r' dtMUMMOmMIM PV..-' X AriTTTR' RtnTKfl A WD SUMMER I n a a ft ri I lAJNUl DKtiSS u U U JJ o, .11 In. A.Wll WITrUB, Two doore Went of the Post Ollice, 8T7NBURY, IENNA., "T JAB Just received and opened a large assortment X A 01 ranee i-rcss uoncis. sucn as gloves, jouvian j Md-gloros, Silk Dd lisle thread Gloves; Ladies cttoa Hose, Children's Hue. Silk Mill, Handker- chiefs. Corsets. Embroidered Slippers. Ribbons FAN- , . DiUlSiS BUTTONS. Bugle Oimbs, Trimmings. Buttons, licit Ribob, Velvet Ribbons. Braid. licit Clasns. Ladies' Neck-tics, Fancy Button". CRAPE RIBBON uml TRIMMINO; Embroidering Braids, Jaconet and Swiss Edprings and inscrtionp; Slaltcere , I. tec Collars, Urensdine Veils, Fancy Dress Combs, II. ,..; T . V . . - 4 . : . .i... ....loW i .-. c?i-b, 4.c.i, nuu a variety ui vm ' rilOTOORAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND BTATIONEKx. Books. Hvmn Books. Blank Books. Memorandum Hooks, liai ics, I'ncket hooks. Ink Stands, Pens, Peuoils. Ac. Ao. . TOTS AND GAMES FOlt CHILDREN. All of which bare been selected with oaro and will be Sold at reasonable price,. PAINTER. Sunbury, April S3, Wt. -thekedTion IIOTEL (Late Mrs. Bullion's.) MARKET ST11EET, fil'NBVBV, PA. jut.xus AKBiri;j.u, T AS taken this old and we'd known aland, and 1.1 refilled and furnished tn same -is prepared lo -M. .-- - .1 I.I ncioininodatc Boarders and Travelers wuu lua best the market can anorj. lie uopes ov ui'.i uvvuuou to business to receive a share ot public p-itrouage. Jlis TABLE contains the bt Ihe matket allot da. liis I;ar is t.llcd with the uboiceet of Liquors. U'.!. , Mull nn l n:,ituous. I I be siauaug is gooa, nuu encuacu vj eaxeiui Ostlers. buubury, April SO, 1SC4. 1 RP01lTS.1IIi.,i DEPOT, J VST received a new stock of Fi.tliitig Tackle for Ppi ing salep. consisting ol Hods, Reels. Lines. Bnske;s. Snoods, Floats. Nets, Flies. Artificial Bait, Rigged Lines. Out, Grass and Hooks, to which the attention ol dealers is pur'ioilarly requested. Orders, Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled and satisfaction wai ranted. JOHN K RIDER. 2nd and V'alnut slrects, Philadelphia. February 1!7, lMil. Cm AN INTERESTING 11ISTUHY or DR. BCHENK'8 OWN CASE. VntLE LABORING rNI i:R CONS! MPTIOX And how his Tulmonic Sjrup, Seaweed Tonic, and Manirako Pills act on the System in Curing that Disease, aud Groat ItiK'eeKS Allendina; 11 ! The above is ft correct likeness of Dr. Schenk taken icr.ny years agio, after he bad recovered irom Con. sumption ; by a courso ol his "Kehetik's Pulmonic fc'yrup." The likeness, although it does not repre sent l.itn anything like as bad aa he wasat the worst, yet it i; in siroug contract with the hale and vigorous looks of the Portrait below, which ' the true like ness of him at present time. The contrail between th;e two portraits h so great that uinny would not believe them to bo the same person. Yet there are huudredsof peitons, in and around Philadelphia, who will recognUe both portraits to be true reprta-n-lalious. V.'hen the Cm was taken be weighed 107 pounds ; at the pte.cnt limchii weight is 220 pound?. Xiw YonK M ,-.o-dr:y. Mu:eh 20, 1C4. TO THE PUBLIC. Thirty yeais ago I was in the last singes of Pul Monary Consumption, and given uptodie. 1 resided in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph PuirUti, then ot tins city, ordered me lo .Moro-towii. N. J., a distance of cine miles v Inch t,s,k me two days to get thero. On mv er'-iw' I -r- ; t ' 1 i i : : , .i ; r .' . ny wc-k . i.."'vi.: !:,v ii- j . .v . v. . , : j ii.i loy i -Miiy lived and had died of Coii-inupiion. 11-. Tb"iiilon. who attended uiy fnilier in hi la-t illness, was called, and gave me one week lo lix up mv at ftiirs. lie had seen all niv family go that uay.'und Iti'jiihl I was to go. t ,o Tueii 1 beard ol Ihe'reuie dies 1 now ofcr to t Lie uilic. wtueii cured n,e. It seemed to uic that I could feci them pent tratiii Uiy whe-le system. 1 hey soon ripened the matter on mv lungs, and I would tpit oil' more tiian pint ot otknsive yellow u.i;iter eveiy uoriiiug. As so ,u as tli t begun to sulj.-idc. uiy eougb. fever, pain, nik'lit sweats all began to leave me. and m ,-litc bccaiu. so great that it was with dilUculty I cuul l keep tioiu eating t"o much. I soon gained my slrengm und I have been growing in flceh ever siuce. Fur many years I havs enjoyed uuinierruntod gn health, kcci inir Iho liver and blouiach bealtiiy with Ihe Seaweed To nic and Mandrake Villi, as I am ol s billiuus Inuiper amciit. My weight is to hundred aud iwenly lunds Ou my recovery people would send for me ' tar and near. In see if their eases , ru like mine. tor this purpose I pay proi.ina t iaiia iu the large ' cuiav .lki'uiiji.u' t'.h,tu,ee .llje j.no that makes thee Hiedlouo s. and WUo was eurcTl of con. UUipli' tt I V them. To u.ake new lungs is iluai- ' tie; but eav litis in iliu lungs and clironic ulcerii tiolt id Ih bronchial IuIks can l healed Kiiv'll cancsare dying hourly under the or tiiiy treatment ! of pnviicians, and just such are cured by'the proper i use ' i .- 'I.enk s I'uluiuttic vrap, .seaid ionic, lied MtindraWe Pills. I am tew a liealihy man. with a large cavity in the middle lobs, I the tllll l ing Ihe I, met lol Very loii' h be) silvedHlol eoinpietc adlo'sionot 1 1- pleura. 'Ill" ielt lungs i oiiud. and the upper loin ot ibe tifl.t lung ! in a tolerably health., condition. Ihe griaJ reason why phy-ieiai.t do not euie eoi.-uuio. lion i tte-v Iry to Uo luu uoe'ti ; tin-y 'i c inv Uieims lo .1 Ibe e ,,gh. to slop el.i I, to slo, night ,sta s, ! , Uc t. ver. and. by o Uoing. Kiev dei.u j;e the W I.' le tllge-tiv o powers, lo hli f 1,1, ll,e avi rellol.s so I i vntioallv iliu piiiiviii ainki an t uic. Aiurl :.iU'-N,t.' tul I vso.lliMi' .11 , l li.e ps'lttit Wituti.a li, -. .e'ff. aic. Iiiei l'ii.-ti,oi,Al, l.-tl i , ure. I In i li, i isliii.t l..,w t,. il a Hi irp,-e itailie II, in o v li.u cmuss, and liny Will all o, .,1 ilinf owl, we-.ifd Soi lid i'HH iitl I tirt-t ,'t -lisjll (Mloli, i er ciui'iMiol. d sMpia aMtariti rauksr. u' , i 'ie 1 lOloiil not, w li llv.l M.id st.4oa.-b uln Uia 41 1.. I.r In New Lillian 1 Inu eaoaer vbrubt. .1 1 . lii'-erale I lineal. 4 i,iii4i "I uvula, is no... , : , . -, litl tnu 111 eii) otliir secl,4i of iba eoi.ari . j;. i lli-f .iill v v uwsvd by a tool toa b -u 1. .iy tura 11 t'i alia euUti iime aud ai,aiu. ai, I sit il. , w.lif'i la i-ui,.fery retof t'orrvot tli H'lvu,1, fctel t. 4,1 . mi, I the I w ill kesil up lealbsvl vj .. ! tmiiMioM u the iruivjy ityoulia.a y d lu any part id iba b.li it 01 ui.1.1 1 iti , a' d d a(t i..Mw and i-wta unui y . ,i gl t, i I ' ...''