Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 02, 1864, Image 3

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    Etc untwr American,
H. B. MA3SE1J, Editor & Proprietor.
SATURDAY, JI.'JjY 8, 1804.
Ke. 37 Park How, Now York, and 0 SUto Street,
fSonton, nrtffciir agouU ft the fiCKirnr Amfiiica.i
in those cltios, ud are authorised to take Advcrtlae
mcnta and Subscription for us at our lowest tnWs.
I j;We publish the following loiter cf
nckiiowledgurtunt froui tho Christina Com
mission :
U. 3. CnmsTiAS Commito?, J
Philadelphia, Juuo IBtii, 1B01. J
Mrs. J. F. W.
My Demi Madam -I lnwe your letter
of 1 (it li iust., cncliMiun; Jj, moiH-r piet1 liy
Sj:iUi!itli School gills to buy bOii for tlie
ultlicr. Wu linvo tlie books jou Hit:'!'.' niul
t hoy will bo sent on. VYe semi a lurgO iiutn-bin-of
thusc and other similar ones every
week. In the nnuie of our M'lilii'M I thank
thu children tor both the iiuiiu'Y mill boxes,
these will be acknowledge on their urrivnl.
Willi kind retard to the children unci
1 nm very truly yours,
Uko. II. Stcaht, Cliairmnn,
Fer V. li. I.
Tun London Qcam-eklt Rbvikw. Amer
nail reprint tor April, is received from the
publishers, L. Scott & C'c, No. !38 Walker
htrett, 'cw York. t contains the follow
ing articles: "The I'rospects of the Con
federates" iu which thu writer predicts
jiot only the success of the South in cstab-li.-hing
her independeiiee, but nl.sothe t'urtli
i:r diiutej!iatioii of the American Republic ;
' The Kmpiro of Mexico," w hich is dignilied
in "a grand advance toward the final istab-li-dniie-nt
of the principle of Monarchy in
the New world ;"' also, articles on Pompeii ;
icncral Napier; Shakespeare and liis Son
nets ; Thu Foreign Folicv of JCngland,
1'rcNitlt'ut l.iin-oln'w lt--f (( of
'tjit:i it,
; F. ' t T 1 V K M A S 1 1 1 .' X
V Ann I Nil TON, JllllL' 'J?.
lion. V'm. ltfiui'm n and uttcin, a Committie
f.if Jiiti;ntl I'n ion Ct'iiCtitinn :
tirsTi.KMK.s : -Your letter of the 1-ltli
inst .. biruially notifying mc that I had been
iinininwti'd liy the Convention you represent
fur the Presidency of the United States lor
lour Years, from the 4th of March next has
titenfeccived. The nomination is gratefully
accepted, and the :colutionsof the Conven
tion, called the platform, are heartily ap
proved. While the resolution in regard to
the supplanting of republican Ooverniucn!
upon tlie Western Continent is fttllv con
curred in, there might be a
ing were I not to snv t!i;.t
misunderstand- (
the position of;
the ( ioverumcn; in re
itloii to the action of i
France in Mexico, as assumed through the ,
State Department, ami endorsed by the 1
Convention, among the measures nnd actsofj
the Kxeeutive. will be faithfully maintained !
ho long as the state of facts shall leave that j
position pertinent and applicable.
i am especially giutitied that the soldiers
and seamen were not forgotten by the Con
vention, as they forever "should and will be
remembered by the grateful country for
whose Milvation they devote their lives.
Thanking you for t!m kind and compli
mentary terms in whicli you communicated
the renomination and oilier proceedings of
tlie Convention, I suhs-cribc myself
Your obedient ser' ant.
5ioral S Italic.
i'p-TiiR 1'iiAiT. On Thtiw lay lt. the Hoard
nl' Kni'il'mciit iiii-l Ml thu Court Il"H.-e. in llii? plauo
i ( . inline the lu ky .r u:. lucky imli vj.l ii- vn
wi re draft ol at llarri.-biir. en (attUutt)- li:'l, !r
the (lefi-'iu-y of tho j-:kavi"i!.s u. ai't.
5,"l'" Ciipt. lliinMnlierj;"
nlrv. whn wa- .-'eVerolv ni
r. of the 1st Lobular Cav
'iitidi'd in tlie Into mid at
IJcirdonsville. hur Ivcn removed to the rcidenco of
Mr. Levis Itolln-rnn 1. hi uncle, la !'!iil;cl, lphiii.
IV" Our friends at ShiuiioLin inlend t.i have
trood time in that place on the ill. A special
Irnin I
will run fioui this plnco t.i Suimiokin and 1'ii'k on
that day. Iburcl-itobo a jr.illioriirj al.'il
!,!a on the -llli.
ill (.'all
( "j? ' Il.'.'Oa.doi) cents nnd 1'j.lnlil two cent
werccoiael nl flic I'. S. Mint during liie last
and yei t!'?y are searco.
fif' Cominr.- '1 Li Fourth,
e.igle speeches.
the day for iprc'a.i
t' Tur. WrAiiiRli. Tho .-u liirn changes in the
teinperatiiro of the w eather, ioneof tbc remaikable
faalures of our climate, (in Sa'ur lay and Sunday;
last, tho thermometer ranged as high n, llj degrees
in the shade. 'u Monday there was a Snider! o'Wtjfe, !
'.he thennoinaor ba irg fallen iu llio cyiirse of ,
wenly-four hours about -Id Uegroes,
rf Hmn. Tbo want of rain is beginning to he
e',1. Some of the crops are ufTeriiig fiom the long'
mliuu d dry weather. 'Ini particularly the
aso with euls. We were blessed, however, with a I
nail show or on Sunday evening and tr.'ul re j
e-hiiig one on 'Ibtir.-day
-- 111. (iETTKR. of the 4litU P. '., wild wsn
oitnded in tbc eny. igoiueut nenr tiallus, tin. on the
".'li of May, passed through litis jdace on his way
inc. al Stiaiu.'kiu, on Tuesday evening 1'n rii-W
li liimovii. We invito the aiteniioti of our,
n li rs to thu udvrrii.cmentof Mr. Ilechl iu anrthar
luiiifi, who has removed his largo Clothing stole ti;
f ei huil ling on Market SiUaro and Ilia X j
Puilroad His stock of reiidy-mndr-elolliliiK is
1-ii'ilUd in litis purl of (ho country, and the v
ly which he W on ban I eaiiia t tall lo please all
it may gii e bun a call.
. y- I'osti-oM.1" 'tlie eereiiioiiii'i of present
a llib'.a In lha t lii't ugn of this place, by
ladies of Miiibiuy, Im-'e -ea poioiivd until
lo lay the -tilt of July, al 'J u clock I1. M. The
.enluli -li will lake place ou Ilia grcrn ft wiW,t
i iie ,-bi old the weulhcr pro, uolntoralil ihr
,nl:iti"ii will laUe phii'c iu one of ll.o cliuiclic'.
put. lie arc incited to attend.
i. i
k'"lllU I'M All Tb lliaviilix lo nil III d'B
i.i uu Ihe iiitotMul lln t. unly, ii. caiod I'jr
o ..w saii i'N al ltuuilui(. ou ha I m to) the
ult Vi ).'i; usuic. were drawn :
, r Aiij'iiUi J'i ib I.', km in
i,; y,j.,At ,''... fc,u,tii.i.,Wiimu Siuf.
L .'- I M Zl.lili-JJ1,1. kl liltalM ! ItotiM
, 11 ill .01 I. tin ' N f.u. ........ .....
l l i l . . I .'.. ml 1 1 L . u .h . I . . a. .
I II .l.l.iu Jll,.' i.ll
) . .,i! W 41..1.I1 llilliaut a.rf II ilbaut H 1
i. Il.ill.. s.cJii'W. Il.inu.fc, finely, ;
. 1 ,. lie. I I Iu .-. J-l ll.'Ul.
I . ). ol,. . ill- )l llli.i-
, i VI l.... , IMJ I.. U !
