'.AUli!i, sl'lilMti AJSD SUMMER FANCY DRESS GOODS, Kin AlVVtv IMITI LH, Two doors West of the Tost Office, etTJN-Etm-ST, T-T.T'A., HAS Just received and opened alaruo assortment r Fancy Dr"?"i floods, such in Hlovt s. Jouvinn Kid-gloyoa, failk and listo thread Gloves; I adics cotton Hose, Children's Hose, Silk Mits, Handker chiefs. Corsets. Embroidered Slippers. Ribbons FAN CY DRESrS Rl'TI'ONS. liugle Ginihs, Trimmings, Rnttons. Melt Ribon. Velvet Riblmns, Uruid. Melt Clasps, Ladies' N'eck-tii Fiirn-y Ration. CKAPI'l It I U ROM mil HUMMING; Embroidering Fluids, Jnconot and Swiss Edging, and insertion; Multeero Luce Collin, Grenadine Veils. Fancy Jin-iw Cotnl, Head Dresses, N'etls, and n vaiiety of other articles. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND BTATIONEHY, Book. Hymn R.k. F.lnnk Bocks. Memorandum Rooks, Diaries. IVckot Hooks. Jnk Stands, Pens, Pencils. Ac . Ac TOYS AM) (JA.MKS lOU cniMJHl-.X, All of which have lieen sclcetc 1 with wire and be sold at rctisoiii.hlo piic.-?. ANN V FAINTER. Sunbiny. Apiil 2a. I S-Vl . TlU: "KKD MO.V HOTEL (Lute Mrs. Rtmitnn's.) MARKET STREET, bVN BURV, PA, JULIUS ARBITER, HAS tnken this oi l and well kutnvn ."land, ami refilled and furnished thr satin is pit -pared In accommodate Reenters and Travelers with the heft the market cun iifi'ord. He hopes hv strict itllentioii to business to receive a slnire of ub'ic patronage. His TAHLK contains the best Ihe market Milords. His liur is tilled w ith the choicest of 1,141101, bulb Midt find Spirituous. The stabling is good, and alt ended by careful Ostlers. Sunbury, April SO, 1SC4. ly XlM)KTSMi:.'li im:iot. Jl'ST received a new stock of Tithing Tackle for Spring sales, consisting ot Hods, Roils. Linos. Raskets. Snoods. Flouts, Nits. Flies, Artificial Unit, Rigged Lines, (tut. Grass and llo.iks. to which the attention of ilculcrs is particularly requested. Orders. Wholesale ami Retail, punctually filled and Satisfaction warranted. joiin kridek. 2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. February -7. litit. bin OK DR. BCHENK'S OWN CASE. WHILE LAIlORIN'G VNDER CONSUMPTION And how bis Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tunic,' and Mandrake Tills act on the System in Curing that Dise isc, and tho isrciit Niict't'M At Ifinliiiff It! v. -. :-M ilk The above isacorrect likeness of Dr. Schenk taken many years ago, after ho hud recovered from Coik sumption; by a course of bis 'Schenk's Fiilmoui Syrup." Tho likeness, although it does not repre sent 1) i m anything like 115 bad a.' be wnsat the worst, yet it is in strong contract with the halo and vigorous looks of tho Fortrait below, which is the true liki1 lies? of him at present time. The contract between these two portraits is so great that many would not 1... !!.... n,,.,,. i.i.oti v.. hurnlrtdtfof persons, in mi.l nruuiul I'liibuU'lpliift. wlio will reeupiiso l-otli pnvtrhits lu hv trui- reircscn- M'ht'ii t!iO fii t utis tnken be wcilit- l M7 hi the jipcht thut hi. wii-l.t 2JU j.ounJ. New Yoiik, Wednesday. Jlareh 30, ISO J . TO THE Fl'LLIC. Tii'r'y years ago I was in the last slagtslf I'ul 1.. -iioi v I'onsiiuiptioii. uud given up to die 'resided in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parri.-h, then ol this city, ordered me to Murestuwu, X. J., a distance of nine miles which took 1110 two day.- to get tiiciu. On my arrival I was put to bed, und there laid for inaiiy vc'Ks. T. lis was my ualivo place, where all my fmiiiiy lived und had died of Consumption. Dr. T iuiiiion, w ho attended uiy futliei in bis a.-t illn. -s, wi called, nnd gave mo one lin k to lix up li.y uf fairs, lie had seen nil my family go thut uv,, und thought I was to go. too "'J ben l licard of the'icmo dies I now -oiler tu the public which cured me. It :i -. no 1 to me that i could feel them peiietrating iuy li !i-ile i t s:em. ihey soon ripenrd the matter on mv lungs, mid I Would spit oil more lliuu a pinl of oli.-nsive yellow main r every morning. As soon as ihut began to tumble, my cough, fever, pain, night rweals ail begun to bate inc. and my appetite became so greut hut it a with didiculty I could keep Uom luting l.o iiue h. I so.. 11 ginned Uiy .li engm and 1 halo I een growing in lltsli ever since. For lu.iiiy ycuis 1 have ei joy 0.1 unintei rupied good he.ilih. keeping tlo liver and siomaeh healthy uiih the Seaweui To I ..- an I Mandrake Pills, us I 11 111 ol a lolliuus tempcr l.io.lil. My Weight is u buudred and Iwnily ) om. Is lin my letancry people would scud for inc. ' I tr and lo ur. n. set if their ut-n w.-rt liKe 10. 1 .1 I lin- pui pose I pay pr..f.--si.mi vi.i. itr the large iiti.s. 'Jhuenmumpiives wish to see the one thai lili.ker lllCfO IliedicilieS. Ulll 111) W ft CUrtll tlf C"ll- "I 11 by I hem 'In uutke new lun- 11 imi..,,;. He. but en i'ie-in thu lui.,.. an chn.i.n- ulctia- tiili-clthe l-l-lchlll lul.e. e.m he Lcili-i -iil cii-v- are d cog h ,.il, oii ler ilm or.liiiity tn-Hiuui.t t-l pin : : I.- 111. '1 ju.-t .-10 h are cured by the pr..'.er i.k It. Syrup, Sm.ed ULi At. 11. i: .me Pills I sin mm loahhy n. an with a large cavity in '! 1'- I lb-ho. .1 the rigl.t I HI.,: lite lower lube. ,,,y n -l - ' I ''I ill. I "i.'l ei.u.j.b lebiltitsloliol llie pit mu. 'Mu b-ll liin- if sotit. i ,n,. the U pel lobe ul lo. hi le.l,g t it' ft 1 I 1 U I' ll l a lolel I h. ' 1 I , I .. I.. - II, 1 L-4.1 hi I. till . II 'll, I' I s d 1 hot core eoi.siiiiii . ..lit- II iin-y gn u u. lilts p.hlll. t. -I' 'M ISI at. . tl.lul.u It Die k. leil .1.. up An. 1 Ii 1. ... . h. e I I te 1 t -t.-s m M 4 f" 11 le. e. l..k I I I e l ,, -1 b s sk ui 1 '- tl I TV ys-a -J I uuuJ -: ; W?'FVK Cunsiituiitiii .it the Common wu!ih, iu ac- x'nuiouitArii &stu Attr ua.huua.x, r'4'V COrtlanco witll tUc inJVisioils of the teutil i No. l.i:iS Chesnut Street, opposite the I". S. Mint. j&&&f?3'$'t i,S?'Sw ! article tin-reef: 1 liiillcry Reception and Hperatiug Koums ALL, ON J0ffr3H&&&&V Tliero shnll it 11 a.lilitional section to tlie J vmsT 1L0U l:???JsS t'liril ariiele oi'ilioC.institntioa, to le iUiu-' M&?$&"&m&&$54$ Uat-.l as .,c. ti.., fonr, a, f,.l!ov, : h r A;1 'Ucs -f, I'h, b.graphs Ivorytypcs. &riZ.3' lPf--.tXfl.f STs 1 ..... . , ,. 1 enoi vi .-or imiy us and taken at prices to suit jf ?-gW-ttS'&i df-e I "H 4K.. 4 iH-iu-M-r any 01 tin-tjimii ; u. ,;.,. ii.i . noifl" foil it is carriul oft by the aid of the Mi.Mirnke F'lls. tin I'm 1 11 'onio Syrup Is inndo into Mood. 