Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 11, 1864, Image 2

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gl,i punting American.
H. B. MA9SER, BdttorA "Proprietor.
Ton rREmr.NT: LI.M'Ol,
Of Illinois.
A.OKiAV joirHO;,
(V Tiituiscf.
K7" T!ic Union Convention at Baltimore,
on Wednesday, nominated 1'ri'sidunt Lin
coln for a second term, on tlm l!it ballot.
Tlio people telitvo tha President to be
honest in his intentions, and ii.riusl In his
efforts, to cniijli out this w i.hcd rebellion.
They believe that nhnUvfcr errors Im litis
committed, were error ol Judgment, and a-i
mankind is no. InfiiUihle, he should hu fair
)? Judged, nnd uith due allowance for the
frailties of all tilings luitmiti. Ia ra
sped 1U;-. Lincoln will lumpum fuvutuMj
nith most of his .re'ecrafora.
Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, t'.c nomi
nee for Vice lViiiJent, is cut only uu nblo
statesman, but one of I he most deserving
men in the Union. . lie is a self-mad,; tuiin,
and worked at his trade until Lc wa3 elect
id to olliie by his fcllow-citicus on account
of hii industry, energy, nnd talents. He
never was u favorite vvUh the aristocracy of
slavery, but his hii'h character for honesty
nn J industry, and superior abilities, made
bin, u f'.iVoriT.. viirll tint ,,i.n, i1t. Tlm rli,ii,!
ci-.ic; liiii. to Congress and after wards
to the United States Senate, and he was
tho ruling spirit in Tennessee for many
C'jgP Provisions. The high prices of all
things necessary to sustain life, is severely
commented on by some of the city papers.
In most cases speculators are at the bottom.
One of these papers advises entire abstinence
from beel several weeks, or a month, and
thinks people generally consumes t o much
fresh meat. This i?, no doubt, true. The
hijh price of cattle is attributed to monopo
lists, and the butchers are not alone to blame,
who will pay hih prices as long us people
ere willing to pay them. There is, how
ever, no doubt that the butchers, as well as
the consumers', would bo benefitted by fair
prices, and all ought to in concert tu
bring about a reform.
ciiuci luiiiuv iici'i Jia fiiiuiti r v cii'i;- j
tion on Saturday hist. I'eorjjc F. Miller, j
tsri., received 7215 votes for Congress. A
C. S'liipson 07-1 for Senator, Samuel AilT:
man 072 for Assembly, J. Crouse 417 fi r
Prothonotary, J. Aurand 173 for Register
and Recorder, t?. Wciiicb. li for District
Attorney. Two years aj Miller had t2Z
iiL.l Patterson 33(1.
EfiF" Tub m:w Two Cknt Pieces ms
comiug in circu!;.t;oii,
It is
coin of copper utiel tiu resemMing in size
and general nppearance the gold pieces.
The designs are of course diherciit. Ou the
obverse, or face, is a shield, resting upon
two transverse arrows, and surmounted with
a scroll, upon which the legend ".i Owl
re Tmei." Re::eath is the date, ISO 1. Ou
tho reverse, is a wreath of mai.-c, within thu
deuoiuinatii u "C cknts,'' uud in a circle
outside, the ivor .li, " I'nUtj ftutee j Amer
ica -f Donations to t;ii; Fair. The
Philadelphia Puts, a few days ago, noticed
the receipt of tw o beautiful wuiksofi.rt
marble models of monuments to aoldiers
us a gift froL-i O. A. Nicolls, Fso., of Read- ;
ins, to the Art Department of the Sanitary
JtST The Tioga County Rank has ""beet,
robbed of 3,5.00l, and Mr. Nelson of
intra, was robbed of $13,000 by night
Zrt I he bodies ol the four men and
boys drowned at Muncy Dam, have been
I ceo vert d.
acncral nailer's Army.
.v . i
FOIlTltESS MilNKOK .Ilini! T k. ni.mi '
. , i , , . . i
attacked General llittler s hues of defence
ut OLTiiium iiunurcu.oii t edntisiiiiv even
inir, at nine o'clock, and made a" charge
with the eiid-nt intention of capturing our
Parrot guns; but they were repulsed,' with
heavy loss. Tho lighting continued until
Thursday morning, when the enemy wire
driven back. Our los was very slight.
Deaths in MoCiellan's Hosuitat. .lum, ?
John Orr. Llevcnth Peinisylvaniu; 11. P. I
Peek, One hundred and eighty -eighth Peiin- !
bylvania; J. Sickles, Ninth Ne:vv Jersey.
Clours, Davukeak, in tiu: Fir.i.n, June 2, '
Ibfil. Five hundred and ten Rebel soldiers, '
belonging to the Sixteenth ar.d F.ightecnth j
Georgia Volunti-ers, came into our lines at j
day bicak. They say they are tired of light
ing, and do not want any more of it. They
nd vised our men to go in and tight it out,!
hi this was the last tight for Richmond, ami 1
v.e could take it this time, l iny represent '
the Rebel army us becoming each day more I
and moie demoralized with thiir c'oustant !
reverses. Mnynrts. June 4. The steamer
.Vji,.i.v.7, Iron, White House, reports that
the cannonading which has hecu heard very
distinctly for nearly three days, cIomiI yes
terday ai'ternoon, and was not resinned this
A. M. at eight o'clock. One thousand pri
soners had arrived at While House, captured
by Smith and Burnside. 1 heat.ntm r Vm a
a Pun M arrivid lrom Bermuda Hundred at
4 P. M. T here have I cm tin a'-tive rperu
tious there slnco tlw las! aecouuls. The
Uiiner tfvi whiter was Ced Intu wL'.'u g 1.
Jug up tliu James P.ivcr tl.l ii.orniri, but 1
n .1...... ... I . It f .-
,i ,iiiui.i; nu nunc, utavy canuon, .11
s ue.ini lu tho direction of Hi 1
- 1
Ut elhi.
A'Ol.r.ST AT 1UK lilUUT ('CM HAL I'sil
liMerday kl'leir.oou, luat as lh iusugi.u
. -s. .,,,,,,,, 1. 1 me greui ruir sin ruin
me... inK, ins iar;e plutlorm fticte l
I ill the I
vr.l fii.lollhit I icon .vetiu n
'-'" tut, j:fi.4j;4 y iiu a ten Hid .1,1
Al tlieliiiie of,!,,,ut there Sefv
about two h,i..d,. pera.,.,. ou ll. n.on of
tuna m ji an. I 110 1, nini ntal
Adiol.e liie l.r.,ll- I i ---- i--- -, - "ion 111 a .11011 sIHit 11, ilea, Uls tue alios k felivilid ll (..lie ral ui jut " - -j. --- - j.-u. ism
.w ..g I m VuUUli. Hr (irlgff, M.S. I M.. Hsm-U l.aillcnl.rlv 1.. I.I. . '1.. .. 1 .. . . V ' uru , ....s, - ' B-'l .Lruil to U.aat in Ihla ui.,liu...u
'"- . : n... l-.u V . e i VJt I tu".t u'.l." (J. .' 1 rr.1, V.. v .U V.'.J -r' C'u M-Ua '
Terrible Klanftbtcr nnd - Itcpulne
or I he i:ucuij.
Dallas, Oa., May 20.
fia Pittsburg June ?.
The rebel made a desperate charge about
4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, on Mcpher
son's lines and were repulsed with terrible
They came tip in heavy masses through the
dense undergrowth in front of our lines, and
were not discovered until within a very
short distance of the skirmishers.
The skirmishers fell back, and the first
line ol battle received the shock in gallant
style in Dodge's front.
The object appeared to be the capture of
millers battery, and so i.e-,pcratcly ui.l
they contend for it that a reliel captain and
licuteiKint sealed the breastworks.
