Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 18, 1864, Image 3

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3njc Bunbuti) Qiiicriran.
II. H. MAbSEB, iilitor & Proprietor.
SATUKDAY, JtJXR 13, 1804.
B. M. rETTENGIIili & CO.,
No. 37 Park Row, New Tork, and 6 Suto Street,
flocton, nro our for tfio ScuBcnr Amekican
In tlitwe citiro, nml nrn auUioritixl to take Advcrtiso
inpntc and Subscriptions fur us at our loirMt ratci.
Temoiii:st's Nkw Your Illustrated
News for Juno is tilled with good thins.
In niMition to a capital portrait of Gccnrnl
liutlrr; a dotihlu piine view of "On to Ilich
montl," etc., it contain n. piece of music en
titled "She wns all the world to rue," which
nlono is worth moto th:m tho price of the
publication. This is a feature of the News
which we hope to see continued. It is ad
mirable, and very attractive.
Blackwood's Magazine for May, U
an excellent Number. It contains nddition
td chapters of "Chronicles of Carlingford,"
and "Tony Butler" two Novels of superior
merit, with tho following other papers of
interest: Forsyth's Life of Cicevo ; A Song
of Matrimonial Matters ; A Uvoan over Cor
fu ; The Great Indian Question ; Cornelius
O'Dowd upon Men and Women, and things
in general Part III; Ilowtomake n Novel;
The Petition of the Ministry. New York :
Published by L. Scott & Co., 33 Walker St.
iU 3 a year.
Jf7"TiiK Lady's I'm end The July
lumber of this magazine is one of the best
ytt It opens with n beautiful and
piquant steel '. ngraving, called "How they
C'Ai oiiT Fish," which represents a couple of
young lovers earnestly engaged in conversa
tion, apparently much to tho astonishment
of u party of ladies, who have come to the
edge of the woods. Then follows a very
handsome fashion plate, such as this maga
zine is becoming noted for. Then an en
graving of the Empress. Eugenie, and a large
number of others, devoted to the illustration
of the latest styles of diets, The music
of this number is u Graud March from the
opera of Faust.
The literary matter includes "A Story for
Sistcrs-in-Law," "Kiuliiii',1 Graham's Love,"
'The Maiden's Ansiver." Ac, Ac. Price
i.0;) a year; 20 (nt- a single number.
Adiliv.-a IJeaeon cc Peterson, 010 Walnut
S!. Philadelphia.
.... . ..
; i"-" l'.r.i:;T or i ii!-: Nohtii-wi-:.sti:i!N
Commission run Maiich and Ai-kh,, lSii-l.
Tiie above report has been received, by
which we learn thai the recciptsof the C'om-
nn during the months of March and
April, were .i.lCl and packages of
Military supplies, and ij!. 414 o7 in money.
The shipments for the same time were. 0, 1 57
padca-es, which were sent mainly to Knox
Ville, Cliatlanooga, Cairo, and oilier points
down the Missi-sippi, while th" e.vpi'iidi-
ere (11. Ow-r slO.noO of
this amount v. e:
J'lii'S about s' j
e expended for hospital sup
0 for clerk hire, fuel, sta
tionery a'ld other oilier expenses, while the
'"lance went for for the Cairo
Soldier's Home, dray age, fare of nurses, sick
toldicrs, ii n I other like expenses.
The Report is unusually full and interest
ing for tl.c.-c hist two months. Itcontainsa
variety of matter acknowledgments of
stores from soldiers in the lield. with their
names a'.ta'.-iied and a .-i-iiemeiit of the pre
sent nee Is of the CommN-.iou.
Tup'e match maiHii'utoi ies in Huston,
owned by one man. co'.iMiue twenty cords
cf wood an,! live hundred pounds o'i luiiii
Ktone per day. l int f the new tax of one
1 1 e i oo, uie owner p,i n to tliegovern-
ineiii n,.h!(J a
d.iv in taxes.
ijj I'levvard ufj'JU wiil iic paid for Ihe ili-eove-ry
ni.d conviction ol Ihe person or persons who Ircs
)i:esoli Ihe lotol'lhc fub-eriber kbol'cllie Mlw-liiill,
lllel throw ill if. n hi- femes.
li )i massj;k.
L" Dnovv nkii.A boy iiniiie'l Shaft", r. about
years of :.,'e. while jdayin,' i.n ii K.i isi the liver
nbove the coal wharves, in .hi,; pluee. eu Monday
la.-.t, ii.' nl::lly l'el I ov crl.oar l and ivas divwneil,
f "j- M. C licurharl, Coid'ecl ioaer. ha. built ano
ther additiun tn his .iwclli.i and f;re room in Mar
kit street, tor nn iei-civiun s.,l,,on. and repaired tho
old bnilding. whi. U inake a haiidsonic and neat
appearance, mid is a line imjiroveiin-ut tu tliat purto;
ihe town.
lie v.iii n.'a liKMi-ATi ix. The new I.iKlierau
mid Iii formed .St. lVtei Vi Chnr.-ii. near l'aiinos,
lorii.eilyenlUJ .he -Iiiue Char.-h, ' will be iimn i:n to the v.oichip ortio 1. on Sunday. July 3d
Js-'il. Preaching by yev cal I!cf..iiue 1 un.l l.ulbe
rian Ckij;yuicn from abroad, nt Hi u'eluck A.M.,
o'clock 1'. M., ami ft o'clock in the evening. Ho
I'r.thiin nts will be provi led neiir the church In ae
eoa.a.od.ite those eouiinj; Loin a Tln-li'iib.
inv iled to altetnl. Ill ll.luxu Coll.
, "
k - 1UX ltl. C'SUIIKAT s'lMU , will ,(! cxhiUtod
iii U, .liioo mi Wi-.liitfay, 2'Jih ii.ti. Tho
p uttt-ieii iif Dan Iticv a .-! man ia nuiliciiiit tu !
dllirt ii full h'.llMt vv heicv er b
We uio in. ;
l..rn;id that he ir employ!,! by,ible jianiia ut
-' !' il.ii iy ihoiiMiiid ,llii.r, f.,r ix iin.ntln.
n t" '" "bni'b ami cr.. tut," Hill Itnvo an
. I'l-i'tuiiiiy all rb. I lb. in Lyiiticudin Dau Kice'i
'"' Sec adv ur'.Ucnu-iii,
IV Hi'' eli'c.iiii o I'. .dice of the Cenire Turnpike
C ioi; . my. bel l ul Ihe lioii I of Joaeph Yul.kilk. ut
X ! In. n b. i Li irl. on li.u oih in.-:., rc.ulled u lulluwa:
I'll id-l.t -Jom-pli 1'iiif.l, y.
'I r. ii-iii , r .lohii T.i r ;.n t.
S. eu Ini y- jl. l'i,jj..M.
M u,u.;.-. - U iii. Inn, ,ld.ii, 'm. I'unytl., I.,. I
Ion on. J., I.n .-!.,;, ir, L. K ij.p, M'ui. I, Dewarl,
.1 ,.i, II Civ . r. C.. J,;, j Kuiia,
M 1. I'.i i ly, M if 'i.ijj-'uii, A. U. Cuiiiuiiis.
- - ,
ll w I ' "! ' f"li ini.vl l eauliou our rc
b i lo I- - i. ibe r p. ii 1 iili..t an eu.iaioii o aj.u
1. o- el y-, ii. I i,i- hill ) ubi.ll huvo
,o- I., .ii , ..I in in. ul. ,ii, ,u I.. ,,) a,:,, ll.iy ini.
' '' .1 di-cl.J by eb-..v.l, ,V MIumii.
) in u ul, i 1
c,t nil
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ii.,;i I.
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I an lo. U abutter inu
j i-u.i. 1 i,i,.U .ui
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i I li c b Una al 11
i a,- 'i ow i a
i oi.leil il ,du tai 1!
. de. p
I 1.
I l.u
.a, I,
!.. It.-r from flic Nimbtiry Jniirli.
Mohoawza Dend, La., May 29, 1801.
Deaii Wii.vkut :
The uncertainty of a mail passing tho
blockado on the Hod river, established by
the Johnny Rebs while we were lying at
Alexandria, prevented mo from writing to
you until now ; but knowing tho anxiety
you have for us, I feci justified in commenc
ing from where I dated my last letter, and
will give you tho "dangers wc Lave passed"
as I recollect them.
