Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 28, 1864, Image 3

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gjjc gtmftuq) St mm am
H. B. MAUSER, Editor A 1'roprletdr.
"si;.Vin;hV, A.
SATUKDAY, MAY 88, 1804.
K. 87 Pink How, Now York, end t State Street,
Boston, are our eRcnta- for the BvKMvnr AmbricaN
la Iboeo elllm, and art anthorlied to Uka Advertise
ments and Buteeriptkmt for an at onr lowest rate.
5?Tnit Lady's Friend. The June
number of this handsome moutbly opens
with n fine stoel engraving of tbe "Tlie
Young Brood," followed by ft bnndsomo
colored Fashion Plate; nlao ft numtitT of
well-executed wood engravings of tbc fimh1
ions, iii'cdlo-woi k, &c, such hs ladies iikme
laiow hpw to properly value. Among tbe
literary nrticles wo noto tbe "Mirriiige of
Convenience," "The Heiress of Nettletborpe"
Ac. Price $2.00 a your, (back numbers lur
nished) ; 20 cents a single number.
Published by DEACON & PETERSON',
819 Walnut St. Philadelphia.
JjT Godey's Lady's Book, for June is, as
usual, filled with thi lutebt Cushion pla'.es and
contains a variety of reading matter which
cannot be found in any other magazine. Tlio
fashion plates in this ntimberare principally
for children's dresses. Every hnJy should
have a copy.
I2f" Wkstmisstkti ISevikw. Wc have
Ihe American reprint of this quarterly. It
opens with nn article, which inyitea dis
cussion, and will obtain altenlion, in ''The
Basin of the Upper Nile and its Inhabi
tants," for it declares that the source of tlie
Nile has not been discovered by ('apt. Spclte,
nml makes out a strong caso npuinst his
claim. This paper, no doubt, will excite
considerable discussion. Other noticeable
articles here arc upon Taine's History of En
glish Literature and subjects discussed are,
Strikes and Industrial Co-operation, thn
Abolition of Religious Tests, tlie Preroga
tive of Pardon and the Punishment of
Death, New Ecula id. a:.d Conic p uorary
Literature. The Review of new book U
copious and instructive.
Sicca I Affairs.
li A llennnl of SIU will be puiil fir llie iliseuve
ry i.nil conviction of the person or persons ivho tres
pass nn the Kit (it tlio siiLwriber obovctlxi saw-mill,
imd lliiviv i'.uwu hi iuuci'l.
II. I!. MASSElt.
IJ? Special attention is invited to Iluwley's -'Soli-iVfiei
Iienti-l Croitiu," fur cleaning, ivhiteiiiiifr. ai'.d
preserving tlio Teeth. 1'iopnreil only bv A. Iluw
ley A Co.. X. W. Cor. Tenth A Lomlmr.l Sts., riiil
aJelpliin whose mlverti.-iemcnt appears in this i.-tsiio.
The article is highly rvcuimnemlvd. tiiv e it a trial.
.8" ' Til B SlSlirilV Al l OMMOIiATIliU Traix
Thi.-- puieiior train ivhieli leaves this plueo fur Ilur
risour; in the niuining, and returns to Sunbury in
the eveuini;. is doing quite as well on cxpectod, aud
will prove n Kreat eouiforl and convenience to the
travelling public, bet worn the-o plurcs, and others.
It give pers ns over five huurs for business nt Hui
rif-bui, ni.d enables them to roturu before durk the
atimc iiuy.
fJXeiv KoAiiiuxo IIotsL. Mr. Maria Thomp
son his opened a mvr bonr.ling house near tho depot
of tho Xoyheru Centrnl Railway, and invites her
f ieud.sto call. .See advertisement in iinother column.
tEK'We regret to learn, thnt Mr. Samuel P. Bright
ofthiH place, haslieen wounded in the recent battle
of the Wildcrucu Mr. llrilit wan one of the num
ber drafted from this place, aud Yeadily accepted the
cull of his government to us-ist iiicruliiu the rebel
I on. We hope his woun.'.a may liu lien'od and thn (
lie may again return to hii family and friends.
Mr. John ltluir, who volunteered as a substitute
fir oar neighbor of tho t ? zrttf, is reported to be
wounded and taken prisoner.
Jj'Anv widow, or parent, or orphan, or .r..ther.
nr sister ot any sol tlier, sailor or marine, killed, or
who has died in the service of the United htatcj.
who desires ninety-six dollars (J'.'OJ a year pension,
friin one huudred to eleven huudred aud nir.ety-uvc
Hollars ($1 1'J.'i) I'a.-h Uoun'y, and all the arrears of
pay due him, shoul 1 call at once or write to J'lSLIMl
K.'uKYm A COMl'AXY, Xo. J27 Walnut street;
The Military and Xaval Airi-ncy, Philadelphis.
Also, tate l'ay, County Cuy. Ward or oilier Boun
ty, Ac., if there is liny duo. Apply cither in prrs in
or by letter.
t'A M.v.n MunnEHa 1: is Fisti-.k. Vie learn
fivm tho Luminary, that Jarub l.owiuillcr,
near I.iu.leu, l.vcomiiig county, shot his lister wilh
a gun on Hitnduy week, instantly killing Uer. After
couiuiiiting tho horrible deed, I.owniiller took his
gun und went into the woods, and has not since been
beard from. He was very intemperate and bad often
threatened that ho would shoot his sister und then
himself, lioth were unmarried the brother being
6.1 anj the sister til years of ago.
jf .Mifsrf. MoCleery, KunUe i Xewhart have
Already commenced the rebuilding of their rJteam
r'git Milt which was dotioyed by fire last week.
We are informed that the Callawissa Hailroad Com
pany, who anicng others, are sufferers by the bum
.f this mill caused by the delay iu having their or
ders filled, hme offered forty workmen to aid the
above gentlemen tu rebuilding the mi!l.-.1(uii.
.i Ti- r -
t" Hi iioi.abv. An attempt to rbjho store of
Mr. A. lioo lwin at Watsonton, was uiado on Friday
night of h---t week. The safe was bored, but lor some
reHMiu ihe parties li ft without accoiupluliing their
design, fine of the party was arrested the net day
and brorght to tl.i place to be lodged in jail, but
senped fioiu tho iiflicer wh.lo tie wa iu the Act of
j uttii g him in ( i l'i n.
lit l.ll I T. fi.eiD We had the pleasure of taking
by tho bund few days Ago. our friend I.lcut. lieu,
iioi. I, uf ibis place, who is home on fur
lough fiom lbs army of the l'oluiuao. Lieut, tlnoj
was token prisoner at the liaill of Miue lluo and
taken tu l.ibby l'.ioii ll ro he Mijourur I for sevtral
in,.nth. Ho u ul cry pmfUse iu praise ol the boe
i iti.l.ty of toiiiki-ru cl.ivaliy.
JV lUMI:l.'.UU Ci Mi rv Tu Mt pTo
i i.ii uii'i IimoA uu We regret Iu lru that uu n.eiuini l-t, June. Hi, Itiub
').,' Hub. 1 1 Kir, l'ro. I llafvr, J .hA Ilafil. and
m lull- b" J"1'" Hefr, ell ol Xorlhuw.
u.ri-1 I . " i"11" t-k"'"l'",'
w.i u, on lb. I-wing pill, a ilmil . uw boe Ibe
Mule I'e.'M l!ny -'T' -'iJ '"i
a 4Uiai.e ol .b H,i miu f el. lulu lUe ri'.
tt,.l ..nul IU'.i. liiubwi Vkv, tbe ! 1.1
II, ,i. Ji-bu lUI'f. diK4 tbe tslKnl
,.,wi. Iky i..L..H..i .f boll Ablcsi Ut-f-i
l, l. ..!.. .,lUliltlw Ike f UIUe
("si.ii.k I'S'ir I" I"" ll fcrj laiw tie is
w . I.
,.l ,.,f .1 ll. ) I 4l"KI"(l.
!,. I'.u ei-i Ji jir.J'4
I . M
ii i I ...b, l etlwusi tsi 'Ul.
,, . i i il. I. li ti eie m,aI .
