r V ' FAIR, I'OR THE U. 3 SANITARY COMMISSION, Office or thk Committee or LAiion, Incomes nnl Revenues, No. 118 South 7th St., Philadelphia, Mnrch 15, 1904. The Committee on Labor, Incomes, nnd Revenues of 'Tho ('rent Central Fair' iuvlto ee-operation with thein in tho particular work tur which they Lave boon upiMjintcd. An no portion of ilie ulo m o litor patriotic thnn tho working men and women ol tho country, it is but just nnd proper Hint ttic.v should aliko have tin opportunity to eonlrihulo lo the tildec snf ihe Fair. The most equable plan for accomplishing tii. nntl. lit the same time, tho easi est one. is to ask for the contribution of single day's labor from nil classes in the community. To reach oorv ill p.iiiini'nl of industry or nrl. jvill he n work ol great labor, hut, if ultaiued, will ho productive ol ilnititr.se rcsiil.s. Tiie sticerss ii f the plan will depend upon the hcr tr en-operation of every element of Intluciice within nor limbs. Mint we invite nil lio nurHnn of the industrial interests, and nil other", to take hold with in-in furthering this great work o( pntriolisni mul liumniiiiv. 'Iho committee I charged with tho following duty, to w it : First. To obtain tho Colli rihul ion or "one day s labor,'' or earnings, from every nrtis'an nii'l laborer, foreman, operative, nml euiplii.vee ; piiiidcnt. ewli icr. teller, nml elcilc of every incorporated nml un incorporated company, railroad, nii'l express company employing firm, hunk, lnaiitifaclni y. iron works, oil Works." ami 1. mine, nnii puMic uttioo : from every private hunker nml broker. importer, nulioneer, una merchant; clerk, ngcnl. nml salesman ; dcigner. linMier. nml artist ; puhli -her. printer, and tincliun ic ; from every Government oli'.ccr. contractor, nml rnn.lovcc : cineer. butcher, b iker, and dealer; tinnier, horticulturist, nnd producer; fr.iin every Mantua maker, milliner, an I Icin.ilc npenfive ; every indiiidnnl engnged in turning Miit. tending Iho loom, or in nny wnj mlng u livelihood, or build ing n fortune within rf.eStiilcs ul Poiiusylvuuiii, . Jersey nod Delaware. Second. To obtain Iho contribution of one day's revenue'' fiom nil the grout employing cs.'i hli-li-mcnts, tiiuis.coipciatious, couipauic-, nullum!, nml work-. Third. Toobfain the emlril ulion of one day's in come from ov.-i v retired peiMJii.nndper.-nii of fir tune mule nnd IVniiilc living upon their iiiciiiik. nml from all clergymen, lawyers, physicians, dtii'isia, editors, authors, mid protestors; nod nil oilier per sons cnjrH ied in the 1cm nod or other profession. Muclio't lliis work must be performed by tho per sonal influence mid ilfurts of ladies nnJ gonlltiiicn .."v:i:itcd. or lo bo associated, w ilb the Committee carrying out the phin. The t 'nmmitli i'col the responsibility of tho work they hiic undertaken, which, to be siioeosstul, will require i very perfect ruinilicotinn ol their plnn, mid they therefore call upon the Curliest people to nssciu l ie themselves togeiher in every town, township, mid county, and form orsnui.ntions of Indies nnd Hunllc nien to co-opcrnlo Willi them in this great work nnd lubor of love. Jn tho ninmifncturing countii K, the co: 1 end oil regions, nml in thungriculturnl districts 'spcci:illy lei there be urgniiiziilioni in the larger towns, so Hint tho young people, nmy have nn our tuuity tlius to n mier nssisinnee to Ihcir relatives nnd friend" fighting the buttles of their couulry iu the m liiies id' the nnti.:i. Tlio work of ibis committee mny bo prosecuted where no oilier cll'oi t con he iniiile for tho f.iir, in tbo loincn of the con I regions. Ad.iy's ciirning ol the ininers. nnd u d.'yV irmiuct of the mines, cnicbc ob tnined. where no portable artiele could ho procured for tri.n-poiiiitiiiii. In leed. there is no part or sec tion of these States where the day's labor may not he obtained, if orgiiuizatuuis can be formed to reach tlim. 'j lie C'oinnille emnot close vtii'iout urging upon rll proprietors ol ostablii-limciils iho duty of taking prompt nod energetic iietion to secure lhc benetit of the d.iy of labor from nil within their control. Ttie (."oiuifiittoo ilecm it unuecissnry to do more thnn tlms to present the subjec to the peoldc of the throe fcilnlc-i mimed. Jn tho coining ciimpnigns of our armies tie laOors ol the "tannnry Coinmis-iou vill bo grently augmented, lly Uie first of Juno 7oo .two men one of the largest armies of modem limes will He operating in Uie lie .!. Nj large lovce. s.irutered over region-to winch tuc men aro unnclimntcd. must necessiirilyiviirv ah'ugw iih it nn nmiiiin! ol sil liness, suttering end death, lo say nolh imr of tbo j;.!!horod horrors of the buttle held. 'i !ic-e siurerin,c;s it is our bounded duty, as men nnd Christians, io relieve. A greut nnd enlightened people, enjovin'' tho blessings of ft Hoveriimcnt of their own making, cannot ret use nssi-t:inco to men siiflering to inaiiiniiu ils nuthority. and wo will not . believe tliiit the tireut Central lnir. drawingits pro ducts from the thrco Stales of 1'eiiusylv.inia. Auw .Icrsey. nnd l'elnware. so afilnent in all'iaiiicral. nri cultural, nnd industrial wealth, thill iiill beniml any finiilar oflort which hits yet been made fur iho relief of the Nation's children'. As it is desirable nut to MnlliJy ciiciilurs.no further nuthority than this circular will be neeessary lor liny cuiiloyi'ug iirut or eon. puny, or nny respeet- lll'lo ColHUlllteO of ladies and gentlemen lo plncccd lit once in the Work of tliisconiiuittec ; and it i.- hoped that under it, organization will spring up in all the towns and busy regions of the Stales ol I'eunsylvania, Aew Jersey mid Jielawnre. SuLKcripiious will be thankfully acknowledged in the ncwspiipcrs of I'hilndelphin, nnd it is very defirablo that they commence lit once us ench fresh neknow lcdijiucnL w ill stimulate lurtlivr i-Bbrt in other locnlilics. All subscriptions should he ndilresscd to JOHN V. CLAli JlOltM. Treasurer, tiffice ol Hie 'Cominittcc on l.nlNir. lneoines and lteveuuc,1 No Ha boulti M: K.ill Street, I'hiladelpbia. t. " All needful lu-ln in Circuhirs nrl Tostcrs will be firw:iriled to partie npph ing for Ihcm. i)i lucl to the t.'hairiunii of the t'oinmiitcc us abovu. 1-. MDXT'liOMKK V ItoMl. Clniiniiim. .IU11N W CI.AijllOXtN. Treasurer. l!cv. lv. W. 11UT'J'1:H. Corresponding Pec'j-. MtUl;i:iJOn J. MITCIIKSON, Secretary. Ilonuriiry .ll-ili'M. I!!.' Excellency. A. ti. CI 11TIN , (Juvernorof Penn'a. ilis :xeclleiie'y. JoKL I'.MlKKK, (iovcrnor of X. J. His Kxcdleiiev. W.M. CANNciX. (iovcrnor of ltd. lion. Al.tX IIKNHV. Mayor. 