Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 09, 1864, Image 3

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    H. B, M AHSEK, Editor ft Proprietor.
N. 8? Park Ilow, Now Vork, and 6 State Ptreet,
Boston, aro our gont for the Pcnnt nr AaaiurA
in those cition, and are authorised to take Advortuw
nient and BubaaripUons fur on at our lowest rale.
In the Knme artd hy th Avthorit; of the
Commonwealth of Penntjhanui,
Vhkrl ab, Ttio President ot, tho United
Btates hflB, tliiH tiny, made a call uon tiie
Coinnionweukh of Pennsylvania for twelve
thousand militia volunteer infantry, to serve
at Washington and Us vicinity, for one
hundred days, unless sooner discharged :
1, Andrew . Curtin, Governor ol the said
Commonwealth, do make this, my Procla
mation, in response thereto, and do hereby
call on tho freemen of Pennsylvania, of mili
tary age, to come promptly forward, as they
have promptly done, and iill the requisition
for this important service.
It is apparent that the enemies of our
I'ovcrnmeiit, in desperation, arc threatening
m with an armed force, in the hope that
The army of General Grant may in- with
klrawn from before Richmond, and I cull
upon the citizens of this Commonwealth,
capable of bearing arm, to come forward
.without delay, and thus aid our heroic
.brothers in the great army of the Republic.
Uiven under my hand and the Great Seal of
- the State, at Jlarrisburg. this tilth day of
July, in the year of our Lord onethotwund
eight hundred and sixty-four, and of the
Commonwealth the eighty-ninth.
Hy the Governor:
KLI S LI rat.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
3Loral affairs.
fir" Tiik Wkatiieh. The hot weuther of la,
week, was succeeded on Friday and Saturday, liy
acvcral heavy and rt-fresbini; rain which were great
ly needed.
13?' A number of persons complain that their
grapes are falling oil. sometimes wfmlo bunches. M'e
nro informed that they are out off by wumis, like
those infesting the currant bushes, which have been
entirely stripped of foliage, in many gardens
.5J YYe observe Hint the lare hotel uf Mcrs.
Ilcrgstresscr und Snyder, near (be new machine
shops, is opened, though not entirely finished. A
number of bonnier at work on the shops, aro ac
e itnntodaleil thoie. The views and scenery around
the hotel, me very fine. Mr. Uer)stresser has alio
jfittc.4 up tiie finest Photograph rooms in this suction
of eoun'ry.
J"- Cut STV Aniin'ri.Tiit i. Fun.
-The I minty ;
Agricultural Fair will bo held at Milton, on Monday,
Tin winy and YVodncsday, t.'ctubor od, lib and 1th.
ISot. l
fa"' YVe regret to learn that Kdaar.l Deck, a 9011 i
of Mr. Chas. Dec k of this place, died of bis wounds I
r-ccived in (.corgis, in the late battles uniler Slier-
in 'in. flrna a worthy youni; iiinn and a good ml. i
di r, and only aSuut IS years old.
fj& RtlllAL OF Fll.tNKI.IN I! 1. A HI tl Monday
bisl the funeral services of Franklin lllair. late mem
ber of Co. II. 5ih Peun. Ueserves, took nln -"r f.t the
residence of t'apt. Itlnir. his father, in Ibis borough,
l'niiiklin lllnir enlisted faithfully hp to the time of
liis tleulh which Wat' caused by wounds received in
iienf tire battles before Hi:hiuoiid last uo.uth. lie
Wl been wouuded, wo understand, twice, previous
ly, returning to the service c.ich time w ou as bis
uould permit. A brave soldier, nobly lighting in a
giKid cause, ho was stjiuken dow" in the prime of
) ife. mid just at a time when lie was 1: oking forward
lo a speedy reunion with the loved ones at home.
The t'unerttl seiviees were conducted by ltev. l'r.
Wais.tii, and a very large concourse attended the
remains t1) the old Precbyleftin cemetery, where
4bcy were burled uifh military hoh''.'fs. MiUtmiiin.
J7 Tub r.AiLiioAii To Km n. The connections
be. ween the eusieru and. western divisions whs coiu
fdcted ou Tuesday tht 5tV of July, two miles west of
ihtot,ljiirg. K!k county. It will o some weeks,
liowevcr, before traius will lull regularly through
Iroui this pl.icc to
J jf'Thc 1 til of . Ii'l was celebrated in this place
in various wajs. but nu'fo e.-'pcciaO b the cere
monies of Ihe presentation of a Hi l I o lo tiie "Fuion
l.enfuc1' by some of the ladies in Sunbury. A plat
form was erected in front of the Court House, und A
number or seats prepared for the audience, on tho
,reen. The bible was presented Kv Rey Mr. Creih
ton. former pastor of the M( thodisl C hurch in tliie
place ou behalf of the holies, and was received by
the Rev. i'.. ?.ightncr of the Episcopal Church at
IlauviUc. Tlic proceedings wore highly eulertain
inS. -ga
tfp 'The lis) was celebrated at Cutlawissa by a
procession uf HJd Fclhrvs. There was a large gath
ing of per.'pTu at that place. An address was deliver
ed by the Hev. Mr.. FiliV of l.ewisbiirg. A uuuihor
'jf the order from this place were pre-ent.
j" Tie 1'reshytei ian church at this place, was on
fire on the evening of the 4th. A spent rocket hav
ing fallen on the roof, ignited the dry shingles. The
fire was, fortunately, oltscrved by ne of tho boys
close by, who gave the lntvl to some of the mem
bers of the church. The fire war arrested before It
ma lo any headway. Sending up rockets ia town is
always 1c I with dauber, and shou'd not be al
lowed. fir The Lady's lUmV for July i a ery interest-
ing uumber "Nobody to lilame" is finished in a
very satisfactory uiauncr ; and there are several
iher good stories, and a great variety of receipts
among others, lery useful article on ice cream and
veters, which is interesting to every oue just now.
Mr. Uodoy rays this nuu.lier it the vuiuuieueement
f the silly -suili volume, and that WV uumlwrs have
been published, the editor btin i present when every
number weut lo press. He eertainly desert ns the
success and popularity Lo has aiuiucd. Address
liodry's Lady s iiook, i'hilajelphia
I '1'uu fv ' hey say ! ' hoars Mry
oho are lb eow led moi l, the hooded fiiais, who
jlidu with shioudod tbe lroce4ouof life,
uulieriug iu au unknown Unie w olds of Bi)U.
rious iuip vl' W bo are (.' itie uudigbl w
aaoiusuf ripuutifu, who lurk ia lb L)'laus -f
anviety, with dagger Wuguis ilisiKOed by Iuveuliou
mui ruyenouied by iualiee, lu drew lb bUi ia'
lo,i,r, sat kyvaa like, bUuet oa Ihe JhI
W ho are ' Th" we luulniade u suaa eaa
jiuiohrr, Ma k souf-d. fawiliaof uf Ike ia,uuilioa
of lajjJl, seai.bin I f iiliu iu steiy tlty, la,
mui vill, ieiei U. K' l u( buiuattily tbioU,
of ibe xke ul ututubly iu i f
iltt i-oaard; mum
UI4 bnsod abolbik4eikl ,r4 tbe nuk
lwUii.4 'hl eats lie s,if)iHMs as Ike shade
iiie as ike piiaio, wlxs valurl-M f
blsw m( b UiiiUe Uasle u4 soK Ike (lank klk
(u sie Vs4 l4 iwtwt Ui , Ut m ft
la iki wwl-.Uir ebuM kul.wsM 44)
iUiU. k'Uid,4iki
. 4 kx sl. "Mk IUI4.U ss. s4
is. .ties !.'.. i-J lu u.ii 'ksl
The people of Cattswlssa took a vote to decide
who ii the prettiwt girl of that town, and it wax de
clared In favor of Mini Halite S, Itelfsnydcr. hy a
majority of 27V votes each vote wan accompanied
by 2.Y cents, end the proceeds, W1 were Riven lu tho
Sonita'y Fair, a tho Contribution of tho favorite
tcatity. What makes the matter moro pleasing and
interesting la that Mua Uclfsnyder is nursing wound'
cd soldiers In tho Army of the Potomac
Honnini.R Ttatit. -John Morgan, a boy about
twelve years of ago, son of Mr. David Moruan( of
this borough, enme to his death in a most horrible
manner, ou tuturtfay Inst, ilo was standing upon
tne bridge which crosses the Canal opposite the l'enn.
