Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 23, 1864, Image 1

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    Ticuhh of xiie 2kyut.nktukS.
pinole BuiisuairrroN t
One finer of It tin, 3 tlma, flP4
Every tubseiuent ioterlivu,
'no square, 3 mouths, W
Sit month, On
One year, " - -IN
Hushiest Cardt nf A titi jft armBta, ""
.Mnrebsnta and ethers -ftrisFetjjriiitf bv the Till.
Two Dollars per unum, to be paid half yearly
La advance. A ytijur dltoootinued Haiti all ar
rearage art paid.
tO CLCU I , ,
Threo copies to on address., f 1 00
fccven do 00
i-illcen do do 20 00
Fir Dollars, In advaiif e. will pny for three years'
ubeoription to th Amentmn.
Ctnb iulmeripUoiu nut be Invariably paid In ad
Tanoe, uid aeut lo on add rex.
XHulsscriber negleotor refuse to take their news,
pauori fruui lb ottioe to which they are directed, they
ir rwpousible uulil Ibey bar Milled Lilt billl and
ordered then, ditcuuliuued '
p otiniait.Tt will ploaee aot ai onr Agent, and
fr.n letteri oonlaiuing tubeoription money. They
aro periuiiud to do tbia uudcr the Post Oflice Law.
with Ilia pri'ilrga of ioseruisg different atf
rtiiitig weekly, "" " 1A 0
l'usiueas notices inserted In-th 1Orit Cet trstsVesf
before Marriage and loatbJ, flVK tfcMS PtH
L1M fur tavh insertion.
Ut' Largor AdvUiBint ai per agfttinLt.
W has connected with our ctablibajtit a well -selected
JOB OFFICE, which will taabl ni to
etcut,: Ui neatest tvl, every variety of
NEW SERIES, VOL. 17, NO. 18.
OLD SERIES, VOL. 24, NO. 44.
DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most Certain,
Specie end only Effectual Hcinely in tho
World !'r nil Private Piseaae, Weakness of the Ilnck
.r l.ituhs. Slricturos. Afl'pctiona of th Kidney and
Madder, luvoluntary Discharges. Iniptency. Uciie
ml Debility Xmniinm Dyspepsy. Languor. Low
Sniriis. Confusion of Ideas. Palpitation ot the Heart.
Timidity. Trembling". Dimneanf Sight or Itiddincss.
liM-iir orthr llend. Throat, Nose ur skin. Atreoth.ns
cf the Liver. bungs. Stomach or Dowel? thiwe Terri
ble Disorders arising from tha Solitary Habits of
Vimth those -eeret and nolitnry nractioim more fiitnl
to their victim- thnn the nong of Svren to tho M
rincr of riyws. blighting their inot brillinnt hopes
r.r ntiticip:i'tions. rtndrring nmrringe. Ae., iiunmfi
tie. Kpecillv. who have beeonic lb vieiiln" of Niiitnrr
Yiee. Iliat ilreaillul nud destrueliva habit abieh
KtimiMllv weep to nil untimely grave lhouiid of
Yi'img Men of the iwwt exalted talenln and brilliant
inu llcet. w ho might otherwise have entrnneed lijten
ing S .-iiatM with tha thunders of eloquence or wnked
to ecflaty tho living lyre, may call with full ciu
Cd.nce. .M:IIR1A4.F..
Married rer"orj. or Young Men contemplating
rmrria'.-e. bring nnare of phy'ical wcnknea. urganie
liel.ilitv. dc torinilies. Ac. -peedily cured.
He who .lace bint-elf nmler the earn oflir.J.
iijmv religiouilv confide in bis honor bh a gentleman,
end voiilideutlv rely upou bis skill as a I'hyiieian.
rimrediatelv t'ured, and Full Vigor Restored.
This liijtrcssing Affection which renders Lift"
Tii'o rnMe and marriage impossible is tho penalty
1 :d by the vi. tiin of improper indulgences. Young
Iicr."ii- are too apt to commit excesses from not
I "in nuari of the dreadful cunseiiuences that limy
eii.ue Now. who that underitnmU the subject will
pretend to deny t!'t the power of procreation but
.mr by tbiwe fulling into improper habit limn by
.be pro d'ent ' ti vid' being ilwprived the pleasures
f beaitby off-pring the iuot serious aud destructive
viupioii.i to Kith b idy and mind ari-e. I he system
ice uic lierai'gr 1. the l'hy-ival ai d Mental Funo
i, u e.keneii. Lo-.- of l'rocrcaiive !'er. Nervous
rirnl-ilitv. ly4pcia. Palpitation ot the Heart,
iidiirc bin, t'oii'litiitioiial Hebilily, a Wasting of
'; I nnue. t'utigh. I unsmnptinn. l.ieenr ninl Jioalh,
:!;, . Sontli l'i-wl'rl'k Mlreel
.ft tiand "id going IV,. in Hiil'iiiuirc trw t. a tew
...,t- frm the l iuvr.; Fail i-t to- olerve nan.
iid nun In r. .
l.. i'. r ti u-t be paid rind contain a s'ainp. Tbo
.m ?,t l'ipli'ii.a.-; luiiig in bisoFnee.
l TIK WAISlt a.vii;i I. r
.V- .?,.? t-r .Xjur"'tt t'i''f?e.
embi r of the Royal t'ojlcge 1 1' Surges in. I. n l"li,
m t-.latf tri'in of the luorft einiuent 1'oilrgtH in
f I'nit'' 1 Statrv, and the greater part of who life
hern ip-i.t in Ihe hut-pit?ilr of l.oT-doti. Faris,
i. ia b i ti.'i iif'l e!si'wlivre. Iiiu etlecled -"tile of
i- in- t i.'ti'iii' liing cures thit were evr known ;
my trniibli 'l v, it': i rirging in Hi" bead and ears
icn aiieep, iKrvou.-nc'. Ivin i!n:nied at
I' n -,-ni'-. i.ebl'H!n-. wiih fre-nunt Mui-uiiig,
i-i i 'i:' ti":- iin deraiiguieut k Liiud, n ere
Aii'lT V;A it'-i u-1 i.xit i h i:.
'r. .1 r. i ir i ail !!' .: who have iijuriil thi in,
. I v iMijiropcr indent nee and -olilary habits,
i. l. nVr b" h ti-ciy and n.ind. iihtiltiug' them lor
i bu-ii!:-.s. .-:ii'iy. "it !y ur nn.ri i:i'-.
, are some of ihe id and iii'dan h..y edi-cts
lic'e I by curly habit' of youth. it: W.-iikiiess of
Hick iitcl I in !'. Tail i in the Iliad. I liuiliec of
i.r. t.,,- ,,'. :i,M.!:ir I'.cAcr. rali itaiii-ti ef the
'. 1 1 . -j ";.v Virv:iu Irrii.tbiiiiy. J lerangenii-i.t
t. I'.c .i-e i'iir.Uii!.r liwmrrd ilcbiiiiy, ymp-
i I .lir.iluplii'l'. AC.
