CLOTIlES-ffBUR. E The ONLY reliable self-Adlustiag Wringer. The frame being of Iron, iWougbly galvanised, 11 danger from rutt bi removed, end (be liabilit j te thrink, swell, split, tt., to unavoidable In wooden Biaohinea, le prevented. No thumb-screws or eomplloalcd fastening to wear out or got ont of ordor ; It en be fuKcood firmly to the single woond. WARRANTED WITH OH WITHOUT COG WHEELS. Tt took the First Premium at Fifty-Seven Stole and County Fairs in 1K63, ami ie, without an excep tion, the best Wringer evor made. Instead of believing tlie siatcinentt of parties in terettcd in the title of othor Wringor, TRY IT, AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. Test it Thoroughly with any and all others, and If not entirely satialaotory, return it. It will wring from a thread to a bed quilt without alteration. Patented in the United Stales, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wautod in evory town. Kuorgctie menoan make from $3 to 1U per day. Putiunn Manvjacturing Co : Grictlkmkn : I know from practical experience that iron well gnlranned with una will not oxidise or rust one particle. I can anfely any, ftT several years' experience in the manufacture of chain lor Ibajn-puuipt and water-drawers, in which 1 have tested the affinity of iron and sine that if the pro cess be conducted properly, tt is a perfect weld of the two. Neaily one Tear ago my family commenced ning one of your Wringers, it now performs all ofita functions as well as it did the first time it was used, and baa become an indispensable article with us. I have oloselr observed several other kindfof clothes, wringers, the modus operandi being different, trying to produce the some results as the i'utnam Wringer, but in my judgment they have failed. The Putnam V ringer ia as near perfect as possiole. and 1 can cheerfully recommend it to bo the best in use. Respectfully Yours, JNO. W. WHEELER. Cleveland, Ohio. Many yenra' experience In the galvanizing busl Lens enable me to indorse the above statement in all particular. JNO. 0. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Dcekinnn Street. New York, January, 1364. No. 2, $5.50; No. 1, J8.00; No. A, $8.00. Manufactured and sold, wholosnle and retail by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., Xo. 13 liatt stroot, New York, and Clcavolnnd, Ohio S. C. XOKTHROP, Agent. . April 23, 1SC4. Ready to nail down. READY "ROOFING At less than half the cost of tin roofs. READY "ROOFING More durnblo than tin. READY "ROOFING Suitable for steep or flat roofs. HEADY-ROOFING For all kinds of building?, in all climates. READY "HOOFING Easilv, cheaply, and quickly put on. Needs no coutiug over with cement alter it ia nailed dowu. READY "ROOFING Made of a strong woven fuhric, thoroughly saturated and covered ututn both snrfttr.os with Iterfpellv terpronf composition, and put up iu rolls ready for uw io ,ucu wiue, ana to leoi loug. We also manufacture LIQUID CEIOITT. Fob Leaky Tim Roors, Much cheaper and more durable than oil paint. ALSO, Compound Cement, For Leaky Shinglo Roofs, Which will often save the coat of a new roof. Samples of Ready Rooting and Circulars sent by limit when desired. Favorablctcrms made with responsible parties who buy to aell again. BEADY ROOFING CO., 73 Maiden Lane, X. Y,. April 23, 1864. 'i o iiacco THE subscriber offers for sale souio superior Oon liecticut Si-cd-Lcnf, aiid Maryland Broad-Top To bacco Seed. Price Ii cents per paper, Send money and plain directions. Also a lot of good Tobacco Leaf for sale. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury, March 19, 1664. A. S2 ARCH St., lMiiladt-lpkiu. MANUFACTURER A DEALER IN WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SOLIDSILVER-WARE And ROGER'S Superior Plated Ware. fJAll kind of Silver-Ware, made on the preml tea WATCH Repairing carefully done ! March 2t, 1804 3 in . xo 8i3o im:k .iio.vru. T HIE LITTLE GIANT SEWING MACHINE COMPANY want an Agent in county, to solicit orders fur their new I3 Machine, with guage, screw-driver and extra needle We will pay a li beral salary and expenses, or give large commission. For particulars, terms, Ac, enclose a stamp, and address T. S. l'AUE. Toledo. O., . Feb. 13, '64. 3m Gen'l Ageut for the I'. Statca TARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, Xo. 920 CiiEssrT Btrkkt, (Formerly No. 708.) l'HILADELPHIA. NOW 0PEX-lnrlkOlude MANTILLAS and CLOAKS. Also, Spring and Summer Garments, of our own Manufacture, of the Latest Styles aud in great va riety. J. W. PROCTOR 4 CO., The Forit Mantilla Emporium, Xo. 920 Chcsnut Street, Philadelphia. April 9, 64 ch-Scpt.5, 180.1, ly JACOB HARLEY, Sumuor to S t a u ff t r J 11 a rlty.) No. 622 MARKET Street, PHILADELPHIA. DEALER in Fine Gold end Silver WATCHES ; FiueGold JEW tLKV; Solid SILVER-WARE, i.nd the best of SILVER-PLATED-WARE. Con Ktantly on baud a large assortment of the above good at low price. Watcbus aud Fine Clock Repaired, by skillful v oik men; also. Jewelry repairing ; Engraving and ill kinds of Hair-work to order, at short notice. lon't forget the old etaud, No. 622 Market fllcci, Philadelphia. April tf, l:-6t. am TENSIONS, BOUNTIES AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. SB. BOYER. Attorney at Law, i duly author . ixed and licensed to oollucl l-iilou. Iluuulirannd lliM'lt for Widuat, Or- 1 bans aud Soldier. Ofhce in Market street, opiv- January 14, ISot. ly ISAAO K. BTAUFFEB W a tcli !lak-r aud Jent lrr, NAM KAC Tl KKU UP MI.KK WARE A Importer of WATCHES No. IIS North Second St , Corner Quarry, PHILA DELPHIA. HE baa constantly uu baud to asaurtiuvul of Hold and SiUr 1'aUul l.ever, l.rpinu aud I'laiu Ntauhet; t iu Gold I'bulbs, Seals and Key. Breast Pins. Ear I'.inga, Finger Kins, Braotleia, Miniatui t'asea, .Medallious, l.. kl, Pen. il.. Thimbles, Sau. lades, Mini 'labia, Dtneit, 'J i , Sail and Mu.lard Spuons; Sugar Spuuii, t ups. Napkiu Rings, Fruit an I llullcr Kbit a. Sbiebla, t'omU. Inaiuoiid Puuil. ti I'riK.ii . iurln.bill t,..d I.. a t, tosh! M I THlll A Hi 8 l.m uu.Htv in Palunl I rtn Movauiaui eonstaiiilv ua Lsu.l : aim vlhur .Makanui suiwruir oualil). N H -i"U Gold and Ml,Uuhlfuth. fcopt 4, IviJ y w Nliw'lJ OOl) S! To do.s-w4 of tw II Millar Shua .l..r., (Xiiibuiy, l' JuM upcuad a link tupply of NEW SlMUNli (JOODS, iwb a faacy Drea Tiimiuliig. IliLboua, ioM llai.dssr.klel., l.liM I ihea I aj I'uaV lutmu sad (.