Zty Simburfi amrvira.,. - : z.'- Tt. B. MA8SEH, Editor H Proprietor. -- , - . .... SATUKDAY. MAY 14.1PC4. B. M. FETTTNQII.Is ft CO., Ne 37 Park Row. New Totlt. and 1 Plate Prrcrt, Btou. are our apcnts for the Ft rnT AetairA in Utosw citie. ntul lire albriirJ to lake Advortiw ir.ei.t 7d Sulacriptkiij fur as at oar lowest ratea. TnnakctlnK a tut l'rttyrr. Extx-rrivs Mansion. Wasiiistitox, May 9. To tlir J-'ritnd ef I'nU n ami Lilxrty : r.iioiU is known of the Army operations writliin the last live tliiya to clnim our espe cial gratitude to It ml ; while what remains undone demands our most sincere prayers to, and reliance tipou Him, without whom all human effort is in vain. I recommend that nil patriots fit their liomes, in their places of pulilin worship, and w hcreviT they maybe, unite in com mon thanksgiving aud pnxver to Almijjhty UikI. Sijtutl AnrtAitAM Lincoln. Blackwood's Magazine for april has been received. The contents arc : Cornelius O' )ovd upnn men mid women, and other things iu general, Part lit. Mr Kr.ight's lterniniecr?e, Fanny Butler. Part . ur Neutrality, Past and Present Troubles. !n Herat and Afghanistan, Annio and lur "Master. A letter from Schlcswig HoUtvin :o. ii. f?f"Ti;c Ati.intic monthly for May opens with the following articles : "A cruse on Lake Ladoga." 'Wet-Weather Work." The leaper"s Dream," The Xew -Kngland devolu tion of the Seventeenth t'entme." Some Ac" count of the Karly Life of an Old Datehelor,'' The Snow-Man," The tJold '.'it-Ids of Nova rVotia." Life on the Sea Island.'," Cold Hair." California a a Vim land," To a, Young liirl Dying." The Kim." Type," Kecnlisted,"' The Presidental 1'lertion. Cakap IUttkp.. The Ilattfonl W gives the following Mile-tiliitc for Imlt.-r: Cut five ir six ounces of fat sdt prk into culies rr thin slices, and fry out, Take out the scraps and dregs, and put iu lhur for thickening. I.ft it simmer, and. when it thicken', add n'xutt a pint of milk-. The mixture should boil or simmer, keeping it stirred to prevent scorching, until throughly mixed. Then p'ace it on si ices of liionn bread, tither toasted or not, and the dish is complete. John It. Nixe, aim wrote Bli-x me. this it ploasciit, Ridiug on a rnil." is very ill fr.itii the etVeets of injuries receiv ed by a railroad accident last w inter. His ideas of railroad traveling have doubtless undergone a chanuc A S'a Harlair (I.. I.) jnnrr fivi tlint a nlririrnt quttntity tf onion -s.-cil .lias lufti lant'( aliiint that village alone to ri!tirc n'vi-n linndrcil tltuUMind bushels of that UM-fiil esculent. O. B. Kirklin, ofC'es cntmty. lllinni.H lias come out a war democrat. In a late apeerli to tlie Fitty-fuf.rth lllinnis volunteers tl. kmi.1 t" . iloti...r.i in 'frif.mlu aav Irtns eleet l......rr:.ti.- IV..iil..nt an.l . - .: . . , . . .: ... . . ' fctop me war. l wish to tell my irientl tlint ; no party enrt stop the war tinttl the ques- tinn is. settle.!. I lu re 1m no audi tiling :ta cotnprotnte. An oil fan., i.t Western Penniylvanta lias been siW'.I for tho etiortnottss sum of five hur.ilfcil And fifty thouaiitl dollar. It coi taius several priceless oil wills. Another female re' e! spy was arrested in Baltimore on Monday, llerliusl.and. Holiert Wilson, has been South since Ihe conimenct liunt of the war and it i- alli'jjeit she has travelled Ix-twceu lttchmond and Ualtiuiore i.-veral I'lir.ei. 3Local Affaire. t f The suit ot Joules Malouu vs The S. V. 4 1. Bailroad Company for the bvinlnts, has been decid ed by the Supreme Courti in favor of Mr. Malone. I y'The weather has been warm or rather hot for j nine diys prrvioosto Wedncday. which was a cold raw day w i'.h a slight sprinkling of rain. fMr. ntaek. Division Superintendent nf the Philadelphia A Erie road, between Smibury and He ueva. reiding at Williamsport has been succeeded 1,' Mr. Thompson, who will be locate ! at this place. Art ruir to Ron a SArri. fu Tuesd.iy ni;ht seme v il'ains entered the office nf Mr. John Una.-' he of our co:.l operators, by prying o.eu Iho front tliKir and proceedvd to work upou his Iron safe, ono W Y. ans A Watson The biass knob, Ac, were removed, and holes about and inch "tjusre wre drilled through the outer plntci wheu Ihe further ) r gtc was evidently erri-lud by the chilled iron plate. The burijlr left t'icir work uuCuished, tak ing with them a gold pen and a pair of gions Thero wu but litlie money in the Fiil'o. Jjj-'CijrRT An adjourned court commenced its e-.ion ou Mondiy last. Judge Jordan presided the iirsl day to hear a few eases on the arguuieut list. The day following. Judga Elwell presided tu try rouie iuifKrtaut easel iu which Judge Jurdau had I ecu inivivsicj 'j' Thieves and burglars are on their travels, and -uuens should guard ag.iiit thvm. Sme daring veunJrel allumpte I to enter our dwelling about rine o'clivk on Tuesday evening, whilst we were It mporarily alweut. Ihe same night the over-coat if a guest nas stolen fiom the Wahinlou House. t t- The Americ-ni I-Achitn)e and P.e iew. ptiblish I by Fooler A Moou, l'hiladclpbi, f May, eon ailis a number of iliUrettiu Articles dt-Votsd lo iinuiert. iii'urancc. inanufacluivs. patcnl-s, miuiuj n I railway intelli 'eiwe. t''The liar lucr's Moollily and Ihe Faiuierand I iidner, for Mjy publi.Ui iu PhiUdelphiu, cou liu ilieir usual turicty. IV T faui s The lalo fruals hate in luany ia-e no d 'ul.t seriou-ly Inj ire 1 Ihe wheal crop Iu Uis.Vute Uul this Is Hot the ea.e geueially Iu l,o U !, a few weeks since tlie eu ps were kiusl un r ioi.iug but the lale hy reins which la tuiue .luis llou.le.1 the eoanliy have ixd wiihuul ben g" 1 erlt-ols. Ibi.ts pwlicularly the ease ia in.u p.uis of In liana, ahere ihe papois say ibeeiop ..)) be lot luilv horl uf average eue Mile s i H - l' lliae t.. Petri - Mr Uue Wolf, of oa.i tuusla Uiubip, ae4 akssal i years, 4 l,lo Jona ea 1elay ut last wek II wee jag-d ia l oruikj bil.j.Ue aU l.u. saugl.l I. u I a as so UUly kuia4 that k puJ kl-ie aaUUI .