'.; f W.J.Y . Tl.e fearful efTe.-ts on the mind uro
'it t'. t-e '.Iriadcd l.o.' of Meni'irv, (' itil'ut'.on of
,i. Mi iii-csMin. "t" piriii. KviM'viToii.jtlin;:. Avcr
.j Sni.-iy. Sci'-li.iuit, l.iM! of Solitude,
:i 1:1c. ,t lire tome of the - ilr pro Itli'. I.
i! . i .i ii. oi" pTiii'i of all ai's tan now judge
i i-ihe cow i' their ilcclining he illh. losing
r vijor. bi'i-oiniiig weak. pnl. nervonj and
crnte I. !.'. in,; a 'InLMilcr appenriince ubuut tU
, C'.'U "It Uli'l "VMlplolil- uf cotixuinpii'iu.
! ,i' c iej.iri'1 I liei:-Hts by certain prnetice
'ged in win ii abmv. a baliit frequently leurned
elil eompaiiiol.s. IT a' ebon!." tl.e tffects of
i: ar' nil.'ly ti lt. etn when nlecp, tin t if not
.! imiIit" iiinriiage iiiiposible. aid dotroji
iM.i.i and ho ly, should apply in. mediately.
? :if a pi'y i!i",t a innu. the hope of bis
ir-. the di.rln"; "i'lii- parents, d-oub! be .-Hashed
:.V. ppi-p.C's and erjoyuienti of life, by the
ijileiice t.f dcvinttlig t :-'ni ihe 'h of LR'.uro
i. lulL'iu- in a i trlaiu m -.'rt i b.ii;:t. Ci:U pcrsoi-S
l. t .le do!:!" mpliitii
yi V i: tt I !'..
thht a found niii.d and body are the nust
-iir. requisitf.- to pr uiot connubial lnippitiMt.
I ii itliout llie'e. tiie j n. nicy through lite l.o
- a weary pilgriiiiiige ; ihe prorpect hourly
to ihe lea; the unlet nee 'iiies Mia'iowe.j
deipair and filled with the mcliiuuholy retlec tl.e h'ipl inei of aiiothi r becomes blgblud
i n ie leigui'lrd and in prii l-nt votary nf
ucfieN ti'ai he ban imbibed the ed ot this
i: liisi ;i-c. it n -ot'ei' bappi r' that an i'il-lime.1
..: ii;;ine. or dread oi discovery, dctcru bim
ni.- lung t i ibose Mic fn.M c i o'i'iiin and
i.l'.fiiv. mi alone bef.i-nd hiii.. dciuyii g ti!!
oi i!int:.iiial"'"' "I' ll.is1 b'Trid disease
l:fi app'-iiitince. fiuh as uvci.itrd -rc
.t''eiee i i o-e, ii.K'turnal paii.r iu the head
.it-, dm I. em ef i."lil. iliiiflie-s, nodes ou the
. . ki.-l .rii.t.. b. oi lies ,.n liic b- ud fiue and
i-nii. rogreing lib f. iglitful rapi ii'y. till
II-: p.itli'i ! the liouh oi tin- b.:- of tho
nil in. ai. I ihe victim of this awful disease
a 1...ITI I olj -clot coiiimi.-eiatioi,. till death
p. ii,.. toliis ilrea ll'iil minoriug". by sending
hni I ii.ii-c'-itreii L'uuiitry li'.'iii v, h-'Leu bo
I-1 r-'turi.n."
. :: .cj,;!; I'jft that thousand.- f-ill uouo'
t ruble di-ea.e. owing to the uieilifu!uc uf
it pieielidels. wbu. by iheu.-o il Itiut It,fi'f
, . -, ruin tlie coiiiili'ulion uid make
.i.lueol lile I'l.selttl.le.
j i it ;i:it!w
t n-.t eour lives, or health, to the care of the
'i lenined and Worthies, Pretenders, destitute
lil-dge. inline or character, who copv l)r.
ot.'s B-ivertiH'iiii ut. or style themselves, iu
"papers, regulurly lidiiculed Physicians,
bit-. t Curing, they "k- p you trilling uiontu i taking their' filthy and poiMinus eoui.
, ,r a. long as tlic.uialksl fee e.iu he obtained,
I--pair leaie you nh ruined Utallh t.i ugh
r . 1 1 III- llirllllltlillllliellt.
i..n i. toe
IUI I IIJMCillll "'I enipii.-;
r, I. nfalor diploma-a "-' " ' ' .
-en.i.lit. or Ircaltiiii lit aiv unkuon loan
prepared fro... a l.ic spent iu Ihe gj, a .--
.1.. li.-i to i ho couuirv ...I a more
t fi V. Pinter than any Hkt-r I'hysicia; 1
jV.i:mi: t oi-tiik I'ttiis.- o. -ii-ainl. eur.-d ai iki. n.utuiiou yoar
,i uol tl.e imii'si"". i . -
, . in i lu.ed bv lu. Johusloii. wiiiieiut by
, r!t i.l il,e -.-'un. ' -I'lipper." "d U.ny
.r . ,, t td have appeared aga.p
I, i ,. the public, besides bis -isn.l.i'g ee
! i lirit.-te aud f usibtluy. u a
, .,,-,, i .- to the alllicUd
. iiii-:ri:ii:i'-lils
I Hi:i.
,. niin ' .bould be particular In direeling
i, is to Ins i..t.luli.. in the lolli emg U u.r
0n ii, juiin, ii.
h.M.M-i. I.-,Llb.t '-.M,'l'Uiore,Md
s i- i . .
. .i. u....- in. i.rLiii.i sun on
,.,111 l.t I 'if
. i'll'U
ii i "i. t'i-.
. a " Hiti:,
;.wl tclurvrj u
i ihii i " ' HilULUI'lll ,
tM. .i..wl i-1 M N U.U.l ff-u-istt
' y . i - m
I III ..K eV l.
I. .
VI ,1
s . I -i
Isin'ty l-
Geo. Vi'. Smith. Ciiab. n. Uextiieb.
Mirkot street, one door east of Mrs. Coulton's Hotel
Hava opened
A N E W T 1 N W A P E,
Mm-s'I Iron nnsl Slove Ktorr,
and intend keeping cnnstanlly on hand, and manu
facturing to order on shortest notice,
TIN AND SHEET IKON-WAKE of nil descriptions.
A Large Stock of Cook Slovesof the following Itrands:
Willliiui i'enn, Ivums Ivnuia,
lli-, l uion, iintl tlio CVIl-e
Niagara Cook Stove,
iiiicturpnwd for bonutr of finish, pimplicity of r
caeb stove warrauted lu fcrlorm what they are re.
ALSO. PARLOR and 01TICK STOVES, in great
variety, embracing all the best muuufacturcs. und
luot fashitiiiablc designs
Coiil Oil, C011I Oil I.niupM, SIiikIon,
CliiiaiiioH, mill nil ni-ll-l-
unusunlly kept in an establishment of this kind. We
arc alo prepared to do all kinds nt Spouting. Roofing. I
Range and Furnace Work, Ons Fitting. Ac. Repair- !
ing cheaply aud neatly executed. j
mumry projueo taken 11. exchange at market
hMlTII A (iKN Illl'slt, j
!.Uv.'..,.1.".l-"-."?-v f"r l,In" CI-I.EIIRATKH FII1E I
I'l.ALK lll I- S r,.r II,.. I '..,.l ... i.l X . .rl I,
land, Snyder, I nioti mid Montour
Ai d are also agents lor the l'ipher 4 WiUower
Lin 'Transportation.