sylrnnia Iron Works, which Is so arranged that the
force of the boat against it puFhos It around upon a
pivot and allows the boat to pass through, A boat
was about to pass the bridge whlto young Morgan
Was upon It, and the concussion caused by it striking
against the bridge threw him from his footing, and
ho fell between the boat and the bridge which crush
ed bitn to death This fearful accident should be a
warning to parents. Dattviile Democrat.
BnooTisu Affrat, Quite a serious shooting af
fray took place at Buyer's tavern,! n Mohanoy, ou tho
Fourth. The facts, as nour as we cm lenru tbeni,
are these: A man from Schuylkill County, at
tracted by a crowd in attendance at the battalion,
had a "flying horso" performance on exhibition,
Cbarlej Hrewer, of this plnce. had paid for some
rides which he did not got in eonsetpuenoo of the
"mosheen" breaking down, and claimed the return
of his money. This was refused by the owner,
whereupon Brewer and his party threatened to com
pell him to disgorge, and in attomptiug to do so, he
drew a revolver and shot llrowcr, the shot taking
effect in the heart, lio was attended by Ur. E. 8.
Robins, and is Iving in a critical condition, iho
showman suoceciled in making good his escape ill
the exoiteuient, and is still at large. nmoXl
Imiiortnu. Letter from S . Iir jr
yVasmnotox, July 2. The communica
tion il' Kx-Secrotiiry Clinse, which lie sent
to the Committee of Ways and Means on
the 2'Jth ult., says :
The aggregate revenue from all sources
for the year closing with the 80th, reached
$243,000,000. The expenses, excluding two
months pay of the Army, due July 1, tjSO,
000.000, The amount in excess of revenue
.MO,000,000. Taking the highest amount
estimated, and assuming that the miscellane
ous receipts will reach .$35,000,000, the
whole amount of revenue for the next yetu
catinot beset down at more than If 111 8,000
000. The expenditure of the year are like
ly to reach 850,000,000, mid '$10,000, to
be raised by loan.
The toaii bill provides for Mily $400,000,
000, and that is the largest sum hich, in
his judgment, can be reasonably attempted.
1 Mere remains then, if M-J.000.000 to be pro- I
vided for all considerations of putilin inte- j
rest seemed to him to require, imperatively I
: tnut it lie raised ly the increase: ol ivveiitie. j
j He therefore proposed to raise the iletirieticy I
I so that the changes proposed by him would '
produce the ililliience. 1
! DinVrcjice between the rate ou
j incomes by the old and new I
' bill added to the tax of the j
current vrar, if 1 5,000,000
j Tux on leaf tobacco. 10,000,000
I Income of tax on smoking and 1
chewing tobacco, 0.000.000
j Increase of tax on malt liquors 4,000,000 i
I Tax on dealers' sales, 5.000.000 !
Tax tin spirits on hand. 2O.00U.OllO i
Increase of tax on spirits. 5,000,000 '
Add the amount not inciensed !
1 but brought from the next
into the. present current
I vear, '
Making an aggregate of actual
or virtual it'.cruasc.
It is a curioua fact that the Cathedral of
Notre Dame in l'aris, though live hundred
years old, was never consecrated until a few
week) Sim.
D'trinij the present month ice has been
I formed several times in the Yoikahire ponds,
(.'old water is n deleimtned foe to fevers,
Kgues and consumption, liathiug in it is,
therefore, highly recommended. In London
it portion of the Serpentine in set apart for
the ue of tjje public, where, itt a single
evetiint:. seven thousand persona take ad
valitag'.' ui-the privilege.
Viililp-si .Awl ice,
Adc.ia !lelfeiisteiu,
'l In the Court of Common
vs I rii'H;! ol orlliuuiucr:
II. .Marshall A Win. laud eni'Mtv: Order
M. Weaver, j of sale ill pnll'thill, Ac.
No. id March'Turni A. I. l.Sill.
N'lTICK is hereby given that the undersigned
auditor appointed bv tiie Court to report the tscts
and luuku distribiiliun ot Ihe proceeds of sulo of the
premises to and amuiig tiie poHie .legally enti'led
thereto, w ill attend to the duties ot his said appoint
ment ou Monday the 2.'ilb day of duly, A. 1. InOI.
at bis olTicc in the borough of Sunbury, at lu o'clock
A. M. of said day, when all parties intere.'ted luay
allend it they see proper.
SinViry, July 2, ItitSt.
Amlilor'N ilice.
"VTOTICE is hereby ,J,'ive that the undersigned
j Auditor. apiHiiiitud hy the Orphans' Court id'
Northumberland County, to distribute the assets in
the hands of Tobias Mill, administrator of lluiilel
ililbish. late of Washington township, in said county,
to and among the persons legally entitle to the
same, will attend to Ihe duties of his said apuint
inent, at his office In the Jlorough of Soul. urv. 011
Tuesday tha 2iith day of July, A. 1. Istit. at 141
7'clork, A M..of said day when and wheru all por
soni i'lleref'ted may attend it lliev see projier.
W M. 51 HOI KM 1.1.1. 1-.K, Auditor.
Suubury, July 2, lMt
;h n o 1 a jt m r Bi")w
B A Z A 11 .
'oru' tl .llarUfl N,uur5 A IttilD
Ituatl rlr''l,
S L" X H l 15 Y , 1 E N X ' A.
ui:ai)y made clothing,
(it tli nenest styles, cut by the be.1 Arti.'l. trimmed
end made cruel lu custom Hoik, aud sold at the
IomcI p'icee.
.llfll Ulttl llts'si ClollilliK of the best ma
terial eoiuisting of les. Coals, Fnak Coals. Sack
Cuals, palils, aud Yt'ta of various oolor aud iiuali
tic. tlF.NTl.FMEN S Ft MISMlNtl tiOODS,
surh s Shirt, Oter shirt. !'ndrf-'Vrl., Drawers,
Collars, Crts, Neckties, llandkeichie's, r'tuchings,
(lions, It.
(Its lllltl t'lipa) ol'llll Islutln.
Dili I.I.AK. and NOTION1 ut all kinds, end num.
rous uiber alicli.
'Ihe nutlie r iuitid lo call ad uiUi hi
lleiusiuUr lb ilas'. "i'oulluenlaJ Clothing Store,"
CufMti ol Maikcl huusi ud lb N ' It It
Suubury, July t, a
A sriJlNDll) TKAM
fl KINK 'TEAM ll'iHai H, ou Ii. Iwh tpiiu
) M atfoli Hit t spriua ua l.. u4 iu vo-l . !