-uhi be ult.lw4 MiMtatkl anal Traaelr, aaia. May . vl 'f.m I vl M.U hi week aavlial r. Ill la4 lel. II MS II H I'J II tH le l ss II t il i T Mass Ueae teat ) w, (For the Punnnry American. NEW NAVY YABD. A Tor deep internet W felt In urn portions of the Irnfi ud Coal regions of PenrWyRnnla. that tlis lin- K riant public improvement should be located on the daware, within the boundaries of our own Plate, and get (he appathy which elirts hi oilier portions of the State together with the in an i Test indifference of Philadelphia, unices it can he located within the limits of her own corporation, will bo likely to allow Ihii work to (to to other points beyond the limits of the State when more unanimity flirts. New League Island, the lavorita location of Philadelphia, has been thoroughly explored and condemned by naval authorities, and has been Ignored by the naval oom mitleeof Cougrce. still the member of Congress from the city who are in tho intrust of the owners of the evil at League Island or neighborhood, aro pres sing upon Congress this third rcji-cted idan, and will not mute to present other locntions on the Delaware, a sufficient and lone foundation can be obtained poo which to end the immense buildings proposed to be erected. Senator Cowan's bill (lies the Navy Yard on the Delaware within I lie Stale of Pennsylvania, but tho eiact locality to be determined by a board of Covn missioneri. Is there anything fairer than this and is it not manifest weakness on the part of the sup porters of the League Islund project, that they de cline to unite on this bill. COAL jyDVJRTlSEMENTS. VAI.I tllLi: Tllllti:i( A l (OAI. i,m.s FOR SALE. riHIK subscriiter offers for snle low, some vnlunbte X Tracts of Timber Laud, in Chapman and Cole lirook townships, in Clinton comity, and a valuablu Tract of Conl Land. In Mount CiirincI town-hip, Northumberland county. Also a Farm, haw-Mill, and Timber Land, in Limestone township, I'nion county. Also, a dwelling houso and two lots la the Borough of Northumberland. Applr soon to CHARLES PLKASANTfl, Kxecutor of Hugh liullus, deceased. Sunbury. Miy 2.1. IS4. OKl'UANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of Iho Orphniis' Court of Northumberland eountr. will be cxisiscd to pub lic snle on fSATl RDA V. tfio -till day of J IN E, A. D. IHol. at the house of Thomas Pmilds, in the town of Trerortoo. said county. Pennsylvania, all that cer tain Lot or piece of ground, situate in the town nforo said marked in thegrncral plan of said town as lot No. 3. in lilock number jl (fifty-four), whereon are ereeted a two store Frame Dwelling IIOL.SK. Also, Two contiguous lots or pieces of ground, situ ate also in tho town of Trcvorton, aforesaid, marked in the general plan of said town, numbered 12 and Iu in block number 6S. whereon aro erected a two story frame dwelling House. Irame Stable. Cabinct- Shop and other outbuildings. Late the property of .ncitari Kuapp, aeceasel. Sale to commence ut 10 o'clock A. M., of snid day. when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by WM. V. PILVEUWOOD. Adm r. Ily order of the Court, J. A. J. Ctuui.iuS, Clk.O. C. fuubury, May", I1. it Statement of Northumberland County Bank. Statcmcut of the Northumberland County Hank as required by the 4th section of tho Act oi' tiomrul .vneinbly, of this Comiuoiiwculth, npprued April I tun, iwi ; ASSETS. Hold to Stuto and Silver in vault, I . S. Legal Tender Notos, Loans and Discounts, V .ti. J-2II Uonds. Dun from Itnnks in Philadelphia, Notes of other Hani... f.V4.'.S 10 IM.U'J U7 ! VU.Onil nil 2l3,jtOu IU 4i jt ' Due from Hrokera, ? 4S.1 i S,'.'W 6il j 52S UU f 104 b"." 3S ' ' "" ' j 1 lfsuk Pniinsrlv, SUte Treasurer, I.IABILITIKS I Capital Sloek, ' Circulation. Nue Dciositr9, $ C.47i DO I l2:i.r..S5 SO 1 Vi.70:l lij J28j.hilt 15 I certify the ntmve statement to be correct to the best of uiv knowledge ami belief. THUS. D. UKANt, Cashier. Affirmed and subscribed before me. Y S. Haas. X. p. Shamokin, May 4. IStll. Tho Bank haf declared a diviilend oflperoent. for the last six months, clear of I'nited States and State Tax. payable after It) davs. LOTS FOR SALtt. ! T,,l.I?.!'"d?"iK"r,.,'Bet rn. :S'J8 THltFP A WHS. locateit in Young's Addition. "' in the borough of Sunbury. The lots aresuitable for build ing purposes. WM. HooVKK. 'uubury. May T, -It i.i'r i' i.i:'iri:its. Kcmainiiig m the Putt Office, Sunbury, Pa., tip to May 4th, lodl : LA I) IKS LIST. Miss Lib. MeI.ey. Mi Kliiabeth Fugoly. ' Melinda Huuse, " t'stlririne 'nui.nultz, ' Amelia Wolf, " Malinda .'nyder, Mrs. Mary Brown. . Mrs. Ainvy Howard. Miss A. Wooldriege. tiENTIJMKN'S LIST. Thomas Davis, Heuben Wysin, Henry Landaw, Augustus Wald, lieorge liliesely. Henry laas. Itenj F. Knlerline 1 Walter 11. Humul, Danivl Ii. Kuti, K. lUfte. E. Xielnds, J. II. Tucker. Cornelius Powell, Joseph Strunk, Andruw Harer, Thus. Conaer. Joseph M. Hunts, J. L. Lansing, J. KrvUer, Due cent additional will bo charged on all letters advertised. Persons calling for leiiers on the above list, will ploaae say they are advertised. . UKO. M. P.ENN, P. M. May. Ihttt. THE KKD" LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. llnullun's MAUKET STKkitT, bONBUttY, PA. JULIUS ARBITER, HAS taken this old and well known stand, and refilled aud furnished the same is prepared to accouunodute Hoarders and Travelers with the best the market cau aO'ord. He hopes by strict atleutiun to business to receive a share ot public p itronago. His TAliLK contains the best the market allords. His liar is filled with the choicest uf Liiprurs, both Mali and Spirituous. The stabling Is good, and attended by careful Ostlers. Sunbury, April SO, ISfil. Iy Ollii'S !' 4 III el' QiiiirlrriiutMK-i-1 sc. PAKT.MKXT OF THK SlSyL KH AX N A. t inaat.Ksi in., Pa., April I'M, lsol. foalcd Pro ihmIs will be received ot this office until U o clock, M.. Tuesday. Ihe lUlll day of May Dent, for the fol lowing Lumber and materials for rebuilding tho I . S. li.'irraeks, at Carlisle, Pa. The lumber to be delivered at add Uarracki by the first day of June urxtniaierial of each kind to'buof the best uiialitr, aud subjeol to imiiectiou by Suiior. I intendmil of Ihe work. I Hi Hemlock juice, i l feet long, .1X12 inches lit :;u 31 In 2t s.s :iiii ax in .1X10 ;i.!s ;o 14? 1 17 70 tl ! & ItaDers, I it feet long. 3X3 inches at on end, 4 at Ihe uibcr end. TO Bailors. J.I fuel long. 3X0 ' " ' " SX 4 at Ihe other cud. 13 Uaflrrs. "I teel baig. 3X4 " " " 3X 4 at Ihe oilier end "A While pin is. So feet long. 6X1 inches. 7..U " acaulliiig 10 aM I'ul " " seaiuliug Id ' " 4X1 4.';utt feel of Plumed aud Mulched I luck flooring, of srasoiiisi inv. ll.fioil led ol Bi.l esountop. dry Pin boards. I il,..ou V ol ill v, ar.i .i.iuiihmi II luck. I I oiai to. I of dry fatloblms: b.uo.1.. 