I'm. .1 Mi UiU'N"'
,, it. I Wahw. Us ekiUie
ifc ,) ' '
k. .I e. ' " '
I. I .
,1 bu Ibe UH IWI
Clr A Fcm.oroii ron TnintT Davs. It will bo
gralliying 10 personi Having irienus wounueu in ino
reeent battles of tho Wildernom lo learn that ar
rangements hrt teen mode, that the wounded who
lire ablo to bo so treated, are to receive A furlough
for thirty days, while the groat part of those who are
fit to travel will bo forwarded to the hospitals of
their respective .State, ' Friends having torn the
balnea of tlio Wounded In the dally papers, bars
gone to 'Washington for the purpose of looking them
In the hospitals, end have as yet mat with but little
tuoceei. In til lilts are prepared from tbe portion,
lar hospital friend or rotative Ls In, it if usoless to
go to that oity for Information oouoorning him As
toon ni possible full lists of the wounded will he
published with tbe hospital designated. A forgo
number have already gone home on furlough. This
arrangement will work admirably. The giving tho
wounded soldier a furlough will do more towards
restoring him to health in thirty days at homo than
sixty days would In thehospitl Not that lie does
not recoive the same care, but when ho is wounded
whero Lis home is there his heart is, and when he
long for homo all the care and attention bestowed
upon hitn in the hospital avail but little. Let our
boys know that if they do their share In tho contest
on the field, that should they bo disabled they can
go home, It will do more towards defeating the re
bels than s reinforcement of twenty thousand fresh
(j? Tafc I.L'TnERiAK Ciicncn The ccrnmoiiic,
of inaugurating tho organ In this church, took place
on Sunday last. The members of this church have
shown a highly oommenjablo teal In the ereolion of
A handsome and commodious edifice, completed a
few years since, and have now further improved it
by refitting and renewing the old organ, w hich had
not been med for tho lust fllioen or twenty years.
This instrument is said to be a very good one. The
expenses for renewing aud repairs, wa something
less than $.100, which, wo understand, was raised by
colleotions in tho church on Sunday last.
tXr'T.iILS While great complaint nro made
on account of h'gh taxes, we are pleased to ,;eu that
cur county taxes are so light. The enmity tax is as.
snsied at the ra'e of two mills on tho dollar, or not
more than one-fil th of tf hat snmo counties have to
t"CS"'tr.T PuMrKNCss Somebody w ho knows
sriys that when two or more women approach you
on a narrow walk and fall behind one another to let
you pass, you may be sure they are ladies of uiicoin- i
loon politeness and consideration. The usual eourso I
pursued by women is to charge ail nbrciist, sweeping f
everybody into tho mud. I
tifOetMr CowrxTinv On Saturday last A J
Union Convention met at Ibis place lo select dole'
gates to the liiiliiuioro Convention. Win. Hood, ;
Ksq , of Upper Aijg.ista, W;u chosen President, and
lir. J J. Jehu, of Coal, Soereiary. John It. l'aek- I
or. Fsi) . ol 'Sunbury, was sejocledas the Oelegato to !
the Baltimore Convention, with power to chnoso his
own conferees, nnd Frnuklin Hound, Ksq., ni Milton '
alternate. Jhe delegate and tiltertiiiteworo tuslruc.
led to einl I'.ieii vote lor Alu .ihum Lincoln for tho
i'Tiiu Jiiurr ox Monhav Xext. Provost
.Marshal Clement, gives notice tkat tho draft, to fill j
the quotas of the v arious sub-districts in tho 1 Ith
Congressional llislrict. under the late calls for "tit),. '
UIMt men, will commonccou Moinlny next. May .'10th,
in front of the l.'ourt House, at Iliirrishnrg. Look
out for priie tickcls. ye of sub-districts whose
juot:u huvo not boou tillol
t5rEn C.itTioi LAhir-s.Mnny of our rx
rluingi'S eouttiin ndvprtiscuient from J'ttldifH who I
ikViro to opi'noorrcjtp'Midfiico with yonn ladh-s "for
nuitiponient.' Wo it'jiiM otiulioii youu lailien
a-tin't t'orroajioiitlint; with ptrnnor- in tho army.
Much evil Im ulroaJy rc.-ultoj fnuti nuuh oorro.sion
ilnncp, in nunuTtiu iiHtimces ouuinx thtMiiural ruin
of thouhtlu.xsj Mi-tM
f .! 'P I f- .1... 1 i Al
ii;ijur j. it, luini'i, int. i ('iiiuiiiiiii'iiiL ur1
llu. I ihliv Pi-Uiiii Kii hnii.iul wi n -nlet nt '
l l l.lll. 1 IIMMI. Itu lltiiotlil, a c-nlit nt
Wrst Ptiiiit fur Itvo yi-ars luccedinj; thn
FursuHnt to a call, the members of tho '"(Jood In
tent Fire Company," met at the ollieo of li..V.
Ilaupt, Lsci., this 'evening. May UMih, Lsiil. The
l'resident, Kinanuel Wihert. iu the chair, stated the
object of the meeting, that us liiviue Trovidcnco
hml seen fit to en!) fioiu our midst our tiieud and
fellow member. UKMIY IMIXNLI.. l:s.. it becomes
us us. tlreinoii to pay our la.-.t tribute of respect to
bis memory.
On motion, a committee of fivo was appointed to
drnl't resolutions expressive of the sen-e ot the meet
in.'.vit: J. C. V elker. tl W. Iluupt, It. A. Fisher,
Henry liiicherand A. Clark.
After retiring ashort time the committee reported
the following, which Hero unanimously adopted :
Wiikkkas, It has pleased an All-N iso Providence
to remove from tho sphere of i,c:ivo life, our fellow
citien and brother. IIkmiv Hoxm:i., Lq.. a niiui of
kind and jienerous heart ; a fnemtiu who wasalways
fuithlol and cnergeli-; this company moved by a
dcisp sense of the losthey iiave sustained, consider it
their solemn duty to express the sincere sorrow which
lias tilled their hearts : 'J here fore,
Kksiii.vkd, That this Company greatly regret the
loss they havo to surfer iu the dcecuxo ol their Into
brother ; nevertheless, they arc consoled by thecoin-
torttug assurance that our loi is Ins gain.
JKaoi.vuii, That while we have lost a fireman
who was cer rcidv and faithful in tbe perl'oriunueo
of till the duties incident to his membership of this
company; an officer who was always courteous, a
brother whoso benevolent qualifications endeare biiri
to all. yet, we bow iu humble submission to Him who
rules and governs all things i our feelings are not-
withstanding most deeply aneeicu ny me consiucra
t ion that ha was cut off in the prime oi'lifc aud iu the
nitost ot his usefulness.
Hksoi.vkii, Thai we deeply synipalhiio with the
bereaved family of the deceased, und as u lilting
tokenofour siueere grief, wo will wear tho usuul
badgo of uiouruiug for thirty days.
I'r.soi.w.n, Tin. t us the lurgisl proportion of the
members of this Company lire nu, in the ranks of
the Alloy, iu ihe surviee ot their country, neverthe
less, we whoreniaiu, will atleud the funeral of our
deceased ielloM -member in a body .
Kksolvkd, That a copy of the ulaive resolution
be tiled aiuon the arehivi-s of the Company ; the
l'nsnleiil appointed U. W. Ilaupt, Jacob lleudricks
ami It. A. 1 ihcr, A Vouiiuitlee Iu couvry a copy ot
the alo c resolutions to the lamiiy ot the deceased,
aud rcpionl the papers ol Itiis bornugti to publish tho
Uu uiuiion, Ailjourned, J. C. Wn.KKii, Sec y.
.oil ' lo 4'4ll I'lM'tOI-B.
XoiiTtiKtia t'tmnu Kaii.aavCd ,
II.'.ii . . H , ii . I ' II I . I'in.av.u
11 miuisiii ail, l'a., .May U, -c )
1)l!(lilSALS will be received at Ibis offiea until
May .a, l the wlmlo or any part of Ihe gradu
anon an I ballasting for Ihe ecaid Iraek ot Ihe
.Soribeiu luiiiral railway between J'uuphin and
ork lobe etimineueed iuiiuedialetv. Full in
foiiuaiiou may be had by applying lo F. C A P. MS,
Li , I'liueipal Awuiaul I.iigiuuer, Aic-ui.bury, Pa.,
ur to llie Ul.dui signed.
Tbe e-iopiiny i.eir Ihe rihl to reject any or all
nroiK.sal Uiudu.
May 21, I 'a. l I'liikf hugiiiecr
Mluls" tti tlis llutiU' ol' .'Nurlliiiitibt-r
lituU, I'll., Mujr It,
lawns and IIJli disceunud, t J't W 3
t'riinfaie n t niu l Plrnu Mint . hi ihmi lai
I uu,! M.t,. 6 .M l.,,o, . . . loo.ovu 04
" " luUlt'l bluing Legal feu-
dtps. fa (ski 114
PetilMyltaiiia. . 'i ml (HI
bank u( .S.Mihuu.bsilau.l Hiock, il'lll is)
Ni.riluu.biiUu4 HndjN Mmk, l.j'Hi
1 lii. Ii outlj Its) M
Iteal t-'lule . I (,', 7
U b e ll. I llal ks, lO .Ji
N..US ( uiliuf llek, U 1 L,l Tru lore "l !
lull liru. I i4 tse
piit ia nil ldlwiui( I'vibiuoneiMlill
lpeie VMl'lb-u, .
ti1 l le
1 1.4 j M
..' U
lw Iwe lis
No- e t icuUlivu, .
lw. Im mI. li.a
" I ,.-.H..eoi.b, Chiiw.. 1W
eit I MiifciwVt '
- 1 A'U4., .... (J
seiufi Iks elie I U Jul
m ! Wi U li u I l''i-'
a i 1 l e, tat, I
l.aul k,iuliloji. I
W M 1 i ,. r.-'-; i
. . '.. I
ei4 see
' ANT)
Under the Dlroct Management of
Wilt oxhibit at
MIU.KrtPIlUIW, Saturday, MAY 28.
rrporformanccs Afternoon aatl Nlht at 2o'olook
and 7ir. M.