(, Colla.,, Uelu l. tales .4 W-...., Mulbj, teltet MibbMna, Mkiut aiMt litw hmi Urn. Cutset, Una I airie basi I arkesieii,, 1 vke a4 ! Air, e few leef aiaelia ut uta14l aaUu bgeities elia . 4 Vktui Mulll tise k '!. aud ., . ltitM4ma o(id I s ell d leslki ei wb4s) WUIse kuw ksaufvsi a "Lk i s . UaU Hi k , l's ' tk-fcd k...ll. I lH. U , 4 tl.k I ! Sv et bt tiaei Ax..te ' GREAT CENTRAL PAIR, FOB THE U. 8 SANITARY COMMISSION, Omci or hi ConMima ox Labor, Inooiaea and) Revenao, No 118 South 7th St., Philadelphia, Nana 14, 1864 The Committee oa Labor, In domes, and Rerenu of '-The Ureal Central Fair," invite eo-eperatioa with thorn in the particular work for which they have bean appointed. As no portion of the people are more patriotic than the working men and women of the eounlry, it is but just and proper that they should alike have aa opportunity to contribute to the objects of the Fair. The moot equable plan for aocoinplirhing ibis, and, at the same lime, the easl ost one. Is to axk fur the contribution of a tingle day 't Uhnr fmin all classes in the eouiuiu uity, io reacn every uepariuicm oi muiwuj , or great labor, but, if attained, will be productive of immense result. The success of the plan wilt depend upon the hear ty co-operation of every elemont of influonco within our limits, and we invite all the guardians of the Industrial Interests, and all others, to take hold with ns in furthering this great work of patriotism and humanity. The eoinmittce It charged with fie following duty, to wit : First. To obtain tho contribution of "one day's labor," or earnings, from evory artisan and laborer, foreman, operative, and employee ; president, cash ier, teller, and clerk of every incorporated and un incorporated company, railroad, and express company emtilovintt firm. bauk. manufactory, iron works, oil J a - . r : I .. .. .. - V nwli works, mill, mine, and publio oitioe; from every privato banker and broker, importer, antioneer, and merchant; clerk, agent, and salesman; designer, finisher, and artist : publisher, printer, and mecban- io ; from every Uovcrnrncnt officer, contractor, and employee; grocer, butcher, baker, and dcalor; arnier, iioriirniinrtn, ana prouuoer, imm mantua maker, milliner, aud female ojierative; every individual engaged in turning soil, tending the loom, or in any way earning a livelihood, or build ing a fortune witnin incpiaies oi r ennsy ivania, a ew Jersey and Delaware. Second. To obtain the contribution of one day's "revenue" from all tho great employing cxtabhhh nienta, firms, corporations, companies, railroads, and works. Third. To obtain the contribution of one day't In come from every retired person, and person of for tune malo aim icmaie living upon meir means, and from all clergymen, lawyora, physicians, dentist, editors, authors, aud professors; and all other per sons engaged iu the learned or other professions. Much of this work must bo performed by tho per sonal influence and eflorts of Indies and gentlemen tnsociated, or to be associated, with the committee carrying out the plan. ine loinuiittceieci tne responsuuiity oi tne work they have undertaken, which, to be successful, will require a very perfect ramification of their plan, and they therefore call upon the earnest people to assem ble themselves together in every town, township, and county, and form organisations of ladies and gcntlo men to co-operate with them ia this great work and labor of love. In the manufacturing counties, the coal and oil regions, and in the agricultural districts especially let thcro be organisations in tho larger towns, to that the young people may havo an oppor tunity tnus to render twistance to tneir relatives and fricudi fighting the battles of their country in the ar mies of the nation. ine work of litis committee may be prosecuted where no other effort can be made for the lair, as in the mines ofahe coal regions. A day't earning of the miners, and a day't product of the mines, can be ob tained, where no portable article could bo procured for traniortation. Indeed, there ia tin nart nr mr. tion of these Statet where the day's labor may not be obtained, if organisations can bo formed to reach them. The Comniilto cannot close wirhout urging upon all proprietors of establishments the duty of taking prompt and energetic action to secure the benefit ot too day ol labor lrom all witlnn their control The Cummitteo deem it unnecessary to do more than thus to present the subject to tho people of the three States named. Iu the coming campaigns of our armies the labors of tho "Sanitary Communion" will be greatly augmented, liy the first of June 700,000 men one of the largest armies of modern times will be operating in luo field. So largo a force, scattered over regions to which the men are uuaclimatcd, must ueeetvarily carry along wilh it an amount of sicknt.-w, suffering und death, to say noth ing of the gathered horrors of the battle field. These sufferings it u our bounded duty, as men and Christians, to relieve. A great ami enlightened people, enjoying the blessing of a Uoverumeut of their own making, cannot refuse assistance to men suffering to maintain its authority, and we will not believe that the Ureal Central Fair, drawing its pro ducts from the three Slutes of Pennsylvania, Now Jersey, and Delaware, so affluent in all mineral, agri cultural, and induitrial wealth, shall fall behind any similar effort which has yet been mode for the relief of the Nation ! children. As it it desirable not to Multiply circulars, no further authority than this circular will be necessary for any employing firm or compnny, or uny respvcl ablo committee of ladies aud geullemcn to proceed at once iu the work of this committee ; and it is hoped that under it, organisations will spring up in all tho towns and busy regions of the States ofPenusylvania, New Jersey and Delaware Subscriptions will be thankfully acknowledged iu the newspapers of Philadelphia, aud it ia verv desirable that they commence at once a each fresh acknowledgment will aliuiululc further effort in other localities. All subscriptions should be addressed to JOHN W. CLAUUORN. Treasurer, Office bi the ''Committee on Labor, lucomca und Kevcnuo," No 118 South SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. I'tiAll needful