Ii4 4ould Mil ul ) l,k' SIMM'S eolupUl ISsllU
u. in -.d llu-k.le V ., Ui U, ull U4
sal vb- to 4t.i o r,M.iisolv Itrut Cttt 4
I 'Mil I vi it t 'in f oitiwry.
m-buiy i. Il
.MlUlt ! Irlstl Mr,
i ILL t V,iiL UhV HI iuJ ibi..
tV.; at .bui. iLl ttsk4 M
stikiki. aksaoMi il sl4e
tu p4Wel HIM I Hf
rbtv J- II, I'' I
DUildi & (B 01 IK Si 2 (BAIL
Mnrkol Nquarr, M iMII 111 , In.
BAVIKOJust returned from tho City wlih an en'
tire new stock of
Drags, Clicniirnln, Irfimiry und
TolU-t yil-l ICM
lo wVlrb be invites his friends and the pnhlia gener
ally, to call and examine. The Krngs and Alociioinea
are all selected from the best iinHrting houses Id
the Kastern market with the groatost caro as Ui pari
ly and elhciency and avoiding as much as possible!
the iutroduuliou ot'dulvrious noslruins.
Of all kinds, such as Ayer's, Jaynes, McClintock.
Jlolloways, Wisharls, Iloollaiids, febenk, Mrowu'S
ami all o'tber jKipulnr piitvut modiciuej, always ou
Hair, Tooth, Nail, Clothe and 1'aint Drushes.
Speuial caro la takeu to keep ou hand constantly
every vat iety of
Suitable to the trade.
Fancy Toilet Articles and the numerous articles
which are generally kept in a well conducted estab
lishment. In connection with Ihenbovc articles, he also keeps
on band a largo assortment ol rTATIUNKIlY, such
r l'aper, Knvclopes. Pens. Pencils, Inks. Ac
t-Mr Physician s prescriptions and tnuiily receipts
couioumlcd with the greatest accurucy and'dUpatch,
at Al.l, IIDL ILH ay or Niglit.
Heiucmber the place, Market Srjuarc. under the
office of Uic 'Suutiury American."
Suubury, June 25, ISCt.
Orders w ill receive prompt attention,
11. ll., June 25, 1S0I.
ic iimiii V ICIoomsibur Hull
N and nftcr Jan. Isth, 1S04, Passenger Trains
will run as follows :
Leave Seranton,
4.10 P. -M
Kin.-tou. 5.55
" Illiioio.-I.urg K.25
" Itiipert.
" Jiunville. V.I5
Arrive at Northumberland, tl.55
Leave Northumberland, p.00 A. M
ltuiiville, t.40
ltnpert. K.lli
" Lloomshurg, .;I5
Kil.yston, 12.12 P.M.
Arrive at Seranton,
Freight A Pa.vcnger leaves Ilionmsburg. 10.15 A. M.
i'asscngers taking the Mail Train Eolith connect
w ith tiic Kxpress truin from Northumberland, arriv
ing at Jlurri burg, at 2. .'to A. M.. lftiltimore 7. tin A.
M.. and at Philadelphia, at 7 00 A. M. The Mail
train from Northiimhoihind lenvw immediately nftcr
tho arrival of the i-.xprcs tr:iin from ilmribiirg and
;allimore. allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia
ut III. ill P. M., to reach points 011 this road during
the next loreuiMjn.
New and elegant Heeping cars accompany the
nijjht trams each way between Norihuiiiberlnnd and
Jiiliuiore. und Nortbuiubcrlaud and Philadelphia.
U. T. ilULNU, fupt.
TV I.DTS I'Olt S i l.i:.
nllK un.lersigne.l will sell at private sale. TWEN
1 '1 Y-SIX 'ilUVN LOTS, silualo in the borough of
hui, bury. The lots are located ivithiti a few squares
of the Pennsylvania Itailroad Company's Machine
Shop, in the northern pari of tho low n. They are
all suitable building lots, situate iu the most pleasant
portion ol the borough. They will be sold on reu
souablc terms. For further particulars apply to
H. 1!. MASSEll.
Sunbury. Juue 13, IS'll. Executors.
ilel the Iteff-tJel Iho Chcunets Uet Ihe most Ecu-
noiiiical. whiclican be hail at the Kohrbach Foundry.
Having a large assortment of the most approved
STOVES, such us Cooking, Parlor, Oii'ice and Shop
Stoves, which will be sold at tho lowest rates. Also,
KcltlcNol ull sites. Puns, fkillets. Ac.
They are also manufacturing .Machinery, Ploughs,
Ciif.tltiV. Ac , ut short notice.
Kupairing all kinds of Agricultural Implement
done in a g'd workmanlike uiauncr and at the
shortest notice.
All nrliclesshipped as ordered. Orders respect
fully solicited aud promptlv attended to.
KolllUlAI'il A COOrF.B.
t'Old Iron, and all kinds of Produce tukeu in
Exchange for work
Sunbury, June IS, ISfli. tf
A 1 truf ion. l.nflosi untl a'UilYm-ii !
Iu l'cer street, opposite the Central Hotel,
C LYEItLY. has opened anew Picture liallery
"" in the above place, and is prepaled to take
Portraits iu the hrt Mrlc and mtiiuier.
are tlikenin every .eo, ,. Art. thai eaiino. be
surpassed , n the r.ate Having several year, expe-
rience, be wilgi.-e satlsriuitioi. or no charge.
Copies will betaken from all styles of icliires.
Dive him a vail, he member uppo!te the Central
Suubury, June 4, ISol
Uotv IasI, Ilow ltHlortl
1 yni p-ildisbed. new edition of Dr. CFLVKK
J W ELL'o CELEltlt ATED ESSAY ou the nlical
cure (without medieiiie) of Set Ha.ToHiHii-i. or
t mil, a! weakness. Involiiiitary Ce'iilnal liaises, In
eoir.Xi v. Mental and Phy.iuMl Iucaiiauity, iUipvdi
ineuu lo Marriage, eel. ; ulso, Coi union, Epili-
sy, and Fits, induced by sult-indulgiue or sexual
JV" i'rior, in a tnttrj iiito;i, euy tu
Th celebrated author in Ibis admirable rsray
clearly dcu.oi,. (rules. Iroiu thirty-year suucrwlul
practice, thai Iho alarming i'onsiiiience of suit
ahue luay be radiestly vurod i,L'ui tho dnger,ius
u.e of mteiiial iiiudicinu or the applii. ainui id' the
kuife pointing out a mode of cure, al mice simple
ceriaiu aiid i tlvelual, bv uiians ul whtib every suf
ferer, no matter alial li i J i'oiidituo uity be, may
cure biiusell cheaply, privately, and radically
I Ibis Lecture sbuuld b ill the bands ui etery
yoHiS and every loau in Ibe I and
Seni under seal, lb plain euwlope. lo any al,res.
4Mi.pi4 ou leeeipl ul iwu ulae si amps, by 4
Urvssing tli publisher.
ill V J C. KI.INK k CD ,
117 llowerv, New Yuik, t'ual Ouwe tha, jm)
June II, l -If U
ti M
I.. I MO A M.I. .
N IJsBwutb NiulU Mii, bsiawtt t btskul ud
Miuul, I'lllLU'l l.l III
M.y T, 141 -
iilmliilslrHltr'i 1 1 ,
Nl'i ll K I btsivby gitvn Iksl Utuisuf duiiul
llaifc b b Stsol.d U Ik Mudisiu.4
iMl lb Malu 1'M.l.i lisUf )! ul UsaU Wa-
tlti. stuniutis.bMUii'1 vuuuil , 4wa4 All
peisuks kuuatk U.sksJip Ik4sW4 lu said Mi
as lts( u4 i lto4 lis, usv-li . imswI, i-d
lesi b4 slitts W If t Ik. us fef stusii4
1 Mill rLOlkWl ikr Altai
ltlw f J( l, lul ul
Spring & Summer Goods.