.,' , . . 4..4M. . bi . s iv uka 1 toe ol uiv.d u ' t ' 1 1 s tie vi.l Ui k I wiv.iiaa in iu I .. ' t ' u-d bi,.w. :ul It! C'wreti its siou.a. . b' . r eioi iiuie will ua iks biii 4 lsi.t p. i !- asi la Hat crriaia U44,iwaa'a tt ,y':..'i of live biwl tv bej bi's4 Is a 4- 11 4, 44.4 ! ismJ . il u 4,s4-ms4 la aui 4M ica divvae lsaii4 iu ibe tsSM4H , bvi g 14 i'44,i4 in m il-f iui'.i 4 a a 4.4 s,ii it iliy ut l vrWi.,4., 1 a u mil uja biuu4, Ua a ill Us. Iks )U. e 4 liaxl till) sssal s4.a s r-4tiuMt.M spi u la ut ua bi4i aM. 1 ke. H m a bewlai kw is4 luwl. - s a.e4 'lmn 4o-ses tAa eM is e2 iwaumi stomach, and l( I earrleil effwythe M of ln Mandrake Pills, the Pultnnnio rwup I. made nU bliMvt. Tl,l la 11,4, mil- -a t euro consumption. If I cannot get a good appetite, and food does not digest. 1 cannot cure the patient Never mind the cough i remove the pause and will nop of Itself. This is the mot trouble I have with my patients at my rooms. Thev sov, "Doctor, I feel stronger; I can eat j my night sweat are better, and I feel bet ter every way; but my cough is to bad yet; and they aie astonished lo hear me pay that does not matter; remove the cause and ihe cough will top of itself. Scbcnk a Seaweed creates a good appetite 111 about nine davs, wben there Is no lungdtseasc, unless Iho liver is so congested that the Mandrake pills cannot unlock the ducts of the gall bladder in thai short space of time, in order to allow the stale bile to pass oil. Keep the liver and stomach healthy and there Is less danger of consumption or any other disease. It is hard to take cold when thoso organs are healthy, Those that are bilious, low-spirited, dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite, nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that it eaten lies heavy. loss of memory, try one bottle of .SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TOXIC, and one box of SCHENK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. It is only a cost of one dollar and twenty-five cents, with full di rections. This is sufficient, in many eases, to satis fy what the medicines are. Frequently ono bottle makes a great change in the system. Any person that enjoys ordinary health, by using the Seaweed Tonic and Msudrnkc Pills occasionally, must get Ihe digestive organs in sucb a healthy condilion that th.-y become Ho'liy I can produce a number of uiy i ow consumptive! patients now enjoying good neaitn I weighing nearly 200 pounds. I will conclude by ' renting three cure I have made in New York, and I wiiich are all diilcrout. and wish any one who feels I an interest in the mutter In visit them. First is Mrs. Farlow, residing then at No. 1U7 Houston street iter husband called upon me at my rooms. !12 Bond street 4JWS'..,,.t't CQIIVU UOU HIV U, UI, ,w.. ..v.......-., ,nj ,,i,.i .. , ..n anj 6eB ht, He g,th I could do no eood : (lint he had had ull thu best medical atlendimce. and all snid she was too far gone wilh '.'.n?'.t.ti:r to V's cured ; but she had heard ol'somo gr-.t rl I b I rosJe. ni.d he ,le.-ired lo gratify br wishes. I called, and l'umd her lying confined to her I' d in the lust stage ot bronchial consumption and without doubt must have died soon. I examin ed her lungs, found bo:h bronchial tubes very much nfii-cted, but no cavities had formed, her cough was very pcvi r.-, the spit-box was half lull of thick pus. Pule 110. leg swollen very much ; and wor;e than nil. she hud chronic diarrhoea. Her bowels had been moved eleven times tiiat day. told her thai she bad lun;s anough lo bo cured, but that this diarrluea bad been ot long standing, and her stomach w as in such a ulcerated condition that 1 was afraid nothing could be done. Sbo insisted I should try and do what I could for her. crowing thut she could not last long in the ;ondition she was in, and I could not make her any worse. I gave hor firtt a dose of iny Mandrake Pills', and tho tonic and .Syrup freely. That was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday the diarrhoea was carried oil. her appetito had returned and she could Bit no in bed and vat her dinner. She is now w ell, and gave a long certiticatc, certified to bv iho Rev. Dr Downing. 'Mm lt..ph..lr..nntV W. Wnst FnrtV-fi fib Street. came to mv rooms with a tumor on her liver. JShe was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels costive, no appetite, and fast pinking into the grave. The said tumor hnd been running over fourteen' years. I gave her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, and told her Intake them iust as the directions were printed. She Ciimo back to uiy rooms. 32 Bond street in two weeks, S' racwhat bettor ; her tongue had begun to c'.eBn a little urouud the edges, her skin whiter and her eyes brighter and the tumor discharging very offensive matter, much faster than it bud ever done before. Sbe kept gradually improving, and in about two months she camo to my r aiuis very much fright ened. saying that tho tumor had nearly slopped runniug. and was healing up. and thut every doctor had told her tbat if it ever lienlcd it would cause her detth. I told her that the dieae had all lelt her system, and nature would heal the ulcer lip. They are now healed, and have been tor about a year, ami she is a hearty and robust a woman as you will find j iu a d ,ys walk. She is giad tor any one to call on' her. and takes great pains to visit any one that she ; heurs hns anything like hot cn-c, and tries to get j them to come and see u.e. The next cu.-e is Miss ."coficld. from Stamford, Conn.. Mis. Bartholomew i got her down to see me. and idle has been ever since ; at her bouse. Wben she first cinue to my rooms, she was much cmaciulcd with a distrewing cough, spit- . ling .urge quaoiitics of blood. 