1 Inch. Z IIIMI leet of iMIOOiiill Pillelloalda. dl V, I inoh 2 .. joil ft. of I inch HcluliH k slleelin boulds, lur roof ' '.'it to window traines, I ligbu, ull I :a ' I j li'MJ i 1 1! Plain plank aith Jam rosing aud liiuiuings, luXlluUx 2.2 Inxiis aud lino kssu Irmu oei n lo i imlias iu ln.li.l.1, by 2 ful l IIM.hr to 4 Ivel 4 lui bn iu olih. Sau feel Crowu niiuil.liiiiS. Uy wiudow aud d..i limues tab delivered a ftl as waoUid atirr o June, lio uuu Urwks. Iu be 41omv4 a lass as wanted for ue, alief lluJuae. iml.taMt ll u bets Lias, to ass delivered as fs4 a waul- e! lof as all4 ll of Juu ;,itl lluakel auvd, akatu aau4, to ka dlivcr4 as aauiasl. :i llW 'l u iuut( Mia44 a keik awls, la be pal as Ike tuufs as (eady I l.JiW eaas ! ul plMienug lif ktusva auostor, a4 laM v ! kile, to ass pel as Iwt as kaitdibi ily ITuil ivaifUol IsaiU, Mu aaalwl dwW lluui W to Jul fp-W aill U a4i4 aei.ael laa 4al (!: elasM ut ies lale ) lil ! Iklttt toiei4 1 ef ail kid fsiKXat lud as kwHal will m iqad to ssi Usui auk epHo! tweiWM luf U'stwiklul ssMia ol Ik nrtilf f 1 -i. .).. sat a aaioi 4 ' ftkt IW kwilJ u4 aswiai M I ailax liiae a4 44is-4 I .)! i li JW i ku4 I4wu Nst. W wiwwl wl ike asAk)fca. ka,fcos Ca, ,'14.11 J JullkiaiJl. I iia tal kil 'Isxui Mule and Vi l .1 I' U. S. 10-40BONDS. Thcso Bonds ire Lssued under tho Act of Cengrcsa of March fith, 1R04, which provides thnt all bonds issued tinder this Act shall bo EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or under any state or municipal au thority. Subscriptions to these Bonds are rccelrcd in United Elates antea or note of National Hanks. Thrrafft- IV HE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure of the Oovcrnmcnt, at any period not leu than ttH nor more than forty yean from their dale, and until their redemption FIVK PER CENT. INTEREST WILL DE PAID IN COIN, on Donds of not over one bundrod dollars annually and on all other Bonds scmi-annunffy. The interest is payable on the Arst days of March and September In each years. Fubscribora will receive either Itoglitcrcd or Cou pnn Vonds, as they may prefer, llcgistcrod JTonils are record o J on the books of the V. 8. Treasurer, mid can be transferred only on tho owner order. Cuii Iran Uonds aro payable to bearer, and aro more eouvooicnt for cumuicrcml use. Subscribers to this loan will liavo the option of having their Bonds draw interest from March 1st. by paying the accrued luturest la coin (or in Vuited States notes, or the notes of National Hanks, adding fifty per cent for premium,) or receive them draw, ing Interest Ituni the date ol subscription and deposit. As these Hcnds aro i:eiiMit from Mniiirinnl of Klalo from Miiiiirtpnl 'I'uxiitiuu, thero value is increased from ono to throe per cent, per annum, aceording to the rato of tax lovies in va rious purls of the coun.ry. At tho present rate of premium on gold they pay OVER EIUI1T PER CENT INTEREST in currency, and arc of equal convenience as a per manent or temporary investment. It is believed that no securities oflcr so great in ducements to lenders as the various descriptions of L'. S. Hondr. In all other forms ol indebtedness, tho faith or ability of private parties or stock companies only is pledged for payment, while for tho debts of the United States the whole property of the coun try is holden tosecuro tho payment of both principal nnd interest iu coiu. These Bonds may be subscribed for in sum) from S.'K) up to any magitudo, on tho same terms, and are thus made equally avuilablo to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can be convortcd into money at any amount, and the holder will havo the benefit of Ihs interest. It may be useful to stuto in this connection ttmt tho total Funded Debt of the United States on which Interest is payable in gold, on the od day of March, was $7CS,UtS.00u. Tho Interest oil this debt for the coining fiscal year will b $I.Vt"T.I20, while the customs revenue in gold fur the current fiscal ! vetir. eiulinir June Itlllb. ISot. bns been so fur at the rut" urvcr IW 0U0.0l)U per annum It will be seen that even the present gold rovenuo, of the tiovcruuient are largely in excess of the wants ,.r ,i.M t r... ... ..r ..i.i AluwMlJl nil iu. fuirill VI gwi ii.i.-ii, while the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise tho aiuiual receipts from customs on the same UU"JU"' of importations, to $li(l.lHJU.0H0 per annum. Instructions to the National Bunks acting as loun ngeuts wcro not issued from the United Stale Trea- I surv until March 2G, but in the first three weeks of ; April the subscriptions uveragml uioro thau TKN MILLIONS A Wi:KK. Subscriptions will be received by the First National Binrk of l'hiladolph ia, l'a. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Third National Bunk of Philadelphia. Pa. And ly ull ."iiIoiiul Uauks which oro depositaries of Public mouey, and all . ,""S,?'TA - v ulruunIluul ul eouiiiry, taciiug u kuuis hi tue .a oonnl Depository Banks.) will furulib further infor mation on application and At l'OKD KVK11Y FACILITY TUSl'llSCKIgEKS. May 7. 1S0I. A Joint resolution proposing certain ' Amendments to the Constitution. 1!,- it retultul bl the Htimtt and Jltme ut' Jlnire. t itiren! the Coiitnwuiee.iftt vf I'tnn- . . O'fl I .11,11 fl VI . .. y a,,,.v ...w .. .1 ..I... i lint tho M i m v tnu . a lllllim iul; niHeilliililura iu ifi isri.-u kj iiiu C (institution ot tho Loninionwuiiltli, in nc curdaiiri! with the provisions of 'tho tenth article tlie roof: Tin re bliall be an aiUlitimial section to the thiril article of the Constitution, to be iliaig- nateil us bectiou four, u follows : '.SixTioN 4. Whenever nny of the quail-1 Meil elector of this C'oininoinvvalth shall be I iu actual military service, un.h r a 'p1"'s'- tion from the l'reeiilellt nl the I nitetl .Slates, or by tlie authority ol tins l omiiionwciiiiii, such electors may exercibo the lioht of suff rage in nil elections by the cititns, under uel ivirulalions us are. or tdnill be prescrib- I eft by law, nsi fully as if they were present nt their usual place of election."' SwTiox a. There shall be two addition al sections to the eleventh article of the Con stitution, to be ilesiyntitetl as tight, iiml nine, as follows : 'Suction 8. No bill shall be passed, by the Legislature, containing- more thun one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in tlie title, except appropriation bills." "Suction 0. No bill shall bo passed by the I.eorishiturc 'runtim' nnv power, or privileges, 111 any case, W Here tlie aillliority to grant such powers, or privileges, mis uccu, or may licteulter oe, conierreil upon 111c courts of this Commonwealth." 11KNUY C. JttllNSOX, Speaker of the House of Hcprcsentativcs. JOHN I'. I'KXNKV, Speaker of the Seitato. (H'KK'K OK T1IK SKI IIKTA11V OP TUB Commonwealth, llAiiitisni-uii, April S.'ith, 1S04. I'KXXSYLVANIA, SS: ,----. 