Our sojourn tit Grand Ecorc was for
eleven (lays, during which time our position
w8 well fortified by entrenchments for a
length of rive miles, made of heavy logs,
live feet lilgli mid six feet wide, tilled in
with dirt. In front of this, ti nes were felled
for a distance of two hundred yards, so that
if the enemy attacked we had an open space
before us which would enable our forces to
repel them and follow if necessary. Hut our
labor seemed to the men as useless, for on
the morning of 22d April, the army aban
doned these works anil started for Alexan
dria. From our scouts it was ascertained
that the enemy had passed some miles to
our left with tho intention of making a
stand against our right at Payou Cane,
where there is a high bluff and dense woods,
and at the same attack Smith's forces who
were bringing up the rear. This first day
was a hard one on the boys, for by ten
o'clock at night they made Cloulierville, a
distance of forty-five miles. On that day
the rear was attacked which caused our
forces to reverse their front and form in line
of battle, expecting too, to go back to the
relief of Smith, but he needed no assistance,
sending word to tho front that he had
"whipped them, and could do it again." It
was well that Hanks made so long a inarch
on that day, for on the next we found the
enemy prepared to carry out their design of
attacking us front and rear. Skirmishing
commenced early in the morning and as our
columns advanced he fell back towards the
bayou, when we soon discovered the posi
tion of their batteries on the bluff. There
was then nil artillery duel Jiy tile smaller
pieces, and sttni! sharp righting by the ca
valry, when the "undo battery," twenty
pound Parrott guns, opened u heavy tire,
winch soon dislodged them, forcing the
chivalry to lice in a manner not at all suita- j
1 ilt to their hniinfril courau'e. liefore this our
cavalry, the 'id Itrigade -of the 1st l)i, and j
Hirges' brigade of the second, had crossed j
the bayou and were doing good service,
which, with the other work, made the cue- !
my show their heels. The lid brigade done '
some daring deeds in this light, as also did !
the eaValry. In one instance the I'd charged
it) a hill almost perpendicular, driving the i
enemy back by the bayonet without lirinir n '
gun. The woods on this blull' was so thick '
that the cavalry had to dismount and light i
on foot. During the whole of the day. our
brigade, the 2d was Kupporting artillery.
under tire nil the time, ami could not give!
Mr. l!eb a ret urn shot.
While we were lighting in front. Smith
was engaged some miles in the rear, but he j
done his part k,ell and drove them back, i
The rebel commanders thought by attacking
; us in the rear, and having a large face on j
the bluffs, they would be able to capture our j
: train and take us all prisoners, but in this
: they were mistaken, for our march was so '
j rapid that we were on them before they had
thrown up tho necessary earthworks, lie- :
j sides they underrated the amount of our ur i
' tillery, calculating from the number engaged ;
' at Pleasant Hill. The rebel prisoners say it
, "seems as though the Yankees manufacture, '
on short notice, artillery to order, and the
men are furnished with wings when they -
wish to make a certain point. j
I The damage done to the Confederate cause '
by the burning of cotton was immense. On
the night ot the 2"Jd our route was lighted j
i up for miles and millions of dollars worth I
; ofthis production was destroyed. This loss j
i will be felt more by Davis A Co., than sev- !
' cral defeats in this region, for the basis of the
loan in England was on the cotton of Wcst
: em Louisiana. i
After the rebels had tied from the bluff
j tho mgro troops put down the pontoons, '
I Mud by ten that night we were six miles
, beyond the bayou safely encamp 'd. The
next morning we moved forward and in
two days were in Alexandria. Johnnys fol-
lowed Smith's forces, peeping out of r.inire
; of his null-;, except w hen lie had gained the
i eminence across the luivon, when he pimish
; ed them (the rebs) seicr lv. '
! Wo were at Alexandria seventeen days, '
during w hich time the men were kept busv 1
' at throwing up earthworks, foraging and
three linn s went out some distance to meet
the enemy, but they did not make their ap
: pearanco in numbers large cnoiiiih for an
i engagement. The water in the iled river
I had fallen so much that it prevented the
! gunboats fiom operating with us. and kept
' our transports from supplying the troops
with rations, ( and you know soldiers, like
other people, will eat) so Hanks was eoni
, polled to relinquish his designs on Shreve
! port and fall bad: to the Mississippi. To
1 do tins a, large dam had to be built on the
falls at Alexandria to get the iron c ads
down the river. After n great deal labor
this was accomplished and !iy tiie morning
i of May 1:5th the la.-t one was through the
I shute, when we bade adieu to Alexandria,
marching through the town with banners
flying and keeping step to the music of
' "Kaily around the tlag," and "When this
1 cruel war is over." The next morning, at
our camping place, the fleet of boats passed
: us, w hen w e were informed that Alexandria
ha 1 been destroyed by tire the act of a
i dissatisfied citi.en and several negroes. In
; ceiidiary acts were strictly forbidden in a
general order the day before we left the
place, and a cavalry guard w as left in the
rear to see the order enforced. After march
a few milt s skirmishing commenced in front
between the cavalrv and the enemv in lille-
pits 1)11 till! ba!llv of lllC riVlT, bill tllCV WITO
easily driven away. When we came up we
discovered their nils and places w here there
hint been batteries planted. At this point
1 the Ji hit M'urit ii, and unarmed transport,
. on which were sick soldiers and women,
j was fired into and s ink, killing many ami
those that were not drowned taken prison
j crs. A tin-clad gunboat was destroyed at
the same place, by which wo lost u lare
; mail. Many letters and directed envelopes
were found on the bank thrown there after
the cieiteuts had been read by the unpiinei
1 pled scoundrels. The inhumanity of Guei
! till I bands in this department is beyond
I belief, and if one did not know tin truth of
1 it or sa'.v koine of their bulbiii it'es, he Would
Write it down 111 ill" htoiy ut it, "reliable
gLiith man" or il- lold by an "iotellb.'enl con
liabimd." Not s. il l-tied w ith hU h ut'dcroiis
i intent on unarmed transport he lhv4 into
j the llooiiilal steamer IaIUi.I , with b.ur
hundred ick on board. T!ii boat hud the
ll-ual hospiul ritual lloatii.g fore and aft,
t, lint ithst.iu, ling all this, and thii rn
tomi I war, tlo v lind o.l tin in, provini! by
the ml that liny am lieue li.ildi lied limn
the Indian on tiie froii'ier.
Oil M.oel l , M.iy 15, We left the river rond
! and look hil roiiiu ll.r.uijdi ihu woods,
I 4t in-! coii-idi l iblu d'.Unee. Tim w Indiii'M
ot lied river alt ') l ion. rom it, it it rmeiii
I h llili l lpe Uollll r.illluad W hi Ten illl tlic
politii i Hi the., .ii- people during
thi! lobl.lul.ll ilio.l 1. 1 li.llo r me I MeVtll.
Wttti'l'pi I v i d h hii in do-vi, to
I. 4C IUV .ll .a.-, U lu ll Mil IIIOM I I .1 Will. I
uii. I ' y I ...r 1. 1 Ua i iih ii d into lutu
Oj.ell I III! U belli Vi 0 loll. II d ill lllll! !( I ul
lli , epn 1 1 it uf 4 iruliir ii,:eiMiii nl. 'I Im
I In II. I , boM ell r, ! till d mi.l l' hIi.iiiii.
'ml diik mil ii tho i'miiii l.-i'i dt r u.e
nk I, I i.t im I i nil "lllll. if hi.
4 II III- (1.1 I. ilk. ..! I III i
I, el. i.. .1 i ii' ! I It I tu i la "I H i I hi . !
... I ' I . , It, I I I ..I ,
defeated Lee. Early next morning wo
marched through Marksville into a prairie
nine miles long and sit wido where every
preparation was made for a fight. The
whole of our force was fonned inline, in
support of artillery In front, who commenced
operations on the enemy driving him gradu
ally from the pin irlo into the woods. As
the enemy retreated before tho heavy fire of
our artillery, tho infantry advanced in lino
until they reached Mou'souhi, where they
formed in column, taking the whole lield iii
mi attempt to flank the enemy, but their
running qualities were so good that We were
foiled. The nianceuvring of the troops was
handsomely done, and tho movements was
one of the finest things of tho war. Tho
fight of artillery was a steady one of five
miles. The enemy merely stood that, they
might cover the retreat of their infantry nnil
train under cover of their artillery. Our
loss was slight. Of the rebels wo could not
ascertain correctly, but learned from citizens
who had secreted themselves during the
fight, that they had many killed and wound
ed, who threw them into wagons, promiscu
ously, and drove them o(F so that we could
not learn their casualties. Tho next, day we
moved to Simmsport on the Achafalaya
river, where a bridge was made by putting
the transports side by side, which enabled
the troops and train to pass safely over.
The day before we crossed the rebels attack
ed Smith, thinking it was but the rear
guard, in which they, the graybacks, were
aw fully cut up, and four hundred prisoners
fell into our hands. Our loss in killed and
wounded was ninety. This fight was the
hist one of the expedition. The whole of
the force is silicon the Mississippi, gunboats,
transports and trains. The Kith and l?th
have gone to their old commands.
It is amusing to read the statements of
correspondents to papers North, concerning
our movements and the losses of our tirmy.
I have it. from t he best source that the
Federal loss from Franklin to Mansfield,
and from their to this point docs not exceed
thii tii-jhr lniiidrrJ in killed, wounded and
missing, while that of the rebels is over
iiijld tioilmrmh
Company C, on last Saturday was detail
ed by the General in command of the Divi- j
sion to take one hundred and eighty seven !
prisoners (reus) to .ew 1'rleans. 1 Ins they
done satisfactorily and returned yesterday
to their regiment, ready for duty". While
in the City some of the boys made Captain
Gohin quite a handsome present, to show
their appreciation of him ns an officer and
gentleman. The boys are well. James
Kennedy who was wounded at Pleasant
Hill, died at New Orleans hospital a few
days ago. His friends in the company were
pleased to learn that Dr. Dodge of Suiibury,
now of the V. S. Steamer Orhn-urn. was with
him in his last moments, nm! ministered to
his wants. The Doctor w as one of the Sur
geons from the Navy w ho volunteered when
our wounded was sent to Xew Orleans.
