Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 16, 1864, Image 3

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    M.if--r-.-.r. niw "
It. J3. M A.'iuiUl, Editor ft Troprlclor.
'wi:iiu.:i:Vri.i "
SAT L hi ) A Y,"Tl7 1. V l(l.Tll I.
fJ. M. l'KTTEAi CULIj CO.,
Ke. J? I'm How, Now Yurk, ihkI 0 Stuto Street,
Jloatnnv, lire wir itrrns for Husaiiir AarnicA.x
in IIiiih rilMSt, and r aubWiaod to Uu Ailrcrlise
taenia aJ.fjrriioii for aa at vur lottaat rule.
II I . I I, ill M .il J..M fc'iit JtfcfcfcKJ Itl
f Ht litilvW iii:at. A few liut-ln-l fur
ul. Ktniuirx; tit tliis nHici'.
f-ff'Csj or the It I.svAstos. TLc
ri' tt iurjuilini; uxjH'ditioti of ibe rulu'ls lias
iinlcil s wc I'Xpi'ctiMl. Tlicy live frilitoni-J
Xlii' pwiplf ttiul rolilu'd tin; ritiviuf Mary
liind r.l sunn; on tlm Inmlent in Pi'tumylvrt
tliun ski'dnil'lkcl ns fust n tluy roulil
Mcross the l'utontnc, currying with lliim Urgu
mini hers of horse ami liwf cuUlf, inonry.
watches mill ntln-r vhIuhIiIcs. Hiul IVnnsyl
vaniii ntul Mnrylnml, hud a proper local luili
tary organi.utio.i, this) ilinn:Lful plumlcr
ing cxptilition conlil not lmvu ixctirnil. It
U supposed that the reM (.iencnils could not
In-spared longer, mul that eould not
lie ilini lo I from liU pnrj osp. Later necotints
xay tlnit (Jen. Hunter intercepted some of the
Hying raiders hurrying to l'etersljurg, uud
recaptured nliout six hutidrcd horses, and no
doulit inoru will be retaken.
The damage to the Northern Central road
consists in the burning of two small bridges
only. Tliu train will run in a day or two.
Grant is undermining Petersburg and in a
very short time like Vkk.Hlnirg, it mint sur-
lender, or ;i up.
- - -
M ar iu I'nrii-.t .
That 1 he raid finds the Militia of the
endaiit;! red Stales (lijiniei l'iillv imorf-Miiizfil
and iiii ilieient, is a palpable truth. In the
fo.ii th of a great and terrible Civil War,
scarcely loyal State in the I'nion has her
Militia even unrolled, much li organized
and disciplined. Why this ii especially
with a t-lnteso exposed a. Mail land, it were
idle now to iiupiiri:. We hohl that at least
twice many men have lee ii running oil'
their movable iiropertv limn the Uebcls as 1
would have Hiliiecd to (tin oil' the ltebels
themselves. Can we ever be tmight go
This invasion sweeps over Central and
Western Maryland the most loyal portion
of the ritatc. Vet even this portion, Ivitirr
dii'eetlv across the I'olomai'
across the
Iiom Old Vir- I
;iiua: ami opposrc t lie valley ot tlie Mie
li iiKinah, whence Ittlicl hollies huveso often
t iireiitencil and thrice iir aili d it, hail nt
Militia or;aui.alion, and no idea (apparent
ly) of resisting such raiils other wish than by
running lu iutc tlicin. Is not tins the sheer- i
st iulaliiaiiiir, I j
The KiUcs are de)eratcly in eame-st. 1
( ! L'iin'.ly few, they make intensity of venom j
alone for paucity ol number. They clutch ;
t In ir own section, compelling every white or loiv to liLiht. evcrv Mick man or
woman to work. Tor the triumph of Mll ir !
. 1
ti'eason. I hcv tolerate no dissent or demur
where Ihry have power to suppress it. Their
coiisci'iptets and bloodhounds (as an Ala
bamian iptaintly said) '"take ever) one who
liasu't. been dead more than two days."
The conscripted niu-t either inarch or be shot
take your choice, but no words ! They
pay no bounties make no provision for their
soldiers families, and have given over the
l.irce of pretending to spy their men. Once
iu llieir ranks, there is no release till the end
of the War. They have censed to have
Finances ; tin y reo.ird all private porpcrty
ns Confederate, and take whatever they
want wherever they find it. There is no
busiiifsM little trade no speculation among
them -nothing but dreadful war.
Is the N rt Ii prepared (o emulate this?
If yes, let us call out al! the :ncu that are
wanted, loan our (iovcpimcnt all the. money
it needs, and put the War through by day
light. By this means., auceess is certain;
otherw ise not. Is the North at length ( re
pared for war in earnest ( This, ipiestion
in fait ly in order, mid must be jiuswi red
forthwith. TriiliiiLr is perilous; equivocation
is ruin. Let the North now arise or be for
ever fallen. .Y. )'. 'I'lihiiiit.
W iisliitii; toil.
W.vMltMiiox, July r. 1 8G 1
Sccretarv Welles has sent to Cunt. Will-
slow, ot the Kearsarpe,
cognition of his siervices
the loiiowin re
in the ili.-.lruction
,i the pirate Alabama : I
N vv v i:rAinMi;vr. July 0. 1904 Silt : J very brief despatches of the l'.ltii and
1'llh ultimo, in fill-mint: the Department that j
he piratical craft "A labania.' or "iJlM'' had
'ecu smik on the lllth June, near Cherbourg,
iy the Kearsargc. under your cominand,
v'ere this day received. I congratulate you :
in your piod fortune in meeting this vessel j
vhich has so long nvoidctl the fastest hhips,
ml some of Ihc most viuilant mid iiitelli-'
;ent otiicers of the service, and for the'
bility displayed in this combat you have :
lie thank of the Department. V011 will'
!ca-e express t the ollicers and crew of;
lie Kearsarge the Katisl'action of the liov
ninient at this victory over a ve-sel nupe- I
tor in tonnage, superior in the number of :
tins, and atiperior in the lunula r of its!
ew. The battle was no brief, the victory;
deci.-ive, and the coinpaialive results hi
riking. that t lie country will be reminded:
'the brilliant Hi'tions of our infilut law,
hieh have been repeat el and illustrated in !
is engagement.
The Alabiuia ri'ireenlcd Ihe best inari- :
ue elfort of the 1110.4 (.killed 1'nglisli I
otkshops. Her battery Was composed of;
e well tried !li liounders of ."i cvvt., of the !
mous OS pounder of Ihe liritish navy, and
only HUTl lllI riflotl lOO-nnltmlrr yet ,
O'i'ieeil in r.tiif iiinil. Ihe crew vu-re
initMy reerniteil in tlreat Britain, ami
inv of them received NUierior trainini,' on
r Majci;iy jjuunery hi the '-Kxcelleiit."
K'irarpj U out1 of the first i;iinliont
ill our uavv varils at tun eotuincnce
the rcl. lli..ll,nlol Uck.s the improvenient a j
a t ..a a,:. 'I'l
v essels now eiiou r ron-iruciiou, i ue
nciial Kuna coiiiioinu; lo r battciy lool
er la i n jui-v iutisiy triei In nil excliisive
VAval vivaifciuciit. 1'ct iu ono hour you
C'l-cileil iu aiiiLii: yiur aiiluoio.t. thus
v , ruling her it-Jt-ov trant r. ami Uilleil
kv ! Her row. isiib.iut injury it t lit1 ;
vis.'irue, or tlie (.ii of H ainyU lifo mi
r vcss'-l Our (uuttrvtueii have reaiii
. aii-llei1 that in thi., u iu every luvul
on "I tlii tauJpliy Hr, neither the
i-, the L'uua, iwr I Im irc l..,ve Uen '.
i-oirae,!. I.ui. tlH they Uuiutaiii Hie
ny au- hiii (tax rciiuwn wbu h lia,u
. .. I., me. I our nalai a)llllt. Th I'liai-
I I. n sijjlliilcul hi InlDiltUiil to rciow
,1 ll .i v-,ferir vomof tliaulta. ill
r' oU b'y t lvi''t ' I
I., i 1 riiiiiio-lxi I.Uut. omiiin.Ur !
,.s lWl"". thu a4fUliai n
K orrv. "IU sssilliHMl'1!'''
i, f,,r icJ.oiviiii-ul ku nuittt! In h'
., an.l v .u will Ui that lluimlt -j
tile ii itiua l any olUr uf lh ulfUila,
,4 I ii. si eoiijta, I ui iltist 4iU
I. , tli.os . ispa.! .! min(k". I
iv r. .. uwly, Uuiuiw H
Ktmiuy ol ,N, i
pt .in Joint A Wiiul-w, t . - .'