hcl in Circulars nnd Posters will Toe forwarded to parties applying for them. Di rect to the Chairman of the Committee us ubuve. L. MONTGOMERY liOND, Chairman. JOHN W CLAUUORN. Treasurer. Kev. E. W. 11 UTTER. Corresponding Scc'y. McUREUORJ. MITCUESON, Secretary, llouorury .llfiuberat. IlisEicelleney.A. O. Cl'RTIN , Governor of Penn'a His Excellency, JOEL PARKER, Governor of N. J. His Excellency, WM. CANNON, Governor of Del. Hon. ALEX. HENRY, Mavor, Philadelphia. Hon. JOSLPH K. INULRSLL, Pennsylvania. Hon. JUDGE CARPENTER, New Jorsey. Hon Jl DUE HARRINGTON, Delaware. Major-Gencrol UEOKUK G. MEADE, Army of the Potomac. Committee. Bight Rot. Bishop Potter, Most Rev llishop Wood. Rev. Bishop Simpson. Rev. Dr. Brainard, Rev. W. P Breed. Rev. E. W. Hulter. Rev. Isaao Leoer. Samuel M. Felton. Mrs. Rev. E. W. Ilutter, inairinan. Mrs. George M. Dallas. Mrs. John Sorgcaut. Mr. John M. Scott. Mra. Geueral Meado. Mr. J. Edgar Thomson. Mra. Jo. Harrison. Jr. John Edgar Thomson. Mr. Robert Learning Commodore R. F. Stockton. Mr. L. M. Bond Frederick F'ralev. Mr. Georee F. Weaver. John Bingham. George Williauil. Mr. George W Uarri. Mr F A Drexel. Mr M N h el ley. Mrs Johu W Forney. Rev W Suddards. D. D. Professor Heury Copiiee. Charlos P Truil, M. D Dr. Walter V illiamaon. Hon Oswald Thompson. Hon J K Ludlow. N B Browne. Daniel Dougherty and IM) others. April 10, lMl. Mrs Samuel A Croxer. Mr Enoch Turley. Mis A Sager. Mis Susan O'Neill. Mia Sallie Scott. Mux Louisa E Clagborn. and oi othurs t OtllITTi:i: FOIl A lUl'N lsA 1IOK. GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR. Committee on '-Labor, Income and Revenue.'' Office No. IIS South Seventh St., Philadelphia. JOHN W. CLAGHORN, Treasurer. This Committee hat a tneciul work, to ait : to oh taiu a day 't -labor," a day t "income," and a da) 'reveuue," from every cltixin of Ihe three Slate of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, tor the beoebt of our eiek aud wounded soldiers. The CuiiiuiiUue i uow fully orguuisvd at the above address, aud sail for the cw-vpuialiou of all classe iu the ootuuiuniiy. W want to show what the industrial clasae can do for Ibeir soldier ! What lb people can do la their tejutraU trade ! What Peuusviiauia can dot VV bat New Jersey can do ! What Delaware eaa do ! N bat each county cau do ! S haleach eily and tou eaa do ! V bat each iruleasioa can do! VNbal eat b trade eaa do ! V bat each oocupaliou eaa do . hat eai'b, luaiiulwlut y call do ! W bal Ab bank, UieuisUi cuuipaiiy aud tailroad csu do I " M bal each win eaa do 1 t bal eaob aufksbop eaa do ! M bat each fkuilly vut do S Wbel eaA-b m-u wait do ! V bat ai-k aoauaa eaa do' U bal eauk buy and aul a do ! M waul to sbo Iu Ore aurUi bal Auxerhiaa frea men are reaJy to uW aJ Ibcu tuidiere I t his is a ai eat wak and Ibe Htuu a... 1 Le way Iu duau islu OHts ANUt liiiji.t.' ia auikiboks u yUIU fejuUim, l.rl Ibe uieu urgauiM.. I. el lb auweu urgauiM. I ll lb Ude ufgatiiM. rgaie evetyabei Lei Ikewuikuiea (it allk tkelr ta loyert, !h u. loyeis uh Uiell wuikaiea It I easily duti. II U autkutva will auiawti Ik.uj tu. U )sts lu deduit ukedsjr Iruui laeu auk ut uiuutb tukU-is, and lit wuptuvat aitl 44 in U a day uf tbsu p4u, lie wboU Htm a til be w kaualedg d lutjetaet lu Ike Medil uf lb eaiaUtsa eat H a w all, (u lu But k at ttn ilk as ut iLt sjiaal autk llaiii lutaard yuui euuUikaUt-u fcttir akuuaUdittkui aill Uasei.l vtbert III tul iua ul tasutpl. t lieulei aua lull iasUeU..a will W M.I ).. i (.lu sli", ey asarl t l e,lS4 ewe, In Ut akdetetaued fuaulb! luu.ik1 I. l"S KIOMKHY hOU.tUinua. la., k. M ili um . ... ... su e. e4 LaJln' l'uaiHl )1 J lilIVm-"V .oui, NOT A HUM DRINIL A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED i UETABIJB EXTHACT. iL PTJUE TOITIC. THAT WILL RELIEVE THE AFFLICTED, AND ISot maLc Itrnnkarda, DR. IIOOFLAND'S German Bitters PREPARED BY. DB. O. M JACKSON, l'JUMVKLMIA, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOST CERTAIN- LY clri: AIM- IlSIiASi:S arising from a Disordered Liver, Stomach, or Jvldneyt. Thousands of our citisens ro suffering from Dyt- icpaiaand Liver Diseases, and to whom the follow ng questions apply we guarantee IIOOFLAAVS GERMAN BITTERS will cure them, DYSFKraM AND LlVKR DlSKAflK. Do you rise wilh a coated tongue mornings, with bad taste in the mouth and poor appetite for break fast ! Do you ftet when you first get up to weak and laniruid vou ran scarcely set about ? Do yon have a dirtiness in the head at tirnoi, and often a diilness, with headache occasionally? Are your bowel costive and irregular, and appntito changea ble t Do you throw up wind from tne stomach, and do you swell up often f Do you feel fulneat after eating, and a sinking when the stomach it empty? Do vou have heartburn occasionally f Do you feel low spirited, and look on the dark side of things ? Are vou not unusually nervous at time ? Do you not become rcstlcs. and often lay until midnight before you can go to sleep ? and then at time, don't you feel dull and sleepy most of the time? Is your skin dry and tcaly? also sallow ? In short, it not your me a ourincu, mil oi lurcuuuiuga i HOOFLAND 8 GERMAN BITTERS Will cure every ease of Chronie or Ncrvout Debility, Disease of tne Kidneys, and Disease arising from a CisnrdcreU Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOM8 Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organ Inward Piles, Fulness or lllood to the Head. Acidity of the Sto mnch, Nausea. Heartburn. Disgust for Food, Fuliicw or Weight in tbo Stomach, Sour Eructations, Siukingor Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swlminiuic of tbo Head, Hurried and Dim cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dim ness of Vision, Dot or Web before the Sight, Fever and Dull rain in Hie Head. Deficiency of Perspira tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Sido, liaek, Chest, Limbs, Ac. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant luingiuing of Evil, and great Depression of Spirit. PARTICULAR NOTICE Thcro are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters, put up in quart Dot lies, compounded of the cheapest whiskey or common rum, costing troni 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the tasto disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed. This class of Bitters hat caused and will continue to cuuse. a long as they can be told, hundreds to dio the dentil ol the drunkard. Jly their use tho system is kept coutinually under tho influence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created unu kept up, nnd the result is all lucsal tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. ror those who desiro and wiiliiavo a Liquor Hit tors. -we publish tho following receipt. Get One Dottle Hooflaud's German Bitters and mix with Three Quarts of Good Brandy or Whiskey, and tho result will be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Hitlers in the market, and will cost much less. Y'ou will hare all the virtue of Hooflaud's Bitters in connection wilh a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than these inferior preparations win cost you. IIOOFLAND'S "GERM AN BITTERS Will Give Yon A GOOD APPETITE, Will give you STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, Will give you BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEEL INGS, Will cuablo you to SLEEP WELL, and will positive ly prevent Yellow Cover, Itiliouai I'erer, Ac, Those suffering from Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, from whatever cause, either in Male or Female, will find in IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A REMEDY That will restore them to their usual health. Such ha been tho case in thousands of instances, and a fair trial is but required to prove the assertion REMEMBER, THAT THESE HITTERS ARE L3 And NOT intended a a BEVERAGE. The Proprietors have thousamls of Lot tors from th most eminent Clergymen, Lawyer, Physicians and Ciliiem, Testifyinic uf their own personal knowledire, to the beneficial tfleoU and medical virtue! of these Bitten. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. T),, Editor of the x.ncyelopedia of itcligiout Knowledge Althoueh not disposed totfuvor or recommend Pa 'tent Medicines in geueral, through distrust of their ingredient ana enoct, 1 yet know ot no suttloiont reason why a man may not testify to the benefit he believe himself to have received' from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to ihe benefit of other. I do this the more readily in regard to HooSand't German Bitter, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against tbem for many years, under the impression that they were chietly an alooholic mixture. I am indebted tour friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of tuts prujuuice uy proper lesis, ana lor encourage ment to try tbem, when suffering from great and long continued uoDimy. J ne use ut three Dottle o thesu Bitters, at the beginning of the present year waa followed by evident relief and restoration to I degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not lull lor six months before, and bad almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my frieud lor uirecung to lue use ol mom. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, Juno 3, lsol. Diieasei of Kidneys and Bladder, In Young or A'jtxl, Mult or Female, Are speedily removed, and tho patient restored health. to DELECATE CHILTHiEN, Tho suffering from Mahasui', wasting away, wilh scarcely any Hub on their bone, ar cured In a very short liui ; oue bottle in such cases, will hav a most surprising efieot. PARENTS having suffering children a abov, and wisliiug to raise them, wiii never regret the day they eouiiuvueed wilh Iheae Bilturt. LITERARY MEN, STI DENTS, and thote work ing bard wilh Ibeir braiue, should always keep a btltleot lioodand Bitter bear Ibeiu, a Ibey will timi much beuebt from it use, to both tulud and body, luvigurliug aud But depressing. IT IS NOT A LIQVOK STIMI'LANT, And leave uo rustraiioa. Allmllun, kiolUlrrwl AND TIM FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS W rail th atlentl'ta of all kaviug relation or frieu.U ui lb araiy lo lh foot thai "HOo LAND H llsruisu llillar" ill ur aiu leu lbs ut lb disuaas In ltusd by axpuaureaaud tfiialiou iueidaul loaauip life, la lb list, publisbixl aliu4 dally iu lb ivaiNtimr. uu lb arm a! uf lh tick, it a ill be uu tt. sd litsia very Urge proNtrtiua ar tulftriug flow debility, l.r.ry case ut lhl kind eaa be luadily atld l.y lltsjAalid s Geruiaa Blllsrs H kav bu bttsiuik.u iu suin g ikal. u Ibts tinier wor tritely ussd auiuagoui aobiiei. kuudrodtot lit el Utigul b saved ibal uik4UM would be luM. 'b p"!'" at daily reaelvluf thankful let Ura IrutaMiilwai la lb allay aatl kospiiala, abti aat Imhhi roslured w bssllk by Ik as u Ukss Un let, (eat w Iksut by Iksti liisud. HtWAbK OFtOl NTEltrfclTH! thM tk. niaisai., a -c. M. jACfcabSf U a frtoeiHM IMU.t.Wiaua M M d- tTkl't.T l""'"" ka.s Ik aiikl. - s4 i u but ms4 a. ua. .hi ..d JLkLt VwL ,oava au4 Uul Z V. iitX74 aad a (luMiMMti. C M. Jtawa i'u ,) tul. u lb. I a4 nJ- VtUkf) Jl t.j . a 50 STOVES. V TBS LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR - SALE AT J. llobrbfu-li V ." FOUNDR -ST, 8TJNBURY. IBNT'A.. Get the Beet Get the Cheaper Get the moat Eco nomical, which can be had at the Rohrbach Foundry. llsawlnnt 1 ersra ataaelmaiit einrwit. am n navtw sail STOVES, such a Cooking, Parlor, Office and Bhop Stoves, which will be sold at the lowest rate. Also, i Kettles oi all site, fans, Skillets, te, 'J hoy ore also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs, Castings, Ac, at short uotioe. Rcpalrinr all kinds of Agricultural Implement don in a good workmanlike manner and at tho shortest notice. All articles shipped at ordered. Ordert respcot- fully solicited and promptly attended to. lAl'UU KUllllUAUJl c to. t7'01d Iron, and all kind of Produce taken in Exchange for work. wunbury, Oct. 3, lBfla. If oh fmylB MVAV CLOTH tAU V l'lRIKII. -Xii tri'OItl?. TITE subscriber respectfully informs the people o Sunbury and vicinity, that he bat opened an en tire new stock of clothing and Furnishing goods, at hit new store In the building of Cbarlet Pleasant Esq., in Market square. Hit stock consist in part of X01T3' CLOTHI1TG. MOTS' CLOTHIXU. Such at Coats, Over Coats, pant, vests, shirts. undershirt, drawers, stockings, neckties, handker chiefs, glove, it. Also, list and Cap of all kinds. HOOTS AXI SHOES, of all kinds. TRUNKS, and Valises, umbrellas. and notions of all kinds, beside numerous other ar ticle. The public are requested to live him a call aud cxamiue bit slock. LEVI IIEC1IT. Sunbury, Oct., 