I I e... .-.'..I ll M 1.1 i
, . - ...... II . . i al ,
t'ui i.l !.. l ip- J-l a l'b4l.u i.t l W
. .(i I !.- MelK, l Uli.U D'HOJ,
. .' m I' Jl. K J-.i.u l
I l i. i I . a r avn. . Ul ii.iv I
I I'i.s.s 'ii I lli. ) li .ii ,
I .i ... i I .fi. J-.t.i. u -i M.i b. I . (r i
,1 I M bi.u, lM' lll i
i. a I ...... ,Ut I' ,. ii.
. ' I
J. - L I
Indian Murdf's in Colorado TdTttory.
On Saturday nfternoon, tire buildings on
tho rancho of Mr. Van YVoriuer, of this city,
on Living Creek, thirty miles southeast of
Denver, were burned dinvi by Indians, as
were the buildings M'the next rnnclic. Mr.
Hunsgato and family, who occupied Mr.
Van Wormcr'a rancho, were barbarously
murdered by tho Indians. Tho bodies of
Mrs, H. aud'tito childien wefo fu'nfid nour
the Louse: They had been scalped, and
their throats cut. A later report brings news
of the discovery Of Mr. Ilunsgatu's body,
about a niilti from the same place. Mocca
sins, arrows', and other lndiuu signs were
found in thu vicinity.
Heforc the news of Ihtrnufder liiul nrriv
fttl, Gov. Fvnrm having received news of tho
sl'ampedii.g M" IKiU?cli & iJiown's stock, ob
tained an ordcf from headquarters, to Lapt,
Davidson, w ho with his company was en
camped about ten miles up Cherry Creek,
being on the way for Fort Lyon, to pursue
the Indians, and at ten o'clock on Sunday
morning, we hear of tl.em being within six
miles of the Indian camp. Other messen
gers wero afterwards sent, Informing dipt.
1). of the murder, and with strict orders to
follow and slay the murderers. Orders were
also sent to Camp Sanborn for troops to
inarch from thence on tho same crruml.
Gov. Kvnns has also represented the stale of
affairs to fen. Curtis in such a manner as
should prevent the troops from being all
taken away from us. He also issued un or
der frtlllng together the Governor's Guard,
and inviting the organ'mitten of other mili
tary companies! At 0 o'elt'ck, some four
hundred persons appeared. Only fifteen of
the Guard answered to roll call, but the
company was fll'.'d Up, and reorganized, ami
an infantry company well started, as else1
where noted.
Since writing tho ftbnvc inc had a
conversation wHh Mn l'Vllctt, who lilti ju-t
arrived from Running creek. Mr. F, is otic
of the party that went after the bodies. He
says that the woman wan found about four
hundred yards from the house) with, the
children both in her arms tinell bubo three
or four months, and one, a little girl about
two years old. Thu bowels of tho younger
one were ripped open, and its entrails scat
tered by the sides of the mother and child
ren. The residents of all that part of the
country are leaving their , homes in the
(reiitest alarm, and coining toward Denver-,
bringing along their stock and'ninveable
property, but leaving their farms and crops
unprotected. Ihnter Vity l'mtnuniK(i!ti
June 15.
tr -S-
I.ollor I'oiiikI in .lolin 'I'j lei-M
A letter in the Cincinnati Commercial
from Wilson's Wharf, on the James river
says :
To-day, in u stroll through cx-Prcsidcnt
Tyler's hoie, in thisc unity (Charles City),
I discovered the enclosed letters. They are
interesting (the one to Sedden evidently re
fers to the Peace Congress of earlv in 1S0T )
as relies, ami thows how much the cotton
gentry desired an adjustment of our tlilli-
cultics prior to the war. Tvler's house is in
good preservation, although hall of Grant's
army have strolled through it. Most of the
furniture is unharmed. His niece lives on
the adjoining farm, subsiding on the charity
of the L'nitcd States. Young Tyler's letter to
his father shows the well-khown feeling of
tlie laniily
'"RiciiMosn, Feb. 13, 10G1.
" 'My Dkau Sf.odkn; Our friends have
I just had a meeting here, nt my office, and
' send this message to you:
I " 'They think if you think, upon a full
' view of the whole case, you can accomplish
nothing in the way of such adjustment us
I Would lie satisfactory, that you .should come
i back and report the fact as soon as possible
; to the Convention.
j " "Jlavirt! says hi; knows the "ense of the
' majority cf the Convention is to procrasti
! nate from time to time, and upon every
! possible proportion, and to take no ailirma
i live action.
I ' ' 1 stiil think and renew my sugges
tion if you have to come back, strengthen
j your report by forcing a vole on the coer
; cion policy again"t tin: seceded States.
1 " 'ilavii". who is cre, dictating this let
' ter, says he has no time to write. Advise
' us every day.
; " 'Yours cc-'.lmllv, J. R. Tiykkii.
j "'Hon. J. A. Ski.Hkn.'"
I 'PlIll.AIiF.UMIlA-, Dec. 10.
! "Mv Dhau Fatiikii : I send y'.nt the in
i tliisvd. 'I'hurlow Weed is tlKHiL'hl bv maiiv
,,. , , : ... i;,...
i I J 1 Ill, X.1U1.11III3 l"'ll,t
'A Southern movement, for rebonstrue-
tion (in u ilan not nl' IcislatiiHi (pure ami
simple:), litit. uf lli'Untiatiiili, I'liliiuit tail to
win. In utlii r on'is, n unitcil Soutli can make
tonus, anil tlio Kt'imldicau party must ac
I'ept or Ihj roviiltiiiiuii.uil Ihtu in tlio
I'l'lli. Jti niy thi! least) ttiiiiiorizinir or
uny remedy short of '.lie true one, t 111 he a
fatal mistake.
"Douglas (the little Yankeo rascal) fears
that his Siiuattcr Sovercihty liiiinliii; will
be put to death, tiiul he will try to defeat a
settlement in favor of peace ami security of
the tiiiuth, leaving the South secure ami
"We arc al! pretty w ':'!!. Your riilT'CtliiH'
ate son, Hour. Tvi.Klt.
llis Kxrcllcncy Jons Tvi.Kit.
"1'. A sun ol Hicharit I'enn Smith si
man of ai)out 40 is very anxious to pro
cure; a short letter of votirs lor n collect !!ni.
lit; is ciliting a Kncjclnpeilia of American
.resit men, with portraits, ami he pays that
t hief Ju.-diec Tuiinry has contriliuteil your
life Do you know rn v'li'nir nliout thist"
- -
Ti-rrllili' Itaili-ouil Ai't'iili'iit Ai'iir
JloNTiti'.Ai,, Juno 20.
An cmi'tai rain, consistine; of eleven
ears, went over ihu lleliiiil Jlrioe nt St.
Hillaire this iiioriiing, w ith ibH tieruiiui
emigrants on hoaul.
MesTtr.i., June '.'9.-8. l"i a. m. Thirty
i four Ijfi'Hi ! have Lten fttt;viT"i, ami Lu
! twct'it thirty I'.ml forty peraoiin tatii out,
who are more or less lui.llv iinireil. One
ear lius not liecn sul'ii ientlv rem bi ll to ul
low the ill .at l'i lie taken out.
The ciiniiieer rii-iit d.'i'.vn with liia fiioine,
Imt r ipi il w ith alight injuries A ilreiul.
fill r" on -Uliility appeal' to re""' tli i
man for violating the slanuinu onler to lop
liefort) goinj,' on th ,'f,'c. Only two liv
ing pci'on Mere feseiieil front the car.
The ileptll of wilier when thu ueciilenl Imp
pencil wii-t aliuiit ten feet. The '"luluclor
una killeil, an. I the llniuuii i ulbO iiipoaett
to Ilavii aiime 1 his fate,
.Hi. lllllnile Is 1'J unlit f li un .Mi'lltleiit.
Tllr. I'ul'K h.i contriliiiHil, Ibriuigh the
liaiiila uf the l ulbolie I'.isliop of llilll.iio, flvu
lliimirei) ilull il fur the relief ol our Moiiliil
i liibiitrs, iiecoiiipuniiiig ihu Kilt with
w arm expression o f uiputhy for Ihu uf-
I - - -
I Plll'lly ti .