With respects to all in.the otlice. yourself
and family and friends generally, 1 remain
Yours, Fraternally, H. D. W.
.lii f o Iti-sil'li-il T3-u.
HIM, A WOI.YKHTOX will ntteii.l tu I lie rrepn- '
riitien nf nil l:xeiiiiti..n ).n. is ut ilieir nliet in
I he lMiri.illi et' Snniliury. iluriie; the ilitis li.vr.l l..r
exaii.iiuitiim wlun uiel when' alt nmy n;'i'iy who Ju
siii' to ),n .-ent imsia I.T t eni)'lii.n. .
Snnlairy, ,lunv 11, lsiil. J
t iii I ii i n f - sil or . o j c e.
-VniTICK is
L trillion h
hereby eiven that letters of admiui..
have been granted to the undcrsi-'ited
on Ihe eslale of Daniel Jiafer. bile of Lewis town
hhip. N i.i 1 1 m in (oil ii ml county, l'a.. ileeea.u'l. All
persons kliovv iii tbemselv is imlehtcd tn said estate
are reipiested tn make immediate payment, nud
tlloso hav in elilims to J Vesent theill for selllemelit.
.-AMCKI, tlAliXHAl'.T, Adia r. '
Delaware tvvp , June 11, iMil. lit. j
BY virtui- of oi-rtuiii writji uf Vun l.xu.naj. l.t'v . '
I-'iu'Ihs. mill iilins Lev. Ku.-i.'N. iymu'il mit uf tlio
Court ot CiJiiihinii VU-ui ut NurthuiiilK-rlntnl futility.
Vi'iniM-IvtUiiii. mil tu me ilin-i'tird. will do,!
to pul-lic miIu ni tin- Court Huu-o. in Sitii' iny. on
Tiu-'lny tlif 2S:h .biy of June, nt mn' o'rKu-k
i' M.. the following Jesci iheil jimpcrty to wit ; i
A LMTt:iin lot f irroiiul. Hi I tint l- in tliu toun of
Sli;iiiiiikin. Cunl ttiwn-liip, NtirthumlnTliiU'l coftnty, ;
iV'Mi-ylMiiiiu, l'ii:ir Lot No. 7. in lilut-k 17 in too .
jreiH'iul plfiii of sni'l town, fiuiitnii; on Sliniin.kin j
strvi.t on 1 1 10 i-;i.t. iiii'l fXti'Ti'liii li:u-k l Kik I: Mrcct, ;
liein.' twt'tity-livi' IWt in mu on.t liumht',1 imJ i
fitly fft in iltptli. whcifuii nro t-rcctevl a olio nml a 1
liiilf s'.oi'v frniiH lionet'.
AIm., tipoii lot .Nn .'. in nliick l!m in nai l town,
fronting on Slunnotiin st'i't. .'inJ oxti iolin l't. k lo
Vioek rilri't't; Itouinli-rt .iy lot N-t. J. on tin' -oiitli. lot
1 o. 4 on tnt .ii)iilli in miihu I-Ioi U, lu ini !'.' feet in i
front ;nnl i.liout WO lV-t-1 in ilcj.ih. I
SoU'-d tnt-n in ci'-iiii'.!i nn-l to la soM n. tlm'ity of Uuorr Sliip. wi:h notico to AuronSmith
turn tiiuint.
A I.St. :
AH Unit cTt;iin m -.-u.i lt- or trit-t of l. nitunto
in Tuiluit towniiliip. .'uriliiiiLh''ii:ini county. IVim.
(ylviiiiia. l-outi'lfl nii-1 dtx-i i!r us fnlou to wit ;
on the north l.y litnd of Ahruhnin l-'iirli-y. nml the
pul-lif voii'l. (ii iuliii fiuni thu piihlii Vouil. from
: Milion to .Northtiihiit'i Imi'l. to tlu- puMi.? ro.-nl (Voin
Milton to So-loin. t.n thr outt hy himl? of Mrj. M.u v
lioL'lc ou thu vnt hy thi' V.'f.'t Ifnincli C.-iiuil. un'l
ontlu'Wt'-t hy tin? river Siijin-hjiniiH. ciMitiiinini;
; ul Mint Forty Acres nil of wlm-h is impruvcil uud un
u liih .-tiile of L-ulti Jition. Scti-d tiikeu in e
ecuii.m anJ U he hoU l; tiie propctty uf Win. Jl.
A l-) : A oei tnin lot or pitve of j;rouml. Hit miti
in Ihe town uf J'revorton. Nurthiiii.Horltiml comity,
l'.'iinsylvitiiia. lot o. in Mock N. iv. 1-uun.lctl
n lliv' ih'ilh liy .Market street, south hy nil tilley,
1 Cits. Iy lot No. ft. w.-t hy lot No. -I. in sumc hlock.
Cfintuiuin in wiilth '!'. tVot ami in depth I To U-et.
whereon arc erected one mut a h:ilf story friirni
; dwelling hmisu. iv k.-niilli shop. Ac. Also, lot No.
fi in h!ov-k No. K. in th sainu town, rounty an I
Stnto nforesiiiJ. lioiiudeil on tho iiurtJi hy Mniket
ptreet. on tho south hy an tilley, hy lot Ao. 7.
in same hh-ck. uixl west ! v lot No. .r in thu sumo
hloek t'oiiiuinin in wi.lth Lkj ffL't and in depth I-')
feet. SfUud luUeli 111 t'leiui t ii .11 ttu tit he S.ild US
' the property of AunuM. ahivclhuod and JJauiel .Shi-
A LS) ;--A certain lot or piece nf ground, cituato
in I'pper Aimuttn township, Ntirthum'H'rland county
' 1'eniiM Ivaiiiu, hounded and desi-rihed hs tallow-, tu
wit: hounded uu the etust hy land uf Isaite Mack
mi l l'hilip llilo, un tho north hy land uf Sammd
j Culp and ou the Mxith hy land of JMwaid C. l.ouu.
i containing iiinu nerei und twehu pen loc more or
, Ins.-. ahi'ut two acres whereof are cleared, halnneu
timht r land, whereon are erected a Ktiiall h d,( oi
ling htu.e, good spring of water ami itpi indiou.-e, a
small tog Hluhlu, An. hcized, taken in exucnlioii
and to hcold at the properly uf tieoru Wilniti
i ALSO ' .All that eertaiu lot orK"i"d in the h
roih uf Norihumhtrland. m Hiked uu 1 numhend in
t the gent ral plan tif lid lhrouU. nuiuher "twu huu
! tired and nine," situated ami fionttu on Noithw iy,
houialed on the eHl hy Ut liu.i.hi r 'Jul und Iu8. on
1ht! souih by hit lmtiihcr twu hundred and ten.
; tending from Northway to the i'luwd. ISeiied, lakeu
! in execution and tu be old tu thu property uf iid
. ward S. Auihoiiy.
I Al.SD :--.ll that eertaiu tract -r pieee uf Initd,
rdiuuiu now in .tt'ho towllllip, (formerly iu Maho
i noy towi'shiit.) Noi thiiudai hmd touuty," lniiyUii-
l.ij. holilideil und dcM-rihed ollow, to W II : lie
i i iiiiin at a wiiii; otik coiner, lluu aD by Aleiuu
ler UuiiUt ltr.nd. noi ih iiy-iiiiHi Uejjtte, rail one
i hundud aud I en(y-iiu pei lo to h mIkiio ooruer ;
llielicu hy let Ot' Jiicoh Hn-Mu' r I, MoUilt
; tdev vu Uv vv. eul ono l.tmdt'd an.l ttit'-ix pr
e!u to r ftioou cuiiir; llo by 'Jlmii.tta tit not'
land t-oullt HAlyi.iue d-ni i. . v iluil) ti.o pt
elit to a t lii iiiiil ; niidlluney by Ihe uu l.i lli
iih!-i debtee, Hoi elhly-vitit .eroh lo ll
i.iiio cot iu i , noi ih i lt i u tli t t uuu
hull. lie ( Mi.. I nuiccli p. U In i, u Ihu plu oo h ,;ih
Itili, etiOlMllilli mil) bumilid Hi lea, und m!1oh Hli'U
1 I'l 1 pi I ft lil tKf cpl'iull, Mhd tli lllirf. li'Wee,
i.j ion. h and uih pail or Ituliuii ot (he tiact or
piwu ol Ititid U li Ul uf it.ti liuilioa I, W hi' h
i luiit tu( Mid WljI ll;iuo(;U the .tid littctoi piecg uf
htind, t ..It .-it in ruiN Ulioit nm tu b wdd k (U
Jl' )!' o il.14111 I,, liilitii.auiu.
A I..--- A . itum lot ui pi.t:uoi giouuJ Nn. Iii,
j III I.Jim kNtl IV, lttdlU lb UtW li'U u 1 IWtl-'ll,
ettn. lotut.ip, N ii (tin lot 'j i Uod vnuhtjt, 'i'i-l
.ltl bouli ivd uu thv tl b) If nnkt'i ii..,
mad t-u ibu oi by l it .Nn W, t.u Ihu L-nU l.j M,
. MfklM tlt!l l. I un ll.J wait, by ma mil ) , . ii,Uiu.