Sun 'irv .April y, l-dl. -
Corner Market street and Market Siiuarc,
Acknowledged a First Class House.
riMIF l'roprielor would most respectfullv
J. attention of Ihe citizens of Siinhurr and tb
sur- i
rounding eoiinti-y, to the accommodations of his i
house. as-iiring them they will find everyihing that '
can contrsuie to their 'comfort. It is situated far j
enough from the Depot to nvoid the noise and confu
sion incident -to railroad stations, and at the sauie
time only a few minutes walk from the same.
An "un. ibiis will be found lit the Stations on the
i rriu I .-f cuch ir-iiii
C. If MANN, Troprielor.
April 9. lS"il. Sin
JACOB c7 bekT,
An I Dealer in
lisis. l-ciliov 'l into Ills. .'sv Illlill
inoii I'simii fl l-i'S'l. ssoillli (f I
W'vn i ! Ilolcl, I
G U N B U R Y , k'J.., j
INFORMS the cititens ot' fiunliury und vicinity,
that lie has jus; returned from l'hi'tudclphin n ills a
full lusortuieLt ut
SaflllX. A.t M Ml.tll IS Mt !, I
His stock eousisis of Cloths. French Cloths, liluck ;
Dot-Skin and I'ancy Cai-inieres. Itlaca Satin. Figured '
Silks. I'laiti and fancy Cassimere N'ESTl N'iS. which .
he will uiako up tu uider iu styies tti suit the tasie ot i
customers, un sh-,ri notice, and the u:ot reiutiiiable ;
.'my liuods not on hand, will be furiiUhed from
I'hiluJclpbia, by giviug two days' iiiitice.
ttooihi furnished by uusioiuers will bo made up Pi
older a. heretofore.
As bu.will employ none but experienced workmen.
icrsons muv rety on getting their eurg well doiio at
ibiuiKful tor the patronage beretoiore bestowed,
uo rtspceiiunv soiicus a oi ine sauie.
fuubury, Anril lstil.
j C. O. BRUCE.
Authorises! VI m 4 Iniiu :Oi -n
Washington. D. C.
i 111 N 1st ii r'i:r.
Opp.-.ite l'oiiMoli 'llliee
Ciove'.and, Ohio.
No 1 . I.vm v s lll.oi k.
Near Ihe Court House.
Iutlislii( Hi- s.i-i:.V IlcrulU.
and collects
Triro. money uo l all other
I'laiiii. We pay especial attention lo claims in
. which ..iher ntlornees have l'. I LK1, or Hhich have
k been M SPKN lil-.'fi. Wo have already collected
. and paid over to soldiers and Iheir heirs over $.Suti..
Ouii. and are paiug thousands daily- No charire,
i unles? successful. Wrile us, and nu will scud you u
i copv of our paper, free.
i ( K tuLLIXT from J10u lo JIlHi Cah County.
W e do our bunions wiiuoi'T nuuiT S. lsjl
' J. R. kli7BUSH,"
Cotriilj Munejoi' .V 4'iin'jun'-f,
! .V"' ;., ,i rli'i'imb, rlatid Cfihti. Vii'i.
"Vfli e in Washington township Engagements can
V J be ma le by li.ttcr, directud lo the al.oi e address
Lis oarc, mil U- jromntly,
.III tiusiurs.s eutrus'.cd t'
; aUcmicd lo.
! sNVoXV M Tl! LI N K IU AM)
&, GJllsCS?v,
at the Store of
R. A L. S111SSI.KU.
Mmsst Stiuare, Kl'NBCRY, PA
The Misses II. A L. Sbiwler. huviug ronmved Ihelr
esiitblishujeut to more commodious und convenient
rooms, one door above their former lojaiiou, inform
their Ii it mis and customsrs. thut they hv reeeived
and jusl opvti.J a choice and well seleeled usori.
cluuiug every slyluof
Dd all othur articles io lbir liue, which vt ill he sold
Country produe.of all kinds Uke. ill eichuD.e at
- 'I'' '" .
."uutsiry, apru ,
f I'llL undtriiiid dealer in I '.sal from the follow
l lug Moll kuuKU Collieries is prepared In receive
Milan lor the eauie al llie Luotsl Miukut lUiws, vu :
lit. AY'S
II Ullso prepared Iu fjroisb iba
llulltiuortsi u'm f-U IsruH U (onl,
L.Hiht ilkd i'lrili't l.
Oo tie Ha ef th 6usfiuthuu I'.ivtrand Havre it
lireiM. Ho sUss IsiaU eriaug. un ntt f ir Ike best
W hiuk e Is pfenared la deliter on htssrd lUsiui al
Nsvik auiliMlaiiil, ef hr tare user Noribua i.tuirel
Heilroed. aud eu the hue uf lb fbtiadeiph. aud
trie Uiebsss lei uj
Jl it prepsred Iu III all Urdvr aiih despaub, l4
si.tllull aulwne usdirt fiuut Ihe 1 ide
AsidieM Jvii.1 MaAhLAvp
April . leM uflbii.sK.tlj.d, t
.,.oDiu. Mr-nii.i'
illurMfia mmd utsM-lr Ml I Jw,
lH.e. Markei iis . Ceowe ALy,
UUNlllIHy. I A..
U. S. 10-40BONDS.
Tbesa Ootids are issued tinder tha Act of Congress
of March 8th, I HOI, which provides that all Uonds
issued under this Act shall he KXF.MPT FROM
TAXATION by or under nnystate or municipal au
thority. Sulxoripttoni to these Bonds art received
In Cnit4?d 5tates notes or notiw of National Ranks.
They are TO HE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the
.1 . , . . . ... '
pleasure of the Government, at any period tior Irn ,
' r !
Man ttn nor morr than forty years from their
dnte. and until their redemption FIVE FEIt CENT.
of not over one hundred dollars annually and on all
other Uonds semi-annually. The Interest ii parable
on """V f n4 Peptember in each
Subscribers will roreire either Registered or Cou
pon Bonds, as they uiny prefer. Registered Ronds
are recorded on the books uf the L'. S. Treasurer,
and can be transferred only on the owner t order.
Coupon Uonds are payable to bearer, an J are more
Convenient for commercial use.
Subscribers to Ibis loan will have the option of
; having their lluiuls draw interest from March Ut,,by
I paying tho accrued interest in coin (or iu l ulled
States notes, or the notes of National Ranks, adding
itiy per cent iir premiuui.) or receive them draws
ig interest fr.uu Ihe datoni'subscriidioii mid deposit.
As these llondi are
l't'init IVom iWiinls-ipiil or Slnfo
there value is increased f'oin onu to three per cent,
per annum, according to tho rale of tax levies in va
rious parts of the country.
At the present rate of premium on gold they pay
I in currency, and are of equal convenience as a per-
tuauciit or temporary investment.
I It is believed that no securities offer so great in
ducements to lenders as the vnrious descriptions of
f.-P. lloiidr. In all other forms vl indebtedness! the
faith or ability of private parties or stock companies
only i pledged for payment, while f..r the ib bts of
the I. niied States the whole property of the coun
try is hidden to'ecuro the payment of both principal
und intere.'i in coin.