'J his iv the only way to euro cnn-uluption. ll I cannot (t"t n Bt"'d apiielito, and food dotvs not diTft. 1 cannot euro the patient Never mind the coii-h ; remove the cause and will atop of Itsjolf. This!" tho most trouble I have with my patients at my rooms. 1 hey say, Doctor, I foci atronrj I can eat ; my ninl swonta are better, and I fool bel ter every way; but my coujih Is so bad yet;" and t! cv aro astonished to bear me aay that does not matter : rcmovo the cause and the cough will fxp nt itrelf. Sehenk Seaweed creates a good anpetite In about nine days, when there Is no lung disease, unless the liver is so congested that tho AfRiidrnke Pills' cannot unlock the duct of tho gall bladder in that short spice f time, in order to allow tho stale bile to paw off. Keep the liver ami stomach healthy and there is less danger ol'consuini lion or nny other disease. It is b'tril to tako col 1 when those organs are healthy, tlhosc that lire bilious, low-spirited, dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite, nervous, stomach lull of wind, everything that is eaten lies heavy, hiss of memory, try ono bottle of M'llKNl'K'M SAWKK1 TONIC, and ono box of PCHKNK'.s MANHUAKK PlUo. It is only a cosl of one dollnr ami twenty-five cent, with lull di- w ill 1 reetioiis. Xlns is suiticient, in ninny cases, 10 s.m I 1 what the medicines are. Fie'tiently ono bottle makes 11 great change In tno system. Any person that enjoys ordinary health, by using tho Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills oceaniomilly, must get the digei-tivo organs in each a healthy condition that thy become llehy 1 can produce a number of my ol I consumptives patient now enjoying good health, weighing nearly ii pounds. I will conclude by relating three cures I have made in New York, ami which are all iliti'erent. and wi.-ii any ono who feels an inteie-t ill the matter to visit theiti. First is Mrs. Fitriow. residing then at No. 1UT Houston street Her husband called upon me at my rooms. 32 Hunt! street an I wished me to call anil sod her. He said I could do no good ; that he hail had all tho host medical attendance, and nil sai.l she win too far gone with Cinstiinptiou to be cured ; but she bad henid of some great cores I bail mado. ami bo desired to gratify her wilies. I called, mid found her lying confined to her bed in the last stage of bronchial co!iuinption and without doubt must have died soon. 1 examin ed her lun't. found both hroiii'tl tube? very much atici ti ll, hut no cavities had formed, her cough wils very severe, the spii-hox was half full of thick pus. Pulse I4n, leg swollen very much ; and worse than nil. she had chronic diiirrlnea. Her bowels had been moved eleven times that tiny, told her Hint she had lungs anough to be cured, but that this diarrho'u bad been of lung standing, and her stomach was in such a ulcerated condition that 1 was afraid noihing could he tloiie. Shu in.-Utcd 1 should try and do what 1 could for her. observing that sho could not last long iu tho Condition the was in, ami 1 could not make her any worse. I gave her lirst a dose of my Mandrake Pills, and the tonic and .v'yrup freely. That was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday the diarrhoea was carried oil. her appetite bntl returned and she could sit up in bed ami cat her dinner. She is now well, nnd gave a long certificate, certified to by tho Kov. l)r liowning. "Mrs. I'.artliolome.v, h.l AVcst Forty-fil'tli street, came to my rooms with a tumor on her liver. .vhe was low-spirited, skiu sallcw, tongue coated, bowels co.-iivo. no appetite, ami fast sinking into the giuc. The said tumor bad been running over fourteen yenrs. I gave her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, ami told her to take them just us tho directioiis w ere printed. She came back to my rooms. o2 llond street in two weeks, somewhat better ; her tongue had begun to clean a little around the edges, her skin hitcr and l.er eyes brighter and tiio luiuur discharging very offensive-matter, much faster than it hud ever done belbre. She kept gradually improving, and in about two mouths she came to my rooms very much Irigiit. ened. saying that the tumor bad nearly stopped running, an I was healing up. ami that every doctor hail told her that if it ever healed it would cause her death. I told her that the disease had nil left her system, and nature would heal 1 lie ulcer up. They aVc now h-'iiled. and have been lor about u year, and she is a hearty nnd robust a woman us you will titnl iri a linys w.ilfi. Sue is gla-l for any one to call on her. and takes great pain- to vi.-it any one that she he.trfc has anything like her c:tsc. and tries to net them to eoinc and see mo. The next cum; is Mi.-s .Scotleld. from Stamford, Conn.. Mrs. llartlriluuiew got her down tit see me. and she has been ever sinco at her house. When she lirst came to my rooms, she was much emaciated with a distressing cough, spit ting large quantities of blond. I examined her lungs witn the rospitometer. and in all my practice never found one w ith one lung so far gone und the other lung so sound. J cmid not give much encourage ment. 1 thought slio would die ; but to nty aslou lsfiiuent the Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tunic, and Mandrake Pills all seemed to go right to woik. tho lung is all healed over, icavitig a cavity lis large iu 11 goose egg; good appetite, tlnu spiiits, and has gained some lhir;y-f:ve pounds iu weight. She bus some coutih vet. which J tlo not tnii.k will leave her 1 i..,.t 1 i . .1 ;i 1.1 ..r ro..t U IV " i..ui. mum. " ,UIU y hvt, luurfst 10 !on:o iiiiitrfjiniiyeJ jihysicihii tu visit Uiosu c;i.-i8. i)!irtK'Uii;rlv M tcuwhl. ornnv ol mmih who have betfi cured bv niv medicines. J lit'y rc ij u in- erous in .New York ; but the above threu all dittvr I'm in eieh oilier; aid if my medicines aro doing what 1 represent they are, they should have the credit and the uitl'.cled know where uLd bow they may be cured. J. H..SCJIKXK, M.D. I'r. .1. II. Schcnk can be loun 1 ut the principal office, No. ',VJ North Gib Street, Philadelphia, every Sa'.ui day. from 9 A. M. until J P. M., to give advice free of charge ; but for a through examination ho chaigcs three dollars. Price of ttio i;ulmuiiie Syrup nnd Seaweed Tonic each frl 2j per buttle, or the huIfdo.cn. Alandrakc Pills 1!j ecntt per box, mid is. for aale by all lirugglaU uud Uviilcrs. iluy 1 i, l-ul. ly A Joint resolution proposing certuin Amendments to the Constitution. lie it rcs'iL-et! hy tlic. Smotv ait l hot.