H 4 lu U I j Ket, i.d lu Ut pib u l.ii, Ml.rtai
ttli U4.'Wd llMIUM l..bjtt tU loiy lilli
4ullliu h"U, Mttiw Uj Kd duUtW i -trlv, Wt.ll
bl mmivt. 4
l tvUv I, Ufc"ll lu ff v ylo'U ma 1 U bt Id w ibo
ii put; tyi 4 1 npi 4 lultu Maii( Uui
tlal'iai UitKl lu U" llupl 4 til
tt M M tt I l ll
'l-'ltlw!li", VJ;iii tiiii- .,.,.1
Jri.rf,i;; n.,. TH'iiI'si t
Tlii article Is ,.nTnr.-.l r ill, tl, ,!r..ite,t cave ni.'.n
mW-niUin;, 1 ,,;,,, , , ,,l,,lill
snv lnn,! in the .-lightest .Uvirc uVlet,., in,., to .,.
tiM'thm-Kan,.. So,,,,, ,.r onr niUft ,,,ninf., I,,,,,,,,,
hurKniiis linvo piv.ii their Mnetion to. na, cle irl'ul.
rtconm.en.t it M n (.rinraliou nf uiuior imimII.
'.'rt -ni C,"V"R' '''"'? "'"1 laU'rvii.. Iho
i . i, Jt.uU;,1 V"'1" "'"'li'y, reiKkiin; lh...i
bcButiiiilly wliituni,,! ..-iyi i;i1t Ul n. ,,,,,,,,
injury th,. cniinul. Jt j., K.Hiintf , ,
Klicro tin y nro nliftatcl ,,,,,1 ,rv. 1, j, .
cellDiit ili.,i,l,.eti.r t..r el I dw,,yv leuih, hi,,, ru
otlen Mceclinslv olli-n.-n ... Ii KiV(, , , et,,v
tnatc i to tho iniiuth. pieman, l! th..ron,hlv. ui.J im'
purlins ailebiiliiliil I'l'iifrianee tu the hrc'ith
I'llld'Alil li o.NLV JJY
A. II A W I, E V ..V GO.,
i I I'l'i ""I!", A ''"ml. nr 1 SI.., IMiibi.ti.t;,!,!,!.
AnU Mid by nil lirci.-is. i'l.lvi: i'j L'i:.Iri.
The fi.llowin? iiiiuii.n ..f lir. W him. as to tVe hi -h
c.ilcein in wlii-1, ladn,:,!,. tin- Unitiil Cream, niua hj
fllllnai'lit evidence of it.-- value ; t ,ni.,t.. ,iU'- I. 'ill
liiuin.'ils in detail U nei.ll'.. euat.-ie in- uar-i lvis hv
W,I''.V KivhiR the names v.;..t n.l b . 7es nf i.iasons
whosi.cakoi its e.x-- 1 1 u. e t o- the te. ;ii.
l'liilml'i IpliH. Aj-ril I'lth.r fix
Ilnviiig ciiiefally i .'iii.iai'. A. M.ivvlev'.i S.,'it!i-
h,,d I''' 1 fiTiiin," I )e i- 'l.v fhi-.-rf ,'!;.. r .. a -
nieiiil it to tin. ;,nlili... L.,.. , ... j( ., Vv lent
rrcen-ntion (..r cliai.-i,e mil! j i'i yer, inr tliu teeth,
ami cm ha ns,. t l.y nil ,.:;-.. vvnh il:e
li.leiK'i'. as us .io.ei ii. j am I'eiTe.'t'v litiruilma. be.
fhll'S Ilefervin,; the te .lli. it ),l,'u:es a l.i'Mthv
action tu the gums, ami imivirtii a iileii.-nuti-.eis to iH"..
breath. 1
lr- M'. 1!. VilllTi;. 2u;l Areh St.
l lnnnas Ingram. .M. ) , I entist, 4U1 X. i-'ouitli St.
.1. hnkey. 1!., t S. .Sixih Si.
K. Vamlei-lice. Siireon lientist, 42a Arch St.
0. A. Kinsliiiry. lienlist. II II) mit St.
S. HilliiiihiiMi. J( U.S., 7.11 Arch St.
1;. M. l)ixon. H27 Areh SI.
Kilvvard Tovvnin.l. ienti-t. 120 N. l'..iu!li St.
b. II. Horphlev, J lentil, mi; . 't enth St.
M. L. l.nnjr. i, nii-t. (LM .N. MaiIi Si.
.May 2S. ly
i Hint.
liit:iU-IvIii:i .V Ilrfe fEnili-i-nil.
mil IS ureal lino tr.iver- e.i the Nerlhi rn ami N..rth
L west eonnl ies f l'cnieylvania tu the cilv of Kri
on l.lIKe l'.t le.
It has heen lea-i'.l l,v the I'enn-y lvnnia 1 1 u i I i-.i-.1 !
Company, an.l nieler their aii-.iees' is bein I'.il.i.llv i
olu ned lhvi.llih..ilt ll-enlhe li-n-lh. ' I
It is now in lor IWeiiKer an, I l'reiu-ht hu.-iiic-'' 1
lroin JliirrUlmr to St. Mury's (.'iii iniiesl on Ihe
J-ai-.ti.rn 1 nn.1 ' Slulliuld to Erie, (7S,
miles.) mi the W c-li rn iivni..n.
TIMI: OK I'ASSCMiKi; TII.MSS .vr si Niiruv.
Arrive ;,!;,'. I ..- IIV..,-,,,.
Mail Triiin. Ill 2."i A .M M.iil Trail-. -l.ti; 1' M .
Jixpnw Irani, 11.1.) l'.M i;Xpres Train, j.jii A. .M
Curs run Ihrou.u-h vviil.mi! eh.m-e. I.,,ih wavy, on
these trains between Thilaili Iphia hihI Lock ilnven,
III;. I helvvcell Italtimole nml Lock Haven.
Kleiuit : Cms on l.'xpro-s Trains both
ways betvveeu illi'iniiport mi l Jliiltiiuore, ami
ViHbnn.iporl ami l'hi!niiel,hia.
l-'or int'orninlii.n rcsinc!in I'ussenirer bnvineiis
apply nt tiie . L'or. Dili an.l .Market SI
And lor l-'rei'lit biine-
of I he Com jinny's A ecu Is
S. I). Kn.e-i,,,,,
,1. W. lii vliobl.
J. -M. Diil'l, Am
Jr., Cor. Lidi and Market St.,
. laic,
nt X . (
11. ii.
. r. . it .
tiea'l l'lei.-hl
,t. l'hlbelll.
1.1 V IS 1.. fl :l IT.
lien 1 'I i.-ket A.;'t.
Josin'ii Ji. Purrs.
tieli'i Male: -er, V
Mav 27, lsi'.l.
O S'li'O U .N'S
,'Ki.Ki;!;ATi:i) i'i;r.i'Ai:i:i)
V,' .1 .'
i! A J
IT is n-ed hy lir.d c'.:i. f.iiuilic- evi-ry where, and
highly recoiiii!"ii. leil I'iv iii vviui- ;iud .- - -per.ons.
hein v. i v iiiiitritio.t: mid tree tn.:u ml
deleterious su I -'!;; i.i c.-. i ;i t,.-! tiu-tr v 1' w hi"
eertilictiti' f:om tin- nm-t emu ii.- nt 1'hy
tho Country. 'J'i v it. and vm "ill he m";i
tinue iis u-e iu pt el'.-i .-ih-c to atiy uther.
S.hl at retail f r T v- ;:t v-1 iVe Cm,: - m
1 hav,
i -i.- it
to ci.
1-v I'm st elft- tii-uet ihio,i.:l ..ui :he I . I il
A liberal J.i.-joun! to iln- '1 : :. !.
1'i.t n: t i.'v iv
Uh, .legale i'epot, CJ a-- n rf. .,v,- York
M:iV 7. .
t 0
7.' i '.!..
111', snli-t-ribcr re.-pci fully informs the puh! i
t!;-it he keeps on t-: :i n: 1 v on nt hi.-- i.ew
A1;KII' S1.. nt-ir th Shnn.oUii, Vailev Kailn-ad
Iepot. in SI N1U K V . i'lour hv tin. band and rack,
ati'l all ki:tls of I'ee.l by tlo ton.
The above, is all m:i!,i'I'::. 1 ut i t ut his own Mills,
and will be sold at tho biwe-- c:.-h :i-.
J . M. CU'U ALl.AIiiill.
Sunlmrv, .Juno (. liil. '.'ni
j '"erieeily el' Ihe l. ,m elee 11. I'M.")