1 exalt ined her lungs wilh the respironieier. and in nil my practice never found ono w ith one lung so far gone and the other lung so sound. I could not give much encourage ment. I thought she would die ; but to tnv nston I'hiueiit the Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and ! Mandrake Pills all seemed lo go right to work, the lung is all lienlcd over, leaving a cavity as largo as a gtVise egg; good appetite, fine spirits, and has gained some thirty-five pounds in weight. She has !",!vc ?...,j-t, yet.vChieh 1 Oo in,! titiok will leave her . beluro Jui.c' I should Ihii.k it would be of gres interest to some unprejudiced physician to visit lhcc i cases, particularly Miss Scolicid. or any ot tiieiii who have bein cured by my medicines. They arc num erous in New Voik ; but the ab ve t tree ull ditler ; fiomeaeb other; and if my L edi uica are doinx j what I represent they are, lin y should ln.ve the credit and the uillic.vd know whore aud how t n v may be cured, ... n 5CJIESK. M.D. j Dr. .T. II fvhrnk con be found at the principal I office. No. H'J North b.h Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from U A. M. untilo P. M.. to uive ndtice I free of charge: but for a through examination be charges three dollars. Price ol ti.e rulmouic Syrup , and seaweed Tonic each ?1 per bottle, or $j the halfdozcu. Mandrake Pills 2j cents per box, and is forsjle by all Druggljts and Dealers. May 14, lbfil ly A Joint resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution. lie it rtsihtd by the Sninte ami limine of RtjiriMiiUttiritol the ('vmuntMnal'h f 1'tnn av'l'i'il'l i'i OiUtral AsmiMt hut, Tlmt tlie li l low in SC iiiiiciiiliiicliTs I'C ,ri'itisc(l to the Ciinstitutitui ot the C'omiiionwviiltli, in nc coriiitiiee with the prftvieinns ot' the tenth urtiele thereof: There shall he an ixhlitinnul section tn the thinl tu tiele of the Constitution, to heilcsio;. natcil 11s section tour, us follown : "Sixtios 4. Whenever any of tlie nunli llud elect "r of this (.'ouimoiiivenlth slinll he in ni.tUiil iiiilitiiry fiTvice, tnnh r a requisi- I tion from the l'rciilent of the I niteil States, : or !y the utithi rity of this C'oiiiiiioiivveiilth, f in h rlei'torj may exercise the rij;ht of mitl- r.it;o in all elections hy the i itiens, tiniler buch regtiiitii his as are, or tshull he litest rilj- ' ed hy hue, ns fully as if they were Dieii nt at : t!. 'i V ii.il pluce of eJeclion." j hKi't ioN '2. There shall he two mhiition- ' al si riimif to the eleventh article of the (.'on- atittition, to be designate).! as tiyht, and i i.iio', us tollows : j 'Siii lios H. Xo hill hhull Imj jjassed by i tlie Legislature, cuiitiiiiiiuo; mure than one ) elili'p'et, winch shall I e clearly expressed in the titie, cii i d aiitiiu'mtion bi.ls." 'fSi'i .til'N !. Mn hill shall passed hy the Li oishituie granting any powers, or, privileges, in any case, where the authority ; to Kruut such poweis, or privileges, has been, ' or may hereafter he, conferred upou the I courts of this Commonwealth." ' 1IKN1JV C. JOHNSON', ! Speaker of the House of Keprcieiitntivis. JOHN 1'. i'LNNKV, Speuker of the Senate. Okfu e or Tin: Ski hktaiiv ok tuu C OMMO.SW EAl.Tlt. H vuitisUi 110, . -Av-jL!'3t,,,.l.04. rKN.NSYI.YANl.V. S-r : 1 1I.1 herehy certify that tlie I .L K I fon-aoin is a lull, true and cor - reet copy of the 01 iiriiml .Ic.int Ih-eiilutioii of the ijei.fi'.il Asseluhy, cnlitleil "A Joint Id solium 1 proposing (i iluiu Aiiti'iidiiieuls t'i I lie Ciiiistitution," as the situitf reiiiuins 011 tile at tni o hee. Is Ti.M'Iviiinv whereof, I h.no hi lvunto w-t my haiui un.l euiiMd the m ul of the Sir ri liiry a ollne to hu ulhxcl, theil iv and eur ul.ove vvriiten. J.. sLIFlilt," K-i ret uiy of the Cuiiiiiiiiiwcillh. The ttli.ive l('M,iilii,u huvinif Inen ,:ni) to I v it iiii.j.iriiy ( tij ii,,iUr. ol tail, IhiiiiK, at ikii amei-Mivu m-.-I,,!,. ,, t,,. Uuurul A-vml,! .if H,i, tumiiMin 4iiHii, tin- propuM'tl amen liiient. M ill Ihj auluuilteil to tin) lu,. I'll-, t.irllllir Uihili-iiili i.r r..i... II hi, on tl.e SlllsT IthaliAV nt Au,i,r t.' t,iu u-iu ul i.i.r l.orilonu thou.iiiiil iio.i hni.ilreil mul aittly t',.i,r. in lu-i'oriluiiee hm, lie irokiloi ol' I huti nth ailiilenl 10 l' itisiitittiiin, ati'l Ihe art, t nlitinl "An ai t )n sv ilhiii the tune ami lintlilier of atll-liut-tin'4 lo I no x.'ijiii', ! r I In if approval an rtiih-.iiiiiii or ri jeiiion, ihe ,nii il auniint Itiilils iii t!ig r.iii.iHuliuii, ' uiirovei the 1 : ! ! iif April, unit thii-an! ('.; .1 lo,!. is- i au'l eUl l-mf I.I I hl.lKKK. fii n Ury nf he I orninouwj vaitll. Aj'ii'i itn, Ivit. -s. Ull. ISM MI rot'KK. I'll. hl IAN A Mi iL'lUtt)N. Uts.svm LLV .. iuwiMwii. ..svt. lt.4 aW. 4a I'sa j al sua fii Isa.a aai ia i aixiM. a mi as. i I 4.4 AaajvM vw kis I'H 4s', iiliJivlf READY ROOFING heady to nail down. READY "UOOFING At less thnn balf the cost of tin roofs. HEADY "itXOFXNC More durable than tin. READY "ROOFING Suitable for steep or flat roofs. READY HOOFING For all kinds of buildings, in all climates. HEADY HOOFING Easily, cheaply, and quickly put on. Needs n8 coaling over with cement after it is nailed down. heady "Hoofing Made of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly saturated and covered upon both sui faces with a perfectly wa terproof composition, and put up in rolls ready for use eu inch wide, and 73 feet long. We also manufacture LIQUID C2ttlTT. Fob Leaky Tis Room, Much cheaper and more durable than oil f aint. ALSO, Couiponsisl Onis-iit, For Leaky Ehinlo Roofs, Which will often save Ihe eost of a uew roof. Samplos of Ready Rooting aud CirculuiP cent by muil wben desired. Fiivorjule'oiiuj made with responsible parties who buy lo sell again. READY ROOFINd CO.. 73 Maideu Lane, N. Y,. April 23, 18C4. Orrn-E Provost MinsnAL, Utii DisTnur Punnsvlvania, IlAnnis.ni no, May 10, 13C4. niO the end that all persons interested may have notice, and tho oiiject in view, a complete aim Accurate revised enrollment, be promoted, the fol lowing, in nccrdam e with circular order No. 4fl, A. A. Provost Marshal Ijcncral s Office, is hereby published. I . The different Hoards of Enrollment. cstcrn Di vision. Pa., aic rcrjiii'sU'd to immediately proceed to execute Ihe sixth section of the act of ('..nitress. entitled "An act to amend an act for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other pur poses." approved February 2". 1'4. II. They will at once appoint the ncciwaiy cu rdling officers lor their respective districts, w ith in plruclions. 1st. To enroll all peifons whoe names have been omitted by Iho proper enrolling iflieers, previous enrollment. 2nd. All persons who shall have arrived nt the age of 20 vears nco.re the draft. SJ. AU'alieiis who shall buve declared their in tentions to become cititens. 4th. All persons discharged from the military or nival service : the I'niled .Slates who have not beeu in such Jcr ice for two j care during tbo present war. 5l'u. And all persons exin-ptod under the provi sions of the second section of the enrolling m l. ap proved March 1 .!. but not exempted under the provi-iui s of the act improved Ki In limy 21. 104. III. The Board of 1 tnoilioeiit will also l once prm'eed to jtiikc from the .nr"ilineiil.u;in salistn-. lorv pr", f : 1 at . The names- of nil pirs.i.s who lime nrrivcd at the age ot loily-iivc Veiir. 