The iiiptiiiii was captured and the lieu
tenant killed, his tailing insiile the
Wfiki. The battery kept up a galling tire
of papc and canister, which piled up the
dead and uomiiled by hundreds.
Dodge's line did not give an inch.
lhe Fifteenth coips all stood lirm except
Harvard'.; division, which lust some ground
and tno guns in the litot onset of tin; enemy,
but quii kly ri.llied and recovered the jrround
cud (lie runs.
Wilder' mounted infantry, holding the
extreme rilit of MThersou's lines, held
their ground finely.
Failing to carry our works w ith the first
ru-h and sntitticil w ith their reception from
the first line of battle, the rebels retired
with great precipitation, leaving, however,
a strong line of fkiriuisheis to hold the
ground previously occupied by them to
carry oil' their killed and wounded. Our
boys are in tins spiiits over their success.
Ijcneriils M 1'heison, Logan nnd Dodge
were upon the Held in person, and and our
troops greeted them with hearty cheers
w herever they passed.
Our loss will not exceed one hundred,
that of the rebels probably two thousand.
In front of one of Dodge's divisions fifty
two deaii rebt Is were buried inside of our
skirmishing lines.
The rebels remained in posessioii of enough
ground to carry oil one half their dead and
It was expected that the fight would be
resumed during the ui-hl.
llooktr ilid some heavy lighting on the
25th, in which he lost l.."(!0 men, and drove
the enemy back from a very strong position.
May lie). Fighting opens cjuito brisk this
morning. We are gaining a little ground
in the centre, but only n little. The rebels
make a stubborn .stand.
M'lteir Lakl tiud Suci-eftolul Jtatilc.
WashixctoN, June 5. The First, Second,
Fittii, Sixth. Seventh. Tenth, Uleventh and
I Twelfth Regiments Pennsylvania Reservis
; atid the liilcktails arrived hist nigia bom
, the While House. They left to-day at noon
i for Hanisbiirg, about thirteen hundred men
iu the iie legiments. The Reserve have
been in two heavy buttles during the pre
S'jnt campaign, aud fought their last battle
I within a few miles of where they fought
under the iaMant Ueiielal Mcl'a'll at Me
! chanics illc.
Un the uOth they were marching from
i Ilawes' store towards Mcclianicsvillc, and at
I noon passed liethesihi Church. l!y the
: middle of the afternoon the First liiiginle,
uiuter col. m. u. JliireU n. consist:ngV.J-;: the I
j First Regiment. Col. W. Cooper 'Tiny ;
Sixth, Col. W. II. F.iet; Klevenlli, Colonel 1
: S. M. Jackson; and lim ktail Kilies, Major i
; Hartshorn, with the. Ihiektails in lront, were !
.skirmishing with the rebel skirmishers.
j The Reserves lell back, making but little !
i resistance, they reached the road run- !
niug from Meclianicsville to Hanover Court j
House. They at once commenced to throw
W '".wo.m,, Vur,"',"l,V.t'L'" Mt" "
ie oiiniiiLs., inonaoiy nail an Hour, whin;
they were uttiieketl upon both flanks by the ;
re bels. Some prisoners taken informed them !
that itv. iia ilarly's Division of j; ell's liorps, I
anel the order to fail back upon the main
body was ut once give, 'f'hey fell slowlyj
Lack about three quarters ofu niile, tiling so !
stuielily upon the rebels that t!;e did not
follow in any force.
fhe Rng.ide was rallied and formed
ew one across me- road aim through some
i 5"!I '"fJW ,,!.''M,V'
I of the line, the First brigade on the centre
j nun ivucin n s iieuvy Arudery Urigade on
j the left, in all, numbering not over six
thousand men. Near the centre of the line
I ' I . . . . .
were fo sections ol a Michioaii batierv.
i which, for two hours, threw an occasional
shell in the woo, Is to our front, which soon
elicited a reply from the rebel urtillciy.
A small house near our lines h;..l ;i mn
bis i 'o'.. ,.. ,. i ....... i i .. , ,'
..v u... .. L'lmiei ,ii votllll rt'lji'ls
:.. . .. I F- . ."u"rf toe I
in u uu were aavitcd lo evacuate
, lb,.. .1.
So,.n a rebel shell stove throtiidi the room
I" """ iuey were gathe red and exploded
in their midst, betting the house on lire.
when they at ouce took lo the bushes.-
M range us it may appear, not one ,,, .them
was hurt, but the house was .soon burned
up, with all its contents. Our men worked
vigorously, throwing up breast works, and
bought lo conceal tn. iu , much .s p, ,,
Iiom the enemy. T urd simdow n .. U s
U 1 1. 1 1,, j ... 1 . .1 .1
.....s . hi. .-..eo iiom me is aim
I'IMI .IIM, I,-.., I. ........ . .. I ..
r. , a li ne.- lorui. il in tlnee
" i nev Hiiil scarcely luov ed vv hen t he
moo iMigauc. opened u severe cross-liie
llllllll I II 1,' I I . . l . . I i . . I ! . .
"i -.. ..... , nn ii iiiine.i nit in over I
upon ;ue i ii-at urij-jik and u.ileheii s Heuvv
About live yards in front of ihc
1 list Brigade', rill,-pit wus s 1,111 e and
some Lushes that concealed our inks as
well us our men.
On the n-i e! csme, with closed ranks
and as they icachul tho fmce, our men!
w ho had not tired a shot, opened a blaze
ol musketry all along the line. The
liry comuiliiced ou luiiister and one accord
tuse sliells.
'1 he rebels tired a few shots and fell on
the grouml. lu vair. tueir ollicers tried lo
rally theui. ll s. Ui avail, and thev
S1.0U Ileal in perfect Mnt.
The firtl line which h4d
wre m.Mitly left. Our 111,1, laekemd tlit i,
hre the reikis rail a.vnv. ,l Hlnnever
one ol those h it would try t , t ,, t run,
u bullet went cruahin,; throuj;u him Final
iv, oui 111 our ouieeis aiii'-iiii. 1.1,1 il... i.-
I .1 . o-- o - .....k 1.
nicy inrew uovvn llinr arms, lame io and
suneutle'ed, thev Mould lie Minir.'.l
) lour hiindnd ul Ihein gave lliemwlve. ,111 two colonel, three liiuuiunit
.ooiiels, cue major, m.d twtuiy lino mil.
i itfa.
I Our tuns covered ih Imi il ri. I.I u.i
filjl't cIomiI iu on the acinc l. 1 he l olilbi .
l vl ""rnjiiu; thutiiemv wir.lotilid tu
Imvc i.-irmied nearly lo lull, a. I.auiijj
l-e.f liad 411.I wounded our hand..
A pi Loner j ll...t Gen. Kai soiii rode in
front of th' ir bu. U l.uu ih,a I an. 11 mil ..I
I l itl llltl'IV I 1'iii sM,.ol. sil ( T I I .. . I
to form nnd double-quick upon the Yankee 1
and take them urisouers.
Oen. Ransom was It-It dead on the Geld,
and his sword was presented by one of qur
private soldiers to (leu. Crawford, and an
other soldier cut off his coat collar with tho
stars upon it.
Tile First Regiment buried seventy
rebel the next day, in front of their works.