This Mngtiiflocntly Organised Concern presonts
with all tho Standard Features of the legitimato
Arena blended with Ail the Modern Improvements
nnd Acquisitions ; furnished by ambition, ulnae ap
plication, and tho practical w oi kings of those artists,
whose motto is
More nnd Better Horses,
Kiunller and Finer Ponies,'
A lletter selection ofTraiuod Animals,
A Larger Troupe oT Performers!
A .More Carefully Arranged Programme,
A more rnoxceptionnble Kntcrtaiitment,
A Moro Perfect Outfit.
A More Comfortiiblv Constructed Interior,
A tireater Variety of Appointments.
And the evineeuient of A More Correct Taste and
Tone of Ketiuement. than have hitherto been offered
to the people lor Ihuir I'A'i KOXAUK AX1) SIT
PORT. The Company consisting of at least.
l'finvtr.f.Ti. lymnns!. Voltiour.. Loader., JJun-
j cvr.t, Aoroiirits, XtK'iihti anl iVIusioiuii.
j New ron;onl Wnirmw, ntw f'nrrinfcosi, new CnnvM,
new Drwwr. new iliti nos-. new Continues, now IhjiU
1 new Appointnirntii, tlio nliulu furiuing an Kstnhliali
' inont iittianioiuit to the finest over lUruieil citlu-r in
this country or Kurupo.
m n s
Will perform the far famed
And licr High Toned War Charger,
Among tho licrrormers eniruged nro tho celebrated
Consisting of
(formerly ofConk's Knglish Circus) who will intro
duce his'lleautifiil Performing Horses, SPOT liKAU
The charming Fqueslrienne ; and
The Child llider onlv .- vearsofago.
Who, on his 4 Wild Ponies, will appear twtho Intre
pid Hurdle Rider.
The great Peenii Rider. Vaulter and Tumbler,
J UK llli'i l HKIIS hln.i;r.
Valentine, Charles and Rudolph. The most olasaical
Oyinna-sU ami Acrobats ot the duv.
Tho Renowned .Man Monkey.
Two and Four llorsu Rider, and Double Soinursault
Tho Great Telku'iguiid .Singing Clown." rocnguizc 1
and ocknowledgep s the most aeceptublo Man of
Jluinor wbuuvvr uunifJ a mutU-y Httin. will vecu-
py h jiioinint'nt (HMitiun in tho t.cpaiTtiiL'iit of fun,
u.-itiU by thnt ready eoiiviTsiiituimliit Hi.d rcfiiici
Tlio Hran of Itii'4 .Mit.storF.
JUUN L. l-',
Thv Cbmnpinn J'runui.or of tho World. Thuce
Lrmghrtblc Aiuino Chap,
ill ito mlritil open liv tliior Iniiner nml nn (torutrln-
- : .... ,.t ,
"'')' ulf,"r"l t" "".v t or boy to gam fame, ami a
rew anl oi 'i en liollnrs. bv riding "Cl XNINli" luree
times mound the Circle without Falling off
Of nil the lireat l'.esourecs of the "Show," People,
agoiis, Horses. Ponies. Mules, tc. T.rccedcd by the
Wilt be imidu daily at half past ten o'clock, A. M.,
ut eucb place ot Kxhitiition
C. 11. CASTT.K Agent.
May 21, lbi',1.
HA K jtiit rt'turncd from .'hilndi'ipliia with no
of the lurcst nml best sclvcttd ttouku ut'OU
t-vcr brought to unbluy.
rU ioh as Clntlm, CnJi
. Ticking. ('nlifocj, u-
meres, .Muslins, Mieetin
tniiii rtamudri. ntid nil kimlf of M i L it M.N'tl t-toud.,
AI.:Kc-Mrt. J.lack Hilkf, t.iiihuiu.a, Jlulmonil and
kt!lct(n tkirtn, i'aiilon l-'laiini'l.-, Nunkcenit, C'nr
put i n ot till kml!.
Comprising. Hosiery, tlh.vcs. Thread, lhtttons. Sus
penders. Xeek-ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs,
Hair l!i ushes, Tooth ill ushes. tium I'.ib
bon nnd Cord. tape, erolehct-braid,
worked collars, fancy head
drosses, tidy colloll. carpet
binding. 'combs, faucy
Soaps, carpet bigs
Trunks, Valises, I'lnbrellas, lllunk Books, Taper,
Ktivelnpcs. Ac.
D H U. DS ai.VlTV.1I&Ii:
t'f all kinds, such as Nulls, Hinges and Screws, Uoor
Lalehe and huubs, Locks, and III l.l.Kl ot every
Alsn, Di-s, l)inr, Pit'tnU, Vnrr.islics, Fibli,
I''lnsi i il niul Rriizim Oils, (iluss. Putty, Arc
! II nr' llllsl 4alilMt lll'S ot' Mil
An Kxteniive Htock of
GltOC E R J E S,
('oinpotfud of tjinr. Co floe, Tcn, Hice, Cum-i-lart h,
.Muct. nitmi. Ituilcy, l.ukiu-powdiir, mlaiwt4. Poap.
candli Ubuco uud t-gn.r, ult, Kih, Meut, Chefo,
ttC, 40.
Aim, a large vnricty of
3CCT3 Kzt 13 IIC ID 3
fwP Men. Wt.iiu-n tul t'hildri'n.
C All kiioUitt tirn.utiul Country Vroluev takin
In t'xehanKtt tor timid.
tii.u u call tu I 're you punh:ue Uberot w
Hru Uuu 1 tti sell tu luw tt any wim tire.
ht.irc-itKtu in Irtt t''i.t buildintf t lb
N'ULli'Wwi cur imr of Mm kit Jjuuro, umtit ib Court
hui.bury. May 21, 1-4.1.
J ll'lt' IU L.I.Y luff ni.h.r (lieu. I. in euiil.ury
Ji aiol tleiuiiv, llil slie bu l Xns M.
ol Alilliutiv aui l-.o. r liv luU. Iu Mwlsel !'!,
four i..r ,.l ,.f ui II .Vlill. r. Ilool i..l Mio
lore lU-r .Vk k C"ii.i'i. "t' 1 liii.uiiij.. Mti"i. nui
bloiji-lies, I.A.Iit.eiol (', b.' bul. eiol .li.ll.-rs; j
.ilk eii.i uihvr liuins, .-. liutliMUrf, lWi.
II, ...-. kill.. I l.. slul Uu, Vi'lU, NeU. jl.m-,
iiMjkius, colleitf, eii'l eoiM-is, en.l irnmy utln-r aril- J
le, lor lli. ei.i K,uUui.u: ell of -lii. li Mill be i
soi l el thv oawi ,,,,t, liA'lb Ul.Al k
Oabliuijr, Vl.y 21, sil.
fill. H till I IIIMII'tilli,
ttutweslf l ike ' lei.tu. lluw,")
h e n a ear, v k n 'a.
1 Xr'nIlMl k- In wis eul Ike Uia g.u.r.lly
tltel u !. i.uitl lh kuw l4u.ilb
I k I'l i W l'i vu,ij iiv, tuier ike i tfcliel l'.,4. u o..b..( a
'....-l.ii II -mm, .La u I4.-I-.I..1 1. k..e
! t s.l.M4s.l Ati lU kSelt-M l-".H ber
t nk 14 ks eitl .ia V-in,
lie ..l aa.luoe l Uie u, U.e
, Iwl k'- '
I fu..ts liaa Ik eke lte) sJ ta lefckiM.
' Is is a-il "I'l e... I
! Mi Mllll IH'tMl'sV'ls
' i. M1i il
O. M. liAfMAsr. A. M. Sat.lap.
WINES AM) nauoRs.
Xs.ll .UV Ac S A I.L.a IH:,
No. 1M South Ninth Street, between Chesnut and
' Walni PilfLADKLl'HIA.
May 7, 1804
O S 11 O It ITS
. IF A Jl R A N T K J)
IT ii ned hy first cluss fanilllee everywhere, and
highly recommended for nervous and dyspeptic
persons, "being very nuitrlllous and free from all
doleterions substances, in testimony of w hich I have
certificates from the most ouimincnt l'hysieians in
tho Country. Try it, and you will bo suro tu con
tinue its use In preference to any other.