1 do liereby .certify that the I .L S. I foregoing is a full, true and cor-v-v-- reel copy of the original .Inint Resolution of tho liencrul Asscmby, entitled 'A Joint Kcsoliitioii proposing certain Amendment to tho Constitution,"' a the kume remains on lilc at tin otlicc. Is Tiihtimonv whereof, 1 have hereunto act my hand and caused Iho aeul of the Sec retary 1 ollice to bo allixeil, liieiiay ami year above written. J-I.l SLU'KIJ, Secretary of the I'oiiiniotiwcalth. The ubove Ucsolutioii having been agmed In by a majority of tho inciiilicr of each Mouse, at two auccesHivo 'ion nf the (iilieral Assembly of thi Conimonweallli, the prupiiM'd aiiie'iidnii nta a ill be atihuiittfd lo tliu people, for ilieir adoption or ri jH' limi, on tlui miT Ti kmmv nf At m ar in tlli Year of our Lord ntul thousand tight I11111.il id and aixly bmr, ill accordance with the provision of the l mil article of Ihe Constitution, ami Iho uctentitliil "Art act preacribing I lie time ami manner of mbmit tui'f t the M-uplu, lor their approval and ratification or rejection, l he- propoavd anieiid liirnta li Ilia Coiialilulion, approved l'. Iwnily Ihtrd day of Apiil, oua tUou auJ iulil liuiulnd anil iiy lour. Kl.l Mt.IKKU. Secretary nf lbs Coiniiioiiweallh. April IHI, ladl -U N K vTiro 6 "US! T duust aval ut u II Mllles' atko stos, eubus)F, l'a Jaat opened lik sapply of m:v srniNii oous, koek a feae l liiataslag. kikkssa. (skits Uaudkeseki!, L4i' Lu.a tollai 4 la likl 1 l.iua sU si"' I'ullasa. !'. l- CollM.4 Meeiw. Uair atoll. Vsl MibUaa, M4. kilM4 DU ik tie. 1-sSMto, I4ekef I kill. I .Usila. ) uks Mm! ateete Aiu. a asj M,leel aiaaiia M lietitUsbil atM WUL.S auk aua. Juswl al !'' MxOu liste L'-iles isltsia iifc4ia 4 t.e I so 4 wi W aks uiwix 1 io m I.,.. Wills' I lA.AhlD 1 ,.i. . . I l iM NEW STORE li . JU8T OPENED Spring & Summer Goods, AND SOLD CIIEAPKU THAN ELSK VFHE11E ! ISAAC FTJPelAlT, In Zetlemoyor'l Building, opposite llearliarl's Con fectionery Store, Marketstreet, SUN1SUKV, Pa., HA.w Just opened a well aelectwt assortment of Uoods, which be offers for sale at very low prices. DRY GOODS ! FOKEMX AND DOMESTIC, such as Cloths, tawi meres. Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, De Laines, Silks, tl inghnins c , Ac. IIA'I'M salltl I'AI'JI of every description. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Consisting of Hosiery, tlloves. Thread, Muttons. Suspenders, Neckties, Collars. Ilamlkep-liirfs, llnir Ilrushee, Tooth Hruibce, Fancy Hcml Dresses, Hnl moral Skirts, Iloop-Skirts, Carpet-bags, Trunks. Va lises. Cinbrolliis, Cotton-Yarn, Soniw, and numerous oliior articles loo todious to mention. HARDWARE, such as nails, hinpm mid screws, door latches and knobs, and CUTLt.KV of every description. Dyes, Drugs, Paints-, Varnishes, Oils, Glass, Pntly, ic., Ac. tu'-ii M ur iintl ;iuMvvtire ol' every l-i-Htiii. STONE AND EARTHEN WAHE. An extensive Stock of Q-ROCERIE S. Coiupum.il of Suar. ('nfleo, Tcit. Hire, Curn-ittorcli, ! MMlttrMM, CuiiUIl's, Meitt, Fi.ib, C bet-so. tult, lubucco. f and Segurs. KEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Also, BOOTS & SHOES for men. women and children. All kinds of Country l'roduco tukau in exchango for Uoods. Suubury, April 2?,, 185 1. LADIES' SPHING AND SUMMER FANCY DRESS GOODS, JliM A.-A IMIM I'K, Tv doors West of tliu l'ust Ollicc, BTJNBUBY, IE3NriTA.., ' HAS just received and opened a large assortment of K-.ncy Dress Uoods, such as tlloves. Joiivinn Kid-gloves, Silk and lisle thread liloves; Ladies cotton Hose, Children ' llosn. Silk Mils. Handker chiefs, Corsets. Embroidered Slipper, llililmns FAN CY DKESS HL'T'fllNS. Bugle iliiubs, Trimmings. Iluttuus. Belt Itibon, Vulvet Kihls.ns, Iirnid. Belt Clasps, Ludiua' Neck-ties, Kunei Buttons. CHAPE ltlBIIU.N uml TKIM.MI.NU; Embroidering Braids, Jaconet and Serb's Edgiugs and insertions; Multcnse Lace Collars, lirenadiuo Veils, Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dresaei., .Nells, and a variety of other articles. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS- BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Books. Hymn Books. Blank Boeks. Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Books. Ink Stands, l'cus, Pencils. Ac, tc. TOYS AND GAMES l'Olt CHII.DIiEX. All of which havo been selected with caro aud will bestild ut reasonable prices. ANNA PAINTEH. Sunbury, April 2.1, 1SC4. " Tl " A"V'r "l V "V T." f Vf llLjSilJ 1 1 VvJ JL liN lloady to nail down. RT3ADV ROOFING- At less than half Ihe cost of tin roofs. READY "ROOFING More durable thun tin. READY "ROOFING Suitable for sleep or flat roofs. READYU00FIS0 For all kinds of buildings, iu all climates, READY "ROOFING Easily, cheaply, and quicklr put on. Needs no coating over a ith cement after it is milled duwu. READY ROOFING Made df a strong woven fubrie. thoroughly saturated , and covered uihjii both sui faces with a perfeclly wa , wrprooi couis.nion. ana pump iu runs reajy lor i U -ill wtli'h taTlslst II1 7.1 fnt li.ni . " " V9 ftlto mauiifncture liquid ceiceitt; l'on Lkikt Tlx Huors, IIukU ctleuper and more durable than oil paint. ALSO, CoilipOUUtl (VllM'Ilt, For Leaky Shingle Hofs, Which will often savo the cost of a new roof. mail when desi,e.r I Favorable'.erms madowith responsible parties who ' tuy to sen again ItKADV HOOFIXt) HI., 76 Muideu Lane. -N. V,. April 23. 1S64. v I "'." .un iTo r 1 1 1 :s-v ki a i : . Tho ONLY reliable sclf.Adjusting Wringur. The frame being of Iron, ttioruughly galvuuiied, all danger from rust is removed, and the liability to shrink, swell, split. Ac., so unavoidable ill woodeu machines, is prevnted. Xo thumb-screws or complicated fastenings to wear out orK't out of order; it can be fuacuod Hi inly to the lub iu a single second. WAKKAXTKD WITH Oil WITHOUT t'l'tj. YWibtLS. II took the First Premium at Fifty-Seven Stale and C'ounlv Fairs an lii.I. and is. wilbuut an execn- I lion, the hint V ringer ever made. lurtca.t ol believing Iho sialeiaentaof parties in- 1 lercsieu m tliu sale 01 oilier nugers, TRY IT. AND Jl DIIK FOlt YOl IISKLF. Test it Thoroughly with any nnd all others, and if not entirely sali.-t iclory. return it. It will wring from a thread to a bed 4'ailt without alteration. Patented in the Vnitcd States, Kugliind. Canada, and Australia. Agents wauled iu every Iowa. Knergelic meu cull aiukc from $d to f IU per day. Putnam H'tDuJtirturiii'j Co: Grsitli:uk : I know from practical experience that iron well galvaiiucd with sine will not oxidite or rust one panicle. 