',..11 I . f I K -:"'". 1 I'-'
Eocal Affairs.
Ijf Tlio rMisfiuehnuuii Conroeati'.n of the Kpiaeo
ml Church vi ill meet lu Uili plnce Tnoadny ovcnlnj;
tbo 1'Jlli Inst. Serviced will bo-bild ctery morning
tit 1(1) u'ulnck ami every evening nt 71 o'clock. Tho
luiivoention .Sermon will bs fironclied Wednesday
raurnln,-, uud . SandMy K-bo,.! -orvlo. will be hclU
... ,
n oJiiD.-iJuy ultcrimuu ul b uluch.
C&A rtirnnr it tu Iw cirecto tli rrtarnftl aolitivrt
of Uip SHIb llo(;iuKn, rjuiu ILiJ (jlauc, by wine of vur
pHlriotiti ei.itc iu.
I V Tho vrnriD ivnsoo uxin uj. llio wentbor,
the puil wefk, baa been Lot uud lultry, tbouli thrro
havo been lever nbovton of ruin. Our fariucn r
bu-y in tecui ing tln lr oropi. wbiub, wo lire pliaied
to hear, turn out better tbnn hnd been uiliuipated.
i. .a,
Cnt.vr TcttanAMixo. The rnfiliMi pnpm
niniouiioo n now Teli'Krnph Cumpnuy between Slim
ebivtor nnd Liverpool wbieh truniinit.l ineiM:i(pa for
ono-fourlh tlio tnaml rates. The Teleirrnph in tbia
oountry ninat coino to tliii eventually. There ia no
more propriety in charging high rnles for telegmun
than thero wn in charging 20 centi lor letter postage
louie twenty yeora since.
t't'Suntlay lnt win one of tlioe remnrkuble Sub.
b;ttb days of ivbich w have Inil n number duriug
tliif rebellion, Hnd which will long bo reineuibered
by many of our eititens. The news by O leg: nph of
tho rebel invasion. mi. I their lu.iieh lonurd llulliinoie
and Wusliiiitun, kept the nholo eoannunity iu a
atat J of uuu.' exeiteinent.
I'if Tl.lSK Ukmovji.. The Umnl of lliieetoi" of
the Hank of Northumberland, on the 7lb insl., fixed
tuo u.iy lor iiiu iciiutiiii 01 inc jiiiiih nolo i lull :
., ir- .1 11.1. r . .1.
place to Sanliiiry, which is lo take place on Momliry
llie liotli of July, in-tiilii. iu nccur.laiicn with the Act
of Asseublv and decision of the stockholders
t'J'linnfeivu or Oiiapki. There 1110 many
eemplHiatt lliiy sensoii, by grupc growers, Ihnt tbe
fruit is fulling otf. singly nud by bunches. This is
cHiiied by some worm or insect. We have examined
a numbi-r of ihc fnlleu buaches, und find the stem i
partially eaten off, which sjuii dries up nnd the
bunch falls. We think, however, as the stem mil.
lures and hanlcti?. these injuries will be less freitueiit.
IVSoiue remit? passed through this place from
Wi;iiniusioil. I.ewisburg. and idher places, but the
number is small compared to the turnout during tho
raid of lsi!2. la Sanliui v, nothing hns been done. The
several companies of thi j.lacc having rccalisted.
time arc nut maiiv available men left.
fi?' Ol nn.iXTS. The worms have attacked this
excellent and wholesome small fruit, or rather the
foliage, and in luauv gardens' the bashes nre cntirclv
stripped of leaves. The currants. If not already
ripened, are. of course, more ncid. bat even these
should not be nusted. as they will m.tke excellent
fx? llrri iimmi Vm 1.11 ins. We forgot last week
to notice the nrrmtl home of Sunbury volunteers.
I'oinpany I. eS.h lU'giuitnt I'. V. This eoinpany.
which was formerly commanded by dipt. Uiiy-rv.
re-inlited in Jamiary la-l. but was not furlotighcd
until recently. They have done good service iu
lieu. Jialdy ftiiith's corps, near I'elersburg and
H-mond. in the late battles. The soldier f life may
1 . .. 1 1 1 ... 1. ... .:..i.. . ... .l. 1 1.1.
be a hard one. bat it certainly improves the health
nnd physical condition of most of oar men. ns nil will ;
admit v. ho have seen the b yi of the Mih. They all !
speak highly of (len. tirant. Indeed we have never ,
met hut one soldier who whs 1111 exception. He
thought .MeClellaa would have done better Hoad-
niitted (trant was smart, but made bis soldiers tighl, I
when it really was dangerous to do au. lie sai l be j
liked MeClellaa better Ik-ciiusc ho spared his men ;
but it ias eviieiit that he liked a friend in his iMieket i
iu the shape of a pint bottle better than either
(iiiint or .Mcl'lellan. w hich friend, while killing in
the cars, lie tr.iia' Utly eoiisulled. A good nud true
soldier rarely fails to speak well of (Jen. llrant.
l-'or Iho Sunbury American.)
I In order that our absent soldier may all have
' ample time to c:ist tlie voles die good people of
j PeuiiAylvauia intend to give them, 11 is m-ec-saty
that 1 tie- nominations Miiould be perfected, from
! (.'ongress lo Coroner, before Ihe month of Atiu.-l
; closes. In this view, I would urgeearly actb.11 upon
. the gentlemen eompri.-ing the t :110a .Siaudiug Coiu-
luittee for Northumberland county.
The mo-it important otllee lo be filled nt tho Oeto.
her l-.'lcctioti i.-. doulaless. 1 Inil of l.'ougrc.mau. Our
' district should be fully redeemed, nn I tint inisiake
; ot two veal's ago rcetitied. 'J'o do so. I know no
genllem'ili better illalllied Ihun lil.D. K. .Mil. I. hit,
; Ksip. of l.ewisblllg. il'.d fair play prevailed, bo
! Would have been nominated, uud elected, two years
; ago. i.ot -'by-goucs be by-gone.- but we must loara
I wisdom from pasl mistakes, and do belter ia future,
i Already, by sipularelecliuus, nillioul ndisseiiting
; vote. Mr. MuUt has been designated lor Congress
j by Ihe people of Snyder and I l.ioll eountil-s. lie is
i a native ot Northumberland county, nlid bus Hell
) known nnd respected la-re. u he in the oountyol liis
. adoption. 'J hiriy years' sucee.v.-'ul practice bio iinole
; him many tin ml.- uud lew toes, lie is a man of
' lid judgment, ind.-f iligable indusoy be is l .ilhlul
' tobistrieudi uud his integrity is uuiiiestiouei uud
' undoubted.
! if .Mr. Al iller's fi ieuds in our county will but bestir
1 themselves, uud secure delegates iu bis favor, bir
, iioniinalioa is secured, nud Lu ti iuiupl.ani eleenun
will follow. SliA.MiiKlN.
ILbi information uewr before publihcl
Setil -itKK iu a sealed enirlopu for tkn cents.
A d drew Dr. STANFORD.
liox No. 4,f.i2 New Vork P. O.
July il, IsOl.l
I'onr Stiiliomii-.v SI cum lninoM.
1 I'l l.T for the -Mine Hill Plnuea. and run ubout
J six nioiiihs. 't hey are all thesjme putieru. and
1 the lotion iug dimensions ;
Diameter of Cylinder ISinehea,
Length of Siro'kit (1 feet.
They irave two setts of valve gear, oue for link
motion and the other tbe ordinaiy hook motion.
There are to shulta, ami six erunki. and two extra
pistons, piston rods and packing complete.
.U. U li.iMiiiu uu.J iiuuipiiitCHi Mim
iliese r.uiclucv are well ailapteil lor Jlolllllg iVlills,
i lu-y cuii Im uuiiM'tl nl nuy tuuw uhrr llu uil
f July, ujKu Mtlii-ltit4 tu tltw ubciU-r Civt
'ihfitv KuiiH'-i Mill hiI-1 n xhry ntuii!, nial ro
lUUVt'il Ut tiitf i M I 't Uli bllVlT.
fuli'l .ro(-si.i will k rfccitt-tl up U Sitimlnr
bihl. July I1WI1. m.4 Ui mU malr nithiii ut
tbere.tie.-. Term, ol , belo.e
.' i
J. W. AI.DKIt. Supt. M If A H II It. K.
Cressoiia, Sebuylkill county.
July V sol I,
tuililwr'a .Roller
Advlia llclfiurtrm
la the Court uf t'uhiiuou
Pica. Ol' ,,lll,l,.l...