WIIEKK! Isaac fupiait,
In Zetlgmoyer'i Building, opposite Oearhsrt's Con.
fectionery Btore, Market street, PL N III' It Y, !.,
HAH just opened a well selected assortment of
Uiaids, which he otters for sate at very low prices.
FOREIOX AND DOMESTIC, such a Cloths, C.i;
meres, Muslim, Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, l)t
Laincs, Bilks, Uinghama, Ac , to.
HATS uml CAPS of every description.
Consisting of Iloslerv. Cloves. Thread. Muttons.
Suspenderi, Necktie. Collars. Hundkerehiet's, Hair
lirushes. Tooth ilrushes, Fancy Head lniwes. llnl
moral tkirts. Hoop-Skirts. Carpet-bags. Trunks, Va
lises, Umbrellas. Cotton-Yarn, Soaps, and numerous
other articles too tedious lo mention.
such as nnils. hinge and screws, door latches and
knobs, and CLTLKKY of every description.
Dyes, Drttgo, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, GUis?,
Putty, &c, eve.
(nerniinare untl tJlusswnre of
every iltNrriptioii.
An eiteosive Stock of
Composed of Sugar. Coffee, Teas. Rice, Corn-starch,
Molasses, Candles, Meat, Fish, Cheese. iSalt, Tobacco,
and Segars.
for men. women and children.
All kinds uf Country Produce taken in exchange
fur Goods.
bunbury, Juue 13, 1804.
.VI It... VI A It I V TIIO.VIIS4.Vi,
(Formerly of Ihe "Lawrence llou'c,")
INFOUMfl her friends and the public generally
that she has refitted the house formerly occupied
by Ir. J. Y. Peale. on lilackberry street, near the
Northern Central Kailway Depot, and opened a
Hoarding House, where she is prepared to keep
V it Ii good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy
the quiet comforts of home with fare equal to the
best lintels.
Patronage from tho?e w ho may sojourn In Sunhury.
is respectfully solicited.
Sunbury, May 21, 1864. :lm
O S 1 0 liN ' s
ii' a 11 it a a t n n
IT is used by first class families everywhere, and
highly recommended for nervous and dyspeptic
persons being very nutritious and free from all
deleterious substances, in tcstimonv of which I have
certificates from the most emminenl Physicians in
Ihe Country. Try it. and you will bo sure to con
tinue its use in preference to any other.
Sold at retail for Twenty-Five Cent per Pound
by First class tirocers throughout the fnited tates.
' I if A liberal discount to the Trare.
Put up only by
i.i:vis .1. ositoit v
Vlulealo 1'epot, fill Warren st. Nvw York.
May 7, lstii.
pi iaji i.H'IIi;s-vhi.i:k
The ON LY rcliuble self-Adjusting Wringer.
No Wood-Work to Swell or Split.
No Thumb-Screws to got out of Order.
Warranted with or without Cog-Wheels.
It lis.k the FIKSTJ'ITKMirM at Fifty-Seven State
nnd County Fairs in I Mkt, and is, without an excep.
lion the best Wringer ever made.
Patented in the united States, England, Canada,
and Australia.
Sample Wringer sent, Express paid, on receipt of
Energetic agents can make from 3 to 10 Dollars per
No. 2.$tV5D. No l.$7.50. No. F.fH.50 No. A. $9 . 10.
Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by
No. 1J PlattStreel, New York, and Cleveland, Ohio.
S. C. NOKTHUOP, Ageut.
Thai Iron well gnlvatii.ed will not rust;
That a simple niacbiue is better tbau a complicated
one ;
That a wringer should bo self-iidjusling, durable.
nnd eOicient ;
That 'Ihuinb-Serews and Fastcniugs cause delay and
trouble to regulute and keep in order ;
Thai wood beurings for the shaft to run in will w ear j
out : I
That the Putnam ringer, with or without cog-,
wheels, will not loar Iheclothca;
That cog-wheel regulators are not essential :
Tout the PuUium Wringer bus all tho ud auiagos
anduot 011c ol the disadvantage above named 1 1
That all who have lasted it, pronounce It tue best
Wringer ever made ;
That it will wring a Thread or a lifd-Quilt without
We might fill the paper with testimonials, hut in
sert only a few to convince the skeptical, it such
there be : and we say lo all, tost Puinuin'a Wringer.
Test it THOKOl'tlUl.Y with ANY aud ALL others,
and if not entirely ialbfrctory, retjrn it.
Pitxau Mam fACTiatNii Co:
Gentlemen ;I know from practical expericn'e
that iron well galvanised with 11 no will iiot oxiduc
or rut une particle. The Piitnahi Wringer is us
near pcii.-ct aa possible, and I can cheerfully re-
coiumeud 11 to be the best 111 uso
Kesiiectlullv yours.
JM. V. lltKLLK. Cleveland.
Many years' experience in tho galvanising busi
ness enable uie tu indorse the above statement iu all
No. loll Leikmati Street.
New Y'irk. Januarv. St4.
YVe hae tested I'utnam's Clothes Wringer hy
1 ' ,
' l,rk,'r r, ; ' cllia pe,u-it ; it doe. iu ,
duly Iboroughlv ; it saves time aud It s..vcs wear'
M .Vanositlv advise all who have much I
wa-hing to d'i, Wllh intelligent persons who have any,
to buv this WOnter. ll will ljy for Itself in a year
at uiot.
Juue Ii I.
The Only Hfe Meltable .uiut bPtii fir
and Burglary.
I iu now prvpared lo furnish three sites of Nation
al llauk Sales. They are both Fire and Hurglar
pr,d, with Iwodisiiuol iusidu ltuiglar halo, and
three of my new Auu-.Mioruimu-r L'ks ou each
Sale, heliulcd Ui be the uulyUuk-lo. How ill u.-e
Ibal has not been picked or uuunol be picked by
Ibe aid ul tb uuen.iueler 'Ibose Safes all prescul
bur indie. iutlnekneufoliJiruu. guaiauive.1
lob lhiiooist. Ibu uol dull. ull lo drill and to
slued lb mot resistsn againal bulb fir and
buiglaiy ot any lu ihe l ulled KUle ol ll.o
uliii ins snl est. ....... ...
I bat sou band !' l" fuinun III sue ol
Hunk ull hale, K.ts,iiig n in tivaiiige oi
ik. hIib anliisl Lur clary.
Also, all s.irs ol ill- JUlil Safe bulb burglar
pl.Kd and r ud buflr -pi...f
Alsu, OlUaMieltlal Dwelling-buusa hafta, burglar
i.o..f, su4 hi ud burgUl pff (rruie4 not
""'"Id. . . ,. ', . ,
Atxt, lit siroiiicsl ud hvMMt Yaull doors, (nr
bank nd uiereuiil vaul's
Attib. w Lull aroughl ud chilled
''" si s Lilli Wraaghl li Iflia-l'iu.,
wan.iils l 4UI lu o tulint"l Hal, l lull (
Iblid l Hu' . . , i
Alia, a s.u.r.l Moalutvut ul .hm4 bu4 fe
utaut id list ksallr Mi ad ul pl ruv.d Htaksi.
itseuitsd in bu l"l Lilli I billtsl Irua rlts
1 boa m ai4 1 m M" ayeiitH. wiuas
M t k.tDl.l H A.ral.
! II .NEHl ul
Jan II, lJtl
I'll. Bit IAN AM MIIHhiN.