(IAMK Iu lb pu ui M t Ik awl, nl. i ih I per
i slugila u4iMtip. Noiil..ialMilttal amuy. I'a .
I..,iil IU.. ..- .iK.e lu l nad M ail. h. .ll 1
i uW , aln.ul au. .! el.l Km t bung Mail all
tfhiiM i.d lain bio. aid tt .li i t aaa.i ii uwu.i
ks ,iii'.J l'i oil I pi ... i. ! ly
i k. aol uka bi.l W '' ' adl J
n J ' 'i J l , . . . ......
' 1.1 1 In. I. ( t
I n" 'i'a tap , Ju U. t - ?'
.ullir t lkrwlli-4 lr.
1114 tt o 11 f"N will siix.1 lo iki iir
alt.vl ail liusiat
.... i ia.i
av ia
.11. j Its .1.1. i n
I - J ia
I '
2iaa0(t & 'OranM
.m-l-t Square, M ltl ItV, la.
HAVl.VO jut returned from tho Cily w!th Mi en
tire new Block uf
Driign, ( licniirnln, Vcrfumcl-y lnl
Tollft Afliclcnt
to nhlcb he Invito hln frli-ruls nnd tho jiuliU R' nrr
to cull and examino. The Irnpii ud Mwllolnrl
Hie All nvleuloj t'ruia tho bent iiiiKirtiiif( buitf3 in
tho l'.mli-tn mnrknt with tlio preutcut onro lot to 'I)H
tv and vOicienojr and aToidinj; n much M )H).iLk'i
the iutroductluu of dclcriou nwtruuis.
Of all kinitl fuch u Ayer'a, Jartirs, MoOlihtoctct
llollowaya, Vulmrla, lluuflands, Vclil'lik. Urown's
and all olhor pojiular patent medioiuca, uhvajj on
buntl. .
Unir, Tooth, Nail, Cloths nnd 1'uiiit Cruelioil.
Spuoial onro i taken to kuep on baud comtnutly
every vaiietj of
SuituUo to tho trade.
Fancy Toilet Articles nnd the numerous nrt'elea
x iiit-h ure generally kept in a wull cuinluctcd cslub'
In connection wtlhthenboveortllee, lio nlso keeps
on linnd a lurt;e a?.ni tment i STATION Kit V, eueh
w I'upor, Knvelopea. l'ens. l'encilii, ink!) iVo.
ty l'li vsicl.'in iirefi ripli'iii" and fimiily rccei,t3
enmpnuiiilc' Willi the jrrcuKwl nccurucy and dispatch,
at ALU JtUl'KS Dnyor NiKlit..
Remember Ihe place, Market Pfiinrc, under the
ofl'ico ot tho "Buubiii y Auicricaii.?i
It. A. nsciiiin.
Sunbury, Juno 2.'j 18C.4.
IS" Ti'jtlT l'ACKAOKS.
tlrders will receive prompt attention.
11. 1). lUH.UK.N".
YYillianitpnrt. Juno 25, 1804. l'ropiicior.
Luckawiiunu A: ltlooiiiHlMii-' ICuil
ON" and nftcr.Tnn. lsih, ISO I, l'nawnger Trains
will run a IuIIoh-s :
4. 20 1'
' JlliKiiiisburg
" lttipert.
I " JiHiiville.
I Arrive ut Noilhuuiljerland, U.S.'i
i Leave Northumberland, 8.00 A. M
i linnville, Al)
" llapert, H.4U
! " llloouisiiurg,
I " Kinxslon, 12.12P.M.
! Airii e at NM-anton. I.JIO
I l-'ieiiiht A Passenger leaves lllicunsbiir);. 10. Li A. M.
j l'assi'iiers laUiiifr the Mail Train .South conned
I with the Kxprcss train from Northumberland, arriv
! ing nt Jlnrrisburg, ut 2.:!0 A. M.. liallimorc 7.IMI A.
' .M., nnd at l'hilndclphiu. at 7. nil A. M. The Mail
train from Northumberland leaves iiumeilintcly nfter
! the arrival of the Kxpress (rain from liarrisbur-r and
' llaltimore. allowing Passenircrs leaving Philadelphia
! ut HI. Ill 1'. .M.. to reach points on this road during
tbc next forenoon.
New and elegant Sleeping ear accompany tbo
liiirlit li ning each wav between Norihtiniberland nnd
I Uiilmnoic, and Norlhuuibirland and I'hiladeliihia.
It. 1. 13"l fUJil.
'ron .vrs.rnt
rplUC iindersigiieil will sell at private sale. TWKX
1 TV -SIX TOWN LOTS, situalc in the bin aigh of
Sunbury. The lots arc bi. ated within a fiw squalen
I of the I'eiiiipylviiaia Itnilroiul tonipany s .Ylaehme
; Shopj. in Ihe" northern part of I he town. They are
j l I suitable building lots, siliinte in the most pleasant
i portion of the borough. They w ill be sold on reu-
I tunable terms. Fur further parliculnrs apply to
H. I!.,
FltANClri 111 ClIKIt
Sunburv. Juno IS, 1SC1
F O U N D E ,
(let the I'.est (ict the Chcupets tiet tlio most Ken-
oomieal. whiilicini be had al tlie ttoliroaeli l ouinlry.
Having a largo assortment of the most approved
STO V1CS, such as Cooking. Parlor, Office and Shop
Stoves, which will be sold at Ihu lowest rates. Also,
Kettles of all sirxs. Pan. Skillet. Ac
They lire also iiiiinufncturiiig Machinery, Ploughs,
Castings. Ac, at short notice.
Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implement
done in n good workmanlike manner ami ut thu
shortest notice.
All article shipped ns ordered. Orders respect
felly solicited uud promptly attended to.
Ll'llllDACII .1 COOPI'lt.
fi'M Iron, nnd all kinds uf Produce taken in
F.jcliunge for work
Sunbury, Juno Is), 180 1. if
Allciillon, I.nillrrt iiikI ;-) I Ic-iucii !
AMCR0TYFE and photograph
Ill Leer street, opposito Ihe Central Hotel,
, BTJNBUnx-, PA.,
Ql HYP.UI.Y. has opened anew Picture C.allery
i. iu tho above place, and U prepared to take
1'uririiit in the best stylo and manner.
tire taken In every slyle ut the Art, that cannot be
rrpii"". ! in theSiule Having several year expe-
riene.. lie T 1 1 iFiTH saiTsliiction or nicliarir..
Copies will be taken from all slyle of Pictures,
tiive him a cull. Heiiiember opwsito thu Ceutnil
Suiibury, Juno i, ISfil.
IIom J.ol, llov Itonlored.
I 1ST puhli.hed, a new elilionof Ir. Cl LVFIt-
KI.L'M I l.Ll Hit ATI 1) 1SA V ou Ihe rodical
cure (without mer,le'ie) of binua atokmhk a. or
seminal weaknoM. Involuntary Semiual Iamm-s, la r, Meuial and Physiual luuapactiy, luiprdi
uiiiits l Marriuga, eet. ; also, Cusai ai'Tiox, tpilep-
v. and lilt, iiiduaed by tolf-iudulgriiea or aelual
I t'XIrutngiuie '
IV i'rif, in a ftalnl turtluit. 'y siy
Tha c.dehraled aullior iu Ibit admirable ay
clearly dciuouaiiaU. from Ibirty-yenr auceeutll
wucllca ISal ilia alaiuinig ei.uMiiuanuva of el
aliu Uiay i t .' I'oall? aurr l widu-uf ! d o. Reruns
.. of inl.riial uir.liciiM or Ilia pll'"",i, ' ih
kuife Hiiniiiig out a iu.mI of rule, aloui a tiniple
I ccfiaiu ati'l eticeiual, oy unaiis nl wnieu vrj .in
; Icier, uo manor what bis eoitdilnm inay Ih, biay
1 cure biiuM'll cheaply, prltaUiy, and radically.
I ( i- Ibis Laeluia sboubi be iu Ilia baaiia ol uteiy
i yuh and eterjr uiau la the Uud
fuil uudri.l tua plaiu cutb'Mi. lo any a Idn--.
i hi paid ou lecripl ol lo .iae slauipa. by ad
UiMiua the l.uhli.brrs
I II J C Kl. INK it'll .
