Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 02, 1864, Image 4

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Run A.wt imim i;h,
Two tlrora V.'tt of t!u- ton?. Oflicc,
TT Adjust rocelretl and cju-ned ft largo assortment
I 1 of Van.-T Drew C auoh as Ob-yea. Jnuvtao
Mi-glcTes, Pilh and 1 thretid Olovcs; Ladlca
tittnn tlosa, Cliililreira lln-, Sim Jilts,
fMm Corsets.""1 elirp
Ribbons FAN'
J'nttona. Pelt Kilp.r.. V.'i.ii Kihismt,
urn a
hell ,
I t...... T .I..- M....I. I . IK. . ... u
TilRRfiN" nl 1 t : wfW- V ii-i.r.i'i.l.-rii:.j Mr-Ma, I and Shim 1. uu-t :vi i"!: M .It j
1 act Collars, i: i. lu.eo AVi, rsn.'j l'r- C-miW, ;
Head Dnwci., N..-1'.". rai l variety "l" o ti.-t nriii-lcs. '
I'ooks. llvtnn R....V,, Hb.nk Hck. M-iivwninlu-n
l.ooki- I'turii. IV.-k. t It--' k-. It It M -ii-.l. lVn,
rctti-iU. A c.. .-
TOYS ANI liAA" !:s l tti: (-Hl!.tm:N.
All of whi?li luvi b"ni ph'Cto'i ni b .'tf' ntui nili
Lefoi.l at rrnfuiiablr Tlci'.
ansa rmi:l:.
eutiburT, Airil ?.., l'CI.
'PHI' DL'l ? JJV IllVri'l
X 1 1 11i it Jit' lilU.l 1 1 U 1 Li IJ '
(l.ate J!r. Bonlton's.)
HAS taken this old and well known stand, and
refitted and furnished thf1 s'tint is prepared to
fteeuiumodatc Uonrdnri and Travelers vi:h tb be-t
the market can atfbrd. He hopes by stri.'t ntleution
to busincs to receive a share oi public pa'r..i,a:e.
His TAHLKaenntains the bet tbo niaikrt Hii rd'.
His Vari bllcd with tbe choicest of I.ifjuor. bj:h
Malt and Spirituous.
The stabling is good, and attended by careful
fuubury, April ."0, IStU. ly
J I f T received n new stock of Fishing Tackle for
Spring tales, consisting of Hods. J(eeK Lines.
Iiaskcts, Snood". Floats. Hutu. Flies. Artilb'ial Unit,
Ligrd Lines. Hut. Ornss and Hooks, to which the
attention of dealers is particularly requested.
Orders. Wholesale and Hetail, punctually filled
and satisfaction warranted.
2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia.
February 27, l5t4. Gm
wniu: lauouinu vxpek cojis-rii'Tiox
nd lio-x fci a rulinonic Syrup, i-enweed Tonic, ttv.A
3Aodrakc Pills acton the System in Curing that
Disease, and tha
CSrcat fitttccH AIU'imIIo lit
The iibovc is a correct likeness of Er Schcnk taken
many years ago, after ho had recovered from Con
minptioii ; byncoursool his ''Schcnk'f l'ulmoni"
Fyrup." The liUtneM. although it does not repre
sent him anything like as bad as he was at the worst,
vet it is in strong contrast with the hale and vigorous
looks of tho Portrait below, which is the true like
ness of him nt present lime. The contract between
theso two portraits is so great that tiini.y would not
believe thcui to be the same person. Vet there are
hundreds of persons, in and around Philadelphia,
who will recognise both porlrniii, t.i be true repicsen.
tations. When the first was taken ho wi ilicd 107
pounds ; at the present time his weight is 220 pounds.
Thirty years ago I ui.s iti the Lift ftai.-s of Pu!
mnnary t'ouuinption. and given up to dio. I r.'.-i.l.-J
in I'hilu li-lj Ida. and r. .I.isi ph Parrish. tlo ti ot this
city, ordered mo to Moroslowu. X. J., a di'tan'-e of
nine miles vl:u-h tool: toe two .l.-vs io jret tln'i'e. (Mi
my arrival 1 was put to bed, and tliere laid for many
weeks. This was my native pla.-o, whero all my
fatuily lived and had diid of Con-uinption. lr.
Thorntfii. who attended my father in his lust illness,
was called, and guvo me ono week to lix up my af
fair.', lie had sun all my family go that wav. aud
thought 1 was to go. too "Thou l ln ar.1 of the'reiuo
dies 1 now otlrr to thu public, which cured inc. It
secnud to ii. that I could feel liicm ptuctlating toy
whole -yt-m. '
Jin y soon ripeinal the inaM. r rn inv lungs, mi l I
would sp it oil more than u pint of olloiisho yellow
matter e ci v llioniir:g. As so,,u lis that beg in to
niWide. icy i'-vr, pain, night sweut. ail
began to leav. ire. m, my hecilllu so great
thut it as wiih d.lh. ally i could keep tiotu eating
loo much. 1 mhjii ga-.ned iiivslreiig'.n audi Inn o
been growing ni tl --s-1. ncr mi',,-,.. i-,. m:i,iv ,,;,,
I have i l:.i. e l iininierrupiid he.oili, Veeing
the lii.ri.1,,1 h he.ilihy with the Sauced To
nic nu 1 .Man ll ik,- I'.Ms. as 1 an, ,,fa billions tempi.--aniel.t
My w.ii.t is two luilldrinl nl.-l Iwi-ntv
pouii Is nu l,iv i-oeoverv por!- l.i ni l
fal' lllel laar, I.. if tii'uo l u-es Were
For tills paijoi.. jny pioles-ional i,,.,..
e:ti"s 'Ihee.iiisiiii.piivi's m il i,, il
'. lid 1
like mine.
II the l.O'.-,.
e one that
inline-io.m iiii-ui.ues. ui , , ei,,.J,, l.1,.
sainptiou by (hi-ln. To m. ike nnv luu; ll ji,.,i.
'; but e. n ines ill II... Ii.iv ... el,,, , i :,.
tloln ol ll.e lllh. 1. tutu,.,! ,-ie),
r i-i-are ily ing h.-nily under t'le i-rdin.. treatiovni
r-l pll -ieiau-. lilt I j .. I ruct. lire
us.-. i' .-i.-iienk 's l'.ilu, utile
an I Maieiraku Puis.
-..Hal bv tie
I inn leni a l.ealil.v ii ui. ni'h .
llie nn, Idle l .i. . rihi ho .j i!.,
llltleli to put., . I an.) i-,,. j !, (.- a,, Ii," I
'I In I, Ii Inn, - i v.i, !. ,i -I lio I, i
Nil.! 1 -i , l- .1. a t o : . .,t,, '
f't . i.l r- -i. V. !,; ' . ..'i .1.. I . I
lion I tl.i v l;y .. I , .. ,i ; ( i , ,
I.. !.-) it.,' ii . ,,, ..,
heelie I . . I I ,y ... , (j,
hire e u ity in
In" ! I. I... , , y
ll-ll tin pi.uin.
el . I llie
. ..1. fill. Ill . jl...
i' e-.l.tiiap.
g .. m. I na,
i- ' :l.l
W Ii ii dl, . - 1 1 , i .... i -
ai. l urn. '.i i it ,- ; , r .
luake tt . I til I .in.- ii. .
. II. .-l. I I. I : ,. I
ai, 1 1
. t.r i
let - I
"I ll .
..In lit
I. I. I.
,.!, II,..
. ...... 1
I il r
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I. I'll Ul U I. Ill V. ll.l Hl.d
.l ll- , .V. .
III .1 pluilit. di t
II. i. ul. I I. .-. ll i I I I
lo I i Sm I i .1 net
itle. ri.ii I tin. a' . i ;i
U ui il" i. in it. i I.-1
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I e ilui i ti enuW
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i -I. 1 1 ui i. , i. u...,
tt lint.
t.l'.l ol tlie eoi
l lr.-.. ,.i,v ..,., , I , ,
1.1.1 1. II rtllll CSU-'li 1 1 li i
.i .'olu ll t
41." I ,;!4,lt 41
Kill I
and II r
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k I I f I i- Ul llV I til' lll' tl'
1 II. I.
I. h
i. .. I i u
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... Mil .11 I .
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-.'ll . I
II I I, In.
-1 .
ew 1 ui:k, ednesday.
mi ! .liwiwiUJi m ip uwrifwi'ii
the sloirnrh. and it is carried off by the aid of the
Unit hake tlic Pulmonic Syrup is made Into
blood. Tlii i? the only ny to cure coii-mi'i linn.
If 1 cannot pet a p" it f lit o, and I'-aid doe not
J ir'prr . 1 c'liiT'tt cnre -h .-rt ictit Never ii'iiul the
cough; remove the cnu' nod will stop of itself.