,SiUl at retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound
by First class Grocers throughout tho United 2'Atej.
' Li' A liberal discount to the Trade.
Put up only by
m;ui ,1. OSMOH.V
Wholesale Depot, 09 Warren st. New York.
MayT, 1H4.
Ars'iiIh AVuitls'sl FiVcrjnliei'O
to sell tho
Signing; I be SsiisiiK-ijmliun l'roclu
Ullll iDII.
The best and only correct likeness of this great
man iu existeuue. For Particulars address,
JOIIV 11 A I NT Y. Puhliiher.
No. 17 r. C;h ft., Philadelphia.
Mnv 14. lSOt a,,,-
Uinlre 'l'tiriiita.
AT OTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders of
Xl the i entre turnpike iioait I ompany. mat an
cleotion for otlicers and loaniiirers of said Couiiany
will be held at llic house of Josc,h Yankirk, in the
borough of I. on Monday the tith day
of June next, 'the election will open at 2 o'clock
and close at 4 o'clock P. M.
Trent. V Superintendent
May 14. 1-siU It
And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, end
Mandrake Pills acton the System in Curing that
Disease, and tho
Urcut KiicsrcKN .Klt-udCjic: It!
Tlio ubovo isacorrect lil.cncss orPr. Sclienk taken
many years ago, after ho had recovered from Con
sumption ; by a course of his oS..U,nli'8 Pulmonic
Syrup." The likeness, nlthoith it does not repre
sent him anything like as hud as be was at the worst,
yet it is in strong contrast w ith the hiileaud vigorous
looksoflhe I'ortrait below, which is the tiuo like
ness of him at present timo. The contrast between
thtsj two portraits is so great flint ninny would not
believe them to Lc the same person. Yet there nro
hundreds of pcisons, in nnd around Philadelphia,
w ho will recognise both portrnits to bo true represen
tations. When tho first w as taken ho weighed 107
pound ; nt tho prVicul liuichi weight id 2-'0 pounds.
New Yoiik, Wednesday. Murch 30, 1SG1.
Thirty years tvro I waif in tho Jut itngo of Pul
monary Consumption, and iven uptodie. I resided
in Philadelphia, and Ir. Josepfi ParrUh. then ot (his
city, ordered me to Moresuwn, N. .1., a distance of
nine miles which took lue two days to (ret there. On
lay arrival I ws put to bed, nnd .here laid for mr.ny
wicks. This v;is my native pbtc, where all my
family lived and bad died of Cnni.u'piion. lr.
Thornton, who attended uiy father in his lnt illne,
wan culled, and jriive me one week lo fix up my al
ia in. Jle bail sun all my family j!o that way, unit
thought 1 was to go. U Then 1 beard of theredie
(lies 1 mw (dfer to tho public, which cured me. It
seemed to inu that 1 could feci them p-nelnUiiig my
wbolu SVstclll.
Tht y siHju ripened the inntter on niv ltin:r, nnd I
would -siit otf ntoro lhau a pint of oflcnive yeib.w !
matter every morning. An Mon a that begun to
ttubtfide, my couyh, fever, pain, niht nwc-all I
heuu to leave me. aud mvapiteiitc bocmno ireat '
tbutit km with liifliculty 1 could keep Irum fcaliiK i
too much. 1 oonKincd uiyatrcnid audi bno !
been growing in rltsh ever aince. Kr nmny yearn ;
1 havo enjoyed uninterrupted yood bualih, keepintr i
tbe liver und KUnna- h beulthy wiih the Si-aweed Ti-
uie ami Mandrake Pills, tu 1 am of a hillioiu. temper-
anient. My weight is two hundred and twenty
p oinds in my recovery people would send f.r me (
far and near, tu sec if their c.e were like mine.
For thi puroT 1 pay piolciunal vi:tsiu the lari;e
citiea. Thecoiirfiiinptivt nth to see the one that
binkc the inidicines. and who wa eureil ut von- ,
suuiptiou l-y Ibeui- Jti make new luii-i l luipMi.
bit : hut eaviiii. iu the luus. and ebrKhie ulcera
lions ul Ihe lirom lii'il lulus enn bu heal.-1 Su.-U ere uvU'K iiouuy un.ier uie or.iiu.iy iresiniei.i
ol ilivieiHUs. nl ji..t ueh lire eure l l.y the l roper '
use ol S.-hei.k 1'ulu.ouid Kjruji, t-caivi-rj 1'oLie, i
m.a M Tills. I
1 em now e h .ultl.y n.nn, u'.i. Ur,'e eavity in '
Ihe i,ii 111.- loLeof the ri. lit I in.,- llu- lower lobu very
mueii hv utn.l an I eo:u.i ! u llnn.m i f thn .leure i
'lli lell lul.. Is "."lo !. iii.-l llo'ill ir I. .I.ii of ll. e
lllit liui ! In a t"leri.i y In ulthy v..ii.liii.m. 'l lin
Itieat renoll why I'l v-ielul.-il.l Hot euro e..iHUli,i
I ...ii i. ihuy iry in J l" miieu : ili -y xiva ine.liciiies
to l..i Ihu v "iirfh, to stou ''hill, tu (.u.p iilhl saualii.
ku lio fever, ami, h.v ii..ii.. liny Ueiaiga ihu
Kliolu llltie.litu .ol I., lo I. ii -4 up Iliu . . U ll"l
eii'l uoiiluII.V the HO lit m.'i-l I iiies Allur 1
Uiska a euietot e.rtli.tli ttl.-u ol (I'll I St:- ol till III.'
lie.l'lrollieler. aiel ln I lulu' ei.-.un'l Itt'tn cure,!
Utiuel Ilia l-all.-lil how lo UfS Itle !!.!. rtllltllu..
I uuo ll. ci.u- i.l II.. v
v i.l .ill .1- . ' I mi.r
u.U sihii4. .Ntiuliu ui-ii 1..: i iii ii "I i'"n.miit.:i..l,
li.ur e.iuiiluiul. U .i'i4-1 .timt .i, VLiiker. uleerattl
Ihlual, uuleM ilia ll. er ai.. .l.'li' ala lua'lu linal.
thy. Iu .Vvwj l.i. gl.iel llu. ei.ker ehiuinu eatankt
elearaU'l Ihioal, ..I..i,miii.u ol utula, I, leora irre.
Iviil lliiu iu aii otkor u'ii'in .l tha tM-uiiiry. 'Iliia
le lr.U utly su-'! ky e . ul .Lima. I i oil wtay
kuiu u udl enU tau.i.i: iliu. an I ajm an.l all ikv
aille-.l i. uu..iui y i.u.l I'. ii-i the iiUiai
eu4 au l ikty -ill liaal u llo o..,l. .
Uou4 nuiiiitou ia iu. i.u.iJ. ii)ukMie ary
ili.oM. lu auy twl ol 'i.a U. ly u a i.l . u.n. iL.ii
ei-4 4 a-y u... aiiU u. -I a bo! it , "U e .u k-I '-i.a t...
Ui. b lu lh cl lii'.li.aii"l I'l U.ka b.
Wv..h l Lks ll.a 1 .'. I I u...i. 1 1 1 i 1.
11.. ui.l eay Iu k .1 a. 11 1.- iu Id. luo.. -u I ui. 11
al. l U.i l.iUl.1 lul"ja I una.1 lb s.uu.m. U au l li'.l
au l baluia a ill 4o thv ,lii-' -l .1 bah a
eu 1 1. ti4 a.llu Mi.uwl.Ma aia m'.4 I'UiiU'l. ul
llta iiU- t Vi k.u U -4 u ou Ui. a'. -I II aai't"'!
keuullb.4i U la ' 4 II. a-u.. a. Ila t4'Ma.
to. ail. I Ul Ike artau . tul 4.4 lua a kalalua IU US'
4w lua i,.l a4.lrt.-u.u-.l1 au4 e1 a II tiuu' M
a-iu.u.4 IWa 11 eul a..a. i.a ti-l, eLwb ei.l
Uka li,a ia, u4 l!.al ab'"l le u-l
fcbMl , f'alu.uia ,... aa vl ika kai p....
leu -44 ul ii"U iu ua. u i a r"wful i -umi ui ratl
a4 ek-e) Ike la4 l ei. e.t.i" ike e(es M
frt&$Mkt oV
I tho slinheh, and It i esrrled ofl by the aid of tho i
Mandrake Pills, the Pul'iienio Hyrup is made int
blimd. This is the only ny lo uuio lonsuuiplion.