' II., wary, Null mk, IW Duica Ik., iJ4
Suu II, Isl - I) M
, O M .4i am AM t'tt.itf
t jMi'oii'ftattf
I l A. ktl l.tll ,
Nu l.'i rvu'li ..u k Ulaa-u I l.....wl ai-d
v.i..a., riiii.u i l ruu
I, Kl -
j 1 U in I m I I r m I w r'm iH'r,
Nul If i. IfMiby l.m lli..f alu.u.1
iiii ia'l I las al'4J
balk i'e ,ui.l II ! vl
li.a H.iibau.Uiiat.4 I , l" l 4l
pt.iui. k t-4 II.. u f I... li. I.I,.. 4 I. mi .in
... n1.... Iu la.ll.) 111.. ;.f.l kl I
ll,.aa'ifta ioi4i. il...! f Miil.a.i
rthill uiOII'.l'f wi
I T -! I f J... 1 1 l.l
Siiin & Summer Goods,
whi:rr I
In Zetlemoyer'a Iluildlng. rt'fi.iti O.inrhnrl's Con
fectionery Storp, Murhet Arori, EliNDL'HY, 1'f ., '
HAS just opened a well eel"!!-!, nwortment of
Ooods, which he oilers for tale at Tory low prices.
luorea. Muslins, Kheutingii, Ticltinj;, Calicocfl, lie
Lttines, Silks, (iinghania. Ao , Ac.
HATS uud t.'AB'S of every description.
Consisting of Hosiery, 1 1 loves. Thread. Ilutlons.
Knspendein. iVceklies. Collars, llanilkendiiefs, iluir
Drushos, Tenth Hrushos, Faney Head Uresses, Hal
moral Skirts, llnnp-Kkirta, Cat pet-hags, Trunks, Va-ll"e-,
Vmhrellas, Cotton. Ynrn. Konps, and numerous
other nrlicles too ledioua to inentiun.
such n nnils. hiniv's nnd screws, door latches nnd
knobs, and CL'TLLllY of every description.
Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Glass,
Putty, &c, iVc.
t"''IMtVlirC IIIMl (alllSIHM nrc of
very dfNt'i-Ipliou.
An extensive Stock of
Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Tens. Lice. Corn-stnrch,
Mollifies. Caudles, Meat, 1'ish, Cheese. Suit, Tobacco,
and Segar.
fur men. women and children
All kinds of Country Produce taken In exchumrc
fcunbury, Juno ltf, 1881.
.llltS. MAISIA 't II019IS0,
(Formerly of tbo "Lawrcnco 1'ouse,'')
S U N B V R Y, P KN X'A,
"I NFtlHMS her friends anil the p"M'0 gehernlly
.1 that she has refitted tho hou'f lormerly occupied
by lr. J. AV. l'cnlc. on lllaekbt'iry street, nenr Ihe
Northern Central Railway 1'epot, nnd opened a
Hoarding House, where he Is prepared to keep
Willi good cooks and waiters, boarders can env y
the iiiiel comforts of home with faro eipiul to llio
best hotels.
Patronage from those who hrny J(j"tirn In Cunl'tiryi
is respectfully solicited.
Sunbury, May 21, 1SIII. ;lui
O S 1) O 'Fn'S
II' A n li .1 .V T E D
I T is used by frt class families everywhere, and
highly rceolnniehdcl for nervous and dyspeptic
persons, being very huilrltious and free from all
deleterious substnnces, in testimony of which I have
certificates from tho most ommincnt I'hysicians in
tlie Country, 'fry it. and you will bo sure to con
tinue its use iu preference to nny other.
Sold at retail for Twci:ty-l'i've Cents per Pound
by First elnss tlroeers throvitilioitt the Cnitcd tatcs:
tV"' A liberal dircoimt to tho Trado,
l'ut up only liy
l.B'.WIS A. OSllOifn,
Wliolesalo Depot, (lit Warren st. New York.
Slav 7. lslil
)l TMJt i.S IJ :S- aCl ;i.BJ
ThoHM.Y relinble self-Adjusting Wringer
No Wood-Work to Swell or Split.
No Thumb-Screws to get nut of Ord'.'r.
'arranlcd with or wiihout Cog W hccls:
It took IbelTUST PIIKMM:M al Fifty-Seven Ptalo
and I'ounly Fairs iu isii.'l, and is. without an excep
tion the best Wringer evtr made.
Patented ill tho Vnited States, Lf gland, Cannda,
and Australia. r
Sample Wringer scut, Express p"M, on receipt of
Knergetic agents can make from 3 to 10 Hollars per
No. S.Sii.r.ll. No I.??. 50. N". F.SW.oO No. A.fll.iO.
Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by
No. 13 PlattStrcet, New York, and Cleveland, Ohio
S. C. Nt'ia'llliUP, Agent.
That Iron well galvaniy-cd will not rust ',
That a simple machine is better than a compMculcd
one ;
That a wringer should be self-adjusting, iluni' lej
and ellicicnt ;
That '1 hiiiuli-Scrcws and Fastenings cause delay and
trouble to regulate and keep in order :
That w ood hearings for tho shaft to run In Hill Hen
out ;
That the Putnam Wringer, w ith or without cog
wheels, will not tear Ihe dollies ;
That cog-wheel regulators are not essential ;
Tiiut tlio Putnam Wringer has all tho advantages
and not one of the disadvantages above named 1
That all who have tasted it, prunoiince it the best
Wringer ever made ;
Tluit it will wring a Thread or a llcd-LJuilt wiihout
Wi. mi, .1,1 nil Ion miner with testimonial, but in
sert onlv a few to eolivineo ihe skeptical, if such
there be ; and we say lo all. test Piiloiiin's Wringer.
Test itTHoUiiUtiHLY with ANY uud .',.' !i i;i"crs, I
and if not entirely sutisfrclory, return it. I
Pctxam Masukactciiixu Co : I
Gentlemen; I know from practical experience I
that iron well galvaiiijed with zinc will not oxidize
or rust 0110 particle. The Putnam Wringer is us j
near perfect u possible, uud 1 can ericei tully re
commend it to be the bet in ll-'o
Hespectfullv yours,
JNO. W. VIIF.F.' Cleveland. Ohio,
Many years' experience iu 1I10 galvanizing hu. i
lie enable uie to indorse the above atutcinciit iu ull
No. lull llcikuiall Street.
New York, January. I sail.
We bavo lesied Putiiuui'a Clothes ringer l.y
practical working, and know lhat it will do. Ill;
cheap ; it i simple ; it reipiiies uo room, whether at
work or at rest a obi!' 'mi opeinte il it doee il j
duly lhootc;iily ; u 'arc, time ami 11 saves wear
and liar. We earnestly advise all who have luiieii j
washing to do. with intelligent persons who hnvo any.
lo buy this Wrintfcr. It will pay l-t itself in a your
ut most.
JlOU ll'Oi.ll.1. inn...!.,..
Juuo s,
I si! I.
The Ouly Rth knbl anjuiuat both I'iru
and Burnliiry.
I am now prepmed lo furnish Ibree of Xaliou
al Hank Sate. Tbiy are both l ire and Huijjliii -proof,
with two di.liuct io.ole Huijjliir Safes, and
tbriw of uiy new Auii-.Micromeler l.ok ou eueli
ale, bclieled lo be tbo only bank-ba k now III use
that ha not been pieH or eaiinl b. picked by
the aid id III lilielciliiet. r. ' 1r Kbil'e all present
lo ll liiaia lliehe.ill lhleklieof soliu ir'll. F-antlU i-.l
tub the lriMesi, th iiuut dilluult to di ill and lo
fsad lb iuol resi'luiico anio.t Is.ih Uro and
I (ifjilary uf any lafe tu lti l i.iled Male ol the
alur i and c.mI.
1 havecA Sand al.. and will fmbi'li all of
llnnk Vault Sab' . ., ui all tba adiaulaij. of
1... -I.... .. .......-,..,i ..
l.,. all lea ol
l'r' auiua rail im .ri uuiiai -
iiiim kh.l aV aud borifltir't.riM.f.