Th if iK t!i".' im trouble I lave with my patients at
iw rooms. They n-y, '-Ibi-Vr. J f . i I's'n user;
tan cut ; cij night sw eats are better, nnd i foi l bet
ter crcry wny ; bat ny congh it so bad yet ;" and
t) 07 are astonished to hew mo ny that does not
mutter; romoye tho canso ami the cough Kill S op
of itself. Schruk 8 8 nwced creates a g-od nrptilo
iu about nine days, w lien there is tin luit disease,
unless the liver ts so congested thnt tlie Mandrake
J'llls cannot milord the ducts ot the gill bladder in
thit short icf-f tine, in order to ullow the stale
i!-ie P-w"". K op the liver ail I ih-tnaeb healthy
ami thro i li driDffor of eonPonition or anv othrr
1 it t-Hflc. It is b ril t.i take cold vhvvx thote tirans
i arc healthy. Jlr that are bilious. low-p ii mil.
I tlront v, fc i lii.g tii)iid. coutod tongue, poor appetite,
tifrvoii". atninaeh full of wind, every. hing that is
rati it :rii v. bi-s of iiK-ihuiy. trv one bottle of
M llfVt'Ks VKAWtl D 10MC. aud one bat of
SCIlKNK-.S .MAXDUAKK I'llJ-S. It is only a
r...! id one d'.llnr and tctity-fie ceuts. with full di
rechin". This is siiffijienl, in tnutiy enes, to satis
fy hut the medicines uro. 1'reqneiilly one bottle
nii'.kes n proat chuiigi' in the syatein. Any person
tint rnif. onlinarv iiealth, by using the Seaweed
i 'ini.'ai.'i Miiiidrtike Tills tK-i-afii-tinllv, mu.'t iret the
"'V'-'stive organs in suoh a lienlihy condition that
'hoy becuiiie llishy I can produce a number of my
old consumptives pnliculs now enjoying good health,
weighing nearly 'iW pound". 1 will conclude'by
relating three cures I have lnedc in New Voik, and
w hich ate till ditlret't. Bnd wish nny one w ho feels
fin imerr -t in the mutter to irit them. First is Mis.
Fai low. rest ling then at So. Houston struct Her
hns'.aii i called upon me at my nanus. X2 Pondstieet
and wished me to call and see her. lie said I could
do no good ; that he had had all tho best medic il
at'endance. and all said she was ton far gone with
Consumption to be cured ; but she bail heard of some
treat cures I had made, and he desired to gratify
her w ishes. I called, and found her lying confined
to her bed in the last stage of bronchial consumption
and without doubt must have died soon. I examin
ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much
altietid. but no cavities had formed, her cough
was very severe, the spit-box was half lull of thick
pus. Pulse 1 10. leg swollen very much ; and worse
than all. rhe bad chronic diarrhoea. 11 ei bowels had
been moved eleven times that day. told her that she
had lungs anough to be cured, but that this dia;pha-a
had been of long standing, and her stomach wa in
such a uleeiatetl con lition that 1 was afraid tiothiuit
could be den". INie insisted I should try and do
what I could for her. observing that she could not
la't long in the ?oin lition she was in. and I could not
make her any worn . I gave her first a dose of my
M mdrake Pills, and the tonic and .Syrup freely.
'that was 011 Tuesdnv, and bv tbe next siindnv the
diar; luca was t nrrie I oil. her appetite had returned
and she could -sit up in bed and cut her dinner. ,he
i.uow well, and gavj n long certificate, certified to
by the P.ev. Pi- fiovtiitig.
Airs. Lariliel.iiiiew, !-:! Wist Ft rty-l'ifih street,
came to tny rooms w.lh a tumor on her liver. .She
was low. spirited, skin salenr, teiitiue coated, bowels
costive, no nppetite. and fast sinking into tlie Kt.te.
Tlie suid tumor l.ud been running 01 .-r fourteen
vcar-. I gave her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, ami told
her total.e them as the directions w ere printed.
She came back to t.iy rooms, itj ltond street. in two
weeks, s-imewh it beiter ; her tongue bad begun lo
clean a little mound the edges, her skin whiter and
her eyes brighter and tbe tumor discharging very
offensive matter, much faster than it had ever done
before, fcho kept gradually improving, and in about
two mouths she came to niy rooms very much fright
ened, saying that the tumor had nearly slopped
running, ana was h-aling up. nnd that every doctor
had told her that if it ever healed it would eau-e lo r
death. I told her that the disease had all left her
system, aud nature would heal the ulcer up. They
a"re now- healed, and have been for about a year, and
she is a heaitv and robust a wouian as you w ill find
in a days walk. Mie is glad for any one to call on
her. and takes great piailis to visit any one that she
hears has anything like her c iso. and tries to get
theiu to come and see me. The next ea-e is Mi-s
.Neorie'.d. from Stamford. Conn.. Mrs. Ilartholonicw
got her down 10 sec nic. and she has been e er sinee
at her house. When she first came to my rooms, she
was inucli emaciated with a distressing enugh. spit
ting targe quantities of blood. 1 examined her lungs
with the respii'ometer. and in all my practice never
I'ouud one W illi ore lung so far trouu and the other
j lung so sound. 1 could not give much oneourage
: nient. I thought she would die ; hut to uiy asiou
I ishinent the Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed "loiiie. and
: Mandrake Piils all seemed to go right to work, the
I lung is all healed over, leaving a cavity as large as
1 a goose egg: good appetite, fine spirits, and' has
i Rained sonic llnrty-livc pound:
vc pounds in weight. She has
some cough vet. which J do not tnink will leave her
betoro June. I should think it would be of great
interest to some unprejudiced physii-iau lo visit these
cases, particularly Mis Sentield.'or any ot theiu w ho
have been cured by my medicines. 'J hey are nitin.
erous in New Yoik ; but the above thieo' all dillei
f'rotii each other; and if my medicines are doing
what 1 represent they inc." they should have the
credit and the al!lie;ed" know where 111. i how they
may be cured.
.1. 11. MMIKXK. 51. !.
I)r. J. It. Seuenk c:-.u lc tuiind at the principal
othce. ,u. Xor.h il ii Street. I'liiladelphia. every
Saturday. from It A. AI. until j P. M.. to give a Ivice
free of charge ; but lor a through examination ho
charges three dollars. Prieeot the Pulmonic Syrup
and M-uwced Tome each c-l per bottle, or So the
half doz-cii. Alundrake Pills 2a cents per box. and
is. fir sale bv all lrugglsis and He.ilei.s.
May 11. .Vol. ly'
A Joint resolution proposing certain
Amendments to the Constitution.
Jit it rcsiilrnl bji tin- Sunlit" leu 7--i:w nt'
Ji'ltnnnttttinaiij tiu- (,iiiiioutct(i!ti w' J'tm, ih di :i ( .Iwm nihil tint, '1 litit tilt:
fullowitto; utlle-ll. I nil-lit s lii Himei til till'
C'litistiltitiiiti nt t lie (.'imimmiwi ul'.ii, in u(.
ctiril.iiifu itli the pro isiuns of tlic tui.'.li
urtirlc tltftt'tif :
Tliere slmll i'c tin ii'liiitioittil sifti.iti tn tlic
tliir.l uilicloti. ill .-1 i iist ittit inn, in In.- i!ii
ti a tt'il ti.s bi-i ti ui lour, us. follows :
""Si'ii. 1 11 N 4 lulu vi r u ul the ijiiuii
fk',1 clii t"l. o 1 ins I oiiiiiioiuM-iiitii shall lie
in not mil mil lasy sen ill-, tiiulir a 1 t-i j 1 1 i. i -lion
lVoiii tlic 1'iisiili iit of tin' I iiiicil Stiiics,
or by tiio u. t .oiity ul lliis l oiiiiiioiiwi-altii,
stit'li t lii'lo s limy t-M t'i'ist' tin- rit'lit of Milf-riiL'-in
nil id i.'itoit.s liy tin.-ciiizetis, tiiuii-r
sufli riguhttt his us niv, or sluill lf irtsriili
fil tiu. lis fully us if llit-y ttt'iv luisilit nt
inrir tisi'.m j l.ic of I'-'i'ftii'ii."
M:tTinN J. I hi'ii: shull Lo two iiil.litioii
11I si rlioiis to i'iiim-Ii-Vi titli nitirli' id lln' t 011
stittitioti, to I.-,- dei:Mi;iti'il us fit lit , nilil
iiiiio. us- follow, s :
"Skctiun S. .No liill slm',1 Le .ttssi-il .y
tlio Logi-liiunv, toiilitiiiine; iiioif tliuii one
MiLjict, w 1 1 1 ( -1 1 slmll lie clt-ui ly i-xiiivssctl in
tlic title. cxtTjd iiiiioi:'iiitinii fills."