Wui. II. AUr.hall I IVui
II. AUrshall
M Weaver,
I luul count , Hot
f Ol M
ulr iu purtiiioii, 4 c
.No JO MulellTeriu A
D. Ii
I .MM Itr. U lii i l y aoeu that the uinl olgnr l
auditor appointed by tL- I'ourl lu l. poll ll. laei
' and make dUtrlliUlluaj ol In proee,U ol Mle ol Hi I
. .f ua. Ut and auioiijf lb purtie legally ruotlvd !
IUiru. will ailend lo the duo, ol bis o.i s-pi.iul '
1 luiil oa M4av lb 3jik liar ul July, A l l-.. I
al bla I'tlur u lb burouiib o ,unbm. lu u eb-k I
4 il , iu44 4y. uucu all pailiva iuleett way
lUnd il tly in.,! i
It il M li'H M FI I l.t', Auditof
SuuUuiy, July 1, Is4l
.w4llaarai duller,
N'OriCU b lei-ti .hi I ha ai.l.iwju.l
Aaauur. apiuluUl by lb Urpb4na t'uaii vl
Su,tbou.bhli,J Vi,is. Ui dislbila lb lavti in
lb biobi l I'Xlm Mill, aJ"'; .i. o Duli
U'ltiU ll al wlougi'-a u.julup, Ism. I l -uoi,.
I at"! " lb fieuM bglly iuli4 W lb
nift, Mill all to U 4'0 ul hi ai4
.,ai, al b ukva la lb Utttk ul foul wi r
1ml. tl ! 4 wl Jul) .1 D 1.1 till
w Mk. 4 M ,ui m4 4 ab.u au4 akaia all .
ra ui I ud il b, i op4
M I l I'M bl I ! I I II. I..J
a i I . kI
Auditor It r port.
To tit Burgrmnnul Cuuneilof the Iforovgh
of Sunbury, Pcin'a.
The uDilerylmrd, tbo Committee on Finitnc to'
port Hint I hey find unennerlled lioronjli nnd lton-1
orders nninmilinn to tlie mini of tl.2a7 7(11, wo he
nevo mill l no jrt outer part ol these onlirt burn brvit
' rrJiL""' ??,n n.r!??' o"'.'" """""" "'' "'V.'",
inula vupmil, but Duly tluit llicy aru uncmiue k j ui
vim order book.
Tho Trvn.urer DuiJ and we cancelled on U, nnlx
txmka, urdera (borough uud ruud) to the auui of 51
31 BO. '
Tho 'JVensurer paid nnd wo tunnelled ordert for
Toor pnrposoa loUio auui of VI. Du.t 61 1.
The l'our ordera uncancelled, amount to 92.
Tho most of them probably reinuia unpuid to the datii
of the clewing of Ihn aoeouut witU Uie J'renaurer, Tl :
the M .March, l!lii.
Wo examined and audited thracoonnta of tho col
lector of llorougb,.Poor and Hoad Taxcaof J8ti;t.
Thii flHlcli.eot ia brought down to iho 1 1th of
April, IMH. tho dnte of the auditor. At tunic of tbo
tnx pyer paid on aceount of all their taxea inatead
of appropriating tlio amount Uiouo or lbs oilier, or
Ipeeilio piirta to cncli, wo could not aauertaln the
auioantid'eaeli tux outstanding but bare cxhihiled
the amount of the three combined. The uncollected
luxe amount to $l.i;0 44, subject to (ucb exonera
tion! as may be allowed.
We lmve atnted an account between the Itorongh
and .lolin liieiner. collector of tuxes for l.ilj.'l. Iicreio
annexed, and II ml and report a bnluueo to the lllb
April. IsMit. in bis bauilf of ilrttt 84
We haw atnled accounts with John W. Ititelinr.
TreiiFurir. in reitpect of ltirough nnd Hoad Taxea
and receipts, and iiImi iu respect lo tho l'oor. taxes,
hereto snnvxed, the firft marked ,'1'V the 81101111
''it." Those acoounls arc brought dtiwn to the t
ot MtiU-li, lSii4, the beginning ol his second year as
Trensttier. Wu lepoit a balanco in bis lmnds e4'
S'.'titl 20 on borough and rond necount, and a b-ilnac
due In ui of j;::i7 'Xl on I'oor necount. ltwill be ni-o
nun the aceount slnled with the collector, which d
brought down to Iho I llh April. IS'll. ihnt the Trea
surer reeeiveii yiiiu till, liner ino isi .ilnren. imi.i.
the date til which wo elotfe the ueuount atnted. amt
, oilier inonev haa been received by him. nil of which
I prol-rly belonirs to his account lor IIib em rent year.
ill, uiiiiioi;,' in iu' uiinni "i , . n . .11111. ovii
surer, wu 1 ID Ii. Ui tins lie paw treasurer ouchcr
ns charged iu bis account &2 UJ, leaving a balance
still dun of SIS II.
In the accounts with the Treasurer we have not
allowed anything for his compcimtinn. We believe
that two percent, on tho gross amount of nil orders
paid has heretofore been paid to the Treasurer's, sad
no recommend that an order be grauted to him for
1 ltt 15, being two per cent, on the orders pU by
0 1 1 AS. I'l.KASA.NTS, ,.F,a,;e '
JOHN itlil HNli. JtoiuKitteo j
I Account between the II a-ough of Puiihnrr nd
: John I iicinr. collector of Jtorouh. Poor nni lloud
; Tn.xi-s lor Ihe year I.11W lo I lib April Infii.
: ..'atemcat sliowiug auiouiit on uliich cidleetot is to
1 beullowcl couiliiistioiiS -
: liorouh Tax nmesseil lor lSti.1, 1,7.' 17
! I'oor I. till HV I
j Hoad ' ' " a..'iti 27
1,704 S3
llalance of llorough. 1'imr nnd Iioad Taxes
of Is.'..; reiuaiiiing uncollected Kill April. I, 1 .0915 II I
Collector chargnble Willi S3.UU7 Ml
John biemer. lilt,
liorougli Tux l.-C: $1.2211 17
I'oor 1.12B
Hood " 2.;! I j 27
f l,7ul .",.1
HoMugli. Poor and Hond Tuxes (together)
uncoMeeted. $l,d'J1 II
(.Viuniision ol a per cent to collector ou
amount cliareabli' to him 150 40
I.oro' tax t. toliieenougiri Judg nit "1 00
Poor " '
Paid Trca.-arer. 21st July. 103
22d August
20 M
421 00
2H0 (10
170 l.i
loo on
.icl Oil I
I2; () 1
2ii;i on ;
175 Oil ;
' I si tin :
.Mi (111 ;
V'.lj Oil
if. :tt '
$i.ioi j
Kill Sept.
20ih et
I111I1 Nov. '
12 h Hee.
20th .Inn. ltW4,
4ih Veil.
llih A iil
I'ctor's hands,
n ,,
li.ilanee ia coll
Account between tliu Ilorongb fif Sunbury nt.d
John W. Jluch'T, 'J'reastiri-r for the yyar ISo.l. in re.--peet
to liorougli and ltoad Tales lo the 1-! of .Vlarch
John W.
Itueher. Treasurer, lilt.
. April 3d.
July 21,
Aug. 22.
rec'tl fioni collector .Martin. !? 30 50
2.W 31
131 07 1
ft2 15 :
1011 ll
Sail 00 :
135 00 :
125 00 I
2IVI 00 I
is.-, (.11 1
" I let.
' Hee. I
IS it, Feb. 1
P. W.
1 Sii3, Sept . ;
. S j;
late Treasurer.
Iloyer, t li. iturgess, l.ic.
112 03
15 Oil
V 00
f 1.57V Utl
13 im
22 (12
2 50
John W. lJueher, Treasurer.
ltorough and l'ond orders of IH55, paid
I KM),
" uu.
" " 1SI12, '
" " laO.I,
" " IStW,
llalauco iu bauds of Treasurer
f,3 13
3.0 HI M 1
JiiS Si
.00 2y
Account between the Ilorough of Sunbury and Jim.
I W. Itueher. Treasurer, for tho year ending the i.-t
1 day ol Match, Isol. in respect to Poor Taxes.
I Juhu W. RiK-ber, Treasurer.
I lStl'l, Jalv 21. ree d from collector Dicmer.
Aug. 22,
I .. ,)ct 21,
IS'il. Jan. 2n, "
j il.ilanev due Treioitirer,
flsii r,c
Hi '.13
lis ou
loo no
IT.'i no
337 '32
$1,003 ol
I !U
30 e'J
tin 72
I'.'t 7S
321 M
John W. liueher, Treasurer,
Poor orders ot IH.V.1, paid
Isi; I.
' wt.,
1st I,
l.oo.l M
I'll AS.
liRKK.NOCC.Il. )
Jilil.N In 1 1 It NL.
Sunbury. July, ISdl.
B A Z A It .