21. The nniiics of a!i person ii.nniiestly. physical ly or mentally unlit l-r H e sen ice " lid The iitni es ot -m l. persons at are at this tunc actually ainl legally in the military or naval service ot the I lilted Mines. 4th. The namesof sti.-h perwms as have served in the military or naval service two years or more du ring the present war. and have been honorably dis charged Iherefroiu. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, t'np't. and Pro. Mar., l lih Dist.. I'cnn a. ' CIRCULAR No. 17. ! The term for the assignment and correction of ere. dits by enrolling Boards under the prov iior. ol Cir cular No. I.'i current series, from Ibis ollice. i-extended to May 1''. Jwll. All claims relative locre 'lits which inav ic presented to ii-:rii-t lrovo.-l . Marshals on ami after that date, will be referred to Hits othec ur ilecisu n. ignel; Lt. Col. Mth I . S. Infy.. A J. V IilsMFORD, A Prov. -Mar. UcuT J. Kav Ci.evikst. Captain and Prov. Mar. 14th Dist Pa Hurrisburg. .May. 14. Iht'-I. .tLl .llll.ll Mllti:i. a.m t on. ITOIR, SALE. T IHE subivriber offers lor sale low. some valuable '1'racts of'i tiober Laud, in t'hatman and Ciou . loook townships, iu Clinton county, aud a valuable Truel of r.,i,l Lami. iu Mount Cariuel township. ' Norihiimbcrland eountv. Als 1 u punii. Saw. Mill. and Timber Land, in "Lime-lore township. I uion county. ANo, a dwelling house and two lots in the ! Borough ol Northumberland Apply soon to CHARLES PLEASANTS. I Executor of Hugh Bellas, deceased. i 5-unbury, May 21. , " IThity IIAKPER. Ao. S-i Alt II Ml., lMilI:iteliliia. ! MANUFACTURER A DEALER IN i WATCiil;:.. FINE JEWELRY. SOLlDSILVJiR WARE And ROtiER'S Superior PlaleJ Ware. , t All kind 1 f .-ilvcr-Warc. mad" on the premi- bus. WATCH Rcpaiiing caretully done ! March 2d, 1-.B4. ni AT THK TAltlS MANTILLA EMrolUUM. I No. 920 Ciiesm-t Snii KT. 1 Formerly No. "US.) ! PHILADELPHIA. NOW OPEN-lisisss..Iisl MANTILLAS and CLOAKS. Also. Spring and Summer tiaiuients. of our own Manufacture, ol the Latest Styies and in gi eat va riety. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. The Paris Munlilla Emporium, No. U2n Chesuut Street. Philadelphia. April 'J, 'til ch-sepl.j, l-iil ) ly JACOB 11AULEV. nrri cr ttk .s . it p t r if 11 it r I i y.) No. f,.'. MARKET Street. PHILADELPHIA. DEALER in Fine Hold uud Silver All llt : Fiiieliold Ji.Vi 1.1, KY; .-olid U. EK-V AI.E. aid the best of SUA I'.H-PL A'i l.D-U ALE. t ou st aully on bund a Lu ge asrornueiii of the ubuie gooils at low plttes. Watches and Fine I'lm-ks It, paired, by skillful workuun; ls. Jewelry r pairing; Engraving and ull kinds of Huir-notk to order, at short notice t tr Don t lorgei Ihe old stand. No. 0." Murket Street. Phila lelphia. April V, 1.1)4. .Im rilSsiOiNS, S0UMIES AND BACK PAY COLLtCiKD. O 11. BUYER. Attorney ut Law, is duly author iO. Ucd und licensed lo collect ls-siaisss. I aavsississ-aiisssst skiss'l, I'oy for Widows, )r r phaii:d S.,blucs. .I'Jive in Aluikei strtil, u,po site Ueavvrs Hotel, Sunhury,i'a'." - - . January 10, m4 ly j ISAAC IC b'I'AUFFER, Aalt li llll.T itiitl .lc I'llT, ' i.ni ui ii ia.it of ! M.A.It AYAIlE A luporler if V No lis) North Second Si . Corner Ouarrv ATCHES P1III.A- I'El.l'IIIA HE has eon-tanll v on baud au kssortlnetil of liol I and Mlvcr I'nienl Lever. Lrpme and Plain l au bes . l ine ti'dd Chains. Srals and Kes. llreivt Puis Ear Ring., r ii gcr King" lli act I -t. Mimaiute t'asivs. .Medallion,, (.is Ltts, pencils, ibiinbles, Sc. Iiu Iv.. Sili-r 'lable. Desert. Tea Sail and Mu-iatd Ssm i.s ; nugar Ms,l, Cufsi. ,as,tii lungs. 1 ruil sod liuitvr kn; ... tl.o 1 1 .. C, u.U. Diamond I'oinl. el i'ei.. sl , sll ui l,n h will braol I low lor Cash ' M I 'lulll i A I II ii l.e-i ou.ltiy lull J, . le. I'lilenl Later .Moi iii ents eoi.staullt ou Band; also other ili.oi oirir uwlily It -'ld'l..i.Iai.dMlvvr(u.hlfori tVpi 1, u.1 w N K W (1 () 0 J) S! 1 au -los. aaa of At at II Mill.r s eiote, ui.tuiv, 'a Juii up.iM4 a Iimsi supply of MIW SIM.lMi COOIb, t,"",- r-asicy i,. 1 riu.a.ii,fc. ;ibUo. Ubae nt.da.0a, Uli' Lii-.a lull.., aid eg, l.lU..,yh, 1UII, N.lu, b.O, tM H.d. Wbii. aaa lily. Si um. C.ie. UuakH tskuie. ft) 1 isiltaitallaa, ..km aud !,.,. " o.L w.lk A.4 U.-U sls.1. .oiis a4 Vesia. U(M.4ihe slU e4 taitsstf takes uimi. -. s.s.M., J H4HIL Hiikli 1)1 tab ,Pa kM. ras. I)4.4, It-kia. . ' lai we a. lae f I Dla 4 y,.. lee ' 4eiM " 50 STOVES. F THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARI TOR SALE AT J. Itohrisnrli V Co. POUNDR "5sT, BUNBTJRY, A. Oet the Best Uct the CheapctsA-Oet the most Eco nomical, which can be bad at the Ruhrbach Foundry. Ilaving a large assortment of the most approved , STOVES, such as Cooking, Parlor, Office aud Shop Stoves, which will be sold at the lowest rates. Also, Kettles oi all sites. Psi s Pit il Il ls. All They are also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs, Castings. Ac, at short notice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements one in a good workmanlike manuer aud at the Shortest not iuo. All articles shipped ap ordered. Orders respect fully solicited aud promptly nth tided to. JACOB ROHRBACII A CO. rV- Old Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken In Exchange for work Hunbury, Oct. 3, 1963. tf eh fmylO M:n -i,o-riii:u A riiiSisii- TflE subscriber respeotfully informs tb people 0 .-sunbiiry and vicinity, that he has opened an en lire new stock of clothing and Furnishing goodp, at his new store in the building or Charles Pleasants Esq., in Market square. His slock oonsists in part tf 121TS CLCTEI1TG-. (ttlYfc' CI.M1MIXU Such as Coots, Over Coats, pants, vests, pblrts, underskirt, drawers, stockings, nookties. handker chiefs, gloves, Ac. Alio, Hats and Caps oi all kinds. hoots a.d siior.s, of nil kinds. TRUNKS, and Valises, umbrellaP, nnd notions of all kinds, besides numerous other ar ticles. The public are requested to give him a call and examine bU stock. lEVX UECHI. Sunhiiry. Oct., 10. 1S53. THE MISSES JOHNSTON S BOAR DINO AND DAY SCHOOL I'oi- 1 uillig IisliOH, No. 1209 Spruce Street. Philadelphia. REl EKENCES : I Rev. Dr. Howe, David Webster. Efq.. Rev. Dr. Su Idards. Win Hay ward Drayton. Esq Rev. Dr. Cooper. lieorgc M. uarton, tq. Henry M Fine. Esq.. T. O. Hollingsworth. Esq il. R. Montgomery. Hon. Alexander uenry. Thomas Dunlap. Esq., Philadelphia December i, lsi3 j PI ('M)TIIEMVnnGt.H, 1 r The ONLY reliable self-Adjusting Wringer. 1 I The frame being of Iron, thoroughly galvanised, i all danger Irom rust is removed, ond tne liability to shrink, swell, split. 