'I.i "HON II. .,i I. ill slltlll In- pilssoil iy
tho l.toisiiit'.iii. oriuiiiii; liny uiHiis, or
(! i ill'Jgl-s, in nny l-;,i-, win-rig till- llllt In ui ty
to or.,iit sin Ii pim tt s, oi'ii;ivilii's, lis!.r, n,
of limy It. -Holler lr, 101, leu. il tip 111 tin.,
t'olll ts of tills Cui!iiiK'i:w tallti."
IIKMiV C. JiillS'MiN,
Sjn aki r of tin- It.itisi' of Hi Hi -n i.tattvi s.
joiin i'. i'i;nm:v,
H ukrr of t hi- f-i'iiotl ,
Ol I I' K Of Till. M-.i 111 I'AltV ol' nil.
C o'.r-ii'.N o 1 ai.i ii,"uo,
April i-.iii, IMjI.
- loo l.i ul;, ciilil'y tlii.t llio
I .1. S. j loii ooino i 11 till;, tun- uiiilroi .
.- 1. 1 t i.'vv ol the oiiinal . I. .lilt
Iti solution ui (,i mini Ass. nitiy, 1 tii.ili'il
"A foii.t i;(, Union iiroii.nin riit.un
Ann 11. Inn nt-, in tl,,- ( i.ii-ir.iilioii," us Hid
Mill. V fell. .linn on i!i- at llji., ollli-o.
In Ii sininNv win ivi-f, I it. no ln ri iiiim
M l my l. ii, ! anil 1 ,it,,,i ti,,. ,,f iiio s,.'-
lel.ny nil.,, lu t. ;;.v.t,l, ,,.,.lV ami 11, r
ul oii- iiiitm. 1.11 f-j.if'j;!,',
.s.i r, tan of tin-1 '. 1. nwi- i.tli.
I ol- III ol' Ii, s.. Inn, Hi , ( ,,
ii u i ut. i
to 1 ,1 11 iita.inni o
ll-l t.ii.i Is ul i-i,, I,
11 HI. I', lit tw
ltll i i slXI- sll.N id tho
ll l.l ll.l ,. , -111 I ' I I, I II,,
llie .li.'l..-i. .1 inni liijin, 1,1
' i. mum, 1 1. 1 ,i 1 1 1 1 ,
till will, II. III.-, I
I Hie . ,h , ,.i lb, if .;,,,, -i,,,, ,
tj.'ti, in lb. HUM' 'i ,.: , ,v i.r'A' i.l
I 111' ).lili.' ,.l.l I, .'l. ,,,e ll,..i,,l t i -i t
Ian. .In il :n it ltli l.uir, in iiriiir.lunn- H"j,
llir ni. is. ii i. i. iliv until mii,,.,,
t un-iitii'i. a .ui.l tin .ul, miii:, i ".v,,
ite-i til inj Im iiii.u nu. I ii. tut u,r ul' ul.i,ii
t'i'.' In Il.i' iiioiiii , ,i Hun m. i nn,. I
r it i. Y. ti..
ii or r. ,n lion, ihc iui.ii iH i t,iiiu,
t nil. Illlll lull, lliiuvi , tin
mic llt,iiu.,i,,t
i,il I. nu.:., , ,,i,. ,i s v I .or
t l.t hi IH It,
'.'ilii) i I tho I i. in in, .lix,
i pi .1 .i i, r i i
t u 4 I. i.r llie HMai. ui l, ,
-. ! I' n u i ti ot i.
l-i'.ll I NP.ti
H.Y Kll.l l.i;
a .' . l..j. k , I , , i , i.iai j
it ..i I i - I I I . i V. 1 1 !
tin S" ii I, I. II . I-, 4 I i l u.k(
,,,.m IC. ;...';!.. l.-,fc...i
M .' I I
Ki'imiiiiil'mi'i.i iu nitulmwi.iii i-in-mi.ijiui
Heady (o imil down.
anDy hoofing
At less than half thceost of tin roofs.
rhad TiooriNG
More durable than tin.
Suitable for stocp or flat roofs.
For all I'.od-i of tulldltigs, in all climates.
Easily, cheanlv. and nuieklr nut on. Xeeds no
coaling over with cement afier il is nailed down.
Made of a strong woven fabric. thoroughly s-.turale.l
and covered upon both siiif.tees with 11 pcruotlv wa
terproof coins.silioii. and put up in robs ready fur
use -40 inch wide, and 7a feet Ion;;.
We also maiHifacture
For I.EAkV.Tis Koois,
Much cheaper and inorc durable than oil paint.
A LSI '.
'i!;-o.i:l 'cmi ill.
For Leaky Shingle lniofs.
Whicli will often save the cost of a new roof.
Samples of l.eiuly Ki-oling and Circulars sent by
until when disired.
FavorableU'iius luiidewith responsible parties who
buy to sell again.
;. Maiden Lane. N. Y,.
April 23. IsC.I.
Orrtci: PiiovcsT Miumial,
llrit lMSTI'.ll'T Pcn.nsvi.vam ,
II iniiisiii nu, Jliiy 111, I So I.
Til.' the end thai nil persons inlen stcd may have
1 notiee. an 1 the iibj a't in vi'-w-sa cmnplete and
accurate rev i-e 1 enrollinei.t. be pr.'ii.oled. the fol
lowing, in iic'-ordaneo with cirenlnr or lor No. -pi.
A. A. l'r.nost .Miiihul tleneral's Oliice, is hereby
I. T,-e different P.iards of lairollim-nt. Western I i -vision.
Pa., are reouesti-d to in. mediately proe-'ed
to execute the sixth section of the act of Congress,
entitled "An act to nli.entl Mi rut f..r enrolling and
calling out the national forces, and lor other pur
poses.'' np rov-tl February 2a. Is'i-I.
II. They will at once appoint (lie noce-ury en
rolling ntVteors tor their respective di-nicH, with in-sliuettor-'.
1st. To enroll all p.T.-m.s wl;. 5? names have been
otnitled by the proper enrolling otlicers. prc ions
enrollment. 9
2nd. All persons who si all have arrived at the
age of 20 years r.cloi e tin' dral't.
I .'ll. All'alieiis wh -'mil ha' c declared their in
tentions to bei-oti.e eiti.ens.
! -lib. All ptr-.ii.--discharged from the military or
1 naval service of tlie I niie-1 Stales who have not
been in such sei ice for two years during the present
I war.
iith. And nil pu'sotis oxtniptod under tlie provi
i sions of the s.-eeii l section of the i-i.rollin.; a t.i'p
! proved March .'-d. l.sil.i. but 11..1 exempted under the
1 pr..i i-ioi s of the net iippiovcd Febi'iniry 21, li'.I.
; 111. The Hoard of 1 nrolliiieiit will al.-o nt oiu-e
; proceed to strike from the eurolliiieut.tipen satirt.ic
j torv proof :
l'-t. 'i he ii'imi's of all per--ons who have arrived ut
the ago ot fnrty-tive veins.
2d. The names of all person inanilcstly. physical
ly or mentally ui.ul lor the service,
i " .'td. The liaiues nt sMeh persons us are nt (hi- time
' nctually iiii-l legally ill the military or naval sen ice
ot the I llited Stales.
-ilk. The naiitesof such persons us have served in
the military or naval S"rii"c two years or more. ,u.
ring the present war. and htiie been houm'tibiy dis
charged therelioui.
Can't, and Pro. Mar.. I-Lh Inst.. Pcnii n.
CIKCl'LAH No. 47.
The term for the assignment and correction of cre
dits by enrolling Hoards under tho provi-ious ni Cir
cular No. -I. cm rent series, from this, thee, is e.v
tillded lo May 111. liyil. All claims relative to cre
dits which may be presented to l'isirict Provost
Marshals on ami niter that date, will be refilled to
this office for deci it ill .
iSignedl J. Y H(IM!'KI).
l.t. C..1. lrtth t . S. Inf v.. A. A. Piov. Mar. Ucn'l.
.1. Kav Ci.KvtK.vr.
Captain and Pr..v. Mar. 14th I'ist P.I.,
Iltirrisburg. M.iv. 1 1, P',4.
X E W L Y I M P I! O Y Ii I
C II K S 0 E N T S C A L V.
w niriTiiG .; ssa.x?;.
Acknowledged to he the best.
London Pri.e .Medal nnd llighe.-t awards in Ame
rica re 'civi .1.
Wurciootiis. No. 722 ARCH St.. below Eighth,
March 23, Isill. "tiiw
llvorj lioily :m lie im Ai ttst.
No. 1 .." -L lit-siiUt 'ii-i't. npjKili' tlto 1'. S. Mint.