S r 1! f It V . 1' V A.
r n v . r k
I Xl-'oKMli.-i- r,:,-:i. ni.i r.,,. !,:;,. tf,..r!iv
1 Ihlll flu- !,:: relill. ,1 tl.e le.l.-.- .',n.r-- .-".; -S
l.y 1H-. . I. W. !,!,.. l;!i:e! i . Ill -.:,,! 1, lie-
Nnrlliein IViiiml j, ,:i,v ;.-i '. I e" l. I a
llnill'ilin l.,e-e. w 1.. I -lie ir I :', j, . i 1 ,,. k, , i
l'KMA.l:M' AMi '1 I1AX.-1I 'XT l:i.Al.! i:i;s.
illl ;iiiii1 i !; ml 1 lii.ifel. . l.ieil-l r. e.ili ei.j ,y
t!iu ijiiiel e.iiiii ir!.- uf lii.iui-v. i! i'ulc In l,e;
I..-I linii'l.i.
l'nii'i.iiiie frimi ih.,si. ulin niiiy j..i.i ii in .':iu.l,i;i'y.
i re-iicell nlly ... li.'ile I.
.Mi-. M.'.Kl.V I Uii.M.rS'i.W
Sunbury, Ma;.- 21. 1 m,i.
A Oi lO inn. I.,:ii,-... ;jss-. Cei-n.Ii 3iic?i !
Ill l'crr rtreet. opposit- the Ccntial llu'.et.
ItYliltLY. opened anew JV-tui e ( i allery -
in tho u'.ovo place, nud is pi-ei-aic'tl to taUo
t'oilraits lit the I u -1 .tf filet Uiaioiel'.
A.MltKi'J Yl'Ks A.N It I'll i ; m i U A TllS.
tiro taken in cviy .'!yh- ft the .il.tiat eat:nol be
surpassed in ll.oMi.le. llain,; fcventl year's epc
lieuce, he will irivo sali-Iaelinn or no chure.
Copies will ),. tulati t f nn all ' vh"i "1 1' -ures.
tiive hi tii a call. li. u.cmbtr op, n.-iie Hie Ci.-iiiral
Suiibury, Iuno 1, H 'i, '
A!iiinI.0-:ti,'i'H .iii('t,
On thr ht.,;- ,.t ',:,:,;, V,' ' , v :
Ttl'l'U'i: i.- lu-iebv ifivtli, tint lelieri ti-l,illleillii-
rv ll-Tl'l' been LT'lllleil I.i the III li I .- i ; in-i. till
ll.e t-sliiU-.if llelmis Wiitt erl-.n. lute ef l',.T In- ;
1 iriistn (mi i.-lii-. Xm !l.iui.l,iTiiii..l e...i;-.y. I'.i . ,lti-',l.
! All in.leljle I 111 e reill.-li .1 I.I IlillUl- illlllil-
; ilinlo Jiii.l UiiTit. 111.. I tliusj b it i: el..i::.s In i .'-enl
, tlliui fur evllleluelil. 1
Wl I.l.l AM Uul.VKl'.fX,
I'I. II. 1: 11. SMl'I.K.
I'CI'i'r Aiiiruatn, J uuu 1, iMit lit Alnir.
' II. M La; mas. A. JI. .--ail .iii:
IISriPOT'vXXillej. ,
WINKS A NO i.uirous.
i.ti ii ,t -i i on:.
Nil. li' Silllll XlllTl Slriiel. b. HiHiTI I III MUlt IU..I
M ;.,! I'lill. Al'l I.I JI1A
Mii.v r, imu .
1Ua Vuf tSiife Iti !i..! ii! t',.iu..,'. I . IH i ..
un, I Jin ' l . v.
I lllll lli.w lir.i-i 11 1- 1 In .! I.i.h ll.Ii e rii --I .l N i.t !..::-
kl Ihu. k
I n. y
-1, It...
ill t lie .llel Cii.iii -
u IJ, .1,111 .-.ill. ItllU
1 11 1 ,1 1 I. k. un 1'.. Ti
l'itn.1. nidi im
llirt-w uf Uiy in Ai. iMieii'i
aule, In llel 1', I It. In- tin- 1....J li
Hull ba. l.til b Tt 1 ii-Uf 1 1.1
Ilia uiii ul (bit ..i.iT.,ii,.Ti 1 T I
1 1. I
L 1.. . in t. -
le 1 l.e I i. !,i I l.v
.-nl. . nil I . -it.:
1 lu 11. uiii al... fit
1,1 I ' 1 I.I HI. I I.i
' I- ll llie .1!. I
1. ll .'III- : ui the
l".ir In .1 a ll.,-hi 111 1.,.. 1.1. ui
III till ill,- .t. 11. .1. I l.t lie , I
.1.111, 1 II, tl 111. "I I. -i I ti.. tl 1
limitary nl m.y ,-.,. ,41 tli
auli.v alii aili't teial.
I liiivuu Lai. I kl-u, HI.-1 1
I'.iilik Mil 1 1 M.ilts Ji..-lau,
lliv aliul'a I 1.1 elui y .
Ali, nil ait-a it M 1 .11.
I I t Hie I bin -1. I I- 11.', 111
r.i r,,i.
nil .lie
all .ut. .
.1.1.1 :t
lie IV. I.. I,,. 1 1, l .u .-hit-
I ll f 1 l.ll-.i ...
HI. I III. H1..1 illtMl-.
a r .It
I t ui
... ,1.1 a
I .lu-..
1 A.-., li.u
I bl W Hi.-I U.. I
All II, g ah,
1 inn.
ai-. .:..
ai 1 11 a I t
, 11.11 II M J I I
j a . .
a. -1
I.e. .. . I ... .
Ii I.. .1 HI 1 t l.v . ."I
IU ... I 1 1 1 it. . H
. I.i'.l 1 a Vi , :,
1 l. Mil, ll .1- ,. 1
1: 1 1.
-I lu
i.isi:asi;s KLsri.Ti:-.'!! iisor.M-:i:s
or list: uvi:se
a n D i) i o j; a t i v i: o i; (; a n s
Are Cured by
HOOF 1. A X D ' s
German Bitters,
The (treat Xtrcngthuttiiy
Tliwc l!i!t"rs have rriTcniu 1 inn Caret !
Have anj do Ijive Uetter Satisf nttioii '
Have mere T, .s'.iin-.ny !
Have more Kci.pcctal.le Pcop'o to Vo'ic'i l a- Tin in I
Than any otlu r in dele in the tn-'-kci.
Wo defy any "XL to con'rieli t 111!-. A-m'.inn.
AXii Wll.a. IMV liMlttl
Tu any one that will ro.inei' n Cerlifi - ite publidiid
by nr. Ilea is r.ot iuim i.nk.
Vill cure every ciwe of IV-.roni ? or .Nerv '.us in I.i lit,
l'iscn.ic ot tn Kn!:e'-. met lii-ctncs aiiriie; iivin
ll dis..l'diri."l St..ioii, li.
IleauUing tioni Disorders of the Dicntivo Organs :
palion, Inward
Piles, rulness ,,r lilood
t ) the llca.l. AcMiiy of the Sto
nii"'h. Xmiseii. lli-arihurn. 1 isrn-t l'..r
I'iiO'L Knlne-.-. or 'eielit in the Slonne'le S .ur
Knictatioii. Sinking ..r ITiuterin at tint Pit r the
Sin ma. -Ii. Swimmiiiu' ofihc Head. Iliiriied mil Inili
enlt lireaihini;. 1' 'Imii-rin at the Meat. Chi.kii.e or
Sntl-ti-.titTii: st-iiMitiot.s ivh-'ii inn lyin j o.-;nre. liini-l!-'s
"I" ' isimi. Jiot's or N'il.s I. el'.. re the Suhl. l-'ever
ami fiull I'liin in the tl.-ml. Ilelicienev of I', ij irM
tion. Yellovneis at' the Skin mel fives. Pain ia
the SHo. li.i.'k. Clinst. Limbs. Ac! Sad i. n
rilishe.s of lleut. Mai-l.inL' in the l-'e -h,
Cwli.-l.llit I inl.iliilii.-. of l .v il,
and ei'. at I'-.'i i-es-ion
Mi AM Uaa- mm - m kaw mm m m
X O T A I, C ( II O I, I C
4utains no Eliam or 3:ilvy,
Ami can't uiiiUe l-rtiiiknr l-!. 1ut i tho lirn Tunii.' ia
(lie V.'ori.i.
t i1' SC :il iio rai So:
i the He
Levi (I. l:. ck.
l.t lb.
I! list
: X..11I1
Cl.uveli. I'en. I. .e;, .n. X. .1 .. t.
Iiapli-1 Clllllell. 1'llilii.l. Iphi.:
I hav c known II.. 11;
bly lor a numb, r ot y. .
on 11 I'limily. ul, hav
ell. -.!.- I vva- ileln.'
ru.nn Ii:
'or-- lav or l
tliei.i iii my
Willi U'.eiV
b an to t.,:i-
r,-. 1 have nse-1
l,i en l-o le; .-e,
1 to reo-.aiiie. n 1
nit lilt v hir, e
11 y 1.1 1 1 1-an.l hn-.w lluit ll
slrikinolv luieticial maimer
in !'i!e p'uhlit ly pieclainiin
Mill llliell III" lll"s- al.l.i t.-d
lt V r.','..lon,el,,le 1. lo tllc-C
'l-i nti-l i-i a
LLl'i 'll pi, asiire
m. I 'i':.,i li.u
e:ee l. r Vi ill.'ll
hn. vi in.' ti ,m
I take K:
liii-i lael .