Erl'l.l I fl LLV u ku Mwa la Ik Mtfc-
Ik hublt I'PIS t IMMMW aaas w lilts
al ekaast,!) 4 ipeat ' (akip
I i pm Au.arta, Apul I. ! -U
I'or C'lennwins:, illiitrnlni; nnrl
rroaertlng: 1I10 J
This article Is prepared with the greatest care rpm
Mientilio prineiplos, and warranted not lo contain
anything In Hie slighte-d degree deleteiious lo lb
teeth or corns. Some of our niuat eminent llcnlnl
Surgeons have given their sanction lo, and cheerful,
ly recommend it as preparation of uperfo quali
lie for cleansing, wnilening nnd prextrring the
TKKTII. It cleans them readily, rendering thiiii
beantilully w hite and pearly, w'iihout the lighti-t
in.lary to the enamel. It is healing to Ihe gums
where they are ulcerated and sore, it is also an ex
cellent disinlcctor lor old decayed teeth, which are
Pften exceedingly ofleiisive. It gives a rich creamy
taU- to the mouili, cleansing it tiioroughly, aud im
parling a delightful fragrance to the breath.
A. MA W LEY & CO..
N. W. Cor. 10th.. A Lombard St.., Philadelphia
And sold by all Diuggisis. PRICE 24 CKN1S.
The following opinion of lir. While, as t the hih
esteem in which beholds the Pcntal Cream. iiul be
suttieieut evidence of its value : to uuote olIm r lesti-
monials iu detail is neidless. contenting ourselves by
sioipiy Klkog ui" namvs ana nomeves 01 persiliS
who speak of lis excellency for Ihe teeth.
Philadelphia. April I lh, l-i'.t.
il'iving carefully examined A. liuwley's "Solidi
fied I'eutul Cream." I hereby ehrcrtii'llr recom
mend it to the public generally. It is an exerlleut
preparation lor cleansing and preserving Iho tcelli.
end can be used by all persons with the ulmot con
fidence, as its properties are perfectly harmhss. He
sides preserving the t-eih. it proiuoti-a a bcallhy
actiou to the guir.s, and imparts a deaeautuesw to the
Ir. W. R. WHITE. 120.1 Areb St
Thomas Ingram. Al. It . lentist, N. Fourth St.
J. ltirkey. ll.l S. Sixth St.
E. Vanderslice. Surgeon lenlit. 425 Arch St.
C. A. Ktnsbtiry. liei.list. MIH Walnut Si.
S. lillinghum. I U.S., 7.14 Arch St.
F. M Dixon. Hj? Arch St.
Edward Townsend. Iientist. 420 N. Fourth St.
I.. 11. Ilorphb y. I'eutist. s7 N. Tcuth St.
M. 1,. Long Iientist. nasi N. ;i.ib St.
May ! N,4 ly
ll. lost I.
I'liiliil'!liin V' i:rir lisiilrond.
ri VII IS great line traverses the Northern and Notili
X w s' counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie
ou Lake Krio.
It has been leased bv the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, and under their auspices' is being rapidly
opened throughout its entire length.
It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business
from Jlarnsbiirg to hi. Marya(2lo miles) on the
f.nstern Division, and Iroui Sheffield to Eric, (78
miles.) on the Western Division.
Arrive KaAwril .
Lrttre IVr.ttrrtm.
Mail Train. Ill 2.i A M
Mail Train, 4 n5 P. M.
Express Trnin..l 1 .4.". P.M
Express J ruin. i.Sfl A. M
v.ars run in rou zn wiiitoui ehmige. tioth wavs. on
these trains between Philadelphia and Lock liiivcn.
and between Hiiltimoie and Lock linveii.
Klcniit Slerpinj Curs on Express Trains laith
Weys between W iiii:imjxirt and U.illiuiorc. and
WilliauisHrt and 1'liibidelpliin.
For int'orinalii 11 res wling Ptotsenger business
apply at the S. E. for. litis mi l .Market St.
And for Fre!phi bu.-ine of tiie t'oinp;tTv's Agents,
S. II. King-ton, dr., Cor. Lith aud .Market St.,
J. W. Itoynolds. I'.rie.
J. M. Lriit, Agent N. R. It., r.illlmore.
11. II. ik't srox.
lien I Freight Agl. Phils la.
Lkwis I. il'.'t l r.
. tien'l Tiekcl Ag't., Philada.
JosKnt 1. Potts.
lieu I Mauauer. M'illiumsirt.
i May 27, Kot.
HA VE jn-l r-jtunictl frm lMiilH'irlihin with one
of tin fir,s nn l hwt sclei-tcil Mv. ks ot'ViitJ
ever bronnht li Sunlmry.
FOUEIti.V AND Du.MESTIC.such as Cloths. Casi
meres. Muslins. Sheetings. Tit kinj. Calicoes, De
luines. Flannels, and all kinds or .MOl'KMNvHiooiis,
Alpaccas, lll.iek Silks, tiiiiohaius. italiuorul and
Skeleton Skirls. Canton Flannels, Nankccus, Car
peting of all kinds.
Comprising. Hosiery, (iloves. Thread, liutlons, Sus
penders. N'vk-ties. Collars, llamik. ivbi, t,
Hair Itru-hes. To ith 1. rushes, liiini liib
biu and Conl. t:iic. crotchet-biaid,
worked collars, fancy head
dres-.-s, tidy cotton, carpet
binding, combs, fancy
soups car)et bags
Trunks, Valises, I'mhrclius, Plank Euoks, Paper,
Envelopes. Ac.
Of all kinds, such a? Nails. Hinges and Screws, IVor
l.iitchcs ami Knobs, Locks, mid lA TLt.KY (d every
AU11. Dvcs, T'iruir. Ptilnt , VarriMH's. l"i.-li.
Klassfi il ami llt iiiMc Oils, (J!:iss, Putty. Ar.
(m'i'itsv iii-s' tint! liisi uit ot ull
An lxtriifiive Stook
g n o c 11 i) s,
I't'Illl'tWitl lif S ULHT, Colli-'C, Tl'Il!. K KM'. r.illl-I-trvll, !
M.iM:irtiii. i;:ul,v. l.i!viiii;-j'i'.vili'r. ii'Ih'1. rn(w, ,
i t-au ilo. Utbsi-vu Hint fi'ffiittf. H.t, l'i?h, Mvut .'Utte'. !
Ac, Ac. . ;
i.iMi. a lurc varUtr i f
j w-v) Co OwiOi I
I tr Mi'ii. Wnitien .in. I riiiMron.
i I All kiiulr v-1 4 . rniD nnd Country VroJitce taktn
j in rxoluuic itr viimhIs.
liivi' us u 1 (ill lirt-irc ym pur'ha.,,o vl.cnhtro, wo
' r biunl to mil luw a-- tiny
I iStitrc-rtMHii iu Iih T. Oltim-nr-i ltuihtiii? ft tl.r.
I iumth-wtht oornvr of Miirkot n'jnro, utar tho Court
tunhury Mny 2i. 1n4.
A ",-n In IYumim1 I'verj Iiitp
to sell the
crt.WINtl OF
M 1:ii ill". Ilif t:iiiiin'ialiu lro'l
Th; best and onlv correct likeness of this groat
nun ui existence. For Puriieulur uddreVs,
No. i. S. Uli St., Philadeli aia.
May J4. Isoi. Jul
1 , . .. . '., , . ,
"l.h. tf. I A h AM LKIAll..
spill: subscriber respeelfully tnlorii. tho public
' I i',.,t be keeps coo.,t.iitty ou baud at bis now
I Alll'.lPM'Si:. near lb Sbuiickm Y alley ltailron I
Deisit. in SI N III K 1 . 1 lour by the barrel und rack.
and all kinds ot Fowl by Ibetou.
1 he ubo c is all manufactured al his own Mills,
and will bo told al tho lowest cu.-h prices
Suubury. June 4, stl dm
ISriislinu' i:nllre:iil.