It is estimated that the rebels lost one
thousand men in this assault upon the "Yan
kee skirmishing lines." Prisoners all agree
that they nevtr knew such f.;bborn rvist
ance as out urniy has lately shuwn, and that i the runiored capture ot I-iUbujju Lee ami
it tells fearfully upon their morals as well aa his cavalry was untounded.
their rauks. They ray they are worn out The White House presents a scene f;fac
with excessive inarching, toil and fighting, tivity unprecedented rvm Uurirjj luetic
but nil feel confident of their army being ! Clellan campaign.
able yet to defeat us. " j A special despatch I) Iho lUrall dated
Among the rebel dead was Colonel Terri'd, I Coal Harbor, June 3, 1KU1. says:
of tin; Twenty-seventh Virginia, brother to j Hancock's corps moved, night before last,
our Ucneral Terrill, who was killed nl Shi- , from the right to the extreme left of the line,
loh. In his pocket was found it letter, near- 1 and relieved the Glh in its position in front
ly worn-out. Iiom the I nited States surgeon
w ho attended lieneral Terrill, w ho said that i
he regretted that he was an alien from his j
family and State, but that he should stand ,
by his whole country to the last.
The Rebel Colonel" llotlman wasalso found j
cut in two by a shell. The color-beaier of j
the Fifty-second Virginia t ame almost up to !
lence, when a shell struck him and rc Ins .
Il...I, I ; . .. Il- t.. t.t...... I.nt hi. it' l.i. r... 1
!...!.,'. ...t 1 1,..' uw't.i ".iii.i i ...,t
secure a single Bag. "
One of our men, who has been in eve: v I at
I tle-lield of the army of the Potntnac, says he
never saw the enemv so mangicd and torn
as they were along 'that fence. Dead and
dvi.ur men were piled no in some plates
up in some I
three or four deep. Woumh-d men had
pushed dead tuns up in fmnt of them to
shield them, and there died themselves.
Our loss w as not heavy, evept in the first
engagement on the Mn iianicsx ille road,
where we w ere compelled to ! .iveoui wound
ed iu the huuils ol tin: enemy.
We have secured Correct lists of the cas
ualties in the sew-r.ll regiuieiits. Many
in.ii kid missing are wouuiied how bauiy
or how mans urc even wouneled v.e cannot
The iirii'il-e of EivcTs C orp, w ith s.. h
dn ;n "laughter, by a ton e less lhr:i one
tiiiiel of tin ir ni:;iib..r, is m.e' of ilu- most
gallant alla'us of tli" campaign, and is a nt
ling close to the glorious carver of one of
liie best divisions that ever tiled on an ene
my. The repn' iiion won by the Reserves
will live for all time to come.
--- . -- -
Kul tic n lVt'tltx'Kitiiy auel 'IIiiii'n
liny. Hi: otr t; rirtis Aiimv or mi: Potomac,
Wcdncs.lav, June 1, - Yi iterdav anernoon
j Sheridan cii'-ouiiteri d lie? enemy's c.valry
on Met sville pike, and ai'ti-r ipiit'' a
heavy cugagi llient tlrove thv'u to within
j about ff e miles of Riihmonil, holding Ids
I ground. The oth Corps soon iit'tcr pres-ed
I furwarel his rear s'.ipport ; .-u-.d this piorning
the (ith l'i-rps swings around fr"in its o'nl
position on the rigl.t and moves eiown the
Cold Harbor and Ml-chani. si ille.
Harlow ' i!iis':o?i, or th1: V!d I'orps. again
distinguished itself hist night, ju-t before
dark, in charging upon an. I e.i; iy ing tv.o
lines of the t :ii my 's rilie pits.
The 7th New York ll.iy nrtillery, just
come, iicrjuiitvd itself wii'n .ii-'inguislnd
gallanln. and M:st..imd a !ots .t :e...ily one
liuiielri-i I Mid lit;-..
j Our entire lines were eoi'.sidi raldy r.dv arc
i ed last night, and the impression seems to
I prevail lint hi- withdrawn his main
; force w ithin the inner di I'-iu i s of Richmond.
Ills losses the pa-t t.vo ,', is u,i-i h:ive been
very severe, laigely in excess rf or.-.',
j I ids night h. ail j; arte rs are t.gai:i iu the
I saddle, bin wlicie it v. ill ali-I.t d' es not u t
! .seem to be ei in li.llv
in. '.i i
I of alt our ca!:uoinnlii.:
heard in Richmond, and the fugitive contra
bands who strn'.l into camp report the citi
zens there as i:i the higl:e.-t sl.ite of excite
ment. 'flic scene in front of Warren, yesterday
morning, was sad an I sickening to tic !:
decree, 'pi,,, enemy had left all his dead,
and such wouiiiled us w ere unable to el
themselves nway, in utter wuiilouues?, nnd
there thev lay when the breasiing light
ghastly heaps of devl,
led, aud more siightlv
; dving, hoinhlv man
wounded, piled upon one anoShii aiielstiev.
ed nlM'ld liis.- held in nil dilutions.
i I here call l.e no question ti::il the enemy
' vviiiully abandoned his sei i.nisly wounded
j to our care w ith the deliberate ptiipose ot
j lillposing the blll'dell UpeUl Us.
j U A. M. I l.ii oi k Is still I.auiUleiiug
away at the enemy's advance pi. Kel line,
j clieuiiig ihus utile or no response,
j Captain I'ialt, ol the roiniiiissiii y tie part
j llient who was captured yesteiday, it is
staled, was at liie time- lecouuoiii mg oitt-
side our lilies.
Our extreme left to-day rests upon the
line of inc South Kiver Railroad, giving us
a line- of some si to elglil miles III i Melll.
'liaiisHAV. June . A. M. Al out l P.
M. ycsiiieiay. I tie- til It Corps, on our extreme
lell, below Coal Hal bor, made a heavy charge,
supported by "llaldy" Smith's Luce's, which
had come- Up anel taken position. lieu.
Wright made it despci.itr ousel, resulting
in carrying the enemy's first ihies of vnuks.
uud the capteie nl lioin six to eight hun
dred prisoners. The enemy's loss iias been
Very seve-rr. ::t.l ieir.c.i,i m i .ii. t..i-t 1 .1.. '1 n..
I ulliiir is sooki-n ., tie iti.n !.....i.. ... ...... ..'
gli al gaiialitrv and a Iv inta, e to us
An hour laier ai.d Warren w..s
after Hie .ml plan ol luiriii.g nia-sed
upon his tines ; but Itavmo nis infantry we'l
p.,Med iniin.d cartl.ivoi !.s',' and his ani'leiy
wed in p.,,i. im- e m tv ,,e repulsed
in ihiee elesp.rate ciiar.e.s, with Irohtlul
s.auuiiicr. alien's ha U giveu ulaboci
three Hundred.
I I l.e same attempts vt
I.. 1
o u ade un.'Il
I Hancock line, iu,d
leiiii:.-e, with en ml
I si 1,01 o ne-s and
lor. .11 tiuits, icsl luii r
i lo, ami niter dai k. oi
cnti.e bins Would l.e
engaged, bid in
lio ease did our llootis
j waver, or give 1111 inch of ground, though the
lighting has been the most desperate 'of any
wo have had suite p.lsv Uaiii 1. Gener.d
I Minde and Giant jia; 1 icipai, d wiih ihu men
111 linings 01 llic lir;hcsl sat, sluctioii over
e.sle relay's Work.
i lie ina.. 1 attack was upon liiii'tin, but
Lis mill siood uicic gi. und like loiks, and
wheivvir the rein I iiiaasea Were hurled ugitist
any particular ioiut u deadly lire Iron, our
eiiiiie line wa pound iii upon them, so dm!
while our iissiswill not iivehuu
ilied in ail, that of Ihu enemy mu.-t have
been two cr three Ihoiisaiul. Such Ir.inlic
atsuuits as iheeiiimy Inadc upon oar earth
woiks, with the repeat. d annihilation ot
liia troops, tan ii!y lie uceotiuteil lor by liL
n spi nun n ami inn, inc..
tiiuuside's Corp. wus heavily assaulted at
times and u -'lUlllt .1 llsell 1110,1 ere, In ibte
'i'Ue new troops, lor the l:rs time uud. r lite,
hive won special coiiituelidatlou r thiir
hiioiu 1,1 ul In uvtrv. lVesini.
uud rai mil, mn
hunt and irregular sleep
doiute so in 11 ol Ibe 11101
ktubUiru tighiin.;;ol Hie a.,r they still hope
I'ul, even joylul. Lvtry move' our aliuv
low makes is III the desired dlllltleiU, anil
thvuituaitf itisptud ill, n by.