1'hiliidelphiu. lion. JiiSI-.l'll 11. INtiKKMILL. l'clii.svlvuLia. Hon. Jl'lHlK t'AKI'KNTKK. New JeiMy. Hon Jl lXiK HAItl;iNtiTn. Delnware. Jlnj ir-UoncialliliOKtjJiU.Mi.AlJU, Army of tho l'oloiuac. C o in mlito . liight llcv. IMshop Poller, Urs. Kcv. V. . Ilultcr, Most I'. i v. liishop Wood. ( tiairinall. Mrs. George M. Dalhu. .Mrs. Jolji r-ergcant. Sirs. John M. Seolt. Mrs. General Meade. Mrs. J. J.Jgar Thomson. Mrs. Jos. Harrison, Jr. Mis. Hubert W Lemuiug Itcv. ll.-lllp MIUiSOU. Jicv. J'r. Jiraiiuud, . llcv. W. P Dreed, liev. J:. W. Jlutter. llcv. Istlnc Leeser. Samuel M. Feltoii. Join JMg:.r Thomson. Commodore It. J-' Stockton Mrs. L. M. Dond. Irs. George F. Weaver. Mrs. Gcor'o W Harris. Mrs F A Diexel. Frederick Fralcy. John ltiiighani. tieorge itliaius. Fcv W Sud lards. D. D. Professor Henry Coppec Churles P Trait. M. D Dr. Wuler Williamson, lion Oswald 'f homp-ou, Hon J K Ludlow. IS H llrowne. Daniel Dougln r'v Mm M N k el Icy. Mm Johu W F irncy. Mrs fnuiU' I A Crotcr. Mis Enoch Turley. M iss A Sagor. Mi -.i usau O'Neill. Mia Sallio S'.'oit. MUs Louia V. Cliighorn. l.lt'1 J.I olheis. and 1m others. April lo, l?iil. to.u.iiM i i',1: i ttu .1 li.la'H IJOK. GREAT CENTRAL SAMIA11Y FAIR ComiuUleu on "Labor, lucuiuts iilI Revenues.'' Office. No. IIS Sutih SeMi.lh St., Philadelphia. JOHN W. CLAG Hoi. N, Treasurer. Tlii' Committee has H spicia! wo.k. Iii wit : lo . !, tain a d. j s "I .L .r." u uuy s "incoiui," and a day revenue, ' from every citizen of the Ihrec Males of l'eui..-yi iliiu. New Jersey ni.U Delaware, lor the b.i' :'.' o our iek hlJ wounded s.il lu rs. 'J ii.- C luimittee i now fully ui.hiiiAed at the above ad'lre-. ui,d calls for tho lu-o eiallou of ull tluc.-c iu the coiuuiuniiy. t aalil lo shuW whut till) ikduslriul claMca can d t r tl. :r stjldiers ! V- bai ilm people can do in their scpurulo trudu ! V hat IVl'li.-vlvul.i call do ! V h l .Sc. Jer, y e:ui do ! V hat Del iware etiu d,i ! V b.,i f.i, b i-ouuly etiu ilo! Viaitiu'b .-Hy Ul.ii lo-Jiue;ili ou ' W b il emdi pioe.-lou I'sti d-i ' Ii t eaeti trade c:, ii i , '. , tv 1...I u b o. . up: ioli can d ' t b .1 . i.eli i i 1 1. i i tort i ,.i ' t l.ut eaeli b.tl.k. la-uiat. I ,li do' ei ... ... and Lull ..i I W li.il CM'h 1: ioe i nn if, 1 tl bat ea. Il W"i k -boi enn do ' VI o.il t o li luliiilv e in no ' i.al ,a a a, iu i .iu ilo ! v l ioil , i- w, 111. ill e .o 'to ' W lial a, k I t mi I an I t u do ' t e ii .ti.l lo l.i II Mil f i, a I., il.. will ' . I., I.., ..i -.11,. i M .1 k 1,1, ' I III, Il . i I ', t M.l tut, lit al, ttt. I I 'I.. .. , l .! I u il . I ttoik-li I Ul l..illllt a I' I Ik ti .. Ii i i... ,n I t lilt M-Jtu- Il t. I t Ho II I I, ,. .' ... 1) Wilt t 'l..tlt : K I It lit. . II, l,. .. , I. I . I. l f .1 .. I V. ,1 II.. I. Il . It. 1 'el tl ihu It Mil J'l, I js IIOIW III- I II MI I ..It. 'II. a. i 4 lb. I" ' It' I It II. K .1 - til i! iltg t h I. i !', . t, iu I ) 1 t.ulttut.1. .t M.l.ft nlut 14, 1 It I i 1 :i i t 1 4 1. ... I Mi.1 t) I i; 1 ', 1 t't 1 i I 11 1 I I GREAT CENTRAL 1 . .1 M!i Jii. .-., 4 J NOT AIXIUME DnilK. A niuiiLV cosclnihati;d i-Ai i:taiii.i: i:xiii.icr. A FtfP.E TC1TIC. THAT M ILL KKLIKVE THE AFFLICTED, AND ot make Ihitnknrdii. DR. IIOOFLAND'S German Bitters l'UKPAUDD MY DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY AND 3I0ST CEHTAIX LY i iti: ai.i. iisr.Ai:4 nrising from a Disordered Liver, Ptmiiarh, or Kidneys. Thoiisni ds of our citizens nre suffering from Dys- f'epsia and Liver Diseases, aud to whom the follow ng qui-stlons apply -wo gtinrnntco JIOOFLAXirs VEHMAX HITTERS will cure thnn. Dvsrr.rsiA ANn Ltvr.n Disrasr. Do von rise with a eonted toneno mornlmrs, with h id taste in the mouth nnd poor appetite for brenk- tust '. Jio vou teel w ncu you nisi gcr np so wena and limifniil you cm scarcely get about ? Do yon havo a diK'iocsi in the head nt times, nnd often a lnlness. willi headache occasionally ? Aro your liowcls ciisiivc and irregular, and appetite changea ble ! Do you throw np wind from the stomach, nnd d i you swell up often ? Do you feel fulness niter catinir. and a sinking when llie toinnch is empty ? Do you have heartburn occasionally f Do yon feel low'spiritoil. and look on the dark side of things ' rro vou rot unusually nervous ai nines : im you not become restless, nod ollen lay until miuniglil before1 you can go to sleep ? nnd then nt times, don't yon feel dull nnd sleepy most of the time '. Is your i-kin ilrv nnd scaly? also sallow? In short, is not your life a burthen, full of forebodings ? HOOFLAKD'8 GERMAN BITTEHS. AVill cure every enso of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of tnc Kidneys, and Diseases nrising I'ruui a disordered Stomach. OUStiUVKTIlK FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of tho Digestive Organs : Inward Piles, Fulness or Wood to the Hend. Acidity of the Pto mnch, Nnusea. Hcnrtbnrn. Disgust for Food. Fulness or Weight in tho Stomneh, Sour Kriielntiiios. Sinkinir or Fluttcrina nt tho Pit of the Stomnch. Sw innninir of the Hend. Hurried nnd Diffi cult lircathing. Fluttering at the Henri, Choking or SntloentiiiL' Sensations when in n lying posture. Him ncss of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight. Fever nnd Dull Pain in the Hend. Deficiency ol 1'crspira tion. Yellowness of the Skin nnd Kyes. Pain in llie Side. Hack, Chest, Limbs. Ac. Sudden l'lusliesul Heat. Burning in the Flesh, Constant Jmnginings of Evil, aud great Depression of Spirits. rAimCVLAU NOTICE There nre nianv urcnarntlons sold tinder the nnmo of Kilters, put up in quart Dottles, compounded of the cheapest whiskey or common mm. costing from 2rt to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Aniso or 1 oriainler ree-1. This class of llil lers lias caused nnd will continue to cniise. ns long ns they call bo sold, hundreds to dio I he doath of the drunkard. l)v their uso Iho system is kept eoiiiinually under the influence of Alcoholic Stiinulanlsof tho worst kind. Iho desire for Liquor is created anil kept up. nnd t lie result is till tnc, at tendant upon n drunkard's life nnd death. t For those who deiro and will huvo a Liquor Hit ters. we publish tho following receipt, ttct Ono liotile Hootland's Cernian Uiltcrs mid mix with Tin oe Quails of tiood llriindy or Whiskey, and Iho result will lie a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true cxcullcneo nny of the numerous l.ionor Hitlers in the market, and will cost much lew. You will have all Iho virtues o: Hoofhind's Uiltcrs ill connection wiih a good nrticlo of Liquor, at u much less prico than these inferior preparations w ill cost you. HOOFLAXirS GEUMAN BITTERS Will tiivo Yon A GOOD APPETITE, Will give you STltOXU HEALTHY NEltYES. Will give you D1USK AND ENEUUETIC FEEL INGS, Will cnablo you to SLEEP WELL, and will positive ly prevent Yellow Iv'r, ltilloux I'cier, &c. Those suffering from Droken down and Delicato Constitutions, from whatever cause, cither in Malo or Female, will find in HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A REMEDY That will restore tlicm to their usual health. Such has bcun tho case in thousands of instances, and u fair trial is but required to prove the nsscrtiou BEMEMBEK, TIIATTJIESE H1TTEKS ARE AuJ NOT intended & a DEVEHAUE. Tho Proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most eminent Clvrgf men. Lawyers. Physicians and Citizens, Tesiilyini; ol their own perseinal knowledge, to tho beucticieil uliecU and medical virtues of theso Hitlers. From Rev. J. Newton Hrown, D. D., Editor of Iho Encyclopedia of Religious Know ledge Although not disaiscl to favor or reooinuicnd Pa tent Medicines in general, ihrough distrust of their ingredients and etleets. 