Jf I oannot gut A g'jod apTieiitc, and f'Ml !o'" not j
digest, 1 cannot enre the patient Xever Inlnrt Itle
eolith; remove the rause and will twj of Iteolf
Thisistbe inept troutite 1 have with my atients al
toy rooms. Xlmy say, "Uoutnr, I feel stronger;!
ami eat : my nigui sweats are better, ant 1 tool Dei
let every woy ; but my cough is so had yot i" and
they ere astonished to' heir, me say that does not
matter! remove tho cause and the ooiigh will sop
of itsolr. Sohenk s Seaweed oreatos) a good appetite
In about nine days, when them is no lung disoane,
tinlees the liver is so congested that the Mandrake
Pills cannot unlock the duets of tlio gnll bladder in
that short space of time, in order to allow the stalo
tile to puss off. Keep the liver and stnmieh healthy
And there is less danger of consumption or any other
diseaso. It is hard to tako cold when those organs
Arc healthy. Thoeu that Are bilious, low-spirited,
elronry, feeling stupid, ennted tongue, poor appetite,
nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that i.s
eaten lies henvv. In of Memory, try one bottle of
M'lir.."CK'.SSl AVKi;i XONIC'niid one box of
K'HKNK'N MANDKAKK l'JI.LM. It is only a
Cost of one dollar and twonty-fivu q nts. with lull di
rections. 'I his is suflieieiit,'in many cacs. to s in
ly what tho medicines are. Frciicntly one hot:lo
makes a crent cbnniro in the svstciu. Any i ei oi
that enloys ordlnarv henlth, hv usiiiiT tho rioawee.l
Tonic jukI Aliiiirlrnlio Till occii.-innnll.V. imi-t get the !
dtituHtivo oreiin!" in such ft healthy condition thnt i
they beuoino fh;hy 1 vim produce n number of ny
old eonyuiuptivif piitii'.nlA now enjoying good h ml ill
voihiiiir mnily 20)t pounds. 1 will roiiHudu by
relnting thvvOeurcK I hnvo niudu in New Vovk. nd
whit-h nro nil din'crcnt. nnd wi-h nny on? wlm IWda
nn intorpft in the mutter fn viit tlu-in. Fir.t in Mrs.
Fiirlow.t finding then at .No. J07 HuVtti n'reet Jbr
lutsbrind enlled upon me nt niv T(huh. l2 lhtUtr:ct
nnd wished ine to eiiH nnd set: her. Jle wid I enuld
do iii jrnod ; that he had b i t nil thv hc-t mediod
fitW ndtinct, nnd nil nid Mm vns too fur fic i ith
Coiifuinption to he cured ; hut phe bd hoHrd of fonif
f;reHt rurew 1 hnd niudo, nnd lie d wired to frrniit'y
icr wi?-hcH. j nulled, nnd tomnl her lyitf confined
to her bed in tho hist stiio of bronchial' uonmmption
mid wiibout doubt must iiuvc diel Kimit. 1 exmnin
td her lunn, found both broiiehiiil tubes very mueii
otlected, but no envilie hud farmed, her coiilt
wiw very severe, tlio ppit-lxix nn9 hull lull of thick
pun. 1'ulno MM. lej: suolleu very iuik-Ii ; and uor-o
thnu nil, she hiui chronic dinrrlneH. Jler 1niwi1 hud
hern moved eleven times tlntl day. told her that ilie
bud lunfrs Biioujrh to be eured. but thnt tliif dittri lm:i
bnd lieeli of loni itiitidiiii. nnd her tonmc h wh. in
puch a ulerrnted condition thnt 1 wh? Htntid nothing
could bo done. She insisted I should try "d do
whnt I eould for her, obervini lout ehe eould not
lHit loiit in tho omliiion tiliewn.s in, nn 1 1 culd not -t
nmkc her nny worpo. 1 gnve btr hot ti dose of my :
Mrtudrake t'lllf. nnd tbe tonic inid vrup freely. i
'J hut was on Tuosdny. f n 1 by lh' tu xt Miiidtiy tho (
diurrhiea wn enrried ofl'. I'.er Mppettte h:id rtui nid !
nnd the C"iiM Fit up in hr ttn l i nt her dinner. fhe ;
in now well, nnd jrive u bn evi lifiunt, e-rliiled to
bv the ilev. Ir lowninL'. I
"Mrs. Jinrthohoiiew, s:t West F'tMy-ffth street,
ctiiue to my rt'- uiK with n turner en h:r liver. .s;he j
war low-iiritvi. kiu ?:i!!-w, torque con.ed. boweN
costive, no Hppetite. ntid f; i.-t inkip; i n t the jrmve. t
Ube miid tuirr bd be-n running over fourifeit j
vujm". I gnve h'T Syrup. Tunic nnd Pill.-, nud tnld ,
iier totrtke them jurt as the direetimis weru printed. I
IS ho eniite b:iek to uy nHni-, '.VI liond hMV'-t in two
weeli. gtnnewhfit befd-r ; ln-r tongue h:id hetm to,
vIvku a little Hround tbe a be -kin whiter nud
her eyea brighter nnd the luinor dt?L'hiiriu v-iy ,
ofleiujive in fitter, mueh faster limn it lutd ever done .
before, t-die kept gradually !inproin. und iu n'ut '
two month the c une to my reuni!1 cry lmu h fi iht- '
cned, snyilijr thvA the tuni ir Imd n'- tirly stnpped
running, and was hejilin; up, nud that eery dc't'-r !
bad told her that if it ever limited ir would eau.- her
du itli. 1 told her that the di-.'U-e b.ul all lei't het j
Mstt'in, and nnturo would lual Ihe ulcer up. They j
ure row healed , and hn e been fur fib'-nt n ytvtr. nnd
f!ie U n liL-nriv and robust a wouiau u yu will t'nd ;
in u days wnlfi. Mjc ir- lad hr nny one to cull on
her, and t'lke i;reat pirn:. to vi?it any one thnt ?hu i
liennj hn iiuvthiui' liko hrr eae. anil tries to iret ' inc. The next casein Miss,
'eofiebl. Stamford. Conn.. Mr, ljar'holomew j
goi ner ciowu lo nee m urei hue una ueeu eer fineu
ut herhoue. Whei. $ if tirsteame ti ley rioin?. she
wiw much ciiinciated witlia distre.-shi: eioiirh. spil
tinj uire quantities -f blood. I examined her lun
with the re.-piromcter. nnd in nil my practice never
found one w ith one lun; m fur pm' tind the other
lung so tnnmd. 1 could not jjive much eneoiirae
lntnt. I thought sho wouM die ; but to my nstoir !
thnient the I'ulmonie Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and
Mandrake Pills nil seemed lo po ri:ht to work, the
lung is all healed wver, leaving n canity ns lariie va
a j: K'se cjrg; jr cpI ajpetite. fine ppu ils. und b;u
gained some thirty-five pounds in wt'ih'". She bus
tMtnc eouh yet. which 1 do r.ot tnink will leave her
beb-reJune. J chould think it would bo of great
interest to wmie unprejudiced ;hyirian to 'iit th-se
, case?, purticulm ly M iss SVofield. or any of them who
have been cured by my inedieiues. They are nn in-
! emu8 iu New York ; but the three all dilbr
lion, each other; aud if my nieiliriius arc dun
what 1 represent they are, they fbould have tlie
credit an. l we umic;el Know where ana iww tltey
may be cured.
J. II. Clir.NK. M. IV
Ir. J. II. S(1ii:l enn be found nt the principal
office. No. .19 North ftb Street, Ph'la Udphin. every
Sntui lay. from y A. M. uniil.S 1. MM to pve ndvi.o
tVijo of chaise; but for a thrniih c.MHiiii.'iiiim ho
charftcij three dollars. Pt ice of the Pulmonic Syrup
and Seaweed Tunic each fl per bottle, or the
halfdoien. Mnndrnke Pills 2j cent p. r box, and
t fr sale by all li ulsu-t and 1'ealettf.
May U, IStVl. ly
Xo tlio ?lo Uliolilri ! of i tiin It
ol" .or(ls(sii:tr2:t .
IVtSK vY N 'ltMin Mnr.ui ai, In.. ) '
May oth, j !