Curiii-r ul' .Murki'f Niinirf
Itoatl Mr !,
8 I' X 1! U 11 v . r K X X
,V ICnil.
' iifi Tt 9 I 1411 rfil l'lMIIVl I
' K l . .1 1 1 I tHilIri ILI I I 1 1 1 A 1 !
! Of the new est styles, cut by the bi-st Artils. trimuo-d ;
I and mude isjual lo vutoui uoik, uud sold al Ihe
j loarl price. ;
j lien null Hoy 'a 4'lllilfi( of the beat urn
j li-rial eoiisiiting of Drt-M Coats, FrK-k Ciutls. Sack
j CoAia, Paiila, and V eta of various colors and iuult
uek as Sbirla, tivrr-abirta. t'nd. r.liirls. Drsrr,
l olUi. l iaots. Nvvklu-a. lUadkeihu ia. Slut kioc.
'tiluiia, ae. "
Hula) MM 4 full Ulltala.
l ilt I I.AS .ul VlTI'i.NN of all kiudi, aud nuai
t'U olb-r aril. -las.
'Ill public r llilltr l lo call ul clauiiu bil
Ki sk
eo tibet il pis, "('ollnll Cloikiu klora,"
torii.i ol Alaikal Mar i4 lb N f It rl
f ' I k i I n b on r
laabiy, July I Kl
I 1'IIYMi I.VX AMI M lti.KtiN.
Ul .al'LClfl H.Y tlrs k, Ik ivkr
- us aykiM, HOu t l ku o,i4ik Ik liua
v4 ebu.wlm a4 I pps Akuai loskUi(
I p-l Agaia, Ai l, s4 - l
Ill.Wh, tl'i-kual l'tmi I ida a I klstk
lld'it, t l iiuoa. riua.s 4,
Mlirloi Kqnnr, Nl .-MII'ItV, I"ii.
HAVfXll just ri'tuined from the City with nn en
tire new stock ol
lii'iiH, 4'hciuicnlK, IVrriimcry tintl
Toilri Ai l! lci
towhleh lie invites hisfiiends and the public gener
Klljr lo unli and exauiiue. 'J ho iJrugs ruiti ileuieinca
11 ro nil nolcoled. Iruui the best Importing houses ill
tho Knstcrn market with the greulent euro as to puri
ty and efficiency and avoiding as niunli aa possible,
the iiilruduclioiiordclerioas nostrums.
Of nil Hinds, fitch ns A Ver's, Jaynes, M'jOllntnek,
llolloniivs, Wi.L.irts, HoollaiiUs, fjeheiiks. ilrown's
uef all iitktr popular puU'Ut medicines, always uu
I mud.
Itnir, Tooth, Nail, t'lotho uud 1'uiut Itrusbes.
Mponiul cure U taken to keep on hand constantly
ovuiy vaiiety of
Huilnblo to iho trade.
1'niiey Toilet Artielea nnd tho tsnmermil articles
which are geueially kept in a well cwnductiil estnb
lishiiient. In connection with the above articles, he aloi keeps
on hulid 11 Imge assortuicut ol tvl'ATHlNKUY, such
as l'nper, Kuvelopea. l'ein, fencils. Inks. Ac.
t'xr l'bysieliiii s prescriptions nnd liiinily reeeijts
compounded with the grenlest accuracy nnd dif patch,
at A I.I, IIOL IID liy or Night.
Itciucnilier Ihe place, Jlarkct r-ioiare, under tlio
oiliue of the ''Sunburtr American.'
11. a. risen i:it.
Suubury, Junu 2-, 111.
! oitm, - - - .
I I'll J i' I . I h I A Ii I K KllA
Orders will icceivo prompt attention.
II. Ii. iRU.DEN.
W illiamsport, June 25, lSI'.t. l'roirietor.
I.acKnxvtiiiiia A. IttwoniKliiiru' Stall
ON nnd after .Inn. l-tii. lrffJ, ra. enger Trains
ill run us follows :
movi.mi storm.
t LV V.
' Jllootnsbur
' lianville.
Arrive at Noitliuinberlnnd.
W 2
Mill IM!
l.envo North umber I and
" Jthoii.slnirg,
u King-Ion.
Arrive at Scrantoti.
. S OI) A
h. II)
H. Itl
I . ."11
Freight A Passenger leaves Illooinsbttrg. 0 t j A if.
I'l.sneiiger. taking the .Mail Iraiu South conned
with the i-.xpress Iruiu from Northumberland, nrriv
ing at llarri.-liiiig. ul 2.30 A. 51.. lialtimore 7. (ill A.
M . and at Philadelphia, at 7.00 A. .M. The .Mail
train fiom Northumberland leaves iuimedintely after
tliu arrival of tbe l-.xpress train from ilurrisburg and
llalliinoi e. allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia
at in. IU P. M., lu reach poiuls on this road during
the next torcnoou.
New and elegunt Sleeping cars accompany tbo
night trniiiseuch nay between Northumberland nud
Baltimore, uud Northumberland nnd Philadelphia.
1. T. POl'M'. Supi.
Tmv. i'4ie sai.i:.
fPlIK uiidei-signe,! will sell at nivnto sale. TWIIN-
1 TV-SIX TOWN LOTS, siiuute in the borough of '
Sunbury. The lotii nre bs-ated within u few- .-squares i
ol the l'enasylvania Railroad I'omp.iny 's .Muehiuu
Shop', in the northern part of tliu towu. 'i heviu o
all notable building lots, siuinte in Ihe mo-t pleasant
portion of the boioob. 'fticy will be soid 011 rea.
tunable tu u.s. For lurthcr aiti -ular.-, apply to
pkti-.k 1:. .M AS.-;:n,
11 I!. .MASSKK.
FltANf Jft lU'C HER,
Sunbury, Jane 1. ISrtt. F.xceutors.
P O U N D E -5T,
SXJIsri3Ui-l-V, JPiiJNIN'A..
the Rest (let tlie Chcaputsliot the most Leo-
iioiiiieal. whichcau be had at the Rohrbach Foundry.
liav iug u large assortment of the moet npproed
ST'.i VK. Mteh ns Cooking. Purler. Ottice and Shop
I Stoves, which will be wild at the lowest rates. Also,
' Kettles id all fics, Pans. Skillet-, in.
I The) are also innnul'acturiiig .Machinery. Ploughs,
I Castings, Ac. ut -lioit notice.
! lit o nline nil kinds of Agricultural Implements
done in n good workuianliko nuuiuer anil at the
shortest notice.
All urticb s "hipped ns ordered. Orders respect
fully solicited nnd prolrpttv nltellded lo.
tV Old Iron, und all kinds of Produce taken in
Kieiiaiige f. r oi k
atibuiy, June IS, Sf,l. tf
Attention, I.uiliesi iintl ciiIciiicii I
i la Deer street, opposite the Central Hotel,
HTJTsJ23U-bi V, PA.,
C ini.Hl.l. has opened anew ricture iiallery
in II' atiive place, ana is prepared to take
Poi trails in Ihe best style and uiuiiner.
are taken in every style ot the Art. thut canted be
no passed iu the Slate. Having several year 's c.vpo.
rii nce, be will give ruli.-luA.liou or no charge.
Copies will be taken front all styles ol pictures.
! (live hiiu a call. Remember op o.ite the Central
' Hotel.
uubuiy. June I, Ihiil.
low I . I, How -Muri-aJ.
T l ublirhed. a new e lilii.nof Dr. ( I l. Kit-
al W 1.1.1. S I l.l.l l;lt A l KH FSSAV oil Ihe nllenl
cure (wiihoul ine.licine) of SI'KHh.itoiisioi v. or
pen. n. ul aeiikuess. In olunlary Suuliial Loe, lu
ruo.M I. .Menial anil Physical liieanirliy. Iiopcdi
luciit. to .Mairuige. eel. ; al',Co!si at tioji. F dep.
sy, and Fit, induced by ss-ll-ilidulgenee or nunl
ly'i'i'er. l Kin U I tiii't'iific. unly
trill I-
Tbe celebrated author ill tins adiniruMe essay
' clearly demonstrates, from a thiriy-year rucei-n-iul
: prai-ti'ee. that the alarmillg w.Iim Uenees of relf.
' l.u-c lea) Ik- ladieally eure l wiihoul tbe dangi rolls
11 -e of lo'uruai uiediolliu ul tbe s pplie.iliou of liia
kuilr-siianii oul a mod uf cure alow nuiple
, o-riain and eln-lual, by mini. "I which every suf
I lerer. uu mailer what bis eiaiditiou may be, may
' ear biio.. II cheaply, priiately. ami radically.