These Uonds may bo subscribed for in sums from
SfcOup lo any magiliido, on the satuo let ins, and are
thus made eiiually nvnilable to the smallest lender
nnj the largest capitalist. They can be converted
into money at any amount, and the bolder will hnvi
tho benefit of the interest .
It may be useful to plato in this connection tha
the total Funded Debt of the l i.ilel States on which
interest is payable in gold, on the .".d day of March,
lr.. wa., ?;us.'.irij,ini. The interest on thi debt
for the ei in'ui ' fiscal vear will be 515 '.'::7.1o. wbilo
i the custom revenue in gold fur the current fiscal
: year, ending June .Huh. If,l. ha.s been so f ir at the
rate of over jf-IiiiM'OO.oni) .mir.ui
It will be seen that even the present gold revenues
; of the lioveiiiiuent are largely iu excess r.f the want'
j of tl.e Tri-vury l'r the payment of g-.ld int re.-l,
i while the recent increase ol the tnrifT n ill doubilcst
' risi.-e. tho annual receipts from cu-toms on tho sauie
! um ,unl ol importation, to f I jil.eou.otiO per aiiuiiin.
Iinauctions. Ihe National Hanks in-ting us loan
I agents were not issued from ihe 1'nilrd .Shite Trca-
sury until M irch M, but iu thu first ihrio weeks of
April the subscriptions averaged
u.ore ihau TEN
c'ubior.pti itti Hill be received by iho
Kirn National Rank of 1'hiladulphia. Ta.
Pccnnd National Dank of Philadelphia, l'a.
Third National Uank nf Philadelphia, Pa.
1 FircT Natiuual Dark of I'm, villa, l'a.
Anil bj nil ntimtl IliniKsi
j nhieh rc depositaries ot Public money, aud all
hKsii:rTABi.c bunks ami sttstns
throughout the country, (acting us agents of the Na
tional Depository Hunks.) will furnish further infor
mation on application and
May 7, Ul.
1804, 1804.
At the Large Millinery Store nf
TtliMN yt. Is. 4!ufcler,
Tawu ftrect, two doors south of Shamokin Va'U-v &
I'nttsville Kailioad. iSl'NUl'llY, l'a.,
Consisting nf Ihe very luteal styles of
KKCX3 IsV .W M' tt'easSej
.--T-j jLlTD G..!IE?.C!
Also. Tiimniings such as Ribbons, Laces, French und I'loaers. Fealhtrs. Ao.
Fancy Goods & Notions.
tu nbich (be directs the attention of her friends, and
iuviicj ull io cull aud ace bctor purchasing else
lo r
J huokful for past Batronage, she hopes by keep- 1
: ing tne best aMorluicul al reusuuable prices lu cuu
j liuue the same.
j tiucbury, April 0, IS'it 3ui
ltndiiis Kallruusl.
CI UF.AT THI NK LINE from ih North ana
J North-W iut for Philadelphia, New York. Head
! ing. Holm ills, Lebanon, Alluulowu, Lastou, Ac.
) Trains luave liurrisburg for Philadelphia, New-
York, Ltadiug. Poluville, and all luuriuediale
, etations. at 6 A. M , aud 3 00 P. M.
New York Lxprcsslears llarrisburg at t .10 A. M ,
arriving at New York ut I il the saiuu day.
I A ape 'ial AoeomuiudalioD I'asaeugur train leaves
Iteadingat I lb A- M-, aud ralurosfiou Uurruburg
at i P. M
Fares from Harrlshur g r To New York fi Ii ; to
I Philadelphia (3 ii aud fi ao. Uaggag chocked
I through
j Heiurnius;, leava New York at 0 A. M.. )2 N.ko,
.ud 1 P M, Pituhurgb Liprew arriving at llitrris.
burg at 1 A M ) Leate PUilalulpUia al B 1 i A. M.
end .1 .10 P M.
rilcepiBg ors lo tb New York Express Train
through to aud fruoi Pittsburgh without change.
Passcu irs by tb Catlawissa hail lesv Ta
Biequsst B .'hi A. M , aid t U P. M-, for 1'biledel
i bia, Nets-York, ud ail nay PoiuU.
Traius leave I'oo.villt al V Ii A. M , and I.lil P.
M . lor Philadelphia, llwnstiurg aod New Vol.
Auact'oi.,u.oialit.u PassMUger Uuiu laevt sie0in(
' su A. M , aud rciurut fruui Pbilaielpbi al a uo
All tl also train ruo daily, l:4udiy
A huaday Iralubsve Poll ill i I 30 A.M.,
ud Pblledclpbi! . U P. M
1'ou.ii.uUu. u, Milcstge. heaso, n i L urloU
Tu kis. al rt-luced rait s lo aid ponj all ,.iui.
. Ml I'uulJs Ssv'gsi: allots td oat h pastsuger
it. A. MCuLLb.
uteertl Puperluteusleol-
M.y jr. in1-
4grul WitMtt! i;trlrr
Is" Mil it
uriANT i ill iLNiiiudiririAr. r."
on a visa or
stlcMlMtf !( tV:sMMclmt I'rtM Irw
Tu Us ted fclv i lia-.s 1 1 lj awl
Is'sf l-s. i I as 1 lt)s t il-1. r , :y Pel1 -t.
t. .
Points) It-np,.,."
An eve-w itnens of tho navnl figlit cnni
tnnnictttvs to the London lhtily Aari tin
tollowinr intvrcntiniriiarrutivv, which lirinir
out gomu new points : '
I returned Inst nilit front Cherbotirn.
where 1 litul been a w tho tiirtit be-
twet n 1 tie notrmrye ami the . Authtma. 1
re-tret to see thut sonic ol the Loin on miners
,.. ,.-.....,; , .. , ... . ' ' ls
fo pervertint; und tulat vinir thp limta. an a
to do great injustice to Ihe gullunt oliicers
und men of the Keanaroe,
"The tiKht bcxcim at II A. M. nntl ended
n few minutes alter 12 lusting little more
than un hour. The Alalmma tired seventeen
shot ut the Kcnrnarge before the latter (ired
a gun. The Ktut $urge tired one hundred
and seventy-three shoti. She was struck in
the hull seven or eight times, but hit bus
tiiined no- important damage, and is per
lci tly ready for active service.
''Slid lina a - prow of nlinnt nun linmlp.,.1
and e-i x t y men, that of the Alubama being
' nUiut one hundred and forty-seven. The
j AIiiIkiihu had eight guns, the Jittriirye only
'seven. The tiring of the Alalimi was very
tniiccurnte, thai ol the henrminjc was excel
lent. A Inrge pivot gun was ptirtieithirly
eli'eclive. The Kcnrmrge is tniokcn of us
iron-clad ; she was no more iron chid titan :
tne AuiUuita might have been hud thev
Ink. n the precaution. She simply had a
double row of chains hanging ou r her sides
to protect her machinery. Two shots from
l..u Alabitna struck these chaius, and fell
h.irmlcssly into the water. j
' I he Kaiimiryi pii ked up sixty-three men,
one dead body, und two men who have
nee died on hoard. She also took live olii
cers. Captain Winslow would now have all j
the oliicers and men of the Alnlm ma as pii- ;
soneis hud he not placed two much conli- J
letKO ot an E,ngltsliman wlin carried the
ilag of the Hoy ul Yacht Squadron. The J
Club will be indeliblv disgraced unless thev
take measures to repudiate and condemn
the conduct of Mr. .lolin LuncuMcr, owner
of the yacht limltound. I have no doubt
that this yacht was in Ihe harbor of Cher
bourg to assist the Aluhtma by every means
iu lu r jniwer ! that she did so I know ; her
movements before the action prove it.