Aim, iianii atal Dellio buua Haf., I.urr:tiir
pi..l, ami Ilia aud bullul l.o (wairaulid !" '
AImi, Ilia aii.el au l cheap..! Vault d..i, f" j
bank auj warcaiilil lauli
All lbs aboia aia l.lillt r.,ub,l ami ihillnd .
In !
Alau,alli.K l.illi. Wloull D..H r' l'ro..f.. i
aaiiaiiiMl ')ual lu aby auuiiuou r.lus, oiw ,
lliu I lew .ll.
Alan, a ...! aMuiln-vul of '.ud b..i., rut,!
a'.y ol iVw (..ail u a.. I wl )" i u .akei. '
ltli,4lu 1. kaUKe f .1 lolb. I In I'd I
II, ca ai'ilk4 al ol h.I" aa. ii l iieea
M I HI t It Aa-i.l.
) o rbVI Mil tu..'
Jiu. II. 141 j
" int. Isaiah lmi.K,
l lUhli IAN AM) M K'O 'N.
UK-ft. I IM U V na.i. I
l.- I yb.l I'll -.. al I.
tU n t o r U lb H.tft I
i.l el....
a, a ai. i
I I '
I Ita,
t . .... I
lit I
. I t,
lu. I. ., III.,
iii iiioi a.
. , av. I.
H I) I. ID 1 1
B'or 4'lcuiisin, H liileiiiiiu uiitl
I'Kxci-liur llm l l.l. I ll.t
Tliis nrli -le is pi epnied wMh the greatest euro npop
Releiililic principles, and'i,l not to contain
nnylbing in Ihu rl'el'lnst degree deleterious lo Ihe
teeth or gums, homo of oar most eminent Ilenlal
Surgeons bavo given their sanction to, and cheerful
ly rcooiatoi-nd ii-as a pic) ni nlo n of sapu ior iiali
lies for cleansing, wbileiiing mid preserving tho
TLKTII. It elioins tin in readily, rendering ihem
beautifully whilo and pearly, without the lightest
injury to the enamel. It "f. heding lo the gumj
where they aie tiloeraled and soft., it is also un ex
cellent dislnleeior ffr old decayed teeth, which arc
often exceedingly olleiisii-c. It gives a rich cioamy
tnslo to the mouth, cleansing it tli iroughly, and im
parling a delightful fragrance Ihebrcalh.
N. VT. Cor tOth , K l.'i'nbard Ms., Philadelphia
And sold by all Druggist. 1'IUCli 2i CKN'IS.
" Tho following opinion of lr. White, as to the high
esteem in which hu holds thu Denial Cronm. must bo
stiOieient cviilciicn of its raluc ; lo quote oilier lesti
uioiiial!! In detail is netilless. eonteniing ourselve! by
simply givini; tho iiamcj and addresses of pcretiii
who speak of Ms eSoelleiicy for tho lenth.
l'liiladelphin, April I illi. S'i,1
Having carefully examined A. Jlawlcy's "Snlidi.
fled lieutal Crcuin." 1 li'-reby cliicrlulU rwmn
mend it to the publlo generiilly. It i. an exei Ue'it
preparation lor cleaiooig nnd preserting thu teeth,
nnd can be used by nil prorn with thu utmost con
lidence, as its properties art pfeollv harmless. He
sides preserving thu teem, it Jroi'noles a healthy
notion to the gums, mid imparts a p'Huntncss to the
Dr. Vi. K. AVIIITK, 120.1 Arch St.
Thomas Ingram. M. 1) , Dentist, 4D1 N. Fourih St.
J. Hii key. 2oi S. Sixth St.
VI. 'anilersliee. Surgeon lenlist. 42a Arch St.
C. A. Kiiisluiry. lieniisl, 11 l!i Wali ut St.
S. Dillingham, D D. S., 7:U Arch St.
1'. M. Dixon. S2" Arch SI.
Ldward Townsend. Dentist, 420 . Fourth St.
L. li. Dorphler. Demist. S07 N. Tenth St.
M. L. Long. Dentist, 2! N. Si.xib St.
May 24, I SOL l.V
INKS. 1Nf.
l"iii!:idIpiF:i t E'ric EltiilroiHl.
riMI IS great line traverses the Northern and North
west counties of Pennsylvania to the cily of Lric
on Lake Eric.
It has been leased bv tho Pennsylvania llailroiul
Company, and under I ju-it- pii-iiiecs is being rapidly
opened tltroughiml its entire length.
It 1" lion- In use lor Passenger and Freight busines
from Hariislinrg to Si. Mary's (2111 miles) on the
Lnstern Division, and from Shellield to Lric, (78
UlUes.) on the Western Divj-ioti.
An-ivf IuiAh ' ml '.
Mail Train. 10 2a A M.
Lxprcas Train. 11.1a I' M
1.,-nrr IIVv,";,-,.
Mail Train, 4. aft 1". M.
l-.xpft'ss Tram, ,ri.5ii A. M
Lars rim through w;iliout change, liolh ways, on
these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven,
and between ll.iltiiuore nnd Lock Haven.
Llegant Sleeping Cais un Lxpress Trains bolh
ways li'Mwcen Williamspi rt and Daltiiuore, and
W illiamspoit avd Philadelphia.
For informal ioh reppeeting Passenger business
apply nt the S. K. I.'or. 1 1 III and Mai koi Sts.
And for Freight lui.-iuess of the Coin'any's Agents,
S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 1 :itli uud Market St.,
! . W. Hevnoid-', L.'ie '
J. M Drill, Agent X. C. IX. ll.. UalliiiVA'c.
II. II llorsrox,
tlen'l Freight Agt. PliilaJn.
t.r.-x" I, "oi CT,
tlen'l Ticket Ag't., Philnda.
Joski'ii D. Pol r ?,
Licu'l Manager, VA'MlIii'nspnrt
"I I A'l-'ju-l rctiin c l !";! i'lulali'l liia with nnc
1 1
of the lar rest and best
elected nitwits of Goods
cTCr brought to Sunbury.
FMU:i(iX A!) UOMT;STUin'h ui t"l..lh-, C:.,si.
incii'!. MiL-iliiiet, fhtji.'iiiis. 'lii riin.:. ("nli ou, J)e
lnimf. l-'htnm-lr-, aul ;ill kin-in M" I K M limn.
AI)ni'oii..'li Silk, I'iiiL'hinii!1, J;ilin-ir;tl ttud
iSki-k'toii Skirts, 'nr.tnn Klunn .!!- , Nankui'iis, C:ir
I'litinjr nt' all kiu N.
Notions k varikties,
Cumi'riirijr. Jlnj-icry. (ilnv,. 'J lirrn l. 1 ititltinn, tu;i-lii-inhTj.
XtM'k-ti-;. t.'nllHrs. llfiniki-r-hi't.-',
Iluir Hi '.irhc-i. Tuolh Jhu.-ho. 'iunt l!ih
htiii ntiil G';M. tfi('r. tTt'tt-hrl-hiiii'l,
Murki-il fullaiv. fiincy hea.l
'Iri-.-rs. titlv ''nttiiii. carpi;!
hinilinir. rom!i.:. tiiii.y
I rtu.k., iil I iiilircllas, J-Iiiiik KimKr; r
i.hvlI"Iii". ac.
Of nil k-'nlf, 1111' li a? Nails, lliniri' nn l S.-rrN,
I nlvhrr' r.'-il Kiiuii, Vin.-k. unit K' 'I l.Lli V u tffry
Also, J)ytv Drus, I'iiint1, Van:islns, Ki-li.
3;'li'.xLM'(l anil Benzine Oils. 1 lass, l'utty, .Vc.
Ke ml.
Aii lvitcn.fTc lIoi-U of
G II 0 0 E i! ! 12 S ,
''eniiosi-t! of Sii'ar. CoftVo. Teas. Kicu. orn-j-lmvh,
I Mff-aroiii. IturUy. liakin-j-owdor. im! a .'.-. soaps,
1' caii'Mrs. tohiu'i'u nnd sefxar;, falt. l"i.;h, lcat, Chute.