Ill t ill- it:
i e; . iHiee 1 lull my l tv .in ill -ii.l n I leu ml, l.e -u-l;il,i-j
e-i. I .liiii.i. n,. ie em erluiiy'inil s tinlei
J i.-. inleeiled t'j lulu lit llie itlliiete'l. niul i-i "ii,.l ii nun
I ilm, k.'' V .uio tiuly. l.L't li. 111. rU.
i Ilev. .1.
' I n.-i i ,iiii
' l lu'mi .le. I'i.
i Al li -ii :!, li.
lel.l .M .-ll.-'.lie
S'. vl.,n 111.. ivn. 1. Ii.. I:. liter nl (ho
1' llelljii.Ur. Kl.uWlcill . llie 1 t'l.lirlillll
' li-p ised to f:ivor t. r ree-muiien 1 Va
in iel'.er.ll. thtoulh UlMl.itof their
. i',-re hi l. IS ill-. I ell
I Vet kl..'W ot ho Mil, I .'ieut
n' t tettify to the heir ii'- 'jo
recvived lrTi any i t !c
th.l lo- may I tins cur. bale
' I'.-.l- Ii- uhv H lieill lei'l
t !..-: via i:,:..-,';t':.i ll.ivl'
( l , Ml a'.l.'ll. til tiie h"
lv t-ctietlt ot others.
1 .ly thi: the more undily in r-trd lo U i ''1 ni l's
tl. n.u.n liineis. pivpared hy 1r. C. . ilrek.-.n. ..f ;
tlii- ci:y, bec.m-e I was prejmlieed aura:i:,-t them for
lion. y years, under lite impie-Moii ti;.t? they wtio
el i ii ily an alcoholic mi. i ur". I tun i ndehl' d to my
friend ll-ihcit Sifomaker. h'--p. tor the Jem of
this jirejudiee by proper te-i-. and b-r eiicoumi '
nient t try them, when sul-eiin front ;j;roaf and
lont; coj.ifiiiicd di biliiy. 'l!.e u-v ol'thtee t-tilr.-of
lhe-e r.tUei--. ut the bcjxii.liiniX i.f t'le pr-.-ent year,
va- folh'wetl hy evi Ici.t ie'1'u f and n -loraiioii to a
ib'rcc oi' httdily an I ment'tl !r which I had i;t.I '
teh l-.i ,-ix nn'i:'l.?i before, and h id idm-t i'. -j- ihi-d 1
tif I't'L'ainin. 1 lliejt toio thank U d and my hiciid
lor tUrec'iir' to the iu-j uf thent.
.1. M:VTOX lUf'tt N.
Ti nt. 1 tll(! Key. Jo.. U. J L til. i'.t' 1 . VlV 'i in' lli-l
It'ih Ih.ptist Chur.-'i.
lh Ja.-Iffon :--Dear Sir I
v oue-ie I to connect mv n.i:ne
.ve bee'i frctpi
iih e-tii'me! .la
hut : ttdin.r
: .iMil!
cut kinds of inedii.'ines
: I
e a out of my appropi iut;
declined : hoi w i.h a e
i'.., and p'U'ti'jiiiarly in m
of llr. Ho. thind's'ii.-rm
fiotu mv course.
sphere. J have in
en i' prl in vai i i.s
l.iio.l v. of Oie u. e
n lii ter-. 1 bp-rrt
lo e.pi e-s irv ii. ! 1
ee': i, lien ll'ett. Ii.l' I'll.Till ilelillTV lit tile .-V.-iteln.
iilel e.-i.ei i.-.ily l'..l' l.iver I '. -Ill illltlit . it i. 11 Mite :lll i
I' llllil'ile lre:'ri! Ill Seine e:le- il li.ny I'.lll ;
I .11 ll.-'.l;.'..;. . 1 .l-.i.'.il ii will l.e e: y I.i I..' lii' Ij
ll."-.'- V'te .-iiliir lie III lile illiuVi' ,'illlSe
. t.t,. vi-rv ie..-,.ee:liilly, J. 11. I. i .X X A 11 H,
KiluU lieluVi C.i.iu Su eet, 1 uiln..i lj.l.i.1.
; I'l- un lll'V W.'llll ll Kull l i!
I'll.llL-ll. Ilt'l'lllillll
,li. 1' isl .r ef llni. .i-t
n ii, lVlin.
ir l'el-.lle.l i VI I'-
' Ur. ('. M. .Inek.-..ii : Hour
riellee I'lillt.ll'i. lue til -IIV ll
it I'.l 111-' 1 .Tin .1'
llitiu?. i re
rei. l.v vnii ii.-ii iiii.-l ix.-ell.'iil nn .1.
j ellie.
I h.ll e 1
Ill e.l.-iv nliiein'e eel I iln.l ellel' ll -le! iiit 1
i II ri'il 1 1 V bulletin i" I in tiie il-.' el llie bit lei'-.
U AK1.I..N HAXl'i'l.ra.
lieriiinl.tnivti, l':i.
rr.iiu Ui'V. J
II Turner. I' nl
11. 1 lui- M K.
Il.-e I V." Ill- I ier-
l.iillivll. i'i:, 1.1 1. 1 1 bill.
Or. ,l:n k.-.u . 1. ,11 .-ir : liutiiii-iii
11. .in 11. Her- in 11. y f.i'nily l':i (itenliy I
Insil V it b:.i-l..:t 11 i,f li'.'l :it selll.
.r-. .11. .1
1 I. iiile in en- t'jftii-i nl il.'liiiiiy ..f ihe
il is the s if. -t Iilel i...m! ii .:l:.llu li uii .l, el'
hiivi'-tiiv kiiuit 1 1-. i f .
s .-li In
V..UI-, it in ettnily. .1 II. TI
N 1. T-il N . .Xint 11 1
rri.iii tin- r,ev. J. M,
('..llllnbll.- X. J I
I .;. n:
,iii 1
f. rinei'ly I1..-I.
' i.i
it 11 1 1 :i..
V'e.t ll.,. !,,
,. Ml .-I
ll. Ill I fill
ile. N V.
nl il .. .l
ie-:. tn. n.i
Ur C M .l iek.-.m;-!'
slim thll-. i-l 11. V nil 11 llee
tilt- I ..-.'lh 11 T' nl llie! Iii'-.i li
lilieeleit. i.iu-'u uiill l.-1 ';.'
tin til tt .:il I .-I V ll -11, Ti T ,t I .'-Ill's. 1 1
v.iuillit leli 1 in I'l i.-'ins ei.lei'li'e.l hy ll
illse. 1st", iilel bill I ll .ir t fl.,11, lll.TIl il.ii
11. ' I i'-t 1 liliil 1 1 .1 !.- lis I 1 tin 1 1 i.Te:'.t .lino
i.i 11. -ml .ttbllllv. I belietu ll In ht- 1. :.
.i, I.
lu, I tie surj-.i
l rmii I iu It
. Tli--li.
,- I'.:
..r, 1I1..1
J. M I. i'i
Wi i er I'k-,
i., 1 IT Tl . li
11 Hir:- I ti
. ll, -,.ln,l 1
..- ..
.1. T -lull
lr J ii ksi.ii
I il tine I I
II I Ui. 1 . II. 1 .1
1 1 1 nl tie 'II
1 1
lel.l .n I
II n.y
III H in v-i
1111, 11. V i-i
11 1 ll.r
I lull .: I.
Willi iii'ii ib-ni.ler in uiy le a
I Hila ii ll Is. it l.y 11 t l,.'l lu
.1..111 l uii 1... 1 1: il s.,, ni.,1 h.
iilel line i , .1 . .1 rein I ; ley
I lll'l M ill h ,.U If I I i t. I, II
I,, I I 'll' n 1 tie I 111. i-l mill 1 .i-
il 1 HI. I I. II
I.- .1 ll l-i.llll- 1
,. ,- . VJ I'
'....Ul, h.,
.11, -
un J .i'ii
lie, lU.HlJI .'I
a:- it.
I'i mu lb 1 -I l 0 1 11 in 1 !' ''"1 '.ii . I !
..I.I ll. I. 111. 1 '. l li Ik. l- -el.' I'i
lu r. M j . k 1 11 , 1.. ,4 -i 11 .in-1..
11 1 vt uli 1 ,1 .-t . siii ii.tily .n.i. v 11. 1. 1
It .1 1: li. I I I ll- 1 U III Un ie 1. 1; il .1 1, 1 ,1. - .1 1 v
fc, . I II. I I 11 I bin. I- I 11 1 . , I, ,. ii .1
I I li.ll.lli. 'Ill, lltt. 1,1,1 U'j l.ik it ,. ..II-.
It u... V I I. I.- I t, J V 11, J. U. X
,HrBl' .-Ue (1, '1 'lH ll-'Hlly .1 .ll li- I'I ,ll.,l ,
1 1 1 ii 1 . 1 . ...i li '. 1. .
(mail .-in. TatHuia 1 b tiit: h.r. ...4 -
I.I.W Alii. "1 I il Nil 1. 1 I I " '
.-, 11 11. .. ihe .-, 1. .1,1. i. r .; .'Ail, is ,.
., e w ... 1 .1 ... ... ,. )......,
It ,11; I l-.l.l I.. 1 , . I I. ,, 1 .. . ,:
.1 1 . ,
lie. I I,
Ul , II I 1
- I Ih
...I I..