1 yet know of no sufficient reasons why a iniui may not testify to tho benefits he believes hiiusell to have received lrolu any simple pi 11 aialioii. in iho hope that he may thus Coutributu to tiie benetit of others. I do this the more readily in reennl to Hooflnnd's German Hitters, prepared by Dr. CM. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced ugaiuet them for many years, under the iuiprension that they were ehielly an alettbolio mixture. I am indebted to mv friend Robert Sheoiuaker, Esq., for the removal of mis pi t jimieu ny proper lesis. aiai lor encourage liient tu try tliein, when siitlcriiig from great and long eoiiiinued debility. The uso of three Itolilosof Huso i'lileis, at the beginning ot Iho present year, was lolloiveil by evident relict aud restoration to n degree of bodily and mental vigor which 1 hail not tell tor six uioiiilis be-fore, and bad almost despaired of regaining. 1 I litre lore ibank God and wyfiicnd lor uiieciiu 10 tue useoi lueni. J. NEWTON DROWN l'hil.ideI;hia,June 21, Isiil. Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder, Iu Yuumj vi' A'jnl, Mult or I't untie, '.rcsiicilily removed, aud tho puticut restored to health DELIXAIE CHILDREN, Thi.e suflering from M iH lsam. wastins awar. wiib aenref ly any llesh nu their Isines. are cured in a very tiort lime; one bullle iu such cares, wilt hava a iintt.( surprieing tiled. PARENTS Laiinit sufferiui! children aa alva and wishing Ui raise them, will never regret the day titij v-'uiiuvueeu Itmi men lllieis. 1.1 1 Fit A It V MEN. STl DEVI'S, and those work ing loud wiib ibeir biuiiu, should always keep a ,1111101 no.. umoi i.meia lieur inrin.aa Hoy will liiol niueb beiielit from its use, lo both uimd aud lx! inti"iaiiag and not aeprewiiig. IT I.S -"T A l.lwtoll BTIMILANT, And haitttt ut, proration. .tlKulloii, asoMitra! AND 'II IE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS Wu call the fcllii.liou i f all hating relnlioiu or I. i l l, in U s alloy lo lb l.tel lhal "IIMI- l. t Ml 8 It.iuiail lllltl W ttl eui a Itiue lelttiui ol the UuteMMS 1 ' .. I liv t Attiett ai"l pi u m I ion met I1111 Itiealoli It I't Ilm l.'t- pi.l.li.l id a!iui U.ily a Ilm in .ii.iti. on ibe airital ol ilia si k. it mULei) 11 id ,1 11 a iriy Ure projMtjii'iu aia suffeiuig fituu tl l-nity l.itiyeitse o uial alttt oau U faoilile itnui I I1n.ii.ii.1 4 Ifttiuiau lliii rs Ha have bo In .. 1. .11.. i hi t'.ilm Dial il these llillert were lui li it.'luii.iu t ui ant. Iters. liuiidK.ls ui littis luiUl be l.t' I li.M nil,! Jlu W.tlll.l liw l"l 1 I i" 1 1. l. l. ! daily leeIUHi Ikukful ut it i Ir tt.t . (tig in iuv tfiit eiti ntt.-tiiis. nke it... 1.. ti. lot,.,, 1 iu ln-iiti .y id wsitl ihm Hit 1. 11, w,i it. u,.m t' jjr then ii 1.1U , l l.rt tUE tiFl'H Mi ltJi'lfB r " Msit. ui.of c M J ti'k-'iN ' U u.. n 1. pp.i ui ,,1, ijiile. I'll. J I , l till. U etuis, w half d. t (.4 i tHl fb-ulij I'tHtlilli.lialktil U i ailUla, 4 , 1.1 I U 1 uUl t, . . , 1 1 u.1. .iit,s 1 ittooia 1. t ti.-. liUttlt f kit I li,ltiw, ...... itiial ...ai.l, a,i-l, br llllta I'n -.-.4 e 4s.it.i.t. 1 Ki si ar.ant J'j4 lUSi, i'"o 1. 1. t M J it, 1 11 ' ' ! ' , t . . v ) I't i f u aia l'.,( I ..it 14. t I an. I ati.t I. OniO.W.CAHrEIJTBH, UENBZEYACO'8 IioIodiiIc l)i-iisf nut ( livmicul AYiir'!iiiM. No. 737 jMarkot 6trctt, PHILADELPHIA. rpHE siiUcribers keep constantly on band a large J. stock of Drng, Medicines, Chemicals, Phnnna enticnl l'repnrnl ions and every other nrticlo which nppertnius to (he hnine. embracing tho most ex tensive variety ; also, PAINTS, OILS and ULASS of every description. wii nnirics purchased txom m enn be rclieit on s being of the most superior quality and at as low S rices as they can be had. We can offer such in uecmentsns will make It the interest of the pur chasers to lay in their supplies from us, and give us their future patronage and invite nil. who visit the city, to call at our establishment. All orders ad- di csscd to us by mail or otherwise, will meet with prompt attention. U1AJ. V. CAltl'KM'lill. llKSSZhl It i;i. 7;l7 Mmkct Sirect, Philadelphia. February fl, 18(14. am TRUSSESS, SHOULDER BRACE. ELASTIC STOCKINGS FOK ENLARGED VEINS ' OF THE LEG, AC; Instruments Tor all deformities DR. OLOVF.rt S w Irvr 'IViisim hns fnken the place of other Trusses for the retention and cure of Hernia or ltiipture. Acting upon the principle of a lever, it never Ivsea its strength. It is eonted to prevent rust. It has no pad on the back. winen is so iianie to uuurc tne spine anil nnnov ana chafe tho wearer. It is sure to rclnin the Uupture, Jiving easo mid comfort, and effecting radical cares, t is wnrrcnted to give satisfaction. Tho unproved Shouldcr-Erneo, expands the chest nnd prevents the nearer from becoming round shouldered. Ladies' Hells nnd Abdominal Supporters, Rand- ages, and Hells of all kinds, and Instruments for all Delormities of the llodv. DR. GllOVEl! S OlikolsNo. 4 Ann Street, two doors from llrondwav. New York. Strangers should particularly noto tho naVie and No. April 11. ISo.l. JEREMIAH SNYDER, Allornoy V roimscllor tit Ijnv. Ofhco on South side of Market street, four doors west of Genrlinrl's Confectionery store, SX7as3"BXTJR"5T, PA. Will attend promptly to nil professional business entrusted lo his care, tiie collection ofclaims iu Nor thumberland and tho adjoining counties. Consultations in German and English. Sunbury, March 19, IStil ly bumbury niau scnooii. rPHE first quarter of twelve weeks will open in X the Grand Jury Room, on Monday the 4th of April, 1804. Tkuvs Vr.n Qt auter : For Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography. English Grammar. SI 00 Algebra. Natural Philosophy, Chemistry nnd Geology, or any of these. .5 CO Higher, Mathematics, (including all or any of above) . $6 00 French. German. Latin nnd Greek, or nny ono of them in addition to nl ovc. $7 00 Tuition payable half quarterly in advance. No deduction for lost time. Daily records are kept of the merit and