Ac., Ac.
Also, ti lare variotv of
j for Men. itof-ieii and ('biMf.i ,
All kinds of lirainand Country l'roditee taken
in cxchanite for tiood. t
liiveus a call betore vou purchase (i.-ewnerc, wo
I are bound lo si
as low as any one else.
More-room in Ira 1. t lenient s laiilduiz at tne
s..,illi-w cst corner of Market Siuure. imar the Court
!uiibtiry Blay 1 , ISM.
AK'u Vauletl i:vi-rj lu-fi;
to sell tbn
KLKt'.AXT ITU, I.l-XtiTll r-'Ti:KL l'LATE EX
lilt.W l.Nti UV
i iiiiip' Hit' E'.mit!i-!MHin l'mi'Ia
imiiiIuii '1 lie in si uiid omy 1 01 reet likene d ,. tills g.!iil
man ill ejialence. 1'or Pnrliculars ad Ire.
.ii'ii.N I'.u.ili. I uoiisner.
No. 17 t. Otll M., I UlludelpUiii.
.May 11, ISiil. Jin
n;...w.iA-: .l.v urrr.M!..
MIK subsi-riher
respcetfully infonns the. f'i'bl ic
eoiisinnttv on hau l at bis ni r
,r III- rdiiililolviu alley Itailioa I
I'.al he keeps
( WAltKlliM'SJ-:,
lieiiot. in Sl'NlH KV. I lour bv the barrel and sack.
and all kinds of I ced ly the ton.
Tha aUive is all nmii' i'ielxred at his own Mill,
and will b mid at Ihu loile t I'li.b pii. i s.
J M .C.W'N A LLAIUil'.
rlunbury. June 4. 1 t -'in
rrrinit ItaOroml.
(lUKAT illl NK LINK fi .m the N'Hh in l
J North We.i b.r l'hililol bin. New lork. ll.iid-
O... Ill.k ill., ill. A'.lelllown. I al.ill. Ac
'l..ii., I...... 1 1 ... rr i.lo.r f lor
pliiUP Ip'oa
'oik. Hea.l.uv'. I'oll.Mlie. aie! i.'l fliti
Slaiioii., al a A. .M , and '.' mi I' M ....
New York Kxpr.oi leave llairi.burr at Ail A. M ,
arriwii al Near Voik at I 4 j the aiim day
A p ial Aeia.mi'i 'uli n l'iiini!er Irani lae
Ilea. In it at T Ij A M., and reiiiin, lioui OmiiwLui if
a . M
fans Iroin ffriilMii : To New V n k . I ' b.
I'lliladelphia i 3- and i '"'"
.. ........... v ..
II. II. i 1. a. . IV ew I .ra a' n A .'I . i .
. 1 V M. il'iii" i.i-; ' -i '' a-1'1 " i
buik'ai;'i M I l.iaio I'liiUdelph a al H
, A .M
and 1 .ui 1' l .. , ,
Mv.-i.ioK fur. in N'W l-"!"' '"
1. .. 1 I. , I ...Mi Unit I . In, . :e
....... bv ll,.Ci.l -l " " l I. . ,.
u...,uj .i a 'A ii , a..d J I I' 1 . I. r I I-
il.ia. .VwV.ik. and '-I ' .
Jiaiu. I.. I''l. a. V I . A. M . ai. 1 J I'
1 , ..r I'l.iladi 1 I la II..iii-Lui j .n. I Vi a o U.
An .'..o. o. -i n a l'ii... n ;i'i ii u.ii i. . . . I,. j.,,i.
al b oil A M . aeo r i '-.' '' a i'l.o. I. . i.ia .1 j i.u
IU I'l.l
11. ,.11.
I' )
I j All Iba a'- . ti. ...
1. 1 u I
A aai.-l.b' Ii. s Ihu I1
ai.1 l"i.;U'. 'i '.I. al 4 I F
t ......uwl... u M . -;'
1 . .. al I I..,, lis' . I.
t-u i ouL la I' a-i a
l. l
. a ad I in
.i. I .- u toll ,0,
, I . . Ii I i . i
I. A h I ' . I.I
... iat t l I .1. "A'
V., V If I
id; ciikam riu:i:i:ns.
I .,
.. I I
11 I
... I .
It ' I
i)IF.AI-LS HKSULTIN'l FH"M iilHOlit' 'illlS
A Ml UIOKSTIV li O R 0 A J. 3
Are Cured b
German Bitters,
The Qrcvi Strengthening
Tiieso flitters have perforniej more Cures!
Have ntid do Uive littler Salisfuotion I
Have more Testimony !
Have more ltcpcctablo Pcnplo td Voiu h for Tliem !
Than nny other article in the nialVet.
W defy nn ONI) lo eontrmli 't tbi:! A-wu tion,
wit.i. v.y siooo
To uny dtie that will produce ;. I'ertil1er,.i pablishcil
I us, that is not (iCM IM..
Will cure fv-rv ( n.-r of Chronic or Nurvmw J..-!.ility. !
licfiyc nf Inj Kiilncys, uud jDifieafV arising trura
a di.surJt'VPa toi!icli.
llctilt tTfj from )inuril,n c t tlio ?.Miftivo Orguiui :
t,"tiin. Jinvnr'I
l J'llllH-.-'S (r lil'iAf
to tlio .tlcrij, ciilily itl' tlu Sto
mn',h. Xiitucti 1 1 '.:irtlnrn . .Iij'u-t lir
Voo'l, Kniiuvs or Vciiilil iu (lie Htmiuu ht .Sour
!rm'tuti'MiJ, Siiikin'r J'lut(vin nt llio 'it nl' ih
toiimeh, witiiiuin;; of the ?!'jU'. Hurried mr iJiir1
cult Hretithin'X, Fiultcriii at Oi'j T! curt , Clinking r
hutlocutiiiK icUf:iti'n.'' when iu n 1;. i'tk- v ' f lure. liu
ih. f Vii-iuii. Jt.t or Wrl lu furo the r'!irht. l'vcr
mill Dull Tain in the JU-nd. iJeliuieiie.v ot (Vrtiru
tion. Yellow nc(i ol the Ikin nnd l.yv. Vain in
the Hide, Ilfielt, C'liest. LjmlK. Ac SurMen
Vlufliesiot Jlvat, Jiuniinnin the l-'ltoh,
Coi.j! tunt JiMiifxiiiinjC' of Kvtl,
Hlid gieut Jteiiresiuli
Tii.Vi' Tl'l3 mrrrns m
'on(aiiiM no It ii in or tiis!t'j ,
And cun't lnako Drunkards, but is the Dust Tonic ill
tiio World.
Knun tlu t.cfr. J-e. i (f. I c:, ''a-t'T of the JiMp.i.Jt
Chunh, IViuliprlun. X. J .. i'lT.-'iTly of tho 'urth
Jiiiplist Church, I'liilaiU'lpliiii.
t hnvc knnwn Hiioflnn.l'sTcrinr.n Uiltfi.- favorn
i'lyf'' r:i nuuil)ir t.t' yoar.-. IhavtMivct tlifiu in my
own t'iilly. aul have bcun isti il.'tiS' ,i w 'i'h tht ir
clients thai 1 wii-' iuiWirt'il to ri'ijinmt''.i tl'ciM to tuu
uy i.thory. uu.l kimw that l hey h:r-u i-y. itto.! inn
slrikiiitilv lu. nt. fil ial maiitii-r I la! i; : .-at .!ua-ui o
!ii ''"b.u"ly pincliiiiiiini; t)i!.J fa.'t. anil falling llw
attt'litioj) (if'tli.v.' at:ii(.l;rilh t hu tli.-uii t vliich
they roc'iiiini'tnicil, l' tin'.-c Jiiiu-i', knowing iiom
oxpL-rifueo that toy rt'L'oiunu'inl.ili.-.i ftill he Mistniu
nl. 1 do this nionr i-hofrlully as lint 11 nul Uitturrj
i inlriulut.t t" htnt'fit thu altlictt-tl. ami "not a rum
drink."' Tours truly. LEVI (j. KKCK.