1 con safely say, aficr several years' experience in Ihe manufacture of chain lor chain-pumps and water-drawers, in which 1 bvu lulled Ihe atliuily of irou aud lino that if the pro cess be conducted properly, it is a perloct weldof .he two. Xcaily ono vcar ago my family commenced using one nf your Wringers. lt now pertoimsall ot its fuuetutfx as well as it did ihe first limn it was used, and has become au iudispeasable article aith us. 1 have elonelv u'crw4 ei rl oilier kinds ot el illn-s- wriugers, Ihe iiiimIus oeraiiiti being iiinoreni. irying t pnsiuce Hie sjoiie reruns as ine I'uinaiu ringer, but in uy judgment they h ue failed, lb Pulualu Wringer is as ncr ieel na iiiile. and 1 cau ehicrtully rreouiurnl it lo be the best iu use. tlaspeotluIlT Yours. j.Mi. w. win 1:1. i;k. I'levrland, Ohio. Many years eiperieuee iu Ihe galvanising bul Krm enable lu lo indorse the above stali uieul lit all parlic ubars. ' Jso i! bin Fins, No. I DO Ituekuiau Mivet. New Yotk. January, lso. No Jj.Sfl; No I.HW); No A.JSOO Maau'aeiur I aud add. aboleaale and leiail by I UK It INAw MAM FAl II HIMI 111 , No II I'tall siieel, New otk, aud I leaielaud.Oblu C. XolUHUoP, A,.ul Apiil 11, aa. NKWMILLIN EIIV AM) FANCY (.OODS, OPRIlTCs H. OTJUUEPe. at IkelU-se of II X U hlllssl. F.U, Maikel , l HI MY. IA Tke Miasee Mil. akUtlef. has tag rwawe4 lk.; Maalukaseut ka asuie eiai hows aal usissauul . limit aatsse Ikeis aeasee kMaibA. ImIm Ikeil liMade sss4 nukssin, IImI Ike kase imi4 aa4 Iwss epa4 4 el.o a4 asll lwi4 aa4 a.M.tolWaLIkliir Akl V4.y uikiD, us. sU4i4 mm) Mite 4 UUMItfcr. MATs.. UlMHUNa) TttlM. MIMUw OF ALL, KIN Dal, a4 all asiiei aiueis Ui lkw Uae, akfek adl be 4i IbMS Isooiii ae4at ( lil k'ts Uk i lia at ask r "I UST received a new stock of Kishinn Tackle for J Spring rail's, consisting of Hods. Keels, Lines, Baskets. Snoods, Finns. Nets, I'lies, Artilicial Bait, lliggcd Liait, Hut, (Iruss and Hooks, to which the attention of tleolers is particularly requested. tlrders. Wholesale nnd Uetail, punctually filled aud satisfaction wurrautud. JOHN KM IDEM. 2nd nnd Walnut strcolf, Philadelphia. February i!7, 1H04. bin (lEOUGK llll.l., ' PlUICK P. WoLVEllTOK. HILL & WOLVERTON. Altornej n and CoiiiimoIoi-si lU liiivv. Olijeo, Marketstreet, Cor. Centre Alley, BUNBURY, 1JA. J IE!' attend promptley tothecolleclion of claims W and all other professional business intrusted to their eare in Northumberland nnd adjoining eowniius. Suhbury. January ! 1m'i2. 1804, A EHESH SI PPLY OP SPRING AND Si MMI'K MIL LINERY (2 001)8, At tut Large Millinery Store of .11 iw 31. 1 4. HMl'r, Fawn s'reel, two1 srs south of Shatnnkin nllev A l)li..illc Uuilroud, SLNI'.l UV, IV, Consisting of the very lutest slyles of HAT 3 SHAKZPX; Also. Triniining? such as llihlions, Laces, French and American Flowers, Feathers. Ac. ALSO, ALAliCE ASSOUT.Ml'XT OF Fancy Goods & Notions, t wltii'h vho directs the attrntiim of Iit friotidt, ami invito! utl ti) ritll ntul (ten htlnru iniri'tiiioiiitr flts. j whrro. 'Jiiuukftil fur nnsl imlronntre. slio lionos )iv Uoiii- tnc hest iwKtirtuiciit ut rrtwuimbk prices to con tinup the jsnmo. I)U. ISAIAH FOULK, rilVSICIAX AM) SUIiGKON. R ESPKCTI'l'LliY ofl'iT- Lis m-i vice? to the ruiT.t- I" Uprr Aiigtistn, April lit, l'W - ly TO CONSU.MEUS UF n r.xv rev. ci3 acascj-Tsr. T Ill K undersigned tlealer in Coal from the follow- injrwell bnoivn Lolliciu-s is iireitarcd to reci-ive orders lor the sanc at the Lowest M..rkct Kates, vii : MolMlKCAlS DIAMOND JUNKS OKAY'S PAKKlSir & C'O'S CO.NSOI.IDATKI) CD'S lie is nlwi prej.arcd to furnish tho Ilolliiiiore 4 o's 4 Vl-Irir .! 4 'on I, I4i1.n1 ft uml 1'ieioifl. On the lino of tho Sus'iieluiniia Hiver and llavfl do tirace. Ho has made arrnngi ments lor tho best PITTSTON AND PLYMOUTH COALS, Which he is prepared to deliver on hoard lloats at Northumberland, or by Cars over Northern t.'eiitrni Uailrond. and on tho iino of the Philadelphia und Krie Kailroad, 011 the best terius. He is prepared to till all Orders with despatch, and respectfully solicits orders from the Trade. Address JnllN McFAKLAXD. April tl, ISO I. Xorthuiiilierlaiid. l'a. AT tiis: TAIUS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, I No. 020 Cursntt Stiikkt, (Formerly Xo. 70S.) I PHILADELPHIA. XOW orKN-liu-l-.HiMl- MANTILLAS and CLOAK.!!. Also, Spring anil Summer tiiirmenls, of our own .Manufacture, of the Luteal Styles and iu grcut a rielv. J. W. PKOCTOU A CO., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, Xo. V20 thesnut Strcel. Philadelphia. April 9, '61. ch-Scpt.5, ISii.1. ly JACOB IIARLEY. (Sitrrrt'or to . t a 11 fft r A- 11 rl r 14.) Xo. 622 MAHKF.T Street, PH I LAUKLPIl I A. DKALKIl in line (i. Id and Silver WATCH IIS ; Finelio'd JKWKLKY; Solid SlLYKlt WA It K. and (he best of SILVKK-I'LATKD-WAUK. Con stantly 011 hand a large assnrlmuut of tliu ubovu goods at low prices. Watches and Fine Clocks Repaired, by skillful workmen ; also. Jewelry repairing ; liiigraviug and all kinds of Hair-work to order. 111 short notice. t''Don't forget Ihe old stand, No. 6T2 Market street, Philadelphia. April u, l.soL .'tin MEYER'S X E W L Y 1 M P 11 O Y i: D C It E S 0 E N T S C A L E vi:urTici 4.' Il AAOS. Acknowleilud to bp the best. London Prize Medal and Higltcd awards in Aiac riea received. MKLOPKONS AND SKCoXD HAND PIANOS. Xighlh. ,1'IUA. Wareruoiu, No. 7.'2 AltC'H St.. Ik I. P1ULAD1-: March 2d, 1.S6I. .'Imw l lt 14 4 4 Ni'.i'.!. THE subscriber ofiers for sale some sftnerior ("on. neeticilt Seed-Leaf. and Maryland I!roud-Top To bnceo Seed. Prieo 2.i cents per paper. Scud money aud plain directions. Also a lot of good Tobacco Leaf for sale. P.M. MASSKU. Sunbury, March 19, litM. HENRY HARPER. . .Tits AK4 I1 fat., Ilil:vsl-lIiin. MA N'l'FACTV 111) II A DFAI.KH IN WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY, SOLIDSUVER-WAHE And ROt: KK'S Superior Plated Ware. Ji'-All kind of Silver-Ware, made, on the 'remi ses. WATUIl Hepairtiig carefully done 1 .March Zo, I sol ,1111 THE KISSES JOHNSTON S K O A K I) I X O A X I) DAY SC IU) O L I 'or Voiiii l.ililics.. N'o. 121.9 Spruce Street. I'hilud. I) bin. Iir.l-F.1U.NI'KS : Iter. Dr. Howe. David Wclnter. K ip, Kev. Dr. Suddards. W in H.iy ward Drai Ion Fsq Itev. Dr. t'iM.pcr. lieorge M. Wharton. Henry M Fine. I'j.. T. li. Ilillingsw-alli. Kij , K. It. Montgomery. Ksi). llou, Alexander lb nry. Iboiuu I'unlap, 1'sip, Pbiladclpbia. J'tHeniber ., Ia3 til !i T4 nl.til IT.tt UtiM II. 1IIK l.ITTI.K tl I AST SEWINil MAI'IUNK t'oMPAN Y want un Agent 111 eioiutv. lo solicit orders for thuir new ail.s .Muclnnc, uitli guiic, screw-lriver and vmra needles We will pay 11 li beral salary and expeli-ei. or giio laro roti.nniou. For particulars, ieriiis. Ac . fiic.u.c a siumn. mid adilress Feb. I.I. lil Urn T. S. PAiiK. T.de.b. Civil ' 1 Agent lor Ihe I . PENSIONS, BOUNTIES I AND BACK PAY COLLKCTKn. 