demerit of each student the former denoting tho excellencies of each in recitation and deportment, the latter tho .i. e.: : 1 1... r !.:.. I. Ill tieueieiieies uuu ueiiiiiueneies etij.ies ot it uteu win be sent to the parents or guardians ut the end of each term. F'or particulars apply to the principal. Rkftiikscks : J. .1. Relinensnyder. Sunbury. Prof. Wm. Neoiling. Solins-Grove, l'rut. G. R. lliiss. I.ewisburg. E. P. ROHllAUl, Principal. Punbury, Feb. B. Hill. FLAG & BUILDING STONE QUARRRY TO LET! THE suhscrihers will Lease their J'lag nnd Puild ing Stone liiiarrv. about lliree mill's Ironi Sun bury, on the North Branch ol ilicSiis,iiehanna river. The stone are of tjtc best quality, suitable lor pave ments and building purposes. For further particulars apply to F:S11ER MAR TIN Shnmokin. Ph., or S. II. JmYER. March 111, ISill. Sunbury, Pa. VARNISHES, PAINTS & GLASS ! w TU fTer ti lcalcr, Coachinakcrs and IIouso I Painters, at the very lowe-t nott cash prices the best Coach and Cabinet Varnishes ; Pure White Lead ; French and American Zincs ; Chrome Greens, and Yellows. Drop and Ivory lilaeks. and a fii'l as. sortment of all the finer Colors such as Vermillion. Lakes. Tube Colors Ac.ilso. Paint and Varnish Drusbcs. of the best make. Glaxicr s Diamonds and Points; Paint Mills; single and rtnnbio thick Glass, of all descriptions aiitl all .Materials used by House and Coach 1'aititcrs winch we can sell as cheap. 11 not cheaper, tliau any other house, from the fact that wc keep down our cxpeusci by conducting our business personally. Mr. Rai. one of tho firm for many years manu factured tho Varnishes, sold by the late C. Svhrack. We. feel confident Unit onr Varnishes, are equal, if not superior, to any ninitufai'turcd in this Country. We warrant them to give entire saiisfaction, and if not as represented, tho money will be refunded, tiivo us a call lictoro purchasing clscwhcie. A liberal discount made to the trade. F ELTON A RAV, Nos. l.'iG A 138 North Fourth Street, corner Cherry, Philadelphia. Oct. 10, 1S03. Cm & l'oiii tli A. Art-li SI., IMiilatW-lpliiii. ARE OPENING FOR BI'RING. lhfil. 100 pes. SI. Fancy SILKS. 50 js'S. India ftilijs, fl. Hill ' Good Black " 20 " Ordered Plain, SILKS 4-4 LYONS Black Silk VEL ET. Drown SILKS, V), 5, 4, .'!, 2, I per yard. Black " iJ, 5. 4. 3. 2, I, per yard Moire Antiques, all colors. Magnificent Grenadines, Magnificent Organdies. Richest Chiuties and Percales. Spring SHAWLS. New Household STAPLE GOODS. X. It. 41encral assortment of Mens' Wear. March 8, isiil. ..niw I'or llut,!llT, ItoiM-liesi, Aula, Itctl JtiiUK, .Mwlli in Furs, M'oolrua, . luBfi l vu I'lautsi, I'on !, AnisunlH, At'. . Put up in !3c, M,' and ff I 00 Boxes. Bottles and F'la.ks. $3 aud fj sites for Hotels, Public lustitu lions, Ac. 'Only Infallible remedies known.' 'F'ree lrolu Poisoits." '-Not daugerou to the Human Family, " 'ltaU vouio out of theu holes to die." JSold hub sale In all largo rilics. Sold by all druggists and Reiailers everywhere ! ! ! liawAHK '. ' ' of all worlbleas iiuilaliiais. Sea that "Custar's" name is on each liox, Botlls and Flak, before you l uv AddreM II t'.XH ' It. 4 OS'I'Alt. Principal Hcp.il tnj Hioadway New ork. (Vld by all t bulimic aud Retail Dluggisu In Suiiburr, Pa. Fob. "in. Iv.l Hm I Ml I. hllttUrlplsiu V IMi. !! llullroutl. f M111S great line timni the Northern and North JJ M ettuulies ut l'eiinylvaiiia lo Uie tity of Lit on Lake Erie. It has Ihicu leiunl by the Peniisyltaiila Railroad Ct'Hiao V sad urnlor ibeir au-plct. is being rapidly oteue, tbroubuul its enure Uutii. It Is now iu umi tr PatMiitrfur atol Frt iabl kosiauM fnau iUrild urf lu I uii.muiu (IV mite.1 oa lbs l.iu-.eru Division an I I fin hhtlteld tu Erie, (7a wiles ) oa Ihe M estiru Du tslon tiuc nf ritiitittiiisiii at si ssiar A nt'S i;'utli''."t ..nt'. II itutn4 Maillrsiu. V ii A M XL. I Ii.iit, i u p M. t.si.rv li jib 7 u A. M l.t.reM lialn, II III P M I iuu II ii.tik'tt wubuul ebange, Is oa aavs.ua ebauge, boa Ihu. Ilallta U Itt.k l'b,lat Iph'a aud Lush ilaten, au i betwssa Italuwuie aa4 1 k liatea kUs.ut !! IU4 t'tus kf. I.i Ti.un kolh a.ts bwtatsj VI 1 (li .as (tort and lultitwuie, audi It ilLm.!"! and I'bilailid) ale- tui lolt isaaie a lilia )' thsmsss t I -1 . 1 r l lbs L. 1. 1 iiUiatt4M.ikt.iau. I At. J s 1 ti.lkt btuiuwaot lite ttMapaMS Areata, a 11 h ii, Ji , ti. Ink aud lk.t at, J'itil..i.ii.i J v. h.i.J.U. l iie i il lull A.sui h C R ItslUMwia 11 II li... .1 K. t it. I rt i.i.t A41 Pbilada. I i. L li .1 1 1. n.sl I .U4l I ktia.ia ,ne l' .it. Ut. 1 )lt.l.vi. Vl ttltAMMlSt 50 STOVES. F THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR SALE AT .1. nolirlinrh V Co.'n FOTJNDR SUNBURY, PENN'A. Get the Ilest Oct the Chcanets Get the most Eco- noniioal, which can he had at the Rohrbach Foundry. , llnvii.ir lrirM iiMtf-titirhl t.F IliA nmw4 af,nrovcst I STOVES. sueU as Cooking. Parlor, Office and Shop , Moves, which will be sold at the lowest rales. Also, , Kettles of all sires, l'ans. Skillets, ac. They are also manufacturing Machinery, riougbs, Castings. Ac, at short notice. Repairing alt kintU of Agricultural Implements done ih a good workmanlike manner and at the shortest notioe. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended to. JACOIl liOURBACn CO. I'ff Old Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken in Lxcuange for work Sunbury, Oct. 3, 16.1. tf eh fmyl a i vi -..A'r i v r . it i: .n it BROWN'S NEW lolnl.'l')i Idiap 'hlmsiry. 13-The Chimney for which the Kerosene-Oil using public have so long been in need, because 1. It "STANDS FIRE V Turn upthe blase til j it issues from the top of the chimney, and keep I np as long as you please rait class" w ox'r aaaAK ; Trr it. i It does not become black or disfigured should the lamp accidentally smoke. Is shorter than the . common chimney less liable to accident and mora I convenient for carrying about the houe. I 3. It it not easily affected by sudden change of cmperature ; go out of doors, or into tho celler. sura- ' mer or winter, with the lamp burning don "t fear! : the chimney will not disappear in fragments! 4. The top enn be iustantly removed, and the glass wiped' perfectly clean in a moment. ari'rAea rwiisr, and without danger of breaking the glass. ' I 6. One outlasts ten cvmmun rhi muff. Try it aud i yon will use no other. For sale in ' Town and Connty Agencies granted bytheNi L. C. w Manufacturing Co"., 45 Fulton fctrcet,N'ew York. January 9. 