10, 1863. THE HISSES JOHNSTON'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL Tor Young I.iidicw, No. 1209 Spruce Street. Philadelphia. REFERENCES : Rev. Dr. Howe, David Webster. Esq., Rev. Dr. Suddards, n iu iiaywani vrayton. Esq Kev. J)r. uonper, u cor ire A. vt barton, rq.. Henry M Fine, Esq., T. G. Hollingsworth. Esq., R. R. Montgomery, Esq. Hon. Alexander Henry. Thomas Duulap, Esq., Philadelphia. xeceuioer o, iaoj TRUSSESS, SHOULDER BRACESr ELASTIC STOCKINGS FOR ENLARGED VEINS OF THE LEG, 4C; Instruments for all deformities. DR. GLOVER'S has taken the place of other Trusses for the retention and cure of Hernia or Ruptnro. Acting upon the principle of a lever, it never loses its strength. It is coated to prevent rust. It bat no pad on the back, which Is so liatile to injure Ihe tpine and annoy and chnfe the wearer. Ill sure to retain the Rupture, fiving ease and comfort, and effecting radical euro, t Li warrented to give satisfaction. ThO improved Shoulder-Brace expands the chest and prevent the wearer from boeoming round shouldered. Ladies' Bolts and Abdominal Supporters, Band ages, and Belts of all kinds, aud instrument for all Deformities of Ihe Bodv. DR. G ROVER'S Office is No. 4 Ann Street, two doors from Broadway. Now York. Strangers should particularly note the name and LAcriiii' ?? '. JEREMIAH SNYDER, Altornry sV Coiimsvllor at I,ar. Office on South sido of Mai Vet street, four doors west of Gcarbart't Confectionery ttore, SXT3STBTJR"5T, I A. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to hi earn, the collection ofclaimt io Nor thumberland and the adjoining counties. Consultations in German and English. Sunbury, March IV, 1S64 ly BUNBTJBHiaHSCHOaU aMIE first quarter of twelve weekt will open in . tho Grand Jury Room, on Monday the 4lh of April, ISM. Tr.iiiis Pek Qi AHTi.ii : For Reading. Writing, Arithmetic, Geogravby, English Grnmmar. (i 00 Algebra, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Geology, or any of these, f J 00 Higher, Matbcuialiot, (including all or any of a novei $0 00 Freuch. German, Latin and Greek, or any one of Ihcni in addition to above. $7 00 Tuition pityablo half quarterly in advance. No doduction for lost time. Daily records ore kept of the merit and demerit of each student the former denoting th excellencies of each in recitation and deportment, the latter the doficieneie and delinquencies copies of which will be sent to the parents or guardians at the end of each term. For particulars apply to the principal. R:rKHKxi-Li : J. J. Reimensnyder, Sunbury, Prof. Wm. Neoiling. Selins-Grovo, Prof. G. It, Bliss, Lewisburg. E. P. HOUBACU, Principal. Sunbury, Feb. 6, IM. Fourth & Arc h it., IMillauVlpbla. ARE OPENING FOR SPRING, 1B64. 100 pes. Jl. Fancy SILKS. 50 pot. India Silipi, tl. 190 Good Black " 200 " Ordered Plain, SILKS 4-i LYONS Black Silk VELVET. Brown SILKS, $rj, a, 4, 3, 2, 1 per yard. Black $6, 6. 4, 3, 3, I, per yard. Moire Antique, all colon. Magnificent Grenadine, Magnificent Organdies. Richest Cbintte and Percale. Spring SUAWLS. New Household STAPLE GOODS. N. B. General assortment of Mens' Wear. March 5, 1S64 3m w for Hutu, .Wire, Itouu-lie-M, Aulas, lt-il IIhi, .llolba in 1'urx, TtVoolrna. A'., Inafcla oil l'luula, Fowl, Aabuals, f. Put up In 25c, 0e. and $1 00 Box, Botlle and Flask. 3 and f i siios for Hotels, Publio lotlita lions, Ae. 'Only in fa! Hide reinedlet know a." ' Free from Pousjim." 'No: dangerous to Ibe Human Family," 'Rat come out of their holes to die. (j-Sold Wholtauile in all larg eilie. Sold by all druggist and Retailers everywhere ! t ! liawsa ! '.Tof all worthless iiuilalioue. See that "Cutlar V nam it oa each Box, Boll! aud Flask, before you buv. Addr II :. II V II. COM'I'A II. Priueipal Kepol 4bJ Broadway. Nsw Vurk. V Sold by all kuleaale aud ReUll Druggist ia Suubury, P. Fab. UU, laM 8ia WASHINGTON HOUSE, Soulhweat Curur uf Marks! Squaro, M -Mil U. .. f I1IIK andarslgued rvapwitfully iuforui tk public, I thai b ba lakaa char of lb. above bemad, liolsl, aud asks for lb. oulluuau. uf lb. former pairuaag. aud would iuiil. all otbart lu git klia a eail. Ill TABLK b always supplied a lib tk bust tb auukst affords. Uu Bat c-'UUiu lb tbuical llqtuu, aud kls stab libl U guud and awllaiuudrd by rarslul tailMi. MlClUtL MiLVittT. Vuubury, A pill ,l, 1WI MEYERS KKWLV IMfKUVIfD CUESUKNT SCALE OtKMMl UI u riot, Awka.Ui!;.4 lu be Ik bsst L4-a I'll. Medal 4 Uikst l4 h Am. ru w.k.I MtU'DLu, ASlt UKiOSU lUkD HkO kuuasaa ka. m AHCU M . Uta k'sbik, iUiUMU'UlA. Kat.k : Ml -J-a 1803. 1863' FRILING & GRANT At TUX HAM1I0TH STORE. "ly OULD respectfully announce that they hat ' Just reoeired and opened a very large and well selec ted stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to dispose of at a VERY SMALL ADVANCE ON Flint Coal. OUR STOCK IS C0MPLE.TE AND EMBRACES EVERYTHING OIVB XTB A. CALL. Thankful for past favon we hope to meet a eon tinuancoof the same by still telling Goods as cheap if not CHEAPER than can be purchased else whore. FRILING A GRANT. Sunbury, May 23, 1863. Q. W. IIEOLEB, IOLOMOM HALKX. ZIEOLER & MA LICK, ATTORNEYS AT X.AW. Sunbury, .orlhnmherlnnd Co., Iu. Oner their profcsaienal services to Ihe public Col lections and all other professional business entrusted to them, will receive prompt attention Also, Military claima will be cullecicd. luch aa ; uouniy, uaca-ray, rensiona, Ac, io, Hold speak the Uerman Lamruara. Office Market Square, next door to Prothonotnry 't uuice. Sunbury, March S, 1S64. II. II. .llANMr.lC. A tlortifj' nt Mm-w, SINBIRY, PA XI Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming, REFKRKNCES. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. 0. Oattell A Co., " Hon. WmsA. Porter, " Morton McMichael. Esn.. " E. Ketcham A Co., 24 Pearl Street, New York. tiotin v . Asliniead, Attorney at Law, " manuews v uoi, Aiiorneys at l,aw, Sunbury, M.ireh 29, 1802. IIi:itUi IIOTKI," Jlurriahurg, Pa. ! nHE management of this woll-kfiown Hotel hav- J. ing been resumed by Messrs. lui l.i. a Jir.nn, the present proprietors, beg leave to inform the public that the house ia now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, and improved, with a view to the proper and comfortable acoommodation of those who may favor the establishment with their custom. Guest will receive due attention and courtesy, and no expen will be spared that may conduce to maintaiu hotel in a ti ret -class style. Families and others desiring to Sojourn In Harris burg during the summer months, will find pleasant boarding aud large and well-ventilated rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT COYLK, March 29. 