K.iilli'iy K.vri-.k.i! O fijitinj l.u ms ALL I'N
All ttyUt IH1.1 ?!7ftf ni
Vvi rot vj c ir "Titi; vjti-e'
l,li'tt".urii!-, Tvi-i-v! vj-tf.
nu t t.'ikrii tit j-i'ivi'.' tttMiit
tin- tinn'.
!'niui'' rtiH.-IiiiI in WhUt fulor?. "il. Irnlia Ink
nti'l I'n-til
J.if-'n arl nllirr Miuniiils. 1 jii;ifi;rt'. tmttitry Sent
Unit.. .Moilt-iMit .Mri'.-liiiu ry, ,v t . , t"r i'utfiitin hc
cu nil fly '!i'itti;raplicl.
' I . I'lsnjn'r lioirt-' t' ml! iLt )itl'iiiin '! or
ytn iiliivJ i''lpiiift ti hi iivw (iitniiul t'lmir
tLilltTV. whi-iij hi' ii( iiiiriHLK'i'tl hi -ly-jnifnu'l
riuin'i n. c!IiiIml' t-1 tit kit., in it t". w . ci).l-. unu
huitir'i riittiru U. irutn ihv .-iiihII ii!tnii uv uulu
griij l.if. tti tin linj't-vuil nil' I Lit' Su .
Aiifi- mmiy i .it-i ititftit In- Int.- iiivff I i.i l.i
t'ini: liw sky-livilit ut hii i in pi ii i-i anlf. ilititfin
ih!' lijrlit in Ltiual 1 1 ma. mi l .lmi!i (
.-nt'( fiiJiiLitii'ti ft It'tio w hii'h tvi'iimi n xtu Ity the
Mik nii't .-kj-lihtu jrt iit r-iii.V t.'it. an. I didi ft' in
lniit'li itnp'i liiiiff In itn litautv ! ti ih-ttui'. It U
inuL i 't Fn-iR'ti i-- '!- IMiilii K-l-
Mi. l'.tr L:i. ''tu'r. uia);il i.uii'i (linn twcnly
vt-ai. in tl v : 1 1 -i iiiol priu-iii't' t-t tin Kim Art-.
Jlii- hii,; ivi'triiii.!- i.3 a Mii:i:iUac una IVirtriitt
J'aiiiti-r I-tit'h it iit iiiiianti-t-i'-ir tiu ii itrtuu v(
tliu it tur - iimili al ln tv!alii--lnit nt.
'J lit mi t-t tiL aliin t w.-ll uu tt'i-liHt'l ; imuo hut
tin.' iiitl .-kiltnlai ti-:- ayv viuj I'.ycl in ttu njictii o
All i'K'turrs Wjin ttiUfl ; tLo I ..iytvn j. ill itt.t
in ! in any mni Hill mid,I ltu tivi
Hfi'i-. l'atiuMitiir .m- ii' L- ti ( tt j;i, n, un-i'
tal ai: i r,.-y is..i,i ii-.
I 'it .'nt'1 1 i-.'i nul all ti'.Iior knnN i-t" i ri-
C ttitHl, lr in Kiuall iiu4;iiMi)it in liU- i.c ami Itui-h-ti
ui c tin tr 1 litit in u.k, tti In k I'tjiiul In j iLluii'-i
taken tiiu III.!.
'J ln tin! lory jn.-- .'( rare riolliiiud tor taking
LiUfiriai. rh tt.ii tim lii-, in tliu iiitr Wuil'lin.
ttiu rt I'u'iu otic In liny iifi..- .n L. I'hViratj'lu J
-it u tunc.
. 1. i-i I'll"!!'.'!!! lit't-M, Cdl'ti Utri nti'l otht r.
Jn- l-'ii- i - . N- i. w-rk en
riit'ii.jr:ili t'tiltti iiin', 1 Miry I) nu, Knamolliii,
'IV Aliliiallil'v- 1'ailitiii, At'.
t ' n - lu'.r il!-tl'U' tl"J s. iV I'll lur itthkili I V "I V t V tt
w it Ii M-ntf aUial It- riv. ij., nt 1 1 1 l ..u j ulth-li.' t,
U-fiul In all l:ti . .iaj ltt-, !tr vuv ul' H'tu It tt Imp
trtili) i.i- ln-rli t tl It 'l
ly t 'tl.iWit. Ilii' illli'i liflH v .til.-HllC'l ill till li.'.ik,
tttl Ui ' I -I'll i It ll'l lll!'U kll'iH ''
i'fiiniiii i;-ii.iii.! (ail itiit.lut j-i.nttii aj L iu m Iviu
llll.l HI- 1 iCl'.'tlK- til-.
t'iiic"'.v 'iU nun U' I u' ctjliirln 00, wiihtut
I l I, llit.lli: ilo Il k model till ,. oil., ic ,
Ii ,1, Lu 1,1 , , , ol eli. ii i .
III be ',i 1 1 -1.. 1 Slcitiv
A V ll.t il.i : V ot.ti ...V flu , S:i
U.ll, pr
1 l,iU.
jri- in llu..,ttii ol ,,c Human r a'e ami
A II l Ml II.
Wi'h ll!i..,tti,... I'l.i-i., I .,r lb. ue of Ph. to.
if r i beii, kud trn.i.
,Mt I .. . i lot, i.i,,,,, riciiiv ,,i,, , i;, .
Hi i.i, ii lulu hi i iw. . r 114.11 u. Ii . -ii in .i..u,
l.. l'l..l..ji..l, ,.,,M luk i.. 'u.,. I
I -ii.iiiij. id ui.i,. i,luvl- . l uum,!,,,,
I'1'l..l.-, .
ll. ul... colli!, ., l,.l ,,. , (, ,j
l.lllti.1 ti ...i,..i,., ,.,,, ,4 i,k. ,, ',,,,,
"I ii.on I, ..,.., I,u u ,b, !,..,. .1-t ll(4t
t I 1.1.4 s e.u., iu
P F I mil l It,
l-'Wt t bi.i ul Mi.ii, I'luL-Uiptia
hi 11 i I vi t '
t.l.WC 1',..,,.,,, A j, a,, ,!,
l. ll...U,4 ,,ll., M ,., J. , u
it U U I S.l 1... i I . ), .1 ,., . i, . ,
'" '' '' ' ' '.- " ' I Ofc. Ml J., ".. t t
... . is ii,, ii
I live k
1 -- .. J I I. u i I ,
'' It - I , I u. I-i. . I. )
l' 'U. Im u. . ,. .
ixj sunn:.
rpiIE suliscrllier respectfully informs the pP-9
. Sunbiiry and viciulty. that he has opened an en.
tne new stock of clothing and Furnishing goods, at
his new store In the building of Charles Pleasants.
Esq., in Market square. His stock oonslila io part
of lorra- clothiitg-.
HOYS' ll.OTIilcW-l.
Such as Coats, Over Coats, pants, Yosts, shirts,
undershirts, drawers, stockings, l.ecktica, handker
chiefs, gloves, -io. Also, Hats and Caps of all
of all kinds. TRVXKS. and Valises, umbrellas,
and notions of all kinds, bosidos numerous other ar
ticles. '1 lie public are requested to give him a call
and examine his stock.
Funbitry, Oct., 10, 1303.
I 'or Young; I.nillrn,
No. 1209 ftpruee Street. ITiiludelphis.
Uev. I'r. Howe, David Webster. Esq.,
Iter. Dr. Suddards, Wm Hayward Drayton. Esq
Uev. lr. Cooper, tleorge M. Wharton, Flip,
Henry M Finu, lq T. i. Ilollingswortli. F.sq.,
K. It. Montgomery, F.sq. Hon. Alexander Henry.
Ihnmas Iiunliip. Ksq., ' Philadelphia,
liccenibcr 0, 1HH3
-. 10 (siso pun .Vio.viBi !
J. COMPANY want an Agent in couuty, to solicit
orders for their new Machine, with guage,
sercw-driver nnd exlra needles We will pay a li
beral salary and expenses, or give large commission.
For particulars, terms. Ac . enclose a stump, and
iiddres. T. S. PAGE. Toledo. (.,
Feb. PI. '01. .Tin OenT Agent for the I'. Stoles
Instruments for all deformities.
! I.ovvr 'I'r 11 km
has takin the place of other Trusses for the retention
nnd inreof Hernia or ltupture. Acting upou the
principle of 11 lever, it never loses its strength. It is
cont' d to prevent rust. It has no pud ou the back,
w hi.'h is so liablo to injure tho spine and annoy and
t'hate the wearer. It is sure to retain the Rupture,
giving lase and comfort, and effecting radical cures.
It is warrciited to give satisfaction.
l lie improved Shoulder-Urnee expands the chest
nnd prevents the wearer from becoming round
jhoilldered .