1SH. .".m ' ' PRIVATE ACADEMY. NORTHUMBERLAND. t , fPllE REV. JAMES DICKSON, will re-open bis 1 1 Academy on Monday, the 17th day of August, IstW!. The following branches will be taught : Latin, Greek, Mathematics. Philosophy. Rhetoric. Logic. Book Keeping. Vocal Mn-ic' in thoory and practice. Also. Geography, Grammar, History, Composition Writing. . Per Quarter of 1 1 weeks. $fi to S In the almvc branches without the language W IK Latin and above branches, " Greek and altove branches, S V0 See Circular. Por furlhcr particulars apply to REV. JAMES DICKSON. Teacher. Northumberland, August 1st. ISiVi. ly T) Vtf E HS M)VST E II S ! C1AX OYSTERS, whole or half Cans, fresh rmm j the City markets, can be had at all limes at the Concctioncry Store of M. C. GEAR II ART. Sunbury, January 9, lol. i:iV t'LOTHI-Nfi ts. rt'RIfwII- i sroin:. rpHE snliscrihcr respectfully infonns the people o X Suiiluirr and vicinity, that he has oitencl an en lire new stock of clothing and Furnishing rod. at his new store in the building of Charles Pleasants 1 istj., iu Market square. His stock consists iu part "f 2Z1TS CLCTZIITG uovs' ti.oniii. Such as Coals. Over Coals, pants, rests, shirts, undershirts, drawers, slockincs. neckties, handker chiefs, gloves, Ac. Also, liata and Caps ol all kinds. hoots AM suoi;s, of all kinds. TRFXKS. and Valises, umbrellas, and notions of all kinds, beside numerous other ar ticles. The public arc requested lo give him a call and examine his stock. LEVI HECHT. Sunbury, Oct.. 10, lSoX Wyoming- liiitiriint-e 4'onipuisy, WILKESBAHBE. FA. 4'npltal nnd Surplus, tI,(M0. DIRECTORS: O. M. Hollcnback, L. D. Shoemaker. Johu Reii'bartl, D. G. Driesbach, R. C. Siuilh. Cbas. D-trrance. Wm S. Roo. G. M. Hanling. Samuel Wadhaius. R. D. Lacoe. Charles A. Miner, W. Yt . hctcham. G. M. HOLLKNBACK. President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice President, j R . C. Smith. Secretary. W. G. Stkhlinu. Treasurer. j This Company Insures three-fourth of the t'ah j valuation, lakes no Premium Note, make no Assess- ; nienis. Policy acknowledges all moneys paid during j the term ol your lusuranee. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. ; May SO, lStVI. ly I ICciKliiix Itailroasl. WIKTEH ARRAHQEMENT. GREAT TRl'NK LINE from the North and North-V est for Philadelphia, New York. Read ing. Potisville. Lebanon. Allenlowu. rtston, Ac. j ruins leave Aiarrutourg lor niianeipuia. cw- York, Reading. Potuville. and aU Intermediate r-iatious. ai a a. m., aim 4 m, 1 . .w. New York Expret-slcavva HarrUburg al 6 ul) A. M., arriving at New York at 1 4 j the sarno day. A ste 'iul AoooiuiHtHlatiitii Passenger Irain leaves Rcatlingat 7 l- A. M., and reluru. trt.m llarrisburg at 5 P. M. Fares from Ilarrisl.urg : To New York fj 15 ; to Philadelphia f i oi aud J t0. Ravage checked llmitigh Reluming, leave New York at 6 A. M 13 Noon, and 7 P M. (Pittsburgh Eprw). Leave Philadel phia at Ii A M. and 3 Mi P M. Sleeping cars in the New ork Fxpresa Trains thniugu to aud from Pittsburgh without change. PaNicngers by the CattawiNta Rail Road leave Ta nis,ua al 40 A. M . and 2 li P. M., for Philadel phia. New-York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Polisville al V li A. M . and i to P. M.. for Philadelphia, llarrutburg aud New York. An aceommtalitiiitn Paj-seiiier tiaiuleavcs Reasling at O SO A. M., and returns front Philadelphia at 4 30 P. M. (y All the above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday train loaves Potl-villo at 7. .10 A.M., and Philadelphia at .'Mi P. M. Couiuiutniimi. Mileage. J-e-i-in, ami Excursion Tiekels, al retluet .l ratt s lu and flout all points. tU Pounds Baggage allowed each Pa-asritger. G A. N1COLLS. Gcueral Supcruiicudcut' 1V11II I'tiprr lotto lMti-rta, OF WALL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE MY LES AND PATTERNS. Jl'ST reeeivrtl dire. I Ironi the Manufacturer, at tho M AMMoi U MURE of Fill LING A GRANT. Sunbury, Mureb li lat'.J llAUI.Oal'S IMIU.O HI. I I!. Dealers aud Consume rs ol tlta alaive CehUalcl Wa.lt Blue, will pica take noiiee. Ihal Iho Labcli are alured lo read IWf.I??.TUE' ' .llt-l Yllik-ri;rr;M D R r ti 8 T o u E , No. 11.1 NoriUSECOND Slroet, PHILADELPHIA. The quality of this Ulna will b lh saw lu every rr.pcet: ti la wanaulej lo stdur mora aalef Utan talue Ik saute quautiiy ol ludiaH antl lu gu kiueli Iwtthtir Ih.a aitjt other Mailt lilue tu tbe ut.i Wttt. KUt sttlvia tt.tle;ity clear aud tbaat not atltle on Uie j eloltlca as ttttt i. Ilia olber Ut.ke. du. Ou. B04 Ul- ativeti ta nail puss of waaer, esi ataaa as g.t a ; Luiuid Liue as auy lual M atSMe, at woe llutd Ut. ; uittu letU A. Il is reiailid at Ihe taw prk-e as lh laiiialk as au,i lulvriut attit lis, notMkteie atll kod it teiy uttltlt lu iktu edtttuliig hi mtk M Ikat pt, p at tkiskaoaa a s All Blue pal up after litis dU auk liAUiu 1 H.U. oa it is sa lu.uu4t. lit .Saw l..bl. due. uul louu a aiataHs l,4 ! by aiutkiHps avtuitall. f -k 14. 11 -tutaj TUX MISSES JOHNSTON I Htl A l( lUNU . II U A Y (il'tliiiH. I'tsr MM lottlll'W, h I r-iatie au.el failadlkta t.kiLk)..v l a ! h. I II ... I'at id V) l-lf V 1 - I 'l t-id., Mw ll.i.i I I'i4,k. hts i't t .tt s M )! i"U, ' IIOM il llM I 4 I II ll Jll,.. .Ik . k k it-nr la H a slttuJ i II. s 1SG3. 18G3 FR1LLXG & GRiVNT AT THE MAM HOT II STORE, "tlOCLD respectfully aai ounce that they bare 1 1 jost receiTed and opened a very htrg and well eelef ted Stork of j GOODS OF ALL KINDS, I which they are willing to dispose of at VERT SMALL ADVAXCK OX I t'irot '!. -0- OUR STOCK IS C0KP.LETE AXO KMnilAt E3 EVEUYTIUSG GIVE TJ8 A. CALL. Thankful for past favors we hope to meet a coa tinaaace of the same by still selling Goods as cheap irnot I'llIlAl'lIK than can be purchased clse where. FRIUNtl A GRANT. Fonbnry. May St. ISHIS. w. ticoLr.a, solowos a 1 lick. ZIEGLER & MALICK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Swabnry, orlhsaiMtM-rlnnil t'u., Iis. 1 OlfeT their pmfesnienal services to the public, t'ol ; lerttons a nil all other prfesvitiual busiocss eutmstvd o Ihcm. will rreeiv unH altentxtn Al el.uus w.ll be evllrctcd, such as I ltttth speak the German Language. OCicc Market Siuarv, nest door to Prothoaotary's 4Bce. Sunbury. March i, ISf.l. ; 11. it. 9iASKir.1t. Vllorass-y nt SINUl RY. PA. Collevlaits atiendtM lo in lheeiuntirs nf Nor thiim'K rlar.l. I as m. Suydcr, Muutoar, Columbia and l.ye-vming. , ntrr.RE'scKS. Hon. John M. Reed. Philadelphia, A. G. Oaltrll A Co.. Il..n. Wm. A. Porter. . Morion Me.Miebarl. E-q . i:. Keicham A Co.. S Pearl Street. New York. John W. Ashmesal. Atlttmey al lutw, Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at Law, ' Sunbury. March TJ. IV2." , ia kick's iioti:u rpHE management of th: wcll-kn.twn H.tlel hav L ing Isvn rcMimvd by Messrs. t "V I.E A 1IERK. tiie prtwnl itprietors. Iteg leave to inform the publie that the httu-e is now Itring tlHtroughly reiivale.. refiilcl. aud iniprovnl. ith a view to the proper aud citiuforlaltle actamiuit'laiittn of lht lw may favor the rstali'iishiurnt with their cu.