When the AUiUmm went down the yacht.
Icing near, was hailed by Captain Winslow, i
j olid requested to aid in picking up Ihe men ' iissitance of the crew of the sinking ship by
i in the water. The rciues-t was complied the Federal ollicer, and that the Keatstirge
I w ith, und the Ho rhuund, after having res- picked up sixty-eight men, which shows
' cued, as supposed, about twenty person, in- j that she was not so very indifferent to the
i eluding Captain Semnies anil First Licit- fate of the drowning men. There will be
j ti tieiu Kelt, immediately left, running lo- j outcry in America if Captain Wiuslow makes
i wurd-. Lnulaud. Captain Winslow says the reclamations; nor will tho proposal to pre-
reason he did not pet sue In r, or lire into her, ; sent a sword to Captain S, tunics, emunat
'; was 'hat he could not believe that any one j ing from an ollicer of the Hoyal Navy, lend
, currying the Ilag of the Hoyal Yacht Sqtia- to allay the bitter feeling w Inch, no doubt.
tlri'ii i inibl act so tlMionoraole a part as to ;
I carry off his prisoners, whom he had re
quested him to save, from feeling of hu
( Captain Wiiflow considers Setnmcs and
' his ollicoi'M bound upon their honor to give
. themselves up as his prisoners ol war.
j About live inintiles before the .4 (' ;isr went
down a boat frmii her cuine to the' Knirivmjt
j with an ollicer, uh nuiirndircd the nw',
and then asked permission to return with
bis to ni-st in picking 111) the lin n.
Tliisuiu r I tt lii-n tin. oili.-. r b it ninl
after rescuing a number principally oliicers,
! I understand - he went on hoard the Kng- j
' lish acht and escaped. 1 'lease excuse the
! hurried style of I hi.. Idler, but I was mix- i
jiolis that'whilo Captain Semnies and hi;
party were being feted for I heir glorious con- ;
diii-t.voiinii.dll lie iiniiri.eti of tbe,e tuisi- i
live fact.
'iitur- of llsei
A lady, who is temporarily residing in Philadel
phia, u us a passenger iu the H.IU haltimore train
that lctt the city on Monday morning and nus cap
tured by a rebel caiulry near Hush river. W'e have
beard the statelutllt of this lady, which may be con
densed us follows: The train, containing two hun
dred passengers at le;iat. was moving over the road
I at the usu.-il rate when suddenly, al Magnolia, a vol
ley of mu-koiry was tired into il, an J one ot the men
ou the cugtne was killed. The train was iiuiiiedinte
ly slopped, and the cavalry, to the number of several
hundred, immediately tlrew themselves up iu battle
oirray. "Are you going to murder us. ! inquired
our iady informant.
i "No madam, we do not intend to hurt yon ; we
are nearly ull Mrylandrs, aud only want the
; eminent property. -
j With inisHMuranee the lady passenger had their
fears .piieltd. X ho marauder oouuuuuccd remov
ing the bagg jo of the pusseugers, and assisting them
out. one uf the party carrying the child iu care of
our iiii'ormaiit tu a shady place. '
I All ibis having been lioue iu a somewhat hurried
1 uiaiiuer, the truiu wus tired and rau uo the bridge
al Ilusb river, wbur it burnt aud destroyed u pur
lion of the bridge.
The marauders were under the command of M ij'
J lle.iry Uilruore. uf liallimnre. 11 ia attached to
I ihe rebel army. Ho wo io ltalliumre on riumbiy.
al vs Licit tiuiu he learned thut Major lieuerul Frauk
' l.o would bv on the train on the tolbiHing morning
' It was then determined to oaplure him. I'bu lieuo
. ral was slill suffering from a wound he received ill
l lkntlla. in linn It-siiL assif rtA s-ra at hnrt limu
sinco 'and llo. hi... from ..'(Toe lull bis . s.
cape lb rehcl said Ihoy ba4 plenty ot Inouds In
all p-irU of lb neighborhood where Iho train ai
eapiureo. s ueir uorres were tpieniiui-iooaii.g aui-
tualt. well fed, aud quite lively, aud prauced about
io all dirocliont, thus making suUiou nt dusl lu ul
uiost choke tha passenger. A number of those ou
lb train were rubbud, uud Ibis was reimrted to Ma
jor It ituiore. who bad aasured all that private proper
ty should be rospeeled. Due of Ihe ladies had lost
ouu lliousaud dollars. The diju who robbed br was
i-teulilied by luolosiy, and be was made lo roturo
the uiouey, by order uf the M'tjor, who drew a pistol
aud ihruaieiied lu kill biiu on lb spot if he did not
al iiuce rt-slure the money. h threat had a sutu
lary ell'oci. ihe sougurs generally bad to walk
f.oin the place of oapliviiy to the tluupowdcr river,
during which luaoy of the muu were tuusiruck, and
Ibut is the lost our iufnruiant brd ef thtiu. (she
and lb ebildreo ware lakeu iu a privet carriage tn
uunpuwdt-r river, wber loey were lakuo ou board
a Luit'-d Males gunbual, and very kindly treated.
Iu eight hour afier the Iraiu was entirely eou.uined.
ud wuh a portion of tb woodwoik uf the bridge,
tell iulo thu river.
lb soldiers, numbering forty ain tial'onsd as a
guard al Magnolia, wer uo a blaokberry huut al
tb lion nf X cuplur.
Our informant tiaiet that Fr-mklin wa
shod II be eouid rule biote, and that he replied
thai be could not without giving uoueetssaery paiu.
A liKhi wagon wa luvo proouifci aud lb Issuer!
a linvea away.
lo (ddiliun lo lb aboe w may ttalt lhal tb
utxeediBg train from Ualliiaor was oaptured, tnd
il it laid lb pasta ngert generally wer robbed.
M hear il fuiiher ialtsd that oui of Ibe ladio
, desirid tji bvsoiul lb buiums of 111 tutor l cut I.
at uitoitfilo of in ucoatiw. rsvtrei wtr omri
buted Ji i. staled that by naval law, whioan
iuiorinr Vvtwl tink a tup. rinr one, her tu
tiio; n lo thtt lit b-rt. Tho Alal'uuia
Uili;J tsliiiiatu.l In Is. worth IjtXI.UlH), l'.
lain Win. i.t will Uenlillud lo I To,,
uui) to lioo.uou, Li! tL tAuuca )jl from
i.3oo. m f 1,500 .-lv.
IrurtTAtto ibai h'd rvcrlv from
inltroal rtvv'inio, tint tn.f, ihv iiiia of llifto
Ulslldtld ll.lllioll t'f ..lll. t4U UUU hi
r4IIUi Uia luat t-ouiilrjr liUa ll
Isiililrr-ii n. Itlsiks-l.r.