1 It EAT 'I ll I N K LINE Ii th Norih sn.l
I f North-NVe.l tor Phil t. Ipbiu. New Y.ok, Head
ing. Pv It.'Vlllc, I. eo 111 .11, All, Mown Fusion. Ac
Trains Icac ILu'ti.buig for I'liilndclplim. New-
Yolk. Heading. Polls! ill". "d all lllleluiudiillC
Staiioi.s, at a A M . Mi l 2 I'd P M.
New Yulk hpreslee llarlul'UI & t ' A JI ,
amiii.j al Sew Yoik at I Ii Ibe iu day
A i... ,ie.ouliio.Ull..ll Paoselljur I. sill Itat e
Heading al 7 Ij A M , ud reluius lioiu llarrisluiia
l htl..
llitiii.l.oig :
To New York ' Ul o
! PbiUil.'libia II .M and : W.
1 Ib-.u-h
I ltriuiuiug leave New York l Y M l) N.stn,
' and I P M. il'i'ibiirt(b I 'pie airivlng l lluin.
I..,..ii!t I'leU.Kli bis l a I j A M
and d I' M .... .
Meeolng tis in Ibe N'-flk pit. Tia'Us
., .1 . ... i ....... 1 1.... .1. t.nt...,il eliHIofe.
i. . . . i.. ,i..f.i...... I: Mil H..M.I bate T.
tuaouael A M , "d t I I' M . " Philadel
phia, New Yik tu, I all I'. iiii.
Trams l-. P. n til; l 14 A M ami I l V
VI i..s I'l.iU.l li bisHlarlisliUrg sol Sa Y .1 k
A ttKHijiat.(ttt'M !'.-
1.4 ,f ti. tin b ae ilt-M'l.ii;
l a imj ,i M , au I tt.iui
It. ut I 01 al ki
I' M
I ' All lb abut Ualu I4U daily, Suudays
'"AaMinUy !' I. r'-'iUtilU illW A
aud I'ltilaiUlpui tu 1 1 I' M
I'uUtUtulall'N, Itlilta'. PvasoH, u I k sculstol
Tu k els l It'imsl (alts lo ud lloot all ..n.4
IHi I'tauds ll'ai'a ll"id . a I .11
II , Ml til. IS
itvi.eisl aupto it.ut dsi I
iv a mi
ks f. ' ilNlMKlhlt Mi I l r.
nn, ix.t..t ii. u. I . ' fc
u-. , M. .1 n iu
m?ea?t;.' r.iyfLTfNti inoM mvjp.dlus
iv Ttii: i.ii i:it
Aro Cured Ly
German Bitters,
The Orwt Sirrvntiitn'ma
these Hitters bare performed more Cures!
Have and 1 Hive .Urt'er Sati'-tion !
Have more Testimony .
Have more Respret.nhle People to Vouch for Tlieui '
Thaft any other article in the market.
AYd def? e-v ON'l! to ront-idTot thi A-ert(ofi.
Al AVII.S. I'll MOiiO
To any otic thai w ill produce a IVrtifi -ato .uldishe 1
by us. that is not uk.M'ink.
Will cure eveiy ense of Chronic or Nervous Jioliilitr.
Disease of tne Kidneys, nnd Dtt-a-.-s arising ficin
a disordered Stomaeh.
Resulting from ison'.rrs of the Digestive Organs :
pff'ion. Inward
Piles. Fulness or Itld
IMho Herd. Acidity of the Pto
nvieb, Nau-e.i. Henriburn. Diust I'.ir
1'itod. Fulnes ,,r W'eiht iu tin: Slon-.u, h. Sour
Fri--tntioi,. r-inkinsr or i iu'tering ut t!ie Pit of the
fllotnseh. Snitntriiig ,.1'the Hen, I. Hurried and liitli
eult Itroathins. at tiie Meint. Choking or
Siiii's-iiiing cr.s'itions w)irn in u lyiotr I'osture. Dim.
ne.s or ision. I'ots .r before mo Sight, Fever
and "oil ''iiin in the Hea l Deft. -jet, v of Perspira
tion. Ycllown-ss nf the Skin and K'yi-s. Pain in
the Side. Hack. Chest. I.illbs Ar' Sudden
Flushcsof Heat, lliirning in the Flesh,
Constant lmngitiiims of hil,
and great Depriiun
of Spirits
that Til in nn'Ti;i;s is
Contii inx 110 I! 111 sir VIiiLrj ,
And can't make Drunkards, but is the I'est Te?:'c
the W orld.
From the Hew Levi W. J!m;k, l'tutor nf tho Tiiyttt
Chun-It, I'oiii'H'rti.n. N. J.. 1'oritiorly uf tho 't.rth
Utipti-t Chunh, lhilutUli.h"M.
I hnvi known Hitoll-imrs (iermni. liitUTf fnvorn
My tr h in; in 1 er t yours. I Unw n.-i tl iht in in inv
ouii ttiuiily. at)l linvr hvxn m i.lenw.l with their
etlects limi 1 wn inlueo.i t-i r'HHuniueiiii thi-in tt nin
ny nthiTt. tun I know thtit tlu-y havt fjn'intt 1 in 11
?trikintfly heiirtii, Ul niitun-T f inke -rrent j'Ieniue
in thin imhlielt nrt-ehiimiii ' this fm-t. itn.t enitiiiir tli"
I uttviilioii of thVo nlt?ioti with tlie.liMMM- i'nr w l.ivh
tiifV rC'.uuinoiHU'd, to tlu!i iiitttr.1, knowiiij tVoiu
I'Xperii'nof thnt my rcriitnnionilHtion will he ciHtnin
v4. I hi niort clu-orl'tilly Jlm fliim. s P-iitt-rs
t iiitt tntftl t'j bon tn trie hjiiicU'J. nn i i- '-net ti ruin
itriuk.'1 Vonrs truly. LhVl ti. JiKCK.
FminRi'V. T yc (nti TlrmvuP. )., IMiti-r tf tho '
Knoytrlnpetlin of H'lifit's Kuowk-Je. uik! C'liri-tian
Chronii;k', i'hiliuh'li'iii'i j
AIihoui;h no! lUHvnl to fnv. r r" rf-Miniontl T'u
tout Me lieint!" in ijenrnit, tlip-nirh fti-ti iit "f their ;
in-rr licnt- hii1 rvts. I yet know tf let scfTi-'ivnt
rc?'.tiiirf why n niun mny u -t ti!ify to tiie l'ieii'w h'
ht'lti'Vvi hiinselt'to (iiie rci-"iv"l ii-niu 'iii iiMj.n
.rei.iiriiin-n. in the that he limy thiu cutitriluto
to the lienct.t of ether-.
I tlo t!ii" tho moro romlily in ri;rtrl to 11t1au-l 'i
tt'Tinun Uitteis. .rei.!r.'l hy I'r. C. M Jiicfs.-'on.
tliia oily, l.e.'M.v I w:is i.vtju.i--i i Jifitf-t thc.i for
initi'V Cur . i:iiltT Iho itinro-s-ion that lliey weir
oiiieilnu ali I. lie niixturo. Iain in-leoU'.l to my
fri' ti.i llo'-.-rt .hcoiuukor. for tho rom-o-Hl ft
tli pi. jaiiiL" hy 1'pi-j.t.r tei. n-l for oiieoiiniire
mint to try th m. when ui:tU 'ii.,j u ijrtiit. iiu-l
Ion,; oi'Utinue l lel)ility. 1 he u-v of thrro liottlon of
tliet! Itittt r-i. ut tlu' hi-jrinniiitf of iho nro nt year,
whs foll ,. . 'I hy i-lout rtlief jui'l nMo--;i.ti'm m h
ie1ce of h nil I UH'llt ill Vlu'or W lli'. h I lul l Tot
toll or mx months hef re. mi l h i l iilimnt ile.-iaireti
uf roiTHihintC. 1 tlnit U'to ihunk liolau.l uiy lrionti
h r il'icv'tiiu to the use of Un in.