. U t I ll,
'. I i
..... I
.1 I
H. I. I I
,.1 ..,
1 1...,
V... II
jXortheni Central linilwsiv !
I Ti.nS'2 t.usi.i:.
TI!IU:t: Tll.UXS DAILY to n.d fi an i '--c
i,, I Y ..,;..
C,.iilicc'.i. l. lea le l- 'di trains mi P-'-n-, Ivmiiii
ll . iiroiel. 1 i ami fr, m I'i "sbm met tl:o I'.- i
'1 Illli.L TC.AIXS Ii A LY to iiiel tneXmih m-d
! Went ISratii'li Mttuuehniiim, Iaii.i!t.anij all ei -Veili.-
j nn .ew Yoik. '
OX ami after MONDAY, V. U b'":, 1'-'. j
the l'assinci'r 1 rail .-- o t'i- Xi i.iein ' t-tial j
, Hallway will nvrivn i.t an. I ib-pmt lr..m i-uneliiy.
j Ilanii.luir and ibiltiuioic as l.ahe. s, :i : ,
SOU T II W A 111'. I
, MtiilTruiu leaves San! uiy dsily (except
I S jo lay). in 2 . A. M.
i " liaivei jjiiiri-biir).', I 2i P. .V.. j
I " arrives at liulliii.eie, it 40 '
1 I'xprcsii Tiuin leuveii Suiibury daily j
(except Sunday.) 11 IjI'.j'. 1
" leaves llarrishlllg (except
.jniidiiy.) 2 jaA. M
" at lives tt Pultiiiioro v
(i xemt Mon.l.-ivl. " 7 la1 A. M.
! Hani bin :; AecoaimoJiiUuii leaves Iian i.--I
''"I,-. 7 111 A. X i
I Sunbnry Aceoinnio lation l"r.7e Snntjury
duily (except Sunday) .it, " 7 .:'l A M
Xi'iiin leaves fJallimore .
e k l-l Saii-li v)
, n! srsj,!,!!!
Lxp.-c.-s Train le.-.v.. Ita'tiumro daily 1' 1' M
an ivc-s nt I'm li-'an ,u. 1 A
i. .o i ii:-;t ui'i o x'.i ;
M.,:,.i:y. r.A v.
I( nn iuH ill ry. ."
Jl-trji.-lnji t i::.n j i . -:i lo.ivi" ll.irri.-
Iii.r. d-.ii'y ( xi Siiii'Uv) ut " ''1 i V
tiirivLvi at Il.irrisl-titr. 7 -"J 1' M
yn)iUiv AccouiUMjil itio.i k.vri Il-irri-
burr :iiy cvxorj.t Sin.dav) ut 1 " !' M
Fur lurtlior in(irinntion iipi'lv nt tin -.11 - .
X. N. 1U UAUKV. livu. r.. t.
irnrriu'-, June 1, 1SW.
184-, .HAT ME3:."-:3 jidl,
At ll,c l.are Millineiy Store ot'
,5. E.. tJu-.--1
l'awn street, t-.voibiors soulli ot' sh'iln .kin A'e.IIev A
1' ..isv illc iOiilr ai l. St' Mil ;i Y, I'a , '
Cond-aiinr oi'the very 1-ite-t stybs it
,V.). Ti irnniiiii:-' su !i i:.- l, htiL't. J'rt n.-u au-'i
.AnaiiLiiii Flort'ei';. t ht-is, Ac.
I ALSO, A LAlUiK AS.' ' 1 1 T .M 1 X T ' 1
Faucy Goods & Notions,
to w lii.-h ;l.
liri'et- thu ittli'iitiuii .if lic-r trii :k!-.
iiivi.-.-: all V
til ainl m' boTurc i'urcli:i-ii.;
TinnKful f-r ''i-t utronjijc. slic linp.v l.v
in tn lii'.-t a.r-oi Euicnt at r . .i.-.jLiiUt: jtIu. i
limit- the sniMi1,
."anbury. A i ; i 1 lx'I. "in
. fcli.
v of M.Vs-i'l:'
n-d iVom XV.
I'l. ot.
i: M1 s i i k L;: i.i.
k. ..r .-.ii.- i-v
. L. MA-Sl.l..
ii Ihu ,
A Mi
FANCY I)!lY(;00!ST():Ua,
I.Sl'l l Tl-'t 1.1. V ii.l-.iin-ler ' i.: 1 - i :.,
I V! -illilv. lll ll il 1, I lli-l n X -v. i;
i.i .iliiiiliel v h.i.l I line v .Irv l'-".-' !.. ..) i- i -;i -i.
i.i il,..,ri , -i -.;' W in" 11.' MiUt'- I;..,ii I s:
-' ' ' I"1' II-T --l.eli , ,1' I 1 .-. i;1;e... ,
lT..'l.. r'e. l. eii.- me I lMMr. ii-,- .1 ,!;,.,
.-i'IKiili-1 i li.e:- linn:,:. l.i.-.vie. I itn:'i,ii,i- !',!-,
lb.. p-kirt.-. Crnpo und b .cc
st ick in,.'.-. e.,:!ar. ut.d c.-rse:s.
eh tor lit. lies an I ejcntiei.ii u ,
sold at tiio biw -it Jlices.
. ..'- -i,....
il l lie l.v ..'.li. r .-ir.'i-llli
i.f w.:-h '; I.-
kaii: im. i :;
unbury, May lil. I Nil.
to sell (he
lil.KliANT l'LLI, LKMiUI sITl.L, IM.ATT:
hi; win; cp
iu;i ( i c it
I The lie-t fill I
man in existence
only correct hkeno-- of this gr
r.-r rarlinilar-i addre.
,I"H hAlMY. Pnhii-h.r.
No. 17 S. Ollj St., rhiia iclphia.
May 1 t, l-til :'iu
HHK mider-i:;ned .
;'cr-i at lrit-a.' 'e. i n I! 1'
" onii' - Ad'li'i-'ii." in :h
The b tire -iit'al.l" f.-r I nt i
UM. ll'KVl.ti.
l."YS. located i;
h.aolU'h of Suilbill'V.
May 7. - It
mx mm coons
AT NO. 1 STOIir. In
ii. , I.,
l I'll. I. I.
I I ef lie- 1.,
l.-.ile-llt I
'.I ll'V
! lie i'i--.. Mil-lie-. S'l.
i iniln.-. l'l:in:,. l-. in, I
ill Uin-I
l"t li.MXi
i Ali.i.-e.i.i. l'.lii k Sill,-.
! .-kelei,.ll .-kill.-, ('ill. tell
1. 1 1 1 -.; 1 . ii.:-. leiln.,
J-'l.:lilli Xillil.e
- I'll-
I 1'lMill ; ill Hil lllll !-.
v elel
:-: 0 . r . 1! ,-iery. lil,.ve-. !'!. i .i I . !..m.
I'li.ieis. Neell-iii.-, I.',.! i t:.-. ILilelkele1:
il. ii !ri:i.,.-s. T.-illi Hi .i-le i. 1 i '.in U.
L .II lll' l l i.l .l. l . iv. el. !. 1 i 1-1. 1 .ii.l.
Meike.l l.ii.ey li.-;. 1
li ll .-. li ly e,.ll.-li. -'.il I
bin 1,11'C. .'.'llil -i. I. il .'V
..T !
, nil-.
I iiii.ii In..-, lil.a.k l,.- k-i, P.
k; m .'Ck as a rt r tv.'A nr. Jt:
"f III! liil .1-. sil. 1, !l
I. ll iits '.l:.l .VI.- '.:
ill s rii 'ii II
A U.i. Ih,-. I'i'. 1
ri.i'.M i a n-.i t 1;,
i.:..l 1
.- -I 'I '!
I 1 1.1 1, .
li' I . !'l i
ll.-.l. ll- ' ! .
ii.xk .tu
-H il lll'C
ll nil
An i:m
( n o (1 1-: w i i;
. 1 ' il .... 1 1
P.Ai: ; i'
J r -,- - .-a i"
' a. w -m iw 1
I i' M.
.1. M ,
All I 1
:t. i t
II : li -rit
CU if Me'lf A '
Ill .1 ill i ll iV
...Mir "J
I 111 XK 1.1
ti ,
' I .1 I .!
I ..I..,, ell.
I' : . I II
e I',:--.
1..11 ,
. I K
I I .
.1 I.
I' M
.4 I''
X ,
. 1 !
. -
l V,
' 11 1...
1 1
U. S. 10--10 BONDS.
Tlic liond aro i-iiu. J ui.d-T tl A.-t. C-.-e6
of jlanh ; ;u. lS'il, l.ii.U p.-ovid. i'u .: al! 1-j...i
I'.-ucd u..d.r this A.'. i-:.;'.t U- l.XL.Ml T 1 I.' ..
TA X AT!"X ! -.- ..r l.!..!.-r i::r.'.- or la. i c; '
tl. ui'.y . Si'1 rij ti le to tie sc l;- !..i,- Me 1 . v. i
ill Vi.e. -I N'.-ilc-i ii ii: ur n a.-r r-: i.ia 1 o i.
TL.yioe V) r.v. ki ii:.!::. IX Ci IX -,
pie -'.:re of die iiu ,:i.iuc-:it, at iiy ,:et.