Ladies' Kelts and Abdominal Supporters. Pand
ages. and Kelts i f all kinds, and instruiucut lor all
1'el'oi inilies of the liody.
Hit. liUOYEH'S Office is No. 4 Ann Street, two
d s from Prnadway. New York.
Strangers should particularly note the name and
5C.i. '
April 11, ISM.
Atlorncy & t'oiinsirllor I.ttw.
Office on South side of Market street, four doors w est
of Gcurhart's Confectionery store,
W ilt attend promptly to all professional business
entnt-ted to his care, tiio collection ofelaiius iu .Nor
Ihunilii rland and tbo adjoining counties.
i'ei,-ult.i:i'iiis iti German and English.
Siinbui v, March Ht, IStil. ly
MULE first quarter of twelve weeks will open in
1 the lii-iiii.l Jui'Y lloom, on Monday the 4th of
April, ISCL
Terms Vf.n QfAnn-.n : ' ,
For P.etidiiis. Writing, Arithmetic. lleogra'diy.
English liraiuiuar. " 1 00
Algebra. Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and
Ucnliigy, or any of these, !?5 I'O
Higher, Mathematics, (including all or anv of
above, 0 Oil
l i eneh. tlennan. Latin and tlreck, or any one
of them in addition to above. (7 Ot)
'Tuition payable half quarterly ill advance.
, mi in-line nun ior iosi nine.
Jtaily records arc kept of the merit and demerit of
j each student the former deiioliti the ex.-elleiu-ies
of each ill recitation and deportment, the btttir the
. deficiencies and deliii.j.ieneie-t copies of which will
be sent lo the l ai cuts or pinr.liiili- at the cud of each
For particulars apply to the principal.
ltnrriiKNcr :
.T. ,T. Iteiinciistiy.ler, Sunbiiry.
Prof. Win. Neoiling. Seliiu-ijrove,
Prol. U. P.. liliss. l.eiiidiurg.
E. P. HOHIJACH. rriucipalf
Suiibury, Feb. fi. 1 t 1 .
X E V O 0 0 D S!
Tun tl'M-rf wist (.f Wm. II. Miller & Shoe storo,
t-uiiLurv, I'a. .1 n-t ft nt ii a tVo.-h u-jily nt
new'spium; cooils,
Snh . Tum-v In Triintninjr1. Hilihoti?'. (1U $
llauilktTrliiet, La lies' Linen rullnrs and l ulls
ticiit f Ijti'-n niu ijior t'ollart". NpUi. I.tltH. Lacr
t'ullare1 ni il Sk'i'Vt't. i(:iir Hulls, Velvet
Kill. WhitiMin.l It) li t Nook-lioif. Cirsit.-. t'uaktr
Skirls. Sun I nitti-in lla-i. Vtikc aiul Sleeves.
j Alfi, a new style of muslin i'.ir tiarnltaltlt waist
tf'i'llier with Swisf. Jacnliet ami ictnriu 1 ui iix
I cajiu k.tillar-4 atht eilj, Urenatiine aiul Lnee eils
ainl a vaiietv nt uther attii'lcs ton iiiiiiM'-nn. to men
linn. " .MAUV i.. LAZAltrs.
Sunl.ury. April 111. 1 sr. t .
i AinT; i iniVirA.trt o i.
rilllE subscriber oflcrs for sale low, some valuable
I Tracts of '1 iniber Land, iu Chapman mid Colo
ltio..k townships, in Clinton county, and a valuable
Tract of Coal Land, iu Mount Caruicl lnwn.-hi.,
Northumberland county. Abo u Farm. Saw-Mill,
ainl Timber Laud, iu Limestone town-hip. I nion
county- Also, a dwelling house and twu lots in the ofNorthuiiiberlaiid. Applv soon to
Executor of Hugh ltcilus. di-ccused-Sunbiiry.
May 2d. lsi'il.
"No. Kin AIU'II St., I'liilinl.lj.Iilii.
And H HI Klt'S Superior Plated Ware.
f, All kind of Silver-Ware, made on the premi.
ses WATCH Itcpairing. caieliilly done 1
March 20. Isol. Jui
' Nu. V20 Cutsxt t Sniri T. (Formerly No. "US.)
j PIlll.Al.ELPIllA.
NuW UPEX lari.ilal'
Also. Spring and Suuiiuer llaruieiits, of our ciu
j Mauiifaeluiu, ul the l.utet Slyie. and iu ureal va-
I 1'letV.
! " j. w. rin'CTou i. co.,
I The l'aris Mantilla Empoiiiim,
No. U2li I'besiuil Street. Philadelphia.
April'.i. 01 cli-sepl. iwi.i ly
(Stirrr niir to S t n ti Jf' t r A- It a rl e y .)
X... (122 M AliKE'f Street, PlIU.Al'bl.l'lll A
Di: AI.I II in Fine liobl and Silver W A ll HPS ;
bin. i. old Fl.KV : Solid .-ll.Vl.UAt A ItE.
in. I llii I..-1 ol Sll. l.lll'I.A I Ili-Nl A It I. tun
.laiilly nu htu.d u lare u.-orlnuiit ot the ubo. o ;.a.U
al low price..
Wad lies and line Clocks It. paired, by skillful
Uoikiiuii; al-.., J.-Hcliy repainii ; l.ivniiii.K ui.d
all kind, ol H.ur-Holk to oldi'l . at slmil i.ollee
I j li n I Imel ll, old .laud, No. tii M.llklt
s'le.l, Philadelphia.
Apul V, lol -.tut
O II, An. oiiey al l.,i duly author
; k lied and II. en-nl lo is. lie, l 1'eu.lou.,
IiuuiiIii .iiiiiI t.iit'U ! I"r Mid".., ii-
loin. n I e .1 iiiticK iu M.ikil .litit, , ppo-
He M va. , i II, .ul, hiiiibur, I'a
Jal.uslj 111, IsoJ y
I l uli U tliikrr uuil Jriulrr,
m .m i ti 1 1 lit it i.r
lb VIII HAVE I tu. oin r vl WATllllS
Nu lit N'.ib rf.v'i-1 Ht . !'..ur (Juui), I'HII.A'
i'r i nu i
t si, h,
ItM c-u.t.i.llk, .t..u feuIUiM.I of lio! I
au-l Snii.l I'mimI I.. lib ml I'UIM
t u.. I...IJ t a. i.... .! ...i k.. 11.-.1
Pit. I ai I. ii.., Irii.4.1 Uiui. Ili.wil.u, Miui.i.i.
I u,., M.4
Issllll, l Ull. lIU.blW.
U-1.,,. M.l,. i l.ul. 1..4, 1.. a.u cu-l ilu...i l
l-"-" . ujj im-. I.H .NSkiu tl k...
i I ilu.ui ki Mala, lVu,i. Inu.u-l I'. ,oi.
II... ..I .1 abi.t, .ill bs.,l 4 I... i ... 1
M I I'llll la 4 i ii .-i i lull ).a. i-4
P. 1, 1.1 I. ..I Mul.u.iuK ...kdwtlj u , fclu
wll-.i k.4., . ul .1, 4 -.,.iti ,
V J. . in .. . I w4 s I w l- u.kl M tali
,. l't . ,
1803. 1863.
"yOCLD respeotfully announce that they hare
Just reooived and opened a very large and well sclen
ted Stock of
which they are willing to dispose of at a VERY
First Com.
Thankful for past favors we hope to meet a con
tinuance of the same by still selling Goods ns cheap
If not ('IIL:A1KI than can be purchased else,
Sunbiiry. Stay So". 1S0.1.
U. W . Zll OIXH, Sot.olloN MAUl'K.
Miiiilui-y,ri-ihiiiiit-i-l I '., lu.
Offer their professienal services to the public. Col
lections and all other professional busiueu entrusted
to theiu, will receive prompt attention
Also, Military claims, will be collected, such a.
Iiounty. Eack-I'iiy. Pensions, Ac. Ac.
Itotn "peak ttie Herman l.anouirc.
Otlice Market Smiurc, next door to Protln.iiotary '
Sunbiiry, March i, li'rtt
11." it7 .'iVall"7
Vttorni-y 11 1 I,n . SI NHI HY. PA
Collectioi.s atteiid'.-d to in the counties of Nor
thumberland, Vuiou, Snyder, .Montour, Columbia
and Lycoming.
nertititNi r.
Hon. John M. Keed, Pliilailololoa,
A. . ftattell A Co., "
Hon. Wm. A. Porter. "
Morton Mi-Michael. E., "
E. Kctehain A Co.. 2sn Pearl S'reet. New York,
.lohn W . A-linieiul, Attorney at bail,
Matthews A (ox. Attorneys' at Law, "
Suiibury, March 23, ISf.J."
iii:itiiN iioxici., "
riIIE iiinnaRrnient of this well-known Iiolel hnv
X ins? been resumed by Messrs. COVER A II EE It,
tlie present proprietors, I t-i; leave to inform the public
that the house is now being thoroughly n novated,
refitted, mid improved, wiih a iew to the proper and
couifortal.le aeootnniodiitiou of those who may lauir
the emablishnicnt with their custom, iluests wiil
receive due titti-ntiou and courtesy, mi l no cxpt-ns.