From the A rmy and Siey (Jazttit,
The superiority of the Dahlgren gun over
BlaUely, rilled ordnance and ordinary Hi's,
supposing the gunners of the "Alabama"' to
be as skillful as those of the "Ke.irsnrgr','" i
proved by the recent encounter which is
about to cause such a profound sensation in
America. The damngo inflicted on the
Federal cruiser is insignificant ; but if it be
the case that cables in double rows, suspend
ed over the sides of n wooden ship, can
cause solid shot to hop Hack harmlessly ir.i
the water, we think the Admirably should
try the effect of such a cheap di-ferse of na
tions on their wooden walls. If tho gun
ners of the Alabama were trained on board
the "Kxcellenl,'' as dipt. Setntnes is report
ed to have said, if, in other words, they
were t ruined Uritish sailors who took service
on board the Confederate, the case of the
Dahlgren gun is still stronger. Any way.
there is the Alabama lying at the bottom of
the sea, and there is the Kearsargo afloat
and lit for work, in Cherbourg harbor. At
first, it seemed as if the Federal Captain was
glatl of the escape of l. apt. Smimes, whom
his Government would have to deal with as
a pirate, if they acted in accordance with
their professions, but we see Captain Wins
low accuses the owner of thu "Deerhound''
of hishouontble conduct in running uwav
with his prisoners,
Now, if Captain Winslow requested Sir.
Lancaster to pi-k up the dtowning men and
keep them for him as prisoners after the men
had been saved, il would have been quite
competent to that gentleman to have refused
to surrender them ; but we think in the cuse
of Captnit: Semnies and his men, there are
grave considerations w hich require lull in
quiry and satisfactory explanation, dipt.
N'nimi's ditl not go down with his flag fly
ing: on the font raiv, heslruck itsomcliuie
before the Alabama sunk. Niiv, more, he
sent a boat to the Kcarsnrgu to say his shin
was sinking ; indeed, the correspondent of
ill iluily coli'tnporary asserts he runup a
white flag niter she struck her colors. If
the Kcni'sarge tired several hots after the
' white Hag was Hying. Captain Setntnes may
' conceive he was freed from the parole im-
plied iu these acts of surrender ; but it must
i bo remembered, that though he charges the
1 Federal Captain with snim-t hinj, like nihil
inanity and indifference, an Kn:
lish vaeht i
was specially 'requested to proceed to the
w ill He cxeiteil tv the accounts it the wav
in which the news of the sinking of the
"Alabama" has been received iu this coun
i irv.
j .Mili-I,"l Ai-liclea.
Some of the marks which are fastened on
' the blankets, shirts, Ac., sent to the Sanita
ry Commission for the soldiers, show the
thought nud feeling at home. Thus on n
1 homo-spun blanket, Worn, but wa-hed as
, oieiin as snow, was iiiuncdn hit of putter.
n'l"'1' "T ' blanket was carried by
Mlll-V A,l!( ' ("hots ninety-three years
,',-- ''"v" 1,111 "P "-' hull
"lll- t be given to some soldier."
"'i a bed quilt was pinned a card saying
"' s"n army. Whoever is made
W'at'ui by this titiilt, whiclil Iftive worked
' ,m 'r s'x ,la.V!i "ml almost six nights, let
I lllllt ri'tlWOo I tor bid im'll to.,t 1 . Jtr'a I.....1 '
i I'll anoiner blanket was Un,: ins olatiK-
i et was used by a soldier in tho war of 1312
it may keep some sol.lier w aim in tins
; war against traitors.''
j tin a pillow was written: "I hi pillow
oeioiigeti io my tune noy. who .licit roiing
j " it : it is a precious treasure to me, but 1
give it for the sol.lier,."
wii u pair oi wooien socks wa wriut n :
icse stockintrs were knit hv a litttu cir!
five years old. ami she ia going to knit some
niot'e, tor mother si'.vs it will help some poor
"tn a box of beautiful lint w as this mark:
Made in a sick l oom, w here the sunlioiit
i hm not entered for nine
years, li:it w Here
lio.l has entered, am 1 where two sous have
bid their mother good-bye, as they have
'one out to war.
On a bundle containing bandages was
written. : "This is it poor gift, but it is all
1 hail. I have given my husband und my
bov, and only wish I had' more to give but
I haven't."
On some eye-shades were marked: "Made
by one who is blind. "Oh, howl long to
see the dear old ll i you ure all fighting un
der." & i n ita ry I! jiurtt r.
I E-NOl.tSII T.vXF. Dl'UlXIl Tils'. Ill W.US
I It w e w lo Know now taxc wi re levieu
j,, Lm-lund when eligtige.l in its Wars
i..,s Nulioleoil. and l.!,t lo . law II fa-
voralile contra-t as regal. Is our own, we
may read with advantage the following in
teresting extract Irom Charles Knight'
biography, just published ir. London :
. " I'ho people at this time, even ut Wind
sor, g-ew gloomy and disconteiilcl. run-
In: atl.urs were unprosperoiis ; parties ran
high, the taxes increased with the expenses
of the v. ar and the vc.iilv uddilion to the
iiituest of the tlebt. It was tii'l only the
uclual a nu ill ti t of tuxatiou of which the
miildle classes complained, but of the op
pressive and insulting mode of their u-sess-uient.
The excisalile trailer had ton long
been familiarised with the preseiico of the
revenue olHi or to couiplalil. He walked
into thu tallow chandler' worklnp Willi,
out any eerem.iny, put a seal upon hi cop
per siul his dipp'ting vat nud locked up his
mould. He looked over the grocer' wurea
uf tobacco, pepper and lea, ut his g.sod
pleasure ; uud the process which ho culled
taking stock, was insulting ami tMublcsome
to the honest, and mi roil cluck lixil tho
fraudulent. Thu Ihiuor tuerchant tlid not
Ure to send out a do411 of wino or a gal
lon of spirits without a rrnr.t. The in
cline tux wa truly in. (, for thu
local commission, rs had int hesitation in
ortl.-rillg a titidcstilaii to protbiee hi led.'er
iui.I cash book. II there w as an error in t nu
return of a-ct-e I the r.-aidellt ollicer ol
ri vt uiie, railed un lu-xvtir, a ur
charge, whit Ii il was extroiiitlv ilillh ult to
gel oil by upscul, so oiujv lu.rior irut k
by wiliiussinu a rst'cuu bctwet-a an ujsoplttie
Ino ktajar nd ll.e t, who 1.4.1
no altiriisilive bul In init upon I ho p.ty
luelit (if cniillriiit l kurrhatt,'!'. I'll on
Larut.' man. doilltlv ru.l with i4lou, aii.l
out til hi ami rhalr In the Ur, and fall 1114
uisog llie haws 'trl,iiiiir., 'Msy
II, cur mi
I'll .