0 fl ROYFIt. Alloincy at l aw.Js duly author- ' k I rod and licensed to e-lleil" rriisloiia, I )(uuullillilt IIim I k'.iy f r U i.i. as. Hi- j 1 bans ami Soldiers otltce in Muiktt siu-ci, oppo- j site Weaver s Hotel, Sunbury, Pa. J January III. Is I ly I I8AAC K. BTAUFFEH. It nu ll llnUi-r km. I l r, VI VM KM I I ItHl UK 1 bll.YFP. WAUL' A liniil.r "f WATCIIrSj No. Iia .VimiIi Swoml Si Coruer liuarry. PHILA DELPHIA, i I I F. bus eohsUnllv on hand an asriiuent of llol I I 1 ami hileer Palrnt l.strr. Lt iu an I Plain Malebes, Flue Hold I bants. Se .Is and Kevs lliel Pius. Far Itiiis Fm.r lliui-. Iliuceli '.. M niu'uie i'aea. Madalhoiw. I.ikels, I'. u lis. Iblutblo. rn - ; Uelea, hllter luble rl, Ta Sill s."l Mu.laid hi.. : Sasu Sum.!. I'ais. Nalkia luk.s. fm.li aud llull'f KullM. Mlielils, ColnU D1.1IU..11I I "Jul. d I'ens.ele .- ell id abieb alll he sold b.is l- I'asb M I It i II t A I " a bl u,uulily lull J. l. I PaUbl l.r kloi vioeais rouMuuily ka k4ud ; el eilur klsksrsol supiui i)Ulii N b Old i 4 aud no bouklfo b api a, lea l - ly a W.SIIIN(JTON IIOl'SE, Koaikaesl I'uiax "I Maikel aae, ml Mil 11. tlllH uB4ilite4 Ii4n.llisll Usk4uas ike as. Lite. I .1 . k. . .. .-k-.. .L.. .. 11.. tlui kaaue4 ll.Avl. Md asks fc Ike -uaaoM ul Ike ha; p4ittti mj4 avuld lasue ail k fie kiw a mT4kL k) lassswppli4 al'k Ike k4 Ike avid t-U it si Has abate ike Wel le efcd ku . Lj k i wall k4Uedel ky estlsl ' GRKAT CENTKAL FAIHJnot a. rum diunic 1UK THK1.8 PANITAltt'U.n.ii.'r-iu., OtTK K OK TUB t'OMMITrKE ON LABOR, Incomes and Hevenm. No. lift South Till St., 1'hila.lolpliin, March 104. Tl eCoinmiltce on Labor, Inoiuics. and I5nvennc of -The limit Central Fair,"' invite co-operation with them in tho -particular work for which they have been appointed. As no portion of tho people are more patriotic limn the working men and women of tho country, It is but just nnd proper thnt they should alike have an oiiirliiiiity to contribute to tho objects of the Fair. The most equable plau for accomplishing ibis, aud, at iho same time, tho e wi est one. Is to ask for the contribution of a singlo day s labor I mm all classes in tho community, To roach, nm flt-nsritnent of industrv or art, will be a wni k of great labor, but, if altuiued, will be productive ol j immense results. i Tho success ol the plan will depend npon the hear ty co-operation of eory element of influence within , our limits, and we iuvile all the gunrdions of the j industrial interests, and all others, to take hold with 1 us In furl hering this great work of patriotism mid ; I huninitv. 1 he committee is charged ifitll tho following duty, lo wit : , j First. To obtain t'uo Contribution of "one day's , labor," or camions, from every uriisuu and laborer, 1 foreman, operative, and eotployec ; president, eiub- j jer, teller, and clerk of every incorporated and un- ' incorporated compaiiv, railroad, and ixpressnoiiipnuy , fin,,. Imnir. mniintiictoi t. iron Works, tot ! works, null, mine, and public nflie.o ; from every I private Dnnaer inui oroaer, a ivi, ni.wo.o-. n...r..l..ni et.ok. nffi nt. ami aalcsinaii i iles'siicr. finisher, and artist : luiblisher, Minter. nod inrchnii- ie ; from every lio eminent ufliccr. contractor, and emplovee; giocer. butcher, baker, aed doaler, tanner, horticulturist, nnd producer; lr in every inantua milker, milliner, nnd feiiinlo opcnilivo; ! evciy indtvidmil engiRcd In turning soil, tending the I liKini. or iu any way earning a livelihood, or build- j ing a fortune within the Slates of Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and Delaware. t Second. 'Jo obtain tho contribution of ono day's i-1-...-..io,..'' I'mm nil the. erclit eillldoviui; establish. neiits. lirms. corporaliuus, ooiiipanies," railroads, and , rl,. ! 'ri.l.l T..M.,tn li. -.otrilnllioll of one tl-IVS ill- Come from every retired person, and person of Ic.r tum male and female livn.g upon tbeir niemis. mid from all clergymen, lawyers, pbysici in-. denii.-ts, .li... u ...il... ...,.1 i.r.ir.dui-o-h in.il nil ullicr I i-r. sons engaged in the learned or other professions. j .Much ol tlii.s woik must be nerformcd by tho i.er soniil inllucncc and efforts of ladies und gentlemen rs-ociutcd. tir to be usoociated, ith the committee carrying out the plan. 1 The Committee feel the responsibility of the woik they huvu undertaken, which, to be successful, will reijuiroa very perfect rniniliciilioti of iheir plan, and tliev therefore call upon the earnest people to assciu blc'iheiuselves together in every town, township, and eountv, ami form organisations of ladies and gentle men to eo-o:rate with Hu m iu tins great work and labor of li ve. Ill Ihe mniiiifiictui ing counties, the coal and oil regions, and in the agricultural districts espeeiallyiet there bo organizations iu tho larger towns, so that Ihe voting peoplo may have 1.11 oppor tunity thus to render s-istanee to their relaliiea and fi ic.als lighting the battles of their couutry ill the ar mies of the nation. The work of this commlttco may be pros-pouted where 110 oilier effort can be made for the lair, as iu tho iniucs of the coal regions. A day's earning ot tho miners, and a day's product of the mines, can be ob tained, where 110" portable article could bo piooured for transsirtiition. Indeed, thero is no part or sec tion of theso States w here the day 's labor may not be obtained, if organizations cau be formed to reach tin 111. The Coniuiitto cannot close wirltout urging upon nil proprietors of establishments Iho duty of inking prompt nnd energelio action to securo Ihe hcuctil of the dnv of labor from all within their control. The Committee deem it unnecessary to do nioro than thus to present the subject to the people of tho tnreo Mates tinmen, jn tnc comma; e.iio.iiios 01 mi to 4ncenls per aiillon, thctastoaisguised ly Aniso our armies Iho labors of tho "-winitury Commission 0. c.riunder Seed. will bo gioiitly augmented. Ily the first of Juno 'Jhis class of Hitters has caused nnd will continue 7nii,li(i0 men olio of tho largest armies of modern j t 0aue. as long as thev can be sold, huudreds lo did times will bo operaliug in Iho field. So largo ni (he death of the drunkard. J!y their use Iho system force, scattered over region to which Ihe men are j j, fcrpt continually under tho influence of Aleoholio unaelimatcd, must neeesfiirily carry along w ith it an (.