( i- Tkia l.eclui should h in Ibc bauds ul every
j youih and t-veiy man iu til laud
j fvlil undel real Ilia plaiu envelop, lu aiiir address.
l-paid ou receipt ul Uu iuslek ilaafe by d
! UrrMiUit lb puMobct
t IIA J C K LI N K 4 CO ,
I 1 57 lloaery, New oik, P'l C'8.' 1.". lia
' June il, l-l 'Iy S
ii Al 11 ass A. M
I. I M !.. ..
' V. IJva..i.iU Niuia niI, iMtwaaai I l.-uajt i.d
Vi.loMi, MIIUAl l I l llt.v
, May ?, lout 1
!MUUiritlr'a . 1 1 r , I
N ol II Kuk.otv Ulirao adieu u-
loisa tan Uia n,4 lu lb u4-.i.ii, I
oa It . i, ,r, 11 4 . Ma-
ship. kunlia.l,iu4 i-Miai I' 4'r"l All
kllM, uV,asMlv,f l.daut I tu MI.I i4l
a, ..,, rt.i t, .,. ,u.u.lii. i-.yo.an4 ae I
liuo bsi 4 i tla. l i-M4 ikswt l-i 'iliiaiial
l ,l I. VM HII V I A I'.. I
I Hi : , '..ill IKI H
Spring & Summer Goods,
ISAAC F;jp.Mi-lT3 j
In Zetleinnyer'a Huiblitig, nppusitc (ieiulint'a fon- j
feolioncry Store, Mat ket street, bUN libit Y, Pa.,
HAS jusl opened n well aeleoted assortment of
OimsIs, which he uQ'ers for sale at Tory low prices.
FPREfflN AND DOMESTIC such as Cloths, Cnssi
meres, Muslins. Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, Do
1. nines. Silks, (liiiglinnis Ac , Ac.
IIA'I'S II ml ml ol every description.
Consisting of Hosiery, (lloves. Thread, Uatlons,
Saspeiidi is. Neckties, Collars. Handkerchiefs. Hair
ortisnes. loom liriisnc. raney llonil Dresses. Hal-
moral Skirts. Hoop-Skirte, f ur'pet-bngs. Trunks, Va
lises, I'lubrellae. f'ollon-Vnrn. Sonis, and uutneroua '
other articles tuo tedious to mention. I
such aa lisi Is, binges nnd screws, diair latches nnd 1
knoba, and Cl.Tl.KK V of every desciiplion. ,
Dye, Drtiys, l'ninls, Varnishes, Oils, (.'lass, I
rutty,- Ac, Ac. j
tiiicenswiifi! mitl IJIassvinre ol"
I'Vcrj- tlcwci-iptioir.
STONE AM) F. A H T 1 1 1' N V A K E.
Ao extensive Stock of
Composed of Sugar. Co.Tee. Tens. Riee, Corn-slareh,
Molasses. Caudles, Meat. Fib, Cheese. Salt, Tobuceo,
mid Segars.
for men. women and children.
All kinds of Country Produce lal.en iu exchange
baiibury. Jano 13, lurtl.
fllCS. .11 A It 1. 1 'I H01JISO-4,
(Formerly of the ''Law rence Douse,' )
s r n ii u n y. i i: x n a.
INFORMS her friends and the public generally
that she hns refilled Ihe house formerly occupied
by Dr. J. W. Penle. on Rl'iehberry street, near tho
Northern Central Rnilwny Depot, nnd opened a
Ronrding House, whore she is prepnred lo keep
With good cooks nnd waiters, lionrders can enjoy
the quiet comforts of home ith lure C'inil to tbe
best liotels.
Patronage from those who may sojourn iu Sunbury,
is respectfully solicited.
Sunbury, May 21. l-4. 3m
o s r, o ii N '"s"
w - i A' n a x r i: j)
T T wv by fiM clrnv ttuiiilit-s rt rrvu in rc. iml
J hijrblv rHL'tiiuiiifiiiifU fur ncrvtm-' tiiil v-i't.i:it!
jKTni.. bcinif vt-ry iiutti itiuiis unl tH'p lnmi all
ilolt'lrriMU!" suliftmu't'i', in tt stimuli v tf I Iuivp
ct-Ttilirnifs truin (tit niti.-'t fiiutiitu nt l'h vsi.-imift iu
the Country. Try it, hik! you will bo suit! to con
tinue it? u.v in prt'fVrriuie lo nuy illuT.
Knlil nl retinl fur Twi'i:ty-Kivc Ct-uin jut round
by Firit bIh-w Grocer throughout tbo l iiitcd "tale.-.
't-Sf'-A ti brl discount to tho
1'ul up only by
M bob-fiilc Depot, 6'J Wurrcn st. "cvr York.
May 7, IN'. I.
11 rA.n - l iii--nvB:i;i;K
Tho ONLV n-liublo PcIf'A.lju-lin V.'iiiir.
Xo WtrtKl-M'ork to 8wrll or Hplit.
Xo Thumb-Set e,vr to &:t out Order,
'nrrautcd with or without O-Whtvin.
ItttH.k theKni-iTrilLMirM nl Kirty-.S,'vn Hlalu
nnti O'ti'ity F'ttr-i m st'., nnd i', uilii'mt nn cxet-p-tit-n
tlicbt Vriio."'r rvi-r nuub'.
l'titontefi in the I nitvd Stutr.-, ljiir!,ind. CutiflJu.
and AutriliH.
Samplu Wringer iout, Kxjirec- pnid. on nveipt of
Kuergvtie ngcnt. cnn lmike from V, t 10 per
Xo. XS'V 50. Xo 1.t?7.5rt. Xo. V. 50 Xo. A $il..0.
iiuiufiifturf'l nud ui, hivhv mid retail, by
TH Ii rtTXAM JIAMr AL'I Ti.l ti C'n.,
Xo. l.'l riuU.Stieet, Xt'tv Vnk. m.d (Vevelmul, lmi.
8. C. .NonTHKor, Aeut.
Thut iron well gnlvnniKt-d will not rul ;
lliut u tfiuiplu uiaebinu ii better tlntu a uuinjdif.iU'd
one ;
Thut n wringer should be alf-iljustin, diiruble,
imuI eftleii-nt ;
1 hut 1 miinb-N'rew mid rii?leinn4H euuse deluy nnd
trouble to refulule and keep iu uidv-r ;
Thut wood buuriiijrs tnrtho elmfi toruu in will wear
out ;
Thut th J'utniim Wringer, with tr without cog- ;
wheel-, will uot teur tho doilies ; - j
That eo. wheel remilatoi'tf are not e,etitiu! ; I
Tout tliu rtttnam Wringer hiw all tho ad vtmtngcH j
and not one o( the dindviuitngr tibo, e nitno d :
That nil who have tasted il, I'ronouuuu it ihe be.t '
Wringer erer mnde:
That it will wring n Thread or a !U-d-0iiitt without
Wc miifht fill the paper with tetinutiiiaU. but in- 1
et ti-nh'H few to eoii inee the hki plieal. il nwli
thero bn : and we cav to all. KhI I'uliiuti) n W ringer. 1
Tet irrilOKMrtllii.Y with ANY and AL U wllicin, ,
uud if not entirely ratil'u'tttry. return it. j
1'l'TN AM MAM'KAl TfltlMi Co : I
(jeutlriueii ; I know Iruiu prieti al experi'iuo j
that iron well gulvttuued with zino will nut oxidize !
or l lift one partirle. Ihe 1'utiunu Wringer ii- !
near pel f -t ht poihle, and 1 call eheel lully ie- '
foiiliutud it tu 1e tlie bc.-t in u.-f.) j
lterJpeeM'ullv VitirJ. i
JXO. W. Wlll'lKl.Ktt. Clrveliind. li. !
Many year' experieuen in the gah aniinir bit-1- I
ih-a euable uie to iiidoriH ib above t.iU-mcul iu ull J
,i.o. v i.i:rn:uTs,
Xo. IdU Itetkiuau .'iieet. '
New Yurk. iTannnrv. IS0. j
We havo tented f'utnaiu'n iMotlie Wringer by !
prnvtieul working, aud know that it will do. Jt U '
110 up; it isi i-itnple ; u reijuiu uo room, nheiln-r ut
ui k or at reel ; n ehibl ean operate it ; it ibuv il-' 1
duty thormiL'hlv ; it phXv time aud il nv .ear j
and tear. We earneMly advice all who bau tuueh
washing to du. with iuiellieni pi r.-on w le ha t an v. (
lo buy ihii Wringer. It will puv t -r iiell in a war
utinuM. JIuu JI'UACK liULhlal-.V. !
Jnnc IS JrVI.
Tha Only Eafo Italinbla against both V'ire
and Burglary. J
I am now irepired to I'urti'.b tbree .ix.-s of iitior..