- ' Jit in iitntift '3 "J lite i'litnufniitmlth uf 1'tmi i!r in iu in ii'i'itml Aim mill nu' ', That the iiillowiiier iiiut'iiilnii'iits lie liropusril Iti tUc in iii.tu.il niilitaiy service, nntlir a reiiui.ti tiuii t'l imi the 1'i't siJentnf tlic I Hitccl Stale, til' by the Ki.tiunily of this Coinmoiiwealtli, such e'eetms nuty exerci.-e the riylit of snll rae in all el uuuii by the ciii.eiis, under tULli rtguluti His as ai'.', or sliall lie iire.serib t tl by la'.v, i.s Hilly usil'lliey ere Jiusclit ut tlnil' Ustt.tl J 1 HC of e'ee'idti.'' M.ft itiN 2. There tin.!! I e two addition al M-etioiii! to tin eiev 1 ntli nrliele ol the Ci.n-.-titi.lion, tube ilesitjnated bs ei-lit, aiul i.ine, us follows : Skctio.s S. i"o bill tball be Jiased by : the l.i-oislainie, eontainiiiL; more than oiic s'llijnt, wliich s!ia!l be clearly exjitisseil ill tlie title, t-M ejil a'i)r.iilialioii biil..." "S-t.i IP .N 'J. no b'iuII bejiasud by' tlie l.roi.-lnUire griilitino; any niefs, of 1 Jiliv i!io;i-., in any ca-e, wiiere the iitiilmi ity to gi obi siit-ii mi ers, or jiri; lit res, has Urn, or limy lii itai'ler be, !i t't-1 1 d Ujion the eourle of Ibis t tiliii:i.iiiM-.il!!i.'' I lili.NiiY l . .JOH.XSDX, ! 1" il.cr ol the House ol le-pit'n-iitatiws. JDIIX 1'. I'KN.NhY, Su aker of the S nale. tM'KK ei-' Tin; M.i i:kiai;y of the t um.viu.n w K.W.I II. ll.Vlibl.-l.l Itli, April 2"itli, lsGI. l'l-NNSYI-YANIA, : 1 .!-i bt;.ly certify that the I .1.;-. I foipiiiin i. a l'.;il, inn- urn! ror- . Ii el eoiy ol I lie 01 ioitinl Joint K Mil'.itjnn of the t.i-tiei-.i! A . Inliy, i nlitled ' A J 'ii t i:vo'..::inu i siio.; niiaiu 1. 1'lu.ioU 1,1 il.e ( oo.suiutiim," us the same I1111...IH 011 file at till o!!iee. i: ': I sMMii-.v whin-..!, 1 lone luit in'ilo Ml :0 I 1 I II 111..,, 0 Tl.t . I v il-o.-: Il.lll'l und 1 1.. oint i- 1,1 1 1- a, H loll . I. s. 1 1. t .r , el libu c III -,.hil U 111:..,. Hit) . 1 d tin- nt ,il of lin.- .St: .led. I lie d.iv iiim I I, (f . I.I M. irr.il,' I'll CnllililiillUi.dtll. 'ii htt 11. ' Im 111 iigited the l.ll In la ta ol 1 ill ll ' ill- ri -ii.lu 1. 1 the lius (.ll. Iiit, ,M u It ll. , III I u 11 - 1 1. 'I 1 .! .'. ml ly ,.f pi tl 4llll II. Jill II.. itU w i.l lie kulilliilled I l . fii , 1. r tin 11 iui.iMiiii or iijtr .1 ill.- rii.M '1 1 1 ni.iv ,.t t , , ... :,. 1 1 or I .. I . nt- tht.ns.,,,,! 1 . d :..''. I'.iir, in u.lol.l.mif Mllll i 1 III... I I lie ll ulll uit u.. ,,f 1 1... II lib I the ni t, rlilltl,, ".Xu . Hie t Il.e Mid lu.ililit 1 i' . .Im, it I I ' I'le. 1-1 I l.i ir k .loal kii, ' ol !u ll' I, I III- I'll.)'.,., t Nlllbti.l , .1 I ' ll.lll lll"ll. ' HI I'l'iV 1 11 Hie t , I.l ' l t Ii. i l il. , ol Al l, I. 01. e 11, ,u,iii,.l ,1.1 ii 1,,.. 1, i ui,, tuti l.iuf 1 ' IIIM.IH.U, Si.Nii.ii ofiiii 1 1 ii.in..iii:ih Ap.'. ;;, !.. 1 i I m Imr ike Maukv w I lit , rl Id I' III k 1 I I I. bit All.Ji MiillTMNU ll.V Kll.LIMt (. let i i 1 4i ,::;..'iv:v(1,k,r',1',',,j II' IIIH-UI I L .. I IU..!..,.!,. klkvl-kkk ,. . "- I Beady to nail down. READY "ROOFING At less than half the oost of tip roofs. READY "ROOFING ilore durable than tin. READ3T "ROOFING Suitable fur steep or Oat roofs. IU5ADYliJOFINO For all kinds of buildings, in all climates. "ilOOFINO Easily, cheaply, and quickly put on. Needs no coaling over with cement nficr it is nailed down. READY "HOOFING Mn lo of n flron woven fnlric.tlioroulilv fnturaU-'l im.l covered upon bnth sin .'new with r i-L-rUctlv wa terpriMit' oompositiun. nml put tip hi rolls rciiily tor uu IU iuch wide, nntl "j tcet lung. V'e nUn innnufaoluro LIQT3TID CSIOITT. Fun Lf.akt Tis Htiors, Much cheaper and more durable, than oil pnint. ALSO, Compound 4 ii'iil, For Leaky Shingle Ktsifs, Which will often save the 00-4 of a new roof. Samples of Heady itouiing and Circulars sent by 111 n i 1 n hen tlesired. Favorablctenus uiudcwitb responsible parties who buy tu sell again. UKAliY I5O0FIXU CO., oi Maiden Lane, N. Y,. April 2:!, 1SCI. Oniri: Fitovusr M.viisii.m., llTU DlSTIIIl'T PtSNSVI.VASIA, JlAiiuisr.i liti, May 10, ISfil. rpo the end that nil persons interested may havo 1 notice, and the object in view, 11 complete and accurate rc ist d enroiliiient. be proiuoleil. the fol lowing, in iiccoitlanec wiib circular order No. bi, A. A. Provost Mar.-hal tiencral s Office, is hereby piib'iisbed. I. Tiie different lior.rd.t of Fnrullinciil. Western Ill usion, Pa., are riaiuested to immediately proceed to execute the sixth section of the act of Congress, entitled "An act to amend an act for ei. rolling and culling out tho national forces, mi l for ulbcr pur poses.' nppmved February ", ISt'l. II. They will at once iippoinl the necessary en rolling olli'ccts lor their rcspec!ivedistrits, with in struct urns. 1st. To enroll all persons whoso names have been omitted by the proper enrolling otiiccrs, previous enrollment . 2nd. All persons who shall have nrrived at the age uf 20 years before the draft. ;ld. All'iiliens who shall have declared their in tention:! to become citi7.eus. -Illi. All persons discharge I from the military or naval service ol the I niied Stales who have not been in such ser ice lor two years during the present war. Mil. And nil persons exempted under the piovi sionr, of the second section of the enrolling act. ap proved M in h 3d, lMi.i, but not exempted under thu proi isioiis of the act approved February 21. 1,-lil. III. The Hoard of Fiin.limeiit will 'also nt once proceed to strike from the enrollment. upon satisfac tory proof ; 1st. 'I'h e names of all poisons whu have arrived ut the age ol forty-live years. 21. The iiaiiies id all person inan'.fcstly, physical ly or mentally unlit tor the son ice. ' :;d. The naincs of such persons as ureal this time actually 1111 1 legally in the military or naval service of tile I'niled Stales. 