4c, so unavoidable iu wooden 1 machines, is prevented. I No thumb-screws or complicated fistenings to I wear out or pel out of older; it eau be f-slcned t . firmly to the lull iu a siugle second. ! ! W ARRANTED W ITH OR WITHOUT COO- WHEELS. j ! It took the First Premium at rifiySevcn Stste ; I and County Fairs in l:0-t. aud is, without au excep tion, the best Wringer ever made. i I ' 1m ad of believ ing the riatemcnts of parties in 1 teres!' ' iu the sale ol other AV ringers. T KY IT. AND ,1 1 DUE FOR YOURSELF. Test it Thoruughly with any aud all others, and if ! not eiitirelv sutisiactorv. return it. ; it w ill vvring'lium a' thread to a bed quilt without alleration. Patenied in the United States. England, Canada, . and Australia Agenls wanted in every town. Eneiguiic men uuii make from id to ill) per day. ! I'litimm M'ii'J'icturing Co: 1 IIkntlemks : I know from practical experienco , that irou well galvanized with lino will r.ol oxidise j or rust one particle. 1 can safely say. aficr several ; ycfiis' experience in the manufacture of chtiiu fur j chain-pumps and water-diawers. iu which 1 h.,vo tested the alhiiily of iron and ttue tbat if the pro cess be conducted properly, it is a pcitect weld of .be two. Neaily one venr ago my family commenced using ; one of your Wringers. "It now pertonns all of its ttiucin.ns i,s well us it did the first lime it was used, and has become an iudispousable nrticle wilh us. I hav e closely obset ved several other kinds of clothes I wringers, liie modus operandi being different, trying , to praluce the same results as the Putnam Wringer, , but in my judgment they have failed. Ibe Putnam I Wiii.ger'is as near peiieet as possiolc. and 1 can I cheerfully recommend it to be tuu best in use. ! Respectfully Yours, i JNO. W. W HEELER, i Cleveland, Ohio. I Many years' experience Id the galvaniiing busi to'ss enable inc to iudoise the above statement iu all I particulars. JNO C. LEPFERT3, ', No. 1W Beckuiaa Street. New Yotk. January, lso4. No. 2. Si iu; No. 1. $0.00: No. A. 13.00. Muiiulaciured aud sold, wholesale and retuil by TiiE PIT NAM MAN I FACTl UINU CO., No. l;i l lult street. New York, and Cleaveland. Ohio S. C. NORTHROP, Agent. April ;:t. livi!4. loiiACi o si:i:i. j THE subscriber oO'ers for sale aome superior Con uoclictit Sucd-l.cat, anil Maryland Broad-Top To bacco Seed. Price 2a cents per paper. Send mouvy and plain directions. Also a lot of good Tobacco Leaf for file P. U. MASSER. Sunbury, March 19. ISoV ?.s TO SAI.IO I'l'lt .tl.'l II. T IHE LITTLE UIANT SEWING MACHINE COMPANY want an Agent in eountv, to solicit eiders for their new Machine, with guage, screw-driver uud extra needles We will pay a li beral salary and expenses, or give large commission. For particulars, terms, Ac. enclij.-c a stamp, uud ad ltess T. S PAliE. Toledo. O.. Feb. Ui, '64 Zia Gcu'l Agent for the U. States TRUsSESS, SHOULDER BRACES. ELASTIC SlOCKINliS FOR ENLARUED VEINS OF THE LEU, AC; Instruments for all deformities. DR. (.LOVER'S 1 tw I. -r 'I'riisoi has taken Ihe laee of other Trusses for the retention and cure of Hernia or Rupture. Acting iikiu the ' I principle nt a lever. It never loses iu strength. II is j 1 oo'iled to prevent rusl. It has no pad 011 the back. ! which is so liable to injure Iho spine and annoy and I ehate the wearer. Il u sure In retain the Rupture, ; giving ease and comfort, and I'ffcctiiig radical cures. , It is uairciitcd tu give satisfaction. 'I lie improved Shoulder-Bruce expands the chest j and prov, nls the wearer fruui becoming round ! shouldered. j Ladies Bells and Abdominal Supporters, Band 1 s.-es, and Belts cf all kinds, and iiisirumenu lor all lMoriiiiiicsotiheBo.lv. . ! Dll. ii ROVER'S OliiceisNo 4 Ann Street, two J doors from Bnuulway. New York. I fining, is should particularly note the came and t " April 11. lod. ! j" JEREMIAH SNYDER ; Alloi'iiey .V 4'nnw-llr lit I .a v. I Office ou Sooth side of Market street, four doors west ivf tiearbarl a Confectionery store, j HUNBUHY, PA.. Will attend promptly In all prol'.-ssional business ,j entrusted to bis cart, the collection otelaiuia iu Nor- UuuitH-rratid'ici,.1 ritirecijri.nit'. j a,,ujiiies. vs Consullalioiis in l.ermaii ami En jlish. ' "" buubury, Maicb ID, I ml I ly BUNDUUV UIOH 8CUOOL. 'I 1IK fi,.t iiuarlrr of twelve weeks will onen In be iirund Jury Room, ou Mondnv the iihvf April, lMl. Trans Pra Qi-ARiil : Fi r Reading. Writing, Arilhlusllc, tjrograi by. l.ngli-h iiramuiar. $1 00 Alg -bra. Natural Pbiluaophy, Chsuiulry aud liisologr. or any ( these, f j 00 lligh.r. .M iiheuialic, (lucluding all or any of above, t 00 Fianeli. li- rmsn l.aiiuand tireek, or any due ul ibviu tu addiiioa lo above. T 1st Tuition pavable hall q isrlarly in advause No .le.lu.'tloll lor b uiue Daily rwaiids are kc of Ibe Ssia'il and demerit of eee ludeiillhe lurtuar deuuiini Ike eaoalleuoiue of aacti in rswilailou and drptsriutsal, Ihe lailer Ibe drtiai.4iea aud dvliiiquvticiiss eopiea el wbu-k will be s. til le the parent ur (uaidiaM al Ike alsd u4 eak Isriu. t of pariinalais apply le ike priiuipel. Maraaaarati J J rtsiiasaisiidos, iVikkas. Pr- Was .S.4lm( ssslik vireva, , I'M il M lll)sa. Lsoubui. k f huuuAcu, riUeiH- uakury. Feb 4, I edi MEYER'S NKWIV IWrkUViH Cltl.hiJl.NT 6 C A I. E t :Uft l MrU 'IkUM, AkB4wl4e4 so be ika aai L-4oa P.iM Ut4mi it lichees seal is lo asses 1 tb a iw.iv.J i.L"D.'i Akp ICQMU HAND pAi. I ai w . .. . IttlUHUilU. 1863. 18G3. FRILING & GRANT At THE MAMMOTH STORE, ... . . , 701LD respeotfully announce that tbf ha" just received and opened a rerj large and well selec ted Stock or GOODS OF ALL KINDS, whick they are willing to dispose ef at a VFRY SMALL APVAKCE ON Fii-Nt Com. QUE STOCK 18 COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVERYTHING OIVE XT d CALL, I Thankful for pist favors we hope to meet a con ticuancc of the same by still selling Goods as cheap if rot CIIUAPEK than can be purchased else- i where. TRILINU I (HUNT. I Puntury, May 13. 1SC3. : a. w. nsot in, solomon muct. I ZIEGLEH Si MALICK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, fcsinbsiry, lrHisimlirliintl Co., (Oiler their professlenal services to Iho public. Col lections and all other prolessional business entruslel to them, will receive prompt attention Also. Militarv claims will he collected, such ss County, Back-Pay. Pensions. Ac. Ac Boil'i speak Ihe German Language. 1 Office Market Square, next dour to rrothonotary's oCce. SunburT. March 5. ISM. II, II. MAfiI'It. Allornoy nt Ijiw, SUNBURY, PA Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, bnydcr, Montour, Columbia aud Lycoming. itrrmr.ycis. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. 0. Oallell i Co.. ' lion. W'm. A. Porter. " Morton McMicbacl. Esq., 11 E. Keiehsm A Co., 2bl rcarl Street, New York. John W. Ashrocad. Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attornevs at Law, " Siiubury, March 2i, 162." iai:itits hotel, rilin mnnsg-mentof this well-known Hotel hav X iug been resumed by Messrs. COYLE A HERK, tlie prest r.t proprietors, beg leave to inform the public that the bouse is now being thoroughly rciiov ated, rihttcd. and improved, with a view to the proper and comfortable auoomnioda'icu of those who may favor the establishment wilh their custom. Aluvsts will receive due attention and courtesy, and no exfni will be spared tbat may couduce tu maintain hot, 1 in a tirat-class style. Families an 1 others desiring to Sojourn In Harris burg during the summer months, will find pleasant boarding and large nnd wcH-vcutilatcd rooms at our establishment, upou moderate tern s. r fi ii-r cnvl l? March 29. lsr.J. J. H1LH1.KT HEP.R. izri" K ni" .1IA!sl.K,!s I'A'I I i Ti: I'icr As Improved for IScO and 1S60. By E. KETCHA.M A CO., 2:5) Pearl St.. Now Y'ork. THE only Froeicr constructed on scientific prin ciples, w ith a revolving can and spring b!ai!e scraper. The one hastens the frcejingof the rreain- -the other removes it as fast as froren. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most econcrcicol in cont. as it is the roost simple and durable in structure. For sale iu all the principal cities and towns la the Union. Each Freerer accompanied with a book of recipes and full directions. PRICES. . S ouarts. t" 00 4 quarts, 8 quarts, 9 quarts, 14 quarts IiJ quarts 4 00 b Dl) s oo 12 00 Am-lv to II. B. MA-3LR, Sunbury, Ta. March 23, Dso2. M J oiiiicr InistirniK-o 4'osiiMiiiy, WILKESBARKE. PA. 4'npilal nnd iii pli, . 1 18,0(14). DIRECTORS: 0. M. Hollenbnck, I.. D. Ship-alter, John Rcichard. D. O. Driesbucb, R. C. Smith. Chas. Dorrance, AVin. S. Ross. Samuel AVadhains, R. D. Lacoe. Charles A. Miner, W , . tvctcliaui. ;.M Hurling. U. M. IIOI.I.KXBACK. President. I. D. SHOEMAKER, A' ice Presidcut. 11. C. Smith. Secretary. W tl. SrrBLtNr., Treasurer. This Company Insure three-fourlh of tho Cash valuation, takes no Premium Notes, make no As4ss ments. Policy acknowledges all money s paid during ihe term of v our Disuiuuc. A. CRAAVF0RD, Agent. May JO, 1S63 -ly I'ttus-lls ,V Ari ls Slsi.. I'lillmlelplila. ARE OPENING FOR SPRINO. 14. 100 pes. $1. Fancy SILKS. SO pes. India Silijs. . Dm Uiaid Black 2oii Ordered l'laiu, SILKS 4-1 LYONS Ula-k Silk VELVET. Bmwu SILKS, t, 0. 4, 3, 2. I per yard. Black " Jo, .. 4. .1. 2, 1, per yard Moire Antiques, all colors. Magniticeni lirenadihcs, Magnitioeut Organdies. Richest Chintses and Percales Spring S1IAAVI.3. New Household STAPLE I'.OnDS N. B tleneral assortment of Meus' W ear. March J, lwU 3mw I'tir ltlai,?llir, Itttus-lsra., Asslw, llssal llssust, Mollswlss l'ur, Mslrwai.eV., IssBt t l u 1'luisle., ' U, AssliuaU, PuluplniiJ. Sue. and fl 00 Tioi s, IMilee and Vls.ks l aud J suvs for Hotels, Public l.ustnu "Hilly infallible rediae kuuei '' ' ra Itoiu Pui " "Not dii rou U, ibe ilninaa raaiil.v," "Hsu auuie uul of Ibsir kdie lu Uis " ly Md W holfsala la all larae villas. aVId by all 4raijJils and halaileis everywksr '. ' ' Ha 1 ol all -osihlrMiuiilaiu.m fve tbat -Ci-iai's" turn la wil task U-.s Bollls Oad llask, belVia Jfolt buy A4J 1 II4.M4 U. 414 1 II. pnaulpal Depol 4 liloadeay Saw lii I f id by ail M kulaaale at4 KaiaU D1U441W la louiiy. Pa 1,1. m. I -la "WASUINliTON llOUSI1; sV-MtlkeMI i'usaee i MaikeS waia, i m 11, f IMII aa4ii4be4 taei-eaifiilli tt-kaarf ike ssUk, I Ikal be kae Ukeet e4i(e l Ike abuse Kaw4 MI, ai4 aaks k4 Ike eu.iiwi.M Ml Ike S.-S44S-S 4iiuM.)e e4 ouebt itsstMr nil etfcei la ne kua all' Mla)TletLM b always suiaiM dHk ike bS Ike asaiks J"d 114 stal esiiaike (ke eWeai hiMsa. ai4 k sSaks U le au4 tvkd wall ua l.d by sj.lul oo... I MikUAsVi. witUUI. ty, iptl. I4 4 .WM KNOCI1E. S3 JiARKET STREET, llARRISfirRO, TA., Dealer in PIANOS. NEW Itowood Pianos, from the beat nakart from I2U0 upwards. . . MELODEONK. The best manufactured Instru ments frointio to $100 Uaitars, Violins, Aocordeons. Flutos, i'if'f. Drams, Banjos, Tambourines, . Violin and Uuitar strings aud musical sner cbandiie in general. , SHEET MUSIC. The latest publications always on hand. Mnate sent by mall to any part of tba country. OVAL, bQUAKIi, UILT A.D ROSEWOOD FRAMES. Suitable for looking glosses, and all kinds of pictures always cn hand. A Enr assortment of best plated LOOKING U LASSES from smallest to largest lite! Any style of frame made to order at Ihe shortest notice. WM. KNOC1IE, April 11, 1SC3. S3 Market St., HarrUburg. .1 Lares Astsiorlinciit of I EVANS A WATSON'S BALAMANDER SAFES UREAT FIRE AT READING, PA. February 12, 1862. GlKTt.rnr.K It gives ma much .satisfaction to inform you that IS the severe Qre which, on the morning of the 4th inst.. entirely destroyed all my stuck and materials, I had one of your (salamander Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an intense red heat for seven hours, the Safe was opened, and the Hooks and Papers were preserved in an umbleinished I coiiuiuou. A sum uecu auoiuci .71140 ur nuu b w. in order. Y'ours. most respectfully, AV P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT OREES' CASTLE. ClUMBZHsarnri, Franklin connty, Pa., ) August 31st, 1401. Messrs. Evams A WatsoX. Philadelphia Oenllo men : On the morning of the 22d of August, IsOl, our Storehouse at Orecncaslle was destroyed by flre. The Salamander Safe we purchased from you some few years since was in tbc above mentioned store- bmic a,. nrinluim.rl all ruts IwV, rtADArs PH&b. Ac. i : . : T -1 ' 1 I . 1 CC. T which were preserved in a perfect condition, after ! 1 ..: .. j . ... . : .. 1 1 , r... ... . I s,n 1 ciiip. vaoosvu v uiun, tiovimv inn, 40. , v. ..uu.b. Please ii-'form us upon what terms you will sell us another larger Safef Yours trulv, OAKS V AUSTIN. Salamander Sufcs, for Ranks, Stores, Private Families. Ac, Ac. Also, Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Hank Locks and Rank A'ault Doors, equal to any made In the country, and sold on as gad terms. E A- AV. wouid respectfully refer to the following Banks and other parties, having their : Safes and Locks now in use, to their entire satisfac tion, nnd many others given at their Store. Umtmi Staiks Mint, Branch Bank, Shclbyville i Philadeli bin. Tennessee. t'MTtnsTATKS Anr.EXAt..Citv Bank of Philadelphia. t California. ! Pottstown Brink. Pa. Contesville Bank. Pa. I Stroudsbnrg Bank, Pa. Jersey Shore Bank. Pa. ; Lock llaven Bank. Pa. I nion Bunk. Baltimore. . Southwestern B i.kot A'a. I ulton Bank. Atlanta, Ua i Newark Bank, Del Consolidation 11 k of Pbila. 