182. ' J. GILBERT HERR. .tIAssick-c. PATiar i'ivi: in: 1'itrKXKit t A Improved for 1S59 and 1860, By E. KETCHAM A CO., 289 Pearl it., New York. THE only Freeter constructed on scicntifla prin ciples, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freeiingof the cream- - the other removes it at fast as froten. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of lee. The most economical in cost, a it it the most simple and durablo in structure. For sale In all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Freeter accompanied with a book of recipes and full directions. TRICES. 3 quarts, $3 09 4 quarts, 4 00 0 quarts, & 00 8 quarts, 0 00 14 quarts, 8 00 20 quarts, 12 00 Apply to II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. March 29, 1S02. BOOTS AND SHOES, Jl'ST received from New Y'ork and Philadelphia, a fresh supply of ihe latest styles and of the best quality, which he hat had made up to order, and warranted to give good satisfaction. He hat made arrangements in the eity to have hi best work made to order, which can be bad at all times, if not on hand they will be procured at reasonable notice. Manufacturing of BOOTS and SHOES of all kinds as usual. I will also wholesale Boott and Shoe by the box. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere and satisfy yourselves. Thankful for patronage heretofore bestowed, he respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Shop and Store room, three door west of tbo Rail Road in Market Square. WM. II. MILLER. Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1883. WANTED Immediately, a Jour Shoemaker, on Men' Work. Good wages paid. PRIVATE ACADEMY." NORTHUMBERLAND. fTUlE REV. JAMES DICKSON, will re-open hit 1 Academy on Monday, the 17th day of August, lfk!3. The following branches will be taught : Latin. Greek. Mathematict. Philosophy. Rhetoric. j Logic, Book Keeping, Vocal Muaio in theory and I'rncticv. Also, uvograpuy, uruuiusr, jiisiury, .'ouipoaitioo Writing. TERMS : Per Quarter of 1 1 weeks. f to 8 In the above branches without the language $rt 00 Latin and above branchr, $1 00 Greek and above branches, $8 00 See Circular. For further particulars apply to REV. JAMES DICKSON. Teacher. Northumberland, August 1st, 18A3. ly WysjiultxK lukurunce Company, WILKE3BABBE. PA. Cupltul nad lanrpluM, Ollsi.OOO. DIRECTORS: (I. M. Holleuback, L. D. Shoemaker, John Heicbard, D. G. Drieabacb, Samuel Wadbamt, It. C. Smith, It. D. Laeoe, Chat. Dorrauoo, Cbarle A. Miner, Wm. 8 Rows, W. W. ketcbata. U. M. Harding tl. M. IIOLLLXHACK. President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vic Presideut. R. C. Buira, Secretary. W. G. Sraanau, Treasurer. This Company Insure thr-fisarth of lh Cash valuation, uke uo Premium Not, aiak eo Aitw mauls. Policy acknowledge all Biuuay paid during lb term of your lusuraue. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May SO, IHoJ.-ly " UAHI.OU'M lll4iU lll, i; Daaler aad Cuaauuir ol lh abov Clebrl4 Wash UU., will pUa lako aolio, that lh are alur d Ui ad INDIQO BLUE, I'L'T IV AT A I Or a Ullltsrt-Brr'a HIIU ITOkl, . No. IM North SECOJtD fuM, PH1LADELPI1U. Tb oaeluy of tki Via will be lb aia la y tMpMi; il M warrautsd to 4ur kwir water tkaa lata Ike aiu quaumy of ladiaa, aad la go as ash funks Ibaa aat ob Wask Wm la lb ataikai. ll di. I ulst pMbacily .Imt aad dot m-4 aaill ua Ut I slulkss aa isai u Ut oikmi asakss 4m. Oa Mua 4 is. 4tdtabl biul ul af, will aak a 4 a Lauid li a auy thai I 4, at lluid tk I At il b) HKIM at lb aaas bfU a Ik IiaiuUlutal , aa4 lulasuit wiuil, ktsasakwibM aill tud U uf lutwb la adiaau. to ask M UmU bat aa a4 ibiaaausa r Ail blue bal aAat Iba data iu aUaiaa bsi-s ua U I aa lutiiauwa. lb tt Labi 4sa s4isiuwa feuf. fut bet bi aiMskeMM Ikkslaill . tb D, It.l -, ' ' "WM. KNOCHB, S MA ROT STREET, HARRISBCRQ, PA., Dealer In PIANOS. NSW Rosewood Piano, from the beet anakori from $200 upwards. MKLODEON8. Tb9 best ataanfaatiireA Inatra. meat, from Hi to $100. O altar, Violin, Aeoordeon, Flute, euro, urumi, iianjot, lamnourlnM, Violin and Guitar string and muaioal inor ehandli In general, SHEET MUSIC. The latest publication always on hand. Mutte tent ey man to any part or the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES, Suitable for loekiag glaetea, and all kinds of picture alwayt on hand. - A One assortment of best plated LOOKING GLA8SKS from smallest to largest site Any ttyle of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, April II, 1803. 93 Market it., Uarrisburg. Northern Central Railway ! NI MHER TIME TAHI.E. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tbo North and West Branch Susquehanna, Eluira, and all of North ern New York. . ON and after MONDAY, APRIL SOth, 1803, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, Uarrisburg and Baltimore at follows, vn ; SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leave Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 10 A.M. 11 loaves Uarrisburg, I 15 P.M. " arrive at Baltimore, 6 34 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) II 07 P. M. " leave Harrisburg (except Monday.) 1 00 A.M. " -arrive at Baltimore daily (except Monday). 8 15 A.M. Uarrisburg Accommodation leaves Uarris burg, 0 30 A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) 0 15 A.M. " leave Uarrisburg 115 P. M " arrive at Sunbury, 4 05 " Express Train leave Baltimore daily 9 15 P. M " arrive at Uarrisburg, I 36 A M. " leaves Uarrisburg (except Monday), S 00 A. M. " arrives at Sunbury. 5 3ft " For further information apply at the Office. I. N. Di BARRY. Supt. liUi'kawnunn A niooutMburg ICnll, rend. and after November 17, 1362, Paascngor J Train will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. rreight d Pasttntrrr. Prr.t.siirsr. Leave Scranton, 8.00 A. M. " Kingston, 9.20 " Rupert. 11.30 Danville, 12.05 Arrive at Northumberland, 12.45 P. M. 10.15 A. M 11.40 P.M. JltniJtl MJHTIt. Leave Northumberland, 5.20 P. M . Danville, t.00 Rupert, 6.35 Kingston, 8.45 Leave, 1.45 P.M. Arrive at Scranton, 10. 