A IIkaw Waouh. The San Francisco
.-1it CnHjtirnia gives the following account
of a strangely co'eititutcd wager.' About
ten months since two gentlemen of thai city
agreed to the following conditions :
If the Federal forces did not capture Rich
mond within thirty days from that date, la
was to give his opponent a single sound
apple ; if Richmond held out sixty days he
was lo give him two npples, and so on,
doubling tho number for each month until
Richmond was taken to the end of time, if
that event did not occur before. Nine
months have passed sinco the lirst apple was
handed over, and the list of apples delivered
at the end of the successive months is as fol
lows: 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, .13, 04, 123, 2,-iG total,
51'!. Thus is nil a. good joke, and
the loser has paid forfeits regularly w ith a
good grace, but yesterday it ruined a $10
piec-t to meet the demand. (Apple.! ore 13
to 20 cents per pound, and il took a lil'ty
potinit box;. Should Richmond be taken
within thu present month, he would get
buck all the apples he has lost and one more,
which, us the. price will then he at the very
highest notch, would make him more than
even ; but, should it hold out .". year longer,
and he continue to pay his losses, his last
payment would cost "him 40,(100. Htid he
would be $1,1)00 out; in three months more,
he would be out ijl!j!,340 ; aud should the
war last from this date as much longer as it
has already lasted since its commencement,
no nation on earth could begin to meet tha
terms of the wager.
A Si.sotLAii Ixcidknt. Twenty years
ago tl gentleman of this city resolved lo
remove out West, and started for his desti
nation. In New York he Mopped ut a sec
ond class hotel, ami while there was robbed
of his purse containing some two thousand
dollars in gold. In the Course of his pere
grinations he was successful and imd for
gotten all about his loss having accumula
ted a handsome property. When the WHr
broke out he was too old to enlist, but,
feeling patriotic, he inTercd his services to
Oen. Logan and acted hs quartermaster to
a brigrade. One night, on a march, the
army nirived at a sinall town in Southern
Alabama, and, according to orders, he took
posessioti of the inn for general headquarters.
While talking with the landlord he dis-
fuvered that he lormerly kept a hotel in
i'w i oi k, nud, upon pressing Ins inquiries,
tound that he was the identical landlord of
the house in which he had been robbed. In
the coure of the evening he arranged a
mocK court-martial, anil lirouglit tne land
lord before it. charging him, among other
tilings, with tho robbery. Much to his sur
prise the landlord confessed the robbery,
and he had his choice to restore the money
or die ut sunrise. The man received bis
principal, and all the interest the landlord
could allord to pay, in gold, which the gen
tleman invented iu U. S. 7-20 notes. Dvitva
titi a tie.
Cansiij.m.ism' In Africa there aro two
kinds of cannibalism. The one is sacrificial,
and is performed by the priests, whose
ollice it is to tat a portion of the victim.
' whether man, L'oat or fowl. Thi custom,
! prevalent among many ancient nations, is
I still extant in many parts of North Guinea,
especially iu the Delta of the Niger,
j The other is eimply an act of gourman
I dUe. A cannibal is not necessarily fero
i cious. lie eat his Itllow-cMaturen, not be
cause he hates them, but because he likes
! them. A craving for meat, to which the
natives of these parts are subject, and for j
w hich, in nil their dialect, there ia n '.
' special term, may Hint have suggested the :
idea; but I tint rather inclined to believe !
! that is a practical extension of the sacriti- j
cial ceremony. Neither the women nor the .
youug men are allowed to touch the dainty; '
it is reserved by the patriarchs, and the
; it is reserved by the patriarchs, and the
' head, which is supposed to contain a grund
i fetish, falls to the King.
Although the missionaries! had mixed a'
great .leal with the Funs, .hey told tne they j
J hud never got a clear confession of cannibal- !
; i,m Irom one ot them, tlioit.'li tliev hail "no ;
I mnrn l,.itl, tli.m tb,. V..,w .tto io.. tli.m I
( they hud that they ate plantains." It was,
however, never denied of the tribe, but only i
I ol themselves as individuals. T hit the mi- I
t ives ol' vil!:im A wolilil denv atolitl'. that I
! thev wire cannibals, but thev would accuse
the villagers of R The villager of U
' would disown the soft impeachment, and !
J denounce the natives of A as cannibals t,f,
I the most continued order. Similar answers
. had been returned to me by the Fan slaves
j w hom I had met w ith among the Bush
j tribes of the Muni. They did not eat nieu,
I out the other people of their tribe did.
1 resolved to exercise a little tineessc in
the investigation of this matter, and after
: I had passed the villages w hich had pre
j viously been inhabited by white men, I
called a veteran cannibal to mo and ques
tioned him about the people beyond the
' mountains to the East. Uid they eat men '( j
' Oh yes, they all ate men. And he ate him- j
.'felt. He volunteered this statement, he
burst into a loud roar of laughter, which
J we all joined heartily I asked him if man
I was good. lie replied with a rapturous
I gesture that it wua like a monkey, all fat."
j I then wished to learn the class of per
I sons he had been in the of discussing,
j Ho said, only prisoners of war; that some
of his friends were in the habit of eating
witches condemned to death, but for his
"r1" ' "
U loo; It ItVIIVI Willi.. I IS lllllteisiu
.. .1... I.....I. .. u'.i,., .t tVi,.
niiitniu iiivtmsii iinst s-i "..ion -s..i,
I ami of which the slave tnitle has been the
I .. I I.... ..., I .. ... !.. I
Camilla country, a Htktii slave, who hud,
been brought down from the fur interior, j
an before'
t r uui l'
I, rouuu,
Hint who hud never seen a white man I
.. . . 1 i...c ..... 1. 1.:- .
etl tin ii'ii et- ure ine, svuu me eu-n ruuiia,
.H ... .- h . 1 :' .,
iiio in luce, nntl ins iuouiii
1 , "..i . 1 . 1 .
w ile 1. pen. At last ho heaved A gasp ol
wouder, crvitig, "And aro these tiie men!
0. .. - Il I- in I 1. 4.' . .
latent lts( Il iiultrwj Jltudt I ' iaiuit
, . . '
MAssACtti'stTni Mi: on tiik
A correspond, nt of tho New York UtrM
In I'lierlM.nn. who hut ti.itedthe niariiie
iit.siiiiui iiitre. write: iuuhu
American among the tweUo woiiml.-l nun
o the Al iUma; one of thee, slew U
cut uir by a .hell I -clow the kute, rHW Hit
hit name and birthplace with great ivluC
Umo. His name is Uolserl Wright, a Un
live of lloBltei. M is., while he h I roth. !
and sil. r .i.uiK- H U a er i ntt-l ligs. fit
man, and gs me cmisiiletal U
lie, and iiiotl of the nun with whom 1 roll
virssd. aliril.ute Ihe tlesli-uttiotl tl Ihe AU
Uuii M the iinmruse Ion vt ll. l II tin-Ji
tUhlgrun gua id Ihe Kiuie.ige." Ill fl'
I. i'fht ratlanttr, llobiliaow, h.l Wat
i Ul liatlf i'l Masss ..uw-li. u-n i.r aaw
vsi-.cuc ci.11.1. ...ten 1.. t.i.iiii, uui ..:- r..,,..Httlie doe
Ipart ho did not think them w holesome. l"-"' Q"
j The best of it was that he thought I w us a ,,
I ii, 1 1. :..i. 1 i 1! HlSTi OX UaKINC
Iliu bat t If l. 'i "
Illinium's fat woman, Miss Jane l'ishon,
formerly exhibited, as Mien Jane Campbell,
died at Brookiicid',' Conn., the other day.
Her exhibition weight was CS0 jiounde.