4.h. Tile names of such persons as have served in the military or naval service two years or more, thi ring the present wur, and have been honorably dis charged theretrolll. JN'. KAYCl.FMKNT, Cap't. and Tro. Mar., 1 1th Hist., Pciiu n. CIKCILAU No. 17. The term for the assignment and correction of cre dits by enrolling Hoards under the provisions ol Cir cular No. 4." current series, lri.in this otlbte, is ex tended to May 111, l.iiit. All claims relative to cre dits which may be presented to liisirict Provost Marshals on and after that date, will be referred tu this office for decision. (Signed) J. V DOMFOHK, U. Col. 10th I . S. lufy., A. A. Pruv. Mar. UcuT. J. K.W Cl.KMKNT. Captain and Prov. Mar. llth Hist. Fa., Hurri.-burg. May. 11, Is;', I. MEYER'S X E W L Y I M P 11 0 V Ii D CUESUEN T SCALE 01 s:i:ss icixj fiamds. Aekr.owledged to be the best. London Pi ie Mc.lul and Highest awards in Aiue- MKlAiHxNf AND SF.CON1) HAND PIANOS. Wurerooins. No. 122 AKCH St., bduw F.ighlh, PIULAliIiLPllIA. March 2o , lSvjJ. Muiw livcrj ltody ('tin ! 1111 Arttl. mid Px-iil I lb.rs, s and other animals, l.'nuiprige. Country Seats I Kuins, Moiielsoi .Machine!) , tVo., tor Patenting uc ' cur.itely ploit ograpln.'d. j P. V. Ci.p'-r desires to call tho nttcnti.ui of per sons vi.-itinc; Philadelphia to his liewlirotllld Floor ' ll.illery. w liere he his iutiodued nen ly-palentcd call. eras, e ip.ible of taking, ill II few seconds. 1,1, e? bundled Plnitogi'iii hs. 1 1 mu thu .-mall stamp or uutu I graphic, to the liupei ial an 1 Life Size Alter many expel linen!, he has succeeded iu pin i eii.g his sky -light at un llii.i-uvc.i angle, dillnsiu -Ihe light in cifiial pr".oriioi.s. and pr."ltie:u ' thai soil gn.d.iti in "f tone w hi'-Ii c iniiot he giv.-n by the I side aiul -1 y-lights gen. -rally used, and wliich of so I much iiiipoi'iaucc to the Inanity of 11 picture, ll is mii'le ol 1 le-iicli glass uud U the largest iu Philadel phia. .Mi'. C.M.per bus been cngagt I more than twenty vi-ais iu ll.,-s:i..ly an 1 pr.ie'l'-e of I lie Fine Arts. ' ills long, cii.i ricnec us 11 Miniaiuie and Portrait J'alnler is siill'...-), 1,1 gunr.iulee i.ir the pclfeetiou ol the pi'-llil'es liuitle ill h!s 1---1 l.i i.-L un lit. 'till lilt t'l i.leali.il:g is Well lllidc, sl"i'd J hone I'llt Ihe inosi skillul i.i ;i.:.- aiceaiplt.ycd in tbu le-spectiie depar! mi'liLs. All I'lciiues Wiirrtii.letl ; the Ivorytypcs will not eh tugc in any ciiiualc, nnd Will sl.tnd tlie te. t of 111 ids. Pailn-l.l 11 nlielilijli ib p. .id to filing yl.icc f.d 11.1 1 1 a.-y j o-ili u.s. liiigiicriiotypis m.d nil u'.ber kinds of pictures copied, trolu small liie.lallioll to lite sue. Hlni llbisli etl in colors or il.di ill iuk, tu look liiuul tu picluici tak-'li fi oiii life. 'J'his Halleiy jios-csses rare facilities for taking Fipl.-stliiiu Pictuias tlulu lile, in (he rear building, where Iron one to liny Luisc can be photographed ut a lane. N ll Tu Fie l. gn.pbers, Cobu::s und others. Jul bsuid A New U ol Lull l'hoii.giiiph C.'loiing, f.o.y'ypiug, Fiiiitiieliuig, liory .Miiiu.iuiu Pali. ling, Ac. Coiiiple'.e ii.ii actions neit lor niaking liorylypi-s Willi r.'Uie laluablu rixelpts. lie 1 ur bcb.le ubil-tiid, us. 1 it) 1,1 ull ph"U,ui hu', ..r une- ui wuieh a btro ulll l.o lie-ell otlt-led. i)y t"lluHllig the dlle-etiiin. eolilninial in thi b-iok. 1 v 11 il.o-v p ir. us nna I... I'll lion, k 11.01 Ii dge ol I'i'll lllil'liila-l hill loetdur Jhot.'l.l h. lu beaU- HI11I and tiluiiw style Oneiopy i,U o,lel uf colonnj- ji Ull. wilhuut 10. .-I.-I .l nu by leiiiilinig flu Ink bo. del sell of e....i,; io , will be sent lov 1.1 ihHi re. Villi be I' ."lulled shall V A V i.i Aki k Vi eiaa ua lm 1 ixii V III, I t iuif jie.-iiv Ii;ostiu:i. 0 ol 1L01 lluu.au Fc ai4 Al.k'i, A lls.ll'liouk U I'okltluSS Unii biu.ii.ii-1.. i io gi.i hut and A 111. 1. id I f the. kss of I'bi tu- Ml. I en.pef .1.1.1. tlt, lu It.-ilH I... 141 ki d lOli. tlnu. 1. into hi. liMsk lor inaiuctiou iu iiu,,-, ki.d Pholoiki U Ituiyitp. All, I 1 i.k kill I'k.al I ..llllll. If, kl.J M Ukuilllll L IIKIM 1 Il.U..I'IV I .. Ull . ! t 10 ul.ll e.,i,lii,lin (1.4 j ,Ue, ,,f J i, lulu, ktld lUlibil ll l.'IO.all. l. 1. 1 ,. nu Ibv i L- ... I l.ik.. Ul IIISIIU Uul, 4, -4 U h-d tl; kl.elu.1,, I'.t UOi.v A44lei ul t n ainp lu P ' i " 'i l u. 1 lij t b.suul Mi.ol t,ll.del( Ul M.i t kl. St 1 , I .I.L I epv, 'l. .1.1.1 I,, Ku, tlU, i)t4 J I I lfc II 11.41 Iltbllh..i...'l4 .O.l t.kh4k.a!ll !., k W. kliU. M.ll.y p V I k-1k ' 1 -MU4I I iWllI ui k... Uulk S0.0IU llks. el )m, , J., 1 ,k. t Cu 'I"., ko rt A ai.jk.u It si nt aiUkis Ikui.k I . J k lil.oa r. lie hi llwi ll l' I s lll'i. k J ...la. J k. .,,ika..k .ktvh.J I It I 1 I COOPER'3 1 tITTftttrtS tl M T1TT . . nn. 4 I,O I ll I.XU Ai rtllilKII. IMJ M'l'OIti:. Tl iHK snliscriber rcspcclfnlly informs the people 0 I Snnbiiry and vicinity, that ho has opened an en tire new stock of clothing and Furnishing: roods, at his new store in the bulldinir of Uharlea Pleasants Kstj., in Market srtnare. Jlis stock eonsisU In part IEITS1 CLOTEI1TO. IIOYH' CXOTIIIcVU. Rnch as Coats, Orcr Coats, pants, Vesta, shirt, undershirts, drawers, stocmngs, necaties, nanaaer ebtels, gloves, Ao. Also, Hats and Caps of all kinds. ltOOl'H AiMf SIIOIiN, of all kinds. THI NKS, and Valisos, umbrellas, I and notions of all kinds, besides numerous other kr- 1 ticlw, The pnblio are requested to give him kcall, and examine his stuck LEVI HECI1T. Funbury, Oct., 10, 18(13. THE MISSES JOHNSTON'S B O A K I) I N U A X D D A Y SCHOOL I'or VoiiiiK IiiKlirx. No. 1201) Spruce Street. Philadelphia. KLFEAENCE9 : Kev. Pr. Howe. David Webster. Esq., Hey. lr. Suddards, Win Hay ward Drayton. Esq Key. I'r. Cooper. tleorge M. Wharton, Esq., llenrv M Fine, Esq., T. U. Ilollingswortli, Fsip, K. It' Montgomery. Esq. Hon. Aleiander Henry. Thomas I'unlap, Esq., Philadelphia, liecember 5,JKil.) in?.-, ro tti.-o run mStii." Tl ,lli: l.ITTl.E (II ANT SEWIN'U MACIUXE i J COMPANY want an Agent in county, to Solicit orders for their new KlA Machine, with guage, seiew.iliivcr mid extra needles We will pay a Ii- j beral salary and expenses, or give large coiinnission. , For particulars, terms. Ao , enclose a stamp, and address T. S. PAH K. Toledo, O., Feb. i:t, Til. .Im Oen'I Agent for Ihe I . States " TRUSSESS. SHOULDER BRACES, ' ELASTIC bTUCKINHS FOR ENLARGED VEIN'S OF THE LEO, AC; I Instruments for all deformities. ' Ml. (i LOVER'S I ow l.i-vrr Triiwm j has taken the place of other Trussos for tho retention and cure of lleiuia or liuplure. Acting iihu tho piineiple ofa lever, it never loses its strength. It is conteii to prevent rust. It has no pad on the back, w hich is so liable to injure the spine and annoy and chafe Ihe wearer. It is sure to retain the Rupture, giving ease and comfort, and rllectiug radical cures. It is waricnteti to give satisfaction. The improved shoulder-Hrnco expands tho chest and prevents the wcurur from becoming round shouldered. Ladies' Hells and Abdominal Supporters, Hand ages, und lit Its of all kinds, and instruments l.