(imulnnlBot the worst kind, the des're for Liipier lino. nut of sickness. euUering nnd death, to say noth- is created and kept up. and the result is ull the. at ing of the gathered horrors of tho butllo held. I tcminr,t r a driiukard's life nnd death. ihcsesull'erings it is our Imundcd duty, as men f i'or those who desire and will havo a Liquor Hit and Chrisiians. to relicvci Agre11ta11de11lightenc.il u. vc jml.lidi tho following receipt. Oct One people, enjoying tho blessings of a Ooveniincut of jfui ll.K.llaii l's Oertnan Uilters nnd mix with their own making, cannot reluso assistance to men 1 Three Ounrta of llo.nl ltriindy or Whiskey, ami tho suffering to maintain its authority, and we will w't : r(.MUt will be a preparation "that will far excel in believe that tho Ureal Central I air. drawing its pro j mwjcj,inl virtues and Iruo excellence any of tho duels from the threo States ef Pennsylvania, New numerous Liquor Litters in the market, and will Jersey, ond Dolawure, so altliicnl in all mineral, ugri- .,,,,, much less. You will have all the virtues uf culiural. and indu'trinl woalth, shall fall behind any i J(,,tand's Hitters in cnnuectlon with a good artielo similar effort which ha yet beeu made for the relief of Liquor, at .1 much lc.- price than theso infeiior of Ihe Nation's children. ! preparations will eosl you. - As it is desirul.lu not to Multiply circulars, no 1 . further authority than this circular will bo neec.-sary J for tiny employing firm or company, or nnv respect- j able committee of ladies and gentlemen! proceed ut once in the work of this committee ; and it is hoped tluit under it, nrgunbationg will spriug up m all tho Ion-its nnd lmsv re finns of the Stales ol Pcnosvh ullia. New Jersey aiid Delaware. I Subscriptions will be ihankfiilly acknowledged j lllllie newspapers OI J nuaiicipuiii, uuu 11 is very. desirable that tliev commence nt once as each fre csn acknowledgment ill siimuiaio niriuer citort luutucr localities. All siiliseriplions should bo addressed lo JOHN W. CLAiillnKN. Treasurer. Ollice ol ln 'l ominitteo on l.alior. Incomes and ltecnue," No US South SKYF.NTll Street, Phibuielphi.i. y-AU nuedl'ul helw ill Circulars and Posters win no forwarded to parties applying for lliein. Di rect to the Chairman of the Committee es nUive. ).. M' IN I'lioMKP.Y H'lND. Chairmuu. JOHN W CLAiiiloUX. Treasurer. Kev. K. W. HI T l Kit. Corresponding Sec y. MitiltKOOIt J. Ml'lClllCMlN, Seeictary. Ilooi-:ir.v -v4"Biik'rs. His I'xccllenev. A. ti. CI'KTiN , (iovernorof Penn'n. His l.xcellenc'v, JUKI. PAltkKil, l.overuor ol'N. .1. His Lxc. llonv. W.M. CANXOX. Uovencr of 1L. Hon. Al.hX. ItKNltY, .Mayor. Philadelphia, llou. JOSKPIl 11. IXliKllSoLL. Pennsylvania, lion. .11 lniF. t:.VlU'K.NTKH, New Jersey. Hon Jl lull; HAUKIXIITON. Delaware. Maj ii-i.cucral OLOKliK li. ML'ADL, Arrny of the Potomac. 4" 0111 m t t r r. P.iglit Key. Dishop Potter, Mrs. Rev. K. W. Ilutlor. .Most Kev. Jiislion II OOil Chairiu-in. j Kev. Ilishop Siiupsou. Mrs. tleorge M. Dallas. .Mrs. Jol.u Sergimt. Mrs. John M ncoli. Mra. tlenernl Meado. Mrs. .1. Ldar 'j'iiomson. .Mis. Jos. ilarvisoii, Jr. Mrs. Robert l.ealuiug I Lev. Or. Jtraiiiard, I Rev. W. P Dreed. I It.-v. I.. W. Hutier. ! U'- . l.-aac l.eeser. ( .-.ilimcl M. l'elt.oi. 1 John KiIkm J'lioiiisoii r Couiiuoitoi a K. I', Sloekton Mis. I.. M. Itond. j Frederick l iiiley. - Joim Liui;huiii. I Oeoi .'e illiaiiis. Itev Su'tilurds. D. D. ! Protcssor Henry Coppeo. Cheil.s P Truit. M. D 1 Dr. Wuluir W illiuiesoii. 1 Hon o.fytdd 'lliomiou. I Hon J Ii Ludlow. : N 11 Lrowne. j Duuicl Doiighi riy and la) uiheri. ; Apiil lo, Im'. t . .Mis eorgo F. Weaver. .Mis ieoj!e i ii.uiis. Mrs F A Dn-vel Mrs M N Ki-lley. Mrs John Forney. Mis S.uiiuel A Crotur Mrs Liiis h Tut ley. Miw A .iPr. Mi-s Su-an o'Neiil JliSr MllllC S -Ott. Mi.- Louisa F. Clnghora. and ij uihere. (tiiirm:r. ioic A DAY'S I.A- 1I4fIC. OK FAT CLNTllAL SANITARY F1P. C juuniitec ou ' Lubir. lucuiuts and l'.eivnues ." Ollice No. Hi Si'Uih Scvenih St.. l'liila.ii Iphia. JOHN W. CL AO Holt N'.'lreiiirer. Tbi Committee has a simonl woik. to wil : t. .1.. I tain a day s -labor,'' a day s "income. ' and a n venue', ' I10111 eiei v eili.cii oflbe tkrec Mi Peim- haiiia, New Jersey and Dtliaare, 1 1 ,5 - t I' r the I bcM til olour sick and wounded sol. In The l unuiiiiiec i now 1 ti 1 1 v oigimucl al Hip aiive ad.lle'. and ealls for Ihe to npeiatl u I f all eli--acs III Ihe c-lillnuMly. t Hani lo thow what the in lu.-'ii il classes cull do l-r their k.I lins '. bat tie' pci pie c in lo in their ivparate tiu Kv ' hut Peiiiisv U auia cnii do! V. h a New Jersey cull llo ! l hat Delaware cull do ' ti-il each eouiilv eeii d 1 ! V hat en. li oily and lo'vn can do ! loii ea h pi.'.l -.i-n sua do ! M hut inch uadecuu do ' V b t each uccllpsllou call do ' W b il each uialiul.cloi y can do! V but each bunk, insurance com puny aud railicuJ e 111 do ! tl ki.1 teh mine esn do ' v bat ea. h workiiiop can do 1 M bat v icll luluily can do ! t bat each aiau eau do ' t bul vas-h woiuuu ran du ! l kal k l'V an I ifHl eau do ' VI o.lil Ui aow lolke weld a bal Amerlcanfiee 11 u ale e ly lu do e l His. if sobllvn ' I tils lea nival woik and Ibe lou.sle.lt 'I be 4.v lo do o u 10 1 'llo Sllr. ' Oinauue ia your wuiksbops-ia )oui laiuilivs I.t I tlie uicl. oiauise. .t Ilia aouiei. ui(iiuise. I.i I li 111 lie iMgaioie HigaLise cisiyab'ie Lciil.eaosku.ua oe. aith their rujih.tei , lb. tlJiplo)vlsallk UttU w.uku.ea i u eaaily iloi It Ike rko a will auiksame ibsii vU'i'loivi lu dtiu. I ooe day lioiu ibw aveli I. us auu'.tfc s imiutuf simI Ibe eusiloit aid edj lo II day ul Ikvll pS' il, Ihe ak.de sum Will k kauwlle4 U.lUsi lu Ike Ma.llt d lb xial lbk- sieils all, u Ui k si is.. 1 wok a I llus 41 al Iluii 1 I s a aid suns vt.ii ibeo n ki.i) ka.l lluet.t kill sllu.U' suli !w l4 ksw .it el t u i. 1 lit vials auk I ill II. J kill le s- kl Mk I 1 ,. tiiHi 1 1 H.4 i.,.ISI. I ' IkS .tl-O.JI. 4 ti e I" ' I Mot ItfikjiMY U'ihV tk4ia.ea Un I H kit 1 1 1 k riom eis 4 I 4s C eavauOk 'A i MitVill "k, .eiii A I1I0HLV CONCilNTUATLD t i;ii:i'Aiii.i-; icact. A F'OrnE TOITIC. THAT WILL AKLItrYK TU)3 AWLlCTI D, AND .St innkt DruDkai'iU. DR. U001 LANDS German Bitters , ntLTAr.- D i;v DB. G M SACKtOK. rim..m:i.rin., v.i. WILL KIFI'.CITAI.LY AND MOST fl-.i:'i ! S'. I.Y i in: am- iisi:asi:h url-ing frora I DiaordereJ Liver. Stoina.:h, or Kidneys. Thousands of our citizens oro siilfeniig from IH-- penniaaii'l Liver liia-ases. and tu whom Iho follow ,.,it -d I'li'ir inti e ""ti'l"!""" 