11 ill be spared thut may conduce to ii.uiutaiu
hotel in a tirst-clas. style.
I'aiiiilies and others desirinir to sojourn in Harris
burg during the summer months, will fuel pleiuitut
boai'tling and large and well-ventilated rooms at our
establishment, upon moderate terms.
March 2'.l. tST.2. jl. (Jll.PI IU' HEltlt.
,i A .-.Sl lt'S PA I EM l it it. .ni..
t ''i: l'KI.E.KI'at !
A' Intprov.vl lor 1S59 find lSflii,
III- Ti. KETCHAM A CO.. 2i'J Pearl st.. New York.
llll'. only Freezer con-trueteil on scientif;,. piin-
ciples. with a reiohing ean and spring bliulo
eerajier. J he one hastens the lrecingt.1 the cream- -the
other removes it as la-t us frozen.
The most rapid in freeing, with the least quantity
of ice.
The must e-'onoinical incest, as il is the most simple
and durable in structure
For sale in all the principal cities and tonus: in the
Each Freezer accoinpaui.-tl wiih a Look of recipes
and lull directions.
? quarts,
4 quarts,
ft quarts,
H iiiiarts,
14 ipaarts,
20 quarts.
4 00
.'. 0:1
r c.ii
h ut)
12 00
pply I.
P. MASSEIt, Suiibury
.lareli 2il, lst)2.
M'J oniiny liiMiii-iiiK-P iiiiiihi j ,
Caplliil iisi.l SiiriInsi, t I Is., (.
H.'m. Ilollctiback, L. I. Shoemnker,
.lohn lleiehard. 1. ti. I'riesba. h,
Siiiniiel Wadhaius, H. C. Smiih,
It. ll. Liieoe, Cbas. liorranee,
Charles A. Miner, W in. S. Hows,
W. W. Kucham. ti. .M. Ilurdiii)j
ll. M. IIOLI.KMiACK. President.
L. H.SH(l'.MAKElt, ice President.
C. ?
Mint, Secretary.
'i'i:iii.txi., 1 reasurer.
This I'oiiipiiny J nsiires three-foiirlh of the Cn.-h
valtiaiioii. takes no Premiuui Notes, make no Assess
iiients. Policy aekitoiiledes all moneys puiil during
the term of our li.stiriiiice.
A. CHAW FOP. I'. A iron!.
MllV ."-0. iNlu. Iv
1 &
lour III tV Ir.liSt-.. l,liiliil.-llilii.
A1!E itPE.MNtl Ft'lt Si'ltl.Mi. v'..
InO pes. (i. Fancy SILKS, .'.u pes. In I in ,-ils. f I. liood lllack 2i.HI " liid.-r.'-l Plain,
SILKS 4 4 lA'i.NS ltl.-uk silk VLl.VEI.
P.roiMi SI I.KS. So, 4, 2. 1 jer j'iir.1.
P.laek " St., 5. 4. ,'i. 2, Ejerjard
Moire Antiques, all colors.
Magnificent i.reua.liii. s,
Mtiirtiiticeiil Oriindii'S.
P.ichesl t htnii.s and Percales. S'priiijt SUAWI.S.
New Household STAPLE liiml'S.
N. ll. tieiiernl aMortiiicut ut Mciia car.
March i, lstlt 3inw
I'or Itiila, vlli-.', Itoii. lifu, A n, II.-. I
ItllUk, IIwiIim Iu I 'lira, ool.'lla. A.',,
Ilia.'.' I a VII I'lllllla, I'uul., Aillmtila,
Put up in I'.', inc. Slid fl Ol) lion-.. Ilotib s au 1
Pht.ks. t i and t j iiiea f..r lluiul., Pubiio li.atitu
I tons, ,lc
"iinly inf illililu reiur Hm kuoi.ii.''
' Fire liuui '.,ion.. '
Nol d 1114. I., the Humaa F.iuily . '
"Ititl CoUlV out of tin ir holea iu di.. "
fit H..I-I b.,lil. 111 all b.r-.. fin.
s.-i i l.y all tliii'i-i. .n I It.-iNii. i. .vrrywherc
' ' III.. A H V. ' ' ' ..I Mil Motlhi.-M III.IUII-.I,.
S. . thai l o.l.i a u uu .. h lioi ll, ; ll.
til I I lo-k tl. dole ...i but
Alii llt.ll II. 4 ll til.
Plineipal 1 1. l -i N. t..ik
I -I I b all t bol.ule aud I'ln.i.t. lu
a'ui.ioii . Pa
, 1. ;-ii I -ill - am
WAsiiTxirfoN iiorsi:,
s uik.l l.-4U.r .1 W.ikui -Ui.,
ttltl lit. !.
'I'HK uul.i.iau.l i.p.siiiully ii.Mu.. tk. public,
1 lu.l b. k Uk.a .Uaige.d Ik. u.iu. i
4-4I, .u-l h.i M Ik. ut lb. I-Jiu.f
.u.u..4. au4 au.U ... all wit.i. W git. kiw
lilt T4DI K
Il al . a.-uli I auk il Ua it. a-.ik.l af-ida
I. s li.l -alaiua II'. ' ' Ii aud la alak-
llua it . u4 mui a.ii aiuk 11 1 " im ' "...
MH IMil. il Vtl
I fsakatf li It a
Dealer In
NEW Rosewood 1'innos, from the best makers
from ftpwnrds.
MELOiitONS. 1 he Lest manufactured Instru
ment from (46 to (100
Guitars, Violins, AccordennS, Flutes,
i'tfes, Drums, llanjos, Tambourines,
Violin and Guitar string and uiusieal Bier
ebandiie in general.
The latest publications always on hand. Musie sent
br mail to any part of the country.
Suitable for looking gliiascs, and all kinds of piotures
always ou hand, a
A fine assortment of best plated
LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sixes
Any style of frame made to order nt the shorten
notice. WM. KNOCHE,
April 11, ISM. 93 Market St., Harrisburg.
JL I.Jr"r A Maori men t oft
February 12, Psf2.
OEKTi.ttwrv tt gives me much satisfaction to
inform you that in the severe fire which, oil the
morning 01 ine 4111 nisi., euiireiy nesiroyo'l nu in.v j
stock ami materials, I had one of your Salamander j
Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an intense red
bent for seven hours, the Safe was opened, and llie
Hooks and Papers, were preserved in an umhti.'iiiished
condition. 1 shall need another Safe as soon an I gut
in order. Yours, most respectfully.
W P. DICKINSON, 'Reading, Ta.
CnAMur.nsnt no. Franklin county, Pa., )
August Hist, ism! j
Mfisn, Evans A Watson. Philadelphia Gentle
men: On the morning of the 22d of August, lstil,
our Storehouse at ilreeneastlc was destroyed by lire.
The Salamander Sate we purcli.taed from you some
few years since was in the above inentiluied store
house, and contained nil our books, papers, cash. Ac.
which were preserved in a perfect condition, after
being exposed to a most intense heat for several hours.
Please inform us upou what terms you will sell us
nuotber larger Safe.
Yours truly, OAKS A AVSTIN,
Palnniander Safes, fir Pnnks, Stores. Private
Families. Ac.. Ac. Also. Evans A Watson's Patent
Alphabetical Rank Locks and Rank Vault Doors,
equal lo any made in tlie country, and sold on as
good term.. E A W. would respectfully refer to
tin. follow ing Hanks and other parlies, haling their
Sates and Loeks now in use. to their entire satisfac
tion, and yinny others gi en at their Store.
I' Ml Kli Si Ai i s Mint, iiraneh Hunk, Shelbyville
Philadelphia. Teiiiie.-see.
VxiTFOSi Ai ts Ansi;NAI,.Citv Rank of Philadelphia.
California. Consolidation Ii k of Phila.
PottstoiMi Hank. Pa. Com th Hank of l'hiln.
Coatesville Rank. Pa. Chatnimogu Rank, i'eitm
Striui.lsliurg Rank. Pa. Pre'iu Loan Ass'011. -Hh st
.1,-rsey .-bine Rank. Pa..
Lock Haven P.niik. Pa.
I nioli Hank, Raltilnorc.
S.utliwestei n 11, i.k of Va.
1 niton Hank. Atltiuia, tin.
Ncark Rank. Del
Rank ol N. C, Raleigh.
Rank of Northumberland.
Rank of Nortii'ii Liberties,
Paul and Swift. Hankers.