-r all Deformities of the llodv. DR. li ROVER'S OfiiccisXu. 4 Ann Street, two doors from llroadwiiy. Now York. Strangers should particularly uuto the name and Nu. : April 11, lsii.'l ! JEREMIAH SNYDER, " j Attorney .V 'mi-lIor ul I.iiw. j Office 011 South sido of Market street, foiirduurs west of llearhart s Cunfcctiuucry store, ' Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care, the collection of claims in Nor thumberland and the adjoining counties. Consultations ill (i eriiiau and English. Suiibiiry, March FJ, lSiit. ly sun bury mail school. ' rpiIE first qunrter.of twelve weeks will open In L the tlrnud Jury Room, on Monday the I'.h of April, lsitH. Tkp.ms Feh Qt'AnTF.n : Fur Reading. Writing, Arithmetic. Geography. Faiglish liramiiiar. SI 00 Algclira. Natural Phihe.ophy, Chemistry and Hcology. or nny of these, $.1 00 Higher, MiitbemuUcs, (including all or any of above $ti 00 French. Herman. Latin and Greek, or any one i. f them in addition to above, $7 1)0 ' 'tuition pavablc half quarterly iu advance. No deduction for lost tune. Daily records are kept of the merit and demerit of each student the former denoting tho excellencies of each in recitation and deportment, the latter the ilidicieneies and tleliltuencies copies of which will be sent to the parents or guurdiaiui at the end uf each term. For particulars apply to the principal. Rr.ri:iiKM'Ka : J. J. Reimciisnviler. Siinbury. j Prof. Win. .Nc.iliiig. Selins-iirovc, Prof. U. R. illiss, Lewisburi. E. P. ROHHACH, Principal. Sunbury, Feb. 6, lbtit. X E W GOO DS! Two ituurs west of Mm. 11. Miller' Shoe storo, j uiihtii v. l'ti. Iu"t uoiui a trt'i'ti ctiply uf i jEW Sl'UlNCi liOODS, I Su.-h as Fancy Dress Trimiuiugs. Ribbons, Cloves Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen Collars and I' lifts. ', tient s Linen and paper Collars. Notts. Helts. Lace ' Collars mid Sleeves, Hair Rolls, Velvet Ribbons. Red. White ami liluo Neck-lies. Corsets. Quaker . Skirts. Sun I'lubcrrellas. Yokes and Sleeves. Abo, a new stylo uf muslin for Harribabli waists together with Swiss. Jaconet and Victoria Muslins Crape Jollars and Veils, Grenadine and Luce Veils and a var iety of uther urtieles tou numerous to mcu Hon. MARY L. LAZARLS. , Sunbury. April lfl, 1-sbt. i a 1 7irA i i .i : I i Vfil iTir.ikl iT T r. l..MS FOUR, SALE. ritljE subscriber olTcrs for sale low, some valuable .L Tracts of Timber Laml. iu Chapman and Cole 1 brook timii.-liips. in Clinton county, ami a valuable Tract of Cual band, in Mount funnel township, Nniihtiuibcilaikl county. Also a Farm, Saw-Mill, and 'limber Land, in 'Liiueslono township, t'uiou eutiiity. Also, a dwelling buuse and twu luts iu tho lioruugh oi Northumberland. Apply hhiq to CHARLES Pl.F.ASANTS, ; Executor of Hugh Rcllas, deceased. I Sunbury. May I'd. Isiil. ' HENRY llARFiSa o. r,!H IU tl Si., IMiiIiil-lliia. MAN I FACTIRER J DEALER IN I WATCHES, ! FINE JEWELRY. i S0LIDS1LVER WARE And ROGER'S Supiriur Plated Ware. I i' All kind of Silvw-Ware, made on the premi ses. WATCH Repairing carefully June 1 March t!ti, K-bl .im AT 'Mil: ' i PARIS MANTILLA EM rOHIUM, No. 90 I'uksmi't Srai::T, tKormerly No. "US ) PHILADELPHIA. NOW OPEN--IaH..TltiU ! MANTILLAS and CLOAKS. 1 Also. Spring and Summer Haiuitnts, of our own Manufacture, of tho Latest Styu-s and iu great va riety. J. W. PROCTOR 4 CO , The FarU Mantilla Emporium, No. U.'.l Chesnut Street. Philadelphia. 1 April l, "lil eb-eSepl. 4, Mli3.-y JACOD IIAHLEY. Siirmtur luSluuJtrirJlarltf) I No .".' .MAIlKbTSirei'l, PHILADELPHIA. j I KtLEIt In Fine G,., and Silur tV A 'I CUES ; I r .ne Gold JLW I. LU 4 ; Solid 1 1. Eli-WAR L , and Ihe bu.1 of .-U.Lll PL.n.D WAhE Cuu- ! kiuutly i.u hand a loje koilmculol Ihe abut e guueb; ul low prices : W niche, and Fine Cluck" lteuirv., by skillful I koikiiieu; kin. Jeaeliy ri i'iiu log ; Liigmiiim au4 , all km I. of ll.iiro.'ik lo older, at .-h"H nuiic.v I I J D-.ii I loijjui ihe old stand, Nu. ii Muikul Slleel, Plilik lt lohik Apill II, I Kit Im ""rKNSIOXS, !ll)lTli:s AND UACK TAY COLLtUTtU. 0 It IO kit, Altt.luey kl l.iiw.l duly aulkof l'i 'd and ll.ein, d lu chid uaioua, lluMUllrallllll 11.11 U lil lor Union., ll. 1 li.lii and .-v.ldi.i. Hoick lu .lalkel tfUvl, e-i 1-c. It. Htii.rl . II .ltd, Cukbuiy, , J.uuiuy id, x. ly isaao ic. hTAurrtu. lult la llukrr mmiI JvMrlrr, HIM ti Urn iir ML Mil WAHK lu,i.i of W ATI III H Nv. Ua Ntntk ktMuu l ai , Cuikoi Oh.iii, I'lULA- I l l I'llU ISS l'ouii,ll y k.Ui kk UellkOlil Gold and a.Hii I'.i.ui ..,.i l..i im ki.4 I'l.i. ll U W turn l 4J I kkiu li.li 1 k. . . . ll.... Piua l .ltdo.41 I n.4.1 Hint: ll. ...i.l.. Vliui.iuik t ki.a'i Lkik, I'luiiu Ikiu-bt. UilK lllvl iLi, K.lt. . k.l w.4 iu.tu4 I.i J i y,,, k.ik t.ka. tlk.i a.. l liyilM a tun. klvi4. I'utkus. iikku4,4 I'u.bl id Pit ,1. .n .4 ki.k kill ksk.14 U a., i Mi, ' kt I I'.HMk.iuk ,-i,i, imi j..., riil l.siM Mut.kiMiui -.Milj k kk4, kias III.M M.i.K.I HI ... I .l , k l Old U-i ks.4 li4 kokikil l4 klk .l I Its. I - . 18C3. 18G3. FMLING & GRANT AT TUB MAMMOTH STORE. YTOtTLn rMtiMtiullv ftttnnnne tint htv j U ' ' I just received and opened a eery large and well tclce- ted Stuck of rirvAnc? HP 111 lIVHO which they are willing to dispose of at a VERY SMALL ADVANCE ON I'lrnt C'osit. 0 OUR STOCK IS COMPLE.TE AXD EMI.RACE3 EVEKYTIIIXa QIVE XJS A. CALL. Thankful for past favors we hope lo meet a con tiliuaticc of the same by still selling Goods as cheap if not I'll lil l'l'.lt than can bo purchased else where. FUILINO .. GRANT. Sunbury, May 2.1. ISil.'I. O. W . riKlll.t'll, SUI.UMON U.tl.llK. 2IEGLER St MALICK. ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. SiiiiIiii-.i , .oriliiiiiilx-rliiiMl ., ln. OfTer their professicniil sen ices to Ilm public. C..I leciions and all other prtilessional business eiilrus!..