,-,!,i,i ha i: r to; th 'ii 'ty y ti . li .
il-lto, aid until till ir ii!el:.pli ill 1 iVL I'll', I IN 1
of ii-jt over t,ne huu in-1 lUllai ri riiilty and en '
u'.ber li .r.l.- mi anre'slly. Tie- i .!! ' i-' 1 a- a1-'
..ii tbcr.i.tdsys ul .M..t.! m i -; , ' 1 la i - '
hil.- '.'ei;T 11 I
! '11 1. '!! t.v i ! y I:
i 1' ,. I n 1
l -i-;i.-i
.: i S '!:..
n: 1 , e. I l:-i: ...... . , ,-.i ;: . .- li . - ,.n .
i '..'.: !! ,i '. i-. j,.-,!, '.i 1 . . i : ei' , n :. .1 n. e i'
.-i;1-.- !:. t t- :' ! t I ! ..! ' ::
':"-.'.;.-':,.-; ' . M .; 1 ' -' 1 .
. ) !.:. ; i'-.. .. - :.i' 1 i .' 'v'l in e ' - r i ' I , !
-.! - '. ; lie: ! X it !:.! if'-.-. : i .!
'".'yi-i .-:: r i: iie... .: :' :'.e!:.i'ii .1, e
i : i. i .'-.-,!'. .' ' e. .i. ' :i:. 1 .i ; - - :'
: : . .., ..
t ;.-."; J i : -.u el i i, i t,:i; r Ni.ui:
t! . : v :' -u- i- i .. : .-i 1 . .::i .!: ' t ii.l 1 1 e. r .- i :
:' .'il::ii... . n e r In: . i ll.e r.ite tu. iei ii.? ill :i -rii
ii- j..,! :- - 1 !,e e, :;..'ry.
At tl.e ;.. --!:: ia'-- .:" r- i;.i-..m , n u -l 1 le v
i. it: I. ii.l: i :,; t r:x r iii uir
ii i 1.1 1 1 le :. 1 ..I -. ' i '' ..ll.i-;.'. .. .. .-
in ::: ::! er .i nil rm y ii. :.t
1: '.. hi ve I : -. .. -I : : '.. - :' r : ' ..
i .l.leel.. i..- tn b-:i 1. : i.i 1' e I '- . : '
I . .-. 1. .i. i-. In al. ,',ti, .' i. :: e
t'-.lj HI" I.1..', "y 'i liV.'le J'.l .11.' . .
; --lily i; 'K K-,,.l ;'-..i jus in ui. :' r :;.e 1 ; ;'
tl.c lli.ej .-ui-.e-i tl,-.- v-i.,.:. ;i,.-r.yit tae .....: -,
iy ifc- li A k:i i. .euie tie- .1' I iii;..".; .'.
1'li I i'lie: . ill e iii.
! riie li.-ii,!- miiy be Mil .T.'-.i I :'..r in ;i I,.- ti- i
1 j.t nji i-t in. v luniiu.le. en .-.Hue u in. -. , i. i .ie
Ibu- lii eie i-.jtinlly ui niiiib'.i t-.1 tiie Mii.ilb -l 1- .. i. i
in. I ll.e Im -t i-iij il.ili-1. T'ney e.m ii- . I v l ; t
ii.'.ii i.i nt :uiy i.uv-iuit, un.l tiie 1 .'. i-.r wi.i i.,i.,i
II. e 1 -i ef ' '.'I'l'.ie illtere-'
I; liif.y l.e u"tll In .-lil'J ill this i"-::.. .' ..': :, 1:.:.;
the In',:,! I'm: 1- 1 1 V-iii ef Hie I'-iite-i .-l.'i'-e- "li u i : 'i
il.tere-,: is ,.:y:.l.le in p,!.l. nil til. ...1 ,l:iv t' :.:1 ! ,
l-ii !. :l- i-Tii.-.'.'li.'i.ll'lll. Tin' "if.!,:-! . n thi- e. '
): I':,- e I' ii. t'lM iil ycirf will l.e "r ' '.i .1 v I.i:
the ei..:- e.s it venue iu -t.iM tiie vuin i.t ti-ut
y-'i'i-. n. l:ie: Jinie lirii. t-.'.t. I. is l et-ii : :.' ;:. .
r.ile el' nvti .-iii '.i eii.ii... j.-.r uei.iii.i
I li v. i'.l be -eeu ih it t- ill! ',-i , 1 . : '
t.f ll.e l..,, i-ni'KT.'i :i e l..r' ''y in e..-t -s ,l ti. v. ,
: el He-Tr,-:is-,;rv l'-r the i-.i .! 1 :' , : - .
I bile tie. r.cil.i ii.:l-i :..-e ,1 ihe ...::! I. i'i . .' -r.ii.e
ihe i:..t!ti.i' l',v. ij.'s 1': j.u e.; ,.. e ..':: - '
ill::-. Hi. 1 el il. . 11 .::.: -'. -1 - ' ' , e : ; :.. :,....
i Il s.i ueli .i.s 'e. .hi- .X . ti. .l .t! li.u,;..- .. .: .- - !
;,:,l,:-li,ri'..,; :--tel iii:u 1 e- 1 In' i Ml' I:
.:.-;.' !::.:: Ai. '!: i nt ih I: - I'iM- ..'.-.'
-l-f:l I:.- -t :i, .i-:.; i.'. .r.. .- t t':.,.i 'il...
Mi l.i.ii'X- WIXK
l-iib- t ij '.i. l s -t ;! ' i. re,-i ii e I y t'
Fii ; X:.:;,.i,iil lhe.k ,.f hi; it in !' '
S',',-:. 1 N.uiei..,! Ii. i.k ..i" Chi! ei ';-:,:.: I
Ti.iul Ni..i..i:il C.l.k n; I'iiiii. ie';,'.' , !' I
I ii si Niitieiei! i'ni.k ..f li.ievilie. I'.i.
An.l 1(1 :t!t .'4:0 i ii?;il !l!!, -
v '..! -ii .ii - .':- v, -il.::-.. s ..; l'u'i .i.- in,.i,e'. . :.n , :, 1
i l;l.-il.. ,.i - l.f.:. s anj l,ii.: i,,
'.'..',..11) i. .-iieiy ll.iiik-.l i iii liiiin-li tni .h . . ,
:...r,i ll I.:, lie iti,,ll nil I
Ai'i''"r.n kv v l'A'.'ibiTVT'usi".'..-. -::r i., -
.M.,y 7. 1-rtl
I :m Jij 4':iit ! an li-ii-l.
I Nn !','! I'l'.-riil .-:i-v:. ..j.!.-'.U tin t M : :
' l.'.illtiy P.. . :i in nn I l '. Kji.lii-Al.b i'
HWfl II.
Ai! .l.siiit l sires i.f l'l,..t..Tn.!i- l..- t -1
: ! '. 1 1 ., , e- ,.l' - '1 ::i:t j.e: ' ;in t :,-vel! I.: ;: . . - ;..
' CiV'i':..- Kin!-!:.-1 1: W'at.-r V !..i. "il !.::. !: .
' ::il l'n-:il
II. .1- - lie. I .el .-r II il "-ll-. I I'lil- i.e. I 01 !! , -
III. .!,-. Ji.. le'.- ... M i. :. i l l.. . A. .. !, r Cm :..! .
, on i'ii. v. , i ie.-:.i-::ii :u..
1 c r' c., i-,;. -ii.'s 1.1 .-,r,i ii. :-.t, m, ... . r , :
' S."l - I is' I il.-i I'.i' I 1 li !.'' '! f'i 1' : s M'V, li" lie I I. .
I I , ' 1 1 I'.V . V. in'!'! It :!'!."l I'V ll l. , I
':' le.'l' :.!:. nle ul' T ,! e.i.t 1:1 .1 t. It - . . ". . :
line i,- ,1 I1:: ;...) il- t'l.Hi. '.':' .-1 -I. ,l,e , i' . .
:t'.i;.'.i, I.' .''.,' in:; -vil ! I I.''--:'..
A ; :. ;' it my e ... t .... :.:- be !: :- - i. e--. ' , 1 i.i i ' .
' e;.u' in- -!.y-i:il ,: ;i.i f! 1 ; . v e 1 a:;:,-, .i.'.i-,..-
'.!; li-:,l ill 1 -!!l:.l 1 I 1 1 " 1 1 1 - 1 . - . Ill: I l,'!t, 1:' l'..,
- fl l.erui.ll "f' ,. i.e '1 ell::..'! It' l.y li.--l
ie .1. 1 1.1 'i-l'i;.- le eil.v ll-, .1 :, i e. i.eiivi' .-.
r.'iieh i . 1 -i-i i.i i.i ih, i- .-,.a . .-: ii i.ieliire. I: :
lie. 1" et 1-' l'el e.l .1.1 i. lU'i,.',.'"! ill I'I.
; l-le-l.
.r '.-;. r h: I !. ' .. .- t 1 r- ih.-.i !. '.'
e:il- in ll t ie t i'.'.i l. t 1 t ibe i'me Ai :.- -
i: - t,.i.4 ii!i,.i.v , - ! .'1 . 1 ' I. 1. '- r.TU.: -
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