-toul. Guests will 1 reive due ailentton and eourtwy. and no evpeus 1 will lr spared that may conduco to uiaintaiu 1 hotel in a first-class style. ! Families antl ttihcrs desiring ttt f-Jonrn iu Harris burg during the summer months, will tiu l pleasant boarding and large and wcll-ventilaled rwrns at our establishment. ui'U moUerale terms. SCOTd" COY1.E ; March ?.. 1 Mi. J. GlLLEKf HERR. .IIASSlIlfS PV1I..M' IT VI i ti: i ki:i:zi:k : As Improvotl for ls.'-9 and 1'. Rr E. KETCH AM A CO.. 29 Pearl St.. New York. "HIE onle FrH-ier ettntruete,l on scientific prin- ciplcs. with a revolving can and spring blade st-rater. I he one ha.-tcrs toe ire-iingoi me cream- - , theoiherremove.it as fast as froicn. The must rapid in frecsme. w ith the least quantity ol ice. The most economical in cost, as il is the most simple and durable in structure. F'or sale in all the Tincial cities nnd towns in the I'nion. :at-h Freeier aeeonipanied with a book of recipes and full directions. PRICIS. 3 qnarts. 4 quarts. 6 quarts, X quarts, 14 quarts. So quarts. ft 00 4 i0 & on (t Oil s on IJ isi Applv to II. E. M.VSSER, Sunbury, Pa. March ?J, Im.2. BOOTS AND SHOES, I "I EST received from New Yolk and Philadelphia. ' J a freish supply of the latest styles ami of the best I quality, which lie has had ma.e up Iti order, and J warranted to give gt.il saiistactotu. He has wade arrangements iu the rity ! have bis !! work made ' to order, whieh ran be bad at all times, if not on hand Ibey will he vctirrd at reasonable n.aiee. Manufactuiing of tiui.- ana Miv'r 01 an moos ,. j ui also wholesale Bo-.t and Sho.-s by the lx I Call ami examine ttelvre purchasing elsewhere . and satisfy yourselves. Thankful for patronage heretofore bestowed, he rrsrteelfullv solicits a continuance of the same. .-bop and Store room, three dttors wcat of Ihe Rail ' Road iu Market Stiuare. WM. II. MILLER. Sunbury. eVpt. 1st, ISM. 1 "1T7AXTED Immediately, a Jour Shttciuakrr, on j Mem Work. Gtusl wages paid. MANHOOD, j llor lsatl, lluu ltrlr'I. Just rIJiJ,rJ, mm m SitrJ Eslrissf. Pntr tjr Vrut. A I.ECTl'KE on the Nature. Treatment and Ra- da-al Cureof Sttrruiatttrrbo-attr Seminal Weak- ttt-M. Sexual Dcbilily. Nt'itttiueas. and Itivuluulary FimuMons. iiMlueitig Iwptttcucy, Cunuuiplic4i, aud Menial and PbvMcal lK'bilitv. By UOU i J. CI L ERWELL M. D. The iMirtaut lael thai Ihe awlul um uences of Self.Aliu.- may be rncclually removed without oq terual Uietlteiuee or the Uangetous apitliratton ta caustics, itisiruments. medicated Utgtea, and other ctupirie'at UevicvA, u here clearly deiuoUfttratcd. and Ihe entirely new end highly suecvisstul Ircaimenl as a lopttd by Ihe celrkratistl author, fully explained, by lueatt. of which evvrv one ut euablrd to cure htiu- ! self petieelly. and al the least .ible eol, thereby j avoiding all Ihe advcrtiMd k.uiiw of Ihe day. Ibis lecture will prove a boon lo Ihouaiutda and thou ' aaiiiHis. I Sent uudrrsral. ina plain envelope, to any address, Sns. paid un receipt ol lao .i.tago taut, by ad eMiig the publishers. I f II AS. J C. KLINE ACO, ! 117 Rowerr, New York. IW t'thec Box, 44 j Au li. If-a -Feb. Is, ly So ' M. d. ;i:ich ak ts COnfeCtiOnerY) TOY Hid riXTIT STORE, -rkrlS.--r,,la:-J.U-r,.IS.. CO.n:CTOXKUY W A Li. KINIW, -TOYS K KVKUY lKSt'KUTlt)X, J'Hl'lT, At'., Ac, 1i'STNTI.Y oa hand and M sale al lbs shot I ' uitlt.Um.al at ksdeasU and letatl, at rviuuu. , aoie tt kus. lis is taauutfcflarlaf all kissta of CuasVtdionaiia b kevp uy ft lull SjM. iuu44 ahull at 4d at kw l.i 1. loaatu.it, S gars SsanV ftety. NuUtall k'tida. aatl axtivi.vwf uihes ailts It., all ul alii-h are vlteivd bulvulti and ltl.il 1. RwUtatUtUtl Uu) kaiue aud Uoa..J I M t t. tHIl tKT Market stieel, I douse sjostolki V lin,ul A roa'l auuWaty . aV4 l, !) -If iMlrrNMiUtaul llttlrl, auti Jul iiiawVu, ' tin hu4 I hk iGHK Ml I to4.l 1 II -tk asaat aui.t, k tllithk and a twtal llx.l ut Ike eilv oaaia wiim lu.li.. friu.iiU) to litttMt vulttaa Hue, u.kfstf bMtaM. 01 .ttaia It is Httlii u, tu latslkt, so. I k' on lb. kt tt itti pi 1 ut tMtttt.tei.twu ana I tti oa a situ tt.li..liioku ... W k.i all kouia, m t.0.4 ut lb. a van M . Hm ttutu d.t.l., ik.at-at. aud aiA.aja ut Ik Sal idvi -k-Mk. v4 .11 lb Uttni -4 a tutaMtkU.ta latfe.A Mt l I tut IMt I n i 0 Fii.i 1 t , li ui Lit Id n.'j.t 1 tt, . ll,a..M 4. WM. KKOCnE. ; MARKET STREET,' ItARKl!l:l'R0, TA., Dealer in PIANOS. XTEW R.Mwied Ptanos, from the best nailers from film npwards. . IFLI'DEINS. The best ananuXaetnred Instru. nvrnls, fn'Bi 4i lo?100. Unitars, VMins,' Aeeordeo'ns), Flutes, Fifes. Isrnms, ISanjiJ, Tambourines,.. Violin and Unitarstriugs and uuaical mer cbandis in general. . SHEET MUSIC. The latest p aMicatkm always on hand. Music sent br mail to any part of the country. OVAL, S til ARE, UILT AND ROSEWOOD FHAME8. Suitable fur looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always oa band. A Una assortment of best plated LOOKING G LASSES from smallest to largest site Any style of frame suade to order at the shortest aotieo. nj. y.e llh. April II, IS63. 1 Market st., Hamburg. Northern Central ltntlwav ! si yt m i:u 'nn : ta iii.i: ' TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tne North and HH HratH h Susquehanna, Llwira. and all of North era New York. -V and after MONDAY. APRIL Jnth. 1S63. J the Pammcer Trains of the Northern Cewtrnl Railway will arrive al and leiart Intra Minbury Ilarrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vis : S O V T U W A R V . Mad Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sundav). 10 10 A. M " leaves iiarrishnrg. 1 ISP. M " arrive at llaltiniore, 4 1 " Express Train leaves Punbury daily (es.rcpt Sunday.) " leaves llarrisburg (exceit Monday.) " arrives at Raltunora daily tcicriil Momlavl. 11 0J P.M. 2 00 A. M. C li A.M. Hamsburg Accommotlutiou leaves Harris bars;. 6 SO A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Ealtimore daily (ex cept Sunday " leaves llarrisburg arrives al Sunbury. Express Train leaves Raltiiuure daily IS A. M. I I.. P. M j " 15 P. M 1 itiA M. loves lliirrnburg (except 2u iiidaT). 3 00 A. M. & :ts arrives at Sunbury. For further information apply at the Office. I. N. IHllARRY. Supt Idckunnnnu A Itloosusbursr ltnll, roiitl. cr N and after November IT, 1S62. Passenger 1 Trains will run as follows : MOVING SOITII Pru'jffit A iVsASzircr. 10. IS A. M 11.40 P. M. Pafnrrr. Leave Scranton. tt.ntlArM. Kiiurston, t-t Rupert. ll.au Danville. 12.1'i Arrive at Northuin'irl.md. 12.4." P. M. MOVING NORTH. Leave Northumberland, 5M P. M Danville, 6.U0 Rupert. 6.o3 " Kiugston. K 4j Leave. 1.15 P. M. 1 Arriveat S ranton. 