From the ltev. Jos. 11.
l.'th Daplist Church.
Dr J e l. 'ou : Deur'Sir
Keiitmrd, Pas'or I.T tho
I have been fi-e'pientiv
reipiesteil to connecr my r.amc won cooiim,- uo,
ol dillcrciit kinds of medicines but regarding tho ,
practice as out i f Uiy lippl Oil iaie sphere. 1 have 111
till eas. s declined : hilt a clear pr.d in
itistances. mid pari iculailv m mv family, of the uo ,
fuliuvs of Jr. Ilootbni i's OeriiMii Hitlers. I dc art ,
for once from mv u-ual r to express my full j
comiclion that. 'for general iKHlity of the system
and cspcoiul'y for Liver Complain , ' ! is a sale and
valilttble prepnratioo. In Svone ca.-,.- it may fail; J
lut usually. I doubt not. it will be very bentllcial lo .
llliisc Wlio'silier fr'On b. lil oVC I'lillSC. ;
Yours, very re-pec:tully. II. KKNN Al'.D,
Eighth below Coates Street, Philadelphia.
Fro'u Varren Ktm b'lph. P i-tor of Papti.t
Church tiermani ovn. l'enn.
Dr CM Jackson : Dear Sir : Personal cvpe.
riencc enables me to say that I regard thu tlrni'.u
Pitters. pre'.-arcd 1 y you as a most evcelletn medi
cine, lu cases of so re cold and general tlebib-y !
have been g.-eatlv benelitte 1 bv ihe iiseol the Pitteis.
Yours, truly, V A 11 KEN K AMuM-PH.
Oei lu.iiUuwn, Pa.
From Itcv. J II Turner, Pastor of Keddii::; M 1"
Chinch. Pbilal. Ipl.ia.
Dr Jaeks.n. Dear Sir :- llav ing us 1 your tier,
man Piiler. in mv family lreoiie:illv I am piepured
to say tint it has l-i of rc'al erl. e 1 l.. ;., e
that ill llio-t cases ot gcnul'1,1 del'llltv ot the sv.telil
il is the sal'c-t and le.ot valuable r. uu-dy of which i
i.a e hut 1 icovb d ;c
I Yours. re-lec..i'lv. .' H TrP'.'!'ll
j No. Tjii N. Ni.ieteciiih Mm I.
From the ltev J. M l.yoi.s formeily Pastor id the
Columbus N. J and Milestowu (Pa ) p.tplts!
New UnehHIe. N V
Dr. C. M. Jackson Detr ir I It el il a pies
sure thus, ol luyoaii a. Oor l. ! b-ar tt !"o..ny f
Ihe excellence ol the I'l liilito llilurs Sumo yem.
since being IllU'dl atllicled llll. I'v-'e'-l.l. I ll-ed
llleUI t'l'i very benelicl.ll results I bat e ol U ll re
...n men. l.d to persons eiitecbied by that tm no nting
di-a-e,and have lieurd iiotu them the ino-i tlatier
ing lestlmoliiitls as to their great'e In ca- .-of
geliflal UebllltV, I betu 11 il lo be a lol.'e Ibal fit;
ti .l be slirpn-vid J -l Ll"N.
From Pie Hcv. TJios l ni'.er
JI ipllS! t t.
Dr. Jackson : - I . r i
of lt i
: li'iroii
I lee! : ;
lb, I. I . ini lino, Ibliei
ex. t lteiil ,ti -1 o r i.t . ell 11
1. 1
ad l my ifiiito'ii'
to the d -ei t e. ic),ilair 0 II h.a
I'. - vears. st linii-. l-ecu In, libit
iililaliitd I hat
a llll gre
di-ot,l,T hi u t. btt,ol
Slut to r
I a .is H'O Ise.
Iiieti Hitler,
and ulicM'.
t a b
il -I
i ii 1 1 i ,n l "l.te i t oni
Hid bite . ,'il telii t d e,!!;.!
1 1 my b atth has I. .-en . 1 1
1 . tli. Ii till t, rtVoloiiielid ll it
ami .-u-e. .iniilar lo mv t.ttu
I bv llial.) ol tln-.r ' 1 "it., t..
on, 'l MM I II.
l' Pa
loaltrlali I
trie I
arin-lo a lieie I u.-t t
ud h'tt v bt.t-it a--nr
Ho-piiitut y
Fiuui Hcv J H lift man. .1 ibe li-riiiaii
i 1 I :U d
l buit'ti, kul t .a 11, lit 1 ks conl. u I .1
Dr C M Ja-ka.ll, llepe It d .1.1 . I.
Iitiubltl a iill Dfpi i.iailt la.o.i) 1. en ni. I
I hat ln-tel U-e I a
licitie to il ill I l ie a 01. 1 1
as 11. .. J nit iitiiti. 1 sin ttiv ton 1. 1
plui.,1 111 beallii slut Itatll. l.keu tin ' !
Yi.ui. auu mi., it, J ' in.tiMl t
Laio hue ibiUini M ull ! I" V" ' 1 '
I OO p. I Is.tlle I.. II not
Small hits - 1 j c. pn li.-iii -bail 4 it ft '"
l.EW Hfc CF "' ei I l b llll-'
C. thai Ibe Mualul. I I M J ll tt'. ll 1.11
Ilia W l pel to .a. U I' 'I te
OtiUMll )tml livsle.l It.., fill I inl. lb alii I'
ll., (..I lie ( Ulell b OH i tl.e H I I n ' O, I. Si.
It. .Us tOat U.J) 1 ' I'' 11 I IU 111 pta. a i.ul i. 1 !.. u'
l, I Hit I'lSt' I ...ii.h,l Ittt...
I nu 'l il " . t o I I, No t.-l U I tl
I i'
.ItiM ; A I V I Nji
iSu.esssul Utl .YiJtat ltl
I. p.. I "I
I f I a.l. In I1" lti -'S I I ' 'u '
I it a. t ... t t m .
Jat.. I I ' I I'-l I M '
U. S. 10-40BONDS.
These noiids aro Issued under tho Aolef Coi gre-t
of March Rlh, 1BA4, which provides that ell llor.-ta
iwued under litis Act ihsll te EXKMPT FROM
TAX A'l ION by or under auystiitr. or rout .'jij 1 ne
Uioiity. S ibsnriptiotis to tliese LnniUaie reeelvt d
ia United States note or cr ies t.f Ein.ks.
They are TO l!E BKf'KK.MKD I.N CON,,( t.
pleiiirc of ihe llovernment; at any period oyf y
M.m ten twr iors than forty y a fr'jrn their
date, and until (heir redemption FIVL I'LkTl.N'T.
of not over one hundred dollars annually a-id on all
I other Bonds si mi-jnnually. The iutereat is pnyiiMe
j on the first tt iys tf M and !cpicuibcr in eneti
' ye."rs.
Piibscribrrs will er'eive either Registered or feu
, pon lloti'ls. as they r"y preter. I'.ej;ist,ed Ib-n'ii
are recorded en tVe books of the l . S. TreHMirer,
and can be lr:irterred onlv ou the owner s orbr.
j Ctoipou Liiul. arc p.-iyablo to bearer, and uro niori
convenient lor coiiJiuer.Hel ii.-"S.
t Subscribers to this beiii will have the ootion of
; baring their Donds dm if interest from .March lsl.,by
1 piiyiiiipihe iiecrne,! interct in coin or in Iiut.-l
. States note, the notts oi' National La'd;, ad'lii',;
, Pfty per ci tit fur premium.) or receive tlo in draw ing
inlerct ti om the datcot subscription uml detoit
I As these lt' !i'l aro
IAiiijl Iimmo !Tltiiil'iiil r Hliilo
I 'I'ilMltiirl!.
t'uere value h inereaved fifm one lo three pfT eeni
per iinnuin. aecoru'.ng to tiic rato of tux levies in va
rious p:irts of the country.