IL.Idy Muitli visited headipiariirs for the
lilsl I line lust night.
HibtiMom:, Jur.g Ttai, iL unions
A uoi, .. , : A ge Ul I. men, Who Ull Uiu
11 u. .11 m o tint s, t.u 1 li.lav iii.uuio
sihlu condition and spirit. Tiny linve
never in anr previous camtnihrn been so well
supplied. There were abundant provisions
constantly going forward. The wliolu army
worships lieneral Grant, and say that he is
the onlv mail who has given them a ctaaucc
to tight.
The belief wan universal both among the
troops and residents of the country in the
vicinity of Rich'uiuiid, that the rebel capital
nnwt fall.
Tlitrn haa Lorn no nttcmpicd raid on the
, White, ns reported. rd consi-qu'-iitly
of this place. Tho latter was deployed to
the right to till a gap between its original
urouml nnd that occupied by the ltlth
Corps under lieneral IJahly Smith, which
joined this army day before yesterday, and
was in line of Lattle yesterday morning at
daylight. '
The line is then formed had Hancock on
the lett, at Coal Harbor; riglit ir. the tell
...itf.n W.irn.ii ! tli lirrli, i'itiilri nitil
PurnJ.t,. ii... ,i. i.i " '
i l ate in the evenint; thev took possession
I of the ground wo vacated in the morning
I by moving to the left Hank, and were at
na- r arm, w heie uem ral heaihiuarteis liuil
been the night before.
, Cat-eat ISnllfr on t'l-ielny Al'lernooii.
Wasiiinoton, June 5, 1 P. M. To Major-
i lieneral li. New York: A despatch from
I lieneral limit's head iUai lers, dated at haif
i past eight o'clock last night, has been re-
( iv... 1 It lut.w lto:l ii,Oitt fcr'Vi 11 P At
vesierday, (Friday, June 3d.) the enemy
siiildenlv attacked Smith's IJrigad". of Gib-
I bons' Ki-.i-ion. The battle lasted w ith great
Ifurv lor half an hour, mid the attack w:
unwaverinidv repulsed. Smith s losaes were
At ii P. !. Wilson, with his cavalry, fell
' upon the r.-ar of a brigade of Ileth's Divi
' sion, which I.e.; had onleleel around to his
, h ft. aipaicutly with the intention of envel
; oping iiiunside. Alter a sharp but short
conllii t Wilson drove them from their title
pits in confusion. He took a few persons,
j He hud previously fought with and routed
: Gordon's Ib igade of Rebel cavalry.
I Dining tiies.- tights he lost several officers,
' among tin ii. Colonel Preston, First Vermont
1 cav airy, killed ; Colonel IJenjamin. Kighth
: New York Cavalry, seriously wounded, lie
iiciv.l S'.aunard, serving iu the Fightet-ntu
Colin, was wouileleii Vesterelay
; I i'l iday 1.
Our' entire loss in killed, wounded nnd
i missing during the tune days' operations
I Cold Harbor will n it exceed, according to
the Adjutant General's lep.-rt, T.oUM. 'i'liis
! mi. ruing (Saturday, .lane -lth the enemy's
! left wing in front of li iriisi le was found to
have been drawn in during the night.
Colonel Gessiiola, in command of 5.000
. men, arrived here yesterday, having uiarch-
t-d fioiu Fort Royal.
i Teh grapie coiiiuiunicr.tioi'.s between Cher
1 rystoin; and Fortress. Monroe continues in
terrupted. I A despatch from Gi-m ral Sherman dated
i yesterday, June I ill. A. M., thirteen miles
we t of Marietta, reports that his left is now
W' ll around, coveting all tin- io.kI- Iiom tne
, south b the railroad about Aekvvorth. His
. cavalry has been in Ackwurtu ami occupies
iu fore.' all the Allatoou i pa-. No other
I'.iiiitaty iiitelligem e ha-, I eeii riv.-ived by
l!.,. i)e rat tlli. ut.
' Secretary of War.
I. nil i- IV. m eiii i'iil Siiei'iiiiiii.
1 W.i; Di;i' vutv.::m. W siit.M. ion, t
June it, 10 r.M. )
.V-.'-r ft'
A desp-itch dateel yesterday, ut il o'clock,
, p. l.n. has tliis. eveni.ig been reeeiveel fiom
Gen. Sin in. an.
He I .-ports that on Wedi-es lay, Juife 1st.
' Mel'licrsoii moved up from Dallas lo the
; point in fiont of the ineiiiy at Nevv IK'pe
. eliiiri In
' On Thursday. June C I Schol'ie-ld aud
Hook'.r having been shifted lo the cMienii;
' hi:,'.ed forward towards Marietta. At
: ticj same time Sioiieinnli's and Garland's
...vaiiy weie sent to Alalooiia Pass, which
' tin Icehed ami held po-sessioli of.
1 lit sc movements, the dispatch says, have
seemed that pass, vv hieh was considered a
formidable one.
I Movements are reported by the dispatch
in iii progus which are not proper now for
'. publication.
1 Nothing has been heard from Gen. Grant
: since ids ell-patch at 7 o'clock
i and telegraphic coiniuiiiiii ulion luis been do
1 l.iyc I by a v i .ii nl sli.i m mi the Peninsula
j yesterday and last night, and cannot be re
j established before some time to-morrow.
' (Signed; F. M. Sl'ANTl'N,
1 Seeictare i.f War.
:ttc2al CutK-tiu.
11 I G II L Y 1 M P O R T A N T
V.U.M:itAI Git ANT Olit't-liS AN AsSALl.T
W.'.li Dl I'.VilTMKNT,
June 1-10 A
M. )'
To M ij. rYii. iir, J1.'. i . .-
Despaichcs fioni Gen. Oi
lers, tbilcii Li o'clock ves'.iid.
lilt's headipnir
i , Fridav ) after
d. '
1 lion!!, have j 1
!ei il le
No op,-: itions too
e on Thursday
1 At'iast four oil
,ek this (.Friday) j
j morning (ieii. l.ninl mad
em niv's lines, of which le
an assailll 1.11 t lie
makes the follow-
I iug ii port :
I S'e as-;ii, tied at -l-ilO this morning, driv
; ing the eiieiiiy within his intrechinents at all
' points, but without gaining any decisiveud
1 v;:!it.,g. .
1 Our troops now occupy a position close
to the 1 in my, in sonic places within lifty
nr ts, atnl nn- remain. ng. tier loss was not
severe, nor do 1 suppose the enemy lu have
losl heavily. We captured over iiOU nriaon-
ers, 11 i,sy t"r -in lb. t bint i.lge.
A i.' l.itii iili't. ltd 1, 11,111. not I'r.itii
Gen. Grant, isiiniiids the number of our
Kit:. , 1 un, 1 wound. 1! at nU.ttt ooiUJ.
The following uliici is are among ihe kid
ed : Col. Haskell, ihil h Wisconsin; ColiOiel
Porter. Mil New Y ik. heavy artillery ; Col.
.Morris, libth New York.
Among the w minded ars (irneml It. O.
Rvler, seriously ; will probably losu M loot ;
Colonel Me.Maiiaii, tilltli New' York; Colo,
ml ilvrn.s, '.'Htl, .Massachusetts, tirobablv
1 mortally ; C..I0111I lin oks, titty-third Poo
sy Ivani.t.