1 Com'th Bank of Phila. Chatar.ooga Bank, Tenn. Prc'm Loan Ass'on. 4th st. Bank of Northumberland. Dark of North u Liberties, Philailelphia. Paul and swift, Cankers, Alabama. AV.G. Sterling. AA'ilkcsb'e. LewUburg l'auk, Pa. Bank of N. (... Raleigh Oiher references given usou calling at our Store, -u. iu . fourtb Mrcet, t'tiuaucipuia. Sept. 5. lso.i. ly i Itssliistluss 1 Course, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (AVtir the Dridgt.) riUE subscriber having leased this well known JL 'iaveru Maud, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Brown, respect tally informs the public that he is refitting aud rejiaii ing the premises, nnd will be prepared to en tertain, in a comfortable manner, his numerous friend, throughout tho county, and all who may pHtronue his establishment. April 12. 1S02. JOSEPH VANKIRK. .M. C 4.I'.AICIIAItT-M Confectionery, Toy and .'vlarKs-t Mrri'l, Knsibiirj-, Ia. COMTECTIONnitY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OK LVEliY DESCHIPTIOM, FRUIT, &c. &c, C10NSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above ; estublishmeut at wholesale und retail, at reason nbli pri.'u. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeclionari .s to keep up a full assortment which aro sold at low Tebncco. Segnrs, Stationery. N'uts of all kinds, and avaristyuf oilier articles, all of whijh arc ofiercd wholesulsi and retail. jf Remember the name and place. .A"J M. C. UEARIIART. Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y'. Bright A Son's store Sunbury. Sept. 19. ISfln tf liiteriiitllimiil Hotel. "Oi aJ ot'. llroadiniv. l'"nr F.aillin Strtet NEAV YORK. rpiIIS Brit class House ihe most quiet, homelike I and pleasant Hotel in the ciiv .-llcrs superior induceuienls to those visiting New York lor business or pieasure. lt is central in its bscatiou, and kept on the El itoi'.:.ix Pi vs. in connection wilh ivl Lull's : SsLoov. where refreshments can bo bad all hours, or served in their own rooms. The charges are mo- derate. iherisus and attendance of the tirst order , laths, and all the modern conveniences attached. ' nept lu, mV(. tall Eai'i lOOO IlOH. AVALL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE OF STYLES AND PATTERNS. j JUST received direct from the Manufacturer, ut the MAMMOTH STORE of FRILING t URANT. I Siinhurv. March 15 l"it4 i lioOTS AXFSIIOES,1 JUST received from New Y'ork nnd Philadelphia, a fri-sh supply of the latest styles and i f the best quality, which hi, has had made up t.r order, an J ; I warranted to give good sutistaclion. He has niade ! arrangements in Ihe city to have bis best work made to order, w hich can be had at all limes, if not ou ' , hand Ihey will be procured at reasonable notice. I Manufacturing of lH'oTS and SHOES of all kinds as usual . I will also wholesale It. sots and Shoes by the l,ox Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere 1 and saii-ly yourselves. Thank lul for pair. maffa heretofore bestowed, he respeeltully solo -its a continuance of the same. I .--li"p and Store room, three doors west of the Rail , Road in Market Square. , I 1 AV.M. II. MILLER. 1 ! Sunbury, Sept IS, IS60. AT ANTED immediatelr. a Jour Shoemaker, ou j ! Meua W ofk. li.aal wages paid. : ! PRIVATE ACADEMY. ! j 1S0R1 HUMBERLAND. ' ! fPIIE REV. J.V.MFSDICKS)i. will re-open his; 1 Academy ou Moiidav. the l?lh day of August, ! , l-. :t : The following braneliM will be taught : 't.Min. -Hl.sk (iksia'Vii, U'ul-jlj.bv;. Rhetoric,' ligic, B,M,k Keeping, ocul Music lu lkes,rf alid piaottce Ali. licgrapby, Uramuar, History, ' , CoUllMiallh.il W nliug j TERMS : I Per tiuaner of 11 weeks. folot lu lb alane branches without lis languages V'l WW ' Latin and als.ve brauihes. 9 I , Oriek an I al it bratchea, 9 Vt1 ro I ireular. Pur lunber parlieulara apply la KEV JAMFS DICKSON'. Teacher. Nurlbumbariaiid, Augiul Ul, ImU ly llltl.U'M III4.4 HI. I K. Dsalrra and C. asuu.sr. ul Ike ab.,ve CalcbraleJ Weak lilui', will plisaM lake Hutlce. Ikat Ike Labels ate aitaiavl lu ld IhPIUO 1)LU, NT IP AT AUr-e-tl llllH-rcrr'a) PKl'U ITOU, Ke til N-sik kFCOND kuoet, rUli-ADlLPUU Tke eualiiji vsf ikU Hue will We ike saws la esery ri-sx 4 ' ll la warlaulad Is) euluf B.ue Wales Ikaa laiee tke eauie qiMisiiiy ul ludij. 0444! Ua g- auok futikef Ikaa eii 4ika v aak Wue la Ike uiaikai. It 4ia. .lv e tM.liKiily .ImI aad vts, ksl settle aa Ike i.Ih m is .'I iii s sm tktta 4s Uwe Us, 4ies 4.H. I lb I,. II piut ul waits. ss sit leak a w .t a lesysid " aa any tka4 as asave, ai Me Uud Ike As 11 m iviaiM at Ike aaaee psUsa m Iks IwiiaiWus a4 lalMim esiwlea. k .es. kesse eill tk-4 14 lu (iss ibats -i44lA4a W aa M lk4 k4 a4 V ,iiisas a, A 4 AU kiwe ki aaafia ibu .Wie nfc laaiew 1 e-- s 4 k) la a lialisiM I a ,e Laiue 4--se k 1 laaise a kla. ( aie ks tsa.akte aws-iallj U iesH m4mm 'l iis Atrsii'- i;pr-pi CntpBiii CIV'K NOTICE that they hare concluded ar f raugeinentp wilh the Northern Central RailrosS Company to run trains from Baltimore for ork, llarriaburg, Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorton, Fnnhary; Korthumberland, Lewieburg, Milton, Muncy, Wil liampport, and all intermediate stations, oonnecjiu) at Harrisbur wilh the UREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis aud U West. Alan with Howard Co 's Expw at Jfiltofl or Danville, Uloomsburg, M'ilkeabarre. Pillston. Pcran ton. and intermediate stations on the Cntlawi i, Lackawanna Bloomsbur Railroad. At Wils liamaport, bt Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey rshorc and Lc!t Haven. Also, by Howard A Co , and their connections, for Canton, Troy, l'.lmira. Rochester, Buffnlo. Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Note, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of orery descrip tion. Also, Kotos, Trnft and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient tnessongers employe, and every effort will be made to render salisfiction. JOHN HIXUHAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Ageut for tfunbiiry. April i, 1862. 