-!' to them, will receive prompt attention Also, Military clnim will be collected, such as Roiinty. Itaek-Pny. Pensions. Ac, Ac. Itotb speak the German Language. "Ilice Market Siiinre, next doit H Frotle iiotsry s ofliee. Suiibiiry. Mareli 5, ISOI II. II. .11 !.. I. It. .ii w, SlNP.IRY. PA I to in the counties of N.r uyd.T, Montour, Columbia floriH-r nt I 'ollectiulis nltetid tbumlierlaliil, t liion. and Lycumiug. nri rnrsi :s. Hon. John M. lte,... Philadelphia, A. G. llaltell A Co.. Hun. W in. A. Porter. ' Morton McMiehael. L-ip. " E Kctchniii A Co.. Pearl Street John W. Ashmen. I. Attorney at Law, New York Matthews A Ct Attorneys ut i.i..r, Sunbury. March ', I nlj. m.itirs iion:i., ll.l,,h!lir. I'll. HIE mnr.sgeiiif nt of Ibis will-known H-.t.-l 1 nv- illi! been resumed l v Mir. CH. I.i: A III. I. It. Hie present proprietors, he lea, e lo tutor III l be public that (he house is now In ing thorolliriily Itnoiale-l. refuted, and improved, w ith a i iew to the pr. p. r and eoliifortalde aeouliiliioila'iuii of those who may favor the cstablishineiit with their custom. Gue-'s will receive due attention and courtesy, mid no exji-us will be spared that may couducc lo luulhlaiu hotel in a lirst-elass style; Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer mouths, will liud pleasant boarding and larue ami well-vei.tilated rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SC1T COYI.E March 20. 12. J. ti I l.IUIRT HKRU. tiAiiK-saTivi i'i; r i n i: .hi. in: i ici:i:y.i:i: : As Improved for 1S.SV and liji). Pv E. KETCH AM & CO.. 2-U Feurlst.. New York. T tllE only Freerer constructed on scientific prin ciples, wilh a revoli ing can and spring blade scraper, the one hastens the Ireeringol llie cream- -the other removes it as fa.-t as frtmeii. The must rapid iu freezing, with the least quantity ol ice. The most economical iucost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale iu ull the principal cities nnd towns in the I'uion. l-.'iu-h FreeT.er accompanied with a book of recipes and lull directions. TRICES. n et 4 nu i ml f. on nu 1 ' nil A quarts, 4 iuurts, tt quarts, H quarts, 1 1 quarts, 2U quarts. Apply to II. 11 MASSER. Sunbury. Pa. March :"., Im'i.. M oniiit;-. IiiKiirniK'f ('iiiaiiy , WILKESBARRE. VA. 4':Hilal ii ml Surliis DIRECTORS: , illi,00. G. M Hollenback, John Rciehiird. Samuel adliauis, R. D. Laeiic. t harles A. Miner, W. W. Kclchum. G. M L. D. Shoemaker, D. G. Drifbavh, R. C. Miiith, t'has. Dorr.anee, Win S. Ross, G M. II ir.line. IIOI. 1. EN M ACK. President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice President. R. C.SuiTH. Secretary. W G. Stkiii.imi, Treasurer. This Company Insures three-fourth of the Cash valuation, takes no Premium Notes, make no Assc.i nieuts. Policy acknouled ;es all inoiieys paid during the term of your Insurance. A. CRAW rOKl. Ag. nt. May 30, lSii.'l ly I'oitrlli .V Arch KIn., Iiilalt'llii:i. ARE OPENING Foil SPRING, lx'.t. Mil pes $1. Fancy SILKS, ill 'S. India Sils, f 1. l.m G.H..I Pluck Sou Ordered Pluiu, SILKS 4-4 LYONS Rlu.k Silk VELVET. Rruwu SILKS, d, j. 4, 3, 2, 1 peryai l. Riack " fit, i. 4. 3. S, 1, per ai4 Moire Antiques, all c.d.us. Mitgniticeiii Grenadines, Mi. jliilicrlit Organdies. Richest ChiuUcs ami Pcrcali-s. Spring SHAWLS. New Household si APEE liiioDS N- R. lleiikral asMirluicul uf Mcus1 Wear. March i, hd.-Jun I'or Hulk, lit'', Itoill'lirr., Aula, llt-d llui;, 1lui.ua Im l'ui-k, l wulritk. A'.t lUkVlik UU I'lUMIk, 'vn a, kktimula. At: Put up In 3.W, 6lte kiid $1 Oil Roxn.. HoUles and I l.ik- .l ktld SlttM 1.4 llole-ls, Rubin) loklllll tluUs, Ac. oouly iiifkllilds reiuv livs kkoa ' 'FltSS llOlU Polk.41. ' Not daucruu. lo tin liuuian ykmllv.,, ! ' Raik eoiutf wut ul lUeir iioU-k tu die. " 4 i 'Id W lo.leilo iu all I.i its villus K.I. I l.y all iiu4it.u kl. I lUi.ilei. v.ryah.is 1 I ' l'k Ikk ' ' ' ., kll kedlllliM llullkllou. ; fcv. Ih.l ' I t .lki ' kkltte U Uk (kill Re. x, lledlle and rlk.k, Wie-i. v-.u Imv ( Atdi- III tit II. !' tu. Pliuulbkl i'fl! 4J liiuilkv UM ..,li I a.,14 by all W IIsmI. ki.4 Re'ia.i l'la.,u.u la ' kwi.'.aly I'a tvfc 4U, laot kut "VAsjiiMaT)N uorsi:, sx,kikaiM t'uikos ui klaakui aqukik, ' l M 11, I.. f IOII. Uk s..l.u.s liyl.tMllull, luk-lkM ikJ kubllU, ' I Ih.t ll. k l-k.O ikkiakkf II,. lUo, bkk,4 ' II Ul U.4 k.1. l l Ikk IXul.t.iikt.ek ,4 Ikk l'iU.4 r-ll.. kt.4 kwy!4 IktUk kit irlkM W .l, kikl kkil III T llt M ( b kletM..iik4 itk ik. ks4 tke ktaikkl 1 It ii l t.ny Iks .k..i.ki lkk kk4 kw ti.k In. 4 ! ( J k4 kul ku-i. i I, iv.1,,1 1 Hit UUL LUi. . 4Y ul U (.( j WM KNOCIIE, 3 MARKET STREET, HARRISBl'RO, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. "EW Ilcsipwood Pnvnm, from the best makorf X'l from $2nn npwards. MF.LOlrKoNS. The best manufaatured Iastru menu, from $ 16 to $100 U uitars, Violins, Acoordeons. Flutes, il-s, lirums, Banjtai, Tambourines, iolin and Outiar strings and musical mcr ch&ndiEe in general. SHEET MUSIC. Tlie latest publications always on hand. Musie sent by mail to any pnrt of the country. OVAL, SyL ARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES. Puitable for foking glasses, and all kinds of piotarc always on band. . . A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GI.AS.-f'S from .m.iu.. tn i.i Any style oi finiue mnde to order at the shortest O'X'ee. WM. KNOCIIE, April 11, 186J. 03 Market St., Harrisburg. A IJirgts Asuaortrarnt of EVAN'S A WATSON S SALAMANDER SAFES. GREAT FIRE AT READING, TA. February 12, 1S62. ClEXTI.rvK!! It gives me much satisfaction (o infi.riu yon that in tho severe fire which, on the morning of the 4ih inst.. entirely destroyed all my si.H-k and materials. I had one of your Salamander Fire Prtsif Safes. After enduring an intense red heat fur seven hours, the Sate was opened, and the Rook ami Papers were preserved in an liiulilemisbed condition. 1 shall need another Safe as soon as 1 get in order. Your. inot riH'ctfiillv, W P. DICK1NSOS, 'Reading, Pa. FI UK AT GREEN CASTLE. CniMBr.ltm'. Itti. franklin cmmly, Fa., j August :tl-t. I-''.I . ( Mcssr Evas A Watson. Philadelphia Gentle, men: tin the morning of Ihe 2-'d of AuKo-i. hl, our Storehouse at Gieeneaslle was de-troyed by fire. I he Salamander Safe we pure Iiiisi-. from you sonic f'-w years since was in Ihe alsiie ini-l.tihli.-d rlorc-butl-e. and eutitiiili. d all our ls..ks. pat-et.. ea-J Ac ! which were pres. rv.-d iti a perfect eoii'litioii, after ! I . iug excised I. ik most int. lire heat for sei ernl Ih.iiis. Pisa intoriu ii- upa what tiin.s yuu will celt us another larger Safe. Yours truly. OAKS A Al'STIN. Salamander Sat.s. f..r Itnuks. St.iii-s. PiivmIc Kaluilles. Ac. ae. Al-o. Llkim A Wh.n Pal.