W. tl. Sterling. Wilkesb'e.
l.ewi.-burg Rank. i'a.
Other references given upon 1
No. Ill S. Fourth Stre
Sept. 5. IM!.'!. Iv
illing at on Store,
t. Philaileihia.
HSilliillOII II..UMI-,
(.Ti ,ir lie .iV, ;',;-..)
TI'llE subscriber haling leased this well known
J. Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. ltn.wu,
I'espectlally informs the public that be is refitting and
repuiring tbe preiui-es. and will bo prepared to en
tertain, in a comfortable manner, his numerous
friends throughout tbe county, and all who may
piitronic his .'.-laLlUhuiciit.
April 12. ISU2. JOSEPH VANKIRh".
Ml. . 4.S. AKIIABM"
Confectionery, Toy and
Mlsii-U.'l Sli-.'.-t, fsiii.tuji-y. ",ji.
I'lU'l l", .Vc, Ac.
('flNSTAN'TI.Y on hand and for sale at the above
j establishment at wholesale aud retail, at leasoti
able prices.
IU is manufacturing all kinds of Confc.'liut'.nries
to keep up a I'llll unsoriment ol.ich aro
old at low
Tobiiecii. Seirars. Station.
a variety of oilier articl".-..
Hholesiile and retail.
y. Nuts ,,f all kinds, and
all of which are offered
Reuieiiiber the name and place. JT
.M. C
doors west ol ;.
V. Plight A Son's
. Market
I store
i sunbiiry. Sept. 10.
1 1 11 1 riiu I ioiiii I
' :',t'5 (;, oliT lirniiilwui. Corurr 7"
iiilltn Siifil
! rjIUS first ela-"s House ibe most quiet, homelike
: J and pleasant Hotel iii the city oll'.-rs superior
, iioiueeiiiiiits to those isliing New York lor busin.M
1 or pleasure. It is ceiiiral iu its location, and kept 011
the El iioi'i-A.v Pi. an. in comteclion null Ta(i.uii's
j S. t.noN, w here refreshiiieiits can be had all hours.
! or served in their 01111 rooms. The charge, are mo
derate, the rooms and attendance of the lirst order
baths, and all the modern conveniences, uttaehed.
Sept lit. ISd.i.
1 1 iii.'i--n(io ii'-N,
JI'ST reeeived tlirect I1..111 the Miimil'iiclurer. at
the MAMMOTH sTolii; of
S iiil urv. March I ". I Sit I
1 1 1' ST received from New York 111. -1 Philadelphia.
! J a fresh supply of llie latest styles and of the lust
j quality, which he hits bad liiad'e up to order, aud
I 11 arrar.te.l to giie good satisfaction. He has made
i arrangements iu the oily to linle his best 11. .rk made
' to order, which can be had at all times, if not on ;
i hand they will be procured at reasonable notice.
I Maiiiuiicluriug of HOOTS ami SHOES ol all kinds
i as ii-iial.
1 will al-o wholesale Roots and Siloes by the box.
Cull and cvaiiiiiic before purchasing elsewhere
j an 1 sati-ty yoursi li i-s.
1 'Ihaiikfiil for patronage heretofore bestowed, he .
; re.-peetfiillv solieil. a eolllilitlllliee of the same .
. -h-.p h 1 i.l store rmiiu. three doois we-t ol the Rail
' liou-l 111 ..larktt Square.
Suiibury, Sept. J'.l, ISO-'!.
TA'n:i iiinm .liiitflv
n Juiir Sho, on
will re open hi.
Academy on Monday,
llie I . th day of Augii-i,
Tin' following braiiehei will be taught :
. Latin, lireik. MatheiiiHtics,
Logic, Ris.k Keeping. oe.ll
; pin. nee. Al-,.. lieogruphv
Philosophy. Rhetoric.
Mu-ic 111 iloory and
liiainiiiur, History,
I I . nop, 01, ton littlig
P. r ijiinn. r of 1 1 week..
In ibe 111-.1i' Limn bo, without the langti.g'''
I. aim ulid branch.
Oleek Hlld al-01 e la aiieht--,
111 to X
ll I'll
fl 00
. Oil
So e I ireiitar. '
i Pur liiiilur parti 'iiltii' . l.v to 1
III V J .Ml -1 I'll h""' desctior y
Norlhuii.b. iluli I, A.igo.t I-'- I"" l
lltiltl.llM" lHUIliO III. I I".
D. si. I. and ('' "I 'I'1' l-le I . l " lilted '
W -I. Rllll . .ill le'C l-'ke l.o'l. , lb..l ibe I- .'" I ,
ai. ali.-r.-il lu ied
D It I il ST o R I , j
No 2 1 Not ik si t Mi Mi. ei, I'll 1 1. 1 DI 1. 1' II I V '
i lbs iiu.luy ul thu lilu.i .ill bv li. a.U..' iu 10.) 1
I l la a.irai.l. I Iu eotof aal.-r llial. ll.- II,.
aUi. quuuin . ul ll. Hp", .ol 10 g" n-t-. b iullb-a
; ll.Mii at., mU l.iue 111 II.. u.aia.1 ll il.-
a.1... -til..lly el..r and U-.a i"l 'll" u ll.
1 iti.tU... ua I.....I o Ilia uii., u.a-f l !..- U-4 d.a-
ll. I ll. k.ll 1 .1.1 .l aal.l .Hi k..k. a (J.a.4
I i,,ui I tiiiax a u) li.t u ... ai I'j.i I li
. .oi
A. li ia . u.l.d al Ika .11.1 l-. i. a. Il.a I1a.i1.1iu. 1 '
au I luKi.ol .J.l' b-u I . I. . ill Hi. I lli,,j
u.u. It lo Ik. . I. tu a k I that ul u a
, H 11 11 .0. a j
tt " t1"1 fflaa III. .1. alia .SI4 I i
u. . "U II M au lu...ail.-a. I
Tl.' Ailnm's i:proaa 4'oni'ii.i y.
("1 1 E NOTICE Hint they hnve comltuled nr
X rangementa with the Northern Central Kailroul
Company to run trains from Piiltiinorc for York,
llarrlnbiirR, Hauphiii. Halifax, Truvorton, Sunb.ry,
N'orthumberlnnd. Lewisburn, Milton, Muitey, Wil
lianisporf, and all intermediate station', connection
at Harrlshurft with the OKEAT WESTERN E.V
PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the
Also with Howard fo.'s E.iprew nt Milton or
Danville, llloomsburft, W'.lkesbarre, Pittston, Scran
ton, and Intermediate stations ou fbo CttawL-oi,
Lackawanna Eloom.burn Railroad.. At Wil
liamsport, by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co.,
and their connection., for Canton. Troy, Llmim,
ltochester. llufliiln, Niaitnra, and to ail
points in Western New York and by which
they will forward Mori-hand i.e. Specie, llanh Notes
Jewelry, and Valuable Paekaucs of every tlueuriu"
tion. r
Also, Notes. Drafts and Pills, for Collection.
Experienced nnd efficient inessi in-ein employH,
and every clfort will be made to ren.i.-r satisficiion
.HlllN P.IN'illAM,
Buperiiitendent Pcnn'ii Division. Philadelphia
II. A. FISCHER, AgeiU lor Suubury.
April 6 1802.
1111AI1V 1101 si:.
Ctrtttr cf State am Third Sired',
JUnniMit no. Pa.
Till? IIOI'PE. in conn quelle e of ils conveuienre
and near location to tiio Capitol, has made it a
desirable stopping ilaee. not only for those having
business at the seat of Uovcruuient, but lor otbci?
visiting Harrisbiirif.
March 2'J, 12.
A tnot vnlauble and wonderful vindication. A
work of ftal iagi.s, nnd ..0 colored eti-'rai'itigs. Xilv
lll'NTER'S V A HE MECl'.M, nu original aud popu
lar treatise on .Man and Woman, their Physiology,
Functions, ami Sexual disorders of every kind, nub
N eier-Failing Remedies for their speedy core
Tbe practice of DR. Hl'NTKR has long been, s-i.
ttill is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation or4
numerous persons, he has heeu iiulii 1 to extend hi-
inedieal usefulness through the iiiel'om of l.i.
" VADE MECl'.M." il is a volume that "should be
in tlie hands of every family in the bind, as a
preventive of secret vires, or as a guide f-.r the
alleviation of one ol the most awl'ul and tlestrueth c
scourges ever vi-ited mankin-1. One c-'py. securely
enveloped. Hill be forwarded free of j 1. .-l -i t,-on
part ol llie V ulli.-il nitues ior o i-.en' 111 1 . sianiie
or Scopiosforfl. Ad.lre.s. post paid, DR. 11 L .N l'1-.K,
No. 11 DiviM.-
street, ,cw lork.
June 0. bio;!. ly.