At ft renrular meeting of tho Ibctrd of Iiiretorsof
Tho Hank of Northumberland, held at the jiuuking ,
llousu, Atny 5th. 18n. it was !
lU.M i.Vhn, That tho lioatd of Ib'rcoti.r? arp-dnt
and do hereby eail a nit etm (if tho Stockholdcis ,i j
The Hank ol' Nurlhiuiibcilitiid. lo he beid at the
Hanking Jh'tise ot snid Iiftl:uiin. in ihu 1! iiu-.:h
of Northumberland, uncn TU f ' HS! 'A V . the iW:
1AV OF Jl'NKucxt.fA. I. lU between the hours
of eleven o'clock forenoon, and two o'ebick in tho1
Hflernitnn. tnr the inirnmi' it' li.'.'iilin- iiimii tin i
riioval orehi'iiirt of location of Ibe i-aid Jhmk
Northumberland, to tho Hnrwuhof Sunlmry, iu ac
eordaucu with and in putuance ot tbe teruiH and
provihioiiMit the Actof Ateinblv of tliin Comiium- i
i ii tun ? eulth. entitled "Ati Act to provide for liio I
chun? of the location of tho Ifank (d N irtbuuibcr
! Inud lo tlie itoiouu;h 'of Sunbury. in tbe CuUiily t
Northuioluiiuud,' upproved loo fixtcetilh day if
April. A. lhr,4. and that a copy of 1 1. i? lleilu: ion, !
eenili.d by th Cachicr. bu pubiUhed in tho Suu-
i bury American, Sunbury tiniutto and Northutnber- ;
. land C'unutv l'eiinK rut. nt b-a-t thirty davi. bulure
the day o tiJitd, iw noiiou of the said Stockholder
' nieelin. '
i I, Samuel J. Tacker. Cashier of the lJank of;
' Korthuinbui Intnl. do heirby ceriifv that the ubovo j
; and torcoin i tt correei copy of ti Uc.duticu pass- '
i ed by thu Jbinrd of lir dors of the Kiid lUnL of
' Nortbiimberlnuu, at u regular meeting huld at tho 1
HankiuK IIoumj an 1 duly entered iii tbe iiuiiut.
' oftiuid lioaid, upon llu lit It day ol Mi.y, A. !., lo4,
ot vlii'1h all inteiotcd Mill rdciu take noiicu.
V Unci my hand and the 'l of Mil I thi-j
nith dny ol .May, A. 1., Kihleeu bumirud
I Skal. I and miy-luuf.
S;.J. rACKKR. CifhbT.
May 7, WA 4t. j
IN' pumiance of nn order of the Orphan-' ''our: of
Norlhuiuberlaiitl countv. will be .. I t pub-
lie sale on S All It ! A Ih-l .y of JINK. A. I
hol. at llie hoO'te ot Tuoi.i; I nulU, in the I wu of
'I revorioii, nid comity, l' in.vix mi'.-.i. n,i tha: ci r-
tain Lot or pit ot ground, citual-i tn ihe Wun atia- i
taid mark tad in tbHueueiul ilxii of buM town tt bit
No. a, in lilock imuii'er b ((V!y-buir. wherwm mj
I or.i Iwu elury irum liAelliux llt'l .K
Also. 'i'o eontiiiiou' ..i.. or pieee.- ot iir .uii.1, r.tit-
ate mImi in the umu of '1 revolt. .it, ut'-n -moI, loi'rkt- I
In the iretu rnl plan of sai-l town nun 1 er.-1 1J nn4
! IS in I. loek nuiiiliur Ii. wherei n un- treetel n two
1 'ory Irauie tllullili llou-e. Irnl'.e Si I'.ie, l'11'i in,l
hhoii ainl olliar uuibuiolitis l.a'.uihe proj eriy ff
I Miehael Klisop. tttt.-cMa.-l
S..le Ii, nolitllienee el III u'eloek A M . of siil .lav.
. whan the terms ami eon.iuioi.s of jlu will I.a n.Hi'le
kiiouu l.y
i W.M. V. r-ll.V KUVnil. .hn r
, lly orler of the Court .1 A.J Ct nmu.l.l . I'.
. ', M:iy7, I'l l - It
' BMt. mf nl vt Norlhvimbt.iUti.l ('uttnls- U u.W.
St. 1'.. Uu lit of ihr Nortliumt- rlau.l t ounly llaok a' 1
rriiuirv-l l.y tbe llli m-.-uii of ihu A -I of liuneial 1
A v., u,l ly , of thai r. u.u.. uu .ulih, .r..w. April j
li'.h, .'U :
I AS.iKT.'s , I
II .11 In thai an I uilvrr iu mu'I, I'' I I'l .
( . ri i.rual le.. l.r Nulla, !l ..'I ,
I..H.I., ami li.--..ui.t., I I l-"i n7 ,
I' h j '.ii lloii.l ., V" "ial imi
liUi II..111 U.ok. iu riiila i. Ipltia, llil ' in j
N..i" .4 uthr lliii-k., Ill j
l'j. In iu III., Jill ... .
, II. ok tr.iuiiv, ii '' I
rlata li.a.uivr, A.' MU 1
I I J 1 I Jl;
I.I.I I'll. II H'S
i' itu. 1 .it'll,
'U lllloS,
a t it. 11
I ' 1 It . .
uj ,ol
I rviiiii lb. al-.ta rf.i.iti-t.l l.i ka
aio'l lu IU.
U A ul uii 4j. ... I I', lo I
111"" l "ii (NT, ( Mb:. l e4 aut in.. I Uii. u...
(r II... S 1
1 rk.akie VI. 4 I
' l. lUukka 4u-lM-le 4 'l'ul .lO"
I Itx Ika lass au-ik4. .ia ( ' 1
kia'e 1.4 ,,ek.aaHM l-4';
I'irn K Pi'ovost MsrsHAi,,
llAimieo, May In, 1M.
T 110 the end that all persons lnlreted -may ha
X notice, and tiie olijeut iu view, a complete and
Aoiurate revised enrollment, be promoted, the fol
lowing. In Aoeordanee with circular order Xo. 40,
A. A. Provost Marshal General Office, is hereby
1. The different Hoards of rnrollment, Western Ii-1
vision, ra., ere roqueeted to itntnettiateiy proooa
to execute the rixth suction of Ilia ant of Congre., j
entitled "An eot to amend en Act for enrolling Aiid ;
railing nut the national forces, and for other pur
posea." npprnvod February 25, ll'l.
II. They will At once appoint the necessary en
rolling nflkcrs lor their respective districts, with in
struction. 1st. To enroll all persons whose names have lwcn
omitted by the proper enrolling ntiieers, picvious
2nd All pers'iis who shall havo ariivcl ut the
age of 20 years ncforc the draft.
ill. All' aliens who shull bavo declared their in
tentions to hecomo eitir.ens.
4th. All persons discharged from the military or
naval sorvico ot tho United Slate who hare not
becu in such service for two ycurs during the present
oth. And nil persons exempted under Itie pr
pi mi.' nf the mvoiii. inn of the iriPtlltn h i. hji
proved Afiindi 3d, JHt'.t, but nt ex.uipte'l und r the
proVHions t tbe act approve-l r eti unr 1, l"r.
111. The Jl oird ot lsiirollnient will also hi oiiv; to ntrike from ihe enrollment. ut.on f.iliIa---
tory pntd' : 1
1st. Xhn nnmes of all persons who h e arri e 1 at ;
tbe ntre ol forly-five venn. (
n TL. . . i it ..I.. ... .ut .
l. ilin names (U nil jiriffn iiirmi h- i j , n; -vi- (
ly or ineuiaiiy linni tor uiv n v.
The nnines .i! s.j.-h pernin-as nrc nt thi tiuv
nctually nnd legally In the military or ua:it service,
ol the t'uilcd Stales.
4th. The nniiiesof u. h p'Twins have sM ve lin
tho military or naval sen u e lo cars n ne;re. du
ring the present war, and havj been honoiably di3
t harmed therclrom.
,1'X KAY Clil.MKXT.
Cap't. nnd Tie. M.a'., Uth t'i.-t., I nu n.
ClilCUI.AIl No. 47.
Tbe term fr the fi&dtrnioent fi;d r ''t'-iti '"cr---d!ts
by eiirollinj lin'ird" under the prm-i-i i of
eulnr No. 4f current serif. frnn t!i- i-ex-
tended to May ti, ISftJ. All cla'un.- relative to tr"
dii which mnv ho prentrl to Ii-' rit Prov.t-t
Marshals on and nftcr that date, will be referred t"
this oliice fiT decision .
Si-ne.l) J. V 1irMKiri.
U. Col. liUlt L'. S. Inf'y., A - A. Prov Mar. tien l.
,1 . Kay Ci.kmt.xt.
Captain and Prov M:ir. 1 Ith li-d. Pa.,
Uarri-buiv. M:'J. 11. Is,;-
mm STORE S !
Spring & Summer Goods,
Wllli!!!'. !
1Z1.1.Z -"J?.1A1T3
In Zttriinivcr's HiiiMin;;. oiipvite lioarlii'-t's t'.'ii-lei-tiuni
rv Store, Mnrktl ?tr ot. SI' Mil' I! V. 1'u.,
just PTicnil ft wi-ll s.-ln-ti.- l H-,rtiiir'lit nl'
1. 1 (tiMnlc, w Inch he oilers tor vile lit v
ry fiicm.
FOKF.TtlN AND lMMlTr nr n Cloth", r .sr-i- j
meres. Mii1iu. Sheeting-', Tn-king. I'uMcmcs, le j
J.Mnc-. Silks. t'litianH At! .
hA I S IIIMl 4 A1N id ev
ry Je.vription.