00 P. M. 3.40 A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston nt 8.00 A. !., for Scranton, to connect wilh a train for New York. Returning, leave Scranton on arrival of train from New York, at 4.15 P. M. The Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Railroad connecta with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road at scranton, lor Iow lork and Intermediate points east. At Rupert it connect with tho CaMawissa Rail road, for points both east and west arriving at Phil adelphia at 6.15 P, M. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad and Northern Central Rail road, for points west and south Passenger arriving at Uarrisburg 4.50 P. M.; Philadelphia 10 P.M.; aud Bultimnre 10.20 P. M. Tho Freight and Paasengart Train north, leaves Northumberland at 6,45 A M ., and arrives at 9,20 P M., passing Dauville at 8.20 P. M. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sup't. J. C. Wei.i.s, General Ticket Agent. Nov129, 1862 A Iarg Assortment of I EVANS A WATSONS BALAMANDER SAFES. GREAT FIRE AT READING, PA. February 12, 1862. Gentlkhen It gives me much satisfaction to inform you that in the severe fire which, on the morning of the 4th inst., entirely destroyed all uiy t stock aud materials, I bud one of your Salamander ! Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an intense red I beat for seven hours, tho Sale was opened, and Ihe I Books and Papers wero preserved in an umbleiuisbed ! aoudition. 1 shall need another Safe at toon as I get iu order. Yours, most reseclfiilly, W. P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CuAUBKusDinu, Franklin county, Pa., 1 August 31st. 1.S61. j Messrs. Evasx A Watson, Philadelphia Gentle men : On the morning of the 22d of August. lHtil, our Storehouse at Grccncostlo wot destroyed by fire. The Salamander Safe we purchased from you tome few years siuce was in the above ineiitihucd store house, and contained all our book, papers, cash, Ac which were preserved in a perfect condition, after being exposed to a most intenseheat for several hours. Please inform us upon what term you will tell ut another larger Safe. Youra truly, OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander Safes, for Bank. Stores, Private Fauiilie, Ac, Ac Also, Evan A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Bank Locks and Bank Vault Doors, equal to any made in the country, and add on a good teruia. E A W. would respectfully refer to lh following Ranks and other parlies, having their Safct and Locks now in use, to Iheir entire satisfac tion, and many others given at their Sloro. I nitku Status Mi.t, Branch Bank, Shelbyville Philadelphia. Tennessee. Unite n States AntKXAL,City Bank of Philadelphia. California Consul id al ion 11 k of Phila. Potutown Bank, Pa. Coaleaville Bank, Pa. Stroudsbnrg Bank, Pa. Jersey Shore Bank, Pa. Lock Haven Bank. Pa. t'oui th Bauk of Phila. ChatanoogaBank, Tcnn. Prc'm Loan Aas'on, 4th tt. Bank of Northumberland. Bank of North n Liberties, Philadelphia. Union Bank, Baltimore. Southwestern Bunk ot Va. Paul aud Swift, Bankers, Fulton Bank, Atlanta, Ga. Alabama. Newark Bauk, Del W.G. Stcrling.Wilkcab'e. Bank of N. C, Raleigh, Lewisburg Bank, Pa. Other reference given upon calling at our Store, No. 16 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 5. ISO.!. ly MUKliingloii Hoiiae, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (.Year tht BnJgr.) rpilK subscriber having leased this well known X Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mr. C. S. Brown, rcspectfallv inform the publio that he it refitting aud repairing the premises, aud will be prepared U en tertain, in a eomforlable manner, bis numerous frieud throughout Ihe county, and all a bo may patroniio his establishment. April 12, 1802. JOSEPH VANKIRK. fl. C. U ll A It II A HX'(t Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE, Market Street, Huubury, I'm. CONFECTIOXEItY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVEUY DESCRIPTION, FHL'IT, Ac, Ac, C CONSTANTLY on hand and for sal at lb above V. establishment at abolusal aud retail, at reason able irive. II is manufacturing all kind of Coofeellunarli tukepupafullauurtiuul wbiuk ar sold at low rale. Tuhaeeo, rise, art, 8iatkry, Nut of all kinds, aud a variety uf other article, ait uf wblah at ofler4 abotatal. aud l.lail. jr Usmtaibst lb aata aad place, .sf M. C. GKARIIAKT, Markst street, dour waj oE Y. Blight 8oa 0144 V. uubury, Bspi 19, Ibai. tf ' lalrrtsullwMMl Hotel, WU W 37 Vrmdump, Crntr .uaiiit Stmt KLW YOUK. mill! Irat la lluo lb awat auiat, koatelik I aad phsasaat Uutol la lb oiiy-uSar urluf UduMutsuw to thus, vbltiag fti.a Yutk M bustaM w pleasur. It t MBlrai ta il luuatiua, aud ka4 ua ibkiaort Ptaa. la auuuaaUua aiib Ts'koa Hauwa, aba.i.fIHbllMlul sa b. bad all auwn, at lalkalr.aa ruuau lb ekarga a. atv dwala, lb. luuiu a4 .H.adaaa of lb. hat a dais, hatha, aud ail lb Utodma avatauttsai Mlaabaa. Cp It.laa). Wnll wa!rlvta. oir wall riVkn, or tvmv luiKAULt TUO AD PAYIkkka. JI'VT ral4 diiMt flout Ik MouutWlaiar al laa aiAJklMutU .Obk w ' a . a. w.v sUXJ A UA3IT lbty, MsJik i bs rjIVK NOTICE that, they have eono" ude ar KM rangement with the Northern Ceutral Railroad Company to rna train from Raltimar tit York, Harrlsbarg, Danpbia, Halifax, Trovorton, Sanbary, Northnmberland, Lewlsborg, Milton, Muney, Wil liamspoTt, a ad all hitermediat stations, eonnoetlnr at Ilarrisbnrg with th GREAT WESTERN VJl PRESS Sot FMttrarg, ClDcinuaU, SL Loui and the Also with Howard A Co tExprea at MUtoa or Danville, Bloomsburg, Wilketbarre, Pltttton, BoraB ton, and intermedial stations on th Cattawliaia, Laekawaaaa A Bloomsburg Railroad. At Wil- liamsport, by Howard Co.' Kxprna to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Alto, by Howard A Co.. and their connection, for Canton, Troy, Elmlra, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible point In Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Note. ti.weiry, una vaiuuoi. raeaagct oi every descrip- Alto, Note, Draft and Bitli fur Cotlectirm. Experienced and efficient memongcra employed, and every effort will be made to render satisfaction . JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Suubury. April 6, 1802. ' 1IKAUV HOI KK. Ctrncr uf Stall and Third Strttta, nAKaistcRn, Pa. THIS HOUSE, in consequence of lit convenience) and near location to the Capitol, has