I Si 1. i-i-iiiK'i"'r)lu ISitl,
of rn-v orlc l,lii u.
l'rum Vhilflilrihni tu A't ir u'Jt Willi )ll,tt'ri,
Jrtiin M'fliiiit fit'CLl W'liarj mid Kriisiuzt'-i'
Ilrjmt. vilf lair? as f.i'liifs. n ; :
At I. A. M.. via Caiiiden and Amboy. ;C. and
A. A'.i'oiiiiuodation.) ' $2 2.'.
At t'. A. M.. via l.'a union and J r.-1 y Ci'y . N . J .,
Ai niniotltition. 2 i'j
At si A. M.. via Camden arid Jcmi City,
(Morning Mail.) ' .) no
AtsA.M..ia Camden nnd Jersey eitv 2.1
Clas- 'i i, kit 2 2'o
At 11 A. M. via KendntMi and Jersey eitjr,
Express " .'! f,tl
At 12 M. via Cainileu and Auil-oy, C and A.
I Accotninodatiou.) , 2 2-
Al 2 P. M., via Can. den and Anih. y. iC. and
A. Express.) ' 3 fii?
At ,'l P.M., via nnd J. rry Cilv,
Wash, and N. Y. Lxpr- ' 3 Oo
At 0: P. M,. via Iven-ii, --..-ii an t .1 , r- y tity.
(Evening .Mail. 1 ' ' 3 ntv
At 111 P. M. via Keua".i.g'-ii ;.i.-i ' -y ci'y,
Soutliern Mail. " ' ,1 fii
At lj (niirht1 via licii'.iito:i mil Jersey city
Soutiiein I vpr- - ' li 0l
At j P. M.. ia l.nnt-len nnd Amboy. (A.'
nio,lati.-ii. Freight and Pua-.-i g r, I'irt
Class Ttehet. 2 2".
Second Class Ticket. I io
For Water 'lap. Mic,iii'..-l..i'g. Son ntoP, Wilke
barre, .M,,iiiro.-e, Ureal It. id. i.e.. at C A. Al.,
tiom Koii.-ingion. i in D.'liiu-tir'. l,iit' au-i
: We-icrn Railroad.
I'.-r Maiicli t.'hir..k. All. nl.c-er,. Petlil. hem, Rolvi
dere. Ea-ion. Laiii'-erii ille. i-U ininj:'."U, A' , at o"
A M., ti-oiti Kensington Dep..!, aud nt 21 P. M ,
fioni Walnut street Wharf.
('the (i A. M. bine eoimv'ts u idi Trains leaving.
' l-'i,,i. r..i- t,i, ..I. ll.ooL ui ::."ii l Mi
For Mount Hollv, at ll A. M , 2 and t
For Frcc'iold. ni 1; A . M. ami 2 1'. M
WAV 1,1M.::
V-ir I'.risto!, Trent i.e.. al 11 A. M.
j P. M. from K ensinet,.!!.
. M
ml 2i nu t
er!v. Pur-
ForPalunri. Riverlou. 1'elf.n
lilVlen. J'lolel.Oe. it. r-b-iit. ivn, Uc.
and ii P. Al.
I if For New Yvr'h. fuel V'.iv Lin Dipot. lake !!,' 1 1.1, on Fl!
Walnut, half ait t.."ir I.-, 1 ,-e -leicir:
.- leal
i. sir.-
i I . 1 t.r -
run into tin- Dep..) . nnd ilo- t -1 , , ,ii ,, enea 'I'r.ii
run trow the D.-p...t.
1'itlV Pollli-ls of R:igg',--- o'". ndiove.l i.i
pi:s-ei,'er. I'a.s.eiier' are pii hil.i.i .1 ft.
liliylhiug as bitgLi'itg" I 'll tjii ir n. rot ; :ij,p
baggage over litiy pontnl-, 1.. I..- in.; ; 0 r ,:
Con, puny limit tii. ii r. -1 -i,-,i : . . . i f j ,i- I
One Dollar per oiiud, niel otll not I."
amount bevond SiOU. except t v .-r,' t'.d c ai
U lilkln
r.l. Alt
;ra. T'i.-
WM. II. l-.i..A.i-.R,
Jaiiinry 17,
W in.'-.
baling .-p-.
Mil! si. ei
4sir. A..'.
t'i-1 in 'I'lioir.i.-
ritllE subscriber.
Rl'iek Rllil.lite.
Dai.-, ille
lai gi
Ulid e.-liij.lete stock of
comprising the best brands 01' Hum, In--, oil
Rye. Scotch and Iri-h M l'i-k. i. port. Sheriy. M .
d'-iia. Cbiiinpagni and ollu r i it,. -, ot till gra'les. ail
ot which will t.,- -..l-l W h..leiil.-, at the 1, west, -it.
prices. 'I'livern-keci-er.-, b i:-. cm s.i-.'.
it least the freiglit . '
Persons desiroui of piir,-ha.-iii.' liquor- for
F A M 1 1. Y IS I' .
nay rely upon ln-mg lumi-hed wi.h
anadlllternted tut cle.
1 :'r"
a ir Reiug deii-i iiiined (o e-tiibli-h a r-'putaii .n f.
selling eh.-iip. b" respeel lully soiicils llie pat;. .nag
of the public. AH oi lers pri.iniii'.v attended t...
Danville. June 1'.. Jsi'.o.
I.iiiiiIm-i-! I,i:i.s:k i-I
PHILIP Sll W. M 'l.LleoliHltge .lttlly. P .
INFORMS hi- liii-nd. uit.l ih,. loiolic in .-..-i
that I. ii.-iantly ke. ,,,(,i hen I Hoard-. Sinn.-I
1. th. Joists, nnd ail kind- ot Lui.dier and bml til
I. al 1 rials, w hicb he n ill m t tat.- low i-t J no s.
iiiMareh "n. Isf.l
i:SIAI!l.w l 1
P r.TER Lo R 1 1. ! A P. 1 1 .
SllltH'aV TolllK lO llll'l I
1 Formerly 12 Chatham Street. New York.
Would call the attention -.t lo iltr-, to the iinic
of manufacture. u :
Macnlsty, I'l'inigi.....
1'iUM Rapi'i-e. ir-.-inin.
Coai.e Rappee. a. hil.-che.-.
American tienlb-miri, C. pt,'
VEl.l.oW SM I p.
Scotch, Honey Dew .-.-.itch.
High Toast Scotch, Fre-h lloi.ev i, Sd
lri-li High Toast, 1 Scotch,
or t....t.
"if- Attention i. ealle I to tbe lur-.'.- l.
pri.-e-ol Fine-1 ut I beuiug ainl Si,,. King
which will be found of n Sup. 1 ior tonality
Suioliinr. Fine Cut Clu-w ii.g.
nit, I. A I., or i.lain.
No I, Calelldl-b. or Silt ,-t, ,-pt,ii,-h.
No ? Swe, I .-.-.-ul, I ll-,,,-.,. l',,l o
Nos. I A 2 iitiv. d. Ti,, I ,,il 1 o.liJi. Ti
I.l llllllllll.-l.
N. ll A t ireuhii i f pi ic . 1. ill t... rent ou ap
April 4 .- I
I.OWtlt VVI1A11F. fct'Mu iii. ;
IpiLlis AI L WD Rl I Alt 01 V 1 It - !
in to
1 aid
ll Ihrill.e
till.i with
Order. a..,icii
I . . i.-li
pr. II. plOet
roubuiy. May d
Is.', I . ly
J ui;s i titiii ii-M
II. 1 1 il : l- o 1, 1 1 in
fl.oCK i:sT.!tI.I!IM! N'i
k li l iiriit-r K-tfou-l aud I In u.ut M . i-U-
tilSl I .i ll.. P 1 1 1 S I I tl I 1 I S.. I
I l Lot k a 1.11 .,. o- .1 1. . 1.
t Inn. bt-a. Ilotil., lii.k t'uuniii.j; H..i-m., p
A!., VuuN..iui.f of fl.M; i."l D It 'i
t b- k. It l-a.l.d aj- I .-.Haul. I
I b. k 1 1 lluu.ik ,'. id t I 1-1 . d ij ' i I.
I'llll llple a Jsllualy III l-Mtl -,
I '.' (lUll I SHU.I llUiS Ul I
I'll.. .-U a ,i .. 14..l Ul. I f. al J
ui . 1 I., vi i a i. ..
Will III ud l.u.,l I., il 1.10I. I I
I.l. U.l.d Iu Lu U, Ik. S.'.lM.II'fM a. -Ii
fl .1 .1 .il lu'i 4 I...
k.i.i M t I I.
i.. S.a I .tt. 4 . 1,, 1 n.ja i. kt.v
I a I, Mu.bsa.l. .
I .fc I " I '
- 1,1 I
- V