Mretry of War.
. i
I'l uiu m. l.uula
Kt. lolls, Jim.. 0. Ths banilsry Jsi'
viua pL.t'eaiiy I. ton-., lit lo a citws) on tv.ili.1"
day l.ijild. Ibe ii.amigers slid idlnis lu"
telesled IU ll have leasou to conialulstv
Ih. iiiMive. thai it lis Hot proved a magiilll
. Hi', sue. i. s, ex. ii ding the i X ie lallous of
I ho u.o.l sanguine ul 11. u UiuuiHi;.
Ihu Com iietipts to it iv 1 1 - 'in u.l anurias
nl li ve i. no uiv lo t I. .a i.i.uCU, aud
Iho liel pi.tbieil H tilth m.) pasa lul.l thsj
haiuls i. Ihe Oointuiy t nluii,tU'n Will t.
Ml 1. ...I I ... k 1 u ... . -1.. ...
1'roiU Grnernl Units I.
WahuInOton, June b, 11 M.
To 3(n).rr-General Di-r, Smo Yuri ! i
A dispatch from General Urunt, dated1
yesterday afternoon at U 05 P. M., reports
Unit all had been ety f;iet to day. No
cuelialties reported. - - -MXOSa
IVahiiixutoK, June 8. 123 P. M. 7V
Mi. ffttnil Ditt, Aho Tort: A dispatch
from Mr. Oen.Gralit'abeudqnnilers,
d:iled b" HO P. ,M. jertrduy, announces fc via
tory by Clen. liunlcr over the reikis beyond
Htannton, and the rebel Utn. Jones was kill
ed on the battle field. The dispatch is us
The Richmond Examiner of today fix-nk
of the iVfeut of Oem ral W. K. Jones by
lieneral Iluuter, twelves miles bryoud
Ktauulon, Va.
"lien. Jones was killed on the field and
his successor retired to Waynesboro, and
: now U,, tb; mountain betweea Charlolts-
vjL, aUlj hiinuuoii.
"The paper further Htates that no hosplt-
al or stores Were cnptnreil by Hunter.'
"Another dispatch announces thai our
forces occupy bimiuton."
Secretary of Wur.
-3 P. M.-
Orn. D.s.
i -v"f P"'f -0en. Hunter's Uctory ami oceu-
i I"'".'"1 l Staunton is confirmeil by the tol-
; o ing uispaieu jusneceixtu iroia ventral
i uuln l ,
"fl 'lu t on my l.r.f-s
I 'Richmond papers ot June ah give mlelli-
':iieu ,'I 11 llill jli.. v iin. nun, .n-....,
lien. II Jii'er uii.l lieu. Jones, rebel com
mander was killed.
Staunton w as ai'terwani occupied by the
Union fii' i'S. The light was on Sunday.
A dispatch from lien. Sherman, elated at
i AcKWortn, yesterday cvciuug, A. ..,
I says : .
"1 uave been to Alatoona pass and find it
! admirable! tor our purpose, It is the gate
: tluough the last ur most eastern spur of the
A ilegahnies,
"ll now becomes as useful to us as it was
to tl
enemy, bttng easily deteniled lrom
ditection. Tih! roads hence from
citlu r
ckworth into Georgi i are large ami good
and the country open.
Details ol the position cl our troops ami
contemplated movements are giving, but
are not needed for public infoi matinti.
The dispatch further states that the ene
my is nol m our iiunieuiiitu trout, nut ins
signals are seen oil Last Mouutaiu and Ketie- j
Dispatches from General Ca'ul y, dated
June od, have been received, which report
satisfactory progress iu the organization of
f:.-i command.
Secretary of Wur.
I JiOl .J'.M:Ct.Ii CiSt iT.
cry iiii ou aVe'Il.
I WasiMsi. ton. June 6
. M.
' 7"i Mnjr liaimxl IiU, jN'tir Fi;
i Dispatches luive been received from Gen
I ernl Grain's Headonarlers to day, but they :
! report only ctitaio chatigis iu the position '
: ol the Corps ami contemplated operations.
: They state tln.t everything is going on Well.
'1 he Chhf Quartermaster of the army re
; port a personal inspection of the ihpot at '
1 White llous;' that it is in a most i iiii ier.t !
state all needful supplies on hand, and v. a
I gons to traiispoit ihi in safe ly to the army, i
! The wounded arc being brought in, uud !
1 transports are not delayed a moment.
i A dispatch from Cr:i. :shcunrn dated at!
j 12 o'clock, noon, to-day, at Aekvvorth, says:
l "'l am now on the railroad at Ackwcrih
j Station, nnd have t'u'i posessioii forward ij I
j within six miles of Mariett'j. All Well." I
) We luvi i.; ooiu mditrry jul-iliyiti.e to- i
: d.iv.
: (Si-jued) KDWIN" M. STANTON" i
Seen tarv ol War. i
Iluliiicsla(ic Iteecpl'oii ut ISar:-ls
! llAiintsnvRo, June (!. The rcrrption of
the Pelittsy Iviiniii Reserve Corps, to day, by
! the pcopilc of H.11 risbuig, will heieulter ;
constitute a pleasing event in their history. 1
1 The Corps arrived at fl A. M., and were eu- '
I tertaincd by the military authorities of the 1
1 post, at the Soldiers' Re.-t, with a splendid
1 collation.
Tne city authorilin of Harrisburg then
took possession of the veterans, uud ill a
j formal manner conducted the n through the .
! principal streets ol the city to the lion: ol i
tue State Capitol, where they were 1 irutaliy I
j received by Gov. Cnr:in..4 1
I During the IllMees.-ioll a salute of one I
hundred yiitis wasliivd lrom Capilol Hill.;
File Governor ami heads of departments.!
the city authorities, the 1st Nevv York Ar- ;
tillcry, the Fire Department, ami civic socio. '
ties 01 ILirrisOurg, lac Foiled Mates ollicers i
1 on iHity at this post, tin-judges ol the court j
with ;iu immense concourse of 1 ilucus and ,
: strangers, joined in the procession. ;
; Alter its arrival in lront of the State1
f Capitol, and when Reserves wire !
1 dr.iwu up in line, G.v liirtiu addressed'
J them in Mil stance as follows :
i He thaiikiei the Mayor nnd citizens forj
! lids hearty wclcomet.i Ihc brave men of the :
! Corps ; the In arts of the people were stirred !
! to im ir depth l'v tlio no.,e mts ot the R
He could onlv fcav to the
you have done your whole dutv." It wus I
neai ly thrteytars since they had lett the
Suite, a mighty aimy. That length of time
htid passed aiiicti he handed to them their
colors, which they now returned unstained
and unsullied with dishonor, env ere. I with
laurels of reiiovvi unequalled ill the w 01 Id a
They had visited sin ir homes but once,
ami who has not heard of Round Top at '
' ( tty sbttrg When one regiment faltered,
1 uiu lu'scrvis were irne, atid lo tUein U longs 1
I the glory of tlriving the enemy from our
Si .1.. 'I t,, ir .1. ...1-i. .. -...i'l..... 10..
i There are times vv hen llcrl proud
i VV... .....:',... 1 V .
:; : : ;. : ' i
1 . . 1 o "
people, 1 bid ot wcleoll.e. our record is
wiinout 1'ieiiiisii or spot.
I am not equal lo Ihe tMk of sp:iUing of j
I the h-.roie dead lot, have Ult behind
j I" poii their graves ciatri the uratitudu of a
" Fi-.. iv I Im Nortl. a,t I),- !S...t, r 1
....... ...-r,,.... .