made it a desirable atopping place, not only for those having; business at the teat of Government, but for other visiting Uarrisburg. March 29, 1862. T ERRIBLE DISt'LOSLRES-SECRETS" THE MILLION! A most valauble and wonderful publication. work ef 400 pages, and 30 colored engravingt. DR HUNTER'S VADE MECl'M, an original and popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Funotiont, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Nover-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure The practice of DR. HUNTER hashing been, and till I, unbounded, but at tho earnest aoticiratfon of numerous persout, he hat been induced to extend hi medical usefulness through tho medium of kit "VADE MECL'M." It is a volume that should ha In Ilia hands of every family in tho land, as a preventive of secret vires, or at a guida foe tbo alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive; tcourget ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to any part of the United States for 50 cents in P. O. stamps, or 3copicsfor $1. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER. No. 3 Division Street, New York. June , 1863. ly. l4)3. A rrangrmcB I at 103. o( .evv York THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Phdptlelphia to If tie Yorl and Way Plant, from Walnut trett Wharf and Kensington Vrpot, tvill have ot follow, viz : rAltB At A A. M., via Camden and Auboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) $2 2i AtAA.M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. , Accommodation, At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express At 12 M. via Cnmdcn and Auiboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Exnress.) 2 25- 00 2 2 j 3 01) 2 25 3 00 3 00 At 3 P.M., via Kensington and JcrsoyCity, Wash, and N. Y. Express At 01 P. M.. via Kensington aud Jersey City, (l'.vcning .Mail,) At 111 P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. 3 00 3 00 At 11 (night) via Kensington and Jorsey city houlnern r.xprcss At 5 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy. (Accom 3 00 modation, Freight aud Pusseugcr, First Class Ticket. Second Class Ticket, 2 25 1 50 For Wator Gap, Stroudsburg. Scranton, Wilket barre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac, at & A. Al., from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Wostern Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Altcntnwn, Bethlehem, Belvi dere, Easton, Lamhertvillc, FIcmington, Ac, at 6 A. M., from Kensiugton Depot, and ut 2f P. M., lrom l ulnut street n tiarl. (The ft A. M. Lino connects with Trains leaving Euston for Mauch Chunk, at .'1-20 P. M.) For Mount Hollv. at 0 A. M., 2 und 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Rristol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. M. and 2i and i P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Kiverton. Dolanco, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, Bordeutowu, Ac, at 12, 1, 2, 4t and tt P. M. $f For Now York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take tho Cars on Filth street, ubovo Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Car run into the Depot, and on the arrival of cachTruin, run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from Inking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over filly pounds to be paid for extra. Tho Company limit their responsibility for baggage to Onu Dollar per pound, uud will not be liable lor any amount beyond SlOn. except bv special contract. WM. 11. GATZMER, Agent. January 1", ISO.!. llrnndleN, IVIim-m, JIiim, A-. rilHE subscriber, having opened in Thompson's L Brick Building, Mill struct, Dauville, a largo aud complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Ma deira, Champagne and other Wiuca, of all grades, all ol which will bo sold Wholesale, at lh lowest city price. Tavern-keepers, by buying of ua, cun aavo tt least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE, say rely upon being furnished wilh a puro and unadulterated aitclu. I If- Being dctci mined to establish a reputation for selling cheap, he respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. All orders promptly attended to. JEREMIAH S. HALL. JDanville, Juno 19. 1860. I, umber! I junber I rilll.IP SHAY, Muncy, Lycoming county, Ta., INFORMS his friend and the public in general that he constantly keeps on hand Boards, Shingle alb, Joists, and all kinds of Lumber and building Lalerials, which he will tell at the lowest price. niMarch 30,1861. ES T.l ULljall iiin 7 UO. PETER LORILLARD, Naull'A Tobiu-ro Mnauftirtarrr 10 A 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New Y'ork. Would call th attention of Dealers to the article of his manufacture, via : BROWN SNl'FE. Macahoy, Dcmigros, Fin Rappee, pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Nachiloche. American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch. Honey Dew Scotch. High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch Irish High Toast, Fresh Sootoh. orXuudyfoot, fVAtteution is called to the large reduction in prieusof Fine-Cut Cbewiug and Smoking Tobaccos, abicb will be found of a Superior Quality. TOBACCO. Smoking Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. Long, P. A. L., or plain, 8. Jagn, No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No. J, Sweet Sceuled Oroaooo. Canaster Nua. 1 1 J mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish. Grauulated. lion U Aeireul,irof P will be tent on ppllca April 4, 1863 1 lIA3a,SB DIETZl LOWE B WHAlir, 8UNBUUY. PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL, in every variety, Order Solicited aad ailed with prooptasa aoi aMiob. Vih-H'f ' 3 J a n t:n ii a ii m:ir kUotCSAla A ktTAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, K. Corasr tWauad aud Ckasuul St , Philadelphia. AGENCY fur tb. PATENT Egl'ALIIINU TU1K. 1 V DAY I, w dasirabi. aiiiol. tur Cburakat, Uouut, tUuks, CuauUng Unas, Pallors, A Also, MaaurWluiwufriSKUOU) ptSa I'uwks rvpirwt aud warvauud. t'lusk 1 ntt.tuiti 4 aisijr d'ipti-a. t'biladlpkia, Jsua.ry I ,n4l if " O. V. liXtjJPT. .ittrter mmd t'aaawlUr Ml lsw, 0Uuakuib rid uf li4ks4 strsu. fbai tWt st t . V ltubi A aa au, BUNBUKY, VK. Will aiu4 Hoa-aly all utubitsipaal ba-lasw ealsasu.4 b im ms, uV suIIoimu m sluais la lead aud UV 4Uiaa waUul kabai; lsy Ut, - 1