At the present rain of premium on gold they pv
ovmi Kiiiin VKi: ikn'i iN'i i:ui:sx
iu ctirn n"y. ;iiid are i.f eminl Coucriii ncc as a per
niMiieiit or tei'i"oraiy i tstno-nt
i t is believed that no secui itie. ipIT. r so great in
fluceiMcnts to len icrs as the various (ieFcriptieiis ot"
I . S. Ib-ii I.'1 In ail other forms of indebtedness tho
faith or n'-ility of private panic? or stock co'nproio i
only is pledged fr payment, while- for tho debts of
Iho I'niud I'tut'!" the whole property of the eouu
try is hoblen to secure the j.r.yoicut of both piuicipal
nr; 1 in'.i r st in coin.
Tlosis Ilonds may be nil.s.Tibcl for in sum.' from
?."'0up to any mnsitud". on the mine term-, and aro
thus undo cp-mlly nvail:ible to tho smnllert lender
and the Inr-ct ca'ilaiist. They can be converted
ini'i money uf any iiMount. t.n-l the hoi l--r rril! bavo
the benefit of the interest.
it to;ty be r-( r ,i to stpio In tl,ij connn'tion tin
the tn'al Funded Drbt of tho I uili,i s;.io.-on vh'.-li
; inlere'i is p.ivi'.!e in on the :?, day I' Vaieb,
j IMi. na. ';o.ll0tl. The interest on this deb'.
. for the vi ituii.g liscul year will be Sl.i.!i"7 U'tV wliilo
: tin: oust, nns revenue in pold for the current ti-rat
I year, eiiilin 'otic o'ltli, ISol, lias been :o f.T al tho
! ra'.c of over Slt'ti lied. 0(1(1 per uniinm
j H KI be "'-en that evett the present gold revenue
. of the tiovertunctit aro largely iu exce.- of the wtui"1
I i'f the Treasury for tho payment of gold interest,
whilp tho recent increase of the tariff will doubrb-s
j raise the annual receipts from customs on the sum"
, amount of importations, to I '0. one. Itou per annum
' instruction;? the National lhuiks acting us loan
: a-ieiit" wore not issm ,1 from Iho Vniled t'tatt1 Trea
sury until March 'J', hut in the first threo wetUsol
April the -uls T'ptinns averaged more than 'JKN
millions a wi;i:k.
Subscriptions will bcrt'eci-'ed by t'-r
I'ii.-'t 'a:io,i,il Ihink of 1 liilnd'.'lph in. I'a
j Second National Lank of riiiludelphia, Ta
i Third National lhmk of Philadelphia, Pa
; First National IJimk of I'niiville. pa.
! A lid hy nil :( !ii:il ISanUs,
which arc dep :t riru'ai of Public money, and all
! nrorcT 1 nt k n.tNKs ami iuski:i:s
, throughout the ccntr . , i ti-'iii as aenN , fthe N.t
t'otial tn.pnitery Hani.-.j will (nriiisli forthc- inioi
illation oi i!j pii...uiou and
afford r.xvy.y rA,ii.iTVTosvi;scr.;ri:ni'
: .May7. l-ol. '
Nortiiern ('entral Jail v. u !
si ' ii nt: r uti.i:.
TIIHFK Til A I NS DAILY to and from llul'imcr.
igol 'asliingloii city.
t.'ui'e. lions iinii'.e :l!i trairs en Pi'nn--!i .mis
llailioad, tti ar,d from Pittsburg anil the West
illKKi: TK AINS DALY to nn l from tneN'oitb
est Ihiinch ns,tiehtiuiia, hlmirii, and all ol N -.'Hi
cm New York.
and alter V.t'NDAY. MAY' l:h. I'l
the Pas.-ener Tr.iii of the Northern ('rut'),!
I'nili, ay will ii! ri"c iio-' tlepnrt from
ll.iri isl.ut'g and Pallii'iore as billows, vu ;
. P O V T II W A It D .
Mai! Trtr.n leaves Smm'-ui v daily (evcept.
Sun. lav). " 01
. M
" leaves llarri.-hiir''. I '.'" I
o arrives at Jialtiiuoio, ! -In "
Express Train leavi's Sunbury daily
(cxio-pt Sunday.) " II .i P J!
" leaves Hanisbuig (excettl
Monda v ' 2 30 A M
4t urriits ni lialti-iiiro daily
(exeepf .Monday) 7 UH A. M
llarri-'Mirg A.'eniiMm'dHiioii eavea llarri.-
Imrg. V l"l A M
Sunbury Accotnieo-lnio-i Item's Suiibuiy
daily ivxc"! 1 Mini-it" at T A M
m N"li'! li AP.D.
Mail Tinin leave l'eilri;:u,ro daily ':
cepl Siiiela''!
, o , an isou-'"
o jiri (ves lit .-'lid I t V
Express Traill bates llaillinoie daily
, I ivt sat II arr'-bu:
1 " leave ftamshurg except
i M. ll. lav'.
:;.'i P.
y .in p
1 DO A
I 'i A
" arrive- tt Surbiire '
11 trai-l.i
; A eoni IO 1 i; In, l b'at es liat n--
l-iilv ;e. i uiid ivt at I'" P ?
urrie-iit ll uli-t'iii-r. 7 . 11 1' vl
mrV A i ininodaii'-ii l.-.m-j llarn
burg d.-tilv i '"eei l .-ui .i.t) . ai t i.'l V M
fu-lber Mi'orer:- no-'v !' "" ' '' ''
J N I" P.WH'.Y. lien .-';'
H.u i 's! or j; .''.me I 1'- ' I
Y I'lll'S 11 .-I Pi'l.Y OP SPPINii AND .it'MMEU
M the I. ll,
ISU 11
M'liitn ry Ft. ,-e i f
I,. r.
I swi S'ti i t. lit-
I'otl-Mll'S -oillll i-1' S't. III'. klti tl'.il j
K.iilromi. .-I N U li'i . I'd ,
Colt-iftlug id ihe leiy laii-l
taeKi Ma rsw
MAS t.
Al-o. Ft in i' . -i n ti
-. 1 1.11 I,
Anient-. ill 1 l ot , is. i is. , c
A I..- . A 1. VI. Oi; AS"'i PI'V I ".'
Tancv Goods & Notions.
lo w lo.-h .'ii' .'.iWs Lie i:i- "
ol I
II, t ,
Ul .
nil l'i en.!
ic .1
-I b
i ..... l.-'i.t 1 .- i .
i toe I.. .1 rt-s '111
1,1 at ti s-oli.
le lb. o,.ae
unl ill V. A I
fancy Euviioonsroiu:.
Mlt-H Iw sv'l" 1 '
I l !' '
t sit.
1 1 1 1.1
. i I. . . .
I I I I.
i ni i. ii i ti
t . i ,i 1 1 , i ,
o ,.l' . . .''. . .
in- Yullt t ,
. t
i.i , t, l '
iii:.i i i'i v i m b i i
llll! M St I 1 I It
I I 1 1
IlLAkl. ,!-. ass al - I - 4 Uaak 4
I i''. l"t- -' , ,
I as -.! at its. t-4. si Ik ' I '
I I '