1 1 l.v o (,u.ir.inue tint; MAX til TT will carp thru'. IlVsllf.1 l AMD I.ITKIt DlTl.VSK. Do you riso niih n coated tongue ntfrmngs, with bod tiisii. io the n.outh and onr tippelite tor break, fast '. )'n you f- i I when you lir.-l get up so weak an 1 li-.ntrui'i you en scarcely get ebout ? Do you b.ive 11 rti'.ims iu the beni at times, and eflen a dulni-ss. with lo-aiticT.o occssionnlly ? Are your Itowcls costive n:ol irreu'nr. and aiM'olitc el:Htnre:i- Me J Do yori throw up w .1., you swell til n ' . 1 wmil I10111 010 stomach, suit 10 vou ti-el fulness after 11 il:c stomach is emrtv ' e.ll el:d II t illV lit 1: Do yoi luive hcriiinrn oec:.-ioiially ! Do you IVel ow' intcd. mi I lo-k 011 the tlaiU si'lti ol 1 liin:-h ' Are vou not iinosu.ill.v nervous nt times? Do ymi nol Ijee-iu.e reslle-s. tuul ollcn lay iinm iiiiiiiii;;ioi before you can p to sleep .' and then at tunes. d Ion I - i vol n " -1 nun iiimi m. ' '.. inwi .i.i - .. or skill dry nnd si'aly r. nlsv sallow: Jn short, is not. your life a burtlii n. lull of forclwdings . " HOCrLAND:3 OEHMAN BITTEHS. Will euro every cne of t'hronio. or Xervoua Debility, iisca.'eof tlie Kidneys, and Discuses! arising from 11 disordered Stomach. OUSKKV 10 THE F0LI.0WI.Ntl SYMPTOMS llcsuliiug frutu Disorders of tho Digestive Orun : f OTlPti- pnllon, lnwe.rd Piles. Fulness or lilood to tho Head, Acidity of Iho Sto mach. Nausea. Heartburn. Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in tho Stomach, Sour llruclatiom. Sinkinc or Fluttering at the Pit of tho Stomach. Swimming nf the Hend. Hurried and Dtlli eult llroaihing. Flullvring at the Heart, Choking or Siillis.oiling Seiisatioi's when in a lying posture, Dim ness of Vision. Dots or Webs before tho Siiiht, Fever and Dull Pain in tho Head. Deficiency of Perspira tion. Yellowness of the Skin nnd F.ycs. Pain iu the Side, Hack, I'bcst, Limbs, Ac. Sudden Flushesof Heat. Durning in ihe Flesh, Constant luingiiiings of F.vil, uud great Depressiou of Spirit. rAiTTICt'LAil NOTICE Thero are many preparations sold under lh name .,r i :,,,.r. .,.,; ; , llotlles. ceinn tuiidcil of tilc (.hapest whiskey or common rum. costing !'r..m IIOOFLAXD'S C.EIOIAX BITTE11S Will Rive Yon A (1 O O D A P P F. T I T E . W ill give you STllONl! HEALTHY XKKYF.S. Will give vou BRISK AND tNKliliLTIC FELL- INOS, Will enable you to Sl.l'K.P WTI.L, and will positive ly prevent Yfllow IVvit, JlilioiiH lVcr, A.r. Those suffering from Rrokcn down anil Delicato Constitutions, frjin whatever cause, cither in Malo or Female, will ffnd in 1I00FLAND SUl'.R.MAN RITITKKS, A R EMI :i Y Thnt will restoro them ta their usual health. Su.'U has been the case ia thousainls of in.-taui-es. uud ;v tair tfiul iabul rtquirest to pioio the u-j-erliou REMEMBER, THAT THKSr. IilTTLKS AHK a i U -I .:.V1j b V Jr.i u'-lj j. it. And XOT iulenicd as a LEYKltAiiU. The Proprietors have thousands of Letters from tho most eminent Clergymen. Lawyers, l'hv -icians and Citisens. Testify ing of their own personal knowle-lge, to tho beueficiul etlccic aud medical viituea 01 theso Litters. From Rev. J. N"eion Drown. D. D., F.ditor of tho Fueyelopcdia uf Religious Knowledge Although not disposed lo favor or recommend Po tent Medicines in generul. ilu-ouph distii-st of lliuir ingredient- and etlecO. I yet know of no sufficient na-ons wly a 111111 1.1:. y not te.-tify lo the beiielns ho beliei c-bin. sclfio have recicJ trom any .!ijpUi irepnraiioii in the hope tht'.t he may thus coulribulo to the belleltt ot otlu'l --. 1 do t.,is llic more r.ailily in regard to ITootland's licruiaa iiiitcrs prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, l-ei au-e I v. is piejudice-l ajair.st theiu for nomy eiir.-, under iho iiiipre.--i'n that tliey weio i-lnelly an alc-.boin' lnixtiiie. I am indebted lo my Irieiij 1;. .l eu .-heomaker. Ksrp, for the removal of lliis prejudice by pr-per tests, and fir eiicouiagi nienttoti y tbi-in. vs lieu sulleriug from greiit aud long cotitiuueil deliili'v. '1 he use of three li'tib (if these Hitters, at the beginning of the present yea", whs t-!l''Vttel by evident relief and reMoraiioU to a degree of bo-lily and menial vig-.r which 1 bad no', fell for six uioiiilis before, ami had almost despaired ot regaining. I Iticrcliii e thank Ijod and myli ieiiil for duecliug to the use ol them. J NkWTOX Ll'.OV. N. Philadelphia, June 21, liil. Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder, lu Yoiimj or A'Ji'?, M'rft or 1 mth A re speedily removed, and tho paiioiit real"icj to beallb Dl I.LCA'll. CllII.DKl'X. Thcso sulr. ring Ir on Mvllvsnt s. HiiStieg nw... Willi scurci tv iiov Ibsli 101 tlicir boles sic en: - hi 1 a very sbofi lime ; one Uitilo insusli eu-es, will buc I a lln-t -urprislll- et'ecl. 1 P HF.NT li.-sv in - iitlri, ch.ldr.u as ulve. I Pl:d wi-l injj I.t raise 1I1.111, will lievel le.let the d.'y 11, ey e..i:in. lice I with these Pl'u IS. I 1 1 1 HI AIIY MI S. sl'l Id- VIS, , ,. -i 11 loud vt. tu Co .r loan.-. .-I.wiM iiIm.Oi keen .1. ol lb- ll in I s I'.rii tin k Ihcv kill 1. it I. ! .ly . 11. 1 1 1." It l I II. lit ft. .10 ' II. 1 ili'ct 1.1 .1 I.- ! 4. o Ni;l V 1. Is. I ni; l-.tti uood an. I 111 if. 11 Ml LA. NT, A n 1 n- 11 1 r B il 1 -ll. t IK iillosi, kiihlirrs! J AD 1 IIU IT.IIMIS HI' Si'lMl'l!-! 1 We cm!! ibe aiii-nti.it t-f all bsviio- rs-lii'onier 1 fii 1. 1- 11. Ihe am V to luc 1... I that "ll'Hil I, t.i S I iicrioun i:iii,ctn mil emu utile lei 'I s i tin ilicu s lint o. .1 lit c 4in . and pr 11 a) ion un ii M I - camp II. In il. ii ... ubti lod alio.t.i , 111 11. . loeiuiH.r .11 it.. uii,i.lut ll.v .1 U ii ...ilbfiio I'..! iluti a t . 1 jr lt 411 pi pi.i ti .11 '.1 - '1 unit I. "in I dtlllllv I .uvea.- .1 III I kind i-i'le li.i.luy . 1 un l I j II. Use I I.. 1 1. on. lul. 1 - We balol.i 1 htouii.'u in .luuin ll.sl il llo" Holds it.-, ly u-' I among ..in i-li 1 l.uii lr. d-"I l. s M. 11.1 lu .it. llisl t ll.tjt.k.- .l I be I I.. J I. I i 1. I". SI .1 Hi I - l 'Uf 'I SI III 1 I. Is 1. 1 . Hi 10 .ufl. it., iu H no. it and !... nail . l.t I... 11 1. .i..i. 1 I. 11 il u.sti 11.1. Un it l. si I I I" UoU. 1 ,1 b II III o I. ! .. .4 lib US' Co' .. 1 1 hi M 1 ' li. , Iksl Ibe Sosu.lule '. I M J t I, -UV ,k Ike Wi i l h l-aile fiue pf I'.'ilw ta v'tnii. ui (.. I I . ". . , 's U kk"tl I ) Ms fcl.wl dl'li.jl'l fc4 kt - is tto u. l-si put t 4 I y ekl t. l. a,l ,ai.i. 3 1 - r 414 Ii is Iksl l.i.l la 4 It I iu It pla. l-u. t I -al.lWlt.ia, ittsl ip-i.kt.l l-v t . l i ... 1 .1 nti.t ui lu.vi.."ii . o I ,1 , .-. 4 k i-S.--sr. le t U Jl t 1 1 1 -s itkm. I y t w " 4l 1's.i.n ia mar. M ia Iks I km 4 Us esses si N4 -1 i I ' "