Ytm .t I-itn Urown. I. I-Miti.r cf tho
I'lm.yoluiK'ilia ol lUliiou K'iL,,vtot.ljV' ln:r:ii,i
L" lironitU. riiil:i'i.'li'liia
A.thmih not (. favor or t"oonitn''n.i I'a
tiuit .Mciiif'iiu-fi in Liaral. throuti ihirut (f ihoir
injcn-'li'Mit nii'l clK-ut?. 1 ytt krTow of i,o nuVirnt
rt'asoiu-t why a man may imt tiiiy to tlio hi'iiftitc hu
Luiicvt:! hiin.-i H'to hn e roccivc"! Ivin ai:y fimjilo
j rt'i nralii'ii. in tho hope that hu may llai- coiitrihutQ
to tin? h iiotit ol' olhei!.
t ilo I hi" t!it- mure rratlily in rt'arl to Ih.nnan.r.s
(li'i nian llitt !.'. pi' pai i ' hy I r . V. M. Jark.-oii. of
this cMy . hi'cauc i wa.-i in ju'liri'l naiil tlit :u for
many yi-ars, iimli'i tho imi'ia ssiuii lhat thoy wvvo
I'hii'tivati alcoholio mixture lam irnhbloil to my
trioml Uol.t.'ii. ShcomaUrr. ip. ir ho r,no-ul ' f
this projudii-'o hy proper tL'.-;j. hikI lor nri'iiragi-'
iiient to tvv ih'-'u. wlu-n siitlVriiig from n-nt ar-l
1 , i-diiiiMui-tl .h'iliry. 1 li- u-o 1 ihroo holllt- of
Hitti-rs. at tin- Vf'L'imiint; of llio pif-ont year.
lliM'.l hv ovhli-nt it'luf it rotnnition to a
(h icc of htiilily ami mental vi;;or wliioh I hul v.ut
t'U fri iiituitii't Vfi'ie. ainl h:nl alnit..-t desj aiiiil
cf rorainin. I thoroi'T" thiu.k tio-.taml luy l'ricii l
lor (.'(."tiii-f tu tlie ui-u of them.
.1. NlVinx IU;0WX.
l'roni the Hev. ,Ios. 11. Kennard, l'a.tor cf tlie
lillh liaptisl Cbureh.
r. daekson : lH'fir Sir : 1 have been I'lcqm t, My
reijiiested to e'."incct my name with cominendations
ol ditlcrent kind' of medivines but repirdini; tbo
pnu't'ca ,,o'it of my nppri'piVto sphere. 1 b.ivc !n j
all ea'-.- declined ; but with a clear proof in (urou;-
instaee. and particularly in my family, i r the use I
fulness of l'r. lloolland s lleriiinn liiliers, I depart:
for oii"e from mv u-ual course, lo exi'ie.-. my full
eonvii ti-n tbat.'f-H- I'eneral debility of tlio system i
and e.-pei ially for I.i -er 'uniuVint. it is a sale and j
valuable iircMiralion. In some cn'.-s il may fail ; I
but usually, I doubt not. it will be tcry boiic'icial I
those wbo'se.ller from llio al ovc i-anse.
Your, vcrv rcspccifiilly, .1 11. KI'.VX Afl!T;
Kii-blh I'cloW Coales Street, I'lliladelphia
I'rom Tci Warren l'en.lolph, l'alor of IJajit'-.t j
Church, lievui:".t'-n, I'enn
Dr. ('. M. .I.iclon : lieur Sir . Personal e.rpc- '
rieucc enables mc to say that I remind the i.'uiioni !
Hitters, prepared by yon as a nest cwllcnl inedi-
cine. In cases ol sevcro cold and general debility L i
buve bccnirreatlvbciiefmed bv llio u-eoi the bit'ers. 1
Yours, truly', WAKHKX It A S ' H.l'il.
?el!'i:.'oon, I'll. I
I'toin Uov. J II Tiirin r. Pa.-ior of "ed din;; M. lv
fhiireb, l'liibnl. I.bia.
Dr .lack son Dear Sir : - Ilia in,; used your Her
man Hitlers in "iv family l'n'iiieiitly I am iep.iie.1
to say lhat it biv- ' l-n "f 'l.-'"t eei ll -e 1 biliete
1'iat '0 "10..1 ease ol if neral ibl ilitV of tlio Sl.-lini
il is the fiil'.'t end most vnlu.iblc n of w hich I
bu e anv know
Yoiirs, rcspeci'til'v. TI I'.M.l!.
T;'rt X. Mleet.
l .'oin (be l'ev J V Lyons, lormerly I'astor ot the
Cilunibus JN. J uul .Milcsiown il'u.) H.i'.tist
New r.o.'b. ll... X V.
Dr. C. M. Jaek.n ;- 1--r Sir -If .1 i. a .iia
safe lb'1:, . r UiV i.u ll lO'C.-ld. to hoar lesi .li...,.y to
llic CM i "n 1' c f the I i el malt Millers Some, j'eai-.
sin-e b -iiirf uiie a'tli. '.e.l w .tH D .pi.i, I 'u.e.l
ill, in w lib leiy le.-iibo 1 nan- i.llili ic
.-..lolin lid. d lo pi-rsou cnlorl'led b llnit loiuii ulii. j;
d.. ease, and bin e hi nrd from ibcni lb .i:,.-i Iti.ttcr
im ii- 10 ilu ir (treat vaiu" In , a -. '
U.-i.i frl dul'iliiy, I bciiova it l j bo i. i. oie i.i . m
ii .l be ui pa-M.i d. M L.'N.
From Ilia Ucv Tito. Winter lti t.r f P. .1.,.,,, -.-!.
Il .pt. t luir. ji
D Ja. ks.ui :-Dear Sir '. fe, it do. vir
I k.-ellelil pieparutloll. ii...ll .nd ti. ruiao '' li ' !
, all my ll alimony 'o the til ,.i.l l-pul.tN.l it la
oloiilli.-d. I bate lorjen,'. hi tin.'., lecu l.'oj'.oe I
wltli i;i.'.il ili-"i ler ill l , ln-ii'l an. I u -'....i- . -i.-ni.
I I am. ...It n-ed by a iif ,1,1 i..ns a Initio .1 i. iii iii-r.
I iiiuii liiliers. 1 ui t , inn! lmic c , n. ... . 4 i. a
1 t.i. ii iinexp.-i-lu I r ,itl, iny bea'tb tot. t.e. n i iv
Uiali llall Oei . I'm ., I , li i -il, r, . ,,o.i,.i " I ilie
I aid -U wb. r' I lueet w nb en ' .llllil.ll I I IM. I.llll
and !... b .,urr I by u..ii.y ol I h. ir :! . I i II. '
, I.. V i.xllu:)) tol.l, 1 U 1 I I 1.
"ii Hoi . J S lb no. i I in. i.
t Ulll. ll. I Ul .liWll. I 'I 1 1 . .
l'r I' M J,. k. li Ite.p. I. I i
in. an !'
hi. i I ..
' i ' I I. .
.,1,1V ..
Iron'. I id win, 1 1
i -. "a o ..i I v I
I hue I
il I
I i-t ll.e t It..'- I . o ll ll .' I
ll 1 H. II...O, ,., . I. .11. I. 1 u .1 I. IV Ion ll III.
I l"M .1 III I.i ..ll'i ull. I Illl Wi I 'I-' U II" I'l''"
l.eii. i. hi. 1..0..I -I Hi ! d IN.
I.,.,,., .-.n. I ii,' a. .ill ...i.' l. . I" '
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.1 '
1 ll. .
I '
I 1. ;
t I
I, ,.
vi I i
1 I
U. S. 10-40BONDB,
Those Dptids firi issaed und :r the Act of Conre-'ii
of March lVGI, ',-b ' p:ovi b.s tn'al ni( fioiele
issued iinder ties Act i'h.. .1 i.i l.Ah.aT F1I0.M
TAXATION by or tuubu' nntatc f? mi -thority.
Siil---ripli"n-!o the. a l!i.i).,- :i, J t'reeired
in L'niU d iS'laks; n iton or notes of National Jfcnk.