TArP iTk)
y J J 1 1
C..n!-iti;i T Ilo-iiery. tJloe.c, T'hren.l, lluttoii-,
Siiiienileni. Neckties. I'oIImi.. i I .-tn. i k,-i -1,11. 1 1 h r
Hughes, Ttli ltrnhe. Fancy Head 1-roses, P il
moral Skirts. lloop-Skirts. Carieid.;is. Truiiks. h-li-es.
Fmbrellas. t.'ottou-Yitni. Si;!p.-, and numerous
tdhcr nrticles too tedious to mention.
.'n.-li n n.'ii. '. liinir. nn.l ?erer. lutclie ai,.l
kiiohs. nnl CL'Tl.KUV ot every ile-. ri; lion.
Ivis, Drill's, Paints, YiirniMii's, Oils, (jhiss.
Putty, Arc. .Vc. j
Im't'iiw-warc iil iljis.v ;n o t'
rvrry alON.-ripl in. I
An extensive Stoik of !
C!nved of Sujrar, Couee, Te.. Hice, C'rn.'-'ta,-c!i,
Mdefl. Caudle, leut, FUh. I liccfc Salt. Tobuceo,
aud Sclavs. I
T5 "! 9.
for nu n. women an.l eliildivn.
All kimls of Country 1'ioiieco lulica In ex.'li.iiik'i'
.Hbhury, April 2'!, 1 j'U.
i a fin:
11 SI 111. V tl' SI'Kl.Ntl ANH r'I'MMU :
At the I.nrc Milliner; of ;
li VI. 1,. 4mIIIi-i-.
Fnwn treet. twoilnnrs south of Sli'iniokin 'ul!ey .V
J'utuvilli- liiiilniad. .SI Mil 1; , l'a ,
Co-jsi.-tii. of the i ry liite-t tyl,- ,-f :
ff. 5c e T-V.-: ra-;r ra !
.Mm.. I riinm-.n.- -u-dt n itibt n:.-, l.acis, i reiiv.-li anu
Auierican Flwer. Femb;ii, Ac.
ALSO, ALAKiil-: AStj'.'KTMNT t'f
oft TTo n nxr fHrrrlri TTr4ifvct
U '
to whleh ihe (In eels the attention of her tl ieii'l.--. ii-I
invites nil to cill n'l.l nee l.eloro .ureha.-ii. e.t.- .
'iloinUfnl f t fsst pntroiiHe ylm hop-- hv keep
ili tile best u.sirttiieul ul re.i.-.uiuhle .rn ta to con
lllilie tho i-iime.
t-unl'ury, April (I, lit(. .'tin
.liixH vvvv
Two (luors West nl'tlie lot Ortii-p,
U ASjuft reei'ivcl Rnil opene.i lurire H"-rtin n
ot' l'iiuey lire.-j' lioo.i-. -i -!i 11- ii!..i.'!i. Joiivhu
Kei-lovcs. riik nn. I li-'e tlir.-i.-l liluve.-: I.-, I.e.
eettoii ll.tfe. ( h'l.lreii s II-imv ,lk Mit. ll.iii.K. r-
ehil Is. l'orM''S. t llil.rri.leii'il .-lipiTr". Ii '.tul!.- h A . -
i'l m:i i;i ri.i.N.-. iiiiiie iliu h.. 'ivtit.iiin.r-.
Buttons. Ile'.t !;i'...ii. Velvet llil.'.'i... l'.nii 1. P. it I
t'lfpi. l.ll.lies' N.i-li-tie.. Kiltlfv lluitoi.s. I ll'l'i:
l(llu:n nn.l TKI.M.MlXti ; f. i.l.i. . l.-i n,-i:i-,.oi.-.
Jn-'or.-t urn! ,-Hi- ! m. 1 In- rti- 1.-; M .li.i.u ;
l.nee t'olliit-s. (ireliH.lnie Vril-i. Kan -v I 're.;, t '1 11. 1 .
lleuii i'lt-t-., Setts, nn. I a vurtftv i t othvi mih. ;.
Hooks. Hymn Hook., lt'ni k Hoik.. Mem .r-m-tnm
luMik". iiiaiie.-i. it . ii Sim, i-( r.'n.
I'. li.'H... .1..- . .(,-.
TOYS AND i. WilX l'ti! rlUI DiM.N.
i ."! u wlncli tnne is
h e.ire mi:
00 son at rei... j.; pii;-i
Sunl'iiry, April ''"i. 1 - ' I
ann r.!N n:::
MD.Il.S let'. V
(.eo e.
I' I i-liioir I t .-a 1" ' r
I. ...I.. I..-.1-. l. i. -.
liu-. At i.a. i.n r. 11
I I ' l le.-. iw I 11 n
, . k .
-llllrf o
-. N.i-.
I pi-,n ; Mil,
ki-l!-. Mi- t.i-
I I.
II Ml.'l ll'M'k',. lo U lllt..'
11 1. pii ii.-ul.ii 1 v i.'in..t.
nle Mil l Ht'thil. I t ., t.i.Mtf (111, i
litl. llU-'ll ol .l.'.i
i'l l.r.. Mh.
Hit I :u,'t It-it . ui
h f
I- I'
2 1 1 ne.l M i, 'mil
Ktltriiiry Jl. I-Mii - uu,
ni l tm.i:
I AM4 O tl
t.t Mrs
fp'IK I....I I .T r, ..r .ale I'.
I I ta. 1. 11 I lu.tu r I ,1 1. Iii 1 it
llt.'k tl M llltl 1 Ill 4'lllll'UI tU.UIll i
1 rf. I I
I I .
-I. I.
,. a
Tin. I ot i I an., 111 M 1 "
N .i tln.i t ,.o.iii. l .t it.
f-1 l,.l
I"'. Ill i'l.'
ui.l lii..l..r I. ..ifl 111 l.iiiiioii.i i"i
i.ti.ilv Al.. a ilai'llliti l..'U.. MO llu
II. !.'.. ill nl .S
I Int.. '. 1. I .'l"l .'U t"
I II til' I I Ill (-1. I
I-',, no 1 ..I lluH Ii. II !.,. I
M I I --I
mi i ion sai.k.
Ml ' ' I" ''"' u. I. .1 I'l I lal.' " 'it
j 1 '" ''"".' 4 lu I ..( ' - -a-a . .
-i ki.'ui'i ul .-uui-uty '1 lt su.a a(. "ti .i '
li'lMltulw w -4 ll
I 1 i.n I
i- I It
M.y T, I..
I - ll
UK. !SI !1 rm iiK,
IJU-li lN AMI M s: . i'.
I, l.-l k. Ill I I I . ' k . ..... u Ih.
t I1.4I .I.1. t.,M,..l,,,'al-vt,!
. I uau L.u aul I fi . . 1 ' a-U.,.
I 1 1 . a i.u) i I I I
U. S. 10-4J)BON)S.
Iboro r.o;nl arf ijed un-ler tit Act of C'lngT-!
of Marvh Stb, lHt4, lii-1i 'nvUc lL. U En U
HMurd wnder this Art ulifll i i.XLMIT TPOM
TAX ATl'N Vy or ninlof unritnto nt mnriioipl na-
iul riptinrui Ut tli mo Iuti8 Are tocoirc'i
in VoMof! ttiitf ti'vtty or nrtc of Nulionnl FnnV
Tbcyro TO TK KJ I Hi LMli b IS ClNtnt
plonmro nf ihc OowrntiK'nt, t unj rrrx n it f,
thtti tm nnr mre tft tn ftry ?ff fr.nn Ittn:
mi l nntil th--r rl n:pMm I'l Vi" t'J U t ' ! N !
IMi:iMT Wll.r. UK r M IN ("IN. itu V . 1
of nt nror onr h'Ui lr-1 d linrfl nvt.u thy nil I mi (.i
utljT )nii'l? sftTn-nnnnl1y . Tli ht'T-. i.- ;t ?
nn t!i? fir-1! of .MritIi nn-i '('"m' t-r ci
Siibt-riii"-r will rc-fiff fiilu-r H ! r ' ,
. p in li-ii.'is, tj.-'V iniy pici-T. J!--.'-1'' i I
: no-r rdd"ti the b'-k "t th 1 tv lr. v t.i.r.
nti'l can be It t.-rr'-! only n tbc "T!i r s . r
; Ci up'in firds ar p;iv;t' !e t I'- iiMT, at i te I vi
I t'nveiiient I'.r ttiniuer -ial u'.