10 HO P. M. 3.40 1 A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston at 8.00 A. M.. for S niutoii. to eonnei't willi a train for New York. Returning, leaves Scrnutou on arrival j of train from New York, at 4.1i P. M. j The Laekawanna A llloomsburg Railroad omneets with the Delawurc. Laekawanna and Western Rail rttad al Sranton. for New York and inter mediate ; .tints east. At lijipert it connects with ths Cattawisa Rail ! rttad. for points both east aud west arriving at Phil ; adelphia at ti.l j P. M. ! At Northumberland it connects with the Philadcl i phia A Flrie Railroad aud Northern Central Dail ; road, for jtoiuls west and south Paengers arriving I at llsrrisburgt ju P. M.; Philadelphia 10 P.M.; ai d Baltimore 10. 2t P. M. The Freight ami Pasteiigera Train north, leaves , Northumbcrlaiid at '.4i A M.. and arrives at U.2u P ' .M . itawiug Dautille at c!" P. M. I Ji'lIN P. ILSLEY, Sup t. I J C. Wr.i.i.1. General Ticket Agent, j Nov. l!'i2 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT ! JOHN E. SMICK, j Fatvu Strrcet. opposite Weaver's Hotel. SUNBUKY. Northumberlitnd Co., Pa.. INFORMS his friends' and the public generally. I that be lias taken Ihe s-hop 01 Jacob iKe, dec d . and b preparetl todo all kinds of TAII.nl'. lNli in a g's-tl tturkuitutlike niaiitier. Thu putron aeol thc piililie is resj it-ifully solicited. "Sunbury, May lii, lsd't. ly A Ijtras A stKorl ! t ol'l rvt' vTjiiv SALAMANDER SAFES. GREAT FIRE AT READING, PA. February 12, 1S02. G rxTi.ru r It gives me much satisfaction tu inform you that in the severe fire which, on tho t morning of the 4th iust.. entirely destroyed all lay stock and materials. 1 had one of your Sulauiaitdt-r 1 Fire Proof SaTes. After enduring nu intense red 1 heat for seven hours, the Safe was oH'iietl. and tho 1 Bonks and PaHrs were preserved iuaituiubleiui-hcd 1 Cttnditiou. 1 shall need another Safe as soon as 1 get ' in order. Yours. ttiiMt respeotfiillv. i W. P. DlCKINaON.'Reading. Pa. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. Cii tautusui nr.. Franklin county. Pa. Aueust :tlsl. ISill? I Messrs. Evam A Watson. Philadelphia (Senile- men: Ou the moruini? of Ihe 22d of Auirust. N4il, ! our Storehouse Mt tlrveneastlc was tlestroyctl by fire. ! The Sitlamaiidcr Safe we pun-hased from you some t few yearn since was in the aliove uientilined store- house, and contained all our IsN.ks. Mrs. ca.-h. Ac. whien were preservetl 111 a perlcct condition, alter bving expttscd loa tuoi-t iutenselieat for several hours. Please itilorm us uptu what terms you will Sell us another larger Sale. Yours truly. OAKS A Al'STIX. Salamander Sales, t r Banks. Stores, Private F'amilies. Ac.. Ac. Also. Evans A Watson's Patent Alpbaltetieal Bank Locks aud Bank Vault Doors, equal In any made in the country, ami sold on as gts.l terms. E A W. would resteetiully refer to th following Banks aud other tarties. bating their Safes aud Locks now in use. lo ihcir euttre satutfae lion, aud many oihersgttcii at their Share. IMn n Statk Mtxr, Branch Bank, Shclbyville Philadelphia. Tennessee. I'Mrtn math AasKXAt.City Bankof Phibtdelphia. I t'al it'oriii CouMilidaluui B kol l'bila I Pollslowu Bank. Pa. CoMlevtille i'tank. Pa. Struud-bure Bank. Pa. Com lit Bauk of l'bila. Chat.tta.igaBank. Tenn. Pre tu Loan Am on. tin st. Bank of Northumberland. Bank of North u Libertitw, Philadelphia. Paul aud .'will, Bankers, Alabama. W.G. Slerlii'f Wilkeub'a. Jersey J-hure Hank, Pa. Lt.'k Haven Bank. Pa. I uion Bank. Baltimore. St'iitliKt-lerii It i k of Va. Fultou Bank. Atlauta. Ga Newark Bank. Del Bank of N. C, Raleigh l.caudmrg lluuk. Pa Other refereue'es given upon catling al our Store, No. Ill Fourth Mieet, I'tidadelphta. Sepl. 4. Issid ly tlusbluutou llttusx-, KGRT11 1 MttULAM'. PtNNSYLVANIA, (Xmr I lit lirijgr.) rjHIK subscriber bating leased this well known J. 'laveru Stand, lately kepi by Mrs. C. S. Brown, rettptvil'ully iitloruts Ihe pubiiu Dial he is relit ing and repuli lug the prutuuea, aud will b trutred lo u lerlain, iu a eoiutoilal.1 aiauuer. but uumeruu I'rieudt Ihiougbttui llu euuuiy, aud all who may iHtititttite hi. latiautudiuicul. Apt.l 12, In,2 JGSF.P1! VAN K IKK. ORANT Sz DIETZl LOWIR WlltUI', KUNBUHY. PA. V) H'lLlSAl.fc AND Itt f All. DFALHtS IX W11ITK AS II COAL, iu tteiy taiu ly, Drdvrt suliciud aud lllsd tttih pruuptacat and dv.f'attk. fruubury, 3Jy It, I.Mti.ly I PIFa llfilllU M's CLOCK KSTAUL1SHMKNT, t. Coiutr tvsouad and l'kHiut at , Philadelphia I tU.M V bai tk rMlk.Vr tl' A 1. 1 1 N it 1 HIM. i it DA 1 CLiH ka. t.( dun. Us itl-le t, I kulvksa, UoWU, Banks, Ctaauung IIuum, Pailw Also. alaaufWuias uflj; G(i.l flUi t twin rutd 4 tmiiLir tick liuio.tt uf ? 4o iiii.m Plil4l'ltia, Jutuary Its laul - ly lllttt'et-) Mts4 4 HXrtr Ml 4tM, tuts. oamk u.i. ,4 VUik.i ttit.t, fk ut v a , ,t vl b Ul Itl h, 4. . l.., HUlWliU.lY, PA. U ,i .tu4 in ti a a. att Ht.M- kU kuia. "t I Ui 1 .- I ., ..". M. IM1.M1I u. .tSAUM Tho Aslfitn'st Ktnrrsou Company, C1 IVB NOTICE that they hava coin'liir,cd nr. f rangementa with the Northern Central Railroad Company to run trains from Baltimore for 1 ork, Iliirrishiirf. Danphin. Halifax. Trevorbm. Sunlmry, Norttininber'and. I.ewisburg, OLHton. .iiuncy. nu-Rain-port, 'mil all Intirrmedintu stations, connection at Harrisburg with tho GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. liouu aua iuo West. Alsnw th Howard Co. 's Express nt Milton or Danville, Illunmshorg. Wilkrsharrc, Pittstnn. Scrnn. ton, and Intermediate stations on the Cattawfaea, Lackawanna A Rloomsburc Railroatls. At n II- lismsport. by Howard A Co.'i Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Jlaveo. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connection, for Csnlon. Troy. F.lmirn, Rochester, lluffalo, Niagara, and to all accewiblw points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Specie, llauk Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also. Note. Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed, and every effort will be made to render satisfaction. J1IH JU.MMIA.n. Superintendent Prnn'a Division, Pliihidcli hia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April i, 1802. ititAiv'iioi si:. Virutr of Fl,tle ami Third Strtrtt, IUnniSBinit, Pa. THIS HOl'SE. Inconsequence of lis eonrcnienco and near location to the Capitol, has made it a desirable stopping place, not only for those having business at the scat of Government, but for others visiting Harrisburg. March , M2. fTIERRIBLE DISCiTlSFRESECRfcTsTToIi J. THE MILLION! A most valanble and wonderful pnb)kntlon. A work of 4im pages, and .lit eoliweil engravings. Dlt. HUNTER'S VADE MECVM, nn original and popu lar treatise nn Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, witli Never-railing Itemeilies for tlicir speedy cure. The practice of DR. IIVN1ER has long Iters, and still is, unbounded, bat at the earaest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend hiss medical usefulness through the medium of hiss VADE MECl'M." It Is a volume that should bu in the hands of every family in the land, as preventive of secret vires, or as a guide fur tho alleviation of one of the most nwful and destructivu scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, fcccurety enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to any part of the I'nited States for at! cents in P. O. stamps, r 3 copies for VI. Address, post paid, DR. lR N i l.lt, No. 3 Division Street, New York. June 6, lHrt:t. ly. k0:t. ArrunK'iu'iit )C:i. of ."Now York IJnrx. THE CAMDEN AND A.MJ10Y AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TREXTO.V R. R. CO.'S LINKS. From Pliilmlilliitr lo .Vf Yoil and H'ay Vlam, from Walnut strrrt Wharf ami Ktnuiiigioii 1'fjiol. frill Irtirt a follatr. i'i ; ; FARI4 At 6 A. M.. via Camden and Author, (C and nceouniitiuiiiioii. ) $2 2i At OA. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, N. J., neeomiiiisiaiion. At H A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City. (Morning Mail.) At A. M . via Ciiiuden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket At II A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city. Express 2 25 3 00 2 2i S 00 2 Z j At 12 M. tin Camden uud Amboy, C and A. J (Accomtmslatiiin.l At 2 P. M.. via Camden mid Aiuboy. 1C. and A. Express.) 3 on 1 At 3 P.M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Wa-h. and N. V. Express 3 00 At 6 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey Cilv, , (Evening Mail.) " 3 00 j At 1 1 i I. M . via Kcmiiftgton and Jersey city. Southern Mail. 3 nt) At 11 (night) via Kensington aud Jersey city j Siutliern E.)iress 3 Qt) , Ala P. M.vii lauiden ami AiiiIhiV. (Aeconi 1 niotlatioti. Freight uud Passenger, First ' Class Ticket. 2 25 Second Class Ticket. 511 For Water Gap. Siroud-btirg. Sernnfon. Wilkes, barrc. Montrose. Gnat lietid, Ac. at li A. .11., from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna uud Western Railroad. For .Ma m il Chunk. Allintnwn. Mi'tlilehem. Ilclvi . dere. Ea.-I, m. I. aliila rti ill... 11,1,111, ,,, 11, Jle.. ut ti A. .11.. from keiisiiiKioii ie,t. uud nt 2j P. M., from Walnut street t harf I (Then A. M. Line connects with Trains lent ing . Eiisli.ii for Maui h Chunk, at .'t-'.'U P. .11.) I For Mount Holly, at ii A. M.. 2 umi I P. .11. ! For Freebold. lii li A. M. uud 2 P. .11. j WAV LINES. I For Bristol. Trenton. Ac, nt 1 1 A. M. and 2i and 1 5 P. M. from Kensington. F'or Palmyra, ltirerioti. 1'elaneo. Beverly. Bur- ! linglon. Florence, BordentoKii, Ac. nt 12, I. 2. 41 ! and 0 P. M. Iif For New York, and Way Lines lent ing Ken sington Depot, lake the Cars mi I'iilh street, uliovo Walnut, half an hour belore ilt piirtitrc. The Cars , rim into the Destl. and on Ihe arrival of each Train, run from the Dcjiot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each ! passenger. Passengers nre prohibited from taking anything as batrguge bill their wearing apparel. All baggage over tilly pounds Iti be paid lor extra, 'i'hu , Ct,iitpiu.y limit their rt.-)tousibili!y (or baggage, to ; fi,u Dollar pi r pound, and will not Ik liable, foruuy amount beyond $dou. exeept hv sperial coiilraet. I It. II. II. GATZ.MER, Agent. I iiuiiiiary 1 1 . rti-. IOM - DHIGIIT tV ., M.lXrrAI TI ltKllS op SA-,inA.'TJS, Sl PFR-CAUIl. DF SGDA, Ac. And Sole Agents in Iho City or New York fur CHEAM OP TARTAR BUBSTITUTE, Invented by Prof. F.hcn N. Horsford. of Harvard 'l uivcrsily. Gffice, II Old Slip, Hauovcr Siniro, up stairs.) NEW Yl'RK. 'PHE high price which Cream of Tartar commanded J in ltjf, together with the alarming extent to which its dangerous adulteration had been cniri.'d. with other considerations, induced the distinguished Chemist, whose name is given alsivu. lo common '0 wlia I proved to be a long and laborious scientilic re search, todiscotcra desirable sultstiiute therefor. Ilis efforts were crowned with abundant sueeess. and hundreds of thousands of pounds of Iho Subslituto have been sold and used during tho last fit o years, throughout the I'nited States and the Cunadas. The following true comparison of its nature and tho results of its use. w ith those of Cream of Tartar, will convince Ihe most incredulous of its value. Cream of Tartar is a bi-tartrate of I'olash. This Substitute is a simple Phosphate, ami contains nothing hut what is found in beef-.tcak. and in corn, wheat and ether cereals, anj is therefor highly uulrilious. Il also has a heitlili-giving influence, and aujtplies that for which there is a cousUnt de mand 111 the system. I It it told fur a rjueh less price than Cream or Tartar. March 51, MlV't.-ly liaiitlifst, V ill t'ai. ; lost, As-. milK subscriber, hsving opened in Thompson's J Brick Building, Mill slroet, Dauville, a large aud complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQI'OHS, rnirising Iho best brands of Brandies. Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and lri-h Whiskey. Port. Sherrv, Ma deiru. Champagne and other W ince, of all grades, all ol which will be sold Wholesale, at tho lowest oily prices. Tavern-keepers, by buying of us, can savu it least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY 1' S E , nay rely iikiu bciiijj futjyi.-h.ed with ft pur aud unadulterated artiele. I V "eing determined toestahlih a repuUiiuu for telling chtap. he respectfully solicits Ihe palruuatfvj ol lb. public. All orders prompilv sttende.1 lo. ,k . , JtREMlAII 8. HALL Dant ills. June HI, iMiJ. I.uutltt r I I.utulM-r J PHILIP SHAY, Uuiary Lyouiuing county, Pa , INFORMS his friends and iho public i,,' general thai be ettuslaiitl v keep, on kalid Boards. Shiugles alh. Joi.it. ami all kind, .d Lumber ami building LaieriaU, which h Bill K i t .,K., ftiMarvk So, I no I. PETER LO KILL ARB, IMaiwirA 'luhiiita VlitaulUt'lisrrr MA It I II t,VM US ST. Poruiely I J t h.tbaui Strtitl tw Yurk M ould t all tb. aiuaiiwi id DvuUit lo lb artu.lt of bu utauufastuie it : Miim ti rr: Mui'.t- v lltJ i j,,.,. i iu. It t 1 ... puis Viifinls loan Itatpts. ltst.lili.ktki Autkturi ttstttltttt.a, t't ttaltsgft. LLLiiMl tMII'i aVut.k Uotsrv lu a.. i.k li'tk Tt 4 nVot. a. 1 ifii lit ... I' Ikuttll Huh 11.4k i.st.i. ju. tiiv.it a tu i-uo 1) I'-tl, I V ui. u u 1 .lb I I, li s it tu 11. a .a ui. . .1,1 I ii.. 1 ul 1 kt an. 4 at. I So. k 1 4 I -U.i, kuk atll U Uutottil a ft. 1 nut tju.iiij lull Ull hu ii4 1 iu I ut t k.aikiS ak af Lug p t L oi J " S I l.i.unu iiMttl s,.k'k N.I a... I t .1. I 10 I N . lilt ui 1 . . I ..t. I J- ! t til .kit I ) t ....... .1 k ,.!.. I Itatl'l '-u' iu . - I'.. !.) I t , I kilt. bta I 1 VtUtb.t -' Vf "-'t-4 auaati.s tw .t . t a.. v4t. . . I t.a ..k.i Aoi.ta. r Uj t , I. i If A I It.. Of. ni st.