111 Punk Nile. I lo-y nre Ivib fire nnd liurifbtr
rool. nitli to dislinet iioide Ilur:liir S'Hte.. and
(lire ol my new Ami-Alieruiiu ler le-k. on ineb
sale, belietisl lo be lb only bonk I,k k now in u-e
llittt bas tod been ieked or euuie.t be .irke I by
lb uid ol tbe Miierouo r 'lbe-n hull, nil i rf.i-111
fo ir lo si.i iiu-Im Iii tlnckiie"- ot s'.lid Iron 'unritiiiel
lo be thr SIMHesl. tlie luo-l didi ull lo drill und lo
ataud lb uowl rt'.-itiiin-e nsin-1 ball lire and
burnUry ul any Nile ill tbe I tilted Mules ol lite
SmIov sis.' Kiel oo.
I hnveon liand and mill I'm In b nl um ol
llai.k ault rnb a. -"ii'if ull tbu uivnuiu,. ot'
Ibe livi(iiiiisl biiiirUiy
AK, all an,.. o All aulile afia boib barlKt
i'.'ii and Aro Miol burUr-as.
Also, UriiMui. iiil I'w ellin bou Salt'., bur1 (r
rw..', tl 111 aud burjli.r .r.l , ui i.l
dm. .
Al.o, lb airounist an I tliMfoi Vw'j j wl IM.
bank and inert aunt t aulis
All lb bo ai l.illiea "r.oii,, .(
Alao.ata.ia l.lllir'a Wi..u M f. a;r4 lwf,
alliiul. M"I I" HI' "! jlot, Hit.. l Hilly te
tbu. I if 1 1 iv
Al... ,mrl a- r n.i-tl .rf -.iJbi,u l !,.
lusi.y i l ibiui ih-mI-, u ktid ! i. k xhI m.kei..
.'..lJ III .di..K. ..t .,ui, , t. , 1 1 .- I liou S.I,,
lbv ! odulr 4 .1 Lt I,. il tlkS, I I' ,.
M i .-AM. I II Aa.ul.
' .'I l fl. I. Mil eiit.l
Jull II. IV.t
a srij:Mii ti:.m
, u . mem
it llL HAM ItullsL. m, la.,.., -n
tl llli t .i.i... Ul.,1.1.
kfcd 4. i4 i ol r.. lli i
id i , -( lu
.4 I'
..ul 1
b.a f4 II, ..! . s. I. .H. e sail I ,.
mi tba tt..4 r.toM.iw on. i n i
Isxiliili t II ' 'I I I .... I. .
I .1. Jl . . I "I
jo flr...w jbjqll: -a." ssai
CAlt iiaJ skA.l)
for 'lcniiIit?i, l listening t.iitl
I'i-csk-i'tIsij; thv 'i s.i
Thi article is nrep:ired with the great ett care upon
ai-ictililie priie'ipics. nud ' warnuitotl not to coii.aiu
anything in Ihe s!i ;ht( t d' greo d b-tei ions li.e
teelll 01 glllli'. Soinn 1 f on." most eiuineut IV, a'al
Surgeons li'ive j-iveu their i:ii!,vtioii to. and eliee'fMi.
Iy recommend it ns s j reps rati Vi 'I fiipcrior anili
ties tor uleaiisieg, whitening alil preserving lit
Ti:i:TJI. It cleans them readily. - rendering I hem
beautifully- while nnd pearly, tv'illuit the lightest
injury lo tho eniimel. It is lic.ilu-g ft' tlie gums
where Uiey ore uloernled nnd sore. It "'so mi e
uellent (li.-iiileclor tor old deosviKl (sell, vhicb are
often exeeisiingly orieiisive. It'givesa rk ertai j
tiute Uilhe moiu'h, u!oui;siiij it tlmrouglilv. ai "'i "- 1
parting a delightful fragrance to the hi-eaih.
A. II A V LK V Jr CO.. 4
N.W. Cor. Klili., .V Lombard Sts , Philidc li hiu. ,
Aud (old by nil Druggists. PRH li 2j CUNIS. !
"The following j pinion ol llr. White, ns lo the hie;h I
esteem in which lie holds the Denlid Cream, must be !
sutlicieiit evidencu of its value ; to iiuotc otln r tosli. '
liionuds in detail is needless, contenting ouiselve'- by
"onj'i; I- , M", ioi,o,-(. nil', mi ll t-s.-et 01 persooF
who speak of its excel lellCV lor the teeth. I
i'hilndelphin. Anril 1Mb. 1 S ' 1 1
Having onrefully examined A. llnwlev's "Sdioi. I
ficd Dental Cream." I hereby eliterially recovir I
iiwii'l it to the piibli-! generally. It is an Viet-lleni j
pri-put-iiliou U.r clcau.-iuir and pr.-scn iug Ihe o-oih. :
and can be u-ed li) all persns with the iiluiot i-oi,. ;
fideiiee, ai us iropcrties uie perleetlv bnr:nlo.-s. P".
sides pie i-rviug the tecih, it piouiotes a healthy j
no! ion lo Uc gums, and imparts u pk-u.-antiiuss 1.1 ti.e .
breath. j
Dr. V. It. WlilTK. I20J Arch St.
'i'h.uias Irr.iiui. Al. D . Dentist, ts)I N. Fourth St.
.!. liiikoy. 2.M S. Six'h St. I
K. Vnnderslirc. Surgeon Dentist. 425 Arch Hi. j
C. A. Kinsbury. Demist. 111'. Walnut St. j
S. Dillingham. D D. S.. 731 Arch St.
F. M. Dixon. S27 Arch St. j
Fdwfird Townsend. Dentist. I2HN. Fourth St. I
1.. II. Dorphlev. Ueutt'i. MOT N. Tenth St.
AI. L. bong Dentist. B2U N. ftixih St. !
.Mav 2s;. ISO I. Iy !
IMilit!-Ii!i!:i A i:rf einllroiMt. 1
rpilliS!rciit line irnveises liie Norllieru nud Nnr'li I
J w est eounlies ol' Piiin.-yliiinia to tin: oily of Krio j
on I.nke Krie. i
Il lias been loused by Ibe Pennsylvania Puilr.eid
I inn .:i n v. and under llieir uiisuees u being rnidlt
ojiened tlirouxboiit tin entire length.
It i liuw in use for Pas-etier and Freight busine.
from llinri-liuri; o St. Alnrt s ( J I ti miles) mi tbo
Knstern liisinu. nnd froniaVliellield lo l'.rie, 76
miles.) on 1 lie M'eslern llirisioii.
A rrtvr Kititr:t M
IsttVC 11 itlC'll'.
Mail Traiii, 1 11 .2.. A M.
Kvnross 'l'rnin. ll.t.'i P..M
Alnil Traiii. P. M
Kxpress Train, .i.jri A. Al
Lurs run lliroaRh vittmut ehime. b,,!b wnys, on
tbeso Irnina between Pliitadelpbia nnd l.oek llaveu,
and between nnltimoro snd l.oek Haven.
ICIennt flcejiins Cars on Kxpress Train both
ways between Willianisport and li.iltiu.ore, and
M'iiliumsiort and Philudeljiliia.
1'or iiif.irmiition resjovliny Pa-rnf;er business
updy ut tbe iS: h. Cor. 1 1 1 It and Market Ss.
And for l'reii;lit busiii 'ssof tlie Coiiiiiuy Agents,
S. II. Kintlou, Jr., Cur. loth uii'l Alaikel Hi .
.1. W. lieyuultls. Krio.
J. Al. Drill, AtfiMit X. C. It. Ii.. P.altiiimro.
II. II Ho. sn.x, I
lieu'l I'reiclit A-t. Pbibida. I
I.KW IS 1,. Hoi I'T. j
Ilea l Tieket A't., Pl.iln.'.u. I
Josi'.i n 1. Putts, '
Gen'l Alauaj'er. Wi! I
May 27. ISC I. I
"Yew "cToTms '
AT NO. 1 ST0EE. i
WEAVER it L", j
HA h just returned from Pliiladelnhia will ono i
of Ibe luriresi nn I best selected stocks of liuod '
evi bruulit to Sitiil.iity. i
KORKItlX AXI) I)!IMK,TR'.sueli ns flotlis. C.i-i-meres.
.Muslins. Slieeripp, 'Tiekinir. I';ili,-i..v. Ji...
biines.l'luiinels. nnd nil kinds f AliiUHX IMiiiiM. Is.
Aliueeiis. lllnek Silks, liingbnius, Il.-ilui uul i.r.d
Skeleton Skirls. Canlon i'lanuels, Xaukeeny. Car
jietinir of till kinds.