1IHAUY IKIlKi:. Ctrvtr cf State and Third Strtet, HABmSBlBII, Pa. rpIIIS HOUSE, in consequence of Its cnnven'icnc J. anil near location to tne '.apiioi, nas mane u desirable stopping place, rot only for thoso having business at the seat of Uevcruroent, but for other? visiting Harriaburg. March 29, 1102. n p erriblb riPctisi'ii rsixirtTo io;t I THE MILL ).l. : A most ralauble and wonderful publication A DR work of 400 pages, nnd SO colored engravings . t T ,1 'i ','H ' . . .. n I ...i HUNTER'S VADE MECU.M. an original and popu lar treatise on Man and Al oman. their Physiology. Functions, nnd Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies fir their speedy cure The practice of DR HUNTER lias long becji, ind still is. unbounded. Hit at the earnest solicitation of mimcropt persons, he li been induce 1 lo extend hi? medical usefulness through the medium of hi" "A'ADE MECUM." It is a volume that should b. in the bands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret t ires, or as a guide 'r th alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive) scouriros ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, w sir, of the I wul bo rorwaraca iree oi postage 10 auy niied -Mates lor ?i cents in I . 'i. stumps. i - ... . . . . , , ,, ,,r viiu or 3copicsfor $1. Address, post paid, DR. HI MLR, No. 3 Division street. New York. June o, lao.v iy. lr6I. Ari-nii&riiis'Sitsi I two I. of m rlt Hsiesn THE CAMDEN AND AM ROY' AXI) PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From riiiii'!r?i,iiia o AV w Yvl and HVy l'artt, from U'alnttt ttrert Wharf and Ktnsington Dryct, will have a fvUov.-. rit : faiiR At 6 A M.. via Camden and Amity, (C. and A. Accommodation. i (2 25 At6 A. M., via Cauidenacd Jersey City.N. J., Accommodation. 2 25 At 8 A. M.. via Cnrodvo and Jersey City, (Morning Mnil.i 3 00 At 9 A. M.. via Camden nnd Jcrs.y eitv 2d Class Ticket 2 ?: At 11 A. M. via Kcr.siujion and Jersey city Express 00 25 At 12 M. via Camden nrd An. lev. C and A. ( Acominouati' 11. At 2 P. M., via C iiicl. n and Ataoov, iC. and A. Express.) " 3 00 At 3 P.M., via Kensington and Jrrcv City, Wash, and V Y. Express 5 00 At 'if P, M .. via Kensington nnd Jersey City, iLve-in gMail.1 ' 3 00 At ll! P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city. Southern Mail. " " 3 00 At lt t.:iigliii via Kensington end Jersey city Soutueru Express 3 00 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Ainboy. (Accom modation. Freight and Passenger, First Class Ticket. ' 2 2 Second Class Ticket. 1 60 For W ater Gap, Sirrnidsbnrg. Scrac'on. AVilkes- burre. Montrose. IjicmI l!,:t,d. Ac ut C A. M.. fiotu Ki-iisington. via Delaware. La.'Vawantia and AWsteru Railroad For Maucii Chunk. Alletitovn. BethU'icm. Belvi- ricre. Eastmi, l.mnl eriv ilc. I'kiiiington. Ac. at 8 A.M.. from Kensington Depot, and at 2i P. M., from Viilnut street W barf. (The A. M. Line connects with Trains lea"ih Easton for Munch t. hunk, at H-20 P. M ! For Mount Holly, nt A. M . .and 4 P. M. l or Freehold, a! 1 A. M. and 2 P. M. AV A Y LINES. For Bristol. Trenton. Ac. at 1 1 A. M. and 2j and i P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra. Rivenon. Dclanco. Beverly. Bur lington. Florence. Bordeutuwn, A i.. at 12. 1. 2. 4l , and 6 P. M. ! I y For New Yorh. ar.d Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take (be Cars on l'lttll street, alsovo ANulnut, half an hour lo tore departure. The Curs run into tlie Depot, and on the arrival of each Iruin, run from the Depot. Filiy i'ounds of Fag'ere ouly, allowed eaih . passtiig, r. Pass, ngT- are prolii.iled fr-'iu taking i any thing 11s bH-rage but lltcii vcariI. siipoarel. All baggage ov.-r til'iy H'iiu,ls to '" poi.l for evtra. Th-.v Comi-any limit their r.'-i.n-:tiiii"y tor lciir'',oo 1., , line Dol'iar per pound, t'tel will not 1 e liable for any . amount bevond i'-.'- exc-. l.v si i:il ..ontni"l. i " VM II. 0 ATZMER, Agent. Jnnuary 17, 1S'.1 llraiKlis's,, Yl liie., 4.iii, A.- hiivir,; op.ncd in 'lhoin rpill'. su'riber. X Briek'Huildina n s . .vliil siicti, Itiinv il!e. largo aud complete stock f FoivERi.N AND DhMESTIC l.lgl'ORS', cniprising th- b.-t brands ..f Brandies, iiiu. Old l'.yc, Scotch and I ri-h lusktv. Pyrt. Sherry. Ma deira, Champagne and other Yi iues. oi all grades, all ol which will b vld W. 'il-ilc. 111 ti.e b w.-t city prices. 1 avern-kccj.i-rs. l-y buying ..t u... ca:;suvo tl least the freight. Persons desiri-us of pur. !.i--;r.g li-jino s f,.r I A M I L Y IS 1: . nay rely upon bei.ig furnished with a pure ac t unadulterated II t -le. ( ar Being detei minc.l ,., establ's'.. c reputation f,r selling cheap, he respctl. illy solicits the patl. tiagj of the public. AU orders .,,-otcptlv tittended to. .It.llh.MIAll S HALL. Danv ilia, June 1V 1 --"-.. I.iimlx-r ! PHILIP SHAY. Mim NFOUMS his Irirnds l.llllllX'l- y l.y..'"to;ng county. Pa., aii.l the toiblic in grneral I Ihul he consianlly ke. s on hand Boards. Miitiglts atb. Joists, and ull kiiT.ip of Lumber and bnildinit 1 siermia. which he will ,uu the lowest prices. mMajch .111, 11 r.MTAlll.li9i:i rr.TF.R LOR ILL A IIP, SiiiiU'sfc 'l'olasss sliiiiiiratliii-er Ifl .1 IS CHA.MliI.USST , 1 Formerly 42 Chatham Street. New Y'ork. W'. uld eall the aileuliou of Deuleis tu the articles of bis manufacture. v,s : DROWN SM FE. MaeaU.y. Demioros. l ine llappre, Puie A'irginia, Coarse Rappee, NacbitKbes. Auieri.'iiii tietitlcman. CojK'nhageo. YFI.l.oW SM Fl' Scot.'"!. Honey Dew Scutch. Hitth Toast Scot, h. Fn-sl, lloi.ev Dew Scotch Iri-h High ioa.t. Flesh c, t.h. or Lundvlooi. J Alienlion is called lo the large redu. Ii.,11 iu pi ictssid' Fine-i'iil t hew ing and Miiokmg Tobuccus, which will be I., ut,. I., I a Miperior Quality. TOBACCO. kSmvking. Fine l ul Chewing. Smoking. t.,.tr--s i' .V J y' plain. S Jago. No I. I av ctidi-h. ,,r Sweet. .alllsK, . - . . N.I. 2. Sweel crlltcd I Irollocu. Canaster No I A i u.isvd, '1 tu toil I av 1. lij., Turkish, liraitulale t N 11 A crenlar of prices will be sent ou ap '.ic v lieu April 4. 1 -'..' - I CHl-A.-MI' Sc DIET21 I.OWIK AVllAHk. BITNnUHY. VA. Wllol.FSALE AND IU.TAII. Dl.ALt.KS IN WIUTi: AS 11 COAL, ii ave.y variety. ' Orders suliciied an I tilled wilh prompt mas a' i da.aicb. tsunbury. .Mv In. lel y . JMI ll.lllll M'sT MOLSS4LS St. It as 111. CLOCK UST.M'.l.lsllMKNT. I l Corner kavMol sa l l'biss,ul si , Pl.iU 1... A lil M Y l"f il.a I'AILM Livl AI.UINil HUH CkiiuUie, Is4tls, Uatiks, Cu4iulmg llusw. Paibis, Alsu. V.kuf-iur.s 4,f FIVk'iKiLH ItNi I l, k. t. pa. 1.4 4U. sllaklu I I I k I iii,ie. 4 4 1 y 4. s. ii4ioa I'i. Illli, 1,14 J.ai.II Ivt Ivsl 1, " a. w. kjuii " wKass tsry ssstsl t'sstsiswe Ittsr I JS M , I sse Ml toeik sits A W-iS.I steo ol 4e mk 41 I U,il,l 4 km. s sime, rsUNUUitY, ' A., will alUkl Ltsve-H1! all H'Sal lMsaws-es-l.wA.ss4 k Ma. tie ai t s s 4U.ua IS) k 4SiklsM as-4 se4 ia, ali4- aaasa use (so.), ki. ks, like IS