai'i i's (leimp.n Litli '-'. i rcpari'd by I r C. M. .lavkx-u. f tliis city, l.ecai'c I v aJ preja 'i ''! r.ratnst tiu-ni f .r many years, n'ubr the itc res-: m that they v.n-a chit il vim ale hoiie jnixiurc. 1 m indcble t to my frit -id HoVr-t Shcomukcr. F.-r . I r the removai of litis prejudice Py proper tc-'-i. and for enet.tirac ment lo try them, when s it, ritot fn ln ejreat Hu. ; l-ntf coniiiiu.M .i-i... i . 1 ' """' ""'" be.-t !';tl"l-. at Ihe .e.-mr f the pre- rl year. followed t V lic.Ti't of bodily al. l lnt-ei"' -' r which I in, 1 o ..; f it t'.r.-iv tu-nil.s l.et'.'i. I It.. I eim.t-l d.-piirc t nt reainin. I thercf re !,aoi; tied and my 11 it nd for tiirielini; to i'.ic " iliem. .1 MiWT.ix inirwx From Ihe V,ev Jo li K.iir.ard. Pasloi ol'lh Mill Hapiist Ctiurtli. Hr. .la.'kson Ot-ir rir t h u e been ."rein, ll.ir rc'iuc-tcd to connect my watn w-:1i coininen l-iic 1 s ot uitle-eiit kill Is ef iniJicities I r.' n-cartimn ti n ).s leti, c 1'..-. ut of 1:1V a' -r i riate sphere. 1 liat.' i'.i i ll i a -rr df.-lint d : but -t ':'i a clei r pro.il in vinous Scenes, and particlai ly in tr.v f-nciy. ot iV.c u-.'-fulne's t.f Jr. II . "a'..i s"ticu..aa liili.-rs. 1 W art for tur e li'' 111 ni v it-o'. il C 'lirs-.'. lo ep- cs v. fnM eo-.v'-ti 11 that."'' r :.l iMdlity of tie s;-n'.o a" I t- p. -chilly for ' li er tV'rpl.'iint. it is it sate a-l valilr-lo ' prejitirali at. In s-ci e cases il ivay t tii h.11 ;'-'ia'.'y. I .'-:oil le-V it Wiil t-e v.-ry bi i.e. -'icl ;,-tho-e w tie sutler fr'-lu I1'" it''o c cr. Yours, very r. p.-, uitily. II Ki'NN' Mill Fi-hth l.iloi, Coate-Strect. Phtl.i.l- '.1 ...1 F'om Uev Warren Land ! h. Pat .i l'a Ciiui vh. ii ; inaiUi'.in. i i'.t:i. Ir C. M Jack- i : lVar 'Si.-: . ; v e -ienec c'.ti' lis lne to s .y that 1 r.-iTil. ( , . i;,.t!e' Hitler TCtVnred i V loll ll- : I,.. -'. 1 Veil, I II..-.I: eiue lu re eld .11 l csn.'M. ,:.'b:.'tv I .ii" ! l.vti - Ki-' lb- I01. 11 WALl'.i.N i'.AM.'l.i'll. lit r'u.l'ltvW 1 . l'.i "ivc tuen sreitiy 1 . I. ten tour-, tiulx l I'-tu F.cv. J II Tar.o-r. ' . r i f I'e i lii..- M i: I ht.r. h. I'f-':. '..: ' : ir .luck- n .- ii, ir sir - r.r mj n-.-1 y.".t 1, r lean I'll:, r- in n-.y l ito.i r'.. - iu l .! 1 I e't, pri.re.i lo .-.'.y li.at it has Oct n ,.l ill . it et t ,ee I Wl e.' tla.l '.li 11.0-t ci-,-- , t j;, !..'i..l .1. I i.i'.y e!' I'.e sx-l.nv iti- the s ite-t a'ld in..-; ..' ' le r . j - i .1 w L... ii 1 hav e 1.1. know le l.-e Yo.'iis. rc- 00. m;!,-. .' II K riNrit. No ;.r. X. Nu.e.c. t.''i Mieet rrol.lll.c l.ev .1 t i. 1.- I 1 :ti . r 1 1. - l..lun.!u j.N J I at-i Idi-i. nu ,l't'. IN;',,, Cur. ue.-. .f '.-'.'l e. V Y lr. C M. .I1k-.11 -'V ir .-r --I 1. . 1 it .1 1 1. 1 sore tin-, t-l l . 1 y .... I . a.'C"r.l I - '.. ar le-t.ni, ty I 1 I hi. 1 ell. cv i'l ti .' " .1 I. 1 'Mil' 1- .-11 .' '.: --lite. I t in; iiui 'h a?', 'lol :'"i L- " 1 n-. 1 til, 111 w 11 L , erv h, A. 1 , . !,--i ll. I lt i' ,.' . tt n e. 11. !..!. tv.l I . . - . 1 . 1. 1. 1 ' d I v it...l 1. : 1.0 1.1 n : 1 " 1 1 ,-: 1 ,,;' t in i l. .,i .i . a . . t a '. t ; ,r ''. it - i.io 1 1. ,'...-' .- -l I o..,,,.i ,ui,.c, I .,g ! t t a 1. 1 .. -i .... " u.t t. ta pav-cl J i LvN- r.-t m the iv v ni-.- v. i..t-r i'i- T.,'i.. I'.-t I ..i'.. . i .iu ... lr liek-.n - 0. 'u- .-.I I I''! il .lii' t- t I-1 ', .lent lfc. it ,1 ll " I i ' , 1 1 I ' i l.'i 1 I le t'-ti't V lo I I. I I....I i -l 11 -t It 'I' , l.l ..-..II . . o. .11 I ;. i ! i o- -. It . t 1 1 i i ...... u ... ... d 1 .. i ,, , i l.i a 1 ' . . , ., . : it I,, I, . I ti.l I ' " . .1 ' k" I . t . t 1 1 I I i , I 1 1 a ' ,.,.,'' I I - " I . . , mi. ;,. ..... I . .. -. a , i i . i ..la ... i ti . i'. I 'n t i i i 'i..i Li I M I . t i v i 1 1 I. I lilt' lit . .a. ....II 1.1 alliliait IW. I . i i I I. I it.