CeiiU'risinr. Hosiery, tiloves. Thread,, Sus
1'iu.lois. Xeek-lles, l.'oiiars. Jlinnlkeieliiit.s,
lbiir Prn.-bes, Toolli Uruslies. Ii im Uib
bou nnd Cord. Iiipe. erotebet-l i 'ii,!,
worked cullurs. fmiey bemi
dresses, liily eolton. eai net
binding, oombs, faiu-y
soup, enrpel Ims
Trunk', Valisra, I lobiellns, Plank I.'... k-, P.ipir,
ljivelopes. Ac.
lf nil kinds, sm-li ns Xnils. Iiino. nod Sereus, li...,r
l.iit. bes and Knobs. L"eks, mi l Cl'TI.lM! V el every
Al.;i),'l)yt-s, Drns. Paints, "arr.K-li'-. l"i-li.
l'laxsei'il ami l!i.iizi!ic i!. Glass Putty, iVr.
;ilC-JllSM UI-- ,lllll lllMHtllI-0 OS" Slli
An Mxtcu.-iva Stock of
GROC E il I E S,
Comported of iugar, toften. Tea.-. Kiee. ('oru-.-tareb,
Maeeurunt. liarlt-y. ltnkiii-piwder. uiohif-e-..
candle?, tobneeo aud tfrgur, Suit, Fish. .Meat, (.'hee-e,
Ac., Ac.
AU. a largo variety of
for Men. Wunien and Children.
f'.sr'All htinls ul' drain and Country Trotluce taken
hi;o tin tintxls.
tiive u?i a fall you pur- base eIewli.T we
are bound lo fill as luw ai.y ono e!-.
Store-rutiiu in Ira T. CU nu iit 'a bnildini n tho
south-west comer ut' Mai kut Uure, liwai tbu Court
.Sunbury. May 21 . Istii.
. s t-n t Wauled B;ieryi lu re
to -M'l! the
KLKdANT nth IXMi'l U tl VXl, I'i.A'f K VS
Miii iii;- Hio I :iiiuii-iiut iii I'i oi bi.
The bet and onlv ettriei t likeue.v i f lb!; gri ut
man iu existence. l"tr I'artieulnr.-i ml. in --',
No. li lUh .-t., iii!alilp!ii.i
May I I. ImM.-Uui
wiioi.Ks.if.f-: am. inn ail.
rilllK ieei'fiillv infnuis Ibe'
thill bo kre.s coli.-t'iUtlv oil bund at bis liv
AltKlU'I Sl:. Il-nr III Slii'im.kill Valley Kililrr. i l I
I it-net. iii Si 'SHI I; V. I-1. in I.y tbe barul nn I r.u W.
me I all kindr ol l eed by tlie lou.
'I be. h).,,c i nil mam. tai lored :it b- mni M'.lli..
aill mil be ruld al ibe low ft ea-li .rieef. .
j m . i M' '
Sunbury, Jure I. I'l ll.i
l!f:i:liitu' Italli-tMt.l.
-j p.K.vr i hi K uu r,.., .'..V,,, ,
I I North Ue- ..r I'biliel, ibm vtk ,,,..
inir. I'oi.M.ll... A!Ui.'.,l,n , A..
lniin. leiixe Hi tj.b..r J ,or ,.,,,,, N,
l.k. l'"-"l"'- ""-''... an I nil Iilti
IV V . O I' -1'! ' " '
M w ibvore- luru.l.u. r -.1 .Ui M,
a, nn, ii( a. New ,kn, , 4 ,,,,,.,.,,
'l'e-".l - ....,..,,,,,.. f, r 1. .,.,
Heading- ul "
at 4 I'. V '
j A. M., an 1 i. tuiii. fi...i II ui oi.i.i f
li. ui llani.l.ier To N. h
ik ? . I i
,e tl..,l..'d
ia.1. 1 i.l.i 1 J.. it St M I
Hruiruhic bave N Yolk ul M . I J M -"
tnd I I1 M (''l.l.l ai .;a vi, ... an ii n.i! nl Him
lul,l.'A .M'l. i a,. 1 l.iUd.ll I.I.. l 1' A M
ui.,1 .1 :u I1 M
-l.flii. em. Im "li.. V v k I r.-. Imna
llir -uli I., .it. d ll.'lu I'ltulai'sll Hille i I . In... vi-
l'n l. b.l il.e t allii" ! liml I" I ! "' l a-
U.u.lll. m l all A M . Hi.' I I ' " I l'.ll.a l..
.l.., ul. Ulal ail M I'l'll.l-
'li'kil I.r I', ll.tlll. ..I V I 1 A M . mi l ? ai I1
M ir lulrl . -1 ,.'. ll.on.i u. a ai. i V ... k
A!... oll.ll. lil".U I' . "lt I II .! I.t. li.all-
at il eu A M , o i i.hoi.. ... iu I'n.ia u; at j , J
r m
Jk All lb al- iull.l . tulid.ll; .-u.1..... iv
0. l. I
Sui.U llSIU bate. I1. I.i.'le hi ; .al ,
sol 1-l.iU I. Il'i.t a la 1' VI
Muuiai..o. t , .1. ) t. u.-,t,
1 M k. ... l laua-l la t . . . .,. ,l ...,i,i
tj 1'saai. ! liMb.4. a.i v l.i.l.ra. ik.i
II A I i'l I
lil. l ,i u.i I
n:i: nu:M rni:i:zi:Ks.
t . i.(- 1 1 I H t t . I I - . X . '
,i.. .Naii.
" . i I
i . lot
i . .
iiceas: i;jjs'.i.:i.(i n'.'": li-'i'ii -os'
Tt:i: J.iVr is
.v x i) i i u i. s r i v o ; o :.
Aru Ci rcl I y
II 0 0 V I. A N i. ;
German Bittor-j
"JK " G 3 -V 3S
Pt s--TrU p. 1 !-r--! io-.r. e,it . .
11.110 UU t - -!. i" .:.ti-i-Ml
lll.te lie I e-r,;..e .
Have irare Vef , 'sS Ife. pi.. t Vo ! ft J ,!.
TIlXJl any-i'iber r "!.; !ve "' ''"'
M e iU ry nuy l, K I., o- irneli.-: I : -- -'i i.
."! Ull.ti Hi sl.
To ary e!.e I ;!. will fr-.l.i,i a I . r.:.
I.v 'i'. lint, ' ii:
Will eitre evry en-, of Cl'tvi.;. -i .ns I'. ' :
Iii-i-aseol liie Kid, 'cy.-. ir l I ' ;.i .s..-.J
a l!!ered Mrmi.'.i e .
ii.i:i: vk i ui" iii i" fv- ; svyiNi
Hoi-llllini ll'.'il l':-ird-r' '1 tile lM, ; ! -
( l,-'l
p-i!io. ll;..SI-i
I'll.-. I e . ..r lil-'l
Ii. lb., ll . i I : t i'e -'.
mr. -I . .Viii-mm l';M'l.. Iis.-i.: f
K.eel. Kfln. as er Mi --rui tl.e m,v-i.
laiict ii '."i. inkin i.i f l'ii-.riiiu- ii' tl.e I ' '' '
M.-uie.-ii. So i.'Ki.ii'iL- lie il"ii'i. Illllil,-! t .
cull P'i-i li'i.. ri.i,J..:-.i ir a: til" Hcai;. I '. k: .
.s.i!l "-i. : in- Si'.ili " o 1 1 fii iii s lyin 1. 1- I "
nev of i'.-ts i.r t - b l f..' li e .- '.! i'.
and I'nll Pain iu the Jl,-u J. in.-tie.t-uey ol I'.-i-:. ..
tj.'U. e'b;W ile-s of 1 1,.. Skin Mil I I' ! ti
Ibe Sid- . loo k. Clie-t. I iirl-t. Ae Sad. I. l.
ITusliesoflleat. llnri.iuj; to tbe I '!.!.
Coi.-.l.'int I iniiuinili-"f l-v il.
and jrri-at lif.i.'-te.u
THvt litis luiTr.r,
X O T A L C Jlo L I C ,
'o.itstSii no ITum r y ,
And can 'I wake In:iikf i-. '-t't Ii the l . 1 1.1 .
the W..;Il
I'l" tSraiiS .o S!iv J;
i'f.mi tin l.. vi a. Jb-ck lVi-t-u i" th-
I'hur'sdi, I'e't.herl'-n, N. .1 . I'mTjiu'. i.. u-- '
:i'.p'it t.'iiureit. I'hila !el h' i
T bav: kn'Tr ?1 in-l it Im ' r- i ; r
blv fur i i.uuil 'T "t viMi" Jl iiteti-' i thin i : . . -
n'ni l.iinil y . and l;ne n . . j l J w ,,;i ; . ;
eiVee1.- iiint 1 u :i-iul u e-i t re- - upii t : 1 I M (.. t .