Wrst, comis the word of Wtlcomu from (he
tvVystons to her gallant Mterans. Tin
lueiouoi mo ueaiiruahis on my sbj,t. I
thrvv ur thui uu ouM ruiMin !
oii ia tb tuhlic kurvict, l ui m no
rtvr &tbinavtitliiip.iriihu4;rciit 8tNu
tnu-k tour ltut How. jy )oa vir
i uui kvti At ir- un, lo t rvv-i tin it
country I'jiriitulJ) in tim of lit ruumt
('..ubl on wiry 1 iuv tii M ol ih Id -iiuliUc.
I lial somclhini! to d vttlh niakuiv
Kr U'rii, UoJ l bUsM.I 1 ills, I, r
I tha a.ilrliur. f ...I .ill...... I.
t r'-biir'g,- which were clven vtiih a hearty )
j wid. Several other speeches wera made,
alter which the Reserves were marched to
their quarters tit Camp Curliu.
aiimv or run ro ion.ic.
Tlio RcWH Succc!.rilljr HrpnlsiHl.
V.MKUtNJto!.-. Julio 7, .'10.15 P.M. To
Major lieneral Dix, New York. Despatches
from the Head quarters of the Army of the
Polouiac, dated ut 8 o.elock this iTuekday)
morning, have been received.
An attack was made on Mnrnsuie moiii
midnight, and was successfully repulsed.
On the iirecediiiii iil'ternooii a hundred pick
i t men of the enemy inadii a rush to find
out what, was the" meaning of Hancock's
advancing his siege lines. Nine of the par
ty were captured aud the list killed or
driven back.
Several letters have passed between Gen
erals llrant and Lee in respect to collecting
thu dead and wounded between tho two
ar luies. Genera! Grunt in the closing let
ter regrets that all his efforts for alleviating
I the sullerings of the wounded men lilt on
the buttle-Held have been rendered negate.
Two rebel officers and six men. scut out
to search for the wounded of their com
j mauds, were captured in consequence of
the cm my not delivering Genera! Lets let
ter until after the hour Tie named had ex-pi-etl.
General Grant has nntiued General Lee
that they were captured through a misun
derstanding, and will not be held us pri
soners, but will be' returned.
No other military intelligence Las been
received V-1win m. Si anion.
S'.cretury ol War.
JlKAD-QCAirrr.r.s An.MV or the Po-
Tom ac, Col.u Haiikhii, J uue 4- bP. M.
At present we are digging the l eavers.
Our men have fully learned the advantage
of this iMoetss. and thev work with a will.
Crawling torvviuil as Heal tue Hebe I rihe pus
! n uoasiblc. without showing ihetiiseUes,
J nur sharp shooters having gained a position
to t lit ii liking will set to work iitiictiy wun
the bayonet to loosen up thu earth, which j
tl,..- ..ill i.lii.i-u ,o-ds ueooo out with their
hand., a tin cup, or any instrument thai
' , , i I
s"'"s- " -
At many pal ls ot our line w e liava our
breast works almost iu contact with those
I of the cneiiiv. and throughout the w hole ex-
i tent are able lo keep the,,, miner such .t hre
that a Kel'i-I can acarcely show Ins head
aoove lueiu wiinout oeing suoi. ;n a n:
iioints they have found tueir works uutei-.a-
j o!e, aud w ithdraw u to others u eliorl distance
', ill the rear, but vv; cannot always occupy
i . i i.,...
j i neoe uo.iiiuoueei J'ns, i- mn iii.-mvii.-ii..v
I ted iis lo enable the enemy completely to eui
; lade them lrom auolluT part m the line.
I Tids is the Ciis; in frolit of Gen. Lu.,lis'
IJiiiiiide, Uussel's Division, SiMli Corps, the
I men ot wlHcn are. throwing up inevr on n
I breastworks right against those of the cue-
! ll. v. Colonel Croi,; Urigade ol the am
. . , , .. i i ,- .,
j divisioii has occupied tue l.cbcl nne in ll.eir
liont, ui'iiiidoneel lust night. An interpri-
.sing iaukee ot tlie Second (. ontiecilcul
'' Heavy Artillery was tempted by the sight
works, to crawl forward and alieiupl lo
take it. Reaching up ids hand he caught
hoid id' the Coveted bunting and began to
pull il tow urels bun;
Thu Rebels on the other sid;', not daring
to raise their l.e.ios, hold of the
stall, and there waa atrial of rtiengtli I e
tvv ecu litem and our friends from ine laud
id wooden nulll.e-gs. Inc. latter succeueted
iu ji.'tting dow n !lg, but not re
turn Willi it by the same patu on which bi
ll id gone out, atid lias Uol yet made his ap
peal uuce. ft is plobabie however, that he
win vvoik his way ba-:'. in the night, and
tnav hi; ulo anecie.t in biiain nil his
Wuim HolsK, June tl. The charge made
on the Si com! l.'orua 011 Saturday niht re-
.!.;,...: ot I..-.: ... . I '.. I., t- ....1
m killed and over 10UO iu wounded, l ui
lew 01 vv iiom Uiey carried away, owing lo
our coinmaiid ol Ihc ground.
Tne wounded are nearly j brought in
iron, the iron; d this pn e i, u-ry n.ucl,
,.. . 1 , -
crowned. 1 lie laelblies lor then slilpme-n!
lo Washington mm very liiiiil.d, aiition-h
a large nuuibel are. oeing scut oil'. Tnere- Is
- .0
:, ul. a Lu' .- 1,1 e... I..-S.. MOW
w i .inds rem. on l ig UiidreseU tor hi;j:s, le
sal! 11..; Ill many tieut 11s.
fne aid soelelies are very busy distribut
iug there siipUes, In.l thu diu.and is cti
(.lat that 11 la llilpotsible' to Ralll all.
Soiiii' States are unrepresented. New Vols
ainont' the nuiiil 11, txeepling by the -ba-mtiiry
and Chl'isilaa ( ononis.-. oi.o.
A inciting was held this cv cning. to or
ganize tl b.Stcm of relict, all, I to laeilitate
tne ahijiiueul 01 siippdica to the point, lie
legates wire nppoiuli el to yo to l ashingloii
and iiiake an aiigenieuts.
H 1.. 1 do. r a it it us Aumv of Tint Potomac,
June j. fne Rebels attacked the Sicond
I'orps, iiu 1
last e Vetting
a portion ot the Sixth Corps
, but were handsomely repulse il
desperate struggle. The advanced
several limes, Iheir bnes being cut to pieces,
and eaiii at lean ol to reach our works lull-
MiumoUiu Coul 'I'mdr.
h-'usaosix, Juue 4. Is'!.
V'oo. Cie'.
Cent for w-k ndia May Ij, H.ilH II
Per lust tipor;, 111.111 IS
I2.'.:i 1.9
llu.ios lit
To jiuictiaialiu! yssr,
2.Wi' 11
1 A It Itl .KiliS
On the 5th insf , by Rev. W. C. Cremer.
Mr. Tiibopoitu Cuksti.h, of Levvisburg, and
Miss I.oris.4, Woi.f, of Lower Augiuta.
On the 6th inst.. by tho same, Gmhiob I).
BosriAN, of Lower Augusta, and Gi.vtii
1 Gr. iv, of I'piier Auousta"
I .. . . '
u" hc Rev. A. II. Shert.
. ".v, t.. cLa.u m.
; rot!, 01 Lancaster utv. Pa.
I l,JM.XM .
j t I X II N
! i,. ,1 .., ... t ... 1 ...
last, tho
Villi' 1 IMI
' '' 1 '",ut L'-rs.
The devca.e.i wns vti and partnrr
E Y. Slight, L'p, of this place, lit w is
joluj; man of e!l.iit chaiaetet. and high-
! nP iniUfj run.1uiat. Ull
I Utrirr, Cnutrtption. la l
: tnnrk. Mm tor 11 om, n l htt n-t
' vfluCA3''
I ia. U
I .,
ati lis llrMlis-tl VIvm.
nUL OL t hll'V i,, k. lUa -i.4.