Ten men wi re employed to pet her into her
collin, which whs to wide that tho door of
the house had to be enlarged tu enable it
To keep Tints, on Wiikf.i.s. Hear what
a practical mau nays on this subject : ''1
ironed a wagon sumo year ago, for my own
use, and before putting on the tires I tilled
the lollies with linseed oil; and tho tires
have worn out and were never loose. I
ironed a buggy fur my own use seven years
ag.o, and the tires are now- us tight as when
put on. My method of tilling the tellies
with oil is as fuilows ; I use a long cast iron
oil heater, made for tho purpose ; the oil is
brought to a boiling heat, the wheel is plac
ed on a stick, so as to hang in the oil, each
felly nu hour, for a common-sized felly. Tho
timber should be dry, as green timber wiil
not take oil. Care should be tukei: that tho
the oil be not made hotter than a boiling
heat, in order that the timqer bo not burnt.
Timber filled w ith oil is not susceptible to
water, and the timber is much more durable.
I was amused some years ago when I told a
a blacksmith how to keep tires tight on
wheels, by his telling tne it w as a protitablu
business to tighten tires, aud the wagon
maker will say it is profitable to him to
make und repair wheels but what will the
fanner, who supports tho wheelwright ami
guiitli, say ?"
Oiling Leather. The Scientific Ameri
can says that oils should not be upplieil to
dry leather, ns they would invnriu'oiy injuro
ii. If you wish to oil harness, w et it over
night cover it with a blanket, and in tho
mornirjg it will be dry and supple; then
apply ncHt's foot oil in small quantities, und
with so much elbow grouse hs will its dn
semina'ing itself throughout the leather. A
soft, pliant harness is easy to handle, and
lasts longer than a ueirlccted otic. Never
use vegetable oils on leather; and atuonjr
nnimal oils, neat's foot is the best.
G.t.i. on Tun Racks of
said that an ointment made
Hor.sEs. It i
of white lead
and milk will irreatlv soothe and herd culls
on horses, occasioned, as they frequently
are. by a harness tiiat does not tit. or from
some other cause. In cases of long atanding
it will be nece,sary to repeat the application
daily for a week or more, gentle rubbing
and attrring the blood about the injured
parts. Care must also bo observed not to
cause freaq irritation by riding or otherwise
exciting the wounds. A. K. Farmer.
. . .
A Cat Hint. When a cat is seen to catch
a chicken, tie it round her neck, aud make
her wear it for two or three days. Fasten
it securely, for she will make incredible ef
forts to get rid of it. Be firm for that time,
and the cat is cured she will never again
desire to touch a bird. This is what we do
with our own cats, und w hat we recommend
! to our neighbors; and when they trv the
experiment, they and their pets are secure
from reproach and danger henceforth. Try
Cow Cannot Hold Back tiieim Milk.
Dr. Dadd says a cow cannot exercise any
control over her lucteal organs, and givts
this as the rentm : The muscular tissues
which compose the parts directly in tho re
gion of the lacteal duct, or milk channel,
are involuntary muscles. Were it not so,
any cow might, by voluntary relaxation of
the muscle w hich guard tho outlet of the
mamillary gland, evacuate M any time her
own milk, ami thus defraud her owner.
j Iho.v rim PiMin TiiEt'. The scaks of
i of iron that accumulate uround the nnvil of
I a blacks!
smith's shop are more valuable than
manure for peach trees. A shovelfull put
round a healthy peach tree will be very
likely to keep it in good condition ; and it
is said that trees already diseased have re
covered by the application of these scales.
Iron iu any tortu will answer a good pur
pose. Hens. Eatinci tueik S. E. Todd
j 9,J? tuut 1,111 be prevented fro.n eating
; meir egg wneti lui.ticteil to Tin; imi-it uy
making their nests
with straw. This
in mv.i Ki''s, uau illicit
turnisiit-s a secret placo
for laying, but too confined to allow their
eat'iny; their ejjgs while ou the nest, aud too
fur down to allow of their leaching them
from the top of the keg.
How to Get Kid of Mosqcitoes. Mos
quitoes. sa ouieiody, love beef blood bet
ter than they do any that flows iu the vein
of human kind. Jutt put a couple of geue
rous pieces on plates, near your bed at night
and you will sleep untroubled by these peets.
lu the morning ou will tin. I tiieui full R'ld
stupid with beef blood, aud the meat suck
ed u dry as a cork.
Blabbf-Rinu is Houses. A correspond
ent of the Bostoa CultUuti'r say this is a
disease in horse, baltpetre, a tablespoon
tut for a dose, lie hn fouud to cure the
worst case he ever had, uud ha not found
it necessary ever to yive the fourth dose.
He gives u" tnblvspoouful in the morning.
and iu llie three days, if he is not free from
t. X. TU .
. - .1.1 . Is"
01 111 lurv lioue 10 wie irata-i umimi.. vi
- , i-t, . 1 ., .....
joui.g eh.bben. intial d. sedei tury p. r.on.
lv taling bud bread day after day, Irom one
1 eui e euu iu suv.iici , umit iiii'iinvu,,
V cook w ho cauuv't make cood trend of
-!-'stripli'-,n. ought nvt to be allowed
' houserooiu lor au hour ; and that mother it
. ,. ,. utav Isv her
. ,, ,. . , . t i
eiiiuiuiillv ucK'.is.ent. whutevir may be her
, . t 1 . . . . 1 1 . .1 1
her positiou, w ho uti not teach htr ilNt'Kb-
' ' , ' u.. 11. 1:. 1
ter to kuo what gtiod Lread it; and also
t I . I. A I..... 1. ..-..I ...
I1UW III UJItLV 1 1. AltllU tlV iw S "
... . ...- ...;
1 w hittuc. s.'ltuess. and tal'iii'l'y lot return-
ing moistiue. Luue could U cinpKivl wl'h
tiioal etlict, having tint BiUuti-tf or cor-
' U'vtintt an t lurumsin Ihe lundf totiiHih
i beside aUordinsj an iiijrei.itnt lr tnakinj:
the bout ttifnsl l.ry houetkrtper Ol'.ht
to kno h j to make tbrev kiteJt ol t-real.
The best )cust iu the world 1 mad of hop
and eld water, notliinjf i-lw. lf Urn water
i Used, il should bo '..r taturatej wil'i
li'lie, lhat it LiolJ.u, a much limu a itr-lti;
if it hat for a iiMuunt niorv, it tro- to ths
btttt'iui. a nur in a tta-cup, luo tho t i
cuu I uid ' t i'.ier I IV. t ot floor
and 3 '1 tuiHtt.l !!:no ttr inaji
Ihut . t't'-t at. .tut ..f 1, nick lims io water,
ttir until .m k, l"t it tii.1 and tli.a j ir
I'll H.alt a.ka'l le of 0od Mh
g Uu I for Ihv lf ai. t Jiutex e. . mil
tralixtt anj siim.r lu llm i.d ; t.i,e it .
hj tetter turn lit" ut r; but a
iv ikmrf I, ' the ! i T
1 i.
It I o d ir. p ,.la'iail.sii'aa 'i.'
I s .1.1 Jf."' '! - 'Js. i '
, '. Sil ' . t ' ' ' ''' '
.4 i I 1 "l-'i 'lt S'-iej HI I
.. . . - 1' 1. 1