111 iibel", Mlid k.MW tl: tin V i'.i mi-i;i!. 1 i,.
tvikinjly 'x'lieth'inl ii.iu.i:! r 1 Ink- r'-at plt.i-i
iu t lu i- pip-1 ;ely -u "da. aii i.i . aiet c t..i:.i t
a: ti uii"U Hi.'--; airi.-t.- ! w illt t !ie iIim-.i-i- !"r u t: i
t,ev ree .iii'i:' tided. T l!iC-e l!i:it r-. ki-OMi.L' li
e;K-riei-.-e ''ia' loy rvettnn-iehdafion tvill t.v
ed. I d" L i i;n ire ehi rln'iy Ii n'Vt ii.ii .- l.(. t -it
inieiitiud i, In in-til Uu alili :ie I, i.i. l -ii.-i u .
drink. o.rc t: ul . 1 ' . i.
From Iiev. .1 N ew t mi i!r ''Mi. iv 1; IMi: i .t l,
Kiii-yclupeilia uf H'-tui'-ii? K id-". ah I i
i. hniiiele. rhilfidflphin.
-bb--M-h tl"t diM'-i-d fill 'T Mr Ve.HLUn lid i' .
tel. i y, i.'ii I, i." 1p im'm i.d. il.r mi :b d:-i;r-i .
iiiL'H ii it( and t ll -i-:-. 1 yet kt '-w j i . -tt i i.
r- i-' iio M y .i ni-iv ie; t. -:ii'y : i!,- ! . : - i
l.-'!i. i . liii.: ll i'i c r e ied Iii m av.y ,- ti :!i'H. in ibe i.upr th:it he ni-iv ;hd
t th. i." Ilv'U '"th-T.
1 I du Ji'i- iin i:iuie i--.t lily in re;M 1 tu !
! rnian llilte;-. preuire'l i.y J'r. M J:.-k- ;.
: thi: e'.ty, beeal.e w i prrjudl -ed i ... : -
iu:ii.y year-, t-nd'-r ll
j ebieiiy :m (ib-.'f.i'li udMurv. I -iu; i;. I !e-t n
I lii.-i..i li.ihert Mo aker. K? .. I r it..- i- im. . .
thi- pt.judiei- by put.r tes. a;l t.-r .r...'
i nieiii iii try !:. m. l u mi.v.-::.': ! :.j . t .i.
' bin -4 e"iiiuue i u. 'liiitt '1 h.- n-e -i ti.r- i
1 the-'e liiiler-. Iti-'iir the p.. i.t v :
w a- til!uM''l 1 y i i i"!.' r I .! an I i r T-r u ' -i
itet.-e u l....ii!y HP i 1111' hi' il 1'-- 1 1 l.N fl I h.i i
fell invllll . bet'-re, rind had .llt.t-t li -j .:. . i
ut' reifninin-. I i b- r. 'nri- i hm, 1 1 -I m. I n ; t-. .
t.-i" ou'eijtinc tu the u-c -i ihetn.
.1. M.WT'N N
l'i-m tin- K v.
11. K-un.irl. r:i-i"
:v U::pti.-l t
1)1- .laek.. :-!var Sir 1 :v. V. u ... , '
1 t"jile-t. t fiuiiv in y li -t tu v :' .u. 1 : t .
.-t ilitien i.l kii.-l- "-t tu dii-ii.r but h-mi In. :
t rai 1 :.', i,- .-.ui i.r nr. .ipju.p; ?i'.i ; e. I . w
all ea-i-s dee I im 1 ; " i. U a rb '-r ; : t i'. i-Ih-'taiu'i'-i.
and paiit'.-ul i: y i-t h :!v. . i::. it
I'uhie r. lb...l-n.d tief.naii b. 1 -i- .-.
l'-'ri'ii'i' t'rMin n,y u-m it tnuie. t epr- l. y ;.(
eum ieli'nt thai, t'or mite ml deluiirv t i!.e
:n; l i" pet i.iM;, l.-r bit er t.'ump'aiiit. it i - -i
valu:.h!e p.eM.-.i .iti"n. Insane a.i U i;i :. .
but; 1 .buiiil le.;. it will 1..: t-:y bviu-;.. t:.i
tli.iM H ti'i .-Hfler t'lMio a1 e mil-v
iour.-.eiv l.-i.ei iiaily. .1 i. Ki:N V!:;.
i.i 'l.-A. b :. ..ii-'SUev.. ,'n:;:M' .i i
Klem llev aii.'i li.ui ' i., I'.-i.v .: I' .; .
(')iori j.. i ,. a.aiii-.ivn. i't.o.
f'r. I'M. i. I. i -l'.-.r Sir :--!':. -
l".eli.-i-elial'!-. In'- I-. s.,y t'la' 1 T-. --rl
bitti-:.-. i u j ai. I .'.y . a n- rt ,t t ,-. i:. .
e;ne Inc I-..- . t ! i ,. .i i . ; .. .
b.t e b.tli .-,.i.t! v belete e : iv ...... i ! - I :
Yours, tiuiy', V, AUI'.l N li ;i..'il.
li. l .'...i.- "i :. i' .
IV-tii Ui-i .1 II Vmaer. lV-'-r H-l'.'. r "
I 'jtireb. I I. I .lea
fir .inek-n fv.,r St tla'vi . - I -. t.-
IK all Ii. II-.-! . ' .1 i-ii- .'n. ; ! r: . ' - I .1 . ' ...
-'.v lb it ,t I,:., i.r, ,i ere 1 .. '.1 . i ' .
that 111 l;.,s: I-;.-.- . t' al .: .. .
It. liie safe-t lio-l ll;.-i n 1 1 .r.t-l e I ,-! i.' '. I. ! 1
fc-.t e - rv k.:. ! - !.
Y,i.: r-.-. 1 .: . .1 i: r; i.M'i:
s." . v n i.i! .-'t-
I rani tbe rtov .' 1...., . t
toiuailes J, j,
i:...b.-.!. N v
. i. t I, -.a
l'r-f. M .'.deV .-i
ure tints. .,, v ,. ., i i
""' ' ' .die- i. : i : o L . . . . . '
MiKei,f,; ,m..., miii-ie i i b I1: : ; ' : -''
,n Mi:b fix l n.-iul I 1 ' '
' lelilen Ii I lo ).i . va.- ia . , l a I lv , : :
l ill.-. n-e Had 'a le ad .".al ...ui. I . : i ' '
lug tlllll ' la lb H V I . I i -
K'U.l.ll dil".l'.v 1 bslutii il lo be a ' '-
II, I bl MM )..., d M I.I
IV-I t'e lv.-X Tl: WllVai. I'f ( ' ." It. b 1 a
ba;.:.-: I I. ill '.
I.r .la, k-..l. I' .r '.i I I' ! ': lu I"
t .alia. I fl .';' " ' " e II ;lsi I , l. I a;a . i -l,
I.I i.. v I. ..ui .a. v la Hi. i .si l. ..l Hi. .. . 1
1,,' I I il a l , I li .1 - Oil.,- I" !. .."
-Ui ri. Ii 'i a ! I I ;. Ii. l I., a 1 al I 1 1 -
a,i b I N ll I, I. I I II t a l I,.- , I I '
Inall la;:. I I ll I -I al... , .1' : ' .
mid III..-XI". l.-l t- .it! IM l-ali'i I.' ..
I . il.' ia' : I 'I. I I h 1. 1. II i ti
ai.: . !.... I .... "l :. i - I I.. i
I, .1 h 't I It k.-l. I, .1 h ,.l .1 I 1. 1 I,, il a - i .
It. .. t I 1. 1 I V .. .1 , I tl I I I i
I. l. li I ll Ii
i:..,,.. K..I.
l M I-,. ... ! , . , - , i ..
. t li l. ... n .i i .. -i i
I...I. or. i , . ... ,ii- il. . dl . .. ...
. I it - It a.... I . I'.il.i- I i." i i....'.
, I i . -I li, I,. ..I a ulu . I , I i. a '. . ...
..u.. , h i I . II i I, . l
i it ift:n,
f. .i.. , li I !.. i ........ ,
i " ' . i . . i
. , . i... I , l 1. .. i i .
(.. II ,v
1.1. H M.I. I I "i I l.t. i . . ! '
e Ih.t f .
..v II 1.1 t,
. .1
I a
.. ' ' x
, . h I.
!.. I 1 ) mi .,. , ... i.. , ,,. i. a .. i- - a
4. !...( k. Ht u t , ... , ... .....I,,
II I.. l. ,1 l II , -i ,.,,!, . a . I
-l. .III lu.. I i
I'ai. 'j .1 Hili .nl )i,.,,i . , . X , ,
i ti. rt.i.. .. i ia .
.I'M' II I
.i i
' v .