I alu ut .i I ti Imni a.a si tks.f uss. m
li.s vi laiiuj, m.i,4,sika 4ls,4.4 Sa
sav , y..- sL.i, sua a.s.a sll s a) if aatsit.
Ssi. ss '4Mb. w.a 4 .(.-
:'.wt -,' .'mm !:.!.
The Only Baft ItalUbU R?la?t both Wire
' and Durglsry.
T sta iw prwpsred lo furnlfh fhrtfl ltiw fvf Xiu lon
al llanU Muloa. 'limy are Ixilh l ira uul Uuinlar
f ruol, Kiib two ilisliuot Insido 13ur(lur Sufun. mi I
llin-f of iiijt iww Anti-Miuromltr l.ii,k em tiu
tntv, twlli'il l j be tlio only bunk-luck uuw iu u,.
tli at hat uut bcu fiioksil or uinut be ijkl by
Ui id of Un njloruunUT. Hiiwi, .Sifos ll (.rcWkt
fuir UiU luobssia Uiijkuefc'ol luli l irva, gu.'inuiti
Uiko lhtrt4.'.lho most UiUijuH Ui Jnll nJ l.
suaii tlio niosi nsisUnou aiim' both firo mil
r.'ir ;!fry ...f any rtalu iu llici l uht-l .u,Im 0i
UUiq PIS', EIH'l Qi11 .
I Inroon hnnj also, snj will fmUsli sl nines e.
ItHiik Vault tin., (uMiwiug M xixo a-iyiuituuo of
tbo aboTfiigsiiiiii burtflury.
Ali, ail alias of AiiTowilils fiuf lUi kurxlar
frnof no-1 lira ssj kiii-nliu-prtrof.
ibo, wrnnnicniai uiiiO-liou , burbr-
I V; "' and burglar-i-nwr (wTMa,t
Ali, Ui atronsffH nd obaaprat Vajlt i,rf, 1'jr
Lank ami lovrontililu raulti.
All UiO abjvs iica Lillic's Wrought aud chiil1
Also.sixtis.aj tlllis's WrougUt froo FirB-IVoo,
worrsatej cnial to any ouiaaiou rfafoa, t (uy
tliirU k-a4 puce.
Atfj. a (cn'Tat ortiuot of socoml-bnii Saf, ,.,
many ol thein neirly n, sad uf apror.-l uiak-n.
roccirej in rxchauo r l.ilha'i Chule-l l.-oa fni,.
1 acse aro olTe-reil si or LI'ot aui?!inn i.riuns.
M C hADl.KK A 'nt.
No. 21 S. StVL'.VriJ -itrta.
Juns U,m I .
Ailniliiialralor'a M a ti rf7
VfOTICE Ii lifrehy givrB th it lsttnri of a lialiiM
X.1 Irution linyt bteai graDicd to lb undursi jui'4
OU lll) l'!Bll'ol' JI.IUll'1 ll.lfi.T, ItttO Of I.OKil lunil-
aliip. .V'urlhuiiiberluinl county. Pa , ilcevRae'd. All
pciauin kiioviio tbeiuwlvt-a indebted lo nuij istnM
are rfijuialid lo luuke innut'iliaic piiyimiil, nn,i
Uiusa liaviii tiuinii to rcai nt llicm fur '.i.'iti"iuei.i.
SAJlll:L UAlt.MIAKX, A liu r.
Pulawtra twp ,Junr II, lv'3l 6i.
Tne"Great ' Central Fair !
I'l.iitss: T.iiii; xii'jci:.
Tha pries of a airjjlB adiniie,r. i I'lri'V CI.'N'T.'.
CiiilJi en under thirteiu ln!..' ytwv. Thi.s -tdioii
to MUU'l'V U.N K. out of Iho XINfetV Ilep tr;i...U'.,
oi ihot nir. uci to much iaor th ui I'lr -e-ia o t ro
oltte wboH pac cv.-r 1 ly the buildings, l . r
tuiu li.puriBiiLts, nine in iiuuibcr, cvutiiiniii i.rti.
cUiolneiiy for I lie- ribiln'.ien. and not fur ru'.v. h,v.
terii j frnnttfl'tV) charjja a sejiaruto prico lor ud-
aiiMion. ns follow :
Ail Ualk-ry, ,,,
ludiun lliipartrant, i . ;j .1
Aram uua i i o.I,k.
Kclica and Curusiiicf,
11 jrlitullurul lirpurluiout,
('iilldrtfn'a AlQilKvine-liU,
V, illium I'tnii farlor.
Pai.unylviinitt Kilclirn,
6knliL l'oud, .
Ttic hxeoutive (.'omnii'.ics altar tl' Puliii; (l.n;
! ?,''t'u,. !;.,'-,c( 'o11 "T", .v' ";tl will
li.'iu a visit to llic eililt -one del ur: ii ,
Li! olitrtiiiti
Hi'a le which
, me luimuoe le-o mluiili, yt it will ba luund thu-
: tlm nine oih.r dopurlnicuia will amply rwnr 1 tlm
! visitor and ju-tity the additional outlay! A'l mi:-'
i '"." ""'hi umt. by itiem i-st ctmr-. i.. b,.. t n
J ,WritT
-i by smn iu tit ,urbae ef rti-l. en s..1i '.
' sal.'.
I 1 ho 1- nr will cn Tl'I-'-liAY. ih :
j .u Wodnciiiiy, tha bib inat., tha t'uir
: opened noiu S A. M ut lu V. Si
will b.
j li'-'bAC Hb.)t .11; li l'L UNEi-.s,
I Jlllif 1 I Is ,l..'t
L) Y vir.uo i f wit iiu ri' of en llspoa-i
) F.ijuh. l..v . uia,-. isnind ,mr
inurt m lo ninjii 1'iivu ol .V or.b urn i .crt .n.l e
; renin-:. Ivai.ia, aud to ms direct..!, will be .-,
- ITt-j'r'T'l ""Y- S'",,u
I u. lu i he iS.ij any oi June. li,.J, m e.;. u
p .l . ,tc lo'lowii-i; d-scii!..l ! r,..-.-r:v to ,
A eurniiu lot of ground, situate in "itie
Juaiui.i.iu, ,.om town-uip. .ur'.liuiuberla: i
; rei'U-yivama, oeinj; l.oi ,. 7. m b'...ek 1-T ;, i
I i(cneiid p'lin of ui I iun. tt;uUt. oi! .h .
, 9ll.-el oil ibii.-M.-t, il! 1 ,t.,ir linl, ,cli to Keek f T:-
; U-ii. twi-uty-iiv.- loci in MidlltWl tu hau ir.-d .
; tiny icct iu ,u-p;b. whi-i -.-.n .lie orrted a , :.s ;
hail a.oiy ir.mie b ni.o.
i Abo. iiis'ii lot .No ;;, in block 1T0 in I t. .
. fii.n 111.4 on .sbaLiokin t net. U!id i iu-lejlc b.i.
Hock s.ivci ; Ooiiiiiicd by b,l No. 011 ibe 7zn"i"
son itirou:I. 'u si,niii b iM-k. b'
; fioi.t una sbvul liie leet 1,1 d.i iL.
( t'.-nid taken ii, e v ' -ati .11 an i to b.' ,
; J loja-riv ol licorjjv fct', wi h no-.:,:u tu AnoiiS
: ,elle teteiU!.
j All ilial i-i-riabi iii -.ei.- tra;t of Inr-I, s't
, in 1 niliu' ioiv:.e;.. X.,r:h .eiUrl ,:, 1 eiun'v p.
livlvaiiia. b...i,n 1...I ,nel .Jcs.-i'l.- i l-illuv.-'. l.. ,
! itoc m-rlii by he. i ,1. A',--.;ui;i 1'.,: b-v! !
la.'jll.) i, .liiii.!; r .,..1 t;.. public Vo.l
. .Milton 10 .Norii.air.i.rrl :u 1. to iho p-.i '.!..; to 1 1 i
; Mil lo Ssioai. on tbiuii!. bv I ii'uN ..f b .