-l.t Alphabetical Lank L. k. and Rank suit D.sa. j I'pial to any li.ii-le in the cnolry. hiol -..1-1 on a i cis-d t.-ims. K A would r--pe. i..li ) . t r 1. 1 I l ha f.Jlow ing Rink and olh.-r parlies, haiiii ll,. ir J Sat. s and his lt I.uw in u-e. to lli. ir Hit 11 ii sal: !.. lo. li. knd mitl.v o:lo i- giv.-i. at Ih ir Mut iMII.I'Mtni.MiM, lirai... h I;l.k, .-I., iir. i;)i; Philad.-li Inn 'i. nr. e 1 mi m Sr itf.tAi-si.xaL ' ity iiat.k ol PI, '.-! t.'ulitori.m I or .:-iktit-L i: k i Pi ,ia. 1 Poti b wii Hank. Pa t oat. - l ill..- Rank. Pa Strt.ud-w.rg P.kiik. Pa Ji-ls. v .hoie Lar k. Pa 1... k"llal.-li l,:.l k. Pa I i. l"ii J'.al.k. oiil::,.ore .fc..tih.-:.Ti. II i.k -.1 V i 1 ult'.n linsa A'.-n' j .V. ..:k I'.al k. I" 1 l;.u k ..t N C . R.-tk! -b. Olher ref- T I No i'i i Sept j. i -'.; - ly I oil, lb Rank i,t I'l;i k hktkr.'.ga U.:.)f . 'J.i.i. I'. Hi I.' "I. A - '-'. i : h Lai k .f Ni.t'l.uli.i-r.si -i L.-.l t ol '.f'l. I, I .'s. Pi. I; :..a . P.,.. : h: i -.: . I;i i. . W i Lew Uf : V -I . a-liin-;iiii Hi, i.-, N ' ' R 1 1 1 1. M U I. U 5. A M. . PENNSYLVANIA. (Xt'ir .', s ,,, flIIii sub-.-iib.-r huii b-as.-d :i i- w. ; known L 'iaiern Man.!, la'.-ly k- t y Mr- C S Lr- wo. Ie..peclfally intoruis Ihe puuiie tiiat he i-r- titf :n j kL. i repairing the .ieuu-e-. and will be re ar-.--i to tn t.Ttiiiii, iu a coiufoitublu miiuner. bis iiumerous fin-nds throughout the county, und all who may patroiiuc his establishment. April ll'. In).'. JOSEPH VAN'KIKV. 31. '. .r. v:ii u i-i Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE, .tlarKi'l sti-'rl, saiiiibairy, S;i. CON 1'IH'TU N" EH Y OF AI.. KINDS, TOYS OF KYF.KY OFSCliIFTlON, FKI IT. Ac, Ac. CONSTANTLY on hin d and for sale at the :i!..c e.-lalilishn.iht at lli.olesalc and retail, at Ic.is' U able prices. Hu is inanufactiii iiig all kinds of Coiileclionari. s to keep up a lull iL-soiiiiici.t which arc sold ut low rates. Tobacco. Seiars. Sfitioncry. Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, allot' w huh arc uttered wholesale ami retail. ki, Reuieuibcr the name and 'laee. .A 1 M C GEARIIART. Market street, .1 elisirs west of E. Y. Rnbtit Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 19. ISi! !. If Inn i-tcilioiial Hiiiel, oh., unit ;ili7 liiottili-rv. (n mr 1'ninl.liu Start NEW Yi'RK. 'HIS first class ll.-u-, ihe most timet, h met ike an l pleasant Hotel in the city ..! supci mr li.illtceiucllls In Ili.-sc MsCtllg .i-lt 1 ol K tor business or pleasure, it is central in ils location, mid kepi on tin I.i i.ui i: is Pi. ix. iu eoimceiioii w nh Tu i..m Saloon, where relte.-hmclits can be had nil bonis, or scried iu their uwu rooms, 'jhe charges are mo derate, the rooms und attendance of the lust older baths, ami all Hie modem com ciiieuccs attached. Sept 111, lStili. H all IaM-r 14. M lii i , W WALL PAPER OF EVERY DE.-IRARI.E STYLES AND PATTERNS. 1ST received direct from the Manufacturer, at the MA.M.Molil MKREof el FR1LINM A GRANT. Sinbury. March 15 Ji'.l j hoots aniTshoYs, 11 ST received from New Y'mk and Philadelphia, a flesh supply ol the latest style and ol Ihe best quality, which he lias batl made up lo order, and warranted tu give good satisfaction, lie has made arrangements iu Ihe city to have Ins best work made. I., order, w hich can be bail at all tiuu-s, if not on band tbi-y will be pioctirc.l at reasonable notice. ' Muuulaeluriug uf Lot' IS and SHOES uf all kinds as usual . i 1 will also wholesale limits and Shoes by Ihe box. j Call and examine befuro purchasing elscahcrej and satisfy yoursctl e-s. . Thankful for pairunae heretufure b. stowed, he ', respectfully solicits a eoniiiuiauce ut ihe same. Miu i. and Store room, three dewrs west of thu Rail Ruad lu Market Square. WM II. MILLER. Sunbury, Sept ltf, lSti'l. TANTFD linmediaielv. a Jour Shocuiaker, un Men. Work. Good wages paid. PK1YATK ACAD KM Y. NORTHUMBERLAND. rilllE REV. JAMES DICKSON', will re-opvu his 1 Academy ou Muudity, the Kill day ot August, I vt.t 'the fellow ing brunches will be taught : l.aliu, Greik. Muibciuaiics. Philosophy. Rhetoric. Luc,lc, Rook Keeping ue.il MuslO 111 the. ll and practice AI.,,. l.e,.rk by, tiuiuiuu, U.sloiy. CuUipeMitiuu W riting TERMS : Per !iiricr of 1 1 k e. ks, III Ihv kln.iv branch,., kilhout the laliuaea l.aliu ami kUiik brm.cl.ik, Greek and kli ulkuehes, See ClrcuUf . iu UU : un Ml I'or tut liter pai ticulai s apply to REV JAMES DlrkX T.a her NurtkuuibciUud, Auguil I.l. I vi I -y II till a s IMHI.O lli l i:. Dkklira kud Cin.uuivi.ol ilia abyie Celebrate ! Wk.k llluv. kill plvukk Uk kollik, iLkl 111 LkbvU klk fcllvlkd lu lv. I INDKJO I1LUE, fir ie at AHWd II lllkrr-urr'it D It I G k T 11 II i: JU N.nk St l ONU Mi ..I IIUEADI 1. I'll IV Iks uuklny oi Ibis llluk a di U the ait. tu sins IwinC il Ik kktlkUlkd to 1'. 1,4 Ui,. k.l.-l ll,kk Ikbk Ikk MU.S qklilll e.1 lutU... kl.4 U (s ksu. k lallk iku u.i 1.1..1 Musk Li. iii H.. uikikii Ii a.. k.l.kk f.lu.l( .likl kli 4 ik b..l ki.lU e U.. shake m t u Iks u'U.i k..k. 4.. Okk i" t !..- Ui4iak.ll .t..l kkiii. kill kkk. k. .--.Ik I k, ui 4 In.. . ki ikki at U.M.. m -. tun 4 Ik a.-l j V. It U IklkiU'l kl Ik. Mk. t . k k M Ik. ItkiliklsukS imUltiU iiIi.Im k. ke. I na wii k-4 Klk) a-w-k ku Uk-is kllwUai lv . k k lk.4 kkl It ki W 11 Ikfrkftk k j I k t l bin. t-i kkafUs lim 4m a nk bki 1 a.'.-, it u .a ly.iikii.oi Ikv a l.-b.k 4.-14 k-i iiaijk atkki. I 1 a.ii i, ki.. . . - -, us vM.jis a I 1 I'i t.a rlVK NOTICE that they baye cotlnile f' f T rangementa with the Northern Central Railroad Company to run trains from Baltimore rVYirk, Harrisburg. Dauphin. Halifax. Trevnrton, Sctifcarv, Northumberland. Lewisburg. Milton. Muncy, tVi'i. liamsport, ami all internietliute? stations, eonsnrtin at Hnrrlsbitrit with Ihe G HEAT WESTERN EX PRbiSti for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis said tne West. Also with Howard A Co 's Express at Mntbn or Danville, Rlwmsburg, Wilkesbarre, Plttston, rVrau- ton, and intermediate stations on the Caftawissa, Lackawanna llloomshnrg Railroads. At "4'il liamsport, by Hownrd & Co.'e Express to JcMej Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton. Troy, Elmira. Rochester, lluflhlo. Niagara, rnd to all accessible! ' points In Western New York and Canada, by which t they will forward Merchandise. Specie, Rank Note's, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also. Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced ami efficient messengers employed, and every effort will bo niade to render satisfaction. JOHN RIN'GHAM. Superintendent rerrn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April i, 130.. tjt.tiiY not si:. Ctnier of flat and Third Streets, Ha rrisbcro, Pa. rTMIIS HOt'SE, inconsequence of its convenience' 1 and near location to the Capitol, has made it a dcirahle stopping place, not only fur those having business at the seal of Government, but fur otuci. visiting Harrisburg. March IM, TI tERRICLE MCtf E.-f ECU LIS 1 TIIE MILLION! Foil A fl.. aVii!Ha and wonderful publication. A work of on page, and Hi) colored cnx'raviur.. IiR HL'NTER S VADE M EC I'M. n original and r.,ru lar treatise on Man and Woman, tUeir Phy-i'.l.gv. Functions, and S'exunl disc.T.ters of efcry iiitei'. w.-'i Never-Failing Remedies for their speed v cure. The jiractice of DR. HUNTER has long l,r...n. sn . still is. unbounded, but at the earnest solici'n:: .:. -f numerous persons, he has hccn imliu cj to e.v'i r. i hi. medical it-efulness through the inelium of i:,. " APE MEC'l'M." It is a volume that sb .. ; in the bauds of every family in the la..i. x- ,.v preventive nllevialioll i (,r sc-ri vires, or a- a guile f r ':. ; if i.e id'tbe most s.wt'ol in. I dc- r.i. '.r-r scuuri;. s ever visited UlaIlki-'.,' 't1?'.-: .-' ur.i'' enveloped, will be forwarded free ofp-t.,j.. ' part of the I oiled Stales for l cent? in I". or .'leol i. s for SI . Address, post paid. Ml lit. .' V... No. .'I Inii-ion Street, New York. June H, I Hot. ly. IHUI. Al-l'Illll-llK-llK 1!I. f orli l,in. THE CAMDEN AND AM HOY AND I'll II. AT r I'll I A AND TRENTON R. R. CO. S LINI. l,;m I,,, ,. It !, , Jitjihiit Ui .V, rc Yorl ami ll"-.--t,nt Wharf a. i'i A'-. 7 'ttvrrs. vi ; ; At 1 . -o ia I'un.den and Amboy, t?. ie.. 1 A .V - n.ii.'-iaiioii ) At'A'M t aoi. ili i.Tl l Jer-ev City. N'.J .. A I ' '.'.ii.i-b n and Jersey ". a,:.-I'. ud J.-r-ey t-i i: M.d J.-r-. y i Au'-.v ' i: -a Y. . - . t. Hs.. : s-v-.' i 1.0 w barr,-. M r W ..I r-ir.'.'M . a! I. J-Li M . ah-l tr si K-.-t ' A.--.-,, i.:, l'..r X.i I. :. l..i- a A M . ..a. if n. W:.:' foe o A E u I t A E.-r M. tie Lack ,v aliliii i :.in.l.. A' l.au.i. rt : r.t. tii. lo thleSvlll .-. I ichiil.go'li. Ac Icy-,it lihd ill J. i;.-:-. . ft 1'. M -:r c: V. h M. Line .-. v.i h 1. ii"t. i it". lv. u'. rt A n -Ts w i:h Train- 1cj ir . t o-.'ii P. M 1 M . 2 in I f I'. M. l'. i Frcii.. M. i : o A . M and 2 V. M. A AY LINES. E.-r Riisi'd. Trenton. Ac . at 11 A. M. in: 1 2: n:i . j P M tr--in Kei,-iut,.:i. For l'it!:i-l:i. l.lteilun. li.-laiie... Ft .er y. Eur liii-.-r .il. i l.ici.ee. Leric..;.. :i. ,v-i . ntlj. l.. ,. and 0 I' M. J - 1' i- New Y'urk. nii.l Way l.liu s 'i i i-i-K, ii -il::..n l'.pot. take ihe t'ais tin 1 itili -ire, ', i.i . W alnut, half all hour be: ti deparlnr. . 'li i . run into tl;" D.-p..t. nnd on :iic an mil . f e.:-. !. i : i, run ii. ai tin- D -p.. i. Fitly pounds of lln.r-ago o: ly. allov-'--.'. ' ' i pa--l,gel'. Pa-sellgei'S llie prulliblte.l i'l"lil t k . I a n tiling a- ba ;a,'e out lln ir we irii:-.' apjiai ei . A! I'-t-'agc o sr Inly pounds lo be p. .id l.. . Mi a. '1 ;o t'utopai y lauit tloil le-ponibilily t r i.a;..... 1. One Do Jlar j . r p-'iiii.l. and eill be ii.i'.l- . r :i:.j amount bcioi.d jinn, ex.-.-pi i v sp :al e ' nt . ii :. WM. il. GA1..M1.,;. A-.:,;. January 17. IS. '.I. lraiiti-. im (in-.. Ac. i"l il. 'I i. ,1111 1. . I'.iin iilc. ii .,r" rpar. sui.,-. J Rri-k R: cr. 1. in Mill : ;uil.iin and mi leie -luck ..: 1'iRl.liiN AM) lioMESTIC LH.l'OliS. eoiu ris'.iig the b. -i brands of I'rai. li - ilm. R e. Seoi.-h an I lii-h Whiskey. Port. .-':.. i;. tit int. t'tian, palo and olii.-r iocs. ,. .;; ra !t ol n hich w lli be sold W hol,-a!c. at the ..-..--l prices. Inu-iieui It least Ihe lrci-,-ht i i'c:s. by bi.yiii. Persons dcsiions of puieha-iiii: liquors for F A M 1 I. V USE. nay rely uisui being furnished wilh a-p.ire ai l una. lull. ruled lilt If. ( V Rcing determined to establish a reputation f -r Selling cheap, be respect lul !y soliells the pa' I ..Huge of the public. AH uidci-s pr.'.mptlv ati.-i.d.d to J1.1.I..M1AH HALL. Danville. June It. l-.iiil. I PHILIP NKollM.- iiiiIxt l.iiiulM-r ! HAY', Muncy. Lyci iiiing c uiity. I'a 1 ll is irien.is itii'l llie pur. lie Hi Cele. tal thal he colistalillv k i, hand I'o.u-i-. i,iii. ath. J.1.-I.. and all kinds id Eiimbei an I I aii.lia, l.aierials. which he will sell at tin lowest prices. u.Murch uU, iNil I'.Xi l'AEtl.lMll.ts I7K). PETER Loll ILE A lTl. KiiiiM" A. 'lOltiii'i'ii liiiiiiriK liiri'i- l'' A IS CUAMIIERS.-T , ( Funnel ly 42 Chatham Street, N. York W ould call the attention ol Deulcrs to tho s.-lick 1 ol hut utuiiutucture. i : RROW X SNl FE Macalaty. Deliiigros. 1 iu ll'ippee. Pure Virginia. Coaisu Rappee, Na. hit.K-iies. Auicricnn Geuileiiiiiii. lopei-hag- n ELLoW SNl IF t'cutch. Huhcv Di a Scotch. lliijli T.iast Scotch, Vic.h lion. 1 Dew ScuUh lii-h High Toast, 1 re-h Scotch, or l.uu.lyloot, I'r' Atlclitioii is called to the larji' re. I 'let i. II ill pi lee.-oi I ll.. . Cut Che III g kll i lll.'k'llg iuOOee which will hv li'Ui.dol a .superior l,',iao: 'lollACl'o Smokin-r I'ilie CulChikin' Slliuku.g Long, p A 1. . or 1 U111 S .1 No. I. t. klelidl-ll. ..r Sweel. -.ll i.-h. No J. SSt-tl Vi-litisl Ul.Hm... I al.l.li-r Nos 1 A lolled, flu f oil t still', ill. 'lulkisll GlHIiulllled X R - A ciicular of pi ice. a ill be .enl eU a '.. 'a- tloil Apnl 4. 1-mI.I -1 OII.A.1STT tSc DIETZ1 I.OWt.tt WHAH', bllNULUY. I'A, W IKiLESA l.E A N U HE I'A I L M. VI. MIS IN WIIITi: AS II COAL, lu viy ikr.iiy Ol er. kdioiled and tilled anli r..ui tui and d.sllell Buubuiy, May H. iv.;l ly J I'll: II mill If kVulksalk 4k IritlL CLOCK KSTAltl.l.MMI'NT, k ('. Il.tl iv"d kut t I.eM-il -" I . l'UlUdil li.a 1 ill M V e 1 lbs I' VI EN I I--JI VI Ul V. I III It. , IV IMV t l.m'k V k mi i..i..i. a.i 1.4 t Imiiaw, U..UU llttk., t uuoin II os. I'klleUS, A ik, M.kuhM.iini y HNk tit'l.D I'tNi I l. ki 1. 4.ik4 k. I k..iki.li-4 1 l.-fc iiu.k..k. ui kll U.s ii'i.4 I'h.l.ill 1,1k J -.. I Ivil -r O. W. l lkA-Ul'T. lllWt MVl klMkl I kHMM Iter Ml I 4 M . I'.k .! ki W-lkll M1..I S . I 4S Ckki ol L V Ii.i.i.i4aisk.i, UUNHDIIY, k'A.. Mill kHM4 ke.ll W kll l.- ts-k-kki fc-kkkkk kkl.s4 U. klk ft... tkk WlUa.1. m i-l ik.iS ... k . 'k.t I.1-4 k- I k" ( '41 IS" ll aW; Wk, I, t - h