They nio TO I!K PKlHCfcMKa IN- COIN, at tbo
pleasure of die Ooverira'ti!, at tu.iy period tint (m
titan tm "or rim t'xi' ftrti vs fiom thtir
date, nnd until Hit If redemptr on 1 1 T t : IT.R CENT.
of not over one houdrcd dollars annually arid on all
other Honda seiul-annuiiliy. Tho tf.lrrcrt is payable
on tho furt days of March nnd September iu each
SuHrit-'L 11 rcceivo eitlier Legistered o Cou
pon L'o"ils a iliey may prefer. Kegii-tered L iudt
are lccfts,', n tbo books of the I . S. Treasura',
and can !. ' frunsferred only on t'no ownof s or bT -
Cuupou Dor,r' ' :ie fiiyabl j to boaror, and firo ni"V
convenient lorcl'tninerciai uses.
Subscribers to Hi'! hem wilt hnvo tho oplion (f
having their Uotid dra" int-rcst from March l-it.jb'y
paying Ihe accrued iat'-rt-t in coin - (-ir in Vnite I
States notes, or the totes of National Hanks, adding
filly per cut for premium.) or receive lln in draw
ing interest from tbc date of subscription and deposit.
As these UomU iiro
2'. vcuittt I'roJii ft imii'ijiiil
or Mitto
there value is increased from one lo tlni e per cent
per annum, aeoonlinj? to the rate of tux levies iu va
ious parts of the country.
At the present rale of premium on pold they pay
cvrn i:iuitT i'kii cv.v.t jntu'-st
ill currency, and are of eq'tal coTr-T'ijcri'.'! u.'; a per
manent or tempesnry investment.
1 1 ii bel'ic't that no s.-euritics offer r.o reat in
ducements lo binders as the various descriptions ol
U. S. Ju all form ol indibteiltiess, tbo
faith or ability of private parties br stock companies
only is pledged for payment, while for tlio debts of
tho 1'iiitcd Slates the whSo property of the coun
try is ludu'cn to secure the pauioiit .'f bjth principal
ami interest iu coin.
These Iloiiil may bo subscribed for iu sums from
$.'iOup to any inaiiude, on llio same terms, an 1 iiro
thus made cipiatiy availablo to the sinailet btelef
and tho largest capilalist. They can bccouveiti I
into moey ft any amount, I'nd the holder will bavo
the ben. lit of tho interest.
U nay bo useful to state in this connection tii.i
he tetnl funded Debt of Ihcr I'nitcd Stales ou which
interest i. jiiiyablo in gold, on tbo 3d day of .March,
lAlil, was ?7liS,tW5.000. The intereH on Ibis debt,
for Ihe coining fiscal yonr will bo lo.J.'!7,l', wbilu
the customs revenue iu gold for tlio current li cat
year, ending Juno "Oth, ISC. J, has been to fur at tho
rate of over SI 011,(10(1,000 pet annum
It v ill be seen that even the present gold revenues
of the liovcinuient iiro largely iu excess of tbc w ant-:
of the TreiiKury for tho payment of gold inleresi,
v.ldlc the recent increase of the tin iff will donlab-s
raise tbc iiiinunl ri.'ceipts from customs on Ihe s:u '
amount uf importation, to JI.'mi.imio.OOI) per annum
Instructions to tbo National Hanks uulin;; ns loan
agents were not i.--ucd fiom the foiled S'ale Trr-i
.-uiy until .March -i', hot in tlie lirst tlirc weeks.,:
April the tubscripiioi s uveraired more tjnm 1KV
jui.i.iiixs a vj-:kk.
Subscriplioiis will berecciicd by tl-.c
First X.uional lianli of riiilndeljihiu. I'a
Second Xationul Tank nf Pbiltub 'pbia, i'n
Third Xalioual Hank of Philadelphia, I'a.
First National Hank of llaiivillc, I'a.
Aim! liy 'it! ."V;ilioii:i! ECnnl.w
wiiicb aro depositaries of Public money, end all
IlltSI'l-I TAU: ! HANKS. AM IiAi.i:oI
tbroub.'iit the country, (aeth: as aeul.- oi' Ihe N.i
tioiml lc;.osilory Hanks.) will fitrnisli further inf r
mallo'i r.'Tt ii pl'ealioii atid
Ai-'i'ouii KviiiiY facility Tosrnscnriti-iRs.
May 7. Im'.I.
; Nortlici'M Central
I'aihvtiv !
Sl MI.'ll'.i: 'B'SSB'
tu ii l-::-: i'katvs daily io
and from Unit i n:- io
and Wii-himrloii el',-,
j Coimeclious loa. l- ttll1' t-nn-' ell l''iv:i'..!a
llailr.ool. lo and Ironi Piltsl .-urs end tho M'i -: .
'11IH::K THAIX.S IiALV to and from IneNorib an 1
It'esl llraneh Su liuciialina, Lluiir.i, and all oi Na ll.
' ern New York.
ON and
I'm l as.
1 after Mi'XDAY. MAY Dilli, lil
'J'laius of the Northern Cen'ro'
Jli.ilnv will in-i-.- tit and depart from Suiil-urv
llarrisLurg inn! lbiltimorc us lollows, viz :
P b V T II Xf A 11 D .
Mail Train !rarcs Sunbury daily (CAcrpi
Sunday). " 111 2.'. A M
I.'iix'es HiirrisburL.
1 '! P. M
J -ill '
arrives at,
rain leaves Sunburf- daily
(exeepl iMin'lay.l It 4j r.
" leaves Uaniibui j (except
.Monday.) 2 :" A
" urrite ul Hivltiinoro daily
(except Monday). 7 I'll A.
?lHrrisburj; Accommodation leaves Jiarris-
bur'. 7 00 A
Sunbury Aecomniodulion leaves Soubury
daily (except pundayl al
?il A M
N'l' THWAIir-.
Mail Traiu leaves tLuly es
e-pt Sucday)
' leaves ilili rl-.lmrif
arrive., at Suiiloi.y.
Lxpress Train I aives Hi.l:iio.',rc daily
lirrivu' tii llarrisbiii.
!9 JO A
1 IV
! SO 1'
1 ou A
b avi-s ii.'irrisliurj (cvecpt
y ou.ta .' ;
'" i'.p.. ui Sunoir y i
Uarjisbnr-- A .'.-i.u.ii.. '.''i.ioii bH"es iiarri:
l.ur, -l-Aly ,1-v .., I Mll-.y' at
in rile nl l'ie'"i-i i'r
no P M
eO 1' .V
Sunbi'ry reci.iii'ii..".'ir' 'i leaves IIa:ri.
I. ill" dai'-v :i eoot So.n.i'n at I liU I
For lurihcr
i.eruia.ii-n tipplv at
the I'lii.-c
N. In HAIlliV.
I II .irrbl-uri? ,"..-ic I.
a na:.-n sU'll.v ol .-t'luxi: ash si m.mlk
MIL LIN BUY (.001)8,
At tl.e l.uipe Miliinoty Sieve of
.llis .111. I.. illlfl
Fa.n sir. et I d....i. m nib of Shiiio, kin Valley .e
ti .ii!, .-INII1 KV. Ha ,
l'..ii-illliS . f till . elj't.l' rt-lvp- l
VI. i. i'l'iniii ;n' . ; ti a- Kiln... I,-. 1. 1 -, 1 lio.'b unl
Ai.iii an lliu , r-. I ei linos. A .-
M.-'i. A I. -tli .li A.-.-"HT.II'.XT
Fancy Goods & Notions.
to Wbl. ll
I' lo
,. hop.
Mo i
I 1 k.'-p
el ,.m Vil.l .' I "'I
FANl V 1)11 V (1(501) NTOilK.
1)1 I
It . i. I ,
1 1 r. i '
I I I 1 I '. . o, I
I I i
il u.
I I.I . '
o- . i
III I 1.'
. I I . .
, :'i i-
el torn I
I V i I. I.I . Iv
il 1. 1 ll ' I I II I '!'' N.. .
11 1 1 1 " I
Illl' I' . '
I M I. I v
.M I' I I.
"I I- I
' I '