! laj... ui tha ,. t-y tl- VTy Hran:'i O n. '.
, iki Hit 1 ; bv dm ricir S isoii, h inn 1. e-..:. -.
r.i.uL 1 1 .ti e A..,-. Nli ..I.;.. 1, . .
i iter u lub'siut t of cultivation. ScitLd 1 .V
i o'-'uiiou aud to bo sold u lbs pr..'v el
i iiole
. P w.: W .,ni. lot No. j, ia block .V. i
' ou ib-i.ciili ly Mark.-; suti-t. s. i.ih by
! b? :s- f " t ' Lin
X'tT5."! 'euT .' Jr'':" 1
lu-re-on .1.0 cice-te- l ons and a l:ti 1 aiui ,
: dw clliu,; bou-n. bUcksuiiib sboji. A j. AS.'.
ii 111 block No. t'J.iu th- n.n.'e lown. e e.
"foresaid. l,.und.-l e-.i ti.e north 1-c
; 1.,--..! i, it... .....ii, l u -i... 1 .. , .
..I 1 . w., sua. ... i
lileel. 011 ihc ioutii Lv uu u'.i"
10 a.ttnd block, nn.i west I v lu; No
I bieck cooi...nni ; io v i t;li fce--iia.ini .1
j tce'l. foiled lukeu in .-l.'CUti. -n and 10 '..!-
b ITopi'iiy ot AnnsM. ruivdlioji and l'ui.t
- V cibooil.
j .vl.seJ ; A ccr'nin lot or pie.-e cfgrcu-. b -I
ill 1 1 per Aniuta tonnsliip. N .rtlitiin'.j.: u 1
I l'elii..vh ania. b'.nndvd and doiie: Ilti.l mi ..,;.
1 wn: i.jiui iea 011 llio e.iit l.y bind of l-n
"it 1 I'mlip llile, on thu nortb by I n,. I ,4 .-.
I l ulp una ou the soiuh l.y land ol " 1 1.
. c 11. tallnn idue ucres und lA.lve pel el. e-. 1
Miss, nl..,ui livo ue-r.a wbereol are fUun-1. I
I lulij, wbcrci.u are .le::e.i a tuelll I,.
j kouse, jro-'d aptiu of water and s ill,'.
! Mliaii lo iiublc, 4.C. O.-ii, J. inken ill ,-.v
I ad Co .,!d iu, tbe properly ot licrjc V,'i,
A 1 si 1 1 1 1 ..... . u ... 1 .- 1 ..
! rnun U Noribnuiberiui. l. unnke i .,01
a....... - .... .w... s v 1 .nil, .... .uillill 1 I
u.e (.'ciiimi pmu ul 4.111 Uorou.'li, number .
drca and uine,'' snua.ud and 1. 011. 111 n N.
b ' 1 ou ibo eav; by loi nnuiber Jo7 ui
the ou b by 1 a nuu.b r two bundled and
' l ndiini how Not ikuy to ihc I uiii. Svu
iu Hfcmtuii uuU to b jtclii in 1 ui I'Fi'citj.
W-llH (, .ViHIluiiV.
Al-.sJ -.Ail Umt crtnin irnot -r piuoc
vllH ttH tiuM m Zyibe luHij.biD. ft'urujtilv 1.
lv tu.t.' tup.) NorU.iiiii-H-r.uud couiiiy," I
1 IU, Imhutieu nllil tK'cT ibiii us iviiiuvsa. i,.. vs
ft'iiuils. ut u unk corn it, Uiuu.o Iv
j ut t 1 ui luiiii. uuith ii. y-iiiiit it
j LuLUl Cvi Uliii I W I'll) - n vi m i U u 0:1 v.
I Uivjicu hy lu. f! J.icou KrtMiuv; b
irli'VvU Utv'tfdB, tul ulst! liaUiituii uti 1 il.
j eum iu Hh,ui.u contcr ; iUuuou L-y Ihvii
I isLii, vtvutli .4i-j.iutt lica-ri-i. AVjt iii.i;.v
j tl.ii tu t vUsi.m l .uiti lUiUuo ly litu s..
i fiuiyx auni':4. wwi iiihi-t'i;hl i-.
vuuc cui lit ; itn-'a'C uui.b t-uttii aip'i i.'.
ibuu-ticU uiaJ iiucii pi-ri.-ttt-i U Uit; ji:'.-.
Uiu, cuu.MiJJtL ulc uai.iii tU acri-i. ul i t.
1 t'l i LlI'vI'LI L-X JUl'lii ll. 4.1. i VXs'lU'lllt-.
u idusL iu.4 vucb Liirt or ruriiuu oi iiu ..
.Hfcc ii IttuU 4. lii .uiu ti ttic
I U.. 4Mk Lii Vttt ikl OUbU Uitf uli UJvt , .
sDutwJ, lukeu in iii'cutiou Htii to te
r..- ii ui Utiuiia L. iit-Ii- LtviL.
Ai.tJ -A c.riiiiii lut ur j i.v, ui inu;;
1L Clwv .Vii. t lil, "tlllialU ILi luo i.l ol 1
sCirUll .UtiLi-U'll. J cuu.
VLtsi, lAuUitt.i UJ .as O.V ii. li. W 1. -I.
iini nil ibu Mm by Ua Ni. V, tu tUu i. i
iLtivlw iU. aL- vU uUiil l 4 -i u.:ia
ill i4iL '' It ' I- Nl i 111 tli ' Ii J V tu .
ftJV CI trCK U ll ihiu isHOitJ, N Ki ' c
i Uiiuii i"JUo, Ht'U i.ii-uuuiat.4 I sOiiO a
i bi Hdiii, Vi.
HvKlty Ul iM4tC ii -.tLl i ."-.IM-wli iili
of 1 "" "' "j''itt.Vi i ll
a , oUn J Oi-'S, akja. , aauc ll .:..
I U.. ...-!, s.... ... Kr
' 1 ' ' ul I-I..O. S SOH r ll'.l.'tl i'l
! ti tLb oi i u in. .i a i' i mi "
t..n n,.,ul a.Ji.ii"!l ! Mris.n.,
t ai-. i. si .in.s li.iolubiui.v r.-i. ii m! .
l4llt.'V. ij.utul s..J I I''
Uiii.i. lu M ill.aa, . uls lwn Sill
ay, at, i ina, n.uuCc4 t) il.a.Jj!,,- ,
IV i ttu-'tJ IIIMfl,
1 Tl oolutus'.sl au .1, i lu llni a he '
ct.i- i a.u.uuatiatua. I.nui itice,,
lsn.. IU1 ll alaiuoi .- n...o".
IImii ua im cuisa Si.Uii., li.'
ha, wl lui.-lusi bwa,j.i.a ui i..
kn.l-, 4 ..ul a U'4 lo ,.f
a. i s a si.. I Bmi bl, iy a ..... ., sui.
Klvl, ..u Uia.i.r bL.1 1,'a . .laiil' a u
Sulk li-U . II vl..a tjf r I If a4ij . 441.4 I 4l '
f, Ittkt ..s. sltuni t. IU 14.S t-l
). uTi au4 .,)! u-ak .a Ika I .4.
Mwi I.i S...I, iai i-s s,. i- .
Ul I4.J i M. I 4 l (.
' tii al- 0 L1
I tl n Sl 1 lltf-as.
a..! . i ! '