SeWnbt-rs to tlii loMi wiil hrtvo tbe o',;inn rf
having their Ib-nd dr.iw inierct fimn March lt,tb
payii.ic thi nceru I iot-ie-t in ee.n ir iu I mi t
State not'
t!.e noiiS t.f Na'iooat I'.tii k-. n-i
fiity per c- nt fir p.cinitf..l . revrivn itj.i.i 'liar.
in iiit-iu -.v dsi't A u;.'-criti n anj i-.-j - i'
A? thi - t -i: l no
I A fii4ii I:t;rijuil fr Mute
there v.iiuo i- :M-r'M.-"d l'-m one lotlfee pr
r ai-.imin.
t lus to
tbe r:e id h lev io vi
ii'tii'iun on tfold they par
i! t j:m imkkj;?t
jM il C'H eoieiiOe S a ei
r.-Mi- p ir'..j "f Uu Mint
A: the prc-''nt r.te d i
i'i:it i: 1 1 ; u l pr
i-: ciirrtncy, and nro f.f .
?oiij'!i' 'V t,"ji','ary in
1 1 i? hi In . cd thn. no -
iliii'1'tiH-iil.-to l-n'lr-. us Iht: ,Hrini- J':xjii.tii.i. vV
X s Jimil In nil ciiiur tVii'Sol iml, J.ui'.iu.- .
1 l.itth or uHlitj priiklv rti' - "r stock ui ai.ivt
,.ulv i' 1 Ivl.i'-il f-.r -ivini .'t. niiiic t.'i l!u- U-I'ts 1 1
i tin- l.liiti l Suit.- tho nl.- lv .i. .crt v i.f 0i? .vnn
try if li .Men in m uiu l!.v :i u.. nl f 1.01:1 1 1 ,iui.'.il
itti.l iii'i i--t in 0'..;u.
' Tin c ll.ju.l.- t. y '.o fiil..vrii 'I f r in ni.i ft-n
' ?'niiit t- any iiinitn-ii'. tin Tho tfitnc t r:n-. hi. 'I in
j tliu. iiimlfl iilisttY HmiltiMo ! tho fniHii,-l ! i 1-1
j Biul t!u' I nfill iMpluii-t. Tl.- j in I c i-oiiv ili-l
ititn nmiH-y t nny nm tun, in. 1 ilc lnM.'r will l;av.
. tin- I.i'ii.-:i- i.f tli-i inivioT.
! It tuny liv u-tvful tu t:tto in 't.i rii'iiri-h.-n l! t.
1 '!ii' win Kiiuiivtl lielit ol the t Inte l !r:ite'.n
j il ln. -t inirn'ile ill ' -"I'l n "l" -"I '"V "f Murcli,
j I1-'"!. ?;ii-.'.".;.i.itiiii. Ti-.i" int.ri'.i i n ti.i 'Ii'-
f r tl:- . . iiiinir ti-nl y!.rill bo y "i.!:"T . i , vl:.i'
tho ,-n-"ns rcM-liuc in ji"i'l l'"r ''mi '-rni'iit Ii-'jI
l.c-.r .linn- i.tli. 1;--. t. Ii.i- '.-': n 1 ii" r; tn.
of the (Mivel iiiiient !r ;'''y in pf"V "I it"'
i'l' tlie;.- f"' 1'ie payment of troll i"
!ii!o tf.c i j.-i nt ii-.o.v.ix' i'l tl." lar'.r!' v ill .i.i
' r.-ii.-u the iii'iiit'il reeeijivs IV. m eu-t..,!;.. on tl;-
IllllOUIlt 111 inii..rtiltiol.r. to 1.II.I11.I'H ..T
Iii-lr'.u'ti-.l.s t-the :ition-.l llnnk- t.-'tii !
:i.-l.t w re n-'t i'-.i.--.l ll-'ia ll-e t'liit.-ii Si
:urv in. iil M noli 1'iit ill III'- lirsl llirio
Arril flio Miln'riiitioiu nvcnH moro t!
.i- t ...
te T,-f
M 1- - 1
ill II..N
Mil. 1.1 "NS A V 1-: 1 : K
f-alir. will '' rece:v 1 Ly I'.;.'
Kir-t Nutionnl l'. ii.k of I'lilln.l. 1; ii . !i
Se'.-n i mil 15..:ik of l'iiiln.u -i In". 1''
Tliir.l Nntional I'snk of ri:i'.n.vt.!;. IVi
Am! h f ;ili(-lll k!aiil-
wliiell lire det.'-il:irie of I'ttl-!:-' in- -lev. .;li 1 nil
lii:n'i:. T.vht.r iivnks .w i-e-ui-;
ra-.iti:4l'-oiit the eouiiti y lu.-tiinr nc- j'-.miN .! tu.-
ti.iiml In .o.-iinry m ill t'urni-.'i'..i i.
Ulllioli ,.,1 ;i.T-lie:ition rtll-l
Ai'i'iiiin r.vni'.v r.H r.-ru::u
! A Joint resolution proposmj: cjrT.,:ii
Atiicriilniea's to tlio Ccuu'iiu'.ion.
!!,!,: .t ill Ii,-,.-.'' .'.'..' t'-7t '!
. i' iii ''-...' .!.. '" ui
li.'ilnu illtr liniellilu.rllts In- il'"i
C'lili-t'tiilinii .it tl".' lni'iii.:iv.i
Ciirti.Hm: Willi lilt' I H)!i"liS ,1
urticli' liiLivt'i":
'I'licic -n;,li I'o titi iiii.litii'iiiii
ttiir l i.rtii'lc ct tin-1 nt i 'it.
'. Iliat
-iitii, i:t
t':n' t"
I 't".:r. lM
iiaScl as i-"i Utti I'.nif. a-. i'uli'His :
"Si i'IHiN i. '. lu ll. iT iiliv i f t'.le !!
it,-. 1 clci t .'t" nl' lii.s r.iti'iin'ii'.w 11 -Imii
in iii itiiiiU'.i'y o . v K'e, niui. r :i '... ;
ti.'ii iViim liu l'r. -iii tu fi tin' I'lii't-:
.r l.y tin' ii;r.liiiii'. i'l' 1 l.".s t '111111:1. .:n.t ur
sii''!i I'lirti-rs tuny f.'ivic tlie lo.'.it ol'
nu;,' ill ill! elect i.'i:-. I'V tin-f it , , .-lis, uu
Mien ti-Liiil.uii.ii- 111 a iv. ur !iall l' .n cr
cl I'V it-i fully tin y weivive-i 11'.
tin ir iisi:-tl '!a'-.' nl' 1 it i'l:..i:i."
ll.'N' 'J. Tlietl- ll.lU lirl'.v.l lUIi'l'il'.
ill -'M'tinus tn tin' 1 l.'vrti'ih arlii le nl' 1 lie t i
sii: tiiiiili. tti In: ilti'.'iititeil " eiofil, it
l.iur. :is t'n!lii s :
Ski 11, in . Ni I'i'l -li l'-l I"- i-- ! 1
l!if l.i ui!otit' v, 1 t'litmiiiiii; mure tlum i
."iili.ii i t, which i-liuil I"- li;ti'! 1 A'j ii i'l 1
the title, mi'i'l ii!.::i;iii:iiin.i Ii:.!-."
"M.i HUN 11, Nil I i.l sliail I i- I
thi- l.ot.:.jhi'i 11 iv riattliu any ..twit-jiriviii-m'.'.,
in nny cae. lien- t:.e ni.liii
to s'n-li i'i.vr-i, orjciv.h'iti'. lia-'l1
ni' ui.iv here. il'tcr In', t nun 1 roil lit. in
curls .it' thin Ciiintiii.inve tl' It."
IIKNUY C. .ttlSN'.'N,
SjicakiT .f the !!-..;. nt' K"r.- iva'ivc.
.1 : i n c. ri:i:Y,
t aki-r nt' t:n vuatf.
(llTtre CIV Till-: Ml HI IM:V OV Till'.
Common '.w. u.i 11. II .viiKitseit.s,
April 2"th, 1?0.
rKNNVn'I.YANt.v, :
1 ,ln h. rel.V ei il'n'y i'i.-i' t
j .1. ; r..f -; ; i- a li
. - r. i t e.'i'y "I' t'.e
Ut I itii 11 ni' t i'-' I -t i.e: il A-
"A .l.tiii'i II. - .!i:.i 1:1 " '
I ,
A 1 11 1 -11 - Inn nl I" tlie
taiue r- 111 i.'w n:i tt.i
In Ti -1 . n w
-t I IliV I' i.'.'I ..Ii.i . x
1't : 11 1 n.i
In t'v l.i
iil'ie, e w 1 i; I. :i.
.-i 11 t.irv
... :.i...e .: .:
tn ,'i .1 IM . ..I :'l
ll t.i.t -
I - ,'' '
"" I
1. t n li
it tl.
1 1 1 . I .I
. v
1 11' .' ,
l' V l .'tl ,
I t!r
ut t, 1 .ilill, .1
.1 h
I' l !!
:t- 1 1 1
Tin: i;i:i) lion uoti::
, 1
(I a' .1, . 1
'I 'li 1 V M :ti 1
f. tt N t.' ' I ! , I
,- 4 I